View Full Version : RPG Forum
- What's going on in Middle Earth?
- The Elf
- The Bs in middle earth... (Plus: the fat hobbit)
- THE FOTR soucre book is out
- Story
- Middle OF the Earth
- Time to Play2
- My Middle Earth (Circa TA 2892)
- Who wants to join my RPG?
- A little help...
- Roleplaying Experience (an IC/OOC Thread)
- Tolkien Lover Anonymous 3, The Sil(ly)marillion
- Hytorax Part 2: Discussion(New players permitted now)
- Hytorax Part 2
- Helm's Deep
- pretend Gandalf got the one ring
- Question about RPGs here
- Adventures of [your character]
- The Valley of Mist
- RPG humor
- Shattered Mirror
- Fallen [A BTVS/LOTR Crossover]
- Pictures of Characters II
- Travels through Middle Earth(scripted)(ooc disscusion)
- Horse RPG
- Travels Through Middle Earth(scripted)
- Plot and Rhyme in time.
- The world of Ilwin
- Orc-killing contest RPG
- The 5th Age of ME(scripted)
- The 5th Age of ME(ooc discussion)
- Middle Earth Party House
- a traderun in time
- Character Coliseum
- Fate vs Templars
- LOTR Vampire/Orc/Uruk-hai/Elf/Human/Hobbit/Wizard RPG
- May It Be
- "May It Be" discussion/character posting!
- ~Miracles can Happen~
- If Frodo turned evil...
- If Aragorn died instead of Boromir
- The Anything RPG
- Entulesse ana Lothlorien
- the Thread
- The New Ring of Doom!!
- The journey
- Yet another Role Play Game
- Quest for the Lost Caverns of Gold
- Five Towers, Five Lives
- New Characters Needed....
- Sunset on Rivendell
- We need you back!!!
- The Legend of Bullroarer Took
- Enchanted Rivers
- 3rd darkness
- Black Forest, Blue Fire
- The Order of the Blue Flame
- Assasin
- new fotr
- The Peophecy
- The Search for Ryndell
- The Siege of the Black Wave and the four Forts
- A Lost Hope
- My mother, the voice of dubious reason on the rpg board
- The Unseen
- Lost Legands of Middle Earth
- The Gray Havens
- Elanor The Fair
- Unusual Mage
- The Waterfall near rivendell
- Descendents of the Fellowship
- Black Crystals
- Crystals of the Blue Sand
- Darkest Nights Discussion
- Darkest Nights
- Hopeful Beginnings
- Hopeful Beginnings Discussion
- Mooters! Discussion
- Mooters!
- The Fiction of Reality
- The story of Turin
- LOTR Labyrinth / Palantir Problems
- 4th age
- Jewels of the Valar
- The Quest for The Black Moon
- Inheiritance
- The search for the Tears of the Sea
- Inheritance [Discussion Thread]
- Just Because I Can
- I Declair War For Valinor!!!!!!
- War For All Valinor!
- Diamonds
- Entmock (a mock court)
- Dark Legend
- The First Age
- My 1st RPG in a year!
- Topsy-turvy
- RPGS- The Game
- Siege of Valinor
- Of the Unchaining of Melkor
- Seven Evils [RPG]
- Seven Evils{Discussion Thread}
- As The Moot Turns (Discussion Thread)
- Dark years
- As The Moot Turns
- The Bonds are Broken!
- Dark years[this is the RPG]
- Three Worlds, One Fate
- How do these RPG's work?
- Back to Middle Earth discussion thread
- Tales from the War of the Ring
- In An Army of Orcs
- The Red Book of Bree
- Hi Peoples, A new RPG coming your way
- Lotr Rpg
- Nomads from the East
- Rping with a TWIST!
- The Fall of Numenor
- Where do I put different RPG's?
- Discussion Thread: Nomads from the East
- Topsy-Turvy Discussion Thread
- Caribbean Hobbits
- Under the White Hawk
- Under the White Hawk*Discussion*
- underworld
- The Fall of Numenor *Discussion Thread*
- Middle Earth play-by-email battle game
- The Forsaken Inn
- The Fall of the House of Gilfanon of Dorthonion
- DISCUSSION - House of Gilfanon
- Entering A New World
- Key to the Sky {A bit of a long post to start off with, but required info is in it}
- The Gates of Mirkwood: Discussion
- The Gates of Mirkwood: RPG
- The Seven RIngs Of the Dwarves
- The Seven Rings of the Dwarves RPG
- Key to the Sky (RP. Please see OOC if wishing to join)
- Lyrd Of The Ryngs - The Homies
- Very interesting rpg
- Lyrd of the Ryngs - Dyscussion Thread
- Slipknot fan club
- Wizzard in mordor
- occ: the gonthan collaboration
- the gonthan collaboration (please see occ: if wanting to join.
- Recruits needed for Quest!
- The Drunk Elf Pirates and the Quest for the Wine-thieves
- Okay, how do you play?
- Who wants to roleplay with me
- War on gondor
- The gathering place
- TLA-discussion II
- War on gondor 2
- (Discussion) Bilbo in Beleriand
- Fellowship of the Ringwraiths
- Discussing War on Gondor/War on Gondor2 and any other sequills
- Endos
- Fellowship of the ringwraiths discussion thread
- Hunted ... have you seen this man?
- Orc wars
- i am bored.
- RPG with Eowyn
- Return of a Ring
- House of Hilarity: It's Part Time
- The Battle for Middle Earth...(revisited)
- General RPG Casting Calls
- The Battle for Middle-Earth Discussion Thread
- Assasin's Shadow
- *Discussion Thread* Of Nazgûl-Kings-Friends-Rings Campaign (Calling all Nazgûl II)
- Calling all travelers
- Assasin's Shadow Discussion Thread
- Silmarillion RPG
- Calling All Nazgul : Formal Info Thread
- The Prancing Pony
- Discussion Thread number 2 Of Nazgûl-Kings-Friends-Rings Campaign
- Aftermath of War
- Halo Forum
- Truly LOST In Middle Earth
- Rebellion in Isengard
- Discussion thread for Truly LOST In Middle Earth
- Discussion Thread Number 3 Of Wraiths-Kings-Friends-Rings Campaign
- The Champions' Quest
- Entmoot Dueling Room
- LOTR reMIX: Discussion
- Discussion Thread Number 4 Of Wraiths-Kings-Friends-Rings Campaign
- Rivendale Rpg (Romance) Action
- Entmoot Christmas Party, 2005!!!!
- War of the Ring Discussion Thread
- TLA: A postscript, writing tips
- RPG Roles
- Csi: Me
- The Bally and Gandald Series
- Discussion Thread Number 5 Of Wraiths-Kings-Friends-Rings Campaign
- PARA/Middle-Earth
- An idea for this forum
- Discussion Thread no 6 of Nazgul-Kings.
- Nazgul-Kings picture thread
- Mithrilstone: Discussion
- Lyrd of the Ryngs - Return of Good Architecture
- Sands of Harad: Discussion
- Mithrilstone
- Revenge of the TLA
- Sands of Harad: RPG
- The gaurdians of middle earth recrutment thread
- Gaurdians of Middle Earth
- The Greater of Two Evils Discussion Thread
- The Journey for the Dawncrystal...come join please!!!
- Jiana the Strong
- battle for middle earth
- Discussion Thread no 7 of Nazgul-Kings, the new tharbad arises ...
- The Sylmaryllyon - The Early Years
- The Sylmaryllyon - The Early Years - the Discussion thread.
- War of the Ring
- The Warrior Following
- Recruits needed for Quest! (Part II)
- Discussion Thread for the Flame Imperishable RPG
- Corsairs!
- Corsairs! Discussion
- A new RPG-moderator
- Helm's deep
- The Greater of Two Evils RP
- Shameless Plug - RPG PodCast
- West Middle Earth Side Story - Discussion thread
- The Last Great War
- New RPG
- Lotr The Nine
- The Last Great War OOC
- The Army of Shadow OOC
- A Crossover RPG
- The Army of Shadow
- Entmoot I: National Emergency
- Any intrest in an adventure RPG? (LLL discussion part I)
- YayGollum's Achingly Original As Well As Mayhaps Entertaining Profiles!
- R. P. G. Idea Discussion Thread.
- Long Lost Leaves
- Any Interest in an RPG?
- the way of the rohirrium (anyone welcome, please join in)
- Noldor
- RPG: Discussion - The Grey Havens
- LOTR/Narnia RPG crossover
- EntQuest, the Battle for Hector.
- Discussion Thread: EntQuest, the Battle for Hector
- Any interest in a First Age RP?
- Lyrd of the Ryngs - the Bad Boys - Dyscussion thread
- Any interest in a Rohirimm RPG.
- Son of the Evening Star - Anyone Interested?
- Son of the Evening Star
- Not For Arda
- For Rohaan: the battle for the relm of the horse-lords.
- An idea for a new RPG...
- Mooters of the Lost Thread -
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