View Full Version : Shameless Plug - RPG PodCast

12-13-2006, 02:09 PM
So, I'm not too sure if anyone is listening to any PodCasts on the subject of gaming, but I'd like to make a recommendation, if you do.

Midnight's Lair (http://midnightslair.com/)

They're up to episode 8 and running! They also happen to be two of my gaming buddies but... don't let that ruin it for you ;)

12-13-2006, 10:57 PM
This is neat! I've temp. stickied this thread, so we can have it up there at least for a little while. The Big-E (whom all shall worship and fear) may want to take it down later, but I thought I'd put it up for a bit :D.

12-28-2006, 01:19 AM
Thanks Tessar!

They're up to Episode 10 (their year end review) and have added some new stuff, including a professor of old-time radio who does short pieces on how to use tricks from radio dramas (like the cliffhanger, mood music, effects etc..) to enhance the gaming experience. Truly a gem!