View Full Version : War For All Valinor!

The last sane person
10-23-2003, 04:14 PM
*Human Pi and Roya are standing on the smoldering wreckage that used to be Middle Earth. They are staring at each other. A silence prevails.*

Human: Woo Hoo!!! LONG LIVE THE KINGS!

Roya: Wait...We are the kings...


Human: oh....


*dun dun dun. And so they joined forces and they reached the shores and set sail. It took many months for them to reach the Golden Shores. Where they were first greeted by Katt.*

katt: hi guys!

Human: Arg! you are supposed to be dead!

*Roya mounts her POGO STICK OF DOOOOOOOOM and lurches forward, sword drawn*

Roya: aha! *cuts katt in twain*


Katt: well that wasnt nice!

Roya: Ack! You broke a rule! *kills her again*


Katt: christ! could i get a line in at leas...*dies again*



Katt: no i didnt. *runs off*

Someone random: Damn spontaniously regenerating elves......

Katt: *from afar* I AINT NO ELF!

*The first blood had been spilt (repetedly) and thus the stage was set for the conquests of the mighty War for the undying Lands.*

10-24-2003, 12:18 AM
Human: Hmm! So! What do we do now?

Roya: Hmmm. *looks around* Ok, you start on that side *Points North* And I'll start on that side *Points South* And we shall meet in the middle, smashing everything in between. How does that sound?

*Human was about to make an asine reply when suddenly...*

*Manwe appears in all his Glory, the wind whipping through his long blonde hair in a rather fetching manner. He looked like some regeal Elvan king, only 8 ft tall.*

Manwe: Who are you and what are you doing on our shores? Only the first born and the choosen may step foot here! Your presence defiles our lands, and you shall be punished-


Roya: *Screwing on a lid to a jam jar* Well, there's one.

Human: Wha ha ha ha! CONQUISTAR EL MUNDO! NECESITO CONQUISTAR AHORITO! *Pogo's off on her Pogo Stick of Death to the North followed by a squeaking, wandling army of Penguins.* WHA HA! SPOOON!!!

*Roya watches her disappear inot the distance, a vaguely malicious smile on her lips, then chuckling at some inner joke, she turns and heads South.*

The last sane person
10-24-2003, 08:23 PM
*Roya smiles faintly and walks back to her ninja army*

Roya: ALright boys....Lets have some fun.

Army: YEHA!

*they spork over Valinor, conquoring all, taking only few prisenor. They are acosted by Varda. Roya grins.*

Varda: What is this???! Mortals? *takes reagal pose and looks down majesticly* For this i will not stand!

*Roya steps thru the ranks*

Roya: Hi dear.

*Varda's pose was ruined by Roya's sudden appearnce.*

Varda: SSHITE! N-NOT Y-YOU! *squeaks and clasps her hair*

*Roya and army laugh at the retreating Queen. Roya gives chase, followed by her eager army*

Roya: aha!

Varda: NOOO--


Roya: Bagged another one! Yeha!

Willow Oran
10-24-2003, 10:43 PM
OOC: This post would be better if I wasn't distracted by some fellow mooters, (Human, Tano, and Roya,) singing along with the Rocky Horror sound track.

*Somewhere in her evil fortress of DOOM an unspecified Maggie watches the procedings through a palantir, so far she has not decided on any plan of action being occupied with Human's blaring spelling, grammar and elvish physicality errors.*

Maggie: *very annoyed* All right, firstly it's ahorita not ahorito, secondly it's elven not elvan and thirdly regal elvish kings WERE eight feet tall! These blasphemies must be avenged! I must go and plot, for only a truly dastardly plot will be sufficient, *pauses* But before I do that I must decide what side I'm on...

*goes off to plot*

OOC: That's all for now.

The last sane person
10-25-2003, 03:21 AM
Roya: Gods....I hope she chooses a side! *Roya continued chasing the unfortunate Vala all over the isle*

Willow Oran
10-25-2003, 03:54 AM
*the gods answered Roya's prayer, Maggie chose a side, and the side was...*

Maggie: I'm not telling. But to satisfy people's natural curiosity I will say that I'm leaning towards one of the extremes, the blindingly good extreme to be exact.

*everyone in the vincinity is suddenly blinded as she takes on this persona, causing Roya's attempt to bottle Ulmo to be foiled temporarily*

Roya: Curses! I will have them yet! *chases after him*

Maggie: And now to gather my army. *stops and thinks* Course, I can't really use my army of Bunnies, they belong to my neutral side. I shall have to use the other army, if I can get them to cooperate with each other... *looks at the rules again* I hate rules, but I think I can make these work out just fine.

10-26-2003, 09:05 PM
*Human walks over to a pay phone that that has appeared out of nowhere, slips in two coins, and dials a number. The Cell Phone Vilya rings...*

Maggie: Picking up Phone and answering in a sickeningly sweet voice* Yes??

Human: *Shudders to hear such Goodness packed into a single syllable* Ugh. Stop that.

Maggie: Stop what, deary?

Human: *Shivers* That! Anyway. I just wanted to entreat you to, please, PLEASE Keep the nit-picking down to a minimum?? You know that I can't type worth Beans! Beans I tell you! Beans!

Maggie: *In the comforting and smothering voice of mother hen* Oh, now, that's not my fault that you can't type. Any mistake that you make I can and will exploit to my full advantage. Like the above description "Like a mother hem?" Honestly, Human, I'd say that you just gave me wings!

Human: NO! NO! I didn't mean it like that! Metaphor! Metaphor!

Maggie: Ciao, Deary!

Human: WAIT!! WAIT!! *Click* GAGH! *Fishes two more coins out of her pocket, Dials Roya’s cell phone*

Roya: *Bellowing* WHAT!!?

Human: Reporting, M'Lady.

Roya: Oh. Well, get on with it then!

Human: Right! The penguins and I have taken the North Eastern shore. There were of course, heavy Penguin casualties, seeing as, you know, their only mode of defense is to explode, and their only attack is to explode, and their only way of sending messages is to explode in Morse code...

Roya: Good! I want you to keep Heading North and capture as many of the Valar in those Jam Jars I gave you.

Human:Ok, but um...Um...so do we...have a sub-rule about metaphors?

Roya: What? No, why? Wait…What did you do?!!

Human: I might have just turned Maggie into a mother hen.

Roya: Oh. Wait, explode in Morse code? Do they line up to do that?

Human: No, it’s the same penguin exploding in Morse Code.

Roya: The...what the...? Anyway! I will contact you as need, ok?


Human: OK! Wait! I don't have a cell phone...

Willow Oran
10-26-2003, 10:34 PM
*Meanwhile back at the Fortress of sickening goodness...*

Maggie: A Mother Hem? Not only did she give me wings she gave me the ability to hem things. None of which does me any good at all. Needless to say I will not be using that detail. Now... now for an army.

*She takes out her blue notebook of not as doomish doom and flips through it till she finds what she wants, then she carefully copies the information down into the Purple Notebook of Doom. Having accomplished this she sets the notebooks aside and begins to compose a strategy, knowing her captians would take care of everything while she worked.*

The last sane person
10-27-2003, 12:23 AM
*A magical appears out of nowhere cell phone appeared in Human's lap*

Human: Sweet! ALL RIGHT! YOU LOT FORWARD MARCH! *Human dials up Roya, whose phone number is magically programmed into the phone. * Hey! I take it that this phone was from you?

Roya: Yes! It is the Phone of Inexcusable Impoliteness!! Use it well my captain! HUZZAH! *Human hears in the background the frantic cries of vacationing elves*

Roya: *from over the cell phone* Sorry! But your retirement plan has expired!!! *Talking to Human* BE SURE TO USE SPELL CHECK! THATS AN ORDER!

Huam: Yes SIR! *ends call*

10-27-2003, 10:02 PM
Oh boy :rolleyes:

"COME ON LADYS AND GENTS. lETS GET THIS SHOW ON THE ROAD! DON'T BE AFRAID TO KILL ANYTHING, EXSPECIALLY THOSE PENGUINS! LETS MARCH!HUP TWO THREE FOUR, HUP...." <Man I need some water.> *Picks up waterbottle takes a swig.* "Hey! This ain't water, this is Saki. YAY for Saki!"

Willow Oran
10-28-2003, 11:52 AM

Maggie: getting frustrated Stupid rules, stupid jam jars, argh! I have find a way to break the bloody things and free the Valar, and get them back in character but I can't because the bloody things are unbreakable and-

She is cut off by the voice of her mother insisting that she take a break from plotting and do her chemistry homework

Maggie: Fine.

Later, at her desk, she is studying when suddenly a idea drops out of the sky and plnts itself in her brain. Hurridly she goes to look up her old physics notes, especially the ones on pressure and density.

Maggie: Aha! Why didn't I see it before? The valar are more spirits than anything else therefore they must be made of energy but jam jars are quite small and if you compress the amounts of pure energy needed to make up something as powerful as one vala then it will gain in density. But the energy won't want to be that dense so it will struggle to get out of the jam jar causing extreme amounts of pressure being exerted on the walls of the jam jar and with that much pressure building from inside it even the most supposedly unbreakable of objects will crack and eventually explode! It's all in the laws of physics and those are part of the Time/Space continuum which can't be messed with! It's perfect! I don't have to do anything to break them I just have to point that out and wait for reality to take of itself.

And so saying she wrote her discovery down in the Purple Notebook of Doom with the one clicky pen of power and thus the universe was made aware of it and the universe acted on the knowledge so that moments after it was written it occured and the Jam jars exploded violently outwards killing a few random soldiers who were in the wrong place at the wrong time and freeing the now very much IN character Valar, who were once more the beings Eru and Tolkien intended them to be and who were very, very angry with the ones who had tried to imprison them.

10-28-2003, 12:23 PM
*Dropping from a random tree, goldiegollum enters...*

GG: Valinor? wonder how i got here. Oh well. *noting surroundings and random explosions, cellphones, adn other such suspiciousness* there appears to be some sort of war. Humm. ach! I need an army!

*she puts the squeaky to her ear and listens to it's wise and adictive council*


GG: Ha! I'll steal an army! all i have to do is cause some sort of rebellion and make them follow me instead! wahahahahaha!

*She atempts an evil laugh but it does not suit her well as she is appears fairly nieve*

GG: HEy! *trying to be furious* I'll prove you wrong yet! i'll prove you all wrong! Mwa ha ha ha ha! (and don't you dare say anything) now, to find an army that suits me....of corse! *beocmes quiet and secrative so that no one else may hear, and heads off to try and steal some of the penguin army*

OOC: i hope that's not against the rules, i do so love penguins.

10-28-2003, 05:01 PM
OOC: That was lovely dear.

*In the Fortress of sickening goodness Maggie sat at her desk being very smug with herself, when suddenly Katt stepped out of the shadows.*

Katt: M'lady?

Maggie: Katt? Where did you find shadows? This is the GOOD fortress.

*Maggie turned up the lights and the shadows fled.*

Katt: *cringes* Aw, it's so bright! Just a few shadows? Or some cobwebs?

Maggie: No. Bad minion.

Katt: *kneels* Sorry m'lady.

Maggie: Now, I am glad to see that you have come to take your place as my minion, but I am on the good side, so it wouldn't hurt to brighten up your costume a bit.

Katt: *stutters* But, but, my trenchcoat!

Maggie: All right. But maybe you could go about your buisness with a smile?

Katt: *grins evily* That can be aranged.

Maggie: *Raises an eyebrow* You know what I mean.

*Katt sighed dejectedly and tried to make an innocent cute smile.*

Maggie: That's better. Now why don't you do your lovely duties and build some forces in all the elf cities.

Katt: Yes m'lady. *Turns to go*

Maggie: Katt?

Katt: *turns back* Yes?

Maggie: Is that a strand of hair in your face?

Katt: Yes...

Maggie: What's it for?

Katt: Well, I was trying to look like Grima Wormtounge, but it didn't work cuz my hair curls.

Maggie: Well I think it looks cute.

Katt: *gasps and bites tounge* Thank you M'lady.

Maggie: You may go.

*Katt left the room. Maggie smiled when she heard Katt's scream of aggrivation from down the hall.*

The last sane person
10-28-2003, 08:30 PM
Roya: Aha! But did i even tell you what the "Jars" were? when did i ever say that it had to be physical? who said that such jars that would hold such powerful beings should not be of the same essence as they themselves are? A spitit can only be bound my another. Mine to be exact! However i shall let them be for now and you shall win this one time!

Magge: *from her evil-i mean-good fortress can be heard muttering* grr....alright then....

Roya: you have bought your precious Vala a few days of respite but this time i dont think Physics can help them.

Maggie:*from afar* GAH!

Roya: *Snickers* now...for that little minion of hers....

10-28-2003, 11:31 PM
Sakura was still relishing the saki, when she got stopped by one of her scouts and told that "a person called goldiegollum is unintentionly leading Your army to the scary and evil penguin army. By the way, is that Saki?"
"Saki after killing okay? I don't want drunk fighters. Have some tea Ken."

<I had to pick the annoying scout today didn't I?>*sigh*

10-29-2003, 03:13 PM
Maggie: Oh Katt!

Katt: *coming out from behind a curtian because there were no shadows* Yes m'lady?

Maggie: How is your "project" going?

Katt: Yeah yeah yeah. Forces built. Publicity campaign working.

Maggie: Well we'll need to start phaze two ahead of schedual while the valar are free.

Katt: Yes m'lady. *under her breath* Thank Illuvitar for phaze two!

*And so and invitation was sent out to the newly freed valar. It was a tea party invitation at the Fortress of sickening goodness. Maggie wanted to disscuss a possible ally situation.*

*When the valar were assembled, Maggie began.*

Willow Oran
10-29-2003, 03:25 PM
Maggie: My dear Lords and ladies, as you know there is a hostile force at large that wishes to imprison you all. This can obviously not be allowed to happen. If it does the elves will be left unprotected and the hostile forces will triumph; all that you have worked to preserve here will be destroyed.

Manwe: Get to the point child.

Maggie: I'm getting there; the forces that wish to destroy Valinor will not take any of you seriously despite the fact that you are of course the most powerful beings in the world excepting Eru himself. However, there is a way we can get around that. You can defeat these enemies by using your powers through a being that is in essence a child of Illuvitar and nothing more. In this way you can move about Valinor and accomplish everything you need to while safely hidden in a place where you cannot be found and imprisoned in jam jars again.

Varda: And who are you suggesting we use our powers through?

Maggie: That is completely up to you.

Mandos: Up to us? We would not place such a burden on someone we care about. You came up with the idea, you will be the one we will use.

Maggie: My Lords and Ladies, I would be honored to be your servant.

10-29-2003, 03:32 PM
Katt: *Pulls out some papers* I would like to thank you all for coming and if you will please sign this contract.

Manwe: What does it say?

Katt: Mearly what your gracious host has told you and nothing more.

*After the documentation had been put away Katt led them to their secret hiding place.*

Katt: This is Woodshead Manor. It's a very lovely place where all your needs will be looked after. If anyone needs anything, please call me.

Manwe: Actually, I would like a nap,

Katt: Of course My Lord, these servants will take you to your room.

*Manwe followed the servants up the stairs a bit slower than he usually walked.*

Varda: Oh what a lovely garden. I think I'll doze a bit in the sun.

Katt: Would anyone else care for a game of gin? *Holds up pack of cards*

*As the Valar settled themselves in, Maggie looked over the contract and smiled sweetly to herself.*

Maggie: *Quietly, to herself* No evil cackling, I'm on the GOOD side now.

10-29-2003, 09:18 PM
*At the fortress of sickening goodness*

Katt:*stepping out from behind light this time* M'lady there is a er...sloth here to see you.

Random Sloth: I was told to come and ask if my leader could join your forces.

Buggie: *flying in from a random window* Rah! That's not what she said! Rah! I'm gonna tell her! Rah! *flys out of random window*

Maggie:Who is she and what does she possess and for Eru's sake what was that?!

Random Sloth: That was Buggie the parrot.You may need to kill him off.

Katt:Yeah killing!

Random Sloth: Terin, our leader had an army of Sloths. Our motto is: We may be slow but we are motivated!

Maggie: Not much of a slogan but I'll think about it.

Random Sloth:Thank you. *walks very slowly and awkwardly from the room*

OOC:Hope that's okay.

The last sane person
10-29-2003, 10:54 PM
*Roya secretly spies the proceedures and the new residence of the Vala and smiles, but sadly so.*

Roya: So...She is sticking the old farts in an old fart's home and sucking them clean of their powers...Crafty...Sounds like something Evil Maggie would do.

*And thus Roya goes in to her tent. Emerging later, dressed in her finest uniform, surprisingly its white with silver accents.*

Roya: Well, you did once say that you wanted a mess to clean up after.... But i dont think i'll deliver...

*and so, dressed as such, she called up her loyal General and bequithed the special unit of dread ninjas to him and walked over to the fortress of Maggie and the old Farty Vala*

Maggie:*spying Roya* so, she has become wise and wants to surrender. Katt!

Katt: *squeaks at the goodness loaded voice* yes'm?

Maggie: Let the evil general in please...

*Katt lets Roya in and squints when she sees her uniform, blinded by the whiteness*

Roya: I do believe i have something to tell the lot of you.

Maggie:*In super sweet voice* of course, care for tea?

Roya: No. Thank you.

*so Roya was lead into this small room and sat in a chair in the middle. Maggie, her henchwoman and all the Vala assembled in front of her*

Maggie: And what might you be striding in so boldly here for?

Roya: I think it something about surrender.

*The Vala all lean forward eagerly. Watching the face of their apperantly defeted foe quite eagerly*

Maggie: *in a triumphant voice* aha! I shall get the papers and the dungeon ready for you!

*Roya merely looked forward without much emmotion. Before Maggie could get two steps, a lound BANG was heard and all was thrown into chaos.*

Maggie: What the!?

*She looked around to find a dead Roya lying there, her once white uniform now red in the dust. And all the Vala had dissapeard. All except Ulmo.*

Maggie: ARG! *her cell phone rings* What?! *she hears Human on the othe line* What do you want?!

Human: Well, you see...i knew that she would be doing some thing along those lines when she called me.

Maggie: So it was you who sent...let me guess...THOSE BLASTED PENGUINS!!?

Human: Yes. It was. Because i also knew she would never wish to have given up to you and still live. Samuri Honor you know. So i relieved her of such dishonor.


Human: well you see...she wasnt my leader after she made that call. As she had given me her elite ninjas and all. So any way, yes, i did put her out of her misery. And i also take control of her army. Since she is dead and i am the next in charge and all.

Maggie: Wait! Where are the Vala?

Human: aha! well, like she said before, those jars arent physical jars. They were made out of her essence. So in order to be truley effective she couldnt really have a body and have the jam jars working. She was afraid you would figure it out and use physics to get them out. So now she's dead, her essence is free and now imprisoning the Vala in the same place spirits go.

Maggie: Arg! Why did she let Ulmo free?!

Human: Cause you wanted him to be and you said so once..i think she honored that request. Bye!


OOC: And so I exit.

11-02-2003, 01:02 PM
Random Sloth:Well mistress I went and did what you asked...

Terin:Good now go away!

Boogie:Rah! Go away! Rah!

Terin: Shut up you annoying parrot! I don't even know why I put up with you! I could kill you and be done with it!

Conscience: Good people don't kill.

Terin:Oh, and why can't I get rid of you too.

Smart Sloth: Well, because theretically it doesn't exist. You could make it stop, but that would require brain power that you just do not have.

Terin: You're such a smart ass you know.

Smart Sloth: I try.

Terin: Where did Purple go?

Smart Sloth: I believe he went to watch the penguins fighting.

Terin:Well why isn't he back yet!! That was more than enough time to watch the exploding penguins and get back here, even for a sloth. You two *terin pointed at random and smart* find him.

*about 2 hours later*

Smat Sloth: I regret to infrom you that Purple is dead. Appently he got to close.

Terin: NOOOOOOOOOOO!!! I will have my revenge on the penguins! Get our ranks in order we march!

Smart Sloth: Well, you see we can't march our bodies aren't made for it...

Terin: For the love of Eru! Why couldn't it have been you I sent away!

*and so making very slow progress they began to march...er...crawl toward the army of the penguins*

OOC: Conscience, I don't think I spelled that right but hopfully you get what I was trying to say. If you haven't noticed my sloths have names...names that describe who they are, just wait till I get stupid sloth in there during the battle!

Sanity's Demise
11-03-2003, 05:51 PM
OOC: Okay. This is Roya and then now this is Human!!! Bwahha! Roya's funeral (sp?!)

*The army of Ninjas and penguins were all arrayed on a random hillside, the dying sun gleaming on their armor and their feathers. All had at least a bowed head, pengins randomly blowing up as the surpressed tears over whelmed them with emmotion.*

*And so, the conquestaring (Human's invention) army were so arrayed to send their old leader to her pyr. The body was lain on the pyr and was about to be shoved off by elves scantily clad in grey, all captives of war (I believe Galadriel could be recognized among them). It was glorious!!!! The slaves piled kegs of boooze onto the barge and thus laden it was sent out to sea*

Human: Wait! We need sacrificial victims!! *sees Katt and Galadriel* Aha!

*throws them both bodily on the raft Galadriel screaming and Katt saying...*

Katt: Ah ****, now I have to swim back to- *BOOM*

*and so the raft had exploded into flame and Katt poped in and out existence, only getting so far before she died and came back.*





Human: Wow! Just like pop corn!

*Katt had hopped back to shore where she was promptly knawed on by Human*

Human: Salty.....*chew*

11-03-2003, 06:26 PM
This is Insane/Human posting with mucho gusto. Or something. Simillar. Yeah.

And in the wake of the Demise of the Last Sane Person, a great void was creatd in the power structure of the Evil Conquiatdores. A gigantic war council was held, for all the organizing things. And who got what and where and...Yeah.


Fimbrethil, Insanity, Human, Maggie, Katt, Earniel and Goldiegolum were seated around in a large circular table, with a large map of Valinor and small monoply pieces indicating each's respective army. Currently there was an argument raging....

Fimbrethil: I wanted to be the top hat!

Insanity: *dressed in her black military uniform* NO! Human's the top hat! Goldie! Quit eating the pieces!! This is important!

Goldie: *looking upward and slightly guilty* Whimper?? *Spits out the shoe piece*

Insanity: Ok, this is just plain weird!!!

*And with that sentiment, in sauntered an extremely pretty, actually quite a drop dead gorgeous woman. She was about five foot four, with long black hair, sun tanned smooth skin, and regal green eyes. She simply enter and stood at the door, gazing interestedly at Insanity *

Insanity: *gazing back* Huuuh...er. *Looking away* Um! Yes! Anyway, as I was saying, as the north Eastern Shore has been taken...um...*sneaks a glance at HER*

*The mysterious woman casually strolled around the table with a faint foxy smile to stand directly behind Insanity, who seeemed by this point to be thoroughly distracted, and begins to babble incoherently.*

Insanity: Er..um...well...uh..uuh...and then...we...take....chickens and and and AND!

*And by that time, the mysterious woman, leaned over and wrapped her arms around Insanity's neck and shoulders, as she squeaked. The woman paused for a moment, savoring sweet victory, before lightly placing a kiss on Insanity's cheek and strolling back out.*

Insanity: Oh lord....*Falls on floor, and calls after retreating figure* NOT IN PUBLIC! PLEASE!

Woman: Fine then. I'll see you later in your tent!

Insanity: *Freezes* ARG! *makes a look of a person who was being called in by their angry significant other, which we suppose, she must have been.*

*Maggie, who for the most part had remaind silent (still fuming at Roya's capture of the Valar and her sudden death), was dressed in a regal gown of some elven kind was silently laughing at the situation*

Maggie: *Raises eyebrow smirks* What was that all about, hmm?

Insanity: None of you business! Like you're one to talk, with PHILLIP !!!

Maggie: *Squeaks indignantly*

11-03-2003, 07:38 PM
OOC: AAH! IT's "you're one to talk" not "your one to talk"!

11-03-2003, 08:07 PM
OOC: THere. I fixed it. Thanks for your pasword PIE!!!

11-03-2003, 09:12 PM
NOOO!!! Not my percious password!

Well...so long as you use it to fix my spelling errors, that's fine with me!

Willow Oran
11-03-2003, 09:58 PM
Maggie: *settles back into her chair and sulks slightly* What happened in the situation you refer to had nothing to do with signifigant others. It was merely a case of close friends attempting to sleep on the same couch in squished conditions. Nothing more.

Human: Riiight... Anyway the less populated parts of Valinor have been successfully taken but the defenses Miss Innocent *she shoots a glare at Maggie* and her minions set up around the cities are still holding meaning that while we evil conquistadores have the land she's still got the elves.

Maggie: *looks smug* You bet I still have them, and I have no intention of giving them up. They're MINE.

Insanity: Yours? What side are you on anyway? I mean sure you say you're on the good side but really...

Maggie: *smiles* Well yes I am blindingly good, however you should all know by now that when I say blindingly good I really mean evil. So you could say quite truthfully that I've evil. Of course, with Roya still alive I couldn't be evil because she was but now that she's gone... I'm free to be as evil as I like.

*So saying she dissapeared*

Earniel: *sigh* We really should have known, it makes sense though, she's much more effective at being evil than you human.

Human: What?!? *sputters indignantly for a few moments and then stops, a look of horror on her face.* Wait... If Maggie's evil... Does this mean I have to be good now?

Sanity's Demise
11-03-2003, 10:36 PM
OOC: aha! My account works! Happy!

Insanity: Wait...What about me? I'll be damned if i am to be on the good side! Not when my noble predecesor did soo much evil while still Sane! I declare to be evil!

*Thunder and over effects*

Human: Hey! Cut it out PJ!

*effects stop*

Maggie: *from far away* Damn it! The whole evil thing was mine!

Insanity: *sarcastic* Well, i guess it isnt now, is it cream poof?

Maggie: Ah! Curse you!

Insanity: Nah nah nah nah nah nah! *thpppt*

Maggie: Ooohhh...when i get my hands on you i'll....!

Insanity: Right...you aint gunna do a damn thing! Ponce off!

OOC: Hoy! When did I say you could be evil you...*thwacked over the head by a flying purple note book* Ach!

11-04-2003, 01:27 AM
OOC:*Sees flying purple notebook, dodges* Yack! What was that for?

*Army of anime peples sneaks behind penguin army.* "Lets stay here until they move... K?"
"K mistress Sakura."

11-04-2003, 02:31 AM
IC:Maggie: *settles back into her chair and sulks slightly* What happened in the situation you refer to had nothing to do with signifigant others. It was merely a case of close friends attempting to sleep on the same couch in squished conditions. Nothing more.

*Snort* And it’s significant. Not sigifigant. BWA HA HA HA!!!! Got you on that one! Eh? Eh? *Promptly falls out of chair*

Also, I have posted the definition of a character in the rules and regulations thread. So...jsut in case you were wunderin'...


Human: What?! WHAT?! *Pant pant pant* I so confused!!!

Katt: I think that Maggie is Good. And evil. And Good. And...Good...at being...evil?

Human: Wait! Then that does mean that I'm good doesn't it??

Katt: Is does?

Human: *Suddenly confused* It does?

Katt: Wait! It Does!

Human: It does! Wait! No it doesn't!

Katt: Yes it does!

Human: No it doesn't!

Katt: Yes!

Human: No!

Katt: Yes!

Human: NO!!! Wait...what?

Katt: Makes you good!

Human: What does?

Katt: Maggie!

Human: Oh. WHY?!

Katt: Because there has to be a balance between good and evil. If Roya's evil, and Maggie's evil than you are good.

Human: Hey! *Suddenly excited* Does that mean that you are good too?

Katt: No. No Dear, it doesn't.

Human: *pouting* Oh. Why not?

Katt: Because first I'll be on Maggie's side, and then Roya will tempt me away, and I'll be on her side for awhile. And then maybe I'll go back to Maggie, but who can say? And last time, I had a couple of kids at that point, but that's against the rules now.

Human: Well I suppose that it's ok then. I was never any good at being evil any way. Just weird.

Katt: *Pats Human on head* Yup.

Human: So...sense you are on the evil side...does that mean I get to kill you now?

Katt: I suppose...

Human: M'kay, here. Hold my penguin *Sporks away*




Katt: Damnit, now I've got rice all over my clothes!

Sanity's Demise
11-04-2003, 02:51 AM
*Insanity had been watch the whole affair and was totaly confused.*

Insanity: Hey! Confusion is not my style! I gotta clear this up.

*walks in the direction of the blindingly evil good maggie's head quarter. But she is confronted by her former selfs ninjas*

Insane: What?

Ninja: well, what are we supposed to do?

Insane: Um, kill things mightly?

Ninja: Right. *goes off to rally the troops*

Insane: And they needed me to tell them that because....? Incompetent fools.

*Heads over to maggie and knocks on the door*

Maggie: What? *looks at Insane* Oh...You...

Insane: The feeling is mutual. What the hell are we to do? We are both evil but you are for some unforseen reason still protecting the elves...Why?

Maggie: Well, um...

Insane: I suppose we will have to coexist somewhat peacefully until we get that buffoon out of the way.

Maggie: Right! Want some tea?

11-04-2003, 03:41 PM
GG: *sneak sheaak sneak* *steps on pointy twig* ACH! AW! MEH! oh, right: *sneak sneak sneak*

She snuck stealthily over to the penguin army, but as she was umm... *snigger* quietly sneaking, she ran right into

GG: *sneak sneak-* WHA! HUMAN! *jumps unnaturally high*

HUMAN: WAH! GOLDIE! that was beautiful sneaking (though i much prefer sporking as a mode of transportation) however, a little noisy to be affective. But who cares about affective?

GG: Errr....mmmm *twiddles nervously with a ringlet of twig-filled goldish hair*

HUMAN: *causally* so... what're your plans for destruction and devestation?

GG: umm...actually i'm kind of new at this...i'm not much good at being forceful or powerful or...

HUMAN: sneaky?

GG: *pouts* .... are you going to leave now?

HUMAN: Ummm...no. I don't believe so. why?

GG: Because i'm trying to take over part of your penguin army! So i kind of need you to-*realizes what she's just said* ach! no! *drops head into hand*

Sanity's Demise
11-04-2003, 03:59 PM
*Insane was a little hesitant at the prospect of going back to her tent. Where Laylah would probably be lying in wait. So she walked around for a bit. And bumped into goldie and Human.*

insane: Um, so you want some penguins aye?

Goldie: yeah...hehehe...

Insane: oh. okay.

Human: Bye.

OOC: KATT! keep the kinky ness to a minimum with her okay!

11-04-2003, 04:22 PM
Katt: Ah! Back on the side of evil! But who was that woman with Insanity? No one does a crazy sex scene before me!

*And so Katt went off on her little quest to have some fun, fizzle some brains, and make some enemies.*

*And the mysterious woman from the monopoly scene was still waiting in Roya's tent...*

*The tent flap opened, but it wasn't who she expected.*

Woman: I've heard of you, you're Katt. The sex crazed evil one.

Katt: My reputation preceeds me? Goodie. I have heard of you too, Laylah.

Laylah: Well, what a surprize.

Katt: You know why I've come?

Laylah: *Saunters over to the bed and sits* Sorry honey. You can't just waltz in here and expect to seduce me.

Katt: You're doing a pretty good job trying to seduce me.

Laylah: Forget it. I know why you're really here. Who you're really after.

Katt: *pauses* You do?

Laylah: You're not getting her. You know it.

Katt: *grabs Laylah's neck* You don't know that! Someday I will rule her. I will rule them all.

Laylah: There's a good evil overlord.

*Cut to anything but the raunchy sex scene that just started.*

OOC: She will be mine. Oh yes, she will be mine.

11-04-2003, 06:39 PM
OC: Good gods! It has started already!



Human: *Shivers* Something evil is taking place in Valinor...

Penguin: Mier.

Human: Well...I mean...besides the conquistadoring.

Penguin: *Nonplussed* Mier.

Human: Anyway! I have an announcement! We are no longer the Evil Conquistador Hoard of Penguins, bent on world Domination! We are now...*Dramatic pause* The Good Guys!

*Serveral penguins explode out of shock*


Human: Yes, yes, I know, this will take some getting used to, but we can still smash and run amuck, we just have to be constructive is all...


Now, first thing's first! The Lands we have taken are to be returned to the elves once we get the elves back from Sickeningly sweet Maggie.


So that means we forti-Goldie?

Goldie: *Looking up from shoving penguins into her pockets* Hermph?

Human: What do you think you are doing?

Goldie: Um...stealing your penguin army?

Human: *puts head in hands* I thought that we had discussed this.

Goldie: I know! *Wails* But I don't have an army and yours is so big, and I thought what's a few penguins here and there between friends, hmm?? *Eyes become huge a water filled*

Human: Er...

Goldie: *Sniffle*

Human: OK! OK! OK! You can have a legion of Penguins! But no more!

Goldie: YAY!! *Tracks human with her patented Fierce Hug of Rapture!(TM)*

Human: GACK! Can't...breathe...

*pause, Goldie eases up abit.*

Goldie: By the way, how many penguins in a Legion?

Human: 2 Troops.

Goldie: Oh.


Goldie: How many penguins in a Troop?

Human: Five Squadrons.

Goldie: Oh.


Goldie: How many Penguins in a Squadron?

Human: Well! I must be getting along now! Have a whole gaggle of Elves to rescue, Evil-I mean, Good Maggie running around you know...

*Sporks off into the sunset leaving Goldie with an unknown amount of Penguins behind.*

11-04-2003, 07:56 PM
OOC: Actually, I think we WILL put in the scene. It is wonderful. I wrote it in math.

*Laylah grabbed Katt's wrist and pulled her into a kiss. Katt simply melted into Laylah's lips. Gingerly, she placed her hand in the small of Laylah's back, while Laylah ran her hands up Katt's other arms to her shoulders. Softly they fell down on the bed. The shedded clothes made a nest around them, creating a sauna from the body heat. Inside was a mixture of teeth and lips; of hair, skin, and nails. Both tasted a mixture of exquisite pain and pleasure. And they thought of the same name, which was not one or the other of theirs. They sighed and settled back, waiting to be caught. That's when the fun would begin!*

*Insane opened the tent flap and stopped. She saw the pile of clothes, she knew what she would find underneath. But she had to expose these freaks to the light...*


Sanity's Demise
11-04-2003, 08:38 PM
Insane: Wha...Ga...Uh....Grr!?! *smacks head*

*The girls suddenly felt themselves being ripped out of thier nest and dragged upwards by their wrists and then roughly deposited on the floor, staring at Insane's steel toe boots.*


Laylah: Um...well I can explain....

Insane: Shut up you little she whore!

*Laylah shuts up and looks at the ground. Katt laughs.*

Katt: Well, you can't deny that it was fun. And now it is even more interesting!

Laylah: It was a well written scene...And it was the best I've had in a long while....I havent been getting anywhere with her....

Insane: *fumes* Shut UP! *hits her* Now, since it is you who has done this thing, I wonder who it is that you both crave. If you were normal and had a bit of logic I would conclude that it was me but since it is you....

Katt: I am not telling.

Insane: GAH!!!

*Insane drags both naked girls out the tent and throws them down, tying Laylah and forcing her to watch. She proceeds to beat Katt to death, yet when she is an inch from death, Insane stops. She shoots a withering glance at Laylah and ruffs her up a bit too before shoving her, still tied, into the tent*

Insane: Now, I think your master would want you. Up!

*but before Katt can get up, Insane runs a knife verticly along the soles of Katts feet. She ties a rope around her neck and pulls the henchwoman along to her master.*

*Insane knocks on Maggies door*

Maggie: What now?

Insane: I think this is yours. *throws Katt to her mistress*


11-05-2003, 07:39 AM
I think this is where I remind you all that the Entmoot is still PG-13.

11-05-2003, 03:41 PM
OOC: It's ok, we know.


Maggie: Good Grief Insane! Do you really need a lecture about excessive violence? Again?

Insane: No! That wasn't excessive at all! She had an explicit sex scene!

Maggie: You can do it so long as you don't describe it. We are rated PG-13

Insane: *splutters* Well, I wouldn't have even had to if Katt woulda just told me who she's actually after!

Maggie: Um, she didn't tell you because you already figured it out.

Insane: WHAT???

Katt: Saying I don't have any logic! HUH! That is a bad insult! OW!

Maggie: Oh Katt, let's get you fixed up, my logical sane minion.

*Maggie helps Katt limp inside while Insane looks baffled.*

Katt: Can't you just kill me again?

Maggie: Oh no dear! I would never kill you! Not unless you pissed me off.

*Door slams shut.*

Insane: But if I was right all along, that means that Katt, URG!!! *Shudders and runs back to her camp REALLY REALLY FAST!*

Sanity's Demise
11-05-2003, 07:41 PM
*Insane was to be found sitting in her tent with a sizable bottle of spirits. The clothes were still in the bed, which Insane was avoiding. Laylah was in a heap in the corner of the tent*

Insane: Ach..em...eh...shite.

Human: I am surprised you didnt see it coming.

Insane: But I did! In the back of my head I did! I just didnt want to think about....IT.

Human: Oh. *shrugs and leaves*

*Insane merely sits and drinks then finally goes about reorganizing the place. She picks up the clothes and hands Laylah back hers so she can get dressed. Insane goes to sleep in her bed as laylah goes next to her. Both are asleep in minutes, for both had a long day.*

11-05-2003, 08:34 PM
*Insane awoke in the middle of the night only to find Katt sitting across from her in a chair.*

Insane: *muffeled yell*

Katt: *whispering* I put duct tape on your face so you wouldn't wake anyone up. Please, I came here to apoligize.

*Insane ripped the duct tape off and glared at Katt, but remained silent.*

Katt: Look, I care about you. I don't want to see you get hurt. This goes far beyond our little war.

Insane: And the whole, um, sex thing?

Katt: I can't help it! I'm sorry.

Insane: And if this wasn't war?

Katt: It would be a lot harder to tell you.

Insane: Well-- Just-- I can't deal with this right now.

*Insane rolled over to go back to sleep, but remained tense until Katt left the tent.*

Katt: *Out of earshot* I really am sorry. But it's just shock right now. She'll understand and settle into the idea. She might even warm up to it. And then I can come back and, seize the day?

*Katt laughed an evil and slightly erotic laugh and sped of to her Mistresses side.*

11-05-2003, 09:20 PM
OOC:I've decided I don't want t obe terin I want to be Fim...so creative. And I've also decided I'll make another side. A good side against the good side...maybe I can clear that up in a post.


Stupid Sloth:HaHa! I have the car now.

Fim:Idiot it's a hat. Now then listen everyone *stupid begins to sniff her feet* Stop that! *he stops* I've decided we bulid a castle...er, what I mean is you will bulid the castle while I look for minions that will be of some use to me. Now start buliding!

*Fim leaves and heads toward the nearest town passing a pay phone is ringing*

Fim: *picking up phone* Hello?

Human: Hi. How are you? Would you like to join to my army? I've never worked with...sloths before.

Fim:No! I am against you!

Human:Oh, you're evil. Well that's to bad.

Fim:I never said I was evil.

Human: You might as well have.

Fim:No! I am against them and you! *evil/good laugh* *click*

Human: D***

Fim: And now for some advertisment. *her sings thus read...looking for a new exciting job? Want to meet different people? You must have a sexy voice and body and be between the ages of 25 and....oops wrong sign. Her sign thusly read...Want to take over the world? Wish to conqeur the prats that made your life a living hell? Come to Tree Villa where you will meet fasinating new creatures. Must not have a problem with killing things.*

*bakc at the castle and eagrly awaiting some new and better minions Fim's annoying parrot was flying around the room until she got tired of it and shot him down...there was a knock on the door.*

Fim: Enter!

Lewis: *speaking with a bad sothern accent* I'm here fer that thar job.

Marie: *in a meek voice* I am too.

Fim: Are squemish?


Marie: Well...

Fim: What didn't you read the sign?! Well I suppose we'll have to make do.

Sanity's Demise
11-05-2003, 10:21 PM
Insane:*thinking to herself* Oh god. Two are after me. Ahhh! This was not a good day! BLAST IT ALL TO HELL!

*a few minutes later*

Insane: *snore*

11-06-2003, 03:57 PM
GG: Erm.... penguins!?

*Penguins all trun to stare at her with big eyes, blinking ocasionally*

GG: OK! one leigon of you have to follow my oredrs now!


GG: ...could someone tell me what one squadron is? I mean, i know it's two troops, which is five squadrons... or was it three troops.. and six squadrons... anyhow i don't even know what a squadron is so *asks nearest penguin* How much is a squadron?

Penguin: *stares blankly* Mier?

GG: OK, let's do this the easy way!

*she runs through the army of penguins, randomly shoving some over to one side.*

GG: THat looks about like a legion... i think. Does it feel like a legion to you

*penguins stare at her unhelpfully*

GG: OK then. Now... what side am i on. *contemplates* i'm too innoscent to be evil, adn blindingly good really is evil so i don't think i can be that...oh, i'll just.... be....It's lunchtime anyways i'll figure it out later *proceeds to go find lunch*

Sanity's Demise
11-07-2003, 12:28 PM
*Insane woke up with the sun. She cleaned up and left Laylah in bed as she went out to inspect the troops*

Insane: Morning damage report! Head Ninja Bob! Step forward!

Bob: South Shore encampments of our troops are still in place! And we are steadily advancing forward to meet with Humans penguin army!

insane: I see... And the casualty report?

Bob: Ninja troops are pretty much unharmed. The only troop that suffered heavy casualties was the 62nd Screaming Ninnies.

Insane: The Screaming Ninnies?! I dont remember naming them that!

Bob: Um...yes...Well the only reason for heavy losses on their part is because they serve as escort to the penguin shock troops within 20 paces of them.

Insane: Fine. I'll talk to general Human about that.

*By that time Laylah had woken up and came out. She walked up behind Insane and put her arms around Insane's neck*

Laylah: And what was all that about?

Insane:*squeaking* Nothing that you need to concern yourself with! *dashes off to join the troops*

Willow Oran
11-07-2003, 04:16 PM

Maggie: KATT!

Katt: What?

Maggie: I'm going to need you to use your minions.

Katt: You mean...? The sub-minions.

Maggie: Yes, the sub-minions. I've just had word from my spies that Human is about to put a dastardly plot in motion.

Katt: What sort of dastardly plot?

Maggie: *through clenched teeth* She's... she... she is going to steal MY elves!

11-07-2003, 06:11 PM
*Yes! Human had an absolutly DASTARDLY plan in store! And it had already started.*

Human: All right you elves, lets MOVE OUT!

*So the elves Human had captured were driven north. Human soon put her plan into motion. When they went the farest north they could, she set up a base.*

Human: Oh yes, they all think elves make toys. But instead, I shall use them to make WEAPONS!

*The elves were forced to work hard while the snow fell outside. Not only that, but they were forced to sing happy little songs! However, the project wasn't in operation two hours, when there was a knock at Human's door...*

Human: *In front of a fire drinking cocoa* Come in.

*In came shuffling a group of about fifteen kids, the oldest looked about twelve, and the youngest was only two. The twelve year old boy stepped forward.*

Boy: Please miss, may we have jobs? We can be very helpfull in the administrative fields.

Human: Thats a mighty big word for a little guy like you. You all are human?

Boy: Yes miss.

Human: Well, I could use some overseers. Here. *Hands a few clipboards to the boy* Do these things. You can stay in building six.

Boy: Thank you miss!

Human: You're welcome. We could use some kids laughter around here.

*As soon as the kids checked into building six, the two year old girl spoke up.*

Girl: Well, aren't you a bunch a cuties? Could you act more pathetic? Ok, let's get busy. We got jobs to do.

Sanity's Demise
11-08-2003, 04:12 PM
*Insane was marching off to confront Human, whom she was confused about, for now that Human was good and she was still evil and allied with Maggie, they still seemed to be friendly to each other.*

Insane: *spies the kids* Aha! Maggie's subminions! How dastardly!

*She decides against going in there lest she blows the cover of the sub minions. Instead she went about at her leisure with her army and destroyed pointless things aimlessly. Then went back to camp to pplot some more. And drink. And play with her sharp pointies (Not those kind of Pointies you sick bastards!).*

11-10-2003, 04:58 PM

*Back in Maggie's fortress, Katt was healing from her wounds. Plural. Many. Numerous. Bloody. Pus. Yuck. Lets just say it hurt. A lot. Mucho. El mando de hurto. Yowie!*

Katt: God ****ing damnit!

Insane: *from afar* HA HA HA! *Stops and thinks*

*At the north pole: Elves are dissapearing.*

Human: AAA!

Maggie: *from afar* HA HA HA! *Stops and thinks*

*In conclusion, much plotting was going on.*

11-10-2003, 04:59 PM
OC: I was about to say...! We are all sick bastards and need to all have personal editors at all points in time


Human: Heeeeee. Hee. I've got all the elves. But the children...what about the children?! Child services could come in at any moment and put my happy little toy shop-I mean, weapons center!


I shall religate them to building five! Where there are lots of toys and coco, and they shall not work, for fear of my being sued.


*Falls over.*

*And the children were religated to building five. And all was good. And the traps lay in wait for Maggie to discover when she came to "rescue" her elves; three riddles of confunding confusingness.

And it was good.*

11-10-2003, 05:06 PM
*And STILL the elves were dissapearing from under Human's very nose!*

*Back at Maggie's Fortress, Maggie got an express package...*

*Soon there was an entire village of elves in Maggie's backyard.*



11-10-2003, 09:44 PM
Fim: Lewis, how''s the training coming?

Lewis: Well...at least they're motivated.

Fim: Remember I'm leaving Marie in charge.

Marie: And where are you going?

Fim:I'm going to get better minions. GG is without a leader I hear. So I'm off to see if she will join me. Maybe I'll try to get an elf or 2. That's what I'll do...I'm leaving now and I'm taking two legions with me.

*later that day*

Fim:*standing in front of GG* Will you join me and bring the exploding penguins?

to be continued....

Willow Oran
11-10-2003, 10:15 PM
Maggie: *sigh...* What I have before me is a DILEMMA i could simply go through with MY dastardly plan and rescue my elves without bothering with Eliza's riddles... or I could make things interesting and wade right into those riddles and wreak havoc... hmm... *a lightbulb goes on in her brain* I've got it! KATT!

Katt: WHAT?

Maggie: Forget the previous dastardly plan. I have a new dastardly plan. Go to Eliza, tell her that I accept her challenge of the riddles, not for the freedom of the elves but for a forfiet of sorts. If I solve all her riddles then she agrees to do away with one of the rules that I shall choose. If she stumps me with her riddles then I will stop using her misspelled words to create loopholes. Tell her this.

Katt: Okay.

Sanity's Demise
11-11-2003, 03:43 AM
Insane: NO! Human! Dont go to the light! Dont except the challenge! ahhh!

Maggie: whose side are you on anyway?

Insane: I am all for evil! which is why i want the elves to stay in those evil concentration camps under the demented Santa-Human.

Maggie: Oh.

Human: Uh.....? Thanks....?!

11-11-2003, 03:54 AM
*Human is sitting in her Jolly little work shop, while the elves sweat and groan over their labors, drinking hot Coco and singing carols.*

*Just then Katt comes bursting in with an urgent message from Maggie*

Katt: Human!

Human: Katt!

Katt: *Points to piece of paper* Maggie!

Human: Maggie?

*And so after much explaining and the waving of hands all around, Human sat thinking on the problem. Finally, she stood*

Human: Please inform Maggie that the terms of her arrangemnt are far to dear. She asks for one of the rules, and we all know which rule she will nulify. I cannot accept.

Katt: Erm. Okay.

Willow Oran
11-12-2003, 12:40 AM
Maggie: What!?! How can she possibly know what rule I'll nullify? She doesn't know how my twisted brain works she can't possibly know. Even I won't know until the last moment! KATT!

Katt: What?

Maggie: Go back and tell her to reconsider, and add the control of Mandos (the place not the vala) to my end of the forfeit. She must accept this challenge.

Sanity's Demise
11-12-2003, 02:21 AM
Insane: Oh boy. This will be fun to watch.

*She and her ninjas pull up chairs and watch the whole 1-2 affair.*

Head Ninja Bob: Why must she accept?

Insane: Dunno. *Laylah comes and sits in her lap. Insane sighs and give in and wraps her arms around Laylah's waist, which gained her a hurt and jealous look from Katt* This is most certianly going to get interesting.

11-12-2003, 12:13 PM
GG:*flattered beyond belief* Of Course I'll join you! wow! Now i don't have to make a decision! (dratted decisions...always getting between me and my simple enjoyment of a good dinner and tree climb..). And i will bring the exploding penguins. So... who are you and what side are you on?

11-13-2003, 03:43 PM
Katt: *On the road to Human's house* Dang blamin evil overlords! They have phones! Why don't they call each other? Oh well. Phtt. Duty. Mine is not to question why, mine is just to clean up others messes, as well as a few of mine own.

11-13-2003, 04:39 PM
Human: So, Mandos has been added to the forfeit? And still I say no. One of the rules? C'm on! once one rule is gone, they all will go eventually and then what will we have?

Katt: *happily* Chaos?

Human: *Distraught* Yes! Don't want that now do we??

Katt: *Dispondent* No...

Human: tell her I cannot except.

Willow Oran
11-13-2003, 09:19 PM
Maggie: Grrr... Fine then! Be that way!

*Stomps off to her room and pouts for a while*

Maggie: Fine... she won't accept the challenge that's just FINE with me but then I refuse to answer her riddles. They probably weren't even very good riddles in the first place and that's why she's refusing because SHE KNOWS THAT SHE'LL NEVER COME UP WITH A SET OF RIDDLES THAT CAN STUMP ME AND SHE KNOWS THAT'D I'D WIN THE CHALLENGE EASILY!

*stops abruptly and stands fuming in the center of the room*

Maggie: KATT!

Katt: *tiredly* What?

Maggie: Go back to Eliza, tell her that until the stakes are raised in a way that I find satisfactory I will never accept her challenge of the riddles.

11-13-2003, 10:01 PM
Human: *wandering around in her winter wonder land, trying to figure out how to stop the elves from disappearing* Stupid Maggie, stupid elves disappearing, stupid stupid...

Child: *poking head in* The count's down to 150 elves, ma'am.

Human: By Lucifer's Beard!

Child: Come again?

Human: Never mind. Just...go and keep an eye on them would you??

Child: yes, ma'am! *skips away tittering*

Human: How are they escaping?? HOW?!! *sob*

*Just then Katt bursts flushed and panting*

Human: Gah! What do you want?!

Katt: Message...from...Maggie...very urgent...whew...whew...

Human: Well?

Katt: he...huh?

Human: What is it? I haven't got all day.

Katt: *Shaking with rage and bellowing at the top of her voice*Well if you would just give me a minute I'd tell you! Dragging my arse all up and down Valinor, climbing over mountains and almost getting eaten by Laylah, delevering messages that make no sense, blowing up and poppping back and is any body the least bit greatful? HUH?! Not bloody likely!


Human: Are you quite finished?


Katt: *Tiredly* Yeah, I suppose. Anyway, she says that that until the stakes are raised in a way that she find satisfactory she will never accept your challenge of the riddles. And she also says that your riddles suck.

Human: *Indignant* What? They are not! *thinks* Well...maybe alittle. But that's not that's point!

Katt: And the point is...?

Human: The point is...the point is...the point is...THERE IS NO-wait! No no! There is a point! The point is...that um...YOU!

Katt: *squeaks* me?

Human: Yes. You must go to Maggie and ask her what else she wants, and what ever she asks for she'll probably get because yes, my riddles suck.

Katt: oh. Right now?

Human: Of course. I expect a prompt relpy, too. Chop chop!

Katt: Could I stay alittle longer, and have some Coco?

Human: *Waves penguin at her a slightly threatening and demented manner.*

Katt: Oh, fine, be that way.

*Once out side in the cold and snow*

Katt: Stupid Human, stupid penguins, stupid stupid...

Sanity's Demise
11-14-2003, 01:03 AM
Insane: *steps out from behind barrack* You are pathetic!

Human: AH!

Insane: Oh shut up! Any way, ole partner of mine, I have a way to keep the elves at your little camps and keep maggie at bay!

Human: Oh? well, tell me then! *they lean over and whisper and Human makes excited noises*

Insane: Right then. just do what i told you and all will be well.

*walks off to find Laylah*

Insane: *walking with her* did you nearly eat Katt?

Laylah: No. Kill would be the right word.

Insane: And may i ask why?

Laylah: I dont like competion!

Insane: thats my girl!

11-14-2003, 03:15 PM
*besides the fact that she herself had taken forever to reply, GG became impatient waiting for the answer to her question, and impatience turnedf to distraction, adn so on until she slipped away up the nearest tree, and decided to begin her work*

GG*adressing the supposed legion of penguins*: Now i run things a little different from human so i have some new rules to-

*she is bambarded by a chorous of protesting cries of 'mier' and a couple of penguins go so far as to explode on the spot*

GG: NOW IT WON"T DO TO HAVE YOU SELF DESTRUCTING ALL OVER THE PLACE BECAUSE... well... it is only a...er...legion after all and you could run out. Fine, I won't call them rules... I'll call them techniques. Now, THis is a tree, and what you do with a tree is...well, i'll show you *she climbs it*

PENGUINS: *exchange confuzzled glances*

GG: It's just like swimming...only...not. C'mon! other birds live in trees! you can too!

*and so she began trying to create what she hoped would become the terrible and most wonderful legion of the tree-penguins. Unfortunatly, success seemed far off, as penguins were probably one of the worst-equipg animals for tree-climbing*

11-14-2003, 06:08 PM
Katt: *Going back to Maggie's Fortress* STUPID STUPID! No omnipotince my butt! I've got to climb over all these mountains while my minions are nice and warm drinking cocoa, my Mistress is being stubborn, her enemy is being whiney, and I got compitition for my love. WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?

OOC: More to come in *checks clock* One hour and a half. Counting...

Willow Oran
11-15-2003, 03:17 AM
Maggie: I told her what I want. If I get past the riddles than she nullifies the rule about the Time/space continuum if she stumps me then either I stop nitpicking and making loopholes with spelling mistakes or something else that she comes up with. And I want three midnights per riddle. Either she agrees or I continue to steal elves out from under her nose.

Katt: Sooo... I take it you want me to deliver this message to her AGAIN.

Maggie: This is the last time, I promise.

Katt: Fine.

11-16-2003, 04:20 AM
*And Katt went off AGAIN tromping through the wilderness to the north. And she came apon something very interesting.*

GG: No, don't slide back down! Oh, no...

Katt: Um, excuse me, miss? Just why exactly are you mistreating these penguins.

GG: I am not mistreating them! They're my army. We're training.

Katt: Ah. So you would be another adversery in the war.

GG: Yeah. *Sit's down* But it's not going too well.

Katt: *Sit's next to GG* I know. What can you do?

GG: I mean even the sloths are goin better'n me.

Katt: I haven't even got my army anymore. My minions have been contracted out under my very nose.

GG: I mean penguins! Honestly! How does Human work with them? Even the word is spelled weird!

Katt: You know what *leans over and whispers* I gotta mind to break some rules.

GG: *whispering* No, like what?

Katt: No omnipotence my arse. They got me runnin' back n' forth between their forts so much I don't wonder that I've gained some potence. You'd have to, to get there and back as fast as I've have.

GG: So have you broken the rules already?

Katt: Nah. It was under their orders, and they's the ones that made the rules. Did you know, I weren't allowed to help? They sent me away when they was makin' tha rules.

GG: Well, whatcha gonna do? I mean, come on. You're already excluded from so many rules.

Katt: I'll tell ya what I wanna do. I just want to put Maggie and Human in the same room so I don't have to run their messages back and forth.

GG: Right. Hey, you still have the One Phone, right?

Katt: 'Course. Always got meh phone.

GG: Well, couldn't you like, spawn it, and make two phones, and give one to Human and one to Maggie?

Katt: Well I never! That's brilliant that is!

GG: Well you're welcome.

Katt: Yeah! Thanks! *whips head around* Blimey! I gotta hurry with this message! Thanks though! Good luck with your penguins!

*Katt jumped off and ran up the road into the distance. Goldie stood up and brushed herself off.*

GG: *yelling* A'ight lads! Lets try it again.

Penguin: *sighs* Meir.

11-18-2003, 08:57 PM
*Suddenly a sloth is seen climbing through the trees toward GG with a paper in it's mouth. Fortunatly for her it was Smart Sloth*

Smart Sloth: MY misstress regrets the fact that she never got back to you and has sent this paper with directions on how to get to her castle and she has also sent a troop of sloths to help instruct your penguins in the fine art of climbing if you choose to accept you should go to her castle where you will be meet by Lewis. Then yo umust leave your penguin army in the care of me for there teaching. Understood?

OOC:I've been busy don't get mad at me for not being able to get on.

11-21-2003, 03:50 AM
Meh! Riddles! Meh heheh!

Comienza con cuatro, si usted corta uno de la caÃ*da 3 abajo y permanecen 5. ¿Cuál es él?

You have three midnights to reply!

Wha ha ha ha he he he heh heh heh heeehh.....

11-21-2003, 01:31 PM
OOC: Mad? i rarley get mad at living things, usually i get mad at like...homework, or time for example. Anyhow, i understand not having time...i hardly have time to post either.

GG: *recieving message* YES! Salvation! My penguins will be trained! ANd then... *smiles odly* oh, then...*smiles odly some more. it might have been an atempt at an evil smile, but it looks more impish and insane and fiendish than anything else* I will have the first ever army of tree cimbing penguins! an army that can travel both land and sea! An army that will-

*the nearest penguin explodes with the intensity of he speech*

GG: -we'll have to work on that. Now... let's see about these directions...*studies map*...erm...Ok...THAT WAY *charges off to the castle with the penguin army in her wake*

Willow Oran
11-21-2003, 09:28 PM
Maggie: *reads human's riddle and sighs with annoyance* Spanish. She HAD to choose the riddles in spanish. Very well then.

*She pulls out her spanish dictionary and sets to work translating the riddle, after a few minutes work the riddle is in english and now reads:*

Riddle: Start with four, if you cut 1 of the fallen three down and 5 remain, which is he?

Maggie: What the-? *stares at the riddle* This makes no sense... yet. But really, are they talking about a person? Or is it a metaphor for an object? Or is it a number? Maybe my translation is faulty...

*she drifts off to ponder the riddle*

OOC: By the way, Eliza, are the answers to these riddles in spanish as well? And if so, how will you know if I've gotten the answer or not?

11-22-2003, 05:02 PM
Katt: *wearily from a corner* Excuse me, miss? I highly doubt that your translation is faulty. I belive the fault lies with Human herself. The riddle, if it had been correctly translated in the first place, should read in the common tounge: "It begins with four. If you cut one down, down fall three, and five are left. What is this?" In spanish it should read: "Comienza con cuatro. Si usted cortó uno abajo, abajo caÃ*da tres, y se dejan cinco. ¿Qué es esto?"

*Katt sits back down in her corner with a book of Russian Science Fiction*

Katt: Las cosas que hago para ella.

11-22-2003, 08:53 PM
what you did better.

no sabes.

Willow Oran
11-23-2003, 10:08 PM
Maggie: So... you try to trick me by giving me an ungrammatical riddle? Very well.

*she Grins and scribbles something in the purple notebook of Doom with the one clicky pen and Human finds herself suddenly in the Room. Suddenly the music stops and Maggie's voice can be heard from the ceiling.*

Maggie: *through the god mic* Human! Your riddle annoys me. It annoys me too much. You will be kept in the room until you have a better riddle, one that you made up on your own, IN ENGLISH! And just to make it completely clear that I'm serious about this...

*The Room jerks and starts to spin and as it spins faster and faster the Tra-la-la-lally song comes back, at ten times the volume, the maddingly high pitched voices singing cheerily as the Room spun and with Maggie's laugh in the background.*

OOC: Good enough answer for you Eliza?:p Seriously though, make up your own riddles, and keep them in english.

11-23-2003, 10:27 PM
Katt: Really Madam, I must object to this treatment of your enemies.

Maggie: Quiet you! I have a good mind to throw you in there next!

Katt: But Madam, they might think you are becomming omnipotent.

Maggie: *stops and glares at Katt*

Katt: I would not wish to see M'lady find herself in a trial for rule breaking. That would be most unfortunate, Madam.

Maggie: Are you threatening me.

Katt: No. Of course not, M'lady. But if Madam wishes to continue with her current course of action I would be more than happy to represent Madam at trial.

Maggie: Oh all right.

OOC: Put her back maggie.

Willow Oran
11-24-2003, 01:02 PM
OOC: Oh alright.

*Suddenly the Room stops spinning and freezes, in the form of a perfect cube with the Urple and eon green stripes now taking on a dinstinctly checkered pattern. The music stops and Maggie speaks through the God mic once more.*

Maggie: Fine, there's your answer.

Human: What?

Maggie: A square. It's a bloody square. I'll let you out now but from now on NO MORE SPANISH! And make up your own riddles instead of getting them from some stupid book!

Human: Oh fine.

*there is a 'pop' and human is gone from the room. In her place is Katt.*

Maggie: Sorry Katt, but you've been moving too slow on the message bearing and you refused to help me with that riddle. You are confined to the Room until further notice.

Katt: Whee! Can I use my own soundtrack? It's maddening!

Maggie:*Sigh* Fine.

11-24-2003, 01:38 PM
Katt: In case anyone wanted to know, the riddle began on the twentieth, and Maggie answered on the twenty-fourth. The rules were broken and nobody cares, especially not me!

Human: Oh look, I already gave you a lot of leaway so we're just gonna overlook this thing. But after this moment it's gonna be STRICT!!!!!!!!!!!

Katt: You know what? That's it! I'm gonna start fighting back. Everyone underestimates me and no one takes me seriously. I WAS A QUEEN OF MIDDLE EARTH! And will be again. As soon as I can get out of this room. But this is a nice room and.....

*Maggie and Human leave Katt to her ramblings, but first turn on the spin cycle.*

Katt: Actually this room reminds me of a hotel I once stayed in. *Lightbulb* Why of course! It is that hotel! I can see it all now!

*And she did see it. And then everyone saw it. A spot on the map that suddenly grew rather large. On the top in big Neon (Heh heh hee) letters were the words SPINDLER HOTEL.*

Katt: It's time for some people to check in. *snaps fingers*

*And Maggie and Human were standing outside the hotel.*

11-26-2003, 01:57 PM
GG *stops mid-stride* erm... what's with the hotel?

11-26-2003, 08:54 PM
Fim: Hotels? Perhaps I should have been here for the last war, no matter. Lewsi!

Lewis: What?

FIm: You're fired! Leave. *he leaves* Marie!

Marie: Yes?

Fim: I want an elf!

Marie:Err....yes but how...

Fim: I don't care how! Just get me one no 2 no! Five! I want five.

GG: Why just five? And where are my penguins?

Fim: your penguins are in the trees as we speak. *there is a burst of flame from the nearest tree proving i was right* I want five bacasue it is a very low number and they will be forced to ignore the smaller force while battling the lager force there for allowing me to become a large force before I have to worry about them.

GG: Brilliant! But how...

Fim:I don't know ask Marie that here she comes and i see that five elves are with her. Excellent...and now on to the penguins!

Willow Oran
11-26-2003, 09:56 PM
*Meanwhile Human and Maggie were staring up at the front of the hotel pondering, and puzzling.*

Maggie: This really is most inconvinient, I mean, how could she betray me? She wasn't even being tempted this time, and I was going to let her out of the room really soon...

Human: The point is she did betray you and now has control of your dugeon.

Maggie: Control of the Room? Are you crazy? Control of the Room couldn't be transferred from me if I tried!

Human: So do something to get her out of there before she wreaks havoc!

Maggie: Fine!

*whips out the purple notebook of Doom and puts the Room on ultra-spin cycle and increases the volume of the music to full blast. And that's where things started to go wrong. Katt had unfortunately put in her own soundtrack and as the Room spun faster and the music grew louder the stress of doing so stretch the Room past it's limits and with a quiet pffft sound the dreaded Room imploded and winked out taking Katt with it and leaving the hotel behind.*

11-27-2003, 06:30 PM

*Suddenly Katt was standing looking at the hotel with Maggie and Human.*

Katt: I really must compliment you. That was an excelent way to die. But you don't think you can actually get rid of me do you? I happen to be more powerful than you. I'm sorry I had to put it so blankly. *Grins* Actually, no I'm not. I am the Dark Queen, and I shall do as I please. *raises eyebrow* With whom I please. If you two will excuse me,


*And Katt was gone. The flashing sign on top of the hotel went out. The hotel crumbled into ashes.*

Human: Oh dear. She's gone on a power trip.


*Then a shadowy voice echoed all around them.*

Katt: I was counting on that. Bye bye!

11-28-2003, 05:12 PM
Fim: As you can see will soon be ready to test out our new tree climbing exploding penguins. I just thought of something! Do you know what that means?

GG:Yoe've finally gotten past the writters block?

Fim:No...well yes, but that's not the point! It means now we can burn down whole forests even buildings!

GG:And you're a good person?

Fim:Well, define the good side. I mean we can say we're good but we all want total world domination. Now to test out the tree climbing penguins I thought we might raid Humans army of penguins. We'll eventually need more why not do that now?

Penguin: Meir?

GG: Look isn't it sooooooooooo cute?

Fim: Yes, adorable. And now come GG we must prepare for tomorrow night.

GG: Why what are we doing tomorrow?

Fim: The same thing we do everynight. Try to take over the world!!

11-30-2003, 03:39 AM
More Riddles! I spent alot of time thinking about this one, so it's kind of strange.

A sheik had two sons. But they could both not rule. So one day, he called them both forth and announced that a race would decide which of his two sons would inherit. The sons were to ride their camels to a certain distant city. The son whose camel reached the city last would be given all the sheik's wealth.

The two sons set out on the journey, dithering here adn there, hoping to be tah last to enter the city. After severals days of aimless wandering, they met and agreed that this could not continue, and decided to seek the advice of a wiseman. After listening to the wiseman's advice, the two sons rode the camels quickly to the designated city.

What was it that the wiseman told the two sons? They did not agree to split the wealth, and their father's decree would be followed.

Sanity's Demise
12-01-2003, 09:26 PM
Roya wanders discreetly and looks at Maggie who is trying to figure out the riddle.

Roya: *whispers* i know the answer....

Maggie: only a little hint? PLEEEAAAAASSSSEEE.....?!

Roya: I told you all you need to know. but i was thinking about something else.

Maggie: Lemme guess...Katt?

Roya: Bingo. I cannot let her have her will with whomso ever she pleases, so i will tag team with you in her destruction. Hows at?

Willow Oran
12-01-2003, 11:20 PM
Maggie: That would be perfect. Now... to get back to this riddle, it's a play on words and it has something to do with them being told to race eachother...

12-02-2003, 03:57 PM
*while she was suppopsed to be preparing for tomorrow night GG sat in a tree, deep in thought*

GG: *thinks* I must be a minion now. I always really have been one only.. a masterless minion. *then a troublesome thougth came into her concience* I thought she was going to fix that exploding problem. Did she say something about bunring forests? But...*sniff* i like trees. Burning buildings is ok. Especially large tacky or concrete ones. But.... trees???

*tragic violin music strikes up*

GG: *sappily agrieved* I never wanted to betray you! I only ever wanted to express my love for you, by creating my tree-faring penguin army. But alas! If Master says to burn trees, then burn them we must! Such is the fate of a minion, oh woe is me!

12-03-2003, 03:42 PM
OOC: This is Willow posting, Katt was logged on and I'm too lazy to switch.

*Suddenly the answer of the riddle came to her*

Maggie: *tiredly* They switched camels.

Human; Drat! You got it!

Maggie: Two riddles down one to go.

12-05-2003, 12:59 AM
OOC: This one actually is a Katt who has been WAY too busy to post.

*And after a very long while, Katt appeared in Roya's tent.*

Roya: *Flinches* There you are. Now, I've been reading into all your damn posts and it doesn't take Fellini to see what you're up to so just get this damn scene over with so I can kill you repeatedly.

Katt: Ah, you know me so well. But that is not why I've come. The time for such things is past. I have the power now to do whatever and whoever I want. I also have the power of self control, which is more than I can say for you.

*Katt reached out to touch Roya and Roya jerked away forcefully.*

Katt: How predictable. Actually I have come to see what I can do for you.

Roya: What do you mean?

Katt: You made me truly happy. For about a week I could feel again, and I felt happy. I felt love. I felt power. The feeling is gone now, but I still have the power. I want to repay that debt. Think about it.

*and Katt was Gone*

12-05-2003, 09:21 AM
Fim: *ominous laugh* I have more elves!! It's only 9 but I still have them!!

GG: What are doing?

Fim:*surprised* Nothing...I...was...Is the army ready?

GG: They should be.


*later that day*


Fim: Good...good. This working out perfectly. Now that that forest is destroyed I have only to conquer everything else...this is going to take awhile.

Sanity's Demise
12-07-2003, 06:20 PM
Roya: Eh...I did? Oh.

Laylah: You can't be serious about taking her "reward" are you?

Roya: I...dont know....I suppose i wont but i am interested.

Laylah: You're twisted beyond repair.

Roya: *sadly* Yeah. I know. Pathetic isn't it?

Laylah: Muchly. What would Casey and James think if they saw you like this? Where is our ruthless murderer that we have come to know and love?

Roya: She is gone. All you have left is this flinching mush-bag.

Laylah: I have got to straighten you out and get you away from those weirdos. *takes Roya's hand and leads her away.*

OOC: I talked to her and that is pretty much what she said word for word.

12-09-2003, 11:03 PM
Where's love people? Where's the fekking love?

Riddle of the third and then we all start over, ya?

You can't grasp me,
I am fleeting but strong.
You can't taste me,
Sweet though I may be.
You can't smell me,
I hold a thousand smells.
You can't see me,
However, I am ever by your side.
You can't hear me,
But you think you can!
I dominate your mind.

Who am I?

12-10-2003, 09:00 PM
OOC:Can I answer? If I can't don't read the spolier tag.

Fim: *with hearing greatly magnified* Wind?

Sanity's Demise
12-10-2003, 09:51 PM
Roya: Human, I expected far better than that. Blaringly obvious!!!

12-10-2003, 11:16 PM
Katt: Oh what a compleatly wonderful riddle, Human. Honestly, even I got that one. And Roya is being so pessimistic. It isn't a reward anyway. It's a thank you. Well if she doesn't want a present I can't force one on her. *Brightens up* Oh wait, yes I can! Which reminds me, I have some unfinished buisness.

*Katt vanished from her vantage point with a pop and rematerialized inside Human's bedroom.*

Katt: Oh dear, what a mess.

*The room was scattered with sketchpads and books and art utensils. The bed was mearly a mattress with a heap of blankets on the floor. Against one wall was a desk with a computer. Surrounding the computer were glasses and stacks of garbage. The walls were covered with drawings and photos.*

Katt: She really is an artist.

Human: *From the kitchen* OY! Is someone here?

Katt: Yes dear! It's Katt!

Human: *Bounds into the room* Oh, hello. What do you want?

Katt: Um, I was just *almost trips but recovers* just wondering if you had found your birthday present yet.

Human: Now I told you not to get me a present so you'd better leave before you give it to me and I have to kill you because I'm too busy.

Katt: I can't not give it to you because it is already here in your room. Which would explain why you haven't found it yet.

Human: WHAT? Where is it?

Katt: Well I have no idea. It's your room so find it yourself.

*Katt had other buisness to attend to so she left Human to go through her room herself.*


Katt: Well, nice to see you Maggie. I trust my old Despoina is getting on well?

*Katt strode in through Maggie's door and looked around casually. Then she proceeded to walk around the room while still talking. Maggie, though first surprized at the intrusion, sat calmly in her chair in the center of the room.*

Katt: How are these riddles comming? I think that last one was a trifle too easy. What was it you were compeating for again? Dear dear. All these little plots get tiresome don't they?

Maggie: And what are you doing while strutting around like a chicken with it's head cut off?

Katt: *Looking around a little more activly* At least I don't bleed on the carpet like a chicken with it's head cut off.

Maggie: Speaking of death and bleeding, I was never planning to kill you.

Katt: *Not really paying attention* Well that's your problem. *Frustratedly* Don't you have a mini bar in this place?

Maggie: *Raises an eyebrow* No.

Katt: *Sarcastically* Oh. *Conjours one up* Here then. Merry Chistmas. *Goes and fixes herself a drink*

Maggie: *Tries to find the eloquent words and fails* Why Katt? Why did you betray me?

Katt: *Turns around with drink* I didn't really betray you. Technically yes, but I was feeling rather betrayed myself.

Maggie: *scoffing* Oh, what?

Katt: Well, I felt that I could do a lot more things on my own than I could working for you.

Maggie: You were my secret weapon. I trusted you to be there for me when I needed you.

Katt: Oh yes. You "needed" me all right. How many times have I myself told my troops that they were indespencible and without them I would fail?

Maggie: Katt, you know I'm--

Katt: Oh yes I know that you aren't like that. But I am. *Puts down glass* Anyway, thanks for the drink, and I'll be off now.

Maggie: Hey, come back sometime.

Katt: *smiles* I'll always be here. For all of you.


Sanity's Demise
12-12-2003, 01:12 AM
Roya: Just where might she be for all of us? I wouldnt trust her behind my back that's for sure.

Laylah: Nor would i, but if you kill her she will only come back.

Roya: I have a mind to wake up my dead counter part to change a few things and knock dowm a few rules. Things are getting to constricted.

12-14-2003, 07:26 AM
*Katt appears in the middle of a field at night. She walks a ways out, then stops and tenses.*


*Katt crouches into a little ball, then abruptly stands up again.*

Katt: *Yelling* What is wrong with everything? I'm just trying to help and be nice for once and people just don't trust me! All I want to do is something nice for my friends! Or enemies! Or whatever!!!!! You know what? I'm done with this goddamn war! Yall can keep your psycological scars! I'M LEAVING!!!


*Katt then left Valinor and returned to Middle Earth. It is likely she will never be seen again. In this thread...........*

Sanity's Demise
12-14-2003, 06:14 PM
Roya: *nods to Laylah* Ha!

Laylah: how did you know?

Roya: I just did. a little hunch i had.


10-16-2004, 03:44 PM
Ah, I remember the War in it's glory days.

Days when we were all omnipotent and vicious and horney and wrong.

beautiful they were.


GODSDAMN! We need to get the gang back together again!

The last sane person
12-10-2004, 09:41 PM
Whoa, I did a double take when I saw this old rag brought back. Ah yes, how can one forget the...oddness....of those days? And wrongly enough, I am ever so slightly fond of them. Now there is too much crap flying around.

(Not that there wasn't then. Its just that it was OUR crap, which made it acceptible.)

12-13-2004, 03:55 PM
Ah yes, our crap was the good crap.

What is the sort of crap you get nowadays?

12-14-2004, 03:50 AM
Don't go cluttering the thread now with chat, people. This game is done and over. :)

12-14-2004, 04:02 PM
but are you going to close it?
I say we start it up a little differently :evil:


*There was a room. No, not THE Room, just a room. The room was furnished in plush. Plush carpet, plush benches, plush pillows, plush curtains, everything. A bit of sunlight was streaming in through the window. The light hit a table and was immidiatly absorbed by the startling wood of the table. It would have looked odd in the plush room except that it was covered in a pink tea set that seemed to accentuate the pink plush. There were six place settings at the table*

*Katt sat at the table where all the other seats were empty. She sat on a plush bench, rather sinking into it, stairing out the window. Occasionally she would brush an imaginary crumb off the table to be eaten by the plush carpet.
And she waited.*

OOC: Please, I want to have a reunion!

The last sane person
01-27-2005, 12:11 AM
but are you going to close it?
I say we start it up a little differently :evil:


*There was a room. No, not THE Room, just a room. The room was furnished in plush. Plush carpet, plush benches, plush pillows, plush curtains, everything. A bit of sunlight was streaming in through the window. The light hit a table and was immidiatly absorbed by the startling wood of the table. It would have looked odd in the plush room except that it was covered in a pink tea set that seemed to accentuate the pink plush. There were six place settings at the table*

*Katt sat at the table where all the other seats were empty. She sat on a plush bench, rather sinking into it, stairing out the window. Occasionally she would brush an imaginary crumb off the table to be eaten by the plush carpet.
And she waited.*

OOC: Please, I want to have a reunion!

Reunion? Sure, why not, i poke eliza on here too.

and a person in tastful leather walks in and sits, or rather sinks, into one of the places set. "So, whats new? And hows the skirts with you?"

KAtt: Oh, alright i think. Not into yours, but i think i am over it. (I hope)

Roya: man do i miss the old trio.

01-27-2005, 06:25 PM
OOC: Over it? Excuse moi? Did you even read my Location? Anyway.

Katt: It was a quadriped before two of it's legs got chopped off.

*They both use a bit of mind bleach on that mental image*

Katt: Anyway, I'm glad you're back at least.

OOC: Ah HA! I must go poke some bootay!