View Full Version : LOTR Labyrinth / Palantir Problems
10-01-2003, 12:22 AM
All of you who have seen the Labyrinth probably know where this is headed. But for those who haven't (or don't) I had this idea about the palantir. You see, the goblin king Jareth in the Labyrinth had a bunch of large crystal balls. Here's a quote from the movie to explain.
"What is it?
A crystal, nothing more. But if you turn it this way, and look into it, it will show you your dreams."
You see, my idea was that somehow Jareth's crystals were taken from his realm and became the palantir. Further, I want to be his daughter who is looking for them. I think that this would be before LOTR, or maybe after, I'm not sure.
is it a quest to find the little orb thingys.... IN labyrinths!.....?
I will be
class:noble steed(yes a noble steed)
(too tire I will finish it tomarrow)
Gulio, Strength of Many
10-01-2003, 12:49 AM
Oooooooooooooo how cool! I'll be Tel.
Name: Telepelenmire (See why I just call him Tel?)
Race: Sea-elf
Gender: Male
Appearance: Tel has chin-length hair so blond it's almost white. He has sea-grey eyes and clothes of the same color. His clothes hang loosely from his slender build. On the front of his shirt and his cloak his family symbol, the dolphin, is embroidered in silver. His twin knives have a dolphin engraved on the baldes in mithril. ]
Personality: Wierd. Any of you who were in an RP with Tel in it know what I'm talking about.:p But he is also a good peacemaker. He hates it when people argue, so he tries to find soultions.
Weapons: His twin knives, a shortbow, and a few hidden daggers.
Animals: A horse named Canogaia. (Herald of the Sea in Teleri)
Dreran the Green
10-01-2003, 04:55 PM
AAAh! A Labyrinth Lotr crossover?! All I can say is... SWEET!!! :D :D
*Waves Labyrinth flag*
Is it ok If I'm Sarah? can sarah be in this or is this a non/sarah thing?
10-01-2003, 06:17 PM
Er...Sarah? That's nice. I wanna jion! Can I? I'm gonna post aBio anyway. For once I'll be an elf...anyone ever notice I'm never an elf?
Name:Sanetyan (It's exzotic okay! san-e-t-yan Tyan for short)
Race: Dark elf (turned good)
Animal:Has a Falcon that perches on her shoulder. Camnet
Looks: Long black hair pulled into a bun. Wears loose pants and a not tight shirt but not that loose either(these are both dark green). And a black long sleeved light wieght jacket that hangs down to her ankles. Black boots. A silver crown on her head for no reason at all really.
Weapons: A sword.
Dreran the Green
10-01-2003, 08:07 PM
Did you see the movie Labyrinth? Sarah is the heroine. So can i be sarah or is sarah not in this?
Gulio, Strength of Many
10-01-2003, 08:52 PM
Nope, never saw Labyrinth. Never heard of it either. Yeah Fim, I used to never do elves at all, andthen I decided to just do one for fun. And I made him very strange. Tel has just kinda grown on me :D (Man I have no life:rolleyes: )
Labyrinth is a cool 80s movie with muppets in it (and includes David Bowie[he's kinda weird though])
10-01-2003, 09:34 PM
Same here Guilo :D
Sounds cool! I'll join.
Name: Kiyale (Ki)
Race: Human
Gender: Female
From: ???
Age: 27
Hair: Bronze, elbow length, somewhat wavy
Eyes: blue/green
Description: Slim and around 5'5. Ki wears loose, light blue pants under a long, navy blue skirt that easily tears off. A silver circlet hangs on her head with a small diamond that rests on her forhead.
Animals: Her black and brown horse, Belegohtar. (Bele)
Weapons: Sword, and hidden daggers.
10-01-2003, 11:08 PM
All right! People!
David Bowie is awesome! He's my only celebrity crush. (which is wierd, since he's like 60 now, but who cares?) :)
You can be Sarah, and if anyone wants to be any of the other characters, you can. Only I think Sarah has to be older than she was in the movie. And is she my character's mother? I don't care either way.
Name: Jesse
Race: Elder Goblin
Gender: Female
Hair: Like her father's, palest blonde and wild
Eyes: Blue with golden flecks. The eyelids of the Elder goblins are naturally colored; hers are golden.
Clothes: Jesse wears black, skintight leggings and a black shirt with flared sleeves. The shirt has tiny garnets set into the collar and sleeve edges. She also wears tall, soft boots, also with garnets outlining the seams.
Extraordinary stuff: She has the ability to change at need into a small black panther. (like the snowy owl) She can do great magic, but is weakened out of her own realm.
Originally posted and posted again by Zøne
I will be
class: Treasure hunter
eyes: dark green
clothing:He wears a chest plate , two shoulder plates and a green cotton shirt that it's arm length goes up to his fingers. His pants are loose and his boots are plated with steel.
weapons: Just an Ordinary scimitar and a leather sack of an assortment of useful tools.
looks: He is kind of a short well fit man. Although he lacks hygene and is often scruffy.
10-01-2003, 11:39 PM
I'll be Nalimiwen ninja character. Her clothes are black Mc Hammer pants, large black shirt. [Inuyasha style]
10-01-2003, 11:46 PM
Good luck sneaking in hammer pants! Those things will get caught on every obstacle, in every window, and tight space you pass. :)
Should we start, or wait for more people?
Is this not enough people to start a quest?
Gulio, Strength of Many
10-02-2003, 12:02 AM
Wait wait! I'll go find Pip! Can't start without her!:)
You know what I never thought of is..... that I think that I am the only guy who post in these threads....
Originally posted by Gulio, Strength of Many
Wait wait! I'll go find Pip! Can't start without her!:)
oops I thought she already joined....
Gulio, Strength of Many
10-02-2003, 12:16 AM
Lol, it's all right zone. I Pmed her and I hope she joins soon. Just isn't quite complete when we're missing someone, or so it seems to me...
I think kalile left.....or her computer died on her again
10-02-2003, 01:50 AM
Pip has entered the building! I have come! thanx for sticking up for me gulio! *pats gulio's back* can we be hobbits? well either way, I'm a hobbit! Rosie-Posie Loamsdown of Deephallow. yeah, too tired to describe, must get sleep.
Dreran the Green
10-02-2003, 07:58 PM
Cool.:cool: Are we starting now or waiting for someone?
Oh yeah, and Kalile is so right, David Bowie rocks! And I love him when he plays Jareth!
BTW, is Jareth going to be in this RPG? He's my favorite Labyrinth character. If no one wants to be Jareth can we just godmod him?
And I don't know if Sarah would be Jesse's mother or not, what do you think Kalile?
bwahaha, in case you haven't noticed I'm rpg-hyper tonight:D
Edit: Whoa! This was my 1000th post!
10-02-2003, 10:39 PM
Ok! I'm here! Was being threatened by sudden, painful, irrevocable death if I didn't sleep.
Have you already been threatened again!?
10-02-2003, 11:38 PM
lol, thats funny. i'm tired, very tired! maara mesta ya serme!
10-03-2003, 12:05 AM
Actually, my music teacher just came. (It's late, I know)
You can be Jareth if you want, Dreran the Green!
Ic: Jesse stepped into the circle.
"Are you sure you want to do this?" the only ones privy to her leave taking were her father and favorite servant, who had spoken.
"Yes. The globes are Goblin City's greatest treasures, and they have been gone long enough."
I'll miss you, though. And you, father.
Jareth activated the portal, and she was gone.
In the morning sun, a forest stood quietly. Its trees stood close together, and the air was murky and close. Nothing stirred at this sleepy hour, until Jesse appeared out of the air.
Of course I land in the middle of nowhere she thought wryly, glancing around, then started off in in a random direction; south.
10-03-2003, 05:33 PM
Suddenly a falcon flew over her head and someone came walking out of the erm...south? "Who are you?" I questioned. Of course she knew it was me but she didn't know who me was.
OOC:I was gonna say walking out of the mist or something like that but then relized that she had said nothing of mist in her post so...oh well. :D
Gulio, Strength of Many
10-03-2003, 07:44 PM
ooc: I'm guessing you're in Fangorn Kalile, correct me if I'm wrong.
ic: Tel rode north, over the flat plains in the Gap of Rohan. Finally, I can go home, He thought, recalling the uneventful trip to Minas Tirith to represent his people at some boring high-society party. The dark forest of Fangorn loomed up ahead of him. He debated passing through, just to say he had been there. He would get home eventually anyway, so why not? He turned his horse for Fangorn.
10-03-2003, 07:53 PM
Ooc: Either Fangorn or Mirkwood. I couldn't decide.
Ic: "I am Jesse, Lord of the Goblins," she said proudly, and a little untruthfully. She shook her hair back and stood a little taller. "And who are you, who walks among the trees?"
Ooc: Hey, I just realized that since goblins in the two worlds are very different, telling people that she's goblin royalty could cause problems. They could
a. Believe her, especially with the golden eyelids and funky hair,
b. Laugh at her, and make her mad,
or.... or.... or something else.
From a distance there was the noise of a melody that seemed to be coming from a flute. It was a odd and sweet melody like it would put you to sleep if you were doing nothing. It was somewhat getting closer and closer.
10-03-2003, 09:56 PM
Pippin grabbed a pint of ale and clumsily climbed to the top of the table. "Now I do believe we need a song, correct Master Branybuck? "aye, Master Took!" said Merry, who was climbing up the table. "1, 2, 3, Ho, Ho, Ho, to the bottle I go!" Pippin began, "To heal my heart and drown my woe!
rain may fall, and wind may blow, but there still be many miles to go! Ha ha!" he stomped his foot on the table, which fell under the sudden weight. "Pip? are you ok?" Merry said. "Yes, fine, Merry!" They stood from the rubble with applause from the occupants of the Green Dragon.
ooc:hoo hoo the hobbits they have came!!!!!!!
10-04-2003, 12:02 AM
Um. Yeah. :confused: :p
Ic: "What is that noise?" Jesse murmured to herself, recalling flutists in the goblin city. It was an image of home that already tugged at her uncomfortably.
Jesse caught herself before she fell asleep on her feet, suddenly angry.
Who is it that forces a Goblin Lord or any of thier kin to do anything against their will?
10-04-2003, 12:15 AM
Ooc: Oh zone of inifinite naivete, your mailbox is full. :D
Then the music stoped and a man shorter than Jesse jumped out on to a branch of a tree the opposite side of where the music was coming from.
"Ah I see you are tired of me tune...Eh? I wouldn't worry any danger I am no harm. Me Name is Akin and I am certainly pleased to meet you miss.... miss. Say what is yer name." Said Akin with a grin.
10-04-2003, 12:20 AM
Jesse was caught off guard by the question, then remembered that not everyone would know who she was.
"I am Jesse of the goblins. You?"
Akin look at her and jumped down to have a closer look at her." Yar sure don't look like a goblin.... but what do I know....Haven I told me name already?"
10-04-2003, 12:34 AM
ok, so I'm guessing that goblins aren't little orcs that run around in caves in the misty mountains that like to eat hobbits? yes, the hobbits have come! *trumpet music* :D i need to find someone, surely i'm not going to be singing drunk in the green dragon the whole rpg! where are we supposed to meet? confused i am. :confused:
ooc:....I was wandering that my self
10-04-2003, 12:41 AM
well, i'm actually quite comfy in a pub, with my buds, drinking, singing, but hey, I need to kill something eventually!
Then a rat came out of a hole in the green dragon pub.
10-04-2003, 12:47 AM
what? congrats on being a ening! though i seriously think that the title, 'elf lord' should be changed to 'hobbit' it is a very respectable term!
Shhhh watch out we might get "a stay on topic."
(yes I believe that the hobbit should be after the elf lord)
ic:The rat slowly was climbing towards pip's pint.
(bumbuuuuuumbum bumbuuum
10-04-2003, 01:19 AM
Oh, no you don't! *smacks rat on nose* MY PINT!
The rat jumps on pip and bites him(right?) on his arm.
10-04-2003, 01:41 AM
is this really happening? i thought we were just being stupid! sure, go ahead, BITE ME! ( and go ahead and bite that 90 sec rule too! grrr)
my poem,
90 sec rule, STINKS!
aren't i creative?
Well you said you wanted to kill something so uuuhhhh its a ..... rat... I was going to have the shire taken over by orcs... but I thought a rat would be more..... of a hobbit kill....:rolleyes:
Dreran the Green
10-04-2003, 10:50 AM
Hahahahha, funny:p
Pip if you need something to do our two characters can meet up...somehow. But I'm currently in a different dimension.
10-04-2003, 08:58 PM
*pets rat's head*actually I am partial to small rodents! nice little rat, I wil not per the 90 sec rule's head! remember what happened last time gulio? *rubs sore finger*
10-06-2003, 12:39 AM
Ooc: DIE! All of you! you're killing the rpg! :D
Anyway, goblins are still goblins, but my goblin is from another world where goblins are something different.
Ic: "Akin is your... name?" Jesse could barely disguise her disbelief. "Akin is a rather crude term in my language." (Sorry, had to think of some reason why I asked your name after you told me. Besides that I didn't read carefully)
"Anyway, I need to get to the King of this World. Where is this person?"
"King of this world eh .... There are many kings but I have never heard of a king of the world" Akin stared at Jesse weirdly and then gave started to cackle. "But Yet again I not much of a city folk so I wouldn't know."
ooc: (Akin is or did you just make that up?)
Originally posted by Kalile
Ooc: DIE! All of you! you're killing the rpg! :D
Anyway, goblins are still goblins, but my goblin is from another world where goblins are something different. Zone edit: ( I know its weird in labyrinth that most goblins are ugly and then theres the goblin king wich looks like a person..... and then there are lotr goblins)
Ic: "Akin is your... name?" Jesse could barely disguise her disbelief. "Akin is a rather crude term in my language." (Sorry, had to think of some reason why I asked your name after you told me. Besides that I didn't read carefully)
"Anyway, I need to get to the King of this World. Where is this person?"
10-07-2003, 11:38 PM
Eh? Why'd you quote that? :confused:
I just made it up. I needed some reason that I didn't realize you had told me your name already. (Really I just didn't read properly)
Ic: "Surely there must be! Does this world have no leadership?" Jesse couldn't believe her ears. "At least take me to the nearest of those in power."
ooc:Look a Zone Edit:...oops I spelled which wrong
"But there are may leadars of different territories.. But if ya lookin for the nearest then that would be errrrr.... " He paused for a moment.
ooc:which forest are we in again?
10-08-2003, 06:29 PM
Er...guys I'm in 6 rpg's as it and this one is a bit much so I'm going to have to back out. Sorry.
Gulio, Strength of Many
10-08-2003, 09:11 PM
ooc: Just ta warn y'all, me computer be on the fritz, and I might not be on all that much.
I'm coming Pip! :D
ic: Tel entered the Green Dragon, glancing at all the Hobbits in the Inn. He purchased an ale and room for the night, and looked for a place to sit. To his dismay, the chairs and tables were all Hobbit-sized, and far too small for his tall frame. I wonder how big the beds are? He thought, smiling slightly to himself. He saw one Hobbit having a struggle with a rat over a pint of ale.
maybe we should change the forest to the one near shire.....although I don't quite remember its name...
10-08-2003, 11:59 PM
Yeah! That.... one.... yeah.
10-09-2003, 12:35 AM
You mean the old forest? I can't believe you don't remember the name of the old forest! well, considering that I live in the shire, I should know these things, anywho, thanks for thinking bout me!
ic: Pippin pushed the rat back into the hole that it came from and proudly picked up his pint, which he fought diligently for. He saw the elf (elf, right?) come in. "Hullo, I'm Pergrin son of Paladin, at your service, but you can call me Pippin!" He bowed low. "What brings you to the shire?" He asked.
10-09-2003, 06:28 PM
Niliana walked quietly throught the forest, her pants not snagging on anything[Kalile...] She almost ran into a glade with a girl with funky hair and gold eyelshes. <A goblin?> she mused then sprang up into a tree.
10-09-2003, 11:48 PM
Ooc: Yeah right, Legoles. You know your pants are all twiggy and full of leaves. That's why you jumped into the tree; a stick poked you! :D Aren't I just the nicest little bitch you ever met? *bats eyelashes*
Ic: Kalile's thoughts were derailed as a scruffy looking person walked straight into her then jumped up into a tree.
"Excuse me," she told Akin, and jumped up after, yanking the scruffy person by the collar. "Explain yourself, master Rag-tag. Why do you try to hide from me? And what are you doing here anyway?"
Hahaha I just figured out that my character's name is the name of the government teacher Mr. Akins
10-10-2003, 12:04 AM
I don't know who that is. And I gotta go sleepy now.
NOOOOOOOOO!...... shouldn't you have .... um pmed that?
10-10-2003, 06:41 PM
OOC: Niliana is wearing a mask, and she has a hood. oweech! stick in foot! ;)
<Oh crap!> "My name is Ni." She said disguising her voice so it sounded low. "Sorry for bumping into you misteress...?"
" You sound pretty weird for a girl eh...Now have you been eaves dropping ,little girl or are you just bumbling in the woods for no apparent reason?" said Akin popping up behind her.
10-10-2003, 10:17 PM
"Oh thank you master Akin for ruining my disguise. And do not call the world traveler a little girl." She said in a normal voice, if somewhat muffled by her hood, and mask.
" Me ears are not so fooled so easily,little girl But why shouldn't I call you a little girl? Am I not older than you enough to call you a little girl? You are quiote an odd fellow I have to admit so words in yer land might differ than mine. Though you have already answered me first question ...That You had to be eave dropping to know me name already." Akin said while cleaning his flute. "Now what brings you to these woods?"
10-10-2003, 11:06 PM
"Calling me a little girl is an insult. I am one who is almost as old as Bombadil himself." said she."And as to why I am here, I simply worldgated out of moonshell wyer. And if I wasn't so high up, I would have worldgated already.' She drew back her hood to reveal her eyes. The left was the color of a smokey emerald. The right, the color of amythest. They were deep as oceans, and showed great age, though her face did not. Her delicately arched brows were slightly furrowed, and her long black hair swept around her like black wings or a dark halo. "My true name is Niliana. Yours is Jesse, and his is Akin."
"Eh still not old enough but I will stop calling you little girl if it offends you ,Niliana. I of heard of your coming but I did not know you would be here in this forest But I also have to say that I am old too ... older than this forest itself though I was not here when the forest was made. For me real name Is Arkinarde the hunter of treasures of the lands but me travelin name is Akin. I am not a hunter any more though.... I settled down in this land and began to help the trees ... They are very different from where I come from But lets get back ta topic,little Niliana. Why are you here what do you seek of this forest?" said Akin starting to play his flute. The music was soothing it seemed to have an effect on anything. It was low yet high it was happy yet sad.
10-11-2003, 12:25 AM
"No magic master Akin, it wont get you answers. I've been in this here forest for a grand total of 2 mins, and actually came here from Rohan. Rather rough men they have there. One tried to hit on me, so I threw him out the door. They left me alone after that."
Both of them looked at her like she was crazy.
"Sorry, I've spent too much time in the future, and now their slang has stuck in my mind. It means they were trying to court me."
" Ah ya be a time traveler... Have yeh ever world traveled that should really change ya talk....but I have not traveled for so long I have forgotten the ways of speaking..But what is yeh reason for traveling here... Why here and now? And that music I was playing ealier was not magic only a melody I thought yeh be knowing yer magics by know missy." Akin then played a fast melody with is flute and vanished And appeared behind Niliana. "Now that was yer common magic melody that I just did"
ooc:I don't think I can talk like my character anymore today...
10-11-2003, 01:06 AM
Ooc: A bard! A bard! My bard plays the violin/ hand harp, depending on the rpg.
Ic: Jesse watched Niliana and Akin spar for a moment, making herself comfortable, then spoke up again. "I also have just traveled here. Perhaps you have some knowlege of the ruling Goblins of this world. Are they powerful in magic? We are, but our land is not so rich with it as this one."
ooc:my character has a couple o instruments... but I don't want to tell you all of them now
"I beleive that I have never been ta that world... I still search for more world melodies but I have never found em all... Tell me more of this world ... I might of been there but Imy memory is not the best so who knows. But back to the subject...I often rattle of nonsense. So tell me there are actually magical goblins in yer world"
10-11-2003, 01:26 AM
Originally posted by PippinTook
ic: Pippin pushed the rat back into the hole that it came from and proudly picked up his pint, which he fought diligently for. He saw the elf (elf, right?) come in. "Hullo, I'm Pergrin son of Paladin, at your service, but you can call me Pippin!" He bowed low. "What brings you to the shire?" He asked. that was a long time ago, gulio! where are you! now Im stuck in the green dragon, (again) but no rats this time!
10-11-2003, 01:30 AM
Ooc: Um, we're coming, after we finish our useless banter. Maybe you should find us, for we have no real reason to find you. You could find us by accident, but my character is looking for a king, and no hobbit could really be concieved of as a king.
Ic: "Yes, of course!" Jesse frowned. "Surely... surely you know of us! Surely there are goblins in this world. Aren't there?"
"Hmmm Lets talk more in a place called shire(hobbiton[where is the green dragon any ways ])...I usually go there for the finest pipe weed I have ever tasted. And you might get some rest It is almost night time... and outer folks don't want ta be here at night time."
10-11-2003, 01:44 AM
Ooc: That'll work.
Oh, and the stick wasn't in your foot, Legoles. :D
Ic: "Shy-er?" Jesse repeated slowly,"I suppose... lead on."
"I errrr usually use a transport tune .... but I guess I must lead you there"
10-11-2003, 02:19 AM
Originally posted by Kalile
Ooc: Um, we're coming, after we finish our useless banter. Maybe you should find us, for we have no real reason to find you. You could find us by accident, but my character is looking for a king, and no hobbit could really be concieved of as a king. what do you mean? of course a hobbit could be mistaken for king! we are very kingly you know! thanx zone! I'll see you a the green dragon!
Yes like the mayor of hobbiton or something of that sort
10-12-2003, 12:59 AM
Well not by a Goblin who's expecting to find another Goblin Lord!
Eh ....!? I easily get hobbits mixed up with high royalty so what makes them not look like a goblin
10-12-2003, 01:53 AM
hee hee, yes, well, I suppose we don't look quite like goblin royalty, but very regal!
well .....err lets go to shire anyways
10-16-2003, 09:44 PM
Ok! I'm back! Now if just something would happen...
Jesse followed her strange companions warily, wondering what she had gotten herself into.
Before the day was through, however, she had relaxed; all that was outside of the forest were a few farms. As they neered the town of Hobbiton she began to see strange little people, more comely than the serving Goblins, and taller, but not much different. What could they be?
10-18-2003, 08:27 PM
Pippin and his strange guests stood just outside his round door. He saw a small group of people off in the distance. 'Days are getting stranger and stranger!' he thought, but decided to go and welcome them. "Hello, I am Peregrin Took son of Paladin, but you my call me Pippin." he said politely with a bow.
10-18-2003, 09:08 PM
what are goblins suppose to look like? how tall are they? just wondering
Dreran the Green
10-21-2003, 08:07 PM
um...I know I actually haven't posted yet. I think I'll just be an elf, since this is in ME. But I'm really confused, cold someone tell me what's happening????
Oh, and THIS is what Labyrinth Goblins look like, Pip.
Real cuties, ain't they?:p
10-22-2003, 10:44 PM
AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!! ITS THE THINGS FROM UNDER MY BED! Sorry, extreme moment of blondness [even though I am blond... no offense to other blonds!]
"Actually I have no education in the musical spells. I wish I did, then I t would be much easier to float things."
Gulio, Strength of Many
10-22-2003, 10:51 PM
ooc: Internet still being testy......I'll try to get on as much as I can tho:) Btw....Where am I exactly? Oh well, I'll say I just followed Pip:)
ic: Tel followed Pippin to what seemed to be his home. It was a typical hobbit-hole, round door and all.
.... maybe we could revive this story since kalile is back
01-08-2004, 07:24 PM
Yes, really....
although its not likley(sw)
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