View Full Version : Key to the Sky {A bit of a long post to start off with, but required info is in it}
07-19-2004, 04:58 PM
What lies beyond the eastern deserts where the Easterlings abide? What secrets can be unlocked there?
The Skystone is but one. One which you can unlock if you have the will and the power to do so.
I invite you to bring the stone back to Rathlas from Middle Earth. I invite you to come and walk among the Valar and the Istari as they once were.
Come and right the wrongs of the Amala Daera and the Fala Naera. The answer lies within you.
Come and open the door to the lands beyond mortal reach and find yourself in Valinor as it once was...
There is a land beyond the deserts of Middle Earth. Once, Onem, the godess of ballence had sent two lesser godesses to aid the people of Rathlas in their battle against Bathsham, better known to you as Mordor.
But they turned against one another. The Fala Naera, Kirsinari, staied true to her pourpose and aided all thoes on the battle front, but the Amala Daera, Areanna, turned upon the better part of all the Rathlin people because her son, Andon Loroin, had fatherd a child of a people who's blood it was forbidden to mix with.
Now the Tribes of the South are pitted against one another. The Kelenas have the aid of Kirsinari, and the Mayas have the aid of Areanna.
The battle with Bathsham is left unattended and Andon has but one chance to bring aid to his people. Yet, when he and his followers are near the stairway into the skies, Areanna's forces slay them and destroy the Skystone.
Now, the stone is scattered across Rathlas. Bathsham is taking Rathlas bit by bit. Andon's daughter, Narinya, is an infant barely protected by the defeated Kelena Tribe.
It is your objective to piece the Skystone back together again before Areanna and Sauron claim Rathlas or Andon will not be able to compleat his transformation into the Istar, Gandalf the Grey in time.
Or, would you rather join with Areanna and Sauron in the fight to claim Rathlas before setting your sights on Middle Earth?
The choice is yours.
Characters so far:
Mine: Kirsinari the Fala Naera.
Gender: Female
Appearence: A bit on the short side, but slender, not skinny; long blond hair that is verry wavy and curles at the ends; ivory skin; deep blue eyes
Age: unknown
Abilities? Yes. Transform into large grey wolf and lesser goddess powers to heal.
Weapon: usually a dagger or two. sometimes a katana like sword. She's not above hiding small knives and other things in her hair and jewlery. A hair pin could become a throwing star, or a neclace could become a flail, in other words.
Personality: She changes acording to the situation. In Ternata Tehortha she is the perfect courtly young woman, but elswhere she is very silent. She only changes into her wolf form when absolutly nessicary. When she is in her wolf form, any one and anything can become a target if they're not careful. Otherwise, she's usually calm on the outside and very buisy thinking and disecting every one she sees by how they act.
Allience: Kelena Tribe/Onem
Also mine, for the moment: Tavin (Talwren Davion)
Gender: male
Age: about 43, but that's young for his kind
Race: concidered a Westlander, but definitly decended from a long lived race
Hair: dark brown, almost black, and hangs just past his shoulders
Eyes: hazel
Appearence: tattered, yet by no means poor, traveling cloths, shifting cloak, black leather boots, and small bag of coins that never seems to run out.
Abilities? Yes. Change into grey timber wolf at any time he chooses.
Companions? Yes. Horse called Aven.
Weapons: Several. Boot knife, knife at hip, long sword at other hip. If he doesn't have thoes and can't chnge for some reason, he's still as deadly with hands and feet, perhaps even more so, depending on how angry or frightened he is.
Allience: Kirsinari, and West Lands.
PippinTook: Evelyn Liratha
Gender: Female
Age: 29
Race: Ranareth
Hair: dark, slightly past her shoulders. She doesnt like it too long, but this is perfect. Usually in a pony tail.
Eyes: medium brown[/b]
doesnt like flashy things, she is simple and clean, does not wear dresses, perfers a long coat when she goes out at night, during the day she wears pants and a shirt and soft boots. She is about 5'8, slim but not thin, more muscular but not ripped, if you follow me.
Weapons: lots of little hidden daggers, a long knife at her belt and a short bow.
Gulio: Belaparthalion
Race: Ompatha'in
Gender: Male
Occupation Assassin
Appearence: Belaparthalion is very tall, standing just over six feet. He his powerfully built, with broad shoulders and muscles. His skin is very thick, and he doesn't need any armor to protect him. He wears a loose black tunic and trousers. His huge leathery wings are folded like a regal cape when he's not in flight.
Personality: He's very cruel, and enjoys nothing more than Ranareth, whom he considers his greatest enemy. Along with his cruelty is a predatorial cunning, which often allows him to dispose of his targets when he chooses to do so.
Weapons: A vicious, red scimitar with jagged edges.
troll's bane: Zaminzan (to start with at least)
Race: Malthin (Demigod)
Gender: Male/tree
Discription: Seldom walks in man-form, but usually sits around as a beautiful tree that eats orcs (delicious) and owns a rather long sword, which is meant to look like half of an elongated leaf (a very long and narrow sword) which matches his tree form leaves. Avoids people, but will fight for oppressed people and food (orcs, of course). In man-form he's sometimes thought to be a shorter Telokin, or more often the son of a larger Telokin.
Companions: Very powerful god disguised as a rat, or sometimes a plant: He always is something small whatever he chooses to look like, but usually is an eagle or other bird when his demigod friend is in tree form, which he perches on the higher branches. (The Malthin called Kebbin, perhaps) Also two faries: one of each type, who are always arguing.
Aewionen: Daeral
Gender: male
Race: Methda'in
Appearence: He cuts an impressive figure, being two inches below six feet. Broad chest, muscled arms, his skin a golden brown, a testament for his love of the outdoors, which he saw more rain than sun.
Personality: He can be secretive at times, but he usually speaks his mind. A loyal companion but also a strong will that usually gets him into trouble. He does what he thinks is right in his eyes and not in the eyes of others. So in this battle, he hasn't really decided yet.
Age: 321
Race: Kishin
Gender: Female
Occupation: none at the moment
Appearence: tall, skinny, with long golden-blonde hair that reaches her knees when it's not tied up into tight braids wrapped around her head... which it often is because it can easily get in the way. dark green eyes. A kind and plain but pretty face that leads people to trust her without her or them even realizing it.
Personality: Cheerful but quiet. Nothing seems to bother her... though it often does. She doesn't say much, and even when she does speak she rarely reveals her innermost thoughts and feelings.
Weapons: sword, bow&arrow (not that many know she can use them)
Allied with: Kirsinari, but few know she allied with anyone.
So far, we definitly need Areanna and protectors for Narinya; Maya & Kelena warriors; and any others who you can dream up.
If further interested in Rathlas, jsut visit to read more. It's still new, so please disregard the fact that it dosen't have all the links up or the stories posted in their compleat form.
trolls' bane
07-19-2004, 05:06 PM
Welcome to the moor, Narinya Cocachitawa. Go introduce yourself in the General Message forum (newbie introduction thread at the very top) before the admins and mods get on your case ;). They never got on mine, in fact I didn't introduce myself until I'd been here a year, but I don't think they'd started it yet.
This seems to be an interesting RPG, and by the time I finish reading it you should be finished with your PM (if your not already).
trolls' bane
07-19-2004, 05:13 PM
I've just read it, and I'm a little confused. It's like Wagner's opera Der Ring Des Nibelungen (The Ring of the Nibelungs), you have to read it again to get it. It does sound undoubtedly interesting and once I figure it out I'll join. The first five sentences (or paragraphs?) are a little misleading to me, especially the first.
EDIT: From my first post, when I said moor, I meant moot:o.
EDIT#2: I don't like rap either *shudder*.
07-19-2004, 06:02 PM
I knew what you meant when you typed moor. I make that kind of mistake when I'm really tired since I do most of my writting at night when Dad can't break what concentration I can get.
What's "Wagner's opera Der Ring Des Nibelungen (The Ring of the Nibelungs)" as you put it?
How are they misleading? I'll fix them so that they work out better if possible.
Gulio, Strength of Many
07-20-2004, 02:21 PM
ooc: We were supposed to introduce ourselves when we joined? -blinku- Oh well, it's a bit late for that now... ^^
Anywho, this seems rather spiffyful and interesting, and I would like to join, once it gets going (and once I read it a few more times to figger it out :D).
07-20-2004, 03:30 PM
OOC: Sounds interesting...very much so. I think I get the main plot thing (for once!). I do believe I shall join you! *goes to make a character*
trolls' bane
07-20-2004, 05:23 PM
Originally posted by Narinya_Cocachitawa
I knew what you meant when you typed moor. I make that kind of mistake when I'm really tired since I do most of my writting at night when Dad can't break what concentration I can get.
What's "Wagner's opera Der Ring Des Nibelungen (The Ring of the Nibelungs)" as you put it?
How are they misleading? I'll fix them so that they work out better if possible.
I just don't know what a Skystone is, and I'm not sure what to think about the first sentence, though it's what got me interested in the rest, and I almost wrote a book about journeying beyond Mordor, but I never got past the many pages of maps (which I'm better at than starting something).
I'll send you a PM explaining the Ring of the Nibelungs, since this is an RPG, and I don't want to start a big discussion about operas.
I still haven't looked at your site:o.
Gulio, Strength of Many
07-21-2004, 04:23 PM
ooc: AHHHHHHHH! WHAT THE CRAP HAPPENED TO THE MOOT?!?!?!?! It's all... AUGH!!!!!!! -mourns the death of the once-spiffy 'Moot- Waaaaaaahhhh! -cries- It's all... blue... and huge... and, and, and AUGH!!!!!!!
In other news, I think I'm beginning to understand this! ^^
07-22-2004, 11:46 AM
Well, this is just the OOC to get things started. If I knew how, I'd put up the map I've got drawn out for Rathlas so that you all could get a better hold on the lay of the land and such.
Right now, I kind of need this RPG to work out so that I can get a better idea of how I should get the early histories to work out. I'll post the Mythology today or tomarrow some time on the web site. ;)
As for the Skystone...
There's a book called the Skystone by someboddy and it's set in Scotland or Ireland or somewhere like that, but I never read it. However, my mother and grandmother both told me a bit about it. It was a time key or something like that.
In this story, though, the stone is an actual stone with inscriptions on it that read:Above the clouds: The Secret. If one knew how to open the secret stair to the Sky, they could enter the land of the gods and plea their case, or they could open another stair. That stair leads to the abyss beyond the hold of the Malthin where other gods await to bring siege to the world and such and so forth.
Some living in Rathlas are related to the gods and have verry mixed up lives. Five of them are sent to pay for their crimes by becomming Istari sent to the West Lands {Middle Earth} to redeem themselves by aiding the battle against Bathsham {Mordor} from the other battle front.
Andon Loroin is one of them. The same Andon who was born of the traitor Areanna and fell in battle after opening the Skystone in the desert of Lelas the first time.
I can't wate to see what takes you all will have on this, and how you'll sway the story into a creation of its own. :D
08-01-2004, 01:23 PM
Well, any ideas yet? Any one?
I know that this is entmoot, but does it really mean that it has to take several days to get an answer?
Sorry for sounding that way, but I get anxious easy.
trolls' bane
08-01-2004, 04:29 PM
Sorry. I've been caught up in the making of my own discussion boards. I still need to read that site. I'll do it now, before I put it off more. :)
Don't worry, were not that bad, we're still getting used to vBulletin 3 :D ;).
EDIT: Which site (new or old) should we look at? I'll look at both, but it will take me a few days for both.
trolls' bane
08-01-2004, 04:46 PM
ooc. Wow. I didn't know you were writing books. I have a lot of reading to do :D. I read the front page, the fanfic front page, and looked at the fanfics. Cool! I'll definetly join (though I'm still in the clouds as to what type of characters we use: men, elves, hobbits, maya...? ;).
Btw, did you get my PM(s)? I can't remember if I sent you the one about my other boards.
08-02-2004, 03:23 PM
Yeah, I got a cupple of them, but I don't think I got one about the boards (at least I don't remember it).
The home page was accidentally copywrighted when I added some unwanted html in hopes that it would have put Dust In The Wind music on the page, but failed.
Yeah, I'm writting a mixture of stories that will all tie into one another. Some is my own work, other bits are Tolkien fan fic, others for Rowling, and others from telivision shows or dreams I thought might work out.
1-9 are my own stories.
17 & 19 are based off of dreams. (17 about a prehistoric bomb and 19 is kind of tolkienish)
20&21 are Rowling fanfic (more may be added to that grouping later, but 20 is prooving dificult to start off)
The others are Tolkien and/or mixes of his, Rowling's, and my own.
As for what kind of characters to use...
If you want to say elf, man, hobbit, dwarf or so forth, then they would be counted as Westlanders (in other words, from Middle Earth)
Otherwise follow this:
Gods/demi gods are called Malthin
Elves are Kishin
Dwarves are Barthlam
Hobbits are the shorter version of Telokin
Riverfolk are the taller version of the Telokin
Race of Men are known as an of the following: Avin, Methada'in, Verathin, Queastin, or Nevarin acording to their back ground
Faeries come in several types as well known usually as one of the fololowing: Ranareth (mre agreeable) or Ompatha'in (a more troublesome group)
There are some Mixed Races not alloud in Rathlas, namely the union between Telokin and Kishin, but it does happen some times (as in the case of Andon's daughter and all his decendents from there), and hoes people are outlawed. Usually, thoes with Telokin blood find their way to Middle Earth and live there allong the waterways, thus becomming known as Riverfolk.
K? I know it's a long post, but still...
Questions on this or more? :confused: I'll be happy to answer them. :)
08-25-2004, 09:15 PM
I guess it's time to give this thing a boost then. Oh dear.
08-26-2004, 01:36 AM
It sounds interesting. I think I might want to join, but I'm too tired right now to figure out the story enough to think of a character. I'll post one tomorrow.
08-26-2004, 07:58 PM
Dude, I am so in this! *joins up* ahem, I am still confused about the races, it would be nice to know like, where they live, what they are like in general before I make a charactar. I am wavering between a hobbit-like person and someone more traditional like a faerie. Because I've got Pansy in my others. Anywho, rambling. I am exicted about this though, its complicated but looks good.
08-26-2004, 09:38 PM
Wow! It's great to see a cupple more people in here!
Since you're thinking about a hobbit like person or a faery, I'll explain just them to you first. All right?
As for the hobbit like people:
There are two types of Telokin, one that is no different from hobbits, and another that is generally black or red haired, taller, generally slim, with dark eyes. They're mutch more a combination between elves, and Native Americans (Cherokee so no big feathered headdresses or tPs if you please!). Though the two are so different in looks and general culture, they did mix together to form the Telokin race, and none are compleatly of the taller or of the shorter of the two.
The Telokin live in the south-western lands of Rathlas. Thoes who are more like to Hobbits live in a land called Calar, a wide open land with rolling hills like in KY. The taller live in the wodded flatlands to the east of Calar known as Salin Mala, but the city of Linara in Salin Mala has an almost equal population of both parts.
The Ranareth, and the Ompatha'in are the two groupings of faeries in Rathlas. The Ranareth live in the Laurin Marshes of the North-West area, seperated from the main part of Rathlas by the Silillian River and the River Hope. They are a kingdom unto themselves, though they are still concidered part of Rathlas. The Ompatha'in, however, are spread out all over Rathlas. They tend to be what people would call goblins, and any other troubble making fae.
Hope that helps you out!
08-27-2004, 02:12 AM
what about Elves?
08-27-2004, 06:08 PM
well, I am so indecicive. I stared at this screen for 5 minutes thinking about which race to choose, but then I had to eat and now I am back. I have chosen, though somewhat uncharactaristic of me, Ranareth.
name: Evelyn Liratha
age; 29
race; Ranareth Faerie
hair; dark, slightly past her shoulders. She doesnt like it too long, but this is perfect. Usually in a pony tail.
eyes; medium brown
appearance; doesnt like flashy things, she is simple and clean, does not wear dresses, perfers a long coat when she goes out at night, during the day she wears pants and a shirt and soft boots. She is about 5'8, slim but not thin, more muscular but not ripped, if you follow me.
personality; friendly but not hyper and crazy. she likes to talk, but not to everyone and anyone. She likes the woods and traveling, she can fight well. She is nice and can be very funny when you get to know her. She has more personality and depth than meets the eye and loves company.
Weapons; lots of little hidden daggers, a long knife at her belt and a short bow.
I'm not sure where she'll be able to fit into the story, I'll edit back later with some more details about where she is and how she contributes.
Gulio, Strength of Many
08-27-2004, 10:31 PM
Hmm... I don't think I'm quite suited for a Fae, though being ebil sounds kinda fun. -ebil grin- Perhaps... -thinks- Ohtay! I have decided!
Name: Belaparthalion
Race: Ompatha'in :evil:
Gender: Male
Occupation: Assassin
Appearance: Belaparthalion is very tall, standing just over six feet. He his powerfully built, with broad shoulders and muscles. His skin is very thick, and he doesn't need any armor to protect him. He wears a loose black tunic and trousers. His huge leathery wings are folded like a regal cape when he's not in flight.
Personality: He's very cruel, and enjoys nothing more than Ranareth, whom he considers his greatest enemy. Along with his cruelty is a predatorial cunning, which often allows him to dispose of his targets when he chooses to do so.
Weapon: A vicious, -red scimitar with jagged edges.
There, that's better. Sorta. Anywho, it's probably all you're gonna get. :D
trolls' bane
08-28-2004, 03:46 PM
Well, I got this down pretty well except the name (I'm awful at names) so I'll just use a name generator for now. I'll also have to change a part of it if there are no orcs.
I never thought about it, but Luthien is a Demigod :eek:.
Race: Malthin (Demigod)
Gender: Male/tree
Description: Seldom walks in man-form, but usually sits around as a beautiful tree that eats orcs (delicious) and owns a rather long sword, which is meant to look like half of an elongated leaf (a very long and narrow sword) which matches his tree form leaves. Avoids people, but will fight for oppressed people and food (orcs, of course :p). In man-form he's sometimes thought to be a shorter Telokin, or more often the son of a larger Telokin.
Companions: Very powerful god disguised as a rat, or sometimes a plant: He always is something small whatever he chooses to look like, but usually is an eagle or other bird when his demigod friend is in tree form, which he perches on the higher branches. Also two faries: one of each type, who are always arguing.
Btw, are the Ranareth more agreeable or MRE agreeable:p:confused:?
EDIT: The Generator says my name is: Zaminzan :rolleyes:. You think I should use an elvish name rather than an Andunic name? Elvish would be Gornedlor, or Gornedlorion. Not exactly the best names, but their the best I could find. :p
08-28-2004, 08:22 PM
Gulio playing some one mean? wow :p *pinches her cheeks* you're too nice.
08-29-2004, 12:12 AM
What are the Kishin like. I know they're Elves, but they're not exactly the same are they?
just so I know how to make my character.
Gulio, Strength of Many
08-29-2004, 12:14 AM
:D Thanks, Pip! I thought it was time for a change. This should be fun, if I can ever fix the horrid description. -shudder- Anywho, I shall go and do what I can to improve it. Oh, and when you said Faerie, you mean literal, and not another name for Orcs, right? Because if not, then Belaparthalion would be a VERY strange Orc. ^^
trolls' bane
08-29-2004, 12:19 AM
Oh, and when you said Faerie, you mean literal, and not another name for Orcs, right? Because if not, then Belaparthalion would be a VERY strange Orc. ^^
Orcs? Oh you must mean food :p.
Gulio, Strength of Many
08-29-2004, 12:27 AM
I had an idea (I know, a very rare occurance)! What if my character was sent to kill one of your characters, Narinya? 'Twould bring him into the RP (something I was wondering how to do), and would make for an interesting plot. ^^
trolls' bane
08-29-2004, 12:29 AM
Yeah, that would be cool! :D
If your an orc, Guilo, can I eat you ;)? Please :)? Just one bite?
Gulio, Strength of Many
08-29-2004, 12:31 AM
Meep. -hides- :D
trolls' bane
08-29-2004, 12:35 AM
Here orcky, orcky.
I don't want to hurt you. I just want to eat you.
I don't want to hurt you! I just want to make you Kosher :D !
Got that from some movie I saw.
Just one small bite? Please?
Btw, my character only eats orcs in tree form.
08-29-2004, 10:55 AM
I was awondering how we was to come into the plot. Gulio's idea was good, but everyone would be dead if we -all- killed off someone. We nee Narinya to come back and clear some stuff up. Yes we do :)
08-29-2004, 02:01 PM
After long dreaded weeks of writers block, and a few days of the thrice be-dratted school, I have finally got a character idea! Right-ho then...
Name: Daeral
Gender: Male
Race: Methada'in
Appearance: He cuts an impressive figure, being two inches below six feet. Broad chest, muscled arms, his skin a golden brown, a testament for his love of the outdoors, which he saw more rain than sun.
He usually wears a dark colored tunic and cloak for hiding in the forests when hunting. At his side, on a belt, is a sword and a few throwing daggers. He also has a dirk in his boot. He isn't too great at long ranging weapons, and perfers close combat.
Personality: He can be secretive at times, but he usually speaks his mind. A loyal companion but also a strong will that usually gets him into trouble. He does what he thinks is right in his eyes and not in the eyes of others. So in this battle, he hasn't really decided yet.
There we go, do I need anything else?
08-29-2004, 09:04 PM
I join! Once again, can I be one of your characters, such as the usually small-yet-powerful god or the MRE agree able fairy?
I think Narinya is on now, btw. :D
08-29-2004, 09:32 PM
Yes, I just got on a minute ago. I've been buisy these past two weeks between work and practicing to try out for the Talent Show.
One question from you all, what's MRE? :confused:
I'll add your characters to the list here in a min.
Thoes of you who have posted your characters, go on ahead and post in the RP if you'd like.
ethuiliel, no problem. There's no real rush, though the sooner the better.
troll's bane, one of my friend's nick-name is Orcy!
All right then. Kishin...
They do have a finit lifespan (3 trillion years), but Rathlas has only been "created" for the past nine thousand years so no one knows that yet. It is believed that they can live forever because none have died of old age as yet. They are born about half the size of a human baby and only after three months of gestation.
At age 150, they are concidered adults. Most of them are held under Areanna's power, but aren't called on to fight for her. Areanna doesn't pay mutch attention to them, and so some who do find fault with her ways find little difficulty becomming allies with Kirsinari. However, if Areanna found out about this, she would try and have them brought back and make an example of them by publicly decapitating them, as was a common punishment for treason in the Middle-Ages.
The thing that really sets them apart from Tolkien's elves is the fact that they can become Istari. Usually it is a personal choice that one would make to dedicate their lives in fighting Bathsham that way, but other times (as in Andon's situation) they are forced into it for commiting certain crimes.
They are taken to the City of the Skies (Valinor) and are trained by the Malthin (Valar/Valier) that they are to serve directly. Thoes who are forced into it are sent to fight against Bathsham from the side of Middle Earth. Thoes who choose to become an Istar fight on Rathlas' side of the battle.
Hope that clears it up for you a bit better! :D
EDIT: Yes, there is something else you all could add (if you would, please).
Who are you allied to? Areanna, Kirsinari, or another group? Not at all? Please put something so we'll be better able to know what stand you're taking on this.
thank you,
trolls' bane
08-29-2004, 09:48 PM
An MRE is a dehydrated food pack: all you do is add water. Drinks are usually powdered. They're usu. used for military and backpackers. In this case it would'nt be dehydrated, but rather something more like cram, and lembas. Since MREs don't usually taste very good (so I've heard), cram would more suitably fit the definition.
Sneak, start making up your own characters :p. You can join me, but as someone else. Sorry ;).
08-29-2004, 10:10 PM
troll's bane, the companion for your character, were you referring to Chalin/Kebbin?
trolls' bane
08-29-2004, 10:25 PM
Who :confused: !?
08-29-2004, 10:31 PM
troll's bane, the companion for your character, were you referring to Chalin/Kebbin?
What TB said.
trolls' bane
08-29-2004, 10:47 PM
troll's bane, the companion for your character, were you referring to Chalin/Kebbin?
Oh, are you referring to the powerful god that is always something small? I don't know who that is (if it's on your site, I'm reading it but I always get side-tracked with your quizzez or something on here, my boards, nationstates, or one of my two websites, one which is co-owned with sneak).
08-29-2004, 11:06 PM
Oh, are you referring to the powerful god that is always something small? I don't know who that is (if it's on your site, I'm reading it but I always get side-tracked with your quizzez or something on here, my boards, nationstates, or one of my two websites, one which is co-owned with sneak).
You should have bought a squirrel.
trolls' bane
08-29-2004, 11:08 PM
Huh? :confused:
Oh, that. :D Cool to put it in your sig. and you put me ine too! :cool:
Gulio, Strength of Many
08-30-2004, 02:19 AM
No eatey of my charrie, TB! -pokepoke- Anywho, be it hokay if my character (which will NOT be eaten by TB) ish after one of youse guys?
trolls' bane
08-30-2004, 02:31 AM
No eatey of my charrie, TB! -pokepoke- Anywho, be it hokay if my character (which will NOT be eaten by TB) ish after one of youse guys?
I said please :(! That's okay. I'm entering the RPG now. I've got enough on my character, and I'll call him both, but I think I'll start with Zaminzan :D. It's got a kinda treeish sound to it. Are there ents? If not I'll edit my RPG post to make them something else.
08-30-2004, 03:50 PM
you can come after me! hunt me down! just dont kill me, I wouldnt appreciate it. :)
09-01-2004, 09:27 PM
Sorry, TB. I forgot to post that part last time I got to the Library. It is described in Creation and Early Histories, but that isn't posted yet.
Chalin and Kebbin are Malthin brothers, one tends to the earth its self and the other tends to the plants and small animals. Both are shapeshifters, and they were made directly by the first two Malthin, Alklen and Defdam, so they are extreemly powerful among the Malthin.
See you all in the RP!
trolls' bane
09-01-2004, 09:41 PM
Akay, I guess either one would work, but Kebbin the best probably. I've already posted in the RPG, but I gave it more of a 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea intro (in chapter one, The Drifting Reef if you've read it).
09-01-2004, 09:44 PM
Haven't read it, but got the gyst none the less.
I just posted as well. Give me a min, and I'll place the names up on your caracter. K?
trolls' bane
09-01-2004, 09:49 PM
Great one. Never got mixed into an RPG that quickly. I jsut don't know what the real enemy is, one of the tribes you mentioned on you site, or are they all allied against "Bathsam," or are they against it and eachother. I was thinking the second, but I'm not 100% clear. That's one of the reasons I chose to go against the orcs, but the main reason for that is because they've been in my forest and annoying friendly villages, and causing the usual defileing and destruction orcs cause. :D
Edit: add in the Phosphorescent Hound as well. But that's SR's character, but he needs to make up a description for that.
09-02-2004, 12:55 AM
I'll post my character soon... this weekend at the latest. I promise... :(
Coming up with a character is always the hardest part, because once you know the personality of the person you're controlling, you already have an idea of how they'll react in a situation, and given the situation, it's not to difficult to act out their reactions. So I promise that once I have my character, I will regualarly relply to the RPG, and will be active.
But when I'm tired or busy, I can't come up with yet another person.
I know, excuses, excuses.... I really will make a character this weekend when I actually have the time. And now I have to go to bed.
09-03-2004, 02:36 PM
Ok, so I am just going to jump in, I'll edit if need be. Do we have a map? A map would be nice. So, I am planning on just showing up and explaining the Ranareth's situation, (which I dont know yet, probably some raid of Maya or summat) Anywho, I guess I can go from there, but I am really not good at just making up story lines when theres already some there. Yeah, that made no sense. I'll edit when I figure out if I did anything wrong :)
09-03-2004, 11:30 PM
It's almost like a dubble love triangle or something...
At first, they were all against Bathsham (Mordor), but then Areanna began to turn. She killed her husband and began to build her own kingdome in the Long Mountains. She flip flops back and forth between good and evil for a while, eventually having Andon (Gandalf), twins Kaelan and Istin, and a girl who's name changes each time something is added on about her. Finally Areanna declaired herself against Rathlas when her oldest son, Andon, commits the crime of marrying a Telokin woman, Narinya the Kelena ribe leader.
The fae also declair themselves in league with Bathsham about the same time, though against Areanna because she has taken some of their sacred lands.
Kaelen and Istin are neutral because they are cought in the crossfire of all of this, being between Bathsham/Sheraninian (the faery stronghold), and being Areanna's sons, as well as still holding out for their brother's decendents.
The Maya Tribe and the Kelena Tribe have been at each other's throats since nearly the beginning of Salin Mala as a country in Rathlas after the Fall of Nedarin. Therefor, Areanna recruits them to aid her, bribing them with the aid in defeating the Kelena Tribe.
The other two tribes are neutral between the Kelenas and the Mayas. They're the Selenas and the Declerins, but they are still definitly against Bathsham and Areanna.
Is this too long of an explenation?
How about this:
Sidded just with "Good":
Kirsinari, Kelena Tribe, Calar, Farna Sillillian, Wasim
Sidded just with Bathsham:
Areanna, Faeries, Maya Tribe, Caront (island)
Selena and Decariel Tribes, Hills of Hefelo, Norodil (island), and Kaltolam Planes
Lelas, Esteme Ketor, Long & Barren Mountains, Khazadcaledon, Shaw Tree Woods
All this is how things are at the time of the RP.
Well, let's see what can be posted in the RP to help this out a bit...
09-05-2004, 04:29 PM
Okay, I'm making my character. FINALLY!
Name: Calyniel (just using a name generator... oh well)
Age: 321
Race: Kishin
Gender: Female
Occupation: spy for Kirsinari... other than that, nothing full-time.
Appearence: tall, skinny, with long golden-blonde hair that reaches her knees when it's not tied up into tight braids wrapped around her head... which it often is because it can easily get in the way. dark green eyes. A kind and plain but pretty face that leads people to trust her without her or them even realizing it.
Personality: Cheerful but quiet. Nothing seems to bother her... though it often does. She doesn't say much, and even when she does speak she rarely reveals her innermost thoughts and feelings.
Weapons: sword, bow&arrow (not that many know she can use them)
Allied with: Kirsinari, few know, or even suspect that she's allied with anyone.
I'm not quite sure how to introduce her. Should she just come to Kirsinari with a message or something?
trolls' bane
09-05-2004, 06:18 PM
At least I'm not the only one using name generators :p.
Edit: Sneak, get character up. Now. :mad:
09-05-2004, 09:14 PM
Oh, so the faeries are bad. Thats nice to know, lol. I didn't know that. Oh well, I didn't have any plans anyway. I am horrible at jumping into RPs, I can never even manage to start my own. Anywho, I think I'll just wait it out for a while until I find a little hole to slip in. Gulio, you can still chomp after my bum, if you like ;)
trolls' bane
09-05-2004, 09:23 PM
Neither did I. Can there be any faries that are'nt bad, like the two that are always fighting, in my company.
09-06-2004, 03:59 PM
I didn't mean to say that all the faeries are bad! Just thoes who chose to follow Rarian (their queen) over to Bathsahm's side.
There are plenty who aren't bad. It's mainly the Ompatha'in who cause the trouble.
Haven't been home since yesterday morning, so please excuse my absence. I'll jump right on getting your character up, ethuiliel.
trolls' bane
09-06-2004, 07:37 PM
Okay, good. That leaves the two with me in. I've typed more, but not quite enough, so I'll paste it from word later. That's how I do all RPG's where I haven't met any of the other characters in it yet, and I think it helps typing it ahead of time.
09-06-2004, 07:39 PM
I've got to make up some sort of name for my two characters, the phosphorescent hound (me) and the 7 foot rat, both of which are in TB's company. youll have to control them for now, TB.
trolls' bane
09-06-2004, 07:41 PM
Help me type it out later on. This is the perfect opportunity to do it my way, at least until we mingle with another character.
09-07-2004, 10:23 AM
Ooooooh ok! Well I guess I'm good then. I'll just wait around and observe for a while though. Feel free to add me in anywhere. Just goin' with the flow, baby.
TEA TIME *hoses everyone down*
09-08-2004, 11:10 AM
Gee. Thanks. As if I wasn't all ready soaking from all this rain. But if it has caffeine, spray some in my mouth!
They let school out today because of the flooding. Some of my family is traped where we would have went had we gotten flooded out. See, they live on higher ground and we live in a hollow by a creek, but the river has them traped two ways.
They had to let out all three dams last night becasue of the water, and there were 16 foot waves in the river, or so my aunt said when she called. She and some other family live on that same river.
They got traped, but I still have to work, darn it.
Okay, then, back to what we're here to talk about:
Ya'll can start posting any time you like. Please Post! It's getting hard without any one else, and TB only posting once!
09-08-2004, 05:54 PM
Your welcome :) Tea is good for everything.
We didn't get hit bad by Charley or Frances. Hopefully third times the charm and Ivan won't be bad either.
I posted, dont know how well it'll work, but i think it'll come out ok.
09-08-2004, 09:48 PM
Well, let's just go and see. I'm sure it's fine, Pip.
09-08-2004, 11:12 PM
I finally posted, and I wrote it as if Calyniel (and if I ever spell that wrong it's because I can never remember it) is a spy for Kirsinari among the Kishin, and as near to Areanna as she can get. And she has a message right now, about a friend and fellow spy, named... okay, I haven't gotten that far yet.
I hope that's okay.
09-09-2004, 10:01 PM
I hope this doesn't count as a double post... :(
Well, I just changed my character's bio a tiny bit...
And I came up with a name for Calyniel's friend, though I didn't use it yet. (and yes, it's another name generator name) It's Eladda.
It's up to you, but I think Kirsinari might want to ask Calyniel about him, as they were partners.
09-11-2004, 06:11 PM
I don't think it'll cout as a dp, since there was reasonable ime between posts and they're not copies of each other...
I'll go ahead and edit your character's thingy then. sotty, but I'm in Pippin mode today. Just fell asleep watching ROTK this morning and ended up having dreams about him and came out in Pippin mode, so...
Gulio, Strength of Many
09-12-2004, 05:01 PM
-bounds in- Hallo everyone! Sorry it's been so long, I've been gone on vacation, a high-school retreat, and a cross country meet back-to-back. I is rather tired... -yawn-
Gulio, you can still chomp after my bum, if you like
Ooh! -bares teeth- Chomp chomp! :D
09-13-2004, 07:06 PM
HEY! I HAVE HAD 1,000 POSTS! I BEAT YOU GULIO! muahahahahahaha!!!! Congradulate me I say! We need Legoles to join this posse so we can have most of the old gang back. *drags Akai back* She's all busy with school :(
Anywho, *parties like mad and screams "Lets get it started" at the top of her lungs*
uh huh. in here.
09-13-2004, 09:03 PM
Welcome back, Guilo.
Huray for Pippin!
Well, not mutch else to say in here, so I'll mosy on over to the RP and see what can be posted from my end of it...
Gulio, Strength of Many
09-19-2004, 02:19 PM
Not fair, I say! I was gone for a week and a half! :D Congratz, Pip! -gives 'happy 1000 posts' cake-
Anywho, I shall try and enter in now. Chomp! :D
trolls' bane
09-19-2004, 08:42 PM
I'll try to finish reading the RPG and writing later. I've got writers block again, though I didn't exactly leave a good place topick up from.
09-22-2004, 02:48 PM
muahaha, thanks Gulio.
Anywho, that's good stuff Gulio, I'm scared ;) *cackles* Bring it on.
90 SECOND RULE! Evil imp of the devil. Spawn of the Dark One. Bane of all that is Mootish. My kryptonite! *screams and runs away*
09-23-2004, 12:30 AM
Speak not of the foul time limit! -stabs 90-second rule with a spork- DIE!!! -90-second rule beast eats spork- 0.0 Uh oh... RUN AWAYYY!!!
Meep, I'm logged in as my sista again! Hello everyone, it's Gulio on sissy's account. ^^
trolls' bane
09-23-2004, 06:53 PM
What is it with you people and sporks :p ?
Wait till you guys see how I got out of writers block, and now have something good to go on :D.
09-24-2004, 10:10 PM
What's wrong with sporks?
What's this about a 90 second rule? Is that to try and get rid of dubble posting or something?
TB can't wait.
trolls' bane
09-24-2004, 10:19 PM
Well, I'll post it now, well, soon, since I'm kinda busy with four boards. i have to find the paper--here it is.
09-25-2004, 07:58 PM
I think I'm gonna call on you all for some help. It's safe to say that thoes who have posted are good writters who may be able to help out.
The boy,Nakra, and the wolf,Felin, are troubeling me. I don't know what their significance is yet, and they persist on being a part of Kirsinari's life.
What should I do about them? They won't leave, that's for sure,so what should I do with them, seeing as they refuse to reveal their purpose to me or any one else I've asked?
09-26-2004, 05:47 PM
Well, I'm flattered and all, but I just go with the flow, lol, especially in this rpg, where everything is so darn confusing! So, I don't think, unfortunately, that I am of much help in this case. And I doubt Evelyn would have anything to do with it. *eyes TB* you help her *sits in a corner and sips citrus tea...ahhh citrus*
trolls' bane
09-26-2004, 05:53 PM
But I already helped her. I got showed her where to get a free message board. :p
09-26-2004, 07:56 PM
lol thanks anyways guys.
I think there's another reason for him, and it doesn't really have mutch to do with Kirsinari, but he's acting through it. It's kind of a personal, religious thing that you'd all send me to a nut house for if I tried to explain.
10-09-2004, 01:53 PM
Um... I've been thinking about Calyniel's spying, and her dreams. Eladda must have uncovered some important plot before he was caught, or at least before he died, and Calyniel will have to re-discover it somehow. But what kind should the plot be?
10-09-2004, 01:55 PM
aaarrghh! I did it again... Yes that was me...
10-10-2004, 03:01 PM
It could be ANYTHING! Look at it this way...
Who was the plot formed by, concerning who or what5 in general, not nessicarily the spacifics just yet. When you get a general idea, dig deeper, but slowly, into the details. Discover the heart of a plot like you'd take off the layers of an onion.
10-12-2004, 10:20 PM
TB, quick question, is Kirsinari or Talwren supposed do know who/what he is? I'm not sure how to post without knowing this first.
trolls' bane
10-12-2004, 11:44 PM
Nope. Well, perhaps a fantom of a ghost image of a slight hunch.
10-14-2004, 06:19 PM
*bumpity* it seems like we've been slowing down a bit. Or maybe that was just me. Either way, what happens next? Are we running after the enemy or summat? Soooo, what happens next?
Gulio, Strength of Many
10-14-2004, 07:35 PM
Meep, it's been a long time since I posted. Like, a REALLY long time. Sorreh! -scuttles off to the RP to be malevolent and ominous and generally not nice-
10-14-2004, 09:08 PM
Gulio, could Calyniel discover your plot... that would make my part easier... than coming up with something completely new.
10-15-2004, 05:14 PM
Gulio, we were wondering when you'd be back around again!
Sorry everybody, but this is getting difficult. Pippin's right, we need to get to the heart of the matter, and soon. So, if Gulio and TB get there after the next three posts at most (that means total posts mind you), we can get this thing underway.
So far, here's what we know about the characters:
Evelyn is a quick learner, eager to aid Kirsinari and the Ranareth whom are under thret from their Ompatha'in counterparts. She is going to be included into the bulk of Tavin's army being trained in the Kaltolam Planes south of Ternata Tehortha in the mountains.
Belaparthalion is serving Areanna the Amala Daera in the Ice City in the Long Mountains east of Ternata Tehortha. He is sent to eliminate Evelyn.
Zaminzan is come into Kirsinari's palace with two Fae companions, has scared a servent, has chosen to follow the group leaving for the Kaltolam Planes, and is determined to speak with Kirsinari.
Daeral? When is Aewionen gonna get in here? Anybody know?
Calyniel is a Kishin spy for Kirsinari whom had to flee Areanna's palace recently due to the beheadding of her partner Eladda and the suspition that the others knew about her. She is headding off with the others to train new spies the ways of Areanna's lands and what she knows of the Amala Daera's plans.
Talwren Davion is returning to take back commanding Kirsinari's army, and is plagued with remembering what he and she had faced before while finding himself wanting to be around her more to give their past a second chance. He is unsure of what to think of Evelyn, but is cautious around Calyniel.
Kirsinari the Fala Naera is sturggling to keep her place in the stand against Bathsham, and her sister Areanna the Amala Daera. She is besetted by a phantom boy and his dog whom, for some odd reason, makes her feal uncomfortable dispite the fact that she is one of the most powerful beings in Rathlas. She shunts aside her memories of Tavin and is doing her best to outsmart her sister and Bathsham at the same time.
Now. Here's what we know is going to happen...
Belaparthalion is going to catch up with Evelyn and the others soon, whether it be when they're just leaving, or on their way south is unknown as of yet. Zaminzan is going to force his way to Kirsinari however he can, though he's making some attempt at formalities. Cyalniel is going to have to confront Belaparthalion and get the message that Eladda is tryng to et to her. Evelyn is going to get a major wake up call of some sort, but she'll come out of it the better. Tavin is going to be taken away from Kirsinari, making her less secure about herself, and she'll finally learn who the boy is, but at a price.
What happens next is really up to you all, just try to remember that the description of this RP was that they needed to objective to piece the Skystone back together again before Areanna and Sauron claim Rathlas or Andon will not be able to compleat his transformation into the Istar, Gandalf the Grey in time.
Gulio, Strength of Many
10-21-2004, 02:41 AM
Ethuiliel, that would rawk if Calinya discovered Belaparthalion's misson. 'Twould make interacting with you guys somewhat easier.
As for the truant who is unfortunately related to me, I shall poke her until she posts. :D
What if Belaparthalion was the one who found Eladda out, and executed him? Then he would know the message dealie, though he wouldn't say anything about it. And it would be a chance for me to be even MORE ebil, which is rather fun. :evil:
10-21-2004, 02:53 PM
Stop poking me!
Sorry, I forgot about this one. Just goes to show how great my memory is. ^^ Anywho... I shall post on the RP soon once I read all the posts and all that great stuff.
10-22-2004, 07:59 PM
This is getting better now :) You can't catch me Gulio! Na na na na na naaaa! Btw, I am asking for Monty Python and the Holy Grail for christmas because of your influence *tips hat* thank you. I would just buy it but I have no money and christmas is soon. Shrubbry *cackles*
10-23-2004, 11:54 PM
Are you guys going in the same general direction as Calyniel would be going to research her dreams? And should she go to Areanna's palace, head there, but end up turning aside, or go somewhere else entirely. Eladda found out whatever he found out in the palace, but she might have some sort of hunch that she would find something somewhere else. Though I was sort of planning an escape from the palace... Gulio, I really think we need to discuss this more.
trolls' bane
10-23-2004, 11:58 PM
Where am I going to come into this? Kiri had apparently not been notified of my presence as yet. :D
10-24-2004, 12:04 AM
We kind of distracted her, didn't we? Sorry about that...
trolls' bane
10-24-2004, 12:06 AM
Well, she can't not find out. I mean how many exits can a big palace have? ;)
But I'm afraid that even if she does find out, I won't be around. You see, my computer has a virus, and now I can only post on this one (mom's). :(
The time of my absence is indefinite.
10-24-2004, 07:42 PM
*grins* you know what I think we need, Gulio?
I am feeling a craving for an original Gulio masterpeice. Give us a song, pal! Do you remember the Rohirrim one? Ha! That was fabulous, you don't happen to remember what thread that was on, do you? Good times, goood times.
Gulio, Strength of Many
10-24-2004, 08:09 PM
Glad I could get you hooked on stupid British humor, Pip. :) NI!!! Anywho, a song sounds rather lovely, though I doubt I could top the Rohirrim one. :) Your Nazgul song was rather hilarious as well. :D Anywho, I shall certianly try...
Ohtay, this is taken from "I Just Wanna See" by Smash Mouth.
I Just Wanna See
A race that mines much gold
It's ok, watchin' the beards grow
And if you listen really hard
The Balrog snores when its dark
Sleeping the their mines the home they call
I don't know why they're hated by all
But I don't even wanna understand it all
I just wanna see...
All the little Dwarves gettin' down to the mithril
The boys all minin', where are all the women?
The little Dwarf smilin' at the Orc that he's killin'
The rats in the ground and the bats all sleepin'
Old Tharkun checkin' on how y'all livin'
The gems all winkin' at the torch that's dimmin'
I just wanna see...
That's all I've got so far. It's only about half the song, but I'll get the rest eventually. Care to help me out, Pip? :)
10-25-2004, 07:47 AM
Please stay on topic.
Gulio, Strength of Many
10-25-2004, 09:18 PM
Meepeth! A million apologies dearest Earniel, Moderator of exceeding might! -bows- Good going, Pip... ;) Anywho, off to post!
10-25-2004, 10:22 PM
TB I thought you'd planned on following us?
Oh, well. Perhaps dear old Pathan can get back by Kirsinari and mention it to her.
Let's see what can be done...
Camellia Baggins
11-04-2004, 05:35 PM
hi yall ive just joined since ive been begged by ethuiliel who is very overeager and is now bounceing up and down in her seat sayinmg post post post so naturally being perswaded so bombardly i cracked and regesterd so ethuiliel will shut up and stopp jumping up and down like a sychotic poodle but despite this i am really intreasted in joining this rpg i have decded on a charector it but ile post it latter since i dont have time becuase i am doing this im my study hall
trolls' bane
11-04-2004, 09:14 PM
hi yall ive just joined since ive been begged by ethuiliel who is very overeager and is now bounceing up and down in her seat sayinmg post post post so naturally being perswaded so bombardly i cracked and regesterd so ethuiliel will shut up and stopp jumping up and down like a sychotic poodle but despite this i am really intreasted in joining this rpg i have decded on a charector it but ile post it latter since i dont have time becuase i am doing this im my study hall
Wow! You've got strong lungs to say an entire paragraph on one breath :D !
Yes, I still plan to follow you. Just not right away. And now my virus is fixed.
11-04-2004, 09:44 PM
ooc: do to the very good convincing of my great and beautiful and smart and sweet and brilliant friend ethuliel I will join this rpg. :p
Name: Dulin (Dark pool)
Gender: Male
Race: Krishin (elven)
Occupation: Gypsie wanderer with the lost Krishin.
Age: Very old. (but doesn't act like it.)
Appearnce: Tall thin with raven black hair (due to the lack of light) slightly pale skin since his people have been traveling in the mountains and valleys trying to find acceptance from other elves but to no avail(sp). Dulin has dark brown gray eyes and wears usually dark brown and green clothing. A traveling cloak and walking stick and thick boots.
Personality: Dulin is independant and extremely curiose to the point that it gets him in trouble. He is deathly afraid of squirrels and tends to run from them when they approach. He is rather cold towards strangers at first. Trying not to show any weaknesses untill they have earned his trust. And has a great fondness for animals...except squirrels.
Weapons: Bow and arrow, dagger, and sling shot...for squirrels.
Companion: Orodroch (mountain horse) and he is a llama. Yes, a llama.
Currently on no side.
I will start my jouney on the rpg. Though I will not be able to read the whole thing I will just try to catch up.
ooc: And I do love squirrels by the way its just funny to create charcter who fears them. :D
11-04-2004, 11:14 PM
lol, sicirus... you and your llamas and squirells...
I feel very proud of myself for getting two friends to join on the same day... ;)
11-04-2004, 11:52 PM
Well now, welcome firstly to Camellia Baggins and Sicirus, and thank you for bringing them here, ethuiliel.
Firstly, just nit picking here since I haven't had a chance to nit pick at any body else yet today. Sicirus, watch your spelling. I know mine's not the best in the world either, but even I cought that. Kishin not Krishin, though I do like the added r sound. It does make it kind of pretty in a way. Second, it's the Telokin who do the wandering, usually lone taller ones or small groups of shorter ones with no more than ten to a group. As for other spelling;
Dulin is independant and extremely curiose to the point that it gets him in trouble.
Curiose should be curious. To tell the truth, I had to ask my grandmother how to spell it right.
I love your use of the words orod and roch for the llama. I was wondering when some one else who knew a bit of Sindarin would show up. Do you know any Quenya? I know some, but end up mixing it in with Sindarin to get a sentence out at school/work at times.
Otherwise. I like the character and would like to see how he'll fit in.
Now, Camellia Baggins. this may b the ooc where we know what ur talking about... But, do try to remember to use proper capitalization, full spelling, correct punctuation, actual paragraphs (Yes, I know indentions are out of the question.), and no emotocons in there either, o'kay? It just makes things so much more easy.
11-05-2004, 04:48 PM
I know some Quenya... but I keep forgeting it... anyways, as soon as Camellia Baggins shows up I'll have her post her character... don't know where she is, she said she'd be in study hall today... :confused:
11-05-2004, 09:31 PM
I am glad to be welcomed. By the way I will require some help with this type of rpg. I am use to the Lotr ones but this one seems odd. By the way this is not a certain type of person he is a Kishin (an elf) and a gyspei. He is not meant to be any other race.
I will try to be careful with my typing. It tends to go amiss when I am going fast.
I will try to jump now.
Cheers :)
Gulio, Strength of Many
11-05-2004, 11:47 PM
Haldo Sicirus! It's been a while, hasn't it? Wow.... Anywho, good to see you again. ^^
And to the new member, I would like to extend an special greeting. Because I'm hyper, and listening to good music, and I feel like it, by thunder! :)
Sweetest Camellia, fairest of fair
I certianly hope you have hair.
Because it would be sorta wierd if away it did rot.
Speaking of which, on topic I'm not.
Dear Camellia, your name is like Camel
I bet your dentist cleans your enamel.
You came and joined the RPPPPPP!!!!
And this is a wierd welcome from meeeeeee!
o0 Woah, I am wierd. Like, scary. Sorry if I freaked you out...
**is being on topic now**
I'm hoping I can meet up with you guys on the plains, and hopefully do some chomping at Pip there. ^^
11-07-2004, 08:02 PM
Well, why not. Rathlas isn't even half finished yet, so allowences can be made, especially here.
And we all know about the errors. I'm having the hardest time right now trying to type anything out with my wrist brace on.
Never fear to ask anybody for help, but if it's the nitty gritty about Rathlas, PM me and I'll tell you. Like I said, Rathlas isn't even half done yet. Most of what is written out or on disc isn't even on the site yet, but the sites are helpfull, so quick answeres may be found on the site linked in my signature.
Let's see what you've come up with then! :D
11-07-2004, 09:04 PM
Thanks for the greetings GSOM. Haven't been on any rpgs in awhile. Thought I might try a new one and see what happens. I have been bored with the internet lately so this aught to make it more appealing.
trolls' bane
11-09-2004, 11:33 PM
Sweetest Camellia, fairest of fair
I certianly hope you have hair.
Because it would be sorta wierd if away it did rot.
Speaking of which, on topic I'm not.
Dear Camellia, your name is like Camel
I bet your dentist cleans your enamel.
You came and joined the RPPPPPP!!!!
And this is a wierd welcome from meeeeeee!
Old line from my old days at L.S.: Okay...I've seen enough.
11-09-2004, 11:59 PM
Okay, back on topic. Calyniel still hasn't left... will someone ask her about the vision or something, or should she just leave?
Camellia Baggins
11-10-2004, 05:12 PM
name; Salairirania or rania for short
race; Kishin
age 200 to 300
appearance: Rania is a shimmery goldem blond with sharp hawk like blue eyes. She is tall but with a hour glass frame makeing her more womenly and less like a been pole, and a very expressive face.
abilitys; can change into a fox when cornered by males since she is nautrally leary around men and a hawk when her restless spirt tells her that tis time to saor to new hights and discover more of her world and also can sleep comfortabbly in trees
weppons; she has a elvish sword, a bow and arrows, a sling shot, and a dagger hidden in the boot.
companions; cassandra a horse who when she becomes a hawk becomes the body of it as well
Lostyia Delr-Padroot
11-10-2004, 06:08 PM
name:Lostyia Delr- Padroot nickname: padroot (but some just call me lost)
Age: 2764
Race: mix: Kishin and sprite
Gender: Female
Occupation: wise old woman ( a warrior and wizard but just prefer wize old woman)
Appearence: i am 5 foot 4 inches use to be 6 foot 9 in before my stoop. i have blueish gray eyes (kinda like a fog). but they change acording to my mood. i have long dark brown hair with white streaks.i wear a humongous cloak that look like it don't git but has many goodies hidden in it. i have a staff that represents each of the elements. i dont like wearing shoes but will when i am in a phsicall battle.
Personality: very opionated, but not rude. gets exited over the simplist of theings. demand respect. i have a vague past (to others). very moody but also calm. (have to read between the lines with me.)
Weapons: a staff a bag of herbs a flute and a medallion. am good with a sword and shield also a good archer but prefer not to carry them. people get the wrong idea with them.:)
Allied with: i have no true allies but few believe i am allied with them and some think they are my enimies but i could care less. have many sources though.
loves: book and the earth. also to laugh randomly.
11-10-2004, 11:26 PM
All right now! LISTEN UP! This is not Middle Earth per say. It is Rathlas, during the same times as Middle Earth's last struggle with Sauron.
Use Rathlin terms like Kishin, not elves, and Ompatha'in or Ranareth instead of faery. I do like the fact that you've taken to this story, but please understand that while this rpg is teid in with Middle Earth, it is it's own unique land and tales.
Now, Sicirus has done a fine job of tieing in Middle Earth and making Rathlas a seperate place as well. She uses the term elf because of the fact that his character is an elf from Middle Earth. That is allowed, but only while your character is concidered of the "West Lands" as Middle Earth is called in Rathlas.
I don't mean to sound bossy or rude, but do remember that this rpg was and still is about what keeps the Kelena "princess" alive through these times, even though she hasn't been introduced yet. We've still got a ways to go before that happens. I also realize that rpgs take on a life of their own because the participents are so far removed from one another more often than not, making it more true to how things would happen, and at the same time making it veer off course.
Now, Sicirus, Camellia Baggins, and Lostyia Delr-Padroot, I will post your characters on the list. Thank you for joining and adding your insights and openions and ideas to this rpg.
Really, I do mean that! Honest! Oh, don't make me do the Tortuga Twin's opening lines again! O'kay fine I'll do them for you...
Children! Oh, children! If your parents do not bring you to see this show, it's because they don't really love you. Your real parents were eaten by evil space aliens. Santa Claus is really just wierd uncle Jimmy. Barnie secretly hates you. Sponge Bob Square Pants causes cancer, and we're not too sure about thoes darned Powerpuff Girls either. We'll tell you the real reason why Elmo wants to be tickled. Did you ever notice how that doll kind of vibrates? So, parents, bring your little ancle biters over here...
hehe. It goes on and on...
ethuiliel, you could make it to her remembering what happened and having kept it quiet, rethinking her decision to say nothing. She could have left with the others to begin with for some reason, then going back to her origional idea to go back to Kelekris to see what Eladda wanted her to know. The decision is really up to you. I'm waiting on TB. Dono if he's posted yet or not. Have to go see yet.
Sorry, Sicirus. I have the same problem at tolkienonline.
11-11-2004, 12:08 AM
Just so you know, Sicirus is a she, despite the fact that her character isn't.
Yay!! Camellia Baggins, you finally posted your character!! :D And I got you excited too :D ... lol.
I'm still really proud of myself... I got another recruit without even trying. Padroot (that's what you said to shorten it to, right?) saw/heard Camellia and I work on her character, and she wanted to join to. Go me!! Hey, can't I get excited about an RPG and be proud for recruiting? I don't care if Camellia Baggins calls me a psycotic poodle... :D I'll wear it as a badge of honor. No, I don't mean wearing a badge saying "psycotic poodle"... but I love being called crazy. Don't I, Sicirus?
Okay, I'll go post now.
Lostyia Delr-Padroot
11-11-2004, 05:35 PM
i have a few ideas i would like to put in. first me,ethuiliel, Camellia Baggins have a very intresting new character. this character is based on a teacher (who says it's okay with him) we were wondering if its find to add him. we three will be controlling him together. he would be a barthlam. thanks me.
next sooner or later Calyniel will be figured out about we have disscused and i would like to suggest that is how my character gets introduced. when she is at the exucution her head gets cut off. as an example ofcourse. and when the exacutioner puts it on public display it goes "poof" and disappears. and in the background you hear an old lady laghing. when they check the chamber she is gone. oh yeah we may have met when she droped off her horse at the inn. and let me make it clear she doesn't die but gets away.
P.S.i make the illusion
thank you lots
11-11-2004, 10:05 PM
Yes you are crazy Ethuliel...yes you are. :)
I need to figure out how Dulin should be introduced. The necklace he is wearing has a piece of the key on it by the way and thats why the rocs were chasing him besides the hunger they felt. So I need to figure out which charcter he will meet up with if any. So i think my next post will show that he leaves Mordor and enters Rathlin and then gets chased by more depressed orcs untill he may meet up with someone..*hint* *hint*. :D
11-11-2004, 10:28 PM
Yay! I'm crazy!
Yes, I think our teacher would make a great character... or at least an interesting one... lol.
And, padroot, I love your idea! I was wondering how Calyniel should escape. To let her escape without anyone noticing until after they think they saw her die, should be quite interesting...
Sici... good idea, but I doubt I'll be able to be the one meeting you.
Gulio, Strength of Many
11-12-2004, 09:22 PM
It's my birthday! I'm 16! And I just got back from my driver's test, which I PASSED! -does happy vroobadoo driving dance-
Anywho, welcome to Padroot! I'd write another poem, but I think I've d TB enough. :)
Hmm... my teachers would make... interesting RP characters. But I luffeth them all! 'Cept Mr. Gherman is a corner-killer! -angerness-
11-12-2004, 11:01 PM
Well, I guess I'll have to just list the characters with who's controlling them and their race. The whole post is far too long to be allowed even with adjustments, so I guess I'll make a web page or something with the characters listed on it in full or something. It should work.
Secondly, my deepist opoligies to you Sicirus for calling you a he. I know how mean that is.
I agree with the decisions made by you all concerning your characters, and by all means continue on with them! [Especially now that the actual Key is getting introduced!]
Off to see about the rpg now! :D
11-13-2004, 12:30 AM
Happy Birthday Gulio... and Camellia Baggins :).
Umm... of to go make Calyniel find something out.
Lostyia Delr-Padroot
11-13-2004, 02:58 PM
I read the whole rpg last night and this morning and i have a few questions. first of all what is a huorn. second, i apoligise for my characters race but my thought was that in some of the earlier postings it was said that there are many kinds of faries. and i assumed that scence a sprite was related to the fae it would be alright. so do you think the fae race could be explaned to me a little bit b'c i am confused first i thought there were many then there's only two. or is there more just they haven't been mentioned. oh on the character of the teacher i will post his character a little while later. i would also like to mention that i do infact have one allie for sure. which would be that character i just mentioned. i explain it more a little bit more later. i have to go.
11-13-2004, 07:33 PM
Hurons are a creature created by Tolkien. They're not ents, but they're not trees either. I guess you could say they're an in-between of the two. Hurons were seen at Isengard when the Ents attacked Saruman and his half-breed orcs.
As for the faeries. I meant types as in the physical. When it comes to race, they all come together under two sections of one whole. First is the Ranareth, the more friendly kind, then there's the Ompatha'in, the more hateful, violent, and even tricky kind. Being Ranareth or Ompatha'in is really more of a personality/allience grouping. Sprite would be the physical type of fae. All that really needs to be added is whether your character is more Ranareth, or more Ompatha'in.
Happy late Birthday, Gulio, and Camellia Baggins! :p
11-14-2004, 01:17 PM
I tried to explain huorns to Padroot yesterday... I think she got it, but I didn't do a very good job of it. Your explaination was a little better.
Anyway, should I discover something more than just the plan to attack Evelyn? Some major attack, or something? It seems kind of pointless to go all that way just to discover something we already know from dreams and visions.
11-14-2004, 01:20 PM
What about why Areanna turned? Maybe she has all but the last two or three pieces of the Key? Maybe her planns dealing with distroying the Kelena Tribe by bribing the Maya tribe once more?
11-14-2004, 01:23 PM
I was just about to add another idea. Maybe she heard about Dulin's piece of the Key, and was plotting to get it. But that sounds good too. I think I'll need to understand more before I can write it. Unless you want to post the conversation I overhear.
Lostyia Delr-Padroot
11-15-2004, 05:30 PM
i was just wondering your thoughts on this so we can start getting these thoughts to reality.
i have a few ideas i would like to put in. first me,ethuiliel, Camellia Baggins have a very intresting new character. this character is based on a teacher (who says it's okay with him) we were wondering if its find to add him. we three will be controlling him together. he would be a barthlam. thanks me.
next sooner or later Calyniel will be figured out about we have disscused and i would like to suggest that is how my character gets introduced. when she is at the exucution her head gets cut off. as an example ofcourse. and when the exacutioner puts it on public display it goes "poof" and disappears. and in the background you hear an old lady laghing. when they check the chamber she is gone. oh yeah we may have met when she droped off her horse at the inn. and let me make it clear she doesn't die but gets away.
P.S.i make the illusion
thank you lots
second i said i would introduce my teachers character so here goes (she writes with ethuiliel giggling right beside her)
name: Tarkhjn Pavhowlh (or just pavhowl) the j sound is the sound of an i as in in.
age 135years not seconds days or weeks
personality: ANNOYING! but a genious, unfortunatly for others. he has many contacts but prefers just using his cover up as a merchant and jipping his customers while confusing them. perposely takes things literly(sorry for mispells) even though they dont relate to anything that matters. very annil about language. loves to make random connections all the time.
looks:short and stocky, has a dark beard with one little random spot that is white. (and is a real feature about him exept is a gotee) he is going bald on the top but no one ever mentions it :mad: he has dark hazel eyes. and a pale skin. also has big ears he is 4 feet three inches. has tons of hair on arms.
11-16-2004, 04:45 PM
It's amazing how well you discribe him, and how easy it is to adjust him to fit the character of a Dwarvish merchant... lol.
And... I'm still very apprehensive about writing an overheard converation.
11-16-2004, 05:48 PM
Secondly, my deepist opoligies to you Sicirus for calling you a he. I know how mean that is.
I agree with the decisions made by you all concerning your characters, and by all means continue on with them! [Especially now that the actual Key is getting introduced!]
Off to see about the rpg now! :D
LOL Its okay, it's not the first time I have been called a "he". It's the screen name Sicirus that brings on the idea. ;)
Anyway, my charcter has a piece of the key by the way if you are curiouse about the stone around his neck. So thats how my charcter should be put into the story. He is clueless about the key yet has a piece of it that everyone around him wants so it's hard for him to know who to trust really.
Lostyia Delr-Padroot
11-17-2004, 05:34 PM
any who about if im good or not that is a very vague side of my character because she choose neither and both like i said very vague. it will be reveild by her actions later i guess b/c its still in the air :confused:
11-18-2004, 11:16 PM
any who about if im good or not that is a very vague side of my character because she choose neither and both like i said very vague. it will be reveild by her actions later i guess b/c its still in the air :confused:
Characters with unknown alliences are always perfect for any story. :D
Gulio, Strength of Many
11-22-2004, 12:34 AM
Ah yes, shady alliances are very fun. They make for excellent potential plot twists. :D
By the way, I got green shoes! -huggles-
-ahem- Sorry about the lack of posting. I'm waiting for the merry group to gambole off to the plains so I can go chomping. Muahahaha!
11-25-2004, 10:16 PM
Can you tell us a little more about the geography of Rathlas? or do you have a map? I'm kind of confused, or should I say lost...
11-26-2004, 01:13 PM
I could ry and recreate the map with "Paint" or "Microsoft Picture It", but that wouldn't be as easy as just telling you. I've got about ten different maps of Rathlas as a whole, two or three on each indivitual city, and about five on each individual "Kingdome".
But, here's a general discription:
I guess we should start in the far North and West.
The land of Sheraninan is a rather soggy country. At the heart of it is an area called Laurin, much like the Dead Marshes near Mordor in Middle Earth.
South of that is a land called Bathsham, in other words, Mordor and the lands that the Easterlings inhabit. Sheraninan, however, extends much farther than that, and turns south into a mountainus region called Khazhad Calendelon who's capital is Corendela. And as you travel the length of the mountains south you come into a land called Calar.
Calar is only slightly hilly, and inhabited by the shorter Telokin people. Here a small river called Holbytla runs through the general cernter of the region.
Follow the Holbytla river East for three days and you will encounter a much larger river, the second largest in all of Rathlas called the Sheraninan River because it runs from the edge of Sheraninan in the North to much farther south of Calar into unknown lands. You'll still be in the general area inhabited by the Telokin, but there is no real name for this place. It is also here that you'll begin to see more of the taller Telokin.
Begin to move north again and you'll come into Esteme Ketor, but only after crossing the River Hope. Esteme Ketor actually begins at Uncoria Mountain that is slightly set out from the Khazhad Caledon mountains. The three main cities of Esteme Ketor are Estorer [just south of Sheraninan and a day wes of Uncoria Mountain. Nerador is situated allong the banks of the Sheraninan River about one and a half days travel north of the River Hope. Estorent, however, is south of Estorer and north of Nerador, also situated near the Sheraninan River, but equally as cloce to another river that boarders Esteme Ketor called the White river because it is so rough in all seasons. Farther east of Estorent are the Black Woods [called Blethan Weddin in old Nedarin] which is near the last boardering river called the Alantia River.
Directly north of Esteme Ketor as you cross the White River you come into a compleatly river sourounded land called Pheraya where the Ranareth usually are found. Traveling north from the White river, the lands become more and more hilly ntill you reach the Barren mountains, weathered hills, really, which hold the city of Kalafant which the Ompatha'in have overrun at aroud the time of this rp. Farther north, the lands are all flat, then green up a bit more as you near the Estorer Lake and creek which lead to the Salfray River. On the shores of the Estorer lake are the cities Phalmant and Pherason. The Alantia River, like with Esteme Ketor, also boarders the Eastern side of Pheraya.
North and a little East of Pheraya are the Short Mountains where Kirsinari inhabits the city of Ternata Tehortha wich [as Rathlin lore says] was created as a sister city to Minas Tirith in Middle Earth by the Quindi long before Man awakened. This land is a part of Lium Edeme. As you travel south of the Short Mountains in Lium Edeme, you come to the Kaltoloam planes, then to the Shaw River, half a day later to the River Alantia, and finally to the city of Meralet.
Traveling south of Meralet, you come into the Hills of Hefelo, kind of like Rohan. The Hills of Hefelo follow allong the Alantia River which makes a sudden Eastward swing that slowly slopes northwad from the southern end of Esteme Ketor. The capital of the Hills of Hefelo is called Eborner.
South of this, and a little more West towards Calar, you come to Salin Mala, a wodded area that is home to the five tribes; Kelena, Selena, Maya, and Decariel. The main cities here are Linara, Acarn, and Malindarin. The clear river runs through these woods, but though it enters the map from the south, it continues on Eastweard to the sea.
As you fallow this river, you come into Farna Sillilin, also a wooded land who's main city is south of the Clear River called Nenalef where Iandarin, the mythical prince of Nedar had hidden.
Not far north of Farna Sillilin, the land becomes bone dry once more. This land extends well into the north and is called Lelas. The cities of Vyddry, Breralon, Kemala, and Linar are all found here, each one carrying a different noted past. It was in Lelas that the Key to the Sky was destroied the first time. Lelas extends to the verry ocean its self. Some even concider the island of Caront to be a part of it, and the Alantia river cuts Lelas in half much like the Clear River does Farna Sillilin.
North of Lelas is Wasim. Wasim includes the Long Mountains and the Shaw Tree Woods. Near the Sea, the citis are Stella Maris, Telentlet, and Nimdolarian. The capital of Wasim is North of Nimdolarian, but inland around five day's travel called Edeme Lium. North and West of here are the Long Mountains where one would find the cities of Pareln and Kelekris [Areanna's city], as well as the mines of Resha. The Long mountains are south and east of the Kaltolam planes, and follow allong the River Alantia. The Shaw Tree Woods are where we first meet TB's character. They center around the Shaw River. The island of Norodil, north of Caront, is definitly a part of Wasim.
I hope that this helps.
11-26-2004, 04:14 PM
a little, but it's kinda hard to visualize. It does help, though. If you get access to a scanner, though, I'd like a map.
11-29-2004, 10:39 PM
I don't think I'll ever get hold of a scanner any time soon, but, like I said, I could try to recreate it again on the computer's arts system. That's actually how the final map was created.
I'll work on it some in the next cupple of weeks to get an o'kay representation to put up for every one. Just tell me about where you'd like to be in a pm or where you're headded and I'll give you a better description of the landscapes you'd be going through.
I know it's kind of hard to visualize, but it's the best I could do in one post like that, just giving a general description. Sorry that I couldn't do better for you all.
Lostyia Delr-Padroot
12-09-2004, 05:33 PM
I don't think I'll ever get hold of a scanner any time soon, but, like I said, I could try to recreate it again on the computer's arts system. That's actually how the final map was created.
I'll work on it some in the next cupple of weeks to get an o'kay representation to put up for every one. Just tell me about where you'd like to be in a pm or where you're headded and I'll give you a better description of the landscapes you'd be going through.
I know it's kind of hard to visualize, but it's the best I could do in one post like that, just giving a general description. Sorry that I couldn't do better for you all.
that's okay we will cope, um but i have one question is my group of travelers going north or south to meet with kirsani? second what i was want soon to meet with areanna after we meet with you, also my character will refuse to give away her part of the stone anytime soon. i know that will be figured out but i wanted to make sure no one puts that in their post( that i gave the stone away) any way that will be a few more days travel before anyone that will happen. also i want pavhowlh and camilla's character to meet us before we get their. hopefully when we get chased by some asassins. what do you think camilla?
well see ya later.
12-10-2004, 12:07 AM
You'd be traveling mostly West, but slightly north as well if you're expecting to go to Ternata Tehortha its self. If you're going to Kaltolam, them generally West.
I'm going to make a guestamate and say you're nearing the Alantia rivver by now. You're still in the Long mountains either way you choose. If you choose to go north before west here's what it'll look like:
You'll head northward across the width of the Long mountains, cross the Alantia River, continue through the mountains untill you reach the small flatlands between the Long Mountains and the Shaw Woods where TB's charracters are from. From there you will turn West towards the Shaw River. The lands will steadily climb untill you reach the river its self, after crossing the river, you'll be at the southern end of the Kaltolam lands, a platau, but a small one.
If you head West then turn North, here's what you'll see:
Going the length of the Long mountains, you'll still be forced to cross the Alantia River even after leavng them. Turning abruptly northward after leaving the mountains will take you across that river and the Shaw River into the same platau of the Kaltolam Plains.
Dulin's most likely course to you two would have been this:
He'd have left Bathsham [Mordor] at the Khazhad Caledon Mountains and came into Esteme Ketor. He'd crossed the Sheraninnian River and came near either Estorent or Nerador, most likely Nerador to the south. From there he'd gone a generally North East direction, briefly commin into the land of Salin Mala, then longer in Lelas, and a short time in Lium Edeme before entering the Long Mountains in Wasim.
12-10-2004, 06:45 PM
OOC: Sorry about seeming to evade you :p. I was already planning to make Calyniel get impatient, and there would be no way for her to know you were coming.
Calyniel stepped out of the carriage and leaned against it. "Where is she? Where is Kirsinari? I need to talk to her... tell her..." She slumped down, and sat on the ground near the carage
12-10-2004, 10:06 PM
ummm, you may want to put this post in the RP, after all, this is the OOC thred.
12-10-2004, 10:43 PM
Oopsies...I was in the library and it was about to sign me off, so I didn't really check where I was posting. I'll go repost that in the RP and make it a little longer.
Lostyia Delr-Padroot
12-14-2004, 05:33 PM
oh, okay we seem kind a stuck in this scene just talking and reminising randomly i was wondering if tavin can start getting involved and figure out what is going on. also pipptook ethuiliniel told me she pm'd you do you get it now, if not we can explain it in a littlemore detail.
12-15-2004, 12:11 AM
C'est moi! Thats all I know in french...I'm not even sure I used it right. Anywho! 'pologize again for slacking off, I'm gonna get back into it now. So....whats the plan? We need to get Gulio's butt back in here, I'll go pm her now. She needs to come and try to kill me, man!
12-15-2004, 10:13 PM
Lostyia, how do you mean for Tavin to begin to figure it out? Also, where are you guys right now?
Pip, you used it correctly, I think. Yeah, really, same goes for TB! We need them both in here. I figured that the presence at the Alantia river would be her guy. It would work somewhat. I mean, he had to have cought up with you, and when Kirsinari had found the place that you'd been, she would have ended up being alone with him. Right?
Lostyia Delr-Padroot
12-18-2004, 04:53 PM
Lostyia, how do you mean for Tavin to begin to figure it out? Also, where are you guys right now?
Pip, you used it correctly, I think. Yeah, really, same goes for TB! We need them both in here. I figured that the presence at the Alantia river would be her guy. It would work somewhat. I mean, he had to have cought up with you, and when Kirsinari had found the place that you'd been, she would have ended up being alone with him. Right?
Narninya, i mean by begin to figure it out is that he would at least get a couple answers answered. like who are these weird people: the old woman with a bad sense of humour, and an elf with a llama. also maybe, how they got there stones. next tavin is second in command, right? shouldn't he be taking charge and get some order, i mean there must be some reason he is that far ahead in position. next, what about my hut? why is it there, i mean even though evelyn already asked i would think he would try again.
okay, next thought i definatly agree that another uninvited guest would be a great surprise twist. like you said he hadto have caught up with her.
well gotta go, bye. :rolleyes: :D
12-18-2004, 09:49 PM
Your hut? What are you talking about?
12-18-2004, 10:30 PM
I think Padroot meant that Tavin hasn't acknowledged or said anything about her little hut that she's making, though Evelyn mentioned it.
We need Gulio back. Silly dwarfie.
12-20-2004, 12:58 AM
I'm confused about the names of your characters, Narinya_Cocachitawa. So far, I've been using only one for each, to make it easier to keep them straight, but can you explain a little more about who/when the different names would be used? I know Padroot would be called Padroot, because that's the only name she gave Calyniel. But she's known your characters longer, and I'm not sure which name(s) she'd use.
12-20-2004, 02:56 PM
When among trusted friends, Kirsinari is called Kiri, but only Nari every now and again by Talwren when they are alone. In the same situation, Talwren Davion would be called Tavin. But when others are present, even if a friend is there, they are called by their proper names. Kirsinari/Fala Naera Talwren Davion/Talwren.
12-20-2004, 06:36 PM
Thanks. That makes it a bit clearer. I guessed that Kiri was probably informal, but I wasn't sure about the rest.
Gulio, Strength of Many
12-24-2004, 05:45 PM
The silly dwarfie has returned! :D Okay, I'll of to do some chomping, provided I can figger all of this out...
12-24-2004, 06:10 PM
Chomp away my good buddy! Glad to have you back!
DARN 90 SECOND RULE. I shall come for thee O enemy of mine and every diligent RPer in the land! *draws her magical frying pan and belts out battle call "SSCCCHHHMMMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! !!"*
Gulio, Strength of Many
12-26-2004, 08:22 PM
:eek: Speak not of the foul 90-second rule, lest you incur its full wrath!
12-29-2004, 11:53 AM
I probably wasn't specific enough. I'm visiting family for the holidays and won't be back until late afternoon on New Year's Day. This is the first (and probably only) time I could get ont the computer. I was kinda hoping to make Calyniel unconcious while I was gone, but I didn't get time to do that. You still have permision to hurt her and/or knock her unconcious if necessary, but as it doesn't look like the fight will continue... just don't have her do to much.
Also, so you get a better understanding of her... since her capture Calyniel has felt a loss of purpose, and isn't sure she wants to live. Between instinct and protectivenes, she would fight percieved danger, especially against others, but she doesn't really care whether she lives or dies at the moment.
And...Isn't Belaparthion (sp) a fairy, not a dwarf?
Gulio, Strength of Many
12-30-2004, 02:55 AM
Yeah, he's no dwarf. But this isn't the first time such a mix-up has occurred, since I usually play dwarves. :D
Lostyia Delr-Padroot
01-03-2005, 05:36 PM
what time of the year is it?
01-03-2005, 08:34 PM
Early Winter, just before the snow begins to really stick, but after all but the most stubborn leaves have fallen.
01-04-2005, 10:14 PM
I drew a picture of what Dulin looks like. Unfortunatly my scanner is not that great with color and screwed over his skin color. He is really very much lighter and does not look like he has liver problems as he does in this picture. But this is the best my scanner could do so eh. Can't complain too much. He also has Orodroch in th epicture who is also a little yellow even though he is suppose to be grey.¤t=DulinandOrodroch.jpg :D
01-07-2005, 07:15 PM
*turns green with envy*
I wish I could draw like that! I'm in Art 2 right now, and still can't get a face to look any more real than over sized eyes that don't match, screwly lips, and mishshapen jawline and hair. Ms. Kimbrill's tried to help, but the only way I can do it is if it's some one that I've never seen before and the picture's compleatly upside down.
01-07-2005, 11:16 PM
okay, I'm kinda confused now. How am I supposed to look for people who are already there.... I know it wasn't clear that they were at the time you posted, but they obviously are now....
And, Pip, I believe Sici meant Bela...whatever his name is. At least I just asked her and she said she did. So many fairies (and a half fairie) running around, it does get a little confusing.
01-07-2005, 11:23 PM
Hey that looks good, Sici! I should draw a pic of Evelyn! Didnt think about that. I'll show you guys when I'm done, I have to give you fair warning though, I'm not an expert by any means and in fact, I'm not very good at all, lol! I love this RPG. We should get it moving though, i dont want it to die, I'm madly in love with my character.
01-07-2005, 11:37 PM
Yeah, I know, so am I!
01-08-2005, 01:02 AM
Well...there it is. Unfortunately, I dont have a scanner so I had to take a pic with my very low quality digital. It looks so much better in person, there's actually a lot of detail in there somewhere...
OOOH, Sici meant Gulio? *chuckles* Well dont i feel stupid then! Sorry bout that. It has been a loverly chat though.
01-08-2005, 10:49 AM
*clears throat* I would like to announce that my friend, Miss Gulio, Strength of Many has reached her 1,000th post! *applaudes* WOOT. This calls for tea *splashes the Gumbo with tea*
01-09-2005, 10:17 AM
OOC; Lol your are such a enting mooter the way you act about how many posts you have :) :D
Nice picture though kinda fuzzy. I like it. And, by the way, I changed my mind and, decided since our characters are alredy talking, they can talk.
Gulio, Strength of Many
01-10-2005, 02:52 AM
You NOTICED!!! Yay!! *tosses m00fins* I'm so excited! It took forever, but I finally made it. I feel... old. ^^ *parties and does the happy dance*
Wow, both pics are really good. Personally, I can't draw a straight line without a ruler, but my pathetic attempts are enough to amuse me. ^^
I wish I hadn't made Belaparthalion's name so long. It's really a pain to type. Anywho, I don't mind the mix-up at all. Bela... Josh, can just glower or whatever. If it goes too long with nothing happening maybe I can have Areanna yell at him more. Muahahahaha.
01-10-2005, 03:40 PM
*bows* Thank you, Sici. I guess you could call Gulio and I enting mooters *grins and squishes Gulio* She was actually here a little bit before I was, though I caught up with her in posts. MUA.
*giggles* Hey, Gulio, can I call you 'The Big G'?
trolls' bane
01-23-2005, 07:14 PM
Okay, now it is time for me to get back into this! I'm glad it hasn't progressed more that a week in-character. I think it is about time I brought my other companions into it? I forgot all of their names. Better check back to the top.
trolls' bane
01-23-2005, 07:55 PM
Siri, do you mind if I borrow Dulin and Orodroch for a post? If not, I'll edit it.
01-23-2005, 09:25 PM
Siri, do you mind if I borrow Dulin and Orodroch for a post? If not, I'll edit it.
Sure you can use them all you want. As long as this story starts to go faster then its going now. :)
trolls' bane
01-23-2005, 09:32 PM
Okay, that saves a lot of editing.
Gulio, Strength of Many
01-24-2005, 02:31 AM
"The Big G"? Sweet. Call away, thou Tea Hobbit! ^^ Man, in real life I have no nicknames, but when I come here I get nicknamed left and right. GSoM, GSM, Gumbo ( :D ), and now the Big G. Awexome. ^^
01-28-2005, 11:57 PM
Sorry, everybody. I've been having some problems on my computer lately, and tons of homework. Have to hurry, sleep is about to out weigh will power at the moment!
Lostyia Delr-Padroot
02-03-2005, 05:15 PM
hey everyone. i finished my post finally but someone else needs to post. i feel like were are stuck. oh yeah i did a pic of my character exept this is her much her younger version (even though sprites elves/kishin don't age easily) here is the non colored version:
and the colored version with my sword (if you can't read something ask):
oh, and Camilla it would be great if you posted again b/c you character is not firmly established yet :D
trolls' bane
02-03-2005, 06:39 PM
I agree. I am not stuck, but I wish to await some other people to post to see how well I can tie this new charater in with my current ones as well as the other ones. For example, my character (which, I repeat, is not the llama that turned into a squirrel and then into a hobbit, who's name is Kebbin. My character is the one that was about to fall asleep against a tree and caught sight of the squirrel/hobbit/llama/eagle and spole to it.) is pretty old as well, and is going to talk about something that all of the young 80 year olds don't have a clue about. I am going to use this new character to get me set up to that point.
02-03-2005, 11:30 PM
Kebbin, for everyone's better understanding, is the Malthin (god) of the animals and shape shifting.
02-04-2005, 12:41 AM
Um is there anything Calyniel's supposed to be doing now? I'm afraid I'm a bit lost, and she's even more so. I keep asking LDP (Is it okay if I say that, so I can distinguish you from your character), but she refused to tell me :( ! I wanna do something, and she needs to do something.
Lostyia Delr-Padroot
02-07-2005, 04:57 PM
Um is there anything Calyniel's supposed to be doing now? I'm afraid I'm a bit lost, and she's even more so. I keep asking LDP (Is it okay if I say that, so I can distinguish you from your character), but she refused to tell me :( ! I wanna do something, and she needs to do something.
Lpd is all right but seriously it isn't up to me to assighn you missions; however i do like your idea. i propose that calyniel go in disguise(sp). That way she would be more comfortable and still keep with her original job, one that we know she is good at, also my character has noted that she would like to train her and the journey would make it a good time to start, we need more information from the areanna's side b/c no matter what other things happen she is not to be trusted so i propose her to do something along those line. also if something goes wrong then we would need some one to pass on the message. :D
whats a barthlem(sp)???
oh, and my hut was already dissassembled. :D :p
02-07-2005, 06:49 PM
Lpd is all right but seriously it isn't up to me to assighn you missions; however i do like your idea. I meant that you wouldn't tell me what you knew. And you know more than I do, that's clear.
Gulio, Strength of Many
02-08-2005, 01:04 AM
Man, being a prisoner sure gets old. Anyone mind if my character takes advantage of the confusion and scurries off? I can't think of much else to do... Sorreh, I guess my imagination might not be in the best condition. Lack of sleep can do that to a person. :D
Lostyia Delr-Padroot
02-08-2005, 02:07 PM
i completly understand, it seems like its not going much of anywhere. I am posting my leave even if no one joins me and i will have to take you. so no worries you will be used soon. :p
02-08-2005, 10:35 PM
Barthlam is Rathlin for Dwarf. Cylaniel, LDP, and Belapatherion, I've been waiting for you all to do something!
Lostyia Delr-Padroot
02-09-2005, 04:53 PM
Barthlam is Rathlin for Dwarf. Cylaniel, LDP, and Belapatherion, I've been waiting for you all to do something!
thats funny i have been waiting for some one else to do something. all i had to was leave with ppl.
02-09-2005, 07:26 PM
Barthlam is Rathlin for Dwarf. Cylaniel, LDP, and Belapatherion, I've been waiting for you all to do something!
I don't know what to do!! I'll try to come up with something, but.... Calyniel's not... independant enough, I guess. Except when she's actually spying, which she feels she can't do. But I'll try to post something.
Gulio, Strength of Many
02-09-2005, 08:48 PM
Meh, I'll try to think of something. Hmm... devious and sneaky... Or just something. Ah well, I'll go type summat. Mwa.
03-08-2005, 05:34 PM
Oh, lord I'm so stuck right now! Not only on this one, but on the story I'm writting for a friend that goes hand in hand with the first cupple posts fo this one! :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
03-20-2005, 02:38 PM
I'm going to be away for a while. Sorry.
I was going to give Calyniel another nightmare....
If you find a way to do it, don't worry about knocking Calyniel out or something, since that gets her out of the way nicely until I can post again. Of course, you didn't last time, when she actually was in a fight, so I imagine you'll have trouble finding an excuse for it now....
Basically, you can do anything you want to her to keep her out of the way (supposing this rpg moves much farther at all while I'm away) as long as she's alive and doesn't have any permanent injuries... and is still in character.
04-03-2005, 04:46 PM
uhh, i think it is Narn's and Camilia's turn(s).
oh, yeah, i am back:P
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