View Full Version : Three Worlds, One Fate
01-15-2004, 06:48 PM
The worlds are spinning out of control. Fire and ice rage all three, searing the chaotic lands. After it passes, there is nothing left alive. Nothing moves. Nothing grows. Nothing.
This is the fate of our worlds. We must join! We must fight together! Rise as one against this calamity or all will perish. We hold our future in our hands still. In one hand we hold death, the other life.
Choose now and save our people! The message of Vkandis Sunlord rang in the young Solari's ears as she stood upon the already battered earth.
Nothing left. Nothing. She suddered, not just from the cold that was so unlike her realm. But even there it was becoming colder...
(sounds a bit nordic eh?)
(have they crashed into each other yet or are they clashing around?)
01-15-2004, 09:09 PM
it seems like your borrowing from mercedes lackey heavily
01-15-2004, 09:15 PM
kalile she is the one that started the thread
...oh he/she is an auther....oi.
01-15-2004, 09:35 PM
yes it is go check her out
01-16-2004, 01:43 AM
Mialil's eyes shot open, her green eyes gazing into the darkness of her bedroom. Her hand slipped under her pilow reaching for a dagger she hid there. I hate staying in the land gets so annoying when some human tries to kill one of us. she thought as she waited for the offending human to come. But it didn;t. She sat up slowly, and realized it was a vision. Her eyes widened as she saw the fate of the Earth, the moon and the sun.
01-16-2004, 01:43 AM
Well... so? (Darn, I forgot that you read the same stuff I do. Curse you catching my non-copyrightedness!)
Anyway, no more ooc posts. Only story.
01-16-2004, 01:48 AM
Tighlah felt another clairvoyant mind in the sea, sharing her vision.
One from the sea she thought, and began walking toward that point of light in ravaged darkness.
01-16-2004, 01:51 AM
Mialil sensed out to the otehr mind who was in the vision,I am Mialil of the Royal House of the you see what i see as well? she sent to the otehr mind as she followed the vision.
01-16-2004, 01:55 AM
Tighlah was very startled, but sent her own mind in reply.
Yes. This is... our future. It was terrible to actually say it, made it real, somehow.
01-16-2004, 01:59 AM
We must stop it all costs. I cannot bear to let what we have seen come to be. Mialil sent. She was worried, this fate was gruesome, but it might be coming from the punishment.
Derin was standing on the balcony of the highest tower of the largest kingdom of the Moana. It had three towers in the middle of the kingdom, one for the guards, one for the royal visitors and the largest of them was for the Royalty themselfs including the Royal guard(or knights you would say). The city was made of bright reflective white bricks, a truly wonderous kingdom.
The Sun had been getting closer. Most of the Moana were panicking saying,"The sun was going to crash into the moon, Death is among us or other things of that catergory."
But Derin did not even think once that moon was going to destroy his Queen's land. He thought it would not end like this (well not yet it would), But if any thing did indeed happen he would always be there at the Queen's even if that would lead him to his death...
OOC:sorry if I Changed anything about the Moana...:(
01-16-2004, 02:29 AM
Standing on top of a deserted, yet sunny hill, I slowly made my way from my high vantage point, to the shadowy land beneath me. <These land-dwellers are strange, not living in full contact from the sun.> I thought to myself as I roamed the streets of the shadowy city. A cowl over my head, and veil up over my face to disguise who I was, I headed towards the palace, where I was a guest of the people who lived here. <still have to watch for assasins.> I thought dismally. The city had a horrible reputation, and I was glad to soon be leaving. I made my way to the palace gates, and said my pass-code. They let me in without question, and I retired to the cool of my room. We must stop it then... at all costs... <What? Stop what...? Who is this????>
01-16-2004, 12:50 PM
Another from fire... I am Tighlah, of the Solari, chosen of Vkandis Sunlord. she said to both of them That you can hear me and converse with me suggests that you are also chosen. This is what you have been selected to prevent. Tighlah hesitated for a moment, but decided to trust her feelings, and this new stranger. She recalled the vision, burned into her mind that she would never forget, and opened her mind wide.
This is our future... she thought again, though it made her despair.
ooc: Naw, it's great, zone! Very cool. now no more ooc.
Each day the sun would get closer, each day it was more blinding, And off the bright reflective white kingdom it was the worst place to be.Most people coudn't differentiate between the walls and the floor. From afar the city looked like just a very bright blob of white.
There was another effect of the sun coming,and it was worse than its shine. It was the heat that was the worst. Moana that were outside would some times colapse and die. If you are a soldier It would be the worst since you were wearing metal armor. Alot of soldiers seen outside Armor were almost orange, They had to start taking shorter shifts ever since a soldier caught on fire and died.
The Queen had to make a law that everybody stays inside until the sun left, But still some Moana travel outside and usually died.
Although there was another that was outside, It was Derin who was still on the balcony staring at the hopeless city, His armor was turning bright orange. Although he refused to go inside For he was a Royal knight. After awhile he convinced himself that it was pointless to look outside when he should live to save the queen.
OOC:WHEW (sorry)
01-16-2004, 08:54 PM
I am Ire Eclipse Morgan, of the solari mages. This is a truly a horrible fate. We must stop it as fast as we can.
01-16-2004, 11:51 PM
The question is now, how may we save our worlds? Mialil sent, rising from her bed to gaze out at the moon, which was rimmed with the sun's fire.The tides are becoming eratic in the sea.
Derin was called to a very secret meeting with Queen Allicia herself and some Royal visitors of other Kingdoms. It was very important as the messenger would say, It had to do with the Sun and the Earth.
After hearing this Derin rushed to the Royal meeting room immediately, He couldn't be late for such a meeting, But before he left he drew out a necklace with an emblem that was a dragon head with a diamond for its eye from his silver drawer, and put it on.
01-17-2004, 12:14 AM
Elerrion lived in a quiet land where very few knew of the goings-on outside their small area. But one could not ignore that the sun was steadily getting closer and brighter... the deaths of his siblings were enough to attest for that. No one could go out anymore, for they would be struck down within minutes by the deadening invisible rays of the sun. And the oceans had gotten closer. They were closing in on his city. He had to do something. But no one would help him. No one would even acknowledge that there was a problem. What was he to do?
Irid al'Menie
01-17-2004, 07:06 AM
'An Thiari gazed at the orange light of the sun as she was walking. There was a group of people who had to reach the city of the Queen in time, and she was chosen to lead them there without dying. She had woven a curtain of moonlike air to protect them all from the heat. It had been a long journey, tiring for the two Mages more than for the travellers. 'Ena Thiari had been chosen too, and the both of them had been changing duties over the past days, and both of them were all the more glad that the white glare of the city finally drew near.
As they approached the white gates, they were stopped by soldiers in their metal armours, although they didn't come out to meet them. They didn't have the protection of the White Mages, so it would almost be deadly for them to come out even for a short while.
The group leader identified himself as being a messenger for the queen, and he could show a proper identification, so the gates opened and they were shown in. When they passed the gates, 'An let them stop for a second. It was 'Ena's turn again, so the two of them put their fingertops together, and 'An carefully placed the magical threads into the hands of 'Ena. Then they could proceed.
Arrived in the palace, they were immediately shown to the Throne Room, where Queen Allicia was to hear them. Now 'Ena could let go of the magic, and 'An watched the threads dissolve - threads which only Mages could see. Both of them bowed to the queen, but didn't say a word. It was a sign of respect, they would only say something if the queen asked them to speak.
The messenger they had brought told the queen of the dangers that were threatening the moon, although the queen probably knew herself. The news she didn't know though, was that the other Kingdoms were preparing an expedition to the earth, and the Solari already had (The sun was too hot for the Moana, the moon too cold for the Solari). But the Queen was ruler of the biggest Kingdom, and she was asked to help decide who to send down. She nodded and told someone to send for Derin the Guard. In the meantime 'An and 'Ena retreated to a quiet corner and folded their arms inside their sleeves. They didn't move anymore: they observed what was to happen...
*is to be edited later* probably tuesday or someday I can contact kalile.
01-17-2004, 10:37 PM
Mialil turned as a courier knocked on her door,"Enter" she said in the sea-elvish tongue.
A green-skinned sea-elf entered, baring the tatoos of the house Servitor,"Princess Mialil, the queen wishes your presence."
Mialil nodded,"tell her I will be there shortly."
01-18-2004, 05:30 PM
HHHHHHHHHHH! Elerrion inhaled deeply as he sat up in his bed. He felt as if he had been under water and was just taking his first breath. He was moist from sweating. It was the most vivid dream he had had in his entire life. He saw the sun, the moon, the earth colliding. There was death everywhere.
After a few moments he went back to sleep and saw, in his mind's eye, a bright being coming toward him.
"Can you help us?" he asked.
01-18-2004, 10:07 PM
"Who is us? There are many here." Answered the being, with a voice of rolling thunder.
01-19-2004, 12:49 AM
Who is us? The 'us' that he asks for is all the people of all the worlds. If you think of the races in terms of 'us' and 'them,' then you will die. He has the right way of it, asking for help in the name of all the peoples of all the worlds, not just for his own race. Another shining presence entered into the minds of Ire and Elerrion, but it was less gaudy and more soft, its voice not of thunder but of embers waiting to be awoken; more subtle and more powerful.
Do not worry, my children. The Sunlord is helping: even now my daughter is among you. Seek her out, the warrior priestess with the sun-bright hair.
Tighlah waited, but the prescences in her head were veiled, busy with other things that she could not intrude upon. She sighed, running her hand through the bright hair that was her father's pride and joy, and began to run toward the sea.
01-20-2004, 04:33 PM
Elerrion woke and could not sleep again. He had to seek out this priestess, which should not be difficult to find among the religios lethargy of his land. He would leave now, before the sun rose. The moon was so close and bright that it was almost like daylight anyway. He could not look directly at it. So he clothed himself well: with long sleeves, gloves, his hair let out over his shoulders, and a hat and veil to shield his eyes. But he must travel only at night, for even so carefully clothed, the sun would kill him soon enough.
He made his way, night after night, finding what shelter he could during the day, to Irnoth, the largest city in the vicinity. By the time he reached the inn,the first structure he had seen in a fortnight, he was weak and burned. Lesions grew exposed on his skin, which was peeling off in sheets. But he had to find the priestess.
01-20-2004, 10:41 PM
I did the same, but I did not have burned skin. Instead my skin bronzed even deeper then before. I came to a large city and waited for a while. I went up to the palace gates and asked," Is there a Solari here?"
"Yes, madam...?"
"Ire. I am Ire Eclipse Morgan of the solari mages. I must speak with this solari. May I enter? This is important business."
01-21-2004, 12:38 AM
Tighlah entered the gates of the land bound Sea Elf city with a quick prayer to the sunlord. The city was not a particularly beautiful thing; it was one of the last strongholds for any race. There were only a few other cities in the entire world now, and none so large or prosperous.
If she had heard right, one of the people she had reached was a princess of the sea elves and should be in the palace. Now there remained the problem of getting inside...
Mialill... it is I, Tighlah, priestess of the Sunlord who shared with you our future. I need to see you...
01-21-2004, 01:10 AM
Mialil gasped softly, suddenly in the middle of a frugal breakfast of tuna and sea-weed rolls with her siblings."i beg your leave sister-Queen. I must meet someone." Mialil said as she stood and left the room.Tighlah, I am coming, where are you?
01-21-2004, 06:49 PM
Elerrion felt more free wandering around in Irnoth, for the entire city was covered, protecting them from the sun. So he went to the temple and asked for the warrior priestess.
01-22-2004, 12:51 AM
"I'm sorry, shae has not granted you sanctuary."
"Alright then." I went in search of the others. I wandered until I got to the temple. <Hmm, I wonder if this"Preistess" is here? I might as well try.> I walked up to a man asking for the warrior preistess. <Preistess? Does he know??> I thought anxiously. I gathered my courage and tapped him on the shoulder. "Excuse me? How do you know of the preistess?"
01-22-2004, 05:20 PM
Elerrion spun around to see someone he did not recognize asking him about the Priestess. He decided to be honest. After all, what harm could come of it? "I have heard of her from the Sunlord, who instructed me to seek her out."
01-23-2004, 12:18 AM
"You too? I as well. I am Ire." I said with a slight bow. I stood again and asked "Your name?"
01-23-2004, 11:42 AM
"Elerrion is my name. I came from the lands of what was once Mirkwood (haha!) but is now No wood. Do you know how the Priestess will help us?"
01-23-2004, 09:11 PM
I am outside your walls, waiting. I'm going to try sending another message to those who need to find me.
Tighlah opened up her mind completely, knowing that only the chosen would hear.
Come to me. I am in the Sea Elf city, with the princess Mialill. There is no temple for me on this earth, for I wander.
01-23-2004, 09:32 PM
Mialil moved quickly, leaving the palace before the guards has a chance to react. She bore no weapon, but she had no need to, it was early and the thieves had beem delt with the night before. She soon reached the city walls, and she walked out onto the man-made islands that surrounded the city,"Tiglath? Is that you?" she said when she spotted a golden haired elfess.
01-23-2004, 09:34 PM
Tighlah nodded her assent, starting to walk even as the princess joined her. "There will be others, and we need to find them. They are looking for me, but I don't know how we will recognize one another..."
01-23-2004, 09:45 PM
Mialil nodded,"Perhaps we will just I knew you were you when I saw you." Mialil said calmly.
01-24-2004, 02:14 AM
"Hey, sorry but we have to go. We have been summoned." I pulled Elerrion with me out the temple and out of the gates. I stopped in-front of a sea-elf and a solari."Tighlah and Mialil I presume?"
01-24-2004, 01:28 PM
Mialil crossed her arms across her chest and bowed,"Yes. you are Elerion I presume?"
01-24-2004, 08:55 PM
"He is Elerion, I am Ire." I said extending my hand.
Irid al'Menie
01-25-2004, 05:15 PM
Slowly, 'An Thiari, 'An the White Mage, opened her silvery eyes. She was lying on something green. Slowly she sat up and looked around. Almost all she could see around her was green, with occasionally some brown. She glanced. Were they on earth? They must be, and what she was lying on had to grass. They were tought all about the living things on earth, and she had been fascinated. Now she could really feel everything.
Next to her, Derin woke up. 'How did we get here?' he asked, as he sat up too. She shook her head, she didn't know. It seemed like they had been on the moon but a minute ago. Suddenly a feeling of dizziness surprised her. She put both hands to her head, trying to make it disappear. She didn't do any magic though, the coolness of her hands should be enough.
When it was gone, she tried to get up, and almost didn't succeed. The air seemed to be pressing her down, almost. In the end however, it worked. She'd have to get used to this heavy gravity. She turned to her partner. 'Where to now? We had to go to the Sea Elf City. The only problem is... Where is the Sea Elf City?'
Derin gave a good suggestion. 'It's probably near a sea. Let's find a river and follow it.' He'd been paying attention too. With that, the both of them started walking slowly, until they found a river to follow.
01-25-2004, 06:59 PM
Mialil mentally berated herself as she shook hands with Ire, she had forgotten that these..well...she couldn't call her a landling..these..otherworldlings had the unhygenic custom of shaking hands."It is nice to meet you Ire."
01-25-2004, 10:11 PM
"Same here. Now," I said, drawing back my hand. "We must find this preistess."
Derin stood inspecting the river, he could not figure out which way was which. He knew from planetary studys that these water ways must lead to the ocean or a lake that will lead to the ocean again. The problem was which way went to the ocean.
The water reflected the sunset's shimmer, it was an odd thing to Derin. He hadn't expected anything like this. Though there was no time to start staring at the sunset. There was things that were far more important than a simple sight of beauty.
"Ah! I have come up with an idea that might make this easier. Why don't we split up and go both ways and if we find the Sea elve's city that person will stay there until the other recognizes that he or she went the wrong way and go the other way. I may sound primitive but it is a pretty good thought" Derin finally said while an hours worth of pondering.
01-27-2004, 12:14 AM
Tighlah shook her hair back and stood taller, proudly displaying the flames emblazoned on her tunic front. "I am Tighlah of the Solari, warrior priestess of my people. I have been sent by Vkandis Sunlord to aid the people of the earth. It is I that you seek." A light came into her eyes as she spoke, a fervor that shone like the sun itself.
Irid al'Menie
01-27-2004, 04:11 PM
'An nodded thoughtfully. 'Wasn't it so that rivers start from a very small spot and flow towards the sea? So if you find that the river has turned very small, you know you're in the wrong direction. If you find the sea, wait there. It's not sure that you'll find the city immediately, so once we're both at the sea, we could go searching, ask it to someone.' They agreed that Derin would go west and 'An east.
Slowly but surely, 'An moved in her direction. She lived out of the berries that she found, realising that there had to be more tasteful food here then there had been on the moon. She walked mostly at night, somehow she felt stronger when the moon was up. And then, slowly but surely, she saw that the river was getting smaller, almost nothing more than a little stream. Then she knew she had been going in the wrong direction.
One very warm night, when the river was a proper river again, she took her clothes off and went swimming. The cool of the water refreshed her. She had needed that.
After another few nights, she noticed the river getting wider and wider. She had to be getting close to the sea now. She smelled... Salt? It had to be, though she hadn't smelled it before. After climbing a dune, she stopped in her tracks. It was beautiful, what she saw. All water, as far as the eye could see. There wasn't this much water on the Moon, certainly not all together. And she had learned that there were more of these seas or oceans. The silvery moon shone above the water, reflected in it.
After a moment of reflection, she descended and went searching for Derin.
01-28-2004, 06:51 PM
"Well." I said, only slightly surprised. "That makes it easier. Now what do we have to do?"
01-29-2004, 01:20 AM
Some of the fierce light went out of the Solari's eyes. "I... don't exactly know. Even the Sunlord does not. All I know is that we must find the others. They are coming, even now."
I believe this is not the right way....but I can't go back I have not eaten and will not survive the way back... I must find a village or town... anything with food...
Derin was almost dragging himself through the hard Arid land. The river already had disappeared and he had ventured too far to go back. The land was not as green as the place he last seen the mage.
The sun was beaming on his Moon metal armor. It was alot hotter than the moon, and the ground was even rougher. Derin had to start crawling on all fours, and it was not easy with a full set of armor.
But finally he could not move any more. His eyes started to close and would not open. His made turned blank until he woke up.
When he woke up, he found himself in a dusty tent and could hear a sizzling supper pan. It seemed to be the next day in the morning. The tent was neatly decorated with elvish script and furniture. Although he could not read it he knew it was elvish.
He also found that his armor was gone and he had been wrapped with bandages all around his top body and a bit on his left leg. He was still clothed though just with the bandages over those areas...
Irid al'Menie
02-01-2004, 07:27 AM
What had happened? He had promised to wait here until she returned. Maybe he had lost the river. That was a possibility. But if that was the case, she would never be able to find him. She didn't know any spell to find another Moana when they were on earth. She didn't even know one for on the moon.
Her white robe seemed to be getting wider. Or at least, she was getting thinner. The berries she had found wouldn't do much longer. She needed a proper meal. She had been searching for days and she hadn't seen Derin at all.
She decided that she would go to the Sea Elf city on her own. If Derin wasn't to be found here, he would have to get there on his own. She'd like to help him but as she already thought, if he was lost she wouldn't be able to find him.
Of course, if he did come back here, he wouldn't know that she already had been to their meeting place. She would have to make some sign. There was a spell she knew that would change the surface of a moonstone a little. Maybe it worked for earthstones as well. She took a fairly sized one and tried it. She had to combine 3 of the 5 elementals to do so, and she knew it would tire her. But she had to do something.
When she started chanting, she could see the blue threads of Air to come first. Then the brown threads of Earth entwined with it. Finally Water, with changing colours, sometimes clear blue, sometimes almost green, sometimes grey; it made the connection stronger. With this spell, she carved the shape of the moon on the rock.
Afterwards, she was glad to see that it hadn't been in vain. She wasn't proud of it, White Mages were taught not to be proud, they did what they had to do for the Moon. But still, if she had tired herself so much for nothing, she probably would have lost courage. She still could easily, if she thought on how she would possibly get to the Sea Elf City. If only the other peoples, the Solari and the Earthlings, could hear her... But that would probably, most likely, be impossible.
ooc:I might not post for awhile(on purpose story wise)
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