View Full Version : Quest for the Lost Caverns of Gold
07-14-2003, 10:47 PM
Okay, I kinda lost my old RPG... how sad. So, I am starting a new one.
This RPG is about a quest to find the lost caverns of gold, which is somewhere in Middle Earth. The caverns are famous and a group of explorers want to find them... eh... I can't describe anything. :o
Name: Larithia
Race: Elf
Origin: Lorien
Age: Unknown
Description: Tall with long black hair
Steed: Huge black wolf named Lillenia.
07-15-2003, 01:39 AM
Aw, heck! What's one more rpg? :)
Name: Jasiara
Race: Silver elf (desert elves)
Weapons: Two bladed (one handed) sword, many shuriken
Eyes: Orange, flecked with brown and green, like a tiger's
Hair: A shoulder length mane of thick orange hair
General Appearance: Jasiara wears a shirt of white, with long, full and crisp sleeves, with full white pants, to match. She is not a fool, however, and to those that can she magic her garments shine silver with magic; the protection is like full plate armour
Her face is delicate, like all elves, though darker than many, and her lips are fuller, though her figure even less than average.
07-15-2003, 02:14 PM
Okay I'll join too!
Name: Silanta Rioko[nickname, Sil]
Race: Grey elf
Sex: Female
Status: Enchantress, bard, and warrior
Age: Old enough
Hair: Dark purple, that goes down to the middle of her back
Eyes: Purple with silver pupils, and thin blue eyebrows, very well defined, and arched
Skin: Has a pale blue undertone because she is a grey elf.
Weapons: A elvish crafted Long sword, a gracefully carved Galadhirim bow, a leather quiver full of arows, and double daggers set in sheathes that are near her back ,and a dragon helm.
Apperance: Wears a pair of Dark blue baloon pants, the same color shirt that is sleeveless except light purple sleeves, made of a gauzy material, the shirt cuts at her midriff, just enough to show her mithril mail that lies beneath it. She wears black boots that are lace up, with a complicated pattern, and enchanted so they dont untie. She wears multiple silver bangles around both wrist, and wears a very fine chain of gold which from is hung a gold charm in the shape of a heart, encrusted with rubys, sapphires, and diamonds.
07-15-2003, 10:31 PM
Yay, I am not a failure in life!
07-15-2003, 11:54 PM
07-16-2003, 04:28 PM
Silly to think your life is pointless, isnt it?
Okay we'll let u get started for we not know how to start!
07-16-2003, 11:25 PM
I'll shall join too
Name: Aewionen
Gender: Female
Race: Men
From: Gondor
Age: 26
Eyes: Gray Blue
Hair: Black/red
Appearance: Aewionen usually wears an cloak that covers her white dress.
History: Aewionen is from Gondor but travels around alot seeking adventure. She is an orphan and travels with her trusted compainion, Feilix, a black dog.
Dark_ Duelist
07-17-2003, 10:50 AM
Apperance-Dark wears a black robe that is almost always worn (like a Nazgul robe) and a large black shield that he carrys on his back.
07-17-2003, 11:25 AM
Sounds fun!
Race: Lothlorien Elf
Gender: Female
Eyes Silver with white pupils
hair: long Blonde/white with black at the ends
Status: Warrior lord(though in this case, lady)
Skin: golden brown with a whitish glint to it
Weapons: Two silver daggers, a long bow as a gift from Galadriel, a hand-crafted elvish sword from Mirkwood, and a dwarf axe, a gift from Giren, son of Gomin.
Steed: A tall silver horse with her eyes, named Asteroth
General Appearence: well, how any warrior elf would look, really.
ok....I cant wait to start!
07-18-2003, 01:20 AM
Welcome to the Moot, Dark Duelist! :D
Glad to have you in this rpg.
08-11-2003, 11:48 PM
NO! This one will not die before it starts!!!! I will bring it back to the first page, and now everyone has to give it CPR and pump life into it by posting!
Gulio, Strength of Many
08-12-2003, 01:03 AM
Hmm the infamous Kalile trend again.:) I'll come too.
Name: Rorin
Race: Dwarvish (Who better to search for caverns of gold?:p)
Gender: Male
Looks: Man I stink at this.....he's short?
Well that's about it. Not much good at descriptions.
08-12-2003, 01:26 AM
Fine, I'll describe him. Just tell me to change the parts you don't like. ;)
Rorin is a sturdy dwarf with light brown hair and beard that he wears loose, with several thin braids. His eyes are deep and unfathomable, glinting with anger or glee.
The dwarf wears sturdy leather armour with metal studs at the joints, and gauntlets. He carries pefectly balanced throwing axes, silver inlaid, and with the insignia of his homeland engraved into it.
Erm... That's all I can think of for now. If I knew more about Rorin, I could tell you more, but somehow I don't. :rolleyes: Wierd. Oh well.
08-12-2003, 01:34 AM
I was wondering where this thread went. Should we start?
08-12-2003, 01:37 AM
Maybe we should wait for The Lady of the Golden Wood to come.
Lady! We found your Thread! :D
The last sane person
08-12-2003, 02:15 PM
08-12-2003, 04:45 PM
Maybe she has gone away somewhere... :rolleyes:
Anyway, I'll join too :D
Name: Lefira
Race: human
Gender: female
Age: 22
Hair: dark brown, long and curly
Eyes: brown
Clothes: blue dress and black cloak
Weapon: an elven sword
Steed: black horse named Hope
History: raised in Gondor, but a wanderer since the age of 15 when her parents died
Appearance: See my avatar. I know it's a little small, but it gave me the idea for this character
08-12-2003, 08:06 PM
me too!
name- Rhystarien "Rhys" (btw, did not steal name from Ladyarwen,:)
race- men
gender- man (how bout dat?)
from- whoknows
weapons- sword
appearance- brown hair and eyes, wavy hair at shoulders.
need some serious help from Kalilae
08-14-2003, 01:06 AM
Why? We haven't even started yet.
The last sane person
08-14-2003, 01:10 AM
I guess they want to establish themselves first.
08-14-2003, 07:00 PM
O, why not?
Name: Freya
Race: Men
Gender: Female
Age: 24
From: Everywhere and nowhere
Weapon(s): One sword, (two-handed) two daggers(one hidden in left boot.) also very good at with staffs, bows, and hand-to-hand combat.
Profession: Ranger.
Description: Short black hair, dark green eyes, never wears anything but black Ranger garb, and seems to be struggling with some personal inner conflict. Is very careful, and gives her trust to any she deems worthy of it. Is excellent fighter. Hates Orcs with a fiery passion that erases all common sense. Prefers sleeping outdoors to sleeping in a bed. Has perfect memory, but secretly wishes that she didn't.
I've only recently started RPG'ing, sooooo....How was that?^~^:)
08-15-2003, 12:19 AM
Alright! What kind of two handed sword?
08-15-2003, 05:08 PM
The grip is black with silver wire embedded into it. The blade is made of mythril, with the finest gold engraving the entire length of the blade. It was given to me by the dwarves.
How's that, then?:)
08-15-2003, 08:03 PM
I mean is it a broadsword (a broad, flat blade used for hacking), a claymore (the really huge swords), a falchion (a two handed scimitar, basically, with the curved blade), or what?
Cool description! :D
08-17-2003, 06:59 PM
Broadsword, I suppose, but it's light enough that I can be very fast when I need to be! When are we going to start?
08-18-2003, 12:09 AM
When the Lady of the Golden Wood comes, I suppose.
The last sane person
08-18-2003, 12:19 AM
Ack, she well nigh abandoned the thing. I wouldnt wonder if she looses this too.
08-18-2003, 12:35 AM
Then I will officially adopt it!
Henceforth I shall be the protector and benefactor of this fragile rpg. :cool:
Okay, I'll start!
"Treasure! Treasure in the desert! And the one who finds it gets to keep it all, but for the one thing that the Lord wants!"
The rumor ran through the city like wildfire. The Lord Dyrell was recruiting a party of able bodied men and women to hunt for the legendary treasure of the shifting sands. He promised all of the treasure to the ones who found it, except for a certain jewel, apparently of little value.
Many stepped up to volunteer their services, but fewer than one might think. Many were afraid of the desert, for strange things roamed and people sometimes ventured out, never to return. That didn't happen often, however, so some were willing to take the risk.
Ooc: I'm thinking deserts of the Southwest, with lots of interesting mountains and rocks and plants, caves and animals. Not a boring expanse of sand, or there would be no point!
The last sane person
08-18-2003, 12:52 AM
Name: Seth
Race: Easterling (Man)
Gender: Take a wild stab
Weapons: Halberd/two scimitars/crossbow
Bio:Traveling Warrior, very tall and good natured, as well as a slightly sarcastic goof at times. A fast freind of Kalile, the Midget.
"What ho! Who better to search a desert for treasure than a who lives in a desert!" I said as i signed myself up for yet another adventure.
08-18-2003, 02:14 AM
Silanta was walking down the street in[I get to name the city, YAY!] Lapailing[La-pie-ling]. She noticed a bunch of people crowding around a sign. She walked through the crowd, which parted immedietly. <My reputation must preceed me....>"This sounds very interesting, a quest for riches, but we must leave one jewl for the king, sounds suspicious, but.... oh well, I'll sign up." She signed an important looking document that said,"By order of the almighty Lord Dyrell, any who sign this document are forever bound to help in finding the treasure." It was signed Lord Dyrell.
08-18-2003, 08:39 AM
Lefira had spent the night in a small tavern in the city of Lapailing. She had been wandering through the wilderness for many months when she finally saw a city that was unknown to her. So she decided to go and explore it a little before continuing her never ending journey through the wild nature. For many years she had been wandering without a reason, just because she liked it. She liked the wilderness, its dangers and wonders and the idea that in the morning she never knows where she will be in the evening, what has happened during that day or whether she is still alive.
But there was something strange about this city. Every time Lefira decided to leave, something made her to stay. Maybe it was the city itself, but something was keeping her in it. She had been here two weeks already and started missing the wilderness. She was not a city girl and she wanted to leave but something held her back.
Finally she understood that if something really wants her to stay then maybe she was destined to stay here.
It was a beautiful sunny day as she walked in the streets of Lapailing. Suddenly she stopped, something had made her stop and she saw what it was. Just in front of her was a writing on a sing. The rays of the sun made the letters shine for they had been written in gold. Lefira knew at the second that this was the reason why she had been stopped from leaving the city, that this was her destiny.
She quickly read through the message about the quest for the Lost Caverns of Gold and without thinking or hesitating she signed the document that was there under the message. This was her destiny and she was not afraid.
08-18-2003, 12:20 PM
Silanta walked down the street to see if anyone else had signed the contract. The sign came in veiw, and she saw a woman signing her name. After she was done she turned and looked at the advancing figure.
Gulio, Strength of Many
08-18-2003, 01:39 PM
"Yep, a whole mountian of treasure just waiting to be found," the barkeep said.
"And how much, may I ask, will be left for the finders when Lord Dryell goes through it." Rorin asked skeptically.
"All of it, save one worthelss gem," the barkeeper replied. How worthless, I wonder Rorin thought. He paid the barkeeper and headed out to where the contract was.
08-18-2003, 02:11 PM
Aewionen finished signing the document for the lost Caverns of Gold but something made her uneasy. She had heard about a gem that might be found there as well but that was to be for Lord Dryell. What sort of gem I wonder. Oh well, here I go again. Why am I so suspicious? Aewionen turned to see a dwarf (Rorin) coming towards the sign. "Singing up to search for the lost Caverns of Gold as well?"
08-18-2003, 02:58 PM
Lefira stood silently. She needed to think what she had just done. Quest for the Lost Caverns of Gold - it sounded like fun. Wandering through the wilderness and deserts, too bad she can't do it all by herself. Lefira had been alone for a long time and she had got used to it. But at least she can leave this stupid city now. Gold, she didn't want the gold, not even one piece of it, she just wanted the adventure.
Gulio, Strength of Many
08-18-2003, 03:08 PM
"Signing up to find the lost caverns of gold as well?" a young girl asked Rorin. "Yes, I am," Rorin replied, signing his name on the piece of paper. "I am Rorin, who might you be?"
08-18-2003, 05:16 PM
08-18-2003, 06:38 PM
Lefira looked at others who had also signed the document. "They seem to be nice," she said to herself, "though I'd better travel alone. On the other hand I would probably get killed if I travelled alone for most people tend to think that it's very dangerous. And I'm sure it is." She smiled to herself. Danger was her middle name. A by-stander would have said that she is trying to kill herself by running into the greatest danger. Lefira was not trying to kill herself, it was just that kind of life she liked. And she did not fear death. She did not fear anything, or at least she though so.
08-18-2003, 08:32 PM
"Not all of them are nice, take me for example."
08-18-2003, 09:33 PM
I lurked in the mouth of an alley, near the sign. I had watched all of the others sign on, and was considering doing so myself. My last quest didn't turn out so well, I reminded myself. "Well, perhaps I can redeem myself by finding these Lost Caverns." I said quietly. I stepped forward boldly, and signed my name: ~Freya~
08-18-2003, 10:37 PM
r there more than one sign?
08-18-2003, 11:59 PM
No, it's just got a more than ample supply of spaces to write. ;)
Ic: Jasiara stood in silence, unmoving, her face inpassive as she listened to Lord Dyran's orders.
"You will go with them, and bring me the jewel. It is a trifle, but could give me an edge in the High Council." Lord Dyran sat lazily in the heat of sunset, his long blonde hair, so blonde it was practically white, plastered uncharactaristically to his forehead. Normally, the Elf Lord took great care to appear as godly and intimidating as possible, but this heat was even getting to him, and he took to wearing white like Jasiara.
"Yes, my Lord."
"Good." Dyran smiled proprietarily at the wild desert elf, now one of his most valuable servants. "You will meet your fellow... adventurers... tomorrow."
"My Lord, could I not go alone? I would have that trifle for you soon, far sooner than..." she fell silent as Dyran half rose, his eyes flashing. Useful the girl may be, but not indispensible.
"You forget your place."
"Yes, Lord." Jasiara turned and walked silently out of the chamber, presenting an imposing visage to others walking about the halls. She ignored the frightened glances other people gave her, glowering.
The last sane person
08-19-2003, 01:22 AM
"whose the bossy oaf?" I casually said as the elf passed around the corner. She started.
"you have know right to say that about the good Lord." she growled right back, i pushed off from the wall i was leaning on. "I guess you wont have to wait for tomorrow to meet me." i said and offered my hand "my name is Seth and i am to join you." she shook it hesitantly and i added "whether you like it or not."
08-19-2003, 08:40 PM
hey Elixer, r u gonna reply? or will I play DM? :p [sorry could'nt resist.]
08-19-2003, 08:46 PM
ooc: sorry, haven't posted on here in forever, ummm, whats going on?
08-19-2003, 08:56 PM
I decided to introduce myself to some of the others that had signed on. I walked over to one of them and said, " Hello, my name is Freya. Isn't yours Seth? "
08-19-2003, 09:00 PM
um.. okay this is my short summary.
I am waiting near a sign for Elixer to respond. The lord Dyrell, has ordered Kalile to go with the party. Sane met Kalile in a corridor. The other two Aewionene, and Gulio are near a sign as well. Estel has just joind Sane and Kalile.
08-19-2003, 11:56 PM
Jasiara grimaced. "So you know that I am not exactly the most willing of companions. Well, I keep no secrets. I am sure I could do much better on my own. However, I will not pout the whole expedition. So I will start now. Pleased to meet you, Seth. I am Jasiara, the only desert elf to have come here."
The last sane person
08-20-2003, 12:09 AM
"Indeed. Pleasure to meet you, Jasiara. I hope i may be able to convince you of my worth sometime on this quest." Before she had time to answer, another woman came up and introduced herself.
"Hello, my name is Freya. Isnt yours Seth?" she said offering her hand. I shook it and replied,
"indeed it is. pleasure to meet you, and this grumpy little thing who would rather be on her own is Jasiara." she gaev me a shove and smiled. "Can we let that go already? Its good to meet you, why dont we go find the rest of the crew i am to work with?" Freya and I bowed before her and said,
"Lead the way O grumpy one!" and took off before she could reply.
08-20-2003, 01:25 AM
Scince the girl was in no way going to answer her she took off in the direction of the palace. She saw three people walking tword her. She overheard parts of their conversation. "gold caverns" was enough for her. "Hello, I am Silanta. I would've seen you tommorow, but today is as good as any."
The last sane person
08-20-2003, 01:28 AM
"ah. good eve silantro!" I said to the lady i saw around th e corner as i came around it.
08-20-2003, 01:37 AM
"You never could get my name right Seth, I'ts Silantra." she said playfully.
*others look confused*
"Uh I met this here man one day during my travels."
08-20-2003, 10:59 AM
jumping in here
ic: Rhys walked up to the group. 'Hi, I'm Rhys, I'm an elf from mirkwood and my king has sent me here to go with you." He said to them.
Ooc: ok, help me out here, i am confused, but i'll catch up. *sheepish smile from confused hobbit*
08-20-2003, 01:38 PM
ooc: I wasn't away for that long. Beside, I live in a different time zone and usually aren't at the computer at 6 am. Have to sleep too, you know... :D
ic: Lefira woke up from her thoughts. She hadn't noticed anything that had been happening around her. She sighed and started walking towards the palace.
08-20-2003, 02:45 PM
which time zone u in?
The last sane person
08-20-2003, 03:02 PM
OOC: I have met Silantra before? I will just play around this. In what adventure?
"Yes well, who ever said i wanted to get your name right?" I grinned cheekily at her. She smiled and nudged me and said,
"just as cheeky as i remember." i smiled and nudged her back.
"Only a lot more so!"
08-20-2003, 06:12 PM
Originally posted by Legoles
which time zone u in?
GMT + 2 hours (Eastern Europe)
ic: Lefira was on her way to the palace when she meet a group of people coming her way and talking with each other. When she had made sure that they were also going on the quest for the Gaverns of Gold, she silently joined them.
As said before, Lefira had spent too much time alone and didn't like company of others very much. She would have wanted to remain silent and think, but understood that sooner or later she must introduce herself. She sighed and said quite reluctantly: "Hi, I'm Lefira and I'm also one who goes on the Quest for the Lost Caverns of Gold."
08-20-2003, 06:28 PM
"Ah yes, the silent one. As I said before, not all of them are nice. Before this journey is over, one of us will meet an enemy."
08-20-2003, 06:40 PM
Lefira smiled. "Only one of us?" she said out loud. Probably me, she thought, but it will make the journey even more exciting.
08-20-2003, 07:04 PM
ooc: I'm no Elf. I am from the Race of Men.
ic: ''Welcome to the group, Lefira. The more the merrier, I suppose. Though it leaves less treasure for us." I thought to myself, At least she looks a little more trustworthy than that Jasiara. I don't think I like her much at all. I continued to walk with them, hoping to learn more of them, and of this quest.
08-20-2003, 08:25 PM
Jisara seemed to be ignoring the rest of us, so I walked with Rhys, and asked about Mirkwood, and it's happenings. As I was doing this, I drew a comb out of my pocket, and started combing out my mane of knoty, matted hair.
OOC: I tink I need another thread with Silanta, so....... One of us will have to make a new one.
08-20-2003, 10:59 PM
Lord Dyran watched them walk down the hall.
They've met already? How interesting. My little desert flower could prove even more useful than I thought.
The last sane person
08-20-2003, 11:28 PM
I was picking up a lot of the thoughts of my companions, then i caught a whiff of the "Lord's" thoughts. "My little desert flower"??? " that was a bit much then i 'heard' "could prove more useful than i thought" and i was definatley on the alert, something was not right.
I took it in mind to keep an eye out on the entire quest. i then gathered that not every on here trusted each other. and they really had every right to be sucpicous, yet i played it low key and watched from a distance.
08-21-2003, 03:05 PM
ooc: heehee, legoles always seems to talk to me, I am truly touched. *refills tea cup*
ic: Rhys walked with Silantra and told her what was going on in
irkwood and stuff, (totally blank right now, too tired)
08-21-2003, 03:25 PM
Silantra finished combing out her mane of hair, and put the brush back into her left pocket. She listened to him until he had no more news and then she walked over to Seth. "Hello Seth, have
you done any exciting thing that I sould know about?
OOC:irkwood, dont'cha mean Mirkwood?
The last sane person
08-21-2003, 04:32 PM
Silantra sought me out of my place on the side lines, inquireing about what adventures i had done over the time since we last saw each other. "Oh not much. Mainly i stayed in Lothlorien and admired its beauty and offered my service to the Lady." I sighed as i remembered the Wood, yet with all its beauty i still longed to come to my old home and revist it.
08-21-2003, 04:43 PM
Lefira listened others changing their news. Usually she didn't care what was happening elsewhere but from time to time it was interesting to listen to stories about distant regions.
Lefira had been to both Mirkwood and Lothlorien and she knew and loved those forests, but recently she had been wandering along other paths, so it was nice to hear what had happened there while she was away.
08-21-2003, 05:24 PM
ooc: Lord Dyran...isn't that from Elvenbane? I am reading that book and it is really good.
ic: Aewionen looked at the other names on the list and went to go see if she could find them.
ooc2: If this is too late, just ignore my post.:D
Gulio, Strength of Many
08-21-2003, 07:24 PM
"Sooo..." Rorin approached the girl who spoke to him earlier. "Whatcha think of Dyran? He a good leader of just another bossy elf who got too big for his britches?"
08-21-2003, 07:38 PM
Ooc: *starts to do a cheerleading move and falls over with a broken leg and a sprained dignity*
:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D! Someone else is reading Elvenbane! There are three, but I can't find number two. I read Elvenbane years ago, and just read it again. :( Only number three which is too confusing. :( *sigh*
Ic: Someone was hurrying toword the group. "Let me guess. Another recruit of the oh-so-wise Lord Dyran," Jasiara commented dryly, nodding to the new girl.
Cue, Awionen!
Gulio, Strength of Many
08-21-2003, 07:49 PM
I'm reading Elvenbane just as soon as my sister finishes. Hurry up will ya!:D
08-21-2003, 10:43 PM
ooc: Yeah, I am going to read all three. Elvenbane, Elvenblood, and Elvenborn.
ic: "Yes. I have a feeling he isn't all too great." Aewionen said. For some reason she thought she would soon be regreting this.
08-21-2003, 11:04 PM
ooc: are the elvenbane books good? who wrote them, I might read them after lotr, which I am reading again. it has been a few years so I am refreshing. Want to read unfinished tales next, with a cup of tea
Gulio, Strength of Many
08-21-2003, 11:11 PM
I wanna read the Unfinished Tales, but with iced tea instead.:D I love iced tea!
08-21-2003, 11:15 PM
They're by Andre Norton and Mercades Lackey, some years ago.
Careful! We're in danger of getting off topic. ;)
The last sane person
08-22-2003, 12:12 AM
ooc: oh no! anything but that!:rolleyes:
"I suppose we are to be sitting here and chatting our lives away rather than finding that treasure?" i pipped up from my spot in the corner, while doing so i ran a careful eye up and down the new comer. oh boy. another one to keep track of. and after a seconds thought, still less treasure to go around!
08-22-2003, 02:51 PM
<I know what you mean>
OOC: My character's reputation is of a feirce fighter, and a brave adventurer.
The last sane person
08-22-2003, 04:55 PM
OOC: You are telepathic too? oh, and isnt Kurama from Yu Yu Hakusho? the red headed dude?
<aye, a pain in the butt this is going to be! come on, lets get our stuff packed and tell these guys to get their arses moving.>
<Sounds like a plan to me!>
Meanwhile, the others were still standing aimlessly and looking about wondering what next. I went up to Jasiara and gave her a nudge, "come on then. lets go! we have gto all the people we need so let us move our arses before that stuff elf gets angery with us." not that i cared if he did, but i thought it would give her some motivation.
08-22-2003, 06:19 PM
ooc: Ok, I'm baaaaaack!
ic: I stood up suddenly from where I had been sitting. "Alright you lot, exactly who is in charge of what? Supplies, additional weapons, a destination, etc. Pardon me for taking charge, but... Seth and Lefira, why don't you both go and start getting supplies? Jasiara, come with me. The rest of you, get whatever you think we'll need. And, for the Lady's Sake, don't forget rope!" I turned and walked towards a weapons shop, without waiting to see if the others were doing as I said or not. I really couldn't care less, either. If no one else takes charge, I bloody well will!
The last sane person
08-22-2003, 06:55 PM
"why thank you bossy little squeak!" sheesh! i was going about trying to be polite and nobody listened then this little squeaker came and barked and every body jumped! i was shaking my head as i went to saddle my horse.
08-22-2003, 07:35 PM
I walked into the Weapons Shop and looked around. There didn't appear to be anything of great value there, so I left and went to see how Seth and Lefira were doing. I found them in a small shop called "Setra's Supplies".
08-22-2003, 09:53 PM
Aewionen went to Arilas and put her saddle on him. Feilix trotted up to her and wagged his tail. "Sorry boy," Aewionen bent down and petted him, "Not this time. Besides, you need to get some rest." Feilix understood and whined quietly. "I"ll be back don't worry Feilix! It is you I'm am worried about, don't get into any trouble alright?" Feilix wagged his tail and walked off. Aewionen smiled and continued to saddle up Arilas.
Gulio, Strength of Many
08-22-2003, 11:19 PM
Some girl had jumped in suddenly, ordering everyone about. She didn't mention Rorin, or the other girl for that matter, so he just hung about, ready to go. *Insert scene from Extreme Days, the one with Matt sitting in the car saying, "For the love of doughnuts lets GO!"*
08-23-2003, 12:00 AM
ooc: I love that movie! "Yeah...Alaska!"
ic: Aewionen was soon ready and went back. She saw Rorin standing there looking anxious to go. "Ready master dwarf?" She asked walking up behind him.
08-23-2003, 12:51 AM
Jasiara rolled her eyes and followed behind the other silently. Entering the weapon shop, she put on her best 'stone face', looking menacingly at the clerk.
"Lord Dyran needs equipment for his adventurers," she drawled, flashing a token from a bracelet.
The man turned white. "Y-yes, of course, what do you need?"
Jasiara turned to her companion.
"Take whatever you need. Lord Dyran's credit is good anywhere."
08-23-2003, 09:10 AM
Lefira knew another good reason why she loved to travel alone - nobody told her what to do. She hated being told to do something, but this time she thought it's better to do it. Not that she cared what others think of her but she agreed that it was time to stop talking and start getting ready for the journey.
Lefira looked around in the shop. She didn't see anything she needed. She had a horse and a sword and that seemed to be enough for her.
Suddenly she noticed something shining in the corner of the shop. First she didn't understood what it was so she walked to the corner and picked it up. It was a dagger and it was beautiful. It's handle was covered with rubins and diamonds and its blade was sharp and shining. There was something written on it but Lefira didn't understand that language.
She waved to the shopkeeper and when he came, she asked him about the dagger. But the shopkeeper was surprised. He said that he had never seen it before and didn't know how it had got into his shop. "Somebody must have dropped it," he said, "but now he is gone and perhaps even dead because he didn't have his dagger when he most needed it."
"You may take it," he added after a moment of silence, "if I heard right and you're going on the quest for the lost caverns of gold, you will need it. And as the one who lost it might have died because of losing it, you on the other hand might survive because of finding it. So it's yours." Lefira thanked the shopkeeper and quickly hid the dagger so that even her companions didn't know about it. Then she walked up to the others to see what they were doing.
08-23-2003, 05:10 PM
Yes, finally, someone recognizes him...
IC: Silanta walked into her quarters at the Inn and picked up her belongings and stuffed them into her bag. She laced up her new boots, enchanted them, and put on all her weaponry, including a beautiful dagger, with a halek blade, and a hevily jewled handle, with flowing words that seemed to move around the blade that translated into this [This knife only the rightous shall use] that somone special had given her. It was mostly for ornamental purposes, but it was special to her, and it would kill with a single scratch, which is why it was suspened from a leather thong, and it was in a leather sheaf. She also packed a 50 foot long rope from Lorien.
She went outside to get a horse, and found a very good deal. 20 silver pennies for a beautiful black charger with a silver mane, tail, and hooves. His name was Wilfred. <What a stupid name. I think I'll change it to Silverstreak, how do you like that?>
The horse nodded it's head vigorously so she saddled him up and headed off to the place where they were going to meet the others.
The last sane person
08-23-2003, 05:36 PM
OOC: heh, yeah, i watch that alot, along with inuyasha and never ending waltz.
I had saddled up my horse Shabaq and had everything packed and weapons sharpened. I had gotten a new sheild from that shop, courtesy of Dryan, and was sitting and waiting for the show to get on the road. I wound up a 30 foot coil of rope and put it on the saddle horn, I watched the Dwarf swing his axe lazily and waited.
08-23-2003, 05:48 PM
Inuasha, Yu-Yu Hakasho, and Heroni-Kenshin rock!!!!! Also, It's Dyrell!!
Silanta rode into the clearing, dismounted, clipped on the lead line and tied him to a tree. "You like 'im Seth?"[referring to horse]
08-23-2003, 08:51 PM
I think it's Dyran...
And last time I talked to you on the bus, you'd never even heard of Inuyasha! When did you start watching it, and when is it playing now? Cartoon Network took it off months ago, and I'm afraid that I may have missed the episode I wanted to see, even though they started it over. :( *grabs Legoles and shakes her* where is it? where is it?
08-23-2003, 08:58 PM
ACK, don't shake me!! Kaya told me. I watched it before it turned off, and now I'm trying to figure out where it its..... :( Actually I named him remember! It tis Dyrell.
08-23-2003, 09:29 PM
I walked up to the others and said,"Well, have we gotten everything that we need? Oh good, we have rope. Ok, I think, if we're all here, that we can probably leave." I had bought a beautiful stallion, for 35 silver pennies. He was completely black, and he had taken a liking to me, so I'd bought him. I had named him Earendil. "I'm ready to go whenever Jasiara picks a destination. Jasiara?"
The last sane person
08-23-2003, 11:53 PM
OOC: It's Rurouni-Kenshin! get the name right! Also once known as Batosi Himura, thank you very much!
08-24-2003, 12:06 PM
They all seemed to be ready to go wherever Jasiara would lead them. She probably knows very much of these caverns of gold, Lefira thought, I wonder if she knows more about that one jewel we have to give away.
Lefira looked around. Finally she would leave this city. She looked the same as when she had entered the town - she was still wearing her old sky blue dress and black cloak (not the most appropriate clothes for this kind of journey but she didn't care about that), her black horse Hope had rested and was also eager to go, she had an elven sword that she had got from her father whom it was given as a gift by an elf whose life he had saved once; and now she also had that dagger she had found in the shop, well hidden it was.
08-24-2003, 02:01 PM
Rhys walked into the weapon shop. He had his sword, but felt like he needed a dagger. He looked around and finally chose one. It was slightly curved and rather plain. No jewels were set into the blade, only one elven rune was written at the bottom and it simply said, 'crafted by Lartha' he had never heard of Lartha, and the shopkeeper sold it to him for cheap. He sheathed his new dagger and left the shop. Then he realized he would need some type of steed, he only had 12 silver pennies left, and that would only buy a donkey! He looked around the stables and saw many young valiant steeds. He walked to the very last stall and saw an old donkey. "There's old Bara." The stable keeper said. "She is nearly 32 years old!" He said patting the old donkey's back. "I'll take her." Rhys said. The stable keeper laughed. "I don't sell to meat houses, sir." He said. "I don't plan to sell her to the butcher. I like something about her," Rhys replied. "As you wish, I'll sell her for 8 silver pennies." He said. "Done!" Rhys handed over the money and led Bara out of the stable.
08-24-2003, 05:47 PM
"First, we should go to my home village. They have many stories of the Gold Caverns, and may be able to give us a clue." Jasiara glanced around. "Is anyone opposed to that?"
08-24-2003, 09:06 PM
"That sounds good. Where is your home village?"
08-24-2003, 09:11 PM
"It all depends on where your hometown is." Rhys said, packing his things into his bag. "Do you really mean to ride that beast?" a man asked him as he mounted Bara. "Yes, I do." He said. He looked rather ridiculous, he was a tall and fair man, riding a donkey. He knew he must have looked obsine because everyone stared at him. Amazingly, the donkey was extremely willing, and held her master well. "Ah, yes, here we go!" He said, almost falling off because of the donkey's akward stride.
08-24-2003, 09:27 PM
Good, we're finally on our way. When we find the Caves, I'll put my share of the Treasure to a good cause. I can hardly wait. I thought to myself. However, I knew that it would be a long time before anyone spent any part of the Treasure.
08-24-2003, 09:36 PM
Aewionen mounted Arilas and followed the others. Finally off.
08-25-2003, 09:41 AM
As they were leaving the city Lefira sighed with relief. She didn't hate the city anymore for now she could leave it and never come back. Though I probably have to come back to give away that one jewel, Lefira thought, on the other hand I might be dead by that time. "Danger," she said with a smile, "here I come!"
08-25-2003, 07:09 PM
Cartoon network is starting it at 12 again today!!
08-25-2003, 09:23 PM
I overheard Lefira. I caught up to her and said,"You know Lefira, you sometimes get what you wish for. In most unexpected ways, too. So, I'd be careful what I say out loud. And if we're lucky, none of us will be killed on this quest." After a moment, I added,"Though I truly doubt that. Wishful thinking, I suppose." For I knew that nothing was gained without some loss. A fact I had come to know most intimately.
08-25-2003, 09:30 PM
Rhys was finally begining to get used to riding the donkey, when they set of in the most painful gait he could ever imagine. "On, Bara!" he called and the donkey sped up ahead of the group. "Ok, thats enough." He said, sheepishly smiling at the company.
08-25-2003, 09:39 PM
"Hey Rhys!" I called. "Why did you buy that ridiculous animal? It's going to slow us down, probably at a crucial point. It would have been much better if you had bought even a pony. But that..." I trailed off, hoping he had a good reason for buying that donkey.
08-25-2003, 09:40 PM
IT'S DYRAN! I NAMED HIM, AND HIS NAME IS THE SAME AS IN THE BOOK!!!! (whew. I feel better now. Sometimes you just gotta let out a voiceless scream!)
Ic: "My city is in the Desert of Visions, near the Oasis of True Sight. We are nomads, but never stray far from that spot. It is the only place that one has dubious safety."
So saying, she leaped astride her popo and rode slowly in the direction of her hometown.
Popo n. (poh-poh): 1. Fleet foot
2. A made up creature tracing their roots to a girl named Kalile, who created them to serve a desert dwelling character. They are rather like the small dinosaurs that run on their hind legs, but they have larger feet and pads to allow them to run through sand. They also have special fur that works like a polar bear's in reverse, channeling only cool air to the animal.
The last sane person
08-25-2003, 11:20 PM
OOC: heh, reminds me of another creature from final fantasy X, chokobo. lol.
"oh great. we are already delayed and we havent even started!" i groaned. "here, use my pack horse and load the things on that mule so we can be off!"
08-26-2003, 04:36 PM
Lefira laughed silently at Freya's warning. But how could she know, Lefira thought, what life I live and like to live. She knows nothing about me. And that's the way it will be. No need for them to know about me and my past. We just ride together and that's all. But she had a point though - have to keep these things to myself. No need to say everything out loud.
The last sane person
08-26-2003, 05:48 PM
Ah, but you see, you needent say them out loud for me to hear them! I beamed that over to Leifra, she nearly fell out of her saddle in shock.
Although i must agree with you on some parts. I too like that ever present threat of death to keep me sharp. I laughed at the look she gave me. She checked her horse back as to ride with me in the rear guard.
"who are you?" she hissed.
"I am Seth. Loyal friend to the Lady of The Golden Wood and Guardian of the east. At your service.
08-26-2003, 11:01 PM
Final Fantasy X? Hell, I've ridden Chocobo in Final Fantasy Two! Chocobo are awesome. In FF3 there's even a gambler that has an attack that if you time it right, and make all of the slots land on a chocobo picture, then chocobos run across the two dimensional screen and trample the enemies! :cool:
08-26-2003, 11:46 PM
I like final Fantasy VIII!!
Her horse took off into the desert, picking out a good route. She followed the others until they had to rest for water and food.
08-27-2003, 09:51 AM
Wonderful, Lefira thought, wonderful, now I can't even keep my thoughts to myself. She glanced suspiciously at Seth. Is he doing it right now? Can he hear everyone's thoughts at the same time or must he concentrate on only one of us? Will he stop reading my thoughts if I ask him nice? Well, I can try at least.
Lefira had decided to stay away from everyone and talk to nobody unless really needed. But she liked to think, safely, and she didn't like the idea that someone always knew what she was thinking. So she went up to Seth, looked at him and said, though she knew he heard her thoughts: "Would you please be so nice and stop doing that?"
The last sane person
08-27-2003, 12:18 PM
I laughed adn bowed my head, "certainly. It is not you i think of as a threat to the company." with that i tuned out of her head and rode at an easy gate. Still keeping my mind in the present company.
OOC: Yeah, but I like FF7 the best (x is okay too). Chokobos kick butt! especially the babies, they are kinda cutie! I have a whole buncha the the pictures off of google and my playstation 2.
08-27-2003, 06:23 PM
ooc: Excellent, fellow Final Fantasy freaks! The best is FF7. Gold Chocobos rock.
ic: I saw that Seth and Lefira were riding together and talking. Good, we should all get aquainted, it will make this whole thing much, much easier. But still something prevented me from starting a conversation with someone. Some not-so-small part of me still didn't want to get invoved with other people...for good reason.
08-27-2003, 11:20 PM
"There is water a half hour to the east," Jasiara spoke for the first time. "There you can change."
I don't suppose any of them now how to survive either... good thing I know how to live out here, or this expedition would be toast!
Ooc: Final Fantasy Three is the best ever made, despite the graphics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Espers are sooooo much better than 'Guardian Forces'!
08-27-2003, 11:30 PM
Durr, Gaurdian forces take to long!!!!
<That where you are wrong Jisara..... I've lived in the desert for years on end.>
08-28-2003, 02:10 PM
Though Seth had promised not to read her thoughts, Lefira still stayed suspicious. He said he will, she thought, but did he really do it? She was truly surprised about the fact that he had done what she had asked him, or at least promised to do, because it had been a long time since anyone had acted like that. Of course, it had been a long time since she had asked someone to do something for her, too.
Finally Lefira decided that since she can't keep herself from thinking she might as well believe that Seth would keep his promise. Beside, she didn't think that he was a threat to her and even if he was, wouldn't it make the journey even more interesting?
08-28-2003, 10:58 PM
*groan* Legoles, you can't live in every environment.
08-29-2003, 09:30 PM
Uh, hello!!! Earth to Kalile, the town is in the desert!!!
08-29-2003, 11:08 PM
True, but it wouldn't be in the middle of a desert called "The Desert of Visions," would it? And in order to be a rich, permanent city with a Lord, then there would have to be a river, lake, or other body of water very close, not to mention an accessible trade route. For convienience's sake, let's say it's built right on a large river. That takes care of both. :)
Ic: Perhaps, but not as I once did. Not as my people do.
She was very careful to mask how much she missed them...
Ooc: I've got an idea for the city, can you tell?
The last sane person
08-29-2003, 11:24 PM
OOC: Arent we up in arms? :rolleyes:
I knew Leifra would have a hard time trusting my word to stay out of her head. But i would, she was no threat. The one i was worried about was left behind where i couldnt keep my eye on. Thats what worried me.
"Have you not eyes?" I asked our 'leader' astride her chokobo. She looked at me quizzitivly. "Look at our skin!" I held my arm next to hers and i was the darker of the two. then she kecognized my features.
"are you not one from Tuuran?" she asked, recognizing my lineage.
"I am indeed! Do not try to rule me out on desert living! I know it well!" I laughed and fell back to my spot in the rear.
08-29-2003, 11:43 PM
Whaddya mean?
Espers are better because Espers are a race of special beings. When humans waged war upon them, they sealed themselves in their city. When the bad guy broke the seal, intending to kill them, the Espers weren't very happy at all.
Humans had been stealing and experimenting on every Esper they found outside. The Magicite that you use are the essences of dead Espers, and they grant their power to you. It's really sad, even though the graphics are bad. If the graphics were good, I'd be in tears all game; this game is INTENSE!
The last sane person
08-29-2003, 11:49 PM
I have a better version of that game, it was edited by a few friends of mine and I. and we improve upon the graphics and playability of it. yeah, kinda sad but its just a game (and this is way off topic!)
"well, supposing we could actually get on trail how long would it take to reach the city?" i piped up form the back.
08-30-2003, 10:32 AM
Lefira was again deep in her thoughts, she didn't see nor hear anything that was happening around her. Now she was thinking of the one jewel, the jewel with little worth that they had to give away. Why would Lord want it if it's worthless, she thought, but he wants it really badly - he is ready to let us have all the treasure we find except that one stone. I wonder what's so special about it? She woke up from her thoughts suddenly and looked around. Everything seemed to be all right. Lefira knew that she wanted that one jewel for herself, even if it really was worthless, she still wanted it, more than she had ever wanted anything.
08-30-2003, 02:37 PM
ooc: erm... hi, I have been very busy this summer, and am starting school so, I'm very sorry I haven't been here. I don't think I will be coming online very often (like I have been doing) so please carry on without me. :(
08-30-2003, 07:45 PM
ooc: Bye, Lady! We'll miss you!
ic: Somehow I have to get that gem for myself. It's the only thing that can save my village. If I don't get it...Ugh, I don't even want to consider that. I'll get it...even if it kills me or any of these people. My family and friends are more important than any of them. I spurred my horse and shot ahead to the front of our little band. "Come on, everyone! Let's ride, or we'll never get there!" I rode hard, and soon found that Earendil had quickly out-distanced the others. I decided to dismount and wait for the others to catch up. "Good horse, my faithful Earendil. Good horse." I murmured to him. I then sat down and waited, and thought.
The last sane person
08-31-2003, 12:32 AM
Great, i thought, this one jewel has the power to tempt others almost as much as that blasted One Ring! i must do what i can to get that jewel away from these poeple and, more importantly, away from Lord Dryan! i was furious, no wonder Galadriel had sent me so promptly.
If Dryan gets a hold of it he will use it to over throw the White counsil and take domain over Middle Earth faster than a dwarf could swing an axe! I spurred my horse ahead with all due speed. I had been given the location of the place by Galadriel and was suppose to go get it myself, but i had been waylaid and thus made me late to the arrival. I have to get that jewel! Middle Earth has to be warned!
OOC: By the vibes i am getting, i take it that this thing has the capability of great evil.
08-31-2003, 03:34 PM
Yep! I'm not sure what it does, yet, but it's powerful.
09-01-2003, 06:48 PM
"I must get that jewl. She does not know the power that it holds!! If I don't get it then Mirkwood can not lift the shadow that is rising again!" she thought.
The last sane person
09-01-2003, 09:55 PM
Aha! Competition for the Jewel! I sensed the desire for the jewel coming from all of my companions. Mayhaps we will come to blows over it? This is already a shaky fellowship! I rode on and a great cxity by a river came to my veiw. I hailed my mates and we rode for it.
09-01-2003, 10:01 PM
"Don't!" Kalile called, but the others were already making for the white tents. A black arrow, fletched with a special feathery plant, landed in the sand before the first of the Fellowship.
"What do strangers want in the Desert of Visions?" Desert elves popped up all around them.
"Mayhap you come from Dyran! That alone would be sufficient to kill you."
Ooc: Dyran isn't well liked, in case you couldn't tell. ;)
The last sane person
09-01-2003, 10:32 PM
My crossbow was out in a flash and aimed for the leaders thoat. "what bussiness we come on is our own affair!" I shouted back. They men from the tents backed off a bit. "if we wanted to attack we wouldnt of come charging towards you like this. You would have already been dead." I hissed and dismounted as the others came toward me. By Croosbow still aimed for the leaders thoat.
I lowerd it and said, "we mean no harm." with that they relented, but i still kept my guard. "I can agree with you on the dislike of that oaf, Dryan."
09-01-2003, 10:42 PM
This jewel, it must be of great power if Dyran wants it. Why else. I should be destroyed quickly! But...maybe...I could... Aewionen stopped suddenly at the sound of a voice.
Gulio, Strength of Many
09-02-2003, 01:11 AM
Rorin hopped off his pony and almost drew his axe. Best not to threaten them, he thought. "Why would I serve Dyran, a tyrant and an elf?"
09-02-2003, 08:38 PM
I saw what was happening and quickly rode in. "OI! We are NOT here to start a war, you dolts!" I said, as I glared at my companions. I turned to the strangers and said, "I'm sorry, but we are on a quest. We need passage through your lands. Would you be so kind as to give us leave to do so?" I said all this as I savagely thought at my companions You idiots! We don't need to draw attention to ourselves, and, thanks to you, that's exactly what we're doing! WE DON'T NEED THIS KIND OF ATTENTION. I hadn't been going to put my telepathic powers on display like that, but I couldn't help myself. I was very powerful, so I was sure that I could handle any kind of mind probe. Let them try. They would soon learn their mistake.
09-02-2003, 09:12 PM
<Don't shout like that! You must sheild your thoughts so they can't hear you!">
09-02-2003, 09:18 PM
<Sorry. I do that sometimes when I'm pissed.>
The last sane person
09-03-2003, 12:25 AM
Aii! you are the dolt! I was talking to them and they had been leaving me alone! You needent have rode in like that! I furiosly thought at my companion. You the bloody hell do you think you are? Gil-galad at the final aliance? i growled audiably
09-03-2003, 08:28 AM
Lefira silently watched her companions and the people of the city being suspicious toward each other. She didn't blame the desert elves for not liking the company she was a member of. She had seen a lot of people acting the same, usually when she had approached them, and she understood them. It was her nature to be suspicious towards others but not because she was careful. Lefira just didn't like other people, as simple as that.
ooc: it might happen that I can't come here very often because we kind of lost our Internet connection... I hope we'll find a way to restore it soon...
09-03-2003, 10:07 PM
Jasiara touched her fingers to her forehead.
"What happened to just asking?"
A surge of amusement made her smile slightly, but it quickly vanished. Slaves don't have feelings.
Hooking a white cloth over her face, Jasiara joined the others.
If my people don't know me, then they won't make things any harder for me than they are already.
The last sane person
09-04-2003, 12:48 PM
Slave?! I thought after i 'heard' her thoughts. Ye gods! How the plot doth thicken!, I saw her cover her face and i rode next to her and said to her half in jest, "its a pitty you are covering your beautiful face! Why would anyone want to hide such beauty in a place where it is least!" I was hoping to glean more information without useing my more intrusive method.
09-04-2003, 11:38 PM
"I haven't been here in many years, ever since I... entered Lord Dyran's service. No doubt that they would be glad to see me, but I would prefer to remain unknown."
Suddenly she realized that she had been talking more than she had in years, and gritted her teeth silently.
The last sane person
09-05-2003, 12:20 PM
"I see..." I secretly knew what she was feeling as thoughts werent the only things i could read. Would to gods that i could kill this Dyran! I gritted my teeth and forrowed my brows as well, she noticed it.
"and what is your reason for comming?" she asked in return.
"oh, adventure, gold, the thrill of battle..." Not to mention an assignment to take down your 'lord' i added silently in my head. The Lady had merely sent me to get the jewel away from him, and i will, but i made it my privet agenda too take him down in the prosses.
09-05-2003, 06:34 PM
<Hey Seth, mind if I help you kill him? I've got a bit of a grudge against that bastard. I'd love to see him dead...> I grinned evilly as I thought this to Seth. I'm going to enjoy this...
09-05-2003, 09:05 PM
<I'd like to get a cut at that jerk too! Count me in!> I knew I would enjoy this.
09-06-2003, 07:25 AM
Though the desert elves had lowered their weapons and let the fellowship enter their city, they still remained suspicious and carefully examined each member of the company. Lefira knew the were going to keep an eye on them wherever they went in the city, and that they would notice every move she or her companions made. There were many desert elves, who were all well armed and had good fighting skills, so if it ever came to a fight, it wouldn't be hard to guess who would win. Lefira understood that there would be more than ten arrows pointed at her before she could drew her sword.
It's time to act as calmly as we can and look as innocent as possible, she thought, but I can't see any reason why these people should tell us anything about the Lost Caverns of Gold, even if they knew something.
The last sane person
09-06-2003, 01:17 PM
Sorry, you lot! this is what i am doing on my own. If i fail then you may get the chance at him. You lot had better form a line or draw numbers out of a helm for this is a very saught after adventure! I beamed right back at them.
OOC: fine then!
09-06-2003, 03:55 PM
I stated that already in one of my first posts
<I'm second!!!>
coughbbllaasstteeddbbllooooooddyynniimntteeyysseec coonnddrruullee
The last sane person
09-06-2003, 07:18 PM
OOC: well that explians you but not the other one.
09-06-2003, 07:23 PM
ooc: I already stated that I'm a telepath, too.
The last sane person
09-06-2003, 07:32 PM
OOC: Good lord! i fixed my post. There are alot of telepaths around these days!
09-06-2003, 07:33 PM
ooc: That's because it fits what I want to do with my character. Everyone else, well...:rolleyes:
The last sane person
09-06-2003, 10:00 PM
OOC: I suppose. Where is every one?
I smirked and dismounted a little ways from the camp to set up a fire to cook and eat dinner, still musing on the eventful day and on all the colorfull ways i could get Dryan.
09-06-2003, 10:09 PM
ooc: I gotta go, see ya tomorrow.
09-07-2003, 01:12 AM
I'm here, but since everyone's telapathic, and I decided not to be, even though I'm from the desert of visions and we're all psychics and oracles, I have nothing to post right now. Oh well, I'll post anyway!
Ic: "We are here to ask of the Caverns of Gold, and to get supplies more suited to desert fare."
She switched to Desert Elvish, and continued. "The clothes they wear are not good for heat, and the food we carry more suited for a pleasure jaunt. We need something real, and your help."
The last sane person
09-07-2003, 01:44 PM
My clothes are just fine elf. I mentally growled, it was apperant that people kept forgetting that i was desert born and raised and only just now that i entered the Evlish Lady's service.
09-09-2003, 07:47 PM
"Delays, delays!" I muttered. "If we don't get going, we'll never get there."
The last sane person
09-09-2003, 08:16 PM
I am finding this quest very doubtful of acheiving its purpose! I beamed to my fellow conspiriter Freya.
09-09-2003, 08:39 PM
ooc: Erm, her name is....Freya!
Gulio, Strength of Many
09-12-2003, 11:33 PM
ooc: Goodness! Are Kalile and I the only non-telepathic peoples here?
09-12-2003, 11:43 PM
Yes, we are. Especially ironic as I come from the Desert of VISIONS, and the desert elves are gifted with psycic stuff.
09-12-2003, 11:56 PM
I'm not either!
Havent posted in a while though.......
The last sane person
09-13-2003, 02:17 AM
Uh, well. I have always are we going to get on with the plot? or must we go questing after that too?
09-13-2003, 05:56 AM
ooc: I'm trying to have as few special powers as I can, and for now I'm doing fine with none of them. And sorry for being away, though I was kind of afraid that I don't recognise the story anymore when I come back and I'm glad that it hasn't happened. :)
ic: Lefira watched Jasiara asking Desert Elves for help and was truly surprised that they didn't deny it. In fact, they promised to give them all necessary supplies for the journey. Maybe they just wanted to get rid of them, but Lefira noticed that they remained suspicious. Though Jasiara had also asked them about the Lost Caverns of Gold, the Desert Elves didn't say anything about that subject.
The Desert Elves gave the fellowship food and clothes that were made of white cloth that was light but felt magically cool even under the desert sun. They were too helpful considering how they had acted when the company had reached the city. Then they had been ready to kill them, but now they even gave practical advice how to successfully travel through the desert.
When the fellowship was finally ready to start the journey, one of the Desert Elves stepped closer to the company and said: "There is one more thing you need for the journey to be successful. The Lost Caverns of Gold are well hidden and if you don't know even the area where the are, you will never find them. Follow me." They all went towards a big white tent and entered it.
09-13-2003, 09:13 PM
The tent of the Elder was just like the other tents, with the customary decorations such as the embroidered cushions and beautiful pottery common to these houses as the only furniture.
The only exception was the size of the tent itself, and the one peice of furniture in the village. It was a small table, carved fancifully with beasts and flowers, and had a chessboard on the surface.
Just now, however, the table was empty, the Elder sitting on a large cushion opposite the enterance.
The Elder was a small, slim old man, his skin darkened with many long summers. He had the pointed ears of elves, and the slanted eyes, but he was different. This elf lived in two worlds; here, in his city, and elsewhere, where time and space meet and overlap, and nothing is what it seems.
He leaned forward, placing his hand, palm outward, against his forehead in greeting.
South and West go to find treasure of golden hall.
When purple is about, do not linger past the night fall.
At orange, go east, into the rising sun,
At green, your journey truly has begun.
Do not stray from the course of the barest patch of sand,
Or the sun will find your remains scattered across the land
Ooc: Oops! Gotta go! I'll finish this later.
09-14-2003, 07:10 PM
Okay, I'll finish the instructions and bring this up to the top!
South and West go to find treasure of golden hall.
When purple is about, do not linger past night fall.
At orange, go straight into the rising sun,
At green, go North-east, else your course is run.
Do not stray from the course of the barest patch of sand,
Or the sun will find your remains scattered across the land.
Finally, at blue, quench your thirst, from yellow
But not from red,
Then you will see the path that leads nowhere but ahead.
Follow the path until it ends at gold's ancient mining
Search you for the rock,
When the moon is shining.
The last sane person
09-14-2003, 10:07 PM
Wow. Now we have a cryptic elf to deal with. I thought ruefully as i 'over heard' the two talking in the tent.
09-14-2003, 10:29 PM
Ooc: I know the answer to the riddle, but don't expect me to help!
It's really quite linear and easy, once you get to it.
The last sane person
09-14-2003, 10:33 PM
Bugger it. I'll just follow placidly along. I think that now would be an appropriet time for a plot twist.
09-14-2003, 10:46 PM
Ok, got any ideas? I know how the riddle works out, but is there anything else, I wonder?
Sorry, gotta wake up at four, and am in the middle of love complications *again* so my brain's not working.
The last sane person
09-14-2003, 11:08 PM
Love complications? Excuse moi? In the other thread i suppose.....Well, yeah, anyways, what are we going to do about the puzzle, cause if you drop off the ends of the earth, this thread will go no where! :D
09-15-2003, 11:12 PM
Don't worry, I won't drop off the end of the earth, and I'm not telling anyone how to solve it! It's really hella easy once you get to each obstacle.
The love complications are real life ones. Now that Raistlin has gone to another school, I find myself liking my best friend a little.
He's an idiot, but he's great to talk to and loves music.
The last sane person
09-16-2003, 12:49 AM
OOC: Ack! Ditchin' your former flame and falling for your friend?! Trust me babe, that never works! ACK! This is way off topic!
I saighed and walked up to Jasiara once seh finished her little cryptic mumbo jumbo with the other elf. "are we going to leave anytime soon or are we to rack up as many years as these chaps?"
09-16-2003, 10:48 PM
Ooc: Yes it is, and one final comment. I didn't ditch him, he ditched me! *sigh*
Ic: Jasiara smiled a little.
"We should go. The sooner we get to the treasure, the sooner we can go back."
And the sooner we leave this place, the sooner I can forget. I will never return.
She thought, biting her lip as she remembered the last of the oracle's words.
How can it be? It can't, but I... Something welled up inside the desert elf, and she pushed it down again: that was all she could do.
The first thing Lord Dyran had taken from her was her ability to cry.
Gulio, Strength of Many
09-16-2003, 11:04 PM
"I agree, let's leave as soon as possible," Rorin said. Stupid Elves can't give a strait answer can they?!
The last sane person
09-16-2003, 11:21 PM
Apperently not. I sighed and told my dwarven companion. he gave an exsaperated sigh and went to get his horse ready. Then i caught hold of the emotions swirling in jasiara. I nearly howled out loud in rage at that beast Dryan. I was going to kill him. Nice and slow.
09-17-2003, 12:28 AM
Riddles, always riddles with elves. Aewionen sighed as she went to her horse to get ready to go.
09-17-2003, 10:46 PM
Okay. Skipping the whole 'riding out of town at sunset' thing.
So now we're well out of town.
Provisioned well and equipped as well as they could be, the party rode onward until nightfall.
Jasiara had regained control, though outwardly she had never lost it, and helped set up camp.
"The desert elves. I didn't know she still rememberes where that lies." Dyran frowned. No matter. She had kept to herself. The slave probably didn't even know that she was desert elf anymore. Still, it was surprising... he only hoped that the others of the party were still busy with thoughts of the treasure. They were trap fodder anyway.
Ooc: It's interesting to play people with complex and disturbing pasts that torment their souls. I'm just glad that I'm not that way.
Gulio, Strength of Many
09-18-2003, 01:10 AM
ooc: Twisted, twisted characters Kalile. Thank goodness you aren't like them. Or are you? (Insert scary music here):D
The last sane person
09-18-2003, 01:24 AM
OOC: Uh, Gulio. Are you a dwarf in this?
Gulio, Strength of Many
09-18-2003, 01:26 AM
ooc: Indeedy-do Sane:p
The last sane person
09-18-2003, 01:31 AM
OOC: Oh good. I was getting confused with all the mind to mind crap being flung back and forth. I was forgetting who was who and who was what.
Gulio, Strength of Many
09-18-2003, 01:37 AM
ooc: I understand. Psycics are confuzzling. I prefer as little magic as possible in my characters.:)
09-18-2003, 10:01 AM
Lefira sat on the sand that was still warm looking at the starry sky. She was happy because the true adventure had just started - there were finally alone in the desert. She didn't worry much about the riddle of the elves for the first line clearly told to go south-west.
Gulio, Strength of Many
09-18-2003, 07:31 PM
ooc:500th POST YAY!!!!! *Blows one of those little party horn things*
ic: Rorin spotted Lefira sitting alone in the sand. He plopped down next to her. "So lass, what made you decide to go on this quest?" He asked.
09-19-2003, 08:09 AM
Lefira looked at the dwarf sitting beside her and waiting for her answer. She would have ignored him as she usually did when people wanted to have a nice conversation with her if she hadn't been in such great mood. She hadn't been so happy for weeks or even months so she decided to answer. "Adventure, danger, excitement," she said with a smile, "not the gold." She looked at Rorin waiting for his reaction, still smiling and thinking whether he could believe that a person doesn't care about gold.
Gulio, Strength of Many
09-19-2003, 07:49 PM
"Aye, that's what I thought," Rorin said, "I could see it in your eyes. You're like I was once, wishing for nothing but danger," He sighed, "Me, I just needed a purpose I guess. What with all the stinkin' elf lords out there monitoring everything, you can't reall do much without the threat of death. Or worse. Gets really boring, hiding out all the time, know what I mean?" He looked at her, "No, you probably don't. you seem like the type who charges headfirst into any sort of danger."
09-20-2003, 02:09 PM
Lefira smiled again. "The stars are very beautiful today," she said and continued looking at the sky. Rorin had understood that she loved danger, but he hadn't understood why she loved it. Nobody have, she thought, and nobody will. Everyone has their deep secrets and so did she. But her deep secret was so deep that sometimes ever she forgot it.
Gulio, Strength of Many
09-20-2003, 02:22 PM
"Aye, that they are," Rorin said. "Well, I'm gonna turn in. Good night Lefira."
09-20-2003, 02:44 PM
After she had said good night to Rorin, Lefira lay down in the sand still looking at the stars. Pretty soon she fell asleep.
09-20-2003, 03:55 PM
Aewionen sat like a shadow, staring up at the starry night sky. She sighed and leaned back on her elbows in the cool sand. Thinking of the path that was laid before her, and that she would soon begin, she closed her eyes. A tear rolled down her cheek as she remebered all of those she had seen die. And for all of those yet to come. She quickly wiped the tear away and lay down. Soon, she fell into a dreamless sleep.
The last sane person
09-20-2003, 05:20 PM
While everyone and their uncle turned in for the night, i got up and walked around. On my little night time stroll i bumped into this small little stream in a small oasis. I took a drink and filled my waterskin and sat there when i heard someone approach.
09-20-2003, 06:21 PM
She had walked toward the oasis without knowing it, arriving and watching Seth. (are you Seth in this one?)
"I have watched you closely, adventurer, and I see that you have gotten Jasiara to tell you much. Beware. Do not meddle in this, for, as you see, she is my slave completely, even unto death. Because of the nature of the bonding, she will die if I wish it. The desert elf is useful, but not necessary."
Jasiara smiled cruelly. "Do not pity her; she does not even know who she is. If she knows about the desert elves at all, it is because I permit her to read, not because she remembers them. It was a good idea to visit the desert elves, but, obviously, she remains under my control. Beware my wrath, foolish man."
Jasiara blinked, and shook her head. "How did I get here? I must have sleepwalked. Huh.
Goodnight, Seth."
The last sane person
09-20-2003, 11:34 PM
I roared through the channel at Dryan. I could feel him greatly shaken. We shall see who is the fool elf! For it is not wise to meddle in the affaires of the Amadaun! I sent a wave of power over the link and smacked him with it as he tried to close the line. Jasiara blinked.
"Good night to you to."
OOC: Amadaun is Seth's title. It is really old celtic word fro "messanger of a lady" the lady usually being a queen. So i modified it so that Galadriel is my lady and i am her messanger/warrior.
09-22-2003, 12:01 AM
Cool! It will be very interesting to see how this all plays out. :) I love a good plot line, but semi-good ones are cool too. ;)
Ic: Dyran lay flat for a time, trying to digest the power he'd felt.
It's very familiar, I just can't place... Galadriel. the elf's lip curled. Galadriel. So my fool of a mother has sent this man ot combat me. I can deal with him later. But Jasiara... in the brief time he had occupied her mind, new things had opened up. She still knows who she is. Interesting.
Dyran had a lot to ponder when he finally lay to rest.
Gulio, Strength of Many
09-22-2003, 12:07 AM
Rorin awoke a few hours after drifting off in the cool sand. Dwarves don't need much sleep anyway, so he got up and prepared to leave.
09-22-2003, 12:20 AM
Sil walked around the desert, enjoying the cool desert breeze. She walked twords Seth. "Enjoying the breeze?"
The last sane person
09-22-2003, 08:27 PM
"Yeah. Lovely. When did Jasiara say we were leaving?" I asked as i packed my stuff. I didnt really get much sleep the previous night.
09-22-2003, 09:36 PM
ooc: Can someone please tell me where we are, who I am, and where I am right now?:confused: I'm confunded. And I have no time to look it up. Thanks.:rolleyes:
09-22-2003, 10:21 PM
We're all in the desert. You too. We're following a riddle. That's about it, although Dyran took over my brain and talked to LSP, but you aren't awake for that anyway.
09-22-2003, 10:31 PM
Aewionen woke with a start. Something strange had happened, though she couldn't quite put her finger on it. She sat up and looked around. She noticed she was not the only one awake. Slowly, Aewionen rose and began packing.
09-23-2003, 10:29 AM
Lefira opened her eyes and looked the deep blue sky above her. There were still a few stars up there, but not as bright as they had been last night. The eastern sky was pale pink but the sun wasn't there yet. She continued looking at the sky - moments passed by, sky grew lighter and lighter and then the blood red sun rose. Lefira had slept like a baby - deeply and peacefully, and her dreams had been wonderful. She had dreamt about finding the Lost Caverns of Gold and about that One Stone. It had been beautiful, more beautiful than words can describe. It was like a huge diamond - transparent, but it was never really transparent. In sunlight it shone in all the rainbow colours that were brighter than any rainbow had ever been, and in moonlight it was pure silver. And when there was no moon nor sun, it still wasn't transparent, but caught every little ray of light which made it shine. It was the most beautiful sight Lefira had ever seen in her whole life and for hours she sat in the sand, her eyes focused on the sky but her thoughts on that One Jewel.
09-30-2003, 06:09 PM
Silihandra had fallen asleep on the sand. She woke to see the pale blues, pinks, golds, and reds of early morning. <What a beautiful day...> she thought.
09-30-2003, 09:30 PM
Ooc: Save the rpg! Save it! Now!
Oh, by the way, I asked zone to join since we really aren't all that far in, and he's only in one rpg.
Ic: "Come," Jasiara returned over the sand, her boots making scarcely a sound in the sand. Her voice sounded extremely loud in the wide open expanse of sand, the total silence strange in such an open place.
"We have a long way to go before reaching our next stop."
oot:not Far eh... its over 200 post!
09-30-2003, 11:10 PM
Yes, but we did a lot of dawdling, talking, and getting yelled at by mods before we actually started. We're maybe five days into our quest, and still have a riddle to solve, mazes to pass, monsters to fight... :eek: better stop talking before I blab too much! ;)
oot:I will join but I will have to find out whats happening first then I will make my character.
10-01-2003, 11:18 PM
Alright, now post your bio; we need to save this thing!
Ugh I can't think of one *dies*
Gulio, Strength of Many
10-02-2003, 12:35 AM
Yes! Come swiftly zone, and save this dying rpg!! Hee hee hee. (Can't you tell I'm hyper!!!!!!!!!) *Bounces around the room, screaming about monkey ranch* (Inside joke, don't even ask...)
Rorin shouldered his pack, and, making sure his axe was within easy grabbing reach, turned to follow Jasiara.
ooc: MONKEY RANCH!!!!!:D :D :D :D
10-02-2003, 10:14 AM
They had been riding all day under the hot desert sun. Now the sun was setting again and it grew a bit cooler. Everythind was still the same - endless field of sand in every possible direction. No adventure, no danger, just endless desert. Boring, Lefira thought as she walked further away from others to be alone. She had come a long way already from her companions, even too long, when suddely something happened. The sand under her feet gave way and with a cry she fell. After landing at the bottom of the hole, she stood up and looked around. The opening was not that high but too high for her to get out. Lefira looked around - it was some sort of underground cave, and she noticed a tunnel leading into darkness. She went that way as soon as she saw it, without thinking or hesitating. It was so dark that she didn't see anything but she kept going.
Gulio, Strength of Many
10-02-2003, 08:08 PM
Rorin's pony came to a sudden halt as the ground opened up in front of him, and right underneath Lefira. Rorin gave a short cry of surprise as Lefira disappeared into the sand. He jumped off his pony, and stood on the edge of the hole. "Lefira, are you all right?"
10-02-2003, 10:26 PM
Ooc: Use the character from the 'Peophecy' (:rolleyes: ) if you need to. He's very cool.
Ic: Jasiara started at the commotion, jerking out of deep thought.
"What?" the she saw.
And antlion's hole, hidden under the sand.
"Lefira's in there?!" it seemed to be the back entrance to a larger hole somewhere nearby where the antlion would catch it's prey, but still dangerous.
"Lefira!" without thinking, Kalile launched herself off of her beast and jumped straight into the hole.
oot:really (wow I have never have been sent such a complement*dances*.....*dances again*)
Urishi (oo Ri shee)
eyes:crimson(dark red)
description: His skin is Pale white his face has an cold and evil vibes to it. He has large grey wings that connect to his back.
clothing: leather padded armor connected by cloth (ok he is on a cheap budget right now) and he usually wears a large ragged black hooded cloak .He also wields a green tinted iron plated gauntlet on his right hand it has a little blue orb on top of its wrist part plate.
weapons:dragon's bane ( his katana) and one kama( a small sythe)
10-02-2003, 11:07 PM
Aewionen jumped off her horse and knelt beside the hole just as Jasiara leaped into the hole. Without hesitating, she too jumped into the dark hole.
10-03-2003, 12:14 AM
Are you a bad guy in this, zone?
No .... I don't think so...... but well you will have to just see
The last sane person
10-03-2003, 12:39 AM
If you are thn i will have to kill you too at the end of this...
I had only heard a small yelp where Leifra had been standing. Then Aewionen jumped heedlessly after her. I groaned and dismounted next to the gapping hole. Chantig a bit under my breath, a small ramp of sand formed and enabled me to lead the horses down after the two errrant women. I lit a torch and softly called their names.
10-03-2003, 08:42 AM
ooc: I thought it would take you time to find that hole Lefira fell into. She was far away from others and it was quite dark, but never mind. Let's just skip the seaching part, but it still means that she has gone along that tunnel for a while already and you can't find her right away... ok? :)
ic: The tunnel seemed quite long, but finally it opened up into a bigger cave. It wasn't so dark in there though Lefira didn't see anything that gave such light. It seemed to be coming from some place deeper and she was determined to found it. So she took one of the two other tunnels, the one that was going downwards. In a while she reached a dead end, but as she had no intention of going back, she started to look for another way futher. And she found it. It wasn't just the end of the cave but a wall that seemed to have been built here by someone. But there was a small hole in the wall, and when she had removed the sand and pieces of rock, she was able to get through it. Reaching the other side, she carefull covered the hole in the wall and continued following the path that took her deeper and deeper.
10-03-2003, 08:07 PM
Ooc: Oops. I didn't realize that you were far ahead. :o
Anyway, lead on, oh plot nuance creater!
Ic: Jasiara followed the tunnel for a ways, until she noticed other branches leading off. Not really sure why, she followed one for a ways, going uphill. After a time, it ended, the only path onward through a grate in the ceiling. For the first time, the elf saw that the tunnel was now paved. Curious, she opened the grate and jumped up through it, drawing a two bladed sword.
It was a room. A round, low room with no other exit, and only a candle burning.
Feeling the sensation that someone was watching, Jasiara turned...
Ooc: Ok, zone! You decide. Do you live here? Are you somehow imprisoned, like with magic? What?
There was just enough candle light to see an outline of a figure at the far end of the room. "Who are you and What is your business being here?" said a voice in a commanding tone.
10-03-2003, 09:47 PM
ooc: Can someone please give me something to play off of? Thanks.
ic: I had entered the tunnel after the others, but I had gotten myself lost almost immediately. "Hey, where is everyone?" I said loudly. There was no answer.
10-03-2003, 11:48 PM
Ooc: Can't really, not right now. I will, though, if someone else doesn't!
Ic: Jasiara remained impassive and hard-faced, though she was very surprised.
"I am Jasiara of the Desert Elv- Lord Dyran's plentipotentiary. We come seeking the Caverns of Gold. Know you aught of them?"
" I am Urishi... I have been traveling through these tunnels for many days now. I Seek for something more valuable than gold But now what brings you searching for that cavern?"Said Urishi as he walked closer to the candle light. " You do know of the dangers you seek."
10-03-2003, 11:58 PM
"I was given a riddle. By my - by the desert elves. It will show me the way. And what Lord Dyran seeks is of no concern to you."
"There are more to those gold caverns then you think... I have been there before but I did not dare go in. It is cursed you see... cursed of greed. I do not recommend searching any longer."
10-04-2003, 12:07 AM
"I'm afraid I must," she murmered half to herself.
"What is the nature of this curse you speak of? And what manner of person are you?"
"It is the curse of Greed It will devour you and who ever is with you. It is a very dangerous task And as for me.... well I seek for something else... just stones. They look like polished clear colored orbs. I can bring you to the gold caverns yet it will be a long dangerous journey but once you get there I will leave you."
10-04-2003, 11:26 AM
It can't be endless, Lefira thought. But the tunnel truly seemed to be endless, and it still took deeper and deeper. It wasn't so dark for the secret light that was seen in the upper cave, also produced a faint glow in the tunnel. But it didn't go brighter, though Lefira was sure she was getting nearer to it. And the light had other strange qualities. It wasn't warm but neither was it cold. It wasn't natural but neither was it artificial. It didn't give a good feeling but neither gave a bad one. It just gave one feeling and understanding - it was just light. Lefira continued walking telling herself that this tunnel will end somewhere, that it has to. Everything that has a beginning, has an end, she tried to convince herself. And then the end came. She hadn't expected it would be anything like that. She just stood there with her mouth open and couldn't believe what she saw.
This tunnel had also ended in a cave, thought cave wasn't the right word to call it, the right word was completely different. "It's a city," she said in amazement, "an underground city." She saw houses and streets and even fountains and ponds filled with clear water. And the houses - they were not made of stone but of crystal and the light made them shine like stars. Lefira looked up and saw the source of light. High, high up, on the top of a beautiful silver tower there it was.
10-04-2003, 09:01 PM
Aewionen followed the tunneling maze for quite some time when she stopped and turned to look behind her. Nothing. Though nothing seemed to be there, she felt like she was not alone. Shrugging her shoulders, she continued on.
10-05-2003, 11:24 PM
"I need to get back to the others." what had started out as an antlion's cave had suddenly turned into a chance encounter and perhaps a guide.
The last sane person
10-06-2003, 12:00 AM
I had travled the same path as leifra, given that she was far ahead of me i spared no effort in finding her. By the time i had realized it, we were greatly split up, cursing myself for my foolery. But as i did so i caught the faint glimer of light. Again without thinking i rushed to it, and after a great time passed i made it.
Infront of me was the most grand city i have seen, a rival for even the old city of Aman. And there was that blasted jewel above it all. As well as leifra.
Others ....that might cause problems
"Yes but I must warn you it is easier getting into the hole than getting out."said Urishi while loading his pipe with pipe weed. (Tolkien pipe weed not weed.)
10-06-2003, 12:06 AM
Ooc: Same thing, silly!
Ic: "Well, I need to find my companions. Do you know the way out?"
The last sane person
10-06-2003, 12:10 AM
OOC: Are you two just going to stand and make small talk or are we going to met up at some point?
I walked through the streets and was amazed at the people i saw. ELVES! Grey elves! Celeborn's people! What the blooming hell were they doing down here?! I smiled and gave greeting in Quenya and they smiled and returned my greeting. I was fast catching up with Liefra who was making her way to the tower in the citadel where the light was kept.
OOC: Maybe because these are Celeborns people, i alone could safely get the jewel since i know their Prince (now king). And i made them Grey elves because this thing is going slower than molases and it needed a twist. (dont worry, i have a legit reason fro them being down here and in the posesion of the jewel. (Gasp! Could it be a silmaril??! )
10-06-2003, 12:22 AM
Ooc; That's two of my rpgs that have needed to be saved by someone else... Oh well, we're coming!
Ic: Urishi led Jasiara silently through the tunnels until they came to a large city. It was teeming with people, but it was easy to spot the other two of the memebers of the group.
"Seth! Lefira!" Jasiara barked, using her best parade ground voice to cut through the mass of noise.
10-06-2003, 02:54 PM
ooc: why do people always spell my names wrong: my real name, my nickname here, my character's name... :rolleyes:
ic: Lefira stopped as she heard Jasiara's voice calling her, but she didn't take her eyes of the sparkling jewel on the top of the silver tower in the middle of the city. Elves passed by her, and some of them gave her a smile, but even when Jasiara came up to her and Seth, Lefira still kept looking at the jewel for it seemed impossible for her to not look at it. It was not just the jewel, but also that magical light it gave. Lefira decided that she will spend the rest of her life standing there and watching that jewel and she thought that there were nothing better one could do with one's life.
10-06-2003, 11:27 PM
Jasiara looked upon the jewel for a moment, then drew in her breath. "I have seen this before, in my Lord's castle!" it had never occured to her to wonder why that jewel was kept locked away, and she did not bother to do so now.
"This is not what we are looking for, but I know my Lord would treasure news of this place."
10-07-2003, 12:50 AM
Aewionen continued walking until she saw light at the end of the tunnel. Quickening her pace, she soon reached the light, which ended up leading to a city. Elves walked past her, smiling and some saying hello in their tongue. Aewionen returned the greeting, looking for any sign of anyone.
10-12-2003, 11:32 AM
Lefira looked at the magical jewel of light and suddenly she was in it, she was in that jewel and the light around her was too bright for her eyes, but she couldn't close them though she tried. She was standing in the middle of the endless light, when suddenly she heard a voice, which said: "Light and goodness. But you are evil, aren't you?"
Lefira closed her eyes and fell backward. A sudden stab of pain went through her head, but she gathered together all her strenght and will and opened her eyes. She was lying on the street of the marvellous city, her companions looking at her with surprise. They didn't understand why she had fallen so suddenly. She heard herself saying: "Just lost balance," but her eyes were still focused on the jewel. Its magical effect on her was gone, it was still beautiful and miracolous, but that was all.
The last sane person
10-15-2003, 06:55 PM
10-16-2003, 01:11 PM
Lefira gave another look to the jewel to make sure that it doesn't hold her under its influence any more. She still liked it and enjoyed watching it, but now she was able to turn her head away from it when she wanted. Lefira looked around and smiled to her companions, who had also reached the city.
10-16-2003, 10:00 PM
It's another one!
(a better one!) :D
That jewel was not here before...nor was this city What has happened here? "There is something very wrong here..." Urishi mumbled to himself.
10-18-2003, 09:04 PM
wait, can you do that? i thought you were supposed to be evil!
10-18-2003, 09:06 PM
oops! I am soo sorry, wrong board, please forgive me! brutallykillthedang90secrule
Would you like to brutally kill the 90 sec rule with a pointed stick or a hammer?
The last sane person
10-20-2003, 05:59 PM
I merely looked around and was a bit frustrated. running my hands through my hair, i shot an arrow prayer aloft to my lady and was promptly answered. things are not as they seem!
tell me about it...
really! keep your mind on the present Seth! Galadriel had a slight edge in her voice.
I will do everything in my power too kill him, i am sorry.
No! seth! please! i cut her out of my head.
Uh, Hi:) I'm, uh, new but if you need more players, I'd like to join
name: Devak
age: not know
hair:copper with silver streaks
race:elfling (part elf part hafling)
from:the shire
apperance: Wears a black cloak with red fring. You hardly ever see har face
10-25-2003, 11:11 AM
Well, I guess you can join. :D At least I don't mind. So hop into the action somewhere! :p ;) :D
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