View Full Version : Fate vs Templars

05-20-2003, 10:18 AM
Garrish the leader of the Templars paced wearily .... - he was waiting for Voltar, Shaden and Mardog.... he had a plan They were going to assasinate the leader of Fate and send the evil group into chaos...........

05-20-2003, 10:30 AM
Ahhh, but since Garrish couldn't find Mardog, his evil but more brutal twin, Mardag, was deemed more worthy to help the Templars on their mission. Only will time will tell whether Order would win over Chaos. :rolleyes:

05-20-2003, 11:37 AM
"Atreos," Garrish beckoned harshly from the clan hall, "Atreos get in here."

"Yes sir," replied Atreos, a noble, yet weak soldier of The Templar's sister clan, The Cradle of Corpses.

"Locate Voltar, Shaden and Mardag would you?" asked Garrish, "I know they are somewhere in this town, and I need to speak with them at once. Post haste!"

Atreos grabbed his staff, and paced briskly out of the hall. Garrish grinned as he cast his eyes upon a map of the Fate town. There was an X on the weather-stained map, a blood-red X marking a small spot near the town.

In the Red Cross in, deep within the heart of the Knights Templar town sat Voltar, Shaden, and Mardag, whom Garrish sought, playing a round of poker.

"Gentlemen; Shaden," said Atreos as he entered the inn.

"Atreos, what would you say to losing a couple of gold coins this morning?" asked Voltar with a smirk.

"A couple," laughed Shaden, "He'll lose his whole bank account, should he choose to play with me!" The others laughed.

After a brief chuckle, Atreos began to speak, "I have no time for this gentlemen, and neither do any of you, frankly speaking..."

"What in the name of Thanos are you talking about man?" asked Mardag.

They continued playing their game of cards, without giving much heed to Atreos. Infuriated, Atreos Thudded his staff against the ground, sending a brief chill throughout the room.

"Gentlemen," he continued, "Err, lady and gentlemen," he corrected himself, blushing as he glanced towards Shaden, "Garrish requests your presence at the clan hall immediately!" he shouted.

The three departed the inn and made way to the clan hall. They had left silently and unnoticed, leaving Atreos to pay the bill.

Back at the clan hall, Garrish paced parallel to the oaken table, waiting anxiously for the others to arrive. His eyes, however, remained fixated on the map.

Before he had time to react, the three stood there before him, entering silently.

"I'm sorry," Shaden appologised, "We meant not to keep you waiting." The three bowed before Garrish, perhaps mawkingly.

"Enough formalities, rise, for we are among friends," Garrish replied, grinning wickedly. "Now, though I'm sure you know not yet for what reasons I have summoned you, that will all be made clear momentarily..."

The three stood in suspense, yet waited without questioning Garrish.

"As most of you know, a town that was built, even before our very own, and since has recruited mercenaries with the purpose of destroying our peaceful world; murdering our people. They are known as Fate..."

The others sighed in achknowledgement, for there was a wide-spread abhorrance for the citizens residing within the town of Fate.

"I have heard several reports that the leaders of Fate's clan, that's Krais and Taikus..." Garrish grinned and paused, "... They will be venturing into the Vark Outpost near their town tomorrow at dawn, alone."

"What are you proposing Garrish?" asked Mardag, seemingly in need of haste.

"I propose that we ambush them there, kidnap or kill them, to forever end this terror, and let these lands be ours again!" Garrish raised his voice, as though victory had already been achieved.

"Is this a joke," asked Voltar, "Those two would not venture off without being guarded, and furthermore, the Vark Outpost can be reached within minutes with a firelizard!"

"I agree, this is ludicrous!" shouted Shaden.

The three turned their backs and started out of the clan hall.

05-20-2003, 11:39 AM
"Wait!" demanded Garrish, "you WILL let me finish!"

Reluctantly, the others turned around to hear out their companion and friend.

"Look at this map," said Garrish, pointing to the map on the table.

"How did you acquire such a relic?" asked Margag, "'Tis, if I am not mistaken, the original mapping of Fate Town.

"Where I got the map is not crucial information, look carefully," Garrish continued, "To the west of the town you will see Vark Outpost... Now, I do not deny that this Outpost is uncomfortably close to Fate Town, yet this may be our first and only chance to rid this world of their leadership. You three and myself will be leading 4 seperate entourages into the Outpost,"

"This will require a lot of preperation!" exclaimed Shaden, "We cannot pull of such a glorious attack with less than one day the prepare."

"We can, we must, and we will!" Garrish shouted, "As I was explaining, one of our forms will engage these Krais and Taikus, while the other three forms will hold strong and counter any retaliations."

The three sat there looking, as Garrish pointed out where the 4 forms would be posted. It began to make sense. Their morale was boosted, as Garrish went into more details about the plan were brought into the conversation.

They sat now around the Oaken table, one at each side, with a glass of Dragmire Stout in hand.

"Now," said Voltar, finishing his glass of the draught, "Am I to assume that we shall rally all the Mages, Clerics, Thieves and Warriors which we can find?"

Garrish nodded his head at Voltar, and the four stood up. The room grew dim as the candle went out. They had used precious time discussing the plan, but now was time for action. There would be no sleep that night for them.

They all swiftly left the clan hall, and before they could lock up, out of the shadows, a lanky man snuck to the table, grabbed the map, and fled before he was noticed...

05-20-2003, 02:06 PM
I'm sorry, all RPG's here have to be Middle-earth related. Can you please try and adapt the game? Otherwise I will have to close it.

05-20-2003, 02:30 PM
As they leave the clan hall Mardag stops. "What is it?" said Garrish. "I must retrieve a few things from my room before we depart." Mardag replies. "Very well but do it quickly, there is not much time." Garrish says. Mardag nods and gives a small incantation. He slowly fades out of existance.

Appearing in his room Mardag looks around. He goes to his desk and pulls the knob on one of the desk drawers. The top of the desk drops and slides to the side. It reveals two books and numerous vials. He pulls out the books and puts the vials in his robe. "Where did you get all of those?" Voltar asks while steping out of the shadows. "How many times have I told you not to do that Voltar." Mardag responds. Voltar chuckles a bit. "You thieves think you are so sneaky. If I had not recognized your voice I would have fried you." Mardag says with a grin. "Like I said where did you get all those?" Voltar asks again. "Now I can't give away all my secrets now can I?" "Just be lucky that I have them." Mardag says. Mardag reaches into his robe and pulls out a few of the vials. He tosses them to Voltar. "Use them sparingly. They will heal even the most severe of wounds." Mardag says grinning. "Thanks boss." Voltar says. "Let us be going now before the others wonder where we are." Mardag says. They both nod at each other and give a small incantation. A small rift appears before each of them and they step through.