View Full Version : Dark years[this is the RPG]
01-14-2004, 10:37 PM
Yah, so the game has officially started with the post in the other thread.
"Any one who does not have anything to report may leave."
*Glares at nintey second rule, starts to write upon it*
*Rips the paper in half*
*Scribbles some more*
01-15-2004, 12:18 AM
Morthul reclined in a tall chair with a leg draped across its, and an arm over his head. He stared broodingly at the mithril box of runes. Inside it were seventeen rings. He knew them all by sight and name and feel, but still opened the box often to see them again, to touch them, to count them.
He spoke aloud, explaining to himself as he always did.
"There were twenty. I have collected the seven, and the others, too, but the collection is incomplete. Galadriel - how I curse her name - with her last breath flung the third elfin ring, Nenya, far away so that I cannot find it. One of the nine has been hidden from me, but I will find it. Men grow irritating, but they will slip and tumble into the precipice. But the One... the One I will not have. It was destroyed long ago, and without it the others are a danger to me. As long as the two left remain in the hands of my enemies, I may yet fail." The Dark Lord abruptly stood and began pacing. "With it perished the means of controlling these rings. I cannot use them, and I cannot destroy them." He opened the box, as he always did, and counted them. Seventeen, as always.
Years of collecting, to count to seventeen.
Down below some saw the flashes of magical light, and a very few heard the mage's cry of rage. They hunkered down and hurried about their business, staying well away.
01-15-2004, 01:01 AM
um... wrong.
Irid al'Menie
01-15-2004, 02:33 PM
Jondar walked away from the council for now. She couldn't be there right now, she didn't have any army with her. She only had herself to offer, and as it was she didn't have a weapon. Admittedly, some of her forms were deadlier than a sword, but still.
She walked towards a silent corner of the great garden, where she sat down to concentrate. She emptied her mind of all thoughts but one, and the next moment her human form was gone and there was a beautiful, silvery white unicorn standing on the same spot in her stead. Her horn glistened a little bit, as if it was covered by a pearl skin.
This was her favourite form, and as she didn't know any of the others here, she didn't see a reason to stay in a somewhat less comfortable form if she didn't have to. Unicorn forms were very rarely used by other shapeshifters, she knew, although they had other special forms (like a Sphinx, or a Griffin, anything melting two or more animals together. She herself didn't like that as much though, so she hadn't learnt to master them.)
She wandered around a little, sometimes galloping, sometimes just walking. Hardly anybody ever came here, she thought, so it didn't matter too much that it was highly unusual for a unicorn to walk in Elrond's garden. She waited for the summon to come back to the council.
01-15-2004, 02:50 PM
Irassur didn't like being shooed away so early. Merlin, Morgan, Gandalf, and the others stayed and discussed battle plans, which she knew would be a better discussion if she were there. She had the waters and the sea creatures on her side. And she could cut off all water supply to the Dark Lord's land if she wished. In fact, she resolved to do that before this war was over. But for now, she went and sat by the river, waiting to be called back, and making funny shapes with the water.
01-16-2004, 01:57 AM
Originally posted by Legoles
um... wrong.
What's that mean? I thought it worked, it explained how he gained so much control, but whatever. But tell me how I can fix it, please!
01-16-2004, 02:05 AM
Mialil smiled soflty at the grin on the face of a little elf child's face when she pulled a 'jewel' from behind its ear. She loved to see children happy, it made ehr feel better about ehr own childhood. She sighed soflty, she had not wanted to attend this council, but she had to afterall, she was a good sea-elf citizen.
01-16-2004, 02:07 AM
No sorry, not you. I posted here instead of the bonds are broken. Nothing wrong with you... I promise. EXAMS ARE OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<Really! How rude can you get!?> I thought, as I left the council. Shifting into a bird, I launched my-self up from the ground. Following a slow current of air, I found my-self lokking down upon a strange creature. <It's a horse with a horn. Interesting. I think I'll go check it out.> I swooped down, checking my pace and landed nearby in the forest. Chinging into a normal horse, I stepped tenativly toward to what I now knew as a unicorn.<birds have such small brains.> I thought drily to myself. Once I cleared the forest, the unicorn stopped and stared at me. I stared back, my eyes glinting with intelligence.
01-16-2004, 01:02 PM
Oh, OK. Good, I was wondering what I had messed up. I feel better, then.
Irid al'Menie
01-17-2004, 07:20 AM
A horse... Jondar thought. They were not as rare as unicorns in these parts, but they were hardly seen in the garden of the Last Homely House either. She stepped up to the other animal and slowly touched her with her horn. Then she looked into her eyes, and saw the intelligence burning - more intelligence than any normal horse could show. It was the same kind of intelligence that she knew could be seen in her own eyes.
It was easier to change into her human form, although the unicorn was more comfortable to be in. She didn't have to concentrate much to go back to Jondar with two legs in stead of four.
'It is not easy for a horse to cross the whole garden to here without anyone noticing and taking it back. So you are either sometimes invisible, or you are a shapeshifter like I am. In any case, I think you can understand me...' she said, still looking the horse in the eyes.
01-17-2004, 07:29 PM
"Of course I can understand you, and I unfortunately must correct you. I am a time-traveler, not just a shifter." I said as I shifted back into my own form. My name is S'abella, what is yours?"
Irid al'Menie
01-18-2004, 05:53 PM
'Jondar Anthiel, at your service' she said with a slight bow. During her training she had heard of time-travellers, and she knew they were to be respected. It was very hard to master the ability to change the flow of the time. You had to have the talent in the first place, and have enough discipline. But you couldn't master any form if you didn't have the latter, so that shouldn't have been much of a problem. There weren't many shapeshifters with the right abilities though, so they were even more rare than those with unicorn-forms.
Together they walked a while, talking about shape-shifting, training for it, and other related business, when they came to a little river where they saw a girl sitting. They decided to see what this girl would do if a unicorn and a horse would come and drink in the river. Silently, both changed, then went each on a side of the girl. Jondar saw figures in the water before she started to drink. This was obviously not just some girl.
Gulio, Strength of Many
01-18-2004, 08:47 PM
Tel hid upstream of the Istar. This probably isn't a good idea.... He thought, After all, who knows what a wizard will do when startled. But in the end, being the troublemaker he was, he couldn't resist. He slipped quietly into the water, and dove down deep. He swam with the current, speeding down the river to where the Istar was. When Tel was right in front of her, he wam to the top with all his strength, and his head popped up in one of the designs the Wizard was making in the water. "HULLO!" He shouted once he reached the surface, scaring the wizard.
01-18-2004, 10:01 PM
<BLOODY HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He scared the sh*t out of me!>
I thought as I reared back. Then, as calmly as if it hadn't happened, I leaned down to drink.
01-20-2004, 04:44 PM
Irassur was still playing with the water when two creatures came beside her. A unicorn and a horse. She was used to animals approaching her, and did not start. She reached out to stroke the horse when...
Irassur jumped at the sight of the Sea Elf, and then her mischevious side took over. In the same motion of jumping back, she created a small whirlpool at the bottom of the river right under the elf. It started to suck him down, down to the bottom and he was paddling with all his might to get out. When she had had enough of watching him struggle, she jettisoned him out of the water and onto the land, and let him cough and sputter his lungs free of water. Then she smiled at him. "Had enough?"
01-20-2004, 10:36 PM
"Heh, heh. Nice one!" I said as I shifted back into my normal form. "Tel! I should've known that it was you." *sighs* "I'm S'abella, a shifter and time-traveler. What is your name?"
Gulio, Strength of Many
01-21-2004, 01:26 AM
ooc: Uh, do you know me or not Legoles?:confused:
ic: "Heh heh, gotcha," Tel sputtered, trying to get the excess water out of his lungs. "That's a personal first, scaring an Istar."
Elboron, I'm gonna kill you! He thought as he glared at his friend upstream, laughing hard. You know I can't resist a dare!!!!
ooc: Cue Aewionen!
Irid al'Menie
01-21-2004, 12:46 PM
Jondar followed S'abella's example and changed back into her human form. She wasn't really startled with the appearance of the sea-elf. Her unicorn-self was too calm for such a thing, though in any other form it would have had her jumping a foot into the air. 'I am Jondar', she said with a bow to the Istar, 'only shapeshifter.'
01-21-2004, 06:42 PM
"And I am Irassur the Blue, Istar of Water."
Gulio, Strength of Many
01-23-2004, 02:29 AM
"And I am Tel, the half-drowned," Tel replied. "And that over there is Elboron, trickster and all-around evil person! Elboron, you daft troll, get over here and meet all the nice people you made me scare!" He shouted to his friend.
01-24-2004, 01:37 AM
Elboron laughed as he walked over to where his friend and the others stood, "As you heard, I am Elboron....the daft troll." he added with a smile.
01-24-2004, 02:11 AM
"Ah, Shall we?" I asked Irrasur and Jondar.
"We shall!"
We proceded to pick up Elboron and dunp him in the river.
"There! Now that's done with. Tel, you may wanna rescue your friend. Can he swim?"
Gulio, Strength of Many
01-24-2004, 02:43 PM
"I would certianly hope so!" Tel cried in mock horror, "All these years of tagging along with me, a Sea-Elf, you would think the fool would learn to swim!" He paused for a moment as Elboron struggled to get his head above the surface. "Of course, he is a fool.........Elboron, you can swim, right?"
"Of course, you taught me you pointy-eared fish!" Elboron sputtered as he finally got control of his flailing limbs and swam back to shore. "Well, at least you did something right!"
"Ah, Elboron, such a joker," Tel said, "Of course I can do things right. Quite a bit more than you, I should say! After all, it was YOU who dared me to scare the living daylights out of these fine people!"
"And you who went along with it, I might add," Elboron replied, grinning as broadly as the Sea-Elf. "But, enough of our foolish banter. What are all you 'fine people', as Tel so wonderfully put it, doing here?"
ooc: Hope you don't mind the godmodding.....:D
01-24-2004, 04:57 PM
ooc: not at all Gulio
01-24-2004, 08:52 PM
Nope. I personaly thought that I had to do that so... [pointy eared fish? *snicker*]
"The council dissmised us."
Gulio, Strength of Many
01-24-2004, 09:00 PM
"Council! There was a council, and I wasn't invited!" Tel pretended to be hurt. "Do you hear that Elboron? Lord Elrond's gone and had another secret council without us!"
His friend nodded in mock depression. "Aye, I heard. It's a shame, really. If there's something going on in Middle-Earth, you'd think we deserve to know about it!"
"Hear hear, my friend! For once you are right!" Tel replied. He turned back to Irassur. "So, what exactly went on in the council?"
ooc: More godmodding......heh heh heh:D
Gulio, Strength of Many
01-25-2004, 10:08 PM
ooc: Waaaaaaaahoooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!! I'm going to Hawaii TODAY!!!!!!! We're leaving for the airport in about an hour, and by 6:00 tomorrow morning, I will be in paradise!!!!:D:D:D:D
Feel free to godmod my character (Heck, I godmod everyone else!) while I'm gone! Just remember: keep it insane!:D
See you in a week!
*Does the hula out the door*
01-26-2004, 12:08 AM
"Nothing. They asked for reports, and since I'm officially a shifter, and no other person thought that we 5 time-travelers were important... You get the picture. So what brings the daft and uncontrollable Tel to the Last Homely Home?"
{Letting someone else god-mod for Gulio.]
02-02-2004, 04:04 PM
Boing *Shakes head*"No that's not right"
Sprong "Thats not right either!
Bump! "FINALLY!!!!!!!!"
Gulio, Strength of Many
02-02-2004, 08:42 PM
ooc: Boing *Shakes head*"No that's not right"
Sprong "Thats not right either!
Bump! "FINALLY!!!!!!!!"
...........o.0 You're almost as insane as me!:D:D:D:D (I personally prefer kaTHUNK)
ic: "Uncontrollable?! I should say not!" Tel smiled, "Frighteneing though it is, I know exactly what I'm doing."
Elboron snickered under his breath. Tel stared at him. "And just what is so funny?" He demanded.
"Don't lie to the nice people," Elboron said. "Now tell them the truth, or I will."
"Truth? Hmmm.........truth.......truuuuuuuuuth......" Tel thought hard. "What is this 'truth' you speak of?"
Elboron sighed, "You know, when you tell people what actually happened, instead of your version."
"Oh right! That! Is that what it's called then?" Tel grinned broadly. "Truth. Catchy."
"Good. I'm glad you like it. Now tell it."
"Right then!...................truth about what?"
"Oh never mind!"
02-03-2004, 01:46 AM
Originally posted by Gulio, Strength of Many
...........o.0 You're almost as insane as me!:D:D:D:D (I personally prefer kaTHUNK)
Almost as insane? I've been stuck in bed for 18 straight hours with the blasted flu. Don't think I haven't gone completely and utterly insanse.
"Tel...Tel." I said exasperatedly as I shook my head. "When will you ever learn? Oh well..." I said, then shifted into a likeness of Tel the ever-daft[I think that's your nickname now Gulio.. Courtesy of mwa!] And poked him as he said "Truth about what?"
"Hullo Tel!"
Gulio, Strength of Many
02-03-2004, 08:02 PM
ooc: Sucks to be you:D Wooohooooo! Mass choir performance today!:D:D:D:D
Tel turned as another Sea-Elf poked him. "Hullo, Tel!" The Elf said.
"You seem strangely familiar......" Tel said, "Have I met you before?"
02-03-2004, 08:07 PM
Elboron jumped slightly at the sight of two Tels. Ah, wait. The shifter must have shifted.....ahhhhhh. Scary though....two daft sea-elves. "Have I met you before?" Tel, the real one, said to the other. "Only everytime you look in a mirror, which then again is very sledom since they tend to break."
Gulio, Strength of Many
02-03-2004, 09:21 PM
It took Tel a moment to realize that the shape-shifter had taken his form, even after Elboron had subtely (Sp?) pointed it out. "Oh, right," He chuckled. "Though I suggest you take another form, for there's only room for one Elf this good-looking."
Elboron rolled his eyes.
02-03-2004, 09:54 PM
"Good looking? No comment." I said, trying to contain my laughter. I promptly shifted back, then pausing a moment, shifted into the female counterpart of Tel. "There ya go Tel. Happy now?"
<It's Telrina.>
Me no sick anymore YYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYY![Sorry for that outburst]
02-03-2004, 10:26 PM
ooc: pulling a weird one now... tee hee
Irassur twisted the ring on her finger around and around. She knew what kind of danger she was in by even having it. But then, only Galadriel knew. It was a good thing that she had hidden it in time before the last time she had seen Sordahrm. Speaking of which... she wondered what he was up to.
Sordahrm was happy. He was ecstatic. He was nearly leaping for joy. He ran into Morthul's throne room and knelt before his lord. "I have found it, my lord. I know the location of the third Elven ring."
Morthul smiled maliciously.
"It is in the possession of Irassur the Blue of the Istari."
Morthul's smile faded.
Gulio, Strength of Many
02-04-2004, 10:11 PM
ooc: Does this mean no more insanity Legoles? Lol, jk! Mass chior RULED!!! Our CIA decatet (yes, only ten of our twelve performed) was so AWESOME! We were as loud as some of the choirs five times our size. And we still sounded pretty good:D
ic:"Hmm.....If only that was your real form. Then I might want to marry you," Tel said, a mischevious glint in his eye. He noticed Irassur playing with a pretty ring. "That's very nice," He said. "Where'd you get it?"
02-04-2004, 11:32 PM
ooc: Patch parrare djosire! :D Yes yes, Mass choir was AEWSOME!
ic: Elboron too looked at the ring and something about sent chills up his spine. He quickly dismissed the thought of it being evil or containing some sort of power though. [IIts just a ring. What harm can come from so small a thing. [/I]
02-05-2004, 02:49 PM
Irassur jumped. She had forgotten the others were there. looking up with an almost guilty expression, she smiled, "Oh, a friend gave it to me," she said. What they didn't know didn't hurt them.
Irid al'Menie
02-05-2004, 03:38 PM
Jondar smiled at the amusing scene. Tel facing Tel... But it showed again that the time-traveller wasn't a normal shape-shifter. Normally, as she herself had done, you had to study intensely for every form you could and wanted to become. Once you knew it, it was fairely easy to change, but it was the learning that was the toughest. But this one, apparently, could take any form she wanted. Or was it any form she could actually see? Maybe she couldn't transform into animals that rarely or didn't exist, like Jondar's unicorn. The subject would come up another time though, probably, so she decided to worry about it later.
She hadn't noticed the ring on Irassur's finger before. If a friend had given it, it probably wasn't that bad either. Jondar was still thinking this, when an elf came towards them. 'You are now called to the council of Elrond' he gently said. Tel made himself be noticed, by asking loudly 'and what about us? Are we invited too?' The elf drew up a brow slightly. 'I will take you to lord Elrond first. He will know if you are... Welcome.' Maybe he had heard of Tel before. It would explain the carefulness.
The group followed the elf to the council. Many chairs were set in a circle. Some others were already there, and the newcomers set themselves down, waiting for lord Elrond, who was now talking to the sea-elf and his companion.
02-05-2004, 10:57 PM
[this is before we leave] "BLOODY HELL TEL! I can't beleive you said that. Marry you? Now that would be a very interesting year.[In hell I might add]"
OOC: Me still insane, nutty,crazy, loco. Me voice screwed up....[eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevil flu!](The flying hampster of)DOOOOOOOM!!!! attacked me yesterday...[Told ya I'm still*Gollum gollum* Crazy, don't worry Gulio
02-06-2004, 11:47 PM
(This is Gulio's post)
ooc: Insanity RULES!!!:D
ic: When Lord Elrond saw the daft duo accompanying the other, he looked like he was going to have a heart attack. Tel, as usual, as oblivious. "Greetings, Lord Elrond! It's so nice to see you again."
"Would that I could say the same of you, Telepelenmire," Lord Elrond replied, using Tel's full name.
"It's TEL!" The Sea-Elf despised his whole name. Far too long for his taste.
Lord Elrond almost chuckled, and then remembered what happened the last time Tel was in Imladris. "Elladan has never been quite the same since last you were here. He still is deathly afraid of spiders." He glared at Tel, who did chuckle.
"Oh yes, that was funny," Tel said. "What?" He said in reply to Elrond's disapproving glare, "He wanted to hear a story!"
"So you told him about what Shelob does to her victims, and that she was looking around here for a new home."
"Yeah, so?"
"He was ten years old!"
"It was partly Elrohir's idea too!"
Lord Elrond sighed. Then he noticed Elboron. "Tel has a new companion, then? Who are you?"
ooc: I wanted to add something about evil eyebrows of doom, but I restrained myself:D
02-06-2004, 11:51 PM
(my post)
"I am Elboron." he replied to Lord Elrond. He then looked at Tel, "So my little sis isnt the only one who has heard that story eh Tel? She was what.....3 when you told it to her. Now, anytime she sees a spider, she runs up to her room until I or father kills it."
02-07-2004, 12:13 AM
"Lord Elrond, pardon my intteruption but.."
"Oh my stars? Who is this girl!? She looks like you Telepelenmire! Is she your sister or something?"
"It's Tel..."
02-16-2004, 05:11 PM
Tel put his arm around the shape shifter, "This is my lovely bride to be." he said with a tricksters grin. Elboron chortled but soon was laughing heartily. "As if anyone would want to marry you Tel!"
ooc: sorry for the godmoding :)
02-16-2004, 07:40 PM
"Honestly Tel! Do you really want to die?" I said, then shifted into my normal form. "Gerrof Tel." I said as I pushed away his arm. "Lord Elrond, I apologize for the misconception. I am not marrying Tel, thank the stars, neither am I his sister. I am Sabella. A shapeshifter, and time-traveler. I met Tel here." I said as I jerked my thumb at him. "On one of my time journeys. I landed in the middle of a sea-elf palace, where Tel here was taking a snooze. I made sure I blended into the wall, but he bumped into me anyway." I looked at him bemusedly.
Gulio, Strength of Many
02-18-2004, 12:34 AM
ooc: Gotta get things moving! Where's the wizard, or witch, if you like (BURN THE WITCHES:D)?
"And it was providence! Fate brought us together!" Tel sighed with false sadness. "But not to worry. I can wait, being immortal and all. I'll wait until you realize what destiny has already decided." He flashed Sabella a private grin.
Elrond was confused, as is usual when someone talks to the strange Sea-Elf. "Oh, Lord Elrond," Tel said, suddenly remembering why he was speaking with the Elven Lord. "I heard you had another 'secret' council, without inviting Elboron and I! If there is something amiss in Middle-Earth, we should know! We want to help."
"I already told you-"Sabella began.
"And I don't believe your story," Tel interrupted. "A time-shifter, and Istar, and these other distinguished people wouldn't be reporting to Lord Elrond (though you are rather distinguished yourself, Lord Elrond). Now, what is going on?"
02-18-2004, 02:40 AM
"Oh yes," Elboron agreed, "Pray tell what exactly went on in your secret council And, why were we not invited?" he added, though he though he probably already knew the answer to is last quiestion.
02-18-2004, 09:13 PM
"You should know by know. I happen to remember the last time you two were in the council. Elboron dropped water baloons, while Tel sat and pretended to be innocent, but later we foun out he'd glued Elrond to his chair." I said snickering. "After that performance they shooed you out from the councils."
02-18-2004, 09:35 PM
"Oh yeah...." he smiled, "I rememb....I mean" he said quickly as he put on an innocent face, "what on earth are you talking about? Why wouldI do such a thing?" From the look on Elrond's face, Elboron could tell he wasn't buying it.
Gulio, Strength of Many
02-18-2004, 10:28 PM
Tel snickered to himself, but sobered up (as much as is possible for him) quickly. "Let the past lie in the past, as you have told me, quite wisely actually, many times."
Gulio, Strength of Many
02-20-2004, 02:09 AM
ooc: Sorry 'bout the double post, but NO ONE IS REPLYING! Get with the program people! Lol, jk!
ic: "From now on I shall have to watch what I say to you, Tel," Lord Elrond said. "And don't count on being 'invited' to any councils anytime soon."
Tel sighed. "So you want to do this the hard way....."
"Oh Tel, be nice!" Sabella said. "Anyways, don't be bombarding the most powerful people in Middle-Earth, or attatching Elven Lords to their chairs anymore, and maybe you will get to come back."
ooc: Sorry 'bout the godmod. I can't help meself. Just too much FUN!:)
02-20-2004, 10:33 PM
"Get back." I finished. "Now then, what is this mission that we're to embark on? May as well bring them as well, otherwise we'll have stalkers."
02-21-2004, 06:46 PM
"Mission? What mission?" Elboron asked confused, "If I will be tagging along, or following, I should at least know what exactly I'm getting myself into."
02-21-2004, 07:24 PM
"Should I tell them Elrond...?"
"Alright then..... Well, the mission is of upmost secrecy. And I SWEAR Tel, that if you get drunk and tell people about this, I will skin you alive, then hang your hide on my bedroom wall, yours too Elboron." I said seriously with a slight wink towards them both. "Shall I continue, or do you wish to continue the narritive?"
"Well okay then. This mission is all about sending a party to the Dark Lords stronghold, now again located in Mirkwood."
Gulio, Strength of Many
02-22-2004, 07:39 PM
"A party? How lovely!" Tel said, grinning broadly. "Don't worry, I can keep a secret," He said in reply to a dark look from Lord Elrond. "I'd prefer to stay attatched to my skin."
02-23-2004, 01:44 AM
Irassur raised an eyebrow at the jokes and joviality. Obviously these little ones did not grasp the gravity of the situation. She cleared her throat to speak. "If I may, Lord Elrond," she said brisquely. "I have recently spoken with Sordahrm, assistant to Morthul. He holds that their plans are of the best intentions to bring unity to Middle Earth. However, they are, I am aware, gathering together the Rings of Power. If I am not mistaken, they have already taken yours, Lord Elrond, and yours, Gandalf. The One Ring has been destroyed, and Galadriel's is hidden from all. We must, under all circumstances, prevent them from accessing this ring. If a group is to be sent to Mirkwood, I must warn you. The river tells of a growing darkness there. The spiders are growing larger and more fierce. The animals are being corrupted. Radagast tells me of their violence. It will be a most dangerous quest."
02-24-2004, 10:49 PM
"Dangerous is an understatement." I said solemlly[sp?] "This journey, or second fellowship as we may call it, is far more dangerous than the first. Though we no longer have Sauron, that idiot Morthul and his "side-kick" Sordahrm have a power that we don't. Morthul is a mage-warrior, and he has 17 of the 20 rings. Sauron had none. Now you know the direness of the situation. That means no joking for a while Tel and Elboron." I said giving them each a wink. "Though Elrond, I would suggest moving 30 feet to the right, then look at your old position."
"Sabella!" Tel moaned "Stop ruining my fun!"
Gulio, Strength of Many
02-25-2004, 11:57 PM
ooc: Heh heh heh.......
ic: Elrond hurried to the right, and gave Tel a murderous look when he saw a mark placed on the floor. "What is that?!"
"Uh....nothing...." Tel replied, not fooling anyone. "It's definitely NOT a mark that would indicate when a certian someone was in the right place for my contraption to dump honey and feathers on them!"
It's a good thing Elves eath healthy, because if Lord Elrond's blood pressure was any higher, he would have exploded.
"Uh......when do we leave?" Tel said.
02-26-2004, 12:19 AM
"Tel...." I said shaking my head. "At least you were warned Lord Elrond. I think I'll be getting my horse now..." I said, then scuttled off to the stables, snickering<Tel... so silly... I think, however, that we're going to need that silliness later...> I then heard the screams of laughter from Tel, and looked around. It seemed that the usually dignified Elf lord had decided to chase Tel and Elboron out of the hall, but he was failing horribly. I shighed and attended to my horse. *10 min later* "Elrond, just stop. You'll never catch them anyway. But a well aimed kick in the arse will do them both good." I said shaking my head slightly. "Or maybe, I'll attend to my threat of SKINNING THEM!" I said, when the feathers and honey came down upon me. After kicking them both, and dumping them in the river, I went and got changed.
Gulio, Strength of Many
02-26-2004, 12:24 AM
Tel was still laughing, even after twenty minutes had gone by. "That was the best ever, wouldn't you say, Elboron?" He kept saying between gales of laugher.
For reasons Tel couldn't understand, Lord Elrond insisted they leave early.
ooc: Heh heh we can go!:D
02-26-2004, 10:46 PM
"Oh aye!" Elboron replied with laughter, "Though I suggest we go and get ready before we do anything....else that can get us skinned alive."
02-27-2004, 12:25 AM
"Telepelemire, I think that I am truly going to hurt you later. Maybe I'll make you look in a mirror or something. Anyway, it's almost time to go. Irassur, Jondar, coming?" I asked.
Irid al'Menie
02-27-2004, 06:34 AM
Jondar had been following the scene from a distance. No use getting in, either she'd get the full strength of Elrond's anger, or she'd become angry with Tel and Elboron herself. She didn't want the first, obviously, but neither the latter because those two were too much fun watching to get angry with them.
When the time traveller called them, she stood up from the seat she had taken and went over to her. 'I am ready. I do not need much. How will we travel?' She asked, not to anyone in particular, but still hoping for an answer.
02-29-2004, 11:59 PM
"Horseback." I said. "I'll just shift into a horse or something. Much more efficent than bringing 9 horses."
"Nine horses...?"
"All of Tel and Elborons stuff. I'll make sure to hide most of it in assorted places all over here. I only need a pack or two. But food will take an entire horse and a half."
Gulio, Strength of Many
03-01-2004, 12:19 AM
ooc: All I can say is :D
ic: "What are you doing?!?!?!" Tel cried in horror.
"Look, we don't need it!" Sabella said in exapseration.
"Do you know how long it took me to make that container of lembas? I slaved for HOURS! It's the best lembas in all Middle-Earth! Try it for yourself and see!"
Sabella sighed. "All right, all right, I'll try it." She opened the container, and almost died of shock when brightly-colored springy snake-thingies burst out.
Tel ran away laughing, leaving a stunned Elboron with a murderous shape-shifter.
03-01-2004, 01:05 AM
"Elboron, you'd better ru nwhile you can. It will take me approximately ten seconds to start chasing Devils child." I said, then he ran away. I shifted into a cheetah, and chased Tel around the Last Homely House, finally managing to tackle him and take my revenge.
03-01-2004, 01:23 AM
Elboron watched as Sabella tackled Tel, who was, strangely, still laughing. He laughed a bit, but soon stopped when he saw someone reaching to take off a pack from his horse. "Now wait just a minute! That would be my rubber chicken, and I'm taking Bennt with me!" The man looked at him confused, "Yes! He has a name." Elboron added as the man walked off. He sighed as he put Bennt back in the pack. "So, when to we leave!" he asked cheerfully as Tel and Sabella returned.
03-01-2004, 01:38 AM
"I swear Tel. I would think you liked to be chased. We'll be leaving tomorrow."
Irid al'Menie
03-01-2004, 12:46 PM
Jondar grinned. Even if this was to be a serious travel to save the world, nobody said anything about not having fun on the way. As Sabella came back she told her: 'I'll make it easy for us too. But not too much showing, so I'll leave the unicorn for a while at least. For now a normal horse will have to do. So, the question of Elboron repeated, when do we leave?'
The thing about similar shape-shifting was that you had to remember almost the same things, but with a little changes. It wasn't always easy to learn. But once you got the hang of it, it went easy enough. But she wouldn't change yet, only when they were to leave would she do that. It wasn't much use changing when you still had answers to be got.
03-02-2004, 12:13 AM
"Tomorrow morning. Now excuse me while I save yet another from a practical joke."
Gulio, Strength of Many
03-03-2004, 01:26 AM
ooc: Hope you don't mind the godmodding, if you do, speak up and I'll edit.
ic: "And if you look through here, you see really cool designs," Elboron told a random Elf. The Elf took the kalidescope, and was about to put it to his eye when Sabella ran up and took it.
"Aw, Sabella..." Elboron said, "Stop ruining my fun!"
"Now now, that isn't very nice. That black stuff on the eyepeice takes forever to come off." Sabella said.
Unbeknownst to the shape-shifter, Tel lurked behind a potted plant. He took his little slingshot, took careful aim at a small target on the opposite wall, and fired. The lever the target was painted on was pushed by the force, and released a bucket of freshly caught earthworms onto the unsuspecting shape-shifter.
Elboron ran away quickly, and he was followed by Tel. Their plan had worked perfectly.
03-03-2004, 09:00 PM
"Arrrrgh! You little... little INFURIATING DUMMKOPF[Fool in German]!" I said, then shifting into a very unconspicuous elf maiden, I ran in a direction paralell to them. Suddenly a bush behind me broke. "Hello!? Who're you?"
"Tel, the sea-elf, and this is Elboron." Tel said mischevously, taking a low bow.
"I've heard of you two. All told by my friend the murderous shape shifter. Not a very pleasing resume." I said as I took a couple steps forward, as if inspecting something behind them.
"Oh, you're a friend of S'abella?"
"Yes, and I suggest that you don't do any type of joke on me, for I have many worse punishments than skinning."
"Oh really?"
"Yes Tel!" I said taking another few steps forward. Then leaping forward, I caught him around the legs, and in the process of doing so, I shifted back into my normal form. "Gotcha you evil little elf!" I said, then procured a rope from my waisht, and tied his legs together.<Hmm. If I recall correctly, he's very ticklish.> I thought, then launched a *gasp* TICKLE ATTACK!
Gulio, Strength of Many
03-04-2004, 11:45 PM
"No *gasp chuckle gasp*! St *chortle* op it!" Tel said in a mix of tortured chuckles and desprate gasps. "Elbo *chuckle gasp gasp chortle* ron, help!!"
Gulio, Strength of Many
03-06-2004, 02:12 PM
ooc: C'mon, POST!:D
03-06-2004, 03:18 PM
"Nobody can help you now Tel." I said with a slightly evil laugh. "I'ts time to go now, but be warned. This will be your punishment if you do another practical joke on me." I said, letting Tel the daft take a breather." Now, If you'll excuse me." I said with a hint of mockingness, I untied the rope, tied it around my waist, and headed back towards the last homely house.
03-07-2004, 03:15 PM
hate to double post...
kaTHUMP![How bou' that Gulio?]
Gulio, Strength of Many
03-07-2004, 03:38 PM
ooc: Loverly, Leggy! That's a good one!:D
ic: Elboron was nowhere in sight, the little scarper. Tel finally made it to his feet, and went back to where everyone else was, making it a point to avoid S'abella.
He finally his little runaway 'friend', hiding in an expensive-looking vase. "ELBORON! Where in the name of lembas have you been?! I almost DIED!"
03-07-2004, 06:34 PM
"Oh...hullo Tel.." Elboron smiled and he came out of his hiding place, "Shape shifters these days, so touchy! You really should be more carefull as to what you do Tel!" he added laughing.
03-07-2004, 11:11 PM
"Guys, time to go." I said, as I spyed Elboron and Tel. "You are forewarned Telepelemire."
"It's TEL!" He said in exasperation.
Gulio, Strength of Many
03-08-2004, 01:33 AM
Tel grabbed his pack, which felt suspiciously lighter, and mounted his horse, Rokko. People tended to laugh when he introduced Rokko, but he thought that it was a good name for a horse.
Tel and Elboron waited near the gate for everyone else. "So, what do you think our chances of survival are?" Tel asked.
"Between the evil Dark Lord, nasty things that live in Mirkwood, and the fact that S'abella is coming: zero."
"Well then, shall we?"
We shall!"
And with that the Daft Duo headed for Mirkwood. After a few miles they realized that they had left everyone behind, and didn't know the way to Mirkwood. And even more importantly, Bennt had been inexplicibly removed from Elboron's pack.
Irid al'Menie
03-08-2004, 03:27 PM
ooc: er, what about the leaving of tomorrow morning? If the time in middle earth goes anything like the time with us, it doesn't take a night to tickle Tel or to pack horses... Right?
03-08-2004, 09:03 PM
ooc: Good point...:)
ic: Elboron put Bennt back in his pack, after giving the one who took it away a nasty glare. "Uh...aren't we leaving tommorow Tel...that could be why no one else came with us..."
03-08-2004, 09:05 PM
Irassur shook her head. This was far to jovial for her taste. Ofter all, she'd been alive longer than anyone else here, save Gandalf, of course, but he was leaving these little ones in her charge. The Sea Elf was the worst. But then again, they'd most likely die on the quest anyhow, so she didn't have to worry. She followed this train of thought for a while and then realized that it was her job to prevent that from happening. She sighed loudly and made her way to a quiet spot where she could think. She'd come back before they left.
03-08-2004, 09:12 PM
Morthul had smiled when Sordarhm told him of the Ring of Galadriel. It would be difficult to retrieve the ring from Irassur, who was the most difficult of the Istari. It was only she that he had not yet been able to persuade or fool. Even Gandalf had doubts that his intentions were evil. But Irassur knew. Sordarhm worried day and night about this, realizing that she could not be fooled. Only once had a man taken her by surprise, and Sordarhm was quite sure that she would not allow this to occur again. There was only one way that he could get to her. Only one. And it would most likely mean his own death when it was all over.
03-08-2004, 10:00 PM
"So! I finally catch up with you idiots. We don't leave till tomorrow, and, to top it all off, you are going the wrong way. Come on, daft duo. Climb on." I said, shifting into a dragon. They climbed on, and I brought them back. "Now, stay here in the valley of Imladris until I say so. Capeesh?"
03-10-2004, 08:50 PM
"Capeesh!" Elboron said nodding cheerfully. He stood smiling and then leaned towards Tel, "What does Capeesh mean?" he whispered.
03-10-2004, 11:23 PM
"Sorry, if you don't know what it means. It means... Ya got it? and when used as a repy it means.. yeah, okay. Now be good[as you can]." I said, hoping ferverntly that their idea of capeesh didn't mean running around wildly and pulling tricks on people, and/or following me. So I set off at a brisk run, then found a good spot to relax and watch the calamity about to unfold.
Gulio, Strength of Many
03-13-2004, 04:54 PM
ooc: Hey! MY orange rowboat Leggy! Hee hee hee, jk! Loverly little things, aren't they? :D
ic: Tel wandered around Imladris, very bored. Whenever he saw the opportunity to have some fun, he remembered S'abella's tickle attack. It seemed very unfair to exploit a weakness like that.
Tel went back to him room and found some paper and a quill. He suddenly got a great idea: he would keep a journal. He sat down at the little desk and wrote:
Day 1, Imaldris.
Today I was almost killed by S'abella, the evil shape-shifter. Elboron the scarper ran and hid while I was gasping for help. Drat you. If you weren't Bennt's keeper, I'd hurt you. Be grateful that you are the guardian of the mighty rubber chicken. We leave tomorrow. I'm bored. I wonder where Lord Elrond is? I haven't seen him since we talked to him once we got here. I guess he's busy, being an Elven Lord and all. When do we leave?
03-14-2004, 09:14 PM
Yes, loverly
I'm just going to say its tomorrow in the RPG okay?
A diary... scary
IC: Tel, time to go you evil little elf." I called as I passed his door. "Elboron, time to go." I called out as I passed his door, "and remember you shall suffer the same fate as Tel if you fail to obey the guidelines."
Gulio, Strength of Many
03-23-2004, 10:01 PM
Tel didn't answer when the evil S'abella announced that it was time to go. He grabbed his things and headed out.
ooc: .........and that's all I got to say about that:D
03-24-2004, 04:25 PM
Elboron quickly put away what he was doing as he grabbed his things. "Guidelines? But that is exactly what they are!" he told S'abella jokingly as he exited his room.
03-28-2004, 03:49 PM
Sabella whapped Elboron on the head and shifted into a horse. The party left for the mist mountains
OOC: and that's all I have to say
Gulio, Strength of Many
03-30-2004, 09:40 PM
ooc: On the road again!
ic: Tel rode next to Elboron, keeping as far away from S'abella as possible. He noticed his friend toying with something. "What's that?" he asked.
03-30-2004, 10:02 PM
Elboron looked up, "Hmm? Oh nothing." he said innocently, "Just..a few mushrooms. Thats all." Tel raised an eyebrow, "And since when have you started to like mushrooms?"
Elboron smiled, "Just recently actually....and besides, these are special mushrooms."
Gulio, Strength of Many
03-31-2004, 12:09 AM
Suddenly, Tel realized what a treasure his friend held in his hands. "Oh, I see. Well, what do you plan on doing with these special mushrooms?"
03-31-2004, 01:26 AM
"Oh, I'm not sure. You never know when they might come in handy." He said with a smile he only used when planning mischief, "Just don't tell..."he nodded his head at S'abella's direction. They were far away enough so she couldn't hear them, and for that, Elboron was thankful.
04-02-2004, 10:43 PM
"Hmm, so you're planning something?" I said popping up behind them. "You know what the torture for that is..." <I just love this time-stream gift.> "Come on. The mountains are right there."
Gulio, Strength of Many
04-04-2004, 02:18 AM
"Who, us?" Tel said innocently.
"Yes, you," S'abella replied evenly. "I'm just giving you a fair warning."
"You? Fair? This is new," said Tel, grinning.
"Why you little imp! I oughta . . ."
"You'll never take me alive!" Tel shouted and urged Rokko into a gallop towards the mountains.
ooc: Sorry 'bout the godmod, but this thing isn't moving!
04-04-2004, 05:33 PM
Ic: The mountains loomed up against the horizion, creating a snaking trail of brown-black against blue. The path we followed, unbeknowest to us, was the same Bilbo and the company had traveled. The road wound around the mountains and we folloed it as best we could, sometimes having to move to one side because of rocks and other assorted mic. items. We found a large packadge of cram, which we found to be good. We settled down in a cave to eat[same goblin one yes.]
OOC:That's all I have to say
Gulio, Strength of Many
04-08-2004, 10:15 PM
ooc: Tel screws things up again . . . .
Tel tasted the cram, it was rather dry, and stuck to the roof of his mouth. But it was better than nothing. He settled against the back wall of the cave and forced some more cram down his throat. Suddenly, the back wall of the cave moved, causing Tel to fall flat on his back. "Wha-?" Tel said, confused. It wasn't often that solid cave walls moved like a door.
Suddenly, a group of about fifty goblins stormed into the cave. Seeing that fighting against so many was futile, the company laid down their weapons. The goblins chained them together, and led them down a long, dark tunnel.
"Nice going, dummy," Elboron poked Tel in the ribs.
"How was I supposed to know that the cave wall was really a secret door that led into a goblin's cave?" Tel asked.
"Shut up, you!" One of their captors shouted.
04-10-2004, 05:07 PM
"Hmm... Here's an idea." I said as Tel Elboron and I were being drug towards the cavern wall. I used the shapeshifter abilities to change into a wren and I slipped out of the chains. I then changed again into a goblin and took the keys from the commander while he was confused. I unlocked Tel Elboron, and the others[which are here somewhere...] and we fled from the cave.
04-10-2004, 10:32 PM
Elboron, once they had exited the cave, looked back, "Not ones for warm welcomes now are they?" he said quietly. Turning to Tel he whispered, "Bennt would have gotten them sooner or later."
ooc: Where did they go??? Perhaps we left them in Rivendell...again.:D
Gulio, Strength of Many
04-11-2004, 01:41 AM
"Aye, that he would have," said Tel. "Though I am not looking forward to seeing the mighty rubber chicken's wrath, again." His face darkened with the memory of the last time some belligerent person defied Bennt the Great. "Such power, yet in something so small. Who would have guessed?"
04-11-2004, 09:31 PM
*Slaps head with palm of hand.* "You two..." *shakes head* "c'mon, let's go. Not to far now... and no I am not going to fly you two little babys to the other side of the mountains just because your feet are sore. Hard labor is good for you."
"I'll remember you said that." Tel said with a look I couldn't quite decern
Gulio, Strength of Many
04-15-2004, 01:53 AM
"I'll remember you said that," said Tel, storing that bit of information away. You never know when such things will come in handy.
"Hard labor? What's that?" Elboron asked, clearly puzzled.
"Hard labor is like carrying twenty pounds of hair dye to the top of a thirty-foot tree to drop on someone. Difficult, but worth any consequences, espically if that certian someone is a particular Elven Lord with evil eyebrows."
04-15-2004, 08:12 PM
"Ah....I see." Elboron nodded thoughtfully. "Didn't we do that once...except not as much hair dye...and a smaller tree?"
Gulio, Strength of Many
04-15-2004, 10:02 PM
"Yes, but it wasn't really 'hard labor', per say. It was more of 'medium labor', because it wasn't that hard," Tel explained.
"Oh, I see," Elboron said.
04-16-2004, 11:11 AM
ooc: Warning!!! long post!!!
Irassur shook her head. "Now listen here," she said to the little ones, coming back from their adventure. "You've had your fun. But this is a real dark lord that we have to defeat, and your foolish games are not going to be helpful when the time comes to battle." She hated being the surrogate parent, but someone had to be, or all of them would end up dead before long.
She was coming. Sordahrm had made his decision. Even though she would kill him before the year was out, he would have to take that risk in order to retrieve the last ring. Only with it could his master recreate the One. But now he must go to meet her.
They had set up camp for the night. S'abella was on watch, and Irassur had to go find out where he was. He was here, somewhere. he wanted to see her.
She was coming. Sordahrm took a deep breath, preparing himself for the meeting to come. Here she was, the bane of his existance. and that would soon be more true than ever.
"Hello, my lady," he said, bowing gracefully.
"Do not expect me to smile at you. You know why I am here, and I know why you are here," said Irassur, glaring at him.
"I fear you are mistaken, my lady. I am not here to communicate to you the wishes of Morthul. I am here to join your force against him."
"You lie. He would not allow you to leave his service alive."
"He does not know I have left."
"He knows all."
"He does not know all. He is, after all, only a man."
"He is not only a man!" said Irassur, growing angry at Sordahrm's idiocy. "He is powerful. He reads your thoughts. He knows we are speaking now."
Sordahrm tried not to smile. She was falling right in to his trick. "I fear that my love for you, my lady, has clouded my judgment."
Now what? Irassur didn't know what to say. It was impossible. Sordahrm was an enemy. He hated her as much as she hated Morthul. He could not love her. "Regardless of your sentiments," she said finally. "You must know that an Istari cannot feel love."
"You, then, must know that you lie as if I were a stupid human. While an Istari cannot feel love as an emotion, you can choose to love."
"And why would I choose to love you?" Irassur grinned.
"Because I will lead you to Morthul's headquarters and show you how you can defeat him."
"I fear I cannot accept your kind offer. I have other lives under me that will depend on my decisions. I fear that it is far to dangerous. Tell your master that he will fall. And no one will be able to save him when I am finished." Irassur stalked off, trying not to smile. She had escaped Sordahrm alive.
Sordahrm was near to suicide. How could she have seen through his guise? WHat was he to do now?
04-17-2004, 06:51 PM
OOC: FINALLY SOMEONE BESIDES THE NUTS[yes that means u Gulio & Aewionen :lol: we luv u guyz]
"Wher'd you go?" I asked Irassur, then I turnd away for a moment
04-19-2004, 11:21 AM
"I was in a meeting with the enemy. The important thing about this dark lord, friend, is that he is the most cunning of all. He will attempt to be your closest ally and then betray you. We must all tread carefully."
04-19-2004, 05:51 PM
"I see. Now, who's turn is it now? We don't dare have Tel or Elboron, they'll only screw around."
Irid al'Menie
04-20-2004, 04:00 PM
Jondar walked forward. Softly, not willing to wake the sleepers, she said: 'I will stand on guard now. I cannot sleep. Rest now, both. We still have a long road ahead.'
She watched the other two lie down, and waited for their slowing breath to tell her they were asleep. To make sure that she would not on guard fall asleep, she changed into the unicorn. It would help her to stay awake, might sleep want to overtake her.
As she stood silent white, she thought of days long gone. Her training as shapeshifter was the first thing she remembered. Before that - nothing. Or nothing that she could remember. But she had been a little older already when the training started. So there must have been something.
She looked up and changed quickly when she heard a rustle of leaves in the bushes. Intensely, she stared in that direction, to see if she needed help scaring away an intruder.
04-20-2004, 07:29 PM
ooc: *sigh* Fine, I'll try my best to be.....serious. :)
Elboron slipped into a peaceful sleep. All he saw in his mind was dark, until, a few minutes later, a small blue light appeared. He moved towards it, though it seemed to move away from him whenever he neared. Suddenly, the light shot out in all directions, now becoming a clear white. A figure walked towards him, he was shadowed and silent. Elboron knew not what to think of it, should he run or welcome this strange being? It seemed as though he had no choice, the being was soon right in front of him. The figure began speaking in a tounge that was unknown to him. Neert an uian lastho-bethna. Tolas aeir mor nen. Elboron reached out to touch the figure but the moment he did, its eyes flared open revealing a blood red color. He saw this only for a second before he awoke, breathing hard and sweaty.
Gulio, Strength of Many
05-02-2004, 09:36 PM
ooc: Nuts? I'm offended! I am a kumquat! Nyeah! :P
ic: Tel was silent after Irassur's not-so-gentle rebuke. He began to think about what they were doing, and what he and Elboron had gotten into. "Hmm, this is rather serious, isn't it?" He muttered quietly to his sleeping friend. And serious things are for serious people. he thought. Perhaps I shouldn't be here, I could very well get us all killed. And then the Dark Lord would take over, and Middle-Earth would fall into darkness. All because of me. These thoughts replayed themselves over and over in his mind, until he drifted off into a troubled sleep.
ooc: There, how's that?
Irid al'Menie
05-05-2004, 03:46 PM
Slowly, almost creeping, Jondar walked forward. More rustling was heard and then, suddenly, a big kind of cat jumped out of the bushes. It hissed in her direction, a thick tail behind it. 'There now, there now, shh. Don't be afraid now, I won't do anything. Take it easy little one, there there.' she whispered. Her voice seemed to calm it down. The hissing stopped, and slowly the cat took a gentler air.
Slowly, very carefully, Jondar reached out. Ready to jerk back her hand at any sign of threat, she touched the head of the cat - or at least of the young jaguar, for that it was, she saw now. Strange that it did not attack. But it was still very young, so that might explain it. 'Here we go now. Isn't your mommy around here? Poor thing. There, that's better, isn't it.' She was allowed to pet the little beast.
Quickly, Jondar took some of the leftovers from their earlier meal, all the meat she could find. The way the jaguar attacked it showed her that he was hungry. It might not be exactly what he imagined a meal like, but it was something. Maybe his mom was really nowhere around...
For the rest of her watch, he stayed beside her. She didn't know when she had deserved this trust, but she let it be. Why not? He didn't harm anybody...
05-09-2004, 07:53 PM
*Yawns* "Hullo everybody. Good morning. Thanks for taking watch last night. I was extremely tired." She yawned again. "Tel? Wake up sleepy!" *Throws tiny rock at Tel*
Gulio, Strength of Many
05-09-2004, 10:26 PM
"Ow," Tel said, sitting up. "What'd you do that for?" He was about to make a remark on S'abella's inherent evilness, but remembered that he was being serious now. Stuff like that just won't do, he thought.
05-10-2004, 09:23 PM
Awaken by Tel's grumbling, Elboron, as he had finally gotten some more sleep after that little dream he had, sat up as well. "What did you do know Tel?" He asked, wondering why he was acussing(sp?) S'abella of doing something or other. He decided to wait to tell his friend about what he had seen last night, thinking it to more than just a mere dream.
07-20-2004, 03:35 PM
OOC: 'Ello? Is anybody there? You all sad. -__- *sighs* Ah well....
07-22-2004, 01:18 AM
Hey Ya'll! Ahm back!
*cuts accent*
"Hmm, seriousness just doesn't suit you Telepelemire. It... really isn't good for too much seriousness."
OOC: JUst pushin along... :rolleyes:
07-22-2004, 03:28 PM
OOC: Yayness! Someone else replied! *does happy dance* I am hyper...^______^
Gulio, Strength of Many
07-22-2004, 03:47 PM
ooc: LEGGY!!!! -glomp- I missededed yuuuuuuuu! :D :D :D :D Okay, I'll stop now... ^^
ic: Tel sighed with obvious relief. "Thank you, S'abella!" he said, grinning broadly. "It was rather difficult, I must admit. By the way, it's Tel," he added with a wink.
07-24-2004, 07:19 PM
Hey, it's different! :eek:
I leave for a paltry six months, and everything changes. :p
Hey, anyone want to explain what's happening so that the villain can com back into the story?
Unless you've chosen another one of course...
Gulio, Strength of Many
07-25-2004, 05:05 PM
ooc: KALILE!!!! -tackleglomp- 'Tis been forever, and I have misseded you! These changes just happened recently, and I nearly had a hert attack when I first saw them. I couldn't bear going on the 'Moot for... a day. ^^
Anywho, not a whole lot has happened. We needeth our baddie!
Lol, this smiley looks like Bubs! :D
07-26-2004, 04:23 PM
OOC: :D It does, doesn't it? :mad: Its strong bad! Kinda... Hee hee. Yayness, everyone is coming back!
"You were being serious? And I missed it?!" Elboron asked his pointy-eared friend with a grin.
OOC: That was...short...
Gulio, Strength of Many
07-26-2004, 09:07 PM
ooc: Not really... ^^
ic: "Yes, you missed it, you daft troll," Tel replied with a contented sigh. "And you shall never see it, I'm afraid. 'Tis just too difficult, and boring, to be serious. And it can't be good for you. Look at what happened to S'abella!"
07-26-2004, 11:50 PM
Hey! Leggy's back, too! She came back just before I did. :mad: Curses! I wanted to make a triumphant return, but she spoiled it. I actually saw the changes being made: I tried to come back a few days ago, but it said that it was changing!
What happened to The Isle of the Mist?!? I wanted it to try out for this one rpg thing. I came back looking for it, and all the threads had gone! And then I started missing the Moot. :rolleyes: Oh well, I never realized how much I missed you guys until I came back.
Anyway, I'll have to catch up on the rp... I have a gazillion messages to delete now that they have a limit. Oy.
07-27-2004, 12:21 AM
Ooc: I have some things catch up on, so this is going to cover all that has happened so far. Remarkably little has, despite seven pages being dedicated to it...
Ic: Morthul watched the entrance to Rivendell silently, barely moving. Oh how he hated the place. It was so important, but he could not see into it. Now even the White Tower was laid bare before his eyes, but Lorien and Rivendell still remained, the last of the places where any dwelt but carrion beasts and restless ghosts that he could not scry.
As time wore on, he stood, moving closer to the mirror as if by force of will alone he could make them appear. For he knew that a force would be sent against him.
There! Two figures appeared, and Morthul tensed, then slumped as they proved themselves complete idiots, wandering about in circles before being herded back in by a shape-shifter. Doubtless a pair of the witless doddering invalids that the elves seem to exist to protect. The shape-shifter, though... I wonder if she will be sent against me.
When at last the party got underway, Morthul was astonished.
These paltry, witless, wandering fools are sent to challenge me?
It was almost disappointing. He could not use them to get a ring. Obviously they were some sort of decoy Elrond was using to cover his secret plans.
The Elf could pose a problem though...
The Dark Lord tapped his chin for a moment.
"Sordharm!" When his minion arrived, Morthul gestured toward the door.
"It's time to meet an old friend."
__________________________________________________ _______________
With a growl, the Dark Lord hurled a rune stone at the mirror, shattering it.
The elf escaped! How could Sordharm fail to bring him the one gem in a slagheap? This gem has a cutting edge, he mused, waving a hand at the mirror and with a few words he sent the pieces jumping back into the frame.
He smiled. Within his sanctuary, here at the heart of his power, he was invincible.
Gulio, Strength of Many
07-27-2004, 12:47 AM
ooc: Tel: Hey! I resemble that remark! ^^
Me: Anywho, it's hard to accomplish anything without a baddie. -winkwink- And I /did/ try to throw in a sub-plot (goblin-ness), but that didn't work too well... ^^
07-27-2004, 01:12 AM
OOC: Ooh. *devilish laugh* Evilness...
Ic: Elboron eyed S'abella for a minute in thought and then nodded, "Yes. Quite true, wouldn't want to have that happen." he added jokingly with a grin.
07-30-2004, 01:46 PM
"Tel, I swear! Don't make me turn into your mother!" She cackled devilishly.
OOC: Kalile, I printed the entire thing out [it was 201 or something like that pages long!!!] Jeepz. So next time you come over, I'll let you take a copy. K ^^
Gulio, Strength of Many
07-30-2004, 03:03 PM
Tel made a curious sort of sound when S'abella made that statement. His mother was the main reason why he wasn't living all fancy-like with the Elves. She disliked Tel and his... strangeness, and finally drove her son out of their home. Tel had wandered about ever since, and eventually he found Elboron. The two had taken in instant liking to each other (go figure).
ooc: -whaps chalkboard with chalk- There's a history lesson for you. Study up! ^^
07-31-2004, 12:43 AM
You printed the ENTIRE THING?!? I had it saved to my computer for a while, but sheesh! Oh well, it's good for me. I liked that thread, even though it never quite finished...
Gulio, I just noticed your sig... aren't you getting a little pushy about the whole Christian thing? I'm not trying to spark an argument or anything like that, but I'm just curious.
Gulio, Strength of Many
08-02-2004, 03:08 PM
ooc: Did it come off that way? Hmm, I don't mean to be pushy. :)
08-02-2004, 08:43 PM
Yes, I did! GO ME!
[But my dad was PO'd because I used so much black ink, and paper. ^^]
"Yes, well... maybe I shouldn't... You might have a heart attack."
08-09-2004, 01:12 AM
That's ok! Just wondering, is all. :D
(Hah, bigger smiley)
08-12-2004, 03:58 PM
:D :rolleyes: Ah, my strange friends...
08-13-2004, 09:09 PM
We should rp soon. Move the story along, and all that. I can't, because what I do kinda depends on you.
08-14-2004, 07:06 PM
"Anyway, shall we move on?"
There were various sounds of assent, and so the party moved on through the hills.
OOC: NOw go wreak some havoc!
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