View Full Version : *Discussion Thread* Of Nazgûl-Kings-Friends-Rings Campaign (Calling all Nazgûl II)
08-28-2005, 01:32 PM
This is now the Discussion-forum for the Calling All Nazgûl RPG.
Go ahead and do some discoursing.:D
Game thread (
Information thread (
Second Discussion thread (
08-28-2005, 02:43 PM
Grey Wolf, you are so friggin' COOL! :cool: :cool: You have no idea how sweet you are, truly I believe you've got the biggest heart here on the Moot of all the mooters I interact with. I just had to say it, I don't care if it's off-topic or not! :) :)
Nazgul of the Moot Unite!
08-28-2005, 02:56 PM
What's this Nazgul stuff? (just curious..I've seen a few references)
08-28-2005, 04:22 PM
I suppose (come to think of it), we're supposed to found some kind of Union of Nazgûls. :)
08-28-2005, 04:23 PM
Grey Wolf, you are so friggin' COOL! :cool: :cool: You have no idea how sweet you are, truly I believe you've got the biggest heart here on the Moot of all the mooters I interact with. I just had to say it, I don't care if it's off-topic or not! :) :)
Nazgul of the Moot Unite!
Thanks! :D GreyWolf nr ... (actually I'm not sure about the ranking yet)
08-29-2005, 04:40 AM
I am naturally with you!
GW, my compliments!
Gordis, No.7
08-29-2005, 04:43 PM
Remember people, this is the RPG-forum. Only threads related to role playing are allowed here. So please inform me: what is the objective of this thread?
08-30-2005, 06:57 AM
buggered if i know ... :D
btw grey wolf, i didn't ask for a new thread, i advocated polite requests to re-open the old one ... but no harm done .... well done!
i think the idea was to await *fingers crossed* the wise and benevolent decision of the Mod team to re-open the calling all Nazgul thread.
However if this turns into a moot version of the hundred years war ... ;) (emphasis on the 100 years :D not war ... we are a peaceful nazgul unholy alliance - now that's not a phrase you hear everyday! ) ... then this new exciting rpg about the nazgul ... (???? eh greywolf?)
can temporarily stand in it's hallowed place until the witch king gets justice.
Lotesse on GW:
truly I believe you've got the biggest heart here on the Moot of all the mooters
Good on yer' DR. Grey Wolf. by the way my character in this battle of justice RPG (! ;) ) ..will be Beautiful Boomerang, an undead butterfly character who believes in the ultimate sense and wisdom etc of the authorities who have appeared to have ostracised and outcast the nazgul community like wandering gypsies and undesirables ...
but who is true to the unholy alliance, yet has a wholsome respect for the rpg-playing mod in question! :D
best all and to Earniel too! :)
08-30-2005, 07:05 AM
Gordis, No.7
Does that make you Seven... of Nine?!?!?? :eek: :p
Now what's going on around here? The Nazgul are enemies of my family... my people! Why would we allow them to gather... and under pretext of peace!?!?!! How ludicrous! The Nazgul must be scattered, not gathered!
Yes - the Witch-King must get justice, as BB says... justice at the end of a rope, or the point of a spear. The Foul Usurper! We must not let this evil gather among us!
Valandil, Son of Isildur (aka 'Finger Slicer')
08-30-2005, 07:09 AM
excellent ... so you are joining as 'hang em' high' Valandil eh? Look forward to rpg'ing with you.
I take it you are on the MOD side then?? :)
amused ... and pleased
very best
p.s. Gor is 007, the 7th of Nine.
We have more than 9 in the UA - call it a reserve squad!
08-30-2005, 07:13 AM
...I take it you are on the MOD side then?? :)
Not acting in that capacity here... just protecting the... 'Family Interests' ya know! :p
p.s. Gor is 007, the 7th of Nine.
We have more than 9 in the UA - call it a reserve squad!
(EDIT: - oh, and is she proportioned like Jeri Ryan?)
Waiting to be assimilated... ;)
08-30-2005, 07:17 AM
the plot between the persecuted nazgul and other unholy alliance members and the Elven (both Sea ;) and Wood ) Mods thickens ... :)
We have a ROGUE Mod already! :evil:
*A sudden storm whips up the trees in the moot wood with ghostly whisperings and wails heard on the wind*
08-30-2005, 07:30 AM
Thanks! :D GreyWolf nr ... (actually I'm not sure about the ranking yet)
I'll be Five of the Nine (if nobody else has taken that particular number). Buzukkumarz is the name of my character, Buzuk for short. :D
08-30-2005, 07:35 AM
Oi... I may have gotten myself in deep trouble with Eärniel... in a COUPLE ways! ;)
I'm not an Elf myself (except a little fraction from a couple ancestors way-way back) - but I could sure use the help of a certain Elf of Nin-in-Eilph! (borders on my kingdom, ya know!)
OK - what is this then? It wasn't until about 1000 years into the Third Age that the Nazgul began to stir... as far as anyone knows.
As far as anyone... unless... Unless! What if they DID try to stir earlier, but just stayed real hush-hush about it? Say it's about 40 or 50 years after Sauron's fall - they knew Isildur had gotten the One and had headed north to take up his father's throne in Arnor. They may/may not know that his party was intercepted along the way - but if they know about it, they could probably find out that he was not among the slain - that the Orcs had not recovered IT.
Valandil... he's a young kid (for a Dunedain of his time) of 50 or 60, big kingdom to watch over, over-protective mother, 'friend' of Cirdan and Elrond and Galadriel (say - isn't that Celebrian cute? What - Elrond is interested in her too!??) - might also have a crush on the mysterious Sea Elf of Nin-in-Eilph - at least he's been spending a lot of time at the river city of Tharbad lately...
Wonder how a kid like that would react to a vamp like Seven of Nine?
08-30-2005, 07:50 AM
"Hush-Hush! and hurry!"
whispered Beautiful Boomerang giving the code word ...
flying high above the storm in the woods Boomerang notices that the young ROGUE Mod is indeed not an elf but a high and handsome man ... certainly of very high lineage by his noble bearing.
Surely even a sea elf would be enamoured....
Oi... I may have gotten myself in deep trouble with Eärniel... in a COUPLE ways!
hey! that's my role :eek: ... i suspect like you though it wasn't my intention either!
Wonder how a kid like that would react to a vamp like Seven of Nine?
:D ...very attractive the dark side isn't it? ;)
It's Lovely Lilly (number unsure ... momentarily) that the Young valandil need watch perhaps...
OOC: essential reading for this rpg (maybe we need a discussion thread?) might then be Valandil's Letters of firiel .. this will enlighten you with the rogue mod's story in some entertaining depth and also on the time period ..... provided of course GW and Witch King agree
Valandil has a link to it on his sig.
Witch King: this rpg is in aid of your glorious cause to have the calling all nazgul re-opened.
Mods may join this rpg ... for here in rpg form shall the fate of the thread .. which hangs by but by a thread ... here shall be discussed and played out in middle Moot earth, the thread's very existence...
08-30-2005, 08:11 AM
OOC Post:
...hey! that's my role :eek: ... i suspect like you though it wasn't my intention either! ]...
Well - I've been in that place before myself! (and she will recognize that this WAS intentional!) ;) And it's not just the RPG/mod thing... there's this...(briefly back in character... maybe) tension! I mean - I think I like her and all, but she says I keep confusing her and giving 'mixed signals'!
:D ...very attractive the dark side isn't it? ;)
See what I mean?! :p (OK - back to OOC)
It's Lovely Lilly (number unsure ... momentarily) that the Young valandil need watch perhaps...
Now - I didn't completely follow those other NG threads - is that member "Earthbound" though?
OOC: essential reading for this rpg (maybe we need a discussion thread?) might then be Valandil's Letters of firiel .. this will enlighten you with the rogue mod's story in some entertaining depth and also on the time period ..... provided of course GW and Witch King agree...
I was actually suggesting a different time - sometime in the first few decades of the Third Age. The Letters of Firiel are mostly set in the 1900's - SO much later for us mortals! Did the rest of you have something else in mind though? If so, I may need to be one of Valandil's descendents. :)
08-30-2005, 08:16 AM
OOC Post:
Well - I've been in that place before myself! (and she will recognize that this WAS intentional!) ;) And it's not just the RPG/mod thing... there's this...(briefly back in character... maybe) tension! I mean - I think I like her and all, but she says I keep confusing her and giving 'mixed signals'!
See what I mean?! :p (OK - back to OOC)
Now - I didn't completely follow those other NG threads - is that member "Earthbound" though?
I was actually suggesting a different time - sometime in the first few decades of the Third Age. The Letters of Firiel are mostly set in the 1900's - SO much later for us mortals! Did the rest of you have something else in mind though? If so, I may need to be one of Valandil's descendents. :)
What do all o' ye other TNaC-CAN II-members think about it?
08-30-2005, 08:17 AM
Nay, Lord ... not Earthbound
but Crazy Squirrel !
... much more wanton ... ;)
heh, Valandil at 50/60 is fine with me ... ask 007 on that one!
Hope DOC GW and WK agree.
EDIT: heh, DOC, what about a title of Battle for Justice? easier on the tongue ye'know ... and can be applied equally by both sides :D
08-30-2005, 10:07 AM
I'm not seeing a whole lot of reason behind this thread other than that the first one was closed :p.
08-30-2005, 11:01 AM
Nay, Lord ... not Earthbound
but Crazy Squirrel !
... much more wanton ... ;)
Yess, THAT's ME! I am a wanton readhead LILY!!! I am number 6!!!
(Sorry, GW, if you don't mind, SIX WAS MY NUMBER!. You can be 4 or 5, can't you?)
Lily is short for something... Lilaenwen perhaps. I sort of forgot already.
Anyways, I am just what is needed for young Valandil. I will see him to his end...
I will defend our just cause against all imposters and upstarts! Of course, our beloved Witchy has more right to be King than anyone living or undead!
08-30-2005, 01:49 PM
Change done. :)
08-30-2005, 04:09 PM
Number 9, (as in "Revoluton No. 9) reporting for duty... that's me, Viniglaen - Viv for short. Sorry I'm a bit late, was busy out catburglaring... So, where's Wikkie?
08-30-2005, 05:08 PM
Don't know, but he pm'd me yesterday ... had some fighting talk!
Witch king: suggest we stick with Pm's: i can't be doing with that other stuff. too much effort!
Tessar: what is your character by the way? it wasn't clear. :D
"Hush-Hush! and hurry!"
fluted Beautiful Boomerang again flying high above the tumultulous Moot woods ... shadowy wings flapping eerily across the full moon ...
below the moot woods were filling: an assortment of wraiths, Mods and even a rogue Mod wandered there...
08-30-2005, 05:14 PM
Be careful, all ye wraiths, of those Mods - they can be double-edged swords, and one never knows whose "side" they're actually on. This is the DARK side here; no namby-pambying around. If someone goes for Lily's alluring sexiness, they are considered CONQUERED by the dark side; no fence-sitting will be tolerated. :D
08-30-2005, 05:23 PM
at that very momment Beautiful Boomerang landed on the fence ...
OOC: what about VIV?
btw the odd reply IN-character please ... there are Mods around ... :eek:
08-30-2005, 05:30 PM
What do you mean what about Viv? I AM Viv! Who did you think was talking before?? :D
08-30-2005, 05:55 PM
OOC post:
If someone goes for Lily's alluring sexiness, they are considered CONQUERED by the dark side; no fence-sitting will be tolerated.
so... what about Viv? :D
IC: hears an owl hoot, a finger being sliced and a wolf howls medically at the moon...
08-30-2005, 05:58 PM
I'm not sure I get it, but - BB, are you trying to flirt with me, or something? If so, it's not going to work; my heart is set on Mor. Need a bandaid for that finger, my friend? :p :D
08-30-2005, 06:17 PM
well as for the the owl - this RPG is in the woods of moot middle earth .. so an owl seems like a good scene setter in the moonlight - can't think what put into my head :D - anyway this ahem RPG tis the battlefield for the calling all nazgul thread (currently under the eminent juristiction of the RPG Mods ... hello by the way :) ... ;)
*hints at dangers of not being in character occasionally ... HINT HINT ... ;) *
Valandil, our roaming rogue MOD is the finger-slicer - see earlier post
six, nee Five is a wolf... thus for some odd wolfie reason decided to howl at the moon ....
what about Viv refers to your post about LIL' .... so, what about Viv?
Am i flirting with you? ;) ... *blows kiss* ... nay, that's valandil's influence on me i guess :D ...
Tis hard being a 60 year old heir to the throne ... ;)
where's khamul by the way?
08-30-2005, 09:25 PM
...Valandil, our roaming rogue MOD is the finger-slicer - see earlier post...
No - SON of 'Finger-Slicer' ;) - if my other post was unclear.
08-30-2005, 10:38 PM
Well, Son of Finger Slicer - are you one of us, or what? :cool: It's lovely here on the dark side; join us, join us!
08-31-2005, 04:21 AM
No - SON of 'Finger-Slicer' ;) - if my other post was unclear.
well, isn't it a family business?
Finger-slicer & Sons, established since the dawn of Man (and possibly beyond ...)
Valandil, you do have to keep the family name and traditions going y'know... ;)
Lotesse: our rogue Mod must keep his cards open ... for the drama y'know...
*sends flowers to both Lotesse :p and to Earniel ;) - will Valandil get angry and try to grow the family business 'while you wait' in the Woods?*
08-31-2005, 05:02 AM
btw grey wolf, i didn't ask for a new thread, i advocated polite requests to re-open the old one ... but no harm done .... well done!
Well done? I try to find a solution for the first thread between graduating and working a whole weekend and then I find you lot going behind my back and open an identical thread? Well done indeed, nice show of respect to your moderator.
Oi... I may have gotten myself in deep trouble with Eärniel... in a COUPLE ways! ;)
You're not exactly helping now either. It'll be the plastic gecko for you next...
well as for the the owl - this RPG is in the woods of moot middle earth .. so an owl seems like a good scene setter in the moonlight - can't think what put into my head :D - anyway this ahem RPG tis the battlefield for the calling all nazgul thread (currently under the eminent juristiction of the RPG Mods ... hello by the way :) ... ;)
So it is an RPG. I would have prefered a straight answer directly and not a whole page later. Since you finally have decided to make this thread an RPG, it will get treated like one, meaning: go off topic and it will be closed. No chat, take that to the Teacup cafe or PM. Valandil, I trust you will keep an eye on that as well.
Also, this thread is in no way going to determine whether the orginal thread is reopened. In fact by making this thread before the first one was sorted out you have taken away the reason for reopening it. Moderator decisions are not meant to be circumvented or ignored when they do not suit you.
PM me if you have any comments on this, do not post them here.
Sorry for the interruption, you can continue the game.
08-31-2005, 08:13 AM
OOC: I agree totally with Earniel that this thread should not have been started like it was. Having 'insider information' - I will share with you that Earniel was giving this thread a chance to be an actual RPG - and not just chit-chat or a circumvention of her earlier decision. Ill-advised or not, I decided to jump in and give you a chance to make a Game of it. So... if we're on, let's play the game. If we're not - I fully support the closing of this thread as well and letting both it and the other sink into the abyss of "Forgotten Misbegotten Misplaced non-RPG Threads Started in the RPG Forum".
Got it?
OK - IC:
Valandil sat at his favorite table at his favorite outdoor pub in Tharbad. It was beside the Greyflood River, which flowed steadily behind him - and very near the bridge, which was just downstream. It was also close to the riverfront house he had moved into, along with his entourage (some of whom were with him now - his Chancellor, his Tutor - and his friends Ray and Marty). He was reading the latest issue of "Palantir Gazette" - dated earlier this year - 50 Third Age. It was late on a Friday afternoon and the sun would soon be setting, but he was trying to find some way to take his mind off his classes... and girls. Or to think about the girls... he wasn't really sure.
Officially, he was in Tharbad to study - USAT (University of Southern Arnor at Tharbad). He had a rather heavy load: Ship-building I, Bridge-building II, Commerce, Embalming III and Wine-tasting. It was just early September, but he was already behind, and there was probably no way his 'keepers' would let him go to the big game tomorrow. Royals were expected to do the best in everything - but truthfully, even being in Tharbad, like reading the paper - was just meant to be a distraction.
Oh - he had really embarrassed himself that spring. His mother always wanted to go visit "Uncle" Elrond, so they had gone there once more. Only this time, in addition to having to endure his rather obviously aged mother making eyes at the Half-Elven, he had espied Celebrian... WOW! Of course he was quite taken (even her mother was HOT!), but she was quite cold toward him. He thought she'd've been more appreciative - she and his folks were like "Homeless Elves" (though not Houseless) - and they could have all come back to Evendim with him (where they said they had once dwelt - why couldn't they just say 'lived'?).
Well - you may know how this one came out. Turns out they were all making an 'arrangement' about Elrond and Celebrian - so Valandil and his mother, after a bit of an embarrassing scene, had slipped away and headed back for home. But he had been listless the rest of spring. Finally - in summer he decided to come to Tharbad and enroll for graduate-level classes in the Fall. But he chose Tharbad because of the stories about Nin-in-Eilph - and the mysterious Elf Maiden who was said to live there. His mother had insisted on him bringing enough 'advisors' to keep him under a pretty tight watch, but he had still managed to slip out a few nights before classes began, to go to the place of swans. He even thought he had seen her once... but he wasn't sure - had his eyes only been fooling him?
And then the rest of the students had begun to arrive. The campus was abuzz with the word that the High King was studying there, and most of his classmates were tripping over themselves to try to make his acquaintance. And the girls... eye-yie-YIE!
Anyway - if this would be strictly study, it would be a long 2 months before the 4-month Yule Break (followed by a month of Spring Semester, a month of Spring Break and then the second month of Spring classes). The moon would be a little past full. It would be dark at first, but later there would be light to see by. He wondered if he could slip out again, before the moon rose - and then make his way back across the river.
A butterfly came fluttering about, breaking his thoughts. First he just watched it, then tried to catch it, but failed. This seemed to anger the thing so it danced madly around his face. He swatted at it, missing again (to the amusement of his companions) and then watched it fly away, toward the river. "Sigh," he thought. "Well - summer is ending and your days won't be much longer anyway, my pretty friend."
The serving girl came out with hot fresh bread and apple cider. The place began to fill up and the other patrons - a mix of students and townies - kept making furtive (what IS 'furtive' anyway?) glances his way. Perhaps it was time to leave.
08-31-2005, 09:03 AM
IT IS JUST GREAT! Wonderful opening!
I have only one suggestion, now that I know a lot more about RPG's than I did four months ago:): I believe you have to open the main RPG thread. Something like "Nazgul in arnor" or "Valandil and the Wraiths" or "Where is the Ring?" or whatever the name of the story is.
And the present thread (Calling all...) will be for discussion on the RPG.
Now some thoughts I have on the matter:
I think you have picked a very interesting PERIOD.
At this time Sau has freshly disappeared from our lives, and nobody weeps for him :D . As for us, wraiths, we have freshly recovered from a half-age of Sau's brain-washing and "having no will of our own". We are now free and we can FEEL and THINK and ENJOY LIFE again! Sounds GREAT!!!!
Here I advise to accept that WITH THE RINGS THE NAZGUL ARE CAPABLE OF BEING FULLY VISIBLE AT WILL (OR FULLY INVISIBLE; CLOTHES AND ALL).That is not 100% canon, but it doesn't contradict canon.
SO WE CAN LOOK LIKE NORMAL MORTALS. (Extremely handsome mortals if I say so myself :D, as mid-second age Numenoreans must look). Wikkie, as a King of Numenor, looks especially stunning :p.
So, back to the tale. We have learned that Isildur took the Ring and went North and got killed. But we have to learn WHERE THE RING IS. Nobody thinks it is lost. It may be either in Rivendell, or in Lorien or in Annuminas.
Valandil is likely the owner. But we have to check it. So we send a group of wraiths (GIRLS:p first!!!) to befriend Val. He will have a full choice:
fiery sexy readhead Lily, quiet and serious pure-blood numenorean Gorgie and tomboyish Vivvie. I think one has a good chance to become the Queen???
Valandil, Are Girls admitted to Tharbad Academy as students? :)
08-31-2005, 09:08 AM
TO BB!!!
BTW, will you play Wikkie, Butterbeer?? Please!!
I think you are the best choice, unless Olmer will join us, which is quite ... ah well...
And again , Wikkie must not be called "Wikkie". It is a later Angmar-period name. What should he be called?
Ciry? (Short for Tar-Ciryatan?) Or most likely, some fake name, made especially for Arnorians? I propose Angmorion/Angmarion (or just Angmar?)or something like that.
Actually nobody in Arnor had heard of Angmar yet, so it could be fine.
And who will be MOR (NO 4) for you, Vivvie?
08-31-2005, 09:28 AM
(OOC) OK - I'll change the set-up between 12 and 24 hours from now. :)
08-31-2005, 11:12 AM
IT IS JUST GREAT! Wonderful opening!
I have only one suggestion, now that I know a lot more about RPG's than I did four months ago:): I believe you have to open the main RPG thread. Something like "Nazgul in arnor" or "Valandil and the Wraiths" or "Where is the Ring?" or whatever the name of the story is.
And the present thread (Calling all...) will be for discussion on the RPG.
Now some thoughts I have on the matter:
I think you have picked a very interesting PERIOD.
At this time Sau has freshly disappeared from our lives, and nobody weeps for him :D . As for us, wraiths, we have freshly recovered from a half-age of Sau's brain-washing and "having no will of our own". We are now free and we can FEEL and THINK and ENJOY LIFE again! Sounds GREAT!!!!
Here I advise to accept that WITH THE RINGS THE NAZGUL ARE CAPABLE OF BEING FULLY VISIBLE AT WILL (OR FULLY INVISIBLE; CLOTHES AND ALL).That is not 100% canon, but it doesn't contradict canon.
SO WE CAN LOOK LIKE NORMAL MORTALS. (Extremely handsome mortals if I say so myself :D, as mid-second age Numenoreans must look). Wikkie, as a King of Numenor, looks especially stunning :p.
So, back to the tale. We have learned that Isildur took the Ring and went North and got killed. But we have to learn WHERE THE RING IS. Nobody thinks it is lost. It may be either in Rivendell, or in Lorien or in Annuminas.
Valandil is likely the owner. But we have to check it. So we send a group of wraiths (GIRLS:p first!!!) to befriend Val. He will have a full choice:
fiery sexy readhead Lily, quiet and serious pure-blood numenorean Gorgie and tomboyish Vivvie. I think one has a good chance to become the Queen???
Valandil, Are Girls admitted to Tharbad Academy as students? :)
Meaning this one? TNaC -CAN II will be the discussion thread, OK.
Then we'll have to rename the other thread (the original one: Calling all Nazgûl) The Nazgûl Campaign won't we?
08-31-2005, 02:57 PM
Valandil, Are Girls admitted to Tharbad Academy as students? :)
I'd like to be a student; I think it's high time Viniglaen got a complete education anyway, instead of spending her entire un-life sneaking around being a catburglar. She needs a change of pace and some new options.
The Witch-King of Angmar
09-01-2005, 05:52 AM
Ah Excellent, we are almost assembled. Can All Nazgûl please email me at telling me what number they would take up in our fellowship. First 9 to email me will get in, maybe we could take on others after that.
Thankyou my loyal Nazgûl, the nine of Sauron will rise again!
09-01-2005, 06:08 AM
I dont think E-mailing is a good idea. That is what this thread is for.
By now
Numbers 5,6,7,9 are occupied. I dont know about BB.
09-01-2005, 06:16 AM
I'd like to be a student; I think it's high time Viniglaen got a complete education anyway, instead of spending her entire un-life sneaking around being a catburglar. She needs a change of pace and some new options.
YEA, I want to be a student alsso! And Gor: what about her
BTW, Gordie, You must realise that your name is not suitable for Arnor! You must choose something nice and elvish. :D
09-01-2005, 06:27 AM
YEA, I want to be a student alsso! And Gor: what about her
BTW, Gordie, You must realise that your name is not suitable for Arnor! You must choose something nice and elvish. :D
What about me? I believe I am pretty well educated, but, for our glorious cause, I might consider going to Tharbad Uni as well.
And , sure, CS, you are right about Gor.
My name (Gordis) was given by Sau instead of my original one. I think that was the case ot Gothmog (hardly any mother would call her baby after a barlog? :eek:) and maybe Khamul (I believe it means just "Shadow of the east" "Kha" -like in "Khand".
So now in Arnor I shall call myself by my old name again.
And it was
(I am rather partial to these "-dis" endings)
So call me "Wendie" or "Wen" :)
09-01-2005, 06:35 AM
please put any comments that are not part of the rpg
with [B]OOC: before them ...
you all know WHY!
aaaah, am i being slowly infected by the MOD side????? :D :eek:
Witch King do you then want to forget re-opening the original thread? Are you happy now with this one?
it'd be easier all round ... provided this one gets a fair deal.
i.e. a completely fresh start- no hidden knives out for it before it's even really got going ... some good old fashioned communicative moderating, like in the good ol' days ... :)
and an appreciation there will be the odd rpg discuusion that might appear as chat -AS THERE IS IN EVERY RPG - but that at core it will be kept on track ...
Please NOTE:
i am not trying to put down provisos in any way (i don't think that would be helpful - and frankly i am very close now to being all out of my ability or desire to keep going out of my way to be polite and helpful and respectful and getting ... nothing in return but accusations of being unhelpful etc) ... so no provisos etc ... just stating what most see as fair rules as applied to the vast majority of threads ... :)
BTW: Earniel i tried to Pm you twice, 2 long detailed but very nice pm's : they screwed up each time: 1st time was almost definetly my fault: the second? Don't know: got very dispirited at that point ...
it's up to you Witch King.
Gor: NO! I will NOT play Tar-C or Angmarian Al' etc: really i think the new King should be given a chance ...
I am but a humble Butterfly (of the undead sort) ;)
09-01-2005, 06:44 AM
I am but a humble Butterfly (of the undead sort) ;)
Tell us, O Humble Undead BB-utterfly, who and what is your character then?
And I repeat my proposal to make this thread the RPG discussion thread and to let Val open a new main one where he could post his excellent opening.
09-01-2005, 06:53 AM
OOC: at the risk of sounding like a funky gibbon ... OOC OOC! :D
My character has already been established earlier as Beautiful Boomerang the undead butterfly ... no more till we know if this rpg has wings ... ;)
well for sure, if Val wants to start a new rpg and we have this as the discussion .... fine.
Till' then act like the funky gibbons: OOC OOC!
EDIT anyway to avoid any more messes: decide with Earniel and Valandil and Mr M what the plan is and let's stick to it .... esp you DOC! :D
so witch king: this agree with you?
GW: that ok? this will be discussion, so no new threads, already :D
BB :)
09-01-2005, 07:04 AM
Now I am confused. I understood that after Val has posted his brilliant intro that was supposed to be a serious RPG.
If it is just an OOC chat or whatever general silliness, I am afraid I am out of it.
I believe we have to wait till Val replies.
09-01-2005, 07:12 AM
I'm not very inventive, so I'll just take the position I have in the other Nazgûl RPG unless you have an objections.
Khamûl - 3rd.
09-01-2005, 07:13 AM
OOC: at the risk of sounding like a funky gibbon ... OOC OOC! :D
My character has already been established earlier as Beautiful Boomerang the undead butterfly ... no more till we know if this rpg has wings ... ;)
well for sure, if Val wants to start a new rpg and we have this as the discussion .... fine.
Till' then act like the funky gibbons: OOC OOC!
EDIT anyway to avoid any more messes: decide with Earniel and Valandil and Mr M what the plan is and let's stick to it .... esp you DOC! :D
so witch king: this agree with you?
GW: that ok? this will be discussion, so no new threads, already :D
BB :)
On my word of honour. Absolutely no new threads. And I agree - TNaC-CAN II is for discussion.
09-01-2005, 07:23 AM
Now I am confused. I understood that after Val has posted his brilliant intro that was supposed to be a serious RPG.
If it is just an OOC chat or whatever general silliness, I am afraid I am out of it.
I believe we have to wait till Val replies.
Now you have confused me, GOR :confused:
Currently my understanding was this thread IS going to be an RPG, (and IS currently) ... it started without clear remit as i have been told: and until we have a disussion thread is currently ONLY TECHNICALLy an RPG thread...(BUT ONE WITHOUT A DISCUSSION ... so it is ok to disuss it in here too ... but to be clear only with an OOC before any non rpg post) ..... it is under threat ... it is therefore important to stop it being closed .... currently therefore please all add any percieved chat or thread discussion or any non in-character post with an OOC!
The threat is real... the knives ar out for us. So please add an OOC until we have Val's new rpg .. if that is what you are saying???
as i understand it this thread remains as discussion thread (ONCE and only then) we have the new rpg started by Val ( if i take your meaning right?)
So this will be a serious rpg: an d ilook forward top rpg'ing with you ... but currently this thread is all thing to all people ... and we have to be careful.
The Witch-King of Angmar
09-01-2005, 07:31 AM
I dont think E-mailing is a good idea. That is what this thread is for.
By now
Numbers 5,6,7,9 are occupied. I dont know about BB.
I would like emails just as confirmation, and a form of communication outside of the forum. If anyone thinks this forum doesn't belong here, id like to know where, seeing as for some reason we we're kicked out of General Chat, which is basically what this is...
09-01-2005, 07:31 AM
Well as I see it, IF it IS an RPG then ALL should post here their info. Valandil did,
TD - Khamul(2),
GW - Penglogog ?(5),
CS - Lilaenwen (6)
Gordis - Aiwendis (7),
Lotesse - Viniglaen (9) .
But what about others??
Number 3 ?
Number 4?
Number 8?
They SHOULD post here, if they want to participate.
Private messages or E-mails won't do!!!
What Say YE All?
09-01-2005, 07:32 AM
CS, apparntly BB is number two, so Khamûl is being dropped to number 3.
The Witch-King of Angmar
09-01-2005, 07:32 AM
I dont think E-mailing is a good idea. That is what this thread is for.
By now
Numbers 5,6,7,9 are occupied. I dont know about BB.
I would like emails just as confirmation, and a form of communication outside of the forum. Us Nazgûl have a right to privacy...
If anyone thinks this thread doesn't belong here, id like to know where, seeing as for some reason we we're kicked out of General Chat, which is basically what this is...
And if it isn't clear, I will be taking the position as Witch-King...
So thats,
WK - Witch-King(1),
BB - "Dont remember name" (2)
TD - Khamul(3),
GW - Penglogog ?(5),
CS - Lilaenwen (6)
Gordis - Aiwendis (7),
Lotesse - Viniglaen (9) .
If you insist on not emailing Crazy Squirril, then i wont make you... i just wanted a way for all nazgul to communicate without the rest of the forum seeing...
Sorry about the double post before, my computer isn't running very fast...
09-01-2005, 08:10 AM
Now I am confused. I understood that after Val has posted his brilliant intro that was supposed to be a serious RPG.
If it is just an OOC chat or whatever general silliness, I am afraid I am out of it.
I believe we have to wait till Val replies.
Had to postpone that. Intended to do so last night, but got caught up in a storm of another nature that wasted WAYYY too much time.
Will try again tonight.
09-01-2005, 10:17 AM
I would like emails just as confirmation, and a form of communication outside of the forum. Us Nazgûl have a right to privacy...
If you insist on not emailing Crazy Squirril, then i wont make you... i just wanted a way for all nazgul to communicate without the rest of the forum seeing...
Ok, Fine, WK, we can use Private messages for privacy. But I hate to use my E-mail outside of business. I never give it to anyone on the Web.
Feel free to PM me, and I will do likewise.
But I believe you don't need our confirmations anymore.
And my pers. opinion: making Khamul anything but no 2 is a serious breach of Tolkien Canon :eek:
Cheers, Captain,
Lily the Crazy Squirrel
09-01-2005, 01:16 PM
Ok, Fine, WK, we can use Private messages for privacy. But I hate to use my E-mail outside of business. I never give it to anyone on the Web.
Feel free to PM me, and I will do likewise.
But I believe you don't need our confirmations anymore.
And my pers. opinion: making Khamul anything but no 2 is a serious breach of Tolkien Canon
And I echo everything CS just said here. PM is made for this sort of thing.
09-01-2005, 02:12 PM
And my pers. opinion: making Khamul anything but no 2 is a serious breach of Tolkien Canon :eek:
I agree. I'm going to PM BB and ask if I could possibly make Khamûl number two, I'm sure he'll be fine about it.
09-01-2005, 03:09 PM
OOC: :D :D
*imagines a horde of orang-u-tangs jumping around in an alternate universe making no sounds whatsover for some strange reason ... so many unsaid OOCs must be having an effect somewhere ... ;) *
Heh! I'm an undead butterfly ... beautiful boomerang
as i said to TD: i am a free flying thingy .... i am not a number!
i never asked to be number 2 anyway ... though thanks WKOA for the thought :)
BUT WKOA .... this is NOT a chat thing!!!!! o.k. got it? It may have been ... although i never saw it as such ... or we will be quite rightly closed down. :eek:
anyway they are kindly going to re-open the calling all Nazgul as the rpg i believe: so we need to you to make a decision here! cheers
by the way ... i agree i cannot really do the email thing .. Pm is fine: is that o.k. with you? perhaps you should check your PM settings so that you get Pm's as they are sent (if you are online that is :) )
best BB
09-01-2005, 03:38 PM
Well I'm up for a RPG, but first we need a plot! :D
09-01-2005, 04:53 PM
I know, who's gonna do the plot? I really liked Valandil's start-up, by the way. :)
09-01-2005, 05:46 PM
well let's just go on on from Valandil's excellent start ...
something is calling all nazgul to the North ...
see valandil's "unless, unless ..." and "hush-hush the nazgul ..." (i'm sure he meant to add 'and butterflies' .. it must have escaped him .... ;)
so, is everyone clear? the old calling all nazgul will be re-opened as this rpg thread and this thread (i think will then become the discussion thread?)
... actually i am not too clear myself anymore ... :eek:
09-01-2005, 11:25 PM
If we're gonna use the PM option, some ppl will really have clear out their inboxes!! :D :D
09-02-2005, 01:59 AM
Well, I really don't see what's the problem with doing it right here, on this thread, in public - I mean, WHAT is the big deal?
The Witch-King of Angmar
09-02-2005, 02:08 AM
Ok, Fine, WK, we can use Private messages for privacy. But I hate to use my E-mail outside of business. I never give it to anyone on the Web.
Feel free to PM me, and I will do likewise.
But I believe you don't need our confirmations anymore.
And my pers. opinion: making Khamul anything but no 2 is a serious breach of Tolkien Canon :eek:
Cheers, Captain,
Lily the Crazy Squirrel
Alright Eärniel has persuaded me to use PM's, so everyone can PM me. I didn't mean to come across un-friendly CS, we are both Nazgûl.
I apologise to anyone who thought my other posts were hostile (even though that is how the WK would talk :p)
The Witch-King of Angmar
09-02-2005, 02:22 AM
So by my count thats
WK - Witch-King(1),
TD - Khamul(2),
BB - "Dont remember name" (3)
GW - Penglogog ?(5),
CS - Lilaenwen (6)
Gordis - Aiwendis (7),
Lotesse - Viniglaen (9) .
I put Khamul up to number 2 because you gotta live by JRR's rules...
09-02-2005, 05:29 AM
I have opened the original thread ( to serve as game thread. All the non-RPG posts have been removed so you can start with a clean thread. Valandil can repost his opening post there.
So you can keep all the discussion necesary for the game in this thread. I hope that clears up any confusion.
I have editted the first post in the game thread to reflect the bit of plot you have so far but as I told Witch-King of Angmar, feel free to change that if you decide on a different plot.
Good luck all. :)
09-02-2005, 07:46 AM
Buzukkumarz is the name Number Five so, if u please, Witchking, could u edit your list of Nazgûl?
09-02-2005, 07:53 AM
heh guys Sir Grey or Doc GW ... him of many names! :D has re-edited the first post here in this thread to make it all clear, please check it out so we are all clear this is now (GOR ;) ) the official rpg discussion thread so no oocs!!
The serious valandil led rpg (gor :) ) will appear in the new rpg thread...EDIT: Of Nazguls and Kings, and Friends and Rings (Calling All Nazgul)
Many thanks to Earniel for being so helpful.
09-02-2005, 07:59 AM
Where is Val's post posted? /Stupid question.
09-02-2005, 08:02 PM
Of Nazguls and Kings, and Friends and Rings (Calling All Nazgul)
09-03-2005, 02:41 AM
Is the new name okay?
Won't you all come and play?
09-03-2005, 04:54 AM
the name's might fine,
theyr'e forming a line ...
(actually i suspect everyone's dusting off their best sunday rpg clothes, polishing their character boots and generally preparing to attempt to meet the high standard of the first post ...) :eek:
me i'm just a butterfly ... and i must protest on behalf of my Tharbad brethren against this Numenorean imperalisitc approach to butterfly welfare.
You wanna watch it young sire... or is it prince? us butterflies (alive and dead) HAVE MANY INSECT ALLIANCES ... you could keep getting nasty insect bites all the time...especially beware of pools in the moonlight!
Well i especially look forward to Gordis's ideas now that this is official and now finally actually started ... and is a now finally serious rpg.
partly because between your good self Valandil and Gordis, i can afford to be a bit lazy: not having to check too many dates and things :o
Thanks for the very imformative description you added...
best BB
09-03-2005, 04:59 AM
I've read the thread, but I'm still not sure of the plot. Do we have one yet?
09-03-2005, 01:53 PM
I am a forward girl, so I just walked in without an invitation. Lily will make this baby Val forget his dreams of elven maids. :D
And I need one of the nazgul to act as my brother or father. I can't be all alone unchaperoned in this wild Tharbad, where lovesick students prowl.:D I must think of my reputation. GW, can your Number Five play my "brother"?
BTW, GW, you need a fake name for Tharbad. You can't admit being an easterling! So Busuk (whatever) is not good. I think your first choice Pengolod, was OK. Isn't it Elvish? I think it was a name of an Elvish scholar?
Gordie, Viv, you need Fathers-brothers as well. Gordie can go with wikkie, and Vivvie with Morrie. But who will be MOR? WE NEED MOR, he is a Numenorean, so he could blend perfectly in Tarbad.
BB, number Three, Are you also our GOTH???
09-03-2005, 02:01 PM
I could go with Viv instead. (And no, Khamûl doesn't have a crush on her in thins game!) ;)
09-03-2005, 02:03 PM
Great start-ups, Crazy Squirrel & Valandil! CS, terrific descriptions - sort of like some dangerous Irish Mae West! Anyway - I've decided I don't want to commit to this campaign just yet; I'd rather concentrate on the Fellowship for the time being. Maybe in a couple months down the line, when Fellowship of the Ringwraiths is over, but right now I don't really feel into it for this.
Ciao 4 now, you guys - have fun! :)
09-03-2005, 02:16 PM
i've been reviewing this forum for the past two days and i've discovered something... even though this is supposed to be a RPG forum all that you guys do around here is fight about who will play what role and then you completely forget the topic at hand and atart talking about other stuff... come on people... SORPF---- Save Our Role Playing Forum!!!!!!!
09-03-2005, 02:27 PM
Whew CS... you're makin' me SWEAT! :D :p
Can't succumb to those charms RIGHT AWAY though :eek: ... maybe Val had best get out of there for now... maybe his 'handlers' will see to it! ;)
09-03-2005, 04:56 PM
You know, after CS's post I am awefully tempted to pester the poor High King some more and let the Mysterious Elf from Nîn In Eilph take a closer look at this University that sits outside her reed fields. :evil: So, may I have permission to join in?
09-03-2005, 06:24 PM
:) of course!
real shame about lottesse though: rpg light-weight! :p
... what you can't handle two rpg's???? :rolleyes:
ah c'mon you silly goose (love that phrase) :D
09-03-2005, 06:26 PM
Yeah, c'mon. I'm doing four now. ;)
09-03-2005, 06:29 PM
absolutely, i have lost count ... though one character just got killed... which helps a bit.
and another's in a COMA .... right TD? ;) ;) :p :D
09-03-2005, 08:21 PM
You know, after CS's post I am awefully tempted to pester the poor High King some more and let the Mysterious Elf from Nîn In Eilph take a closer look at this University that sits outside her reed fields. :evil: So, may I have permission to join in?
You would be MORE than welcome!
I'll give you a subtle opportunity with my next post... ;)
09-04-2005, 05:59 AM
heh, maybe Lief might want to join too?
09-04-2005, 07:54 AM
You would be MORE than welcome!
I'll give you a subtle opportunity with my next post... ;)
No need, you have given me plenty to go on in your first post. :evil:
09-04-2005, 08:15 AM
excellent Eärniel ...
I shall, when i have time, outline briefly the previously un-heard of and quiet existence of the Kingdom of Butterflies in the West... (it DOES happen y'know) and their concerns for their habitats ... i suspect that they agree with the Elves of Nin-in eliph and their husbandry (??) of the enviroment ....
Also some of their little known structures and current leadership .. their alliances with other flora and fauna: how by a shocking chance of naer' before seen RPG co-incidence beautiful Boomerang is fluent in Swan speech!
Also the relations between alive and the rather rarer Undead varieties of butterflies in general ... nothings' black and white with Butterflies ... as you know many are very colourful! They are not really concened with dead / undead / alive issues, nor conventional good or bad ... we are just butterflies ... or were until now. even the smallest most unheard of creatures can find within themselves the courage and ability to shake the foundations and thoughts of the Wise (or bite the ankles of them anyway ... through the insect alliance ...)
Valandil ... does Valandil have any large scale road-building, settlement making, fortress buidling ideas for the future .. that may happen to be planned over the secret and ancient spiritual Butterfly Burial ground by any chance?
Perhaps Boomerang through his undead connections may be the one calling the undead up t'north???
Edit: that's a very tempting ankle valandil .... :D
09-04-2005, 11:04 AM
Val has escaped Lily's hook? SHAME! :mad: That has never happened to Lily in the last millennium.
Don't think I will desist, though.
I take it you have twisted your ankle especially for the Elf to rescue you? How primitive... :p
But, perhaps, you could be rescued by someone unexpected...:eek:
Where are all the others? Will we sit idle and watch Val develop a crush on an accursed Elf?:(
Where is our Captain?
09-04-2005, 11:18 AM
Well, I'm not stopping you from 'rescueing' Valandil (although I'll reckon he'll want rescueing after you help him as well :p) but realise you'll have to have a good reason to be in Nîn In Eilph. Remember the Reed-Elves 'Arrow in the bum' tactics.
Accursed Elf? Accursed Elf? Watch it, you undead-flouzy. :evil:
When will the other nazgul make an appearance in the game?
I've been trying to come up with a little more plot to play this game but all I can come up with sounds very Harry Potterish. I suppose that's a side-effect of having a school and fantasy involved...
09-04-2005, 11:18 AM
What if Val gets rescued by either Wikkie and Gor? or by GW and/or TD?
I think, TD and GW, our two Easterlings, should try to pass for half-Numenoreans. I can propose you both to become LILLY's "brothers", children of a "Man from Gondor" and a Rhunear-area wife. Lilly has too exotic colouring as well... Of course, all this story will be fake, just a story to tell in Tharbad.
What do you think, TD and GW?
09-04-2005, 11:32 AM
Well, I'm not stopping you from 'rescueing' Valandil (although I'll reckon he'll want rescueing after you help him as well
Not at all. Lilly knows already that Val has no ring on his person.She feels it. Now she wants to become a close friend, or more :p to learn where the Ring is kept. There is a strong possibility of it being either in Annuminas or Rivendell.
:p) but realise you'll have to have a good reason to be in Nîn In Eilph. Remember the Reed-Elves 'Arrow in the bum' tactics.
We, Nazgul, are no cowards! :cool:WE can't be killed with arrows, and that is 100% canon.
Accursed Elf? Accursed Elf? Watch it, you undead-flouzy. :evil: Leave Men alone, she-Elf! Men are for women, be they living or undead, not for she-fiends of the swamp.:D
When will the other nazgul make an appearance in the game?
A very good question.
I am glad you are with us, Earniel.
09-04-2005, 12:00 PM
Now she wants to become a close friend, or more :p [...] I'm guessing that'll be exactly why he'll need rescuing from you afterwards.Although HE probably won't mind, but I don't know what his advisors will think! :p
We, Nazgul, are no cowards! :cool:WE can't be killed with arrows, and that is 100% canon.No, it won't kill you but it can still hurt an aweful lot. :evil:
And your master just had his butt kicked majorly by the Alliance of Elves and Men so it might not be a wise move to reveal yourself as nazgul and go wandering around in Elven swamps. Above that my Nîn In Eilph is NOT, I repeat, NOT a park for the University students to go galavanting about. :D
Not at all. Lilly knows already that Val has no ring on his person.She feels it. Now she wants to become a close friend, or more to learn where the Ring is kept. There is a strong possibility of it being either in Annuminas or Rivendell.
We might be able to make a plot with this. If you nazgul have come to Tharbad to find out whether Valandil knows where the Ring is, I know a High King that's going to be in a very thight plot. :D
Leave Men alone, she-Elf! Men are for women, be they living or undead, not for she-fiends of the swamp.:D
She-fiend? I'll have you know that the women of the Eldar do not throw themselves at Men like some undead mortal ones do. Besides, Eärniel hasn't even met Valandil yet. So no, Lilly has no competition to fear from Eärniel... yet. ;)
09-04-2005, 12:48 PM
I'll have you know that the women of the Eldar do not throw themselves at Men...
Don't they? I think yes. Luthien had a crush on Beren, Arwen on Aragorn and that obscure Nimrodel's handmaiden (what was her name?) married the Lord of Dol Amroth. I skip the fact how 2 :eek: elf-maids (Nellas & Finduilas)reacted to Turin's charms.
On the other hand, NO mortal woman, either living or undead, has ever had a crush on a he-elf. :p And for a good reason. What woman would want to have sex once in a millennium? :p
09-04-2005, 01:12 PM
On the other hand, NO mortal woman, either living or undead, has ever had a crush on a he-elf. :p And for a good reason. What woman would want to have sex once in a millennium? :p
:D :D LOL!!
Hey, BB, I LOVE the butterfly thing!
Yeah, you guys, I won't bow out entirely. I'll show up a little later on; I've got to cook up some ideas first anyway. Viniglaen's always sneaking around, up to no good... ;)
09-04-2005, 01:23 PM
Tsssk. Beren had to pursue Lúthien for half a season and catch her in the end before she wanted to have anything to do with him and Arwen at first thought Aragorn far too young. (He was what, 20? she was 2000 and then some :p) Hardly 'throwing' themselves at them. And both Aragorn and Beren had to do some pretty hard stuff before getting hold of their beloveds. Elven maids are not 'easy', let me tell you that! :p You also forgot Tuor but he was numbered among the Elves later so I suppose he doesn't count. Can't speak for Mithrellas (who married into Dol Amroth), though. Nellas simply watched over Túrin until he was grown, again hardly 'throwing'. Finduilas just had very, very poor taste. :p
As for mortal women falling on Elves, yes, there was one. Andreth, I believe but she is only mentioned in HoME. And I don't believe it was a happy ending. (All in all, to be honest, it's one of Tolkien themes I personally like less. Mortal women aren't good enough for pretty Elf-males? Tsssssk. Unfair treatment I say.)
Anyway, give my Sea-Elf some slack, she hasn't even met Valandil, the Valar only know, maybe she doesn't even like him or maybe she's has 'keeping the 'Elven race pure' principles. :evil:
And that's the last I'm going to say about it before we get side-tracked too much.
09-05-2005, 04:51 AM
Oh, yes, sure, I have forgotten to mention Idril, who rejected a beautiful Elf Maeglin for Tuor.
As for not throwing themselves at men... Dancing persistently in front of their very noses, like mad butterflies, doesn't count for that? :D
But I think, the answer to that all is that Elf-males, being beautiful and cultured, are not really desirable for women, too cold and effeminate to be sexy... The breed is purely ornamental. So when an Elf-maid beholds a Man's "rugged manliness" she loses her head as a rule.
09-05-2005, 04:54 AM
Hey, GW and TD!!! Please, answer my questions!
Witch-King, have you left this thread for good?
Gor, where are you?
Lotesse, I hope you do join us soon.
We are heavily outnumbered at the moment by the forces of Light, both in cheer numbers and in literary talent! You don't really want to leave ME alone to compete with Val and Earniel???
09-05-2005, 07:05 AM
Grey Wolf, I am sorry to have used your Five without waiting for permission! My Muse has visited me, so I couldn't wait.:D
I simply remembered you said you liked readheads...But if you dislike your part in Lilly's life, I can easily edit my post and insert someone else, instead of Five.
09-05-2005, 07:47 AM
Hey, GW and TD!!! Please, answer my questions!
Witch-King, have you left this thread for good?
Gor, where are you?
Lotesse, I hope you do join us soon.
We are heavily outnumbered at the moment by the forces of Light, both in cheer numbers and in literary talent! You don't really want to leave ME alone to compete with Val and Earniel???
fear not, when the uk moon rises, our numbers will swell ...
09-05-2005, 03:13 PM
I'm here, just unsure of what is/going to happen and what to post.
09-05-2005, 03:28 PM
[QUOTE]As for not throwing themselves at men... Dancing persistently in front of their very noses, like mad butterflies, doesn't count for that? :D
as a representitive of the Butterflies, we strongly resent the implication that Butterflies are MAD or even wanton (though we are Wanton ;) ) and ask that voluptuous alluring green-eyed red-heads in future show some respect to our noble brethren of Butterflies (of the West).
... you can what you like about that doo-lalley lot in the east!
beautiful boomerang.
EDIT: HI TD, perhaps you could introduce your character: kinda: well number 2, what's your name and where do you come from???
or more seriously still: some biog and insights into Khamul's aims and fake character ...
09-05-2005, 04:42 PM
I think what is really needed is for everyone of us, nazgul, to post here in this discussion thread his FAKE NAME and FAKE STORY, that we will use in Tharbad, during the operation VAL HUNT
Here it is for LILLY- Lilaenwen
The name is OK, Lily was not that important for people to remember her from the Second age. And my name is in Sindarin (or sounds like one)
The FAKE story:
Lilly is thirty-one, born in Rhun. She had a Duneadain Dad and an Easterling mom. Her father ( Aldacar) was born in Numenor, of course one of the Faithful :p. C
He came to ME before the Downfall, dwelt for some time in Pelargir. During the Last Alliance, he fought at Dagorlad among Isildur´s troops, but got seriously wounded and had to retire. He went to settle in the East, near the Sea of Rhun and river Karnen and, having lost his wife and two sons in the Last Alliance war, he married again, taking a young Easterling woman. And had Lilly and one (two) older sons, I propose Khamul and Five.
But I really need GW's and TD's OK for them being my FAKE brothers. :)
Then, our parents died and the three of us, poor orphans, came to Tharbad, to complete our much neglected education.
How is it??
09-05-2005, 04:58 PM
well the brethren of the Butterflies have met in conclave ... and we say it's mighty fine!
Brother Big purple wings did vote against... but he's completely deaf and probably was guessing!
sorry i haven't posted yet ... keep getting distracted - mainly trying to entice Lief over to the dark side! :eek: ... or at least to the studious side :) ... even the 'good' side would do...
he has a reputation y'know! and what with Valandil and Earniel and the good ol' boys (and girls) especially the girls ... eh valandil? ;) i.e. the crazy gang ... we should have a cracking rpg here...
where is Gor though? heh Gor, it's now a serious RPG! They even made the whole university co-ed just for you y'know .... ;)
best all
09-05-2005, 05:11 PM
OK - anybody wanna play 'Marty' or 'Ray'? I think I worked up Dunedain sounding full names to go with their nicknames, but don't have them on me - and want to check my Tolkien language book on them anyway.
I picture them as not being so bright. Sort of like "Wayne and Garth" - or even "Bill and Ted"! :p
09-05-2005, 05:40 PM
OK - anybody wanna play 'Marty' or 'Ray'? I think I worked up Dunedain sounding full names to go with their nicknames, but don't have them on me - and want to check my Tolkien language book on them anyway.
I picture them as not being so bright. Sort of like "Wayne and Garth" - or even "Bill and Ted"! :p
I was thinking "Rosencrantz and Guildenstern" :D - anybody remember them from "Hamlet?" I don't know why, but as soon as you mentioned them before, I thought of R & G.
09-05-2005, 06:03 PM
how about Anduril and last sane person? for R&G or W&G?
Lotesse could you do the honours and PM them for me? They both are chums of yours and anyway, i'm very shy of private messaging: almost as much as CS! :p ;) :D
CS, liked your 2 posts very much ... didn't GOR say we could take physical form? it may be a problem if we have no reflection .... though plenty of rpg possibilites too ...
Can you hunt her down, for us?
P.S. Valandil are Marty and Ray good looking? Would lilly be interested in a little tate a tate? ... especially if they are not the brightest .... and close to the king?
Watch your ankles btw :D ... and your bottom! ...also don't sit on anything soft and beautiful ... well not anything that flies anyway .. there'll be plenty of time for other soft and beautiful places to rest later i'm sure... and HECK! better watch most of your crown jewels too: there are some randy women and elves out there! :D
09-05-2005, 06:25 PM
O.K., I invited them. I hope they come on board; it really would get fun if they came! They'd be perfect as Rosencrantz/Marty and Guildenstern/Ray.
If they join, for sure I'll post story here.
09-05-2005, 06:29 PM
Oh, yes, sure, I have forgotten to mention Idril, who rejected a beautiful Elf Maeglin for Tuor.
Beautiful? Maybe, but ewww also her first cousin and a traitor to boot.
As for not throwing themselves at men... Dancing persistently in front of their very noses, like mad butterflies, doesn't count for that? :D
I'll have you know it were her woods (well, her daddy's anyway :p) and she can do there as she pleases. I don't see why she should stop enjoying herself because some scruffy human spies on her.
Anyway, while I enjoy this banter, CS, I'm going to quit now. :)
I'm here, just unsure of what is/going to happen and what to post.
Not much is happening yet, most characters are only being introduced and meeting. We have a little plot to go on: you nazgul have come to Tharbad in various disguises, it seems, to pry the possible location of the Ring out of Valandil. You might start with introducing your character on the University grounds? Perhaps a little of your 'cover' story?
sorry i haven't posted yet ... keep getting distracted - mainly trying to entice Lief over to the dark side! :eek: ... or at least to the studious side :) ... even the 'good' side would do...
Oh, you've been trying to get the Master of Dastardly Good RPG-twists on board, eh? :) Good luck! Although I think that humorous RPG's aren't really his thing. And sadly for us he has pretty much said goodbye to Middle-earth role play.
09-05-2005, 06:39 PM
how about Anduril and last sane person? for R&G or W&G? I thought Anduril wanted to be a nazgul!
Anyway, while we have no players for R&G I suggest Val should play for them, aren't they his friends?
shy of private messaging: almost as much as CS! :p ;) :D Not of PM's, I hate E-mailing people.
CS, liked your 2 posts very much ... didn't GOR say we could take physical form? it may be a problem if we have no reflection .... though plenty of rpg possibilites too ... Thanks!
Yes, that was Gor's idea of using 9 rings for shifting from one mode to another. But no reflection was my idea. It was from some old tales I remember (was it Hoffman?) that spooks do not reflect in mirrors.
Gor is around, at least Lotesse thinks so. Perhaps she will appear
are Marty and Ray good looking? Would lilly be interested in a little tate a tate? ... especially if they are not the brightest .... and close to the king? You mean tête-a-tête? Nay! I want to be a damsel in distress rescued by them. I hope someone in the dirty tavern will attack Lily? PLEASE!
09-05-2005, 06:48 PM
EDIT: re: Lief
maybe it only au-revoir?
anyway he was looking at the thread just now .... a positive sign.
dastardly good heh? Even more tempting.
still it's a serious rpg ... even with me around! well serious with some frivoilty let us say ... that's what we'll tell him anyway!
us butterflies know a thing or two about catching things in nets y'know ... mainly how to avoid them but that's not the point ... and the wanton voluptous allure of CS combined with your Elven hair ... (god help us if Anduril DOES join :D ) and Valandil's nobility and the shakespearian element... and Gor's very valued input, and Lotesse's unique style .... and TD's ventriloquism ... ;) combined with the Witch King's unpredictability and Sir grey's big heart ... how could he refuse?
(apologies if i missed anyone out...)
if it's plot twists he wants... he'll be right at home here
09-05-2005, 07:10 PM
I thought Anduril wanted to be a nazgul!
Anyway, while we have no players for R&G I suggest Val should play for them, aren't they his friends?
You mean tête-a-tête? Nay! I want to be a damsel in distress rescued by them. I hope someone in the dirty tavern will attack Lily? PLEASE!
well yeah, i thought Anduril was to be a nazgul too: he still can by Morgoth!
... but i think valandil wants some characters to bounce off? maybe in the meantime we could all pitch in till they have their players? it'd be great if Anduril and last Sane came in though: even posting occasionally.
I know not where the witch King is but we look forward to seeing HIS cover story and appraoch ...
TD i guess is planning out his role and character? maybe a character with many accents? maybe he could teach languages and gain a position at the university? Sir Grey i am sure will ride in on his charger as the Good knight Errant Sir Braveheart ... some time soon ... i think he is just looking for a good opening?
09-06-2005, 01:49 AM
Grey Wolf, I am sorry to have used your Five without waiting for permission! My Muse has visited me, so I couldn't wait.:D
I simply remembered you said you liked readheads...But if you dislike your part in Lilly's life, I can easily edit my post and insert someone else, instead of Five.
It's quite all right. I'm not sure what to post anyway. :)
09-06-2005, 01:53 AM
Hey, GW and TD!!! Please, answer my questions!
It's quite all right us being (for my part), us being "half-brothers" to Lily, go ahead.
09-06-2005, 04:02 AM
Thanks, GW and TD!
Not half-brothers but FAKE brothers...
I think, TD, you could have followed Val, so now Khamul can play the knight-errant saving the King and becoming his friend.
09-06-2005, 04:53 AM
EDIT: re: Lief
still it's a serious rpg ... even with me around! well serious with some frivoilty let us say ... that's what we'll tell him anyway!
We have a Sea-Elf quacking against a swan, A High King of Annuminas that has to be kept out of trouble after a little embarassment in Rivendell, a Ringwraith of surprising 'packaging', an undead butterfly and then some... Not what I would call 'serious' role play. :D We're at least in the semi-serious department.
... but i think valandil wants some characters to bounce off? maybe in the meantime we could all pitch in till they have their players? it'd be great if Anduril and last Sane came in though: even posting occasionally.
It's not that uncommon to have 'public characters' in RPG's that can be moved by anybody. If M&R don't end up being taken as somebody's character we can keep them as public characters.
I think, TD, you could have followed Val, so now Khamul can play the knight-errant saving the King and becoming his friend.
Yes, that's still an option and maybe an opportunity to get you started, TD. :) Eärniel will row her merry way if Khamul shows up to help Valandil out so you don't have to worry about her.
09-06-2005, 05:49 AM
well my last post wasn't totally serious ... i will be happy to edit that if you think it too odd ... but it does not matter what our characters are ... Old JRRT had bombadil and talking foxes and what not to boot.
It can be serious in terms of being good and well played ... character driven and intelligent .. and occasionally funny, why not?
besides i am all for being a bit more serious: if i play with 'dastardly good' Lief i shall have to try and tone down some of the stuff ...
anyway when Gor returns she'll add additional substance and help keep it serious!
09-06-2005, 07:11 AM
I am really around and reading the thread. Excellent posts, all of you. :)
And it is serious enough for me.
But I can't yet let my Gor enter the game. It will be silly not to let Lilly try her best first. So I assume Gor is not yet in Tharbad, as is Viv.
BTW, speaking of nazgul tactics, I believe it was strange to send to Tharbad the Easterlings, leaving Numenoreans behind. But what is done is done.
I would like to know what the Witch-King plans. Gor and Viv should work with him, as one family. As well as our other Numenoreans. So we wait. Easterlings first.
I liked Lilly's BIO. It might work. Only I suggest to make her late father serve in Anarion's army, not Isildur's, as in Val's entourage there are likely to be those that should have remembered him.
And I have a warning for all: neither of us is supposed to be old enough to remember Numenor. Right?
Invisibility is handled well by CS, only we will have a pain in the neck problem with mirrors. Stupid mortals place them everywhere...Are you sure it was wize, CS?
As it is, nobody can recognise us but Calaquendi Elves, (like Glorfindel and probably Gildor and maybe Erestor?) and the bearers of the Three (Cirdan, Elrond, Galadriel) and the dwarves with Seven. But neither of those is likely to come to Tharbad. Wizards are not yet arrived.
:p , so BB, you better eraze your mention of "rhadaghasthie", if you are not a prophetic undead butterfly :p
Perhaps I will post something, but not yet about Gordis. I advise you to do the same, Lotesse. There is a nice barroom brawl brewing... :)
09-06-2005, 08:19 AM
OK - made my 'daily post' (I'll try that as a goal for now) :)
About the "vision" that Val had in his dream... it could just stay a vision, but if anyone wants to play another female Elf of Nin-in-Eilph (either devoted subject or renegade) - this might be an opportunity. Perhaps she was what Val saw when he first spurred his horse on - and maybe then decided to appear to him in his dream... or draw him into a semi-concious state, if she could do that... :confused: ;)
(or was Gordy or someone hanging out here in the swamp?) :p
Gordis: maybe the various Nazgul are not being 'sent' or deciding who goes first. Perhaps each is finding out bits of information independently and heading for Tharbad. This could well be their first activity since Sauron fell almost 50 years before.
And Numenor's fall wasn't THAT long ago... for a Numenorean - I think 171 years, so Lily's "story" is plausible. That was a good suggestion about Anarion though.
09-06-2005, 08:36 AM
(or was Gordy or someone hanging out here in the swamp?) :p
Not me... I am not an accursed elf to hang around in swamps! There is WATER there :eek: . We hate fire and flowing water.
Gordis: maybe the various Nazgul are not being 'sent' or deciding who goes first. Perhaps each is finding out bits of information independently and heading for Tharbad.
That is a VERY good idea, perhaps the only solution possible, given our "brilliant" organization.
And Numenor's fall wasn't THAT long ago... for a Numenorean - I think 171 years, so Lily's "story" is plausible. That was a good suggestion about Anarion though. Yes, Lil's story is great and it encompasses TD's and GW's as I see.
As for the Downfall, I meant that for us, nazgul posing as young men/girls, students of the University, it would be a give-away to start reminiscing of the glory of Numenor, although many of us love to do it.
Excellent post, Val!
09-06-2005, 08:40 AM
As for the Downfall, I meant that for us, nazgul posing as young men/girls, students of the University, it would be a give-away to start reminiscing of the glory of Numenor, although many of us love to do it.
Excellent post, Val!
Recovery might be possible... if other Numenoreans (especially early Third Age) might have the yearning for it that Faramir expressed 3000 years later. But yes, it would have to be in an idealized vision - a part of the heritage, not personal experience.
And... thank you! :)
Pssst... what's with making Marty one-eyed!? :eek: And I don't think either of them would be experienced warriors - more like priveledged upper-class upstarts of Arnor, with perhaps some warrior training, but hey... there ARE no more wars now... remember? We're just gonna have peace from here on out... RIGHT? :confused:
(Now... a couple of Valandil's GUARDS maybe... ;) )
09-06-2005, 10:03 AM
Heehee, and Marty and his friend are the same two that are supposed to keep Valandil out of trouble? Hooboy! :D
As it is, nobody can recognise us but Calaquendi Elves, (like Glorfindel and probably Gildor and maybe Erestor?) and the bearers of the Three (Cirdan, Elrond, Galadriel) and the dwarves with Seven. But neither of those is likely to come to Tharbad. Wizards are not yet arrived.
If that is so, then Eärniel, being neither ringbearer or Calaquendi, will not recognise you for what you are either. But with her still being an Elf she might decide you lot are fishy anyway. ;)
(or was Gordy or someone hanging out here in the swamp?) :p
*grumble, grumble* Is this a swamp or market place, I am beginning to wonder. :p
TD, you still have a chance to bail Valandil out. After all, Eärniel can't posibly help him back on his horse. Your call. :)
09-06-2005, 12:06 PM
Yeah, I'm here. Sorry I haven't posted yet.
09-06-2005, 12:14 PM
Yes TD, Go right ahead!
You have to save Val from frogs and elves...
Take your charger, your halberk and lance and go!
Tell him your name is Khamullion, or Hamulcar, or whatever and that you are travelling to Tharbad to join your younger brother and sister, that are students at the University. Repeat my story, everyone agrees it is a good one!
I repeat it: We are born in Rhun. We had a Duneadain Dad and an Easterling mom.Our father ( Aldacar) was born in Numenor, of course one of the Faithful . C
He came to ME before the Downfall, dwelt for some time in Pelargir. During the Last Alliance, he fought at Dagorlad among Anarion's troops, but got seriously wounded and had to retire. He went to settle in the East, near the Sea of Rhun and river Karnen and, having lost his wife and two sons in the Last Alliance war, he married again, taking a young Easterling woman. And had Lilly and one (two) older sons, (Khamul and Five or Hamulcar and Pengolod?).
I think Hamulcar and Pengolod are cute names!!! But perhaps I am wrong? What do the Scholars think? Eh, Val and Gor and Earniel?
Gor, I am glad you are back with us!! Post for the absent ones!
09-06-2005, 12:37 PM
Oops didn't see this post so I posted a different name. Galadannun, which is Light of the West in Sindarin, basically the opposite in Khamûl. Do you want me to edit or is that ok?
09-06-2005, 12:49 PM
NO certainly NOT, my lord Khamul. You have picked a wonderful name!!!
CUTE and MEANINGFUL I love it!!!
Good post, TD-Galadannun!!
09-06-2005, 01:02 PM
Perhaps someone BB? Lotesse? Gor? could post about the fight in the Rotting Cod with G&R rescueing my poor Lilly in distress?
Lily will tell that she came to the dirty Inn looking for her missing brother, Penny, who wandered away last night and never returned...(cry-cry!)
GW, you sit there invisible and watch. May you have a good time![B]
I like Val's idea that we, the nazgul, came seprately, feeling a mysterious NAZGUL CALL from Thrbad..
So I know only about Five, but Khamul will soon join us, won't he??? That will be a surprize.
09-06-2005, 03:53 PM
I've yet to really reveal Viniglaen, you guys; at this point she'll just be a mystery presence doing little stuff like what she just did. She's like that anyway - unpredictable and stealthy, with a really private agenda but intensely loyal to her friends and her kind. i'll develop her much more a little later on, but I just had to have her jump in and kill two birds with one stone, by both helping herself to an excellent robbery opportunity while giving her homegirl an advantageous helping hand, or at least Viniglaen THINKS she's helping Lilly.
09-06-2005, 04:06 PM
Oh, That was unexpected, Lotesse!!!
But I am afraid you got it wrong: it was nor Rey or Marty pawing Lily, it was just a random drunk sailor, and I don't think there was anything of value in his pocketses.
Lol hoped for Marty and Rey to rescue me, of course! Now Lil will be mad!
09-06-2005, 04:13 PM
As u could read in the Temp Vent thread I'll be out of circulation for the next five days due to a long awaited surgery to my right hand (index & pinkie is severly bent due to tendons contracting). See u around.
09-06-2005, 04:14 PM
Oops didn't see this post so I posted a different name. Galadannun, which is Light of the West in Sindarin, basically the opposite in Khamûl. Do you want me to edit or is that ok?
Good post, TD. :) Galadannun is a good name. This may be trivial but could you remove the 'flattered' from your last post? As much as Eärniel will be pleased that you showed up to take Valandil off her hands (she would have had to take him to the university on her raft otherwise), she is not easily impressed or flattered by being called fair. Since she's an Elf, she hears that all the time. ;)
Interesting developments in the Rotting Cod! I wonder whether a bar with that kind of name attracks many customers... :D
09-06-2005, 04:24 PM
Oh, That was unexpected, Lotesse!!!
But I am afraid you got it wrong: it was nor Rey or Marty pawing Lily, it was just a random drunk sailor, and I don't think there was anything of value in his pocketses.!
Yeah, I'll alter that post a bit to make it work; guess I jumped in too eagerly there. But that drunk idiot definitely has cash & valuables on his person; he'd HAVE to anyway - that kind of guy gets false bravado while drunk just because they've got money; this type gets the "courage" to paw on the beauties when they wouldn't if they were broke. Believe me I've seen it a thousand times before in real life(I used to bartend! ;) )
Lol hoped for Marty and Rey to rescue me, of course! Now Lil will be mad
That's to be expected! Viniglaen truly thinks she's helping out, she always means well but sometimes screws a situation up for the very one she figures she's helping... but Lilly musn't let on in public that she knows it's her old friend Viniglaen there in Tharbad, not yet anyway. She can bitch her out in private, though!
09-06-2005, 04:28 PM
edit: ref: earniels post:
I thought that too!
watch out for many more thoughts... coming soon... i have to go talk with Lief...
Good luck grey wolf! Hurry back .... put a stick in your mouth and hit those keyboards that way :p :D
Docs butterbeer and Dr.Anduril (any progress reports lotesse?) will be overseeing the op i hope you have good insurance? :D
09-06-2005, 04:39 PM
No, haven't heard back from Anduril yet. Oh - I did the edits to my post, hope you guys like it. Gotta go 4 now, gonna go ride my bicycle for a while.
09-06-2005, 05:01 PM
Loved your edited post, Lotesse!!
But Lilly will not give up!
The last sane person
09-06-2005, 05:51 PM
Hmm...In response to the Pm I got...I wish to sign up as Marty... That dude. He seems more my part.
09-06-2005, 05:59 PM
ABso-FRIGGIN' LUTely! Yes! Good, good, good! How exciting, I'm so happy you're joining, Shah! Wow! Very cool, I'm SO stoked now. *settles self down, obviously have had way too much coffee...*
Oh - hey, would you be into doing both guys? If no one else sees a problem with that, it seems like it'd make sense, since I see them really playing off each other, like crazy brothers :D (Two wild and craaa-zy guys! steve martin, you all remember that SNL bit? anyway...)
The last sane person
09-06-2005, 06:16 PM
Yeah, I remember that thing off of SNL. I wouldn't mind being the both of them, now that I think of it. I sense that I am gonna have fun with this!
09-06-2005, 06:22 PM
Good, I can't wait to see what you do! *settles self back, waits expectantly*
09-06-2005, 06:41 PM
oops ... just pm'd last sane .... excellent work Lotesse .... also on your edited post ... good stuff...
CS: what can i say? a shining star ascends the heavens ...
great name TD!
Pssst... what's with making Marty one-eyed!? And I don't think either of them would be experienced warriors - more like priveledged upper-class upstarts of Arnor, with perhaps some warrior training, but hey... there ARE no more wars now... remember? We're just gonna have peace from here on out... RIGHT?
(Now... a couple of Valandil's GUARDS maybe... )
re: marty myopica: well of course i can change that easily.... if they are your minders ... one at least would be a bit handy in battle? ... just some serious character building (mission Lief y'know ;) :D ) ... plus
... Bill and ted ... wayne and garth? rosencrantz and G? :D ... anyway i kind of meant good or handy bar brawlers rather than warriors per se.
but now gor is back, i shall be more serious ...
As it is, nobody can recognise us but Calaquendi Elves, (like Glorfindel and probably Gildor and maybe Erestor?) and the bearers of the Three (Cirdan, Elrond, Galadriel) and the dwarves with Seven. But neither of those is likely to come to Tharbad. Wizards are not yet arrived.
, so BB, you better eraze your mention of "rhadaghasthie", if you are not a prophetic undead butterfly
see what i mean? Thanks Gordis. Glad you are back. :)
*sits lazily back knowing that he won't have to research too much :p *
Heehee, and Marty and his friend are the same two that are supposed to keep Valandil out of trouble? Hooboy!
quite :) ... our good king has chosen wayne and garth or rosencrantz and G to be his minders .... we can only wonder why ... plenty of opportunities for beautiful elf ladies and student girls and sexy others ....
plus your new minder Marty, Valandil, will be played by Last Sane person (welcome btw) ... Hooboy!
How can Lief resist?
The last sane person
09-06-2005, 06:46 PM
Heh...I play a minder...I usually end up with that...It suits me best. Also, you were right in making the minders good in battle. And yes, Gordith is righ that they would be upper class. The guards of kings and princes usually were other nobles (sometimes related), but ones that were a little older and specifically trained for defending those that they were assigned too...
I dont think Lief will last much longer in holding out. This is a promising place.
09-06-2005, 06:49 PM
I love the new post, Shah! Marty&Ray are just speculating, though, about the pickpocket thing, right? 'Cause it was Vin who did that, she tries to help while helping herself if you know what I mean, that's kinda her "stylo" as you all will see later on. Boy, Lilly's REALLY gonna be pissed if she gets erroneously blamed for Viniglaen's crimes! Can't wait to see how this pans out...
The last sane person
09-06-2005, 06:50 PM
Of course speculating... Marty wasnt even paying real attention to anything other than the BUXOM.
09-06-2005, 06:59 PM
valandil: HOOBOY!
we certainly picked the right minder, hope you approve? :D
last sane:
Heh...I play a minder...I usually end up with that...
Hooboy again!
should free you up a bit ... ;) ... if you don't get caught in too many Royal incidents ... let's hope marty is a good confident?
let's hope Anduril joins too: :D
'Minder extraordinaire' last sane:
I dont think Lief will last much longer in holding out. This is a promising place.
:) feel free all to pm him! ;) ... but only if he takes it in good part, mind.
remember this is serious rpg! ;)
EDIT: great post Last sane. love the beginnings of the less than bright banter between marty and ray ... "i saw what you didn't..."
The last sane person
09-06-2005, 07:39 PM
*bows* thank you, thank you!
I am sure marty will be a great confidant, usually minders are. And Pmed Lief I have!
And the less than bright banter will be provided genreously, with some brighter bits too, when occasion has need. But I would make them talk just like my buddies and me. This is gonna be fun.
09-07-2005, 05:00 AM
Heehee, and Marty and his friend are the same two that are supposed to keep Valandil out of trouble? Hooboy! :D
Well... Marty and Ray are actually along because they're Valandil's friends... or 'hangers-on' might be closer to the truth. The queen-mother sent the chancellor and the tutor and maybe a few others (got more names to work on), and insisted on a presence of guards. Valandil's 'buddies' came along... may have even invited themselves:
"Tharbad... totally cool!"
"Yeah man, that's awesome!"
"Party school... with party school chicks!"
:p ;)
09-07-2005, 05:24 AM
now be serious valandil! ;)
would a dunedain have said "Vomitatious!" ?
so, they are kind of the unofficial "minders" then? maybe a good PR stunt for them might help convince your Chancellor etc that they are the 2 guys for the job! ...a write up in the Tharbad gazette ... 2 Dunedain save damsel in distress ... good name of the dunedain etc ....
consdering Valandil's likely adventures down here you'll need some fun loving, not so bright and confiedential lovable rogues to be doing that job!
09-07-2005, 05:29 AM
I am really happy to have you here, Shah (may I call you that?)!
Awesome posts, CS, BB, Shah, Val and Earniel and Lotesse - all of you!
I am going to introduce my Gordis-Aiwendis soon, I have figured out the way to do it, only I will have to introduce Wikkie as well. Will you mind?
I promise you a BIG surprize...
09-07-2005, 06:27 AM
WAUU, LAST SANE PERSON!!!! Great you are with us!! That's a pity, though, that you decided to swell the overwhelming forces of Light, instead of the Forces of Darkness, weakened by disorder and bad organization.
I really hope you will join the fray, Gor! We miss you and Witchy. Go on with your ideas.
TD, I think you should edit your post, leaving Khamul just approach and listen to the conversation, without showing himself. They are still talking in the last Val's post! Than in the new post, you could pop up and save Val. But will he need help, now? Val, you cured your leg too soon!!!
Lotesse, now you shall have to handle your talk with Five-Buzukkumarz-Pengolod, as our GW is out of the game for a time.
09-07-2005, 06:52 AM
To All
Sorry I realised I have no idea whether Rey and Marty are going to become STUDENTS?
If i got it wrong, tell me, I am ready to edit!
09-07-2005, 07:15 AM
... Val, you cured your leg too soon!!!
Well... maybe King Valandil is clumsy, we'll see.
yes - Marty and Ray are students... at least they plan to enroll at the university, sign up for classes... and possibly even attend.
Say... without Sauron in the picture, are any Nazgul included toward being... good - again? :confused: Or is that part of them long gone? Hmmmmm...
09-07-2005, 07:22 AM
Say... without Sauron in the picture, are any Nazgul included toward being... good - again? :confused: Or is that part of them long gone? Hmmmmm...
We have ALWAYS been good, deep in our hearts...
Give us the Ring, Val, and we will be the nicest wraiths ever :D
09-07-2005, 08:08 AM
Hm, who does everybody assume Eärniel is free and looking for a boy-toy? :p
TD, I think you should edit your post, leaving Khamul just approach and listen to the conversation, without showing himself. They are still talking in the last Val's post! Than in the new post, you could pop up and save Val. But will he need help, now? Val, you cured your leg too soon!!!
I think that would be wisest, seeing that Valandil continued with the conversation and hasn't mentioned Galadannun's arrival yet. I hope you don't mind, TD. :o It wouldn't be unusual for a nazgul being on 'dangerous' (Elven) grounds to be a bit careful and observe the situation first.
Oh, Val will need some help. After all, Eärniel does not posses much healing skills like Elrond does. So she took care of the pain mostly and sped up the healing but our High King better doesn't stand on his foot just yet. Galadannun can still help our unfortunate royal back on his horse and on his way to Tharbad.
09-07-2005, 11:24 AM
Sure, I'll do it now. I'll post a new post introducing me now aswell.
09-07-2005, 11:52 AM
Sure, I'll do it now. I'll post a new post introducing me now aswell.
May I give you an advice, TD?
I suggest you do not mention to Val that you have a brother and a sister in Tharbad. It seems we agreed that each of the nazgul comes independently, so you have no idea Lily and Five (and Viv) are already there.
Instead, please, tell Val that you received a letter from the Chancellor of the University offering you the vacant Chair of Oriental Languages.
It is something connected with what I am planning :)
09-07-2005, 11:54 AM
Okay, sure.
09-07-2005, 02:18 PM
Excellent stuff so far, everybody; I've got high standards set before me to match up to. Ooooo, Gordis, I can't WAIT to see how you develop your end, I can't WAIT!! Exciting! :)
09-07-2005, 02:18 PM
Well, I have stepped in carrying out my dark plans...
Excellent post, TD! and I like your new name.
09-07-2005, 04:03 PM
Bit by bit, I'll weave Vivvie into the game. My brain's not as sharp today as I'd like, but I'm trying anyway. Hope you all like it.
09-07-2005, 04:10 PM
Yes, I liked it, Viv! :)
Except the reference to Angmar. If you mean the kingdom of Angmar, it existed TA 1300-1975, i.e. about 1250 years after the time of our little story.
I believe, it would be better to be a Numenorean, Viv.
09-07-2005, 04:12 PM
Ok, I'll change the place name but could you give me a place to be from? Like a city name? Thanx so much - I need a little help like this today, I am so brain-dead. :o
09-07-2005, 04:20 PM
Except the reference to Angmar. If you mean the kingdom of Angmar, it existed TA 1300-1975, i.e. about 1250 years after the time of our little story.
see what i mean? :D
*puts feet up and smokes a big cigar*
Wotcha Gor! :)
heh wake up beautiful tom-boy ... it's night time ... not time to register for classes! :eek: ;) :D
wotcha Lotesse! :)
...heh well i had rhadaghasty around too! ... that has been changed to the mysterious 'Mr Mysterious' right, forgot what i was going to say now ... back later .. someone has to pester lief ... did i say pester, i meant... ;)
best all: BTW who is this new arch-chancellor of the University? ... ;)
*dramatic drum roll*
09-07-2005, 04:36 PM
Ok, I'll change the place name but could you give me a place to be from? Like a city name? Thanx so much - I need a little help like this today, I am so brain-dead. :o
If you mean Numenor, it had 5 main provinces, called Orrostar, Forostar, Hyarnustar, Andustar, Hyarrostar and the King's Land - Arandor with the capital Armenelos. Also there was a middle region, Mittelmar, including Emerie, the land of sheep.
Pick for yourself.
If you prefer ME, pick Umbar or Pelagir, old Numenorean havens.
09-07-2005, 04:39 PM
heh wake up beautiful tom-boy ... it's night time ... not time to register for classes! :eek: ;) :D
Ringwraiths tend to do things at night.:D
BTW who is this new arch-chancellor of the University? ... ;)
*dramatic drum roll*
;) :evil:
09-07-2005, 04:50 PM
O.K. then she's from Andunie. I really appreciate that help, Gordis!! You're the bomb. I'm fixing the post now...
09-07-2005, 04:53 PM
Funny that you picked Andunie! Elendil's line in the line of Andunie. You know, you might prove to be Val's long-forgotten relative!
09-07-2005, 04:54 PM
You never know... :cool: :D
09-07-2005, 05:00 PM
ah... but like aragorn in the mouth down in umbar as thorongil he might kill then kill her? (if you know what i mean?) ;)
09-07-2005, 05:06 PM
ah... but like aragorn in the mouth down in umbar as thorongil he might kill then kill her? (if you know what i mean?) ;)
:D He will never know... Moreover, he has to deal with ol'Tar-Ciryatan first :evil:
09-07-2005, 05:07 PM
No way man; she's been a wraith already for a while. Oh, check it out you guys; I just finished some more revisions to my story-post.
09-07-2005, 05:21 PM
she had been so young when she'd been 'wraithified',
Remember, in LOTR Gandalf said something like that about the wielders of the rings "Later, if he was well-meaning and strong from the start, or sooner, but the Dark Power will overcome him." I take it Vivvie was overcome fairly soon. Perhaps it was because of her kleptomania?
09-07-2005, 05:29 PM
I take it Vivvie was overcome fairly soon. Perhaps it was because of her kleptomania?
Exactly! Except she's more of an out-and-out catburglar than just a klepto; she almost always specifically takes hard-to-acquire, extremely valuable stuff.
09-07-2005, 05:33 PM
Right! Like the Ruling Ring for instance?
BTW, how have you got your nazgul Ring? Stolen it, I bet?
09-07-2005, 05:43 PM
Yeah, Viniglaen snuck into some young king's study one day ages ago, and broke into his safe & lifted a ring he'd been given by Sauron. She had heard about the gifts of rings, and was incurably curious and desirous of the thing. Now it's all about the One Ring - the Ultimate Valuable! That's her motivation. She wants whatever is touted to be the most valued, most sought after in Middle Earth; always has. She's STILL trying to see if she can find a silmaril. :rolleyes:
09-07-2005, 05:47 PM
; she almost always specifically takes hard-to-acquire, extremely valuable stuff.
and of course a few notes off sailors in bars :p
09-07-2005, 05:50 PM
Well, she justified doing that to giving Lilly a hand; she wanted to see if she could get away with it right under Five's nose, too. Obviously not, though.(Viv's pretty devious from time to time! Sneaky little wraithette...)
09-07-2005, 06:28 PM
Wonderful posts this evening...
I shall have to wait till Shah gives me a lead on.
I have made a picture of Lilly, do you like it?
I propose all to post pictures of your characters if you can find suitable ones...
09-07-2005, 06:33 PM
Wow, she is BEAUtiful, CS! Guys would have to be either bananas ot batting for the other team not to want HER. And I really did picture her looking like that, but this girl's face is even sweeter than I'd imagined.
My Viniglaen, you guys BTW looks rather like a cross between Uma Thurman in "Pulp Fiction", except even more petite, with shorter, more tousled wavy hair; and a young (and short&tiny) Lauren Bacall, but Viv's hair is dark walnut-auburn, and really soft & wavy. It gets in her eyes a lot; she hides behind it sometimes when she's feeling hostile or shy.
09-07-2005, 07:26 PM
yeh? well my wings are really colourful! :p (shouldn't be hard to get a pic .. though maybe it's for the imagination?)
well sexy pic there Cs.. kinda how i imagined her .. though maybe with more life and sparkle in the eyes?
mmm uma thurman! ;)
So, hair descriptions please Gor (vidal - or am i thinking of vidal sassoon???)an earniel :D
Guys:, valandil, that game you play up there at Anumiminas with two teams that can last for days ...
*cracks open a beer*
09-07-2005, 07:47 PM
And another thing: Viv's got really bright, huge purplish-blue eyes, very intense and intelligent eyes. Big, big eyes, framed by long black eyelashes, very beautiful. When she's in the spirit world of course her eyes are red, but... just wanted to make this point about Viniglaen's unusual, hypnotic eyes. Weaker or unprepared beings - human or elf, or animal or butterfly can be put off guard, unsettled, transfixed, or otherwise affected by looking into Viv's famous eyes.
09-07-2005, 07:55 PM
I am glad you liked my Lil.
In the spirit world the eyes are not red, not normally. Only when we are mad.
Only I imagine the spirit-world sort of black-and-white. Perhaps wrongly.
Looked for pict of Lauren Bacall and Uma thurman. Here is the latter
The last sane person
09-07-2005, 07:55 PM
wow gone for a day and plots do fly! Yes, you may call me Shah, I am down with that. Or sane if you wish.
And having Ray an marty become the minders because of good pr sounds great!
09-07-2005, 08:44 PM
...I suggest you do not mention to Val that you have a brother and a sister in Tharbad. It seems we agreed that each of the nazgul comes independently, so you have no idea Lily and Five (and Viv) are already there...
Yes - thank you Gordis - I was just about to do a big WAITASECOND about the whole coordination of stories prior to hitting town. I'd actually expect you guys to sort of arrive stealthily... and as little by waterways as possible. :p
As for that chancellor thing :eek: ... I can see that the High King is going to have a major 'clean-up' job to do when this is all through with! :evil: ;)
The last sane person
09-07-2005, 08:53 PM
That he will...although what and who he has to clean up remains to be seen. I am unertain how to proceed without crazysquirrel, so I will wait till they post.
09-07-2005, 11:16 PM
Here, here's some pics sort of depicting what Viniglaen looks like, but you have to factor in the big violet-blue eyes and the wavy, shiny walnut-coloured short tousled hair-in-the-eyes look with your respective imaginations:
The last sane person
09-07-2005, 11:46 PM
My take on marty, for some reason....only with one eye, i am currently making a funny pic with marty adn looking for a ray to stick in there....*drawing it*
09-08-2005, 05:30 AM
marty and ray develop apace ... i have introduced the garralous old widow Watching .... a source for the thatbad gazaette, which still hasn't gone to press yet ...
Liked the Pic of Marty: easy to take one eye out! see below!
Lotesse: ;last pic of lauren bacall definately for a cat burgular: with blue/purplish hinted eyes: wow!
*hands valandil an ice-pack*
...maybe we could mock up an edition of the gazette front page to post in the thread?
or, if we all added our images, we could create a cast poster?
below also is viv's eyes ...
09-08-2005, 01:57 PM
Butterbeer PMed me about this RPG and said Ray was available, and I said I'd take a look, but it just looks overwhelming! There's so much going on! And I don't want to be a guy, either. How does one start? :confused:
09-08-2005, 02:20 PM
Great, Rian, that you decided to join. Why should all female characters be either elves or wraiths? :D There should be mortal women as well. I say, invent a character and play!!! You may post a bio first or just join!
09-08-2005, 02:22 PM
But - Ray's not available; Shah has him AND marty you guys. I'd REALLY LOVE it if you joined, Rian, but I must say - unless The Last Sane corrects me, I am sure that Ray & Marty are both done by him. Some sort of misunderstanding here, methinks. Maybe you could be another Nazgul? Or one of BB's butterflies, that would be cool, like Beautiful Boomerang's wife or something... (edit) Or like CS just said - and I agree - it would be nice to have a mortal woman on board, a normal mortal woman.
09-08-2005, 02:58 PM
I adore BB's idea of a cast poster!!!
Please, send in your images, or other character images if you think they are appropriate. Then if they are approved by the players, let us make a cast poster in the main thread :)
I went to my fav. site of Ebe Kastein and "picked" some pictures.
Here they are:
Possible Five- Buzukkumarz-Penny (to be approved by GW)
Possible Gordis - Aiwendis (to be approved by Gor)
Possible Val (though, perhaps Val's avatar is better?)- Eh, Val?
09-08-2005, 03:29 PM
But - Ray's not available; Shah has him AND marty you guys. I'd REALLY LOVE it if you joined, Rian, but I must say - unless The Last Sane corrects me, I am sure that Ray & Marty are both done by him. Some sort of misunderstanding here, methinks. yeah, maybe Ray was available when BB PMed me.
I'm still not quite sure what to do; does one just jump in? Maybe starting as a butterfly would be a good idea, since this is totally new to me!
09-08-2005, 03:40 PM
Crazy Squirrel - I like Gordie & King Val's pictures, but somehow that Buz one wan't at all what I'd alway imagined him looking like. Hmm. I always pictured him as more rugged and darker-looking.
Rian - Yeah, you can jump in! But first just read the story thus far, if you haven't already of course, and then jump in. All you gotta do is make sure you don't accidentally cause someone else's established character to do or say something that would be "out of character' for them, you know? And set up your post in such a way as to let the audience know who your character is, sort of like a bio-in-story. Then, you can even elaborate on your bio descriptions here in the discussion thread. Are you gonna be a butterfly? I don't know where BB is today, but I bet he'd like that! :)
09-08-2005, 03:50 PM
thanks for the info, I'll think about it :)
09-08-2005, 04:28 PM
To Rian:
Female characters, female characters...?
Lilly is sort of looking for a houskeeper for her lush palace. But I assume that job is too lowly for a Half-Elven Queen?
You can also play the future Val's wife, though I suppose he has not met her yet. He had to marry someone, after all, in the real stry, but I have no idea of her name. Ask Val.
To Lotesse, You are probably right about Five's picture. I thought the guy looked like a nazgul. But probably it is one of the Numenoreans, like Mor or Goth or Witchy?
09-08-2005, 04:32 PM
no, that's not too lowly, that's probably a good place for me to start in with this, since I don't know much :eek:
We halfelvens can be flexible :)
BB - I was going to ask you about being a butterfly, but I kinda like the housekeeper idea (fits in with my siggy, after all! :D ) I think I might give that a whirl. I'll re-read the thread and then try to jump in soon. Thanks for your encouragement, guys! I'm a real newbie at this!
09-08-2005, 04:35 PM
Um... CrazySquirrel? "My wives are your wives?" :D lol!
Killer post as usual, CS! You're a fun-to-read writer, for real.
09-08-2005, 04:51 PM
You got the job, Rian! My Lilly is happy. You imagine, we (my brother Penny and I) have bought a HUGE old palace three weeks ago, and there is not a single servant yet.
I have published an announcement in the local newspaper:
"Noble household looks for an experienced, discreet and orderly housekeeper. Recommendations needed. "
The keyword here is discreet, of course. As you will learn soon, we have a most unusual household. People appearing and disappearing in the thin air, no mirrors allowed in the house (that is a Rhun custom, not allowing to use mirrors, you see :D ), strange objects and weapons and poisons around.
You will have to hire all the servants and look after the place.
"And be DISCREET, Rian, BE DISCREET", added Lilly fingering her Morgul knife.
09-08-2005, 04:53 PM
Um... CrazySquirrel? "My wives are your wives?" :D lol!
Killer post as usual, CS! You're a fun-to-read writer, for real.
Thank you, Lotesse. Five is only quoting an oriental binding formula...
09-08-2005, 04:57 PM
RIGHT! (edited! :) ) :confused:
..i am probably being too hasty here ... :D
...edited due to innocent misunderstanding all round
...mmm ... ho hum!
09-08-2005, 05:01 PM
(edit to erase, per rian's request)
09-08-2005, 05:05 PM
(edit - no longer relevant :) )
09-08-2005, 05:07 PM
Well, Rian, I propose you to come to my palace tomorrow morning (after we have a night drink and talk with Ray and Marty) and get hired.
Meanwhile, you can post on how you have read the AD, and how you are musing on it. And introduce your bio and character.
I am looking forward to have you very much. You will be terrific as Lil's housekeeper. Please, post right away.
09-08-2005, 05:09 PM
oh, I"m not sure I'm up to handling the entire household yet!
*is very nervous because she's new at this*
Maybe I'll invent a main housekeeper character ... I'll have to think about that ... I want my character to have time for little side adventures, so I'll have to think of a job that has breaks ... any suggestions?
09-08-2005, 05:11 PM
I think the housekeeper idea's ideal, because think about it - a household's chief housekeeper knows ALL the secrets and goings-on, there is so much opportunity there to do all sorts of sub-plots and mischief, even outside of the actual household.
09-08-2005, 05:13 PM
(blank post)
09-08-2005, 05:15 PM
I think the housekeeper idea's ideal, because think about it - a household's chief housekeeper knows ALL the secrets and goings-on, there is so much opportunity there to do all sorts of sub-plots and mischief, even outside of the actual household.well, I guess as the main housekeeper, I won't deny myself some time off! :D
Well, Rian, I propose you to come to my palace tomorrow morning (after we have a night drink and talk with Ray and Marty) and get hired. Great!
*gets her resume ready*
09-08-2005, 05:18 PM
oh, double post
09-08-2005, 05:23 PM
(BB, your PM box is full!)
*goes off to read the rpg notes from the beginning*
09-08-2005, 05:26 PM
do bios go on the discussion thread?
and what's an AD?
(sorry for my ignorance!)
09-08-2005, 05:34 PM
Biogs can be integrated into how you post your bit of story, like "she brushed her long blonde hair out of her dark eyes, her lean athletic body imperceptively moving to the beat of the band's music. her background in teaching classical dance had ingrained within her a certain natural rhythm, and coming from (wherever) she was naturally endowed with a certain (whatever)" and stuff like that. Then, later if you feel like it, you can paste pics of what your person looks like here in Discussion, plus add anything you feel like here, like I did about Viniglaen's eyes.
and AD, I don't know what that is, except perhaps "Anno Domini?" or, After Dinner? All Done? Aardvark Doughnuts? Hmmm, not sure about that one...
09-08-2005, 05:37 PM
I think I'd prefer an Apple Doughnut over an Aardvark one! :eek: :D
CS mentioned something about reading an AD, that's what I was asking about.
I made my first post! *bites her nails*
09-08-2005, 05:39 PM
do bios go on the discussion thread?
and what's an AD?
Bios as such should go to the discussion thread, but once approved, it is nice to include them in an appropriate conversation or description in the main thread. The idea is to let the main thread stand on its own. I have posted my bio in the discussion thread, and I am planning to repeat my story to Ray and Marty this very night, in my palace.
Ad is the advertisement I have posted in the local newspaper:"Noble household looks for an experienced, discreet and orderly housekeeper. Recommendations needed. "
You can describe how you found it, read it and how you think about applying for the job. In all this you can easily and smoothly tell your story.
09-08-2005, 05:41 PM
VERy nice, Rian! So, what will she do today? Will she get hired by Lilly at the mansion? Will Viv try and pick her pockets? (No, not really! Viv doesn't usually bother normal citizens; she goes for the uber-rich and mega-powerfuls, the ones who have things like Nice Shiny Ruling Rings)
The tension mounts!
09-08-2005, 05:52 PM
well, um, right now she has to ...
pick up her kids at school! (at least in RL)
the RPG RÃ*an will sit in the tree for awhile, I guess :D
thanks for the explanation, CS (do you go by CS, or what?) - that helps a lot. I'm starting to catch on...
09-08-2005, 06:06 PM
CS will be fine, Rian. Nice post indeed.
Have a good evening.
09-08-2005, 07:07 PM
...words fail me at this point .... i kid you not.
BLIMEY o'reilly! :D .. i only logged on for a second ... and well over an hour later (nearer 2!) i get to finish this thread ... what with pm's and etc ...
... still haven't read the rpg yet! (makes a change, heh? )
well, there seems, as has been made apparent, to have been a misunderstanding ....
welcome Rian! :) ... told you it wouldn't take up much of your time! :eek: :o ....
what was originally in post 200 btw? :D :eek:
well, normally (who said normally here??? :) ) you introduce your character in terms of introduction and background in the rpg itself as an integral part of your rpg post .... to establish for all your character ... i agree with lotesse, your position there Rian, can, if you want it to, be a key figure ... knowing much of what goes on ... up to you entirely where you grow and take the character but if you wish you could be pivotal in shaping events through your position .... and inevitable interaction with other characters ...
.. events here are NOT cast in stone .. we are entirely character driven ...
exciting heh? :D
CS: :D
...oh boy my brain is reeling! ... enough for just now, see you later on when i have had time to take a breather :eek:
best all BB
09-08-2005, 07:13 PM
I have an idea, you guys! How about let's have a game rule that we are not allowed to put red smilies (frownies? grimace-ies?) anywhere in our game. I think it's a good idea. BB, maybe we could eradicate post 199's red frownies, so it looks less agro around here. My own post 200 is a goner, no longer relevant. It wasn't mean or anything, but it's simply irrelevant now, so...
09-08-2005, 07:21 PM
That's what is called a hot thread! You are away 24 hours and you get 3 pages to read. Very good posts in the main, All.
Liked the pictures. Lilly is a sex-bomb, Viv is cute!
Marty is a killer. I loved the portrait.
Gor is very beautiful, CS, thank you. But she does look like an evil witch. Who's portrait was that originally? I am afraid Gor will have problems attracting Val looking so cold and cruel :evil: But perhaps she is looking at Lilly...:D
Five must be more oriental. A young Omar Sharif? But we can let Doc GW choose for himself. Val seems fine to me, but too serious.
Khamul? can you get a picture, TD?
Rian, I am glad you are with us. Being Lilly's servant must prove really trying, believe me, I have known her for well over a millennium. :p
I hope you didn't mean "being in both words" literally, as being an elf or a half-elf does not give you an access to the spirit-world. Only Calaquendi elves, like Glorfindel, are at home there.
It seems I have nothing new to post today, instead I will edit my old posts to fit the following ones.
Don't forget, Val, you have to meet with the Chancellor on Sunday Evening. There will be an official introduction and a small reception aftrwards.
09-08-2005, 07:27 PM
Gor - Yes, YES, a young Omar Sharif is SPOT ON!! That's almost exactly how I'd always pictured him.
09-08-2005, 07:33 PM
Why, RÃ*an, this must be the first time I see you in this forum! :) Glad to have you here all the same. Don't worry, just relax, you'll pick up the rhythm soon enough.
Khamul? can you get a picture, TD? Earniel?
Will draw you one, I have this pet peeve about using other people's drawings for my characters without permission. Must be having spent too much time on Elfwood. So I'll draw it myself *looks in RÃ*an's direction* after a certain T-shirt design gets inked, of course. :o
Lief Erikson
09-08-2005, 07:45 PM
Enjoy your first RPG, RÃ*an :).
Thanks for all the invitations to enter this RPG, Butterbeer :). I still don't believe I'll be joining, but if I ever change my mind, I'll know I'm welcome.
The last sane person
09-08-2005, 07:50 PM
Holy shmo! One measely night gone and this thing explodes! And yeah, I am playing Marty and Ray, since they practically feed off one another and are attached to the hip. Sorry Rian.....But its great to see you here! That and I am sure you will be killer in here! (pun somewhat intended)
09-08-2005, 08:24 PM
you ain't kidding Shah!
and here was me promising that it wouldn't take too much of people's time up!...i've been on it for ages just catching up ... :p
Lief! or dastardly as i prefer to call you ("dastardly good rpg-er") :) ... i have been trying to make it more character driven and begin to have characters more developed in your honour ... and give ample opportunity for plot twists ... again in your honour ... :D
... ;)
I still don't believe I'll be joining
...well thats a more encouraging sign ...
but if I ever change my mind, I'll know I'm welcome.
Indeed you will .... it's too slow around here :eek: ;)
i too look forward to arathon :)
Lotesse: have edited #199 ... what was in #200 though? ... just curious! ;)
*looks forward to Gor's plot twist*
CS and Shah: don't forget to make contact with the tharbad gazette this night! maybe the 'Widow Watching' followed you?
lotesse; whaddya reckon to the purple eyes? to be fair with the 9.8k file size limit (anyway round that??) you can't tell that much ... Shah : liked the one eyed version?
maybe Gor's picture should be a bit sexier?
09-08-2005, 08:37 PM
A Biography Profile
Viniglaen, Nazgul Ringwraith #9
Born and raised in Andulie, Numenor, of unknown lineage & family.
The youngest of the Nine, became a wraith after stealing a ring from a young Numenorian king's safe and then using the ring herself.
Physically: About 5'3", she is by far the tiniest in stature of all the ringwraiths, but what she lacks in height she makes up for in depth of character and passionate intensity. Petite, tomboyish, unusually beautiful yet surprisingly strong, she sports short, sexily tousled hair the rich dark colour of walnut wood, and fiercely brilliant large eyes the colour of a twilight sky peek out from under her wavy, thick long bangs. Very white skin; small pink bow-shaped lips.
Emotionally, Intellectually: Moody as all get out, possessing a temper that can match even the Witch King's himself - she is prone to unexpected violent mood swings (rather like someone I know :rolleyes: ), but she is highly loyal and enjoys defending the weak from the strong,. In that vein, as much as she steals, she gives away - to her friends and Nazgul "family," with the exception of course being the Ruling Ring and/or a Silmaril, both of which she has high hopes of someday finding.
Skills: Master Thief and Catburglar of all Middle-Earth, her thievery skills are absolutely legendary and unsurpassed, yet her true identity is rarely revealed in the event of an historical heist ever happening. There's a connexion between what she does and the stuff that was in the Barrow Downs, for instance. ;) Viniglaen is impossible to deceive - she's "up on game," I guess you could say. She's extremely gifted , but unfortunately missed out on a classic Numenorian high education, as she was barely 22 years old at the time she became a Nazgul. She has put the ages of time to good use, however, educating herself the best she could by reading a lot and paying close attention to her learned fellow Nazgul.
Motivation: To find the Ruling Ring, and to find a Silmaril. What she intends to do with the Ruling Ring should she ever find it, remains to be told.
09-08-2005, 08:39 PM
P.S. - Hey Butterbeer, where'd you put the purple eyes? I wanna see them!! Oh, in regards to that #200, I can't even remember now...
09-08-2005, 09:00 PM
BB, I like your latest post very, very much - I amof the opinion that you'd make an EXCELLENT reporter, or investigative journalist. I like your new Tharbad Gazette newspaperwoman! and how you saw Rian, when you were being a butterfly... nice! :)
09-08-2005, 09:14 PM
thanks ... but i was hoping a new mooter might take that part ... that and the well-connected in society editor of the gazette...
any ideas who?
well, we try our best BB and I to thread it along nicely ... :)
i'll get back to you on the eyes post number in a mo'
09-08-2005, 09:19 PM
post #186 ... my that was a way back ... only this morning too (although technically yesterday morning now ... my god! just moticed the time ... have to go to bed soon! :eek: )
09-08-2005, 09:32 PM
I hope you didn't mean "being in both words" literally, as being an elf or a half-elf does not give you an access to the spirit-world. No, I meant it as in I'm familiar with customs, thoughts, etc. of both, moreso than a full-elf would be of a human or a full-human would be of an elf. At least that's my theory!
Why, RÃ*an, this must be the first time I see you in this forum! Glad to have you here all the same. Don't worry, just relax, you'll pick up the rhythm soon enough.
...So I'll draw it myself *looks in RÃ*an's direction* after a certain T-shirt design gets inked, of course. Yes, I thought I'd give it a try - several people have been after me to join, so I'll give it a shot.
(did I mention RÃ*an was wearing a lovely t-shirt as she was sitting in the tree? ;) )
The last sane person
09-08-2005, 09:44 PM
Whew, this thing does explode when you arent watching it, and yes, I will get in contact with thegazzette as soon as i finish my post.
09-09-2005, 02:49 AM
Khamul? can you get a picture, TD?
I''ll have a look on the web today, but I can't promise anything. If anyone else finds something then feel free to post it.
09-09-2005, 07:25 AM
... Val seems fine to me, but too serious...
Well OF COURSE he's serious... he's a STUDENT! And remember, USAT is NOT a "Party School"... it's not... REALLY!!! It's not... ;)
Don't forget, Val, you have to meet with the Chancellor on Sunday Evening. There will be an official introduction and a small reception aftrwards.
*sigh* The duties of state... and so awkward to be a student at an institution over which one ultimately holds absolute control. :p
Now - to avoid confusion, we should iron out some things. One I'm thinking of is the title 'chancellor' - I had initially thought that King Val should have some advisors along from his court - or at least one, along with a separate tutor (or more than one tutor maybe - to cover different subjects). I used the title 'chancellor' for this advisor - but now we're also talking about a 'chancellor' of the University.
So - we can use 'chancellor' for the one at the University, but then I need another person or two to act as advisors to the king... perhaps one for matters of state, and one for matters of PR (say Lief... would you be interested in either of THESE??). My mind isn't coming up with good titles or names right now, but maybe when I get back on later. Meanwhile, any suggestions...???
I like that we have a number of different little sub-plots going on. It will be fun to grow those for awhile - and then try to pull them all together.
Nazgul - can we have some assurances that you won't go around 'wraithing' people left and right? I think it can add to the game if it happens to a 'public character' (what we used to call an NPC - "Non-Player Character") on rare occasions. Or, if anyone really WANTS it to happen to their character, we maybe work it into the story.
This game IS a bit intriguing since we have two obvious 'sides' - even though both are not really united (the Nazgul would turn on each other to obtain the One Ring - everyone else is pretty much doing their own thing, but might come together if they all sense a common threat). It could be a little tricky to maintain though - because we don't want anyone doing something unwelcome to anybody else's character (I perhaps got too close in 'feeding' lots of thoughts into Earniel's head on one post - but I was feeling particularly mischievous and told her she was welcome to edit them as much as she liked - we mods can do that).
Anyway... having fun! :)
Rian - I'm going to post something that may ease your character into the game. Just follow my lead if you like - and if you don't like, let me know and I'll modify it. I had been thinking of an encounter like I'm about to write anyway - but thought of a way to put you into it - and allow you the option to find out about the "job posting".
09-09-2005, 08:17 AM
Well OF COURSE he's serious... he's a STUDENT! And remember, USAT is NOT a "Party School"... it's not... REALLY!!! It's not... ;)
No, Val, not ANYMORE. The new Chancellor will see to that. :p
*sigh* The duties of state... and so awkward to be a student at an institution over which one ultimately holds absolute control. :p
It is so nice that you believe you are still in control :evil:
Now - to avoid confusion, we should iron out some things. One I'm thinking of is the title 'chancellor' - I had initially thought that King Val should have some advisors along from his court - or at least one, along with a separate tutor (or more than one tutor maybe - to cover different subjects). I used the title 'chancellor' for this advisor - but now we're also talking about a 'chancellor' of the University.
You are right, I also noticed this. But in England the Head of the University is called "Chancellor". Perhaps we can call this one "Rector" or Grand-Maitre" but the latter is French, so hardly appropriate. I can adopt whatever title you see fit for the head of USAT.
The advisors? Esquire? Steward? Chamberlain? I am not to good at it either... Perhaps simply "advisors"?
Nazgul - can we have some assurances that you won't go around 'wraithing' people left and right?
Why would we do such a thing? Stabbing someone with a Morgul blade is like leaving a signature. We are no fools to do that. We want our presence unknown. So if anyone gets in our way we solemnly promise to kill him/her cleanly and let his/her pathetic mortal soul go to Mandos. :p
It could be a little tricky to maintain though - because we don't want anyone doing something unwelcome to anybody else's character
As long as nobody refuses to edit their posts at the request of another player - all is well.
09-09-2005, 08:54 AM
So... another boring meeting... *yawn*... I suppose that other nobles and visiting heads-of-state (like Nin-in-Eilph) will be present though... ;)
09-09-2005, 11:15 AM
Good post, Val.
Only I doubt that a bartender or a servant would be admitted to the University. I think, it was for nobles only. ME is not a democratic place, not at all. Neither was Numenor. :) Of course, it is just my thought, I have nothing to prove my POV.
So... another boring meeting... *yawn*... I suppose that other nobles and visiting heads-of-state (like Nin-in-Eilph) will be present though... ;)
I think you may bring your entourage, Val. Marty and Rey and your Chamberlain and advisors. As for Earniel, I thought she was coming incognito? At least not officially? You may ask her to come, though.
And why "boring?" Are you not eager to get acquainted with your third cousin the new Chancellor, the famous scholar and the Last Alliance hero to boot? You have very few relatives left, Val, you should treasure them. :p
Lief Erikson
09-09-2005, 01:26 PM
:mad: You got this RPG incessantly running in my subconscious, Butterbeer! It's all your fault!
Fine, I'll join. I won't be spending an enormous amount of time on it though, and I may occasionally (though probably not in the beginning; I've got three days off ahead of me right now) take a little while to respond to people.
I have two questions.
1) What is the geographical location of the game, at present? Where is everyone?
2) Could I have a kind of basic storyline of what's happened so far in the game? I know Val is infatuated with Eärniel (logical :p ), RÃ*an is in a tree during some of her off hours, and spends other time working in an inn. She's in a tree right now. I haven't kept up properly on where everyone else is or what they're doing or have done.
EDIT: Oh, and what's the game's time period?
09-09-2005, 01:33 PM
Hi, Lief! Well, unbe-Lief-able! BBs tactics seemed to have worked, welcome 2 the game! For all the answers to those above noted questions, the best thing to do - really, this is necessary anyway - is to read the game from its beginning, then all your questions will be answered and you'll get to know all the other characters, too. :)
09-09-2005, 01:56 PM
Glad to meet you, Mr.Erikson! :)
I support Lotesse, the main thread is GREAT to read. It explains all. It is also wery well written if I may say so myself
Do you want to be a nazgul?
Lief Erikson
09-09-2005, 01:57 PM
Nay, I have another plan. Butterbeer kept the thought of this game in my mind, so I found myself thinking, "if I were to play, I would this is the character I would use . . . if I were to play, this would be the plot thread I would develop . . ." Those thoughts continued to develop themselves and become fairly detailed, until the interest in playing was greatly magnified.
I've read the first few posts now. Valandil's first post makes several things quite clear, and that's very helpful.
Lief Erikson
09-09-2005, 02:14 PM
I hope that this plot twist isn't annoying to anyone. People can join in or leave it alone as they choose, of course.
09-09-2005, 02:18 PM
No, it's very intriguing, Lief. I like it a lot, something very interesting & intriguing is going on... I like how you've brought in an element of political mystery here! :cool: Nice...
(edit to add) Incidently, you are a really good writer, Lief. I'm impressed!
09-09-2005, 02:58 PM
I hope that this plot twist isn't annoying to anyone. People can join in or leave it alone as they choose, of course.
I am not sure whose arrival you depicted in the second post, Lief. But I don't think that an orc would be tolerated in Tharbad.
Lief Erikson
09-09-2005, 03:22 PM
I am not sure whose arrival you depicted in the second post, Lief.
I haven't made it clear yet. I will post something about my character in the discussion thread, but I want to describe (him?) first in the RPG itself. Too often I've experienced people writing down what their character looks like in the discussion thread, and then not doing so in the game itself. When this happens, someone who's just reading the RPG as a story misses a major chunk of what things in the game are actually like.
But I don't think that an orc would be tolerated in Tharbad.
You may be right. I guess Valandil's word is law.
09-09-2005, 03:48 PM
Re: cast poster
Gor is very beautiful, CS, thank you. But she does look like an evil witch. Who's portrait was that originally? I am afraid Gor will have problems attracting Val looking so cold and cruel :evil: But perhaps she is looking at Lilly...:D
Five must be more oriental. A young Omar Sharif? But we can let Doc GW choose for himself. Val seems fine to me, but too serious.
Aren't you difficult, Gordie? I am proposing you a picture of Aredhel herself and you complain!
Well, our Gor doesn't want to look like an evil witch. You want to look as a good one?
Here, another try
And here are an oriental looking character and omar sharif. They are for the taking.
09-09-2005, 04:12 PM
I guess Valandil's word is law.
Why Valandil only? It's all of our game, plus Gordis I believe is also highly knowledgabe about historical/geographical accuracy and relevance. And Crazy Squirrel, also.
09-09-2005, 04:21 PM
Nazgul - can we have some assurances that you won't go around 'wraithing' people left and right? heehee!
*watches her back* :eek:
Lief Erikson
09-09-2005, 04:27 PM
Why Valandil only?
His character is king, so he makes the laws of the country. We make up the decisions of our characters, and he makes up the decisions of his characters. Since one of his characters happens to be the king, it's up to him (his character) to decide what the laws of the land are.
09-09-2005, 04:32 PM
Pardon me, Lief; for some reason I assumed you meant that actual (real) Valandil's word regarding what's to be what and things of that ilk, to be "law," I wasn't thinking of King Val the story character I was thinking of our real Val the man. :D Misunderstandings seem to abound whenever I interact with you - ah, well, it's all in a day's game! :) ;)
Lief Erikson
09-09-2005, 04:59 PM
:) Completely understandable.
Meanwhile, RÃ*an, I see you're online. I've made a guess as to how you probably will respond to my character, and am interested to see whether or not I'm right. Waiting for your post :).
09-09-2005, 05:01 PM
:D :D :
welcome aboard Lief! :D ..and Rian! :D
Valandil: ref the chancellor & chancellor thing ... let's hope there isn't a legal firm of that name down here! :eek:
Why not have our soon to be unveiled University one as Arch-chancellor (i'm guessing of course but that may be prophetic!) and yours as either just Chancellor or perhaps Privy Minister ... either way some names to go with positions would help...
with regard to Valandil and valandil :D (in the discussion thread only) ... how about valandil and randy valandil ... take your pic which is which ;) :D ... just kidding!
I am not sure whose arrival you depicted in the second post, Lief. But I don't think that an orc would be tolerated in Tharbad.
yeah it's only good ol' Nazgul and wraiths that are socially acceptable around here :p ... course we are in-cognito!
heh CS ... any advice for my chat with ref: the squirrel clan meeting? wanna play Acornagorn for me? ... it won't be a large part ... probably! ;)
regarding the geography Lief, maybe Gor could post us a map?
Are the streets and layout of tharbad twisty enough for us? .. maybe perhaps down by the wharfs? Well if they are not the paths we tred yet may still be!
CS: omar sherif for sure (if TD like it) ... Gor still needs to be sexier still ... she has incredible competition to deal with!
GORDIS: look forward to your post ... maybe King Valandil (randy?) will not be so bored eh?
Rian: well you seem to have some options on how to join in fluidly now!
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