View Full Version : Yet another Role Play Game
07-08-2003, 09:54 AM
OK, I was thinking of having this RPG. I will think of the plot as time wares on. So if you want to join, feel free to state your characters name, status, companion, horse, maybe appearance?
I will add all of mine when we get started. Sound OK? I am hoping that Kalile, Éowen, Last Sane Person, Gulio and a few others I know are good RPGers can join.:) Have fun!
Dreran the Green
07-08-2003, 10:10 AM
Can I join?
07-08-2003, 10:12 AM
Yes! Yes! Ohh Dreran, I was hoping you could join!:D
07-08-2003, 01:06 PM
I wanna jion! Please can I jion?
Dreran the Green
07-08-2003, 06:44 PM
Originally posted by Silme*Christian
Yes! Yes! Ohh Dreran, I was hoping you could join!:D
Happy to be included:D
07-08-2003, 10:03 PM
Sure you can join! Just inclued yourself, no need to ask.:)
07-08-2003, 10:10 PM
Ah, another RPG!
I'll play Astarien, look in THe Anything RPG fo description.
07-08-2003, 10:21 PM
Ooc: Since you asked me specially... :D
I'll be Kalile, and Kaelin. He's a dark elf who is actually good.
Name: Kaelin
Race:Half Dark elf, half Grey elf
Class: Paladin
Weapons: Two handed bastard sword, mighty composite longbow
Eyes: Violet, intense eyes deep with pain and grief
Hair: Long, silver-blonde
Appearance: Kaelin is a young elf, born a dark elf but turned his back on the dark to become a paladin. He wears half-plate armour and has a slight blue undercast to his skin, rather than the blue-black skin of pure dark elves.
07-08-2003, 10:23 PM
Thanks Kalile
07-08-2003, 10:33 PM
Ooc: So, when are we starting?
07-08-2003, 10:40 PM
Umm, let us wait a little while longer, so I can think up a better plot than the cheesey one I had.:D
07-08-2003, 10:48 PM
Ooc: No cheese?!?
07-08-2003, 10:53 PM
No cheese.
07-08-2003, 11:00 PM
07-08-2003, 11:05 PM
I will have to go to the store and get some cheese. AKA Hit The Books.
Dreran the Green
07-09-2003, 10:38 AM
I forgot to post my character so I'll be the same one as always-Dreran the Green. Look in the Anything RPG or Time to Play 2 for more info.:)
07-09-2003, 06:16 PM
That's fine with me.
07-09-2003, 07:32 PM
I'll join
Appearance:Grayish-blue eyes, Reddish/Black hair. Wears a cloack that covers her navy blue loose pants and shirt.
Companions:A black dog, Feilix, and her horse, Arilas.
07-09-2003, 10:55 PM
Ohh I forgot to add this in the first post, if you have some good quest that you want us to go on, use it. Don't be afread, this is not about my not-here-yet-quest.
07-10-2003, 12:14 AM
Yo the elf viking is here, look at Valley of mist.
Name: Ilwin Evenstar[oh Glorfie!]
Race: Grey elf[mom dark, dad light, go fig?]
Age: old enough
eyes: Dragons eyes fine, thin black eyebrows and long, thick black eyelashes.
Hair: Silver, in Legolas style, two braids in front, a small ponytail in the back of her head
Apperance: Wears forest colored clothes. Includes a long sleeved jacket, a sleeveless shirt that stops at her midriff, a pair of pants that tuck into her calf length black boots.[ Hotter than Legolas, Fim! * licks finger and puts on hip* (HISSS)
The last sane person
07-10-2003, 06:19 PM
Well, since you asked, sure! I'll join!
Name: Rikimaru-ken
Weapons: Kodachi, Yari and multiple shurikens.
Race: demon/human
Bio: fierce ninja-ish dude with with hair and green eyes. superb fighter and ex assasin. he has morphed into a mercinarie and has a strong bond to Kalile and Seth.
07-12-2003, 03:32 PM
Whoops! Can't let this go to the second page already!
I'll save it! :p
The last sane person
07-12-2003, 03:43 PM
neh? save it.......? has it died? whats it about?
07-14-2003, 12:37 AM
I want to join... but I'll be something newish
let me think about it... maybe it'll be easier when we have a plot...
07-14-2003, 02:01 AM
No, it didn't die, but it came re-ally close to going to the dreaded second page, where it probably wouldn't come out.
The last sane person
07-14-2003, 02:26 PM
Heh, some of our stuff went to the second page! I have rescued them before! bugger that 90 sec rule! So.......does anyone know what this is all about?
07-14-2003, 03:44 PM
The last sane person
07-14-2003, 04:02 PM
damn! well, why dont we pm the starter!
07-16-2003, 03:05 PM
I have come back from the dark land of sickness! Hey LSP your not that demon thing again are you? Anyway I'll post who I am now.
Name:Karnin (pronounced car-ne-in )
Sex and race:Dwarf and female(minus the beard)
Weapons:Axe and 3 throwing axes.
Alright I'm gonna post somthing cause I don't want to see this thread like so many of mine go to the second page...
It was dark in this part of the woods but was the only place I could get Rikimaru-ken and his friends to met me.
Karnin:Ah! Why do you have to be so sneaky? And where are your friends?
The last sane person
07-16-2003, 03:42 PM
Riki: over yonder! *points to a small hill in the distance*
Karnin: Sheesh, why do you people like shadows so much?
07-16-2003, 03:55 PM
Karnin:Come on over guys!
Riki:Be careful they get provoked by shoting.
Karnin:My God you people are weird!
*the others begin to walk up and one shoots Riki a dirty look*
Kalile:Karnin,you didn't believe him did you?
Karnin:Well I didn't know you were with them.
Riki:You two are the wierd ones.
The last sane person
07-16-2003, 04:00 PM
Kalile: well, your the sneaky one!
Riki: yep, and proud of it!
OOC: Why dont we wait for the others to come back since we have already started this.
07-16-2003, 04:50 PM
Hi, sorry I took so long, Internet screwed up!
Ilwin came walking through the forest, her elvish sight picking up the red outlines of people, two were of human stature, another of a warf[?]. She walked silently over to them eavesdroping on their conversation, waiting to see if a certain topic came up.
07-16-2003, 06:07 PM
Aewionen was riding Arilas, with Feilix following close behind, when she saw a group talking. She didn't want to intrude on their conversation so she stayed a distance back.
07-16-2003, 06:14 PM
OOC: I'm here, Im here.
Silme was walking through the woods when she heared voices in the distance. She stoped and listened.
Dreran the Green
07-16-2003, 06:16 PM
Dreran was walking alone through the woods. Everything was dark and rather foreboding, but she did not mind. As the forest grew darker she began to hear voices. She stopped and listened.
07-16-2003, 06:34 PM
ooc: everyone is eavesdropping:D lol
07-16-2003, 07:27 PM
Ooc: It's not warf, it's race: Dwarf. She accidentally put the 'D' right next to the colon.
Oh, and you see two humans and a dwarf, but no elf, huh? ;)
Ic: Kalile looked around and sighed. "The bad part about being in a secluded area is that everyone seems to want to know what you're talking about." She lowered her voice slightly and added, "I count at least three watchers, probably more."
07-17-2003, 10:32 AM
Silme lowered her head. They know I'm here. Oh well, lets go in. She stooped down by a tree root and cut it open. Out poured an aqua light from the stump. She pulled out a glowing worm like creature with her fingers and set it down in front of her. Then she pulled out a large un-cut-diamond looking lamp, opening a "door" to the inside of the lamp, she placed the lychine (AKA glowing worm) into a small hole in the lamp and shut its "door." She then walked towards the group. "Hail! Elf-friends! I bring no harm and no unsheathed weapon is in my hand!" She said, slowly walking closer.
07-18-2003, 11:22 PM
Kalile watched, curious, and with a little trepidation. When the other approached and spoke, Kalile asked,"Would you tell us why you are here?"
07-18-2003, 11:37 PM
OOC: I asume you are talking to me?
"I come from Minas Tirith, though I am an Elf of Mirkwood."She replied.
07-19-2003, 12:38 AM
Well I'm surprissed Riki's friends haven't melted yet. The ydon't like the light do they? By the way I'm the smartass of this little group, my name is Karnin! Oh, and a message to all our little nosey nancys nose around out there any more and I'll have to cut your little noseys off. Come on over everyone is welcome!
07-19-2003, 12:59 AM
Er... right.
Ic: "I am Kalile, of the Silvan elves that no longer walk this earth."
07-19-2003, 02:37 PM
Aewionen approached those she was listening to and said, "I assume you already knew I was here, I am Aewionen from Minas Tirith and why am I here? Is there a reason I shouldn't be?" Aewionen didn't have any important reason of being here but she wondered why they were so quick to ask.
Dreran the Green
07-19-2003, 06:05 PM
Dreran strode up to the group from behind a tree when she saw the others come out. "Either you have something very interesting to talk about or the rest of us have nothing better to do than eavesdrop. I am Dreran."
07-19-2003, 09:53 PM
I'm going on vacation, and won't be back for six days. So much for my interrogation! :p
The last sane person
07-20-2003, 12:06 AM
Rikki: I thought I was the smartass!
Kalile:*groan* oh no! not another one
Rikki: With all these eavesdroppers, you wont be alone!
07-20-2003, 12:11 AM
OOc: Okay, I'm not gone until tomorrow.
In order to get avatars, I have to steal and save other people's... like it?
The last sane person
07-20-2003, 12:15 AM
OOC: Yeah, i thought you were someone else though....
07-20-2003, 11:20 AM
Hi i'm Anarion, I've been an avid d&d player for years, I would love to join the party.
Dreran the Green
07-20-2003, 11:22 AM
Cool:cool: I'm sure we'll let you join, right guys?
07-20-2003, 11:54 AM
Thank you Dreran, and I definately hope I can play.
07-20-2003, 02:44 PM
Totally! I'm sure the rest will let you join! :D
The last sane person
07-20-2003, 03:44 PM
WELCOME! make yerself known!
07-20-2003, 08:28 PM
OOC:Welcome Anarion! Sure you can jion in, but I'm warning you unless someone else has made up a piont to this thread then we don't have one yet(any suggestions?).
Well some Silvan elves still walk the earth don't they? I mean your still alive aren't you? O my gosh!! We have a dead elf on our hands!! Quick someone save her!
Told ya I was a smartass. By the way this whole post has been OOC.
Dreran the Green
07-20-2003, 08:30 PM
OOC: Congrats on being a smartass:cool:
We still don't have a plot yet? oh well, maybe we don't need one.:rolleyes:
The last sane person
07-20-2003, 09:45 PM
OOC: Which one of us? Me or Fim? or both? Whatever.
07-20-2003, 10:08 PM
OOC: I believe she meant both. This thread ain't big enough for the both of us.*spit on ground* Your gonna have ta git cause I gots the sheriff of this here town on my side. *watches as the last sane person I know cowers in his boots*:D Sorry couldn't resist!
The last sane person
07-20-2003, 10:11 PM
OOC:Sheriff? I dont care for no stinkin SHERIFF! *takes out six shooters and pumps sherrif full of lead* now what yer gonna do ya yella bellied snake? (hehehe...two can play at this!) oh, eh...what were we talking about before this?
07-20-2003, 10:16 PM
OOC: We were talking about who Deran was congradulating for being a smartass. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! Not my friend the sheriff! Well naw I'm just gonna have ta get ya back fer thata one ain't I? *takes rifle cocks aims for LSP's head, misses terribly then rikishays off a building and hits me in tha arm* Ahhhhh!! That's rather painful.
The last sane person
07-20-2003, 10:30 PM
OOC: I Shot the Sheriff! But i did not shoot the deputy! oo ooo oo! *heehehe, Bob Marley!*
07-20-2003, 10:33 PM
OOC:Whos Bob Marley? (AHHHHHH...must make longer posts the damn 90 second rule strikes again!)
The last sane person
07-20-2003, 10:35 PM
Never mind, ask yer perants (oh gods! I feel old! well maybe because i am... ) lets not post anymore till the others come back.
07-20-2003, 11:02 PM
OOC: Don' git all Silverado on us naw!
07-20-2003, 11:03 PM
07-20-2003, 11:06 PM
What yer lookin' at? *Glares at Legoles* Yer wana peice ah me? Well, do yer?
07-21-2003, 01:24 AM
Yup! [Draws six shooters], Wanna go at it or do ya wanna back down? Missy! Well I'm a missy too but..... Oh well! oh and silme, take target practice, please!
The last sane person
07-21-2003, 01:41 AM
aw ****, what did i just start?
07-21-2003, 01:49 AM
An epic battle, oh and Sane I happen to know that Marley was in Scrooge, but maybe u mean somthin different! adyway... "Silme I'm gonna fill ya with lead if Sane cusses again!"
The last sane person
07-21-2003, 01:52 AM
why ya gonna fill her with lead if i cuss? very well, CRAP!!!!!!!!****! and i dont know what you mean by scrooge
07-21-2003, 06:35 AM
Thanks and well met to all, this isn't exactly what I expected in a roleplaying thread, but i'm game anyway.
I am a ranger out of the wild, looking for foes to smite and wrongs to right with my magical elven bow.
But my weapon of choice is my "rapier wit", so on guard!
07-21-2003, 01:03 PM
OOC: Hi best buddy!
Legoles, Not if I fill yer with lead first!
BTW I happen to be an exelent marksman. My dad and I practice sniping all the time!
Dreran the Green
07-21-2003, 02:04 PM
Hehehehehe....Ok-CONGRATULATIONS EVERYONE. You are all now not only smartasses, but COWBOY SMARTASSES:rolleyes: :D
07-21-2003, 03:44 PM
*Fills Silme with lead* Sorry Silme, but ya made me do it!
07-21-2003, 07:58 PM
Hello to all, and thanks for allowing me to join your party.
How about we all meet in a tavern or inn somewhere, and one of us has a map to some great treasure, guarded by some great evil.
I could probably come up with some ideas if needs be, but as this is Silme's thread, I think the decision should be hers.
Anyway let me know i'm up for anything as I said earlier, and thanks again for allowing me to join.
07-21-2003, 11:16 PM
OOC: Go ahead anarion! Do you best!:D
*Fills Silme with lead* Sorry Silme, but ya made me do it!
OWOWOWOW!! Yer got me! *dramaticaly walks up to Big L and falls in yer arms* Tell Aunty Anna tha I'll see her in the Big Blue. And tell Uncle Bud that I do give a hoot!*Dramaticaly dies*
Hehehehehe....Ok-CONGRATULATIONS EVERYONE. You are all now not only smartasses, but COWBOY SMARTASSES
I aint no yeller bellied dumbass cowboy! I is a smart soficeticated (whatever:rolleyes: ) COWGIRL! An' that's a fact. BTW My name is Silver Saddle Slaper Stefany! (Tongue twister)
07-22-2003, 12:17 AM
oc: Ok how about this, my character has in his possession a map to a great treasure horde located in the iron hills east of lonely mountain, the map is worn and tattered, and warns of some forboding evil, only the part of the map that would have seemed to tell what the evil is, was torn and lost long ago, so unless we find some clues along the way we could be walking into our dooms.
We could all meet at the prancing pony in bree"that way no matter what race everyone else wants to play they wouldn't be out of place in bree" and my character could have posted a message looking for fellow adventurers to share in the risks and the riches.
Anyway we can come up with something else if you all don't like this idea, it's all I could come up with on such short notice, so let me know and i'll keep checking back.
Also Silme feel free to jump in any time dear, after all it's your story, and i'll play anything you come up with.
07-22-2003, 12:19 AM
when is this going to be a real RPG and not an OOC room? I'll join then.
07-22-2003, 10:28 AM
oc: Ok how about this, my character has in his possession a map to a great treasure horde located in the iron hills east of lonely mountain, the map is worn and tattered, and warns of some forboding evil, only the part of the map that would have seemed to tell what the evil is, was torn and lost long ago, so unless we find some clues along the way we could be walking into our dooms.
Sound great. I'll see what I can come up with for the "Forboding Evil" that we might find clues about it. Shall we start now?
07-22-2003, 11:29 AM
whenever everyone else is ready I am too!!
Dreran the Green
07-22-2003, 11:43 AM
yea, let's go!
07-22-2003, 01:01 PM
OOC:Hmm...I feel slightly left out your gone for a day and look at what happens. Though I don't think I can talk as Sane and I made about that many posts between us. I think I'll use this thread as an advertising thread(just this once so don't worry). We need our old members(or new ones) to come back to Pretend Gandalf got the One Ring thread. Thanks!
Well if were doing a different mission than the one we had started do we need different to be different people or can we just be your old characters?
07-22-2003, 11:34 PM
Fimbrethil, I need you to PM me with the name of that website where you got your sig. PLEASE??? I realy need to know the website's name!
The last sane person
07-23-2003, 10:47 AM
OOC: what do you mean "cant talk as Sane"? what does that mean? Oh and Silme, go to Google and type in the "very secret Diaries" and you'll get it!
07-23-2003, 11:00 AM
Really? Thanks!:D
07-23-2003, 11:43 AM
ooc: I'm sorry Fimbrethil, i wasn't trying to change anyones plans, I was under the immpression there wasn't a plan, so I was just trying to get us started.
I'm up for anything like I said.
The last sane person
07-23-2003, 11:49 AM
Dont worry, you changed no ones plans, she is talking about a different Rpg. GO ahead and start, we will back you up when the thing is under way.
07-23-2003, 01:43 PM
OOC:Oops I'm getting my threads mixed up so sorry. And Sane what I meant when I said "as Sane and I made that many posts between us" was that when everyone else was away and you and I were on we made alot of posts not really talking about this thread it was just one long OOC disscussion.
Edit:Yeah Silme thats where I got it. If you want to read something sort of like the very secret diaries go read Pretend Gandalf got the One Ring.
07-23-2003, 05:38 PM
OOC: Ok then, and this is as always subject to Silme's approval [cause it's her thread :)
My character posts this notice on the door out side the Prancing Pony in Bree.
ic: ************NOTICE***************
I walk into the inn,(to which I have never been before) and amble over to the bar after carefully surveying the room.
A: hullo and well met barkeep.
Barkeep:Greetings stranger how may i be of service to you?
A:I wish to rent one your private rooms, and procure one of your finest bottles of wine.
BK:why, yes my good sir, the room on the right should suit your needs, and here is the very last bottle of "old Winyards" that is known to exist, will there be anything else my lord?
A:no that will be all thank you, here you go my good man, and keep the change for all of your hospitality.
BK:Why thank you my lord, a most generous tip, and please feel free to stay as long as you like, I am Butterbur at your service.
A:You are most welcome, and my name is Anarion... If anyone should ask for me, please send them to see me in the back room.
OOC: all players that come in should get my whereabouts from Butterbur, and come into my room.
In the room they will see a 6' 5'' tall man with long black hair and a well trimmed beard, with jade green eyes, and wearing elven chainmail, and a dark green hooded cloak(which is drawn up over my head and partially concealing my face and features)he is armed with The elvish longbow "Silver Streak" which is a mundane exceptional quality shaft of malorn, and the magical fillet of mithril string that gives it it's enchanted qualities, he is also armed with the set of ranger swords "Hammer and Anvil" which were given to him by his father on his assention to manhood ceremony.
Anyway this is the best i can do on short notice, so if anybody else in the party doesn't like it, we can do something else.
anyway i'll check back and see who shows up, and what you all think.
Dreran the Green
07-23-2003, 06:40 PM
It sounds like a good plan:) I'm in if Silme likes it. Like you said, its her thread.
07-23-2003, 07:19 PM
OOC: Heres my opinoin.
Silme walked to the Prancing Pony for a night in the inn. She was wearing a black cloak and hood, hiding her sword Osirus, Star of Mirkwood. She appened to see the notice on the door. After a few moments of reading she walked in. "Hello."Said the Elf. "Good evening to you young miss, might I get you anything? We have several warm and comfy bedrooms to your liking. I am Barliman Buterbur (sp?) and here at your service."He replied. "Why yes, you can help me. I would like any room availible and the whereabouts to this Anarion." She answered. After buterbur explained things, she left to her room and set her throwing and hidden dager on the bed along with her quiver, bow and arrows. Then she headed to this misterios man's room. She reached the door and knocked three times upon it.
07-24-2003, 12:18 AM
IC: Enter and welcome!
@... I will use this as my mark from now on as I love roleplaying but hate typing lol....
Man I love this guys, i haven't gotten to play d& d in years.....
Thnx again to you all for welcoming me into your party.....
Dreran the Green
07-24-2003, 10:01 AM
OOC: Silme, did you know that your sword has the name of an ancient Egyptian god? (Except I think that his was spelled Osiris, not sure) Sorry, I thought that was interesting. I'm fascinated by ancient religions.
OOC: I'm Dreran the Green in this rpg, right? I forgot...
It was a dark night outside, and the wind had a cold bite to it for travellers wandering the Road. A small figure in a grey cloak and flowing green robes and dress was passing through Bree. She had meant to go right through without stopping, but she was tired, and cold, and hungry. She stopped at the only place worth stopping: The Prancing Pony Inn. She read the notice on the door and smiled to herself before entering. "Hello!" said Dreran, "I would like a room for the night, if you have any."
"Yes, yes, of course! I'm Barliman Butterbur, and welcome to the Prancing Pony! If there's anything you need-"
"Yes actually, can you tell me where I can find this Anarion?" Butterbur nodded. "You're the second one to ask that, just down there" He pointed to the room farthest down a hall to her right.
Dreran went first to her own room and left her cloak, travel pack, and weapons-all except her staff, which she would not be found anywhere without-in a chair by the bed. She made her way to the man called Anarion's room. She knocked, and was bid to enter.
07-24-2003, 10:04 AM
OOC: The @-sign is a good idea. Mine will be-£
£"I came about looking for adventure and I saw your notice on the door."She walked into the room and stood 5 feet in front of him. "Will you let me join? I am not afread to die. And I am tuffer than I appear."
07-24-2003, 03:50 PM
Aewionen walked into the Prancing Pony and asked for a room. She was also about to ask about Anarion when he said, "Right down there, you are the third one." Aewionen smiled, "Thank you." She went to her room and left her sword and bows hidden by the bed and went to the other room. Aewionen knocked on the door and waited.
07-24-2003, 07:11 PM
OOC: Let's assume for the sake of time constraints that Dreren, and Silme show up and knock together....And Aewionen comes after....
IC:@ stands from his seat in the corner of the dimly lit room, and steps into the light, revealing his face and mail of mithril and says "Hullo and well met fellow adventurers, please come in and make yourselves welcome, as you've probably assumed I am Anarion and I seek you're company on a great adventure.
And on both counts my lady I doubt you not, but the question is not whether I will allow you to join, but if you shall still be willing once I have given you what little information I have available.
But for now I bid you both welcome, and would ask you your names, and of what skills you posses to aid me on this quest?
OOC: just after finishing this statement to Silme, and Dreren... There was yet another knock on the door...
IC: Welcome and enter as you will, Friend....
07-24-2003, 11:13 PM
OOC: Sounds good to me!:D
IC:£"I am skilled at herbal lore, (OOC: I can heal people) marksmanship and swordsmanship."
07-25-2003, 01:50 AM
Aewionen entered and saw that two others had indeed shown up. She looked at a man and said, "I assume you are Anarion?"
07-25-2003, 02:05 AM
Silme, you're lord of the spelling errors!
07-25-2003, 02:29 AM
A tall thin person walked in the door of the Pony. The person had a hood drawn over their face so no one could tell who or what it was. They asked Mr. Butterburr to lead them to the room that the tall man was in. He led the person to the door way, feeling slightly nervous. He then moved quickly away, letting the person enter the room with no interferance. The person burst into the room with a dagger hidden in the cloak that was being worn, just in case there were hostiles. She threw back her hood and looked around in disbeleif. All she saw was a tall man sitting on the bed, and a very young girl sitting in a chair. She thought( This is the mighty warrior and one of his comanions. Ha! Oh well, might as well.....) "May I join your quest?"
07-25-2003, 11:50 AM
IC: You assume correctly my young miss, Anarion at your service, and who might you be?
OOC: meanwhile someone bursts through the door and speaks
and @ replies.
IC:That shall be decided soon enough, but hopefully you will exercise better judgement in the future and not go just barging into the unknown and perhaps get us all killed, though i am pleased to see such spirit in a companion i would prefer to see it only in times of great need....With that having been said, I am Anarion and this it would seem is our company, so let us all introduce ourselves to one another, and get down to business shall we?
07-25-2003, 03:47 PM
"I am Aewionen," Aewionen said, "What is the quest for?" She wanted to know what this whole thing was about and why it was so dangerous.
07-25-2003, 04:26 PM
:IC All in good time Aewionen my friend, but first let us all get aquainted and gather any others that wish to join, for now it will suffice to say that our journey will be long and hard, and there may well be much danger, all i can say for sure at the moment is that the reward will be immeasurable.
For now come in and welcome to all of you, please introduce yourselves to one another for we shall be together for quite a spell...I shall return shortly.. as i have to check on some minor details of the quest..if anyone else arrives in my absence,please give them my appologies, and bid them welcome...I shall return shortly..
07-25-2003, 05:46 PM
£"I am Sime, Lady of Lamedon."
07-25-2003, 05:56 PM
"I am Aewionen from Minas Tirith."
07-25-2003, 09:21 PM
Ooc: Anarion, I'm sure you've noticed that this isn't like D&D at all. :) What happened to our old start? Oh well, it kind of stank.
Ic: A slender, though heavily armoured, figure burst through the door of the Prancing Pony and ran up the stairs, past the startled inkeeper. He thrust a coin into the man's hand on the way, and ducked into a room at random. Turning, Kaelin saw people.
07-25-2003, 09:30 PM
The sun was just begining to peak over the horizon when a surly female dwarf walked in(minus the beard). Barkeep I'm here to...Inquire about the sign? the Barkeep asks interupting me. Yes how did you know? Well fist off we get so few of your type and I that in about 30 or so years you're the first female dwarf to ever walk in here. Hmmm...yes well thats all good and well but please tell me where I may go to inquire about the sign. The back room.
Thank you my good barkeep. *I stomp toward the back but the door opens before I get there* See I told you I heared someone! a strange person said. Errr...right, yes, well...My name Karnin. I'm good at hacking stuff apart with my axe and navigating caves, mines, and the like.And I have a very extinseve knowledge of the mountainuos(sp?) places in this area. My I join your quest?
The last sane person
07-26-2003, 03:23 AM
IC: A tall and slim figure slipped into the Prancing poney quietly without anyone noticing. The figure stealthly moved up the stairs and slipped into Anarions room. "I am Rikimaru-ken. I am here for the quest."
07-26-2003, 06:17 AM
IC:I have returned with the information, it was the last bit of intelligence we needed before heading out.
I'm glad to see that more guests have arrived, i hope you have made yourselves let's dispense with the pleasantries and get down to business shall we....
[anarion walks over to the table and unrolls a very old and worn parchment map, it is the map to the secret treasure trove of Dain II Ironfoot, and it is located somewhere in the iron hills.] The information i was awaiting was the full translation from a dwarven rune master, and now we may be off for i have deciphered the clues, but i should warn you that the map indeed speaks of great danger to any who disturb the treasure room, and also that others may know of our undertaking and wish to take the map from us....bear in mind that if anything should happen to this map, then our quest shall be lost....
Now that you all know the plan, all that is left to decide is which way to go...and which of you has the nerve to go...
My plan would be to go se and cross the river Hoarwell and eventually go under the misty mountains through the mines of moria[while there i would wish to search the family library and perhaps gather somemore clues about the dwarves of the ironhills... But this is all just speculation on my part, if any of you have a better route in mind i'm willing to listen... so what say you all?
OOC: btw if i'm playing too much like it's d&d someone esle should take over, cause it's all i've ever played....sorry
07-26-2003, 10:43 AM
OOC:whats D&D?
Dreran the Green
07-26-2003, 11:06 AM
I think he's talking about Dungeons and Dragons, right? That's the only D&D I can think of, though I have never played it myself...
OOC: Been gone a day and I forgot to introduce myself.
"I say that I am up for the quest. My name is Dreran the Green, and I am always seeking adventure, nomatter what the risks."
07-26-2003, 11:11 AM
OOC: Dungeons and Dragons? Didn't people comit cuiside because of that game?
07-26-2003, 02:51 PM
OOC: I really don't know if people have ever killed themselves or not, i do know that there was a movie called Mazes and Monsters starring Tom Hanks that was very similar to D&D (dungeons and dragons) where his character freaked out and took the game way too seriously(didn't want to ruin the movie if you haven't seen it! , but it is just roleplaying the same as we are doing, except you have books and rules and polyhedron dice, and other than that it is no different than we are doing, the game was much like tolkien in most respects.
Also Everyone that is going please post your characters info in this format, as it will greatly help in coming up with monsters and encounters along the way, also I think it would be alot more fun if everybody helped make the adventure, so please chime in anytime and do what ever you want, just remember once you do it, you can't take it back!
NAME: Anarion
RACE: Dunedain
AGE: 33 (optional)
HT/WT: 6' 5'' / 250 lbs
Hair / Eyes Long Blk. w/ beard (well trimmed) / Jade Green
Companions: Horse Shadowmane
Weapons and Equipment : Hammer and anvil (described earlier), long bow Decsribed earlier also, elven chain mail (mithril),whip
Skills: tracking, forestry,hunting,Expert archer, two handed fighting (two swords or sword and whip), herbalism, and animal training
Special Abilities: Keen eyesight, and Empathy with animals
Anyway something like that, so i can write it down and won't have to re-read all the posts all the time...thnx
I will wait for efveryone else to post their characters and then we will be ready to go, i've come up with stuff for a while, so as soon as i know who everybody is and what they can do we can start.
The last sane person
07-26-2003, 05:37 PM
Name: Rikimaru-ken
Race: Demon/human
Gender: Male
Age: Unkown, but thought to be very old
Eye: dark brown with green flecks
Hair: jet black
Weight: Unkown
Height; 6'5 ish (he is always in the shadow and or crouched)
Weapons: Kodachi, multiple shurikens, crossbow and Yari and leather armor with stel studs.
Skills: Tracking, hunting, Cures/poison master,stealth, and stealth kills.combat and herblore among others
Companions: Satsuri Nigtshadow
07-26-2003, 07:39 PM
OOC: My Dad wouldn't let my little bro. have D&D for GameBoy because people comited cuicide because of the board game.
I think I already posted my stats and all, but I can do it again.
Name: Silme Thùle
Race: Elf
Gender: Female
Age: umm, 3598
HT/WT: 5 foot 2, 109 lbs.
Hair:Long blond hair.
Eyes: Baby Blue eyes.
Companions:(Horse) Lightfoot and (BOP) Elwing
Weapons/equipment: Elvish Short bow w/arrows, long sword, True Silver Mail.
Skills: Hunting/tracking, Herbal Lore/healing, Fighting, Archery..
Special Abilities: I specialize in the speach of the BOP (you can ask later) and that is all I can think of now.
07-26-2003, 08:53 PM
ooc: I'm posting now.... all my char knows about himself is that he's human and a very good archer/tracker. So that's all you'll know until further notice.
ic: He had read the sign. He could read. He would be good for that quest. How he knew that, though, he didn't know. He walked into the inn, hoping to be able to recognize the people loolking for him. He did. Walking up to them, he announced, "I'm a very good archer and tracker. Might I join you?" They looked at him, quite bewildered
07-27-2003, 01:23 AM
Eyes: gray-blue
Hair: Black-red, medium length
Description: Wears a cloak that covers her navy blue loose pants and shirt.
Weapons: Sword, bow, and hidden daggers
Companions: Black horse, Arilas, and a young black dog, Feilix.
Skills: Fighting, Archery, and Healing.
Speacial Abilities: Keen eyesight and hearing, and good with animals.
ic: "I not am afraid of death and am willing to take on anything that comes my way."
07-27-2003, 01:46 AM
Kaelin caught his breath. There might just be a way out of this mess! He decided not to say anything, and stepped quietly to the back of the room. Maybe in all the confusion he could join without being noticed...
07-27-2003, 02:01 AM
"I'm Ilwin, oh and Kaelin, theres no chance of you getting in past me!"
07-27-2003, 02:06 AM
"Oh, it's you," the half-drow's voice was impassive. "How'd you get here?"
07-29-2003, 02:01 PM
Name:Karnin (pronounced car-ne-in )
Sex and race: Dwarf, female
Weapons:Axe and 3 throwing axes.
From:Mines of Moria
Eyes:A hazel greenish color
Hair:Black and always kept breaded(sp?) no beard
Abilities:Hacking things apart and navigating mines,caves,and the like.
07-31-2003, 12:22 PM
ooc: no one answered me!
07-31-2003, 12:29 PM
OOC:What was your question Nariel?
08-01-2003, 10:30 AM
OOC: Guys I'm goin on vaca. from this Sat. to next Sun. so till I get back on Mon. could you guys just mention me some of your posts please? Thanks!
08-01-2003, 05:49 PM
"Horse back, you?"
08-03-2003, 08:58 PM
ooc: I approached the group offering my services as an archer/tracker. Anyway, I'm going on vacation for a week. I'll be back the 11th.
08-06-2003, 05:14 PM
hello all, i'm sorry i've been appendix ruptured and i was in the hospital until yesterday....hopefully i'll be feeling better in a few days and will feel like playing again....once again i'm sorry for leaving you all hanging, i was looking forward to playing:)
08-06-2003, 10:16 PM
OOC: Oh! Get well soon buddy!
The last sane person
08-06-2003, 11:24 PM
Indeed! Gut wounds are a nasty business! Get well!
"I suppose you could join, if this quest is as dangerous as proposed, we will be needing quite a few should any of us expire" I answred the man from my spot in the shadows.
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