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Gulio, Strength of Many
12-19-2003, 07:11 PM
All right, this is the first EVER rpg started by yours truly, so please bear with me:)
Basic plot:
Aragorn's line has died out, and another king, Trespin, has taken the throne. He's an ambitious man, and wishes to rule all of Middle-Earth. With the aid of the crafty Elven mage Cairnvele he forms an alliance with the Elves. The Dwarves, however, refused such an alliance, they didn't trust King Trespin and disliked Cairnvele. The Men and Elves plan to enslave and destroy the Dwarves, and have made their first strike at a small outpost. The Hobbits have been forgotten, and the War of the Ring is merely a legend. There is a small (very small) faction of Men and Elves who oppose such wars, but they are too small to really do anything to stop it. Trespin, however, still sees them as a threat and searches for them.
Okay, how does all that sound? I'd like someone to be Trespin and Cairnvele (Thanks for the name Sis!:P).
My character:
Name: Hendel
Race: Dwarf
Gender: Male
Hendel is pretty much your typical Dwarf. He speaks his mind boldy, without thinking of the consequences of what he says. His fiery red beard matched his short temper.
(Stupid school....repressing my creativeness! Ack! Thank goodness for Christmas break! It'll get better, I promise. Just give me a few days to recover from the evil sameness that comes from that evil place! So what if the stupid answer key says that x=15!! I got 14.89635, and that's pretty darn close!!!!:))
12-19-2003, 07:23 PM
sounds cool! OO! Can I be the lost heir or something like that?
Name: Ralen
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Eyes: blue
Hair: Dark brown
Part of the small group of rebels against the killing of dwarves and such. Doesn't know that he is really the great great(however many) grandson of Aragorn.
ooc: I'll come up with more later, my creativeness is going away too.:D
Gulio, Strength of Many
12-19-2003, 07:25 PM
Coolness, Aewionen:) School is evil. But I've already told you all that:)
Adrian Baggins
12-19-2003, 10:20 PM
Me join.....but NO HOBBITS IS JUST SAD!!!
ok, me done with me outburst.....hmmmm....I be:
Age: 23
Height: 6 foot
Weponry: a sword
12-19-2003, 11:10 PM
Ok, I'll be an elf like usual. Yay me.
Name: Laurana
Gender: Female
Race: Elf
Class:Black Mage (doesn't mean evil, just means offensive instead of healing magic like Final Fantasy black mages)
Clothes: Velvet black robes with threads of silver woven in to subtly enhance her power, belted with a silver cord. The robe has no hood, something unusual among magic users
Appearance: Laurana is not evil, in fact the opposite, but she excels at casting fighting magic. Many a foe has seen her at her place by her commander's side, the sun gleaming in her blue-black hair and on her golden-yellow skin, a strange joy in her ebony eyes as she raises her arms to rain lightening down upon her enemies...
Weapons: Laurana carries a staff like many mages, a plain one of stripped bark that she carved herself from a fallen bough in the forests of her home. The staff is laughed at by many, but most mages know better.
Hey, maybe I could join up with you all later, as a prisoner of war or something; I'm going away tonight for two weeks.
Gulio, Strength of Many
12-19-2003, 11:12 PM
No, no! Not what I meant at all! To not have Hobbits would be a crime against humanity that even I'm not willing to commit:) I just meant that no one remembers them anymore, not that they don't exist. Sorry for the confusion:)
12-20-2003, 01:49 AM
i'll try
Character: Thuringwethil
Race: Vampire
Age: From the beginning of time..
Appearance: Bright white skin, with long black pants, no shirt, a cape dark as night. Rings with several different powers, which will stay unknown for now. A large red pendant around his neck, which is an ancient artifact given to him by one of the Ainur in days of old.
Gender: Male
Weapons: Teeth, two daggers, and an ancient longsword that he wields with unusual skill. Some dark magic exists in the rings too, but maybe even Thuringwethil does not know what it is...
He is suspicious of even his friends, and trusts no one, preferring to be by himself. Doesn't work well in group situations.
12-20-2003, 11:32 AM
A vampire? Coolness! Well lets see now...I think I shall be evil since no one else is willing to the dirty work. Muwhahaha! Ack I must be a man...dirty cheating scumy boyfriends who cheat on you with a friend!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry I had a moment...Gulio that math prob was nothing on the SOL test two weeks ago the choices were....15 20 30 and 16....I think. My answer was a brilliant 9,622...It was the test not me!:rolleyes:
Name:Trespin ( didn't give descript on him so I hope it's alright if I just do my own thing.)
Age: 23
Apperance: Dirty blonde hair. (it's not dirty because he never washes it that's the color you silly). Very handsome(hey if I gotta be a guy I'm gonna look good). Muscular. Where's (shut up I know thats not the right word) a crown (duh) with lots of gems and a black cloak pants and shirts are included(get your mind out of the gutter!!!!).
Gender: Oh come on! What do you think?
Weapon:me fight! never!!
Oh by the way if we have vampires they will be added to my legions...just sbecasue I have mediocre math skills doesn't mean I can't add!!! Hope that's alright with everyone. I'm having fun with this post!
Gulio, Strength of Many
12-20-2003, 04:19 PM
Yea! Huston, we have a bad guy:) Huzzah for Fim! I like your description for Trespin very much. Kinda how I imagined
Lady Arwen56
12-20-2003, 04:51 PM
I'll join!
Name: Andrithilian (Andrith)
Age: 456
Gender: female
Race: Elf (I'm a princess/warrior that has been discharged from her posistion as heir thanks to my disliking of the king and the evil elves)
Description: long black hair streaked with silver, blue-green eyes, tall, pale, but pretty.
Weapons: daggers, her blade Ternania, and a long bow with arrows.
Clothing: a silver-black tunic with black leggings
Items: A black pendant strapped around my neck which allows me to see into the future and back into the past, and a ring that changes colors that lets me call upon any animal or human or elf that I wish.
Animals: Alexiel, my black-silver snow leopard,
and Gilliania (gilli) my black horse.
12-21-2003, 04:47 AM
Name: Dagorwen
Race: Elf
Sex: Female
Status: Leader of rebels
Age: 137
Height: 6'0
Hair: Black & kinky
Eyes: Green
Weapons: Long curved white knife, bow & arrows
12-21-2003, 06:33 AM
Originally posted by Gulio, Strength of Many
Stupid school....repressing my creativeness! Ack! Thank goodness for Christmas break!
Christmas break? BREAK??? My God, how long do you get off? What about New Year?? Jeez, we get the whole summer holidays, I can't imagine just getting a 'break' around December...
12-21-2003, 01:48 PM
*laughs* earloth, we do get off for summer, and easter, and new years, but the whole christmas holiday is called christmas break. Okay, how can I resist, but at first I was afraid there would be no hobbits! Ah well, I'll be a half-elf anyways!
name: Aiya Ailediel (from my up and coming story) *beams with pride*
age:14(young, I know)
hair:jet black
eyes:emerald green
appearance: somewhat fair skin, does have pricked ears, though she looks like an elf, she rarely ever acts like one. can be clumsy, except in battle.
weapons: long blade named Elohae, has a blue tint to it, riddled with lots of elvish runes.
lets see, she is good, maybe related to Dagorwen or something, no parents, lives with the rebels, good fighter.
yep. school is over! curse the 8th grade!
12-21-2003, 03:17 PM
same here Pip. [Your right, it sucks on bloody ice!!!]
Name: Draconia[usually goes by this]
Age: any
Race: Shifter
Gender: any
Height: any
Hair: any
Eyes: any
Weaponry: Long bow, ash arrows with black swan fletching, a long sword that goes by the name Titania[been reading Mid summers night dream] glows silver in the presence of vampires and orcs, gold filligree inlaid in the handle
Status: Master swords[wo]man, shifter
12-21-2003, 05:21 PM
I know! And its not gonna get any better what with high school in the future! Legoles, that was probably the simplest description I ever heard, will you be taking and certain shape, or just change all the time.
12-21-2003, 05:38 PM
GEEZ do all the chicks in this game have to be elves? Is that like an unspoken rule here or something? I think that I'll break the trend here. And by the way, Legoles, I agree with pip... that decription was just a tad vague...
Name: Quinlan (Quin for short)
age:about 23
appearance: olive skin... pretty tall, built, but not disgustingly muscular like those body builder women, thay are SO gross!
weapons: dagger that she carries, and whatever's around.... Like a female MacGuyver
History: Grew up on the streets and was a thief for a while, but then decided to straighten up...
Just a thought.. I was thinking that maybe she and Trespin could meet up and she could be his love interest, but at the same time she's getting involved with the rebels (which he doesn't know about), so she's kind of playing both sides, using them to her advantage... She doesn't know what he's up to with the dwarves, and if she did, she'd get rid of him.
But if that doesn't work out, she could just join the rebels.
12-21-2003, 05:59 PM
I'm not always an elf! i am a hobbit, yes I am. But like gulio said, no hobbits, at least not without freakin up the story line,
12-21-2003, 08:05 PM
But there can be hobbits! Like Gulio said, they just were forgotten. You could be one and show up and confuse every one.
12-21-2003, 09:08 PM
oh! okay! Great idea, can I be to people?
name: Pippin Gamgee
relations: Sam's son
appearance:like his dad, brownish/blondish hair, lovely singing voice, often takes after his namesake.
um, he'll show up somewhere near the rebels.
12-21-2003, 11:06 PM
Whoo hoo! A hobbit has joined us! :)
(I like you sig Pip, great movie. (Princess Bride) Inconcievable!:D )
Gulio, Strength of Many
12-22-2003, 12:48 AM
Huzzah! Of course you can be two people Pip! I was hoping someone would be a Hobbit, and confuse the rest of us to no end:)
I was wondering the same thing Nariel. I thought I was the only one, but I knew in my heart that there was someone....somewhere, *Begins to break into song**King of Swamp Castle barges in* "No no! There will be no singing while I'm here!!!" *I pout, staring out the window dejectedly*
Ninth grade sucks too, Pip and Legoles, so you don't got much to look forward to.
Well then, shall we start?
12-22-2003, 01:04 AM
Oh yes. I agree, I don't think we need any more peoples, too many names! I'm not looking forward to high school. ick. more algebra, thats all it is. Anyone want to start?
12-22-2003, 02:59 AM
Sorry. I'll asume hte shape of a girl[for the moment] that's
Age: 18[appears]
Hair: straight black with blue swirls, goes to small of back
Name: Opal
Race: Human
Eyes: Multi colored
Clothing: Black tumbler leggings embrodierd with blue, silver, green and purple thread, and a firey red spagetti strap top, soft leather shoes, same color as tunic, twin silver chains with a Fire opal on hte top, and a black opal on the bottom
[forgot one thing about my norm. char. She carries a lute, and her eyes are slghtly opalescent[they have an opal like sheen.]
12-22-2003, 06:40 AM
Originally posted by Aewionen
I like you sig Pip, great movie. (Princess Bride) Inconcievable!:D
He kept saying that word. I really don't think he even knew what it meant...
Pip, I reckon school might get harder, but it'll be better what with getting to choose our own subjects...I finally get to drop textiles! No more Norris subjects, hooray!!!
12-22-2003, 12:49 PM
OOC:I fugure since I'm the evil person I should start it. Tell me if that a problem.
Gulio, Strength of Many
12-22-2003, 07:15 PM
ooc: Soundeth good, Fim. Start whenever you jolly well please:)
12-22-2003, 07:51 PM
I don't feel like starting, i really stink at starting. *twiddles thumbs randomly*
12-24-2003, 12:05 AM
I don't feel comfortable with it, but maybe...the starting should initiate soon, or...?
12-24-2003, 01:07 AM
oh, Eru, I'll start it! My goodness, all you procrastinating elves(and dwarf)! must we hobbits do everything? teehee.
Pippin nudged his little pony Bob(heehee). They were very close to the encampment. He had heard that the rebels camped near here, but he hadn't seen anything.
"Oh dear, Bob. I doubt we will ever arrive! And I am dreadfully hungry!" he said with a sigh. Bob neighed as if to say, 'when are you not?' Pippin looked ahead and saw twinkling lights.
"There it is! But I am afraid I can't wait any longer!" he said dismounting his pony. He took some food out of his pack, an apple, some bread, a bit of dried meat and a few candied chesnuts. A meager meal for a hungry hobbit. He ate is as fast a possible, and pulled out his pipe. He was pushed for time, but the rebels could wait, he needed a smoke. Once he was finished, he packed his things and mounted Bob. Down he went into the valley where the encampment sat.
12-24-2003, 05:59 AM
Dagorwen studied the company in front of her with a strict eye: these were the last of the rebels, the majority of which were peasant families and elderly couples, too morally upright to act in cohesion with the King, however too concerned with the safety of their kiths to take to arms. She had seen no true warriors to join her cause, and had encountered only 7 inexperienced Rohirrim knights in her current company. There were none of her own kind present, and as yet the Dwarves were too suspicious of the Elves to associate with her.
A horse neighed no more than one hundred metres away from the camp: Dagorwen was about to motion to a boy in the assemblage to put the fire out when she perceived through the darkness a simple hobbit, riding upon a fat pony towards the camp. She cast her green hood over her face and strode out into the night to greet the hobbit.
12-24-2003, 10:51 AM
"Oh, huloo there!" Pippin called once he saw an elf coming.
"Hello, I'm Pippin Gamgee, at your service!" he said once Dagorwen arrived. Once they had introduced themselves Dagorwen led him to the camp.
"Little short on armies, aren't we?" Pippin said. There weren't many people there, at least not very many that could fight. He followed Dagorwen through the camp.
by the way, Merry Christmas eve everyone! *hands everyone peppermint tea*
12-24-2003, 09:05 PM
Yay! Christmas rocks!! I'm singing for the service tonigt.
Opal looked around the area before slipping inside without being noticed. She started a tumbling act, to entertain the rebels. She was having a grand time when she heard" Who are you??"
12-25-2003, 01:12 AM
ooc: Oh, for crying out loud, there's too much goodness going around here. I think I'll start of the badness... Fim, you with me?
Quin looked around, hoping that no one was following her. She had grown used to that in years past. Since she was 14, she had been a petty thief. It didn't stop there: when she was 17, she took her first job and soon became a mercenary... or, she preferred, an assassin. But those days were over. She had finally grown tired of the evil she had been dealing with, and she was trying to undo, or rather counterdo, her bad deeds, to replace them with good. But looking over her shoulder was just an instinct. As if Minas Tirith was really that foreboding. She made her way up the streets, hoping to find a place to sleep for the night. She made it through gate after gate, and it started raining. She was very wet. SHe came to the last gate and found a good sheltered spot under an overhang (or was it a balcony) from the Hall of the King. She was startled by the sound of horses' hooves making their way past her. She stood up, hoping to get a better glimpse of the rider, and slipped on the wet cobblestones. She rolled out nearly onto the street and startled the rider.
"Excuse me, sir," she said. "I beg your forgiveness."
ooc: FIM, that's your cue.
12-25-2003, 06:39 AM
Originally posted by PippinTook
"Oh, huloo there!" Pippin called once he saw an elf coming.
"Hello, I'm Pippin Gamgee, at your service!" he said once Dagorwen arrived. Once they had introduced themselves Dagorwen led him to the camp.
"Little short on armies, aren't we?" Pippin said. There weren't many people there, at least not very many that could fight. He followed Dagorwen through the camp.
by the way, Merry Christmas eve everyone! *hands everyone peppermint tea*
ooc: Tankyou, Pippin.
ic: "This affiliation is yet young," Dagorwen said in response to the Hobbit's remark. "And should the world be not wholly rid of hope, I anticipate the increased skill of those already amongst us, as well as a magnified total of combatants." She sat Pippin down on a log, in front of which was a large pot, bubbling with strange tasting strew: Dagorwen was handing the small creature a bowl of the broth and a half a bread roll when she noticed a flicker of movement out of the corner of her eye: she turned her head sharply to see a strange being doing Eru knows what; Dagorwen raised an eyebrow.
"Who are you?" someone asked. Dagorwen drew her bow and quiver close to her.
"And what in the hellfire are you doing? Have you any other purpose or am I to have to shoot you?"
12-25-2003, 08:20 PM
ooc: okay, scratch my other charactar Aiya, I am replacing her with,
race:half elven
hair:brown-ish black, choppy, about shoulder length. usually wears it half up.
clothes: wears the equivilent of a blue tube top, legging pants with a draping skirt like thingy. eru, I stink at descriptions! got her from Soul Calibur 2(christmas present) she rocks.
weapons:two long sword-like knives that she holds parellel to her arms, which flick out. (the blades not her arms)
yep. baaaaad description, but she is a cool charactar all in all. well, we all know how my elves go, so we will see how bad I butcher this one! lol.
12-26-2003, 01:27 PM
yeah, so, pip--question: which side is your char on?
12-26-2003, 06:50 PM
oops, sorry. she's a rebel. and she's 15. i cant posy anything now.
12-26-2003, 10:06 PM
Intresting things happen on Christmas. A car caught on fire and nearly exploded in front of my house. Anyway
"Tumbling. I was entertaining the soldiers, is it against hte law to do so?" Then grabbed my effects,strapped them on and turned to face har again.
12-27-2003, 12:01 AM
"You should know we oppose the law, should now I not hold you in suspicion. And not so against it," Dagorwen replied, lowering her bow. "Just queer, and very, very fatuitous. It is also to be inquired on the purpose of entertainment in a training camp."
ooc; nuttin personal, Legoles: this character has just initiated as a bit of a bitchier individual than I had originally anticipated. Far too serious for her own good.
Adrian Baggins
12-27-2003, 04:58 PM
Age: 23
Sex: Female
Height: 6 foot
Weponry: a sword that people recognize, though they do not speak its name (The shards of Narsil reforged)
fyi.......I'm on the good guy side, I don't like the war...and more fyi.......I am not just Alexandrian, I am Alexandrian, daughter of Reilen, who is half-brother to Ralen's father. Reilen is son of Aglisiar, the last king of Gondor to be of Aragorn's line.
Reilen is half-elven, therefore, I am one third elven.
12-27-2003, 04:59 PM
IC: "Is it not fair to let them have something else besides train?"
12-27-2003, 11:23 PM
Talim had been watching the tumbler, and was quite amused, it wasn't often that they saw something other than other rebels.
"Lighten up, Dagorwen, she doesn't mean any harm. We need to liven up this camp. The shadow of war lurks here 24/7." she said to dagorwen.
"Where are you from?" she asked the new comer.
i like her. teehee. she will morph into a hobbit one day though.
12-28-2003, 01:45 AM
Ralen sat quietly in the camp where most rebels 'lived' such as women and children. He and his company where called here when a few elven or men scouts neared. Earlier, about 15 scouts were not but five miles and luckily, his company where here at rest. He sighed and stood up, it was time to head out again. "Boin!" he called to his friend, "Round up the rest of the men, we head out again in 10 minutes." Boin nodded and smiled as he headed out to gather those in his company.
Gulio, Strength of Many
12-28-2003, 06:52 PM
ooc: Sorry, spent Christmas with my insanely HUGE family. (47 people at my house in the morning, and a few were missing:)) Then the next day was spent playing with my new toys. LotR Trivial Pursuit!! Nobody will let my sister and I be on the same team:( We're the only fans in our family!!!! Everyone just rolls their eyes and ignores us when we start talking about LotR. And my cousin, I'm ashamed to say, is an elfybopper. *Sighs*
ic: Hendel sat in his home, if you could call it that. It was more of a portable tent that could be moved when needed. He was lucky to have something over his head, however. He could be one of the Dwarves enslaved by the thrice-accursed Trespin. He was away scouting when his the outpost fell. He and his friend, Kâri, returned to a wasteland. They couldn't bury the dead, there were too many and haste was needed to warn the other outposts. They were forced to burn their comrades, as was done centuries before by their ancestors. He had little time to lament the loss, however, before they hurried to the next outpost. They were too late there as well, and had no choice but to return to Erebor. A trail of ruin preceded the pair, as time after time they would stumble upon what remained of Dwarven outposts.
When they reached Erebor, they found it besieged, and on the verge of surrender. Thorin Ironfist, the King Under the Mountian, was forced by the elders to evaluate Trespin's terms, because the Dwarves were running out of food and water. Hendel and Kâri knew it was impossible to get through an entire army to Erebor, so they were forced to hide, and watch Thorin seal the fate of Erebor. The Dwarves were marched out, and those who fought were killed.
Hendel and Kâri didn't know what to do, so they wandered about until they found the camp of rebels. They were slow to trust the few Men and Elves that were there, but eventually got to know them well. There were also about a dozen Dwarves there, from the Glittering Caves and Iron Hills.
12-28-2003, 07:22 PM
47 people? Dear Eru, how big is your house? I am at my nana's house, with 7 dogs, teehee. elfybopper? hahahaha, whats that? is it like a fangirl? I eat fangirls. *nibbles on fangirl's toes* I got the atlas of middle earth, very nifty, I say.
totally useless post, I am so good at these!
12-28-2003, 08:35 PM
"Where I am from is my concern, but I can fight better than some people." <which of course,> I said to myself<means all.>
Gulio, Strength of Many
12-29-2003, 01:18 AM
ooc: My house is medium sized, I guess. It just gets really crowded:) You know the movie, My Big Fat Greek Wedding? Yeah, that's pretty much what our family gatherings are, except we're not Greek:)
An Elfybopper is a Legolas fangirl. Grrrrr! So annoying. We were playing LotR Trivial Pursuit, and one of the questions was: "Who killed Grima Wormtounge?" Easy right? My heart fell into my shoes when I looked on the back and the answer was 'Legolas'. (My cousin: tee hee hee *sigh*) LEGOLAS?!?!?!?!?! IT WASN'T LEGOLAS, IT WAS THE HOBBITS YOU FOOL!!!!!! Grrrrrrrr. Someone's gonna get some rather nasty letters from me.......
Well then, another useless post! Pip and I are going for a 'Moot recond, how many useless posts can we do before the mods smite us:) (Just kidding, oh most wonderful moderators! *grovels*:D)
12-29-2003, 01:35 AM
Hey... don't knock the Elfyboppers. I started out as one. I've now developed (evolved?) into a more mature fan, who appreciates LOTR for what it is, not for Orlando Bloom, whom I still enjoy as an actor. But not as a blonde who makes stupid comments like "The sky is veiled." or "A diversion!" You should have heard my loud "DUH!" in the theatre when he said that one... Meanwhile, where's FIM? I need my costar!! Just kidding, but seriously folks, where is he?
Gulio, Strength of Many
12-29-2003, 01:54 AM
ooc: I wuv teasing the Elfyboppers. My friend had a photocopied picture of Legolas (The original is safely hidden away so I won't get to it:)) hanging on her door. I had a permanent marker. *Evil smiley* You can figure out the rest:)
12-29-2003, 02:52 AM
OMG Gulio, you did that? Sounds like someting I did with my brother's poster of star wars.... ;)
12-29-2003, 02:58 AM
elfyboppers! lol, pretty much all of my friend are elfyboppers. They drool whenever OB says a line in LotR. So annoying but if that is how they are......hmmmm.
So Adrian, are our characters uh, quarter cousins once removed on Ralen's dad's side? Or something like that? lol, I is confused.
ic: Ralen, Boin, and two other men in their group went ahead of the rest to look for any scouts and such. Suddenly, Boin stopped. "Wha.." Ralen began, but was cut off by his friend. "Shh! Listen." Ralen crouched quietly as he motioned for the others to do so. Then he heard it, "I can't wait till we find those rebels! They have killed many in our group and it is time for them to pay!"
"Yes...and pay they will. Dearly..." The one voice sounded more elven and the other like a man. The second, the elf's, was more sinister. "It has been a very long time scince my sword has tasted their blood. After those dwarves, I was just getting into it. Now is the time to strike them! And hard..."
Ralen nodded to Boin and the other men to turn back. There was something about these two he did like and he didnt want to risk anything. "Warn the others about them," he told one in his group when they returned, "and quickly."
12-29-2003, 06:01 AM
Originally posted by Gulio, Strength of Many
Well then, another useless post! Pip and I are going for a 'Moot recond, how many useless posts can we do before the mods smite us:) (Just kidding, oh most wonderful moderators! *grovels*:D)
Well then, want me to do a wonderful impression of a dragon descending to see how many of your RPG-threads I can close before any of you can blink? Just kidding of course. ;)
Now please stay on topic.
12-29-2003, 01:29 PM
OOC:HE!!! I am not! Did you read my post? I'm a she thank you. Anyway Gulio that's nothing last year I'll bet there were like 60 people at my Grannies house this year it was more like 50. I've been real busy I'm so sorry but I'll post now.
"You may beg my forgivness and I give it. You must know who I am. So I won't bother with introducing myself, however I don't know who you are I sugest you tell me." The King had just come from a meeting with a his elves about a couple of vampires and he was not at all pleased with the way things were going at the moment. Also, news of the rebels maybe possibly acctually starting a rebelion finnally had reached his ears. HE wondered when some of the little worms would start and he had sent some people to try and find them, Doubtful thought they would. HIs best men had searched for years and not found a single trace.
12-29-2003, 06:14 PM
"Dagorwen, correct?"
She nodded her head.
"I must be excused for a miniute." I sneaked off and transformed.
OOC: I look like this at the moment
Race: elven
Hair: Strawberry blond[waist length]
Eyes: grey-gold
Clothing: same
"Dagorwen....? I forgot to mention one little thing."
12-29-2003, 07:32 PM
'Okay, Dagorwen is not going to like that to much.' though Talim to herself. she enjoyed this newcomer, but dagorwen was obviously unhappy. Shapeshifters were not lightly trusted.
i am so bored.
12-29-2003, 09:37 PM
"What is it?" Boin asked Ralen, "Do you know who they are?" Ralen shook his head, "No, but I have a feeling they are the best assassins, if the best were not already sent out. Samar!" he called turning to one of the men, "Go back to the village and warn any that may be there. Tell them to set a watch at all ends. Oh," he continued before Samar left, "Take a detour, those two may be watching out for runners." Samar nodded and ran towards the village.
12-30-2003, 07:25 AM
Dagorwen had been studying a map of Rhovanion from the moment she lost the will to argue with anyone of (seemingly) good nature.
"Dagorwen, correct?" Dagorwen nodded off-handedly, still studying the map. There was a pause; "Dagorwen...? I forgot to mention one little thing."
Dagorwen heard Talim splutter on her cup of broth. Looking up, she saw an unfamiliar character, who nonetheless owed the voice of the maid that had been standing before her no more than five minutes prior. "Interesting..." she muttered in a deep voice. The shifter gave her a kind of sheepish look, as if to say You're okay with this?
Dagorwen drew a deep breath. "My brother's best friend was a Shape Shifter who went by the name of Aquáhyanë; I did not begrudge Shifter's company before their affiliation and I do not now. I just wonder at the ability of the Rebels in the field of telling you from another whenever you might change form.
"But, in accordance with more substantial topics: you say you are a skilled swordfighter; I specialise more in archery. It would be most appreciated should you choose to assist the Rebels in attaining skills such as yours." She returned to studying her map.
12-30-2003, 01:20 PM
ooc: Fim, you're worse than Ms. Undomial!!! I can never tell with these people...
Quin hadn't realized who it was. But as he shifted on his horse, the moon peaked through the clouds and she saw the White Tree on his chest and the crest of the King on his horse's forehead. She stood for a moment in shock. She wondered what to say for a moment. No one in Minas Tirith had recognized her, but they doubtless knew her nicknames... "The Shadow"..."The Gravedigger".. there were many others.
She was infamous in the southern towns. But she decided it was safest to just give him her first name. If he knew of her, she could say that it was a common name. If not, it would be better than having him find she had lied about her name.
"I am Quinlan, Your Majesty," she said, curtsying. "A poor woman looking for a place to weather the storm. I thank you for your gracious forgiveness, and beg your leave."
That had come out more sophisticated than she had intended. If the King didn't notice that she wasn't any mere homeless woman, he was a fool indeed. But what had been said was past... there was nothing she could do about it now. She started to retreat back into the little space below the balcony.
12-30-2003, 03:03 PM
" Dagorwen, my name is Draconia. I have a way to make disginguishing me easier. I will tie two bands of black cloth around my arms. When shall I start instructing the others?"
Adrian Baggins
12-30-2003, 05:56 PM
Aewionen, I don't know........lets just call it cousins for simplicity's sake....and jooc, am I in this yet...............?
12-30-2003, 06:57 PM
"I know something of sword play, but I perfer my blades." said Talim showing her two knives strapped to her arms.
"The rebels need training. Most of them have only come here for aid and safety. Not many warriors among them." she said finishing her soup.
*yawn* I am so tired!
Gulio, Strength of Many
12-31-2003, 01:31 AM
ooc: Woah, mass choas there Fim. 47 people made me want to go hide under my blankets, but 60?! We're talking serious therapy for an antisocial freak like me:)
ic: "Hey there," Kâri stuck his head through the entrance to Hendel's tent. "How's it going?" He asked, referring to the untouched soup sitting on the desk.
"It's nothing," Hendel replied, not really wanting to talk at the moment, "I'm just tired."
"I know you, Hendel,and something's wrong. You always eat too much!" His friend joked.
"Well, it wasn't ME who was still hungry after supper, and got caught stealing from the larders years ago!" Hendel said, referring to when both of them were but boys.
"Well, I was young, and young Dwarves need proper nutrition, or they won't grow to a proper height."
They laughed for a bit, but sobered up, remembering the faces of those fallen. "You know," Kâri added after a while, "Sometimes I wonder, why weren't we at the outpost at the time of the attack? What strange chance brought the raid at the time when we were the farthest away?"
"I don't know, nor do I try to guess. I tried once, but I ended up going 'round in circles for hours and got a terrible headache," Hendel replied, "Finally, I came to the conclusion that one can wonder why, and try to find the reason behind such things. You can only take what comes, I guess."
"You're lucky, you can just shut such questions out," Kâri said. "Me, however, they keep coming back, like an infection. At times, they consume my mind, and I can't focus on anything. It's always 'why this' and 'why that'."
"That's because you're a thinker, and I'm not. That is why you are so much better at planning things, because you see every angle. Me, I am useless at all that, but give me something direct, like an enemy in front of me, then I'll be of some use."
Suddenly, a sweaty, gasping man ran into the tent. "They found us," He panted desprately, "We've been discovered!"
12-31-2003, 02:16 AM
"I'll go train them a bit... "
I shifted my clothing to battle gear while they were getting ready.
12-31-2003, 04:17 AM
Originally posted by Legoles
" Dagorwen, my name is Draconia. I have a way to make disginguishing me easier. I will tie two bands of black cloth around my arms. When shall I start instructing the others?"
"It sounds reasonable. And I would advise you to initiate drill as soon as possible."
Draconia nodded. "I’ll go train them a bit…" Turning to the Rebels, she began shouting orders at them.
"Many are too young or too old, and some have no will for war," Dagorwen said with a half-smile, turning back to her map. "Push, but take care only to shove when necessary."
12-31-2003, 01:23 PM
ooc: Fim really needs to be online more. I'm here several times a day (semester break, don'tcha know) and I'm DYING to post.
12-31-2003, 10:49 PM
ooc: Sounds good to me Adrian:)
ic: Ralen sat near a stone pillar gazing into the wood ahead of him. He thought of what the two assassins had said. They found the dwarves. How soon will it be until they find us as well? He sighed and stood, it was time he headed back to where the others were. He usually left when he needed time to think, but now, there is time for nothing. They must always be on watch for he new not where the rest of the band of the assassins could be...if there were any more. But how could two wipe out all the dwarves, if all are now dead. There must be more somewhere....
"Ralen!" He turned quickly to see Samar, out of breath and blood dripping down from his forehead. "20 elven scouts, near the village! I tired to draw them away and it seemed to be working, but I am not sure how long they will look for me."
12-31-2003, 11:34 PM
Ooc: Okay! I'm back, and raring to kick some dwarf butt! ;) Until my character gets captured and shown the error of her ways, of course.
Oh, and I know we had this discussion days ago, but elfyboppers will have their revenge! I am a huge elfybopper, and proud of it! Except that I think Orlando Bloom should be thrown in a closet. A dark one. With rats, so that we can hear his girlish screams as he is too dumb to turn the doorknob and walk out. So am I still an elfybopper for loving Legolas the elf instead of Legolas the pansy human in a wig? :confused:
Ic: Laurana drank in the sun like a plant, feeling it seep into her. "At last, we will attack the first pocket of dwarven resistance," said her companion, an elf in chainmail.
"My magic is strong today, Commander Yinali," Laurana replied, smiling. Soon the war would be over and evil wiped from the lands. The two friends sat in comfortable silence until war trumpets sounded and they split up, Yanali running to his charger and Laurana going to the front to wait for him on foot with nothing but her staff. Soon he came and set her beside him. "Lightening does tend to scare the horses, so try to keep it far away from our troops, please." He smiled, and then they were off, gleaming in the morning sunlight to do battle with the dwarven foe.
01-01-2004, 03:03 PM
'Finally!" said Talim greatfully. She was excited about the training. She always wanted to fight along side with someone who could really fight. Often she was left behind due to her age, but that wouldnt happen again. She strapped her blades on, and stood with the rebels, waiting.
01-01-2004, 04:31 PM
OOC: I'm really sorry! Please forgive me!! Just wait till school starts up then see how much I'm on.:D It really was chaos! Err...I don't think anyone is my evil elven advisor so I geuss I'll be playing both of them. Oh by the way you know how it was sorta hinted that Galdriel is physic well my evil elven advisor is that's how we know all this stuff.
*a horn sounds*
"You will not be going anywhere, Miss Quinlan! Get on the back of my horse I'm going to the castle."
*at the castle*
"Yes, my lord?"
"Take the young Miss Quinlan to a room. Give her food, clothing, a bath, and guards. I don't want her to set foot outside that room! *turning to her* Or perhaps you would rather stay in the dungeons...lots of Shadows there you know." Terspin said as the Quinlan was lead to her room to taken aback to say or even fight...for now.
"My lord, the goods news, we found the rebels...the bad, they know we, we know where they are."
"Hmmm...this is a minor setback, ofcourse I didn't expect to find them so I am happy about that. Tell the troops I don't care that they know but I will care if they dont' get a semi-accurate count of how many there are what race, make sure you tell them to beware vampires and even shapeshifters. Which reminds send in Lagarkath, I want to know how many vampires I now have on my side."
"Consider it all done my lord."
Terspin paced back and forth in his study wondering what he should about the little Gravedigger he had just caught. He had planned to get her one day, but he didn't make plans for that far in the future...perhaps he should go see her here her side of the story.
*In Quinlan's new fancy cell*
"Well, well, look at the fly I've caught. Go on deny who you are so we can get that little part of the intorduction over with."
01-01-2004, 10:27 PM
Quin could see that denying her identity would now be only digging her own grave. And she hadn't broken any laws in the past... year.... or so....
So what was the point of lying? The worst he could do was hang her. And she'd had that done to her before.
"I am Quinlan. No more, no less. I do not deny it, so you may throw me in the dungeon if you wish. I have, no doubt, seen worse." She had the sneaking suspicion that the King wasn't going to harm her... He had other plans....
01-01-2004, 11:29 PM
"Alright" I turned back to the assembled soidiers,
"Just so you all know, I am a shapeshifter. In battle, I will wear two black cloths tied around my arms. Now we will begin drills." I set out 6 dummies. "These dummies will represent your opponents. I wish to see the extent of your strength." I set them to work, everyonce in a while shouting out comments, or telling them it was time to switch. Then it was Talim's turn. "OY! Talim. Get over here!!!!"
*She rushes over*
"Don't waste your time with the sword, show those other rebels what you've got. Get your blades back on!"
01-02-2004, 12:49 AM
Ok, maybe a dwarven messanger could come stumbling up shouting about how they're under attack... you know, to get Leggy's forces into the battle, and all, because currently the elvish troops are standing poised and ready to do battle while the world marches on. It's quite a funny sight, I'm sure, but it's time for the battle to be joined, so I'm goldmoding a dwarf. (I can never get that word right!)
ic: At that very moment, a dwarven runner stumbled up as fast as her squat legs would carry her. "We're under attack! The elves have found us! We need aid to cover our retreat.... please..."
She collapsed at the shapeshifter's feet.
ooc:*and as they all rush to the aid of the dwarves, Leggy feels sorry for the dead dwarf and says"Poor dwarf, you will not have died in vain!". The dwarf sits up and says "I'm not quite dead, mam! I'm getting better!"*
(Sorry, couldn't resist the Monty-Python-and-Holy-Grailness)
01-02-2004, 01:14 PM
ooc: goldmodding?teehee. goddmodding. oh well, you did warn us. but wait, I have to show off before we go to war!
ic:(before the monty python dwarf came) Talim smiled. She strapped her blades on and went to work on the dummy. By the end of it all, the disformed rag doll was in shreds.
"Great fun and all, but I can't wait to fight with something that fights back, or at least looks a bit intimidating!" she said to Draconia. (In comes monty dwarf) blah blah blah.
"Yes! War! Finally!" said Talim in a rush. She pulled her loose hair into a pony tail, and strapped a few small knives to her belt. She was ready.
01-02-2004, 06:59 PM
ooc:Monty Python!:)
ic: Swiftly yet quietly, Ralen and the rest made their way through the thick forest toward the back enterance to the village. As they neared, Ralen heared the encampment of elven scouts talking among themselves; and preparing to kill. "Ralen," Boin came behind him and whispered, "they have blocked all enterances, the only way we will be entering the village is by killing them all first." He nodded and gave the signal for the men to spread out, "We have no time to get help, lets settle this now."
Ralen drew his sword and kept it by his side as he and five others approached one group of elves. Doing the best they could to surround them, the men began closing in. Ralen crept behind one, somewhat away from where the rest were. Quickly, he covered the elf's mouth and before any sound came from where he was, Ralen slit his throat. "Now it begins,"
01-02-2004, 08:05 PM
OOC:Monty Python is awsome!
"Well after I crush the rebels I think I'll make plans for you. Until then please enjoy your stay."
Gulio, Strength of Many
01-02-2004, 09:07 PM
ooc: Huzzah for stupid humor!:)
ic: Hendel and Kâri raced out of the tent, and brought up the rear of the retreat. The Elves were less than a half-hour away, so there wasn't much time. The faster runners were heading for the rebel camp to ask for aid.
01-02-2004, 10:43 PM
I tied my black cloths on and left for the field, transforming into a swift bird. I circled above their ranks for a moment, then flew back. *shifts back* Dagorwen, their ranks are great. But with a few stealthily disguised traps, we will be able to destroy a few, and have some hope of winning."
01-02-2004, 11:03 PM
"Good, let's get going then!" said Talim excitedly. She was ready, her adrenaline(bad sp) was pumping and her heart already pounding. She waited for Dagorwen and Draconia to give orders.
01-02-2004, 11:09 PM
looky what I found! this is what Talim looks like, blades and all talim's pic (¤tNo=9&gameid=m-Game-0000-1646&gallerytype=artworkgallery) cool ain't she?
01-02-2004, 11:12 PM
*runs back outta breath* Okay, the traps are set. They will get here in a matter of minuites[I cant sp this ruddy word!!!] *hears yells* "traps sprung, they'll be here... attack NOW!!!" Troops surge forward. I killed many, flipping and tumbling, whilst slashing my sword. *10 min. later* Talim and I are having a contest, such as Legola's and Gimli's.
"30" mine
"36" hers
"40" mine
"49" hers
"60" mine
"62" hers
"78" mine
"84" hers
"96" mine
"96" hers
*battle is almost over*
01-02-2004, 11:30 PM
Talim expertly swung her blades, taking out elves two at a time.
"97" she said to herself, trying to calm her nerves. A very feisty elf, with a huge mace came running up to her. He was tall, very tall and muscular. She ducked as he swung his weapon. She outstreched her arms and spun around, catching him at both knees. Her enemy lay smitten.
"98 draconia!" she said calling to a near by elf, dressed in elvish armour. Something was different about this elf, he hhad two black strips tied around his arms. The elf smiled and winked.
She laughed and killed another elf in front of her. Suddenly, something hit her right knee from behind, she crie ou in pain, and caught her enemy in the ribs. She faltered in her step,
"99" she said playfully.
01-03-2004, 02:41 AM
Laurana held tightly to her friend's waist as they ran far ahead the rest, Yinali crying gladly, his armour flashing in the sunlight. Laurana joined his voice with her own, and the wind carried the cry away, to blow with the standard of gold upon the wind. For glorious moments the mage could not breathe for the wonder of the ride to meet the enemy, and her voice carried on and on. Then, they hit the dwarvish lines and the work began.
Yinali slashed left and right, slashing a path, a thunderbolt cleansing and burning all he touched. Laurana held on with her knees as she had been taught, standing and feeling the magic flow through her fingertips and staff in a wild rush. She took that energy and gripped it with her will, lost in the sheer ecstatic power and joy of it all. The magic went where she directed it, channeling through the staff and out into a real lightening bolt that wreaked devestation upon the enemy.
The dwarves soon became wise and began targeting the mage instead of the general, but not effectively. She did not even have to spend any energy trying to protect herself. But then someone long and lithe launched themselves into the air. The moments slowed as Laurana watched them fly closer. In reality, she never even had a chance to scream.
The elf fell from the horse, fell into darkness with the other pushing her down, down into the earth, down into night.
01-03-2004, 06:19 AM
hey, since Pip was so kind in providing a pic, I will too. It's the best I could find, it's not really meant to be my character, but it kinda looks like Laurana and Yinali. Except Laurana wears black.
Laurana and Yinali (sort of) (
01-03-2004, 03:01 PM
ooc: I've been trying to post a link to a pic, but it doesn't seem to work... oh well. I want to post!!!!
01-03-2004, 03:51 PM
"99!" I yelled, shifting into a woman with catlike reflexes, and upon killing another 11 I shouted "110!' As I heard Talim cry out in pain. "You alright?" I asked Talim.
01-03-2004, 06:33 PM
Well, I guess my character will just be left for dead after she was knocked off and out from a horse's back. No, don't worry about her, I'm sure she'll survive a battle with running dwarves and elves. :p
Gulio, Strength of Many
01-03-2004, 06:36 PM
Hendel became seperated from Kâri a not long after the Elves caught up to them. Hendel didn't have time to notice, because a large, cruel-looking Elf had singeld him out. He parried a blow and threw all his weight into his enemy. The startled Elf fell, and was soon finished.
ooc: I'll try to find a pic:)
01-04-2004, 12:15 AM
Ooc: Cruel looking elf? Isn't that an oxymoron?
Ic: Laurana was dragged back into consiousness by the running feet that hit the ground quite near her head. She wondered why she was still alive when a dwarf appeared above her.
"The mage is still alive!" Laurana swung upward with her staff, and the dwarf disappeared with a groan. She pushed down the fierce ache in her head and sprang to her feet, brandishing the staff. She threatened them with it, but truly she only had enough energy to defend, for the lightening was used up and she was tired. Some of the men outside her field of vision were struggling, fighting on their own instead of together.
"Yinali! Yinali! Rally to Yinali!" Laurana cried, pointing to where their Commander's flag was seen with one hand and keeping dwarves at bay with threatening hand gestures. They did as she told them, but she was left surrounded by dwarves, and her blood went cold.
Mages were sought after as prisoners because of their lack of combat training and relatively weak physical fortitude. Add this to the fact that iron rendered magic unusable, and that mages usually had a lot of information, and everyone wanted to capture a magic user.
Laurana decided to try and make them kill her. She launched herself at them with a battle cry and struck with her staff in all directions. The adrenaline in her blood was especially strong, and she whirled the staff like a demon, even finding the energy to cast a few small lightening streams that would stun an enemy for hours. Finally, though, a glancing axe stroke cut into her left knee, and she staggered. Instantly the dwarves were upon her, but by now it only took one to overpower and bind the elf's wrists.
As she blacked out, Laurana heard the leader of the small group to get going to fight more elves, then she was swung into the air and carried. That was when she let go and fainted.
01-05-2004, 01:04 AM
The battle in the forest was over sooner than Ralen thought it would be since he and the rest of his company had the element of surprise. Not many of the men were injured but most of those that were had serious injury. Ralen himself has bleeding from blows on his side and head. Blood dripped into his eyes making everything blurry. It was not long he felt a white hot pain searing his side. He fell to his knees and gripped his side, wincing from the pain. Soon, it became to much, and he fell to the ground unconcious.
01-05-2004, 02:01 AM
whoa, everyone seems to be fainting, lol. Glad you like the pic, I always liked her. btw, is that charlie sheen in your piccy kalile? probably not.
ic: "I think so." said Talim, stumbling to the ground. 'or not' she thought to herself. A muscular elf, who brandished a broad sword stood over her. He looked at her with malice and hate. He shot her an evil smile, as if he was waiting to kill her untill the opportune moment. She gritted her teeth and crossed her arms. The elf lifted his sword, ready to strike. Finding this the right moment, she flund her arms out, searing his legs in two. The elf howled in pain as Talim struggled to stand. She put all her weight into her left leg and fought off enemies. As long as she didnt move, she was okay.
"105...106....107" she called as she killed the elves.
"Watch out Draconia, I'm catching up!" she yelled over the noise of battle.
01-06-2004, 12:51 AM
Nope: Is Mia, from Golden Sun! Great game. Everyone buy it. ;)
Well, I can't really post much more until another character takes charge of me as a prisoner or until the battle is over when I can post for the elves when they find out she's missing and Yinali declares everlasting doom upon your heads. :D So until then, I wait impatiently! :)
01-06-2004, 01:26 AM
"136! You're losing Talim!!" I slashed a burly man in the chest, then turned, and smacked another one in the side of the head. "Hmm, a prisioner. Good looking one too[dumb thought]. Anyway... 139!!!"
01-06-2004, 01:03 PM
"139?" exclaimed Talim amazed. She dismembered an elf's arm, and swung around, taking out another three.
"110." she said to herself, hoping Draconia hadn't heard. There was a line of horses heading right toward her, about 15. She smiled, now was the time to catch up. She grabbed a rope out of her belt and ran from one end of the line to the other, tripping them all.
"125!" she said triumphantly. She swung her two blades as if the were extensions of her arms. They were on the upper hand of the fighting, and all the elves were almost taken care of. A small patch of them surrounded the captive, but they were soon surrounded. Talim sighed and stood beside Draconia,
"So, what was your count?"
01-06-2004, 04:04 PM
AAAAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHH! Nasty Fimbrethil!!!!! Post already, will you!!!! You're driving me nuts!!! I can't post until you do!
Adrian Baggins
01-06-2004, 08:51 PM
ummm...people...if I'm gonna be in this, we need a way 4 my Char to get in on the action. and I will reveal the name of my sword, the name that no one in the game knows....*that means no chars.* dun dun dun dun ANDURIL *and yes I am serious, it was passed down my family line, not the other, and so...:) I have it* neway, get me a way in, remember, I AM A GOOD GUY, NOT UNDER THE EVIL KING, I HATE THE EVIL KING!!!
01-06-2004, 08:57 PM
OOC: Nariel sweety I did post. It wasn't much but you could have responded to it. Geuss I'll post again.
"Damn!!! How did we lose?!"
"Well, sir, the rebels knew we were there." Carnevele resonped.
"I know that!"
"They have had scouts and runners we didn't know about."
"Well I know of one oerson we have they don't know about."
*In Quin's "cell" *
"Gravedigger! I have a job for you! You will go find the rebels. In 10 to 12 days you will return to me without the rebels having gained knowledge of you and you will have information on them to give me. Like just how many they have of each race and I have reason to suspect a shapeshifter in their midsts. I also want a count of the scouts and runners they have. You will be given the swiftest horse we have and food and traveling gear and some weapons, you will be taken to the armery by Cairnvele here and you can chose the ones you would like to take. If you are caught...well then I suppose you dig your own grave."
*Back in his study*
"I want vampires on my side!"
"Well then sir I have good news for you." Lagarkath said coming out of the shadows.
"I know you are on my side but I want more!"
"You have them. My family for one...we have heard there is one or even a few who have jioned the rebels and we want to show them how...disappionted we are." Largarkath said with a sly grin.
"How many? I want an accurate count."
"To be quite honest it's not much but I have still convinced them and they are all of fighting caliber."
"How many?!"
"50 my Lord."
"Better than none I suppose."
01-06-2004, 09:12 PM
ooc: *turns bright BRIGHT red*... sorry Fim... didn't see that one...
Quin thought for a minute. "Spy on the rebels in exchange for my life? Very well. You have my allegiance, Majesty." She bowed almost mockingly. "Once my clothes are clean and dry, I shall take with me only the things which I brought. That will be all I require. And you have my word that I will not be caught. I will come through."
01-06-2004, 09:32 PM
OOC:No prob bob...even though your name isn't bob. 90 second rule! eesh!
01-06-2004, 09:38 PM
"159!!!" You are losing Talim!!!!" I said running up trees, and kicking hte brains outt'a people.
01-07-2004, 01:10 AM
The next morning, Quin made her way quietly out of the palace and into the forest which she had found several days before to be a Rebel hiding place. She approached, silent as a shadow. She wanted to do as much spying as possible before she had to actually speak with someone. For several hours she watched, picking up bits of information, before someone approached. She remained hidden, and the man walked by. But he stopped. He looked at the ground, and then directly at her.
"And what do you think you're doing, miss?" he asked.
"Please, sir," she replied, sheepishly. "I only wished to make sure this was the right group before making myself visible."
"And what group is that?" he said defensively.
"The group which believes that the king is insane."
"Indeed? What is your name?"
"Rillen, sir. Of Irillet by the sea."
"Well, then, Rillen of Irillet, I welcome you to our band."
01-07-2004, 01:48 AM
"159?" cried Talim. She thrahsed her blades out, killing four elves. She battled against the elves, kicking, slashing, stabbing, plowing down anyone in her way. Soon all the elves lay strewn in a mangled piles across the battle field. Talim walked triumphantly over to Draconia, who was cleaning her blade.
"Well, my shape-shifting friend, what was your count?" she asked.
"I managed to get rid of 197" she said proud of herself.
01-07-2004, 11:40 AM
ooc: the leader can be whoever. Just somebody respond...I'm godmodding for now. Obviously I'm using an alias, so let's not have anyone "recognize" me... Or if you do, fall for my charade anyway, since They don't have photography in ME.
The man (who had said his name was Terith) led Quin through the piles of bodies to one of the leaders. "Rillen of Irillet," he said. "She wishes to join our ranks."
The leader smiled at her. "Welcome, Rillen. I fear you come a little too late. We could have used you several hours ago, when waging the battle. But nevertheless, we always welcome a comrade who shares our values. I must ask, though, how you came to find us, How you intend to assist us, and what special services you can offer."
She was about to answer when Terith interrupted. "Oh, I can tell you that. There's no telling how long she was hiding in those bushes before I saw her. She's quite a stealthy one."
"Is that so? Thank you, Terith. You may return to your duties." Turning to Quinlan, "Would you now be so kind as to answer my questions?"
"Well," She took a deep breath. "I've been in Minas Tirith for a few days now and I have been making a few quiet inquiries. At first, I thought to join the King's forces, but when I heard the atrocities which prevail under his command, yea, even at his command, I found that I must join another group indeed. I have never much liked any of the dwarves I've met. But that does not give me any right to slaughter them like so many cattle. Honestly, I fear the King has gone mad and has taken many of the elves with him. As for where I can help, I must say that I am indeed quite stealthy and I can serve as a scout or spy. I am also quite handy with a blade and a few other things I carry with me."
01-07-2004, 08:05 PM
"236, but thats only because I shifted into a dragon in the end of the battle. Shcared the s**t outta their side... Man was that fun. I don't think we lost any, just some are badly injured.
Adrian Baggins
01-07-2004, 09:19 PM
ooc:ok....I'm just somehow going to jump in here......*thinking of how*..................I GOT IT!!
and now...for my dramatic enterance!
Ic: Alexandran ran through the forest, not turning around. She ran into a group of people and stopped, falling to her knees from the exertion of running so far and from the loss of blood from the wounds she had sustained trying to get away. She looked up into the faces of the people who had turned their attention to her. "Please, help me, they...they stole our land, our animals, burnt down my family's home, with my parents inside. Please, help..." she said before she passed out.
01-07-2004, 09:21 PM
"Sir...I do believe we have problem." Carnevele said sheepeshly, as a blood stained and injured Captain hobbled into the room.
"My Lord please forgive me. I beleive I am the only one to survive. I wouldn't even be alive now if ayoung girl hadn't knocked me out and left thinking I was dead. But my lord they had a dragon!" The Captain almost yelled.
"And just why did you lose a battle that should have been like killing children for you?" Trespin said with a deadly calm.
"MY Lord?" The poor man stutred obviously confused by the question.
"I will not repeat myself."
"My Lord I cannot answer that for I have no answer for it. All I can do is beg your forgivness and pray that you will agree taht I have been punished enough."
"And how is that Captain?"
"My twin brother was under my order sir...he was the first to fall...I saw it with my own eyes sir."
"Then I have only this to say, you will have a week off your duties and I hope next time you will be more prepared."
"I will my lord thank you. May I ask a question?"
"You may."
"Yeah am I npt being punished more severly? I know of many a men who have failed you and have suffered for it. Do not missunderstand me tthough I agreed with every bit of it."
Trespin smiled wryly thinking about an answer to this question before answering,"Well...I two once lost a brother. It was in a battle and he was under my charge also. Dimissed!"
"Yes Sir!" The captian left having much more respect for the man he called leader now.
"My lord what of the dragon?" Carnevele asked perplexed over the perodox that had just entered his mind.
"There is a shape shifter in their midsts...we'll haveto be careful when Miss Quinlan comes back. Treat as though yo udon't know her. Take her to the cells...but only if she comes to you or me the other troops will treat no differently becasue they don't know of her."
"But why my lord?"
"The shape shifter Carnevele, the shape shifter."
Edit: This was done to show you why my character is the way he is.
01-08-2004, 01:24 AM
Laurana awoke in a room. No, a cave, to judge by the slight dampness and lack of windows. Her wrists bore iron bands linked with an iron chain, but she could still move her hands. It didn't matter, since mages have no weapon other than their magic and the iron blocked it. The heavy door set into the stone opened, and someone came in who she could not see against the glare of light.
"Well! A mage."
01-08-2004, 10:09 PM
OOC: Er...potato sack...ah...Kalile is that supposed to be me? Or someone under my characters rule? If it is then let me know and I'll post something about it.
01-09-2004, 02:17 AM
"Take her back to camp?? Don't tell her anything, especially not what I am. She might not be trustworthy. Those cuts aren't htat deep, but she sure bled alot...."
They nodded, keeping silent. I changed into a burly man and carried her like a baby, making sure not to bump her into too many bushes. I lay her down by the fire.
Adrian Baggins
01-09-2004, 08:55 PM
2. Who did u carry?? ME??
01-09-2004, 09:12 PM
Ralen awoke to the sound a crackling fire, and the whispers of his men. Slowly, he opened his eyes and groaned. His head was pounding and his side was still in alot of pain. "Good to see your eyes open," Boin came and sat near him, "I cannot say the same for many others. While you were unconcious, another band of elves attacked. Out of the 20 of us that started, only 7 of us remain are concious and 2 that still have yet to awake. The elves slautered those of us that were weak, and took about 5 as prisoners, most likely to become slaves." Ralen sighed as he stuggled to sit up, "We must make our way back to the village, and quickly before anymore come." Boin nodded, "Yes, we should but we are in no state to go anywhere right now. Now, we will just have to wait."
01-09-2004, 10:41 PM
OOC: Can someone answer Nariel's post please? Until she comes bvack I have nothing better to do than just sit here. And wish someone would clear stuff up. Who's Ralen and Bion? And who captured you them? And Kalile what happened to your character? And I agree with Adrian...what are you talking about Legolas? Adrian who's got Arwen's soul?
01-09-2004, 11:02 PM
Ooc: I was captured. I had to get to the good guys some how! I'm very confused about everyithing else, though...
The person who is talking to me can be anyone who wants to. Apprently no one wants abuse the potato sack right now. :( I feel so unloved! :D Just kidding.
Adrian Baggins
01-09-2004, 11:08 PM
Legolas has Arwen's soul
01-10-2004, 07:55 PM
OOC:Dare I ask why? Coem on answer Nariel's post! So Kalile which side have you been captured by?
01-10-2004, 11:36 PM
Noooo! Its pretty.....
Yes Adrian, I hauled you off to camp.
Gulio, Strength of Many
01-10-2004, 11:44 PM
ooc: Man, it's been a while! So sorry, evil teachers giving mounds of homework, and basketball is going full swing. I had to get up a 6:30 today. 6:30, on a Saturday!!!! What is the world coming too?!?!?!?! Grrr, very tired, will try my hardest.....:D
ic: Hendel scanned the bloody battleground, counting the survivors. About half their number remained, the rest were either dead or close to death. He couldn't see Kâri anywhere. Where is he? He couldn't have fallen, not him..... He thought worriedly.
Unbeknownst to Hendel, something was sneaking up behind him. *Insert Jaws music* It crept closer, and closer up behind him.
"HENDEL!!!!" It shouted suddenly, startling the tense Dwarf. Hendel whipped around, his axe drawn. He turned to see Kâri, almost doubled over with laughter.
"You stupid orc-spawn! I was looking for you!" Hendel said, relived to see his friend.
"You weren't looking very hard...."
"I searched the entire battle-field! Or so I had thought," Hendel replied, "Where were you?"
"Back that way, in the glade," Kâri replied.
"I didn't know the battle went that far."
"There's a group of men in there, some badly wounded, many dead. They were fighting the Elves."
"Then they deserve our aid," Hendel said, "How many?"
"Seven all right, two seriously hurt."
After getting the help of a few others, Hendel and Kâri brought the wounded men back to where the healers could attend to them.
ooc: Enter Ralen....
Adrian, I thought Aewionen was Aragorn's heir.....:confused:
01-11-2004, 12:05 AM
Ooc: Wait... I missed the whole taking people's soul thing... :confused:
I am captured by the dwarves.
01-11-2004, 01:03 AM
Ralen sat in the dwarven camp, observeing a battle that had apparently happened here as well. Many bodies of elves and dwarves lay about on the ground. Boin stood next to him, rubbing his shoulder he had hurt in the attack. Ralen's fingers found their way to the clasp on his cloak. It was shaped as a leaf, passed down to him from his father. "It was a gift from the elves, long before they sought after power." his dad had told him, "A gift from the Lorien elves." Ralen had believed it then, but now he was not so certain. All that he knew was that elves were evil now, and he never knew of a time when they were not.
01-11-2004, 04:18 PM
Originally posted by Kalile
Ooc: Wait... I missed the whole taking people's soul thing... :confused:
Running joke[no pun intended. Arwens soul is gonna be handed back soon. I'm getting bored with it.
01-11-2004, 08:14 PM
OOC: Ok I've thought about and if I can't do something that is of use to someone else and is remotly interesting seeing as my character has been out of it for about the last page...yeah i know that big post I made but that's like insight to the character you really didn't need to know it. Anyway if youguys don't give me something to do (like answering Nariel's post would be a good one) I'm gonna anialate half of the good guys.
01-11-2004, 09:03 PM
"That is good." Someone said. In comes a short dwarven man with a silver beard. "We could use her help. What do you say leader?"
OOC: Fim, Its annhinalate
01-12-2004, 01:22 AM
Who are you talking to, Leggy? Are you talking to me in that post?
I'll give you something, Fim! I dunno whether it's what you're looking for, but it'll do until the important stuff starts happening. :)
Ic: The general (Ai, can't remember his name!) came into the tower at a dead run, stopping short in front of the guards at the door to the rest of the stronghold. "Laurana has been taken! She's a prisoner!"
"She is likely dead," one of them replied cooly, but the general shook his head. "I know that she lives. You have to do something!"
"We can't waste the manpower on a single prisoner," the other guard said, shaking his head.
The general thought for a second, then shouted,"she is my advisor! She knows plans! You have to rescue her or it could throw our war into jeapoardy!"(ooc:wow, I really mangled that spelling!)
The first guard ran to fetch his mistress.
01-12-2004, 01:26 AM
Nariel. Just so Fim didn't kill us all. Gods forbid..:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
01-12-2004, 01:30 AM
Legolas, it's Annihilate. What are they not teaching you at these schools?
Quin was led to a tent that she would share with several others. She made a little spot out and decided to roam around gathering information.
01-12-2004, 01:36 AM
Nothing. It all fell out during hte weeekend. It also might have something to do with a faulty spell checker..... *evil spell-checker*
[That sounds like something out of HP]
01-12-2004, 06:32 PM
OOC:KAlile I'm just slightly confused...okay you were captured by the dwarfs...that means you're on my side...wich means that post was meant for my character to send people to save you, yes? I'm going to assume that for now and post as though it were true. If I have gotten it all wrong (As I probably have) I will edit this post and put it all right.
"So, they have taken Laurana?" It was more of a statement than a question Trespin had suspected this from the begining, but Laurana, she knew to many of their plans for him to leave her in the hands of the stupid little short people. "Send out 2 legions. I want her back only if she has kept all of our secrets if not...kill her and all others where she was held captive...better yet bring them hear, then I will see how much she told them."
"Yes, My Lord." Carnevel said and then continued. "Oh, Miss Quilan made it in just fine. They don't suspect a thing."
"Good, let's keep it that way...." Trespin drifted off.
"My Lord?"
"Send out 6 legions, it were unprepared last won't happen again."
"Yes My Lord." With that Carnevele was gone to make preparations.
01-12-2004, 08:42 PM
Yep, that sounds about right! Wait, you're the bad guy, right?
Yinali! That's the general's name!
Ic: Yinali bowed to the messenger from his master, relief flooding him. Laurana knew his plans, yes, but she was his friend. That was more important, though he couldn't help but feel a little guilty that he was using his status as a general to launch a rescue for just one person. I'll not risk my men. They will watch and cover me, but I will go on my own.
01-14-2004, 07:35 PM
OOC:Yup that's me...I'm evil...there's a first. Errr...the general guy that you're talking about I thought it was Carnevele. He's an elf...also he's my supervisor....geuss I assumed to much to soon.
01-16-2004, 11:38 AM
ooc: I'm going to jump ahead now and return to the king's place (who I assume will be very grateful for the information which I have provided to him). But before I do that, I need some numbers so that I can actually give him what he wants... (NO! not that!!!!) tee hee. Actually, knowing Quin's character... never mind... Should I just make up some numbers?
Gulio, Strength of Many
01-16-2004, 09:07 PM
ooc: Muahahaha! We have Kalile!!! *Evil smiley* This shall be fun...........;) *Cackles*
Fim, Its annhinalate
Legolas, it's Annihilate
Just add more x's and q's:)
ic: Hendel went to go check on the men that had been found in the glade. Inside, one was tending to his shoulder, and the other was holding the clasp to his cloak. "How are they?" He asked, nodding at the badly wounded.
01-16-2004, 10:18 PM
OOC: I think you should just make up some numbers...we'll pretend it's accurate enough...odn't go out on a tangent know how many people are in the thread. I rocked in my Drama performance! Everyone was saying I was really good and I was the best one up there! Sorry I went put on a tangent.....I was just happy!
01-16-2004, 10:54 PM
EDIT: in hindsight, this post came out a lot weirder than I meant it to. I really didn't intend that much innuendo, but it seems that my entire post is composed of it... hmm...
Quinlan had gotten to know the routines of the camp, which areas were guarded, which weren't (she found the latter while snooping around one night and nearly stumbling upon a pair of humans in an embarassing position), and the best ways to draw attention, the best ways not to, the ranks and numbers, and even some of the people involved. So it was that ten days after she had arrived, she chose the most opportune time when she knew no one would see her, and she left as secretly as she had come. She returned to minas tirith, and entered the presence of the king.
"Majesty," she said "I return with the informations you have requested." She grinned at him. He was, after all, quite attractive, and she hadn't seen a real man since.... But nevermind that. This was the king. And she was his minion. And Kings and minions never.... Oh yes they did. But not this time. He would sooner see her hanged than... and she would rather slit her own throat than.... "They have a small and pitiful army, Majesty."
01-17-2004, 08:46 PM
Ralen turned to the dwarf who had just entered, "Kelem has left us," he said nodding to one man that no longer was breathing, "but Samar awoke for a short while earlier and should be alright." He paused for a moment, "I thank you for your hospitality, and I am sure you get the same thanks from the rest of my company." Beside him, Boin nodded. "If there is ever a time you or any dwarf here is in aid, we will help you."
Gulio, Strength of Many
01-17-2004, 10:07 PM
"Well, there is the whole matter of Trespin wishing to wipe out the Dwarves," Hendel said dryly. "I would consider that needing aid, wouldn't you?"
01-17-2004, 11:56 PM
OOC: Well I geuss it wouldnt hurt anything to play it up...tragic romance story of a forbiden love...I'm a hopeless romantic. Eesh... someone remind me why I ever agreed to play the evil bad guy. Another thing you guys are just starting to get over your wounds and things get a move on! Come on, I've gathered intel, sent a reconasicne (I know I screwed up that word) misson, and started a forbiden love....hmmm...this is a strange thread....but no matter...I shall post and quite rambling now!
Trespin looked at Quinlan, smiling at him like that she didn't look all that bad and she had doon everything perfectly....but what were these thoughts she was his little erand girl....but just once..."Good and you're sure no one was suspicious?"
"No." Quin answered short and to the point.
"Well, I suppose you'll be working for me from now on. Do you agree?"
"Do I have a choose?"
"Well, I suppose so then."
"Good. Carnevele!"
"Yes my lord?" He answered form the doorway as he watched his master and the young girl who probably didn't want to be there just now, but then again one never did know about such things.
"Take the young Lady to her new room. I'd still like gaurds on her but it's her estate you'll have to let her do as she pleases."
"My estate...and did you call me a Lady?" Quin asked a little frightened that something she wouldn't like was aboutto happen to her.
"Well I thought the lest I could for you was to give you a tittle and a home...if you want it."
OOC:I stopped it there because I figured that was enough goddmoding....sorry NAriel but please answer this post.
01-18-2004, 05:27 PM
ooc: Don't worry Fim. I don't mind people godmodding me, so long as they don't change my character. Tee hee. Giving you a setup now.
Quinlan curtsied. "I would be honored to accept this gift, my lord."
"Very well," said the King. "You may go."
Quin curtised again and left.
They showed her to her rooms, different from the one she had had before. That one was small and consisted of a bed and a mirror. This one was a suite, with her own bath, a sitting room, and a fireplace. Not to mention the bed. It was the biggest thing she had ever seen. She changed into something a little... less comfortable, a gown that flattered her figure a little more than she liked. But then again she hadn't worn a gown in quite a while. And with her hair loose, she looked almost... female. She had a title and a home; this was far more than she expected when she had decided to get her life straight. She stayed in her rooms that afternoon, and It was dusk when a knock came to her door. She opened it, and there stood the King.
"My lord," she said, curtsying.
01-18-2004, 06:47 PM
Well! I think things are about to get more interesting than we first thought. :eek: ;) Anyway, since it's ten days into the future then my character probably isn't still sitting in a cave.
Ic: Laurana sat listening to the dwarves, her hands still in iron chains but otherwise unhindered.
What do they want with me? If not information than what? She assumed they didn't want her knowlege because they hadn't tortured her yet, nor mentioned it. All they did was guard her and allow her to wander the camp. They made her help out, although her mobility was limited, but nothing terrible.
These are our enimies? The forces of darkness? The mage was beginning to have her doubts...
A shadow fell across her, and a voice said, "I suppose you're wondering why you're here. Well, let me explain..."
Ooc: Whoever wants to convert my character to the light, go ahead.
Gulio, Strength of Many
01-18-2004, 08:12 PM
ooc: Prepare to be converted, Kalile!!! *Luke Skywalker imitation* There is still good in you, I can feel it. Turn from the Dark Side, come back to the Light!:D
ic: "I suppose you're wondering why you're here. Well, let me explain," Hendel said to the mage prisoner. "I wanted to prove a point. You probably have been expecting to be tortured for information, and put to hard labor. You expect that, because that is what you would have done had our places been reversed.
"I do not know what you have been told about us, but I can assure you it is most likely not true. We did not start this war, it was thrust upon us by a madman on a throne seeking to destroy the Dwarves. We seek nothing that belongs to Trespin, all we want is to live in peace."
The mage looked confused, and slightly suspicious. Hendel didn't blame her. "There is one thing I will ask of you," Hendel said, "I would like to know your name."
01-19-2004, 10:46 PM
OOC: Well I must say that is some opening! Let's not go into to much detail................can we even do this? The moot is PG right?
"It is good to see you again Quinlan. Please accompany me to dinner." He asked offering her his arm. She took it expecting to be lead to some big hall filled with people. Instead he took down two halls and up a short flight of stairs into the most elaborate room she had ever seen, it was the King's room.
"You probably didn't expect this but I wanted a little privacy." He said as he indicated a seat infront of some very yummy smelling food.
"Might I ask why you you wanted some privacy?"
"Come now LAdy Quinlan, I know you are not stupid."
OOC:Ok I wasn't sure what to post after that but...lets pretend they stayed toghther for the rest of the night *wink wink*. By the way where are the legions I sent to rescue KAlile?
01-20-2004, 11:38 AM
ooc: wasn't gonna go into detail, Fim. In fact, what you posted is exactly what I had in mind. So we're keeping it PG anyway.
Ic: Quin raised her eyebrows, but shrugged her shoulders. After all, she was at his mercy.
The next morning, before he woke, she found her way back to her suite and got dressed. Another flattering gown, but they were growing on her. Then she had breakfast brought to her room and decided to explore the palace during the course of the day.
01-21-2004, 12:56 AM
Ooc: They're rescuing... sort of...
Ic: Yinalin crept toward the camp, making no more noise than a moonbeam passing over water. He had made his troops stay behind to 'cover his escape,' because he couldn't risk their lives to save Laurana; this was his fight.
Laurana bit her lip, looking at the dwarf. He seemed more trustworthy than many of those of her own race, and she wanted to believe him.
"... I am Laurana," she said finally, watching him. "I am magi, second general in the armies of the elves, and the only mage."
Gulio, Strength of Many
01-21-2004, 01:35 AM
"Well then, Laurana, wouldn't you think one of your rank would be worth a rescue?" Hendel asked.
ooc: Sorry, can't think. Basketball practice takes a lot out of me.
Fim and Nariel, KEEP IT PG FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!!! *shudders*
Lol, you guys have been doing okay so far......just don't step over the line:D
01-21-2004, 06:47 PM
ooc: Hey, as far as I'm concerned in my rpgs, there aren't any cameras behind closed doors. So what just happened was as "intimate" as it gets... except for the occasional smooch or something which probably won't occur because that would be in public..... you know how it goes.
01-21-2004, 10:47 PM
OOC:I was planing on keeping it that's not my fault Nariel's a perv. Just kidding Nariel.
"Well my Lord as far as I know the army should be there to rescue Laurana by now, but do you think that the yhave corrupted her?" Cairnevele asked trying to get more than just obscure answers form Trespin.
"I'm not sure, I should think so. If anything goes wrong I have...informed one of the more trust worthy troops of what to do." Trespin answered, knowing that he was giving Cairnevele exactly what he didn't want, obscure answers.
"MY I askwhat my Lord?"
"Of course. Surprissed you havn't asked before now. I told him to kill both Laurana and Yinalin if anything happened."
"Why Yinalin?"
"Because they are too much alike and if she is turned then he will be too."
"May I ask..."
"Why I hate dwarfs?"
"Yes, my Lord."
"Well remember when I was talking to the young captain?"
"My brother was killed by the hethens, there are several other reasons that is just the biggest."
"I see."
"Fetch Quinlan."
"Yes My Lord."
OOC:Nariel your que. Uh, Kalile I don't care what you do but I want at least half my army to come back. If you guys got confused at the young captain part go back close to the beginning of the thread and read mine till you get to the one I'm talking bout.
01-22-2004, 05:04 PM
ooc: I am not a perv!
A summons from the King. Quin wondered what it could be about. She was in the libraries when they found her, looking into some old writings about the War of the Rings, and the history of Minas Tirith. It took her a few minutes to arrive at the throne room. She was announced and entered, approaching the throne as close as was proper and curtsying (she was very tired of constantly curtsying).
"You called for me, My lord?"
01-22-2004, 10:02 PM
OOC:I was just know people bug me about getting on more but I'm starting to realize just how much I do get's to darn much I'll to that.
"Don't curtsy, I really do hate all the formalities involved in being a King, but what are you going to do?" Trespin asked in an almost to casual tone.
"I'm not really sure My Lord." Quilan said not sure how to respond.
"Would you mind joining me for a ball this evening. Some of the more pesky rebel problems should be taken care of by then, and I do enjoy balls....formality and all."
OOC: I leave questions like that up to you hte way in your other post you were looking at books about the war of the rings........found anything interesting? Like how much of a tyrant I really am.
01-22-2004, 10:35 PM
ooc: Fim, you do know my character is kind of at your mercy, right? Oh, and I didn't really find anything... just the Red Book and such
Quin smiled. "Of course." She wondered, however, what she would wear. And then....
"Would you allow me a maidservant for my preparations, my lord?"
"Of course," replied the King, using the same tone she had used. "You may have as many as you require."
She left and found herself primping all afternoon.
01-23-2004, 01:11 AM
"Oh!" Laurana put her hand to her mouth. "Yes, I guess it would. Oh, it's been only ten days but I feel terrible about putting you all in danger!"
Ooc: I may have to kill off the two characters; more and more homework means less and less time to Moot. :mad:
01-23-2004, 01:37 AM
well, sorry I've missed so much, but I'm back. I didnt read anything because I am feeling slightly lazy. I got as far as someone stealing arwen's soul. hmmmm. well, I'll just jump back in, tell me if I missed something up, like talking to someone who died.
ic: 'Cheater' muttered Talim under her breath once they were back at camp. she sniggered because she knew draconia heard her.
"Dragons really shouldn't be allowed you know!" she said with a smile. She sat and cleaned her stained blades as everyone was bustling around camp. She packed them in her bag and grabbed a bite to eat.
Gulio, Strength of Many
01-23-2004, 02:18 AM
"I'm sure you do...." Hendel replied, not really trusting Laurana. "If you wish to prove your emotions, then you will tell me where, and how Trepsin will likely attack. Though I still might not trust you..." He added.
01-23-2004, 09:30 PM
Ooc: Yep, sorry guys, I have to kill Laurana and Yinalil. :(
Ic: Laurana thought for a moment, then opened her mouth.
"The armies are moving swiftly. They are gathering for..." with a shuddering gasp, Laurana crumpled, an arrow sticking out of her back.
"Laurana!" Yinali came bursting out from where he had been hiding, regardless of the dwarf. He flung himself on his knees beside the mage, his fair face contorted horribly with grief. He gathered Laurana's body up in his arms, still kneeling.
"You can't die like this! We'll heal you! Just hold on!" he cried at her, as she opened her eyes, her face lined with terrible pain. But it softened as she looked at him, and she reached up to put her hand on his cheek.
"The arrow was poisoned, Yinali." she said softly, wiping a tear from his cheek with her hand. "Do not weep. I die knowing the truth. The elves... are wrong, Yinali."
Yinali looked at her, and knew he had to let her go. "But I love you," he whispered.
"I love you too," she smiled, and slipped away.
Yinali bent his head in silent grief, and it was then that the next arrow sped from the trees, swift and deadly. The commander never saw it.
Ooc: Ok, I'm done being sappy and romantic now. Thank you for putting up with it. :) Bye everyone!
Oh, and you're gonna have to kill the couple of assassin elves now, since they found your camp...
01-24-2004, 01:46 AM
"Laurana!" Ralen heard a shout coming not to far away from where he and Boin were. They ran towards where they heard it and when they arrived, two bodies lay on the ground. Dead. Ralen looked around quickly to see if the killer was near but he saw no one.
01-26-2004, 03:37 PM
OOC: Yeah I know that Nariel but Trespin isn't thinking like that he...well he's a guy and doesn't quit realize how Quinlan is thinking.......besides it's not like I'd kill you for saying no to ball.
"They are both dead my lord. The army is returning with no casualties and so far the enemy is clueless. I do however regret to say that they seem to be gathering to move, but we have missinterupted them before." Carnevele said fearing what his master would say.
"Oh, well. I suppose we still have a chance to get them. I will not however be risking so many of my army again. Next time send 20 oh the vampires, they'll have half of them dead before they know what hit them." Trespin said in a seemingly good mood. Making Carnevele wonder what had hppened to change it.
OOC: What red book Nariel?
01-30-2004, 11:22 PM
ooc: never mind about the red book. I tried to post yesterday, but I guess it didn't get through. So here goes again. And BTW, Fim, and everyone involved, I think it's important to note that Quinlan has no romantic/emotional/physical/psychological/whatever attraction to Trespin. She's just doing her job. he's the king. She might as well just humor him. That's her thinking. I'm going to have to describe a dress now that shows a fair amount of cleavage without saying that. hmmm. I hate dress descriptions.
IN Character:
Quinlan had never had so much fun. After many years of living a dark life, wearing dark clothes, doing dark deeds, she finally had the chance to show off a little side of her that had always nagged the back of her mind- the feminine side.
There were literally hundreds of dresses to choose from. But one caught her eye. For the simple reason that it was the exact color of her eyes (save the off-white trim), her favourite color, green. It hung on to her shoulders purely by sheer willpower. The neckline dove down into a V. The waist tapered so that she could hardly breathe. The dress expanded again at the hips, swishing when she walked. It flared again at the elbows, allowing the sleeves to hang loosely at the wrists. Her dark hair was put up in a pile of curls, dispersed with emeralds and pearls, which, coincidentally, matched exactly the pearl and emerald necklace she was wearing, which had a large emerald as its focal point.
She left her room quietly and headed for the ballroom, where she was kept from entering. "Why?"
"The King wishes you to await his arrival."
01-31-2004, 08:16 PM
OOC: Well I figured that was all it was...but I was thinking that unless Gulio wanted to do the dirty work of killing me herself then Quinlan would be Trespin's down fall.
The King arrived and the 2 entered the ball together cause ing many to turn and stare. Trespin and Quinlan danced sevral times then the ever gracful king had to slink off to attend to some business, leaving Quinlan alone.
OOC: The other people really need to their tails back here.
Gulio, Strength of Many
02-03-2004, 01:10 AM
ooc: By all means, let Quinlan do it. It's cooler:D
02-03-2004, 04:49 PM
ooc: okay, but if that happens then someone's going to have to tell Quin what's really going on. Because right now, she's just hanging out with the King for her own well-being and she still doesn't really get why he's killing off the dwarves. Hasn't made the connection yet. And that same person will have to convince her that she's on the wrong side. I dunno, should we kill him or just dethrone him? cuz if we kill him I have a cool (but kind of nasty) idea.
Quinlan noticed the King leaving, but didn't say anything. She looked around at all the attendees. Their attention was toward her. Why? What was so special about her? It wasn't long before a talkative old woman came and explained things to her.
"You're very lovely, dear," said the woman. "That's a rarity in these parts?"
"What mean you?" asked Quin curiously.
"We haven't seen the King in the company of a woman since the Princess from Rohan. And she was a hag, believe you me. He was only courting her for the sake of land relations. When she ran off with her bodyguard, King Trespin breathed a sigh of relief that was heard all over the Kingdom."
"So he has not had ladies attending these events with him?"
"No, you are the first."
Quin raised an eyebrow. "Am I?"
"Yes, deary."
"Interesting." Perhaps the King wasn't just using her. Perhaps there was more to it. Or perhaps this went deeper than she realized.
02-23-2004, 01:32 AM
ooc: are we dead? please tell me we're not dead.
02-23-2004, 03:05 AM
REVIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!*Gives thresd CPR*
02-23-2004, 05:06 PM
oh! I always liked this one! What happened? I was gone, so I have no idea. I liked mu charactar too, she was cool. rather hobbit-like, but thats not a bad thing. teehee.
Gulio, Strength of Many
02-24-2004, 01:22 AM
ooc: It's not quite dead yet! Heh heh heh......right.
02-25-2004, 12:22 PM
As sson as Fim posts, I can post again.
02-26-2004, 10:34 PM
Well I don't have anyhting to post about. The good guys are the ones who need to post again.
02-27-2004, 02:05 AM
"Any one want some carrots?" said Talim jubiantly
there you go. A good guy posted, tehee
I shall refrain carrots from the 90 second rule. Purely evil, I say!
Gulio, Strength of Many
02-27-2004, 02:37 AM
ooc: Don't look at me! I am terrible at re-starting threads. Where the heck is Kalile!!!!!! Oh well, I'll try.....
ic: Hendel raced outside in an attempt to find the killers, but didn't see anything. He went back inside to the two bodies of the Elven lovers, and thought: Now what? The Elf was the only way he could know what Trespin was up to. Now there were assassins running around undected, and his information source was gone.
He grabbed a few people to help him look for the assassins: a couple of shape-shifters, some of the men rescued from the battle, Kâri, and a few others.
ooc: There. Now we are looking for the assassins. POST!
02-27-2004, 08:26 AM
OOC: I'm posting.
Tresipin looked around the ball room and spotted his "geust" he smiled and promised himself he would go bac kfor a dance later. "Your Majesty the elves have both been killed." One of his troups were saying to him. "Good very good. You men take a week off. If you need me I'll be on the dance floor." TRespin said as he swpet over to his partner.
02-28-2004, 10:27 PM
ooc: Thanks, Fim. OOH! I just got an awesome idea for a twist in my character!!! BUT I CAN"T TELL YOU WHAT IT IS>>>> You'll just have to learn... tee hee. It doesn't kick in until later though. And I still have to develop it. Oh, and BTW, I still need a good guy to tell Quin what's really going on.
Quinlan saw the King glide back into the room. She turned from the old woman to smile at him. Then she decided to encourage the running gossip a little more. She approached him with a broad grin on her face and curtsied low to him, making it perfectly obvious that it was to give him a glance down her dress. "Your Majesty," she whispered, as if it was only something she called
him in front of others. When she rose, she stood close to him. Closer than a subject, but not as close as a lover. Just close enough for those to catch on who were looking for it.
ooc: please don't make Trespin omniscient here. that would ruin the moment.
02-28-2004, 10:43 PM
OOC:I'd never make a character omniscent! That would be awful!
MAybe if the the good guys don't tell yo uwhats going on in enough time to do anyhting you could find a book or somehting like that told you the truth.
Trespin smiled as he tried to keep composure in front of his geusts. He put his arm around Quin and twirled her across the dance floor.
02-28-2004, 11:26 PM
"Whay does this happen again?" I thought angrily, as I was summoned to help kill the assasins. The others had cornered them in a cave, but, none of them could climb into said cave, so they wanted me to fly up and kill them. "Just great!" I thought, rolling my eyes. "Here goes." *Shifts into a dragon* <Kay then> I flew up, and toasted the assasins, then gently set down. "Damn!" I thought, as I felt most of my energy flow out. "That one always drains."
02-29-2004, 02:55 AM
um, did leggy just go and kill all the assasins? ok, so what do we do now? we should storm the castle, take quinlan, tell her the truth, and then we can all go and claim war on the king and kill him. good idea or no? lol.
02-29-2004, 09:18 PM
I like that idea. [Might see Passion] Andyway, what next?
Gulio, Strength of Many
02-29-2004, 11:34 PM
ooc: I saw Passion last night. It is the most powerful movie I have ever seen. I cried a ton. You should see it.
Storming the castle sounds good. What do you all think?
03-02-2004, 10:37 PM
I dont like it...ofcourse you can't expect me to agree...*huddeles in corner trying to be invisible. No actually it sounds good.
03-06-2004, 12:43 AM
I'm okay with it, guys, but don't expect my char to go along peacefully.
Gulio, Strength of Many
03-06-2004, 02:10 PM
ooc: *sings*We're off to storm the castle, the evil old castle of Trespin:D
ic: The group discussed what to do next, and decided that it would be best to give Trespin what he'd never expect: a direct attack on his fortress at Minas Tirith. They all prepared to leave the next morning.
ooc: There, now we can go:)
03-06-2004, 03:20 PM
"Hey, where's Rillen?" I asked with surprise. Is she here? Or did she leave?"
"We don't know where she is."
"Oh, this is just great!" I said with sarcasm.
OOC: Nonsense post.
03-06-2004, 07:56 PM
Legolas, dear, I hate to be nitpicky, but the name I gave when I "visited" you people was Rillen of Irillet. Just to be a pain in the rear.
03-06-2004, 11:39 PM
OOC:During a ball? An attack! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! My love! Hmmmm....I'm glad none of friends come here.
The ball was winding down and the geusts were returning to their rooms. Trespin had more busines to attend to and s oQuin took that moment to slip off into her room. When Trespin arrived in his room he was disappionted that Quin wasn't there and he threw the buqet of flowers out the window. "It's best she didn't get them." He thought to himself as he went to sleep that night.
03-07-2004, 11:33 PM
OOC: BOO on the godmodding, Fim... Oh well, easily repaired.
Quinlan made her way to her room and change out of the restraining gown into something more comfortable. Then she made her way to the King's rooms. No doubt he would still be attending to business and she could surprise him. It was, after all, her neck that was on the line.
But arriving there, she found he had already returned. The guard let her in, but the King was already in bed, but not sleeping. "I'm sorry," she said. "I'll go back to my rooms."
03-09-2004, 11:14 AM
OOC:I liek t ogodmod!!!! It is fun!
No my dear I didn't expect to be done so soon you may stay.
And that's all I'm gonna post of that.
03-09-2004, 10:59 PM
OOC: I don't mind godmodding too much, except when you do something that's out of the other person's character. Okay, I'm not getting graphic, so someone storm the castle.
03-11-2004, 08:53 PM
OOC: Well...I would storm the castle just to get this thing moving again...but it doesn't make much sense for me to storm my own castle.
03-12-2004, 11:07 AM
ooc: yeah, besides, Trespin is rather busy at the moment. Hey, you could storm it to frame the dwarves and them kill them for treason or something like that... Okay eneough conjecture, let's get invaded already!
Oh, here's a thought: If you guys kidnap me, it'll just kind of affirm what the king has been saying all along. So once you convince me (somehow) of his evilness, how will you get me back to him. Just releasing me won't work. You'll have to work out some kind of deal with him. But the idea is that I'm expendable to him, so why would he want me back? You can kill me for all he cares.
03-12-2004, 08:59 PM
.... We need a discussion thread... Making discussion thread.
*glares at evil nintey second rule for a moment, then nods head, evil tiger of DOOOOOM! attack it and rip it to shreds*
Gulio, Strength of Many
03-27-2004, 02:42 AM
ooc: All righty then, this time we're actually storming the castle! Go us! Down with Trespin! :p
ic: They set out at dawn, heading for Minas Tirith. They were going to (finally!) attack Trespin's fortress, hopefully taking him by surprise.
At about noon, the White City was visible over the plain. The army split up into smaller groups, to make them less visible.
They sneaked through the city, which was crowded with the usual bustle of life.
"Draconia, kindly take care of the guards. Just don't draw attention," Hendel said quietly.
03-27-2004, 01:30 PM
OOC: My beautiful city!!! My pretty castle!! Well...*cries* At leat I'm not going to die just yet or anything.
Trespin was out riding his favorite horse in a lrage feiald that lead to the woods when he saw smoke rising from the city. "What in the world is going on?!" He whispered to himself. Wheeling around he galloped as fast as the poor could take him.
Just do somthing that makes the place smoke. Like oh I don't know....a fire? Gah! That was fun.
Gulio, Strength of Many
03-28-2004, 01:17 AM
ooc: Muhahahahaha! Time to pillage and burn!:D
ic: Draconia shifted into a high-ranking official and sent the guards on a tedious errand. She nodded to Hendel, and the Dwarves invaded the castle.
They were quickly spotted by a guard, who took off to find reinforcements. Someone made short work of him.
They searched for Trespin, killing all the guards in their way. They couldn't find him, and were almost going to give up when they found a young lady.
"You! What is your name?" Hendel asked sharply.
"Q-Quinlan," She replied fearfully. "What's going on?!"
03-29-2004, 12:11 PM
ooc: that doesn't leave me much to post.... but if you can godmod, so can I
Quin sat in her chair, a light blanket draped over her, looking out the window. She hadn't felt well that morning, and the King had offered to switch rooms with her for the time being, since his had a better view. He was being very kind to her, which was strange, since he had her in his grasp. He knew who she was, and could do anything with her. She had half expected to be confined to quarters and only allowed to leave her rooms when he required her services as pleasure toy...
Something was wrong. People in the streets of the city were panicking. Smoke rose from a nearby building. Perhaps a fire. They were common enough here, since half the city was made of wood.. weren't they? She didn't know. She had come from the southern end of Gondor.
A loud thump-thump sounded outside her door. She rose, immediately feeling dizzy from her ailment. The door swung open and there was a strange man standing before her. Quin realized she wasn't armed. Dizziness started clouding her vision, so she put her hand on the chair next to her for support. She saw the guards outside her room impaled by arrows. The man who stood before her looked confused.
"Who are you?" he demanded.
The dizziness was overwhleming and Quin was panicking at the lack of weapons in the nearby vicinity. "Q-Quinlan," she replied fearfully. "What's going on?"
The man answered back with another question. "Where's Trespin?"
"Don't know" Quin managed just before she collapsed, partially from dizziness and nausea, partially from panic, and partially because it seemed the right thing to do at the time.
Gulio, Strength of Many
03-31-2004, 12:29 AM
ooc: Sorry, that was all I could think of. I don't care if you godmod. I do it all the time;)
ic: The lady, Quinlan, was in Trespin's bedroom, and dressed richly. Hendel assumed that she was a bit important to the king, so he picked up her limp form and threw her over his shoulder. "Well, it looks like Trespin isn't here. We'd best leave before the rest of his army gets here."
03-31-2004, 10:23 PM
OOC: Well...this is grand. Yo u have a seige and you're out taking a ride. Trespin where is your brain?! What a minute...I control him...oh well.
Trespin was riding like a bat out of heck with no regaurd for his horse infront of his army. Reaching the castle he saw some dead gaurds. "Search the castle! I want a report, who's dead, who's missing!"
The men brought back the report, Tresipin listened for one name and one name only.
"So they have captured her..." Trespin said to himself. Retreating to his study he left his men with orders to clean up.
04-01-2004, 12:05 AM
ooc: well, well, well... What to do... I've sufficiently bound myself to be unconscious until... Hey! that's it!
Something was bouncing. Without even opening her eyes, QUin began to get very dizzy again. It took a moment to realize she was conscious, but she dared not look where she was heading for fear of losing her lunch. All she knew was, she was on a horse.
"Where am I going?" she shouted, hoping someone would answer.
04-19-2004, 06:20 PM
"Well, well, well? Rillen, you Traitor." I spat at her. "Oh, yeah don't play dumb with me Quinlan. We're going to the camp, so don't be expected to see anyting for a good, long while.
07-19-2004, 10:52 AM
Quin swore under her breath. So the Rebels knew. She swore again. But she couldn't admit defeat. She was recovering now; her mind was clearing.
"You fool! I know where your camp is! There's no use to keeping me from knowing again!" But the question was, what were they going to do with her.
07-22-2004, 01:35 AM
"We changed locations... again." She said with a malicious smile. "And Quinlan, I can't wait to tell you. I'm the reason the palace gaurds are dead, and your assasins failed in their attempts to kill us. Hmph! Good riddance."
07-25-2004, 08:42 PM
"My assassins? What assassins? What are you talking about? The palace guards I don't mind. They were only there to keep me in. But I didn't send any assassins! You're the traitors! You're the lawless group who attack the King for no reason! Don't blame me!"
07-30-2004, 01:51 PM
"Lawless? HA! Don't make me laugh. And as to why we attack the king, it's not just because we feel like it! It's because we are standing up to the tyrant who has destroyed our homes. And if you just cna't understand that, well too bad for you!"
Gulio, Strength of Many
07-30-2004, 02:58 PM
Hendel bristled at Quinlan's statement, but bit his tounge. It would do not good to kill their only captive. Not yet, anyway...
ooc: -looks at evil shot post- DIE! -stabs it with a spork- Sorreh, I can't think today, for some reason...
08-02-2004, 08:47 PM
Whooo! SPORK!
08-03-2004, 02:04 PM
Quinlan was starting to think that there was more to this than she had been told.
"He destroyed your homes?" she asked. "Before you rebelled? Why would he do such a thing? The king may be ruthless, but at heart he is a good man. I am sure he was justified."
08-04-2004, 10:36 PM
"Look... Quin. It may sound hard to understand, but the king is evil. He truly did destory many of our homes without good reason, before we rebelled."
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