View Full Version : The Forsaken Inn
04-22-2004, 02:17 PM
This is a WHOLE DIFFERENT KIND of RPG. It's a 'come-and-go as you please / pull up a chair to the fire' kinda thing.
This is set at 'The Forsaken Inn' in Eriador - a day's travel east of Bree, starting in April of the year 2904 of the Third Age (and time will progress as in 'our' world - +900 years and in the 3rd Age). To let you know what this means:
* Bilbo is a lad who turns 14 later this year, living at home with his folks, Bungo and Belladona.
* Gerontius, 'The Old Took' - is still living.
* Aragorn's great-grandfather, Argonui, is chieftain of the Dunedain. His grandson, Arathorn, is a young man - but Gilraen hasn't been born.
* Thorin and his people are still living in The Blue Mountains - and Smaug still broods over the treasure of Erebor.
* Far away, Turin II is Ruling Steward of Gondor, and Fengel has just become King of Rohan.
* The 'Fell Winter' hasn't happen yet and Tharbad hasn't yet been flooded under all that melted snow and ice - but Tharbad's not that big a place anymore.
* There's 'trouble' with orcs, wolves and trolls from time to time, and rumors of things even worse in Mirkwood beyond the Misty Mountains.
* Some still talk about Elrond at his place of Rivendell, away east - but not many seem to know exactly how to get there - and the Elves, or others who might seem to know - they just won't say very much about it.
The Inn itself... a small place. A room with a few tables and chairs and a fireplace to the right wall from the front door. The back wall has a bar - and a door leading back to the kitchen. The family who runs the place - Old Innham Mize is the innkeeper and his wife and a bunch of mostly-grown children who help out (and dream of places they hear about from travelers) - hard to say if they're more like the Bree-folk or descended from Numenoreans or a mixture, or something else. They're friendly though, but they like customers who pay, especially as not many folks pass through these days. They have a couple rooms for folks to spend the night, but they usually like to see your money first. There's some old stables around back, but most folks like to tie their horses outside unless the weather is particularly bad - as the stables look even more forsaken than the inn - and nobody wants them collapsing on their horses.
There used to be a town of sorts around the inn... and there's remnants of a few other buildings in various states of disrepair and decay. The only other inhabitant of the town is the old smith, 'Smitty' - well past his better years, but still able to shoe a horse in a pinch and tell stories of the old days.
Who comes here? Well - a few farmers from hereabouts, but mostly travelers on the Great East-West Road: those strange rangers, dwarves, Elves sometimes, even an occasional wizard and a more adventurous halfling or two (Tooks, more than likely).
So - stop on in at the inn, inntroduce yourself, pull up a seat by the fire or stake out a spot at the bar (there isn't exactly anybody gonna elbow you aside), order up some grub and liquid refreshment, and join in telling and hearing tales.
04-22-2004, 02:51 PM
OOC: An excelent idea Valandil.
*It was a dark and stormy night. Oh bother. It was a bitter cold morning and the inn had just opened. A short hooded figure leading a well built pony staggered into town. The figure dropped the pony's reigns, but the pony didn't run. The door of the in flew open and the figure flung itself to the counter.*
Figure: I need... beer.... please.
Mize: Are you sure, um, sir?
Figure: A tankard and a seat. Please.
*Mize filled a mug with a light beer and gave it to the figure who slumped onto a chair. It drank. It set the mug upsidown on the table and removed it's hood. There was a mass of hair underneath. When the hair was removed, a small round face could be seen. It was female.*
Figure: It's good of you to start with a light beer. I haven't had any in so long. It warms you greatly. My name is Lerin Copperfist.
Mize: You're a dwarf?
Lerin: Only a bit. My pony is outside. Could you tend to it.
Mize: Certianly.
*Mize called up one of his children to tend to the pony, then tried to talk to the interesting traveler.*
Mize: More beer?
Lerin: Of course. And this time, make it something good.
*Lerin pulled a hand out of her pocket. Inside was all gold.*
Finrod Felagund
04-22-2004, 03:02 PM
ic: Fimbren walked warily into the in. Hood pulled over his head. He fet slightly uncomfortable, he was not accustomed to wearng his hair over his ears, but people reacted strangely to elves, and Fimbrenoften hid his ears these days.
OOC: A request, could we keep this in third person, past tense, for continuity's sake?
Character: Fimbren (my usual RPG character, he's just so versatile! :D )
Race: Noldorin elf of Valinor
Weapons: The Sword of Fingolfin (Ringil, sent by the valar with Mithrandir), as well as an elven bow and daggers, he is skilled with other weapons as well.
A brief history: born in Valinor, he was friends with Finrod and with Finarfins other children as well. he followed Finrod in the revolt and took part in all the battles of Beleriand. After the Nirnaeth he escaped with Turgon to Gondolin and fought at that cities fal, but escaped with Turo and Idril. He fought in the great battle. In the second age he went to Lothlorien and spent most of the age with Celeborn and Galadriel, but spent some time in Rivendell. he became good friends with Treebeard and fought with the last Alliance.
In the third age he often took the trip with Arwen between Rivendell and Lorien. Later (after this RPG) he would defend Lorien during the War of the Ring as well as many escapades afterwards.
Last Child of Ungoliant
04-22-2004, 07:08 PM
Suddenly, in walked a dwarve, named Galiforn
"hail!" he said, "My name is galiforn, and i would like some ale, please, I am on my way to visit Thorin Oakenshield in the Blue Mountains"
04-22-2004, 07:45 PM
OOC: I was totally gonna start a thread like this, but I like Valandil's description and history! I'm glad you're the one to start it. :)
Character name: Nurvingiel (Daughter of deep foam)
Race: Sindarin elf (but her name, I believe, is in Quenyan.)
Hair: Light brown
Eyes: Hazel
Height: 6'0"
Age: About 3500 years
Description: Wears close-fitting, forest green, comfortable clothes, and a drab coloured, hooded cloak (suitible for all kinds of weather), and well-made leather shoes.
Weapons: A long hunting knife, practical, but with intricate designs on the hilt, in a plain scabbard. A longbow, and a quiver of arrows (with an extra one in her pack)
Information: She's a little older than 24 for an elf, and average height. She's inclined to wander, and always journeying from her home in Mirkwood to visit the Sea. She likes to travel, she's known as a wanderer. True to her name, she likes the inside of a pub, but tends to just sit in the corner.
Last Child of Ungoliant
04-22-2004, 07:49 PM
Character name: Galiforn
Race: Dwarf, of the same race as thorin oakenshield
Hair: Dark Brown
Eyes: Greeney-Blue
Height: 5'0"
Age: 97
Description: Wears typical dwarven clothing.
Weapons: 2 throwing axes, a large Mattock and a battle axe
04-22-2004, 08:19 PM
OOC: Thorin would have been a lad at the time right? *thinks* No, he would have been an adult. Am I right?
Nurvingiel approached the Forsaken Inn on a cold, rainy morning. She didn't mind the rain, she could tell the trees were glad of the moisture. She took one last deep breath as she rode into the open, the broadleaf forest smelt of decomposing leaves and rain.
At the Inn, Nurvingiel looked dubiously at the stables. It was only raining lightly, so she groundtied her stallion Picea outside, under the eaves of the roof. She briefly wondered if he would be okay there, but quickly decided. He wasn't going to leave, and certainly wouldn't let anyone steal him. She started unsaddling him and wondered where she would put her gear when a young man came out from the inn.
"Will you be staying with us tonight ma'am?" he said cautiously. Nurvingiel had planned to carry on, but it was growing steadily darker, and the thought of a warm bed and a warm meal tempted her.
"Yes thank you, I take it I pay for that inside?" At the mention of "pay" the boy became quite friendly.
"I can take care of that saddle for you ma'am, I'll keep it and your bag in the stable. But your horse can stay out here," he smiled cheerfully. Nurvingiel added her bow, unstrung and wrapped in a cloth, to the bag.
"Thank you," she said. The boy paused meaningfully. Nurvingiel smiled at his cheek and gave him two coins from her purse. "That's to feed my horse as well, there's food for him in the saddle bags," she added. He would really earn his tip.
Inside, she paid for a small room. "A hot dinner for you tonight?" asked the innkeeper politely.
"Yes, and a mug of your darkest ale please," said Nurvingiel, paying for her meal as well before going into the common room.
She decided to forgo her favourite seat in the corner for a place at the fire. She took off her cloak and hung it on a peg in the wall, hoping it would dry. Though she sometimes got strange looks for it, she didn't hide the fact that she was an elf.
A young woman promptly came from behind the bar to bring her her ale - Nurvingiel recalled that the service was excellent if you paid in advance. She sipped the creamy, bitter ale slowly, and surveyed the room.
Last Child of Ungoliant
04-22-2004, 08:24 PM
"A-ha! madam! i see you are an ale drinker! perhaps the elves have dwarvish blood in them? Pray, is there any news from the old dwarvish kingdom at erebor? i take it you are a traveller, judging by your travel worn cloak...?" Galiforn was speaking quickly, hoping to befriend the elf...
04-22-2004, 09:21 PM
Sounds like fun...I shall butt in wiht a loud character who rides a nag!
Name: Talya
Descript: No weapons, kind of stupid of her really. Her horse is ugly and misshappin but loyal and people often remark after seeing the horse run "So that's what oyu call?". She delights in telling tall tales and won't hesitate to blurte out a good story. Sometimes what she thinks is good though isn't what other people think is good.
Er, running on her horse into the town Talya stopped outside an inn that looked like it would fall in on its self. A clink told her her horse had lost another shoe. "Well I'll have to fix that. ANYBODY THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She bellowed at the top of her lungs.
"No need toshout. I'm Mize the innkeeper. And you and this creature are?"
"I'm Talya and this is my horse."
"Does your horse have a name? Would yo ulike a room or just somehting to eat?"
"A room and somthing to eat. My horse has no name so I just call it horse. Also you cn put it in that barn.It's head is so hard it wouldn't hurt it if it fell. Here's some money." Tossing him what would pay for well over three nights for her and her horse including three square meals with free stall cleaning and a bath once a day for Talya ofcourse.
Intering the inn Talya looked at the small crowd and said "Well, you aren't much of an audience but I bet you'll still like to hear my story of Smaug huh?"
04-23-2004, 02:06 AM
OOC: Sorry, forgot the charactor description.
Name: Lerin Copperfist
Race: Half Dwarf (don't ask how that happened)
Height: 5'2" (my favorite height)
Age: 102
Description: Ragged but hard wearing clothing, many layers. Cloak looks like it's made of iron. Very heavy. Masses of frizzy dark brown hair. Brown eyes, brown nails, an overall dirty look.
History: Well, she's been isolated. That's all I'm going to say.
Lerin: *from little clump of clothes* Ark! I'm full up to here with stories. But I could do with one more. And here here to the elf that drinks ale. It's about damn time we shared our things again. Or do we? Sorry, I'm a bit out of touch with the dwarven community.
Galiforn: And you are a dwarf?
Lerin: Erm, half dwarf. Just don't ask.
*Galiforn turned back to the friendly elf as Talya usurped Lerin's attention.*
Finrod Felagund
04-23-2004, 10:03 AM
Fimbren took a seat in a corner, he scanned the inn and noticed the patrons, one of whom was quite obviously an elf. Interesting, he thought.
A barmaid came up to him, "mmm...mulled wine please," he said.
04-23-2004, 10:38 AM
OOC: I don't plan to actively moderate Innham Mize & family, so any of you can do so as you come-and-go. I'll step in and try to make corrections if it gets out of hand though. Just figure he's a rather (but not extremely) large and rotund man, late 40's or 50's, dark hair - and very much concerned with his business (and therefore a 'stay-at-home'). He mostly tends bar. His wife (someone come up with a name - or suggestions) is also heavy - and known for her cooking (hence their sizes) and she runs the kitchen: The children aren't so big yet - they work pretty hard. The sons do lots of hard manual labor and the daughters help in the kitchen and serve the meals. And, uh... gentlemen, keep your hands off those serving girls! :mad: ;)
Let's just say that 'Harliman Butterbur' - an ancestor of Barliman, now runs 'The Prancing Pony' in Bree. Nurvi - Thorin is 158 years old this year, according to the appendices... remember, this is only about 37 years before the quest to Erebor - and Thorin was nearing 200 then! :)
OK - IN character:
"Ma... get the fire going under the kettle! And round up them young-uns! Looks like it's gonna be a busy evening tonight." :)
OCC: Hi peoples I'm here now, let's have some fun!
*a dark stranger rides up to the inn, her horse is lathered with sweat, a young stable boy rush up to her*
Stable boy: May I take your horse mame?
Devak: *looks around* where am I?
Stable boy: You're at the Forsaken inn,
Devak: how convinent, here *hands him the reins* make sure she gets the best feed here, and I'll give you a gold coin in the morning *pats the horse on the head* good girl,
Stable boy: Yes mame!
Devak: *starts to walk away but turns* don't call me mame! *walks up to the inn and slowly opens the door, she walks in without a word and sits in a dark corner, drawing her coat closer to her as she sat down*
Last Child of Ungoliant
04-24-2004, 06:51 PM
Galiforn: Innkeeper, do you have any rooms available?
Mize: ah yes mister...?
Galiforn: call me galiforn
mize: mister galiforn, we have some nice dwarf sized rooms, stone-walled, just as you like 'em.
galiforn: very well, i will take it, here is 2 nights board in advance, and 4 silver pennies for your trouble, and for bringing me a breakfast of toasted bread, tmato, sausage, nice crispy bacon, and a pint of good ale, i shall have it at 9 am, if you please! goodnight!
he then picked up his pack, bad farewell to the elf he was sat with, and walked along the corridoor, following the innkeepers son, who was showing him to his room.
04-26-2004, 10:02 PM
Standing up Talya practially yelled her story to the whole inn. The innkeeper evne thought she might wake some of the other geusts. It really was quite an interedting story all in all but Talya has a way of wearing people out i na ver y short amount of time, herself included.
"Now that I've regalde you with my tale I shall go to bed." And with that she left.
05-03-2004, 06:22 PM
Lerin: Another beer. Rawrg. Who was that? facinatin. Many people seem to be heading to their rooms. The night is young! Who will tell their tale next?
05-03-2004, 09:50 PM
Do not fear! I only retire to my room to fine tune the next great tale! It still needs a bit of remembering on my part. I may be away for a few days, never fear the next one will be my best yet! Very possibly my last..." Again, she left.
*devak, Shifted in her chair slightly, when she heard the call for another story, but she rose her voice*
Devak: My life is long and I know many, My own story I shall save, for a latter time but for now I know many songs, If you wish I shall play a few on my pipe for you, *she pulled a small silver pipe out of her cloak, which still covered her face, and she put the pipe to her lips, The notes flowed easily from the small pipe, Notes so low they were barily heard and notes so high it put even trained elven voices to shame. Slowly she lowered the pipe letting the last note die, She lowered herself back into her chair in the corner. A smile on her lips*
05-04-2004, 12:09 PM
*Lerin sniffed.*
Lerin: That was beautiful.
*Slowly, with all the majesty of the song, she keeled over into her mug.*
05-08-2004, 10:25 PM
Siano, a Dúnedain ranger of the line of Halvaris, Royal Guardsman to King Arvedui, and who served faithfully Chieftain Argonui, quietly rode up to the Forsaken in the rainy grey finish of this day. He preferred this place to the busier Bree, and he pulled his packs from his dark-grey horse Venna. He let her run free, for stables made her uneasy, and she found some fresh grass upon a knoll across the road.
Satisfied in Venna comfort, Siano stepped to the door and pushed it open. Letting it close on its own, he looked around the hazy common room before walking to the bar and asking the Innkeeper if he had a room, food, and refreshment.
"You be one of te Rangers?"
he asked, but Siano just looked at him.
"Uh... right... a room, food, and drink for a night. That will be...."
A silver coin of Arnor hit the bar, and he grabbed it up to look at. It was old, and well worth the price of what was asked for. Siano looked at him as he stood silent, and said,
'Is that suffiecient?.
"yes! Yes... just we don't see coin of the old kingdom much here. It will do for your evening I am sure."
Innham said as he looked again at it before securing it in a tight pocket. He then tapped an ale... Bree Proper, and handed a key to a room.
'Thank you.'
Siano said as he turned and leaned against the bar. He had taken the position where he could keep an eye on the door and the common roon and turn and look down the bar. He sopped the ale and smiled. It had been many a month since he had the luxury of enjoying a good brew, let alone a dry place to sleep.
Description will come shortly.
05-09-2004, 02:10 PM
*Lerin awoke suddenly*
Lerin: Aight! That's it! You all are the quiet type, but I haven't been lost an' alone for some odd years just to hear you sit quietly and listen. I want another mug of ale.
*When Lerin recived this next mug, she began a song that would have scalded the ears off of any bashfull maid present. The song was finished by Lerin drowning the last few words with the full mug of ale.*
Lerin: I know you be thinking I shouldn't be saying such words as all that, but I say to you that lady dwarves have a fouler mouth than any other mouths I've come accross. I have not come across any for, what would it be, eleven years. I was cast out ya see, a half breed and all. They don't like to keep half breeds in their mines. So I had to leave. I went and tried to find a nice cave for meself. I stumbled through Moria, and got lost in the northern woods. I went to the far north and back again, and have aquired enough wealth to keep me drunk for the rest of my miserable life. *Roaring to standing* Now don't anyone touch me! I have no weapons but my teeth and those are sharp. *Flopps back down into chair* Now, does anyone have any biscuts and gravy? I been hungry for a hot meal for many ages, it seems like.
05-10-2004, 10:03 PM
OOC: If I do somehting that isn't good tell me and I'll but I'm going to pretend like it's been sevral days since my charater disapered to her room and this is going to happen just after Lerin's song.
Talya entered the room again. This time she was not bouncy nor was she very happy. "I have remembered my tale.It is not mine persay, but all of your tales. For out of this one springs the very thing all tales are made of, life. This is a tale of hardship, happiness, anger, love, hate, and struggle so powerful I fear it will effect us all more than we know. Please be pateint it is very long. This is how it begins: In the beginning there was Eru, the one, who in Arda is called Illuvatar." Her story went on to the end. All there listened to their history from this bard they thought had fanciful tales and now relized she had more. Ending, "That will be my last tale. How can top somthing like that? It is to long for me to relate again. I will go now, perhaps the elves will take in someone with a deformed horse and no other friend in the world?" She stood wanting to hear if they liked her story.
05-11-2004, 12:22 PM
Lerin: Lass, I didn't understand half of that. But I was mesmerized by your voice. You tell the truth of all ages, and no one could hear that without taking a long hard look at their own lives.
Devak: Very nice mistress Bard, I applaud you and your talents, *she sat up in her chair as she spoke* Now if you wish I know many a elven song, I shall play a few to you, but first I shall call a few of my friends *she brought the pipe to her lips and blew a note that was so high no one had heard it, Five creatures looking like small dragons flew into the room and landed on the table in front of her*
Devak: Good girls *she said to the little dragons, One was silver and the rest were golden in color, The silver flew up and wrapped around her neck* Hello picalo, Good girl, now do we all remember the tale of tinuvel?
Picalo: *nods her small head and squeaks to the others as she lands back of the table and stands on her haunches, she begians to sing soft trills at first then her confindace grows untill they all join in*
Devak: *begins to sing*
The leaves were long, the grass was green, the hemlock umbuls tall and fair,
And in a glade of light was seen of stars and shadow shimmering
Tinuvel was daceng there to music of a pipe unseen the glow oif stars was in her hair and in her reminet gilmering... *she continued her song as Picalo's trills climbed to outragious hights, Devak's voice mirored hers as she sang the words*
Tinuvel, Tinuvel, he called her by elvish name, she stopped and then a spell, then doom fell on Tinuvel.
Tinuvel, elven fair imortal, elven wise he look with in the shadows of her hair and deep with in her eyes...
*the youngest gold begian to trill a low soft beat as Devak and Picalo went higher and higher*
Long that fate them boor, Iron halls and darkling door...
*slowly Devak and picalo brought it down and they finished by bring the notes up for one last time and let the note fade out*
Devak: Good girls *she pet all of them and sat down at her table picalo wrapped herself around Devak's neck as th golds snuggled in her cloak*
OCC: Sorry I didn't give the full version of the song I'm having trobble remembering most of it... Sorry...
05-13-2004, 07:20 PM
Lerin: Wow, you elves have really gotta gift. Can ya tell me how those songs come about? Do you pass them down for generations, ore just make them up when you can remember the story?
Devak: I'm no elf... *smlies* I'm part elf... Anyway, It's the way we remember the past, and envoke the future... *she leaned back in her chair as she spoke her hood fell to her sholders revealing silver hair that fell to about her waist, and a scar on her fore-head in the shape of a crestent moon, she relized her hood had fallen and she quickly snached it back up*
Devak: ....... anyway......
05-18-2004, 03:12 PM
Lerin: Well, I can see you're uneasy about yer scars. I am certainly not. *Shows off calf* I got this one scrounging for fish and almost drowned. I'll show you some more if ye like. I also want to do like my new elf friends and extrapolate a new song from an old story. I could gi' yee a song with such language to singe the ears of any bashfull maid.
Devak: Have a seat... *she motions to a chair and it pulls out on it's own* I know many stories, and many songs form the past... I could teach you a few *she pet Picalo, who was wrapped around her neck* If you'd like...
Finrod Felagund
05-20-2004, 11:33 AM
Fimbren saw Siano come in and was interested to see a ranger, they didn't often come to the Forsaken inn. But most fascinating was Talya's tale. He had been present for much of it, and was amazed at her accuracy. He stood, "Well sung young one, and you tale was suprisingly true, little was changed from what I remember." He pushed back his hair to show his ears and said, "I have a song."
05-20-2004, 06:15 PM
Lerin: I fear I must leave before you even start your excelent, or what promeses to be so, song. *Dumps coins on table.* I have warn out my welcome, and now I leave you.
*Lerin exited out through the stables, and did not wonder about her new elf friends, for she was bound for the city of Rivendel, never to be seen by that barkeep again.*
Devak: Fair enough friend I hope we shall meet agian,
*picalo coos as Devak scratches her back*
Devak: Come on pic, Let's go for a walk shall we?
Picalo: *chirp*
Devak: *Walks outside in to the night, The air is cool and comforting, she looks into the distance and sees the full moon shining in the east and to the west, The setting sun. She walks with quick steps towards the forest, she comes to a clearing and begins.....*
I know the sound of each rock and stone
And I embrace what others fear
You are not to roam in this forgotten place
Just the likes of me are welcome here
Everything breathes and I know each breath
For me it means life for others it’s death
Everything balanced everything planed
More than enough for this woman…
*she takes off her cloak, and her sliver hair glints in the moon light, she is dressed in an amozon like outfit made of leather, She climbs one of the old trees and continuse.....*
Like every tree stands on it’s own
Reaching for the sky I stand alone
I share my world with no one else
All by my self I stand alone
*she pulls herself up higher and high in the tree, until she reaches a large thick branch, her eyes glint icy blue in the moonlight*
(yeah yeah oh heyyy oh oh oh)
*picloa adds her voice and they both crasendo up to amazing hights*
*she jumps to the ground and lands of her feet looking towards the tavern*
I’ve seen your world with these very eyes
Don’t come any closer don’t even try
I’ve felt all the pain and heard all the lies
But in my world there is no compromise
Like every tree stands on it’s own
Reaching for the sky I stand alone
I share my world with no one else
All by my self I stand alone…
All by myself,
I stand alone
*she lets the note die from her lips as she leans on the side of the tree,*
Devak: *sigh* I don't know pic, I wish someone could understand....
OC: I know the song is from QUEST FOR CAMILOT but I thought it would be interesting to put it in)
06-07-2004, 06:37 PM
Siano downed his ale while listening to song and tale. he nodded at an elf who did take notice of him, and he retired to his room. It was a dank room, but it was dry. It would be better than sleeping out in the wild this night. He would leave at first light.
(OOC: I wasn't aware there were small singing dragons in Middle Earth, let alone in Third age 2904. And it was Raining and getting dark when Siano arrived.. now its sundown and a clear night. Okay.....I tried.)
OCC: Leave the firelizards out of this.........LOL, Anyway I'm not from middle earth so that explaines a few things..... heh,;) anyway, The weather is.....unpredicable.............
06-09-2004, 11:48 AM
Siano had a good night sleep, but the first sound of bird awoke him. He arose and forgone with any breakfast and was out of the Inn in the early grey dawn. A chirp brought his horse, and he mounted up and rode off, saying goodbye to the Forsaken Inn until next time.
(OOC: :rolleyes: Whatever you say Amea. I remembered why I don't RP here on Entmoot now. It sure is hard to find anyplace that sticks to Middle Earth RP. Have fun.)
07-01-2004, 09:25 AM
A short and chubby maid walks in. This would be the perfect time to show her stripes with these new guests.
Maid: "Welcome one and all to the Fforsaken inn! A wonderful place in part because of it's marvelous service. Let me know if you desire anyhting. We will travel to the ends of the Earth to obtain it for you."
Bar Tender: (with a newfound intensity) Yes and while we're at it, all you guests out there take a seat by the fire and let me tell you a story of the inn!
Maid: Walks around to the fire greeting those who walk up and offering food and drink to all.
07-02-2004, 07:36 PM
OOC: Sorry for ignoring your character LCOU, I've been away for a while.
Nurvingiel was normally shy around strangers, but at the appearance of the energetic dwarf, she found herself tounge-tied. At her shy silence, the dwarf politely excused himself to arrange for a room.
Nurvingiel was shy, but she not unkind. She felt bad for being rude to the dwarf, so she decided to seek him out. Taking her ale with her, she got up to look for the dwarf. She wouldn't be much use to him though - she had just come from the South and had no news for him. It had been quite a while since she had been to Eriabor (where she had aquired a taste for ale).
Last Child of Ungoliant
07-02-2004, 07:41 PM
ooc: i not been posting anyway on accounts of computer death!
ic: Galiforn the Dwarf suddenly aroused from his 2 month sleep, and walked down the hallway toward the common room, where he bumped into nurvingiel. "hello again nurvingiel, how are you today?" he enquired
07-04-2004, 05:12 PM
OOC: lol Chrys! :D
"Oh, hi there. I was just looking for you," said Nurvingiel. "How did you know my name? I don't believe we were introduced."
Last Child of Ungoliant
07-04-2004, 07:31 PM
"I know many things," he replied with a mischievous smile
"For I am old, old even as the elves reckon time, do not
look with your eyes only, for many things are lost to the sight!"
[narrator's voice!]this was the usual way that Galiforn spoke, talking without saying anything, and yet saying everything at the same time.[/narrator's voice]
07-07-2004, 10:49 PM
Nurvingiel was puzzled by Galiforn's hints at his age. Dwarves led long lives for mortals, but even she, a young elf, was much older than any Dwarf. "But are you not a Dwarf master Galiforn? I did learn a delicious habit from Dwarves," she said, taking a sip of her ale, "But surely you did not learn immortality from Elves." Galiforn and Nurvingiel made their way back to the fire.
Last Child of Ungoliant
07-12-2004, 06:07 PM
"Am I not a dwarf, indeed!" replied Galiforn,
with a sly grin, "Come, let us adjourn to the common
room, where we will talk further! Perhaps your ale
glass needs refilling, I know mine does!"
Meriadoc Brandybuck
07-19-2004, 07:44 PM
Character: Gilly
Race: Hobbit
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Green
Hieght: 3'2"
Age: 26
Discription: A resident of Bree, this hobbit often visits the Forsaken Inn.
07-21-2004, 02:21 PM
ooc: ooh! mind if i join? (*has never done this before*, so please correct me if i do something wrong :o)
Mirilya slipped lithley from Tyelka's back and paused a moment as her feet remembered the touch of ground and her nose savoured the aroma of roasting potatoes. It had been a long ride, but the inn before her seemed homely and comfortable.
It will be good to lie in a bed again, she thought, a smile touching her lips fleetingly. Like all elves, she felt a close affinity with nature, but after countless nights under starlight, she yearned for a roof above her head, and feather pillows beneath it.
Urged by her gnawing stomach, she fastened Tyelka to a post and started toward the inn, but slowed to a halt as a thought clouded her mind. Hesitating, she drew a long, slender knife from its sheath at her hip, and raised the blade to her face.
A distorted, ghosted image of her face stared back at her, reflected in the moonlit steel. Her ebony curls, limp with perspiration framed her cheeks, covering her leaf-shaped ears, but thinking it best to be safe, Mirilya drew the hood of her grey travelling cloak over her head. It was not that elves were unwelcome generally, but murmurings of sorcery and 'elf-magic' made some mortal folk uneasy..
With the grey cloth shrouding her face, she looked human enough, if a little thin. Mirilya was slender, even by elven standards, and weeks of hard riding and living off the land had left her looking a little ghostly. Reflected in her knife, her high cheekbones were even more pronounced, the soft cheeks below them a little sunken. Her blue-green eyes, however, sparkled with life. Mirilya was extremely young - not yet old even by mortal standards, and in the twilight of elven childhood. Her features had not yet acquired the even, luminescent agelessness that characterised older elves. The thrill of life still sapped through her veins...
Mirilya's sharp ears heard the door of the inn creak open, and she quickly sheathed the knife as a well-fed stableboy trotted up to her.
'How may I help you miss?'
She smiled, instructed him to feed and stable Tyelka and tipped him generously, then remembering how famished she was, headed for the inn.
A thick cloud of ale and tobacco stung her eyes as she pushed open the door. Unnoticed, she surveyed the crowd. They were a mixed bunch, and seemed jovial. A chubby maid flitted smilingly amongst the patrons with a tray of ale, while the stocky bartender bustled around, barking orders. In a corner, a sturdy dwarf was engaged in deep conversation with a brown-haired woman. The woman was statuesque and obviously elven, and did not appear to be drawing any suspicious looks.
Pushing back her hood, Mirilya approached the bar, sinking into a stool. The bartender noticed her immediately, and bustled over, beaming at her.
'What can I do y'for lass?'
'Two hot dinners and a glass of wine, thank you', she replied, shaking her hair off of her face. 'And a room for the night, if you have one'.
um..ok..that was, long..oops :o
07-21-2004, 11:49 PM
OOC: *Ahem* You said originally you were a dwarf... :confused:
Suddenly, in walked a dwarve, named Galiforn
"hail!" he said, "My name is galiforn, and i would like some ale, please, I am on my way to visit Thorin Oakenshield in the Blue Mountains"
Nurvingiel was confused, she had thought that Galiforn had said he was a Dwarf, but maybe she had just been sitting next to the fire too long. "My apologies, I was sure I thought somewhere that someone said you were a Dwarf, but I could be mistaken." She paused, and sipped her ale to hide her awkwardness.
Thank you for the lovely description of my character Elfearz. :) Let's find some way to get our two characters talking, feel free to have your character approach us! And I'm not just saying that because you said I was "statuesque". I'd say you're doing a great job for a first time RPGer in this forum. :)
09-07-2004, 07:30 AM
OOC: Boy does this thread ever need a bump! C'mon you slackers, drink your ale! :D I'm going to take a few liberties here...
Nurvingiel approached the new come elf, who had just sat down at the bar. She looked fairly young, and quite pretty. Nurvingiel thought she recognized her. "Greetings fellow traveller, is there any chance we may have passed on the road somewhere? Your face seems familiar to me." Nurvingiel sat down next to the Elf, and set her ale on the bar.
Galiforn had moved towards the bar with her, but now decided to go outside. "I'm going outside for a breath of fresh air," he said.
Nurvingiel glanced at him, and noticed that the sun was beginning to set. "Okay, I'd come in before sunset though."
"I am not afraid of robbers and brigands," said Galiforn stoutly.
"It's not that," Nurvingiel paused. "I just think, it's best to be inside come nightfall." Galiforn gave her a queer look and went outside. Nurvingiel turned to the young elf.
"I don't know exactly what goes on around here, but I suspect the name of this inn has many connotations," she said to her companion in a low voice. "Anyway, forgive my rudeness. I am Nurvingiel, what might your name be?" Nurvingiel asked, smiling pleasantly.
09-08-2004, 12:43 AM
ooc: oops! i've been busy and had completely forgotten about this thread! thx for reminding! :) i said, i've never RPed before - so let me know if i write something i'm not meant to! :p
Mirilya managed her name through a mouthful of stew, and smiled warmly at Nurvingiel, blushing a little. Her two hot dinners had quickly become five, and it may have been her self-consciousness talking, but she was sure she could feel the elf's eyes trying to avoid resting on the clutter of empty dishes that surrounded her. Her hunger, at least, had subsided, but her money pouch felt disturbingly light. She put it out of her mind. She had danced for a meal before...
Surveying Nurvingiel's face, she tried to place the pleasing features. Mirilya had travelled, but rarely by the open road. Under the cover of trees, along secret routes through the forests, one made few acquaintances.
"I am new to these lands", she said to the elf. "I have travelled seldom, save to Lothlorien, now and again". She paused. That was true, or substantially true at least. She had been east of Lorien - often to Mirkwood, and occasionally even south into Rohan, but these had been private excursions, unknown to her father, and so she said nothing of them. Mirilya could not guess Nurvingiel's age, but guessed that the elf was older than she herself. Perhaps she was a friend of her parents.
"I come from Hollin", she continued. "My family dwells there".
"Hollin", Nurvingiel repeated. "So there are still elves there", she added, almost to herself.
"There are", Mirilya replied, "though only a handful, and we keep a quiet presence, as far as we can". "It was once a fair country – or so I am told, I have not seen it so in my time". She sighed. "The days are darkening".
The night was darkening too, and the dwarf that Nurvingiel had been with earlier had not yet returned. Both women glanced silently towards the door.
"You are acquainted with the dwarf?" Mirilya ventured eventually. "In Hollin we still remember the old friendship, but such memories have largely faded, in the minds of elves and dwarves alike".
09-08-2004, 01:29 AM
A man walked downstairs. He had come awake at the sounds of the guests downstairs. He was glad he had been woken up. He prefered the night. HE flet comfortable in it. He threw several coins onto the bar and asked for a round for everyone. He said in a loud booming voice, "Hello everyone I hope I havent missed much." He strode over to a table which ahd what seemed to be a dwarf and an elf. He walked over and sat down. "So who's turn is it?" he asked with a big grin on his face. "The name is Erestor Erkenband." He took a big gulp from his mug.
09-08-2004, 01:45 AM
He strode over to a table which ahd what seemed to be a dwarf and an elf.
ooc - are you talking about us haradrim? coz mirilya is actually an elf as well, not a dwarf, but I just read back what i wrote, and, yeah, it's not all that clear :o *oops* :cool:
09-08-2004, 08:13 AM
ooc - are you talking about us haradrim? coz mirilya is actually an elf as well, not a dwarf, but I just read back what i wrote, and, yeah, it's not all that clear :o *oops* :cool:
OOC: I knew you were an elf. As my character is also an elf, maybe we just felt a kinship. Yea! Activity in the thread again! Valandil would be proud... if he were here! :D
09-08-2004, 10:20 AM
oops yeah sorry meant elf and elf. HEHEHE. Woops!
09-08-2004, 01:26 PM
...Valandil would be proud... if he were here! :D
I am... and I AM! ;) :p
Will try to work in some posties soon... but the rest of you are doing just fine! :)
09-13-2004, 05:07 AM
"Hm... well I have been to Lothlorien a few times, but not recently. I spend most of my time in Mirkwood." She gave Mirilya a last, searching look. "Well, no matter. Your news of Hollin intrigues me. I must visit there, though I will be careful not to disturb your presence. It was a fair land, when I was a very young elf. Some of us do remember the friendship between elves and dwarves. I'm glad you do too. As for Galiforn, I only just met him. He seems a stout fellow," said Nurvingiel, smiling.
Suddenly a man sat down at the bar and introduced himself. "Er, hello Erkenbrand. Well met," said Nurvingiel, draining her ale which was getting too warm for her liking. She did not say her name, suddenly shy of this bold man. "Humans," she thought, somewhat dispairingly.
OOC: Fixing my age continuity thing. :p
Devak: *She sighed as she looked back to the tavern and walked slowly towards it, picalo still on her misstress's shoulder, she opened the door slowly and walked in, looking around her slowly, she was never one for crowds, she sighed softly again as she walked to the corner and sat in one of the chairs, drawing her hood low over her face and eyes. the glint of picalo's scales could be seen in the firelight but little else of the Firelizard or her misstress. She hummed softly to herself " the song of Elbereth" benieth her cloak she searched the room quiteily*
Last Child of Ungoliant
09-22-2004, 07:42 AM
galiforn suddenly awoke from yet another 2 month slumber,
realising he hadn't finished his ale!
'and who are you?', he said to the strange human that he found sitting across the table from him
Last Child of Ungoliant
09-22-2004, 07:44 AM
OOC: *Ahem* You said originally you were a dwarf... :confused:
ooc: i said as such, he would appear as a dwarf to other people!
Devak: *she looked at galiforn for a min, quite startled at first then spoke softly* I am sorry sir I did not know this table was taken.... i will go if u would like *her voice was melodious and sounded much like tiny bells*
09-23-2004, 12:16 AM
Mirilya smiled charmingly as she greeted Erkenbrand, but fleetingly exchanged glances with Nurvingiel, wondering if the older elf knew any more about humans than she did. "From where do you hail, sir, and what brings you to these parts?", she asked, to make conversation.
The name Erkenbrand sounded Rohirric, Mirilya realised, her leaf-shaped ears suddenly feeling pointier and more exposed. She had had some dealings with the people of Rohan, and had found them homely, warm, earthy and hospitable, but somewhat suspicious of elves. She had never admitted her heritage whilst in those parts, having heard many murmurings in towns and taverns about the Lady in the Golden Wood and her webs of sorcery. Muttering a complaint about the cold, she hastily drew her hood over her face.
Through the corner of her eye, Mirilya noticed Galiforn draining a mug of ale and conversing with a cloaked figure in a shadowy corner of the room. "Funny, that", she thought. "I never saw him come back inside"...
Last Child of Ungoliant
09-23-2004, 05:38 AM
Galiforn realised that he had sat down at the wrong table when he came back,
'sorry devak, is it?' he said
'i must depart!' and he then walked over to the table where nurvingiel
and another elf were sat talking to a man
09-23-2004, 11:51 AM
Nurvingiel guessed why Mirilya put her hood on inside, and didn't blame the young elf. She personally made it a policy to never hide her elvishness, and this had gotten her into trouble more than once. However, despite the forbidding name, Nurvingiel suspected that patrons here didn't really care what race you were. Erkenbrand didn't seem unfriendly toward elves, but Nurvingiel had been wrong about people before. She noticed he had a different accent than other people in the pub, but couldn't place it.
09-23-2004, 04:13 PM
"Well the names Erkenbrand, as I have just stated. I am of the Rohirrim. I am not an outcast persay but I never felt like I belonged with my people. They all just seemed like outsiders to me. SO I decided to move up this way. I heard there was a strange assortment of people. Dont worry my elf friends I dont care what race you are as long as your a good story teller." One elf, Mirilya he thought, looked taken aback. He had never had problem identifying them. THey were generally fairer of voice, and they walked with a light step. He never found it too hard. Except for that one elf. He chuckled. "So my friends. Where do we all hail from?"
09-24-2004, 10:10 AM
"I'm from Mirkwood forest," said Nurvingiel. "That's on the east side of the Misty Mountains," she added, not knowing how much Erkenbrand knew about that part of the world.
Last Child of Ungoliant
09-24-2004, 10:51 AM
i have dwelt in the blue mountains,
said galiforn
they are west of here
he continued
09-24-2004, 04:26 PM
"The Blue Mountains, I've wanted to go there for some time. They are fairly near the sea. I'm a Wood Elf, so I'm not drawn to the sea like some of my kin, but I think it would be a beautiful place. I also love mountains," Nurvingiel realized she was rambling, and trailed off. "Er, I'm sorry I mistook you for a Dwarf before. You do rather look like one, though you're too tall now that I think about it," she continued on a different track.
09-24-2004, 09:38 PM
Mirilya began to feel a bit foolish about wearing her hood indoors. "I'm sorry," she said to Erkenbrand. "It's just I've travelled in Rohan before, and.." she trailed off. "Lovely place though," she added, and then felt foolisher.
"I come from, well, just west of the Misty Mountains", she continued brightly. "South of Rivendell." She wasn't sure whether Galiforn or Erkenbrand would know of Hollin, and was still a little apprehensive about mentioning the name - her people had guarded it in secrecy for so long.
A solitary cloaked figure still occupied the corner where Galiforn had been sitting. Mirilya smiled and beckoned, but couldn't discern a response in the dim light.
09-25-2004, 04:46 AM
Nurvingiel thought about the location and couldn't think of any towns near Rivendell. "Must be a really small town," she said. "And you're really on the frontier, as they say. That's a pretty wild area."
Last Child of Ungoliant
10-06-2004, 09:19 AM
ooc: bump
ic: Galiforn looked around, and realized that no one had said anything for a while, "I believe I can trust you all now, so I am going to tell you a part of my tale," he began. He noticed that everyone was now gazing at him intently, "My story comes into this world many years ago, the world was different then, more elves, and less men, they were happy times. I am of the kin of him that the elves of imladris know as Iarwain-Ben-Adar, though I have travelled far and wide, in those days, the dark one came and conquered, and everywhere his foul beasts roamed. When the Noldorin returned, the world was filled once more with light, and for that my people have been eternally grateful, but we fear a new dark one, and so I have been sent to discover what can be discovered, for if we fall, and the world withers, there will be nothing for men and dwarves to inherit when the elves move on, as they will. Hopefully this will not be for some time though." as he said this, a great darkness was lifted from his face, as though many years of care and toil had fallen from him "It is the time that the Endoraia, the earth-spirits, have been waiting for, to live and roam once more" he finished.
10-06-2004, 09:22 AM
OOC: That's Tom Bombadil right?
"Iarwain-Ben-Adar," thought Nurvingiel, "Have I heard that name before? I feel like I have, or should have."
Aloud she said, "Tell us more about the Earth spirits Galiforn."
Last Child of Ungoliant
10-06-2004, 09:34 AM
ooc: yup, good old tommy-boy!
ic: "We have existed for long years," said galiforn, "We came into being at the time of the onodrim, we are, as they, offspring of Yavanna, though we do not guard the trees, we are the guardians of the Earth, and thus revere also Aule, which is the reason that many of us take the form of the dwarf, we aid where we can, but we have no magic of our own, just the magic of the earth itself. As far as we know, we do not die, as men and dwarves, but we do age, but slower even than the elves, and we also have the sadness of the elves. In a way, we are like, and unalike, all children of Eru-Illuvatar, and the Children of the Valar." he went on, between sips of ale.
Last Child of Ungoliant
10-08-2004, 07:03 AM
"And yet we do not always have the great foresight of the elves, or the hunger of men, or the lust of dwarves", he said "these can be seen as good or bad, I do not know which, they just are what we are" he continued, and then ordered another round of drinks for all at the table.
ooc:bump, bump, bump! :D
Devak: *she watched the table where galiforn sat* I thought they were all gone....*she whipered*
10-11-2004, 02:39 AM
Nurvingiel watched intently, entertaining the absurd hope that there might be a quest involved somewhere in the tale.
Last Child of Ungoliant
10-11-2004, 07:55 AM
"but, anyway," he said, leaning back in his chair, "let me here more of someone else's tale, I feel I have told my life, so it is my turn to listen, more ale, anyone?" he added
10-11-2004, 08:14 AM
OOC: Now updated to make sense! w00t
"Sure!" said Nurvingiel. Galiforn ordered a round, and the bartender passed Nurvingiel an ale. "Thank you Galiforn, to your health!" she said, taking the first sip. Mirilya gave her an odd look - Elves weren't known for a taste in beer. Nurvingiel felt the need to explain a bit.
"I developped a taste for it when I spent some time in the Iron Hills." Her friends were looking on with some interest. "I lived in the Iron Hills for a while because of the long history of misunderstanding between Elves and Dwarves. I went there to live for a short time, so that we could learn something of each other under peaceful circumstances. Elves prefer forests to caverns, but I'm a bit of an odd elf. You may have noticed," she added.
"Some elves possess great skill in metal working, but I am not of their number. I studied this art, but I was more attracted to the art and design, which is very beautiful. It is from the Iron Hills that I have just journeyed," she finished.
Last Child of Ungoliant
10-12-2004, 07:52 AM
"the iron hills," said galiforn, "a wondrous place, if ever there was one, I haven't been back there since the dread-worm smaug settled on erebor, since then I have been travelling the mountains and forests of eriador!"
trolls' bane
10-12-2004, 07:56 AM
OOC: How exactly does this work. I understand most, but not all. I don't really find it easy spending the time reading so much. I'd like to join, but does that include me needing to be an active RPGer here? I've already got a lot of RPG on my hands.
Last Child of Ungoliant
10-12-2004, 08:04 AM
ooc: just jump in when you can, and come and go as you please, is how we work, and when it slides too far down the page, someone will come along to bump it up a bit
10-13-2004, 11:41 AM
EDIT: Oops :o
10-13-2004, 12:12 PM
PSSSST! Nurvi! This is 2904!! Smaug wasn't taken out until 2941!!! :p
10-13-2004, 12:24 PM
OOC: Eep! I thought this was set 20 years after the War of the Ring! :o heh heh. I'll edit my post and make it the Iron Hills instead.
10-13-2004, 05:01 PM
Anfal,Ranger of the North, quietly slipped into the inn, his hood covering his face. He quickly sat down in the corner, surveying the inn's company. After a minute or two he cast his hood off, revealing a reasonably young face, with long dark hair. He stood up, standing a tall 6'4 and walked over to the bar.
"An ale please," he said. His voice deep but pleasant to hear.
10-13-2004, 11:51 PM
Mirilya was not drunk. She knew she was not drunk; but her mind throbbed achingly as she struggled to follow the conversation. She had expected that beyond the borders of her own country, lay a wild, unfamiliar world, and had grown restless in Hollin. Life there had a sombre calm to it; the elves' very existence seemed suspended in a nostalgic memory that was wilfully heedless of the change that surrounded it and seeped in through its pores. Eregion had been a wild land for many years, but it was growing unmistakably darker, though this was seldom spoken aloud. Black birds hovered high above Hollin when she had left...
Yet the news here astonished her. The world was changing, certainly, but in a way that was more grounded in history and memory than she could have imagined. Legends seemed to rise from the depths of nowhere – ancient earth spirits that looked like dwarves drank ale with wood elves as scale-breasted dread-worms woke from their sleep.
"The elves of Hollin practice metalwork", she managed, "though our skill has lessened over time. Our ancestors were great smiths – it is said that the pieces they crafted – weapons, rings and the like – became imbued with some of their power. But we have long lost that talent, or it is not employed. Perhaps it is no more than legend anyway."
After the stories she had just heard, she did not believe this disclaimer.
Last Child of Ungoliant
10-14-2004, 06:46 AM
ooc: edited my earlier post to co-incide with nurvingiel's iron hils modification
ic: Galiforn looked intently at Mirilya "Tell me, have you seen the lights of Valinor," he said, "I have not seen Aule since the world was formed, it is he who we most revere of all the Ainur, which is why some of my race have taken the form of elves, and thus travelled with the remnants of the Noldor."
he went on, nodding to mirilya as he spoke
10-14-2004, 07:54 AM
"Aule", Mirilya murmered almost inaudibly. It was just a name to her. A revered name, but a name nonetheless. She resented her youth. The older elves - the oldest elves, most of all - seemed almost to draw sustenance from their memory of a fairer time. Their memories seemed alive; the waking world a faded shadow of splendid reminiscence.
"The elves age slowly", she said, smiling ruefully at Galiforn, "but I am young in both face and years. I'm afraid I've only seen fractions of the lights of Valinor, captured in the eyes of some of my kin." She paused, then turned again to the Endoraia. "But you say your people have dwelt amongst the Noldor?"
Last Child of Ungoliant
10-14-2004, 08:01 AM
"Some," said Galiforn, "Though I have never, I turned to the dwarves many years sinceforth, and I have not seen another of my race for almost 300 years," he replied, somewhat sadly, "My spouse, Finglor, was one, she was enamoured by the tales of Valinor from the Noldor, and left to dwell amongst them before the ruin of Beleriand, and I have not seen her since" :(
10-14-2004, 11:03 AM
Nurvingiel was astonished at what Mirilya revealed. "Hollin! I never knew people still dwelt there! Oh, I'm so sorry to interrupt, I didn't mean to be rude..." she trailed off, embarassed. When a handsome Ranger ordered an ale, she blushed even deeper.
OOC: Hey Telcontar, nudge nudge wink wink :D
By the way, awesome posts guys!
10-14-2004, 01:31 PM
Outside, the patrons began to hear voices, slowly growing in volume until they were able to clearly make out, on the porch just outside the door, "C'mon Thornie... give it up! He's this great Elf Lord... his daughter would NEVER go for the likes of YOU! Har-har!!"
There was more general laughter and then the door burst open, practically off its hinges, as about 6 or 8 rascally, scraggly looking men came tumbling in - seeming quite jovial. Formost among them one in his 20's or early 30's, who had obviously been used to push the door open. That one was just beginning to speak.
"Oh shut up! With uncles and cousins like the lot of you, who needs..."
He stopped short, and those with him halted their laughter, all looking around the room, apparently surprised to find the place so... occupied.
The young man, evidently their leader, composed himself, straightened his clothes and walked on over to the bar, pulling up a stool. His companions gathered around him, some finding stools themselves, others standing closely behind.
"Bartender... set me and the boys up with a round of your best beer." said the young man, somewhat subdued.
As the innkeeper hastened off to do their bidding his mutterings were heard by a few patrons nearby, "Rangers! Shore hope they don't make any trouble with the rest of these folks here..."
10-14-2004, 02:12 PM
After Anfal had ordered and recieved his ale he was about to return to his seat in the corner, before seeing an elf blushing and looking towards him he went and sat himself down on the edge of their company.
10-14-2004, 02:22 PM
Nurvingiel looked away, occuping herself with her ale. She was trying to stop blushing, avoid Anfal's gaze, and look composed, all at the same time. She was distracted by the rough looking men bursting in.
Why is this mortal man flustering me? Just because he's good-looking... bah. I can be friendly in a normal way, she thought, encouraging herself.
As the man sat at the edge of their group, she smiled at him (in what she hoped was a normal and friendly way). "Hello, what brings you to the Inn? Did you just arrive?" she said.
10-14-2004, 02:39 PM
The other men looked up at the sound of her voice, saw that she was directing her words to Anfal... and started to laugh again... quite boisterously and merrily.
10-14-2004, 02:43 PM
Igonring the laughter of the other men he turned back to the elf.
"Hello. I was passing through the area and thought I should pop in," he replied, his gaze now fixed on the men. "What is your name if I might ask."
10-14-2004, 03:15 PM
"I'm Nurvingiel," she replied. "This is Galiforn, and this is Mirilya," she said, indicating her new friends. There were a couple other people sitting nearby she didn't know well. "Feel free to join us. Have you any interesting tale to tell of your journey?"
Nurvingiel was distracted again by the rambunctious men. "If we really want to party, we should join them," she grinned.
10-14-2004, 04:16 PM
"Hello Nurvingiel, Galiforn, Mirilya. My name is Anfal, I am one of the Dunedain of Arnor, one of the last remenants of Elendil's people. I have many tales, but none I deem right for this time and place," repled Anfal.
10-14-2004, 04:43 PM
One of the men had already begun some good natured ribbing of their leader, "Say... mayhap HERE is a young Elf-maiden that will have wot to do with ye!" he roared, shoving the young man toward Nurvingiel. The youngster seemed to be trying to stay good natured about it all, but a bit of jostling ensued among them.
When Anfal mentioned 'Elendil' and something about 'many tales' they all stopped, transfixed.
Suddenly, the largest of the group bellowed out again with laughter. "Aye, THIS one has many tales indeed to tickle the ears of a fair fairy lass! And delusions of grandeur beside. Elendil indeed!" he said, stumbling forward and good-naturedly pounding Anfal on the back, just as another companion somehow managed to 'accidentally' hook his leg around the leg of Anfal's stool, whereupon they all fell tumbling to the floor.
The man who hooked the stool managed to land on top of Anfal, and whispered fiercely, "What of it man... why you be tellin' such things about our people so broadly? Eke to strangers, asides? Are ye drunk or daft??"
10-14-2004, 04:52 PM
"I deem these people good. Someday they may be needed as allies to our people. Daft you may call it, yet you come in with a number of our people, making noise and drawing attention. What if there had been orcs?" replied Anfal in a whisper.
10-14-2004, 05:04 PM
"I deem these people good. Someday they may be needed as allies to our people. Daft you may call it, yet you come in with a number of our people, making noise and drawing attention. What if there had been orcs?" replied Anfal in a whisper.
"Orcs! When could an orc buy a drink in this place? You ARE daft!" the man hissed sharply in reply.
10-14-2004, 05:04 PM
Nurvingiel blushed deeply at the other ranger's comments, and forgot all about what Anfal had said as she mentally kicked herself for blushing again. Fortunately, the young man caught his balance easily, and turned away from her to speak with one of the Ranger.
OOC: This RPG rocks! It rocks I tell you. All the new Ranger characters are totally awesome!
OOC2: I cross-posted with Val, but it doesn't affect my post. :)
Edit for the age thing. Bah!
10-14-2004, 05:16 PM
At the sound of the crash, Innham Mize took off from the kitchen, back toward the common room, splashing around the contents of the six mugs he bore. "Oh Manwe!" he thought, "What sorta trouble're those rascals makin' in there for me tonight?"
He rounded the bend and saw that it was just one downed stool and a few men in a tense confrontation among themselves. "Whew!" he thought, but began to sharply scold the men.
"Awwwl-right... what's the meanin' o this here ruckus? Clean up yer acts, ye... rangers... or it'll be OUT with the lot o ye! Wot'll it be now?" He said, as he plopped the mugs down on the counter, staring between Anfal and the other men.
OOC1: Thanks Nurvi - and thanks for tending the place while I wasn't actively involved. Like I'd hoped though, it's a low maintenance RPG. :p
OOC2: Maybe Mize should offer Nurvi a job... you doin' anything for the next loa or two?
OOC3: Can anyone guess who 'Thornie' is?? ;)
10-14-2004, 06:07 PM
OOC: I knew who he was immediately! :D But I won't spoil it for everyone else. :D This totally rocks!
OOC2: If Mize offers me a job, I'll take it (reminisant of the Teacup Cafe? :D). But my character would have to do something to make him want to do that, so you decide when and if this happens. :)
Um... the next what or two?
OOC3: I'm editing my previous post because I realize now that it was "Thornie" that was pushed towards my character, not Anfal.
Nurvingiel liked the look of these newcomers and didn't want them to get kicked out. "There's enough drinks for all of us gentlemen, so why don't we all sit down and have a pint?" she said, subtly steering Anfal toward the bar. She noticed the young man do the same with the other ranger.
10-15-2004, 03:04 AM
"4 ales please," Anfal said when he reached the bar. The lowering his voice to a whisper he turned to the other Ranger. "I meant there could have been orcs around these parts. They've been multiplying majorly recently," he hissed.
Last Child of Ungoliant
10-15-2004, 04:58 AM
when introduced to the man by nruvingiel, Galiforn smiled, and nodded politely
"I was unaware that so many men still dwelt this far east," he said
"I remember, though, when there were many men, in the three principalities of old Arnor, before the black one dwelt to the north, and twas such a shame, Angmar used to be such a vibrant, green land" he went on ruefully
10-15-2004, 11:39 AM
"... They've been multiplying majorly recently," he hissed.
"Oh... multiplyin'... like BREEDIN'!" said yet another ranger, who had been quiet so far. With a twinkle in his eye, he continued, "That's what WE'RE talkin' about! Or really, NOT breedin' - as young Thornie here feels a might put off by the object of his own affection... and big Halbarin here..." he indicated the largest ranger, who had been the most jovial to this time, but now looked displeased at where this was going, "Why... he just found out that his old buddy Dirhael bagged his favorite sweetie Ivorwen some time back. All good and proper of course!"
The other men broke out in laughter at the expense of the two, who were either trying to stay good-natured or were just hoping the conversation would move on to something else.
10-15-2004, 11:46 AM
After paying for the ales Anfal went back and sat down again with, Nurvingiel, Galiforn and Mirilya, quietly sipping his ale, thinking about his latest journey, at that thought he felt a need to talk with Thornie.
10-15-2004, 11:48 AM
Nurvingiel sipped her third ale. "Cheers Anfal, for the drink," she said. She wanted to hear more of Galiforn's tale, but the young rangers were also quite entertaining. "And cheers to all your health Halbarin, Thornie... um, is that your real name? And all you young men. You youngsters really do make me feel like an elf-maid again! And don't take that the wrong way!" she added, glaring at the loudest trouble maker.
10-15-2004, 11:56 AM
Meanwhile, as he rushed about tending tables, Innham Mize's mind kept returning to a stray thought he'd had. It sure seemed hopeless... but, he finally decided, what was the hurt in tryin'?
The next time he neared Nurvingiel's table, he drew up close to her, looked down and said under his breath, "Pardon me, muh lady, but I'd like to make ye a proposition..."
Nurvingiel's eyebrows shot up in shocked surprise.
"No-no-no... not like that! It's just that, well... ye handled these rangers alright - sorta had a calming effect on 'em, ye might say. They're some of the worst, but then again, maybe not. Anyhow, would you be interested in sort of a job? Tendin' bar, servin' the customers, helpin' out with trouble and all such?"
"If it's money ye'd require, I have too little to part with, but I can offer ye room and board - and will even give you that along with free time, when we're slow - which is most of the time, this current situation bein' an exception, as ye'll understand."
"Uh... ya see - me eldest daughter went an run off with a Bree-man, and left me a might short-handed in that department..."
"So... what'ddya think of me offer?" he asked with a hopeful smile.
OOC: if I have it right, a 'loa' is how Elves mark the passage of time. Each loa equates to 144 of our years. :p You can find it in Appendix D. ;)
10-15-2004, 12:27 PM
"Pardon me, muh lady, but I'd like to make ye a proposition..."
Nurvingiel's eyebrows shot up in shocked surprise.
Lol Valandil! :D I really enjoy your posts, I must say. ;)
I always thought it was "yen" (or something) being equivelant to 144 human years, but feeling like 1 year to an elf. (You're probably right though!) I don't have any of the books right now! :( Anyway, onwards!
Nurvingiel smiled at the innkeeper. She was really starting to relax in this place, the atmosphere was so refreshing. She was seriously considering the offer. She had experienced many adventures in her life, but she had never worked in a pub. Plus, room and board would let her stay here as long as she liked! It was time for a new adventure.
"I will accept this offer on one condition," she said in a businesslike manner. The innkeeper listened intently. "That your kind offer of room and board extends to my horse as well!" she said, smiling. "I have little money, but my only concern is that my horse is well tended, and I am well fed. Beyond that, I think I'd really enjoy helping you! What is your name sir?" she asked, not remembering if they had been introduced before or not.
"Innham Mize, ye can call me Mize, sir is just too fancy for me," he said. "I could handle boarding yer horse as well," said Mize, "But he'll have to earn his keep."
"Well, if you ever have a letter to deliver or a similar errand, I could do it for you," said Nurvingiel.
"Brilliant! You can start right away. I'm plain run off my feet with all these," he paused, glaring at the Rangers, "Customers."
Nurvingiel marked the look, but said nothing. "I have some small experience in this area," she said, thinking of when she served in the King's hall when she was a very young elf, "But you'll have to show me my duties." She started clearing away the considerable amount of empty glasses around the bar. Mize went back to the kitchen and brought her an apron, a tray, and a cloth.
"The tools of the trade! Now I'm ready," she said, putting on the apron. Then a new thought occured to her. "What sort of trouble did you mean earlier?"
OOC: I took out Thranduil, because maybe Orophe (is that his father's name, I can't remember) was actually King at the time.
10-15-2004, 01:01 PM
Anfal smiled to himself. Then quietly, he shifted over to Thornie and muttered.
"What news of your latest quest."
10-15-2004, 01:40 PM
The one they called 'Thornie' looked toward Anfal with a faint smile, but one of the other men blurted out, "Ye've pretty much HEARD how it went already!" and there was yet another burst of laughter.
Once that was over, the men quieted down a bit and began discussing whether Thornie's grandpa, Goonie, would be kickin' back to take it easy soon, and how often Thornie's father, Dorie, would then keep them off, away from any remnant of civilization, to their 'hunts' in the Trollfells.
10-15-2004, 03:02 PM
EDIT: Lol Valandil! :D Poor old "Thornie", will his men never leave him alone? ;)
"You go hunting in Trollfells? Unless you're actually hunting trolls, I don't see why you'd go there!" said Nurvingiel, as she wiped down some of the empty tables (that were conveniently near the conversation).
"By the way I can take orders for you gentlemen and lady now that I work here," she said cheerily. She noticed Mirilya was rather quiet and nursing her wine. "Maybe these rambunctious rangers are a bit daunting to her," she thought.
10-16-2004, 01:10 AM
ooc: lol! this is hilarious :D i'm making notes for exams (argh! pain!)..but i've been visiting between chapters for a much needed dose of entertainment ;)
ic: Mirilya (who admittedly had not seen much of the world) had seen vigilant rangers patrolling the wilderness around Hollin, and brooding rangers tending tankards of ale in common-room corners. Drunken families of rangers tripping over chairs and broadcasting their mating practices were...not so familiar.
What bothered her was the sheer number of them. Oh, she was sure rowdy boys were harmless enough – though she spared a thought and a sympathetic smile for Innham Mize (who, she suspected, would have white streaks in his dark hair before the night was over). Even rangers needed their relaxation. But eight rangers – nine counting Anfal – together in one remote inn? She suspected these men were mixing business and, well, pleasure, she thought with a wry smile that buckled into a laugh as a youngish ranger directed animated gesticulations towards a scarlet serving maid, to the great delight of his compatriots. Well, the men were amusing, she acknowledged as she checked herself.
Thanking Nurvingiel, and ordering drinks for those with empty glasses, Mirilya swallowed the rest of her wine, and made her way over to the bar, where Mize seemed to be taking a moment to recuperate. "Pardon me," she began cautiously and a little apologetically, not sure that she should disturb the innkeeper, who was furiously dabbing at his brow with his apron. "I know you're busy, but are there usually so many of them?" she asked as Mize looked up, glancing indicatively at the rangers. If these lands needed nine rangers to guard them, perhaps they were less safe than she had thought.
10-16-2004, 03:01 AM
Anfal sat back, watching the other Rangers the other Ranger jumping around, laughing. Quietly he pulled and long wooden pipe out of his cloak, lit it and returned to his earlier thoughts.
10-16-2004, 06:06 AM
OOC: I'm just going to borrow Mize for a bit, but I will return him safe and whole, hope that's okay Val. ;)
Nurvingiel was laughing at the Rangers' antics, getting people drinks and wiping down tables.
Mize was busy rolling out another keg (just in case). He stopped and stood up to Mirilya's question, steadying the keg with one hand. "I'd be happy te answer yer question, milady," he said cheerfully. "Normally, we're happy te have even one customer in here. This is a special situation fer sure. I don't know what brought everyone here at once," he added, looking suspiciously at the Rangers.
EDIT: Confusion fixed.
10-16-2004, 06:41 AM
OOC: I assume by "scarlet serving maid", you meant me, because I'm the only serving maid! :D
well actually i wrote it with some vague recollection of another maid (like..ages ago..on the first page) in mind - i didn't want to be responsible for subjecting your character to possible sexual harassment :p but it can be you if you want :D
10-16-2004, 06:57 AM
OOC: You're right, Mize's other children work here too, only his olderst daughter ran away. I took that to mean he had no help, but that's not the case. It's good to read the frist page again. For some reason I said earlier that my character was Middle-aged, but that's not the case! She's equivelant to 24, or about 3500 years old.
10-16-2004, 08:07 AM
Lol Valandil! :D I really enjoy your posts, I must say. ;)
I always thought it was "yen" (or something) being equivelant to 144 human years, but feeling like 1 year to an elf. (You're probably right though!) I don't have any of the books right now! :( Anyway, onwards!
I just checked... YOU were right on this one - and I think it's one I've mixed up before. 'Yen' was their word for the 144 year periods - and 'loa' was one of the terms they used for what we would call a year.
Glad you're having fun. :)
10-16-2004, 08:17 AM
OOC: I was right about something in the Appendicies! Woo! *avoids gloating*
OOC2: Well what are you waiting for man, post! Post! I am not obsessed with this RPG... really. *tries to look convincing*
10-17-2004, 12:22 PM
Anfal, seeing Mirilya at the bar looking rather daunted, stood up and walked over to the bar.
"Hello Miss Mirilya. Would you like another round," he asked politly.
10-17-2004, 12:39 PM
Hearing the ever-important phrase "another round", Nurvingiel approached Mirilya and Anfal.
"Hello, my sharp elven ears heard you speak of the all-important 'another round'," she said, winking at Mirilya. "I'd be happy to get you a couple more drinks, but I'll also point out the kitchen is open if you're hungry," she added.
OOC: How does time work here? Is it just one prolonged night of ale drinking? You guys are going to have a heckuva hangover in the next eternity. :D
10-17-2004, 01:06 PM
This is set at 'The Forsaken Inn' in Eriador - a day's travel east of Bree, starting in April of the year 2904 of the Third Age (and time will progress as in 'our' world - +1000 years and in the 3rd Age). To let you know what this means:
Last Child of Ungoliant
10-18-2004, 08:05 AM
OOC: How does time work here? Is it just one prolonged night of ale drinking? You guys are going to have a heckuva hangover in the next eternity. :D
ooc: we have been drinking for about 6 months haven't we, none stop!! :D
10-24-2004, 06:51 PM
The door blew open and in stomped a dwarf.
"How is everyone? Did you miss me? Name is Lerin, for those of you who are new, and I'm only half dwarf. I also am half ale, so pint me, please."
People stared for a fraction of a second before going back to their own conversations.
10-24-2004, 07:01 PM
"Now there's someone who's clear on who they are," said Nurvingiel, elbowing Galiforn good-naturedly. She went over to the newcomer to welcome the dwarf.
"Hello Lerin, welcome to the Forsaken Inn!" said Nurvingiel cheerily, pausing a moment when she realized her greeting was a total oxy moron. "Feel free to sit by the fire, or order drinks or food! No one else is eating, but we really do serve good food here." She glared at the other patrons. "Make yourself at home and I'll bring you whatever refreshments you need!"
A young boy, one of Mize's sons, appeared next to her elbow, and Nurvingiel was reminded about one small matter.
"At the Forsaken Inn, we like to have guests registered and paid right away," she said slightly uncomfortably. She didn't usually deal with money.
Last Child of Ungoliant
11-04-2004, 11:28 AM
'Welcome lerin!' said galiforn, with a smile and a nod to nurvingiel 'my name is galiforn, and i am honoured'
he then picked up his glass, and drained it before ordering another '...and one for lerin here, if you would!' he added
11-10-2004, 01:29 PM
"No problem Galiforn," said Nurvingiel, bringing two more of the house ale.
OOC: This is where you come in... ;)
Last Child of Ungoliant
11-16-2004, 09:03 AM
ooc: hellooooooooooooo?
anyooooooneeeeeeeeee theeeeeeerrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeee?????
11-16-2004, 12:24 PM
ooc: I'm waiting for elfearz to talk to me! :(
11-18-2004, 09:54 PM
ooc: I'm waiting for elfearz to talk to me! :(
i'm so sorry!! :o *is in the middle of exams :cool:..and kinda forgot abt this..:(*
ic: Mirilya smiled and thanked Anfal for the drink. "What brings you to these parts?" she asked. "Are you all here together?" she added, glancing briefly at the other rangers. She wondered how straight an answer she'd get. Thornie's personal 'quests' aside, she suspected rangers knew their own business best, and preferred to keep it that way.
11-19-2004, 01:01 PM
"No. I had no idea that they'd be here," he said. "As for my business. As I said earlier. It isn't the time for such dark tales."
11-19-2004, 03:08 PM
Nurvingiel came out from the back, where Mize had been showing her how to cook the house stew. She was glad to see the newcomer settling in, Lerin was sitting quietly near Galiforn.
OOC: Very quietly... ;)
Last Child of Ungoliant
11-22-2004, 08:44 AM
Galiforn, having had enough small talk, turned to Lerin and said 'So, what brings you this way?'
ooc: zzzzzzzz
:D :p
11-24-2004, 04:59 PM
The small knot of Rangers in the corner had grown quiet after their earlier boisterous displays. They now huddled in close together, speaking in hushed tones, but with occasional animated gestures. After a bit of this, they seemed to come to a resolution and each reclined back in his seat, a few drawing out a pipe and beginning to smoke, a couple others ordering a bit more to eat... or to drink, one or two just sitting in quiet reflection.
Suddenly, the front door burst open and a cold, damp, late autumn wind (it now being late November) blew in past a figure standing still at the opening.
"Dorie!" gasped one of the Rangers who sat more or less facing the doorway. He stood up upon recognition.
'Dorie' stepped inside and closed the door(ie ;) ). He was quite tall, slender of build and had raven black hair. As he drew back his cloak and removed the gloves from his hand and unwrapped the scarf from his neck, he held up a hand, signifying for his fellows to remain seated. He walked on over to the table and in low tones could be heard:
"How are things with father and mother?"
"Mother is not well... perhaps father will soon remove to 'The Dell' - and perhaps by himself. 'Dalfie' thinks it best he go there soon."
"This news is hard, but not unexpected."
"Where have you been? And what have you learned?"
Thereupon, 'Dorie' took a seat at the table, ordered a drink for himself and the Rangers resumed their huddled stances and hushed tones. After several minutes of this, several of the Rangers got up and departed - singly or in pairs. When they were down to four, two got up and headed to the bar to get a room for the four of them to share for the night. These two went on up to the room, leaving their two final compatriots at the table - 'Thornie' and 'Dorie', who spoke in low tones, but seemingly with great tenderness and empathy.
11-24-2004, 07:12 PM
OOC: If only I had the appendecies, I'd figure out who this Dorie chap is. ;) I have a good guess at "The Dell" though. Val, sometimes you should write a story about Rangers a la "Letters of Firiel" greatness. ;)
Nurvingiel brought two of the Rangers a bowl of the house stew and a piece of fresh bread each. She turned her Elven ears towards the serious conversation of the newcomer, but was quickly dissuaded by several loud calls for more beer. She half suspected this was only to keep her from listening in. She came back with a tray full of ales, but couldn't think of an excuse to hang around without looking like she was obviously eavesdropping.
Last Child of Ungoliant
12-06-2004, 10:52 AM
ooc: tumbleweed blows across thread in western movie-style
bell tolls
dogs howl
anyone here
ic: galiforn leant back in his chair, and promptly fell asleep
12-06-2004, 11:34 AM
OOC: LOL Spidey! :p I'm here!! :mad: :D
The inn seemed quite quiet. The Rangers were only being mildly rambunctious, Galiforn had fallen asleep, and the other patrons were either talking or drinking quietly.
She took this opportunity to gather the multitude of empty mugs and bowls, and do a huge washing up. Poking her head out of the kitchens, she didn't see any new activity, so she asked Mize to teach her how to make some of the other menu items. There weren't too many, so they soon fell to talking about past inn customers and adventures.
"So, I guess it's usually this quiet eh?" said Nurvingiel, testing out a new word she had learned the other day. 'Eh'. She liked it. It was a good way to end a sentence, but not to be overused.
OOC: Vaaaalandilllllll we neeeeeeed you to post for Mize...
12-13-2004, 08:12 PM
"Wow, it's really feast or famine in here eh Mize?" said Nurvingiel as she idly dried a bowl. "Mize? Where did you go?" Nurvingiel left the kitchen to look for him. "I could have sword he was standing behind me," she muttered as she went outside. "Have I been talking to myself for the last ten minutes?"
OOC: You can post for Nurvingiel a bit if you want Val. HINT HINT
Last Child of Ungoliant
01-26-2005, 06:14 PM
suddenly, galiforn exploded in a flash of bright light!
ooc: well that concludes my role in here, and i am free to concentrate on other RPG's :D
01-26-2005, 06:35 PM
suddenly, galiforn exploded in a flash of bright light!
ooc: well that concludes my role in here, and i am free to concentrate on other RPG's :D
Sorry LCOU... not so. :confused:
You see,
You can check out anytime you like... :p
But you can't ever leave! :eek:
01-26-2005, 07:20 PM
"What was that!" said Nurvingiel, running out of the kitchen. "I could see something odd, through the door.."
Everyone was staring blankly at the spot where Galiforn once stood.
OOC: We have to use "We haven't had that spirit here since 1969" somewhere in the thread now. ;)
01-26-2005, 09:00 PM
You'll have to be the one to light up the candle...
and show us the way. ;)
01-27-2005, 07:24 AM
Nurvingiel looked oddly at the Ranger who had just spoken. "Erm... okay, but there's still a fire in here."
Another customer piped up, "Galiforn just disappeard!"
"Yeah, we saw him. Or rather, we didn't."
OOC: When is this set again? :confused:
(If someone orders wine, then I'll do the line.)
01-27-2005, 07:27 AM
When we came here, it was 2904... but now it's 2905 (OC: add 900 years and transmit into 3rd Age).
Hmmm... musta missed a Yule!
Ah well, ... please bring me my wine! :p
01-27-2005, 11:15 AM
"We haven't had that spirit here since 1969," said Nurvingiel.
"Erm... that's what Mize told me anyway. I had no idea this inn was that old though."
01-31-2005, 03:38 PM
"Nineteen sixty nine!?!??" said one of the rangers, jumping to his feet. "Why... King Arvedui was still on the throne at Fornost... er, "Dead Man's Dike" back then..."
He looked around rather self-consciously, and added, "uh... not that it matters much t'me..." as he slowly settled back into his seat.
Nevertheless, at the mention of 'King Arvedui', all the rangers had quite solemnly raised their glasses, their eyes looking...
...up ahead in the distance. ;)
02-17-2005, 11:41 AM
'....I always though it should benn calld dead WOmans dyke....'
Says an extremely drunken Siano in the corner
'.. is thaht a shimmering silmaril???'
02-17-2005, 11:52 AM
"Don't worry about HIM," says Dorie. "His head has grown heavy and his sight has grown dim." ;) :p
Last Child of Ungoliant
02-17-2005, 06:58 PM
ooc: there is a dead womans dyke on the quantock hills in somerset, near where i live!!
02-18-2005, 03:50 AM
"I have no idea what you Rangers talk about sometimes," said Nurvingiel, wiping down some nearby tables.
02-22-2005, 03:02 PM
'Thats ok Nurvingiel, neither do we. Sometimes we're called derangers...'
*last thign I remember I was headed for the door*
05-04-2005, 11:16 AM
*to find the passage back to the place I was before*
Pours meself another ale....
04-14-2008, 07:58 PM
Is it already April of 2908... here at the Forsaken Inn?
The Dread Pirate Roberts
04-14-2008, 08:34 PM
The Dread Pirate Roberts walks in, ready to party like it's 2909!
"How's the ale in this place?" he asks.
04-14-2008, 08:49 PM
Valandil mutters under his breath, "just be happy they got some."
Then, for all to hear, he welcomes the newcomer and tells him the ale is "The very best he'll find between here and Bree!"
What he doesn't say is that it's the ONLY ale he'd find between here and Bree.
04-14-2008, 11:31 PM
Well, since being Curufin is completely out of the picture, I'll bring in Gildor, since everyone loves him so much...:D
The door opened and a tall Elf walked in. Golden-haired and blue eyed, he was dressed in a blue tunic with silver-embroidery, with shining silver leggings cross-gartered with deep blue ribbon. His hair was long, but held back by two small braids that met in the back with a silver clasp. Over the ensemble he wore a flowing cloak.
He looked around him for a moment before selecting an empty seat near two men speaking about the ale. This was not a normal place for him to be, but it was a chilly night, and it was good to get out of the weather.
'Good evening,' he said in the language of Gondor.
The Dread Pirate Roberts
04-15-2008, 11:57 AM
He looks around, not quite sure about this place, or the other newcomer.
"Good evening to you, miss, er, ma'am, er, sir." he tells the Elf uncertainly. "Can I buy you an ale?"
04-15-2008, 12:03 PM
Gildor raised an eyebrow, looking a bit amused.
'It is 'sir', if you must use such titles,' he said. 'Gildor Inglorion of the House of Finarfin. And you are?'
He looked at the ale with distaste.
'Thank you, but no. I do not drink such things.'
04-15-2008, 05:27 PM
*Through the door comes a figure with black hair, black armour with a gold trim and tanned skin looking INCREDIBLE up himself*
"Greetings everyone, it is I" he laughs "Hedrim Valdaes lord of the North, get me your finest drink and food" he nodds to the crowd who all look rather stuned by how incredible up himself he is.
He then takes a seat and begins to eat while talking with the bar keep.
04-23-2008, 08:17 PM
Out of the kitchen skips Eilonwy with a tray of drinks. ( Elf ale too! :D)
And she asks "who wants what drink" and begins to pour.
04-24-2008, 10:45 AM
The door opens and a slender Elf clad in forest green walks in. He stops looking around uncertainly. The room is reeking of pipe-weed and is full of all sorts of scary mortals.
Suddenly the Elf’s eyes light. He notices another of the Firstborn and rushes to him, deftly avoiding a woman with a tray full of mugs. Landing in a chair by the table he smiles happily to the Elf and the two Men at his table and proudly announces in a heavily accented Sindarin:
“I am Legolas. Prince of Mirkwood. Elbereth be praised, I see another Elf!“ Then his eyes narrow as he surveys Gildor apprehensively. “But don’t you happen to be one of them Noldor?”
04-24-2008, 11:02 AM
Gildor raised an eyebrow in condescending amusement as the young elf threw himself into a chair in front of him.
'Indeed,' he said softly, 'and I believe you 'happen to be one of them Sindar'. And quite a young specimen, if I judge correctly. Does your father know that you are here?'
04-24-2008, 11:33 AM
“Of course! My father the King did sent me himself to see the world! I mean… Why wouldn’t I travel on my own? I am an Elf grown now! Not like you, children” – he waved dismissively at the Men. “I have seen many an oak grow from acorn to ruinous age – a whole grove of them, in fact. There is a nice oak grove by my door, you see.” He winked conspiratorially.
“But now may I ask your names? Dad told me not to talk with strangers, but I guess when people are introduced properly they are no strangers anymore...Right?”
12-17-2010, 08:47 AM
It was a rough night. Winds from the west drove rain hard in waves right in his face. Siano stopped and dismounted at the first sight of the Forsaken Inn. He whispered some words to his horse as he freed her of his satchel,
"Take to the fields and roam free my friend. I will call when in need."
She turned reluctantly, then sprinted away as he turned and walked onward toward the Inn.
It had been some time years since he had been by here when he left Bree. It appeared things had changed, but then again, maybe not. More moss grew on the roof shakes as the trees seemed a bit bigger and the Inn more overgrown, and the sign hanging above the door squeaked in the wind swinging on one hook, the other having become detached. Siano made his way toward the door.
"The Forsaken Inn..."
The place seemed deserted, for no life could be heard coming from inside. Siano had travelled much of late, and his return to many places that were busy in times of old had found only ruins of the places he once knew. Would it be the same here? He would see.
The oak door was ajar, a hinge broken atop but the lower struggling to keep it upright. Inside, water dripped and flowed from dozens of leaks and holes in the roof, giving the place a damp, musty smell.
"Much better than sleeping out in the bush in this chill rain."
he muttered to himself. Making his way to the hearth, he felt the ash bed. He thought a slight bit of warmth could be felt from them, but not really. At least they were dry... sort of. He could get a fire going if he had some tinder. None was to be found, so Siano used his knife to sliver off some wood shavings from an old broken table leg. A few strikes from his old knife on a flint got them to start smoking. After careful tending, flame erupted. Siano used a few more bits of the broken table to get it to burn steady. Finally, one of the few logs that remained was sat upon it, and a sense of heat could actually be felt as the chill dampness of the air was chased away from the hearth.
The firelight illuminated the old common room, and Siano took to setting up the remaining tables and chairs that still had four legs. Going by the dust on everything, it looks like it had been a couple years since anyone had been here. Siano sat down for a minute in a chair by the hearth, but after a few minutes, its creaks gave way and it too made itself ready for the fire. His moment on the floor allowed him to find a broken candle, and a bit more searching turned up a holder. Forcing the end down into the holder, he cut away enough wax to allow the wick to be lit.
"Now to search for any possible food & drink"
He walked to the bar and sat the candle down there. An old wooden flagon sat there, and a tap of stale beer remained. A mouldy cheese block also was found, and with some draining of the keg, some potent aged ale came forth that wasn't bad if you didn't get some floating mould in your mouth. Siano's knife revealed cheese that was well preserved behind its layer of mould. It will do fine. For now. At least he wouldn't have to eat any more more jerky this night.
As Siano leaned against the bar, he wondered when anybody else was last around, and why it was so deserted.
"I wonder how things are in Bree these days."
he said softly to himself before walking over to stand by the fire...
01-30-2011, 11:45 PM
OOC: Is this rp still going or did it die?
01-31-2011, 01:11 AM
OOC reply: this is just a place - and can support any number of stories. It's a 'come-and-go-as-you-please' arrangement - and is now 2911, Third Age.
Whoever from then is here - is here. :)
01-31-2011, 12:47 PM
I'd like to do this. But first, if everyone would suffer another crazy post on the Yule thread, there's something i need to do.... :evil:
03-05-2011, 07:49 PM
I really think this is awesome... It MUST continue!
03-10-2011, 10:27 AM
OOC: I tried to get it going again but nobody took the que, or I'm just a crappy writer. After several weeks I quit checking. I see it still hasn't gone anywhere. Hopefully it will again. :)
08-09-2020, 07:53 PM
It had been years since Durian ( had ridden up the great road toward Bree. He had been watching from Amon Sul for months and hoped to find other Dunedain in Bree as he ventured toward that town to rest and re-supply.
The old Inn looked deserted as he rode up to the door. The rain fell steadily, and the wind made the weather-worn sign swing awkwardly from one of its two hooks. The other had rusted and broke. Durian dismounted and gave his horse a pat as he stepped on the porch. He reached up and stopped the sign from moving as he tried to read the weather-worn words. The Inn was all he could make out of it. He turned to the large oak doors. One was ajar just enough to be able to squeeze inside. The hinges were rusty, but with a bit of a push, the door squeaked closed.
Inside was dusty, as if it was simply abandoned by the proprietor. He walked over to the bar and looked at the dust. He could hear the water dripping onto the old well-worn wood floor near the fireplace, and so he pulled his flint out and used his knife to kindle some old shavings that were left in a kindling box, then once a flame was had, he lit a candle that was laying there on his side. The dim light flickered to life and he considered lighting some of the other candles that either stood or were knocked over on the tables. He used the now-burning kindling box to light a fire in the hearth to take the damp chill away from the place. There was still wood piled nearby, and even though some was dry rotted, it worked to get the flames to grow. Yes, he would stay here, at least until the rain passed.
Once the fire was burning hard, he set few small logs to cover it before he went outside to tend to his horse. He led her around back to the decrepit stable. Checking the beams, Durian deemed it safe enough for her to shelter in, for the rain was not going to let up any time soon. She settled into the old hay and he gave her a brush to allow the water to wash her some.
”I will be back soon missy.”
He said as he gave her some oats from his satchel. He checked his meagre supplies and knew he needed to get to Bree and re-supply. Maybe tomorrow, after the rain stops. Durian walked back into the inn by the back door to the kitchen and went in where the fire he had made was working on warming the place. He sat down by it and stared the flickering flames.
The constant drip of the rain leaking in echoed through the otherwise quiet empty inn and Durian moved a chair so he could put his feet on the hearth and he leaned back against the beam by the wall. The old oak whispered to him, hinting at many stories the inn had to tell … a table of Arnorian soldiers arguing over the impending division of Arnor, to rowdy drinking and quiet gatherings of Dunedain Rangers… couple talking as relationships were made and couples arguing as relationships were broken… whispers of plans and plots of good and ill, to death and blood, to intense love and deep feelings.
Durian could hear the whispers in his head, and he turned and slowly reached for the oak beam. A vision flashed in his mind when he set his hand on it. A fair maiden moving about the wood, her long raven hair swaying and wrapping about her shoulders. She turned and looked at him and smiled... Durian let go of the beam and blinked his eyes. He had a hard time gaining his breath and he set back up in the chair, putting his feet back on the floor. He felt strange, and though it was only a moment, it seared itself into him. He again stood and stepped over to the beam where he saw a slight glow. There on the beam was carved finely as if an Elven craftsman had worked it, a heart with the names Halrohir and Lonannuniel. His fingers came up to it but hesitated. He touched the name Halrohir and saw a brief vision of a handsome Dunedain ranger. When he moved his finger to the name Lonannuniel, a beautiful Elf maiden flashed in his mind. But she was not the same as the elf maiden he had seen earlier. When he placed his finger on the heart, he saw the two people very much in love and getting married. He retreated his hand from it and could see the glow where he had touched it had faded some.
He stared at it for a time until a loud pop from one of the logs on the fire broke his thoughts. An orange ember shot out and it bounced across the floor. Durian quickly stepped over and ground it out with his boot, kicking the hot remains into the puddle of water from the leaking roof. With his movement away from the beam, the visions faded in intensity in his mind and only became a vague memory. He decided to rummage around behind the bar to see if there was anything drinkable. There were a few bottles of wine still sealed, and a firkin of ale that seemed to have not leaked. He pounded the tap into it and tried some of it. A heavy black stout! It was smooth and very well aged. Happy that it hadn’t gone rancid from seepage, he looked for a tankard to fill. Durian found a clay one that was not broken, still sitting upside down on the shelf at the back of the bar. He opened the tap he had used on the firkin and filled the mug.
"This will do nicely."
he said to himself before walking back over by the fire. He sat on the hearth and leaned his back against the stones to the side of the fire. Sipping his ale, he sat and watched the steam rise from the leg of his wet breeches and listened to the rain on the roof as it intensified. Along with the heavier rain, the leaks in the roof dripped harder and faster and Durian lost himself as he sipped his ale, listening to the sounds of the rain and fire. He was aware that the smoke from the chimney would draw any others who happened to be passing by, so he stayed aware of the sounds as he daydreamed…
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