View Full Version : Fellowship of the ringwraiths discussion thread
05-31-2005, 05:29 PM
Well apologies to anyone who was awaiting my first thread to be about clowns, crowns or big ears etc but here it is: born out of necessity: it is the
Fellowship of the Ringwraiths discussion thread
an RPG that more than any other will need a discussion thread!
Let battle and wit and witty battle and fun, games and cutting edge controversy commence. Cry havoc and let loose the wraiths of hazard!
Hum along all:
" Just the good ol' boys... never meaning no harm!"
Please feel free to view the relavant threads for relevance: please check with Gordis and CS and also Olmer and TD and Lotesse many others etc as to details but i see this being an interesting fast-paced mix of humour, alternative history and serious (in- context of the rpg of course) wraith centred alternate history of the search for the ring
:D i look forward specifically to the last two books and gordis's PJ-style direction here (i am relying on our erstwhile producer Crazy squirrel here for some serious objective input and counter balance) :D
Look forward to your input here all: how do you want us to start Gordis / crazy squirrel?
05-31-2005, 05:50 PM
Thanks for opening this thread, Butterbeer! :)
I was bold enough to post the beginning. It looks like Crazy Squirrel is not online. Or is she invisible? Are you there CS?
I am sorry if it is not as funny as I wanted it to be. But anyway, please, continue!
05-31-2005, 06:15 PM
you kidding? thats a cracker of a start!
Excellent :D
i'm going to try to insert anything topical (or not ) from other threads as much as i can so will now introduce an email from ask gollum - please let me know ( by email of course) if theres a problem with this appraoch.
05-31-2005, 07:07 PM
Thanks for your compliment on the beginning, Butterbeer.
I liked your part also. Nice and funny. I think we can adjust the styles later to make it more uniform. I have a feeling that we should keep the modern days things to a minimum, and the language more standard, otherwise it will be too like the Lyrd thread. Moreover, I will not be able to keep up, as English is not even my second language.
I am postuing another piece, that I have written while you were typing yours. So the styles are different. And I have problem with Ringwraith's names.
I used temporary names:
1- WK
4- Mor
6- Lily
7 -Gor
8 -
9 - Vin
And I made Lil, Gor and Vin girls. I don't think there were any female nazgul, but I feel it will be funnier that way. You have to be Tolkien to make adventures of a 100 percent male fellowship interesting.
But if you disagree, we can change that.
06-01-2005, 03:54 AM
Maybe we could have one of them as just 'Number 8' or 'Number 5'. They could keep moaning that Sauron never named them etc. What do you think?
06-01-2005, 05:20 AM
Good idea TD: could be much scope there: also its true we do not know their names so we should investigate this!
Yuo're right Gordis i was thinking the same: we should avoid going down the Lyrd route: this is a new and different RPG: and will take more resaerch perhaps in some places, though it can be light and funny too.
Like the idea of some chicks on the cruise! Plenty of scope for writing in some long delays setting off! :p
06-01-2005, 05:54 AM
Great Butterbeer and TD. The style is perfect. Loved this Lily-Gor chat.
About names.
I think we can name most of them as I proposed if you liked that. Any comments are appreciated.
And it's a good idea to leave some unnamed. I can even see the good reason for it: their true Easterling names were impossible to pronounce for numenoreans, so they went by numbers.
I feel Gothmog and Mordocar (both numenoreans) may be buddies.
Khamul is up to you, TD, I feel you like him!
Crazy Squirrel, I hope you will not feel offended that I used this "I am a crasy black squirrel" thing about Lily. I will remove it if you don't like it.
Actually I like Lily a lot already. Too preoccupied with dresses and such, but a kind old soul.
Perhaps Lily could arrange the com-pu-tir to be taken to the other side along with the horses and raiment as a surprize for Gor? Because of course they can carry nothing when going around unclad and invisible. No shoes even! Ugh! And how to sleep naked on bare ground? And if it rains?
What about Viv the ninth? Will she be shy and romantic?
06-01-2005, 06:07 AM
Butterbeer, about the boating trip. Most are supposed to fear water like hell. Khamul more than the others. So boating trip is unlikely. But plenty of fun ashore. Could they find strawberries in Lorien?
All that after they get their horses and things, of course. The begginning I believe should be miserable. They are unclad and too near from the Eye.
06-01-2005, 09:35 AM
1- The Witch-King of Angmar, Lord of Morgul (Wikkie)
Note: The Captain of the Fellowship, former Numenorean King Tar-Ciryatan :) , the strongest of the Nine, sorceror, no phobias.
2- Khamul, The Shadow of the East, Lord of Dol Guldur
Note: most afflicted by water-phobia, daylight-phobia etc. But feels the Ring keenly
3- Gothmog (Goth) Leutenant of Morgul
Note: Numenorean, pedantic one
4- Mordacar (Mor) assigned to DolGuldur
Note: Numenorean, Gothmog's best friend
5- Buzukkumarz simply called "Five" as he dislikes his name being shortened.
Note: likes wine and silly pranks
6- Lilaenwen (Lily) also called the Squirrel
Note: Loves dresses and trinkets
7- Gordis (Gor)
Note: happy user of the com'u-Tir, the serious one.
8- Haradmurath simply called "Eight" as he dislikes his name being shortened
Note: In his mortal life he was a famous Rhûn temple priest, sorcerer and healer. He is the best torturer among the nine
9 -Viniglaen (Vin)
Note: the shy and romantic one
6,7,9 are girls.
Any corrections and ideas most welcome!
Last Child of Ungoliant
06-01-2005, 11:45 AM
can i be one :sweet smile: ? ;)
and as a rather interesting aside, perhaps 7 (as a female) could be similar to ST:Voyager Seven of Nine?
if i am being really stupid, jus tell me to shut up :D
06-01-2005, 11:46 AM
I think we are controlling all charcters between us Chrys, but I may be wrong.
06-01-2005, 12:38 PM
can i be one :sweet smile: ? ;)
Sure, I would be happy if you join! :) WELCOME! even sweeter smile... :)
\There is still a possibility to modify the characters and their names according to your wishes. That would be great if you can provide some backup story for any of them.
As for no7 I called myself that because
1. I am a she
2. in the ICE games the 7 th nazgul was a female - Adunaphel. Tolkien of course meant nothing like that.
To All
It seems to me that we have no possibility to make a real RPG with this, I mean "One participant- one role" it looks more like an interactive writing project.
Everyone is welcome to come and continue the story. But please, follow the guidlines and the style proposed.
Please post your ideas in this tread or just continue the main one.
Now I believe there should be the Battle of Osgiliath scene (ref: Boromir at the Counsil of Elrond). And the unclad invisible nazgul passed to the other side before the bridges were destroyed by Boromir.
06-01-2005, 03:49 PM
well maybe Wikkie could punt up the river and the rest have pooh-stick games ( i was going to say model boats but remembered that wouldn't be appropriate)
welcome last child: the rules of this gig are still bubbling around in the firmament a little but it'll be more wierd than lyrds in terms of creativity yet strangely truer in terms of ME investigative journalism: imagine Oliver Stone meets Michael Moore meets treebeard meets that watergate FBI bloke meets the good ol' boys ( and girls)
you'll need to read up a little on Olmer, gordis et al in the various threads: we will be the knitting vortex of thread evolution!
Gor: well as it starts - interactive writing project yes, but it could go into a semi or 3/4 RPG as it progresses just one with a multiple thread and plot-lines and therefore narrators: we'll just have to see on that one: if you want it to be first person you could maybe do it but it would slow it all down and tend to limit it? can we try and see what works first and keep the flow and add to it as it goes along?
Wheres our lazy erstwhile producer Lily BTW? ( i mean CS) : blowing up walnuts in the Andes or what? making Manchurian marmalade in Mirkwood?
Put out a Moot APB!
BTW Gordis: it'd be helpful while we start if you could pop down some sort of timescale of events to orient oursleves to where we are! ( :D i'm sure it won't be controversial! )
06-01-2005, 04:34 PM
We could have a Wikkie Boromir fight. I'll post it but, if all disagree then I'll remove it.
06-01-2005, 05:13 PM
Fine, TD! Nice fight and I liked Sau's "piece of jewellery hint".
I dont understand though why they had to walk unclad to Osgiliath? And why it took a week from Morgul to Osg. I thought they rode there in one night and there left the horses and robes and continued on foot. Don't forget Sau's Eye works well at short distance!
well maybe Wikkie could punt up the river and the rest have pooh-stick games ( i was going to say model boats but remembered that wouldn't be appropriate)
If you ask me, I suggest to keep silliness to a minimum. All of them save the WK fear water (What about washing though?). Let's describe a hard journey in difficult environment (lots of streams to cross, rain, thorns in bare feet etc). I opt for an epic and gothic style. But the situations will inevitably be funny.
Gor: well as it starts - interactive writing project yes, but it could go into a semi or 3/4 RPG as it progresses just one with a multiple thread and plot-lines and therefore narrators: we'll just have to see on that one: if you want it to be first person you could maybe do it but it would slow it all down and tend to limit it? can we try and see what works first and keep the flow and add to it as it goes along?
Yes you are right, I agree completely. I am against first person writing because there will be some unreliable members. Where is CS, really? Perhaps she will not be happy to be Lily. And as for myself, I am afraid I will not be able to participate on a regular basis, although I am strongly attracted to this story.
I think we will be happy if we can attract The Last Child and Lotesse. Olmer? Our spiritual leader is always welcome.
BTW Gordis: it'd be helpful while we start if you could pop down some sort of timescale of events to orient oursleves to where we are! (i'm sure it won't be controversial! )
They crossed the bridge on July 1 3018 "passed slowly and in stealth, through Anórien (east Gondor with farmhouses and gardens), and over the Entwade, (lets make it July 12) and so into the Wold, and rumour of darkness and a dread of men knew not what went before them. They reached the west-shores of Anduin a little north of Sarn Gebir, as they had trysted; and there received horses and raiment that were secretly ferried over the River (July 17).
Don't forget that the crossing of every puddle let alone a big river (like Entwade) is a problem. Sauron had to attack Osgiliath just to let the nazgul cross the Anduin by the bridge.
By daylight they normally stray when left alone (or sleep under the nearest tree).
I believe we reserve strawberries and vine for the next stage- the merry ride up and down the Vales.
Now we face 12 days journey through Gondor.
We are on July1, 3018
July 2
The miserable day
Then we will have a storm from those clouds in the west. Poor usss!
Do you like it?
06-01-2005, 05:18 PM
I only had them unclad because I forgot they needed to be clad to fight. I can change it if you wish?
06-01-2005, 05:37 PM
Yes, please, TD and make it a swift trip by supersonic horses :)
What do you think of my bit?
Now who takes the storm?
06-01-2005, 05:57 PM
oh where to start?
Firstly : telcontar i don't have a hat but if i did, (well i do but not to hand) in fact i just don't even have anywhere near enough hats, but if so i'd take them ALL off to you: superb!
Wikkie and the temptation of the ring!
Boromir the 1st!
clearly superb!
Forgive me Gordis i have forgotten everything else just now: in the words of Boromir the chronologically uncommitred (from our nightly nine POV) "i'll be back!" :D
great stuff all!
06-01-2005, 06:41 PM
If you ask me, I suggest to keep silliness to a minimum. All of them save the WK fear water (What about washing though?). Let's describe a hard journey in difficult environment (lots of streams to cross, rain, thorns in bare feet etc). I opt for an epic and gothic style. But the situations will inevitably be funny.
Do you like it?
Firstly i like it a lot. good stuff!
With regard to the above quote: yes i kind of agree, but i think it important to retain some silliness: not for the sake of it but from historical accuracy with regard to how this 'one RPG to rule them all, one RPG to Bind them, one RPg to take them all (various threads) ... and in the wraith like darkness bind them ... all began:
its a unique (IMHO) mix of theory , threads, links and posts, wraith alternate history, compositing of theories and fun, cross thread enjoyment and thought with exciting possibilities... redirected with some panache by earniel as it was both good and off-subject, hence this rpg! :)
i do pretty much agree with you and am happy to follow your lead on it but i do feel at this stage we should be careful not to clamp too stringent contsraints on this wonderful fusion too early, to my mind this whole adventure began from your excellent repost to crazy squirrel and the fellowship of the ringwraiths post - it IS a mix of the funny and off the cuff posts and the alternate investigative IF threads and others that to my mind make the Moot the place it is ...
started (many thanks to earniel by the way) by the unholy mix wherein the knowledge and debate of yourself, Olmer and Td among many others with crazy squirrel (or lilly :D ) meet and (hopefully) inspire!
Personally i see it as a strong central core that examines this alternate view both seriously and enjoyably yet acts as a catalyst to bring together the Moot community via cross thread links where appropriate and within such reasonably strong but open-ended guidelines as are formulated in the boromir challenged time-lines of the future, to the betterment of all threads herein.
On water, i think we should respect that but only to a degree where it does not constrict within good guidelines, the necessary flow of the RPG.
As i say i'm more than happy to take yours and (if the lazy crazy squirrel can be coaxed down from it's nut filled tree! ;) ) Cs's lead on this!
carry on wraithing all.
best BB :)
BTW: i could be wrong but TD went over the bridge and you went under it???? :D isn't there water down there? ;)
06-02-2005, 04:49 AM
Hi, Butterbeer.
Wonderful post, I agree entirely with your POV on this RPG!
BTW: i could be wrong but TD went over the bridge and you went under it???? :D isn't there water down there? ;)
Why? I wrote: "They run like a wind over the bridge" and collapsed on the other side, on the West bank!
06-02-2005, 12:12 PM
To All
I have updated the list of characters above in this thread.
If you want me to add more details on your characters, I will be happy to do so
Last Child of Ungoliant
06-02-2005, 12:14 PM
i kinda like gothmog, so can i carry on using him mainly (obviously other people use him too,) and can he be maybe slightly mad?
although all is fine if not, and everything is good so far:)
06-02-2005, 03:42 PM
i kinda like gothmog, so can i carry on using him mainly (obviously other people use him too,) and can he be maybe slightly mad?
although all is fine if not, and everything is good so far:)
Gothmog is all yours :) , if others have no objections.
You can post a bio for him and I will add it into the character list.
And sure he can suffer from SPS-PM syndrome at times :D (see Ask Gollum thread)
But we have a big problem: where is this Lily the Crazy Squirrel?
Hey, Squirrel!!! :)
I think we continue to use Lily as we all see fit :D
06-02-2005, 07:12 PM
Why? I wrote: "They run like a wind over the bridge" and collapsed on the other side, on the West bank!
sorry, must have been half asleep or something, as i am now. I'll post tommorow. Nice touch to bring in the eye...
06-03-2005, 03:56 PM
I have drawn the route of the nazgul on the map. I am fond of maps and I believe it may be helpful. I wanted to attach it, but the map (jpg) file is 168 KB, while only 9,8 KB is allowed here. If reduced to this size the map becomes unreadable. Can anybody here give me an advice, what to do?
Last Child of Ungoliant
06-03-2005, 04:08 PM
upload it to a file hoster, like photobucket, and then link it,
or email it to me and i will do that for you
06-03-2005, 04:18 PM
Can you optimize it in photoshop? use the save for web command. else crop it into smaller sections and we'll all reassemble it at our ends?
failing that does anyone have a website we can temporarily upload to?
Is it scanned in? if so what res?
a map? Nice!
btw i am trying to read up on olmer etc and all that jazz so i am properly clued in (well hey! theres a first for everything! :D )
I take it at this point we are 'going slow' and spreading fear and darkness far and wide, (possibly on a grand scale?) going unsaid at this point that we know nothing' of the shire or bree etc! ?? ala the Olmerian treatsie? (before it mutates into the Moot community mealstorm Mix)
or is it still undeteremined by Wikkie and the good ol' boys and Goth girls yet?
Lotesse is in but is having comp' u tir' problems herself at the mo!
anyword on the One? (Olmer) or the Nutty nibbler?
best all
06-03-2005, 04:23 PM
upload it to a file hoster, like photobucket, and then link it,
or email it to me and i will do that for you
Thank you, Last Child, I have sent the map to you by E-mail.
Please upload it for me!
Last Child of Ungoliant
06-03-2005, 04:25 PM
And here it is: (jus' follow the link)
06-03-2005, 04:34 PM
I loved your last contribution, Butterbeer! Lily becomes my fav. character.
The map I have sent to Last Child who generously offered to do the hard job for me. It is a KW Fonstad map I got from the web.
When I get the link, I will post the explanation.
I take it at this point we are 'going slow' and spreading fear and darkness far and wide, (possibly on a grand scale?) going unsaid at this point that we know nothing' of the shire or bree etc! ?? ala the Olmerian treatsie? (before it mutates into the Moot community mealstorm Mix)
or is it still undeteremined by Wikkie and the good ol' boys and Goth girls yet?
I think Sau told Wikkie or all of them to look for Baggins and the Shire. I suppose Wikkie knows where the Shire is, but keeps quiet.
I think we shall have a nice thunderstorm first.
We can also meet the Druedan, if you like, they are close to us now, we have to cross the forest.
Then we follow the road, than have a merring stream crossing scene and Entwade wading scene then hop over the Rohan wall and get our clothes and horses and at last have fun.
Lotesse is in but is having comp' u tir' problems herself at the mo!
anyword on the One? (Olmer) or the Nutty nibbler?
Nay, nothing.
But I have nasty plans for the Squirrel :D (I mean Lily of course)
06-03-2005, 04:36 PM
And here it is: (jus' follow the link)
WOW, that was FAST!
Thank you again,
Last Child of Ungoliant
06-03-2005, 04:37 PM
WOW, that was FAST!
Thank you again,
you are most welcome :D
06-03-2005, 04:38 PM
Hi, All!
I am posting the map of the region taken from The Atlas of Middle Earth, Revised Edition, Karne Wynn Fonstad.
The supposed route of the unclad and horseless Ringwraiths is marked in BLUE. Probable day stops are marked by dots. Dates (July 3018) are in blue. River crossings are shown by red dots.
I believe they have followed the Great West road and then turned North to avoid Edoras. Crossing the river Snowbourne (without a bridge or a ford- what a feat!) they came to the Entwade ford (let's suppose on the 11.07). Then they climed over the Wall of Rohan and reached the Anduin bank north of Sarn Gebir (16.07) There on 17.07 they received horses and raiment ferried over the Anduin from the other side.
I hope it will be helpful.
Please, don't feel restricted by it. I am just fond of maps and mapping things and calculating dates. That's all.
I am not putting bonds on your imagination. Let your Muse run free.
The map can always be corrected!
06-03-2005, 04:38 PM
great! have it .
Nice work LCOU and Gordis :cool:
is it just me or can you too hear the benny hill music when you envisage the journey?
(don't worry gordis we'll not be too silly honestly)
i like the idea we flesh out their characters a bit: after all every story has 2 sides and this is the Nazgul's pont of view:
we cannot trust these blood-ridden sunlight sleazy, fleshy types and their discrimination against good honest orcs or wraiths etc!)
eg: gandalf presumably would be some sinister frightening old man wandering around in dirty rags ? ??
i think everyone who needs to 9 i for one) should do a bit of research into the various theories and timelines: this could be brought out in first person dialouge if nessecary, whilst still being enjoyable
does your map match up to the one's gordis? (well now theres a whole new thread ready to go ... :D )
06-03-2005, 04:39 PM
your'e not kidding i have just replied to see 3 or 4 posts in between!
Last Child of Ungoliant
06-03-2005, 04:43 PM
is it just me or can you too hear the benny hill music when you envisage the journey?
hmm, followed closely by galadriel, arwen, eowyn and rosie? dadadadaa-da dadader derderder
06-03-2005, 04:47 PM
well as we are ourselves are unclad ..... it seems only fair now doesn't it?
(sorry Gordis! LCOU: we have to be semi serious here: not all the time but at least half the time! ;) make sure you read up on the various theories! :) )
06-03-2005, 05:18 PM
is it just me or can you too hear the benny hill music when you envisage the journey?
(don't worry gordis we'll not be too silly honestly)
i like the idea we flesh out their characters a bit: after all every story has 2 sides and this is the Nazgul's pont of view:
we cannot trust these blood-ridden sunlight sleazy, fleshy types and their discrimination against good honest orcs or wraiths etc!)
eg: gandalf presumably would be some sinister frightening old man wandering around in dirty rags ? ??
This music is quite fitting!
Good idea about old fool Gandalf and "other fleshy types". Also those disgusting elves!
I like your jokes in the thread, BB and LCOU, I just can't write that funny myself!
06-03-2005, 05:47 PM
Well, Butterbeer, feel free to describe the horrors of the thunderstorm.
I am off for today.Best
06-03-2005, 06:09 PM
Now now Gordis, we're relying on you to keep us in check and on track (lcou and i are lethal when not kept in check - fine on our own just a tad silly when fused ... )
anyway besides i must totally disagree with you ....
your descriptive writing has made me laugh many many times and your ideas
(i.e the fellowship of the ringwraiths!)
are without peer.
I think we need bushy tail to add some serious gravitas in here! :D
It'll be good if the One (Olmer, would add some input) and when lotesse arrives back etc.
Td can be both grounded and very funny: so we need his input too.
Seriously though lets not make this rpg go too silly: theres plenty of natural scope with the subject matter without piling it on.
its ok here in the discussion thread: anything goes here and thats official! :D
(imagines horrible blood-warm fleshy type toothless Parky careering around after galadriel and arwen etc)
just seen your post above: night gordis.
06-04-2005, 04:35 AM
Are we following the same time scheme as Lotr, so Book 1 ends at the Ford of Brunien.
06-04-2005, 05:48 AM
actually i think book one ends after the nazgul dedicated to their misiion aims of speed and secerecy have plodded around on foot galavanting around like aimlessly as if they were on a picnic party, broadcasting in their sheer numbers (and with Lily around) fear and darkness throughout the known world... as Olmer conjects ( though of course we are very open surely? to controversy and debate here still! The debates can still continue for example although i am not yet playing a particular character my horse WILL NOT be a mearas! :D However it might be drugged to the eyeballs when there is need for speed: which by the way answers my er answer:
Book 2 starts when sauron finally gets angry, gets back from the optician and tells the naughty nine to get serious and get North fast!
supersonic stallions 'yeeeehah!' 'ridin' ridin' ridin' etc
Maybe book 2 could end at bruinen if you like but i suspect gordis will have other ideas? eg if one horse survives the drenching?
we'll have some debate as to what happens in the rest of the books as we will have to "flesh it out" pun intended as there is not so much infomration ...
ps Chrys: great posts: i think its fine to play Gothmog, but you don't have to post in the first person all the time you are part of the narrative team too!
we'll have much chance to debate from the first person perspective much and many of Sau's blunders too: and the whys, if's and what, wherefores etc etc.
Also life support and ring lore too! :D
06-04-2005, 10:11 AM
My ideas on the subject.
Part one: The Fellowship of the Ringwraiths
Book One: Strawberries and champagne ends when the nazgul return back from their Gundabad promenade and meet Sau's messangers who treatens them and sends them to Isengard to ask directions of Saruman
Book two: Supersonic Stallions when Speed not Secrecy becomes important, the nazgul go to Isengard and on to the Shire, Bree, Weathertop and then to Bruinen ford. Then Wikkie gets the only remaining mearas :p and returns to Mordor leaving the others behind
Part two: The Two Black Towers
Book three: Wikkie the fly by night . Wikkie collects the nazgul on his Fell beast. They go through BaradDur rehab and are given Fell Basts instead of horses.
Book four: Bathtime Blunders I am not sure, what Butterbeer meant, but I believe the nazgul follow the Ring's progress towards Mordor and say nothing to poor Sau.
Part three: The Return of the Witch King
Book Five: Wikkie seizes the One - we have to decide when and how. PJ's stupid Osgiliath scene?
Book six: Wikkie the Witch King wins Ask Squirrel and Burrrbeer how.
So the parts of our play are basically the same as in LOTR.
Sorry, I have to run,
See you in the evening :)
06-04-2005, 02:01 PM
Maybe we could have an attack on Ithilien, Faramir wounded, perhaps killed, and Frodo and Sam either seized and tortured or killed.
06-04-2005, 03:30 PM
That is one possibility, though I don't want poor Faramir killed.
Another possibility is to use the scene in the Morgul Vale, when Wikkie was leading his host and stopped as he sensed the Ring. He could have got his birdie, caught Frodo and turned his host on Mordor. Thus he would avoid Eowyn as well.
Last Child of Ungoliant
06-04-2005, 03:32 PM
and then feign a treaty with gondor?
06-04-2005, 03:48 PM
And then Wikkie returns as the Rightful King to Gondor, instead of Aragorn.
At least Olmer thinks he has more right to Arnor and Gondor thrones than poor Strider.
Last Child of Ungoliant
06-04-2005, 03:53 PM
yeh, he probably does, well anyway, all that yet to come
06-04-2005, 03:54 PM
"We, or one of us, must meet up with Khamûl and Mor, in Dol Guldur. We will then search the Anduin for this 'Shire' that 'Master' wants us to look for," said Wikkie commandingly. "Any objections? No, good."
TD, there is still a loo-ong way to the meeting with Khamul and Mor. Just look at the map. First we must return to Anduin bank and get clothes and horses, then ride North and then meet with Khamul and Mor at the field of Calenardon.
But why can't you describe Khamul's and Mor's life in DG and their preparations? They have about 2 weeks to wait before they sat out. They were also looking for Gollum and organized his escape.
06-04-2005, 05:15 PM
my horse WILL NOT be a mearas! However it might be drugged to the eyeballs when there is need for speed:
Hmm, I suggest you make it an unicorn!
06-04-2005, 05:38 PM
is there evidence any of the nine rode unicorns? ;)
besides i don't think they have the stamina, and they would need ALOT of training to get such a lawful or 'good' beast to bear a nazgul! :D
like the idea the WK is the rightful heir .... good possibilites there
Morgul vale would be good, perhaps merged with LCOU's feigned treaty idea: prior to aragorn's declaration the Gondorians hear of a claim to the kingship again: being in dire straights they might well listen ....
bathtime blunders originates form the forgetful gordis, gordis! :eek:
Sam pops the ring on in Mordor etc : Sau was maybe in the bath?
Course this is after the morgul vale, but we can find plenty of sau blunders to cover this, if we go with the Morgul vale capture of the ring that is
well chapter 6 is the most controversial, but gives us the most scope too! I espcially look forward to your eager posts on that chapter Gordis :D i'm sure you can find a way to deal with it: Wikkie wins = the defeat of Sauron, but could also mean if you wanted it to Wikkies' peace and death: maybe he defeats sua and jumps into orodruin????
Or of course he just becomes the greatest dark lord of all time in the conventional manner and marries Gor and they all live happily evrer after!
06-05-2005, 06:53 AM
is there evidence any of the nine rode unicorns? ;)
besides i don't think they have the stamina, and they would need ALOT of training to get such a lawful or 'good' beast to bear a nazgul! :D
I thought the only requirement for riding an unicorn is to be a certified virgin :D
Anyway it was just a silly joke :)
well chapter 6 is the most controversial, but gives us the most scope too! I espcially look forward to your eager posts on that chapter Gordis :D i'm sure you can find a way to deal with it: Wikkie wins = the defeat of Sauron, but could also mean if you wanted it to Wikkies' peace and death: maybe he defeats sua and jumps into orodruin????
I think IF Wikkie becomes the Dark Lord he would hardly wish to jump into Orodruin.
Or of course he just becomes the greatest dark lord of all time in the conventional manner and marries Gor and they all live happily evrer after!
I am afraid Lily the Squirrel has plans for Wikkie's hand as well. :D
It might be a nasty fight.
Hey Squirrel, if you don't reappear ASAP I will seduce your beloved Wikkie :p
06-05-2005, 07:04 AM
sorry, but i lost my certificate :D
very careless behaviour i know. Lets hope Lily hasn't still got hers ... Wikkie may like that: she might cut quite a figure riding a unicorn... ;)
btw saw your post notifying the One in the eye thread: our next mission all: Olmer must be drawn into the fair woods of this RPG by any means fair or foul... spread out and lay in wait...
*blows hunting horn*
(not foxes chrys, just for effect)
06-05-2005, 08:04 AM
Oh WHAT have I done to poor Squirrel! :o
That will teach her to stay away from the game she has practically started!
06-05-2005, 02:27 PM
maybe she'll like it! Its a bit like Aslan isn't? Not a tame Lion - not all squirrels are ... er .. sane : maybe good ol' absent CS will like the new touch!
(and here was me advising myself and LCOU to tone it down! as it this is a (semi) serious RPG! :D )
come back Chrys all is forgiven! (not that there was owt to forgive anyhow, mind)
my only concern is: will this help in the Olmer luring / baiting etc?
We will need a few others for this secondary quest: potentially three new recruits (this is including our absentee Lil' Bushy eyes and the assumed arrival of lotesse -tech problems solved)
Has Viv strayed already btw?
I wonder what the Druedan dwelling peoples make of it all? The drums'll be getting balearic soon! :D
06-05-2005, 02:55 PM
I am sorry, my sense of humour led me astray. I am afraid Olmer will not join on regular basis anyway.
Yes, we need more people. How do we attract them?
I think Lily (I am not sure about CS) will learn to love her new tail. It may be handy when walking and jumping. And I made it a superb tail!
I have no idea what happened to Viv. Captured by drughu? Sleeping under a tree? What do you suggest, Butterbeer?
I think Wikkie will have to find Viv himself.
06-05-2005, 03:12 PM
hey no problem: just kidding
Give up on Olmer?
Give up on Olmer?
Nay Gordis : we have sworn the secret pact of the almost nine - or the nine wherein some are still secretly hidden from view (some having tech problems others walnut waltzing in woods of yore - or some such!)
i appreciate Olmer cannot maybe post often: we will all have times like that etc anyway: but we must seek him out and like the one and the rings of power: to this rpg BIND HIM! - even if its the only odd post or discussion element Olmer!
surely he can manage this little post, this least of posts that the nine desire?
once in a blue moon would do: it doens't quite feel complete without him: anyway Olmer would come up with some incredible input and ideas :
Be true nazgul! do not give up hope: while yet the fellowship holds together there is hope:
our secondary quest will not falter, even if by a thread it hangs:
we will seek out the One and seek his counsel!
ps regarding VIV: its in the air - lets see where it falls.
06-05-2005, 04:10 PM
We don't need that many people gordis, just a few commited ones. In the Lyrd of the Ryings there are only four regular posters and at one time there was only three, but we are over halfway through LotR.
06-05-2005, 04:33 PM
I don't know much about RPG's but I feel a couple more of contributers could be good. But it is not like we get many proposals :(
Anyway, what has happened to Viv? Have you any idea, TD?
06-05-2005, 05:15 PM
well i'm halfway between the both of you: the real thing here is as TD says commited rpg players rather than sheer numbers, but on the other hand i can think of 6 or so who are pretty regular in Lyrders and there are others who chip now and then,
so i do agree with Gordis also: i think we need some more: i'm assuming lotesse will join when she can, and that CS eventually will ... we should make every effort to get olmer involved even if its on a very occassional basis (quality over quantity everyday)
besides i have started a campaign, and i hope the others here assembled will obey the one after the prime directive and seek for the Olmer ...
TD: its up to you what happened to viv ...
*passes buck rugby style * :)
ps: i think fletch is very trustworthy! don't listen to these musings... ;)
06-06-2005, 11:07 AM
Maybe she went to scare the men living in Druedain Forest. I'll post it when I have dis/approval.
06-06-2005, 06:09 PM
Sorry, TD, just seen your post. Yes, I have the same idea :)
Please, continue!
06-07-2005, 03:00 PM
G & TD: good work:
TD: i find it odd Wikkie is 'determined' to find strawberries but then drags VIV away anyway: fair play but at least get the champers and strawberries! :D
ps Telcontar: i can't hear 'lanor' without thinking of the washing powder or liquid etc?
(thought i'd better not post that in the Mirkwood gates discussion though!)
06-07-2005, 03:47 PM
Nice touch, TD and Butterbeer. Only Drugu don't strike me as possible admirers of champers! I thought it would be the sophisticated gondoreans living nearby.
06-07-2005, 07:13 PM
maybe they traded it for drums? maybe it was ghan-bury-whatsits private stash?
OK you're right of course: best not too worry too much about it i guess:
06-09-2005, 10:15 AM
Oh, Guys!
I have just found this game!
Gordis, What a great work, and your MAP!
And I have got the best character of all. Lily is Amazing! And the tail!
The only problem with me is that I have my EXAMS now. I shall join as soon as I can (July?)
06-09-2005, 08:12 PM
welcome back CS! Glad you finally found the gig.
Sure! - join in when you can!
may we still post for lily while you are temporarily otherwise engaged?
we're also hoping Lotesse will be back soon too: Olmer though - despite a valiant and unorthodox attempt - will probably not be joining us much if at all ....
what happens next gordis - other than some frolics with champers etc: wheres the next stop on the intinerey ....
06-10-2005, 07:18 AM
Glad to hear from you, Oh wandering Squirrel :)
I believe we can still use Lily till July then? We promise no structural damage done...
Butterbeer et al.
I will be glad if someone describes the drinking-strawberries devouring orgy.
I believe we can leave Lily with her tail. Let her get used to it and start to like it. :evil:
Then we have a dull several days march NW along the main (Great West) Road. Walking at night and sleeping in daytime?
Then we turn right across country (we don't want to go to Edoras, do we? - although it might be a good idea to go and wring the neck of a certain Eowyn - just in case).
06-10-2005, 05:01 PM
I will be glad if someone describes the drinking-strawberries devouring orgy.
I believe we can leave Lily with her tail. Let her get used to it and start to like it. :evil:
I'll be in touch with Chrys toot-sweet: though he maybe where i just came from (generic) ... the pub. (hey! i've been working ...hang on ... * calculates* the last 12 days solid: that's May since i had a half day off ....
mind you -yu never get any sympathy in this business for that!
Ho hum.
anyway, the champers and strawberries shouldnt be a problem
BB :)
06-10-2005, 05:42 PM
Well, your turn, BB!
Don't forget your statement that Lil was the least able to hold her drink...
So will she remain an exemplary ringwraith?
Last Child of Ungoliant
06-10-2005, 05:43 PM
well, i have made a start on the debauched champers party :D
and, i have been down ye olde pub all day, celebrating the fact that my last exams were yesterday, start second year of A Levels week after next week now
06-10-2005, 05:46 PM
Gordis and chrys (welcome back - how the exams going?)
good stuff y'all ( ... just the good ol' boys - and gals')
- used to be a productions joke ref: travelling: who could hum the Dukes of hazard theme tune? - don't ask me why.
... is Sau atthe opticians still? ;)
forgive my complete ignorance ( time based i'm affraid - combined with laziness to check gordis's post earlier - combined with extreme tiredness etc etc - minfd you i'm almost done here ...) : is gothmog on the trip? (?????)
ps glad your back in the dark side chrys - Gordis: thanks for joining the nine of two (secondary mission :) )
oh well we must respect olmer's wishes i guess .....
06-10-2005, 05:52 PM
forgive my complete ignorance ( time based i'm affraid - combined with laziness to check gordis's post earlier - combined with extreme tiredness etc etc - minfd you i'm almost done here ...) : is gothmog on the trip? (?????)
Yes he is!
Only Mor and Khamul are still in Dol Guldur. TD might find time to describe their travel preparations and how they are preparing Gollum's escape from Thranduil's
LCOU: congratulations on passing your exams! Nice start on the party.
06-10-2005, 05:53 PM
Lily cannot hold her drink anymore than the inverse combined drinking power of me and LCOU - i think?
Sorry but exemplary ringwraith, may go a bit off stray .... :D
*tempts fate*
well done chrys - i envy you (been down the boozer all day? - its been mad and stressful here ... ah well)
good luck with results
BB :)
06-10-2005, 06:01 PM
right, gothmog 's ok ...(i warn you - don't expect too much sense out of me just now :evil: ) :)
i look forward to TD's thranduil-friendly post ;)
Chrys: congratulations on your results as foretold by G! :p
... sorry gotta go - for a while at least ... bleeding auto-conform!
Last Child of Ungoliant
06-10-2005, 06:07 PM
i expect to pass history, archaeology and classical civilisation, i might scrape through with sociology, but i reckon i have failed general studies, on account of four lines for 12 mark questions :D seein as how no universities accept it as a qualification, but we digress, and yep, down the boozer nearly all day, i think i have drunk them dry of guiness, man i'm gonna have a sore head in the morning, jus so long as it clears up, seein as how i am goin to a gig tomorrow night, although i am surprised i aint completely drunk...well i am slightly p***** off, listening to download festival on kerrang radio, and i couldnt afford to go...seems to be a constant with me, not bein able to go to festivals, and sabbath are playin tomorrow night, and it's the original line up (wonder if ozzy and tony will take a few swings at each other)
gotta stop bein off topic now
soooo, how long is this champagne party sposed to last?
06-10-2005, 06:14 PM
soooo, how long is this champagne party sposed to last?
As long as there is the booze, so I recon it is practically over.
06-10-2005, 07:07 PM
:confused: it's hardly yet begun in the actual rpg thread .... hasn't it?
...could be wrong but i thought the bottles floating down' river were in this thread??
well could very easily be wrong at this point and its all a bit of fun at the mo' strawberries all round! (at this rate we'll probably have a few dozen punnets left - but precious little champagne ;) )
yours (inchorrehently possibly) BB
ok i just checked and my memory was in error: they were floating down the road: cus' Big S needed new eyepeice or whatever: and was in the bath: therefore did not see the naz and rubbed his eyes thinking he was seeing things: re: the bottles floating down the road ( in a very disjointed way ;) )_
I suggest we all ignore the theory behind this at this momment!
(puts on mail shirt - a black one :D : unless Olmer calls this to task! - hey! kidding - i understand. :) )
*rambles off*
BB :)
really gotto get some sleep now: its been fun - at least for my left eye-lid atleast
*earthquake-class Yawn*
struggles to press button...
night all
06-11-2005, 07:26 AM
Yes he is!
Only Mor and Khamul are still in Dol Guldur. TD might find time to describe their travel preparations and how they are preparing Gollum's escape from Thranduil's
LCOU: congratulations on passing your exams! Nice start on the party.
Will do.
06-13-2005, 03:30 PM
*enters wearing handcuffs and bemussed stare at BB*
"OK, what's my assignment?"
06-13-2005, 03:52 PM
welcome EB and take those handcuffs off - people will get the wrong idea!
Well for the momment join in the drinking - if that is not too ardous :p ?
At the momment all is fun and games as we relay the 'human' side - or 'not so dark side' to the wraiths and they are merrily 'on a pleasure cruise' : we are on chapter 'strawberries and champagne' currently: please check with the others first but this will be a semi-serious rpg later (with always the freedom to play a little though) but at the momment we are just exploring the various characters at play and 'having a holiday': the premise is that the nazgul could not have been looking in all earnestness at this point for the ring or for the shire as instructed: with speed and secrecy: sub-plots include that the WK (wikkie) actually did know where the shire was from his horticultural period in the north ( in th' good ol' days .... starts humming the Dukes of hazard theme tune again ... sorry!)
... and many more ....
every story has two sides and this is the other one - at the momment we are seeing the Naughty Nine at play: letting their hair down and enjoying this rare and brief respite from their enslaved existence.... i'm sure gordis when she stops snogging the pale king will inform you more of our next movements: theres an excellent map posted a bit earlier that will help and the threads 'the eye of sauron' and the 'nazgul horses' among others that others will hopefully post here are the essential reading matter as some background...
take your time on the background though: it is probably quite large: but here's the important bit ...
welcome aboard the night train.... :D
06-13-2005, 03:58 PM
Sounds great, excellent idea. Is it a traditional 3rd person role play, like the Lyrd's write? Or, are we assigned characters to toy with and represent? And, do you begin your sentences, properly, with conjunctions? :rolleyes:
Uh, you know my ability to remain serious is very questionable, right?
06-13-2005, 04:11 PM
well you could level that last bit at both me and (i hope he doesn't take any offence) at LCOU too ... :D
but it is NOT lyrds : it is fun and open but only within some very at the momment undefined guidelines .... ahem
its a mix of 3rd party and 1st person at the mo' please check who's being played by who : gor is gor, Chrys is gothmog, crazy squirrel of the many names is lilly etc... but all can be all pretty easily currently...
conjoin thee do i to this RPG, indeed yes .... ( how was that?) .... with this ring i thee bind ( to the rpg :eek: )
BB :)
06-13-2005, 05:08 PM
Welcome EarthBound! :)
What a good news that our fellowship grows.
You may pick a character or continue as you like in a third person.
As our wandering Squirrel is absent till July(?) we all can use her Lily and Lily's tail.
You are free to describe the end of the drinking orgy and the following march along the Great West Road.
But I am afraid that as it is the season for strawberries the nazgul may be distracted again?
What is Sauron doing, I wonder?
Butterbeer: Wauuu, I got a kiss from Wikkie! Ummm, thanks.
Lily may be jealous...:p Perhaps it will make her join sooner. :D
Last Child of Ungoliant
06-13-2005, 05:10 PM
d'you think any other tasty fruits will be found growing along the way? :D
06-13-2005, 05:24 PM
Like What?
Last Child of Ungoliant
06-13-2005, 05:26 PM
hmm, and there's a wonders what wraiths can get addicted to?
06-13-2005, 05:32 PM
I would say let the strawberries be their only minor ;) weak spot. But they will surely need more wine!
What about the story? Have you an idea why this Lily screeched again?
Last Child of Ungoliant
06-13-2005, 05:34 PM
i tell you, she's doin, doin gothmog's head in ;)
he has a bit of a headache :D
06-13-2005, 05:44 PM
Lightweight! :D
er.. i think Lily screeched because she was jealous!
yes: what is sauron doing? and what of the story: where's TD and the other 2 of the nine? We can lark around for a while but in the hateful day rest up a bit ... after this night's party really gets going ... :)
06-13-2005, 05:45 PM
Poor Goth! What can help a nazgul with a headache? Ask Eight, isn't he a great healer?
06-13-2005, 05:49 PM
er.. i think Lily screeched because she was jealous!
Stupid me! Indeed...
06-13-2005, 05:50 PM
Gordis: Poor Goth! What can help a nazgul with a headache? Ask Eight, isn't he a great healer?
another drink?
It's all in your mind Last child of Gothmog: here have a strawberry: Eight says it'll do you good!
06-14-2005, 09:56 AM
Sorry, Gordis, I don't really mean it! :)
I am very grateful to you for leading my Lily. Hope you will continue :D
I shall be back in July!
06-14-2005, 01:00 PM
Lightweight! :D
er.. i think Lily screeched because she was jealous!
yes: what is sauron doing? and what of the story: where's TD and the other 2 of the nine? We can lark around for a while but in the hateful day rest up a bit ... after this night's party really gets going ... :)
I'm here. Sorry, haven't been around for a while.
06-14-2005, 01:31 PM
I was thinking that Khamûl could be he one faithful to Sauron, but keeps it hidden. What do you tihnk?
06-14-2005, 02:08 PM
TD, I have recently posted my accusations against Khamul in the Line of Elros thread:
About trusting Khamul. He was the one who sensed the Ring better than all the other nazgul, save the Wikkie (UT).
1.Khamul was the one who went to Hobbitton and spoke with the Gaffer and missed Frodo standing nearby.
2.Khamul was the one who passed the hidden hobbits on the road
3.Khamul run away from singing elves, when he had plenty of time to get both Frodo and the Ring before they approached.
4.He again was the one at the Bucklebury ferry.
And just reread it. In the frosty air all the sounds carried far. The hobbits and Maggot were listening for the sound of hoofs intently, but heard none. And then when they had gotten onto the ferry and out of reach, Khamul appears on the landing, on foot. I bet he was near the ferry all the time, as no one heard the hooves of his horse! But he appeared only when the Ring was out of reach!
The evidence of Khamul's treachery is the most damning.
So, if you want to make him faithful to Sau,which of course is good for adding more intrigue to the plot ;) , you must choose from the following options:
1. either he changed his mind at some point during the hunt, before they reached the Shire
2. or he was afraid that if he got the Ring for Sau, Wikkie would be able to take it from him and use it himself.
06-14-2005, 04:34 PM
Okay. I'll go with Khamûl is driving the Ring to Mordor, but doesn't capture it in fear of Wikkie.
06-14-2005, 05:03 PM
Oh, my! What shall I do? Will there be a Morgul-knife fight?
Save me guys! The evil Squirrel is dangerous!
06-14-2005, 05:37 PM
More of a cat-fight than a squirrel fight, methinks: go for it! :D
.... so Khamul is a 'loyal' traitor eh? Actually the wraith at old gamgee's door and the great sense of the ring when frodo is just round the corner before setting off has a lot to answer to all round: but then again how far have our fellowship actually at this point ( in the rpg) determined that Wikkie or the group are seeking for the one for WK or the Nine rather than our great Lo... i mean Mr 'Mordor' Magoo ?
Bear that in mind TD: at what point does the loyal dog Khamul learn of wikkie's plans? - or suspect even if wikkie plays it closer to his chest?
06-14-2005, 05:43 PM
how far have our fellowship actually at this point ( in the rpg) determined that Wikkie or the group are seeking for the one for WK or the Nine rather than our great Lo... i mean Mr 'Mordor' Magoo ?
I think they are just feeling reluctant to search for the ring, and try to have vacations, however sometimes they have a thought that having the Ring for the nine would be great...
06-14-2005, 06:01 PM
ooops we crossed over there: do you want to edit a touch or shall i? Technically it should be me as you posted first .... but let me know
happy to do either :D
06-14-2005, 06:12 PM
I have edited mine a bit,
so, please, just remove "Back in the woods" as I have stolen it :p
Last Child of Ungoliant
06-14-2005, 06:14 PM
i refuse to allow gothmog to be typified as some random drunkard :mad: ok, well just a little bit, but we have to remember he is an Umbarian King, who held swathes of Harad under his control
i wll post in some more soon, i promise :o
06-14-2005, 06:16 PM
ok... double oops: talk about deja vu ...
right let me know how you wanna play it; should i alter to fit your amendment or you alter to fit my amendment... i'll hold fire until i hear from you in this here discussion thread.... :p
LCOU: just stock up on the strawberries ... no one's implying olg gothmog 's a drunkard ... just a lightweight :D
06-14-2005, 06:21 PM
I shall change, Wikkie is in a good mood, he must let Five and Vive have fun!
But take away your "Back in the woods"! :p it's a repetition now
06-14-2005, 06:30 PM
Sorry for offending Gothmog, Last Child!
But now is definitely your turn! I SEEE YOUU are online...
Last Child of Ungoliant
06-14-2005, 06:33 PM
[sauron voice]i see you, you cannot hide from the wheel of fire, naked in the dark, mind shrivelled before my power, you can not hide!![/sauron voice]
06-15-2005, 02:58 AM
More of a cat-fight than a squirrel fight, methinks: go for it! :D
.... so Khamul is a 'loyal' traitor eh? Actually the wraith at old gamgee's door and the great sense of the ring when frodo is just round the corner before setting off has a lot to answer to all round: but then again how far have our fellowship actually at this point ( in the rpg) determined that Wikkie or the group are seeking for the one for WK or the Nine rather than our great Lo... i mean Mr 'Mordor' Magoo ?
Bear that in mind TD: at what point does the loyal dog Khamul learn of wikkie's plans? - or suspect even if wikkie plays it closer to his chest?
He already guesses. None of the Nazgûl are meant to like Sauron.
06-15-2005, 06:29 AM
I find your rpg too "Intellectual" for me, I can't possibly keep up...even TD is able to comprehend the plot and he’s only 3 months old or something like that (of course he's a certified genious), so there’s no way I can keep up with your cerebral jousting, your analytical repartee, your highbrow banter, your mirthful wordplay, your “diagnostic gyratory of diabolical lexis ingestion”.
No,no, I need simple stories for my simple mind….
I’ll just keep auditing your thread until I (if ever) can make enough sense of it to jump in…..
Hmmm, maybe I could round up enough bottles and cans to pay for BB to tutor me..
06-15-2005, 12:22 PM
EB, give me some credit. I'm at least 4 months old. ;)
06-15-2005, 02:42 PM
I find your rpg too "Intellectual" for me, I can't possibly keep up...even TD is able to comprehend the plot and he’s only 3 months old or something like that (of course he's a certified genious), so there’s no way I can keep up with your cerebral jousting, your analytical repartee, your highbrow banter, your mirthful wordplay, your “diagnostic gyratory of diabolical lexis ingestion”.
No,no, I need simple stories for my simple mind….
I’ll just keep auditing your thread until I (if ever) can make enough sense of it to jump in…..
Hmmm, maybe I could round up enough bottles and cans to pay for BB to tutor me..
I refer you to the post above from LCOU ref his character Gothmog! a few bottle of champers mind .... ;)
its easy really esp at the mo: its just the nazgul's eye(s) view on the story ... plot: were they really serving old Sauron that well in the hunt for the ring?
Later plot: we see what would have (will happen if / when the witch king aquires the One ring to rule them all)
theres some previous debate about if sauron needed to wear his rings to sense the others etc .. hence the bath theories, and what was the eye of sauron and its powers etc: but you'll pick that up ...
and remember your'e on Moot RPG community service probation ! :D ... so we expect a post or 2! at the mo its all (as conjectured by others previously in other threads) ... 'a pleasure cruise' and a holiday from the every day stresses and rigours of being a "so called evil" centrally controlled Nazgul existence....
just join in the party - you'll pick up the rest !
welcome back EB:
comeback! come back! to Mordor we will take you
( via certain pleasurable sight-seeing trips, Imladris and many other not to be missed experiences such as flying through the air on truly super-sonic mounts: but that's a a whole other controversial story ...)
hey! even when mr sobriety himself, old gothmog held large sways of Umbar under his control: he was a human : he had feelings! (eh what chrys?) ;)
PS - i take it you were kidding ref your character? IT IS a party y'know just now: we are all getting plastered: we've had one fight already! :)
Best all
Last Child of Ungoliant
06-15-2005, 05:13 PM
feelings? :eek: i will not permit this slur on gothmog's character!!
06-15-2005, 05:49 PM
Really, EarthBound, you surprise me!
We have had lots of drinking, one knife fight along with one attached and cut tail, and you call that thread "Intellectual"?
We really need your input!
06-15-2005, 05:53 PM
yeah EB: we need some intelligent and steadying influence! we cannot wait on till July for Crazy squirrel to supply it! :eek:
heh gordis: i wonder what else Gothmog will take umbrage at next?
06-15-2005, 06:10 PM
Now, Gothmog, are you satisfied? :D
06-15-2005, 06:22 PM
5/2 on he does a mick jagger impression :D
06-15-2005, 06:34 PM
We shall see what LCoU says.
I had to edit my post after looking at the map. Two days to Merring at least!
06-16-2005, 03:21 PM
In true and sombre intelligensia style, a song just popped into my head -
*starts to hum*
Oh! it's a long way to ... Two days to Merring! ... It's a long way to go!
(sing along all)
- of course i was singing it in Latin while reading quantum physics - as i am sure you all were too!
(only kidding earthbound - now don't go doing a gothmog! ;) )
Last Child of Ungoliant
06-16-2005, 05:21 PM
i may not be around for a while, not for posting anyhoo, but keep up the good work, guys, i am watching all of you, big brother style ;)
5/2 on he does a mick jagger impression :D
and BTW Ah can get noo, sat-tis-fac-shunn
06-17-2005, 02:58 PM
any takers good ol' boy Duke Gothmog (yeeeehaw) will make a come-back appearance as something from 'clock-work orange'?
06-20-2005, 01:34 PM
didn't gandalf meet radagast on horseback? Or does he get a ride on sub-sonics from isengard? The timings are going to take some working out if we start drawing 'meanwhile' posts .. but it'd be worth doing i guess.
06-21-2005, 04:32 AM
You see, BB, Radagast was sent by Saruman to look for Gandalf in the Shire. Yes, on horseback. But how come Rhadagast was available? It means he must have come to Isengard prior to that. Why? Gandalf calls him a moss-gatherer, he rarely left Rhosgobel, if at all. So I believe his birds have brought him tidings of the Nazgul crossing the Anduin and he went to Saruman with the news.
As for the dates, here they are really discrepant between LOTR and UT.
How could Rhadagast meet Gandalf on Midsummer day and tell that the nazgul traveled in the Vales and looked like riders in black, if the Nazgul set out July1 and got their horses and black robes on July 17?
I am not sure it was a good idea to introduce wizards... What is your opinion, BB?
06-21-2005, 04:57 PM
Sorry, I've been unactive recently, I was away all week end. I'm not sure, is the problem to much or little time? :o
06-21-2005, 05:58 PM
Sorry, I've been unactive recently, I was away all week end. I'm not sure, is the problem to much or little time? :o
Too little time.
Look yourself, TD.
June 20 assault on Osgiliath, bridges taken
at the end of June Gandalf sences something is amiss and goes South to investigate. He hears news of the war in Gondor. The fugitives must have been very fast indeed :D
June 24 Midsummer day Gandalf goes towards Bree and meets Rhadagast. Who tells him about the nazgul - all nine as riders in black - searching for the Shire.
But according to UT the nazgul crossed the Anduin unclad and invisible on July 1. Moreover, they received horses and robes on July 17! It does not fit at all!
According to Tale of Years Gandalf had time to go to Bree and travel to Isengard where he came July 10.
So I believe there is really a discrepancy here.
I am glad you are back, TD. LCoU is away as is C.Squirrel and Lotesse.
It would be fine if you could continue the story.
06-21-2005, 06:00 PM
how then should we solve this riddle, we who are assembled here, as if by chance?
06-21-2005, 06:12 PM
IF we want to keep all the evidence available and believe both the UT and LOTR then there is only one possible explanation. Rhadagast knew about the nazgul errand before they have set out!
It means Sauron has told Saruman via palantiri that he will be sending the ringwraiths to look for the Shire. Probably he asked Saruman's advice on the Shire's location.
So Saruman, wanting Gandalf out of the picture, told Rhadagast that the nazgul were already abroad and Rhadagast transmitted the message. Of course, Saruman could not admit that he knew they WILL BE going!
Awesome, these RPG's are very useful, they make you check things and make connections that one does not see otherwise. :)
06-21-2005, 06:56 PM
Excellent fresh Olmer bait!
Was Rhadaghast really the nice quiet one?
(it's the quiet ones you have to watch)
How did sauron come by those fell beasts?
Awesome, these RPG's are very useful, they make you check things and make connections that one does not see otherwise.
well this rpg isn't all fun and games ... its roots and traditions lie in debate, theory and conjecture: this is just bringing it to life (with some very BIG pinches of salt admittedly :D )
06-21-2005, 07:08 PM
Was Rhadaghast really the nice quiet one?
(it's the quiet ones you have to watch)
How did sauron come by those fell beasts?
Interesting. Rhadagast was Saruman's buddy, perhaps he could obtain some fell chickens or eggs for Saruman-Sauron experiments... Perhaps Saruman fooled him.
And Rhadagast was the nearest neighbour of the Necromancer! Perhaps there were some contacts.
I always wandered why Rhadagast was looked upon as a failure in his mission. He was sent by Yavanna to care for birds and beasts - which he did.
Maybe your idea, BB, explains it.
06-21-2005, 07:18 PM
good stuff.... but "Fell Chickens" ???? :D
06-21-2005, 07:35 PM
Fell beasts were referred to as bird-like creatures. Hence Fell Chickens :D
06-21-2005, 07:44 PM
I seee... not to be confused with Fey Finches or Renegade Robins, then.
06-22-2005, 08:52 AM
Gordis is funny! And I don't mean in an anomalous, odd way, but rather the humorous 'ho ho ho make me laugh till I've pissed my panty's and need to quickly excuse myself from work to run home and change'…. kind of funny... ;)
Have begun my pennance for the stolen mead.....errrr, just where do you keep your 'good stuff' anyway...*looks COMPLETELY innocent*
06-22-2005, 03:06 PM
Well, thanks, EarthBound. Panty's eh? :D
I am glad you are finally with us. Liked your piece too.
Last Child of Ungoliant
06-22-2005, 04:08 PM
i would love to carry on, but i don't really have the time (University applications soon, grrr i hate UCAS ;) ) but i will pitch in whenever i can
06-23-2005, 04:51 PM
Because of them suffering from a severe case of JDitis their posting abilities have been severely hampered. When cured they'll come back. Among the sufferers are Butterbeer.
06-24-2005, 07:35 AM
What is JD-tes???
Now here is my meagre input...
06-24-2005, 10:12 AM
What is JD-tes???
Now here is my meagre input...
It is, apparently, a severe case of inability to post or sending PM's.
06-24-2005, 10:33 AM
Hi, Grey Wolf,
If you do not suffer from JDites yourself, perhaps you would care to join us here?
06-24-2005, 11:53 AM
Hey, wraiths!
I am posting when I should be studying.
Where are you???
We have a fight!
Gothmog, I shall cut your ears if you don't come and help yourself! I am a very fierce squirrel!
Guys! Gothmog needs HELP!
06-24-2005, 05:50 PM
Hi, Grey Wolf,
If you do not suffer from JDites yourself, perhaps you would care to join us here?
Hi, Gordis!
Certainly. :) I'll do my best.
06-24-2005, 05:59 PM
Hope it was good enough as a short beginner's post in this RPG. :)
06-24-2005, 06:47 PM
Glad you joined, GW!
Nice post with a single problem :)
You wrote: "Go, lily, go!" shouted Six and Seven.-
"Six" is Lily herself
"Seven" is Gor -OK
So Six ir impossible here. My advice, change it to Nine (Viv). She was dropped into the water as well.
06-24-2005, 06:59 PM
Well, dear wraiths, as it was not me who started the fight, I let the participants to go on with it. I admit I have no ideas about its outcome. :D
Meanwhile I made a "serious" posting about the two wizards and added some insight into Radagast's dark story :D
I wander, is Radagast The Brown reading this thread? :p I hope he is not too offended. It is an AU story, after all.
06-25-2005, 03:21 PM
Well, LCOU-Gothmog, don't say I have not warned you. Now I pierced your heart!:evil: Hope you will recover!
Gordis: Is there really any evidence for this Angmar Natural History museum? Where is it? In HOME?
It is very interesting..
06-26-2005, 09:27 AM
:D No, CS, sorry to disappoint you, ARNHM is entirely mine :p
How did you like it?
06-29-2005, 05:19 AM
Actually it was wikkie's!
Well the ambulance dropped me back off at Moot central station and after a few diversions and delays i found myself back here - hows everyone doing?
I think it's important for our posts to be considerate of the timings involved and the timelines guys! Have we yet time-wise met up with the other 2 wraiths and the apparel and mounts? July 17th? In which case we may possibly need to edit a little in terms of people galavnting here there and everywhere?
Welcome DR GW! thanks for your medical assistance. Lotesse hopefully should be around soonish, EB has miracoulosly ( i really can't spell today) recovered from her stint in JD ward, CS is now in, but LCOU maybe without modem for a while .... as far as we know TD is fine .... so where are we at and where next?
Loved the laugh from wikkie when he saw the embroidery!
06-29-2005, 11:34 AM
Actually it was wikkie's!
Well the ambulance dropped me back off at Moot central station and after a few diversions and delays i found myself back here - hows everyone doing?
I think it's important for our posts to be considerate of the timings involved and the timelines guys! Have we yet time-wise met up with the other 2 wraiths and the apparel and mounts? July 17th? In which case we may possibly need to edit a little in terms of people galavnting here there and everywhere?
Welcome DR GW! thanks for your medical assistance. Lotesse hopefully should be around soonish, EB has miracoulosly ( i really can't spell today) recovered from her stint in JD ward, CS is now in, but LCOU maybe without modem for a while .... as far as we know TD is fine .... so where are we at and where next?
Loved the laugh from wikkie when he saw the embroidery!
06-29-2005, 12:30 PM
Again, I point out.....a man of few words outside the story....LOL
AnyHoo, I'm looking to post again, the minute someone leaves off someplace or with something I'm more 'familiar' with I'll leave some "word-droppings' for BB to clean up and GW to make a one-word comment on....hehehe :p
06-29-2005, 03:34 PM
Wow!, what a turn of events!
Gandalf should not be let loose sooo early! He spent atop Orthank two months,from July 10 till mid-September.
So, I have the only option, to put him back.
Sorry to disappoint you.
06-29-2005, 03:57 PM
I think it's important for our posts to be considerate of the timings involved and the timelines guys! Have we yet time-wise met up with the other 2 wraiths and the apparel and mounts? July 17th? In which case we may possibly need to edit a little in terms of people galavnting here there and everywhere?
We are on 11.07.3018, just crossed the Entwade.
Gandalf was captured by Saruman on 10.07 It fits very well.
Now we have a few days travel to the meeting place above Sarn Gebir where we get horses, robes, weapons and saddlebags brought by orcs from Minas Morgul. There will be no compu-tir (Poor Gordis!) but a lot of wine (thanks to Five). Then we ride North to meet with Khamul and Mordacar that have to cross the river by boats. That will be very difficult for them, given their water-phobia :evil: TD could write about their adventures.
I will do some stitching on the poor victims of the last fight.
I am glad you liked the embroidery part, BB. I laughed a lot when posting myself.
06-29-2005, 03:59 PM
Congratulations on becoming Elf Lords, Butterbeer and Earth Bound!
Do you plan to get rid of this title now? ;)
06-29-2005, 07:10 PM
not until Earthbound does first! :p ;) :D
(sorry about too many smilees etc)
well i laughed alot re: the 'need a needle' post: ps where IS Lotesse for her input??
c'mon Lotesse get that PC problem sorted - else you'll have an ever growing number of the ever increasingly willing un-dead holding you to your word ... in the many Trivia threads you inhabit'on Lotesse we need that heady mix of Street and hedonistic chilled out level-headed intelligence you possess to balance out our fellowship!
Gordis: all i can say say is: a genuine laugh a day is worth more than all the vitamens on the world!
Respect to CS for making me laugh ref: the natural history museum! Good stuff!
Carry on being Crazy Squirrel!
Lets get this Rpg kicking! - an irresitable mix of theory, alternate theory examined ... and debate in action and good ol' fun (not necessaraly in that order, mind)
06-29-2005, 11:30 PM
Wow!, what a turn of events!
Gandalf should not be let loose sooo early! He spent atop Orthank two months,from July 10 till mid-September.
So, I have the only option, to put him back.
Sorry to disappoint you.
Quite all right. :)
06-30-2005, 02:57 AM
Ok Gordis. I'll post a leaving scene for Khamûl and Mor, tonight, latest tomorrow.
06-30-2005, 06:20 AM
Never ment for Gandalf to escape...just thought it hilarious that the orcs would open the door so easily then I should have had them shut the door again before he got over his surprise.... :D
*strolls toward bottle of mead*
06-30-2005, 02:57 PM
Respect to CS for making me laugh ref: the natural history museum! Good stuff!
Carry on being Crazy Squirrel!
Thanks BB,
You see, I sort of thought I were a crazy squirrel from Mirkwood, but now, thanks to Gor, I realise I am a crazy she-wraith from Mirkwood who sort of thought she were a crazy squirrel :confused:
By the way, the Angmar natural history museum is not mine, it is Gor's!
I only got deceived by it and thought it was Tolkien's own. It was soo.. believable! Scraches her pointy ears. :D
And just to set is straight, has Radagast worked for baddies or is it all a joke as well?
06-30-2005, 04:04 PM
well being serious - thats a moot point isn't it?
technically probably not (high 90's in percentages) ... but from a wraith perspective? ?
In the immortal words of 'Hong Kong Foeey' ... " maybee ..."
One can certainly, as Gordis says, question WHY (not IF) ;) Raddy was considered a failure to his mission? - he certainly helped gandalf out - what if he hadn't eh? (i expect debate on this wraiths!)
anyway ... (starts potential war with gordis for the (fun) and hell of it .. . i reckon Gor was referring to my posts on her flowery avatar and the biggest leek(?) contest of old Angmar town with the museuem???
so in the name of good ol' wraiths everywhere i claim it ! (well claiming it is certainly in keeping with this rpg! :D )
* hears gor banging war drum *
*NEWSFLASH - this just in lotesse has com u tir probs fixed ... ALL mooters are to obey the third directive (we sadly failed with the 2nd directive on OLMER) :
3rd directive:
at all costs and without consideration of personal costs or danger: ALL mooters and fellowship members must make it their mission to bring LOTESSE into the fold ..... she's a lady .. she'd like a nice shiny ring? .... maybe Gothmog will propose? (he's single i beleive ... ;) )
your mission should you choose to accept it is to pro-actively bombard Lotesse with inducements and reminders and offers of rings until she is under our sway .. or we are under hers???
declare your intent o' worthy fellowship of the wraiths!
(good to be back!)
BB :)
06-30-2005, 05:00 PM
Ciao, all! Yes, I'm back; I just finished reading this thread and now I've got to read our actual Fellowship thread through, to have a handle on the story thus far. I'm excited to be finally joining the Quest, and yesss... I REALLY want that nice shiny ring...
06-30-2005, 05:19 PM
I am happy, Lotesse, that you are with us now!
anyway ... (starts potential war with gordis for the (fun) and hell of it .. . i reckon Gor was referring to my posts on her flowery avatar and the biggest leek(?) contest of old Angmar town with the museuem???
so in the name of good ol' wraiths everywhere i claim it ! (well claiming it is certainly in keeping with this rpg!
What exactly do you claim? :confused: The biggest leek, ol'Angmar, or the Museum? :D
06-30-2005, 05:21 PM
( :D :D )
where's gothmog when you need him?
probably with a pint of 'old bishops' halfway up a lightning rod crying blashempy at the gods .... and playing poker with the other gods (of chance ....)
welcome Lotesse! :)
very best BB :)
06-30-2005, 05:25 PM
I am happy, Lotesse, that you are with us now!
What exactly do you claim? :confused: The biggest leek, ol'Angmar, or the Museum? :D
we shall leave this in the trustworthy hands of our resident archivist CS!
I claim it all! ( in character)
OOC: is that a war drum i hear? ;) the whole angmarian fascination with flora and fauna? re: your avatar and the flower! the musuem i bequeath to you :p
seriously though: my respect! :D
07-01-2005, 07:08 AM
Wanted to post, but decided against. It is now surely the time for TD!
BRING US CLOAKS AND BAGS PLEASE!!!! before we drink all that wine.
And I loved your post, Lotesse! Could you perhaps write some more on Viv' silly drunken pranks?
I like how our thread progresses. It is really funny to read! Congratulations to ye all!
07-01-2005, 07:13 AM
And yes, BB, tell us, please, clearly, what did the unfortunate orcs bring after all, in addition to the wine?
Or nothing at all?
I want my dress with silver skeletons! :D
But there wil be no c-tir, Gordis, so sorry. I did what I could, but it is that Five's fault. Hope Wikkie will roast him alive. :p
07-01-2005, 02:06 PM
don't know ... once i saw the wine that WAS IT ... ;)
07-01-2005, 04:46 PM
Clothes, weapons etc. were in the saddlebags and the saddlebags were on horses. So no horses means no bags and no clothes.
Yea, BB, the flowers of Angmar... I remember. I even have some ideas on Morgul flowers that I will post one day, when I have time.
So we are waiting for TD's story?
Meanwhile we can have a nice party. Please, EarthBound and Lotesse, join us again in this drinking!
And please, could anyone post something about our Sau? I think we have forgotten our Master and his faithful Mouth...
07-01-2005, 06:42 PM
it seems the lady is not for arguing .. nor turning..
'Iron Gor ' i name you ...
07-02-2005, 02:55 AM
There we go, all posted. Sorry for the delay, couldn't get on yesterday. Now we are awaiting the arrival of the other Nazgûl.
07-02-2005, 03:31 PM
Super!!!! TD you made it really really funny! I spilled coffee all over my keyboard!
I loved your hissing Khamul muttering something along the lines of 'I want my Mummy'. COOL!
CS jumps up and down and screeches with glee :D
Perhaps I shall have a go on Khamul, such a darling...
07-02-2005, 04:26 PM
Hope my new posts haven't caused yet more havoc. Apologizes beforehand in that case. :)
got help from a poster at as to the actual timeline of the Nazgul.
07-02-2005, 05:13 PM
Hope my new posts haven't caused yet more havoc. Apologizes beforehand in that case. :)
got help from a poster at as to the actual timeline of the Nazgul.
Fine GW, you are right, they have to go this way. But don't hurry so much :)
We are lazy and talkative and we have 75 bottles of wine, thanks to TD :)
BTW, TD, I agree with CS. Great post.
So Khamul has a secret palantir? Sau-made one?
07-02-2005, 05:17 PM
it seems the lady is not for arguing .. nor turning.....
Still I cannot not see what exactly you want to argue about, o fiery Butterbeer? Horticulture? But I agree... :)
Naurbeer I name you :D
'Iron Gor ' i name you .....
Angordis. Hmm, sounds nice :p
07-02-2005, 08:26 PM
Naurbeer I name you :D
*northern english accent? *
Actually i haven't got any beer ...
GW: ... good doc ... have two of these ultra strength 'no rush' pills :D ...
its really good to see you here, but take it slow man, like real sloooo ...
(pauses .. makes a cup of tea before adding ... )
oooo w ... think like a rasta and act even slower ...
here, have a toke on this man ...
gives our good Doc a menthol chill drink (?? ;) )
enjoy the journey grey-wolf, not the arriving and thus ending of our rpg!
best BB :)
ps .. where is the debate and contoversy ref: our subject matter?
1) nazgul horses .... well game on! for one on that ...
2) eye of sauron ... Khamul??????????? :eek: Is TD having a laugh?
07-03-2005, 02:35 AM
*northern english accent? *
Actually i haven't got any beer ...
GW: ... good doc ... have two of these ultra strength 'no rush' pills :D ...
its really good to see you here, but take it slow man, like real sloooo ...
(pauses .. makes a cup of tea before adding ... )
oooo w ... think like a rasta and act even slower ...
here, have a toke on this man ...
gives our good Doc a menthol chill drink (?? ;) )
enjoy the journey grey-wolf, not the arriving and thus ending of our rpg!
best BB :)
ps .. where is the debate and contoversy ref: our subject matter?
1) nazgul horses .... well game on! for one on that ...
2) eye of sauron ... Khamul??????????? :eek: Is TD having a laugh?
*Takes the Pills and the Drink*. Thanks. Will try again to slooooooooowly and pacefully bring the story forward. :)
07-03-2005, 04:30 AM
Now I am confused. GW moved the story forward, Gor continued and then BB returned back to a time before the two parties met and Lily and Gor could have a look at the bags and Wikkie at the horses.
Where are we now??? :confused:
Actually I must be very upset to see a tattered unisex shroud instead of my fav. dresses, panties, Xena-like metal bra, etc..
I will not even mention computir problem...
Is it possible to re-arrange the posts?
07-03-2005, 05:54 AM
Ok, so we are still drinking... I have removed my post about the WK-Khamul talk and substituted it with another about Sau and Pyroclactic flaw.
Bring us the bags and horses, TD, please!
07-03-2005, 06:02 AM
So now there will be the happy meeting of seven (completely drunk) and two (really pissed)?
07-03-2005, 07:25 AM
Now I am confused. GW moved the story forward, Gor continued and then BB returned back to a time before the two parties met and Lily and Gor could have a look at the bags and Wikkie at the horses.
Where are we now??? :confused:
Actually I must be very upset to see a tattered unisex shroud instead of my fav. dresses, panties, Xena-like metal bra, etc..
I will not even mention computir problem...
Is it possible to re-arrange the posts?
GW took the 'slow down' pills, thus reversing the rpg time /space dis-continium .... therefore i changed grey wolf's post into a dream had by wikkie at the campsite ... GW may have to edit a bit possibly!
BTW all - today is grey wolf's 40th Birthday!
Very happy birthday grey wraith ( or GW) for short ;)
there will be a communal (if anyone cares to join) raised glass and (optional) howl at the moon tonight 10pm (uk time) : great if anyone call join in at the same momment .. please work out the local time to you ... if not whenever you can .... atleast the raised glass ;)
well wikkie also as a king of Numenor seems a tad unhappy too: perhaps we can have them acquire some decent clothes .. but just cover them up when necessary with the grey rags ...??
...we could have one wearing some 70's flared bright velvet loons .. etc then when suddeny needed throwing over the grey rag and hunching up over the fast decent horses :p we have (?)
or Khamûl secretly having a Sauron hand drawn t-shirt type vestment under his things, or Wikkie with a specially embroidered 'biggest leek of old angmar town' woolly jumper?
just a silly idea ...
Gor: are the two 'pissed' in the sense of being angry - that they are not pissed as it were - ... or have they been drinking ?
07-03-2005, 12:43 PM
well wikkie also as a king of Numenor seems a tad unhappy too: perhaps we can have them acquire some decent clothes .. but just cover them up when necessary with the grey rags ...??
...we could have one wearing some 70's flared bright velvet loons .. etc then when suddeny needed throwing over the grey rag and hunching up over the fast decent horses :p we have (?)
or Khamûl secretly having a Sauron hand drawn t-shirt type vestment under his things, or Wikkie with a specially embroidered 'biggest leek of old angmar town' woolly jumper?
just a silly idea ...
Gor: are the two 'pissed' in the sense of being angry - that they are not pissed as it were - ... or have they been drinking ?
Great ideas about clothes, BB!
by "pissed" I meant angry, because thanks to you we all know they have pissed :) (at least Khamul) after drinking wine.
Actually you made me wonder with your mention of islamic law: perhaps poor Khamul does not drink wine? What do you think, TD?
But perhaps in ME the Easterlings were sensible enough to drink. :D
Re: Mearas. You think I will argue, BB? Nope :p . Because no one can steal 9 black mearas from Rohan king's stables at one go. Never. Khamul is surely lying and Wikkie knows it. Real nazgul Mearas were born in Mordor from sires stolen from Rohan long ago. And each horse had to be trained by its nazgul owner for years. So OUR MEARAS are still in Morgul. MWAHAHA. We shall get them later :D, when Sau will understand properly the need for speed. We shall give him 2 months to think on it.
Happy 40th birthday Grey Wolf! (Grey Werewolf?) :) I will try to join the others in howling in your honour this night.
07-03-2005, 01:06 PM
GW took the 'slow down' pills, thus reversing the rpg time /space dis-continium .... therefore i changed grey wolf's post into a dream had by wikkie at the campsite ... GW may have to edit a bit possibly!
BTW all - today is grey wolf's 40th Birthday!
Very happy birthday grey wraith ( or GW) for short ;)
there will be a communal (if anyone cares to join) raised glass and (optional) howl at the moon tonight 10pm (uk time) : great if anyone call join in at the same momment .. please work out the local time to you ... if not whenever you can .... atleast the raised glass ;)
As I posted in BDT will try be howlin' at a correlative time in Sweden. Roughly an hour from now. :D
07-03-2005, 01:14 PM
I may be mistaken but isn't there 1 hour time difference between UK and Sweden? I should say you will be "howled for" at 11 Swedish time. It is 10h UK.
07-03-2005, 01:59 PM
Loved your joke, Grey Wolf!
He-he, Gor! Wikkie's garb is stunning. Almost like mine. And you really plan to go around in a long-trained dress?
07-03-2005, 02:24 PM
I may be mistaken but isn't there 1 hour time difference between UK and Sweden? I should say you will be "howled for" at 11 Swedish time. It is 10h UK.
Yes, of course uk time is an hour ahead of swedish time. my mistake. :)
07-03-2005, 02:25 PM
Loved your joke, Grey Wolf!
He-he, Gor! Wikkie's garb is stunning. Almost like mine. And you really plan to go around in a long-trained dress?
Thank you.
07-03-2005, 04:00 PM
He-he, Gor! Wikkie's garb is stunning. Almost like mine. And you really plan to go around in a long-trained dress?
And you really plan to go around on high heels?
May I borrow your make-up kit? I was a bit upset when I packed...
07-03-2005, 06:14 PM
No way, darling. Aren't we rivals?
07-03-2005, 06:27 PM
Now ye guys, ye gonna dress?
07-04-2005, 02:21 AM
Are we not going to use the rags then?
07-04-2005, 03:56 AM
We shall wear the rags over our other garb when on duty :D
07-04-2005, 03:30 PM
I am afraid our Quest is turning too Mary-Sueish...
Anyway, thank you, Grey Wolf, for your last comment. Cheered me up a lot :) !
I liked your exchange with CS re:Goth Girl, quite funny.
Now we have to pass between Lorien and the Mountains and ask elves about the Shire, if we see them. :D
07-04-2005, 11:33 PM
I am afraid our Quest is turning too Mary-Sueish...
Anyway, thank you, Grey Wolf, for your last comment. Cheered me up a lot :) !
I liked your exchange with CS re:Goth Girl, quite funny.
Now we have to pass between Lorien and the Mountains and ask elves about the Shire, if we see them. :D
You're welcome. :)
07-05-2005, 12:07 AM
Why does Viv have to wear such obnoxious crap? (no offense) I'd like to get her to make a fuss about her wardrobe, and demand her old "tom-boy" clothes back. Does anyone "have" Viv, I mean, will anyone get offended if I play her a bit? I'd keep her shy and romantic, yet also make her tomboyish, intense and secretly fiery, as if she has a sweet temperment juxtaposed with a crazy, unpredictable temper. But she'd still be the youngest of all the ringwraiths, as well as the least experienced with the life and responsibilities of wraithdom. What do you all think?
07-05-2005, 04:59 AM
I will be happy if you take Viv, Lotesse! :) I love your ideas on her personality.
I am sure nobody here is against.
As for Viv's garb, I also feel that CS was too unfair with her choice of colours. Perhaps she was just trying to eliminate a potential rival? :D
Could you edit your description CS? Lotesse will find more suitable clothes for our baby-girl! :p
But she'd still be the youngest of all the ringwraiths, as well as the least experienced with the life and responsibilities of wraithdom.
Yes, Viv may be not 4500 years old, but only about 4000... A baby, sure! :D
07-05-2005, 01:34 PM
I am afraid our Quest is turning too Mary-Sueish...
well i think i agree - what is mary-sueish exactly?
Viva the new Viv!
i wonder what Td's next mearas ploy will be :evil: :)
CS can khamul have some make up too? ( you'd have to have seen the uk's current series of big brother to get that ( actually its kemal on there ...)
ref: muslims and booze ... all the young muslims i know ( and the majority of the rest) down here drink, boys and girls ( at least the more westernised girls anyway.. which is the growing majority )
maybe we could give khamul a big beard and he wants to stop and (facing the east) get down and prey to ( .... Sauron! :eek: ) every hour? .... course' he wouldn't say it was to Sauron .... could be all sorts of excuses, ...
maybe some of the westerners, the old school colonial numenorians could accuse him of having some additional devastating "secret weapons ..." and make a big thing of having a search?
Hey! just noticed both threads have gone "HOT", this one with over 1,000 views and the the rpg approaching 1,000 rapidly and both over 100 replies!
could be the excuse for some champagne! (and some dancing!) and some cavorting! .... etc
well done all!
07-05-2005, 04:29 PM
Well I see that poor Viv has got a defender :) . Fine!
I am taking away the rose-green clothes from Viv, as Gor and Lotesse ask.
If you want to add something new about Viv's garb in my "dress" post, Lotesse, tell me, I will edit the old post again. Or you may choose to describe her dress later :).
I don't know, what is "Mary-Sueish"?
About Khamul, you have to ask TD if he agrees. But I don't think islam existed in ME. Was polygamy ever mentioned by Tolkien?
07-05-2005, 05:14 PM
Mary-Sues are generally regarded as a fluffy perfect version of the fanfiction writer.
Mary Sues are the plague of Tolkien fan-fiction, written by girls.The writer includes herself in the story, and usually has all the characters falling in love with her e.t.c. A Mary-Sue character is one for whom the plot gets skewed so that she can shine.
The instant Mary Sue test (some points at least):
-She's beautiful.
-Half elf/Maia
-She's related to important people
-She falls desperately in love with one of Tolkien's characters and vice versa
-Able to defeat Sauron
And so on.
07-05-2005, 05:49 PM
ref: muslims and booze ... all the young muslims i know ( and the majority of the rest) down here drink, boys and girls ( at least the more westernised girls anyway.. which is the growing majority )
maybe we could give khamul a big beard and he wants to stop and (facing the east) get down and prey to ( .... Sauron! :eek: ) every hour? .... course' he wouldn't say it was to Sauron .... could be all sorts of excuses.
In Paris I knew a girl from Tunis who never tasted wine in her life. But I agree, most are westernised.
It is canon that Sauron was regarded as God in the East. But what were the nazgul then?
Something like his angels, I believe :D .
Somehow I don't think they prayed to Sau, they were like extention of his will...his winged immortal messengers.
Good news about the "Hotness" of our threads! Congratulations, All!
Lotesse, by all means, please post the part about Viv. I shall edit my last post to fit. I will take away the part about moving on and post it later, after your part.
07-05-2005, 06:06 PM
Mary-Sues are generally regarded as a fluffy perfect version of the fanfiction writer.
Mary Sues are the plague of Tolkien fan-fiction, written by girls.The writer includes herself in the story, and usually has all the characters falling in love with her e.t.c. A Mary-Sue character is one for whom the plot gets skewed so that she can shine.
The instant Mary Sue test (some points at least):
-She's beautiful.
-Half elf/Maia
-She's related to important people
-She falls desperately in love with one of Tolkien's characters and vice versa
-Able to defeat Sauron
And so on.
hmmm: if we see one around we should tell olmer.
not sure i fit the bill though (damn failed on one count! :p )
CS: well i'm sure TD won't ... but the polygamy might appeal ;) ... ( it wouldn't be how i'd define islam though ... ? i'm not sure that polygamy - although technically possible is the right thing for muslims morally?) - but we digress ....
07-06-2005, 12:02 PM
Mary-Sues are generally regarded as a fluffy perfect version of the fanfiction writer.
Mary Sues are the plague of Tolkien fan-fiction, written by girls.The writer includes herself in the story, and usually has all the characters falling in love with her e.t.c. A Mary-Sue character is one for whom the plot gets skewed so that she can shine.
The instant Mary Sue test (some points at least):
-She's beautiful.
-Half elf/Maia
-She's related to important people
-She falls desperately in love with one of Tolkien's characters and vice versa
-Able to defeat Sauron
And so on.
Ahh. All the memories from reading Nurv's MST's. The male version is a Marty Stu. ;)
CS and BB, I would prefer you not make Khamûl Islamic or anything, but if you really do want to then ok, I just kind of like where I'm going with Khamûl.
07-06-2005, 01:12 PM
I agree TD, we better shall not introduce Islam into ME. Let the sleeping dogs lie.
I like your portrayal of Khamul, actually. But he can still think that girls should be kept in line, can't he? Normally they are in the East, you know. :p
07-06-2005, 01:50 PM
TD & CS: absolutely ... was just a joke!
(very sporting of you TD all the same!)
07-06-2005, 10:16 PM
Hey, you guys, what do you think about the horses' having been secretly administered steroid and amphetamine injections to artificially increase their power and running speed? And then, to try and cover up what they'd done by branding the horse's necks with Rohirran Mearas authenticity stamps!Would be a typically evil sort of thing that employees of Sauron, Inc. might be doing...
07-07-2005, 10:08 AM
Looks like a work of the evil Rhad-a-Ghasthie!
07-07-2005, 10:20 AM
Why have you left me behind, Oh Evil Ones?
07-07-2005, 12:26 PM
Didn't mean to, CrazyS! It's seldom I put in at all, so I lose track of whose turn it might be, or whatever. Do you like the secret party on horseback Gor & Viv are having behind Lily's back (literally)? Maybe Lily can figure it out and hit the roof...
07-07-2005, 02:44 PM
Dont you worry, Lotesse :) , I meant only that Lily didn't want to be left behind. T'was Gor and GreyWolf who conspired to send the two baby-girls alone.
Nay! I will head the mission. You need at least one good head there!
Drinking behind my back? I SEEE YOUUU!
07-07-2005, 02:59 PM
Lotesse! EarthBound! Please, Post!
The remarkable meeting of Haldir the Elf and our baby wraithgirls!
Ask him about the Shire!
07-07-2005, 04:03 PM
Shouldn't Lily be the one to sweet-talk Haldir, you know, seduce him or whatever? She's the one into elves; she could probably get him out of that tree and talking. Elves give Viv the creeps, except 4 Feanor. ;)
07-08-2005, 08:09 AM
Isn't it funny, GW, we were typing at the same time! It is great that your message camr before mine!
Now I am off, proceed to a questioning!
07-08-2005, 08:26 AM
Isn't it funny, GW, we were typing at the same time! It is great that your message camr before mine!
Now I am off, proceed to a questioning!
It sure was. :D
07-08-2005, 10:21 AM
Hope my Haldir-view of the encounter didn't cause any problems postwise? ;)
07-08-2005, 04:30 PM
Why, not at all, GW! Never any problem with your posts, especially since the slow-down pill, BB has given you!
BTW, where is our BB? I hope he is OK.
Horrible thing those explosions in London. We are all sorry for your countrymen, BB!
07-08-2005, 04:46 PM
Viv thinks elves are generally gross, but ages ago she'd had a brief fling with Feanor and has never gotten over her feelings for him...
07-08-2005, 04:58 PM
But ... you said yourself that Lily was a baby! She can't be THAT old! :D
07-08-2005, 05:42 PM
Why, not at all, GW! Never any problem with your posts, especially since the slow-down pill, BB has given you!
BTW, where is our BB? I hope he is OK.
Horrible thing those explosions in London. We are all sorry for your countrymen, BB!
Yeah, I've slowed down quite considerably, haven't I? :D
And yes indeed.
07-08-2005, 09:25 PM
Oh, you guys -details, details. Let Viv have her fantasy! ;)
07-09-2005, 10:33 AM
Lily's torture method - excellent choice don't you think? :D
07-09-2005, 03:41 PM
Cute, GW, But I have better things to offer! :p
07-09-2005, 06:10 PM
Cute, GW, But I have better things to offer! :p
:D :)
07-09-2005, 06:15 PM
Grey Wolf, why not be Haldir for a minute?
07-09-2005, 07:15 PM
Hey, I wonder where Butterbeer went; his PM box is too full to send messages to and he's not posting lately. BB, you O.K.? Come back, come back...
07-10-2005, 06:00 PM
BB, we miss you!
07-11-2005, 08:00 AM
Honestly. Where are we in the actual timeline? :confused:
07-11-2005, 12:46 PM
Well, I don't really pace the structure, myself, so I'm not really sure. I kind of leave the timeline up to you guys. Can you help us out, Grey Wolf? Not too many of us seem to be on line these past few days except CS and Gordis. Wonder where Butterbeer went?
07-11-2005, 01:11 PM
The girls have left Lorien, skirting it, moving north towards, perhaps Dunland, the guys are still somewhere between Lorien and the Misty mountains.
07-11-2005, 04:51 PM
Quick hints.
Timeline. Now: around July 25 3018. We are to pass between Lorien and the Mountains, pass close to Eastern Moria gate, return to Anduin and go North along its course to its very source. All the way North to Gundabad. Please, have a look at the map. We have practically a month for the journey.
Now Haldir has given us a hint to search for hobbit holes at the Gladden river. So we shall visit the place and search it. The hobbit holes will be either deserted or we can find there some Stoor hobbits and kill them. There are both versions in the UT, two drafts, so we can choose whichever we prefer.
The girls have left Lorien, skirting it, moving north towards, perhaps Dunland, the guys are still somewhere between Lorien and the Misty mountains.
Not Dunland! Is to the South now and on the other side of the Misty mountains. We are not going over the mountains! We are following the Great River north.
I think the girls should return to the main group of six and report about the success of their mission.
Really, where is BB? And TD, for that matter?
07-11-2005, 07:53 PM
Butterbeer, I KNOW you're out there, I saw your novelette on the explosions thread. Come back to middle-earth, the ringwraiths need you.
07-11-2005, 10:45 PM
Quick hints.
Timeline. Now: around July 25 3018. We are to pass between Lorien and the Mountains, pass close to Eastern Moria gate, return to Anduin and go North along its course to its very source. All the way North to Gundabad. Please, have a look at the map. We have practically a month for the journey.
Now Haldir has given us a hint to search for hobbit holes at the Gladden river. So we shall visit the place and search it. The hobbit holes will be either deserted or we can find there some Stoor hobbits and kill them. There are both versions in the UT, two drafts, so we can choose whichever we prefer.
Not Dunland! Is to the South now and on the other side of the Misty mountains. We are not going over the mountains! We are following the Great River north.
I think the girls should return to the main group of six and report about the success of their mission.
Really, where is BB? And TD, for that matter?
OK, thanks! that's all I needed to know.
07-12-2005, 08:03 PM
ok i think i'm back up to speed ...
lotesse: thanks for the thoughts! I'm fine thankfully. Sorry i haven't been around - its been not exactly quiet here and we have been very busy: when i did get a mo' yesterday like you say i spent what time i had writing god knows what in the explosons thread ... wow that was a read and a half to be sure!
when i tried to get back saturday the whole bloody city centre had been evacuated on intelligence reports: so i drove north to friends and stayed there on Sunday ... beautiful place and great weather (if a little hot .. but not complaining!)
I will probably not be around much for a while anyway unless i can squeeze some time in somewhere .... Manchester today, London tommorow (back on the tube like it should be) then Manchester Thurs, and then in a meeting / BBC /PACT event all day fri, then the south west all weekend.
but you guys are fine anyway .... loved all the sex in the city (of trees) stuff
DOC! Grey wolf! : hey how are you? I think i got that link (it was in my junk mail? i should try to check that particular email more than i do ... but it's always putting good stuff in the junk mail - it kinda defeats the object if i have to look in there to get genuine mail!)
anyway will have a look when i get a mo'
Good posting GW: the slow-down pill has worked! :) i liked the whole haldir and the wanton wraiths scene!
However: sorry to be a pain, but here's another pill:
the BB 'bamboozeling buster bite' i like to call it - for no other reason than i do. ;)
this pill has the effect of distinguishing the ( excellent and seminal) LYRD thread from the Fellowship with ref to the context of the thread re: posting modern-day stuff as asprin and movies etc ... :eek:
as an alternative ( your'e NOT joking! :D ) account of the war of the ring from a wraith perspective there cannot be such things as aspirins and movies etc.
* hands our good Doc a pill with a smile and a wink*
moving on - whatever happened to mary-jane? : did she take some acid, get an attitude and decide to rebel against the steryotypical lifestyle/gender/ fashion moires of the age? ;) :D
If Td would show up ( personally i think it scandalous he hasn't posted here for a bit :D ;) ) perhaps he and i (and DOC) could have some fun throwing off our - what was it? Marty Jon ? shackles and have some good ol' fun too.
whaddya reckon?
07-12-2005, 09:16 PM
Hi, BB, nice to hear from you. I don't feel like posting story today, you guys, I just got home from S.F. and now I'm going through a difficult break-up and am trying to apartment hunt and pack, etcetera; so, I'll try to put in from time to time but unfortunately I don't really have much creative or happy energy right now.
07-12-2005, 11:15 PM
ok i think i'm back up to speed ...
lotesse: thanks for the thoughts! I'm fine thankfully. Sorry i haven't been around - its been not exactly quiet here and we have been very busy: when i did get a mo' yesterday like you say i spent what time i had writing god knows what in the explosons thread ... wow that was a read and a half to be sure!
when i tried to get back saturday the whole bloody city centre had been evacuated on intelligence reports: so i drove north to friends and stayed there on Sunday ... beautiful place and great weather (if a little hot .. but not complaining!)
I will probably not be around much for a while anyway unless i can squeeze some time in somewhere .... Manchester today, London tommorow (back on the tube like it should be) then Manchester Thurs, and then in a meeting / BBC /PACT event all day fri, then the south west all weekend.
but you guys are fine anyway .... loved all the sex in the city (of trees) stuff
DOC! Grey wolf! : hey how are you? I think i got that link (it was in my junk mail? i should try to check that particular email more than i do ... but it's always putting good stuff in the junk mail - it kinda defeats the object if i have to look in there to get genuine mail!)
anyway will have a look when i get a mo'
Good posting GW: the slow-down pill has worked! :) i liked the whole haldir and the wanton wraiths scene!
However: sorry to be a pain, but here's another pill:
the BB 'bamboozeling buster bite' i like to call it - for no other reason than i do. ;)
this pill has the effect of distinguishing the ( excellent and seminal) LYRD thread from the Fellowship with ref to the context of the thread re: posting modern-day stuff as asprin and movies etc ... :eek:
as an alternative ( your'e NOT joking! :D ) account of the war of the ring from a wraith perspective there cannot be such things as aspirins and movies etc.
* hands our good Doc a pill with a smile and a wink*
moving on - whatever happened to mary-jane? : did she take some acid, get an attitude and decide to rebel against the steryotypical lifestyle/gender/ fashion moires of the age? ;) :D
If Td would show up ( personally i think it scandalous he hasn't posted here for a bit :D ;) ) perhaps he and i (and DOC) could have some fun throwing off our - what was it? Marty Jon ? shackles and have some good ol' fun too.
whaddya reckon?
*Takes the 'bamboozeling buster bite' that'll remedy future posting from modern references* :D
07-12-2005, 11:39 PM
DOC! Grey wolf! : hey how are you? I think i got that link (it was in my junk mail? i should try to check that particular email more than i do ... but it's always putting good stuff in the junk mail - it kinda defeats the object if i have to look in there to get genuine mail!)
Am doing quite fine. Working longer weeks now due to my collegues having their vacations. BTW, couldn't you somehow refine the selecting process for junkmail by the setting of it? Or is that too advanced?
Good posting GW: the slow-down pill has worked! i liked the whole haldir and the wanton wraiths scene!
07-13-2005, 02:57 PM
Hi, you guys. Can somebody (other than me) take the reins on our story, as in WHERE ARE THE GUYS and why are us girlwraiths turning into such petty, shallow - O.K., sorry, I'm in a fairly black mood as of late. Carry on.
07-13-2005, 06:16 PM
why are us girlwraiths turning into such petty, shallow - O.K., sorry, I'm in a fairly black mood as of late. Carry on.
What is really the problem with our baby-Viv? Overheated in sunlight?
Now, TD, you have to post. Where is Khamul? Reporting to Sau in secret via his hidden P-tir?
07-13-2005, 06:26 PM
Viv's getting the fall-off from her writer, she's not usually so agro or whatever.
07-13-2005, 06:27 PM
Where are TD and BB, really?
07-13-2005, 07:00 PM
I don't know, man, it's getting old tho - you GUYS, where ARE you?!
dammit! *grumbles under breath*
07-14-2005, 03:42 PM
*stiff upper lip English accent*
I say did someone call?
Well i did post just the other day and also say on that post that i'm really busy right now ... shouldn't even be on here ... but i am beyond tired and sod it! work can wait a while, i need some R & R and a drink! ( i have a bottle of white) ... (still AT work though .... luckily there's no one can tell me jack **** on that score ...)
just got back from London late today, luckily didn't have to go to Manchester today and knew that from 8am this morning... (whilst also trying to give technical support over a dodgy phone connection to the Manchester boys .. and simultaneously attempting to chaperone 2 of my young Neices to get their scooters and be ready for the urban trek (a beautiful one i must say in the sun - through the park and over the river to chelsea) off to their primary school with me bruv' ... ahem i digress .. ( personal note: i really needed this wine and time! :) ) ...
anyway back to the point ...
(if i'd heard that by 930am (ref: going to manchester) i would have been extremely pissed off: and frankly ... well ... as Lotesse probably wisely cut that off so will I ... anyway it worked out well! - and i hope it does too for you lotesse - only briefly caught your post and haven't checked any other threads but if you want ... feel free to use this thread for any posts you want ! - anyone wants to challenge cross-threading can go jump! (and that's official! :D anyway - good luck and hope you are feeling (?) ok? ... LIFE eh? .. well it's for living for sure and a dull life isn't living in any real sense ... the good times , the bad times, they make you realise you are alive.. imagine a rich tapestry woven from your life story (obviously not by Eowyn's easy pay for instant bodge-work & Co ... strap-line: i really do not want to be doing tapestries anyway!) ...
tell you one thing though, from yesterday and today since last Thursday ... i have noticed (and many others too) a BIG difference in general Londoner's attitude ... it's one hell of a lot friendlier and 'together' post-bombings, than it normally is.
Gotta say: the difference (for good) is genuinely remarkable and ubiquitous.
(how long for ... is another matter but it's tangiable and real)
Ps ref: the fellowship ... didn't i do a card-calling ... and open rpg invitation with the 'whoooosh!' the other day? ... i'll go an check!
:D ;)
and this (not posting business) from " oh... did you start the rpg then?" our esteemed Crazy Squirell :) ... and ...
"let's send out the wraith 'missing: assumed technically challenged' hunter's party for Lotesse " Lotesse! :)
I must do a time and motion study (PS: Never! what a hideous idea!) ... and see if i am somehow 'under-achieving' here1 :D
Joking aside though - i shall try the next few days and join in but have sheer everest-like commitments for a few days ... so bear with me!
anyone in to a 'hunt the Td' mission? :D
hey! hope you are good and well and OK ... TD! - only kidding - look forward to when you can rejoin our friendly fellowship.
best all BB!
07-14-2005, 03:57 PM
Butterbeer, great to hear from you! Man, I wish we could track down T D... I'm hesitant to post any story input right now; I feel like others should be given a chance to shape our story's progress and besides, I'm at a loss for new ideas of my own.
07-14-2005, 04:45 PM
hey hope you are 0k lotesse ... well i share your viewpoint .... i am well behind on it ... BUT ... hey it's an easy go lucky rpg just at the mo' ... though it may be 'tightened' just a touch when all can touch base .... but hopefully still an inclusive and friendly and fun place to be .. with some serious alternative tolkien-world ideas and viewpoints place for RPG ... i for one have still not given up (? give up - never! :) on Olmer being interested if we can can both hit 2 butons at once: a heady mix of real deabte AND fun Rpg ...
i think the balance though has to be clearly (and inclusively) met ...
I'd really like this rpg to be both inclusive, moot-cross threading, and fun BUT essentially be geared around the roots: i.e IF and MANY other Tolkien debates .... (or moot, if you will ) points ... a heady mixture of fun, yes, but also historical observation ...
I feel we have achieved some cross mooter multi-threading and fun for sure :) and long may it contuinue ... but also i feel we MUST be true to our roots post Earniel intereventon ....
what say you all?
An RPG that both is vibrant, fun, AND challenging?
these are my hopes...
On a personal message: it's been great to see an ever-incresing number throughout the world we-live-in join- in: for that from all us wraiths (speaking personally) , cheers!
I have personallly found it an enjoyable and warm experience .. MUCH NEEDED in these times of ours ... so, please (when you can) carry-on wraithing! :)
best all,
ps where is gordis? :)
07-14-2005, 04:51 PM
Gordis is around; she'll probably show up sometime soon.
07-14-2005, 05:42 PM
I am not sure, I have a feeling we are posting as a trio: Lotesse, GW and I.
Guys!!! We need input.
07-14-2005, 05:49 PM
Sorry I was wrong. Gor posted July 12.
So the only one truely lost is our Khamul-TD. And we need him right now!
BTW, EarthBound, I loved your input.. If you are around, post, please.
Horrible Khamul asssking poor innocent hobbitsss about the Ring!
Hobbits venturing no info!
Destruction of the Gladden Fields settlement!
Hobbits slain or driven away!
07-15-2005, 03:52 AM
Sorry, I have had alot of sport this week, and have not had much time for Mooting. GW, I was thinking that Khamûl could have been reporting to Sauron through the palantir, instead of finding hobbits. Also, we need the Nazgûl to go to Saruman to ask for news of the Shire and where it is, so those hobbits telling him doesn't really fit in, so could you perhaps edit your post. If you really don't want to then that's fine though.
07-15-2005, 08:42 AM
Sorry, I have had alot of sport this week, and have not had much time for Mooting. GW, I was thinking that Khamûl could have been reporting to Sauron through the palantir, instead of finding hobbits. Also, we need the Nazgûl to go to Saruman to ask for news of the Shire and where it is, so those hobbits telling him doesn't really fit in, so could you perhaps edit your post. If you really don't want to then that's fine though.
Required editing done. :)
07-15-2005, 12:42 PM
Sorry, TD and GW, I have to say now it doesn't fit at all!
I think Khamul slipping ahead alone is well in his character. He is eager to find the Ring for the Master, and he suspects Wikkie is slowing down the quest deliberately.
I advise you to let Khamul go alone to the Gladden and question the hobbits. Let him make a fine bloodbath. When they give no info (how could they know about the Shire on the other side of the Misty Mountains?) he can destroy their settlement single-handedly. Then he will report to Sau via his Palantir and return to the others.
Please, change the post again, GW. and TD please continue Khamul's part
I am sorry again, guys!
07-15-2005, 12:46 PM
Another thought: Khamul asks hobbits to deliver the ring and they bring him all the rings they can find in their holes, wedding rings, curtain rings, whatever. Then Khamul is mad and kills all.
07-15-2005, 12:56 PM
That's a great idea! Write that, that's funny.
07-15-2005, 04:17 PM
Hope the new editing will meet with aproval. :D
07-15-2005, 04:59 PM
Thank you, GW! Great post.
Now it all fits.
And Khamul-TD, you are free now to report your "success" to your Master.
Wikkie will be much amused as well :p .
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