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05-12-2003, 01:58 PM
(This is just a place to hang out and develop your charactors.)

*It was an ordinary house. Ordinary for the real world. However, some very unusual occupents would be arriving soon.*

Katt: All right, I have the standard party drinks and food. Mirivor, lembas, cakes, ale. I hope not too many hobbits come.

*Yes, this house was to be the new Middle Earth Party House! A place where all are welcome (and I mean all) to talk and eat.*

Katt: Nothing but sit and sit and eat and eat.

*Oh yes, and quote random things.*

Katt: I love being the narrator! I wonder who will arrive first!

*You are unusually perky today.*

Katt: Of course! I just started a new thread!

*Ok. There is a knock on the door...*

05-14-2003, 07:19 AM
And Fimbrethil enters:

Fimbrethil: I hope you have some entdrought. It has been a long journey and for some reason no one would talk to me. Do people think it's weird to a walking tree?

05-14-2003, 10:40 AM
There is another knock on the door, the door is opened and a tall gracefull elf, named Imhuriel walks into the room. She says" Hello Fimbrethil, how's Fangorn?"

05-14-2003, 07:41 PM
Ooc: Wait... what's the point of this? Please explain more clearly to the poor blonde girl.

05-14-2003, 08:00 PM
OOC: from your friend the other blond girl!!! In other words this place is pretty much a place to meet other people's characters and create, or work on them!! do you get it now???

05-14-2003, 08:10 PM
Ooc: yeah, I guess. It'll be one helluva party, though. Lots of swords. :) ooh! I'll be Kalile and Rela-whoosy. That should be fun, cause I can work on him as my other permanent character. :D

Ic: The door opens, but no one comes in. Outside you hear, as though through gritted teeth, "You first."
"No, no, ladies first."
"I insist, ma'am."
Fianally a furious elf and a superbly handsome scowling man entered together.
"Too bad weapons aren't allowed," the elf said hotly.
"Ah, but mind magic can't be prohibited, can it?" came the sly reply.
"Watch it!" the elf suddenly had a small harp in her hand, and was threatening him with it.

05-14-2003, 08:45 PM
OOC: I wanna make up another character! Lets see I've been a human a horse a dwarf(sort of)...I like the dwarf idea. So my dwarf name is Bror Icewraith (I know it sounds like a guys name but hey I supposedly look like a guy so what's the difference?). I'll introduce her in my next post.
Fimbrethil:How would I know how Fangorn is? I left a long time ago remember?
Imhuriel:Thats right so where are you living now?
Fimbrethil:In the Old Forest close to Tom. It's really quit nice there. *spotting the harp the elf was waving* OH! Do you play that? Lets have some music!
Scowling man:Sure if you want your ears to fall off.

OOC: Sorry that's the kinda mood I picked up from your 2 characters so I put that. Hope you don't mind.

05-14-2003, 10:09 PM
I'm makin another one too, Imhuriel is a bit boring.
Name: Imharwen
Eyes:cool penetrating green, is like Relasin in some ways
Apperance:Beautiful in a dark way, more of an evening person,wears white, skintight clothing with large billowy sleeves,pant legs, and cloak, the clothing is lined with a rose pattern.
Items:Harp that switches sizes at command, Sword sheathed at her side, bow and arrows, twin daggers, and a pack on her back.
Type: Enchantress/warior/bard/ sorceress.:D Super elf
OOC: It's Relasin Kalile

Imharwen walked in the room looking amused" Hello Relasin, how are you, oh and Kalile I suggest you stop right away, I'll take care of it, Oh and hello Imhuriel." She nods to Kalile then Relasin and they go outside. They come back a few minutes later, Relasin looked calmed down, so the chatter resumed.< Interesting party, do'nt you think> she thought to Imhuriel. <Yes it most certainly is> she thought back. Imharwen then drew out her harp, commanded it to a large size, tok up a chair and began playing a happy lively tune.

Fred Baggins
05-15-2003, 10:11 AM
*You hear frusterated knocking on the door*
*It's opened up, and a frusterated looking hobbit steps through the open door. She's wearing a brown dress and a white apron underneath a tattered green cloak*
"Got any mushrooms? I came all the way here being followed by a hungry hobbit who thinks he owns the world. I havn't had a bite to eat in FIVE HOURS!!!"

*A humble looking hobbit follows her in wearing all black, almost looking like a mini-nazgul.*
"It's not my fault I have more of an appetite than you."
*He grumbles something unintelligable under his breath, and the first hobbit looks ready to stick her toungh out at him.*

05-15-2003, 11:41 AM
First I have a questian, what does OOC: mean or stand for?
Now, my profile.

Race: Elf
Name: Demlire LĂ*nghĂ©lm (mariners name, HaslĂ©f Lordelm
Horse Breed: Arabian
Horse Name: Arab Roses
Nickname: Lady Lordhelm
Comes From: the northern lands
Apearance: A short (for an Elf) Elf, blue in the eyes, Sword with moon writing sheathed by her side, black cloak, dressed as a man, asked why? she says "a dress will hold me back"

05-15-2003, 01:49 PM
OOC: No limits you guys! Go ahead and play! This is supposed to be fun!

OOC2: OOC usually stands for Out Of Context, then people sometimes put IC (In Context) when starting to write for the story.

Katt: Welcome to all. I am afraid I have no endrought. Will tap water do?

Fimbrethil: *Dissaproving glare*

Katt: Well, uh, I'll just have to make some.

*Katt has no idea how to make endrought so she just slips off to the kitchen to have a sip of wine before it is discovered.*

Katt: I wonder if any TLAers will show up...

OOC: Hint hint

05-15-2003, 08:43 PM
OOC:I'm introduceing my dwarf now!
*there is a knock on the door and a rather plesent looking dwarf walks in*
Bror:Well hello. I donn't think I any of you please introduce me around.
Fimbrethil:I hope you don't an axe.
Kalile:Now really Fim don't you think that that is a stereo type with dwarves?
Bror:Well I do have an axe but I hardly ever use it.

05-15-2003, 09:40 PM
ooc: Kay you'll learn about my character as it goes on.
She's a girl, human

Drane: Hardly ever, dwarf? When would you need it?

05-16-2003, 01:33 PM
Ooc: I guess I should put my profile(s) here too, huh.

Name: Kalile Alaiko
Race: Wilder elf
Class: Bard
Gender: Female
Eyes: Change with mood
Hair: Short, layered honey-colored mane carelessly draped
Appearance: A very very short elf wearing tan balloon pants and a closed red vest. She carries a falchion, but in this place no one can draw their swords. Her hands are long and graceful, her bare feet nimble. She is thin and wiry even for an elf, and looks like an acrobat or tumbler, which she is.

Name: Relasin
Race: Man
Class: Enchanter
Gender: Male
Eyes: Black
Hair: Long and black
Appearance: Relasin is a large man that looks like a godling. No one, not even his worst enemy, Kalile, can avoid attraction. He wears a long silk silk tunic of dark grey and sports a cape of black to match his hair and offset paler skin. He can nudge people's minds in the direction he wants people to think, corrupting dreams and even taking over completely sometimes.

Ooc: TLAers?
Ic: Kalile joined the other harp player, being careful not to put magic into the song.
Seeing the human girl and the dwarf she tensed, waiting in case something untoward happened.

05-16-2003, 01:51 PM
OOC: Jeesh! You guys are so serious!
OOC2: NM about the TLAers. When they show up, you'll know.

Katt: *bounces back into the room* Oh! Lovely music! Harps are wonderful arn't they? *Looks around* Come on, relax! It's not like we are gonna go on a quest or something.

*Katt proceeds to walk up the wall and stand on the celing.*

Katt: See? Have some fun! Woah! All the blood is rushing to my head!

*Katt promptly falls to the floor, landing on her head.*

Katt: No worries, I'm all right.

05-16-2003, 03:30 PM
Drane: *rolling eyes* Oh yeah that was only like five seconds. Betcha can't do it longer.

Katt: Can too

Drane: Maybe after a drink? What do ya have?
Then I'll prove you wrong

ooc: So like after one post you say I'm serious? I didn't mean to be:D

*after reading last post* okay it did sound a bit serious. I changed it a little

Fred Baggins
05-16-2003, 04:46 PM
ooc: disregard my last post. I won't be useing Fran and Freddy. My character kinda makes herself. All that needs be known is she's 15, and blond...mentaly and physically. and human.

ic:*Faith throws open the door, and runs in, falling to her knees and pulling her hair*
*She looks at the flashing lights*
Faith: Oh...sorry, it's just the lights.
*She gets off her knees and looks at Katt.*
Faith: You ok? Got any mirivor? Or lembas...or chocolate coffie? Ooooo that last one sounds gooooood!
*Faith wanders off in search for chocolate coffie*

05-16-2003, 07:37 PM
Imhuriel promtly pulled out her violin and made a lovely harmony to the harps. Then she started playing a jaunty tune and the harps joined in.
ooc:I should probably give mine too.
Age:too old to care
Eyes: Dragons eyes[change with her moods]
Hair: Pale gold, very long, down to her waist, well taken care of
Apperance:Wears clothing that goes with her surroundings, White flowers on her clothes
Items: Sheathed sword, bow on her back, knives, and has a heck of a voice.:) real life too Kalile knows

The last sane person
05-16-2003, 09:52 PM
OOC: Oy vay! I think you all knowm me well enough. I'll go back to Roya mode! Never mind the rest of my characters or names, Roya will do!

*yet another knock on the door, and a medium size human girl, kinda broad shouldered and black haired, walks in and spots Katt*

Roya:*barging through the crowd with arms wide open* Kitten!

Katt: Roya! Long time no taco!!

*Hugs each other, Roya spots a few familiar faces and waves*

Roya: Whatcha got ta drink round here?? An' I don mean the light stuff!

Katt: Uh, Come to the kitchen and rumage about!

05-17-2003, 12:04 AM
*Christiana walks in*
Christa:What? theres actually a normal narrorator for a time?
*just you watch me*
Christa:oy!:rolleyes: wheres the mirovour Katt?

05-17-2003, 12:38 AM
Its mirror

Imhuriel and the others stopped playing for a time. Imharwen, Kalile, and Imhuriel went to a corner and talked.
I'm gonna introduce my newest charachter
Name: Ealniel[Eh-la-knee-l]
Age: does not wish to reveal
Hair: long blond and straight
Eyes:Intense green
Apearance: Has a long dramatic face, intense green eyes, Long blond hair, likes Imhuriel:)
Clothing:Wears a green tunic, with a grey elvish cloak, and leggings with big but light boots.
Carrying: a sheathed sword, a quiver of arrows, bow clipped to his side
Sex: male
Race: Elvish

05-17-2003, 12:41 AM
Elaniel,knocked on the door, and he walked in alone. He made a beeline for the corner where the elves were talking. He obviously had good news because all the elves except for Imhuriel looked impressed. She looked very happy to see him though[ she likes him, but he don't know yet!!!;)].

Willow Oran
05-17-2003, 12:41 AM
*The door opens and a slightly dazed looking blond ambles in muttering to herself, she sees Katt and smiles*

Everything/Maggie: Nothing! Long time no see! I brought the miruvor! Think Something will show up?

Katt/Nothing: Probably, but we'll have to be careful not to come into physical contact.

Everything: Of course, can't have ourselve negating eachother.

Nothing: That would be rather annoying, course Something would still be left over.

Everything: Something always wins somehow. Oh well for for now we have miruvor and chocolate and lembas and Everything shall eat drink and be merry!

The last sane person
05-17-2003, 12:50 AM
OOC: 'low Maggie.

05-17-2003, 02:24 AM
Originally posted by Legoles
Elaniel,knocked on the door, and he walked in alone. He made a beeline for the corner where the elves were talking. He obviously had good news because all the elves except for Imhuriel looked impressed. She looked very happy to see him though[ she likes him, but he don't know yet!!!;)].

Isn't it kinda boring to make up both sides to a love story? Make him fall in love with Sane's character. Oh wait, she'd bop 'im on the head. :D

The last sane person
05-17-2003, 02:34 PM
OOC: Originally posted by Kalile
Isn't it kinda boring to make up both sides to a love story? Make him fall in love with Sane's character. Oh wait, she'd bop 'im on the head. :D
You bet I would! dont quite go after elves myself....but it would be damn right hilarious!!! Why not give it a try!

05-17-2003, 04:13 PM
ooc:Elaniel is now an elf that loves girls and will go for a different one if one drops him.

Elaniel walks over to Roya. He says"Hello good looking,come here often?"
Roya proceeds to slap him across the face but he does not give up.
Elaniel: I always remember a pretty face, you must be new here!

05-18-2003, 11:32 PM
Kalile laughed, and pulled at his arm. "Come on, lover boy. Here, I'll dance with you once. :p" Still laughing, she played a note on her harp. Relasin's hand slipped, dropping the pitcher of wine. Luckily it did not break, but Relasin was covered in wine. Kalile laughed, and hid her harp as he looked around.

The last sane person
05-19-2003, 12:15 AM
OOC: LOL! :p

Roya:*glaring at elf* well, that was odd! *swigs drink that smells very alcoholic* Well. now that i'm here what can i do?

*she goes and walks over to the pockeet of elves*

Willow Oran
05-19-2003, 12:42 AM
*However she is suddenly grabbed by a bouncing blond thing that could have been Everything and swung around in violent circles that might have passed for a sugar high attempt at dancing*

Everything: Fuzzy!!!!!!!!

Roya: Oh god...

The last sane person
05-19-2003, 11:46 PM
OOC: Maggie! oh, by the way, this is a TLAer in case your wondering.

*Roya was half way from the elves when she was aprehended by the bouncing (dirty!) blonde blob*

Everything: fuzzy!!

Roya: oh god(s)......

Everything:*more swirling* Cheese!!

Roya:*sheepish half smile* uh, right! where's Something?

Everything:*swigs miruvor and shrugs* Liz returned! Meeble!

*bounces off to get more drinks, Roya follows for more alcohol and to get some of whatever Everything is on*

05-19-2003, 11:54 PM
Ooc: I still have no idea whatsoever what a TLAer is or does. :( Help me!!! Will no one take pity on the dummy in the corner?

Fred Baggins
05-20-2003, 12:43 AM
ooc:*scratches head* I was sure I had recently posted on here...in fact I know I did. *Frowns* the 'Moot's doing it to me again isn't it! WAAAAAHHHH

TLA stands for Tolkien Lover Anonymous. TLAers are strange people who are in love with Tolkien's works, and continue to somehow find themselves IN his works.

ic: *Faith wanders in with chocolate coffie*
Faith: I found chocolate co-ooooooo DWARFS! I like dwarfs, they are soooooo much fun to play house with...they always run away from me though...
*It seems she is talking to herself again.*
Faith: Sure am Mr. Narrator! It certaintly is a TON more fun than talking to others, after all, I'm the only conversationalist that understands me!*Grins widely*
Faith: Now, where did I put those cute pink bows...That poor kitty needs a makeover...and those poor wittwe Dwarfy-warfys too!
*And now, I give my useless information. If you don't like pin bows in your beards and on your tails...RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!*
*You see Faith tying pink bows into the beard of a poor dwarf that didn't run fast enough.*

ooc:*frowns* I'm turning into Elmyra...Eh, oh well.

05-20-2003, 12:50 AM
Elaniel, more to rescue the poor dwarf than anything else, asks the blond girl for a dance. SHe promptly ties a pink bow in his hair and spins him around in circles.
Faith: WHEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!
Elaniel:I think I'm gonna be sick, this one was a mistake.

05-20-2003, 01:46 PM
OOC: Ooh! We're doing the everything/nothing thing again! Goodie!! We need Eliza!

OOC2: Let's just stick to Maggie and Katt for now though.

Katt: Yay! Maggie! Aw come on, we can make phisical contact, we just can't be in the same body.

Maggie: *Leaves off chugging mirovour for a while to give katt a swift hug. Goes back to drinking*

Katt: I didn't know if you were coming. The last thing I heard was that you were kidnapped by giant mutant chickens.

Mutant! Spoon!

Maggie: *Stops drinking* Here she comes!

Katt: Goodie!

OOC: I'm bringing Eliza in anyway. As human.

OOC: So, you're turning into an alcohalic are you Maggie?

05-20-2003, 09:22 PM
*Fimbrethil comes weaving into the room obviously wine is not the best thing for an ent*
Fimbrethil:OOOOOOO! Come here dwarf. *she grabs the dwarf and starts spinning then falls*
Faith:Haha! Look at the little dwarf with ribbions!!! You know something I've never tied ribbions in Ent hair! Come here enty-wenty!

05-20-2003, 10:15 PM
Elaniel is stumbling around the room, feeling very dizzy. Suddenly he crumples to the ground.

05-21-2003, 07:22 PM
"Am I the only one who doesn't drink in this room?" Kalile demanded, stomping her foot.

"Well, then, I guess I can make an exception! :D" She immediately grabs a glass and polishes it off as Relasin swoops down on her and twirls her about the room. Giggling, she finishes the glass one handed and falls, hearby tripping Relasin.

Ooc: Thank you! Now I'm not quite so confused.

Fred Baggins
05-21-2003, 08:41 PM
*Faith stops tying riggons in ent's hair for a second and thinks*
Faith: Um...lemme see, I drink chocolate coffie...mirovir...entdrought...nope, you's not the only one!
*Ent takes chance to run away.*
Faith: Darn...I loose more friends that way...

The last sane person
05-21-2003, 08:44 PM
OOC: But being confused is fun! Specially when its all that your used to!

05-22-2003, 12:08 AM
Ooc: Confusion is good. Total confusion is not. :D

05-22-2003, 12:11 AM
ooc:I agree
OOC2: Actually Elaniel Imharwen and Imhuriel are still sober, E is just dizzy as heck.

Imharwen bends down to where Elaniel is, picks him up off the ground, brushes him off, and leads him to a chair.

05-22-2003, 12:14 AM
Ooc: Well, ya coulda mentioned that earlier, before I got lonely. :p

Willow Oran
05-22-2003, 12:14 AM
*giggles insanely*

Maggie: Achohol... nah, I'm jus really drun'!

*plops down on the floor, still giggling*

Whee! Buttons!!!

Fred Baggins
05-22-2003, 12:23 AM
*Faith looks around.*
Faith: You know...there aren't any hobbits at this party! I'll br right back!
*She runs out the door and returns soon there-after dragging behind three very tortured looking hobbits.*
Faith: Now, my wittle hobbit-wobbits, you go have fun! If you don't I promise that tomorrow you will have all your mushroom privliages taken away.
*The stare around widly, and do a football huddle. Two minuets later Faith is chasing after them out the door.*
Faith: Come back! The party's not over yet! Please come back hobbit-wobbits!

*Faith wander's around party house*
Faith: So...any dwarves like pink bows?
*A husky dwarf with a long braided beard taps her*
Dwarf: I do.
*Faith turns to the dwarf and lifts an eyebrow.*
Faith: A female dwarf...with a pink bow in her beard? This is TO MUCH!!!
*She falls on the floor, and cracks up, holding her sides.*

05-22-2003, 01:46 PM
*Katt, in seeing that everyone is spinning, turns on the disco ball and turns up the disco!*

The last sane person
05-22-2003, 02:54 PM
OOC: Brother! I'm bailing!

Roya had enough of being twirled around in insane little circles so she dientangles herself from the drunk party goers, grabs a few bottles for the road and bids farewell*

Roya:*reaching the door* Farewell! *leaves*

05-23-2003, 02:55 PM
Elaniel finally comes to his senses"uggh" he moaned," what did I do to deserve this? He untied the pink bow in his hair, stood up, and gave it to the dwarf.

05-23-2003, 05:40 PM
Ooc: Ahhh! Disco! My mom caught me posting in this thread, and she didn't think it was appropriate, so I gotta stop posting here. :( Oh well.

05-25-2003, 05:11 PM
dang!!! oh well.
Imharwen decided to start playing in a different style, and kicked up a bucket while she was at it.

05-25-2003, 06:14 PM
OOC: What? Just because we drink a little too much? Speaking of drinking...

*Katt was sad to see Roya go, but was distracted when an intoxicated Maggie grabbed her shoulders.*

*But wait... What is that I hear? Off in the distance?*

Katt: Oh right! Eliza!

*Eliza comes bursting into the room*

Eliza: I am the Bold Thunder!

Katt: Oh no, not that agai--

*Katt is swept up in a hug by Maggie. Again*

05-28-2003, 06:48 PM
"Oh dear!! oh well. bye y'all." Imhuriels form left the room, then came back after seeing the mess outside "Katt, you may want to take a look at this..."

05-29-2003, 01:58 PM
Katt: Oh great, what is it now?

*Katt stepped outside to see what Imhuriels was talking about.*

*Out on her lawn she was met by the enthusiastic cheers of a rencarnated penguin army.*

Katt: ELIZA!!!

06-01-2003, 05:21 PM
Katt: That's it! I'm getting drunk!

OOC: And I'm also bringing in more tlaers

*Katt ducked back inside the house just as Eruvial Greenleaf and Tanoliel started picking their way through the penguins.*

*Once they got to the porch, they found Maggie singing "What do you do with a drunken salior" with a bottle of mirovour and a penguin.*

EG: Um, hi Maggie.

Maggie: FUZZY! Oh! What do you do!

Tano: Yeah. Sure. We heard Katt was having a party.

Maggie: She just went inside. OH! Whhat do you doooo!!!

Tano: Thanks. She better not be drunk.

*Inside was not as chaotic as outside. Katt was sitting in a little kiddy pool in her robes, sucking on an empty bottle of some very fine liqour. Elaniel was eating mass amounts of cookies in an attempt to get over his hangover. Imharwen was playing loudly now that the cd player was off. Eliza was using all of Katt's cd's as cards, trying to toss them into a hat. Imhuriels was checking out the kitchen and refusing to go back into the living room so to remain somewhat sane. In the middle of the living room was a dwarf dancing under a disco ball.*

OOC: I actually had a dream last night where EG and Tano came to my school looking for me and the only thing I heard tano say was "She better not be drunk again."

Fred Baggins
06-01-2003, 06:03 PM
*Faith sees dwarf dancing under disco ball and squeels*
Faith: DWARF! There's one left!*Starts tying bows into his beard*

Eruviel Greenleaf
06-01-2003, 11:50 PM
*EG is suddenly seen on the roof, looking very much like a gargoyle holding a bottle of wine--though probably a little prettier than a gargoyle, and a bit more colourful, seeing as she is not made of stone*

EG: *makes gargoyle noises and sprouts wings--big, leathery black bat wings* Muahahahaha!!!

Tano: *rolls her eyes* Oh, please, EG, come down from there!

*EG begins to look rather different...it's EG, but with huge wings and darker, longer, wavier shinier hair, and huge eyes that are beginning to glow red. Her clothes--formerly a very practical pair of black cargo pants and a sweatshirt--have become a black dress, black boots, and a red ribbon around her throat. She stands on the roof looking EVIL*

Katt: Ooh, she's making a spectacle of herself

Maggie: Oh, she just wants attention....

ooc: ooh, cool! a dream with me in it! :D

The last sane person
06-04-2003, 01:29 AM
OOC: arent we a bit egotistical? :rolleyes:

Eruviel Greenleaf
06-04-2003, 06:47 PM
Originally posted by The last sane person
OOC: arent we a bit egotistical? :rolleyes:

OOC: Of course it is! And horribly obnoxious, too. *looks smug*


EG: *jumps down from the roof, flapping a bit and lands in what would be a very graceful landing if she didn't trip over her own two feet and nearly fall on her face*
What? Why are you guys all looking at me? I mean...so I look a little strange, just carry on! It's a great party!

Roya: Aren't we being a bit egotistical here, EG?
EG: Oh...well, yeah. I mean, I'm not EG. I'm her alter-ego, Emy. This is just what happens when she gets drunk...I think she had a bit too much wine. No worries. *smiles sweetly*

Maggie: Uh...Okay...
Katt: Woohoo! Evil wench from Hell at my party!
EG: Please. I don't like all this attention...*hides in the corner*

06-04-2003, 07:05 PM
Imhuriel finally came out of the kitchen, not drunk, and walked over to Elaniel."Stop eating those cookies or you'll never get a girl friend."
Elaniel:"Oh alright.
He sulks of into the kitchen where Imhuriel starts tworward. She changes her mind, goes into the bathroom, and comes back out in a skimpy pale blue bikini.
Imharwen was so drunk that she changed her shape constantly

The last sane person
06-04-2003, 07:18 PM
OOC: AHHHH! ELVES IN BIKINIS!! SO...PALE...! NOT... NATURAL....!...Must not look into the light.....!!!

Roya: Sure ya dont! *grabs Emy and chucks her into the lime light*

Emy: Well... I guess i kinda do....

Roya: Course ya do! *swigs booze and joins her in the lime light*

OOC: I noticed that back at Folklife...Although i'm no jewel myself... :D :D :D

Eruviel Greenleaf
06-06-2003, 02:51 AM
ooc: Ouch. :eek: :D

Emy: *starts dancing, rather drunkenly, while consuming yet more wine. passes bottle to Roya*
Roya: Hey! This is empty!
Emy: *looks horrified* It is?! What? Noooo!!!
Roya: Um. There's more in the house.
Emy: Oh thank Dionysus!
Roya: Dionysus?
Emy: Yeah, the Greek god of wine and dance--
Roya: I know, I know. Just, I thought you were an elf.
Emy: EG is. As her Fey/demonic alter-ego, I get to pray to whoever I want.
Roya: Ah. I see. Riiiight.
Emy: I also have a strange obsession with setting fire to things.

*Katt overhears this*
Katt: Not to my house!
Emy: No, of course not! Not the house of our lovely host! We must find something else!
Roya: A quest!
Emy: To burn something! Or blow something up!
Tano: Did someone mention fire?
Emy: I did!
Tano: I'm coming!

06-06-2003, 01:49 PM
Katt: Attention! All burning is to be done out on the lawn. Starting with that penguin army.

*Pretty soon there was a fairly large bonfire made of dead penguins. With a few explosions from penguins with rice in them.*

Katt: And now a song!

Bring us more ale here, and without fail here
we'll go on singing till each song is sung.
Pass round the jugs now, fill up your mugs now,
We shall not stop now that we've begun.
And if you've a song sir, as we go along sir
You're next to sing but you're never to think
We'd let you sing dry sir, that's a foul lie sir
A drink for each song, and a song for each drink.

OOC: I expect yall to know it for my party. Practice, practice, practice!

Practice makes drunkards!

The last sane person
06-06-2003, 02:06 PM
OOC: I need not more practice! I have had plenty! Long live the glorious guild of Drunkards!!!

Fred Baggins
06-06-2003, 08:20 PM
*Faith watches in horror as Penguins are burned*
Faith: That's no way to give a penguin there untimely death! *Grins evily* You must torture them...then after so l;ong they become so paniced, and afraid they explode...much like with the rice but much messier.

Everyone: *Stares shocked*

Faith: What? I'm capable of evil outside of tying pink bows on people! And dwarves...and elves...and ents...and...and...every creature alive...

Fred: Faith dear, I think we should leave the nice people alone.

Faith: *pouting* Why? You never let me have any fun.

Fred: Look who's talking Faith. You're talking to yourself.

Faith: No...I'm talking to you...

*Meanwhile everyone else go back to burning penguins assuming Faith's just not worthy of any attention at all.*

06-08-2003, 04:35 PM
*Christa is munching on a discusting chocolate bar*
Christa:Excuse me?
*erm...christa is munching on a chocolate bar that looks really delicious*
Christa:stop the sarcasm.
*shut up*
Christa: You shut up. Im not the one poking my nose into otherpeoples buisiness
* *
Christa:thats better

06-09-2003, 06:54 PM
Katt: Ah! Another Narrator Manipulator! That's what this is all about!

Hitler, he only had one ball
the other was in the Albert Hall
His mother, the dirty bugger,
cut off the other when he was still small.

06-10-2003, 09:40 PM
*Christa cracks up, spewing chocolate all over the place.*


*Im not beaten yet*

Christa whacks air with spoon:take that1


The last sane person
06-11-2003, 12:19 AM
Roya: NEH?

Emy:*shrug* Meir?

*Roya and emy were both having a rather hard time trying to put two and two together as they were stone drunk.*

Roya: Oh Shut it you! *hic* I know when I'm drun' an it aint yet!*falls over in drunken heap*

*Dear, dear. I think not*

Emy:*hic* Well, I think Too! Although at times i am not sure what about....*hic*

*heh.. If you spoke your mind you'd be utterly speechless*

Emy: Oh fek off! *Hic*

*No. Thank you for the offer though*

Roya: Oh, sodd off an enjoy it ya buggering clod! *smacks Narrator hard in what would have been his face if she wasnt so drunk*

*Ha! you missed!*

Emy: Neh...! *This time she gets the bugger*

*ACK! I hate pointy objects!*

Emy&Roya: *smiles drunkenly*

Eruviel Greenleaf
06-11-2003, 01:49 AM
Emy: Le's go swimming!
Roya: Um. We're drunk.
Emy: I'm not drunk! I'm scone..cold...stober.
Roya: Ye're a scone?
Emy: *hic* No, but I got a dwarven scone! Fer throwin'! Ish a weapon!
Roya: Oh! Dwarv'n scones! I know 'em!

*you don't have any. they live in discworld.*

Emy: *points sharp pointy object in the...vague...direction of the narrator* Shut up, you!

*okay, okay! just don't hit me with that thing again!*

Emy: *satisfied and very drunk grin*
Roya: We're so good!


Roya: *smacks narrator on the nose, this time hitting*

06-11-2003, 05:52 PM
*They are all now very drunk and slightly naked dancing around the bonfire*

Katt: YEah! ThaT SWimMINg thINg sOUNds LIke fUn!!11!11! THE'res a POOl in thE baK YRD!

Tano: Slightly Naked?!?

Katt: COMe oN!1!

*They all troup around to the back where they find a guy standing on the roof preparing to jump into the pool.*

Guy: I'm on drugs!!

*Suddenly a dork jumps out of the bushes*

Dork: Don't jump!

Guy: I'm gonna do it! Seriously! I'm on drugs!

Dork: Well say some better last words.

Guy: Okayok. *Breathes* I dig music. *Pause* I'M ON DRUGS!

Dork: *Shakes head and cobvers eyes* Jesus christ.

Guy: *Jumps* AAAAAA!


Katt: Will you GUYS knock it OFF? UR in the WRONG STORY! This is NOT Almost FAMOUS! THERE ARE NO DRUGS HERE!

Dork: Sorry. *Helps guy out of pool* We'll leave now. *They do.*

*Random party people yell yahoo! and jump in the pool.*

Katt: Actually, that jumping off the roof thing didn't seem like a bad idea. *Darts into the bushes as Roya and Emy stumble past where she had been standing and into the pool.*

The last sane person
06-12-2003, 12:07 AM
Roya:*looks down* Oh.... Hell.... it appears we are slightly naked. fek.... whendidthahappen? *hic*

Emy:*also looks down* idunno. whendoyathinkithappened?

Roya:*shrugs* Dunno.


Roya: nevermindIjus'foundout. YARG! *hefty wallop on the narrators kisser*


Emy: Yay! More drinksh!

Roya: Inna ta pool wif yer!

Emy: Yous firs ya swab!

Roya: Yarg! *they grapple and send each other into the pool and start to laugh*

Emy: Yesh! dis ish da loif fer oi!

Roya: yep! *swigs can o larger*

Emy: Oy! whas aboot oi?

*roya chucks can to her and they flounder about drunkenly*

Emy: We's aint drunked! *points katana threataningly*

*okay! okay!*

06-12-2003, 06:08 PM
*Christa jumps into the pool from the roof with a loud splash! The neighbors poke there heads over the fence, scream, and go run call the police.*

Christa: everybody hide except for the sober ones!

*everyone tries to hide before thepolice arrive*

OOC:is anyone besides me sober at this party?:rolleyes:

The last sane person
06-12-2003, 08:00 PM
OOC: Eh...No.

Roya: Hunf. oi isnt afeared a no poleash!

Emy: Nor is me!

Roya: Lets gert the bashtardsh!

Emy: Aye!

*thus the two drunken pirates wait for the arrival of the ill fated law enforcement officers*

Roya: Thats soundin much better!

06-12-2003, 08:25 PM
OOC: Uh Yeah me... Imharwen who .. I hope is not being manipulated by anyone

06-12-2003, 08:46 PM
OOC:I came back from Hawaii, which is totally awsome!!!

The last sane person
06-12-2003, 11:58 PM
OOC: So what?

Roya: Yerg! where is them poleash?

Emy: Dunno.

*they continue to wait for the belated police*

06-16-2003, 01:48 PM
*Finally the police show up. All they can see is two drunks sitting by the pool and various body parts trying to be pulled into various shrubs.*

Policeman#1: Right you lot. Pack it up then.

*Katt peeked out over the gutter on the roof.*

Katt: That's not what you're supposed to say!

Policeman#2: What?

Katt: You're supposed to say "'Ere, 'ere, wot's all this then?".

Policeman#1: No. I refuse to give in to your steriotypical propicanda.

Katt: Oh come on,

Policeman#1: No.

Policeman#2: Just say it then we can get back to arrestin' people.

Policeman#1: *exasperated* Oh all right! *downcast* Ere, 'ere, wot's all this then?

Katt: Put some sprit into it!

Policeman#1: No. I said it an' now we're gonna arrest you lot!

Roya: Yous carn DAMRN Whell trrry to resrt me!

*"The Lot" draw their weapons*

*Will they get arrested and sent to jail? Will the policemen keep their heads (metaphoricly and litteraly)? Keep on partying!*

The last sane person
06-16-2003, 02:18 PM
Roya: Huzzah! I shall be victorish! * tackles police men*

*Meanwhile Emy Drew her weapons and beer bottle and let fly at the other unfortunate law enforcers. And Katt jumped from the roof*

Katt: Viva la spork! Don’t give into the dogma of our imperialist society!! YAHAHA!

*she falls onto the police and they are taken care of in short order*

Emy:*swigs from sake bottle* well, now wot?

Roya: ‘Ell I dunno! Pass the booze!

06-17-2003, 01:49 AM
Imhuriel walkes out and said" You LOT are disgusting, let me join ya." She does not strip, but sits in the pool wondering about stupid things.

06-17-2003, 01:37 PM
OOC: (Pst, Legolas, shorten your sig) *Whistles* I didn't say nothin.

Roya: Yerch! That's what they taste like! Yerch!

Emy: I didn't know policemen are orcs.

Katt: All government officials are dear.

The last sane person
06-17-2003, 06:26 PM
Roya: Want some booze?

Imhuriel: Uh. sure.

*she takes the bottle and chugs it all down*

Imhuriel:*hic* Nish! *hic*

Emy: Now you really are one of us!

Roya:*rubs blood away from mouth* You sure there werent any more cops around?

Katt: Go check dear.

Emy: Come on! And bring the terryaki sauce!

Roya: Terriyaki?

Emy: Sure! barbequed orcs-I mean-Cops.

Roya: Close enough. Not much difference 'tween the two!

06-28-2003, 04:39 PM
Katt: NO! You spoils it! Nasty weirdo black wearing evilses! Spoil nice flesh by cooking. tpttt.

*Roya doesn't even look up and smacks Katt in the head. She continues eating.*

Katt: Oh, where was I? *sees drunk Imhuriel* Oh Roya, you shouldn't corrupt the poor little dear. *Takes Imhuriel inside*

The last sane person
06-30-2003, 01:12 PM
Roya: Garn! to damn late! She has been corrupted!

Katt: tisk tisk!

Roya:*Slaps katt yet again without looking up and keeps eating*

Emy: Pass the salt please!

Imhuriel: Whas *hic* that *hic*?

Roya: Food.

*Imhureil sits down and joins them in eating, leaving Katt on the edge of the circle alone.*

Katt:*sniff* Any yummy fleshes for meee?

07-10-2003, 06:26 PM
Katt: Oh well, I don't need to eat anyway. Or sleep for that matter. I'm runnin' to the liquor store. I'll be back soon.

The last sane person
07-10-2003, 06:30 PM
*A combined cheer rises from the party goers*

Eruviel Greenleaf
07-11-2003, 06:09 PM
*lives and breathes sake*
Emy: See ya, Katt! Pick up some Sake, will ya? :D

The last sane person
07-12-2003, 03:45 PM
Roya:*in disgust* you Sake obsessed twit! i doubt you could even hold it!

07-12-2003, 08:15 PM
Imhuriel pops out of the house sober as ever[cause she drank mirovour] and says" you are totally gross, eating those policemen!"

The last sane person
07-12-2003, 08:17 PM
Roya: Damn straight! hehehe.......

Emy: oh well, we did what we did and there's no undoing it!

07-12-2003, 08:34 PM
*Katt reappears with bags of bottles.*

Roya: Oy, didn't you say you were going only a minute and a half ago?

Katt: Yeah, but I made it easy for everyone. I froze time for half an hour so I could get back here quickly. It also is a major help with get aways. You don't have to run at all.

*The group was about to ponder this, when they remembered the liquor and raided the bags. Katt pulled out two mini bottles and made herself a fancy glass out of thin air. It even had ice in it.*

Roya: Hey Katt! Whatcha makin?

Katt: *Pulls tops out of the bottles with her teeth* A Rusty Nail.

Roya: What's that?

Katt: Scotch and Drambouie. *pours* I find that Scotch is really bitter, so the Drambouie sweetens it up quite nicely. *sips* Ah. Just let it evaporate on the tounge.

Roya: Ta hell with that! We're supposed to be getting drunk! *Slaps a bottle into Katt's hand*

Katt: Oh all right. *Takes a swig and finds out it's Everclear* Well, *cough choke* that certa *cough* certianly is *cough* envigorating. *Takes another more careful swig*

The last sane person
07-12-2003, 09:00 PM
Roya: tha more like et! *swigs vodka voraciously*

Katt: sheesh! manners manners!

07-13-2003, 02:55 AM
Katt: I know! Let's play party games! I'll mess with everyone's head, and they have to get me out!

The last sane person
07-13-2003, 03:02 AM
Roya: neh? *shrugs and goes back to boozing*

07-13-2003, 03:07 AM
Katt: Know what we need? Sex. That's what parties are supposed to be about. Sex sex sex. And don't call me "worse than a frickin rabbit" again.

The last sane person
07-13-2003, 03:09 AM
Roya: fine. Then you worse than a frickin Tribble!

07-13-2003, 03:17 AM
Katt: HA! I gotcha there! Tribbles dont' have sex!

The last sane person
07-13-2003, 03:23 AM
Roya: then how the feck do they breed with out fecking? what the feck is that you stupid feck!

KAtt: How the feck am i supposed ta know ya feck!

Emy: whoa, lotsa fecking going on here!

07-13-2003, 03:30 AM
Katt: No ya feck! *Goes all serious like* Actually 50% of their metabolism is geared twards breeding. Tribbles actually reproduce by cloning themselves. Any different coloration is caused by the different parts of DNA used to create a new tribble.

Roya: *Stares in disbelife then grabs a bottle and forces it into Katt's mouth*

The last sane person
07-13-2003, 03:34 AM
Roya: *in really thick scots accent* oop ye dreenk! carnt ave ye soober noow caan wheee?

Katt: *in between mouthfulls* er....no...we cant!

07-13-2003, 03:39 AM
Katt: I'mnmn nottsss drnk! I'm OLD SCONED OVER! hmnnpttt

The last sane person
07-13-2003, 03:43 AM
Roya: ner...I swear ta drunk i aint god! er.....tha didna coom out righ..... eh...ell wif it! i'll ave anooother piiiint!

07-13-2003, 03:53 AM
*Then Katt pulled out aan of whipped cream.*

Katt: *looking crazed* I'll do it! I swear I'll do it! then you'll all be sorry!

Roya: Don't do it Katt!

Katt: *cackles* I know how to get inside your brains. I can give you eroticly evil thoughts that you didn't even think were possible to think!

Emy: Stop!

*Everyone was on their feet now*

The last sane person
07-13-2003, 04:00 AM
*CRACK!! Roya hit Katt really really hard over the head and she passed out*

Roya: weeell, that takes care o that!

07-13-2003, 04:07 AM
Emy: Or does it? *twitches*

Roya: What?

Emy: *cackles* HA! You think you can get rid of me that easily? I am inside all evil minds! I will not be vanquished! *faints*

Roya: Emy?

Emy: *wakes up* Aaa! Oh Roya! It was horrible! And yet, somehow *smiles/twitches* pleasent.


OOC: I think you got a quest on your hands!

The last sane person
07-13-2003, 04:10 AM
Roya: *beats unconcious form of Katt*

07-13-2003, 04:14 AM
OOC: Fun! I can play Emy for a while!

Emy: Are you sure that's a good idea? She likes pain. You just might be encouraging her. She might posess you next.

The last sane person
07-13-2003, 09:36 PM
Roya: she knows i will kill her in cold blood if she so much as tries!

Eruviel Greenleaf
07-20-2003, 03:23 AM
Emy: Actually, that might possibly be considered not cold blood, seeing as she's infringing upon your rights as a human being and a citizen...eh...
Roya: *gives Emy a very strange look* Uh...perhaps you haven't had enough to drink?
Emy: Perhaps you are correct on this particular point. Where's the rum?

*sees big pile of burning stuff*

*goes up to the person standing by the pile of burning stuff. realizes they've all been suddenly transported to a remote tropical island.*

EMy: WHy is the rum gone?!

RANDOM PERSON: Because it's vile and you're all acting horribly under the influence of it, and that smoke signal is over a thousand feet high, and the whole royal navy is out looking for me, so there'll be white sails on the horizon shortly.

Emy: But why is the rum gone? *looks horrified*

The last sane person
07-20-2003, 04:03 PM

OOC: sorry for being so malicious...its just that i lost me spot oin the Precious! thats right! i cant work on me Lady no more! Waarrgg!

Eruviel Greenleaf
07-20-2003, 09:03 PM
Originally posted by The last sane person

OOC: sorry for being so malicious...its just that i lost me spot oin the Precious! thats right! i cant work on me Lady no more! Waarrgg!

I would. Emy wouldn't. Hmph. And it's not old, so hmph.

ooc: I'm so sorry...what happened? :( *poor Roya!!!*

The last sane person
07-20-2003, 09:37 PM
*sob* My spot has been filled with some dude they got down in the carribean who would work for less pay! *sniff* BLOODY BASTARDS!!!! *sniff* I needed the money! Damn it all! I have school and food to pay for! *Growl* I hope the new hand they got down there falls overboard and drowns on the way up! And the captian too!

Eruviel Greenleaf
07-21-2003, 01:08 AM
I'm so sorry! Ouch, that hurts! Oh, by the way, where is she now? Just curious. And does this mean you can never work on the Lady again, or just you don't have your job right now?

The last sane person
07-21-2003, 01:43 AM
The freakin berths on the damn ship dont open up for hella! It could be years before they let anyone on again! SHITE! And i fukin need the damn money! but then again, i could go back into prize fighting.....

Eruviel Greenleaf
07-21-2003, 02:01 AM
Really? There goes my plans for next summer...er...well, I dunno, maybe it'll be easier if I'm a volunteer? Seeing as I have to give them my money...*grumble, grumble, grumble*

I ought to 'ave been born about two hundred years ago, near water. And might help to have been male, seeing as you can only get away with the boy disguise for so long...:rolleyes:

I realize we've gotten quite off-track here...:o

The last sane person
07-23-2003, 10:51 AM
Who cares? This thread has been abandoned.

Eruviel Greenleaf
07-23-2003, 11:25 AM
Well aren't you cheerful? :rolleyes:

Hey, I'm not much better at the moment, so I can't complain...

The last sane person
07-23-2003, 11:47 AM
neh...I dont really have much to be overly cheerful about...Lost my job, lost my money and lost my only doughnut to my overweening brother.....

07-23-2003, 10:26 PM
hello everyody! Im back!Wheres the rum?:D

The last sane person
07-23-2003, 11:13 PM
Roya: Oh Bugger the Rum, will ya?

Eruviel Greenleaf
07-24-2003, 02:02 AM
The rum is bloody well gone, we drank it.

07-24-2003, 02:16 AM
Rum, Rum, wheres the rum?

The last sane person
07-26-2003, 03:20 AM
Aye! I drank it and she spat it up!

07-27-2003, 10:36 PM
Store owner: Oh...

Customer: What?

Store owner: The cat's eaten it.

Customer: Has he?

Store Owner: She sir.


Katt: Anyway, I know I'm dead, but where did the rum go?

07-29-2003, 10:14 PM
ooc: Kitty, I am a LAZY arse...can you tell me things I need to know? what's going on? Why'd you drag me in here? When? what page? Help me...I'm drunk on limeade. it was kinda gross. and then we, er...
Burned things and experimented with alcohol!
(Right. We flambed things. :D)

07-30-2003, 01:07 AM
OOC: We killed some police and Roya killed me and now Roya, Emy and my spirit are on that island from Pirates.

It was night on the island. Roya and Emy sat next to a bonfire wondering how they got themselves into this mess. Suddenly a bright object streaked accross the sky, then crossed it's trail and headed for the island.


Roya: What the hell was that?

The asteroid landed just offshore on the other side of the island. Yadda yadda yadda, something's on fire, not anymore, water splashes, it cools off, right. Suddenly the asteroid dematerialized into 472 tiny pixies which swarmed around the island turning things into other things.

Roya: Bloody feck! My boot is a cream puff!

Emy: That's better than having a jelly roll for a hat. *A pixie lands on her shoulder* Aah! Get it off me.

Pixie: Calm down. This is the best body I could find.

Roya: Katt?

Pixie: Yeah.

Emy: Why don't you use your pixie powers and make a new body.

Pixie: If you haven't noticed, we can only turn things into food.

Indeed, the island was becoming a buffet table.

Roya: Well could ya conjure up some booze? I think we're gonna need it.

The last sane person
07-30-2003, 02:42 AM
Roya: Indeed! *thwacks Pixie-Katt into a bush*

OOC: Oh, by the by, the Lady is 2 miles off shore of waikiki in Oahu, i look out every morning and i see it on the horizon. Now thats what i call a cruel joke!

Eruviel Greenleaf
07-30-2003, 03:14 AM
(ooc: Oh, ouch! That's pain, that is, Roya! I'm so sorry. Wait, you're in Oahu? Whoah. Cool. Will you get me a sarong there? I'll pay you back when you get home. I'm such a shameless...something. :D)

Emy: Right. Well, Katt, booze would be great but so would getting back to where we're supposed to be. . .er. . .wait. . .*falls into water. . .emerges a few seconds later looking more like EG. A lot more. Like, is EG again. Good*
EG: What the hell? Stupid alter-ego taking over my body again. . .arrgh.

07-30-2003, 05:53 PM
PixieKatt: *climbes out of bush* Well, that wasn't very nice. But here's a bottle anyway.

*A couple of bottles fall out of the trees and Roya and EG catch them.*

Roya: Thanks. *muttering* you little pest....

EG: Hey Katt, how did you make bottles if you can only make food?

PixieKatt: They're sugar bottles. You can eat them.

07-31-2003, 02:05 PM
Not so very far out to sea, a small boat with a very patched sail is floating on the waves, the wind being nearly nonexistent. A small girl is sitting in the boat, tying knots in lines and, every once in a while, bailing out the boat, which seems to be bringing on water much faster than it had been.
Tano: Oooh, must've sprung a leak...bugger all. *spots small island* Hey! Land ho! Land ho!
Random Voice: And who are you shouting to?
Tano: Wha--?
She looks around and finally spots a small, glittering creature the same color as the water, sitting on the starboard side of the boat. It has a pointy face, and large wings, and a long scaled tail, and is looking very amused.
Tano: Hey! A dragon! Nifty.
The Dragon: Nifty?
Tano: Yeah. Like, neat. Awesome. Cool. Fantastic.
The Dragon: I see. Who are yooouuu, and what are you doing sailing in my waters?
Tano: *holds out hand, which the dragon takes in its tail and shakes* I'm Tanoliel. I'm a pirate.
Dragon: You don't look like a very good one to me.
Tano: Pfffft. I stole this boat, didn't I? She's a pretty little thing.
Dragon: She's sprung a leak.
Tano: Yes, yes she has. I was hoping to get to land before--
She is cut off by a bump as the boat hits sand. She jumps out, pulls the boat onto the beach and furls the patched sail.
Tano: That'll have to do for now. *spots the fire* HEY! People! Or something. Wanna go have a look?
Dragon: Oh, why not? Nothing else is ever interesting around here. *hops to Tano's shoulder* Let's go.

ooc: Whooo...that was fun. :)

07-31-2003, 05:03 PM
The noises from the campfire were angry voices.

Roya: But how did we get here in the first place?

EG: I dunno! My alter ego was in my body!

Roya: But it was your body. You walked up to this campfire and suddenly we were here!

PixieKatt: I told em, Millenium Hand and Shrimp. Buggrit.

Roya&EG: *Stop and stare* Are you still here?

Tano: Hello?

Roya&EG&PixieKatt: GAH!

Tano: Uh, hello. I'm Tanoliel and I'm a pirate. This is a dragon. He say's these are his waters. *draws sword* Who are you?

Eruviel Greenleaf
08-01-2003, 12:24 AM
EG: Good, honest, merchant-ship cardboard.
Tano: *Raises an eyebrow*
EG: *leans in very close to Tano* Until you get too close!
Tano: Ah. I see.
EG: That is to say, I'm a pirate too. Jolly Roger? *holds out a small flag on a stick to Tano*
Tano: Thanks!
EG: Do you have a boat?
Tano: Well, I did. . .Do you?
EG: Well...I'm in the market *winks*

08-01-2003, 01:35 AM
Suddenly a beautiful girl w/ light blue webbed ears, a light blue Dratini like tail w/ a leaf shaped end, silver-purple eyes and lipstick, blue eyebrows, tanned skin, a attractivly cut suit of black, covered at her shoulders and below her midriff with a light aqua cloth, popped out of the water. She walked up to EG, Pixie-Katt, and Roya.She said ,"Hallo, whats with you?" everyone stared at her, even the pixies." Ya look like ya've seen a ghost or somethin."

08-01-2003, 10:28 PM
Tano: *to dragon* You know this person?
Dragon: She came out of MY water! Who is it?
Tano: *shrugs* Beats me. Oh, you--*to EG* There's a port town nearby that's got lots of good boats just waiting to be comandeered.
EG: *interested* Really?
Tano: Oh, yeah. I can show you where---just gotta fix that leak in my boat. *beams proudly* She's called L'uccello. She's the best.
Dragon: She's got a leak.
Tano: I know. Shut up.

08-02-2003, 03:00 AM
"If you must know, I'm Juri Hakashomi. I'm a water demon, with legs, of course."

Eruviel Greenleaf
08-02-2003, 05:43 PM
EG: That's nice dear...*blatantly ignores the "water demon." Tano! Let's comandeer a boat!
Tano: Yes. My boat has got a leak. I can't go anywhere. Does anyone have any repair supplies handy? *looks hopefully around at the gathered group* No? Darn...

And suddenly, the skies darkened, the wind howled, and a voice, sounding suspicously familiar to Tano and EG, and Katt, and Roya, (rather, in fact, like a pirate girl with a long brown braid) says "LO! If thou hast no ship, BLOODY GO AND STEAL ONE!"

EG: Um, and where do we get this boat, eh?

And Lo, a ship appeared on the horizon. Strange the way that works, in'it?

And the booming voice spake again... "Go have fun, kids. And don't forget to play nasty."

08-03-2003, 01:43 AM
"Uh, who was that? I'm comin with ya. I sick of this crummy island. Any way, EG I'm a pirate too!"

08-03-2003, 06:31 PM
Tano: Meh....*stalks off to L'ucello, an rummages in the few boxes and bags, most of which are wet* I wonder if that ship's got food? Mine's all mushy...ooh, look. Pirate cardboard. That's about the right consistency now.
Dragon: What is that stuff?
Tano: Hardtack. Good, law-abiding merchant ship cardboard...until you get too close.
Dragon: Ahh...I see.
Tano: Look! *pulls out mending supplies* I thought they were here! Well, thank you Navica. *begins mending boat* It's just a little leak, after all.

08-03-2003, 08:45 PM
PixieKatt: *pesters Tano* Whatteryoudoing?

Tano: *oblivious to pestering* Fixing this.

PixieKatt: Why?

Tano: We're gonna comandeer that ship.

PK: With that boat?

Tano: Yes. Should be easy.

PK: Wish I could help. I got this crummy body and all it can do is fly and turn things into food. Look. *Turns a rock into a hunk of chocolate*

Tano: CHOCOLATE?!? *takes a bite* Katt, you may be useful after all.

Roya: No she won't! *Swings large piece of wood in Katt's direction.*

PK: *laughs like a chiuaua on helium and get's hit by a secont piece of wood* Ow! Stop it! Or I'll turn you into a Pina Colada.

EG: Quit it guys!

OOC: LEGOLES!!!!!!!!! Shorten your sig or don't post here.

08-03-2003, 09:18 PM
Tano: Come on, Roya--think about it. Never ending supplies on board the ship. We'd never have to put into a port unless we wanted to. How cool is that?
PK: Hey! I'm not making anything because you SAY to!
Tano: Oh. Really? I bet it's because you CAN'T. You couldn't turn that rock over there into a bottle of fresh spring water.
PK: Could too.
Tano: Could not. *goes back to fixing boat*
PK: Could TOO!
Tano: No, no you couldn't.
PK: YES, I COULD! *there is suddenly a bottle of fresh water by Tano's foot, where the rock was a moment ago*
Tano: Ooh, look. Water. *Picks it up and drinks*
PK: You could at least say THANKS!
Tano: Oh, yes. Thanks, Pixie.
PK: Grrr....

ooc: seconded here, legoles.

08-03-2003, 09:45 PM
OOC: Am I destined to be a galley slave EVERY TIME we turn into pirates?

08-03-2003, 10:42 PM
ooc: :D Yes. (Come on...you're eminently suitable!)

08-03-2003, 11:29 PM
OOC: What?!? "eminently suitable"?!? I CAN'T COOK! The only reason I am producing food is it was forced upon me. Luckily I do have some magic up my sleeve, not to mention a set of Japaneze Kitchen Knives. Other than magic, I'm useless in the kitchen. Though I do think up some pretty interesting concoctions.....

Maybe I should turn Roya into a Pina Colada. Or a Banana Daquri. Hmn.....

Eruviel Greenleaf
08-04-2003, 01:35 AM
ooc: How 'bout Strawberry Daquiri? :D


EG: Hey, Tano, what can I do to help?
Tano: *sighs* Here, um, why don't you do something about this line. . .*hands EG two very frayed ends of a line.*
EG: *stares at line for a minute.* Okay. . .*ties a decent reef knot and tugs at it to test it. it comes apart immediately. Tries again, same thing happens. sighs. glares at the ends and holds them together, whispering a prayer to Navica and to Reth, God of Annoying Buggers of Lines and Tools. And suddenly the two ends fuse together. Quite soundly. How nice. grins.*

The last sane person
08-04-2003, 02:18 AM
Roya: Hey! I might be a walking wine cask, but i dont need to be one i actuallity!

Pk: *grumble*

08-06-2003, 01:08 AM
Yes! I've shortened it now!

08-06-2003, 01:14 AM
Thank you.

08-06-2003, 02:49 AM
welcome, PK :D adyway, lets get a goin!
arrgh, nintey second rule!!!!!!!!!!! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggg gggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The last sane person
08-06-2003, 09:28 PM
NEh, i have ran afoul with that rule far to often.

Roya: Well, ifin we're to steal a ship we had best get a move!

EG: well then, off we go!

*they head off to the ship, moving as silenlty as ninjas. Roya jumped swiftly and landed silently. The guard died likewise.*

OOC2: Roya, (rather, in fact, like a pirate girl with a long brown braid) I do? well, yeah, i guess i do...

08-06-2003, 09:31 PM
ooc: I think she was referring to the owner of the voice and not you. I dunno.

Tano: Ahaa....good. *stows repair tools and shoves L'ucello into the water* Wait for meeeee! *sets out after the big ship*

The last sane person
08-06-2003, 09:34 PM
Roya:*whispering* Oh hurry up then! *kills other guard as Tano pulls up*

OOC; THis reminds me of the Drunken Elf thing....

08-06-2003, 09:37 PM
ooc: Oh, just a bit...:D

Tano: *ties her boat to the ship* Let's get to the cap'n's cabin...

The last sane person
08-06-2003, 09:41 PM
Roya: Well, i go first because i got here first! *dashes off to the cabin and shortly after a ghastly scream is heard. ROya emerges from the cabin dressed in a slightly bloody captains outfit* This barge is mine!

08-06-2003, 09:44 PM
Juri swam up to the boat, and climbed up the rope ladder. She saw another gaurd come by so*slash* he's gone. I'm gonna chack out the capt's cabin!"

The last sane person
08-06-2003, 09:47 PM
Roya: Hoy you! water demon thing! shove off! this is my cabin! what u doing here? *to EG* We had better shove off before the other crew comes aboard!

08-06-2003, 09:48 PM
Tano and the dragon hoist L'ucello aboard the big ship and tie her down safely.
Tano: There. Hey! Roya! EG! People! What's going on?

08-06-2003, 09:56 PM
"Well, I can sleep on the deck, no problem."......."Anyway, you've probably never met my friend the water spirit!"

08-06-2003, 10:30 PM
OOC: You have black hair roya. It's black. It's not quite long enough to be braided.

*PixiKatt came flying up from below deck*

PK: If you go down below, try not to step on any of the chocolate puddings.

Roya: What?

PK: *salutes* Crew all done and taken care of Miss Cap'n Miss.

Roya: Chocolate puddings eh? Good job.

Tano&EG: Did someone say chocolate?

PK: Maybe it was a bad idea. Scuse me Miss Cap'n Miss. If you don't need anymore food I'll be getting out of this body Miss Cap'n Miss. I found a very suitable one indeed.

Dragon: What happened to your body.

PK: We left it at party house I think, Mr. Dragon Sir. It's not fit for consumption much less posession, Mr. Dragon Sir. Be back in a gif.

OOC: I turned into a real mate din I?

*PixiKatt flew back below deck and a minute later a six foot five brown haired sap came stumbling up the steps.*

Katt: I think this body was First Mate at one point. I'll have to get a new name though. Anchors away Miss Cap'n Miss?

Tano: Those chocolat puddings still below deck?

OOC: Ok, at the first port we come to I'm getting conked. The pixie is in a bag in my pocket if you want to know. Any name Ideas? I always wondered what it was like to be tall.

Edit: I don't think Anchors Away is a propper phrase. Maybe we'll run into ourselves on the Nal

The last sane person
08-06-2003, 11:04 PM
OOC: Your right. its not. its "helms a-lee" if we are to be turning on our way.

Roya: Unfurl the sails! off we go to the wild blue yonder!

Katt: Right Miss Cap'n Miss!

Roya: Hop to it lad(y)!

08-06-2003, 11:14 PM
Tano: Fun! *scrambles up the rigging and begins to unfurl the sails. The dragon follows and does the same* Sails unfurled, cap'n sir! We're on our way!
*The boat begins to move out*

ooc: This ship needs a name...

The last sane person
08-06-2003, 11:29 PM
Roya: Hmmm...I am going to need a bigger crew.... *notices the sails are unfurled* Good! You will be the weapons cheif if you can find the weapons on this crate! EG, you will be first mate and Katt...

Katt: Yes?

Roya: You will be the second mate!

Legoles: And me?

Eoya: *ignores her and goes about sailing the ship* On to meet the NAL!

08-06-2003, 11:33 PM
ooc: Oh dear...:)
Tano: *mutter* I'm always the bloody weapons thingie. I wanna be a rigging sailor. And a crow's nest lookout.

The last sane person
08-06-2003, 11:37 PM
Roya: Truely? Then you are thus changed! You are now Boatswain, who is in charge of the rigging and logs! you keep the other sailors in line and go up the masts with em!

OOC: I changed it a bit, a boatswain is more of a manager and close to the Cap'n and doesnt really go up the masts, but i changed it for ya.

08-06-2003, 11:58 PM
Katt: Then can I look after the weponry Miss Cap'n Miss?

OOC: Oh shiet. I didnt' really mean it, this aught to be interesting.

The last sane person
08-07-2003, 12:00 AM
Roya: eh...Just so long as you dont kill yerself, or more imortantly, damage the ship!

08-07-2003, 12:13 AM
Tano: Bo'sun? Score. Now I get to go up masts and things....

ooc: Roya--the other week Allie and Liz and I were at the Laurelhurst Beach Club--oh, gods, the scary rich people--we were hoping to sail the alpha but couldn't because of stupid beaurcracy needing sigs of people who weren't there....:rolleyes:
Anyway. This sailboat, unrigged, comes motoring up to the big tower....with their fenders out. The one guy wanted to get to the tower, get the boat real close so he could catch some hook or buckle or something that had gone up the mast and they couldn't get it down. I offered to climb up the mast and get it but they declined. It would have been so easy! :( They couldn't get it, though, and they went motoring away, with us depressed on the dock because WE didn't have the boat (it was beautiful! And they'd bought it off a buddy for some obscenely small amount!) and yelling, "pull in your fenders, you ignorami!"
It was fun...

Sorry about that. I got a little carried away...:eek: :D

The last sane person
08-07-2003, 12:18 AM
OOC: Nice, im about through with ships i dont own. its a bloody pain in the ass to rent or buy one here. My uncle (japanese beleive it or not) is buying one in Hawaii for a very, very low price and want me and a few o'my friends from Oahu to sail it from there to here. it might take a month or so. Its a lovely thing, 54 footer double masted babe that doesnt quite meet schooner standards yet is a mish mash of different types of ships.

08-07-2003, 12:59 AM
"What, am I gonna be the ornament or something?"

08-07-2003, 01:19 AM
Dragon: *glances down from rigging* Ah...yes.

occ: Sorry. :D He's a sarcastic little thing.

Oooooh, Roya....do you need an extra hand on that baby? Not that I really know how to sail...but I'll do what people tell me and I can tie a bowline. And hold a tiller and stuff...

The last sane person
08-07-2003, 01:23 AM
Nah. its across an open sea and that kinda sailing is way different from whatever you are used to. And beside, its a full crew.

08-07-2003, 01:24 AM
please dont tick juri off, she'll call a water spirit on you!

The last sane person
08-07-2003, 01:32 AM
Roya: Oh pah you lil squirt! what we need is a wind demon to fill our sails! you are of no use.

Juri: But come on!

Roya: Fine! you can be a... uh, an officer and in charge of the Navigation, since i take it you know the seas. A Navigation Officer. Hows that suit you?

08-07-2003, 01:40 AM
OOC: I know how to sail. I grew up on a boat. We never went on the open ocean, but Puget Sound can get pretty rough. However, your boat is twice as big as ours was.

OOC2: I thoughta a name! I went to a pirate name generator ya see. Here

Your pirate name is:
Bloody Sam Vane
Every pirate lives for something different. For some, it's the open sea. For others (the masochists), it's the food. For you, it's definitely the fighting. You tend to blend into the background occaisionally, but that's okay, because it's much easier to sneak up on people and disembowel them that way. Arr!

I still live for the food? Damn. :D


Sam: *Comes in slightly singed* Things all locked up and NOT exploding Miss Cap'n Miss. Permision to ask where we're goin?

Roya: To find the Nal!

Sam: Yes Miss Cap'n Miss. Er, will we be stoping at any ports along the way? Ain't got nothing much but chocolate puddings--*His pocket turns to jello* And this pixie Miss Cap'n Miss.

OOC: I'm still getting conked at the first port we get to. :D

Eruviel Greenleaf
08-07-2003, 02:58 AM
ooc: My. Gods. I. Want. To. Be. On. That. Boat of which you speak, Roya. You're sailing her back to Seattle? If so, can I see her when she gets here? I want to be on the crew! :( But oh well, I don't have any experience with open sea sailing [i]yet[i/] anyhow. Damn.

EG: *mumbles something about bats and blood* Um, Cap'n, will we be lookin' for a bigger crew once we get to a port?

08-07-2003, 03:43 PM
"Thanks, I'll be back in a sec!" She jumped in the water and didn't come back for 5 minuites. She got on the ladder, and climbed back up on the deck.
"My friend the water spirit is gonna call on the wind spirit and off we go!"

08-07-2003, 05:12 PM
OOC: Hey people! We want to turn this thread into a bunch of Vampires on the ship (we meaning me n' EG). If you don't want to be a vampire, I suggest you leave. :) sorry! Oh wait, no, I'm not sorry, YAY FOR VAMPIRES!

08-07-2003, 09:03 PM
ooc: Do I have to get conked? I know it could be kinda stupid to be the only humanoid among bats but, well...you don't wanna eat me. See these bright colors? I'm poisonous. :D

08-07-2003, 11:44 PM
OOC: Be a tengu then. You always say that I can't eat you cuz ur a tengu. Or something to that effect.

The last sane person
08-08-2003, 12:02 AM
OOC: Very well, i shall be a bat. Where did you go to get your name?

Roya: Aye! we need a bigger sailing crew! cast off anchor! away we go!

EG: All hand to the stations!

Tano: Up the rigging i go! *up she goes*

OOC: And anyhoo, I shant be in port fer a couple weeks. You will see me at school, I think. If all goes well. I love the Gps satelites! You can bounce the internet off of them! even out in the middle of no where. I just passed the big island a day ago and am out to the sea!!!

Eruviel Greenleaf
08-08-2003, 12:03 AM
ooc: I. Am. So. Bloody. Jealous.

08-08-2003, 12:06 AM
OOC: Yarg ya land lubbers (and Roya)! Here be the name gen'rator site (http://www.fidius.org/quiz/pirate.php)!

The last sane person
08-08-2003, 12:07 AM
OOC: Aye, but i might have to take a plane back if the winds dont pick up...:( :(

08-08-2003, 12:58 AM
*chants and does a little wind dance for Roya*
Wind, wind, wind, wind....

I am Iron Bess. Call me Bessie, kids....I won't hurt'cha...*sly grin*

The last sane person
08-08-2003, 01:35 AM
Who? Well thanks for the wind dance...

08-08-2003, 02:02 AM
IC: Suddenly a strong wind picked up. running up to the steering collum, she grabbed the wheel and said"Hey miss Capt. Which port we going to? We've got the choice of Blackboot, a real smarmy town with very little beer or rum. We could go to Filidiel where there's rum a plenty but nothin to do, Or we could go to a place only I know about and get as much rum and adventure as we could find.

08-08-2003, 02:05 AM
I'm Iron Mary Cash! call me Cash, or Iron, or Mary.

08-08-2003, 02:22 AM
OOC: I like being Bloody Sam Vane, the six foot five model officer. Kinda reminds ya of Carrot don't it? Except for that whole part about the king.

OOC: OOH! I was just reading Roya's torture sceen from the War. *Sigh* Those were the good old days. Plotting, Power, and Pain. I expect a lot more from all of you in this thread. "Horned" Kinky Vampire Ship! (More adjitives forthcomming as we speak)

Eruviel Greenleaf
08-08-2003, 05:54 PM
ooc: I'm Iron Ethel Flint. I'll cut that down to Ethel Flint. (hey, tano...Romeo and Ethel the Pirate's Daughter! :D)

08-08-2003, 08:09 PM
ooc: Now that I know I can write channelling Will (did you see that scene I did? Pure Shakespeare! :D Maybe I'LL write "Romeo and Ethel the Pirate's Daughter." Hey-LA!

Tano: *yelling from rigging* I LIKE ADVENTURE! RUM IS BORING! ABSINTHE IS MUCH BETTER! *climbs down* Is there absinthe were we're going? Please say yes.

Eruviel Greenleaf
08-08-2003, 08:12 PM
(ooc: Kenna, dahling, please do! Write Ethel the Pirate's Daughter, that is. :D)

Oh, and EG shall now be known, for the purposes of this thread, as Ethel Flint. Or EF. Waha. Drink up me 'earties, yo ho!

EF: Waha! Absinthe and rum and really bad eggs!
Tano: Off to sea!

08-08-2003, 08:24 PM
Sam: Come on yall! Sing along time!

Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me
We pillage, we plunder, we rifle, and loot
Drink up, me hearties, yo ho
We kidnap and ravage and don't give a hoot
Drink up, me hearties, yo ho

Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me
We extort, we pilfer, we filch, and sack
Drink up, me hearties, yo ho
Maraud and embezzle, and even high-jack
Drink up, me hearties, yo ho

Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me
We kindle and char, inflame and ignite
Drink up, me hearties, yo ho
We burn up the city, we're really a fright
Drink up, me hearties, yo ho
We're rascals, scoundrels, villains, and knaves
Drink up, me hearties, yo ho
We're devils and black sheep, really bad eggs
Drink up, me hearties, yo ho

Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me
We're beggars and blighters, ne'er-do-well cads
Drink up, me hearties, yo ho
Aye, but we're loved by our mommies and dads
Drink up, me hearties, yo ho!

08-08-2003, 10:56 PM
"No can do capt. There's a hurricane goin through there right now, so there's no way I can get there without killing this ship as well."

08-08-2003, 11:20 PM
OOC: Oh come on Legoles! We want to get to port so we can all get CONKED!

Roya: *mutters* Sail we bastards all together, heedless of the wind and weather. *Yelling* Let's go through it anyway!

OOC: You started it Legoles. But let me sumerize.

*The crew of five and a dragon sailed into the hurricane and were tossed about a whole bloody lot. The ship made it through because of the sheer bloody stupidity of the whole crew. There was a port ahead of them.*

Bessie: Thank God.

Dragon: Which one?

Ethel: Where the bloody hell are we?

Sam: Yes miss cap'n miss?

Roya: Dunno. *raises eyebrow* Cash? Where are we?

OOC: Crew list!

Roya- Captian (no other name selected)
EG- First Mate (Ethel Flint)
Tano- Boatswain (Iron Bess) and the Dragon
Katt- weapons chief (Bloody Sam Vane)
Legoles- Navigator* (Iron Mary Cash)

*I put Legoles as Navigator cuz she knows where the bloody hell we are and she hasn't got a title yet*

The last sane person
08-09-2003, 12:39 AM
OOC: I guess i would be called Roya Bloodaxe if i were a pirate...Or Dread Pirate Kidd....

Roya: Hoy there! Tie her up and cast anchor! In to port we go!

*Cap'n Bloodaxe and her hard core crew set off to the port town of Noglilin to get thouroghly drunk and, if chance would allow, to get conked*

EG: Here is a nice bar over here where i think we can get soussed!

OOC: Its a plane for me chaps! one more day of good sailing to get back to the big island. :( :( :(

08-09-2003, 12:46 AM
OOC: My heart is stricken with sorrow for you! But at least you'll be back. If you had sailed all the way back I would have come greeted you at the dock.

Sam: 'ere's one mates! The Crimson Leach! Crimson is a good colour, and leeches used to be used for medical purposes.

Roya: Can't stand the bastards. Bloody pests. Let's go in.

*They were an impressive sight entering the bar. A five and a half foot mean lookin' gal, followed by a six and a half foot amiable chap, a tengu with a dragon on her shoulder, a gel looking suspiciously like an elf, and a water spirit thing.*

OOC: Shall I conk us all, or shall we each write our own "story"?

The last sane person
08-09-2003, 12:52 AM
Conk us all! The more the merrier!

08-09-2003, 12:56 AM
OOC: I'll conk us all tomorrow. I need to think of something. That whole "KATT HAS FUN" post on "If Frodo Turned Evil..." was written last night before I fell asleep. Well, not too soon before I fell asleep. *Wicked Grin*

The last sane person
08-09-2003, 01:01 AM
OOC: Ack. I will kill you later.

08-09-2003, 01:11 AM
Juri looked around and said, "This my friends, Is Nogolin."

08-09-2003, 01:12 AM
OOC: Surprized you haven't done it already. Wait till you get home from sailing.

The last sane person
08-09-2003, 01:24 AM
OOC: Yeah, i cant wait. My own private punching bag.

Roya: You mean 'noglilin'?

Juri: Oh. yeah. that.

Roya: Hell with it. lets have some drinks!

08-09-2003, 01:36 AM
OOC: Oh goodie! I like punch! I'm actually a Fruit Punching Bag.

Sam: I wanna Sex On the Beach with some Shirlie Temple. *winks*

Bartender: What?

Sam: Oh let me do it. *Jumps over bar and cracks knuckles* Let's see, this is very delicate work. *Bartender ignores him*

Eruviel Greenleaf
08-09-2003, 01:42 AM
ooc: Let me conk me own self, please! Ooh, that sounded bad...:)


Ethel (the Pirate's Daughter--hey, Tano, mebbe this be what happens to Ettie? ;)): I'll have rum. Please. Thank you.
Bartender: Er...okay, here you go...just a minute.
Ethel: Thank you sir.
Bartender: *looks at her funny* Here's your rum...
Ethel: *takes a good swig*

There's suddenly a hand, tapping her on the shoulder. And then in the next second, the wrist that is attached to the hand is in the tight grasp of Ethel, who then slams said wrist down on to the bartop, twisting it nastily, and spinning to see who's there.

It's a not so tall man with fluffy black hair and bright blue eyes. And very very pale skin.

Short Fluffy Man: Excuse me, miss...
Ethel: And what can I do for you?
SFM: I was just wondering, if you could answer a question for me. . .

08-09-2003, 01:55 AM
Bessie: *taps short fluffy man*
SFM: Yes? Who are you?
Bessie: I'm Bessie. This is a dragon. I would simply like to say that you are fluffy.
SFM: Um...
Bessie: And also that you oughtent to eat people without permission. And that I'm poisonous.
SFM: I see...
Dragon: *snorts into beer* Poisonous...

08-09-2003, 02:09 AM
*So Sam made himself a fancy drink and went roaming the tables in search for, hopefully a better body. He came back to the bar sadly.*

Sam: There's only bloody men in this bar. Can't find a new body among men.

Bessie: Why would you want a new body at all?

Sam: Well I always thought that this was just a standard possession. I didn't think I'd keep it. But you know, being male grows on you. Still, if I keep this body I got ta get rid of it's previous occupent. It's a pain.

Bessie: Just let him go.

Sam: Not quite yet. He is usefull. For one thing I can have twice as many drinks.

*Sam finished his drink and pulled a full bottle of vodka out of his pocket.*

Sam: It's fun being on the other side of the bar once in a while. *winks*

*Soon though, Sam was drunk. Very drunk. The bottle was empty along with another half a one.*

Sam: I goorrttta takkkkkkea wiz. Gor baaeing assgggguuuyy is oosfullll sometimes.

*He stumbled outside to take a wiz. While stumbling back to the bar, a very attractive young woman stepped out into the street.*

Sam: Wow! Yourshis gosh pretty! I'd takee ursis body lik ettthat! Ifsh isis wernh't so GODAMN druk!

Woman: You got drunk in the wrong town.

*The woman bit Sam's neck and drained him of all blood.*

*A slightly twanged vampire walked down the street. Later, when she's sober, she will wonder who this other conciousness is that is asking to be back in his own body. It will be only a few days before she commits suicide.*

Sam: Steal my sanity and pay the price, bitch.

*Sam Vane will wake up sober with Katt permanatly fixed in his body. Also, he will be conked.*

Sam: Aw bloody hell.

OOC: Goodie for us landing in a Vamp Town. I think Roya will get conked looking for a crew, but I shall have to think about it.

08-09-2003, 05:04 PM
OOC: Can I join?

08-09-2003, 07:04 PM
OOC: Sure. The thing is we're all gonna be vampire pirates. You could be one of the crew we take on. The pirate name generator is here (http://www.fidius.org/quiz/pirate.php) if you want it.

OOC: Roya, before you get conked, you have to write somat where we get a crew. Like this.

*Roya Bloodaxe leaned across the bar and spoke quietly to the bartender.*

Roya: We be pirates here, and we're lookin for a crew. It would be vastly kind of ye if you could point me in the direction of someone willing to help us.

*The bartender pointed to one of the less grubby men in the bar, who was sitting alone. Roya slowly, but with purpouse, walked over to his table and sat down.*

Roya: D'ya like pirates mate?

OOC: My idea is you'll negotiate gettin a crew with this fellow. Then you'll take him down to the dock to show um our ship and find out (oh my god) that he's a vampire along with everyone else in this ruddy town. Then you'll get conked.

OOC: Oy Legoles? How you wanna be conked? How can water spirits get conked anyway?

Eruviel Greenleaf
08-09-2003, 07:37 PM
OOC: Water spirits can't.


Ethel: So...you. Fluffy guy. What did you want? *glares*
SFM: I wanted to know your name.
Ethel: I see. Yes, you were the one staring at me from across the room, weren't you. That's kinda creepy you know. And unless you've got a schooner or a sloop or something I'm not interested. (I am a boat whore. Really. :D) *glares some more*
SFM: Actually, well, I wasn't...not like that...oh dear, I am going about this all wrong, aren't I? Could I start again perhaps?
Ethel: Nor do I appreciate being et, so none of that either. Someone tried to eat me once. I think they got slightly fried. *sweet smile*
SFM: Very well, I'll keep that in mind. My name is Tom. I have a proposition for you and your friends.
Ethel: Is that so?
Tom: May I know your name first?
Ethel: Yes.
Tom: *waits expectantly*
Ethel: Flint.
Tom: Flint?
Ethel: Yes, Ethel Flint. Your proposition?
Tom: Well, I see that you are pirates...and I know these waters well, and have been looking for a crew to join...

08-09-2003, 07:43 PM
OOC: Bugger. I knew there was bound to be a problem with that. Ah well. We'll keep her the way she is. If there is a problem we can always drop her overboard, no harm to her.

OOC: Hey Liz, *takes step back* that last post was really good *takes another step back* you know *step* I was wondering if *step* youcouldwriterecruitingtherestofthecrewformeBYE! *runs off to hide from her obligations in a closet.*

Eruviel Greenleaf
08-09-2003, 07:45 PM
OOC: Um, thanks, um, okay, yeah I guess I will, just...not now...later, I promise!

08-09-2003, 07:47 PM
OOC: It's just that, I've never been very good writing for the sane people, and tomorrow I'm going home so I'll only have 45 min a day at the library. Maybe we could find someone with more time. Anyone VOLLUNTEER?

Eruviel Greenleaf
08-09-2003, 07:50 PM
OOC: I'll write it tonight; I'm just being lazy right now is all...

08-09-2003, 07:52 PM
OOC: Isnt' being lazy wonderful? Urnngfortunatly, I'm abit TWANGED right now. crraazey

Eruviel Greenleaf
08-09-2003, 07:54 PM
I'm....kn....drunk. Drunk. Yes. Yes, very drunk. thlpwe.

08-09-2003, 07:58 PM
OOC: You know that luveeaaly feeeelingn when you get wnere bits of skin go numb all around? Is that washt feeling dru,k is? I neevvvers real yy beent druk. But I ahiaintuf eaten alrrrrday. fund I lkie sapaces fukn

08-10-2003, 02:16 AM
Bessie: *leans toward Tom. She is completely snackered--or looks to be* A PIRATE! Well, I knew it...SMELLS like a pirate! LOOKS like a pirate! DRINKS like a pirate! *realizes implications of drinking* Ah. Ew....as in gross.
Dragon: You are drunk...
Bessie: I'm not as think as you drunk I am. YOU! *points at Ethel*
Ethel: Me?
Bessie: No...*Dragon moves her finger* TANK YER. YOU!
Tom: Me?
Bessie: Yes. You be nice, now. Don't drunk get yesterday. Twenged. Twinged. TWANGED. Thasss it. Don't it do. Okay?

ooc: hehe....i'm having too much fun...but is she really drunk? *smacks herself* yeah....WAY too much fun...:D

08-10-2003, 02:31 AM
OOC: *sigh* It's my last day with unlimited internet access and am I drinking? no. Am I partying heavally? no. I'm passed out in an alley in some forign body with no blood. What a life. But it does have it's perks. ;)

The last sane person
08-10-2003, 09:16 PM
OOC: What ho crew! SHite! this thing grew a page while i was on the plane. I am back and slighlty jet lagged!

Gruby man: I like anyone who can fill me pockets, or bellie.

Roya: hmmm, thas nice. So where would a fine samaritan like meself get a crew rounds about ere?

Gm: well, depends on the ship ye got and...eh...well, whut your willin to loose.

Roya: Excuse me? loose what?

GM: eh, nothin much..money, time.... your life

Roya: sorry, i didnt catch that last part.

GM: *nervous* oh well, thats not important. I can get ya yer crew. Meet a friend o mine back at yer ship. HE'll know which one it is, he'll work out the...details with ya.

Roya: *leery* Alright. so i will.

*GM gets up to leave*

Roya: Oh, and if anything goes amiss, I will come back and finish you off Vampire. *GM Quickley scurries out of the bar and Roya gets up and goes back to the [our ship doesnt have a name]*

08-11-2003, 04:43 PM
OOC: Yeah. We do need a name. How bout Twistflame? Fatevenom? Redtear?

The last sane person
08-11-2003, 05:16 PM
OOC: RedTear sounds good, but i was thinking about the Satsuriken after another ship i know.

08-11-2003, 05:16 PM
Originally posted by Katt_knome_hobbit
OOC: Sure. The thing is we're all gonna be vampire pirates. You could be one of the crew we take on. The pirate name generator is here (http://www.fidius.org/quiz/pirate.php) if you want it.

OOC: Thanks. I think I'll take up the offer to be one of the new crew, probably already fanged. Name generator was fun. I'm Mad Mary Flint, I'll call myself Maddie. :p

The last sane person
08-11-2003, 05:18 PM
OOC: Welcome aboard Maddie. Shall you be the one ta conk me since you are 'already fanged'

08-12-2003, 06:56 PM
OOC: 's fine with me.


*When Roya reached the ship she however didn't find the man she was promised to meet there. Instead of a he Roya only encountered a she.*

Roya: Er... I was supposed to meet somebody else here?

Maddie: Ah yes. Well, something came between that. My friend met this rather tasty sailor and.. *sees the blank look on Roya's face* er... I mean *cough* rather thirsty sailor and he wanted to .. um buy the man a drink. Yes. But he left me to deal with your ship and crew.

*Roya looks suspiciously at Maddie. For one thing the woman is muttering, with her lips only barely parting to let the sounds through.*

Roya: *slowly* I see.

Maddie: *smiles thoothlessly* So I understand you're looking for a crew to man your ship? I think I know just the right ba..*cough* lads. I myself am looking for a ship actually. The last one I was on encountered this ... but that is of no importance now. What kind and how many crewmen are you looking for?

The last sane person
08-13-2003, 02:54 PM
*Roya wasnt stupid. She knew what was going on, yet she didnt yet want to blow her cover and was very cautious*

Roya: I see. I will need about 30 or 40 good men-or women- *thinks and a smile crosses her face* and perhaps a good dentist.

Maddie: eh? Pardon?

Roya: Ya know, if the crew ever develop...eh...toothaches in their cainines.

Maddie: *knowing Smile* Ah, i see. So you actually know about this place?

Roya: Yep. course. I wanted a bat crew, t'would be a change from the norm but an advantage for me.

08-13-2003, 03:22 PM
*Something wasn't yet entirely right here, Maddie felt. Sane people wouldn't stray into the vampire-infested haven so casually if they knew what they strayed into. And then to ask for a bat crew.... That was just asking to get conked. But then again, maybe this captain wasn't entirely sane either. Whatever. Maddie was being to feel slightly hungry so she didn't really feel like caring over much.*

Maddie: 30 to 40 good sailors, yes I think I can arrange that. A dentist will be a little harder but I'll have a look around. I'll assemble your new crew here tomorrownight for inspection. Then there is only the small matter of ... ah.. payment.

The last sane person
08-13-2003, 05:11 PM
Roya: I figure i know what payment you want, judging by yor growlin bellie.

Maddie: *blank, shocked look*

Roya: *chuckle* I know what your thinkin, an yor right. It dont make sense for one ta have a bat crew and not be a bat oneself. Show me these louts that will be my crew an then we'll settle the payment. Savvy?

Maddie: As you wish cap'n. *eyes Roya oddly* Are you sure everything upstairs are in order with you?

Roya: course not. I wouldnt be here or even a pirate if they were.

08-13-2003, 05:17 PM
Maddie: *grins* Very well. Then it's settled. I'll be off to scrape together all the decent sailors I can lay my hands on. See you tomorrow night captain. Around dinnertime. *leaves*

08-14-2003, 12:50 AM
Legoles asked me to tell you that she wouldn't be here for a week. :( But, I forgot until today. She should be back in a few days.

The last sane person
08-14-2003, 01:16 AM
oh, well, its not like we really need her that bad

08-14-2003, 05:38 PM
OOC: Ooh! Good sceen you two!

Eruviel Greenleaf
08-14-2003, 08:46 PM
Back at the bar. . .

Ethel: Well, I think we can arrange something then. Of course, we must determine whether you are capable, and I'm not even the Cap'n...wait, where is]/i] the Captain? Bugger. . .
Tom: I think I saw her leave.
Ethel: How do you know who our Captain is?
Tom: Er. . .I. . .*looks [i]really sheepish*
Ethel: *glares* You weren't skimming, were you?
Tom: *tries not to look a bit guilty*
Ethel: *glares even more* Get the hell out of my head!
Tom: So sorry, milady--
Ethel: What?
Tom: Milady?
Ethel: Try again, mate
Tom: Sir?
Ethel: Better.
Tom: *mutters something about gender identity issues*
Ethel: *laughs, then gets all serious again* Do. Not. Skim. Me. Or. Any. Of. My. Crew. Ever. Again. *glares*
Tom: Very well then. I apologize. It started all accidentally, but that's why I went up to you in the first place. ..
Ethel: Very well. Just don't do it again.
Tom: Okay.
Ethel: So, we've got to find the Captain to see if you can join. Hey, Bessie?
Bessie: Yeah?
Ethel: Hey, should we bring 'im to the Captain?
Bessie: Hey, sure. *drinks some more*
Ethel: Eh, okay. THanks. Let's go to the ship then. Tom, you with us.

They venture outside. . .

08-17-2003, 01:55 AM
Nope.Actually, she's kinda like a vampire cept she eats normal food.
I kill sane!
Juri walked into a dark deserted alleyway. Suddenly a group of ten men surrounded her. Their fangs slid down till they reached a deadly point. "Hello, boys!" Juri had been cornered by a couple of vampires. "Don't bother me, I'm invincible to these kinda things. See the ears? Water demon, can't be conked :p."
She punches the one that is in front of her and leaves the alleyway. She meets up w/ her shipmates and wipes a sticky red substance, that looks suspiciously like blood, off her lower lip.
*coughdamncoughthatcoughtninteycoughsecondcoughrul ecough*

The last sane person
08-18-2003, 12:12 AM
OOC: heh, you wish runt.

*Roya made sure to be ready when the time for payment came, which it did, and she walked down the alley that lead to her ship. before she reached it, however she was accosted by Bessie, Ethel and Tom*

Ethel: Hoy cap'n!

Roya: What ho!?

Bessie: We found a potential crew mate!

Roya: Oh, well. I found a whole bloody crew. *adressing Tom* What can ye do?

Tom: Sail.... Is that enough?

Roya: Can ye fight?

Tom: Er...Well enough.

Roya: *eyes the bat* come along. I see about you later. I have a dinner apointment to keep. *walks off to meet Maddie*

08-18-2003, 04:27 AM
Maddie: Welcome captain, I'm pleased to see you've kept the appointment.

Roya: So I have and what about you?

Maddie: *points to a line of sailors standing behind her* So did I. The best sailors you'll find in this dungheap of a port. I've even found 45 able and willing sailors so you'll have the final choice.

Roya: That's quite a lot, *eyes sailors critically* you've done a good job.

Maddie: I must say it was easier than I thought. Your reputation had proceeded you, captain. Many people were... curious enough to volunteer.

The last sane person
08-18-2003, 01:01 PM
Roya: I see....*walks up and down the line and eyes the sailors. Eventually she whittles their number to 39, taking only the best of the lot.* So what about the dentist? No go?

Maddie: eh, sorry. Not here! uh, there is only 39....

Roya: I have me original crew, a new bat and yerself. Speakin o which....Oy! Leech! {thats what i call bats i am not fond of} c'mere and state yer skills, it appears we have a spot for ye!

Tom: thankee....eh....sir!

Roya: good! Ethel! take the new crew and get them aquainted with the Satsuriken!

Ethel: aye aye! htis way you lot!

Roya: Now, about that dinner thing....

Maddie: of course.

08-18-2003, 06:22 PM
I'm freaked beyond reason and am not able to respond*Static, static*

The last sane person
08-19-2003, 01:11 AM
OOC: ack, you ninny! hurry up Earniel and conk me for heavens sake!

08-19-2003, 04:36 AM
OOC: Oh, hasty folk! You know one should never rush dinner, you want to give me stomach trouble? :p Oh well, you're the captain after all....

Maddie: Could we go some place a little more private, captain? I hate having dinner in front of everyone.

*Roya nods and leads the way to her cabin onboard the Satsuriken. Maddie follows and closes the cabindoor behind her.*

Maddie: Now... any last famous words?

Roya: *impatient* Will you get on with it already? I got a ship to lead!

Maddie:*shrugs* Fair enough.

*With a quick movement Maddie sinks her teeth in the captain's neck, leaving Roya no time for voicing any second thoughts she might have had. After finishing her dinner, Maddie put the captain on her bunk. Roya will wake there soon to a new, more nocturnal life style.*

Maddie: *licks her lips* Aaah, there's a taste to captains that has a certain... je ne sais quoi quality... .*leaves Roya to her beauty sleep*

The last sane person
08-19-2003, 12:55 PM
OOC: No indigestion ment! (although i doubted i would give it to you) :D

*Roya soon finds herself awake and on her bunk, suddenly very hungry. Yet regular food had no appeal*

Roya *waking up* neh....the hell? Oh yeah. I was conked. heh. Time for...*looks out the cabin and sees its night time of the next day*....Dinner!

Bessie: *spies te Cap'n out of her cabin* Hoy there cap'n! I trust you had a good sleep?

Roya: Aye. Now, go tell Sam ta go below and make a list of the weapons we got and what he thinks we need.

Ethel: *coming form below* And where are you off too?

Roya: *eyes Ethel* I am goin ta find dinner, First Mate.

Ethel: Sorry Cap'n, hehe.

Roya: Alls well. I have figured a way ta keep fresh victims aboard. Every time we attack a ship, we kill some then take the rest as prisonor. that oughta last. Now if we'll excuse me.

*She leaves to go find food and then stubles across the Gruby Man she met in the first place.*

GM: I trust everything went well?

Roya: aye they did. *gives a side long glance at the fellow and then as quick as can be, drew a silver dagger and lodged it in the man throat*

GM: *Gurgle* The hell was that for? *falls over dead*

Roya: *shrugs* i dunno, i felt like it.

Roya: heh, now the fun begins! *goes back to the ship and changes her blood stain clothes. The crew sets sail.*

08-19-2003, 04:21 PM
OOC: Oh everyone, just a brief reminder: this board is rated PG-13 so keep the blood and gore to the minimum, okay? We have kids visiting and posting on the entmoot. Killing characters is one thing, ripping them apart goes a wee bit too far for my taste. Sane, you'd make me happy if you would edit your post.

The last sane person
08-19-2003, 05:36 PM
OOC: Bleh. I ought nought to post that much then! for i am a very voilent kid. Ask Katt.

08-19-2003, 06:00 PM
OOC: Um, I think we might have a little problem avoiding the whole "Bloodsoaked story" thing. We are vampires and most of us like to bathe in blood. Then there are the sadists and the people who just like to traumatize others. Oh wait, all of those are Roya.

Bessie: Wait, aren't we forgetting someone?

Roya: What?

Bessie: I thought we showed up at this port with five people.

Ethel: Sam Vane.

Roya: Who?

Ethel: That guy Katt's possessing. We forgot him.

Roya: Aw bloody feck. We can't go back for him now.

*Sam chooses that moment to clamber over the side.*

Sam: Hey guys. Didja know I can breathe underwater? Well, not so much breathe as not need to breathe. So, what's been happining?

08-19-2003, 08:12 PM
Yo, I'm not on the ship either!
Juri climbed up after Sam, being a water demon, she can breathe underwater] and said, "Hey, capt. Ready to set sail?" Roya nodded "So, where do ya wanna go capt.? The next town is full of diseased people, so I doubt you'll want their blood, the next port is full of snobbish fools that are good for nothin, and the town after that is a good blood town. If ya know what I mean....";)

The last sane person
08-20-2003, 12:19 AM
Roya: well, that depends on how hungry the crew is!

*A roar of approval sounded from the crew but Roya silenced it*

Roya: Yet i think you lot have to earn yor dinner and prove yor worth! I want us to take down the most well armed ship currently sailing this stretch! Juri, find that ship and plot our course straigh for her!

OOC: A battle, to see what we can (or cant) do.

08-20-2003, 01:29 AM
"Yes m'." with that she pulled off the cloth around her shoulders, tied it around her head and went up to the steering wheel. "OY cap'in, I found a good ship. Her names Brittanica. Is that good. Most heavily armed ship here to bloody England."

The last sane person
08-20-2003, 03:09 PM
Roya: Hoy there! I'll do the steerin here! just give me the bearin's an i'll get us there.

Juri: Right ho!

*the bearing were given and the ship made headway and ploughed her way toward its foe.*

OOC:By the by, i think that this is in the carribean for matters related to the island we were first on and the whole POTC crap that was flying about earlier.

08-20-2003, 06:30 PM
Ah yes.... that...... well, just stating a fact. By the way, it's a british war ship. and It is heavily armed. Make sure we have tons of ammo!

08-23-2003, 11:37 PM

09-08-2003, 08:04 PM
*And so the Unnamed plowed on through the waves in search of the Nal. Suddenly a thick fog rolled in.*

Bessie: Uh oh.

Sam: Those sparkling lights in the fog don't look reassuring!

The last sane person
09-08-2003, 10:15 PM
OOC: i thin its called the Satsuriken.

Roya: Bugger all! This is just what we need! Bloody fog to come in and hamper us!

Sam: Uh, cap'n, those lights.....what we do about em?

Roya: all hands arm yerselves fer battle! All hands to the tenpounders!

*and thus the Cap'n went about shouting her orders in the fog to prepare for expected hostilities*

09-09-2003, 12:05 AM
Juri drew out her long silver blade, and popped out the blades in her arms. "Ready capt'!"