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Finrod Felagund
09-11-2003, 12:40 PM
OOC: Yay!


Suddenly Fimbren and Finrollum climbed up onto the deck.

Katt: Well, there's the new odd couple!

Fimbren: He begged me for a ride on Nahar

Finrollum: Nice horsieses... *he licks his lips*

*Fimbren slaps him*

Fimbren: We do not eat horses! Then we had tob get a rowboat!

Finrollum: Nasty boatses!

Fimbren: I had to row on my own, this lazy thing...grrrr...I can't take this!

*So Fimbren left, leaving the mad Finrollum with the crew*

Finrod Felagund
09-11-2003, 12:48 PM
OOC: So when we find the Nal, are we going to close this and join the drunk elf Pirates?

The last sane person
09-11-2003, 06:59 PM
bugger it! I suppose so.

The last sane person
09-11-2003, 07:02 PM
Its a major possibility. Although the apperance will be breif. It is mainly an escape route for me and katt to escape on the Satsuriken away from the nal.

09-13-2003, 03:01 PM
OOC: So our ship is the Satsuriken now is it? good name. Hey guys, appearently the Nal is out in the middle of nowhere being talked to by a dragon. If we get out of this fog we could probably find them in our general area.

The last sane person
09-13-2003, 09:34 PM
OOC: This is Human. Yeah...

OOC: Now this is Roya! YES! that is s good idea. must pm other cap'n to see if it would be good!


*Just then, Human clambers up the side and recieves blood thirsty stares from the crew*

Katt: A pulse!!

*They all move in for the 'kill' when Roya comes through, using her elbows quite efficiently*

Roya: I reserve the right to use my elbows here! I am the head cheese! She is mine i say! I get the first nip!

*grabs human and nips but promptly chokes. and does not kill her*

Roya: BLEH! What the hell is in your diet woman!

HUman: What?

Roya: You taste horrible!

Human: Oh, you mean, my pure garlic intake?

Roya: YES! YETCH!!!

Human: Oh...well...yes...sorry 'bout that! For my health you know...

Roya: very well, what do you want since i cant eat you for fear of having a conniption!

Human: Well...you see...I was...in..Germany!

Roya: Germany?

Human: Germany! And...um...there was this guy...and...heh heh heh, you'lll laugh when you hear this....

Roya: Germany.

Human: And he, um...

Roya: Get to the point!

Human: I swam.

Roya: You swam? You swam all the way the way from Germany?! And just so happened to end up here in my ship!

Human: Um...yes. I'm a little tired, so I'll think I'll just pop off to ....bed.....!

Roya: oh no your not! Throw her in the brig!

Human: *as she is dragged away*I'll get you all! and your little dog too!

Roya: Then in that case...Make her walk the plank!

Human: No! No! No! I am hydrophobic!

Roya: Then how the bloomin hell'd you swim from germany!?

Human:.......I dont know........

Roya: oh hang it all! take her to the brig!

Human: Okay. *sporks into brig and locks herself in*

Roya: well, that was odd. On to find the Nal!

OOC: this was Eliza and i writing this post!

09-14-2003, 12:29 AM
Please don't mess with blond girl who just swam 3 miles this morning's head! Please?

09-14-2003, 12:58 AM
ooc: ELIZA! SO good to SEE you again! (welll...er...."see" as in sort of see, as in see your post, as in...oh, hell. You know.)


Tano: Swam from Germany? *watches Human spork to brig* Interesting....

09-14-2003, 01:04 AM
"Man, thats a long, long, long way. That poor child will need some NORMAL nourishment. And scince I 'm the only non vampire here, I'll go down and check on her." With that Juri hopped down from her post, and went to the pantry. She got out some salted meat, taters, and sprinkled some herbs on it. <Too bad I have a soft spot for humans, 'specially cause the dear is still pure.> She brought the food out to the prisoner and said "Here ya go dear. By the way, I'm Juri, and will be bringing you your meals."

The last sane person
09-14-2003, 01:18 AM
OOC: Human pi isnt a child dear. not in any sense of the way.

09-14-2003, 02:07 AM

Sam: Hey, I know her! No, no I don't.


The last sane person
09-14-2003, 02:25 AM
Roya: I have a feeling things are going to get rather interesting with her around....

*roya voiced her feelings to her boatswain and recieved the same in turn*

OOC: we made up a funny backstory concerning 'germany' on the car ride to her house.

09-14-2003, 02:34 AM
OOC: Oh, really. How "interesting"? *get's smacked*

09-14-2003, 02:11 PM
ooc: AY! People seem to forget I'm not a bat either! Geez.


*Tano sneaks into the brig after Juri has left, and sits down in front of Human Pi*

Tano: Hi.

Human: AHHHHHHH! It's YOU! Wait. I don't know you. Hi.

Tano: I think you do know me.

Human: I do?

Tano: Or maybe you don't....

Human: *getting confused* I don't?

Tano: *getting confused as well* I don't know...

Human: Me niether. Nice to meet you.

Tano: Yeah. You too.

ooc: that was utterly random...I'm with you, Kitty....I can't write either. :rolleyes:

The last sane person
09-14-2003, 03:25 PM
OOC: Neh, a ship full of people incapable of writing. Sheesh. well it was interesting to say the least! *smacks Katt again*

09-14-2003, 04:44 PM
Sam: *runs up to Roya* I got it Cap'n! First we find a dragon, and then....... *holds his breath*

Roya: *Sighs* What Sam?

Sam: We EAT it!

Roya: *Smacks Sam* No Sam.

Sam: *Sullen* All right.

Roya: But finding a dragon might be a good idea.

The last sane person
09-14-2003, 05:19 PM
*Shoves sam back to attend the weapons*

Roya:*roars to Navigator* Hoy! Juri! get yer arse over here!

Juri: Yes Cap'n?

Roya: Find us a water dragon. The nearest onbe ya can and steer us for it!

Juri: right ho! *scuttles off to do so*

09-14-2003, 05:26 PM
OOC: *salutes* Yes miss cap'n miss!

The last sane person
09-14-2003, 05:30 PM
OOC: Oh, good. Now sodd off about your bussiness. I a waiting fro the other cap'n to post though.

09-14-2003, 07:43 PM
OOC: I thought you was bloodaxe in this thing anyway. Does this mean we'll have to post the same things here and in the nal thread?

The last sane person
09-14-2003, 07:49 PM
nah, there i am roya, here i am bloodaxe. i dunno, yeah.

09-28-2003, 03:29 PM
Christa: wheres the mirovour?

The last sane person
09-28-2003, 09:00 PM
*the crew of the Satsuriken hears christiana and jumps*

Cap'n: Where the bugger did you come from? and why are you on my ship?!

Sam: Shall i throw her in the brig?

Christa: Wait! dont you people have any manners?

*the crew shakes their heads no and sam moves in to drag her to the brig*

Ethel: Looks as if Human is going to have some company!

Christa: ACK! WAIT!

09-28-2003, 11:50 PM
"Capt.? The only way I'm gonna find that bloody dragon is by swimming a bit. You mind?"

09-29-2003, 05:30 PM
*Tano has come up out of the brig after her conversation with Human, to hear the last thing said*

Tano: Swimming for a water dragon? Ooh. Lemme know when you find one. I've been meaning to talk to a certain one for a while now...*taps fingertips together*

Cap'n: *suspiciously* Why..?

Tano: Oh, no reason...*grins and wanders off*

Juri: Is she insane?

Cap'n: *shurgs* Probably.

The last sane person
09-29-2003, 06:14 PM
Cap'n: ah bugger it! Juri! take a dive!

Juri: Aye aye!

*cap'n eyes Tano and walks over to her*

Cap'n: what ye be plotting crewwoman?

09-29-2003, 06:23 PM
Juri dove off the end of the boat and swam far down. She looked around for the nearest cave and looked in. There was a beautiful silver and blue scaled water dragon lying on the cave floor. *whistles loudly* "Yo! Dragon, wake up!" suddenly the cave rumbled around her and the cave started to shake. <Yikes!>

09-29-2003, 08:09 PM
Tano: Plotting? Nothing. Really. Nothing at all.

Cap'n: *raises eyebrow*

Tano: Honestly. I just happen to know some sea dragons, that's all...they, er...owe me something.

Cap'n: What might that be?

Tano: *scratches ear thoughtfull* Well, actually, about fourty-three english pounds and twenty pence...but I think they'd settle for sommat else. Why?

*Below, in the sea cave....the dragon lifts its head and eyes the intruder into its cave.*

Dragon: What do you want?

The last sane person
09-29-2003, 09:25 PM
Cap'n: well then...i'd best be leaven you alone then if thats the truth. *gives a toothy grin*

Tano: Right....*the ship shakes as a great swell arises of of portside.*

Cap'n: The hells?!

09-30-2003, 01:04 AM
"Jus follow me please, and don't eat me, I'm posionus." She led the way to the surface next to the boat and the dragon came flying out of teh water with a great rumbling sound.
"Bloody hell!" [one of hte crew]
"I am silizan the water dragon. What may I do for you?"

10-03-2003, 08:12 PM
*Mean while in the brig*

Chista gets thrown into the brig. It is dark and damp, and there is the sound of some one else breathing heavily.

Christa: Um...hello?

*More breathing*

Christa: Hello?? Whose there?!

*Cough cough cough*

Human: *Hack* Sorry! Getting a cold down here!

Christa: OK...so your Eliza?

Human: WHAT!? How do you know that!? I didn't do it I swear!

Christa: What?

Human: Don't punish me, PLEASE!!!

*Roya comes down with rake*

Cap'n: Don't make me get the hose, young Miss!

Christa: It wasn't me!!! It was her! *Points*

Human: Was not! She came down here and started shierking! I saw her! I saw her!

Christa: You're insane!

Human: I am??

*by then Roya was rather confused and clutched the rake. Where she got a rake only god knows but thats off subject....Er...where was i? oh! Yes! She clutched the rake and spoke to the irratating jailbirds*


Human: Ken?

Cap'n: *sighs exasperatedly* Do ye understand?

Human: Ye?

Cap'n: I'm going back up.

*but before she leaves she sprays them with "The Big Ole Hose OF DOOOOOOOOOM!" (TM)*

Human: I"M MELTING! melting!!!!

Christa: Oh good god! Snap out of it woman *whap*

Human: *very britishly* Why thank you madam. I dont think we gave proper greetings! Your name?

Christa:*mentaly* This is gonna be a LOOOOONG trip!

The last sane person
10-09-2003, 01:59 AM
OOC: I Soo happy i dragged her into the thread.

*the cap'n stormed up from the brig and stowed the rake and went to check out the dragon w/juri*

Cap'n: Gods! All these starngers popin up all over the bloomin place! and the just have to find MY ship and crawl up...Sheesh...

*continues muttering but stops when startled by a THUNK off the port side*

OOC:And that would set the stage for the entrance of our dearly loved and slightly nuerotic MAGGIE!

Willow Oran
10-09-2003, 08:17 PM
OOC: *blink blink* How convinient... I was just wondering how I could drop in and I get to the bottem of the post and it turns out you have it all set up and ready for me with out my even knowing.

*the reason for the thunk is revealed as petite young red head climbs over the side, levetating a rowboat behind her. Having gotten the rowboat landed she dusts her self off and turns around spotting Roya glowering at her.*

Lonni: Oh! Am I intruding? I'm awfully sorry if I am it just I was out on the lake and then there was maniacal laughter and suddenly I was here. You didn't start complaining about this sort of thing happening did you? *Roya's glower deepens* Oh! you did! That explains it then, heh, those gods of Irony they sure know how to play a joke don't they...

*she trails off and stands there fidgeting and grinning uncertainly*

Roya: *drops glare adopts a look of extreme exasperation* I- no comment, just tell me your name and we'll get you settled in the brig with the other newcomers. You aren't a bat are you?

Lonni: Er... No... But my cousin is! I'm Lonni Flannery-Zamara, my occupation is as an elemental witch specializing in the elements of air and fire. Pleased to meet you!

Roya: Ah... Yes, your pleasure, not mine... TANO!!! While we're waiting for that sea dragon I've got a extremely hyper witch here, you deal with her!

OOC: That good for an entrance? I figured Lonni would be a good character to use here, I haven't played her in a while. Her main mood is roughly equivalent to me on an extreme sugar high... fun.

10-09-2003, 08:32 PM
Tano: Eh? *spots Lonni* Oh. Another one....hmmm. *comes over and peers at Lonni suspiciously*

Lonni: Er?

Tano: *pokes Lonni* Yeah. Like I thought....

Lonni: Thought what?

Tano: *Shakes her head* Nope. Come on. It's to the brig with you, I suppose. You know it's getting very crowded down there, Cap'n?

Cap'n: *sighs* Just stick her in there, okay?

Tano: Yeah, I mean, yessir. This way please, Miss Witch-Person. *she herds Lonni in front of her down to the brig, where Human is singing. Loudly. *


Tano: HEY!

Human &Christa: Eh?

Tano: Here's another one. Lonni, this is Human and Christa. *Clears throat and folds her hands in front of her* Now I'm sure when she has a moment of slightly less insane time, the Cap'n will listen to your pleas and release you if it is feasible. For the time being, however, you will have to sit quietly. *Glances at Human* Or least without rattling the bars. In you go, Lonni.

Lonni: But--

Tano: No buts. Not now. *Unlocks the door, pushes Lonni, closes door and locks it again* There. I'll come down in a bit to check in, okay? It's just that there's a sea dragon coming in a bit and I want to say hi. *smiles* Get on nicely, now.

ooc: I keep wanting to type Lonnie, for some reason...:D

The last sane person
10-13-2003, 08:25 PM
*the cap'n was haveing a bit ofa tiff and locked herself in her cabin to prevent herself from hurting the crew or killing those in the brig. She comes out later in the afternoon.*

Roya: *Smoothing her hair* Right. Now to the prisoners.

Tano: the dragon is here cap'n, what we going to do with it?

Roya: well, you entertain it for now.

Tano: *shifts* me?

*Roya shoots her Boatswain a really nasty/sadistic look and Tano goes to do the chore as Roya walks down to "interogate" the Newcomers*

OOC: Lonni is the name of my VERY fat cat. Welcome aboard!

10-14-2003, 12:20 PM
Tano: *goes up to the deck* Me....entertain dragon...*sighs* Hallooooo, Mr. Dragonman.

Dragon: Good...evening?

Tano: *peers at the moon--which is not full, nor is it new; it is a fat quarter* That'll do for now. *leans on the rail* I'm supposed to entertain you until the Cap'n calms down enough to have visitors. What do you want to talk about?

Dragon: *gazes at the moon* I don't know....

Tano: Oh boy. This'll be interesting. Tell me, dragon, have you read Socrates?

10-14-2003, 05:10 PM
OOC: Wah ha ha! I get it! I can read your mind!

*In the brig Roya found Sam.*

Roya: And just what are you doin here?

Sam: Guarding them, ya know, watchin um. I'm gettin memories of um.

Roya: Well come help interogate um, *mutters* you psycotic bastard.

OOC: I gotta help!

The last sane person
10-14-2003, 08:43 PM
OOC: Fine then....Nut case....

*Roya rolls her eyes and gets a chair and rope.*

Roya: *Mutters to sam* Right. If they give us any sas or trouble, we give them the ole smash and grab. ya ken?

Sam: *insane little grin while fondling a cruel looking nightstick* I wish they do then!

Roya: *hits sam* oh shut up and grab the really nutty one.

*Sam opens the door of the cell brandishing the Nightstick and make a move to grab Human but she grins and gets up and walks out of the cell and plops down in the chair and hands Roya the rope.*

Roya:*trades and confused glance ith sam who shrugs* ...? *ties Human* Alright. State your purpose and what the hell you be doin here?

*Human smiles and opens her mouth to speeak when Sam brains her all of a sudden*

Human: OWCH! *rubs her head* The hell was that for?

Sam: Um....

Roya: Jeezus! *grabs nightstick and bashes Sam while the others in the cell giggle*

Sam: Oh shut it you lot! *they shut it*


10-14-2003, 09:26 PM
"No, why?"

The last sane person
10-15-2003, 12:21 AM
OOC: Legolas, if you cant make coherent posts and keep bombarding the thread like another annoying character i know of *cough*zavron*cough*, i will boot you out!

Human: Well, you see....er... *eyes Sam fearfully*

Roya: *Impatient* Oh if ya dunt spill it, ye'll 'ave a lot more than a smack upside the head!!!

Human: eep.... Fine! IwasonceontheNALbutwasthrownoffafewpagesintoit!!
Ididaflyingsidekickandlandedinthewater! *Gasp* iwasyellingforhelpbuttheydidntnotice!!!
AAAAHHHHH!!! *collapses and hyperventalates with squeaking noises*

Roya: Right...Sam? Did you catch anything she said?

Sam: Yeah...throwing a page at the Nal....sidekicks....water... rubbish??

*Roya perks up at the sound of 'Nal'*

10-23-2003, 01:08 AM
Roya: *Leans forward over Human*

Human: *Twich*

Roya: Now what was that about the Nal?

Human: I got thrown off.

Roya: Now, ya must be aware that we hold no love for any on the Nal, and all those of the Nal who cross our path must be Doomed to certain...Dooms. Now, unless ye kin tall me a good reason why I shouldn't run ya through right here and now...

Human: *Perks up, remembering* I'm a-Questing!

Roya: Questing?

Human: Yes, and the Nal's Cap'n siad they would give me a ride as far as Norway. You see, I was searching a Mythical Bird, which can not fly, nor sing, nor had brilliant plumage like other birds do, but pocesses a power so destructive that they were sent to the far side of the earth! *Pauses* Only I'm not sure which side they were sent to.

Roya: *Almost nicely* Now why did you get thrown off?

Human: Well, it all started with game of twister, a bottle of vodak, and three legged dog named Zues...

The last sane person
10-23-2003, 07:19 PM
*Once the story was done, which was a while, Roya nodded.*

Roya: Fair enough.I will see what post you could fill on my ship.

Human: Er, okay...

*Sam groans*

Sam: but that guy is a frikin weirdo that never shuts up! i dunn wanna work with him *goes all pouty*

*All of a sudden, roya grins*

Roya: well, since you like making such rackets down here...I hope you would like to make rackets tied to the mast!

Human: eh...?

Roya: Sam, Take this lout and tie im up in the crows nest!

*sam bursts out laughing*

Roya: aye! If we need to sound the alarm or make any other warning we could throw things at im and make im sing out!

Human: *as he is being dragged away* well, sounds interesting to say the least...

Roya: Who shall we interogate next? *she makes a move for the witch*

10-24-2003, 12:23 AM
*Meanwhile, up on deck*

Dragon: Now you see, the whole thing that Schopenhauer was trying to get at is that we all just need some hot coco and a big ol' slice of rubarb pie....

Tano: *nods enthusiastically*

The last sane person
10-24-2003, 08:27 PM
Roya: Actually, i'll put the questioning on hold. *goes above deck. Prisinors give a collective sigh of relife*

Roya: Hoy Dragon! you ever heard of a bird that waddles, wears a tux and is very destructive?

Dragon: why yes...i think i have.

Roya: good.

*goes back down to the brig*

Roya: now...where was i? *sees Lonni* ah...right.

*goes in but quickly doges a fire ball meant for her head*

Roya: Shite! *slaps out the flame on her coat* Bugger you!

*throws bucket of water on Lonni and herself*

Roya: lets try that again...*sneaks in and doges behind Lonni and nabs her* Aha! *but Roya has her coat yet again set aflame* BUGGER ALL! FLAMING HAIR???? *grabs bucket of water abd dumps it on the both of them*

Lonni: hmph...*tries to set her on fire again*


Lonni: oh...you only had to ask...

Roya: neh.... *looks as though about to commit murder* Gotta get a new coat... So what the bloomin hell are you doing here and what can you do for me ship since i dont think i want to eat or conk you.

OOC: might as well as go on a quest for penguins since the Elf pirates thing is down.

Willow Oran
10-24-2003, 11:16 PM
Lonni: Well, I don't think you want to eat me... It's the bright colors see. I'm really poisonous, and I taste bad, like burnt stuff. You could use me as a weapon though... Burning things is my specialty, you wouldn't have to bother with gunpowder anymore.

*grins hopefully.*

Roya: Fine, ammo then.

The last sane person
10-25-2003, 03:16 AM
Roya: right then.....I suppose....SAM! GET THE YOUNG WITCH AQUAINTED WITH THE SHIP!

*roya leads Lonni out of the cell and locks the door*

10-25-2003, 01:52 PM
Sam: Right, um, you! Witch!

Lonni: Yes?

Sam: *Tries not to cower* Um, you are a weapon now are you?

Lonni: Yes?

Sam: Well, this is the ship.

Lonni: Yes?

Sam: So, um, sit in the bow or something and don't light our ship on fire.

Lonni: Yes?

Sam: Right. *Edges off quickly*

Lonni: That was easy.

The last sane person
10-25-2003, 07:33 PM
*Sam backs straight into Roya*

Sam: ack! Sorry miss cap'n miss!

Roya: Oh, shove off you coward! gotta get me a new coat!

*goes to cabin and changes*

10-26-2003, 10:53 PM
Human: *Sings*
About a maid I'll sing a song,
Sing rickety-tickety-tin,
About a maid I'll sing a song,
Who didn't have her fam'ly long.
Not only did she do them wrong,
She did ev'ryone of them in, them in,
She did ev'ryone of them in.

One morning in a fit of pique,
Sing rickety-tickety-tin,
One morning in a fit of pique,
She drowned her father in the creek.
The water tasted bad for a week,
And we had to make do with gin, with gin,
We had to make do with gin.

Chirsta: Oh, gods...

Human: *Still singing*
Her mother she could never stand,
Sing rickety-tickety-tin,
Her mother she could never stand,
And so a cyanide soup she planned.
The mother died with a spoon in her hand,
And her face in a hideous grin, a grin,
Her face in a hideous grin.

Roya: *Flingsa number of sharp objects upward*

And when at last the police came by,
Sing rickety-tickety-tin,
And when at last the police came by,
Her little pranks she did not deny.
To do so she would have had to lie,
And lying, she knew, was a sin, a sin,
Lying, she knew, was a sin!

My tragic tale I won't prolong,
My tragic tale I won't pro-aaaaaagggggggghhhhhh!!!!!

Roya: What do you see up there? Which direction are we poited?

Human: Well, now let me see....AAAAGGGGGH!!!!!! WATER!!!!

Roya: Shut it! Listen up ye scurvy nincompoop! The Dragon says that we are going to have to sail south.

Human: South?

Roya: Yeh.

Human:*confused* Yeh?

Roya:*Angry* YEH!!

Human: oh.

The last sane person
10-27-2003, 12:14 AM
OOC; I like your siggy!

Roya: Come on you nincompoop!

Human: Arg!

Roya: Oh suck it up! or else i wontt miss this time!

Human: Fine we are going...hey...we are going east!

Roya: aha! Middle east i presume?

Human: Ye- oh now how the hell am i suppose to know that?!

Roya: *snicker* Never mind! *proceeds to yell bearing to the Navi to steer to the south*

10-27-2003, 10:13 PM
"Aye Aye capt!"
*Suddenly ominous thick fog rolls in* "This don't look good.... Oh well... CAPT, D'YA WANNA GO ON, OR WAIT TILL THE FOG GOES 'WAY?" *Notices human which has again started singing, and flings a sharp pointy object at it. *stupid human:rolleyes:

The last sane person
10-27-2003, 10:29 PM
Roya: Jezus! what up with all the bloody fog! this aint no PJ film! No need for over effects! Go the bloody hell on you silly little thing! did i say other wise?

Juri: No sir!

*Roya went about grumpily ordering the crew around. SHe was bored and wanted to fight. Suddenly of the starboard lights of a ship were recognized*

Roya: How convinient! All hands Man your sation! *glances at Human* you! Sound the alarm! Make as big a caterwaul as you can! scare the pants off them Mightily! *flings a boot at him to speed up the process*

*and so the crew of the Satsuriken were speeding along into a fray with Human rasing up an ungodly noise*

Roya: All ye hands are to do nothing till i make the first call!

OOC: I.e. no speeding up! I wish for a day or two for people to come back onto the thread! No speed posting Legoles!

Willow Oran
10-27-2003, 11:04 PM
Upon seeing the lights Lonni was aware that something would happen, sadly all the fog was muffling sound were the orders "Sound the alarm" and "Scare the pants off them" and folling these slightly misheard orders she did the only thing she could think of to follow both orders at once. She screamed. It was a good scream, carrying through the fog and overpowering all other sounds until all that could be heard was the long, painfully high pitched, unearthly shriek. This continued until Lonni ran out of air and after pausing to take a breath she did the other mightily scary thing she could think of and threw a fireball at the lights.

The last sane person
10-28-2003, 02:18 AM
Roya: drops kodachi and clutches her ears* Ye gods! wha the bugger izat?!

*rushes toward the bow of the ship where she finds Lonni screaming and flinging fire and the blob that was the enemies ship. Roya pokes Lonni.*

Lonni: *Jumps* oh. Hi. Just following your orders.

Roya: My wha? Oh. Yeah. Carry on!

*rushes back o the helm and guides the ship closer to the enemy, who has yet to be hit by the fireballs.*


Other cap'n: *as a fire ball whizzes over head* Holy gosh! First mate!

First mate: Aye aye sir- *they hear Lonni's unearthly shriek*

Random sailor: SOunds like some one's trying to stuff a cat into a vat of burning oil!

*they all look at him strangely*

Sailor: What?!

Cap'n: Never mind! all hands to your battle stations!

Sailor#2: But we dont have battle stations! We're a tea transport!

Cap'n: um....? well, how do we know that its a ship crewed by the damned, with a captian so evil hell itself spat her back up!?

crew: um...we dont....

Salior#3: Do you think they want some tea?

Salior#4: I've got a french loaf....

Cap'n: um...GAH!! I give the orders! Get to whatever stations you can think of or by the flying weasle i'll....!

*the crew scambles to their places*

*Back on the Satsuri*

Roya: Good job Human and Lonni! Prepare arms for boarding!

10-28-2003, 11:15 AM
*Somewhere in the ship, Maddie wakes up from a long and deserved sleep by the call to man the stations. She reaches deck just to see Lonni throw a fireball at the other ship.*

Maddie: Ye gods, I must have slept quite a while. Seems like the captain found herself a human siren and flamethrower rolled into one...

10-28-2003, 02:33 PM
*Tano, who has been leaning over the side watching the waves, finally hauls herself back aboard the ship and looks around for a station to post herself at*

Dragon: Where should we go?

Tano: Beats me. *picks up dragon and deposits it on her shoulder* Let's go find someone. How about that person who yelled?

Dragon: *winces* Sure. Just lemme find some earplugs first.

occ: Ye gods, people...the internet does NO justice. Maggie screams like nothing else. Seriously.....:eek:

The last sane person
10-28-2003, 08:41 PM
OOC: Ye gods! What i wouldnt give to hear it for myself! and then stop it myself! *evil grin*

Roya: Prepare to board! We are drawnin near!

Lonni: *screeches*

Sam: *scearms and cowers* ahhhh!

Maddie: *still sleepy* eh...?

Ethel: Yarg!

Tano: Booya!

*and so the war cries went on and it could be seen that the other crew was running around like chickens with their heads ripped off*

10-29-2003, 01:39 AM
I'll try, I'll try.
<Now THIS is entertainment!>*Silent gigles*
*Lonni still screeching*
*Gets out sword and sharpens it* <Are we REALLY gonna fight these whimps?>
*Looks around confused* Where's the dragon...?

10-29-2003, 12:40 PM
ooc Roya--come see the Poe show this weekend. Maggie screams in it. Truly frightening....drove me to earplugs. :D


Tano: *grabs a large hook* Cap'n, we're getting close--do we board the boat?

10-29-2003, 02:58 PM
*Sam gave his coconuts a few practice swings.*

Tano: Um, excuse me, but what kinda weapon is that?

Sam: Me coconuts on strings?

Tano: Oh. Right...

10-29-2003, 10:42 PM
Tano: ...Very nice, Sam. *pulls out weapon from boot* Now, this--this is my baby. Here. Have a look-see. You poke it into the person, like so....*stabs into imaginary person*..and then you push this, and it goes bang! *the weapon separates into five large blades* And then you twist and pull. The guts come out--kind of like spagetti. You like spaghetti? *grins*

Sam: Er. Well...I used to...

ooc: Hey--anyone know what those are called? I've forgotten. I think they're Arabic, but I'm not sure--they're weapons that go out into four or five blades like a big hand, once you poke the thing into someone's gut---and then you twist and stuff. I can't remember the name.

The last sane person
10-29-2003, 11:03 PM
Oh! yes! I know those! Infact, my uncle has one! Arent those arab toys soooo nice?! Erg..i think you will have to make do without a cap'n for a while...

*and so the war shouts and practice stabs went on for a few minutes. Once Roya gave a shrill whistle, the air was full of hooks and swinging pirates. The fight was glorious. Being a tea ship, they didnt really have much to go on. But never turn your back on a determined fellow with a tea strainer.*

Roya: *gutting and biting things* well, isnt this fun crew?! *roars of approval* On with it ya swabs! I've seen grandma's kill faster than this!

*and so the battle was over and there was no few corpses. Infact the whole ship was covered in corpses. Some charred to a toasty crisp and the ship was looted and sunk. The Satsuri calmly sailed off into the fog.*

11-02-2003, 11:32 AM
Uh? That's nice, I guess, if you like that kind of thing.:) But my favorite weapon has got to be my father's sword Anasta. *pulls out a long shining sword that has a slight curve on the edge of the blade* Now that I have turned 1500 it's mine. Here I'll show you why I like it so much. * pulls out a bouncy ball and plams it a little and she bounces it a few time before she throws in to the air and before the crowd that had gathered around her could bilnk the bouncy ball was on the ground in ten pieces, smiles* What you do you guys think?:D

11-02-2003, 03:50 PM
Tano: *pokes newcomer gently with her Arab Toy* Oy. You. Where'd you come from? I need to see your "Appearing Suddenly into RPGs" License...very important. If you have a special dispensation I'd like to see that too. Come on, then. Show me.

11-03-2003, 01:42 PM
Oh sorry, I Just couldn't resist poping in, I was interseted (sorry I can't spell) in your conversation.
You can call me Amea, and watch where you point that thing. I like my body too much to lose a part of it.
Name: Amea
Race:????? (no one really knows)
Aperance: Depends on what I feel like wearing but for now a pair of old blue jeans and a tight fitting tank top.
(I can't express how sorry I am for just poping it to your RPG, I hope I didn't scare anyone or make anyone angry)

11-03-2003, 03:06 PM
OOc: Oh dear, you just barged in on a slightly maniac vampiric crew with lots of bad nasty habits and a assortment of even nastier toys and you're wondering if you haven't scared anyone or made anyone angry? LOL :p You have a life insurance? :D

Sanity's Demise
11-03-2003, 10:41 PM
Not that it'll do her any good with you fruity lot!:p

Roya: Well, another one?

Maddie:*sighs* So it seems.

Sam:*whiny* Can i eat her?

Roya: once i am done.

*grabs her and bites her neck and merrily chugs then throws the limp body to Sam*

Sam: *with his mouth full* Yummy!

Roya: ha! Throw that limp thing in the brig!

OOC: I dont have life insurance! Who would want it? We are all dead any way!

11-04-2003, 01:35 AM
ooc: Good lord. And who are YOU? :D


Tano: *blinks* Honestly...I'm just doing my job.

Roya: Your what?

Tano: My job. *sighs* I'm really not supposed to parade it, and I don't really do it very well, but I'm an Offical Unofficial RPG Sensical Nonsense-Matrix Advisor--Specializing in Ancient Worlds and High Seas.


Maddie: You're what?

Tano: Um. I check on stuff. Really. No big deal. It doesn't matter at all. Forget it. Nevermind. (points at Amea) Is she dead?

Maddie: I don't know. *checks pulse* Well. Not quite.

Tano: Ah well...she might live. Who knows?

Sam: What's the dragon for?

Dragon: *smugly* I'm very useful. And if told you, I would have to kill you.

Tano: *wispers in Sam's ear* Actually, he does nothing of importance...he's just fun to have around.

ooc: Heh. Sorry if that screwed anyone over...I don't mean to. That's why I don't do my job well, see? I'm just having a bit of fun. :D

Sanity's Demise
11-04-2003, 02:54 AM
haha! Tis I! Roya! Stealthy Ninja supreme! um...yeah....riiight....*silence* But you knew that! Bwahahahahahaha! (ha!)

11-04-2003, 01:36 PM
*shakes head, And stands up* You can't get rid of me so easily. :D *rubs neck* It hurts but other than that it was fun *smiles at Roya* I hope you won't do that agian, it's not good for you to drink blood of a half Elf, especaly if you don't know where she's been. And if you do not mind could you please let me out of here? Because it seems were're almost the same now, ie: I'm partaly dead now anyway. :D

11-05-2003, 11:02 PM
OOC: Even more crazy people *Sigh* :rolleyes:

*Wiping blood off blade* "Well, first good fight I've had in a while." She said to no one in particular. <Need to go for a swim.> "Eh! CAPTn.! May I go for another swim? My skins gettin dry."

*Roya* - Aye, alright, come back soon though, or I'll have your head!

"Okay roya." *Does 2 backflips and dives into water, swimming and lazing around until.. *creak of oars* <Not another idiot.> She clambered onboard, and reported. 'Another bunch'a idiots are comin our way."

Sanity's Demise
11-06-2003, 06:40 PM
Roya: On second thought, If ya do come back i'll have yer head! *turns to Amea* Stow yer gab mate! I'm gonna have the Boatswain deal with you! I got more important things to do!

*Goes and talks to the dragon about finding tohse exploding birds with Human, who had been taken down to tell more about what the birds were*

11-10-2003, 01:50 PM
*pops outside of cage*
Uh what did I do? :confused: Uh I didn't make anybody mad did I?
Oh well such is my fate *shrugs and jumps in to water* Hee hee this is fun *gets out of water and climbs to nearest rock and dives in*

11-10-2003, 04:53 PM
OOC: Are you in the right thread Amea?

Sanity's Demise
11-11-2003, 03:40 AM
OOC: No, i dont think she is.

Roya:*smacks her head head* Shut it you! Gah!

*jumps in water and flounders then gets out with as much dignity as she could muster*

Roya: Right! On to find those blasted birds! And if i catch one more person just bargin in here i'll explode the ship! GAH!

11-11-2003, 01:35 PM
Yeah I'm at the right thread!!! :mad: Don't you people remeber the one Roya and Sam Ate? Well that's me;) you try to make friends and this is what you get. Sigh I guess this is what I get.

Sanity's Demise
11-12-2003, 02:14 AM
OOC: Could your posts be a little more conjoined then?

*And so the crew of the Satsuri went in search of the mysterious birds. Occasionally running into a unlucky merchant ship here and there. They also hit another storm. This time the for mast was ripped off and there was other general inconveniences. The next day there was a rather put out mood around the ship.*

Roya: Just bloody great!

Lonni: is it over yet?

*Lonni was especially annoyed as she was swept over board. Luckily she had the brains to wear a harnass while running up with the other crew, so instead of being lost she was merely dragged along and pulled up*

Roya: Aye, an I dont think we'll be dry any time soon. Juri! Find some where were we can do repairs!

*Roya had also taken a "bath" and was still very soggy and cold. But she remidied that with rum.*

Juri: Aye! A little island off to the south west about two leagues!

Roya: Are their people?

Juri: Last checked, yes there were.

Roya: Good. Then that's were we will go.

*and so, after a three days of limping their ship finally was beached in a small cove on said island. Roya had sent out a few scouts to check for civilization, the scouts came back and reported.*

Tom: (you do remeber the Short Fluffy Man?) We found a few towns, but they're all deserted.

Roya: *shrugs* oh. then thats no problem. Are there any facilties in good enough shape to be used?

Christa: well, yes. They all are. Infact, they look as if they have only recently been deserted. I mean, there were still recently burned logs in the fire grates.

Roya: Oh? Then, Ethel, I leave you in charge of the ship and crew. I will take Tano, Lonni and Maddie with me to see what the hells happened here and the sudden disappearence of our food source.

11-12-2003, 11:12 AM
*pops next to roya* Can I come? *makes puppy eyes* Please? :D

Sanity's Demise
11-12-2003, 03:52 PM
Roya: No! Go away! Help the others repair the ship!

*Roya and the select crew stalk off before any one else an pop up and ask to come*

11-12-2003, 07:28 PM
Capt. I'll look after things whole your here. Proceeds to watch Roya and Co. leave for shore. "Okay then, if one of you decides to leave this ship without my permission, unless I'm dead or something, they will be locked in the brig. UNDERSTAND?"
All *mumbleing* okay, yeah, whatever, blah blah blah, etc.
"Lets get going!"
OOC2: Sanity, you sond alot like your sister. I'll leave you to your little delights on the island.

Sanity's Demise
11-12-2003, 09:02 PM
OOC: *snicker* what can i say? I am the less stable of the two.

Maddie: *taps juri on the shoulder* Um, incase you couldnt read, i do remember her leaving the ship to her first mate Ethel. Not you.

Juri: Oh. Never mind then. Carry on.

*the crew doesnt pay attention to her and works on*

11-13-2003, 08:36 AM
Aren't we going to need some wood, I suggest that we send somepeople to gather some wood from shore.
( Where are you people? Wah!!! I've being diserted)

11-23-2003, 10:43 PM
OOC: Sorry Amea, we've been waring. It's time we caught this thread up though.

Sam: RIGHT! All hands report for assignments.

Ethel: Right, you *points to Amea* since you're so keen on going ashore, you can go get some wood. Sam will lead your party.

Sam: *Muttering* Aw bullocks.

Ethel: You three go with them. Right. Next I want decks shining, sails folded, weponry counted, supplies indexed, damage assessed, and I don't want to catch anybody talking to me.

Crew: *puzzled* Aye. *Meanders off to count things.*

Sam: Right! You four! We're gonna be back in 'alf an 'our, ya 'ere? *mutters* If I don't drown ya first.

*The five went ashore*

OOC: This all satisfactory? I don't know much about boat chores. Stuff.

11-24-2003, 01:37 PM
(It's alright but you could have them,uh, find where the holes in the ship are, but whatever you like to do)
we're off then arn't we sam? Oh and just a heads up sam, I was born in the water so's you can't drown me but feel free to drown the others :D Alright here we go off on another adventure... * dives into water and swims to shore* Arn't any of you coming? :D
(hey guys I'm not going to be able to post for a while so I'm just going to finish my thoughts)

*shakes self off and looks around* this tree looks alright, *sigh* I'm sorry I have to do this but *pulls out anasta and starts to cut up the tree, After three hours she has enough wood to repair the ship, wipes sweat from her brow* I guess this is enough

12-16-2003, 06:43 PM
OOC: I'd bring my RPG character in here, but she's at the Green Dragon right now. ;)

Name: Nurvingiel
Age: about 1000 (Fairly young for an elf)
Height: slightly shorter than average
Gender: Female
Hair: Long, blonde
Eyes: Grey
Other (physical): Slender, pointed face (See avatar! :D)
Description: An elf of Lorien, member of Haldir's company. Wears comfortable green clothing, not too loose, and light leather shoes. Carries a bow, a quiver of arrows, and a long dagger. She is adept with these weapons.

(OOC: Where is the Party House? Sorry if I missed that. Does it matter anyway? Actually, I'm not sure if you're still in the Party House. :rolleyes: <- at self, for jumping into a well-established RPG.)

Nurvingiel came across a gathering of friends. She was about to skirt around them, when she recognized Samwise Gamgee.

She was a member of Haldir's company (though currently on leave), and was present when the Fellowship passed through Lorien. She had heard of the intent, and later, the result of their quest. She felt she owed this noble warrior the courtesy of a greeting, and besides, she was tired of travelling alone.

Sam was talking to someone else, so she waited at the edge of the group. Nurvingiel noticed another woman, strangely clad. She didn't even appear to be from Middle-earth, if that was possible. Nurvingiel had little experience with races other than elves, and could not determine this woman's race. She was going to ask the strange woman who Sam's companions were, but left to fetch wood.

Nurvingiel approached the remaining group instead.

Nurvingiel to group:
"I am Nurvingiel, an elf of Lothlorien. I am a stranger to these lands, and would enjoy the company of you and your friends for a while."

12-16-2003, 07:50 PM
OOC: Um, welcome Nurvingiel. Sorry to say, this thread is almost dead. Let me do a synopsis for you. We are all vampire pirates, well, except for Juri, Tano, and .... Maggie's charactor. I don't know who you thought was Samwise Gamgee, but I'm Bloody Sam Vain and we're on a tropical island.

12-16-2003, 08:04 PM
OOC: Whoops! I assumed the person referred to as Sam was Samwise. *grins sheepishly* This thread was pretty close to the top, so I assumed it was still an active RPG. I got the wrong impression from the title and the first pages of posts, which was all I read. *grins sheepishly again* If you still want to play, I'll post a bit more. If not, we'll let sleeping threads lie. :D I'm assuming this is at least in Middle-earth because all the RPGs are in some way related to Tolkien.

Nurvingiel looked again at the person she had thought was Samwise Gamgee. What was I thinking? He doesn't even look like him, as far as I can remember, she thought, inwardly embarassed. What would he be doing so far from The Shire anyway? I have always wanted to meet him, but this is ridiculous.

Nurvingiel was not sure where she was at all. She had been sailing along the coast south of Gondor when a sudden storm had blown her small craft off-course. By good fortune and chance, she had come across this island.

Sanity's Demise
12-17-2003, 12:34 AM
OOC: Aye. This thing is as dead as its participents. Ah well....

Willow Oran
12-17-2003, 01:43 AM
OOC: Dead? I think not, just taking a little nap.

Lonni idly looked around the bar searching for something fun to do. Nothing interesting had happened since the battle a few nights ago and she was growing bored.
Or she had been growing bored, until she spotted a rather confused looking elf sitting in the corner of the room and watching them perplexedly. Smirking slightly Lonni twitched her fingers in a nearly imperceptible motion that caused the elf's chair to levitate and bob around the room. Inwardly laughing and the elf's expression Lonni repeated the motion a little more vigorously, the elf was starting to look a bit panicky and some of the other patrons of the bar were beginning to notice. Lonni grinned as she continued her game, this was fun.

12-18-2003, 11:54 AM
Cool new people... *pops out of no where*
Hi Nurvingiel I'm Amea as for my race well that's just a... Well no one knows so just call me interesting and leave it at that.
Sam shouldn't we be heading back to the boat or are we just going to call this thread dead? because if we are I'll just have to start my own RPG. Though at the moment I'm at a lose what to call it.

12-18-2003, 07:18 PM
OOC: "Loss" Amea dear.

Sam: Aye, you're right miss. Let's get back to the boat and let the captian decide what to do with the new meat.

*Once the crew were all back on board, Nurvingiel was brought before the captian.*

OOC: Take it away Roya.

12-19-2003, 01:00 AM
OOC: Amea, If you start an RPG, please PM me with a link to that thread. I'd love to play, but I'm currently having trouble with the links at Entmoot.

Nurvingiel was nervous as she was brought before the captain. Suddenly, a strange woman appeared magically as if out of nowhere!

But she had more pressing things to worry about. The Haradrim had been allies of Sauron. What if this crew was evil? She also realized that it wasn't fair to assume anything about anyone, because she really had no idea where she was!

Sanity's Demise
01-01-2004, 11:45 PM
ooc: *yawn* nap time over? *blinks like an owl* Haradrim? Sauron? Me? Evil, well yes....

*the ship had been repaired and all was well, although it wasnt quite decided why no humans could be found. At least they did find a bar well stocked with liquor*

Roya: *watching Lonni's bored abuse of the elf* heheh. Alright Lonni, if you could just set her down, i wanna talk with her.

Lonni: What? Arent you going to throw her into the brig first?

Maddie: Aye, its now quite the tradition.

Roya: fine! Throw 'r inna the brig!

Nurv: *as she is dragged away* WHY!!?

Roya: Uh...Cause you got problems with us of Harad! So there!

Nurv: No fair! Haven't I got the right of a trial?!

Roya: *to Ethel* If she dont shut up, lash 'er then douse her with salt!

01-03-2004, 03:50 AM
OOC: What's it called around here? Godmodding? Bunnying? Whatev. ;)

She thought:
So she was on a Haradrim ship. Her suspicions had been confirmed. She stopped yelling, and only did not fight her unjust imprisonment because she felt she still had a chance to escape.

Sanity's Demise
01-03-2004, 04:14 AM
ooc: This is a ship of the damned dear. Not Haradrim. I dont know out of whose hat you pulled that one from. We are a buncha vampires. And I am their middle eastern captian. Haha!

Roya: Good gods. that brig ought to be enlarged.

Ethel: i'll make note for the next time we moor for repairs

Roya: good good. let out the sails! haul in the starboard and port anchors!

*runs around shouting captianly things while living Lonni free to torment the captive*

Lonni: Fun time. *goes down to the brig*

OOC: try reading the thread from page 12 o 13 it'll help.

01-03-2004, 04:42 AM
OOC: The confusion arose because Roya said, "Roya: uh...cause you got problems with us of Harad! so there!" Nurv only thought it might have been a Harad ship, but she didn't say anything about that. Perhaps you should just toss my character over the side and end all of our pain. I had no idea what this thread was really like when I joined, but I'll go read those pages. :D

Sanity's Demise
01-03-2004, 10:45 PM
ooc: ? well, you said somthing bout evil haradrim and sauron...Dear, we are in the carribean seemingly. Pretty much a mix of POTC & DEQFTHW. n e way..... the tossing bit sounds promising...;)

01-04-2004, 01:53 AM
OOC: My character was thinking that. I should have italicized it to be more clear. Toss away mon capitaine.

01-04-2004, 04:19 AM
OOC: toss.....toss.......toss....... That we can do precious..... I VOLENTEER!!!!!!! I'm in a guys body for once too!!!

Sanity's Demise
01-04-2004, 04:23 AM
OOC: eh...right....no coment on that. I will consider you should the decision come to tossing. eh.

01-04-2004, 05:03 AM
OOC: Dooo itttttt... do it...

Nurvingiel looked around worriedly. It seemed she might not be locked in the "brig", whatever that was. But some other wickedness was afoot.

"Yarr, the plank!" yelled a random pirate.
"Arr!" was the random chorus of agreement.

01-04-2004, 05:36 AM
OOC: Oh please cap'n? Can't we have a bit of fun? Ya know, "toss" er before tossin er? We need fresh blood 'n' all.

01-04-2004, 05:47 AM
OOC: I will end the pain myself by massively godmodding. Lesson learned about joining a well-established RPG where you don't have time to read all the posts and get up to date. :D

For one moment, the attention of her captors wavered. Nurvingiel took this opportunity to run to the edge of the ship and dive into the sea, where she was immediately devoured whole by a giant squid.

01-04-2004, 05:51 AM
OOC: Oh fine. Spoil our fun. Mostly my fun anyway.

01-04-2004, 05:53 AM
OOC: *evil laughter* :D See ya around!

Sanity's Demise
01-04-2004, 06:30 PM
Roya: Blast it! Gah!

Sam: *looks terribly dissapionted* No elf....?

Roya: No Sam. But next time we run into any elf ship sailing west, i will let you take a good few of em just for yer own fun.

Sam: Thank you cap'n! *does a happy dance*

Roya: Hoist anchors! away we go in search of the tuxedo wearin birds o doooooooooooooom!

Crew: Aarrr!

Parrot: Shivere me timbers!

Tano: Where did that thing come from?

Roya: Oh. This is Ms. Morin, me lil' parakeet. Aint she a cute lil bugger.

*a large parakeet settles on her shoulder, all canary yellow and extremely fluffy and cute looking, although her beak was at a rather nastey point.*

Roya: *Proudly* this is one o me three attack parakeets, the prettiest i might add too.

Maddie: Attack parakeets?

Roya: Aye. Try to touch it or anything in me room and you'll see why. Anyway! Run out all spare sails! Put yer hankies up there if we need! We gotta get to the far south as fast as we can!

Ninja: *from mast* but i dont know if thats the pole they are on, its only a guess!

Roya: well, its only one outta two! and i think we'll be aveing fun any which way we choose!

01-04-2004, 07:58 PM
is it to late to join this rpg? is it still like the first post said? please help me

01-04-2004, 09:22 PM
ooc: Read fromabout page 12 or so. You'll figure out what's going on. I don't know if Roya can take any more...:) But as far as I'm concerned you can. I'm going to jump overboard myself soon...or maybe not.

HA, Kitty...toss, toss, toss...salad is better with marmalade, toss toss toss...*smarmy grin* Oh, yes, marmalade I like...:D

ic: *Tano scrambled over the ship, hauling lines and putting up sails, all the while keeping a close watch on the attack parakeet*

ooc: That was short I know. I have nothing to say. By the by, does anyone remember what I did with my boat? The little mesy one. Did I take it on this ship?

Sanity's Demise
01-05-2004, 09:51 PM
OOC: I think we did bring it along, if we didnt, then.....i'll just say we did! Oh, and if you are to jump, i'll make sure Sam "tosses" ya real nice *Jackass-y grin*, *sees new person* well, at least you had the decencey to ask ahead of time rather than barge in. Yes, read from page twelve, we are pirate vampires on a quest to find penguins. I think we will attack a ship and haul yer arse aboard or something.

*As Roya looked around smilling at her busy crew, she let Morin perch and be guard so she could look at her maps and charts.*

Morin: *flies off for a bit then comes screaming back* Rahh! Shiver me timbers! Rahh! Load the cannon girls!

*Roya rushes back out on deck*

Roya: Wha?! Who? Where?

Morin: Rahh! Load the cannons!

Roya: You heard 'er! get a move!

Ethel: but its a bird...

Roya: Gah! I know wha she is! But she only says tha when there is a vessel near by and a frigate at that! Check the weapons an' run out the jolly! We're gonna ave ourselves a real fight! AAIIIEEHH!

*crew scamble to get weapons and Roya and Ethel rush up to the helm of the ship and follow Morin to the new victim*

OOC: any one else want to post...Raistlin, ere's yer entrance. post a lil bit that your on the ship er somethin. Maggie, here is where you get your elf toys. Mayhaps i could permit it that the ship is the one carrying GLORFINDEL.