View Full Version : The Greater of Two Evils RP
Frodo has escaped the fate of Meriadoc and Peregrin, but danger is close still as he crosses into Mordor. Saruman, who will be expecting the ring, prepares a final assault on the free peoples at Helm's Deep. Gondor will not have the strength to fight both the combined forces of Isengard and Mordor, and will fall, lifting the final veil between the two great evils. A war is brewing, none shall escape it...
12-12-2006, 08:57 PM
Something felt wrong to Isawen. She could feel the tension in the air. If what Elrond had told her a year earlier was true, which she did not doubt, a war was brewing. She set her sights on Gondor.
Dûredhel marched out of the black gate, a small host of others along with him, and headed towards Gondor. The final stand of Men and Free Peoples had not come, nor would it for a while, but Mordor never rested. The horde of Orcs howled and screeched, their armor clanking as it shifted with each step. It would strike fear into the bravest men to hear this evil orchestra. "Move along, scum!" The cracking of a whip could be heard amongst them, "Faster, filth! Faster, to Gondor's death!"
12-15-2006, 09:05 PM
shadcra releases a blood curderling cry and all the other uruks join in as the army of ten thousand strong uruks descend upon on helms deep, shadcra leads from the front with the many other uruk captains and leads them at a steady jog.
(sry i'd been gone for so long my school holidays just started ya know?)
12-20-2006, 08:30 PM
Isawen's journey was event less, but inside she knew it was the calm before the storm. Dusk was gathering. The stronghold of Osgiliath was closer than the White City and something inside her told her it would not be wise to be without protection after dark. Perhaps the sons of the Steward would be able to give her news.
12-20-2006, 08:57 PM
"it is a rohan village" yells one of the uruk captains and he sniffs the air,
"and i smell man flesh, ATTACK!!" yells the uruk generel, and all the uruks surge foward, tear through the rohan village with no casualties and storms foward through the plains burniing everything in their path.
Dûredhel and the Orcs came to a stop, the river parted them from Osgiliath. "Rest up, scum! Tomorrow we cross the river, tomorrow we strike." Dûredhel sat down, as did most of the Orcs, and had his fill of meat and more. As the sun crept down over the horizon the Orcs began dozing off, and would not wake until the bright sun roused them the next morning.
12-23-2006, 07:42 PM
the uruks had slowed down to a steady walk as now they were nearing helms deep.
shadcra and captain vaklu were talking "tch, i can't wait till we have this job finished i'm starving" roared shadcra. "I know shadcra we'l be there soon then when we reach there we will kill every last women and child, hehehe"
"uruks we r a days walk from helms deep" roared shadcra again.
"The sooner we get there the sooner we taste MAN FLESH!!!!!" all the uruks roared and hit there weapons and banged there armor "come on maggots yhaaaar!!!!!!!"
with that the uruks started running towards helms deep with renewed vigour.
12-23-2006, 07:50 PM
"I believe you will do better in the White City itself, Lady Elf" the man greeted Isawen.
"It grows dark." Isawen said cooly. "Are the sons of the Steward here?" he shook his head.
"Nay. Boromir left for Rivendell some time ago and has yet to return. Faramir is elsewhere"
"I shall await them"
01-04-2007, 04:25 AM
By night fall the uruks had reached helms deep and saruman summoned a storm to aid his uruks in combat.
"KILL THE SLIME" yelled shadcra as he and all the uruks stopped and began banging their pikes on the ground.
The pikes was rhythmic as they beated upon the ground, upon the wall shadcra could see the terrified faces of the peasents and children but then his eye spied Aragorn then legolas and then gimili, shadcra was worried and knew he would have to avoid them in the battle to come.
"yhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrr" cried the lead uruk,
and the battle commenced.
01-29-2007, 03:56 PM
u still there tig?
02-03-2007, 03:46 PM
Well is it just me here? :confused:
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