View Full Version : Dark Legend
Lady Arwen56
12-12-2003, 11:10 PM
Hi everyone, I'm back. I've decided to do a small here it goes:
This is about a group of strangers who get together to fight back this evil force that has been brought to life by the master of Darkness, Gilitnalia. She has brought it to life to destory to races of the world, and unite the demons of the underworld to aide her in ruling. Join please.
Name; Andrithilian (Andie)
Race; Elvish Princess/warrior
Age; 345
Weapons; Daggers, a long sword engraved with elvish symbols of protection, and a Mirkwood longbow
Items; A magic crystal around her neck which gives her special powers *hard to explain until we begin*
Clothing *Formal: A long, silk white dress embriodered with small symbols.
Clothing *Anytime; Black leggings, with a silvery-black tunic.
Description; long raven black hair with silver streaks, blue eyes, tall, usually wears her hair in a braid so it won't get in the way when she is fighting, although ocasionally she lets it down at balls or other events.
Gulio, Strength of Many
12-13-2003, 12:25 AM
ooc: Warning, hyperness ahead. Read at your own risk.
Yes Zone, you should join. I shall join too. *sings off-key* You and me, me and you, both of us tooooooogetheeeeeeeeeer!
Okies, character description time!!
Name: Hendel
Race: Dwarf
Weapons: Battle-axe, hunting knife, throwing axes
Appearance: A stout, middle-aged Dwarf. His emrald eyes often sparkle in joy or rage. His fiery beard is a parallel to his temper. He wears normal travelling clothes, with a deep green cloak.
Personality: Candor. He will tell you what he thinks, regardless of the situation, or who he is speaking to. His temper is dynamite, once ignited, get out of the way. He does have a kinder side, though he'll have to know you really well before he shows it.
That's about it. Pretty much your average Dwarf. DWARVES RULE!! Wahoooooooooooooo!
(For all of you offended by the hyperness: BOO!:))
Too much sugar intake ms. gulio that is all I am going to dare to say
12-13-2003, 07:40 AM
ooo, coolies. dibs on Gilitnalia. However, she is to be passive, acting through her main minion:
Name: Vespertilio
Gender: Female
Rank: Right-hand (wo)man of Gilitnalia
Race: Vampire
Hair: Black; straight with numerous thin braids
Eyes: The 'whites' are black, the irises are dark blood red and the pupils are black
Clothes: — Black leather boots that are cut off at around two inches below the knee
— Black g-skirt: sits on the waist but droops down in a v-shape for the front to sit beneath the bellybutton; similar at the hem(comes near to the knees).
— Black velvet top with long droopy see-through sleeves.
— Fishnet 'gloves': come to the elbow & have holes for the thumb & little finger – otherwise do not cover the hand
— Thick black cloak fastened at the throat with a tirantula brooch
Jewellery: — Stringy-plasticy sort of necklace tied to a hematite disk that sits on the throat like a choker
— Silver ring bearing a pentagram design
Weapons: — Crossbow
— Herself; has training in Aikido
Miscellaneous: Has thick black arched eyebrows, black lips and dark eyelids (however wears no makeup). Has extremely pale skin (being a vampire) & long black nails. & although she is a vampire, she can go out in daylight and can touch crosses, holy water etc; to cut a long story short, the only way to kill her is to break a diamond phial that Gilitnalia has in her keeping. Both she and Gilitnalia have acid for blood. She can transform herself into a bat (Vespertilio means 'bat' in Latin).
Peoples, uno the creepy thing about that bio? Except for the fact that I have curly blonde hair and blue eyes, I don't have supernatural characteristics or a spider cloak, I just described myself!! :eek: :confused: Also I don't have long nails (Aikido practically doesn't allow the length of nails to go past the ends of your fingers:rolleyes: I love Aikido though. I've been doing it for the better part of my life and it is the best martial art in the world. We get to train with wooden samurai swords.) Dear God I hate my skin: so freakishly pale; but useful for being a Goth -- and for living in Australia: I...don't...get that hot in summer;) :D :p
Hmm...if anyone else wants to be Gilitnalia, go ahead: I just want the bit with the phial in it; she punishes Vespertilio by putting her acid blood into it...I'll be quiet now, I'm freaking myself out.
Lady Arwen56
12-13-2003, 01:58 PM
woo-hooo!! first day back and all my friends are talking to me again! yay!! I rule! lol.
yeah, this is cool. :) I feel loved.
Adrian Baggins
12-13-2003, 02:20 PM
Hey dude! hehehehehehehe
Name: Adrian Anthony Nicole Baggins
Nicknames: Adi, Tony, Nicky
Sex: Female
Age:Looks 33 really is a year younger than Frodo *her B-day is the same as her Bro's and she is a year younger than him*
Height: Tallest Hobbit
Weight: Thinnest Hobbit
occupation: the only female hobbit ranger
Weapons: Gleamer sister sword of Sting
Items: 3 unknown rings of power
Clothing *Formal: Boy Hobbit Formal Clothes
Clothing *Anytime: Boy Hobbit Reg Clothes: all hand me downs she also has her bro's cloak
Description; short, straight raven black and white blond hair, cold ice steel blue eyes
Lady Arwen56
12-13-2003, 03:34 PM
I shall start this RPG.
oh and for my character
animals; a large snow leopard, and a white-black horse.
oh, and my other nickname is Andrith...
ic: Andrith settled herself quietly upon the branches of a large willow tree, sighing with quiet bliss as the moon sparkled above her. Andrith smiled as her snow leopard Alexiel curled up next to her.
She looked down upon the dancing elves below her, and her smile grew. 'This is perfect.' She thought. 'Everything is perfect.' She was wearing a long white-silk dress, and her long black-silver hair was let loose around her.
Suddenly, the light of the moon was destoryed, and Andrith looked up to see a large purple-black cloud covering it. She frowned. This was no ordinary cloud, she knew.
A bolt of lightening crashed to the ground, and caught the trees on fire around it. 'No!' She thought, leaping down from the willow, and running into the newly rebuilt Lorien palace.
Her mother, daughter of the great Gladriel, and Queen of Lothlorien stood close by the doors.
"Mother! The trees!" She cried, rushing into her mother's now outstretched arms.
"I know, Andrith, I know. Lorien is in great danger, dear. You must leave, and quickly, before the fire-and the cloud-reach us here." Her mother whispered, stroking her hair.
Andrith looked up at her mom, tears clouding her eyes. "But mother..." She began.
"Now, Andrith dear, and hurry!" Her mother cried, giving her a quick push. Andrith ran up the long, brightly lit stairs, and came to her room. She noticed then, that Alexiel had followed her, and was greatful that he had for once.
She pulled off her dress, and stepped into her black leggings, then her tunic. She braided her hair, and threw a small bag together. It held daggers, her bows, her formal dress, and some jewelry of great dearness, especially her black crystal that her father had given to her before he died.
She was down the stairs in no time, and once again came to her mother. "Here, take this dear, and go get your horse from the stables, she awaits you, saddle and all."Her mother said, shoving a large coin purse into her hand. The Queen of Lorien kissed her daughter's brow, and then watched as the only heir to her throne left for good.
Andrith rushed into the stables, and found her horse, Gillianai (Gilli) waiting for her. She flung her self onto Gilli, and clicked her tongue, speaking elvish so quickly that at first, she thought Gilli hadn't heard her. But she did. Gilli quickly took off, and they rode through the Lothlorien forest. Taking one last look at the palace of Lorien, Andrith went on.
Adrian Baggins
12-13-2003, 03:50 PM
ooc: The Evil Surrounds all Sides.......Hobbiton is in the way
ic: Adrian smiled to herself, a bag of mushrooms tucked up under her arm. Her cousins, Pippin and Merry were close behind her. She looked back and laughed, yelling, "You'll never catch me Maggot!"
Pippin stared up at her in shock but kept on running. Soon after, they reached The Green Dragon and they stopped, laughing together.
"Adrian, that was some nerve you showed, yelling at Maggot like that, it was amazing!" Merry said, smiling at me.
"Well, I've got guts, what can I say," she replied, "Come on, let's go inside, I'll buy you a drink."
"Alright, come on Pip," Merry said, standing up.
We walked in and Adrian immediately saw her brother talking to Sam. "Hello Frodo, Sam, how are you?"
"I'm Fine Adrian, where have you been? You look like you've been in a race," Frodo said, smiling as his sister and cousins pulled up chairs.
"We just ran from Farmer Maggots," Pippin said, "Adrian had some nerve."
"Really, what on earth did she do this time?" Frodo asked, smiling.
"She yelled at Maggot as we ran away, told him he'd never catch her," Pippin said.
"Well, he didn't did he?" she asked, looking out the window. "Frodo, look out the window, do you see a purple cloud, creeping this way," she asked nervously, clutching the chain that was around her neck.
Frodo turned and looked out the window, his face paling. "Yes Adrian, I do, and is it just me, or did it just get deathly cold in here?"
"It's not just you," Adrian replied, standing up quickly. The rest did the same, backing away from the window as the cloud came nearer.
12-13-2003, 07:13 PM
I think that I will join. Make room!
Name: Asmalinde
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Class: Knight
Weapons: Holy greatsword Ajanalako (meaning, roughly, holy wind) The hilt is made of a pearl alloy. The mix makes it strong, but no one knows what the other ingredient is. It shines white like the pearl, and the pommel is set with a diamond. The blade is crafted to look like a gale force wind sweeping through toward the end of the sword.
Clothes: A Midnight mist cloak (white cloak, seemingly made of mist), Truesilver mail (bright silver, ornamented plate mail, magically light)
When out of armour, she wears silversilk leggings and gossamer robes
Items: a Truewind hoop earring and a polished stone anklet
Hair: light blonde, worn in a single braid extending to the middle of her back.
Eyes: ice-blue, distant eyes that look through you
ooc: You can tell I've been reading my D&D books, huh!
Hey can I make two characters?
12-14-2003, 06:37 AM
ooc: well I wouldn't know why not, but then again, I wouldn't really know at all.
Ooo and I forgot something in Vespertilio's bio:
Other: Has a forked tongue and her eyebrows split at the end to be kind of like the shape of her tongue.
Conclusion: I have watched Red Dwarf too many times. So many evil robots with kooky brows... :rolleyes:
ic: "No, I daresay it wouldn't be," a deep, smooth voice hissed from behind the Hobbits: a tall demoniac woman leant against the doorway of the Green Dragon: her plump black lips were parted slightly in a sadistic sneer as she stared at the small group wither her black/blood eyes. "I myself found it to be a touch warmer than I would rather it be…" she continued softly; she took a step towards the Fallohides and the frigidity of the room intensified threefold. "Or do you suppose that was just me?" she scanned the room with her dark eyes until she perceived the Bagginses: "Adrian…" she whispered softly; her thin forked tongue shot out from behind her razor-sharp teeth and licked the air before she promptly dragged it back over her lips and into her mouth. Her mouth twitched into a half-smile, half-sneer. "It is you."
"Leave her alone," Frodo interjected boldly. He glared at the Demon with admirable audacity, however the Vampire was unmoved: she turned her gaze slowly towards him and narrowed her eyes.
"My business, Halfling, does not include you, and if my victims being close to you is the worst thing that befalls you, count yourself fortunate." She smiled evilly and walked to the wall to her left: putting one of her glossy black boots against the wood, she began to ascend the barrier: she reached the ceiling and changed her direction for the rafters above Adrian's head. She reached up towards the Hobbit and wrenched it back down, and as if with an invisible rope Adrian was pulled upwards to the rafters. The Vampire crouched beside Adrian and extended a pale hand, icily caressing the small creature's face.
"You reek of fear," the Demon hissed. "I shall not be surprised if I should detect you from Her fortress." She stuck her tongue out again, this time slowly and smoothly scenting the air before Adrian's face. "I am not wholly trusting of what little virtue your extermination may diminish," hissed the Demon softly. "However her Ladyship – girl," she lifted Adrian's chin with a long, black fingernail. "Do look at me when I speak to you." She smelled the Hobbit with her long forked tongue once more, then, raising a finger to Adrian's left cheek, sliced the skin with her sharp talon. A trickle of blood ran down the side of Adrian's face and dripped from the Vampire's nail. The Demon let a single drop of blood touch the hematite disk at her throat; then, glancing at Adrian a final time, disappeared into a large cloud of black smoke; the fumes condensed and formed a large, spitting vampire bat, that hissed at the Hobbits once and flew out of the room; Adrian fell heavily to the floor.
Vespertilio entered the company of Gilitnalia warily: she knelt before the great adamantine throne before addressing her Queen and kissing her hand.
"Vespertilio, I have another charge for you," said Gilitnalia. "To bring forth more Demons from the Underworld, I first need the Draught of the Dead: I know not by which name you know it, however I assume you are familiar with the contents: the crushed pincers of a tarantula; the venom of a cobra; the eye of a dragon; the blood of the broken heart of a virgin and the fur of a tortured animal."
"The Devil's Concoction," Vespertilio asserted.
"Yes," mused Gilitnalia. "I do recall hearing that name's relation to this solution: go then. Fetch the spider's fangs, the snake's venom and the dragon's eye and I will show you how to attain the last of the components."
Vespertilio bowed and took her leave.
12-14-2003, 03:42 PM
Ooc: Well.... so? They're the same anyway, Everquest just has cool items! (Ajanalako is my creation, by the way, all mine!)
Ic: Asmalinde scooped some dirt unto her hand. "She's been here." She sprang from a crouch and onto her horse in one fluid movement, grinning savagely.
"We're catching up."
Alako whinnied her assent and sprang forward, and Asmalinde felt joy despite herself; how wonderful it felt to be one seamless creature, how magnificent to feel the wind in her face, to know the gait under her as well as her own...
After several hours Alako was at a swift walk, and they had arrived. In one last burst of speed, she rushed at the town, and Asmalinde jumped from the saddle at the town inn. The air was thick with the reek of demon-flesh and evil as she entered at a run.
The doors were locked, probably the demon's doing but they gave way at her kick. Inside there lay a hobbit, bleeding from one cheek, and smoke was clearing from the room.
Asmalinde screamed with frustration. She was so close...
The knight turned and rammed her gauntleted fist into the wall.
After so long, she thought that she had the evil one, only to had missed her once again.
Gulio, Strength of Many
12-14-2003, 07:10 PM
ooc: :eek: Very scary Earloth:eek:
ic: "Mr. Baggins lives in Bag End, under the Hill. Just follow this 'ere road all the way and you'll get there. Very nice hole, green door, you can't miss it."
Hendel thanked the Hobbit kindly, and started up the road. He, being the son of Dori, wished to see the place where his father's legendary adventure had started. Though the renowned burglar had long since moved away, it was said that his heir, Frodo, was much like him. Finally, he reached the road's end, and before him stood a homely place, with round green door. He knocked, but there was no answer. He knocked again, and still no answer. Must be out and about, Hendel thought. Oh well, he'd try again later. He recalled seeing an inn on the way here, the Green Dragon, or something.
12-14-2003, 08:05 PM
OOC: Is it too late to join, or are there too many characters already? If so, disregard my post (but tell me! :)) If not, here goes...
Character: Teleri Meadowbrook
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Age: 22
Occupation: Waitress/Housekeeper at the Prancing Pony.
Description: About 5'6", shoulder length, thick dirty blonde hair, grey eyes, fair complextion but some freckles. Lean and fit due to working hard all her life.
Other: Doesn't like her Elvish sounding name, and thinks her mother was being a bit fanciful. Like her father, she is very practical and down to earth, and prefers to go by Brook.
She's always been intrigued by Butterbur's tales of when dark riders attacked the Inn, and Strider left for the wild with four hobbits. His details were slightly blurred, but she's fascinated none the less.
She's adventerous, and an excellent horsewoman. She's competant with a bow and dagger. She has hunted with her father since she was young. She's reasonable with a sword, but usually does not carry one.
She's an only child. She still lives with her parents and is unmarried.
(OOC: When is this set exactly?) (OOC: I'm including Nob as an NPC, only because it wouldn't make sense to send someone off alone.)
Nob and Teleri started out of Bree. Barliman was sending them to Hobbiton to obtain some supplies more readily found in the Shire - most notably Old Toby and speciality brews of ale.
They were mounted, and led a saddled pack horse who would carry the goods home. Teleri carried the money in a concealed money belt under her tough leather jerkin.
Teleri carried her dagger and bow out of habit, in case they might find some food hunting. Neither she nor Nob feared an attack on the road.
12-14-2003, 08:19 PM
ooo, sounds cool, mind if I join?
Name:Kauilani (Kaye-oo-lani) or Lani
Race: man
Gender: Female
Eyes: deep blue
Hair: brown w/ blonde highlights, elbow length
Clothing: Wears a dark brown tunic with colorful sashes and scarves hanging from her shoulders and waist.
Weapons: Sword, bow/arrows, 2 throwing knives and a dirk in her boot.
Other: Has a gold-tan complexion.(random, I know:)) She lives with her brother, Kaelin, when she is not some where else. Her and her brother, who are twins, were thrown out by their power seeking mother that murdered their father. They found refuge with a friend of their father who taught them everything they know. Has only a emrald necklace given to her by her father.
12-15-2003, 01:45 AM
Name: Aurora Midnight
Race: Unknown
Height: 6'10
Hair: Shoulder length, slightly fanned out, black with shimmers of silver and white
Age: Unknown
Eyes: They are the many colors of the ocean.
Skin tone: a creamy ivory
Weapons: A dark blue handled flambamarge[sp?] with a star patterned blade of mithril, a ash bow with stars engraved into it, and a miniature harp of obsiden with strings of starlight
Clothes: veil that disguises her face, grey cloak that are split in the front, and resiliant to any kind of weather or attacks, thigh length leather boots, dragon helm, and a pair of leather pants, and a blue shirt.
Status: Bard/ enchantress/ warrior
Markings: Midnight colored insignia on her forehead shaped like a harp
12-15-2003, 07:34 AM
Vespertilio entered a small, smoke-ceilinged inn just on the outskirts of Gondor, glancing around carelessly. Kissing her first and second fingers, she touched them to the hematite at her throat and then stroked her pale eyelids: her eyes were swept with a piercing blue hue. She had immediately caught the attention of several men, not from strange behaviour but from comely appearance. She approached the youngest and fairest of the men and muttered to him: "Come with me."
She led him upstairs into a small room full of shadows, whose only light was granted by the few beams of moonlight filtering through the window: a small single bed lay in the far right-hand corner of the room, shrouded in shadows. Vespertilio lay her down across, it, drawing the boy down beside her; sweeping some of his black locks away from his neck, she bit down on his throat until she felt his blood flowing freely into her mouth. She lay him on his back upon the small maroon bed and left him.
A dark figure crept into the room; it scanned the room for signs of movement and spotted the still body of the man on the neat bunk; going over to examine the body, the character noticed a high black boot hanging over the arm of a large chair. A cruel face peered out from behind the large arched back of the seat.
As the moonlight revealed the face beneath the cloak to the Demon, she felt a sudden jerk of fear. "You," said Vespertilio, rolling her eyes. "Do you not have a life of your own? You seem to live and breathe of mine—I'm supposed to be the Vampire."
"Is this the only manner by which Demons face their adversaries?" replied the woman.
"But of course: but is that the strongest reply you could come up with? Really, I suppose our methods would more acutely inspire your warriors: make it personal; hurt their feelings if you can. Marvellous counsel."
"I mean," the woman interjected solidly, "we are both aware as of how this shall end. So why don't we behave, grow up, and just…get to the point?" drawing a white-hilted sword, the woman threw back her hood and slashed at the Vampire. Vespertilio evaporated in a cloud of black smoke and reappeared behind the warrior.
"None of your tricks tonight, coward!" the mortal screeched.
"Oh I assure you, if I wished to fight you, you would know by being dead already. Tonight I am merely…illusive." She held up a hand and showed her fingers: they wavered at the end like smoke, as though a sudden wind might dissolve them. "I am deeply sorry…actually, I'm not." The Demon bowed her head, but never took her eyes off the knight. "Till next we meet, Mistress," she said, and disappeared. The woman scowled and turned to Vespertilio's victim; however he had also vanished; the woman slumped irritably on the bed.
Back in her cell in Gilitnalia's fortress, Vespertilio opened her eyes and smiled. She turned and felt a long wooden stake pierce her sternum; she shot a condescending look at her attacker – the man whom she had seemed to have fed on at the inn – and threw him across the room with a sweep of her arm. Wrenching the stake from her breast, she advanced towards the tortured Gondorian who laid sprawled on the floor.
"Stupid boy," she murmured. She grabbed him by the collar and put him on a large four-poster bed: it was made of deep black stone and was draped untidily with silken black sheets. Vespertilio bound the boy's hand with heavy iron chains that protruded from each side of the bed head. "I was feeling magnanimous – this time I might have really killed you." She drove her fingers into the fresh punctures on his neck.
"You don't have the decency to kill anyone," he spat at her.
"Of course I do…" she insisted. She withdrew her fingers from his neck and the wound healed. "I just have less fun that way."
12-15-2003, 09:36 PM
Ooc: I assume that my character is the one that you refer to?
Ic: Asmalinde growled, then composed herself outwardly. But inside she wept.
You took another tonight, but I will kill you in the end and release Jeorg's, and my own, soul.
Once more her mailed fist slammed into the wall, and then she left calmly.
"Are you alright miss?" she extended a hand to the hobbit who was still sitting stunned upon the floor. The rest of the inn was still in confusion, which didn't really surprise Asmalinde considering that the clientel had never had to deal with something like this before.
Gulio, Strength of Many
12-15-2003, 10:29 PM
No one noticed when Hendel entered the Green Dragon. Many stunned Hobbits were watching a knight help a young lady off the floor. Hendel turned to the nearest Halfling, "What happened here?"
"That...thing! Adrian! It just..." The Hobbit exclaimed.
"Something came in here and attacked his sister! The sight of it made my blood run cold, if you follow me. Then it left, and this knight ran in," His friend translated.
Adrian Baggins
12-15-2003, 11:33 PM
"I'm fine, just a little shaken, that demon, I've seen it before, though I do not remember where," Adrian said, pressing her hand to her cheek.
"Are you sure Adrian?" Frodo asked, walking to her side.
"Yes Frodo, I scared no end...the way it looked at's comming back, I'm almost positive...and when it does, it'll track me down, and take me with it."
12-16-2003, 12:55 AM
OOC: By the way, when is the story set? I don't want to say something like "The Road was safe ever since there was a King in Gondor again" if that's out of place.
Moving things along so I can play with other characters...
Nob and Teleri tacitly agreed to spend the night at the Green Dragon. It had been dark for a while and they didn't want to stay on the road any longer. They were tired and hungry.
Everything was quiet as they paid for a room and stabling for their horses.
There was a commotion in the crowded common room. People stood around a young lady, who seemed shaken. Teleri approached a Dwarf, the person standing nearest her. She was carrying her pack with her left hand, and tapped him lightly on the shoulder with her right.
"Excuse me," she said, "What happened here?"
12-16-2003, 10:36 PM
I walked into hte inn, paid, and looked around. There was a group of people gathered around a girl who seemed thurougly shaken. I pushed my way through, and helped her up. "You alright?" I asked quietly.
12-16-2003, 10:41 PM
Kauilani rode slowly toward Hobbiton, humming a tune she had not heard in a long time. It was a song her father had sung to her every night when she was little. One her mother had never bothered to sing. Suddenly, the wind seemed to pick up and Lani knew something was wrong. She sped up as she neared Hobbiton.
Kauilani dismounted her horse and walked into the normally peacefull town. As she neared an inn, she could hear voices that sounded full of concern and worry. Lani entered the inn and saw many wide-eyed hobbits and one in particular that seemed to have been the victim of.....whatever had happened. She walked up to a dwarf and asked, "What happened here?"
12-17-2003, 01:10 AM
Vespertilio stared out into a small glade from the cover of the trees that encircled it: there sat two men and one woman around a campfire, speaking softly together. "Cubus," muttered Vespertilio softly, and closing her fist in front of her face she quenched the life of the fire and entered the clearing; there was little conflict; but at the end, when Vespertilio murmured "Fulgere," and the fire sprang alight again, all three humans lay on the forest floor, robbed of blood with looks of terror on their faces. As Vespertilio's hand passed over the fire it grew stronger: satisfied, she took the carcasses and tossed them into the fire.
Vespertilio caught a flicker of movement out the corner of her eye: turning, she saw a large, hairy black tarantula scuttle across a rock; she lifted her crossbow from her side and shot the arachnid, collected the fangs and left.
Gulio, Strength of Many
12-17-2003, 01:27 AM
"Excuse me, what happened here?" A young lady asked Hendel.
"I-" He began.
"What happened here?" Another young woman asked him.
"I really don't know," Hendel continued, "From what I could gather a monster of some sort came in here and attacked that Halfling."
12-17-2003, 03:30 AM
"Thanks," said Teleri, slightly awkward. She hadn't seen the other woman, and didn't mean to harass the Dwarf.
Teleri stepped back, hoping the thing wouldn't come back and attack someone else.
12-17-2003, 11:09 PM
"I see, thank you." Kauilani said to the dwarf. She looked around the inn to see if the attacker had left any trace behind, but found nothing. "Must be used to doing this." she whispered to herself. She stood a distance from the young hobbit who had been attacked, seeing if she had been wounded or had recieved some sort of scar. "Nothing but a scar on her cheek..." Kauilani said with a sigh. She went to a corner, away from the commotion. "Why? Why would someone come to the Shire, attack a young girl and then leave without seriously wounding their victim?" Lani stayed in the corner and continued to ponder what had suposedly happened.
Adrian Baggins
12-18-2003, 01:38 PM
ooc: she did hurt me....I got a cut on my cheek...HELLO!
12-19-2003, 12:45 AM
The Hobbit woman wasn't hurt, and the commotion died down. Nob wanted to obtain the necessary supplies, so Teleri quietly handed him the money belt.
"I'll catch up to you in a bit," Teleri said to Nob as he left. She was curious about the attack, and wanted to find out more. From the snippets of conversation she picked up, it didn't seem like an ordinary attacker.
12-19-2003, 01:30 AM
ooc: right...sorry:D I'll change it.
ic: Kauilani walked over to the dwarf again, "Seems a bit odd doesn't it?" she said as she approached him.
12-19-2003, 02:04 AM
Vespertilio's hands were stained with blood as she dropped the eye of Rûthnár – a young dragon that had haunted the Grey Mountains for several decades – into a glass jar. She already had a glass tube in which was contained the venom of a cobra, and a small felt pouch that held the large pincers of the tarantula she had killed the previous night, and now she returned to her Lady's fortress to present to Gilitnalia these components she was sent to retrieve.
Upon the long uncharted path to Gilitnalia's black citadel, Vespertilio encountered a stray horde of orcs, hiding from the daylight in a dank cave: she called one to her service and led him to the stronghold.
"Vespertilio," Gilitnalia hissed as the Vampire entered her chambers. "Have you the ingredients? Show them to me."
Vespertilio bowed and lay the contents she had gathered before her mistress's feet: the spider's fangs – not yet ground, but whole and sharp – the snake's poison in the cell and the dragon eye, still gazing out through the glass.
"Good," whispered Gilitnalia. "You have done well."
"I've more than this," said Vespertilio. "You entreated the fur of a tortured animal?" she raised an eyebrow and smiled evilly; bringing her hand out form behind her back, she dropped an orc's head at Gilitnalia's feet.
Gilitnalia luaghed: hers was a deep, soft cackle that echoed throughout the stone chamber. "You ever were the more elaborate in thought," she remarked. She toughed Vespertilio's face with a long, cold hand; Vespertilio brought her own hand up to Gilitnalia's and kissed her lady's palm.
"Thank you, My Lady," she murmured.
Lady Arwen56
12-19-2003, 02:23 AM
ic: Andrith rode swiftly into The Shire, her heart pounding faster then the speed of her horse. What had happened in Lorien after she left? Did the fire kill everything? Was her mom okay? The anxiousness inside of her had entirely wiped her out. She could barely breathe as it was.
The first establishment of civilization she came to was a small tavern, the words 'Green Dragon' printed in green (obviously) on a sign hanging above it.
She jumped off Gilli, and ran inside, Alexiel at her heels. She burst through the door, and faced five hobbits and some others.
"Help! My home, it's being destroyed" She sighed. "Not like you'll believe me...but it's being destroyed by that purplish-blackish type cloud thingy." She nodded out the window.
Gulio, Strength of Many
12-19-2003, 06:56 PM
"Seems a bit odd doesn't it?" One of the ladies asked Hendel.
"Aye, that it does," He replied, "What sort of creature would single out one Hobbit, scare the living daylights out of her, and leave her with naught but a small scar? There's more at work here than it seems..." He wanted to ask young Adrian a few questions, but she was surrounded by people at the moment. He'd wait, let her recover a bit first. In the meantime, might as well make conversation. "I'm Hendel of Erebor, what's your name lass?"
Lady Arwen56
12-19-2003, 09:16 PM
Andrith became puzzled as no one even looked at her after her little anouncement. Most of the people in the tavern were surrounding a small little hobbit which she had met once before.
"ADRIAN BAGGINS! YOU BEDAMNED LITTLE HOBBIT!!" Andrith cried, pushing her way through the crowd of people, and lacing her arms around Adrian's neck.
"I storm in here screaming and ranting, yet you still don't see me?! Is this the kind of treatment for a long-time friend oh, short-one?" Andrith asked, smiling at Adrian.
Adrian Baggins
12-19-2003, 10:04 PM
"Yes! That is, how are you Andrith," I said, smiling up at the elf who was nearly choking me.
"LET GO OF MY SISTER SHE-ELF!!" Frodo yelled, slamming hard into Andrith's back and knocking her over. "You alright Adrian?" he asked, helping me keep my balance.
"Yes Frodo," I said before muttering, "Overprotective brothers."
"I heard that!"
Lady Arwen56
12-19-2003, 10:21 PM
"FRODO BAGGINS!! WHAT IN MORDOR IS YOUR PROBLEM? It is only me, Andrith of Lorien." Andrith replied, as she pulled herself from the ground.
12-19-2003, 10:48 PM
Asmalinde faded as best she could while in armour into the background until the elf had come bursting in. Now she broke through the happy renunited hobbit group and addressed the girl without preamble. "What has happened? Are you from Lorien? Is the Lady alright?" She asked calmly, but was already making ready to go even as the woman answered.
"We have no time for happy reunions. If the Lady perishes, then so will the rest of us. I ride to Lorien. Find someone to give you a ride back, and bring reinforcements. They will only be killed, but they can help evacuate the woods. Try and get men, though. We have no time for hobbit silliness!" Her eyes softened for a moment, as she added," I know that some of you little fold are worthwhile, but many of you would simply get underfoot.
12-20-2003, 12:18 AM
The girl mumbled something about "Jeorg.. Vampire... Vespertillo..." I had enough of that, so I calmly asked for her room number, and brought her to her room. I made sure that all the windows were closed, and the door was locked before I left her there, and returned to the scene.
Lady Arwen56
12-20-2003, 01:19 AM
ooc: hmm? what?
ic: "I believe the lady is mother, I mean...I do think she survived whatever has happened in Lorien. I can feel her spirit, and it still feels very much alive."
12-20-2003, 01:39 AM
"I am Kauilani." she replied to Hendel, "What brings you to the Shire?"
Gulio, Strength of Many
12-20-2003, 02:19 AM
"I wanted to see where the adventure of my father started, and to meet the heir of the esteemed Burglar Baggins," Hendel replied, "And yourself?"
Lady Arwen56
12-20-2003, 04:19 PM
ooc: Zzz someone post!!!!!!!!!!!!!
12-20-2003, 04:57 PM
"His esteemed heir had a great adventure of his own," Teleri jumped in impulsively, but then felt a bit rude.
Gulio, Strength of Many
12-20-2003, 05:28 PM
"Really? You mean that Frodo Nine Finger is Burglar Baggin's heir?" Hendel had never heard this, "Hmm, figures."
12-20-2003, 07:06 PM
"Yes he is. I had heard of his great adventures from Barliman Butterbur. It would be an honour to meet him in person." Teleri glanced over at Frodo, who had just had a tussle with an Elf.
OOC: This must be set just after the War of the Ring, and just before Frodo and Bilbo sailed into the West with Gandalf and the Elves. Um, right?
12-20-2003, 07:57 PM
"I'm afraid that will be a small problem. He is the temporary mayor, and is rather tied up at the moment." They all looked at me suspiciously. "What? Why are you staring at me?"
12-20-2003, 09:11 PM
"What is Frodo too tied up to do? What's going on anyway?" asked Teleri, making a concerted effort not to stare at anyone.
12-21-2003, 05:54 AM
"Vespretilio…you recall the final ingredient of the Draught of the Dead?" Gilitnalia was slumped in her throne, her hand hanging just over the edge of the great stone arm, fingering a small diamond phial.
"Yes," replied Vespertilio, trying to keep eye contact with Gilitnalia, averting her gaze from the phial in her hand.
Gilitnalia held up the crystal. "This is your Life Essence," she stated.
"I am aware of such, Majesty."
"Place your blood in it," Gilitnalia ordered. Vespertilio nodded and pushed one of her long black sleeves up to her elbow. Gilitnalia had removed the lid of the phial and was holding it out to Vespertilio: the Vampire held a sharp, black fingernail up to her wrist and sliced a gash in her pale skin, letting a small trickle of acid flow from her veins and into the container. As soon as the blood touched the insides of the stone, Vespertilio felt it burning her deep within her own abdomen, but she held her hand over the jar until it was full. Gilitnalia smirked.
"Good," she said. "Now – drink it." Vespertilio did so unquestioningly, though the liquid burnt her mouth and throat, before continuing to sear her insides. Gilitnalia smirked again, and, raising a hand, clicked her fingers once. Two servants – muscular human women, clad heavily in black – disappeared into another room and emerged a minute later with a burly-looking boy, no more (Vespertilio guessed) than 17 or 18.
"To see that this method is fruitful," Gilitnalia, gazing at the teenager out of the corner of her eye, "kill him."
Vespertilio grabbed him by the hair as the two girls brought him forth; forcing his head to one side, she pierced his neck and took of him all his blood: when she looked up, Gilitnalia was pouring the boy's blood from the white diamond phial and onto the cold stone floor. She smiled. Vespertilio's eyes widened and she snapped the adolescent's neck, handing him back to the maids.
"Shadow hangs over Lórien: no doubt Asmalinde shall seek the Lady of the Wood – as soon as the brat informs her of the Fire. Kill the Lady; the daughter's blood shall then suffice."
12-21-2003, 02:48 PM
"Hw is busy repairing parts of the Shire, because of that rotten Saruman, or Sharky as he was called here."
12-21-2003, 08:05 PM
"Right. We knew of that in Bree - though we were somewhat isolated from it, there was a shortage of goods and a lot of strange Men came through at the time," said Teleri. But she was still confused. "When you said he was too tied up, I thought you meant he had a task in addition to restoring the Shire."
OOC: Intense post Eärloth!
12-21-2003, 11:02 PM
Lani listened to what those around her was saying but she felt something was wrong. She stared out the window behind them and soon noticed two riders approaching. Immeadiently (sp?) she knew who it was. "What on earth are they doing here?" she said quietly as she ran outside.
"Kael! Reytar! What are you doing here?" she asked riding up to her brother and teacher. "Did you sense it?" Reytar asked her, not bothering to answer her question. "What? Oh, well I did sense something." Reytar nodded, "Yes, I am not sure what it is. But we must find out and quickly! Come..." "Wait!" she interupted, "A young hobbit girl, she was attcked by something." Reytar frowned, "Something?" Kauilani nodded, "Whatever it was left no trace, only but a scar on the girl's cheek." He nodded "Let me see."
12-22-2003, 02:47 AM
"I meant that Frodo is gonna be a little sick tomorrow. It's the commemeration of his stab with the Morgul knife. And as he is on Mayor duty, he's probably feeling strained."
*People bang in*
"Lemmesee that scratch." Said an man accompanied by Lani and another man.
12-22-2003, 04:47 PM
Reytar walked up to the hobbit lass and examined her scar. Lani and Kael stayed close behind him, waiting to hear what conclusion he would come to. Reytar frowned after a while, "What did your attacker look like?" he asked the young hobbit.
Lady Arwen56
12-24-2003, 05:48 PM
ooc: what the h-e-double hockey-sticks happen? I mean, for one thing, we're suppose to be traveling to LORIEN HELLO! PEOPLE, GET WITH THE PROGRAM! lol. :) love ya guys. MERRY CHRISTMAS!
Adrian Baggins
12-27-2003, 08:49 PM
12-28-2003, 01:50 AM
ooc: lol, luv you too Lady Arwen :D
ic: Lani turned to her brother, Kael, "What is it exactly that brings you two here?" she asked smiling. "Must we have a reason to visit you?" he replied, returning the smile. "If you must know," he continued, "Its Lorien, something terrible is happening. Reytar and I came to get you to go see what exactly was happening." Lani nodded and turned back to Reytar to listen to what the hobbit girl had replied.
12-28-2003, 04:18 AM
Lorien! thought Teleri, the magical wood!
"Lorien," said Teleri. "If you have to travel through Bree, you could stay at the Prancing Pony. It's a great place to gather news among other things."
12-29-2003, 07:22 AM
Gilitnalia's fortress lay in the east of the Northern Waste, north of the Iron Hills, far above Mordor; it would take Vespertilio several days, possibly weeks to travel to Lórien. Gilitnalia had assured her that she would be able to feed, that a strong will such as Vespertilio's or her own was all that could conjure a victim's blood into the phial. The Vampire, contented, began her long journey south towards the Golden Wood.
ooc: Useless, I know, but somebody please post
Gulio, Strength of Many
12-29-2003, 07:36 PM
ooc: Well don't look at me! I've been abandoned! *Sniff* First, everyone was asking questions, and then POOF! No more people. If you need me, I'll be standing in the corner staring at the wall:)
12-29-2003, 09:30 PM
ooc: I'm waiting for an answer.....where did she go??? Hmmmm....Adrian! Come back!
Adrian Baggins
12-30-2003, 06:00 PM
"Um.....I, I don't remember, I just......unh," I said, falling to my kness, a hand pressed on the cut.
"ADRIAN!!" Frodo yelled, kneeling down baside me. " WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER!" he demanded, looking angrily at Kauilani and the others around us.
Lady Arwen56
12-31-2003, 03:30 AM
ooc; Thanks Aewionen. I'm glad i'm loved.
ic; "Back down, boy. We did nothing to her Frodo, I swear on my very immortality as an elf. I do hope it is nothing more then a small black out." Andrith said calmly, slipping to her knees on the ground next to Adrian.
Frodo look franticly around, scanning all of their faces.
"Do not worry, Frodo, she will be fine." Andrith reassured him, all though she even doubted her own words.
12-31-2003, 04:38 PM
O-kay. This is fizzling and dying. I'm not really mad here, but we need to get this story moving, so I'm a little rude here.
Ic: Asmalinde listened to the conversation around her with increasing disbelief. Finally, she kicked one of the metal pots that had been knocked over in the night's confusion and the resulting crash of mithril armour and steel startled everyone into silence.
"I hate to be the one who has to break up this lovely tableau," she said sarcastically, "but in case you hadn't noticed, Lorien is under attack! We have to go, not sit around discussing a bunch of silly hobbits! Now anyone who is a warrior in this sad bunch had better get moving. We have no time to stay at Bree, no time for feeling sorry for Adrian, no time for over-protective brothers, and most certainly No time for introductions and social niceties! Now if any of you would care to take a break from discussing Frodo's heritage and status, could we please get going?!?"
The knight stared angrily around the room. Hobbits I would expect this from, but not elves and men as well!
Adrian Baggins
12-31-2003, 07:04 PM
ooc: :) I wish Adrian wasn't hurt, she'd hurt Frodo 4 bein over protective :)
12-31-2003, 10:37 PM
"So it is..." Reytar whispered to himself quietly, "Come," he said to Kauilani and Kael, "It is time we went to Lorien. I have a feeling the same person is responsible for both attacks." As Reytar headed toward the door, Lani looked back a Adrian and then followed Reytar out the door.
12-31-2003, 11:12 PM
"At last!" When no one else seemed to want to move, Asmalinde turned on her heel and left, her long pale braid twitching with the movement as though in disgust. "I'm finished playing nursemaid to that town of simpletons! Since that girl doesn't want to come and help her mother, I'll go by myself. I'll find the Lady Galadriel whether she is alive or dead. And I'll kill the vampire!"
Her horse wrinkled his nose in agreement, and soon they were off, riding over the wild silent lands with the moon standing cold witness to the blood yet to be spilt.
... Is it too late to join?
01-01-2004, 03:13 AM
Well not in my opinion; the good guys are (supposed to be) heading towards Lórien to save the Lady of the Wood otherwise all will fall to darkness and ruin, blah blah blah, and need for saving the Lady is afflicted by the bad guys, ala me (Vespertilio) and Gilitnalia, dark mistress of the underworld etc... you might be able to be Jeorg, that guy who Vespertilio was torturing; i mean why not join, there's room for more characters...
01-01-2004, 04:58 PM
Oops, mix up. The dude Vespertilio torturing is just some random guy. Jeorg is Asmalinde's brother or lover or fellow knight or something that was taken by the vampire-lady. Now Asmalinde has vowed to kill the vampire and avenge him. I just needed a reason that my character would go running after the vampire with such hatred, or else it doesn't make sense.
... it could be Jeorg, although I don't think he would still be alive... I dunno, just figured you should probably know that before joining so you can decide.
01-01-2004, 11:33 PM
"Hey! You, knight girl. Wait up will ya?" I caught up to her on my horse. "You won't make it very far if you run like this. Your horse shall be exausted."
01-02-2004, 12:39 AM
Ooc: Ok, you're right, Leggy. You are trying to tick my character off! :)
Ic: Asmalinde turned to face the newcomer. "My name is Asmalinde, and he will be fine. I admit that you have a fine horse if you are even able to keep up, but your concerns are groundless." She spoke softly, but the wind carried her words back. "Go ahead and laugh at my name, if you speak elvish. Many do, since I am a knight."
01-02-2004, 07:13 PM
As Kauilani rode to Lorien with her brother and teacher, she thought about something that had not entered her mind for a few years. She thought about her father, his death, and her mother who had left to serve someone with great power. It was only a few weeks ago she had learned her mother had been killed by the one she had served. Lani was not sure who that one may be, and she didn't really care. She had no love for her mother after what she had done to Lani's father. "Lani?" Her brother's voice interupted her thoughts, "are you alright." Kauilani looked at Kael and nodded, "Yeah, I'm fine." Lani shook off the thoughts of her mother and focused on the task ahead.
Gulio, Strength of Many
01-02-2004, 09:11 PM
Hendel followed the grouchy knight lady outside. "Here now, I'm coming too!"
ooc: Sorry about the lame post, tired today. I don't wanna get left behind, though, so I figured I'd better say something:)
01-02-2004, 10:39 PM
"Ah, well I shall not laugh. My horse is the finest of my land, and I am proud of that fact." I smiled slightly. "My name is Aurora, for future referance."
01-03-2004, 04:27 AM
OOC: I assume Hendel, being a dwarf, is not mounted. Is everyone else in the Lorien party mounted? (Asmalinde, Aurora, and Kauliani are. Er, who else is in the party again? :) )
Lorien is under attack? The elven forest? thought Teleri. Whoops, missed that one. Teleri was embarassed, but not many people were left to see her blush.
She followed the dwarf out the door; he went with the Lorien-bound party.
Outside, Nob was waiting for her, eating an apple. He had evidently gathered the needed supplies, and had loaded the pack horse. His own pony was saddled, as well as her mare.
"Sorry to keep you waiting Nob. Let's see if we can travel with the party going to Lorien for a while."
"Safety in numbers," said Nob, "Not that the road is dangerous these days. Or is it?" He glanced at the swiftly retreating, strung out party.
"I don't know, there's strange events afoot. It couldn't hurt to travel with warriors anyway. They'll probably take the Greenway," Teleri said, drawing on her knowledge of local maps. "Lorien's away south I think." She knew less of the wider world.
"Well we had better try to catch up to them," said Nob, "They're in an awful hurry."
Nob and Teleri set off at a good pace, and soon caught up with the dwarf.
"Good day," said Nob.
"Seems were all going the same direction for a while," said Teleri. "How are you going to keep up with your mounted friends?" she asked, indicating the group of knights further ahead.
01-03-2004, 05:22 AM
Ooc: Hey! We aren't retreating! As a knight, I must say that I would never retreat, although strategic withdrawls are ok. :D
Hey Leggy, do you even know what Asmalide means in elvish? It means 'yellow bird, or yellow hammer' in the first elvish that ever existed, sometimes called Primitive elvish.
(In which you are a graisla dess ;) )
Ic: Asmalinde groaned as she looked behind her. Well, I asked for a rescue party, and at last people are coming. she admitted ruefully to herself, But why follow me?
What she said was,"Aurora, daughter of Boreas is your namesake? Well, whatever the history of your aerial name we will discuss it later. The road is long, and Galadriel is in peril. If she perishes, not long will we stand. If Nenya is taken, we will die."
01-03-2004, 06:46 AM
"Is it even so?" asked a smooth voice from behind the company: Vespertilio stood darkly at the entrance of the Green Dragon, a sadistic smirk on her face. One of the company fired an arrow at her; it travelled wispily through her face and into the door of the inn. Vespertilio sighed and rolled her eyes. "Do you really think I would return here – just so the game would be fair?" she asked impatiently: her hair and clothes were lined with smoke, as though a sudden gust of wind would destroy her. "Please. I am servant to the greatest sorceress in the whole of Middle-earth, do you really doubt Her ability of a simple visual projection? But to the point," she said, turning to Asmalinde and smiling sadistically again, "I had not given much thought to the Great Ring; my main objective was to destroy her. I thank you," she turned to Andrith and smiled coldly. "Fare you well; I shall expect your arrival at Lórien no more than a few days after my own; do not disappoint me." She vanished.
Gulio, Strength of Many
01-03-2004, 09:27 PM
ooc: Yep. Hendel has no horse. Hopefully we're just sprinting. He's wasted on cross-country. Dwarves are natural sprinters, you know;)
ic: "Would someone please explain what is going on?!" Hendel exclaimed after the shadowy thing vanished.
01-03-2004, 10:00 PM
I aint dumb! Okay? Mrs. potato sack elf!!
"I dont recall saying daughter of Boreas in my scentence." I said pointedly
01-03-2004, 11:55 PM
Ooc: Well considering it's the most ancient form of elvish, I figured you probably wouldn't really know in real life.
Ic: "True, but Aurora is the daughter of Borealis. She lights the sky in my homeland, our patron goddess. I am simply making conversation on the back of a horse. Forgive me if I am awkward, but I am a little preoccupied with the fact that I just messed up and put the Lady in even more danger than she already was in."
01-04-2004, 01:36 AM
OOC: Well, Hendel must be sprinting to keep up with everyone else that is mounted. I didn't mean "retreat" in the battle sense Kalile, just that you were moving away from my characters. :D
At the appearance of the shadowy being, Nob and Teleri halted their mounts. Nob was white faced, but didn't say anything.
"I... don't know anything more than you do Hendel," stammered Teleri, remembering the Dwarf's name. "In fact, probably less."
01-05-2004, 12:53 AM
Lani rode up to Hendel, "Need a ride?" she said smiling at the dwarf.
Lady Arwen56
01-05-2004, 12:21 PM
ic: *wonders about in the land of confusion* okay.............................................. .................................................. ..................................what.....????? I'm lost....
Gulio, Strength of Many
01-05-2004, 10:08 PM
"Thank you," Hendel said, "A ride would be nice." He mounted the horse, with a bit of help from the kind lady. "What is your name, lass?" He asked her.
"Kauilani" She replied, "But you can call me Lani."
"Well then, Lani, thank you for the ride. I was wondering myself what I would do, if all of you took off." Hendel started when the horse whinnied, "Though I must confess, I am a bit uneasy. Horses and I don't get along well!"
ooc: Sorry 'bout the godmodding, but I had to post something.:)
01-05-2004, 11:44 PM
Aurora Borealis... Running outta ideas?
"Yes, I've heard of that. And I know, but I think that you should've put more thought before you left like that. You didn't bring any food or water. Though fortunetely I did."
01-05-2004, 11:47 PM
Nob and Teleri rode with Lani and Hendel.
01-06-2004, 12:45 AM
Ooc: No, I actually thought it was a rather clever idea! Aurora will be the goddess Asmalinde is devoted to, I think.
Ic: "She is my goddess, so I wonder..." Asmalinde left the thought unfinished as she looked back at her rather sizeable relief party.
"I had rather planned on travelling alone: my horse can run over the passes if need is great like this night, and be in Lorien by morning. There we can have food, though no appetite, and we have to evacuate the wood. It will be easier than you think, considering the fact that most of the elves still left in Middle Earth are more like humans than elves by now, and are out in the world; there are maybe four score elves in Lorien right now."
oi I need to join.... I really need to read the whole thing.
01-06-2004, 01:16 AM
OOC: maybe she lost her memory when she came to Middle-earth or something....
"Yes, well. I hope they can do hte same. That is a rather small amount..."
01-07-2004, 12:14 AM
Ooc: What do you mean, lost her memory? I'm confused...
zone, don't worry. Just join up with us at the wood as someone who saw the cloud and was worried but doesn't know what's happening, or as a warrior called to the Lady's aid by an oath you swore, or as an elf trying to help people escape... there's a whole bunch of people you could be that having metagame knowledge would actually make it harder to stay in character!
01-07-2004, 12:41 AM
Um............. okay, hten maybe she doesn't want her identity revealed???
well then can somebody tell me where is the location of your characters:p
01-07-2004, 08:12 PM
OOC: We're all near the Green Dragon Inn at Bywater, except one or two people who have sped away on their mighty steeds. The evil characters are in Lorien.
There was a man limping down the road, useing his sword to keep him standing. He was covered with blood. It seemed he was in peasent clotheing, ragged with ripps and tears. Although beneath the blood and ripps there were fair markings of higher folk. His hair was silver with a tint of gold, his eyes were crimson and were full of determination and also very grim in a way. His skin was very pale but hard to read since he was covered with blood.
As he was limping, He finally dropped his sword and collapsed. It as if sound had stopped when he fell. He had started to crawl but did not get very far....
01-08-2004, 01:18 AM
Ooc: Leggy, I'm confused. What are you talking about?
Hurrah for the mighty steeds! :D
Ic: Asmalinde's horse saw the figure before she did and stopped, turning his body to block the road. Then the knight saw him, and hesitated. This man was hurt badly, but how many more would die if they did not get to Lorien?
After a moment she decided that he couldn't be left, but she had to reach Lorien soon. She swung down from the saddle and with some difficulty lay him on the saddle. Then she jumped on behind the saddle, holding the wounded man's head up in the crook of one arm and the saddle horn with the other hand. "Let's go!"
"I apologize in advance for any jolts," Asmalinde whispered to the unconscious body, appealing to his sleeping mind.
01-08-2004, 07:21 PM
'But, you are right... My father is named Boreas."
01-09-2004, 09:18 PM
Lani laughed, "Don't worry, Trer shouldn't do anything major while I am on here." she said as the horse whinnied again.
01-10-2004, 01:47 AM
occ: can I join?
Name: Mialil daughter of Glordelin(land elf name) Mililanialia Taliantosnae, thrid princess of the house of the Sea-Dragon(sea-elf name and title)
Nicknames: Mia, Mialil
Race:half sea-elf, half land elf(Rivendell variety)
Sex: Female
Age:about 2000 years old, looks 20
Height: she's short for a landelf, about 5'5.
Weight: thin, about 110.
occupation: Bard
Weapons: bow and arrow, sabre
Items: juggling balls,lute, maps
Clothing *Formal** In sea elf areas a floaty red skirt and a red halter top *** in land elf red silk tunic, brown linen breeches and black boots(for performing at balls and such)
Clothing *Anytime: a white shirt and a bright blue vest with breeches and black boots. She also wears a big black velvet cape with a loud design on the inside lining and a huge hat with a big red feather in it
Description; long black hair, in two loose, low pony tails in the back of her head with braid scattered through that hace shells and beads attached. Tatoos of dolphin leaping on ehr upper arm(her sea-elf family's symbol) and a tatoo of a geometric pattern on her belly( a sign of ehr rank in sea-elf society)
Join We need a couple of more people!... Although I am still practically dead and I can't give out info on my character or it will ruin his story. So right now I am unable to post.
01-10-2004, 09:29 PM
Asmalinde started, trying to support her charge and twist around to stare at her companion. "Aurora is the goddess who I champion. Her father is Boreas, the North wind. It cannot be coincidence that we have met. I wonder what fate has in store for us now..."
01-10-2004, 11:29 PM
"Yes, I wonder... but now we must ride. You passed the test wonderfully Asmalinde." I said with an encouraging smile and lightly tapped the withers on my horse, so she went a little faster."
Gulio, Strength of Many
01-10-2004, 11:53 PM
ooc: Ponies are about as mighty a steed as I can handle, and those are rather tough:)
ic: "Don't worry, Trer shouldn't do anything major while I am on here," Lani said.
"I certianly hope not. Dwarves are not meant for horses...."
ooc: ♪On the road again, I can't wait to get on the raod again♪
Hee hee hee, just figgerd out how to do musical notes ---> ♪♪♪♪!!!!
FUN FUN FUN♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪
♪♪♪♪♪♪▼ Oooo, triangle dealies!!!!
§♪â☻ ↨↓/Ä║•╩:ç├
Okay done now.:)
The injured man started to mumble some words. They were hard to hear but one was louder than the others, It was "Go back..."
Every time he mumbled off some kind of sentence, he cough out a bit of unusual dark blood.
01-11-2004, 12:18 AM
Asmalinde fished in her saddlebag for a polishing cloth and held it under his mouth.
"Go back? We ride to Lorien! We must reach the Lady. She must live through this night!"
"No hope...Ghouls" As he said that blood started to gush out of his neck.
01-11-2004, 12:46 AM
Asmalinde quickly held the cloth tightly against his throat, (ooc: she must have cpr training ;)) biting her lip. "We must reach Galadriel. If she dies, we die with her. I would that I could stop to administer your wounds, but this is bigger than all of us."
ooc: *looks at sig*have you been chasing six fingered men again
"Well don't go to any villages or settlements near lorien. If you do you will be slaughtered but if you do and survive please put those poor cre..souls to"
01-11-2004, 04:01 AM
Ooc: Only some of the time; the rest of the time I squeeze rocks. :p
Ic: "I swear it will be done."
"After we evacuate the wood, I will settle them. Their master's dog and I have some unfinished business."
With her free hand, Asmalinde caressed her sword hilt. It had tasted the vampire's blood before. It would taste her blood again. Oh, what a moment that would be.
I'm ready, Vespirtilo. I will find you.
The sword seemed to sing beneath her hand...
"I highly doubt it, Their multiply everday. Everything they kill turns the thing that was killed into one of them. By now there must be more than an army of them." He started to look more grim."You should of left me"
01-11-2004, 04:05 PM
Mialil rode into the clearing on her horse Calliwen, softly singing a song in sea-elvish. Her hat's feather swaying as the horse walked."Hello." she said when she saw the group that had gatehred.
01-11-2004, 04:15 PM
"Asmalinde, let me help." I knelt down, and placed my hands on the mans neck, ealhai [whohooo for pig latin] The wound healed, and I stood back up. "One of the perks of being a goddess." :)
ooc:I knew leggy would do this
"Don't be a fool... My wound is cursed it does not heal." His neck started to bleed again but this time a bit slower than before. "Its getting dark ... We should make camp."
01-11-2004, 04:26 PM
"At least it helped."
"It did not help... My thoughts control its pressure, But also I am soon to die my blood will leave me soon and I will be no more different than my family... dead."
01-11-2004, 04:42 PM
You just HAVE TO BE MELODRAMATIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Oh, that is a strange kind of wound. What is your name?" I asked as I bound the wound with a cloth." That should slow it a little bit at least."
"It seems I have forgotten to introduce myself, How rude of me. My name is Vian of Merka. Which is near Lorien, My people left lorien long ago and settled down only abit out of the wood. Although I cannot say that I am fully an elf. I also have the blood of man in my blood... But that does not matter now, My blood has been tainted with...wi-" With that he coughed a couple of droplets of blood and started to fall back to sleep.
01-12-2004, 08:59 PM
Ooc: Well, I was riding at full speed throughout most of that conversation... I guess we stopped after zone said we should make camp.
Ok, now you're a goddess, Leggy? Oi, be realistic, child. You can't do everything.
Hey, we've kinda taken over this thread, you know.
Ic: "I do not wish to stop, but if there are undead we need to be prepared. He also should sleep for now. He may be right, and might die of his wounds." Asmalinde heard approaching footsteps, and Ajanalako was out of its sheath before she checked herself.
"What is your business here?" she asked sharply, as it was late in strange woods. A sea elf came into view, singing, and Asmalinde felt chilled.
Gods of water, earth and fire, gods of spirit and of air....
"There are three of us here..." she murmered,"I am air, and she is water, and I think that Vian is be fire..."
ooc: poor Lady Arwen56... she will be so lost. ( yeah I was kinda wondering how leggy was talking to me on the horse)
01-12-2004, 09:11 PM
OOC: I don't have time to play an RPG anymore. :( I'm trying to cut down on my Mooting. Maybe I'll post a few times, hard to resist. :D
Nob and Teleri rode with Lani and Hendel, feeling distinctly out of place. They were riding with warriors and adventurers, useful in dangerous times. Teleri didn't feel she had a place in a quest to save the Lady Galadriel, however much she might want to.
She knew Nob wouldn't want to go, and it wouldn't be right to abandon him. Especially considering that there were dangerous creatures on the road, Nob and Teleri should definitely stick together. They were coming up to where they would turn North for Bree.
"Well, we're coming to where Nob and I turn North for Bree," said Teleri reluctantly. "I wish I could come with you though."
"You would want to go?" said Nob, surprised. "Beggin your pardon, but what would you do? It sounds like there would be fighting, something you don't have any experience at."
"Well there you have it Nob, I wouldn't be any use at all," Teleri replied. "Besides, we should stick together."
Teleri wondered if Lani and Hendel would think she was a coward. She decided it probably didn't matter.
01-13-2004, 10:36 PM
"Nonsense Teleri," Lani said to her, "If you really want to come, I could give you some tips on swordplay. What do you say Hendel? Want to help?"
(I am putting Gulio's post in, she is grounded.)
" I think that it is too bad that I don't have enough time to teach these fine hobbits how to use an axe." Hendel replied, "However, because we are short on time, a sword will have to suffice for now. I'll do what I can to help."
01-13-2004, 11:53 PM
OOC: Who am I kidding, cut down on my Mooting? I should do this thing, but will I? Nooooo. :D
"Really?" said Teleri hopefully. "I do want to come, to help you. I wouldn't want to get in the way. But I'm willing to work hard at swordplay, and I have other useful skills like cooking and woodcraft."
"If you go, don't worry about me going back to Bree," said Nob, "I should be fine."
"Thank you Nob," said Teleri. "I do want to go. The only thing that stopped me was I was afraid I wouldn't be able to help. With Lani's assurance, I definitely want to come."
"Why don't you take extra provisions," said Nob. Teleri gave him the things she didn't need out of her pack, and Nob gave her extra cheese, and dried fruit and meat for the journey.
"I'll tell your parents and Barliman what you're doing," said Nob.
"I'm sure they'll understand. I'm 22, old enough to have an adventure," Teleri said. Nob nodded, and the two friends embraced (somewhat awkwardly, since they were both still mounted).
OOC: I made a mistake last post, Nob actually isn't turning North, but continuing on the East-West road to Bree. I assume we are on this road right now.
Nob continued to ride with the party, for the time being.
"So," said Teleri, "And this is as far as my knowledge of geography extends, will we turn south along the Greenway later, or continue along the East-West road?"
01-16-2004, 01:46 AM
Mialil stepped off ehr horse,"I am Mialil, lady. A bard by profession." she said with a gradious bow, whic looked absolutely ridiculous ocnsidering her hat.
01-19-2004, 07:34 AM
ooc: WHOA…cannot believe how many posts this has gotten and I haven't even noticed.
WooOOOooo go zone, cool character.
Wait a sec…must retain evilness of character…hm…
Vian's a GIRL'S name, lol :rolleyes: :p
ic: Vespertilio sped southward from the Northern Waste, descending into the ruins of Angband in the course of her flight. She shed the bat cast and again took on her anthropomorphic form. She took to the cold, dark chambers and hollows of the fortress, the deepest of which held several legions of demons that had crept from either the Void or from Underworld to breed. There were the forgotten offspring of Ungoliant, and hordes of Orcs; there were demons unlike and not unlike Vespertilio (though not of power equal to hers), and Balrogs and dragons, and wargs and the remaining steeds of the Nazgûl, and yet more fell beasts and unnamed creatures that lingered just beyond the borders of knowledge and thought.
Vespertilio then summoned to her allegiance those demons of lesser power that she deemed of little importance and poor expense, and orcs that rode vicious wargs as steeds. Vespertilio selected for herself a great winged creature once ridden by the Ringwraiths of Sauron; but she took no weapon, that the Orcs had long been forging in the dark underground. But she swung her leg over her mount and raised her hand as a fist, and the pentagram ring on her finger seemed to glow and flicker in the light of the fires of the delving.
At Lórien! she shouted in the foul tongue of the Orcs. At skai lug Glob-hai! Gimb ronk Nazg! Thrakatu nazg Gilitnalia a durbúrz! Krimp duglob ishi bagronk búbhosh ghâsh a búrzum!
Then all the many voices of orcs were raised, and were lifted to the roof of the trembling stronghold; and many blew their crude horns so that they sounded as a gathering storm as the host ascended the passages of the morgoth's citadel and ventured out into the light and south towards the roots of the Misty Mountains.
Ooc:Mammit, I was afraid some one would say that.... I tried so hard to not make it sound like a girl's name(It takes me a looooong time to name characters)
Gulio, Strength of Many
01-19-2004, 01:43 PM
ooc: Yet again, I'm gonna have nightmares about Earloth's character. Scary how you do evil so well......
01-20-2004, 04:22 AM
Originally posted by zone
Ooc:Mammit, I was afraid some one would say that.... I tried so hard to not make it sound like a girl's name(It takes me a looooong time to name characters)
Bwahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!! All tremble before the prowess and perniciousness of my femininity revelations!
but you could turn that into a song, man. its like My Immortal or somethin.
Originally posted by Gulio, Strength of Many
ooc: Yet again, I'm gonna have nightmares about Earloth's character. Scary how you do evil so well......
Bwahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!! All tremble before the prowess and perniciousness of the formidability of prose! what?
Originally posted by Eärloth
Bwahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!! All tremble before the prowess and perniciousness of my femininity revelations!
but you could turn that into a song, man. its like My Immortal or somethin.
Bwahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!! All tremble before the prowess and perniciousness of the formidability of prose! what? ... but you do know Vian is a guy... just with an odd name?(I did not know Vian was actually a real name)
01-22-2004, 12:35 AM
Originally posted by zone
... but you do know Vian is a guy... just with an odd name?(I did not know Vian was actually a real name)
WELL, if you want to be PARTICULAR about it and FOIL my evil plots of...things;)
And its French...but in that case it's actually spelt Vianne, but essentially its the same thing. It has to be, or my evil plots of...things won't hold.
But that is totally pronounce differently
Vian is pronounced Vee-un That would be Vee-an
01-22-2004, 05:18 AM
Only according to English pronunciation...and it's not a name commonly found amongst the English-speaking population. But because it's French it *would* be pronounced Vee-un...have you never seen Chocolat?
meaning:Full of Life
Gulio, Strength of Many
01-23-2004, 02:23 AM
ooc: Well, now that that's all cleared up.......back to the RP?
Yes it seems that we should ... unfortunately(sw) I am unable to post
01-24-2004, 12:08 AM
OOC: That was a post... :confused: Are we gonna play or what? I don't really know what I'm doing enough to initiate action, and I don't want to godmod. I just uh.... forgot to put the ooc
01-24-2004, 12:15 AM
OOC: I mean, you can post on Entmoot. What stops you from posting for your character?
It is not my time to post when my character is resting(I am waiting for either kalile or legoles to post)
01-24-2004, 01:07 AM
ooc: Oh! Ummm... gotcha!
Ic: "A bard." Asmalinde couldn't quite hide her condecension; her people did not consider Bards true magic users, and their (what the serious knights considered) frivolity was unendearing.
01-26-2004, 12:13 AM
"I see knights do not exactly approve of bards." I remarked dryly.
[ooc:nonsense post, but we need to get moving!"
01-30-2004, 08:33 PM
"A wizard?" Mialil said with an obvious sigh in her voice." Despite that it is nice to meet you."
01-30-2004, 09:21 PM
OOC: Attempted graceful bow out. I don't want to play this RPG any more. It's been fun, but now it moves too slowly. I'm going to say cheerio.
Teleri realized even her kind new friends couldn't make her ready to face the evil ahead. She sadly turned for Bree, and soon caught up to Nob. For the rest of her life, she sometimes wondered what adventure might have befallen her. She always reached the conclusion that she would have been slaughtered by the first enemy engaged.
And she lived happily ever after, until the end of her days.
01-31-2004, 01:54 AM
"I am no wizard. I am just a godess[just stating the obvious] Asmalinde is one I have become good friends with."
ooc: People at LVA. I know i may have a high school writing level, but... I'M NOT IN HIGH SCHOOL YET! mammit!
And sorry there are many errors in my writing today!
*dream sequence*
(These dreams are jumbled a different time periods)
Vian had been traveling for about 5 hours. He is a half-elf from a village not far from Lorien. He has Elvish blond hair from his mother's side and Green eyes from his human father. He wore a normal, white, elvish tunic since his own clothing were destroyed in the ruins of his village. Although he did have his fathers gray cape with his emblem on it.
He was heading toward the forest where is Lorien located. He had to warn them of an attack( he figured if his village was attacked then Lorien would be attacked too.)
It was a short journey,all he had to now was get to the top of a hill and the forest would be visible, But when he came to the top of the hill he found out he was too late... to late to save Lorien. He saw the forest in a smokey mist. The trees were as black as coal,and the leaves had all fallen. The leaves were brown and grey mixed with silver.
This damage was not done by fire... but evil itself. Vian could no longer stare at the sight of the horrid forest, but he had to go on. Thought when he tried to get inside the forest he ran into something that seemed invisible but had turned purple when you touched it.
Curses.... I will never get though.... if I had someone powerful enough to break this spell.....This is out of my hands... I should of never of le-....left
Though he almost forgotten about his home, he remembered that he still hadn't won the battle. That there could be more of the evil attacking his village when he was gone. His sister couldn't fend off the creatures, nor his brother who was injured by the captain of the regiment.
Vian figured out that he should of first fought off his own problems before he went to the neighbor's. He had to get back.... to his people....
Everything went blank right then all he could see were two eyes. Eyes with white pupils(meaning the pupils(that are usually black)) staring at him. They were menacing at first but then started to cry... bloody tears....
" Noriku!"
With a flash Vian woke from his dream... His neck bleeding horribly now...
01-31-2004, 08:16 PM
"Look, Lady Miallil, we are in a great hurry. Lorien is under attack, may already have fallen. We can use your help, if you wish to aid in the evacuation of the forest." Asmalinde did not speak aloud the rest of her thought, Or to keep those who are defeated from falling into the hands of this darkness. She had already decided that she would not die a prisoner, nor would the Lady; it seemed cruel, but the alternative was far worse.
"Will you ride with us? Decide now! For we go, perhaps to death."
The wounded Vian moved behind the knight, and she turned to him. Swiftly she placed a new cloth against the wound and lifted him gently; he was so frail and light with weakness that she carried him easily. "I am sorry, but we must go. Now. Try to hold on! I cannot save you, but perhaps the Lady Galadriel can."
"...No use..... The forest is blocked.." Vian mumbled in a scratchy hard to hear voice. He Coughed a bit and reluctantly got a hold of the horse.
02-01-2004, 12:46 AM
I lept onto my horse and waited. "Malil? Are you coming?"
02-04-2004, 07:38 AM
Vespertilio's Company made an encampment upon their entrance of Eregion. She was hungry; but if she drank anything it would have to be Orc blood, and it would not hold in her stomach; it would be transported to the Diamond phial in Gilitnalia's keeping.
You should have finished that boy, Her mistress's voice echoed in her mind. Vespertilio closed her black eyes in grim contentment at the sound of her thought.
Which boy? she replied sullenly.
The last one you fed on before I disabled your ability to feast, Gilitnalia replied matter-of-factly. Vivid images flashed through Vespertilio's mind: her fingers on the broken neck of a foul-tasting human, blood tears running down sullen cheeks from wan eyes. It is your choice in any case, Gilitnalia stated boredly. I like it more when you make them, at any rate. He will Turn soon.
The first mortal's blood was weak, Vespertilio muttered glumly. I was surprised at the latter's; and he has not Turned as yet, which is exceptional.
Not judging on the amount of blood you took; Gilitnalia argued. Little under half; I will have to nurse you, and I am not partial to serving my most supposed independent disciple. Vespertilio felt a slow burn in the pit of her stomach as Gilitnalia poured her blood into the phial; it was painful, but it was filling.
Thankyou, my lady, she said slowly; her hands shook slightly.
If you come across the boy, and he is not Turned, Gilitnalia mused, tell your host not to kill him. I want his blood, if it is so strong as to have lasted this time.
02-04-2004, 11:39 PM
ooc: I'm gonna leave this one. It's going really slow and I'm really lost:D bye
02-05-2004, 10:57 PM
"I'm coming." Mialil said. She climbed on her horse, and began riding after them.
02-20-2004, 12:59 AM
Boing! *not right*
Spriong! *Still not right...*
02-23-2004, 06:45 AM
02-28-2004, 11:38 PM
I'm just loco, no listen to crazy person
02-29-2004, 03:44 AM
Please get back on topic.
05-12-2004, 07:06 AM
...You see how 'getting back on topic' can kill a thread ? My God! Neway I liked this thread and I'm bored now. I was the second-last person to post, so I'm not sure I have much to add - I think we were all heading to Lorien, though...
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