View Full Version : Caribbean Hobbits
03-17-2004, 10:49 PM
Well, you know, since we all love Tolkien and our now famous Pirates of the Caribbean (;) Johnny Depp lover(s)) Well what if, we had hobbits or something fall into the POTC script? ppl can play potc characters or tolkien characters, or both if we don't have enough players!
I'd like to be Jack but i will give the spot up to someone else if i think they are better if not we'll have to have a sword fight! :cool:
03-18-2004, 05:10 AM
Meeeehh whatever i'll be a part of this one...its so unfair, i wanna be a hobbit but i luv Barbossa!!!:evil: NOOOoooooooOOOoo!!!...can i be both?? *puppy eyes* if so, i'll be Barbossa and Estella Bolger/Brandybuck . if not, i'll be...OH GOD, WHY MUST WE MAKE SUCH SELECTIONS???
something bothers me about [i]Pirates tho...i think its that Johnny Depp's been this great actor for years and now he's *famous* cuz he was in a more popular movie:mad: its irritating...
The Complete Code of Black Bart Roberts:
All members of the crew shall take accountable vote upon all matters of importance
All looting shall result in the equal division of booty, to be dealt fairly amongst all members of the crew
Due to grievous threat of ill fortune, no woman is to sail under the emblem of the Jolly Roger
All weapons in the possession of a pirate crew are to be kept in refined condition and cleanliness
No man shall betray or abandon his post in battle
No man shall take unto himself rations, victuals or plunder in addition to that which he has already received
Any member of a pirate crew who is separated from his company due to loitering, shall be left to find his own way
A pirate shall take what he will and offer naught in return
Any ship boarded by a pirate crew shall bear the Jolly Roger flag
Should any adversary activate the right to converse with the captain of any given vessel by pronouncing the shibboleth 'parley', no injury can be inflicted upon them by a pirate crew until such time as this interest has been carried out.
~*~ Should any member of pirate brethren, sworn to serve under his captain in accordance with these principles, in any way breech the pirate code, he shall either be sweated, have body components hewn from his person, or be marooned upon an uninhabited island or islet, having naught to aid him in survival but a single shot and pistol, a small store of powder, and a flagon of water ~*~
okay, so the rules varied from ship to ship, two of the most famous pirates in history were women and a couple of them are uncertain, shuut uuup.
03-18-2004, 05:16 AM
Meeeeeehh ok i'll be a part of this one. its so unfair i wanna be a hobbit but i luv Barbossa!!:evil: NOOoooooOOoooo!!!! could i be both? *puppy eyes* if so, i'll be Estella Bolger/Brandybuck . if not, i'll be...FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, WHY MUST WE MAKE THESE DICISIONS??? will decide at a later...:(
something annoys me about [i]Pirates though: its like Johnny Depp has been this great actor for years and now he's famous because he's in a more popular movie :mad: its irritating...
The Complete Code of Black Bart Roberts:
All members of the crew shall take accountable vote upon all matters of importance
All looting shall result in the equal division of booty, to be dealt fairly amongst all members of the crew
Due to grievous threat of ill fortune, no woman is to sail under the emblem of the Jolly Roger
All weapons in the possession of a pirate crew are to be kept in refined condition and cleanliness
No man shall betray or abandon his post in battle
No man shall take unto himself rations or plunder in addition to that which he has already received
Any member of a pirate crew who is separated from his company due to loitering, shall be left to find his own way
A pirate shall take what he will and offer naught in return
Any ship boarded by a pirate crew shall bear the Jolly Roger flag
Should any adversary activate the right to converse with the captain of any particular vessel by pronouncing the shibboleth 'parley', no injury can be inflicted upon them by a pirate crew until such time as this interest has been carried out
~*~ Should any member of pirate brethren, sworn to serve under his captain in accordance with these principles, in any way breech the pirate code, he shall either be sweated, have body components hewn from his person, or be marooned upon an uninhabited island or islet, having naught to aid him in survival but a single shot and pistol, a small store of powder, and a flagon of water ~*~
okay so the rules varied on different ships, two of the most famous pirates in history were women and a couple of them are uncertain, shuut uuup.
03-18-2004, 09:33 AM
What's with the double post, Earloth?
Okay, I'll join!!
Is it a-okay if I'm a human or an Elf and not a hobbit?
Also, Earloth, that's not the Pirate's Code I know!! And I should know, I did a school project on pirates of the Caribbean. And I'm so glad it's done now!! *skips away laughing madly.* *ahem* *comes back amid stares*
Here is mine:
03-20-2004, 07:45 AM
i didnt mean to double-post! and the link you put in urs just got me a 'this page cannot be displayed message'...and i said that a couple of them were shifty! Where'd u get the info for urs, tho? i got about 6 from that pirate expert on the collectors' edition of the pirates of the carribean dvd...meh
03-22-2004, 09:55 PM
Yes, you can defintly be two characters, might be easier than trying to get the needed amount of people. Sorry i can't help you out with the pirates code thing, don't really know it, but i want it, *goes and copies it, with shifty eyes* anyhow, oh yes, you can also be an elf if you wish, it was just easier to say hobbits than any middle earth creature, lol, hey i wouldn't complain if someone wanted to be an orc!
03-23-2004, 07:35 PM
I want to join please. I will be an orc or something. I love pirates. But a warning to all you who cross Barbosa, he's mine.
Sorry. I will be a good orc shipmate to resist the whole Barbosa temptation thing. I think he should be the captian anyway.
Yay pirates.
Gulio, Strength of Many
03-23-2004, 09:57 PM
:eek: MUST BE TEL!!!!!!!!!!!!! Pweeeeese? He is a Sea-Elf, but not really all that Elven, if you think about it. I can be Will too.....:evil:
03-23-2004, 10:43 PM
Originally posted by Katt_knome_hobbit
I want to join please. I will be an orc or something. I love pirates. But a warning to all you who cross Barbosa, he's mine.
Sorry. I will be a good orc shipmate to resist the whole Barbosa temptation thing. I think he should be the captian anyway.
Yay pirates.
Wait, wait, wait...are you an orc or Barbossa (i already claimed him! mine! *gollum*...<<-- you see the devotion???:p ;) :D ) or both?:confused: I'm so confused.
Bugger it, I'm always confused.
03-24-2004, 02:37 PM
I am an orc so I won't jump on Barbosa
Katt_knome_hobbit = ORC!
and random other orcs that need controling.
My major charactor is Skaiuk the Hated. I control other nameless orcs. Yay for me.
03-24-2004, 10:36 PM
Yay for Katt_knome_hobbit!
Gulio, Strength of Many
03-30-2004, 09:42 PM
Wait, decided that I won't be Tel. I'll spare you the insanity:) I'll be a Hobbit named Tasselhoff Proudfoot, and the 'lovely' Will Turner:evil:
03-31-2004, 07:03 PM
Skaiuk: First thing we do is throw Will overboard!
Orcs: YAY!
Gulio, Strength of Many
03-31-2004, 08:52 PM
Will: :eek: You can't throw ME overboard! I'm too pretty:)
03-31-2004, 09:07 PM
Orcs: Yar!
*Orcs pick up Will*
Barbosa: Not so fast lads! You'll not be hurtin' anyone under the protection of parrlay.
Skaiuk: When did 'e say "parlay"?
Will: I say it now! Parlay! Parlay!
Barbosa: Well, put him down!
Orcs: *grumble*
04-05-2004, 11:04 PM
Daisaleen: *falling out of sky onto the Black Pearl* "And who might you men be? Friend, or Foe," either way drawing my sword. Suddenly as i got up off by butt i noticed that i was a lot taller than these people or were they hobbits? What kind of portal had i fell from. And was there orcs here. "And see here, why are you fighting amoung yourselves." And who the hell were those two hot guys?
Jack: Well i'm Captain Jack Sparrow, and you have seemed to have help used into the opportune moment. *slipping loose from bound knots and freeing Will. Tumbling into the ocean*
ooc: no Elizabeth yet?
Gulio, Strength of Many
04-06-2004, 12:18 AM
Will: *Swims to the surface* JACK! WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?! Salt water is terrible for my skin! It's not easy having a flawless complexion, you know!
04-07-2004, 11:19 PM
"Well would you rather be back with the pirates! wait I AM a pirate, well then it was either this or death!"
Gulio, Strength of Many
04-07-2004, 11:31 PM
Will: "That depends . . . . would dying destroy my complexion?"
Jack: "Most likely."
Will: "Then I guess I'll just have to make do. Does that island over there have and avacados growing on it, by chance?"
04-15-2004, 05:38 PM
"Where am i? And who are you two? And who was on that black sailed boat?" Dasaileen said, trying to figure out how she had gone so quickly from a boat to the water. "and yes, by my eyes that island has avacados! Can't you see?!"
"Only if your a bird, darling." Jack replied.
Gulio, Strength of Many
04-15-2004, 10:17 PM
ooc: So fun. Enter Tasslehoff Proudfoot :)
ic: "There are avacados there? I'm saved! Hurry, let's go!" Will exclaimed, very relieved. The avacados would negate the nasty effects of the sea-salt, and restore his flawless complexion to it's normal soft luster.
Meanwhile, in Hobbiton . . .
A terrified (I can't spell today, forgive me!) shriek peirced the normally still atmosphere of Hobbiton. A frightened Hobbit, the source of the unearthly scream, tore through the muddy streets. He dared not glance back at his pursuer, for fear that he would be frozen in terror. He kept running, but heard his pursuer closing in on him.
Desperate, he turned blindly around a sharp corner. He ducked under a low-hanging beam, one that would certianly slow his pursuer, who was much taller than he.
He ran until he couldn't run any more, and found himself next to the Water, almost at the edge of Hobbiton.
"TASSLEHOFF PROUDFOOT!" was all he heard before he began running again, though much more slowly. He glanced behind him, just once, and saw the scariest thing he had ever seen in his life.
But that one glance was all it took. The weakened and frightened Hobbit slipped on the muddy ground, and tumbled into the Water.
Back in the Carribean
Will was just finishing up his lecture on how avacados help the skin tremendously, when something grabbed his ankle. He emitted a yelp of surprise, and was pulled under. He fought whatever it was off, and came back to the surface. He looked down into the pristine water, and saw what looked like a small child struggling in the water.
ooc: Wow, that is one of the longest posts I've ever done before. Go me! :)
04-16-2004, 11:16 PM
As Will pulled something out of the water, i noticed what it was and jumped to my feet in a shriek.
"What in blazes are you screaming about, woman?!" Jack yelled at me.
"It's a hobbit, from the shire! How did he get here! Hobbits have no source of magic!"
"First of all there is no such thing as magic missy, and second of all that looks like a child to me."
"No, no, no it's a hobbit defintly a hobbit, poor thing. But how..." I went on to ponder as Jack looked at me as if i was crazy.
Gulio, Strength of Many
04-17-2004, 04:53 PM
ooc: Are we near shore? Oh well, if we're not then I'll edit:)
ic: Tasslehoff was set down on the warm sand, very grateful to be on solid ground. He was still more then slightly scared, which wasn't surprising, considering what had just happened. "I'm Tasslehoff Proudfoot, a Hobbit of the Shire, like she says."
"And where is this Shire?" Will asked.
"I don't rightly know how to get to it," Tasslehoff said, "Because I've never been out of it." He looked around the strange place. "Except for now, it would seem."
"How did you get here?" the lady asked him.
"Well, I was running for my very life. Gandalf was going to kill me, I'm sure of it. The way he bellowed! I've never seen anyone that angry before," He took a few steadying breaths to calm down. "Anyways, I was running next to the Water, and I slipped, and fell in. And then I reached out to grab anything I could - we Hobbits can't swim, you know - and I ended up grabbing his ankle," he pointed to Will.
04-18-2004, 11:46 PM
ooc: yes we are on an island.
ic: "Gandalf! What did you do?!" I asked raising my sword. Anyone who could anger Gandalf that much, must be of bad news, i thought.
"Now, now missy there's no reason to be so hasty!" Jack said putting himself between me and the hobbit.
Gulio, Strength of Many
04-20-2004, 11:01 PM
ooc: Hroom hoom, must not be hasty. :)
ic: "D-do?" Tasslehoff asked, panic rising at the sight of the angry lady threatening his with a sword.
Thankfully, the strange-looking guy jumped in, and kept the Hobbit from having to sew any limbs back on.
"I didn't do anything!" Tasslehoff said, "I found this sparkly little-" He stopped, and dug through his pockets. He breathed a sigh of relief when his fingers clapsed around the object he had discovered. "This little something," he finshed. "But then Gandalf wanted it, said 'it wasn't something a mischevious Hobbit should have'. Mischevious? Bah!" He paused. "Okay, maybe just a little bit, but not a lot. Anyways, I asked him what it was, and he wouldn't tell me. He just looked at me funny, and told me to hand it over. I figured that he was just jealous that I had found something that he hadn't. So I took off, and he chased me. Got all angry, and started shouting."
"Did it ever cross your mind that the thing might have belonged to him?" Will asked.
Tasslehoff thought about that for a moment, "No."
04-29-2004, 11:53 PM
woah, i have not posted in so long
this'll be short, but to the point
ic: Estella was wading through ankle-deep water on the bank of the Brandywine; across the river she saw a strange sight: a hobbit was fleeing from a large fiery figure she barely recognised as Gandalf; he seemed taller, vicious and terrible to see. She cast herself behind a growth of reeds, the tips of her sun-yellow hair in the clear water. Her eyes widened: the hobbit had vanished suddenly; it was as he had sunk into the river, but at that point it was too shallow to have encased his whole body. Gandalf cursed, and suddenly looked up into Estella's eyes. Within the time it took the hobbit to blink, Gandalf was across the River and standing by her.
"Estella Bolger, do you know that hobbit?" he asked gently.
"Tasslehoff Proudfoot, Gandalf?" Estella stuttered. "Yes…"
"He is in possession of something of great value – I need you to try and recover it. You are already related to him distantly by blood; in this it will be easier for you to follow him. Are you willing to help me?"
Estella nodded uncertainly. Gandalf touched her on the forehead gingerly with his staff and she closed her eyes; when she opened them again she was on the beach of an island, nowhere near she had ever seen before. She was dry now, and her yellow dress and blue vest had been replaced with brown breeches, a long shirt and a short sword. In the distance she could see two humans and her kinsman; she did not think they had sighted her as yet. She slowly began to make her way towards them.
Gulio, Strength of Many
05-04-2004, 10:26 PM
Tasslehoff was in the middle of reciting his entire family history (including all his distant relations), when he happened to spot one of those distant relatons walking towards them on the beach.
"Estella!" he cried, once the Hobbit came close enough for him to recognize her. "What are you doing here?"
05-08-2004, 08:21 AM
ooc: Aiya, I actually just forgot my own character's name -- she's estella, not esmerelda, my god... dw bout that; i changed it, but bugger to anyone else having to
ic: Estella froze, taken aback, staring fixedly at her cousin. "I'm – nothing," was all she could retrieve from the scattered thoughts in her mind. She was not certain, considering the way he had fled from Gandalf, that Tasslehoff would so gladly relinquish whatever it was he had. "I've no idea – what are you doing here?" she asked, staring at each of the characters before her in turn.
05-08-2004, 10:21 PM
"well," Jack sighed, "I live in the Caribbean well on it i should say I'm CAPTAIN Jack sparrow, you've probably heard of me...." trails on to talk about himself.
"And i have no idea how i got here!" said Daisaleen.
Gulio, Strength of Many
05-09-2004, 01:04 AM
ooc: It wouldn't take something like that to make ME run from Gandalf. He's scary! :eek: And don't worry 'bout it, Earloth. I've forgotten my character's name so many times . . . :)
ic: "I am Will Turner," Will said, rather befuddled at the sudden appearance of another 'Hobbit', as Daisaleen called them.
"I don't know what I'm doing here," Tasslehoff replied. "One minute I was running for my life, the next - POOF! - I'm here."
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