View Full Version : Any intrest in an adventure RPG? (LLL discussion part I)
07-30-2007, 04:52 PM
Having been in several memorable RPG adventures and kind of missing those days, I've been working myself up to starting and leading an RPG on my own. But I'd like to check first if anyone is even interested in joining. There'd be little point in it otherwise, eh?
The basic idea:
The basic idea is this: The game will take place in the fourth age, after the ringbearers have left. All characters had had some past acquintance with Gandalf and now they receive a final request from our dear grey wanderer: to seek out Radagast and aid him in a quest, a quest to discover what happened to the Entwives and whether any are left today.
What is intended:
I intend to take the game unto rather infrequently-travelled paths in Middle-earth, to give players a chance to write something more than only battles but yet at times pitch them against some enemies a little more different than common orcs, add some whiffs of humour, and if I can pull it off the way I intend to: there may even be a real mystery for you to solve.
You could see the game as a cross between a collective writing-effort and an old-fashioned RPG with a game master, except without the dice. I'm working on some possible scenarios but input and ideas from players during the game may definitely lead it to places even unknown to me.
What to expect:
Characters do not have to be experts in warfare at all, all that is required is a bare minimum of self-defense and sense for adventure. All races are open for grabs, as long as the characters stay plausible. (One or two Ents would definitely be nice.)
No previous experience is required, I think I'll be able to get everyone well integrated. If it does get started, I would very much also see it through till the end, so be advised that this RPG may take over a year to play. (Usually this is no problem for most players if their interest in the game can be kept. So don't be too daunted by this.) And rest assured, the game would not require daily or weeky, long posts from players. We should be able to deal with certain absenses and long pauzes.
Okay, so, when?
When and if enough players can be found, the game could start somewhere in september-october since I think that period is easier for most people. (The scenarios need a little bit more of plotting too.) Dates are not fixed in stone.
There, I think I have addressed the most important points. Feel free to ask if there is anything not yet clear.
Frankly, the entire upset will be a big challenge for me as well, but I'm kind of looking forward to it. :)
07-30-2007, 07:53 PM
I'd be game. I've never done much RPG, but I like the concept. :D
The Gaffer
07-31-2007, 03:52 AM
Same here.
How does it work: do you set out a scenario and unfold it for us like a DM in D&D or do we all muck in and create the story as we go along?
07-31-2007, 10:37 AM
I'm in. This sounds like a ton of fun.
07-31-2007, 06:33 PM
I like the troupe so far - reminds me of that Bergman film where some Swedish Knight plays Chess with Death, amidst the ruination of the Pox or Black death - or some other ten-a-penny - middle-age Plague.
...thou pestilence ridden flea pit of a cowardly knave! i know that can apply to many here ... :D - but just for clarity - that's to BJ
07-31-2007, 06:35 PM
Same here.
How does it work: do you set out a scenario and unfold it for us like a DM in D&D or do we all muck in and create the story as we go along?
depends if our good Belguim friend let's me play or not ...
generally - you just play!
Shame i missed you in Edinburgh - had a great time!
07-31-2007, 06:40 PM
beware of people that post three times in a row.
They tend to play rpgs!
Question - how strictly will it be Gm'd?
Also - is it to be a small but friendly and high quality team or mass-invite?
I like very much all of the above - and feel it could be a very fun, easy-going and notable venture.
Best, BB
**edit** - 'The seventh seal'
The Gaffer
07-31-2007, 06:50 PM
I like the troupe so far - reminds me of that Bergman film where some Swedish Knight plays Chess with Death, amidst the ruination of the Pox or Black death - or some other ten-a-penny - middle-age Plague.
Steve Bell's beat ya to it:
PM me a bit more in advance next time you're up and maybe I can join in. Don't get out much these days :(
08-01-2007, 09:00 AM
Oh dear, that was quick. If I managed to entice the likes of BJ and The Gaffer (whom I don't think I've ever seen in the RPG forum yet) I better make sure I also deliver. *slight panic attack*
How does it work: do you set out a scenario and unfold it for us like a DM in D&D or do we all muck in and create the story as we go along?
Well, there is a scenario with certain places and events that I planned that the players won't know entirely beforehand. But if other people come up with a bright idea that I think could be better or just plainly more fun, I might run with that. I'd like to keep taps on in which direction the game goes, but I don't plan on being a dictator. Most of the time it'll be just seeing what works, mucking about included. If people would like more say in the story-line, I'm sure things can be worked out. In the few years I've moderated the RPG board I've seen very different approaches to RPG from different people, so as this is the first game I run, it'll be a bit experimental in the beginning, I fear.
I suppose the safest way is to say it will start with me in the lead and we'll see where it gets us.
depends if our good Belguim friend let's me play or not ...
Depends if is there any reason why I shouldn't.
Question - how strictly will it be Gm'd?
Not too strickly I hope. In the best case I only have to nudge things a bit in certain directions and introduce new elements.
Also - is it to be a small but friendly and high quality team or mass-invite?The game is open to everyone, provided they don't jump in without warning. In my experience on the 'moot between 5-8 players are needed to kick off a healthy RPG. I'm sure new people can always be worked in after the start, if or when they show up.
Beren One-Hand
08-01-2007, 09:09 AM
I'm in.
Sounds great, but I probably won't be able to be a frequent poster.
08-01-2007, 11:21 AM
I think I'll join in, but somebody's gotta tell me that it's starting when it's starting.
I don't look around the RPG forum much, or realy at all -save looking for a few favorites-.
08-01-2007, 11:43 AM
I am SO IN. O.o
I think I'll join in, but somebody's gotta tell me that it's starting when it's starting.
I don't look around the RPG forum much, or realy at all -save looking for a few favorites-.
... yeeeah. Or you could check the forum... or, you know, subscribe to the thread so that you get e-mail updates. :p
08-01-2007, 04:15 PM
Granted one checks their e-mails :P
08-01-2007, 05:58 PM
...and have the email function enabled in the first place. :D
But I'll give you a yell when we do start, Me9996.
Thanks everyone for taking an interest in this game. :)
08-01-2007, 06:07 PM
You're welcome, and thank you for going to tell me when it starts :D
The last sane person
08-05-2007, 02:07 AM
Sounds fine to me, if you'll have me.
08-05-2007, 03:37 AM
You are more than welcome, sane.
08-11-2007, 01:02 AM
I am new to entmoot, but i am really looking forward to being in this rpg if you will take me as well. ?
08-13-2007, 07:37 AM
Greetings. I shall sign up, as well. Why not? Check out my profile thread and inform me if any of them would be suitable. ---> Or mayhaps I shall merely toss a few names in a hat to decide. Any other R. P. G. type things looking for people, at the moment? I haven't bumped into any.
08-14-2007, 06:59 AM
You are both welcome. :)
I know of no game that is actively looking for players right now. I believe there are three other games still active: War of the Ring, The Army of Shadow and Entmoot I: national emergency. You can check those out, or start one of your own.
08-14-2007, 10:27 AM
War of the Ring is acually still looking for people to play Fellowship members and you can still pop in with a character of your own making.
08-17-2007, 08:55 PM
Would you like me to post a character profile now or later?
08-18-2007, 05:46 AM
That's up to you, but we won't be starting just yet.
The Gaffer
09-04-2007, 12:27 PM
Any idea when? (No rush) :D
09-04-2007, 01:35 PM
I've been unexpectedly swamped with work, well, that is, the work was not unexpected, but the amount and duration was. So to stay on the safe side I'm thinking last week of september at the earliest for a decent start. Will that work for everybody?
09-28-2007, 04:06 PM
Yeeeessssss! I am so ready! :D
09-28-2007, 05:03 PM
I have no problems with that timeframe :)
(Looks at clock in corner of computer screen)
09-29-2007, 12:19 PM
Great with me. I might start being swamped at work starting late November, but I'll be on as much as I can. Retail sucks during the Holidays :p
09-29-2007, 06:48 PM
Yes, I'm sorry for my terrible delaying, you can read in the venting thread why. But now that's out of the way, we'll get this thing on the road. :) The opening post just needs a bit pulling together, and will be posted somewhere next week.
09-30-2007, 06:40 PM
*waits patently*
10-03-2007, 12:38 PM
I'd like to join if that's okay, but I'd have to join late because I'll be away from my computer from October 11-16. Is that okay?
10-03-2007, 09:56 PM
I would like to join in as well. The ideas of this RPG sound very interesting. I know I've not posted much here yet and I'm still sort of a "newbie" but this is something that looks like it would definitely work well. :)
<- Edited by Ingwe for not-so-happy content ->
Willow Oran
10-06-2007, 05:56 PM
Naw. Threads in this forum just take long naps.
I may or may not join in. Am waiting for it to start first.
*goes back to lurking*
10-07-2007, 02:04 AM
I guess it's like that in a lot of places. Yeah my site is pretty much like that, except to a larger extent LoL.
I was kinda messed up a couple of days ago and I should probably edit my last post because it's kinda not happy. :D
10-07-2007, 06:51 PM
There, I have posted the opening post (after turning half my desk upside down to find my notes :rolleyes: ) in the thread Long Lost Leaves (
You may now post your character's profile here, give us a bit of info on your character's personality, looks and skill. Doesn't have to be long or detailed, just a basic idea will do. As I said earlier your characters do not have to be expert warriors, a minimum of self-defense will do. Best not to over-power them. All races are allowed, as long as the characters stay plausible. One or two Ents would definitely be nice. Whatever history you want your character to have had with Gandalf is entirely up to you. You may also play more than one character if you think you can handle it.
I will take care of Radagast and an Ent if no one chooses to play one.
If you don't have a clue how to start, I'd suggest a post in which your character either receives Gandalf's letter or arrives at Rhosgobel. :)
I'd like to join if that's okay, but I'd have to join late because I'll be away from my computer from October 11-16. Is that okay?
I don't think that will be much of a problem. It will take a while to round everybody up anyway. Welcome. :)
I would like to join in as well. The ideas of this RPG sound very interesting. I know I've not posted much here yet and I'm still sort of a "newbie" but this is something that looks like it would definitely work well. :)
Welcome to the team too. :)
10-08-2007, 02:38 AM
Game sounds fun :D but i was just wondering what kind of things are we allowed to play apart from ents and warriors and such would we be able to play sorcerers, necromancers etc?
10-08-2007, 11:52 AM
So I'd put my character's profile here?
Okay... (Or maybe "Oaky"? :p )
Name: Ferrin
Gender and speases: Male, presumably a very old human.
More stuff: Ferrin is an ancheint warrior who has been liveing in the misty mountens as a hermet for longer than most remember.
While liveing as a hermet has gained him some magical power he still (Distpite old age) prefers to fight with a two-handed sword of unknown material.
And he's very good at it!
10-08-2007, 12:15 PM
Name: Aelfwine
Race: Human
Age: 18
Appearance: Aelfwine has long blond har that reaches her mid back. She is usually in split skits to making riding easier. She wears her quiver on her back
Weapons: a belt knife, bow and quiver and her hands and wit
History: Aelfwine is the daughter if a Rider of Rohan. Her mother died giving birth to her youngest brother, leaving her father to raise three children. Aelfwine was forced to grow up faster then she was intended, helping her father with her brother and sister. She learned the bow but used it mostly for hunting. On one of her hunting trips, she met Gandalf. Gandalf soon became her friend. He came often to visit Theoden and he usually took time to visit her. The last time she saw him, he warned Aelfwine of the events to come, telling her to flee to Helm's Deep and to not hestitate. Soon after her father was called to ride with the King's son. Her father was killed trying to protect him. When the Wild Men attacked her village, she fled with her siblings to Helm's Deep as she was told by Gandalf. She was there for some time before the King himself arrived. There she met Aragon. She was surprised that he was a good friend of Gandalf. From him, Aelfwine learned Gandalf would join them. The call soon came for every able bodied man to fight. Aelfwine volenteered to be an archer, but Theoden refused.
In the years since the battle of Helm's Deep and the end of the War of the Ring, Aelfwine has only seen Gandalf twice.
The last sane person
10-08-2007, 12:29 PM
Woot, it started! I have to think on a character bio, but i'll hop in soon enough.
10-08-2007, 01:33 PM
Game sounds fun :D but i was just wondering what kind of things are we allowed to play apart from ents and warriors and such would we be able to play sorcerers, necromancers etc?
Considering that there were only an established limited number of wizards and seen as necromancers would be considered enemies, I would prefer the characters to be limited in magic, nothing beyond the skill of their race, or only possessing a few very specific tricks. There are plenty of races available with unique or special skills. But if you absolutely insist to play some magical non-canon character, I suppose we can work it out, but my personal preference is different.
Name: Aiwendil
A not very rohirric sounding name, it also happens to be Radagast's own old name. :p So maybe something different? Although it could provide some entertainment. "Aiwendil, nice name," said Radagast, "although it sounds oddly familiar..."
Willow Oran
10-08-2007, 04:58 PM
*sneaks in* ;)
Name: Haldis
Age: 30ish
Marital Status: Widow
Appearance: Dressed practically for her environment. Frizzy, auburn hair, square jaw, medium height and build verging on being describable as 'big-boned'. Definite freckles and indeterminably colored eyes.
Bio: A neighbor of Radagast's and one of the Beornings. Lives alone, but with a steady stream of visitors. Wields a mean breadknife, is reasonably competent with various remedies to common ailments/injuries and makes excellent honey-cakes. Good with bees. A witch, therefore, by some defenitions.
10-08-2007, 05:13 PM
Hey, seeing as how I've never ever done anything like this before, could someone kind-of guide me on what kind of character is needed?
The Gaffer
10-08-2007, 06:04 PM
Yeah, and what sort of dividing line do you see between this thread and the RPG thread. Is everything, for example, on the other thread supposed to be "in role"?
10-08-2007, 07:17 PM
Hey, seeing as how I've never ever done anything like this before, could someone kind-of guide me on what kind of character is needed?
Well, what sort of character appeals to you? You've got Elves, with their tricks of walking on snow, sharp sense and a fair bit of sneaking or healing abilities. You've got Dwarves, with excellent stamina and a good feeling for caves. Hobbits are often fun to play and they're pretty resiliant for what they lack in physical power. Beornings with the added nifty bit of going bear when they want to (usually a personal favourite). Rohirrim with horses, like Acalewia is playing. Just plain Men is sometimes equally refreshing. Even a Southron from Harad would be a possibility. For starting, I would suggest a character that you'd feel comfortable playing.
Yeah, and what sort of dividing line do you see between this thread and the RPG thread. Is everything, for example, on the other thread supposed to be "in role"?
I suppose I've gotten into a habit of playing with two threads where one 'game thread' is reserved only for writing events in the game, so yes, you could say that one's 'in role'. And the second 'discussion thread' (that would be this one) is reserved for any discussion about the game, such as character descriptions, questions, plot discussions, comments, newcomer introductions or announcements of longer absenses, and related things. I found it keeps things straightforward and makes the game thread far more readable later on.
10-08-2007, 07:23 PM
Well, what sort of character appeals to you? You've got Elves, with their tricks of walking on snow, sharp sense and a fair bit of sneaking or healing abilities. You've got Dwarves, with excellent stamina and a good feeling for caves. Hobbits are often fun to play and they're pretty resiliant for what they lack in physical power. Beornings with the added nifty bit of going bear when they want to (usually a personal favourite). Rohirrim with horses, like Acalewia is playing. Just plain Men is sometimes equally refreshing. Even a Southron from Harad would be a possibility. For starting, I would suggest a character that you'd feel comfortable playing.
Alright, sounds easy enough. I'll post a bio later, when I come up with one.
10-08-2007, 10:42 PM
Here are three. Should be all kinds of fun. Tell me if there is a problem with any of them. The only one that I can see is that Blossomshade's history might not work well with whatever plans were made for what happened to those Ent people. But then, mayhaps a giant eagle character would be unwelcome. I don't know. Also, yes, Yay for Beornings! :D
Name: Truor Tupnm
Race/Sex: Beorning/Male
Appearance: short (about five feet), long black hair, green eyes, not the handsomest dude you've ever seen, wears hodge-podge armour and a helmet, he also has a superly cool and large and silver shield with a golden bear embossed on it
Weapons: crossbow, throwing knives, poison dart blower, badly made and clublike sword (for the few times he'd be anywhere near the enemy)
Personality: stubborn, loyal, lover of lost causes, but will do much to be on the side that wins, hates elves, open-minded to pretty much anything else, curious, hates responsibility, thinks of himself first, then the other Beornings, then whoever he's with at the time
History: he was superly bored with the Vale of Anduin and left to explore, he learned all kinds of things about all kinds of races (some Dwarves, Lossoth, corsairs of Umbar, and Woses) then he *heroic music in the background* became the king of the Vale of Anduin when he got back home after his dad died. He didn't like the job and gave it to his younger brother Tilit a while ago.
Other: has a best friend of a horse named Anthrax, a sidekick of a raven named Shadowflaps, and an annoying follower of a compulsive liar of a giant eagle named Knockondor
__________________________________________________ _________
Name: Knockondor
Race/Sex: one of those giant eagle thingys/Male
Appearance: picture a really really big one of those African fish eagles, sometimes his feathers look a little out of order, but that's just because he's trying to hide little trinkets he steals, he's short for a giant eagle (around ten or eleven feet tall). I found a place with a picture of an African fish eagle, but it's only for the people who can't picture him already. Why not? I had
only seen the adult before, but now I picture Knockondor as one of the younger ones. Crazy looking.
Weapons: Well, since it'd be pretty impractical to be a giant eagle hopping around on one foot and holding a sword or something in the other, I'll just say his talons and beak.
History: born in those big mountains in Valinor, left when that crazy sinking of Numenor thing was going on, couldn't find his way back afterwards, he ended up getting adopted by a family of scout type giant eagles in the Misty Mountains, he was a huge Outcast there, but most accepted him anyways, he was captured by Orcs and was saved by Truor and comes back to stay with Truor a lot, trying to repay him in usually not very helpful ways, also, after finding an Entwife, he thinks that he's doing something noble by uselessly looking for any Ent to set her up with.
Personality: a compulsive and not very successful liar, superly low self esteem, annoying most of the time, but impressive to people who actually believe him, he's a coward, but loves to attack and eat Orcs, very forgetful and not able to tell most races apart, but then, lots of his eccentricities are there just to get attention, he may seem unintelligent and full of unnecessary quirks most of the time, but I found out that he actually knows what he's doing.
__________________________________________________ ___________
Name: Blossomshade
Race/Sex: Ent type thing/Female
Appearance: magnolia type of tree looking Ent lady, creepy and superly deep green eyes. What else can you say? I wouldn't know how tall the lady is. You know what an Ent looks like, I hope. Nine toes and fingers, as far as I know.
Weapons: just her arms and legs, I guess. I'd be afraid. Hm. Maybe she can hold a couple of huge claymores achingly easily? Nah. Too scary.
Personality: very unique and proud of it, anti-social unless it's with someone she thinks is interesting, has a morbid sense of humor, as in, she enjoys munching on birds that perch on her and planting weeds next to flowers that Entwives planted, things like that
History: born in Fangorn as one of the later Entings, she thought of having to leave with the Entwives as a punishment since Fangorn was nice and dark and comfy, when they finally nodded off, she headed back and ran into Knockondor, who seems to think that he finally found something noble to do in trying to find some nice trees for her to fit in with
10-08-2007, 11:44 PM
Name:Hedrim Valdaes
Race/gender:human, male
Appearance:Very respectable with slicked black hair a atheltic physique and clean shaven rather tall about 6ft 2" and broad shoulders, black armour with a gold trim a long silk gold robe and a helmet incrested with jewels and diamonds. He has a jet black armoured horse that is armoured with the finest of metal, he has a long 2 handed claymore with jewels incrested into the hilt and the blade made out of diamond which has been cut by a powerful wizard.
Bio:Hedrim is a powerful lord in the north. He rules over a powerful army and is a great stratigist and loves the aspect of warfare, he has fought in many great battles and leads his soldiers to victory, his diamond sword was cut by a powerful wizard some say gandalf himself, but there are many rumours.
The Gaffer
10-09-2007, 04:03 AM
sidekick of a raven named Shadowflaps
10-09-2007, 04:23 AM
WOW!! Hell yeah, I wanna sign up, although it might be not-too-frequent that I'd be able to submit entries. Can I be Viniglaen again? Or someone along her lines, no pun intended? This sounds like an awesome RPG idea, Earniel, and plus I love the wizards so much, 'specially Gandalf. I would love to be a part of this.
10-09-2007, 12:13 PM
A not very rohirric sounding name, it also happens to be Radagast's own old name. :p So maybe something different? Although it could provide some entertainment. "Aiwendil, nice name," said Radagast, "although it sounds oddly familiar..."
Oops :o Didn't realize that. Silly me. I'll change that name.
10-09-2007, 05:06 PM
Name: Ingwionis (Ingwe the Third) Gonamar
Race: Quendi (Elves)
Order: Half-Vanyarin / Half-Telerin
Appearance: Light brown hair, quite thin but athletic. Wears dark blue and black. His eyes are grey/blue and he is often hooded to conceal himself from others as he's become somewhat anti-social and paranoid throughout the years of sorrow he spent in Middle Earth.
Personality: Depressed at how the current world is, very dark and sometimes eccentric. Very old and bitter from war and can be found sometimes talking to himself. Though he's very wise, he's very distraught. His wife had died later in the Second Age, a victim of Sauron's malice. He has one child: Inithiel. She was allowed to go to the Udying Lands but did not and preferred to help her father until his task was complete.
Birthplace / Time: His birthplace was Tirion in the early First Age (that is the First Age of the Sun, not the First Age in the Years of the Trees).
Information: After Ingwion he was the third in the line to carry a version of the name Ingwë. He is the son of Ingwion and Finaris. He would be the second of the Vanyarin line to come back to the shores of Middle Earth. He arrived at the end of the First Age with the Vanyar and the Valar in the War of Wrath.** He was sent by Varda to assist the Men of the West in securing Arnor, but that mission failed in the 1400's of the Third Age as the Witch-King of Angmar had grown too powerful. Sauron was destroyed at the end of the Third Age. Many Elves thus returned at the beginning of the Fourth Age. He was ordered to stay until the north lands had been secured against the enemies of the east. Though some peace had been made with them, many tribes still aimed to strike Arnor, which was now but a developing "nation" of the world. When peace had indeed been made, or so it was thought, and Annúminas was rebuilt as it had been in the glory days over a thousand and a half years before. He was now allowed to go into the West, but chose not to this time. He had found someone who became his companion: an Elven woman from Lothlorien he called A'mael and they were betrothed within a few weeks. His bitterness at the sorrow of Middle Earth had not completely healed, but he was more free from his mind now that he would not have to return to the west alone.
Interesting Facts: Ingwionis participated in the Battle of the Last Alliance under Captain Gil-Galad and also advised that the One Ring be destroyed at earliest possible convenience. Isildur refused his advice as he did Elrond's. Ingwionis prepared to launch an attack on Osgiliath to take the ring by force to destroy it, but he rethought his plans and instead began to help the wizards in their tasks to delay Sauron's plans. After the destruction of Sauron, he would take part in a quest to aide Radagast the Brown in finding the mates of the Ents, the Entwives. It is believed that they had been forced to relocate to survive, and went into the eastern areas of Middle Earth, perhaps further east than the Sea of Rhun, or northeast past Erebor, toward the remnants of the Iron Mountains.
Skill in Battle: Ingwionis basically uses anything he can to survive. If it's bow and arrow, that'll do. If it's a sword, that'll do. If he has no sword, he'll use a knife. If not that, he'll throw rocks or use a stick to fight, whatever he can use for defense. He wasn't officially trained in combat, so everything he learned he did so through trial and error. He fights much the same as a Hobbit such as Samwise Gamgee would: meat and potatoes kind of fighting: use anything you can to survive. So Ingwionis is a survivor type, much like Aragorn who survived the brutality of the far north.
Leadership Experience: Ingwionis is to the White Council what Legolas is to Aragorn: basically a side-kick type of Elf. However, he has himself led insurrections in Arnor against the Witch-King, efforts that if not done, the Witch-King's dominance may have continued. He brought the newly-found Hobbits to defy the Witch-King and in the last battle against him at Lake Evendim, near Fornost, the Hobbits partook in driving the Witch-King out of the land of Arnor. Ingwionis is one of the chief Elves who were able to conceal the location of the Hobbits and the men of the north from the enemy and outsiders.
Favorite Quote: "I like bikes...they're sorta like cars...except without the sides." :D :p - had to add that, saw it on some show on Comedy Central.
**: Updated content as of May 25, 2008.
10-09-2007, 06:32 PM
*starts working on a bio*
10-09-2007, 07:10 PM
YayGollum, Truor seems very suitable. But bear in mind that we might end up with Elves in the company. Gandalf would surely have considered that. And if Truor thinks first of himself, is it plausable enough for him to enter an essentially selfishless quest? There have to be reasons why Gandalf would trust Truor enough for the job.
I think I will be able to handle a giant eagle. If he endangers my plans, I'll just shoot him out of the sky. :evil: Joking... perhaps... ;)
Blossomshade would indeed be a bit problematic, considering Entwives are all thought to be lost, and we're leaving on a quest for them. I would stick to Truor, Knockonder, Shadowflaps and Anthrax, they sound like a handful already. ;)
Orithil, Hedrim sounds interesting. Someone from the northern lands, not often seen in RPG's here. I'm not too sure about his knights, this will essentially be an adventure game, not a battle game, so I'd prefer it if Hedrim went on the quest alone, and that his knights returned home when he arrived at Rhosgobel.
Ingwë, very interesting and thought-out biography of Ingwionis. :)
WOW!! Hell yeah, I wanna sign up, although it might be not-too-frequent that I'd be able to submit entries. Can I be Viniglaen again? Or someone along her lines, no pun intended? This sounds like an awesome RPG idea, Earniel, and plus I love the wizards so much, 'specially Gandalf. I would love to be a part of this.
The Nazgul would have perished with the destruction of the One Ring (fours years ago in the 'game-time') and Gandalf would never have journeyed with one. So your original Viniglaen-character from the Kings and Nazgul game is pretty much ruled out. However, you of course are welcome to play a character similar in mood and behaviour. But bear in mind this game will be run differently than the imploded Nazgul game, I intend to stay on top of this one.
10-09-2007, 07:34 PM
Name: Branwyn Mirri
Age: 37
Branwyn Mirri was born in Gondor, the proud son of a mighty warrior. In his youth, Branwyn often dreamed of following his father into battle, and with his skills he seemed destined for a position of respect in the Steward's army.
Branwyn had an above average intelligence, and his mother helped bring that to full flower through a little training of her own. She taught Branwyn how to sing, play the harp, dance a little, and write with some eloquence, although Branwyn had less interest in music and poetry than he had in keeping his mother happy.
Mere days after his seventeenth birthday, Branwyn was caught under a rearing horse and nearly crushed to death. Although the skill of Gondor's healers saved his life, Branwyn's former strength and dexterity were gone, leaving him incapable of extended fighting and destroying his future as a soldier.
Thus began a new and, to his eyes, less glorious life for Branwyn. He was put under the tutelage of the 'weak and decrepit' scholars. Branwyn was a proud young man, and railed for many years against this new path.
It wasn't till he encountered Gandalf the Grey that Branwyn began to see the power of knowledge. Branwyn met the wizard by chance one day in the library, while he was unwillingly researching some old land boundary disputes.
Twenty-four, Branwyn had been studying the ways of a scholar for some 7 years, but had never fully lost his youthful arrogance or dislike of his job.
Gandalf needed help finding some old texts, and enlisted Branwyn. Though they spoke little, Gandalf inspired Branwyn with his knowledge and keen mind. Bronwyn dedicated himself to learning, and his abilities swiftly grew as his mind was opened to new possibilities and mysteries. This lead to rapid promotions and opened more and more doors and opportunities to Branwyn.
Five years later Gandalf met Branwyn again, and was taken aback by the change. Gandalf still vaguely remembered the sullen young man who had reluctantly assisted him. Taking Branwyn into his confidence, Gandalf gave Branwyn new knowledge and direction, assisting the man's quest in return for many small favors and words whispered in the right ears.
Branwyn's life was never the same again, and he continued to assist Gandalf in many little ways over the following years.
A year ago Branwyn chose to leave the city of Gondor and travel for a time. Since the destruction of the Ring, Branwyn had been busier than ever, but felt somehow dissatisfied. He had read of great wonders for much of his life, but always been too tied to Gondor to ever see them himself. He had, in his own small way, contributed to the fall of Sauron... but he had never seen what he helped save, aside from infrequent diplomatic excursions.
He has been living largely off of his own money, but also supplemented his old savings with his still-practiced harp skills, playing in taverns and inns as well as reciting old stories that he came across in Gondor's libraries, trying to inspire the minds of those around him with history's great heros.
10-09-2007, 09:56 PM
Hm. Well, the Branwyn person sounds cool.
For why Truor would be on such a quest, I figured that he wouldn't have to know Gandalf, could have known of Radagast and happened to be passing by. He'd join up because Knockondor, at least, would be very excited about helping out, and Truor is very loyal to his friends. Not being a large fan of elves wouldn't mess thing up too much. He wouldn't get violent or anything, would probably just grumble a lot. :rolleyes:
Towards Knockondor, I usually keep him as comedic relief. He's just a large chicken.
And towards Blossomshade, what I wrote in her history wasn't a decent enough explanation for why she could be around? oh well. Merely attempting to jump at the call for Ents. She would never call herself an Entwife, though. Far too independent. She left with the Entwives when she was just an Enting but must have left them or got lost or something before whatever you have planned for the Entwives happened, if ever she met some male Ent during her own travels, she would have easily rebuffed any pathetic advances and mayhaps informed him that she didn't know what happened to the others. Now, she is kind of curious as to what happened to her mom or something. Why not? *hides*
10-09-2007, 09:58 PM
imploding nazguls?
heh, i'm in.
Gaffer - this thread is the funky gibbon thread -ooc ooc!
(out of character)
these threads usually become massive wild west gunslinging joints where tessar gets drunk on whisky and whips out his six shooter because Earniel wouldn't ...
anyway - lucky i rode on into Town - not been down this way in many a moon -
Best BB xx
10-09-2007, 10:03 PM
these threads usually become massive wild west gunslinging joints where tessar gets drunk on whisky and whips out his six shooter because Earniel wouldn't ...
Please, darling, it's a seven shooter. I like to have one extra.
You know.
Just in case. :p
10-09-2007, 10:22 PM
Good to see you again Tessar - so, Gates of Mirkwood due it's annual 'shall we continue' yes vote yet? ;)
well, my character, i think i developed in a few words in game, without all this need for 'bios' ...
but i'm lazy :D
Best, BB
10-10-2007, 04:48 AM
Hey Tessar, nice bio. A bit of a scholar and a bard, a nice addition to our quest.
YayGollum, your explanations sound reasonable enough. If Truor didn't get the letter, I suppose we could go with Truor knowing Radagast and joining that way. Sounds good? As for Blossomshade, I reckon that could work. If you want to play her as well, I have no objections.
10-10-2007, 10:14 PM
The Nazgul would have perished with the destruction of the One Ring (fours years ago in the 'game-time') and Gandalf would never have journeyed with one. So your original Viniglaen-character from the Kings and Nazgul game is pretty much ruled out. However, you of course are welcome to play a character similar in mood and behaviour. But bear in mind this game will be run differently than the imploded Nazgul game, I intend to stay on top of this one.
O.K., well then, I shall pass. I think I am way too busy to be devoting online time to another in-depth RPG anyway. I have real-life writing to do, I am trying to work on a novel and a collection of essays. Good luck Earniel and to you all in your fun-sounding new game! If a Nazgul's gonna be discriminated against, though she shall not wish to hang around and be a pest. Ciao.
10-11-2007, 05:01 AM
Sorry to hear that, but a nazgul in this team just wouldn't work in this story. Besides, that would launch that old debate again of what nazgul can and cannot do. Back then you and I had different opinions and that will not have changed today. But best of luck with your novel and other writings!
The Gaffer
10-12-2007, 03:42 AM
Why not have a "fallen" Nazgul?
10-12-2007, 03:59 AM
That's Viniglaen! She's totally a fallen, failed Nazgul, she's not cut for the cloth of pure dedicated evil, no way. She's loyal, yes, but has always been conflicted, and her royal blood is straight Numenorean, remember? She could be redeemed, couldn't she? And even if not it IS a thing to think about - I mean, is redemption available to Nazgul or are they just - completely irredeemable the lot of them? I am not saying she would be a GOOD girl by any means, but she doesn't need to remain a traditional Nazgul if that's no longer an option in this age of Leaves. anyway I'm just sayin'.
I don't really need to join your RPG but it would be so much fun. And Viniglaen could be good. She is awesome! She loves animals and humans and art and music, why can't she be able to be alive again? It's not fair she has to stay bound to that crap just because she stole that stupid ring of power so long ago... And he whole Nazgullian family to whom she was so loyal all deserted her or turned their backs away, even though she would've done anything for them. Can't she be alive again? Probably not, huh. Well. It would be a fun, interesting quirky angle wouldn't it...
10-12-2007, 04:23 AM
Hm. From what I know, such a character seems impossible. Nazgul = the nine dudes (not all of whom were Numenorean) who were given Rings Of Power and eventually lost their free will to Sauron. Those guys turned into dust, I think, after Gollum the hero destroyed the One Ring. If those rings were ever found, they wouldn't have had any Power, anyways. There were no Nazgullian families. Mayhaps one of the nine humans had a family as he was turning into a Nazgul. I could call that a Nazgullian family, mayhaps, but there weren't any such things as a Nazgul daddy, a Nazgul mommy, an annoying and rebellious teen-aged daughter Nazgul, a geekish and anti-social middle child of a Nazgul, and a bratty suck up of a youngest child Nazgul. With a little Nazgul pet cat. :rolleyes:
Towards the idea of the possibility that a Nazgul could be redeemed, it would have to happen in a crazy alternate reality to Tolkien's writings, since there were only ever nine Nazgul, none had free will, and they were all destroyed. It seems possible that, if his Ring Of Power was take from Sauron and never given back to the guy, he might, after a really long time, be able to grow a normal human mind again. Mayhaps this thread is not a good spot to discuss this, though? I am not sure but plenty interested in crazy ideas like this, since I have the quest to have a representative of every Tolkien type race except nasssty hobbit. :rolleyes:
10-12-2007, 05:37 AM
Why not have a "fallen" Nazgul?
For the reasons I have given. A Nazgul turned to good, liking living things, surviving the One Ring's destruction, and having a fully functional/visual body without a hitch, is a bit too far from what I consider plausible for a character in this game. Also, without giving too much away, there are possible future plot inconsistancies.
I am not saying she would be a GOOD girl by any means, but she doesn't need to remain a traditional Nazgul if that's no longer an option in this age of Leaves. anyway I'm just sayin'.
But Lotesse, Viniglaen has been anything but a traditional Nazgul. :p She had but a few of the traditional nazgul aspects, nearly none of their draw-backs and a decent load of non-canon extra abilities. That romaticised take on Nazguls and the slightly disfuntional family they formed, worked in the King and Nazgul game (even though there was more than enough debate and dissent about it) but it wouldn't work in this game. I'm afraid I have a more rigid view on Nazguls.
Can't she be alive again? Probably not, huh. Well. It would be a fun, interesting quirky angle wouldn't it...
It would, but it doesn't quite fit in the scope of this game. It would, I'm sure, make a great subject for a short story, or even perhaps a future RPG, a solitary nazgul coping in the fourth age, without its master... Just not here. But as I said, you are free to play a character very much like Viniglaen, why not a descendant if you like, just not as a Nazgul.
10-12-2007, 08:40 AM
Actually i'd have thought, as The Gaffer seems to be hinting at, that it would rather fit in well with the theme of a task for redemption. (radhaghast)
After the fall of Sauron, the disembodied fea, driven by an overwheming passion to seek redemption felt even over the sundered seas, is given the body of a dying lonely (and lovely) maiden, on the banks of a river, at dawn on the second moon, by the power of grace, to have one last chance for redemption...
it is what tales are made of ... the stuff of legend and RPG
Given this new body, and being perfectly placed to help out (Vinni, rather 'technically' old and privy to certain information from the Sauron days, she could be a wonderful asset to the team)
YayGollum -actually this IS the place to discuss this - as it relates to RPG and previous rpg characters and players signed up for this rpg :)
Welcome though - i look forward to rpg'ing with you
best BB :)
10-12-2007, 09:31 AM
You guys are being extremely unreasonable.
1. The GM runs the game. The title means Game Master. Or, to some, God Moder. Basically meaning all-powerful ;).
2. The GM plans out the game. There has to be room for flexibility, but there are things that they simply know from the start wont work at all.
3. The GM told you no to a character idea, gave you plenty of reasons, and yet you continue to argue your case. Why? She said no, and you claim you're too busy but keep fighting for it. Make up your mind--which is it?
You guys are being extremely unreasonable. If Earniel doesn't want a fallen Nazgul in her group, then there wont be one. It's as simple as that. If she'd said 'no' to my bard/scholar character, I would have written a new one. It has happened before to me--you just make a new character and move on.
Also keep in mind the scope of the story as she's described it--fighting skills are suggested at a bare minimum level, but not required at powerful levels. A Nazgul is basically a god in terms of the plot as she describes it.
I know we're all reasonable people, and this argument has been fairly level to this point, but I would hate to see another post on this point when Earniel has already very clearly (several times) said no.
10-12-2007, 07:00 PM
i'm just here for some fun friendly rpg
- er, was just an idea... :)
and heh, old barly is danger personified doing any sort of DIY task - man, give him a plank and even Orome and his golden shield would take a few cautious steps back ;)
best all, BB
remember - have fun!
10-12-2007, 07:20 PM
I'm glad it's settled then. :D
BTW: Butterbeer--I was just checking the forum before heading off to a school thing and I saw your mispost. I went ahead and deleted that for you.
10-12-2007, 07:26 PM
no worries.
was just going to edit it with something relevant - i was kinda suprised that i had missed so much in the drunk pirates - like new players joining ... that's odd i thought ... so i just posted jack being lost!
- only after browsing the rpg forum did i notice the error :o
i need another drink - oh, and some sleep?
have fun! :)
10-13-2007, 05:52 AM
I'm also glad this is settled. :)
Willow, would you be so kind to change the line "I'll say no more for now", to "I'll say but a little for now"? I decided to give some explanation after all and otherwise it looks like Radagast is of very short memory. :D
So, we have so far:
Characters in the game:
Eärniel - Radagast
Acalewia - Aelfwine
Willow - Haldis
YayGollum - Truor, Knockonder, Shadowflaps & Blossomshade
Orithil - Hedrim Valdaes
Me9996 - Ferrin
Neulbar - Earthshaker & Bowen
Characters not yet entered:
Ingwë - Ingwionis
Tessar - Branwyn
People not made a character yet:
The Gaffer
Beren One-hand
The last sane person
Nautipus (away 11-16oct)
I'll see that I prod the last group through PM to hear if they're still interested.
The last sane person
10-13-2007, 06:29 AM
Still interested, but things have been very busy over here as of late. I've worked a bit on my character, and will probably post it in a day or so. I have to read the posts and comments, and play catch up too. Yeesh.
Okay, here is my dude, I'll post in the actual game thread once I've read it through tommorow.
Hmm, right well, interesting. Time to put on the old thinking cap then...
.....*thinkthinkthink* *then sees mom's red dish piled high with taco stuffing* Aha! (I kid you not)
Name: Carnehilion Redplate
Race: A Man. Though perhaps "Mutt" ought to be a better description, he has a bit of everything mixed in, in terms of different mannish cultures, and who knows what other races, if any.
Age: Lordy knows with his mixture of genes, yet he looks to be somewhere around late 20's to early 30's. I have no idea when he was born, and I don’t think that he does either. He was very much fully grown when the Ring War climaxed and took part in it on behalf of Rohan.
Appearance: Decidedly scruffy. Medium length brown hair, not quite to his shoulder with bangs, usually going in any direction it pleases. He is of sturdy build, and of average man height with a bit of a beard. Not really much noticeable about him save for his eyes, one of which is green and the other is brown.
His clothes are plain earth tones, and wears an assorted miscellany of armor, most of which is dented and dinged, the only decent piece of equipment he has is a plain hand and a half sword and his shield*.
Personality: Fairly chill fellow, being capable of working well with others, though he might not be overly friendly with anyone, and has the air of being perpetually bored. Has a sharp sense of humor, sarcastic as hell, and good at letting fly the one-liners at juuuust the right time. He can at times come off as being a bit gruff, but deep beneath his scruffy interior, he is an alright guy.
Leadership Quality : He leads when he has to and does a fairly decent job of it, though it just isn’t his cup of tea, and will avoid it if he can.
Background: Well, he is as his heritage prescribes him to be; a dab of everything just for good measure. First and foremost he is a fighter. I won’t say a warrior, because that has too noble a connotation, Carnehilion will go after just about anything if the mood takes him. His fighting style is far from polished, but what counts is that it is as effective as it is brutal; he will happily kill you with anything that comes to hand. And should nothing come to hand, he’ll do his best to kill you with them. Originally, he hails from anywhere his father traveled too, he has no recollection of his mother, and no idea what really happened to her, seeing as his father didn’t exactly like to speak of it. He figures she’s dead, and more then likely killed in some orc raid, seeing as his father had a seemingly unquenchable hatred for them; A hatred which he in turn inherited.
He spent most of his time both in Dale, or Rohan, and everywhere in between. In between killing various nasties, to bring home the bacon, he became an accomplished shield smith and saddle maker (*yes, he makes his own shields and saddles for his horse). He upon one of his hunts for nasty things he stumbled upon Gandalf, whom upon seeing his talent at finding rather evil things enlisted him in the search for Gollum. In the end Carnehilion was the one that gave the tip off to the Rangers as to where to find the beast, and the rest is history. After that, Gandalf would at times show up and ask him to scout around, or whatever else he had in mind.
Then came the War to end all Wars (over the ring at least), Carnehilion was in residence in Rohan at the time, and for want of a good scrap, answered the summons of the King and rode with the warriors of Rohan. So, when the last summons of Gandalf arrived, he clad himself accordingly and rode off to join Radagast.
10-13-2007, 10:06 AM
I'm also glad this is settled. :)
Willow, would you be so kind to change the line "I'll say no more for now", to "I'll say but a little for now"? I decided to give some explanation after all and otherwise it looks like Radagast is of very short memory. :D
So, we have so far:
Characters in the game:
Eärniel - Radagast
Acalewia - Aelfwine
Willow - Haldis
YayGollum - Truor, Knockonder, Shadowflaps & Blossomshade
Orithil - Hedrim Valdaes
Me9996 - Ferrin
Neulbar - Earthshaker & Bowen
Characters not yet entered:
Ingwë - Ingwionis
Tessar - Branwyn
People not made a character yet:
The Gaffer
Beren One-hand
The last sane person
Nautipus (away 11-16oct)
I'll see that I prod the last group through PM to hear if they're still interested.
er, you seem to have missed out Barliaman Butterbur, played by, er ... Butterbeer ;)
or maybe you didn't get the letter he sent? :D
Best BB
The last sane person
10-13-2007, 12:37 PM
Heh, but the thing to wonder about is if he will even remember to come, or will the whole time during RPG will he be in the pub wondering about what exactly it was that he forgot? :D :D :D
10-13-2007, 02:45 PM
Nice profile, Sane. I certainly don't mean to rush you to post. Take your time. :)
er, you seem to have missed out Barliaman Butterbur, played by, er ... Butterbeer ;)
or maybe you didn't get the letter he sent? :D
Best BB
Heheh. Yes and no. I did see your post but didn't know whether you were going to play Barliman or someone to whom he had to deliver one of those letters that keep slipping from his mind. :p But are you sure Barliman would be someone whom Gandalf would select for this mission?
10-13-2007, 10:07 PM
Nice profile, Sane. I certainly don't mean to rush you to post. Take your time. :)
Heheh. Yes and no. I did see your post but didn't know whether you were going to play Barliman or someone to whom he had to deliver one of those letters that keep slipping from his mind. :p But are you sure Barliman would be someone whom Gandalf would select for this mission?
i must confess, that made me laugh out loud.
To be sure, it is ol' Barly that is the character - and whether t'was gandalf's original design or Barli's ineptitude ...
since he can find no other, and having no clue as to the distance ...
also i always loved Gandalf's sense of humour - and his bushy eyebrows - both wise and compassionate and quick to anger ...
oh and he liked a beer -
P.S. Good to see you here Shah! :)
10-23-2007, 07:30 AM
Still waiting for the last few stragglers and then we start with the Explanation and Plotting. :)
Let's do another check:
Characters in the game:
Eärniel - Radagast
Acalewia - Aelfwine
Willow - Haldis
YayGollum - Truor, Knockonder, Shadowflaps & Blossomshade
Orithil - Hedrim Valdaes
Me9996 - Ferrin
The Gaffer - Hamfast Gamgee
Butterbeer - Barliman
The last sane person - Carnehilion
Neulbar - Earthshaker & Bowen
Characters not yet entered:
Ingwë - Ingwionis
Tessar - Branwyn
People not made a character yet:
Beren One-hand
Have I got everybody this time?
10-23-2007, 08:58 AM
I'll try and post a character file later tonight, just cant right now, got school. Later.
10-24-2007, 12:38 PM
I've been slacking! :D
Okay, I'll toss an idea out...
This story needs an antagonist, so what if I were to take the part of the long lost Alatar? For the character, we can take the point of view that he was at least somewhat corrupted by Sauron and took on a behind-the-scenes position of power among the Easterlings in Rhun (contrary to Tolkien's very last notes on the Blue Wizards, but plausible none the less). Now, with the big guy gone, he has some plans of his own.
How does this fit in? Well, I assume the search will most certainly make it's way towards Rhun, so they'll plenty of room for interaction at that point. There is also some mention of Aragorn and Eomer taking action in that direction in the Fourth Age, so they could possibly fit in later as well.
Until then, I could work on a post or two about Alatar's past few thousand years as I wait for the others to arrive, which'll give me time to come up with something good.
10-24-2007, 01:19 PM
Darnit, BJ, stop reading my plot notes! :mad:
*sighs and crumbles plans for future revelations*
10-24-2007, 02:06 PM
I didn't read anything, other than the story so far.
How about you pick someone for me? :D
The last sane person
10-25-2007, 08:28 AM
I rather think your idea is good one... Should make for some fun, at least.
10-25-2007, 08:46 AM
It's Eärniel's baby and I really have no knowledge of how these things work. Sorry for the trouble. :(
10-25-2007, 01:45 PM
I'm gonna post as soon as I get home tonight, I promise.
10-25-2007, 01:48 PM
No trouble has been had, so no worries. :) (I should have added a nicer smiley in my previous post) It was actually funny that of all possible ideas, you picked that one... but no, I'm not saying anything yet. :D Everything at its time.
But I'm not sure what character I'd have to pick for you, BJ. I'd hate to land you with something you don't like playing.
10-25-2007, 05:43 PM
I do apologize. I'm going to attempt to get something written tonight.
10-25-2007, 09:00 PM
Alright, just got home from my Arabic lesson ( :D ) so here's my character file, tell me when to jump in.
Name: Seratili
Race: Dwarf
Appearance: Extremely broad-shouldered (even for a dwarf), heavy set. His face is hidden behind a huge brown beard, mustache, and bushy eyebrows hide his piercingly grey eyes. His hair is thick, but tangled, on the top of his head.He carries traditional Dwarven armor, as well as several throwing axes, a sheild, and a great axe.
Age: Around the 135 range
Personality: Doesnt talk alot, but what he says makes sense. Not very wise, but "street-smart". He knows alot about battle, strategy, and how to defend an encampment.
Skills: Virtually useless at healing, but can throw an axe with the best of 'em, and is moderately good with a bow. He is also exelent with his great-axe. Not much of a leader, but he does somewhat follow his own path. he likes to have a say in what happens.
10-26-2007, 06:44 PM
Nice character, Nautipus, but you forgot his history.
11-05-2007, 09:11 AM
Nice character, Nautipus, but you forgot his history.
Oops! My bad. Lemme see here....history.....
History:Grew up in the Mines of Moria, but left at an early age to go adventuring, which was frowned upon by his contemporaries. Saw much violence throughout his travels, which led his south to the Harad, then back over the Mountains that border Gondor. Has never had a real home in his life (besides Moria), and likes it that way. He met Radagast on his travels, and they became fast friends, he was wandering back up to the North, and decided to give his old friend a visit.
When can I jump in?
11-05-2007, 03:40 PM
Why not now, if you like? :) Most characters have entered already.
11-05-2007, 04:10 PM
Alrighty, I'll pop right in. :)
11-15-2007, 12:42 PM
hello! im new to entmoot. but not to rping! your thread sounds interesting! any room for one extra! promise i will read the whole thread to catch up on whats going on!
11-15-2007, 05:25 PM
You are definitely welcome, to both the game and the Entmoot. :) Don't forget to post a small character profile here when you have read the story so far.
11-15-2007, 06:12 PM
Naimi is a young elf of 500. making her a child in elvish eyes. But this does not mean she is not experienced! She has lived in the shadows of Mirkwood all of her life and though she still loves the trees and forests she wishes to see the world.
She is short for an elf being only 5 feet 5 and is not the normal thin and beautiful elf. Being short and plain looking with brown wild hair which she wears tired behind her head. This has lead other more talkitive elves to believe that her mother may have been a little unfaithful to her husband. If this she true or not is not known.
She favours the use of a short bow and curved knife in battle. Having the tracking skills of her woodland kind. She is kind hearted and loyal and a bit more tolerent of other races, namely dwarfs, than others of her kin.
11-16-2007, 07:53 PM
I realised I forgot to give the apperence and history of Ferrin (My charictar)
Apperence: An old grey-haired man with light skin dressed in a grey robe, well-kept chain mail over that, and over that a heavy grey cloak
plus greyish brown leather gloves and boots.
And a two-handed greatsword slung over his back... But I think I've allready comuicated that.
Realy other than that he just looks like a shagy gray-haired long-bearded old man.
History: Ferrin has been a hermit in the misty mountans for longer than most people care to remember, before that, it is thought he was an elite warrior for a kingdom of men near the shire.
11-19-2007, 08:35 AM
Misunderstanding resolved. Deleted.
12-04-2007, 03:56 PM
Hey Ingwe, could I be so bold to ask you to change your last alinea for Radagast? We're not going East just yet, we first go to Dol Guldur to find possible clues as to where in the East the Entwives are. Much thanks. :)
(Also, by Mari, I assume you mean Feawen's character Nami?)
12-05-2007, 08:33 PM
Sure thing. I'm not with it at all lately. Forgive my ignorance. * Pippin voice * "I won't do it again." :p
12-06-2007, 01:17 PM
i wondered who mair was! at lest i know its me now!
12-06-2007, 03:14 PM
Sorry about that. I've had a ton on my mind lately.
12-06-2007, 06:36 PM
Correct me if I'm wrong but are we deciding who is going?
12-06-2007, 06:50 PM
Sure thing. I'm not with it at all lately. Forgive my ignorance. * Pippin voice * "I won't do it again." :p
Don't worry, I'll keep an eye on you. ;)
Correct me if I'm wrong but are we deciding who is going?
it seems more of a re-affirming of intentions. After all, anyone who doesn't want to go on this quest wouldn't have made a character in the first place. :D
12-06-2007, 07:15 PM
it seems more of a re-affirming of intentions. After all, anyone who doesn't want to go on this quest wouldn't have made a character in the first place. :D
I didnt want to go on this quest.......Just kiddn':D
I said I was kidding.
Stop looking at me like that!
Stop it!
STO-fine, do whatever you want, I dont care.
Willow Oran
12-06-2007, 10:19 PM
After all, anyone who doesn't want to go on this quest wouldn't have made a character in the first place.
Speaking of which... I just realized that it would be completely out of character for Haldis to volunteer to go on the quest. She's curious, but unless Radagast directly invites her along she'll end up staying behind to house-sit Rhosgobel...:o
12-07-2007, 02:13 PM
Shah, was that question directed to Aelfwine or someone else?
12-07-2007, 10:11 PM
"True old Gandalf did things for a reason, and invited most of us for some reason or another, but I am sure he did not forsee those that have suddenly shown up. What of your intentions?"
who is that aimed at?
Gandalf knew who tf he picked and why...
at least from the Shire and Bree -
btw where the knob is BJ???
The last sane person
12-08-2007, 02:33 AM
Oh chill you walking wine cask, I meant those like the eagle, and his bear human buddies and Haldis, that didn't get a letter from gandalf. How the hell should Carnehillion know where they fit into this mess? It was general musing, aimed at those who didn't get a bleeding letter.
12-08-2007, 04:31 AM
now now people, we're all friends here! kiss and made up!:p
12-08-2007, 06:06 AM
Speaking of which... I just realized that it would be completely out of character for Haldis to volunteer to go on the quest. She's curious, but unless Radagast directly invites her along she'll end up staying behind to house-sit Rhosgobel...:oDo you like to continue on the quest? Because then I'll write Radagast inviting you. :)
Willow Oran
12-08-2007, 03:06 PM
Of course! That would be the point...:p
12-09-2007, 06:56 AM
Great! I just liked to be on the safe side and ask. :p
12-10-2007, 10:09 PM
Ol barli has a letter in his pocket ....
.. if ya'll was paying attention ...
(and if ya wasn't don't go moaning later... hah! :D )
best all ... have fun!
12-10-2007, 11:51 PM
I'm sorry, I do still want to write, and I keep trying, but I've been pretty creatively burned out lately.
After tomorrow, and my last finals, that should change :). I'm definitely going to try to post really soon.
12-11-2007, 05:47 AM
Well, we haven't left Rhosgobel yet, so there's still enough opportunity to jump in.
We'd love to have you in here, Tessar, but no need to take too much on your fork for our sake. ;) Good luck with those finals.
12-14-2007, 10:05 PM
So... I had started on a longer post.
Then I was cleaning out some old text documents I didn't want to keep any more... and deleted it.
This was not purposely done. :mad:
So, umm... that's my excuse for my two sentence entrance :p.
Is there still room for me to jump in? I'd love to try allthough I never played this kind of game before. I'm not sure if the character I'm thinking of is at all suitable or even possible. I'm not really used to having my imagination being "confined" to the Tolkien world...
12-26-2007, 04:56 PM
I'm sure we still have room. :) What sort of character were you thinking of?
A wild girl, somewhere in her 20's. An outcast because she "sees" things, but what she sees isn't always right and usually related to herself. Her origin is unknown, but she came from the lands of the Haradrim to join up. She knows how to defend herself with her bo, a necessity in a tough land with hard people. She seems human except for her "seeing" things. Her name is Ellysa. She also knows quite a lot about healingherbs out of experience.
12-26-2007, 05:38 PM
Sounds like an interesting character. Jump in if you want to. :) I take it you've read the story so far?
Yes I did :D I did a lot of reading today. Thanks :D
01-13-2008, 03:55 PM
I reckon we've spent enough time on getting acquainted and meetings, so I'm going to move a few days forward to the moment where we're actually leaving. If there was anything anyone forgot to include in the previous part, you can always use a flashback. :)
The last sane person
01-13-2008, 07:50 PM
Hurrah, the show is getting on the road!
01-13-2008, 10:40 PM
Alright Marines! LETS GET TO IT!!
01-14-2008, 11:26 AM
Awesome, but just one question: Do we all have horses? Probably would move things along more quickly.
01-14-2008, 11:33 AM
It would make travel easier, I think. If you didn't bring your own horse (as I believe some didn't), just pretend Radagast borrowed one for you from Grimbeorn. If it worked for thirteen dwarves and a hobbit... ;) The ents, naturally, won't require a horse.
I hope I won't fall off... horses don't like me ;) Think I could ride an ent? blasphemy! :p
01-14-2008, 12:52 PM
I'll just keep up Monty Python style :rolleyes:
"Could I borrow a horse Radagast? I came down here on foot."
Edit: Oops... The Borrowing a horse bit should be in the thread itself.
01-14-2008, 02:55 PM
can i be a hobbit?
01-16-2008, 06:35 PM
I loved that, Shah. Lord BlingBling just made me crack up. Dr. Pepper up the nose hurts.
The last sane person
01-16-2008, 06:37 PM
I'm sorry, I simply couldn't help it. All of that jewel incrusted stuff he has, the sword, helmet, cloak...
I was SOOOO tempted...well...hell, sure, why not.
"Can't Accessorize Worth A Damn..." my tribute from the wonderful VSD.
01-17-2008, 02:07 AM
Haha yes very funny:D (walks off into the darkness planning the downfall of everyone):evil:
The last sane person
01-17-2008, 02:13 AM
Well, when you dress you character up like a fop and have him act like one amidst a group of common as dirt warriors, what do you expect?
01-17-2008, 06:41 AM
I can see you lot will be a handful. Alas, poor Radagast, what is he getting himself into, he should have stuck to his birds and beasts. :p
Nicro, if you wish to join, a hobbit will be fine. Why don't you give us a short character description of the character you'd like to play? :)
01-17-2008, 03:06 PM
I can see you lot will be a handful. Alas, poor Radagast, what is he getting himself into, he should have stuck to his birds and beasts. :p
Nicro, if you wish to join, a hobbit will be fine. Why don't you give us a short character description of the character you'd like to play? :)
My name is Bob. I'm a hobbit, but unlike my fellow hobbits I am willing to go on an adventure. I own a shop which is called "Bob's", which sells supplies for travelers, in Bree. I met Gandalf when he bought a few things from my shop and journeyed on. My cousin Tom will watch the shop while I'm gone. I really like building (well, tunneling) and I'm good with animals. I used to help out in the stables at the Prancing Pony. And I can cook.
I changed my weapon of choice by the way. I figured that a good defender wouldn't use a mace :o I changed it to a bo. Try hitting me now! :evil:
Which reminds me: if there is something you want me to "see" please do tell.
The last sane person
01-17-2008, 03:24 PM
You could always have a mace AND a bow... Bows don't do much for you when you run out of amo and the enemy gets close.
No no, not a bow, a bo. The Japanese version of a quarterstaff, often with metal strips around thick wood to prevent a sword from hacking through. It is really a weapon meant to keep people at a distance and defense, not for killing. ;)
My favourite weapons are the mace and the bo, depending on the mood I'm in, offensive or defensive. :D
01-17-2008, 04:06 PM
We could turn this into a reality t.v show:D
01-17-2008, 04:14 PM
just kidding:D you got the guy everyone hates, the small but cheerful warrior, the strong silent type etc etc
Yup yup, true. But instead of a reality show I'd say an epic is better. :D
The last sane person
01-17-2008, 04:27 PM
Either that or a Farce. :D
01-17-2008, 04:28 PM
The last sane person
01-17-2008, 04:32 PM
For the record Carnehillion doesn't have long hair, kind shaggy medium short. But hey, it works since he is the rugged looks type...
Edit: Wait, what does Hedrim look like, aside from gaudy? Only thing you described was all his jewelry, and black hair.
01-17-2008, 09:45 PM
We could turn this into a reality t.v show:D
just kidding:D you got the guy everyone hates, the small but cheerful warrior, the strong silent type etc etc
"Strong silent type" Yay! Ferrin got mentioned!
Yup yup, true. But instead of a reality show I'd say an epic is better. :D
Either that or a Farce. :D
Well that all depends on what happens next:evil:
01-17-2008, 10:44 PM
For the record Carnehillion doesn't have long hair, kind shaggy medium short. But hey, it works since he is the rugged looks type...
Edit: Wait, what does Hedrim look like, aside from gaudy? Only thing you described was all his jewelry, and black hair.
Sorry bout that, I'll go to my profile and edit it a bit, oh and I can edit that last post if you like:cool:
The last sane person
01-17-2008, 11:14 PM
Heheheh, it seems that Hedrim has a nickname to stay. Lord Bling... Hehehehe... :D Sure, the 'go tie up your hair' seemed out of tune with middle earth, seeing as just about everyone not bald had long hair.
You don't hear elf minstrels singing their praises about Glorfindel's valiant bob-cut.
01-17-2008, 11:23 PM
01-18-2008, 10:16 AM
An oliphaunt, BB? Don't you think that's just a little far-fetched?
01-18-2008, 04:22 PM
It could always be a reeaallyy small one like smaller then a man.
How would you explain a really small oliphaunt?
01-18-2008, 05:10 PM
Why bother having an oliphaunt at all then. Why not take the more likely mule and wagon? Not only would an oliphaunt not survive the colder west of Middle-earth, but why would Barliman ever had gotten one?
The last sane person
01-18-2008, 05:42 PM
Heh, I was rubbing my eyes and re-reading that...
But its BB, what do you expect! :D
01-18-2008, 10:41 PM
* Eyes widen in surprise *
Oliphant!? That's roughly 2 meters tall or less?
* Brain collapses into a quantum singularity and swallows Middle Earth *
Me: Oops.
Morgoth: You took my kill. Rawr.
Illuvatar: Ayecarrumba!
Anyway, life's been pretty much been an exact repeat of the First Age lately (except without as many trees and cool stuff like that) and I haven't gotten to get into the RP much lately. Looks like I have some reading to catch up on.
01-19-2008, 09:45 PM
Do any of you actually read the rpg?
it is all explained in there, and some time ago at that. :D
oh and Eddy - me pm box is full!!
The Gaffer
01-19-2008, 09:48 PM
Clean it out then you lazy bar steward
01-19-2008, 09:56 PM
..if i had but the time... i'm a busy man and no mistake... and the days are getting darker... and the wind is biting - and those dogs down the lane..they bark and bark and bark when is a man to sleep?
what'll ye be a having for breakfast?
The last sane person
01-19-2008, 10:57 PM
It's still not plausible... Won it in a card game?
I'll keep that in mind next time I go out in search of a mount... :D
01-20-2008, 09:10 AM
it is all explained in there, and some time ago at that. :D
Explained? One throw-away reference of which I thought you weren't even serious. I still think it's over the top, though.
01-20-2008, 04:11 PM
How about you have a mule which you dressed up as an oliphant, yeah pretty sneaky I thought...;)
01-20-2008, 05:00 PM
how would a hobbit get on an oliphant? a really big stool maybe! or maybe a bit legolas style! lol
anyway who ever heard of a fun loving oliphant? wouldn't it just try to eat you!
and i think that the name lord bling should be used for ever more! did they have bling in them days! maybe the 9 rings of man were concidered bling and thats why they were evil!
The last sane person
01-23-2008, 02:59 PM
Oh noes...It looks like my nickname has not only stuck, but has been fairly glued to your character, Orithil.
Perhaps ole Redplate muttered it under his breath, and Nami caught it with her elvish ears, but I coulda swore he had only thought it in his head... But I agree, its a good name for him.
01-23-2008, 03:40 PM
I thought he thunked it, too
Yep, Radagast sure has his hands full with this group :D
Say, are we on the road allready or are we still mounting? I got a bit sidetracked with the oliphaunt etc. coming by. :D
The last sane person
01-23-2008, 05:03 PM
Mounting and some have already moved off...
Acally, what a very young warhorse you have! Hate to be a prickler, but at three, a horse would just barely be greenbroke, never mind fully trained to be a war mount.
What's with the book? Will we ever get to know, Orithil? You got me curious ;)
01-23-2008, 06:33 PM
oh sorry! maybe it was a thinking thing! sorry!
The last sane person
01-23-2008, 07:52 PM
Eh its fine, it did say 'swearing to himself' its entirely possible you over heard it. Sure is a good name for him though. :D
01-23-2008, 08:13 PM
ahh you shall see:rolleyes:
01-24-2008, 09:03 AM
A middle Earthian book of erotica?
1001 Elven nights?
That's my guess anyway ;)
..or the Karma-kazhad-sutra?
01-24-2008, 04:30 PM
Mounting and some have already moved off...
Acally, what a very young warhorse you have! Hate to be a prickler, but at three, a horse would just barely be greenbroke, never mind fully trained to be a war mount.
I never said Midnight was a warhorse. Did you forget Aelfwine is only 18?
01-24-2008, 05:18 PM
A middle Earthian book of erotica?
1001 Elven nights?
That's my guess anyway ;)
..or the Karma-kazhad-sutra?
I'm not suprised thats your guess...:p
Hmmm, if you ask me you are trying to write a biography in which you are off course the hero. But you need notes for that. I'm I getting warm? ;)
The last sane person
01-25-2008, 02:39 AM
I never said Midnight was a warhorse. Did you forget Aelfwine is only 18?
Well, generally speaking, any mount you ride to war is a warhorse and must be taught certain things...seeing as back then horses were either for war or the plow, and she most certainly is NOT a plow horse, I'm assuming. How not to shy, how to charge, when to stay, certain comands by the rider, how to balance the rider when they sek to engage....that sort of stuff.
But more over, it's not really phyiscally possible for that horse age 3 to be THAT developed, to carry a rider over any really long distances. Horses dont stop growing till 2-3 and to start training them under saddle any earlier then that generally tends to harm them, and doesn't go over well. And training a horse to saddle is a process that takes at LEAST a year for even the basics.*
Trust me, it was my business for quite a few years. But at anyrate, play on...It just caught my notice, is all.
*And if you point to 3 year old thoroughbreds, I cite that by the time they are taken off the track by seven (usually, unless they prove to be stellar preformers) they are usually unsound things, and the only thing they know is how to run dead out, and rarely recieve any training in any other gate or manners. God knows how many I've rehabbed and been trampled by.
01-25-2008, 11:06 AM
My mom raises.....and breeds....and trains horses. So much fun.:rolleyes:
01-25-2008, 05:04 PM
Hmmm, if you ask me you are trying to write a biography in which you are off course the hero. But you need notes for that. I'm I getting warm? ;)
Actually thats a good idea...I just might do that;)
:eek: You had other plans for "the book"? I can't wait till I find out. Meanwhile I'll just keep speculating: you are trying to find out who and who not to try and get to join your army after the quest is over?
01-31-2008, 12:17 PM
Ok, Shah. You have a point. Apparently I wasn't thinking stright. (I'm not being sarcastic about that) I could edit, but you would have to edit your post as well.
Let me know.
The last sane person
01-31-2008, 03:12 PM
Cool, edited my post then. 6 would be a good age, she'd probably be well trained by that time, or age 7. No worries, I'm just kinda really observant when comes to horse stuff...Sorryz.
01-31-2008, 03:27 PM
It's cool. Thanks for pointing it out.
The last sane person
03-16-2008, 07:14 PM
Ahem.... *Gives this thing the Boot*
03-16-2008, 07:22 PM
My apologies, I got distracted by something shiny, and just when I was planning on something juicy. :o I'll get a post up soon.
The last sane person
03-16-2008, 07:27 PM
About time! Sheesh, somehow I think this too shall go the way of the NAL...
03-16-2008, 07:33 PM
No, no, I intend to see this properly ended, as long as there are people willing to put up with me. Feel free to boot me from time to time if I get distracted again.
The last sane person
03-16-2008, 07:36 PM
*polishes boots* I'll take you up on that, ma'am.
03-17-2008, 02:36 AM
Glad to see it will get going again. I'm still around, just been a bit busy, work and boxing stuff up to get ready to move in a few weeks.
03-20-2008, 09:53 AM
*polishes boots* I'll take you up on that, ma'am.
Thank you, I can think of no better motivation to keep me on track. :D
Expect a new post at the start of next week. I'm working on a post, but it needs a little more work. I also need to update my plot a little bit and unfortunately I won't be having internet access during the weekend.
The Sasquatch of Fangorn
03-20-2008, 10:33 AM
Is it too late to join?
03-20-2008, 04:38 PM
Thank you, I can think of no better motivation to keep me on track. :D
Expect a new post at the start of next week. I'm working on a post, but it needs a little more work. I also need to update my plot a little bit and unfortunately I won't be having internet access during the weekend.
Yay! I understand about the no access to Entmoot. Hurry back!
03-26-2008, 01:38 PM
There, a post! I hope not too many people lost interest by now. We've actually only just started.
Is it too late to join?
You're later than most, but as far as I'm concerned there is always an opening. :) In fact, I think I've got just the right scene to enter your character, if I may. Don't post in the game thread just yet, but why don't you give us a short description of your character here?
Have you read the story so far?
The Sasquatch of Fangorn
03-27-2008, 01:31 PM
There, a post! I hope not too many people lost interest by now. We've actually only just started.
You're later than most, but as far as I'm concerned there is always an opening. :) In fact, I think I've got just the right scene to enter your character, if I may. Don't post in the game thread just yet, but why don't you give us a short description of your character here?
Have you read the story so far?
I can't find it. :confused:
The Gaffer
03-27-2008, 01:40 PM
Long Lost Leaves (
The Sasquatch of Fangorn
03-27-2008, 01:42 PM
Long Lost Leaves (
Thanks Gaffer! Okay, Earnel put me in where ever you want to. Just let me know first! ;)
The Sasquatch of Fangorn
03-27-2008, 01:47 PM
You're later than most, but as far as I'm concerned there is always an opening. :) In fact, I think I've got just the right scene to enter your character, if I may. Don't post in the game thread just yet, but why don't you give us a short description of your character here?
All-right. His name is Borin the emerald-crusher. He is a Dwarven wizzard. He carries an axe crafted in the fires of a dragons breath and wrapped in mithril, and two one-handed crossbows. And he rides a warg
03-27-2008, 03:12 PM
A Dwarf on a warg, that's a new one. :) I'm not too sure about him being a wizard, though. Dwarves in Middle-earth didn't have wizards, really.
Thanks Gaffer! Okay, Earnel put me in where ever you want to. Just let me know first! ;)
Don't worry, I'll tell you right away when the opening presents itself. It should be soon.
03-27-2008, 03:17 PM
I'd like to try, if I may, and if there's a place for me? :)
03-27-2008, 05:31 PM
Sure. :) (See your PM also.)
03-27-2008, 05:47 PM
Alrighty, here's my character.
Abasi is an Avari elf. He was born sometime in the middle of the Second Age, but he's not sure on the date in the Sindarin calendar. While he speaks Sindarin and is able to read a little Quenya, the language he speaks and the customs he practices are far sundered from those of the Sindar or the Noldor currently in Middle-earth. He's been living in the woods near Mirkwood since his small community scattered after coming under attack far in the East during the War of the Ring. He's a rather distrustful, bitter sort, much preferring to remain in his woodland home than have any sort of contact with outside people. He never went over to Sauron, but he thinks mainly of himself and his own good over that of others...
Sounds like we will get along just fine :p
The last sane person
03-27-2008, 05:53 PM
Kinda makes me ask though Curu, why on EARTH would Abasi be coming along, since this has little to no personal gain for him and will risk quite a bit of damage to his person. That and he has to travel as part of a team.
03-27-2008, 05:56 PM
Well, as I told our wise Threadmaster via PM's, he's a loner more due to situation than to natural inclination. He could be convinced quite easily to go along with them, especially if he could be useful.
That said, he's going to be rather taciturn and unpleasant, so don't expect to make friends with him right away. He's a bit prickly. :)
03-27-2008, 06:29 PM
well really the only reason most of us are going is because gandalf asked us!
oh i like a challange! thats it he will be Namis friend by the end of it!
03-28-2008, 02:30 AM
Good luck with that. ;)
04-03-2008, 03:57 PM
That'll serve me right for being so slow. :p I prepare for a nightly adventure and when I come around to start it, the night's over! So another night it is. Anyway, ladies and gentlemen, I present you the Mirkwood spiders, a rather under-used band of villains in Middle-earth RPG's, if you ask me.
Will anyone wake, I wonder, before everyone's on the spider's menu and this adventure turns out to be remarkable short? :D
The last sane person
04-03-2008, 07:36 PM
I'll awaken Carnehil after I finish my spanish paper.
04-03-2008, 08:10 PM
I've got Aelfwine up with Nami. We should be up for some fun now :D:p
04-05-2008, 01:08 PM
I'd join in this spider battle but Ferrin is all spun up in spider silk.
Maybe if Ferrin can get his sword loose...:p
04-05-2008, 03:37 PM
oh i do love a good arguement!
but a challange is a challage! Nami will have befriended Abasi by the end of this!
04-05-2008, 03:43 PM
As I said, good luck! He's not the nicest of characters. :)
04-05-2008, 03:45 PM
and Namis not your tipical we love you all elf! oh no! she got the rest of her long life to get him to befriend her! Lets talk about how you feel Abasi! lol
04-07-2008, 06:24 AM
My my, lots of posts all of a sudden, I barely can keep up. :D And we've got two new characters introduced. Curufin's character Abasi, and the dwarf from the spider's nest is Sasquatch's character.
I suggest to wait a few more days to give the players who haven't had time to enter the fight (and those who wish to do so) a chance to write a battle-scene. Then we'll retreat back in our camp, grap our luggage and mounts and high-tail out of this mess. So if you still want to beat up some spiders, now's your chance. ;)
04-08-2008, 05:43 AM
Abasi's going to pout now. :)
04-09-2008, 07:11 PM
Poor Abasi...sitting there minding his own business...*grumble* ;)
04-11-2008, 04:16 PM
This concludes the spider-fight, I think. I hope everyone enjoyed themselves.
We've got about 50 pages already in the word file I'm keeping of this game. And we've been about this for about 6 months. Not bad at all. Go, team! :)
04-11-2008, 04:20 PM
Well, I don't think Abasi enjoyed it much. ;)
But I did. :)
Where to next, Wise Threadmaster? :D
04-11-2008, 04:39 PM
We'll patch everyone up, maybe have a little chat with Abasi and Borin so you guys go along with our merry band and then the next stop is Dol Guldur, about which I'm staying completely numb until we get there.
Mwahahah! :evil:
Willow Oran
04-12-2008, 09:14 PM
It is fortunate that Ungoliant consumed herself before she could unleash more destruction;Ungoliant didn't actually consume herself, she got chased off by Balrogs and was eventually killed by Earendil in one of his earlier wanderings. Sorry, was bugging me.;)
04-13-2008, 05:56 PM
We'll patch everyone up, maybe have a little chat with Abasi and Borin so you guys go along with our merry band and then the next stop is Dol Guldur, about which I'm staying completely numb until we get there.
Mwahahah! :evil:
Um. I believe it's "staying completely mum"
04-13-2008, 06:10 PM
Er, yes. I suppose I should prefer staying mum about it to staying numb about it. Sometimes I so clearly fail at spelling. :rolleyes:
04-13-2008, 08:17 PM
Er, yes. I suppose I should prefer staying mum about it to staying numb about it. Sometimes I so clearly fail at spelling. :rolleyes:
Don't feel bad, Earnie. I've never won a spelling bee. In fact I don't think I ever got past the 2nd round. *shrugs*
04-14-2008, 08:33 AM
Aw sorry, Mari. But there will be more moments of battle and mayhem in the future, I promise.
Is okay, I'm not much of a fighter anyhow :p
Besides, I found an opening in the story for me to jump in again, so I'm happy ^_^
04-14-2008, 12:15 PM
Aw sorry, Mari. But there will be more moments of battle and mayhem in the future, I promise.
I don't doubt that with this group :D:p
The Sasquatch of Fangorn
04-14-2008, 09:34 PM
I don't doubt that with this group :D:p
I have to say, I've only been in on it for a couple of day but I have to agree!
04-14-2008, 10:44 PM
Abasi's not young AT ALL...just...bitter and cynical and angry. ;)
Willow Oran
04-14-2008, 11:06 PM
I figured as much, but Haldis is judging by behavior and appearance and at the moment he isn't exactly acting she expects more matured elves to act.:p
04-14-2008, 11:20 PM
LOL, no wonder. :) I just didn't want him to come across the same as other Elves - the Avari are significantly different, and I wanted him to come across that way. :)
Willow Oran
04-14-2008, 11:33 PM
Significantly different in history and lifestyle, maybe. The bitter cynicism seems to be a feature of all the elven peoples...;)
I've edited so that my post coincides with both of yours, though the time overlap will still be a little jarring.
The last sane person
04-14-2008, 11:36 PM
Heh...Carnehil will have a ball with Abasi....
04-14-2008, 11:46 PM
Everyone is picking on poor, harmless little Abasi! *sniffle*
Willow Oran
04-14-2008, 11:58 PM
If he's as old as he claims, he can take it. :evil:
04-15-2008, 12:00 AM
He's as old as he claims. ;)
*is wondering if there is anyone in the group who does not have a sad history* :p
04-15-2008, 03:24 AM
Abasi's isn't so terribly sad. It's not like his wife or kids or anything were murdered. He just had some crappy times, like all elves did.
Who said "sad history" has to include death or whatever? :)
04-15-2008, 03:28 AM
I didn't mean to make his history sad - not any more than any other Elf...:(
I think you are misunderstanding me. Please ignore what I said about the sad histories. :)
It was more in jest anyway. ^_^
04-15-2008, 03:49 AM
;) It's alright. If Abasi has a sad history, it's Tolkien's fault, not mine. ;)
The last sane person
04-15-2008, 03:58 AM
I dunno, I thought Carnehil had a ball with his past. Or...well, at least not as much to mope about.
04-15-2008, 07:11 AM
Sasquatch, don't forget Borin's got another brother, Dwalin, according to the Hobbit. He should still be alive, I think. ;)
The Sasquatch of Fangorn
04-15-2008, 11:50 AM
I'm saving that for a later time! ;)
04-15-2008, 11:54 AM
Abasi has no parents...makes his history a lot simpler. ;)
Ellysa doesn't know hers. Simple too :p
Say, are we riding again, or are we still in the camp?
04-15-2008, 05:02 PM
I think we've just packed up camp and are on the road again. That or we are parading on horse through the camp and that would make no sense at all. Even for this bunch. :p
04-15-2008, 05:11 PM
Oh, I don't know. My pretty little white horse with crystals plaited into its hair seems prime stock for parading. ;)
04-16-2008, 11:48 AM
Hey, I just had a question, since I'm new to RP here...
I'm a bit uncomfortable with other people playing my characters, even just a little...every word and action of a character says something about their personality, and is in a way a tiny little bit of chracter development.
What are the rules here on doing that? On other boards I RP on, I know this is a big no-no, and is not allowed at all - kind of #1 on the RP'ers 10 Commandments: 'Thou Shalt Not Move/Speak For/or Assume the Actions of Another's Character.' ;)
So I was just wondering what the rules were here?
Not trying to be a pain or anything, just something that bugs me a little and just want to know the rules here! :)
04-16-2008, 12:12 PM
The rules depend on the game and who's playing. Usually, a little moving of other people around is accepted here if the characters don't behave too out-of-character. But I've seen games ranging from where everybody could write for other characters to where no one could writing for other people.
I find it usually easiest that people play their own character and are allowed a little moving of other people's character (In my case, as game leader, it is sometimes required) BUT always allowing the characters' owners full editting right. I.o.w. somebody moves your character and you do not agree, you can politely ask to have that changed to what you do find acceptable. The other person should comply with the request. It works well, provided people are polite about it.
Still, it is best to keep your interference with other people character's to the minimum.
Rinkë, about your last post, I think we have made camp and aren't riding anymore. At least, that's what I understood from somewhere in Ingwe's post :)
04-16-2008, 12:36 PM
GAME LEADER ANNOUNCEMENT: Everyone, I think I have said this before: please do not start fights or bring in new dark lords without at least consulting me first. I have a story line prepared which I think will take us long enough, but it doesn't do well if Balrogs go popping up all over the place. :( I know I haven't shared this story line with you yet, because I thought you'd might enjoy it more when things were sprung un you instead of discussed before hand. I can be very accomodating to work in people's idea, really, but at least discuss it with me first, yes? I promise there will be enough battle and interesting enemies ahead. So please, please don't go making ones up on the spot. Pretty please?
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