View Full Version : Any intrest in an adventure RPG? (LLL discussion part I)
05-08-2008, 08:44 PM
Afraid you made it worse, feawen. ;)
Abasi has precedence here. :)
05-09-2008, 12:03 AM
Damn!;) that Abasi-elf must have anger-mangement issues :rolleyes:
05-09-2008, 01:10 AM
Hey - some people channel their anger into poetry, some don't. :D
05-09-2008, 02:26 AM
Hehe so you read my mystifying poem huh:rolleyes:
Don't bite Nami's head off tho, or Quickleaf will come to her rescue:rolleyes:;)
05-09-2008, 02:28 AM
Passive-aggressively, as usual? :p
Please forgive me, for I know not what I ask: a muzzle is the nose of a horse, right? *looks ready to flee in case her question is totally ridiculous*
Horses and I... let's just say that horses don't like me and I therefore do not like horses.
05-09-2008, 10:43 AM
What did nami ever do to you! damn elfs!
quickleaf help!
05-09-2008, 10:51 AM
What? Tabrîl was nice. Sort of. :p
05-09-2008, 11:02 AM
yes she was i was talking about abasi. the man has no people skills! how was nami ment to know he was one of then big training kinda people!
flipping 90 second posting thing!
Nicely handled, Fay! :)
Very diplomatic. *applauds*
05-09-2008, 11:09 AM
yay for me!
now did you mean on here or on long lost leaves, cause i think that was a fine reply to Abasi kinda who asked you anyway!
05-09-2008, 11:11 AM
Which is pretty much what Tabrîl was thinking when he interrupted. ;) Though she's a little more polite than Nami about it.
05-09-2008, 11:14 AM
what? the man needs a talking to! and nami's not going to be walked over by his ego! Though nami likes tabril now which is good! rebel against the evil influence of Abasi and his ego!
right ill check in after my tea and once ive enjoyed the last of todays sun before it rains cause ive been at work in a sweaty hospital!
05-09-2008, 11:27 AM
But Tabrîl likes Abasi! :p
Enjoy your tea, Feawen! :)
Willow Oran
05-09-2008, 12:29 PM
Tyr is borrowed from Norse mythology. First person to guess which first ager he's supposed to be gets a cookie.:D
05-09-2008, 01:51 PM
Oh dear a certain elf got up on the wrong side of the bed today!
Curufin im hoping the anger is only directed at Nami and not me too!
ok i need a group view on this!
Is nami being nasty? i dont think she is!
Willow Oran
05-09-2008, 01:53 PM
I'm sure she's just getting mixed up again. And no, I don't think anyone's character is being intentionally nasty.;)
Borin's in trouble... you do not get between a witch and her lore.:D
Maybe he was referring to something else :)
Ugh, I'm going to have to get on a horse... >_<
05-09-2008, 01:56 PM
oh no poor borin! everyones going to fight again! lol
namis not mixed up she just likes people to be nice to her and when their not she makes sure they know about it! lol
05-09-2008, 01:59 PM
My bad, I meant to type Nami...
*goes to fix*
05-09-2008, 02:04 PM
yay for not being angry at me! he has some serious angry issues! i think he needs help! let sit down and eat cake!
You know, I think I might be a bit offended by Quickleaf's thoughts. ;) :p
05-09-2008, 04:47 PM
why what was quickleaf been thinking?!
05-09-2008, 05:01 PM
Awww:) What has Quickleaf said Mari?:confused::rolleyes:
Hehe, he said:
Quickleaf was eager to hunt, being quite hungry, and Nami was a skilled hunter it seemed, and she was great company.
Nami was the friendliest face he'd met in years, as Quickleaf had more often been ecountering creatures in Greenwood with a greater interest in killing him than anything else.
Hehe, I was just kidding though ;)
05-09-2008, 05:17 PM
what has nami been compaired to some scary evil thing somehow? what what!!
ohhh dr who's on tomorrow yay, it makes for for the fact i keep missing heros :mad: lol
05-09-2008, 05:19 PM
Hehe, he said:
Quickleaf was eager to hunt, being quite hungry, and Nami was a skilled hunter it seemed, and she was great company.
Nami was the friendliest face he'd met in years, as Quickleaf had more often been ecountering creatures in Greenwood with a greater interest in killing him than anything else.
Hehe, I was just kidding though ;)
what has nami been compaired to some scary evil thing somehow? what what!!
ohhh dr who's on tomorrow yay, it makes for for the fact i keep missing heros :mad: lol
Haha nooo I didn't mean neither of those things:rolleyes:
All I meant was that before I met any of you, I'd been mostly tracking down the creatures of the darkness still living in Greenwood and that it was nice to meet an elf like Nami:rolleyes: I'm just as glad to meet Ellysa;)
*cross post*
Haha, that's okay CHouse, I was just kidding anyway.
You do love to use this :rolleyes: smiley, don't you? :D
05-09-2008, 05:27 PM
smily smiles!
ive just realised i dont know what Nami looks like!
05-09-2008, 05:29 PM
*cross post*
Haha, that's okay CHouse, I was just kidding anyway.
You do love to use this :rolleyes: smiley, don't you? :D
Hehe yeah they're a genious invention. I really should make a phone-call to whatever brilliant person drew that one:rolleyes: :rolleyes::rolleyes:
05-09-2008, 05:31 PM
ohhhh Hedrim's being brave talking to Abasi! lol
you know me and coffeehouse are like level with posts how strange!
:rolleyes: smily face!
05-09-2008, 05:39 PM
We are, it's crazy:)
"CHouse" lol Mari is that my new nick? If Coffeehouse is too long you might as well call me Andreas instead..;)
You should check the Teacup more often, I've asked you about it twice already ;)
Andreas will do fine. Sounds a lot better then CHouse, though that has a certain ring to it as well :D
I guess I'm just not one for long names...
I keep having to restrain myself from abbreviating Quickleaf etc. too >_<
05-09-2008, 05:45 PM
well youve already shorted my name and thats short anyway!
oh all the nick names you could get out of my real name!
right im off to bed now. ill check back in after work tomorrow. laters people!
05-09-2008, 06:01 PM
You should check the Teacup more often, I've asked you about it twice already ;)
Andreas will do fine. Sounds a lot better then CHouse, though that has a certain ring to it as well :D
I guess I'm just not one for long names...
I keep having to restrain myself from abbreviating Quickleaf etc. too >_<
Hehe well Quickleaf's name is off-limits. You don't shorten elves names:rolleyes:;)
well youve already shorted my name and thats short anyway!
oh all the nick names you could get out of my real name!
right im off to bed now. ill check back in after work tomorrow. laters people!
Gd night feawen, some day u must tell us your real name too:)
Good night Fay! ^_^
I'm terrible, but I'm already looking for ways to abbreviate Andreas... :rolleyes:
Anyway, not everyone likes to have their name out in the open :)
05-09-2008, 06:28 PM
Yea you're right mari. Fay is short for feawen?:)
If you really wanna abbreviate why don't we settle for Coff? Easy to write, easy to remember:rolleyes:
Coff? Hmm, no it doesn't work for me. Makes me have to cough. >_<
And it reminds me of a Dutch grammarrule... >_< >_<
I'll stick to Andreas then. It's easy to type anyway.
Must... control...abbreviation obsession! :eek:
And yes, Fay is short for Faewen. I'm not sure how Fae is supposed to be pronounced, but the way I pronounce it, it sounds like Fay ;)
05-09-2008, 06:44 PM
Hehe alright I'll leave the abbr. to you.
I keep thinking Fe-A-wen when I see her name, even though it probably is fAe-wen or 'faywen', thus fay:)
05-10-2008, 10:12 AM
well i say it fe A wen! not that its anything like my real name which by the way is michelle!
05-10-2008, 10:23 AM
Feawen:) What a nice name you have!;)
05-10-2008, 05:21 PM
la la la la la la la la la la la la la la
im so bored!
Same here, but if you want to spam, you ought to go to the Teacup ;)
05-10-2008, 05:26 PM
that was not spam i dont spam! :eek: oh the shock of it! it was a hint for people to post more! lol
Hehe I see. I can't post though, busy with getting to like horses. Sorry! :D
05-10-2008, 05:29 PM
I'm all set up for the next day, now I'm just waiting for people to wrap up their evening activities. (No rush, people.)
Weren't you out hunting, Feawen? ;)
05-11-2008, 04:27 AM
While your at it Willow, could you also ask the Catering Service we seem to be using, to bring some decent tea?:rolleyes:
Willow Oran
05-11-2008, 04:36 AM
Sorry, Tea is strictly reserved for hobbit characters. You have a problem with having real food while on a quest? We haven't strayed thatfar into implausibility yet. :p
05-11-2008, 04:37 AM
Haha okay that joke failed miserably:rolleyes: It was a pun at your conversation with Tabril. Talking about getting replenishments. ;)
05-11-2008, 04:41 AM
Actually, we might well have some herbs. Something not entirely unlike herbal tea could be plausible.
Of course, Tabrîl's not sharing. :p
05-11-2008, 04:43 AM
See, Abasi's from the far east...:evil:
Now if he can just find some bergamot...
Willow Oran
05-11-2008, 04:43 AM
...maybe it's just that it's coming on 2am here, but that pun went far enough over my head that I didn't even hear the 'whoosh' as it went past.:confused::D
Infusion. Herbal tea is modern misnomer.:p
05-11-2008, 04:55 AM
Ack! Curséd modernity. I *did* know that, once.
I love the way Haldis can now tell when Tabrîl's insulted. Even when she doesn't point it out. :D
05-11-2008, 04:56 AM
I've been lazy as Abasi lately. I suppose he's still sitting in a corner sulking?
Willow Oran
05-11-2008, 04:59 AM
Most probably.:D
Bring him out of the corner, why don't you?
05-11-2008, 05:02 AM
Sounds good.
*goes to do just that*
Willow Oran
05-11-2008, 05:11 AM
Blast, double post. Abasi can help Tabrîl answer.:)
05-11-2008, 05:17 AM
morning everyone!
Coffeehouse ill let you decide if my arrow hits the deer! even if it misses we'll have to find another one and you can have the next shot!
05-11-2008, 07:28 AM
Thanx Feawen:) We'll see what happens;)
But first I have a few thoughts about the character Tabril and a question or two:
1. Tabril makes a point of that she has next to no similarities with anyone in the company (except a few with Abasi) and that her people, the Kindi (correct me if I'm wrong), are too let's say, exotic or different, that none of the rest of us would understand her & their ways.
2. One of the reasons Tabril also seems reluctant, to the point of insane paranoia, to divulge almost anything about her people is that any such information might endanger her peoples.
It's understandable though. If the Kindi is a small tribe, with a long history of 'isolation' and a distrust of the outside world (for whatever reason). It is perfectly alright that she does not want to share information.
3. But, when avoiding to speak, in any real sense, about her people, and when spelling out her own thoughts, Tabril frequently (along with Abasi) speaks of the rest of us as uwindi. Ok so I googled it:rolleyes:, and found two pages from this forum:) So it's a made up word?
But I'm digressing..
What I'm curious about is how Tabril, who if we look at the posts that have been written about her/by her in LLL, is able to so easily dismiss what the peoples of the company would understand or not.
Let's do a couple of general facts:
-Many of the people in the company, including Quickleaf, have lived for several hundreds, if not thousand years. And
-Most of the companions were hand-picked by Gandalf to travel on this quest with Radaghast. I would therefore presume that most, if not all, of the individuals on this journey are pretty unique and not at all ignorant.
-None of the people in the companionship are overtly dependent on anyone else. Pretty self-reliant individuals you'd have to say:)
Yet Tabril (& Abasi) seem very eager to presume so. The word uwindi is used again and again, yet Quickleaf's an elf, we have a dwarf, and several humans, and yet we're labelled under the same name. So naturally I'm curious. What does uwindi mean?:)
But let's take Quickleaf as an example (because I can speak for him).
He's now been all over Mirkwood for at least a few hundred years now. The notion that he would somehow not understand anything about the Kindi, understand the ways of their warriors (Tabril as an example) or any other code of conduct they might have, is kinda naive;)
My answer to Tabril's way of assuming things about us uwindis is as groundlessly based as our assumptions about her people. But that's a shame, because I think everyone would be thrilled to be introduced to a new tribe (not physically but through Tabril's own telling), and a different way of living.
The reason I'm writing that is that I'm really wondering if that constant I'm different, you'll never understand me really is getting the character anywhere..
I am only making some observations, so I hope it's not taken the wrong way:rolleyes: I could be really, really mistaken on my observations;)
05-11-2008, 07:47 AM
Coming home now, we all went on a trip, will be able to post something here in a few hours. Cya folks later. Must post before wireless drops off again.
05-11-2008, 08:10 AM
yeah i made it rain!
im stuck for character building/devolping ideas for Nami. and since this is now the longest running and best rp ive been in ever! i want to make Nami in to the a really really good character! yes yes i do!
Haha, she's pretty good already if you ask me. She's easy-going, quick to help others out.
Good at making and firing arrows and terribly afraid of the underground.
You told us quite a lot about her background already too, making her quite accessible.
I think everyone in the company likes her. Ellysa certainly does :)
I love rain. Rain is good ^_^ Ellysa is going to celebrate that.
05-11-2008, 08:30 AM
i love the rain woo hoo! rain dance!
well i can think of at least one person who doesnot like Nami!
and now you've put it like that i guess Nami was been quite developed and i just didn't notice it!
05-11-2008, 08:34 AM
Nami is very cool:rolleyes: I think you're doing a great job:)
05-11-2008, 08:35 AM
thank you! yay yay!
right im off to enjoy the sun for a bit. catch you later!
05-11-2008, 08:39 AM
Okey cya later:rolleyes:
05-11-2008, 09:21 AM
Some interesting observations there! I think maybe a lot of the problems you raise might have something to do with my lack of ability as a writer. I know where I'm coming from when I write Tabrîl, but maybe I don't convey it very well. I'm sorry if that's the case.
Tabrîl has been taught all her life that the ways of her people, her traditions, are superior to those of everyone else, and the only way to live. She seems for that reason intolerant, proud and easily offended - she doesn't intend to give that impression, it's just how she is.Her society is very stratified, and Tabrîl knows her place in it - anything that wouldn't be appropriate for her (magic, books, carrying her own luggage ;) ) she tries to avoid wherever possible.
You're right to say Tabrîl's people are highly isolationist. They have reason to be - they're a small tribe, now, and have found in the past that interacting with outsiders tends to bring evil to their doorstep. But to Tabrîl, that's not all that important so much as the fact that she has been told to keep things secret. To have a nice chat with others in the group about her people and their customs would be violating a taboo for her, she won't do it. Haldis actually misunderstood a response of Tabrîl's at one point that way - she refused to bring Haldis to her people not because she thought Haldis herself could endanger them, but because she knows to bring strangers to their door is completely forbidden.
'Uwindi' is a word Curufin and I came up with. It means basically 'not-Avarin' and that's why it is used to refer to everyone bar Tabrîl and Abasi themselves. She doesn't differentiate. If we're using too much invented terminology, I do apologize, and if anyone wants a glossary, just PM me and I'll be happy to send (for OOC knowledge only, of course)
Maybe it *is* naive of Tabrîl to assume nobody else could possibly understand anything about her or her people, but that's the way she sees it, and to her mind she hasn't been proven wrong so far. In the same way, though, Tabrîl doesn't understand them, they don't fit with anything she's experienced.
For her to suddenly drop the way of life she has always followed and adopt new forms of thought and behavior just to fit in just wouldn't be IC for her, though it might make life easier for the other characters. I don't know if you're commenting because Tabrîl's starting to annoy you, (and not just Quickleaf ;) ) if so, that wasn't my intention, I just intended her to be an unusual character in that she doesn't feel the need to get along with everyone, her ways are more important.
I *really* hope it's coming across as a cultural thing, and not the 'I'm special, nobody understands how amazing I am, poor me' Mary-Sue type of thing.
05-11-2008, 09:41 AM
Fay! You make it sound like Ellysa is dancing and is going around naked! o_O :eek:
05-11-2008, 11:43 AM
lol maybe naked rain dance is a cultural thing for ellysa!
oh Curufin why did you delete the post i thought you made a good point. im kinda enjoying the whole insulting each other thing!
05-11-2008, 11:49 AM
Aika did a brilliant job of answering your questions, so I won't repeat that. I would like to comment a bit, though.
My answer to Tabril's way of assuming things about us uwindis is as groundlessly based as our assumptions about her people. But that's a shame, because I think everyone would be thrilled to be introduced to a new tribe (not physically but through Tabril's own telling), and a different way of living.
Tabrîl and Abasi are from a different culture. They don't think the same as you. Their thought patterns are different. While your character might think it fun and amusing to sit around and learn about her culture, Abasi and Tabrîl would be very uncomfortable sitting around and talking about it.
I've noticed this in a lot of different RP's - people assume that everyone is just going to get along and that cultural differences can be, for the most part, ignored. That's not realistic. When a group of people from different cultures get together, there are going to be social faux pas, there are going to be people offended, and there are going to be misunderstandings. Different cultures are insulted by different things, and have taboos on different things. Some cultures are going to go together like oil and water, and no amount of talking is going to assuage the differences. Although many RP's I've been in tend to kind of brush this under the carpet and ignore the cultural differences that may arise, Aika and I have decided rather to explore it.
The reason I'm writing that is that I'm really wondering if that constant I'm different, you'll never understand me really is getting the character anywhere..
Does the character have to get anywhere? Who says she's even going anywhere? Maybe she's perfectly happy to be where she is?
05-11-2008, 11:53 AM
and who wouldn't be happy here! stuck in our misfit group!
along live the culture difference it give something for Nami to shout at!
Oh be honest! She may shout at Abasi, but actually she's quite enamored by him. :p
Just kidding
The enjoying rain thing is indeed culture, but she's dancing and she definitely isn't naked! :eek: She just pulled off some of her many clothes. She's from a hot place, this place is too cold for her ;)
05-11-2008, 12:02 PM
you were the one who said naked not me!
and no Nami is not enamored by Abasi! she's got a strong dislike of him! lol :p
No, I said you made her seem naked :p
o_O That sounds bad...
Still, just to let you know, she's very decent. ;)
05-11-2008, 12:19 PM
Back home. Time to post...something. I don't think anyone will notice it but still, I'll post something. I just can't find a way to integrate my character with anyone else here except A'mael and Radagast. I feel that anything I post kinda crosses the line, and I have thought a bit about getting my character killed by him taking a little 'tumble' off a cliff, but that's just my slightly manic-depressive side coming out there. Otherwise, I'm just sitting shooting arrows at crows all day long. :p
You can always come over to Ellysa and ask her what in the world she's doing. It must be odd enough for you to ask about. ;)
Or you could congratulate the hunters with their catch.
Or, or... something. :)
05-11-2008, 12:45 PM
Some interesting observations there! I think maybe a lot of the problems you raise might have something to do with my lack of ability as a writer. I know where I'm coming from when I write Tabrîl, but maybe I don't convey it very well. I'm sorry if that's the case.
Tabrîl has been taught all her life that the ways of her people, her traditions, are superior to those of everyone else, and the only way to live. She seems for that reason intolerant, proud and easily offended - she doesn't intend to give that impression, it's just how she is.Her society is very stratified, and Tabrîl knows her place in it - anything that wouldn't be appropriate for her (magic, books, carrying her own luggage ;) ) she tries to avoid wherever possible.
You're right to say Tabrîl's people are highly isolationist. They have reason to be - they're a small tribe, now, and have found in the past that interacting with outsiders tends to bring evil to their doorstep. But to Tabrîl, that's not all that important so much as the fact that she has been told to keep things secret. To have a nice chat with others in the group about her people and their customs would be violating a taboo for her, she won't do it. Haldis actually misunderstood a response of Tabrîl's at one point that way - she refused to bring Haldis to her people not because she thought Haldis herself could endanger them, but because she knows to bring strangers to their door is completely forbidden.
'Uwindi' is a word Curufin and I came up with. It means basically 'not-Avarin' and that's why it is used to refer to everyone bar Tabrîl and Abasi themselves. She doesn't differentiate. If we're using too much invented terminology, I do apologize, and if anyone wants a glossary, just PM me and I'll be happy to send (for OOC knowledge only, of course)
Maybe it *is* naive of Tabrîl to assume nobody else could possibly understand anything about her or her people, but that's the way she sees it, and to her mind she hasn't been proven wrong so far. In the same way, though, Tabrîl doesn't understand them, they don't fit with anything she's experienced.
For her to suddenly drop the way of life she has always followed and adopt new forms of thought and behavior just to fit in just wouldn't be IC for her, though it might make life easier for the other characters. I don't know if you're commenting because Tabrîl's starting to annoy you, (and not just Quickleaf ;) ) if so, that wasn't my intention, I just intended her to be an unusual character in that she doesn't feel the need to get along with everyone, her ways are more important.
I *really* hope it's coming across as a cultural thing, and not the 'I'm special, nobody understands how amazing I am, poor me' Mary-Sue type of thing.
A superb answer:):rolleyes: Explained alot.
Quickleaf isn't annoyed with you though, I (&him) actually find it kinda intriguing that there are characters that stand out;):p
Willow Oran
05-11-2008, 01:52 PM
I find it awesome that while Haldis, Abasi and Tabrîl are talking about how they don't hunt or eat red-meat if they can help it, everyone else is cheerfully hunting deer and squirrels... during the one season when there is plenty of other food around too.
I'm going to have to let Haldis be properly horrified by the lot of you.:p
The deer was relatively small compared to a grown-up
05-11-2008, 01:56 PM
well for the record when you lot her having this i dont eat meat thing nami and quickleaf where already hunt.
everyone eat deer went they first got into camp and since this is a cultural thing! Nami will just eat you're share of the meat and let you know that though she repects you're views mind you own bussiness!
Willow Oran
05-11-2008, 02:01 PM
I never said she'd be loudly horrified. I was partly kidding there, Feawen.:)
05-11-2008, 02:02 PM
lol i know!
05-11-2008, 02:40 PM
Does the character have to get anywhere? Who says she's even going anywhere? Maybe she's perfectly happy to be where she is?
Although character development/change is an interesting part in role playing, even if not one I'm very good at. I'm not saying our two Avari have to change and get along with the rest all of a sudden, far from it. But the possibilities are interesting nevertheless. :)
Back home. Time to post...something. I don't think anyone will notice it but still, I'll post something. I just can't find a way to integrate my character with anyone else here except A'mael and Radagast. I feel that anything I post kinda crosses the line, and I have thought a bit about getting my character killed by him taking a little 'tumble' off a cliff, but that's just my slightly manic-depressive side coming out there. Otherwise, I'm just sitting shooting arrows at crows all day long. :p
If you're unsure about how to initiate interaction with other characters, you can always contact the other player by PM and work out some discussion or interaction between the two of you. They might have a good idea for both your characters to do. It doesn't have to result in a long post, but it might get you more integrated. On another forum I role play on, PM'ing each other to work out posts and story-lines between characters is standard practise, and I don't think anyone here would mind. :)
I find it awesome that while Haldis, Abasi and Tabrîl are talking about how they don't hunt or eat red-meat if they can help it, everyone else is cheerfully hunting deer and squirrels... during the one season when there is plenty of other food around too.
Cultural differences indeed. :D Then again, we are a large company. About that, I was thinking of making all the now abandoned characters whose players haven't posted in a long time, public characters. If by any small chance those players come back, they can re-take theit character, but in the mean time, we'll have more characters to interact with. What do you all think of that?
Willow Oran
05-11-2008, 02:48 PM
Sounds good. Definitely gentler than the usual 'leave them behind or kill them off' methods.;)
05-11-2008, 02:51 PM
*shifty look* We-ell... I admit the future possibility of 'cannon fodder' was part of the equasion somewhere... But it did work well in the TLA-games.
05-11-2008, 03:22 PM
hehe cannon fodder!
to tell the truth i can't remember who the old character who haven't posted in a while were!
Willow Oran
05-11-2008, 03:34 PM
Or do you mean 'canon' fodder?:p
It worked even better in 'Pirates'.;)
In case you're wondering: yeah I'm completely mixing Japanese traditions with Ellysa's supposed desert heritage here.
Mochi is in reality some sort of rice cake. You have to pound the special rice until it becomes very sticky and cake-like. When they are dried, you can save them for an indefinite time. All you need is water to make them edible again.
Normally two or more people pound in rythm, often to a song.
Zoni is a soup eaten only on the first day of the new year, with mochi, fresh vegetables, herbs (dunno what kind), seaweed and whatever else you want to put in. This soup is supposed to keep you healthy.
If you don't agree with my mixing up all sorts of cultures to sort of make up Ellysa's culture myself, please tell me. Though I try to stay within the few things I know about the Haradrim.
05-11-2008, 04:27 PM
I'm very much enjoying reading about Ellysa's customs, Mari! :) And I think the mix of cultures to create something unique a good idea, too.
Thank you ^_^
Fay, did you hand those parsnips to Ellysa? *is confused*
Parsnips are great though! They are practically required ingredients for Japanese cooking :D
05-11-2008, 05:06 PM
lol yay for parsnaps i love parsnaps reminds me of christmas and going to my nanna's!
and no Nami is on her way if not at the camp, so she is going to hand parsnaps to Ellysa but i thought nami ran off to get the veg with out ellysa which is why nami currently has them. oh now im confussed. did i confuse people!
anyway i have edited post you now have the veg's!
Okay, so you will come back. Got it! :D
05-11-2008, 05:18 PM
ok she's back on with the cooking! lol
im thinking since this is kinda a party, do we have ale?
05-11-2008, 06:11 PM
If you're unsure about how to initiate interaction with other characters, you can always contact the other player by PM and work out some discussion or interaction between the two of you. They might have a good idea for both your characters to do. It doesn't have to result in a long post, but it might get you more integrated. On another forum I role play on, PM'ing each other to work out posts and story-lines between characters is standard practise, and I don't think anyone here would mind. :)
Well, until A'mael came aboard to take her character, I didn't have anyone to interact with much and doing stuff with her is alright, but I'd definitely like to interact with the others. I got her into it some days ago because I think she'll have fun with it, but at the moment she's not feeling too great. I hope A'mael does continue to post here but it takes some motivating to get her moving on some things like that. So if PM's are the best way of opening a channel to someone, I'll try doing that. The last thing that should happen in an rpg is putting someone into a plot without informing them. Otherwise I would end up shooting crows with my bow for the rest of the rpg. We went on a trip for a couple days there and now Amy doesn't seem to be feeling too well upon returning, so I think that before I have the Ingwionis character do anything more with her, Amy will have to get to feeling well enough to do anything and I'll have to make sure that she wishes to continue on course. If not, then a fork in the fellowship might form where she takes her character into some necessary mission somewhere and I go on with the company, without her. She had mentioned the idea of a fork-off where she's on her own since she did admit that she's not going to be able to post as much as she thought she would. Since Amy had her character initiated as a player-controlled character, I can't really take her character back as an NPC as that would defeat my intentions, for her to join in on this and have fun with it.
I also have to catch up on about 10 pages of reading to be honest, I've been essentially confused for the last couple of weeks, and it seems to have a lot to do with some situations here, right now more than any other time so far.
As far as the canon fodder idea, if that is in reference to me, I'd fully accept that if I had myself done anything wrong enough to be called into the "Grima Wormtongue" group. If the council sees it fit, Gondor will see it done. :cool: If it concerns A'mael, she's new here and I'm sure she'll pass me up in post count before long if she does get to posting. I can definitely say for sure that she is a lot more pleasant to get along with than I am. I'm more or less thinking I'm the Gollum type who will, in the end, screw it all up. If anyone is likely to make a literal 'run for it' next, it'll probably be none other than Ingwionis. The trip over a rock and fall off a cliff idea is still plausible though. They say when you have some sort of suicidal urge that you should make a fictional representation of yourself and get that representation killed in the effect of the story. I'd say it's worked in other RP's. I've died in half the RP's I've been in anyway.:p It saves Cirdan a lot of work.:p
Ingwe, the canon fodder comment was in reference to character who were introduced, but never really got beyond that I think, so don't worry.
If you like to interact with Ellysa feel free to walk up to her and ask her something. If the soup is done, she'll come to you too with it by the way. :)
EDIT: Does that help?
05-11-2008, 07:19 PM
That helps much, thank you. :)
05-11-2008, 08:14 PM
Hey, Ingwë - feel free to try to interact with Abasi, although I can't promise anything good will come of it. ;)
Oh, and this is not an insult or anything negative, I've just got to ask...why does "Ingwë" use Fëanor's heraldic device in your avatar? I've been dying to know. ;)
05-11-2008, 08:26 PM
Hey, Ingwë - feel free to try to interact with Abasi, although I can't promise anything good will come of it. ;)
Oh, and this is not an insult or anything negative, I've just got to ask...why does "Ingwë" use Fëanor's heraldic device in your avatar? I've been dying to know. ;)
Yea, I've not found one for Ingwe so I made a small one that consists of Feanor's but is modified.
As for interacting with your character, sounds like it will be a lotta fun!
The last sane person
05-11-2008, 09:50 PM
Add Redplate to the canonfodder list, I'm not really getting into the RPG spirit.
05-12-2008, 02:21 AM
As far as the canon fodder idea, if that is in reference to me, I'd fully accept that if I had myself done anything wrong enough to be called into the "Grima Wormtongue" group. If the council sees it fit, Gondor will see it done. :cool: If it concerns A'mael, she's new here and I'm sure she'll pass me up in post count before long if she does get to posting. I can definitely say for sure that she is a lot more pleasant to get along with than I am.
The darn guilty conscience thing I hear all the time ..... absolutely unnecessary and irrelevant in just about any context you place it in.
The avatar fits him well indeed. Just as much fire in the eyes as Feanor and double the guilt complex.
In addition, Ingwe's reference to my illness has been greatly exaggerated. I'll be able to be around here more than he's said. I just haven't felt too well during certain times and he just panics at every little thing that happens.
Setting the Stage
I have thought about forking off and creating a slight, but harmless, plot twist. I more or less thought of my character wandering off and by accident falling asleep, losing the crowd, andd ending up captured by some people of Rhun, but that's if the journey takes us any further east than the western perimeter of the Sea of Rhun.
I'd also like to open a dialog with those here besides Ingwe, so that will be arranged. A'mael is shy but eruptive, so if she erupts into insult in a post, it isn't directted at anyone directly, just directed at their character for the means of conflict, and turning a few heads. The Elves naturally target Dwarves for such a discussion. Ingwe doesn't seem to since he's been around literally forever and probably had Dwarven slaves like Eol did (just kidding), but A'mael hasn't been exposed to many people besides Elves for most of her life, which comprises a small part of the third age.
Time to get caught up on at least 20 pages of Long Lost Leaves, so I can acttually begin to understand the other characters.
05-12-2008, 05:22 AM
As far as the canon fodder idea, if that is in reference to me, I'd fully accept that if I had myself done anything wrong enough to be called into the "Grima Wormtongue" group. If the council sees it fit, Gondor will see it done. :cool: If it concerns A'mael, she's new here and I'm sure she'll pass me up in post count before long if she does get to posting. I can definitely say for sure that she is a lot more pleasant to get along with than I am. I'm more or less thinking I'm the Gollum type who will, in the end, screw it all up. If anyone is likely to make a literal 'run for it' next, it'll probably be none other than Ingwionis. The trip over a rock and fall off a cliff idea is still plausible though. They say when you have some sort of suicidal urge that you should make a fictional representation of yourself and get that representation killed in the effect of the story. I'd say it's worked in other RP's. I've died in half the RP's I've been in anyway.:p It saves Cirdan a lot of work.:p
Now, now, none of that cheek. :p I wasn't referring to your or Amael's characters when I talked about abandonned characters. I was thinking only of those who never got further then their introduction post, or haven't posted at all since the departure from Rhosgobel. Ingwionis and A'mael clearly don't fall under those.
But the idea to keep silent characters in the running, is (because I need some of their skills for the plot) to keep the characters available if the owners return. I stress,this is not taking away anyone's characters, just have them say a little or do something once in a while to keep the character active.
If you want to quit this game, obviously, you have every right to kill of your character (but contact me first so I can work it into the story, please ;)) but not because you think you don't fit in. Just say so, if you find yourself in that latter case, and we will try to make the game enjoyable for all. That's my job after all.
If anyone wants a break from the game, that's fine to. We can keep your character active until you come back.
This is the list of characters slated for public use in absense of original player:
- The gaffer (aged Hobbit, played by The Gaffer)
- Truor (gruff beorning, played by Yaygollum)
- Blossomshade (ent-wife, played by Yaygollum)
- Earthshaker (ent, played by Nuelbar)
- Bowen (human, played by Nuelbar)
- Branwyn (Gondorean scholar, played by Tessar)
- Seratili (dwarf, played by Nautipus)
- Bob (young hobbit, played by Nicro)
Add Redplate to the canonfodder list, I'm not really getting into the RPG spirit.
Really, I'm sorry to hear that. Is there anything we can do to improve on that?
In addition, Ingwe's reference to my illness has been greatly exaggerated. I'll be able to be around here more than he's said. I just haven't felt too well during certain times and he just panics at every little thing that happens.
I'm glad to hear you're okay. I hope you feel better soon, though. :)
I have thought about forking off and creating a slight, but harmless, plot twist. I more or less thought of my character wandering off and by accident falling asleep, losing the crowd, andd ending up captured by some people of Rhun, but that's if the journey takes us any further east than the western perimeter of the Sea of Rhun.
We're not going East just yet (particularly because I haven't worked out yet where exactly in the East we'll be going :p), so your side plot will have to wait at least until we're done with Dol Guldur since there's no one here to be kidnapped by. But I think it can be arranged when we've left Dol Guldur, maybe not by the people of Rhun, but close relatives anyway. ;)
05-12-2008, 05:37 AM
Hey that's cool. We're going East then? I always wondered what would lie there eastwards:)
Btw Earniel, when do you plan for us to approach Amon Lanc again?
Oh no! I completely forgot that Ellysa should still be afraid of what Radagast will think of her seen as that she hasn't spoken to him since she ran. :eek:
Hmm, let's ignore that minor mistake okay? :p
05-12-2008, 06:53 AM
Btw Earniel, when do you plan for us to approach Amon Lanc again?Well, I don't want to cut short the conversations and food preparations others have started. So as soon as you're all finished with it, we'll move to the next morning and start the exploration of Dol Guldur after some explanation and refreshing by Radagast.
Oh no! I completely forgot that Ellysa should still be afraid of what Radagast will think of her seen as that she hasn't spoken to him since she ran. :eek: Hmm, let's ignore that minor mistake okay? :p
Since Ellysa has been reassured by the others that her talent is not seen as a curse, she can safely assume that goes for Radagast too even if he hasn't have had the chance to say that himself. He's supposed to be a wise man, after all. :D
Yeah, but is she bright and reassured enough to assume that much? :rolleyes:
Oh well, let's assume she is :p
05-12-2008, 07:22 AM
Or you can pretend Radagast gave his reassurance off-sight and refer back to it in one throw-away sentence like "The wizard, who also had reassured her earlier that he didn't consider her gift a curse, took a plate and got in line for the food." :D
Or, if you wish, I'll do it for you.
Hehe, well if everyone digs in, we can go to sleep after and get on with our adventure. *is impatient* ;)
Maybe we should just skip the whole eating thing too. *is very impatient, totally ignoring the fact that she's the one who started the "eating thing" in the first place*
05-12-2008, 12:15 PM
Haha. :D Now that the food is ready, we might as well eat it first.
The last sane person
05-12-2008, 04:12 PM
Really, I'm sorry to hear that. Is there anything we can do to improve on that?
Not really. I may pop on once in a while, so doodle around with Redplate and just...I dunno, let him tend the horses and mules or something. I just can't get myslef into the RPG.
Too bad. :( Ellysa didn't mind clinging to Carnehilion during the ride ;)
Aika, Tabril is sweet ^_^ But Ellysa won't give up yet.
The last sane person
05-12-2008, 04:35 PM
Hey, she still can if she wants. I'm just not going to be the most prolific or inspired poster.
05-12-2008, 04:39 PM
Tabrîl does like kids. :) (whether Ellysa would be happy or not to know that's the reason she didn't get ignored, I don't know...) I don't know if she'll go along with Ellysa's idea yet or not, though!
Well, that such a challenge will work on warriors at home doesn't have to mean it works on century old warriors too. But hey, she can always try right?
05-12-2008, 05:06 PM
:D Tabrîl's a little older than that. I must work it out, actually, how many thousands of years she's lived!
Tabrîl's only objection would be that she knows in some societies, accepting someone's food makes you their guest, with the responsibilities that come with that, and she's still very much in her usual 'I'm not getting involved' frame of mind and trying to avoid such accidents :p
It'll be fun when she sees what Ellysa has in mind, though!
The Sasquatch of Fangorn
05-12-2008, 07:03 PM
This is the list of characters slated for public use in absense of original player:
- The gaffer (aged Hobbit, played by The Gaffer)
- Truor (gruff beorning, played by Yaygollum)
- Blossomshade (ent-wife, played by Yaygollum)
- Earthshaker (ent, played by Nuelbar)
- Bowen (human, played by Nuelbar)
- Branwyn (Gondorean scholar, played by Tessar)
- Seratili (dwarf, played by Nautipus)
- Bob (young hobbit, played by Nicro)
Earthshaker hmm? That's a good name for an ent.
05-13-2008, 02:20 AM
Well isn't Haldis quite the diplomat? :D
05-13-2008, 02:23 AM
Just a warning, I'm going to be really slow for the next week or so, exams start tomorrow...
Willow Oran
05-13-2008, 02:34 AM
She speaks nicely when she has a mind to do so.;)
Good luck on your exams, Curu!:)
05-14-2008, 04:52 AM
Good luck on the exams! :)
Tomorrow I'm going to move the game to the next day, so if you have any posts you still want to make about the meal, please do so before then.
05-15-2008, 03:11 AM
Mari, you've prob already posted a description of your character, but could you type up the basics again? I'm sorta lost as to where you are from, how old you are etc.:rolleyes:
05-15-2008, 05:16 AM
I dislike monologues, but there's a lot of information to be shared. :rolleyes:
05-15-2008, 05:27 AM
I dislike monologues, but there's a lot of information to be shared. :rolleyes:
I don't think you understand:rolleyes:, I'm only asking her to post a few basic comments about her character here in the LLL-discussion thread;)
Hehe, sorry. The basic description I gave wasn't very long and she kinda evolved from there as well. :)
Anyway, original description:
A wild girl, somewhere in her 20's. An outcast because she "sees" things, but what she sees isn't always right and usually related to herself. Her origin is unknown, but she came from the lands of the Haradrim to join up. She knows how to defend herself with her bo, a necessity in a tough land with hard people. She seems human except for her "seeing" things. Her name is Ellysa. She also knows quite a lot about healing herbs out of experience.
Aelfwine described her as a dark woman, so let's stick to that. Basically she's from deep down south: desert-like land I s'ppose and a warrior-culture.
I considered changing her age a bit, but I decided that a 20'ish year old who hasn't had much positive contact with others (or contact at all), can also be as child-like as Ellysa is. Who knows? Maybe she'll grow out of it :p
If you want to see how she developed: she joined in on page 6, last post and on page 7 she has some more interaction, but after that she isn't very active for a while.
05-15-2008, 05:32 AM
I don't think you understand:rolleyes:, I'm only asking her to post a few basic comments about her character here in the LLL-discussion thread;)
No need to get into defensive position just yet, Coffeehouse. I wasn't talking about this, I was talking about my last post in the game-thread. It's long and a monologue. ;)
05-15-2008, 05:53 AM
Hey thanx Mari, more than I bargained for, but that rests a few uncertainties I had:)
No need to get into defensive position just yet, Coffeehouse. I wasn't talking about this, I was talking about my last post in the game-thread. It's long and a monologue. ;)
Lol woha where'd that come from. Defensive?:rolleyes: Easy Earniel, only a misunderstanding:)
05-15-2008, 06:38 AM
No worries. These things happen. ;)
05-15-2008, 07:25 AM
Hehe alright, good good:)
05-16-2008, 07:09 AM
For all the Elves in LLL, here is a website I've been using so far to spice up my character:rolleyes::)
If you're a bit creative you can form sentences and use them in many, many different settings. Kinda cool;)
05-16-2008, 07:29 AM
You can chose for yourself now whether you will go underground or not. There will be more trips on other days so you won't have to miss out on much should your character stay above ground for now.
You can also pick with whom you'll partner up for this trip. I'll leave that for you guys to decide among yourself. This could be a good opportunity to have interaction with somebody else's character that you haven't talked much to until now, but you don't have to. You can also take along one of the inactive characters and move them about. ;)
05-16-2008, 10:13 AM
For all the Elves in LLL, here is a website I've been using so far to spice up my character:rolleyes::)
If you're a bit creative you can form sentences and use them in many, many different settings. Kinda cool;)
Ignore this website as I've been told by a bluebird that it's kinda not authentic Tolkien elvish:D
05-16-2008, 11:30 AM
ya that web sites for the forgotten relams games, buldurs gate, neverwinter nights that kinda thing.
can you guess what i used to play in my uni days!
05-16-2008, 11:42 AM
We used that site in Assassin's Shadow and it's two sequels. Hard to find authintic Tolkien elvish imo
05-16-2008, 11:45 AM
hehe quickleaf is going to have to work harder than that to get Nami understand in the big bad dark!
05-16-2008, 11:47 AM
Ardalambion is really the best place for looking up any kind of Elvish. If anyone needs anything particular in Quenya, though, let me know and I'll try to help. I dabble in translations. :)
Poor Nami. Still, someone's got to stay and guard the campsite!
05-16-2008, 12:36 PM
yes nami's guarding the camp and noones going to tell her otherwise!
but im sure she'll have to go down sooner or later!
05-16-2008, 03:49 PM
Leave that to your game master... :evil:
Er... nothing to see here, move along, move along. :p
05-16-2008, 06:07 PM
see nami's not always happy, she's got a dark side!!!
oh im keen to know how you are going to get her down there!
With ropes :evil: Lots of rope... :evil: Mwuhahaha!
Oh, ahem, sorry :p
Don't worry, I think Ellysa is staying up as well though it is not the dark she fears.
The last sane person
05-16-2008, 07:40 PM
If all the pretty women are staying topside, so is Redplate.
EDIT: Whoa!! Ingwionis' wife is preggers!? How.... is that going to work out? Elflings along the way? Battle orcs and changing diapers? (congrats by the way0 But...elves pregnancy last about a year from what I've heard, and since this quest has an ungodly amount of distance to travel (thus meaning time) it shall be curious indeed. :D
05-17-2008, 02:13 AM
see nami's not always happy, she's got a dark side!!!
oh im keen to know how you are going to get her down there!
Quickleaf is trying to get Nami to overcome her fears and all he gets is her wandering off to the woods..:rolleyes: Ouch:p
It's the 17th of May today people, the independence day of Norway:) Yey!;)
I'm going to post some nationalistic sentiments in the Teacup Cafe:rolleyes:
Kinda cold today though.. a shivering experience it'll be:o
05-17-2008, 03:03 AM
I got to read Ingwe's post earlier on. It was definitely funny near the end of it. "They can, um, well use your imagination. They can sword fight, and, well for all I know that's all they can do. Either that or they can scare you half to death. I mean if the tall tree on our grounds came alive and started walking around and talking, wouldn't you just fall over speechless?" That one floored me!!!
I think that even thouggh A'mael is like 700 years old and pregnant, she wouldn't just back down from just any part of a journey. Dol Guldur was virtually abandoned exceptt for its guards, and they would have known something was up. These are Thranduil's folk, they wouldn't just be like 'oops, I guess we didn't know better after all, aint that ashame?' Give them credit. They may not be half-Vanyarin/half-Telerin like your character, Ingwe, but I bet they could hold their own if there were a second kinslaying involving them. Legolas was awesome, and his father I bet would be at least a little more awesome. If you're anny more awesome than that, you're bordering on Celeborn, Elrond, Galadriel, Gandalf, etcetera!!!! But oh well, maybe these guards are just slow-witted because of, ya know, guarding the boring and dark shattered rremains of an old fortress. But who knows, maybe oddly enough, no one can sense the divine hatred of spirits long thoughht removed.
A'mael would definitely not allow Ingwionis or even Radagast, even Galadriel to make her back down from the trip. I know if this were all real, I wouldn't allow that. Besides, everywhere we go, we're companions, no matter what. I tend to reflect a bit of my personality in an RP. I've only been in one other RP so far and it was about something I knew almostt nothing about. But if Ingwe goes in with swords 'a blazin'' then I go in with a bow.
Elves have a pregnancy of around 12 to 13 months generally I think. In reality, I'm 7 months from being due, so it'll be the holidays and a baby alll at once.
Anyway, about the following, and I quote from your post Ingwe,
A'mael spoke out at her husband's statement. "Now wait just a moment! I can turn this place into a forest, if I had a lot of time. What can some spirits taking forms inside of statues and uh...forks and spoons, do?"
I didn't know I had that power. Interresting, most interestting. I'll be sure to plant some seeds and make them grow quickly so everyone has some squash to eat. :p :D I hope my famous line doesn't become, 'welcome to my realm, I am A'mael, Queen of the Trees, do you want any ..... squash?'
I guess it's just easier to say, don't assume what powers my charactter has. I might use this 'new' power to make the trees confine you if you don't allow A'mael to go into Dol Goldur. That way you don't go, too. :p
05-17-2008, 04:28 AM
lol yep Nami is peved with you!
its my singing socitys concert tonight! yay yay much excitment!
05-17-2008, 04:55 AM
Hehe whaaa she's peeved with me?:rolleyes: What Quickleaf do to deserve that. He's such a nice elf:) Well if u want to go pout in the forest then be my guest... :rolleyes::p
And I wasn't suggesting you weren't courageous but that it would be a courageous thing to do...
05-17-2008, 05:10 AM
oh im keen to know how you are going to get her down there!
You'll see in good time. :D (If all things go as I'm planning, game plotting takes a lot more time and work then I realised...)
I guess it's just easier to say, don't assume what powers my charactter has. I might use this 'new' power to make the trees confine you if you don't allow A'mael to go into Dol Goldur. That way you don't go, too.
Amael, girlpower! :D No, Radagast won't stop her from going underground in Dol Guldur, because he's convinced it's safe enough if nobody does anything stupid. Don't forget he has been down there before, not specifically the part we're going to explore now, but close enough.
Just don't go Mary Sue on us, that's all I ask. Elves have a lot of possible skills and art, but characters like Lúthien and Galadriel are special cases. ;)
Oh, and congratulations on the coming mother-hood if I haven't said anything of it before. :)
05-17-2008, 05:24 AM
lol! she just reflecting her angry on Quickleaf! thats a word i learned at uni! we all know his a very nice elf but Abasi is not the only elf with issues!
and in a group as big as this at least one of them would be scaried of the dark!
05-17-2008, 05:30 AM
Mhm hehe wow you've been a busy bee at the university:rolleyes::p
Well don't expect me to run after you into the woods. Like Abasi, Quickleaf doesn't care too much for cranky elves:rolleyes:
Okey well I think Quickleaf is going to volunteer for the first wave of companions going down the shafts. If Orithil's character, can't remember his name, is going down Quickleaf will join with him. We'll excavate the deep, dark secrets of Amon Lanc:cool:
05-17-2008, 05:35 AM
yes i was a busy bee at uni now im a busy bee at work!
Nami is not a cranky elf she upset and has deep issues still to be worked out mainly for the fact i figure you got to have a reason for being so scared of the dark so im thinking on an idea for why she is scaried for all things underground!
Nami will be her old self again once she's back in camp until someone trys to get her underground again!
And Nami did not go off in to the wood just for you to follow her! she went to be alone!
05-17-2008, 05:37 AM
Ok fair enough:) Good luck with the demons:rolleyes:
05-17-2008, 05:40 AM
Nami will be her old self again once she's back in camp until someone trys to get her underground again!
Or until Tabrîl tries to give her a little advice...:evil:
05-17-2008, 05:43 AM
lol oh dear what have i got my self into!
05-17-2008, 05:44 AM
Oh that'll be interesting from the introspective elf:rolleyes:;)
05-17-2008, 05:50 AM
Introspective? Tabrîl? I guess - more that she doesn't say much, and if I wasn't writing her thought processes my posts might end up *very* short. :p
I doubt she'll be much help to Nami. Probably make her even more peeved. But we'll see. ;)
05-17-2008, 05:53 AM
Sarcasm Aika;) But I am detecting a subtle change in her. Exciting stuff:rolleyes:
05-17-2008, 06:03 AM
You know you use the :rolleyes: smiley so often, I couldn't tell. ;)
She hasn't changed, though. She's just cooled down somewhat from her earlier instinctive reactions to an atypical and more than a little frightening situation, and is trying now to assert her position a little. :p But I'll stop spamming the thread with character analysis, sorry!
05-17-2008, 06:11 AM
Hehe yeah I know, I'm affected by the :rolleyes:
Oops, maybe I should have read this thread first before posting in LLL.
Oh well, Ellysa would want her friends to kiss and make up, so I guess you can just choose to ignore her "advice".
05-17-2008, 10:40 AM
I got to read Ingwe's post earlier on. It was definitely funny near the end of it. "They can, um, well use your imagination. They can sword fight, and, well for all I know that's all they can do. Either that or they can scare you half to death. I mean if the tall tree on our grounds came alive and started walking around and talking, wouldn't you just fall over speechless?" That one floored me!!!
That was prolly one of the funniest lines I read yet.
I think that even thouggh A'mael is like 700 years old and pregnant, she wouldn't just back down from just any part of a journey. Dol Guldur was virtually abandoned exceptt for its guards, and they would have known something was up. These are Thranduil's folk, they wouldn't just be like 'oops, I guess we didn't know better after all, aint that ashame?' Give them credit. They may not be half-Vanyarin/half-Telerin like your character, Ingwe, but I bet they could hold their own if there were a second kinslaying involving them. Legolas was awesome, and his father I bet would be at least a little more awesome. If you're anny more awesome than that, you're bordering on Celeborn, Elrond, Galadriel, Gandalf, etcetera!!!! But oh well, maybe these guards are just slow-witted because of, ya know, guarding the boring and dark shattered rremains of an old fortress. But who knows, maybe oddly enough, no one can sense the divine hatred of spirits long thoughht removed.
A'mael would definitely not allow Ingwionis or even Radagast, even Galadriel to make her back down from the trip. I know if this were all real, I wouldn't allow that. Besides, everywhere we go, we're companions, no matter what. I tend to reflect a bit of my personality in an RP. I've only been in one other RP so far and it was about something I knew almostt nothing about. But if Ingwe goes in with swords 'a blazin'' then I go in with a bow.
That's my girl! ;)
Elves have a pregnancy of around 12 to 13 months generally I think. In reality, I'm 7 months from being due, so it'll be the holidays and a baby alll at once.
Anyway, about the following, and I quote from your post Ingwe,
I didn't know I had that power. Interresting, most interestting. I'll be sure to plant some seeds and make them grow quickly so everyone has some squash to eat. :p :D I hope my famous line doesn't become, 'welcome to my realm, I am A'mael, Queen of the Trees, do you want any ..... squash?'
I guess it's just easier to say, don't assume what powers my charactter has. I might use this 'new' power to make the trees confine you if you don't allow A'mael to go into Dol Goldur. That way you don't go, too. :p
Congrats on the little one in RL.
If all the pretty women are staying topside, so is Redplate.
EDIT: Whoa!! Ingwionis' wife is preggers!? How.... is that going to work out? Elflings along the way? Battle orcs and changing diapers? (congrats by the way0 But...elves pregnancy last about a year from what I've heard, and since this quest has an ungodly amount of distance to travel (thus meaning time) it shall be curious indeed. :D
Now I will admit that caught me off guard.
Now not all the women are staying topside. at least not by choice :D
05-17-2008, 09:48 PM
Computer on fritz for a few hours. Stand by.
05-17-2008, 10:52 PM
Okay, the problem we're having is Ingwe's computer that we both have been using has been shuttting down for no real reason, the fan speeds up and gets really loud. It hasn't happened for a couple of hours so hopefully it doesn't happen again.
I'll try to reply to some things in a while.
If you don't hear from either of us for anythingg more than 2 days then that means anyone can pick up either or both my character or Ingwe's and you can have them go into Dol Guldur. Just don't get us killed or anytthing.
The last sane person
05-18-2008, 02:11 AM
Ahem, Coffeehouse, Hedrim (orithil) isn't an elf. He is quite mannish. Same with Carnehillion.
Just a quick referene. Amael, sounds like your computer is overclocking/overheating, and shutting down before it fries... Might want to get that checked out.
05-18-2008, 02:13 AM
Oh. Thanx man. Says alot about how much I know about Hedrim:rolleyes:;)
05-18-2008, 04:04 AM
oh no now Quickleafs gone all kinda moody too thinking on the past!
whats with the moody elfs its like an infection its spreading!
05-18-2008, 04:10 AM
oh no now Quickleafs gone all kinda moody too thinking on the past!
whats with the moody elfs its like an infection its spreading!
Haha no, Quickleaf's not moody, but saddened. Being moody is having numerous moments of sudden sadness, again, and again, and again. Kinda like Nami..:rolleyes:
05-18-2008, 04:13 AM
oh no! Nami's not had many sad sad moments just the one the others were fearful moments! And she had a very horrible time of it ive just got to think up a horrible story for her!
I think Nami's bi poler! very very happy one minute very down the next!
05-18-2008, 04:16 AM
Hehe so you're afraid before you know why you're afraid:rolleyes: Okay:confused:
I guess you are moody then. But I prefer your ups;)
05-18-2008, 04:21 AM
Nami is not moody!
i have a basic idea of what happened to her but im still working on it.
i like Namis up's too its fun to have her run around crazy like but not every one is happy all the time.
We're got kings and advanterous and people who see things, Nami's just a plain old elf she got to have some thing to make her interesting!
05-18-2008, 04:33 AM
No worries girl:)
I've been skimming threads for more info on Dol Guldur. Found a few excellent posts by Jon S. and others about Dol Guldur vs White Council/Lorien, etc. Very cool:)
05-18-2008, 07:09 AM
Aikanáro it wont let me send that pm for my story bit. it says you've not got enough space and you need to delete stuff. Ill try and send it again after ive had my dinna. i hope you like it i want to get it really good before i post it.
05-18-2008, 07:12 AM
Ack, I need to clear out the PM box again, sorry! I'll do so now, it should be fine when you try to resend. :)
Interesting thread you've linked to, Coffeehouse! Very useful.
Edit: cleared now, but I'm going offline for a while, will check back early this evening. :)
05-18-2008, 12:53 PM
I have yet to post proper info on Quickleaf:rolleyes:, so here we go. Short summary:)
Real name: Äyenthil (Nickname: Quickleaf;))
Elven kin: half-Vanyar, half-?
Age: 3020 years old, Born 5 years into the 3rd Age.
Family: Son of Täroen, who came to Middle Earth to fight during the War of Wrath, and later fought in the War of the Last Alliance, but died later due to an unhealing injury. His father married an elven maid;) from Lothlorien and they settled in Greenwood:rolleyes:
05-18-2008, 01:05 PM
who would have thought Nami is older than Quickleaf who now has a real name!
roll than night time in LLL if got a special post planned!
I feel young :p
Let's see, the humans are Aelfwine, Carnehilion (I practiced on the name, can you tell? :p), Hedrim and Ellysa? And Aelfwine is the youngest with 18 years. Hmmm...
05-18-2008, 02:03 PM
And Haldis, I believe, who is Beorning. Aelfwine's still the youngest, though! Tabrîl was born early in the First Age, which probably makes her one of the older elves in the group.
Yay for Quickleaf having a real name! One with an umlaut, too. :D
*looks forward to Nami's night post* :evil:
Oh, if anyone at any point in the future has a character above ground and is stuck for something to do, let me know. Tabrîl will always take more volunteers to keep watch and help out at camp. As long as she thinks you're up to it. ;)
05-18-2008, 02:20 PM
I feel young :p
Let's see, the humans are Aelfwine, Carnehilion (I practiced on the name, can you tell? :p), Hedrim and Ellysa? And Aelfwine is the youngest with 18 years. Hmmm...
Hehe I guess you guys are kinda young..:rolleyes: I'm kinda waiting for Orithil to come along so that we can descend into the darkness of Amon Lanc:evil:
05-18-2008, 02:43 PM
is it night time yet. i want to post. everyone go to sleep!
05-18-2008, 02:45 PM
No, we're not even in the evening yet. The day doesn't move that quick. This'll be a long day actually, with people wandering off to Amon Lanc, etc.
05-18-2008, 02:54 PM
oh no!
ill just have to carb my excitment till everyone is finished! ;)
You can do with me what you want. I'm not sure where I want to have Ellysa, so I'll go with the flow.
If you need to find her: she's exercising with her bo again. :)
If she has to go to sleep, she'll sleep :p
05-18-2008, 03:34 PM
ill just have to wait till people sleep again! ill try to be patient!
05-18-2008, 03:45 PM
Alright I'm off guys I'll cya's later on:cool:
05-18-2008, 03:57 PM
Haha I'm gonna kill you man. I wait for you and you write one sentence in LLL:rolleyes: I'll take the liberty to lead us down then:)
05-18-2008, 04:55 PM
Just a quick referene. Amael, sounds like your computer is overclocking/overheating, and shutting down before it fries... Might want to get that checked out.
It's actually my fiance, Josh's, computer. I'd use my laptop but the wirelesss around here is totally crappy. He stayed up till 6 AM last nite trying to get the bloody tthing working, and he succeeded in doing that. So no worries now. I'll be able to post sometime now.
I feel young
Let's see, the humans are Aelfwine, Carnehilion (I practiced on the name, can you tell? ), Hedrim and Ellysa? And Aelfwine is the youngest with 18 years. Hmmm...
My Elf character A'mael is the youngest Elf in the group I think. By the same measure.
Aelfwine was quite a legendary name. Isn't it true that someone named Aelfwine was the one who found Tol Eressa on accident or somethingg?
The last sane person
05-18-2008, 05:11 PM
heh, I'm just interested in what will happen down the road when A'mael has her kid. Heh, rock on, that will certainly be a first with these rpgs.
Carnehilion will get his flirt on, I'm guessing, if left alone with the women when all others go running down into the dirt. :D
Either that or go running down into the dirt if enough of said pretty women go adventuring.
05-18-2008, 05:15 PM
i think if he trys it on with Tabril she'll try and kill. Nami has no real opinion on the flirting! i cant speak for the other girls though!
it would at least make the days interesting!
The last sane person
05-18-2008, 05:17 PM
No, Carnehillion stays away from wierdos with his flirting, so Tabril is safe from all advances. :D
Alas, a fellowship full of women and no chances. This is turning out to be more of a tragedy than an epic! :p
05-18-2008, 05:19 PM
No, Carnehillion stays away from wierdos with his flirting, so Tabril is safe from all advances. :D
Hehe that made me laugh:rolleyes::p
It made me think about who is left for C if all the weirdos are a no go ;)
Maybe Aelfwine, she might be the only normal person around, someone with sense. :p
The last sane person
05-18-2008, 05:28 PM
Yeah...I was thinking the same thing too.
Pity she is so young!
05-18-2008, 05:28 PM
Nami maybe slightly weird but she vunerable at the moment. needs a shoulder to cry on! :p
05-18-2008, 05:29 PM
Haha yeah, and besides, we're going to go grave-digging in Dol Guldur. Not exactly your average Middle Earth nightclub is it?:rolleyes:
05-18-2008, 05:31 PM
middle earth night clubbers? now i wonder what they would be like! :D
The last sane person
05-18-2008, 05:31 PM
Alas, no it isn't. Perhaps the quest might go to some Haradrim And have a looksee at the local bellydancing culture? (Hey, he can hope, can't he?)
If nami wants to sniffle all over Carnehil's shoulder, go ahead. Should make for an akward scene, at least for Redplate.
Oh, he wants go visit Ellysa's place? ;)
But let me get this straight: he wants girls, but doesn't know what to do with a crying one? Oy, that's one of the best opportunities! :p
The Sasquatch of Fangorn
05-18-2008, 05:52 PM
Oh, he wants go visit Ellysa's place? ;)
If you want, Borin can find her on his way to the caves.
The last sane person
05-18-2008, 07:54 PM
Oh, he wants go visit Ellysa's place? ;)
But let me get this straight: he wants girls, but doesn't know what to do with a crying one? Oy, that's one of the best opportunities! :p
Hehehe, if she suggested that, he'd be all ears!:D
Yeh. He...isn't exactly the most chivalrous guy on the block.
05-18-2008, 09:02 PM
Sin City, Middle Earth Edition.:p I can see it now.:eek: Don't anyone go and do anything foolish now. The Silmarillion and the First Age is a guide to let you at least see the cause of all of life's problems.
Hopefully the next expedition into the rubble will be A'mael and I.
I'm just waiting to see if someone in the company is going to stab everyone in the back and go Smeagol on them. Either that or some power struggle, but that's always a given in every adventure (though it's cliche and an over-used theme in movies).
05-19-2008, 12:15 AM
Haha I'm gonna kill you man. I wait for you and you write one sentence in LLL:rolleyes: I'll take the liberty to lead us down then:)
Haha sorry about that man:D
05-19-2008, 01:35 AM
No, Carnehillion stays away from wierdos with his flirting, so Tabril is safe from all advances. :D
:eek: Somehow I think that's a very good thing, for Carnehillion. Of course, he doesn't know what constitutes flirting in her culture, either! :D
Someone should tell Tabrîl, though, I'm sure she'd be interested to know the real reason she's still single at her age is that she's too weird. :p
05-19-2008, 03:30 AM
Then hopefully I can catch up on RPing...
05-19-2008, 05:31 AM
I got a little behind on reading the game-thread this weekend. So it's going to take me a while to catch up.
05-19-2008, 12:27 PM
heh, I'm just interested in what will happen down the road when A'mael has her kid. Heh, rock on, that will certainly be a first with these rpgs.
Carnehilion will get his flirt on, I'm guessing, if left alone with the women when all others go running down into the dirt. :D
Either that or go running down into the dirt if enough of said pretty women go adventuring.
No, Carnehillion stays away from wierdos with his flirting, so Tabril is safe from all advances. :D
Alas, a fellowship full of women and no chances. This is turning out to be more of a tragedy than an epic! :p
And again I am lmao
It made me think about who is left for C if all the weirdos are a no go ;)
Maybe Aelfwine, she might be the only normal person around, someone with sense. :p
What is Ellysa trying to play matchmaker now :p
Yeah...I was thinking the same thing too.
Pity she is so young!
Now we know the real reason Redplate came :D
The last sane person
05-19-2008, 01:05 PM
Hey, if you are going to be going off on a wild goose chase that may take umptydump years and traverse god knows what sort of forsaken land, hey, you might as well have some nice scenery to enjoy and oggle at. :D
:eek: Somehow I think that's a very good thing, for Carnehillion. Of course, he doesn't know what constitutes flirting in her culture, either! :D
By now, Carnehillion has noticed exactly how easy it is to offend these new weir -- er, questmates, so he is going to give them a WIDE berth and keep interaction down to a minumum.
Perhaps in battle he might occasionally tell them to duck or watch out or something, but Carnehillion isn't going to be interacting that much with them. It's just not in character for him, he would see them to be as much of a headache as they would see him.
05-19-2008, 01:08 PM
Hey, if you are going to be going off on a wild goose chase that may take umptydump years and traverse god knows what sort of forsaken land, hey, you might as well have some nice scenery to enjoy and oggle at. :D
As an elf Quickleaf has to redefine his understanding of "The weakness of Men":rolleyes::p;)
The last sane person
05-19-2008, 01:10 PM
Oh come, come! It's not as though elves didn't enjoy their own eyecandy when marching around. Why do you think they made themselves look so pretty? Have to have SOMETHING to look at, sheesh! :D
05-19-2008, 02:39 PM
Oh come, come! It's not as though elves didn't enjoy their own eyecandy when marching around. Why do you think they made themselves look so pretty? Have to have SOMETHING to look at, sheesh! :D
:) Hey I didn't say being pretty was wrong:rolleyes:
05-19-2008, 03:18 PM
I'd draw a picture of my character the way I think I look. The way I feel right now is pretty awful and ugly so I'd have to draw a picture of the ugliest Orc I could find for my character.
I feel distant from everything and everyone lately, especially this week. The pain is awful and I've been ill since yesterday afternoon.
I don't know what is to become of my character in this RPG, but as of today, I just got to the point where I can't manage my emotions lately, the depression is practically impossible to manage, I don't know why it's there but it could have something to do with the fact that among all of God's creatures, I am his lowest, at least I feel it. Everything and everyone must have exceptions, including God himself.
I don't know what's going to happen. I'm probably going to make a post for Ingwionis that gets him critically wounded, and no better time to do that than now. Maybe a few Castellans meet up with him and wound him. That way everyone can cheer. :)
I'm in a bad mood. I wish I would have made my character darker though. Lately, I'm really not the comic kind, I'm more or less not emo or goth at all, but I am probably darker than even that today. I don't know what delivered a knockout punch to me, but I think that I'm pretty much dead in the water now.
If the alternative is for someone to play my character as an NPC that is also allowable given the fact that it may become impossible to be all...literally. Like I said, I don't know what's going to happen. Today everyone just seems to want to get on my bad side everything I do, not one thing I say or do is right, and it wouldn't take much for me to just fall face-flat into a lake and drown. It seems like an acceptable alternative, at least it wouldn't leave a mess and I'd be meal for the fish. :(
Sorry I took it all off-topic here, I'm really out of it now. I know what it is to be a lingerer now, that's all I can say to describe the feeling.
05-19-2008, 03:28 PM
I'd draw a picture of my character the way I think I look. The way I feel right now is pretty awful and ugly so I'd have to draw a picture of the ugliest Orc I could find for my character.
I feel distant from everything and everyone lately, especially this week. The pain is awful and I've been ill since yesterday afternoon.
I don't know what is to become of my character in this RPG, but as of today, I just got to the point where I can't manage my emotions lately, the depression is practically impossible to manage, I don't know why it's there but it could have something to do with the fact that among all of God's creatures, I am his lowest, at least I feel it. Everything and everyone must have exceptions, including God himself.
I don't know what's going to happen. I'm probably going to make a post for Ingwionis that gets him critically wounded, and no better time to do that than now. Maybe a few Castellans meet up with him and wound him. That way everyone can cheer. :)
I'm in a bad mood. I wish I would have made my character darker though. Lately, I'm really not the comic kind, I'm more or less not emo or goth at all, but I am probably darker than even that today. I don't know what delivered a knockout punch to me, but I think that I'm pretty much dead in the water now.
If the alternative is for someone to play my character as an NPC that is also allowable given the fact that it may become impossible to be all...literally. Like I said, I don't know what's going to happen. Today everyone just seems to want to get on my bad side everything I do, not one thing I say or do is right, and it wouldn't take much for me to just fall face-flat into a lake and drown. It seems like an acceptable alternative, at least it wouldn't leave a mess and I'd be meal for the fish. :(
Sorry I took it all off-topic here, I'm really out of it now. I know what it is to be a lingerer now, that's all I can say to describe the feeling.
No problem man, if you want to write to us here on Entmoot I will read your words:)
But I think you should do something cheerful right now. Call a good friend, go out of the house and take a long walk, watch your favorite movie. Try not to be idle.
05-19-2008, 03:43 PM
No problem man, if you want to write to us here on Entmoot I will read your words:)
But I think you should do something cheerful right now. Call a good friend, go out of the house and take a long walk, watch your favorite movie. Try not to be idle.
That is definitely a good idea, I wish the weather were normal month of May weather here too. Like they say, the more depressed one is, the more potential there is for more depression if one remains idle.
I'm probably going to try taking a nap and then watching a movie, tomorrow's off to work again so that will keep me occupied then. Today was rough and I woke up with some stomach problems, that gave me a bad attitude and my bad attitude reflected back to me a few times today, making a bad situation critical.
I like listening to music too, it does help calm things, at least some.:)
05-19-2008, 03:52 PM
That is definitely a good idea, I wish the weather were normal month of May weather here too. Like they say, the more depressed one is, the more potential there is for more depression if one remains idle.
I'm probably going to try taking a nap and then watching a movie, tomorrow's off to work again so that will keep me occupied then. Today was rough and I woke up with some stomach problems, that gave me a bad attitude and my bad attitude reflected back to me a few times today, making a bad situation critical.
I like listening to music too, it does help calm things, at least some.:)
I'm glad man, music is important for me too. We've all been in a tight spot, and everything feels like an uphill. But behind uphill struggles are lots of free-rides that make you feel on top of the world:) And I know you'll have plenty of those in your life.
Make sure you do not idle in sad thoughts, because we're all very good we humans at making sad thoughts even sadder. But I hope you make it clear to your sad thoughts that you'd like them to leave. Your the host, they're only visiting;)
I hope you do things you like to do, and keep being active. We will all have a long sleep when we are old and grey. Until then anything but that;)
The last sane person
05-19-2008, 04:07 PM
Keep active and you'll kick it, no worries!
We here at entmoot will do what we can to give you a lift. :p
05-20-2008, 03:56 PM
Aikanáro just poke nami if you want her to start getting all patrolly on the camp!
*has no idea what to do, so just lets Ellysa play around with her little stick for the time being*
05-20-2008, 04:17 PM
Nami's not doing anything come play with nami!
05-20-2008, 11:32 PM so where are we?
seems my charcter(s) had a bit of a hangover ;)
05-21-2008, 01:51 AM
My internets been down for two days now:mad: but its finally back on:o So its back to hunting for this book or map I suppose.:rolleyes:
05-21-2008, 02:20 AM
So- I'm at Curufin's, probably not going to have much time for postage until next week.
05-21-2008, 03:58 AM
Alright then, Hedrim and Quickleaf have completed the first expedition to the underground:) Who's next:rolleyes:
The last sane person
05-21-2008, 12:15 PM
Someone drag Carnehillion into this, I'm coming up for a loss as what to post to get things going. Someone give him a friendly nudge?
05-21-2008, 01:25 PM
Is he above ground? I thought you mentioned something about him staying with the lovely ladies.
I'll come over later to ask you how you are doing I think, but I'll await Eärn's post. I don't want to have to edit later. :)
I wrote a whole post last night already doing exactly so, but my browser crashed before posting it. >_<
05-21-2008, 01:40 PM
i got bored and wrote a whole post that i cant post yet cause its not the right time of day and im not changing it! it couldn't work if i did!
oh if Carnehillion and ellysa are going to start doing stuff can nami join in! as long as it dont mean going underground! she bored!
The last sane person
05-21-2008, 02:05 PM
Yeah... eheh... He is above ground, not having ventured far from his horse and bedroll.
05-21-2008, 03:57 PM
Don't let me keep you, Mari, I've posted. :)
05-21-2008, 04:02 PM
ohhh whats the shadow thing! im interested!
i was wondering is the exploring of dol gladur going to take a few days/ weeks in the rpg? just so i know if i can plan something with people or if i should keep nami free for underground adventage!
05-21-2008, 04:16 PM
Weeks would be more logical, I think. However, we'll probably only actively play a day or three and make other days go past in a single sentence. But plan as you like, I'll try and make it obvious when the last chance to see the underground comes. ;)
thanks for the warning Eärn! I posted, so go ahead and jump in Sane! ^_^
The last sane person
05-21-2008, 07:00 PM
Haradrim were horse people, from what I remember of LOTR, why is Ellysa scared of them? She should relax a bit! :p
05-21-2008, 07:57 PM
Hey, if you are going to be going off on a wild goose chase that may take umptydump years and traverse god knows what sort of forsaken land, hey, you might as well have some nice scenery to enjoy and oggle at. :D
HAHA! :rolleyes: Men
I'd draw a picture of my character the way I think I look. The way I feel right now is pretty awful and ugly so I'd have to draw a picture of the ugliest Orc I could find for my character.
I feel distant from everything and everyone lately, especially this week. The pain is awful and I've been ill since yesterday afternoon.
I don't know what is to become of my character in this RPG, but as of today, I just got to the point where I can't manage my emotions lately, the depression is practically impossible to manage, I don't know why it's there but it could have something to do with the fact that among all of God's creatures, I am his lowest, at least I feel it. Everything and everyone must have exceptions, including God himself.
I don't know what's going to happen. I'm probably going to make a post for Ingwionis that gets him critically wounded, and no better time to do that than now. Maybe a few Castellans meet up with him and wound him. That way everyone can cheer. :)
I'm in a bad mood. I wish I would have made my character darker though. Lately, I'm really not the comic kind, I'm more or less not emo or goth at all, but I am probably darker than even that today. I don't know what delivered a knockout punch to me, but I think that I'm pretty much dead in the water now.
If the alternative is for someone to play my character as an NPC that is also allowable given the fact that it may become impossible to be all...literally. Like I said, I don't know what's going to happen. Today everyone just seems to want to get on my bad side everything I do, not one thing I say or do is right, and it wouldn't take much for me to just fall face-flat into a lake and drown. It seems like an acceptable alternative, at least it wouldn't leave a mess and I'd be meal for the fish. :(
Sorry I took it all off-topic here, I'm really out of it now. I know what it is to be a lingerer now, that's all I can say to describe the feeling.
Hey, man You know where here when you need to talk. There plenty of crazies, including me, that can cheer you up if the music doesn't help.
That gave me an idea. I should draw Aelfwine sometime and post it. When I ever get to drawing again.
*has no idea what to do, so just lets Ellysa play around with her little stick for the time being*
You call that a little stick?
I'll come over later to ask you how you are doing I think, but I'll await Eärn's post. I don't want to have to edit later. :)
I wrote a whole post last night already doing exactly so, but my browser crashed before posting it. >_<
That sucks.
Haradrim were horse people, from what I remember of LOTR, why is Ellysa scared of them? She should relax a bit! :p
She's never had much positive contact with "her people" or their animals :)
BTW, all I remember was oliphaunts and a description of men of the south marching towards Sauron's gates in Mordor. Sam, Frodo and Gollem take cover from them before moving on to the place where they meet Faramir. I'm about to reread the part where they first see a dead person from Harad, so I'll take care to see if they have horses ^_^
That aside: I myself have "ridden" horses as well and we came to an understanding: they don't like me and I don't like them. Basically Ellysa gets it from me :p
05-22-2008, 04:47 AM
what stars? is it night time now!
05-22-2008, 04:49 AM
I dunno:rolleyes: It seems natural to Quickleaf tho since he and Hedrim have been all day in the dungeons. It's eveningish kinda, stars popping out:rolleyes:
05-22-2008, 04:51 AM
oh evening time i can deal with! no changing it to day time later though while im at work! ive been waiting so patiently for a bit of night and sleepyness dont change it yet!
05-22-2008, 04:53 AM
oh evening time i can deal with! no changing it to day time later though while im at work! ive been waiting so patiently for a bit of night and sleepyness dont change it yet!
Mari have you like fallen of a horse or something at a young age?:rolleyes:
Personally I think horses rock. My xperience has only been of swashbuckling fun:p
05-22-2008, 04:57 AM
ok now i got my big rain earlier which was fun yay!
now i think coffeehouse has a good idea there, now we need some swashbuckling. Not only because its fun but also because its a cool word to say. Swashbuckling!
i can see Nami as a pirate running up and down the desk in an endless happy mood!
05-22-2008, 05:02 AM
ok now i got my big rain earlier which was fun yay!
now i think coffeehouse has a good idea there, now we need some swashbuckling. Not only because its fun but also because its a cool word to say. Swashbuckling!
i can see Nami as a pirate running up and down the desk in an endless happy mood!
Hehe well Quickleaf is in fact a swashbuckling elf:) You've just not seen is swashbucklingness in action yet:rolleyes:
05-22-2008, 05:22 AM
swashbuckling elves, thats something i have to see!
05-22-2008, 05:28 AM
swashbuckling elves, thats something i have to see!
Swashbuckling elf..:rolleyes:
"Watered-Steel Blade, the World Perfection Calls! Hiyaaaaa!"
Swinging his sword Quickleaf burts upon a malicious orc, which tries to escape into a tree.
Quickleaf leaps up into the nearest tree, jumps up on a branch and runs along it chasing the terrified orc.
"Take that! And that! And that!" Quickleaf stabs stabs the orc and runs him through and swings his blade.. but cuts his belt, and his pants fall off.. and Quickleaf trips and falls down on the grass and with his cloak over his head.
Ah well:rolleyes::D
05-22-2008, 05:36 AM
lol i think in that situation Nami would just stand by laugh and point at Quickleaf!
05-22-2008, 05:53 AM
lol i think in that situation Nami would just stand by laugh and point at Quickleaf!
Mari have you like fallen of a horse or something at a young age?:rolleyes:
Personally I think horses rock. My xperience has only been of swashbuckling fun:p
Yup, and nearly got bitten. I did get the "medal" to prove that I ended the classes though. I guess they didn't care about how you sit on a horse and for how long, but that you actually sat on it. :rolleyes:
05-22-2008, 01:35 PM
Been away for a few days, at the hospital. Then some other stuff on top of that went on too, good stuff this time around.
So I have some catching up to do. I have in fact 10 pages worth to catch up on as I was trying to catch up before too. Oh my!
I'll try to be back to posting, but I can say that the last few days have changed me more than the last few centuries have! Everything feels different, smells different, tastes different.
05-22-2008, 01:40 PM
Been away for a few days, at the hospital. Then some other stuff on top of that went on too, good stuff this time around.
So I have some catching up to do. I have in fact 10 pages worth to catch up on as I was trying to catch up before too. Oh my!
I'll try to be back to posting, but I can say that the last few days have changed me more than the last few centuries have! Everything feels different, smells different, tastes different.
Alright Inwe, sorry for the crazy posting some of us are doing:rolleyes: I can only say that I really have been all over this forum the last weeks. But I blame the exams. So much study time:rolleyes::o
Hope you feel better Ingwe!;)
The last sane person
05-22-2008, 01:49 PM
Hope everything is getting better Ingwe!
Yeah, the posting rate kinda shot up over the past few days...
Oh dear, what will happen when all the exams are over and done? :p
The last sane person
05-22-2008, 03:32 PM
Why, it doesn't bear to be thought about! Wait, that makes me wonder... Will game threads be closed and split after 1k replies?
I thought about that too. I think they will? Makes it easier to trail through maybe.
05-22-2008, 04:02 PM
I was indeed thinking to make the game into two threads, since we are closing in on the 1000 replies and start the second one after Dol Guldur.
05-22-2008, 05:18 PM
im going to be away for the weekend so dont forget Nami!
Oh, me too by the way. Take good care of them please ^_^
05-23-2008, 06:12 PM
It would be easier in a way. After 1,000 replies the page list seems to get a little...what's the word I'm looking for..........long.:p
The Drunk Elf Pirates and the Quest for the Wine-thieves is looking pretty funny and also close to 1,000 replies. Drunken...Elf...Pirates? Wow the name in and of itself is just hilarious! *Beer emoticon*
I'm still trying to catch up on this RPG, and that's just with catching up on reading, and trying to understand what I should be doing next. *Smokes some of Bilbo's pipe weed, what did he put in that stuff this time anyway?*
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