View Full Version : The world of Ilwin

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04-29-2003, 08:24 PM
hmm something similar to Valley of mist how about The world of Ilwin. Its about charachters such as elves men etc. All of tolkiens creatures[except for the bad guys, orcs are the exception]

04-29-2003, 08:40 PM
The world of Ilwin. A beautiful place with lush forests, vast seas, endless deserts, huge city's, and inhabitants such as elves and men. Horses and Dragons are the main sources of transportation. Imhuriel, a princess from the elvish realm Mirkandon, is walking down the street in Eyildin the main city in Thairin dressed as a commoner. She walks up to many people and asks them to help her. She is on a quest to stamp out the most foul and evil thing in the world, a seemingly small threat but rapidly growing. It is Relasin the seemingly a nice man, handsome to be sure, as he had lured many a maiden and elf to his lair, but inside his heart he hates and wishes to destroy the male and some female elves and those in the race of men. Imhuriel's mission is to destroy him by going on a quest to his lair in the deepest, darkest, and most sinister place of all, Karananades. S he askes for a traveling companion but will she get one?

ooc:My charachter:
Name: Imhuriel Evenstar

race: Elvish

clothing: grey cloak that covers her from unfriendly eyes[bought from Tamuril], what appears to be commoners clothing that is actually made of a cloth that changes to go with her surroundings,
and a good stash of weaponry.

Weapons:Larion bow, arrows that split apart and form more arrows in the sky to kill more orcs,her sword Imladrias, daggers that she puts in their sheaves on her back, a small harp that can change size, a pack of throwing stars, things that ninjas use, and a beautifully carved quiver for her arrows

History: Imhuriels sister was lured to Relasin's lair and many a friend, madiens, elves, or otherwise, have also gone and never come back. She is on this quest to find them and kill Relasin if he does not kill her first.

04-30-2003, 02:13 PM
Remember that all RPG's here have to have some connection with Middle-earth.

04-30-2003, 06:26 PM
it has a small connection elves+dwarves+hobbits+men+orcses=Some connection

Indril Anarion
04-30-2003, 10:10 PM
I'll join...

Name: Tamuril Alcarin
Race: Elf
Gender: Female
Hair Color: Dark Red
Eye Color: Green
Weapons: Bow and Mythril arrows; knives; hand-to-hand combat
Clothing: A long elven hooded cloak is worn above light clothing that allows Tamuril to move swiftly, while remaining hidden from unfreindly eyes.

History: Tamuril is a she-elf very familiar with Relasin's evil plot. He had destroyed the only family she knew, and now, she seeks revenge. Now alone, she wanders through the wilderness trying to let go of the bitter memories of her past.

It had been many long years since Tamuril had visited the great city of Eyildin. Now wandering through the city's busy streets, her heart wept at the memory of her and her father trading elvish items with the local merchants. Lost in her memories, she lost track of where she was and bumped into a local female commoner, sending her to the ground.

"Oh, many pardons," she said, helping the young she-elf to her feet.

05-01-2003, 07:39 PM
"Tis okay. Hey have I seen you somewhere before? Oh yes you sold me my cloak from Larien did you not? Many a year ago when you were with your father". A shadow crossed the other elfs face. "I have hit a bad subject havent I?" she said ruefully.

Indril Anarion
05-02-2003, 02:43 PM
"Yes, but don't fret about it," said Tamuril. "Are you alright?"

05-02-2003, 06:22 PM
"A little scrached and bruised but otherwise okay." She said. "Do you know of Relalsin?

05-03-2003, 05:03 AM
Are wizards part of that world?If so can I join as one?

Name: Einia
Age: None can tell,but looks young
Race: One of the wizards and witches,though she prefers the term sorceress
Description: Einia is a sorceress fair to look upon;she has long wavy brown hair and bright brown eyes,she is proud and her will is strong,and can offer counsel for those who need it
Companion: A hawk is always accompanying her,Eidhen.Einia can contact with him mentally
Magic: She has the gift of using fire,and can do anything that has to do with fire magic,yet she can use spells as well
Clothing: A cloack,worn above her usual brown travelling clothes,which helps her to be unseen from the eyes of many
Weapons: A sword and ocasionally a dagger
History: Einia never met her parents,she was raised by elves and learnt their manners.She travels often and helps those who need help,knows many people both good and bad and has heard of Relasin's evil

Indril Anarion
05-03-2003, 04:52 PM
At the mention of Relasin's name, a stern look crossed her face.

"Yes, I have heard of him. But we must not speak about it here. Do you know of some place safe from unwanted listening ears?"

05-03-2003, 06:20 PM
Hey can I join? If so my character..

Name: Aewionen
Race: Man
Eyes: light blue
Hair: dirty blonde
History: Aewionen's parents both died when she was young and now she travels around looking for adventures. She stays with her grandmother while she is not wandering and her companion is her dog, Feilik.
Weapon: sword and daggers
Clothes: A light blue elven cloak(given to her by her grandmother), and common clothes.

Gulio, Strength of Many
05-03-2003, 06:42 PM
Hey, can I join?

Name: Gulio
Race: Human
Hair: Black, thick and unkempt
Eyes: Green
Clothes: Normal, everyday clothes
Weapons: Various swords, a shortbow, and kicks and punches!

Daewen Silverstar
05-04-2003, 12:49 PM
Could I join?

Name: Daewen Silverstar
Race: Elf
Hair: Long wavy sandy blonde
Eyes: Green
Clothes: Navy blue floor length gown with elvish sleeves
Weapons: None, but has the power to heal others, although not herself, and has a meethril coat.

Indril Anarion
05-04-2003, 04:51 PM
ooc: yeah...more people!!:D

05-04-2003, 06:06 PM
ooc: yes!!!!!!!more players, start at any time
:Yes I do know of a better spot, come with me." Tamuril followed the elf cautiously. Imhuriel led her to the city's stables. There she said "choose your mount, while I go get my horse". She returned with a beauitiful white horse that glowed with an elvish glow, had silver hooves, and a white mane and tail. "Have you chosen?" she asked.
OOC: Daewen its Mithril not meethril

Indril Anarion
05-04-2003, 06:51 PM
"Yes," said Tamuril, leading a black stallion out of a stable. The magestic beast stood tall with a single white diamond shape on his forhead. "Before we go any further, who are you? And why are you so interested in Relasin and his whereabouts?"

05-04-2003, 06:58 PM
I am Imhuriel, princess of Mirkandon, I pursue Relasin because he lured away my sister and my elvish friends

05-04-2003, 07:07 PM
Do you need baddies? I'll be a good guy and a bad one. Ooh! I'll be Relalsin!

Good person:
Name: Kalile Alako
Race: Elf
Hair: Short gold layers
Eyes: Change color with mood
Appearance: Willowy, short and slim, with almond shaped slanted eyes and aristocratic nose. Musician's long, tapering hands and fingers.
Clothes: Billowy tan balloon pants with a crimson vest. Barefoot, bell ankle bracelet and small armband
Weapons: Small harp, (Magic bardic ability) dagger in wrist sheath
Companion: Windrunner (Warrl) the kyree. (Lupine, but built like a giant mountain cat)

Bad person:
Race: Man
Hair: Long black mane
Eyes: Gray
Appearance: Large but not overly muscled, intelligent eyes. He intimidates without trying but can seem benevolent, and is utterly ruthless. Extremely hendsome.
Clothes:Golden scale armour decorated an eclipse, impressive red cape
Weapons:Battleaxe and broadsword

05-04-2003, 07:24 PM
Cool thanx Kalile

05-04-2003, 07:28 PM
Aewionen looked out the window of her small room. The sun was setting and she knew she should be on her way. Feilix barked at her. " I know, I should leave," she laughed quietly as she said, " I just...for some reason don't." Aewionen usually was ready to leave the quiet and simple living of her grandmother but this time was different. This time her grandmother, Ranwea, was ill. " You must go Aewionen." her grandmother was standing in the doorway, " Take Feilix and go. The same man that killed your parents is now coming for you. I will be fine." Feilix walked over to Ranwea and whimpered. " Oh hush Feilix." Aewionen smiled. How could her grandmother be so happy while she is dying? " Go." her grandmother said as though she could read her mind, " and don't come back." Aewionen knew she must so she stood up, hugged Ranwea and walked out the door. She looked back at the small cabin then walked on with Feilix close behind her. She knew she would not be coming back, not this time.

ooc: sorry it is so long, where do you think our characters could meet?

05-04-2003, 07:47 PM
Ooc: Well, I dunno. Two of us have already met... I know! Watch this, and join here, if you like.

Ic: Inside the stables itself there came shouting and thuds. Everyone hurried inside. There was a man holding a small elf by the arm, shouting,"Thief! That's my purse!" for the benifit of the crowd. The elf looked surprised, and slipped out of his grasp. "This is mine," she said calmly.
"No it's not, you little bitch! That's mine, and I'll have it back!"
The elf shook her head. "You know perfectly well that it's mine, and you have some gall to call me names when you were the one attacking me in the first place."
The man turned beet red and uttered a long stream of filthy curses. The elf started to show some anger.
"Will you stop? I said stop! You're drawing a crowd."
The man lunged at her. She pulled a small harp from her bag and played a trilling, ascending tune. The man rose into the air. She played a continuous note, and he hung, suspended.
"There now. There's your purse." Still playing with one hand, she reached up and caught his purse as it fell from his shirt. "Well, well." Three other purses fell out as well.
"Curious." The elf stopped, and her prisoner landed hard on the floor. "I'll turn these in. Never try to steal from someone you're not sure of."

05-04-2003, 07:47 PM
" Come on boy," Aewionen said to Feilix, " he have to get to the stables to get Areana." She ran to the stables. She stopped. Two people were talking of Relalsin. Are they folowers or enemies? She couldn't be sure so she slowly stepped into the stable.

05-04-2003, 07:53 PM
Imhuriel noticed Aewionen and said"Why do you think we are plotting for Relasin when we are all hating him for different crimes", Aewionen stepped back, but Imhuriel said," Do not worry i can read minds a usefull talent, will you join us on a quest to kill Relasin?"

05-04-2003, 07:59 PM
Feilix growled but then at the voice of the strangers stopped. Aewionen knew then she could trust them. "Yes, I will join you for he has also lured away my mother and killed my father." She mounted Areana and took in a deep breath, and said quietly and nervously. "what am I getting myself into."

05-04-2003, 08:03 PM
They were interupted by the inkeeper crawling out of the stables, followed by an angry elf. "Stupid bastard," she muttered distractedly. Hearing the name Relasin, she turned. "Relasin? You are searching for him?"

There was one other who heard. A tall, handsome man stood in the shadows, invisible to the passing eye. "Hmm. These women should prove... interesting. I may even need to use mind suggestion when they do find me." He melted away, leaving the city behind in less than an hour.

05-04-2003, 08:09 PM
yes what did he do to you?

Gulio, Strength of Many
05-04-2003, 08:12 PM
Gulio was visiting his horse, Rokko, when he overheard people speaking about Relalisa. He approached them and asked why they were speaking about that particular person. A young looking girl said "We are searching for him. Why do you care?"
Gulio replied, "I have hated Relalisa for as long as I've known him. I wish to accompany you on your search, if you will have me."

ooc: Yes, my name for the horse wasn't very creative, (Rokko is the Quenya word for horse) but I'm not that creative of a person.:D

05-04-2003, 08:14 PM
yes you may
ooc: Relasin not whatever you said

Gulio, Strength of Many
05-04-2003, 08:25 PM
"Well then, if no one else will join our quest, let's be off," Gulio said. He thought that the young girl that had spoken up earlier looked almost too young to this type of thing, but he decided not to say anything. The dog might prove to be annoying, though. "I never have liked dogs much," Gulio thought to himself. At that the dog started barking at him!! "No, way," he thought to himself, "Now I really don't like this dog!" He told the dog quietly to be quiet as it started barking again. The young girl glared at him.
"This is not going to be anything like I thought it would be," Gulio thought to himself.

05-04-2003, 08:26 PM
Ooc: Relala-whoosy is hard to remember how to spell.

Ic: "What did he do to me?" she seemed surprised at the question."Well... he... uh, nothing," she finished quickly,"he's evil, and that's reason enough to hate him." She said it as if to reassure herself.

05-04-2003, 08:29 PM
"Ok then lets get going." looking at the shadowy corner in surprise, "lovely he must have been here and we missed him dang.""Oh well we'll get im later lets go!!!"

Indril Anarion
05-04-2003, 08:44 PM
Tamuril noticed how large their quest had become. She wasn;t keen on trusting strangers, but it seemed that in order to attain her revenge, she would have to. The more the better, she thought to herself. She led her horse out of the stable and mounted.

"Lead the way, Imhuriel," she said.

05-04-2003, 09:45 PM
Aewionen had a feeling she wasn't being trusted. Either that, or Gulio just thought she was too young. He had been avoiding her scince they had started out. "Oh well," she thought, " I am not sure I can trust him, or the others, as well. " She knew she had to though. For her sake.

05-05-2003, 08:22 AM
I returned from the fair elven city,where the king asked for my help;he wished to find Relasin,the most evil person the realm of Mirkandon had seen.He had done many evil deeds,and as the king trusted me,he appointed me this perilous task.I accepted and I left the palace to make myself ready.I worn my usual travelling clothes and steadied my sword be my left side.Eidhen alighted on my wrist and I walked to the gates of the city.As I walked thoughts came to my mind;I was familiar to Relasin's evil,I felt it near me,he had hurt so many people I knew...Suddenly,my thoughts were forgotten as I saw a group of elves and two humans,ready to leave.I heard them clearly mentioning the name of Relasin and curiosity fell upon me;I was sure they weren't evil,so were they after him as I was?I walked to them slowly "Are you seeking Relasin also?" I asked

Indril Anarion
05-05-2003, 03:26 PM
Tamuril turned to look at the stranger. A female wizard?

"Who desires to know?" she asked suspiciously.

With the large group of travelers gathered outside a barn, and the name "Relasin" being shot out back and forth in loud tones, it was no wonder that so many kept asking to join their quest. She wanted to speak to Imhuriel about being more inconspicuous, but the moment was not appropriate.

05-05-2003, 07:23 PM
ooc: if you get bored ride off into the sunset, not Kalile though
She is okay" Imhuriel assured the group." I met her in my fathers hall, The Enchantress Enia." do you wish to come with us to destroy him?" "He was just here but unfourtunetly we missed him so we must go on."

OOC2: no men in this group[unless they are elves ooohhh...] cept Gulio, unless you pm me or Kalile first

05-05-2003, 08:04 PM
Ooc: Thppbth! Why can't I run off into the sunset too?

Ic: "Er, since Relalasin was here, perhaps we should be more quiet?" Someone passed by, cutting the group in two for a moment. Kalile stamped her foot, setting the bells ringing. The person looked down, then went on.
"Yum!" the elf said, biting into the big red apple now in her hand. "Also, I don't have a horse. I'll have to ride pillion with someone."

05-06-2003, 08:10 AM
"Your father sent me,lady Imhuriel,to find...Relasin" I spoke,lowering my voise "Yet,I never thought so many people would seek him also" I then turned to the elf that spoke "You may share my horse if you wish,and if Daenor accepts.He is quite proud" I explained and looked into Eidhen's eyes "Will you go and bring him Eidhen? " "I will sister" Then I lifted my arm in the air and Eidhen flew towards the city.A few minutes later he came back,but now a pitch black horse was with him.Eidhen alighted on my wrist and the horse came galloping to me.He stopped next to me and tossed his head once. "Daenor" I talked to him and stroke his neck "Will you bear her as well?" Daenor neighed softly in acceptance."He will bear you with me in our journey.What is your name?" I asked the elf

ooc: p.s: when I use italics it means that I mentally contact with Eidhen.And it's Einia:)

05-06-2003, 06:44 PM
Kalile: name is Kalile
Imhuriel: now can we go considering the amount of time we have.

05-07-2003, 12:10 AM
"Oh, right!" she tossed the apple core into the pocket of another passerby, and stepped lightly over to the horse.
"Thank you, noble steed, for consenting to bear me." All lightness was gone from her voice, and only sincerity remained.

05-07-2003, 12:28 AM
hey Kalile if you want to leave You will get captured by Relasin:evil grin:

05-08-2003, 12:03 AM
Ooc: Is that bad? (You said he was handsome,right?) ;)

05-08-2003, 07:40 AM
"Well then,lady Imhuriel,shall we move on?I deem we must not tarry long here" I said and leaving Eidhen fly,I mounted Daenor.He took a step backwards and waited. "Should we go north,to the mountains?Not many wander in those mountains and thus they are an excellent untrodden hiding place."

05-08-2003, 12:07 PM
"Hmm," said Imhuriel" I remember the last direction I saw my sister, who was stupid enough to go with him, headed twords the mountains, so" she paused"yes we will go there."

Indril Anarion
05-08-2003, 02:38 PM
"Then on we go," said Tamuril. She reared her horse and sped off towards the mountains along with the rest of the Company.

05-08-2003, 06:46 PM
The journey to the mountains was anything but uneventful, because an hour after they left the city limits they came upon an orc camp. At first they thought that the camp was empty, but soon found that there were still some orcs left. Imhuriel decided they were not much of a threat so she quickly finished them off in about 5 swipes of her blade. She stole their arrows, and left the camp in a hurry, but before she left, she gave Kalile and herself arrows dipped in tar. They fitted them into their bows and had
Tamuril light them. They released the arrows, and left

Gulio, Strength of Many
05-08-2003, 07:56 PM
Gulio was a bit uneasy traveling with so many people,as he was a solitary man by nature, but he was especially worried because of his horse. Rokko was usually friendly enough, but had been nervous since the start of this quest. He had been very jumpy, so bad in fact, that Gulio had to run beside him to not get thrown off. "What is the matter friend?" Gulio asked his horse on night at camp. Of course, Rokko didn't answer him. Gulio decided to keep one eye open at all times.

05-08-2003, 09:56 PM
Aewionen wasn't so sure about thier course. She was familar with mountains and had to trouble with them but, for some strange reason, she thought she should turn back. "Oh well," she thought, "Imhuriel knows what she is doing." She pressed on though she had a sick, empty feeling inside.

Indril Anarion
05-08-2003, 11:11 PM
Tamuril felt uneasiness in some of the Company. She herself was beginning to have second thoughts about the quest. Was it wise to travel with so many? she thought to herself. she dimissed these thoughts when she remembered Relasin and all the corruption and evil that he had and was going to bring upon the world. The uneasiness of some of the members in the company would probably not be for the benefit of the quest. She knew that this adventure would entail dangers that would surpass their encounter with the orc camp.

05-09-2003, 07:41 AM
At camp I couldn't sleep.I sat on a flat rock,far from the rest and kept watching around.Daenor was grazing peacefully next to me and Eidhen sat on the a low tree branch beside me.As I realised other of the company were at unease too,while others slept."We are many Eidhen;this can easily draw attention" Eidhen looked at me with his keen golden eyes.I stroke his feathers "Maybe we should split.That way we can find Relasin easier" Eidhen looked at the ground and then back at me,as if he agreed."I will tell Imhuriel in the morning" Daenor lay beside me and closed his eyes and I wrapped my cloack tight about me and turned my eyes to the moon.

05-09-2003, 02:06 PM
Imhuriel in the meantime, because elves dont sleep of course, was walking about the camp. She looked at each of her companions, and knew that they were nervous. She too was becoming a bit nervous about the mountains. She then went over to Rokko and patted him on the head and mindspoke to him.<you seem uneasy, why is that?>

05-10-2003, 12:49 AM
Relasin sat high above them, invisible once more. He sat perfectly still, with no movement to betray him.
'Huh. Some evil hunters they are! Phh. Growing frightened at the thought of mountains.' he thought, careful to stay out of Legoles's range. He raised his hands slowly, then remembered his belt. The belt Ghemmal, that rendered him completely invisible. 'This belt, combined with my powers of influencing the mind, will win me the world'. He laughed silently and long, then raised his hands again. Below, the dreams of the company turned poison, full of the mountains and fear. Even the meditations of the elves, which is their way of storing energy and banishing weariness, were interrupted as dark thoughts drove away concentration.
'In the morning, nothing will remain of these dreams but the fear of the subconcious mind.' He slipped away again, very pleased with himself.

Ooc: If Legoles can have a super elf, I can have a super villian. (well, not super villian. I don't do that.)

Indril Anarion
05-10-2003, 04:09 PM
Tamuril's eyes shot open. The darkness of night covered the earth. A bright moon shone above her. All was still at camp, at least, that's how things appeared to be. The dark thoughts that had crept into her mind still lingered. Why a sudden fear towards the mountains gripped her heart, she did not know. She saw that some of the others were wrestling in their sleep.

"This could only be the work of Relasin," said Tamuril to herself. She looked around, but could see no trace of him. However, she knew he was about. He is on our trail. thought Tamuril. We must excersise caution and must hasten.

She walked over to Imhuriel and woke her.

"Many pardons, but I do believe we should be moving on. There is evil afoot and I would not be surprised if it were Relasin himself. I believe is on to us, and our quest. It will be no easy thing defeating this foe," said Tamuril in a low voice.

05-10-2003, 07:29 PM
ooc: Elves don't sleep, they meditate.
I agree with you we[don't want to stay here for another page] need to stay here any longer. Kalile was broken out of her meditation by me. The animals were awake already, and we proceeded to wake the rest up. "We will still go to the mountains, but we will split up!"

05-10-2003, 08:22 PM
Ooc: If we split, it'll be real hard to keep track of the story!

05-10-2003, 08:34 PM
OOC: You are right of course.
but after much decision Imhuriel and Kalile did'nt want to split up the group so Imhuriel finally said," Hmm we should not be afraid of the mountains, they are beautiful. Besides I have traveled through them, and know what to expect." They then wen't onward.

Indril Anarion
05-10-2003, 08:52 PM
Tamuril rode in silence. She was more aware than ever. She knew who was following them, yet she did not know if the rest of the company knew of their pursuer. Tamuril was on her guard more than ever. She didn't want to risk another moment where Relasin would be able to slip through their fingers.

05-10-2003, 09:06 PM
Aewionen had not spoken to anyone after the dream of her grandmother the night before. "She is dead," she told herself quietly," I know she is." Aewionen breathed in deeply. Feilix wasn't himself lately. He was very jumpy and would respond to the slightest sound. Because of this, she knew they were probably being followed. And she had a bad feeling about who it was.

Gulio, Strength of Many
05-10-2003, 09:33 PM
Gulio could tell he wasn't the only person uneasy about the mountians. He figured that they were nervous because they were being followed by Relasin. This realization made him very watchful. 'Rokko knew what was going on,' Gulio realized. 'I shall have to pay closer attention to my friend from now on,' Gulio said quietly to himself.

05-11-2003, 12:47 AM
Relasin just laughed. "These toys are quite useful! The easterlings are quit talented at amplifying one's powers."

Ooc: obviously his powers are mind powers. He can manipulate the mind. The 'toys' are the belt Ghemmal, and a mirror that can look both ways and far away. He also has light boots. They make him run fast.
Just lettin' ya know, so I can't invent new stuff all the time. :D Gotta have limits, though I have kept a couple things secret... ;)

05-11-2003, 08:03 AM
We were roused during the night,by a strange fear;all the company woke suddenly.Yet I was not among those who slept.I stayed awake all night and didn't sleep but only couple hours and then woke again.I kept watch until something strange happened;I could feel danger in the air,as if someone poisoned our minds and I stayed alert ever after,until all the rest woke from an unseasy sleep full of poisoned dreams and we moved on.I knew it was all Relasin's work;he had the power of trapping one's mind and talking to the conscience,but he was not the only one.Eidhen flew about us,scanning the area,alerted.I too was in alert and watched everything as we silently rode on to the mountains.

05-11-2003, 03:12 PM
After moving about 4 miles nearerer to the mountains, I caught many an evil thought floating around. I quietly said to the company"there are orcs afoot, get your weapons ready, and if you have none, come to me and I will give you one."

05-11-2003, 05:41 PM
Ooc: What, you carry a few spears, swords and maces wherever you go? Boy you are a super elf!

Ic: "I think everyone has a weapon more satisfactory than a dagger," Kalile was rather irritated at the interruption of her thought. "Let's get this over with!"

05-12-2003, 08:00 PM
Aewionen put her hand on her sword and prepared for anything. She looked down at Feilix and saw that he was alert and ready as well. She could hear the orcs coming nearer and nearer. Aewionen drew in a deep breath as she also drew her sword.

Gulio, Strength of Many
05-12-2003, 08:55 PM
Gulio drew his sword. He examined the approaching orcs. There didn't seem to be too many, but you could never be sure with orcs. He felt the thrill that always came to him before a battle. "It has been too long since my sword has seen the blood of my foes," he said under his breath. He glanced over at Aewionen. She looked a bit nervous. 'Probably her first real battle,' Gulio realized. He took a step closer to her to protect her if need be, and waited eagerly for the oncoming battle.

05-12-2003, 11:49 PM
And suddenly the orcs were upon them. Horns blew all around, lights upon lights flickered toward them.

The company was getting a little nervous, understandably. Next to Gulio (not Legoles :p) Kalile whispered,"I know the defender counts every foeman twice, but there do seem far too many orcs for us not to have seen. Could they each be carrying two torches?"

05-13-2003, 12:00 AM
Breaking into this conversation Imhuriel said," It is two orc party's, they are fighting each other, when they are done we'll attack."

Gulio, Strength of Many
05-13-2003, 12:22 AM
There was a clash between orcs going on, and Gulio watched and waited. He When the battle was over, he assessed the numbers of the remaining orcs and decided that his company could take them. "Shall we charge?" he asked Imhuriel.

05-13-2003, 07:49 AM
Reaching for the hilt of my sword I waited beside Imhuriel.We stood still waiting for the orcs to end their battle.Eidhen flew up high out of sight and then for a minute everything was quiet.The horses didn't move and we didn't make a sound;the battle was over.We could easily take down those who remained alive.Then the order of attack was given;we charged them,they didn't expect this.Some minutes of confusion among the orcs made our way out of that chaos easier;we attacked with swords and knives.

05-13-2003, 11:52 PM
we kicked orc butt!!! we killed all but a few who tried to run away, then Me and Kalile took flaming arrows and shot them.

OOC: There I fixed it!!!!!!!! happy now???????

Indril Anarion
05-14-2003, 04:42 PM
Tamuril had slain several orcs. Her knives had not seen battle for many years, but the emotion was all the same. She wiped the orc blood from her blades and re-sheathed them.

"The stench of orc is sickening. Let's move on before we are attacked again," she said to Imhuriel.

05-14-2003, 07:28 PM
Originally posted by Legoles
we kicked orc butt!!! we killed all but a few who tried to run away, then Me and Kalile took falming arrows and shot them.
Falming arrows? :p :p :p I laugh at you! Haha! Don't you feel crunchy? :( Ok, I freaked myself out. :eek: Not a happy thing.

Ic: "I agree. We must have announced our presence to the whole countryside by now."

05-14-2003, 08:14 PM
"Yes we shall move on, so everyone, get your stuff and let's go!!!
OOC:Ha!!! I fixed it Kalile,IS that better, oh and crunchy was sooooo last year sorry to sound like a darned prep, but it has to be done!!!!!!!!

05-14-2003, 08:21 PM
Ooc: Actually, two years ago. :p That's why I freaked myself out. I never use stupid stuff like that anyway.

05-15-2003, 07:36 AM
When our battle with the orcs was over,we decided to move on or else other orcs might sense our presence there.After cleaning my sword from the orcs' foul blood,I sheathed it and mounted Daenor again.He snorted,but waited patiently.Eidhen flew down to us and alighted on my wrist till the moment we rode forth again.

05-16-2003, 08:24 PM
Relasin was silently watching far away. Carefully he made sure he was out of range of Imhuriels range and thought,"The party is getting closer, I'll toy with them a little." He then silently faded away into the darkness.

05-17-2003, 02:35 AM
Wah! You took my lines! You can do that when neccessary, but not when my character is the only one talking in that post. :mad:

05-17-2003, 04:22 PM
Hey I created that character, you adopted him:) :) :) :) :D :D :D :D
I do have the right to dod that!!
I'm gonna introduce a new charachter,meet Imharwen
Hair:Pitch Black
Eyes:Peircing green
Apperance: Wears white, skin-tight
clothes, that has billowy sleeves, pant-legs, and a cloak, lined by rose prints.
Weapons:falscion, sword, bow and arrows, daggers.
Items: harp that switches sizes at command, an earring with a tooth in it.

05-17-2003, 05:42 PM
Ooc: Yeah, well if you gave your kid up for adoption, you couldn't tell his new parents what to feed him ten years later! It's the same principal.

Earring with a tooth? What kind of tooth? I wonder... ;)

05-18-2003, 12:22 AM
Imhuriel suddenly walked into the forest and came back with a young female elf. After healing her of her wounds Imhuriel asked her name."Imharwen" She replied weakly. "Thanks for rescuing me." "Oh, who are these people??"

ooc:Time to introduce yourselves everybody. Maybe even take on a few more people.

05-18-2003, 05:21 AM
We were still waiting there,when Imhuriel came back from the forest having a young female elf with her.The elf looked weak and was wounded.She said her name was Imharwen.I smiled lightly and dismounted Daenor.I walked to her "My name is Einia" Imharwen tried to smile,but when seeing Eidhen she took a step backwards "Oh,you need not worry" I calmed her,looked at my hawk and stroke his feathers to show her he was no danger "He's friendly.His name is Eidhen" Imharwen reluctantly stepped forward and seeing the the hawk did not do anything,she smiled.I looked at the remnants of her wounds worried "These are serious wounds" I took a step closer to her and put my hand on her shoulder.A light appeared shining dimly.I withdrew my hand "There,I hope the pain's gone" I said "Who was after you?"

05-18-2003, 06:35 PM
Kalile took her cloak and lay it about the newcomers shoulders, for it was getting chilly. Retaining her nonchalant manner, she took out four daggers and began to juggle them, all the while watching.
Suddenly she hurled a dagger out of the pattern, and it shot straight past the new elf's ear. Startled by her sudden movement, the others all looked past the wounded one to see....

05-18-2003, 07:59 PM
... A dark elf. Imhuriel stepped backward and studied the new elf

05-18-2003, 11:23 PM
He seemed to be of wood elf origion (sp?) although he had the artificial purple tinge of a dark elf. The elf was wounded in his leg, where he had been crouched, and couldn't walk. He was dressed in a simple tunic and breeches, now bloodstained, but the dagger he had been about to throw was jewel incrusted. As Inhuriel stepped nearer, the elf started to throw his dagger, but another of Kalile's daggers knocked it away.

"A dark elf!," Kalile spat. "I hate dark elves." Nonetheless she began to bandage his wound with a strip of cloth.

Ooc: Ooh! Can I be the dark elf too, please please please?! I have an idea! :D

05-20-2003, 07:37 AM
As Kalile threw her dagger we all turned quickly and saw a dark elf.The dagger went past his ear and as Imhuriel stepped closer to him,he tried to throw a dagger at her,but Kalile threw one of hers and knocked it away.Who was he?Friend or foe?Just in case I took a step closer and reached for my sword's hilt.

05-23-2003, 03:18 PM
ooc: please it's my turn, I need a new male charachter anyway, Kalile...............................
"Hmm I belive he was just startled." She looked upon him with interest, then began to tourture his mind for secrets. "Hmm, according to him, he was sent to collect the girl Imharwen here by Relasin.( the new elf.)
Relasin was watching on a nearby mountain peak, "Da*n, I lost her, god these elves, wizards, and children of men are annoying."
Imhuriels head jerked sharply toword where he was, She had heard his thoughts, coming from the peak, but where was he?

05-23-2003, 05:34 PM
Ooc: Okey dokey!

Kalile dressed the dark elf's leg, and bound him. "This," she prodded him with her toe, "will lead us to him."

05-25-2003, 04:43 AM
I released the hilt of my sword from my grip and walked near the dark elf.Eidhen ruffled his feathers and shot a look at him. "So,you are sent here by Relasin.You had better be careful,if you don't want to end up burned." The elf looked at me and then shot an angry look at Eidhen.He knew that he could not escape having a keen eyed hawk watching him at all times.He then looked at Kalile. "He can lead us to Relasin" I said,agreeing with Kalile.

Indril Anarion
05-25-2003, 12:31 PM
Tamuril had been quiet throughout the entire fiasco. The dark elf especially drew her attention. What could he possibly want with Relasin was beyond her comprehension. She knew Relasin was too evil to share power, so why was he in alliance with him? She stepped towards the dark elf and studied him.

"Don't trust him," Tamuril said looking at Imhuriel. "Be wary, dark elves are cunning and crafty. If you want to use him to find Relasin, fine, but be careful that he does not lead us astray from our already long and hazardous road."

05-25-2003, 04:57 PM
"Belive me, I will know if he plans to lead us astray, If he does, I will torture the information out of him."

05-25-2003, 05:11 PM
"Don't. You may hurt him beyond repair." Kalile could not help but feel some stirrings of admiration for this elf that could sit and listen to them and still be so defiant.

Indril Anarion
05-26-2003, 11:48 AM
"Yes, it would be a shame if you damage our only lead on Relassin. However you decide to get information out of him, do so with caution," said Tamuril.

05-27-2003, 12:30 AM
I do not steep to such levels that I will torture with weapons. I torture them with my mind, not some cruel weapon, that would be heartless. Hmm, I will leve the physical torturing to someone else.

05-27-2003, 07:11 AM
"Yes,we should keep an eye on him.He would never lead us straight to Relasin.We must never leave him from our sight or he might try to trick us.Am I right?" I then glanced at the elf and he shot another angry look at me.I withdrew my eyes and spoke to Eidhen "Keep an eye on him from above." The hawk looked at me with his keen golden eyes;he agreed. "Should we go on then?" I turned to my companions.

05-27-2003, 06:08 PM
"Yes" Imhuriel replied. We started walking down the road, with me getting bits and peices of information from the elf as we went along.'His mind is weak, so I can get much information out of him, but if he knows I can do this, he might think things that are incorrect.'

Indril Anarion
05-27-2003, 06:19 PM
"Dark elves are decieving. They turn on everyone, as long as they attain what they're after."

Tamuril shot him a glance. What was this elf hiding? What were his real intentions? She had a feeling that she would find out soon enough.

05-27-2003, 10:01 PM
Ooc: Torturing someone's mind inflicts suffering far greater than the suffering of the body.

Ic: Kalile paused, her face unreadable. "Then perhaps we can use that to our advantage."

Ooc2: Um... We are speaking in a language he can't understand, right?

05-27-2003, 10:19 PM
ooc: Yes, he speaks in a tounge I don't know well, we speak Quenya or english.
OOC2: My mind torture is not intense, it only sucks a little information at a time. The way you use your mind, and how you tortue, depends on if your intentions are good or evil.
Ic: "I'm not sure, but I hope it shall, my friend. I hope it shall."

05-28-2003, 12:35 AM
Ooc: Legoles, the definition of torture is pain. Well, basically. Don't make me use the dictionary, because I will. :D (Well, I'm an English major's daughter.)

Ic: "I hope it shall? :confused:" Kalile repeated uncertainly.

05-28-2003, 06:39 PM
My friend, this heat has really fried your brain.
IC: Yes my friend*very confused friend whose brain is fried * I hope we can use this elf knowledge to our advantage.

Gulio, Strength of Many
05-28-2003, 07:16 PM
ooc: Wow, it's been a while. Darn internet wouldn't work!

ic: Gulio watched the dark elf intently, no, he did not trust the dark elf one bit. ''He's not called 'dark' for no reason," he wispered to himself. "You will not be the only one to hurt him Imhuriel, if he leads us astray," he said to Imhuriel. Gulio decided to keep a close eye on this newcomer.

05-28-2003, 09:35 PM
ooc: Heat good!! Heat not fry Kalile's brain: finals fry Kalile's brain.
(Assuming I had one to begin with)

Ic: "I said that maybe we could use the knowlege. You said, 'I hope it will.' SO DON'T 'MY FRIEND' ME, DAMMIT!"
Kalile lowered her voice, and tied a lead rope to the elf's hands. "Come on, you."

ooc: Hi Gulio! Long time no read. Let me guess. You also have a Windows 98, no? Okay, probably not. :D Happy SUMMER! AT LAST!!!!!

Gulio, Strength of Many
05-28-2003, 10:38 PM
ooc: Happy Summer to you too Kalile! No, I got a windows xp. :)

05-29-2003, 07:37 AM
ooc: my school exams start in exactly one week!!!I don't want to!!!

ic: We moved on.Kalile was had tied the elf's hands and led him along the way.He walked in silence behind her,glancing around once and a while.Eidhen followed us from above,scanning the area below and ahead.I had my eyes fixed on the elf;what was his real intention?He should not be trusted.

Indril Anarion
05-29-2003, 02:47 PM
Tamuril walked up to Gulio.

"What do you think of this elf? I don't trust him," she said in a low tone.

05-29-2003, 09:20 PM
Ooc: My finals start monday. :( Erm... I'm dead in Algebra.
Ooc2: Well, I have a windows 98, and it won't even play solitare anymore. :rolleyes:

Ic: Relasin watched still, leading whoever was in the front at the moment right to his lair. Every time someone started to go the wrong way, they had a feeling that they should go a different direction. They never even noticed it, the fools. Playing with the sub-concious is so fun. *deep thROATED LAUGH*

(stupid computer locked caps for a minute)

Indril Anarion
05-30-2003, 02:47 PM
ooc: you're not doing too shabby of a job...

05-30-2003, 08:19 PM
Ooc: Well, I'm trying. I always want to downplay the evil part.


05-31-2003, 01:25 AM
OOC:Work on it, youll get better, oh KALILE... FINALS ARE IN 2 DAYS.
Uh hello you cant mess with a pscycis mind, helooo.
We seemed to be guided twords Relasins lair. I thought it was strange. The dark elf<who is named Elaniel, mine, mine;)> never said a word. I thought this was very strange, but kept my thoughts to myself.

05-31-2003, 01:50 PM
Clean out your mailbox already!
Oh, so that's where Elaniel comes from. But he's so silly :confused: What a change.

06-01-2003, 10:25 AM
ooc:I just needed a name, after this he is back to normal.
Imhuriel still felt foreboding while they entered another passage way. This one was lighter then the others...

06-01-2003, 04:57 PM
Ooc: :confused: We're inside?!? :eek: Whoa.

Indril Anarion
06-01-2003, 09:37 PM
As they made their way through the passages, Tamuril felt the evil drawing closer. How their confrontation with Relasin would be, she did not know. The entire ordeal worried her. She wasn't even sure that he would be present at the time when they reached his hideout.

06-03-2003, 01:28 AM
OOC: Almost there.....
IC: Imhuriel felt foreboding,.It was thick enough to slice with a knife. The young elvish girl that they had rescued, changed. She turned into a bat and flew on ahead.
OOC2: Shapeshifter am I!

06-03-2003, 07:33 AM
As we walked through the dark passages,no one spoke.Eidhen sat still onto my arm,while piercing the darkness with his bright golden eyes.Daenor walked slowly beside me,as if one wrong step would wake up the evil in here.I procceded,looking around every once and a while.All that quiet was too much;something was going wrong,or we were heading to Relasin's lair more like it.Suddenly,the quiet broke by a flap of wings.I looked back;the young elf,Imharwen that accompanied us had turned into a bat and flew ahead. "Shapeshifter" I muttered,but I was troubled by another thought;why had she done this,we were near the evil's cource and this could cause Relasin's servants know we were approaching.Yet,I was sure he already knew,he had been watching our every step.Thus,I tried a spell that would hide us from his eyes and mind.

06-03-2003, 07:54 PM
Relasin sat safely ensconced in his tunnels, lazily watching the group in his mirror. Suddenly, the picture was gone. It was completely blank. Relasin jumped to his feet, a great feat in plate mail. He directed his thoughts elsewhere, and it showed the town. Turning his thoughts back, the mirror went blank and the "smell" of magic filled the chamber. "Damn!"

Indril Anarion
06-03-2003, 09:19 PM
Evil vibes came shooting through the tunnel as Relasin's anger was present, knocking the company to the ground. The dark elf took this opportunity and tried to escape. However, Tamuril tripped him as he walked passed and he fell to the floor.

"Not very graceful for an elf, are you," she said as he fell in front of her.

06-04-2003, 12:40 AM
Imharwen flew up beside Imhuriel and changed back into human form. She said," We are fast approaching Relasins lair, We must go into the right passage and continue on."

Indril Anarion
06-04-2003, 01:30 PM
"And what passage would that be?" asked Tamuril, getting up. She grabbed the rope that held the dark elf.

"You are not escaping that easily," she said to him, giving him a glare.

06-04-2003, 06:20 PM
"Thanks! That was some powerful blast! Well, I guess your spell worked!"

Relasin was extremely ruffled now, striding up and down the passages. "That's not how it's supposed to work!"

Ooc: Ooh! Mind blasts! Cool. :) But he can only do that in his own foul realm, or else it would be too easy. ;)

06-04-2003, 07:06 PM
" We take the first passage on the right side which is west."

06-05-2003, 07:24 AM
We turned west and walked along a dark,creepy passage. "Be careful.I don't like it in here.It's too quiet" I whispered as we went on,carefully walking towards Relasin's lair.

06-05-2003, 01:38 PM
"Wait, I hear footsteps. Imharwen, can you change into a black blanket that is big enough to cover us all?"
I can try" she replied
" Okay"
With much effort, imharwen changed into a black blanket, we took her and went into a dark corner. We covered ourselves and waited

Indril Anarion
06-05-2003, 02:10 PM
Under Imharwen's cover, Tamuril gripped the dark elf's rope tighter with one hand and gripped the helm of her knife with the other.

Gulio, Strength of Many
06-06-2003, 02:55 PM
ooc: Woo hoo! Summer camp ruled. Happy am I. Ok, back now.

ic: Gulio hated this foul place. He wished to kill whatever servant of Relasin was going in their direction. If it was Relasin himself, well all the better. He could tell that Relasin had been toying with them from the begining, for how else would they have found his lair so quickly? Gulio hated the game Relasin was enjoying so much. "If this is a game, I'm not playing," he thought.

Indril Anarion
06-06-2003, 02:59 PM
The steps came closer until they stopped. A pair of shoes could be seen in front of them. Whoever was out there seemed to suspect their prescence. Nobody moved.

06-06-2003, 06:27 PM
Relasin stopped. He was forgetting something... The shoes! They must have seen him because of the shoes! Quickly he drew his (invisible) mace and struck at the blackness.

Ooc: Lucky Gulio. The only time I went to camp it turned out to be a freaky drug rehab, and was headed by my oh so smarmy-scary seventh grade reading teacher. :(

Gulio, Strength of Many
06-06-2003, 07:07 PM
ooc: Poor Kalile. I'm heading off to a B-ball team camp either this wednesday or next. Then I won't be doing much of anything. Veg out!

ic: WHOOSH!! Something grazed Gulio's arm. He leapt to his feet and assumed a defensive fighting stance.

Indril Anarion
06-07-2003, 12:34 PM
A strange force blasted their cover. Tamuril, now out in the open, unsheathed her blade. To her surprise, their stood their enemy, the one that they had traveled so far to defeat. Now there he stood before them, cluthing an invisible devilry. Suddenly the rope holding the dark elf was mysteriously snatched out of her hand, as Relasin freed his servant.

06-07-2003, 02:39 PM
It is not time yet! Relasin thought. His plans were slowly unraveling about his ears. He slipped his Ring back onto his finger, and ran stealthily back up the passage, kicking off his magic shoes and leaving them behind. Cursed things! Apparently his precious ring didn't hide those things of magical nature.

Gulio, Strength of Many
06-07-2003, 05:56 PM
Gulio saw the shoes fly about a bit, and then stop moving. "I think he's gone," he panted. He examined his arm, the gash was not too serious. He would live. "Now what do we do?" he asked Imhuriel.

Indril Anarion
06-07-2003, 06:06 PM
Tamuril gaped as Relasin disappeared before her eyes. What devilry is this? she thought, puzzled.

Suddenly, her thoughts turned to the dark elf whom she had been holding. The rope was gone, but he still stood before them. This puzzled Tamuril even further. He had a strange look upon his face, but she could not interpret his feelings. Her gaze shifted from the elf to the others in her company. The shapeshifter had returned to her original elven shape and lay in the corner, wounded. Gulio, too, seemed wounded. Here is where her healing powers would be of use. She re-sheathed her knives and walked over to Gulio.

"Allow me to tend to that," she said, pointing to his wound.

Gulio, Strength of Many
06-07-2003, 08:04 PM
ooc: I'm leaving for B-Ball camp on wednesday, so if this isnt wrapped up by then, will someone insert Gulio here and there? Thanks!

ic: Gulio looked gratefully at Tamuril as he healed his wound. "Thank you. How is Imharwen?"

Indril Anarion
06-07-2003, 09:38 PM
"Not too good I'm afraid," said Tamuril, glancing over at the wounded shape-shifter. "She risked her life for us."

Tamuril dressed Gulio's wound with some special ointment passed down through the generations in her family and some supplies that she had stowed away in her cloak.
"Make sure to keep that wound under wraps. My magic needs time to work," she said. "I'm going to go tend to Imharwen."

Tamuril picked up her supplies and walked over to the wounded shape-shifter.

"Hello, I'm afraid that we have not been properly introduced. I'm Tamuril," she said, as she mixed some powder in some water. "Here, drink this, it will help with the pain and heal your wounds."

She handed Imharwen a flask filled with the newly-mixed potion.

06-08-2003, 04:28 AM
I sheathed my sword as Relasin turned on his heel and left. Then I looked around at my company. Imharwen was wounded, but Tamuril hurried over to her and took care of her wounds. As I spent some time to think, I realised that Relasin must have broken the invisibility spell I had cast upon us, so that we would remain hidden from his gaze. Now, he knew our every move. But since he had found us, why did he fled? Perhaps he wanted to 'welcome' us in a better way. I did not hold those thoughts for long; we should leave immediately. And then I remembered the horses. This was no place for them. Thus, I looked over to Daenor and bade him go "Go on Daenor. I will call you if I have need of your service." The horse tossed his head and fled unseen soundlesly. "My lady, we must move on. If we tarry here, I wouldn't dare think what could happen. It is not safe to linger here a moment longer" I said, turning to Imhuriel.

06-09-2003, 04:35 PM
Kalile stood quietly, wondering. She heard the others discussing what to do, and then spoke. "I can use my harp to levitate Imharwen for a while. It will be easier on her than being carried, but will tire me. I can do it while you guys construct a stretcher.

Ooc: I don't know if you guys know, but I know (hee hee) that Legoles is off on vacation. :rolleyes: sigh. Oh well.

Gulio, Strength of Many
06-09-2003, 05:09 PM
"Well, the stealthy approach is out," Gulio said grimly. "We have few options. We can continue on, risking worse encounters then this, or we can try to find our way out." He looked at Imhuriel. "What has become of our friend, the dark elf?"

Indril Anarion
06-10-2003, 01:24 PM
Tamuril looked around. She had been holding the dark elf during Relasin's attacks and witnessed how Relasin had set him free from the rope. She had forgotten about him when tending to the wounds of Imharwen and Gulio. Now she looked around for him.

06-10-2003, 11:15 PM
ooc: sorry I havent been on for a while, internet didnt work then I went to camp. So....my character has been thinking....alot.

ic: Aewionen went to go examine the shoes. Feilix sniffed them and gave a growl of disgust.

06-11-2003, 10:04 PM
"What is it boy?" she asked Feilix. Aewionen had the feeling that there was more to these shoes then meets the eye. "strange," she wondered aloud, " you could see the shoes but not the wearer. They must be magic, of perhaps an evil sort."

06-11-2003, 11:07 PM
Kalile came over, interested. "Are these what I think they are?" She examined them carefully, then played a little tune on her harp. "No, these are very basic magic. They silence your footsteps. They're basic, but useful. ... Hey, Imharwen!" She waved the shoes as the shapeshifter came over. "Do you think you could carry these while in animal form? That way you could go about unheard if you wanted to spy."

Ooc: Welcome back, Aewionen

06-12-2003, 09:48 AM
ooc: Welcome back Aewionen!

ic: I came near the others, who were examining Relasin's magical shoes. After looking at them intently for a while, I took a step closer and touched them. But, I withdrew my hand immediately, as if they had burned me. Eidhen croaked. "They could be useful for us now, but dark magic is much in them. We should be careful with them. I would suggest not to use them, but if you wish to do it, do so with caution."

06-12-2003, 06:19 PM
While examining the shoes, Aewionen felt a coldness in her heart. She turned away and sat down. Feilix knowing something was up trotted over there and perked up his ears. "Yes Feilix," she said with a somewhat forced smile, "this is where my father was killed."


06-12-2003, 08:34 PM

Indril Anarion
06-12-2003, 09:44 PM
ooc: welcome back, legoles....now that you have worked on your tan, you can work on your RPing...lol...;)

06-12-2003, 10:58 PM
Erm... hate to break it to you, but the dark elf left with Relasin a while back. :o You might want to read back farther. :)

(For your official welcome, see the Valley of Mist)

06-13-2003, 12:45 AM
ooc:Welcome back! You are so lucky you got to go to Hawaii!!!

ic:Aewionen suddenly got a vision of her parents deaths. Her mother screaming and her father trying to free himself to save her. Then, everything went black.

06-13-2003, 01:57 AM
"Aewionen?" Kalile rushed over to the fallen elf. "Aewionen, are you ok? Can you hear me?"

Far away, Relasin laughed. Now all he had to do was wait.

06-13-2003, 07:51 AM
ooc: lucky you,you went to Hawai. I'm going to Portugal in July:cool:

ic: I perceived a feeling of sadness on Aewionen's face. Something was troubling her. I came to the conclusion that it somehow had to do with this place. It seemed to upset her much. I walked to her, wanting to know what it was, yet not wanting to upset her more. Eidhen too realized what was happening and gave her a look of sympathy. "Aewionen, are you feeling alright?"

06-15-2003, 08:41 PM
Startled by the voices of her compainions, Aewionen made a slight hop of surprise. "Yes..." she said after a while, "I think this is where my father died." After a bit of confusion, she sighed. "I'll be alright." Aewionen had a feeling she wasn't very convincing(sp?) with her words.

Gulio, Strength of Many
06-15-2003, 09:11 PM
ooc: *Gasp, Pant, Wheeze* Whew, I'm TIRED! But basketball camp ruled!

ic: Something was wrong with Aewionen, like she was seeing something terrible. Gulio went over to her wondering what had happened.

"I think this is where my father died. I'll be alright" she replied unconvincingly. (sp?)

"Are you sure?" Gulio asked her with concern. He knew all too well how Relasin enjoyed playing with the mind. "We must deal with Relasin soon,'' he thought.

06-16-2003, 12:56 AM
Ooc:ooc: lucky you,you went to Hawai. I'm going to Portugal in July

On winter vacation, my Grandma is taking my family, my cousins' family, and my uncle and his wife on a CRUISE!!!
EACH family gets a huge suite with a private balcony, all you can eat everything, and late night dancing for teenagers! Best of all, it's in the Carribean, and we get to explore some of the islands out there, AND we get to stop on the east coast of Mexico. :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:


Ic: Relasin decided to afflict more of the members. To Kalile he sent images from the War of the Rings in Middle Earth, and things she had seen, wandering in fever afterwards. Kalile stopped, and played her harp, but it didn't help as much as she would have liked. "I don't know if I can go much further," she said, battling her paralyzing fear and horrer," too many bad memories hang about this place."

Gulio, Strength of Many
06-16-2003, 02:31 AM
ooc: O my gosh Kalile! A cruise!!!! How sweet!!!!! Put me in your suitcase PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!:)

ic: Kalile suddenly seemed afflicted with the same thing that plauged Aewionen. "We must move soon, or we will be stricken down one by one by Relasin." Gulio said to Imhuriel. Secretly Gulio feared what he knew Relasin would most certiamly send him.

06-16-2003, 03:54 PM
With a heavy sigh, Aewionen stood up. "Relasin will not get me," she told herself in thought, "Not when I am this close."

Indril Anarion
06-16-2003, 06:52 PM
Tamuril saw how her companions were beginning to fall under Relasin's power. Hopefully, she could keep out of Relasin's reach. Unfortunately, she was not so fortunate.

They walked further, until she felt something entrance her heart. Her inner psyche tried to fight it, it was in vain, she was enchanted. She slowed her pace and fell behind the group. As the group came to a crossway, they turned left. However, something propted Tamuril to walk into the passage leading right.

Like a zombiee, she wandered through the hallways. She passed through several door until she came to a large golden door that said: ENTER. She walked in without thinking twice. The opened door revealed a large treasure room, filled with large mountains of gold, silver, mythril, precious jewels, and diamonds. The sight further increased the hold of the enchantment. she pranced around the glorious room and climbed to the tallest mountain of the valubles. To her surprise, there was a large couch, richly adorned with jewels and velvet cushions. The weariness of her journey began to take a toll on her and she just lay down slowly, allowing sleep to overcome her.

Gulio, Strength of Many
06-16-2003, 09:34 PM
Gulio looked around the group, something was wrong. Suddenly, he realized what it was. "Where's Tamuril?!" he said quickly. Now Gulio was worried, if anyone could have resisted the power of Relasin, it would have been Tamuril. "We cannot let our minds wander, or Relasin will take them." he said to his companions. "You guys go ahead, I'll find Tamuril."

Indril Anarion
06-16-2003, 09:39 PM
Tamuril slept atop the sofa. To the naked eye, it would appear she was sleeping soundly, but she wasn't. Deep inside she wrestled. The enchantment upon her was growing and she was loosing the struggle. Beads of sweat formed on her forehead.

Must resist... cried her inner psyche.

No....you are mine...give in the spell tempted.

Gulio, Strength of Many
06-16-2003, 09:47 PM
Gulio took off down the hall in search of Tamuril, trusting his instincts to find her. He knew she was in great danger of being yet another mindless slave of Relasin's. He had vowed to himself at the beginning of the journey that he would give himself before any of his companions would fall. He turned a corner and found a door that said ENTER on it. He took a deep breath and opened the door.

When he first opened the door he had to shield his eyes from the brilliant shine of endless riches. When his eyes grew acoustomed to the bright light, he spotted Tamuril lying on a sofa, seemingly asleep. He approached her, but was knocked back by an invisible blast of some sort. It took the wind from his lungs. He rose again, gasping for air, crying Tamuril's name, attempting to free her from enchantment. After a few tries, he cursed Relasin aloud, and tried to approach Tamuril again. This time an even harder blast threw him up against a wall. He lay on the ground, his leg twisted underneath him at a sickening angle, pain wracking his body.

Indril Anarion
06-16-2003, 09:59 PM
Tamuril struggled. In the distance she heard a familiar voice calling her name.

Gulio said her inner psyche.

Forget about him! You are mine...you will forever be mine...you will worship me... the voice tempted.

No... she cried.

I'll teach him to mind his own business the voice threatened.

You leave him alone! she cried.

No, my dear...he will leave us alone... said the voice evily.

A loud crash sounded that made Tamuril flinch.

No! Must...wake...up...must...help...Gulio...

Not so fast...Gulio will pay dearly if he does not back away... said the voice.

Another loud crash made Tamuril flinch again. She could hear Gulio calling her. She heard his cry of pain and frustrated determination.

I...will...not...let...you...win... cried Tamuril's psyche.

Using all the power within her being, Tamuril knocked the enchantment aside briefly. Her inner psyche took this moment to awaken the body.

"Gulio!" she cried. "Gulio! Are you there?"
She saw his body sprawled out on the ground, his face etched with pain. Her heart grieved.

The enchantment tried to come back and overtake Tamuril once again. But her kind, pure thoughts were too strong. Her willingness to give herself up for others was too much for the enchantment and it left her, mush to Relasin's dispair. She rushed over to Gulio.

"Are you alright?" she asked, kneeling by his side.

Gulio, Strength of Many
06-16-2003, 10:45 PM
Gulio smiled at Tamuril, relief washed over his face. "Yes, I think so. Though the leg might be broken. Are you alright?" Gulio asked her. Another wave of pain washed over him, making his vision go blurry. "We've got to get to Relasin soon." He told her.

06-17-2003, 01:29 AM
Hullo, Kalile I got u somthin in Hawaii.
IC: Imhuriel and Imharwen were beginning to feel the effects of the enchantment. They each saw horrible things that had happened in their lives. They struggled with the enchantment, and finally broke free. They saw the others struggling and Imharwen noticed that Gulio and Tamuril were still gone. She silently changed into a bat and flew in seach of them.

06-17-2003, 07:50 AM
Relasin's evil began to affect more and more of the company's members. Gradually, I could feel his power over me. He brought bitter memories to my mind; the death of my teacher, the captivity of my brother by a dark wizard. I didn't know if I was ever going to see him again. Relasin thus found the worst way of torturing my mind. I nearly stumbled and drawing a deep breath, I steadied my hand against the wall to prevent myself from falling. I closed my eyes and gathered all my strength, remembering the magic I was taught. Fighting against Relasin's enchantment, I managed to get free from his evil and he didn't try to torture my mind again. Opening my eyes and looking at the others, I realized that Tamuril and Gulio were missing. They surely were in trouble. I sent Eidhen to fly back and search for them with Imharwen, who had again shifted into a bat.

Indril Anarion
06-17-2003, 02:06 PM
Tamuril smiled back at Gulio.

"Thank you...Thank you for comeing to my rescue. And yes, we must get to Relasin soon, but you won't get anywhere with that broken leg," she said. "Maybe I can help."

She gently placed her hand on Gulio's broken leg and shut her eyes, trying to use all her natural healing ablities. She had to focus with all of her attention that could be spared because the evil here was so great that it had killed off most of the beauty and power that the earth offered her. Thunder rolled in the distance and a gust of wind blew open the doors. Tiny sparks of light danced towards Tamuril and into Gulio's wound. Suddenly, she an unseen force pushed her aside, knocking her against a mound of gold and cutting off her healing power.

No one brings that much energy into this place without paying a hefty price echoed a voice.

06-17-2003, 04:39 PM
Aewionen went off to find Gulio and Tamuril. She happened apon a door that said ENTER. She leaned her head against the door to see if she could hear anything. She heard a crash apon what sounded like gold. Suddenly, the door flew open and she found herself lying on the ground. She quickly stood up and went over to Gulio. "Are you alright?"
"Tamuril!" he said with worry,
She looked over and saw Tamuril lying upon a mound of gold. Before she could take more than 3 steps. Something knocked her to the ground. Aewionen felt herself spinning. Suddenly she fell into nothingness. Sheer nothingness.

06-17-2003, 08:13 PM
Kalile was alone. She too had wandered off in her memories and guilt, of all those that she had sent off to die. She wandered in delusion for years or minutes, until she fell, and her harp strings resonated. This broke Relasin's hold, and Kalile looked about. No one was in sight. Well, I guess there's nothing for it but to continue
She picked up her harp and tuned it as she walked. After a while, she came to a cave that had a large, unadorned mirror on a wall. As she looked, images formed of the outside, and the elf watched, fascinated.

A sound made Kalile look up. There was Relasin, his large frame blocking the the light in the cave entrance. He wore no armor now, and no weapons. Without a word, Kalile launched herself at him without bothering to take out a weapon. Her long nails scraped Relasin's face, and drew blood. The man raised his arms to ward her off, and she saw that he held a morning star, after all.
Damn! she thought, and then pain exploded into the back of her head, and she lost interest in the world.

Ooc: You guys are better bad guys than I am! :p I'm not gonna be able to post for a long time :(, so just leave me in the cave and tend to everyone else, please! Thank you! :D

Gulio, Strength of Many
06-17-2003, 10:13 PM
Gulio stared in horror as the two ladies were flung to the ground like rag dolls by an unseen force. He yelled another curse at Relasin, and tried to get over to where Tamuril and Aewionen were. After a few tries, and many more curses, he made it to his feet. Tamuril's magic had done enough to enable him to limp over to where his friends lay. Gulio breathed a sigh of relief when he saw them breathing. "You will NOT have me or my friends Relasin," Gulio thought.

Indril Anarion
06-17-2003, 10:18 PM
Tamuril slowly came to. She rubbed her head and groaned.

"What happened?" she asked, having trouble recalling the past events.

06-17-2003, 10:55 PM
Aewionen had no idea where she was. "Am I dead?" she asked herself over and over again. Shew knew not where she stepped. It was all dark. Suddenly, a figure aproach her. He was covered by a black cloak. When a twisted smile appeared on his lips, she knew it had to be Relasin. "Get away from me!" she yelled at him, "you may have gotten my parents, but you will not have me!"
"It is to late for that Aewionen," his smile grew, "You are mine!"
He took a step closer to her, "You belong to me!"
Soon he was right in front of her but she shieled herself, "I belong to no one!" the words from her mouth came out strong and fearless. Before he could do any more, she awoke from unconciousness.

When she awoke, Aewionen's eyes became wide and her breathing was hard. She forced herself to lean against the wall. It was then she heard Tamuril's voice, "What happened?" Aewionen found she could not remember either.

Gulio, Strength of Many
06-18-2003, 02:07 AM
"You two have been tossed about by Relasin a bit," Gulio said, relief written on his face, "Are you all right?"

This is your fault. a voice said in the back of Gulio's mind, If you would have heeded my warning years ago, this wouldn't have happened.

Gulio's thoughts were transported back about ten years ago. He had just brought some potential assins to justice when he returned home to the most horrific sight possible. Flung about like limp rags, his wife and children lay sprawled on the floor, a bloody mess. In the middle of his home, a stranger stood. Gulio stood, horrified at the sight of his brutally murdered family. The stranger looked at him and said, "If you ever dare to meddle in my affiars again, this will happen to everyone you know."

06-18-2003, 02:48 PM
Aewoinen groaned at the headache that had started to throb in her head. "I should be alright," she said with another groan, "after this headache leaves." She managed to force a small smile showing that she would be alright, but it quickly left. "How about Tamuril?" she asked.

Indril Anarion
06-18-2003, 06:18 PM
"I'll live," Tamuril said, rubbing her head. "We must get to Relassin soon, before he brings us to ruin."

Gulio, Strength of Many
06-18-2003, 08:55 PM
Shaking off the last remnant of Relasin's magic, Gulio quickly agreed. "Should we find the others first, of just go for Relasin?"

06-19-2003, 07:45 AM
I couldn't wait any longer. The waiting was long and suspence was never part of my nature. Thus I walked back into the dark passage, in search of my companions. A distant fluttering of wings guided me and soon I found myself facing an open door. The fluttering came now from above me, and Eidhen alighted on my wrist. I stroke his feathers to thank him for the help he offered. "Well done." I whispered and cautiously walked into the room. Tamuril, Aewionen and Gulio were on the ground. "Are you alright?" I quickly hurried to them "What happened?" I continued when I saw Gulio's broken leg. Yet, I didn't really need them to answer. I let my eyes stray in the room filled with gold and evil and then turned back to my companions. "We must get out of here. Now."

Indril Anarion
06-19-2003, 12:32 PM
Tamuril scurried to her feet, and helped Gulio walk towards the door. The sooner they were out of the dreadful place the better.

06-19-2003, 02:45 PM
Aewionen got to her feet and headed towards the door with the others. Her head was still throbbing with pain. Feilix came through the door and licked her hand. "I'll be alright," she told him quietly.

06-19-2003, 05:30 PM
Kalile awoke, and wished she hadn't. She was in a richly appointed cave, on a canopied bed with a bedside table and a silver water pitcher on it, ornate funiture, and bathing room off to the side. What marred the surroundings was Relasin sitting beside the bed.

"Awake, are we?" he asked sweetly.
"Yes," Kalile replied through clenched teeth.
"You should rest. The others will be mine soon, and I'll be free to enjoy myself." The large man smiled maliciously, and Kalile shuddered.
Relasin reached over to take the elf's hand, and she grabbed the water pitcher.
"What are you doing?" Relasin demanded, and Kalile brought it down on his head. The man disappeared with a growl.
"I'll be back!"

Kalile immediatly searched the room for any type of exit, but found none. Relasin had simply appeared and dissapeared in the chamber. He had taken her weapons and harp, and left her with nothing to amuse herself. That was fine, she just had to get out somehow...

Indril Anarion
06-19-2003, 05:49 PM
Tamuril walked slowly, helping Gulio as he limped along. Where the others were, she did not know. Soon they came to a crossways. Gulio looked tired, so Tamuril decided to let him rest a bit.

"Relasin sure has built a maze in here," she said to herself.

How were they ever going to fing Relasin? As if in answer to her question, a large wind blew through the right passage. Tamuril grabbed her knives and ventured a bit in that direction, leaving Gulio and Aewionen behind. The passage grew darker, and she would have turned back if it weren't for the intrigue that plagued her so. She ventured on until she came to a dead end.

"Only a dead end," she said to herself.

She was tired and decided to rest. Sheathing her knives, she lean against the dead end wall. As she leaned back, she fell right through the wall and landed in a very elaborate room. In the corner was someone very familiar.

"Kalile?" she asked.

Gulio, Strength of Many
06-19-2003, 09:09 PM
Gulio sat wearily on the floor. A strange force had been sapping him of his strength. Something wasn't right. Then he realived what it was. "Does anyone know where Kalile is?" he asked.

06-19-2003, 11:15 PM
Aewionen looked around to find Kalile to be no where in sight. "We need to find her," she told Gulio, "and quick! She could be in trouble!" Aewionen wanted to go find her but her head said no. She sat down beside him. "Where did Tamuril go?" Feilix gave a little whimper and laid down in between Aewionen and Gulio. She patted his head and gave a sigh as she lay her head against the hard stone wall. "Oh this helps," she said with a forced smile, " this stone helps alot."

Gulio, Strength of Many
06-20-2003, 12:29 AM
"Crap!" Gulio exclaimed. Tamuril and Kalile were missing. "This will never work. We're too busy trying to find each other so we have no time to go after Relasin! Plauge on him and this cursed tower! We have to stay together from now on. Let's go find them." he stood up stiffly, and prepared himself to look for his friends and ignore the pain. "I can hurt when this is over," he kept telling himself.

06-20-2003, 01:36 AM
Imharwen and Imhuriel canged out of bat form[ if a shapeshifter holds onto u it changes u into whatever they want.] And rushed to the others. Imharwen slipped away and again turned into a bat. She flew around in circles, useing her sonar to tell her where she was. She saw[with sonar] Relasin's form and suddenly knew what to do.

06-20-2003, 08:43 AM
"Gulio's right. We must stay together. If we split, we'll be an easy target." I said, looking around at the others. My eyes fell on Gulio, who was hardly able to walk. I walked over to him. "Wait. Maybe I can help." I placed my hand on his broken leg and closed my eyes. A dim golden light appeared under my palm as I slowly whispered a spell. Suddenly visions of my past came back to my mind. I frowned and pulled my hand back with a twitch. Opening my eyes quickly I looked around, hoping that no one noticed this. Luckily they didn't. "There." I turned to Gulio, forcing myself to calm down "It's not much, but it's the best I could do so far. The break is mended somehow, but you it might be painful at some times." I stood up and let Eidhen alight on my wrist. "We must find Kalile and Tamuril. Let's go."

Indril Anarion
06-20-2003, 06:18 PM
Tamuril slowly got up. She tried to press against the wall the had brought her here, but it was as hard as stone.

"Only one way in," she muttered. "How did you get here?" she asked Kalile.

Gulio, Strength of Many
06-20-2003, 09:26 PM
"Thank you," Gulio said gratefully. He turned to Aewionen. "Did you see wich way Tamuril went?" he asked concernedly. "She might have been drawn to Kalile."

06-20-2003, 11:13 PM
"I am sorry to say that I didn't," Aewionen replied with a sigh. She knew that they needed to find both Tamuril and Kalile, and fast.

Gulio, Strength of Many
06-21-2003, 05:27 PM
"Well, let us be off then." Gulio said, "We won't get any searching done by just standing here. And if you do feel the urge to wander off, let us know. It could be Relasin trying to seperate us again."

With that the motley crew set off into the darkness.

06-21-2003, 11:21 PM
Imharwen flew up into the chamber where Kalile was being held. She landed on the carpet, and transformed into human form." Hello Kalile, Lets get you outta here."

06-22-2003, 03:39 PM
"Hullo, you guys. I have no idea how I got here, after I stupidly launched myself at Relasin; he didn't have his armour, and he was holding a morningstar out of my sight. I'm glad to know that my singing works almost as well as harp playing, though. I called you all, but I didn't expect you to come, I just wanted to make contact. :p I guess I should have experimented later, huh.

Hey, how are the others? :( Are they all right?" :eek:

06-22-2003, 04:00 PM
We set out to find our missing companions. As we went on an idea popped into my mind. "Maybe..." I let my sentence unfinished and thought about it carefully. "Maybe a little magic would be useful in finding Tamuril and Kalile. Let's see." At this I half-closed my eyes and stretched my hands forward, as if they were a compass. I concentrated hard and following an unseen guide, I continued walking. The others looked at me strangely for a split second, not knowing exactly what I was doing, yet since they could not do otherwise, followed me. The passage turned right and led to other dark corridors, making our walking dificult at some points. At last, I halted in front of a wall. I opened my eyes and let my hands fall down. "They're in...here. Behind the wall." I said looking very sure, but something in my eyes didn't make me that confident. Perhaps the fact that the wall had not door or something that would lead to the chamber of the other side. Once more I used my magic to see through the wall and indeed, Kalile, Tamuril and Imharwen also, were there. "How are we going to get them out?" I asked, turning to the others "I haven't been taught to do things such as these yet."

06-23-2003, 01:51 PM
Hearing sounds on the other side of the wall, Kalile called, "Who's out there? Are you are friends?"

06-23-2003, 05:23 PM
"Kalile?" Aewionen heard a voice, "is that you? How do you get in?"

06-23-2003, 05:58 PM
"Aewionen! I have no idea how I got here, but I would like to get out. Tamuril is here with me too, but I don't know how she got in, either."

Indril Anarion
06-23-2003, 06:48 PM
"I do!" said Tamuril. "The wall is a one way door in disguise. But there has to be another way to telepot out of here."

06-23-2003, 08:29 PM
Kalile thought, and then snapped her fingers. "Maybe if something were lowered through the door, it would stay open! Do any of you have any rope?"

Gulio, Strength of Many
06-23-2003, 09:27 PM
"I do," Gulio replied, relieved that his missing companions had been found. He tied a stone to one end of his rope and threw it into the wall. He held the other end tightly. Too tightly, for, unfortunately, an unseen force pulled the entire rope, and Gulio, into the chamber.

Gulio stood up and dusted himself off. "Well, this is an interesting turn on things. How are you ladies doing?"

06-24-2003, 07:20 AM
"Perfect! Now what are we going to do?" I desperately said when Gulio was pulled into the hidden chamber. "Ok... think." I told myself, regaining my self-control and trying to calm down. "If there was a way in, there must be a way out..." I looked hardly at the wall for a minute in silence and then "Search for a brick that can make the door open again when you press it. It might work." I said aloud, so that the rest of the company would hear me.

06-24-2003, 11:51 AM
Kalile blinked as Gulio landed beside her. "Well, that didn't work! I'm so sorry."

Hearing the words outside, Kalile called, "I doubt that it would be on this side!"

If all else fails, we can at least give Relasin a surprise when he comes back she thought, smiling like a shark.

Indril Anarion
06-24-2003, 01:40 PM
Tamuril smiled as Gulio fell through the wall.

"Well, thank you for trying," she said, helping him up.

Tamuril sat at the end of the bed.

"Any other ideas?" she asked.

06-24-2003, 10:00 PM
"The only thing I can think of is to all come down here, wait until Relasin comes back, and beat the hell out of him before making him tell us the way out."

Gulio, Strength of Many
06-25-2003, 12:09 AM
"That sounds good," Gulio replied. "Until then, it would give us something to do to look for a way out of here." He put his 'trusty'
rope back into his pack.

ooc: When do we actuall MEET Rlasin face to face? My sword is thirsty for his blood!!!! :p :D

Indril Anarion
06-25-2003, 11:42 AM
OOC: this seems a better time as any...lol...

Tamuril sharpened her blade.

"I believe that Relassin is afraid of us. Seperate, we're easy to squander, but united, we are stronger and more likely to be unstoppable," she said.

06-25-2003, 08:51 PM
Ooc: Aaah! I must tremble in fear of Gulio! :D

Ic: "UNSTOPPABLE? They will know the meaning of fear before they are crushed into unrecognizable peices of flesh by years of imprisonment and torture!"
Relasin donned his armour and strapped his weapons onto his back. "They will feel the anger of Relasin!"

Gulio, Strength of Many
06-25-2003, 09:16 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Kalile
[B]Ooc: Aaah! I must tremble in fear of Gulio! :D

ooc: As you should!!!!!!!:D :D :D :D

ic: Gulio studied various parts of the walls and floor for an exit. He kept his sword drawn, just in case Relasin decided to pay a visit.

Soon he got bored of staring at the walls, so he counted the stone tile thingies on the floor. "I hope Relasin get here soon," he thought, "I'm getting REALLY bored!" He gazed longingly at his sword.

ooc: (Cue Relasin) :D

06-26-2003, 02:28 AM
Ooc: Huh? *Looks up from book* Oh! Right! My turn? Oh, Okay!

Ic: Relasin decided to let the warriors stew for a while, and pay a visit to Kalile. (He convienently doesn't know what the outside of that room looks like from that side ;))

Giong to the area above, he chanted soft words. A small door, invisible from below, opened in the ceiling 10 feet above the chamber. Relasin spoke another spell and floated gently down into the room. Of course, it was faster than he thought, owing to his armour.

"Kalile?" he cast a glance around. Where was she?

Indril Anarion
06-26-2003, 04:31 PM
Tamuril had felt Relasin's presence before he arrived and had hidden herself under the bed. The others too, had found places to hide. Why Relasin hadn;t found them was beyond her reasoning. She saw his shoes as he had come down from the portal.

So that's how he gets inside, Tamuril thought.

She gripped her knife tightly.

06-26-2003, 07:37 PM
Kalile jumped from behind him, once again without a weapon. As Relasin whirled, Kalile literally landed on his shoulders, wrenching his greatsword from the straps on his back and pushing off, driving the man to his knees.

"Oof!" she grunted, lifting it and then heaving it aside. This was a time for acrobatics, at least until she could get a weapon.

Gulio, Strength of Many
06-26-2003, 09:48 PM
ooc: Finally!!!!

ic: Gulio rushed out after Kalile and put his sword to Relasin's throat. He glared hatefully at Relasin, utterly despising him with everything in his being.

06-27-2003, 07:54 AM
Suddenly a strange silence prevailed the hidden chamber where the others where trapped. Moved by instinct, I took a few steps forward and leaned to the wall. Something, a spirit more likely, had found its way in there. I frowned at the obvious answer. It was Relasin himself. Filled with anger that I couldn't help my companions, I pressed my ear hardly against the wall, so that I could hear everything. The silence was soon over as I recognised Kalile and Gulio's voices, charging at Relasin. My hands moved nervously on the wall, pressing the bricks slightly. And then, without expecting anything like it, a part of the wall right next to me opened creaking, forming a door. Eidhen screeched and flew inside, right at Relasin, fluttering his wings manically at him. I rushed in after him, unsheathing my sword and stood next to Gulio, who had utterly knocked Relasin down and pointed his sword at him.

Indril Anarion
06-27-2003, 02:12 PM
From beneath the bed, Tamuril fitted an arrow into her bow and fired at Relasin's legs.

"That will keep him immobilized for a while," she said, getting out from under the bed. She climbed onto it, towering over Relasin. She fit an arrow into her bow and aimed it right for his head. One wrong movem and she would fire.

OOC: Who's gonna finish him off? Should we let the initiator of the quest do it? Or all play a part?

06-27-2003, 02:43 PM
ooc: wow, I am gone for one day and we are already killing Relasin! :D

ic: Aewionen ran towards Relasin while she unsheathed her sword and slashed it through his side, though it wasn't a killing blow, it was somewhat fatal.

ooc2: Who should kill him?

06-29-2003, 06:48 AM
ooc: Isn't it a bit too early to kill Relasin? I think it's going too fast. Of course if you don't agree with my opinion, feel free to kill him, no problem.;)

ic: Eidhen kept fluttering his wings manically at Relasin, disabling him from moving and driving him crazy. Relasin's face had gone red at the sight of the hawk nailing him to the ground. Trying to get rid of this flying foe he managed to free one of his hands and throbbed the hawk, casting him away from him. Fortunately, Eidhen recovered and let out a faint hoot, to show me he was alright. He flew on top of a chair and stayed there, not wanting to go anywhere near Relasin, though his golden eyes flashed in anger. A huge wave of rage filled me and felt my blood boil. In splits of a second, before I could calm myself, I conjured a fireball in my hand and raised it menacingly, showing Relasin that one wrong move would burn him.

Gulio, Strength of Many
06-29-2003, 07:56 PM
ooc: What now?

06-30-2003, 09:42 PM
Me back from church camp!!!!
Imhuriel ,bloodied as she was, really wanted to kill Relasin. Suddenly he dissapeared. She tried switching into bat form, but to no avail. He had esacaped her once again, but never again she vowed. "Curse you Relasin!!!!!"

06-30-2003, 11:53 PM
Aewionen cursed aloud as Relasin dissapeared. So close, she thought as she looked around, yet so far.

07-01-2003, 07:09 AM
"Great!" I said aloud as Relasin disappeared. The feeling of anger hadn't left me and I could still feel my face burning. The fireball in my hand resolved. "Let's get out of here." I slowly said, sounding disappointed we missed the chance to relieve the world from Relasin's evil. Eidhen instantly alighted on my arm. Luckily, the door in the wall was still open, thus we left the chamber, seeking Relasin once more. He was so close and yet, sometimes he seemed unreachable.

Gulio, Strength of Many
07-01-2003, 03:38 PM
Gulio momentarily lost his balance as Relasin disappeared. He was furious with himself for not striking the death blow sooner. We'll find him again, he told himself. We have to.

07-01-2003, 04:48 PM
As they pressed on in search of Relasin once more, Aewionen felt the anger burning inside. For a while none of them spoke and they walked in silence. She feared to speak for anger was on the tip of her tongue.

Indril Anarion
07-01-2003, 07:22 PM
Tamuril hung her head as she walked behind the others. What had strayed her hand from striking that evil villain, she did not know. She could still feel his presence, although she couldn't see a trace of him.

07-03-2003, 01:17 AM
"Dam you Relasin!" Imharwen cried aloud. Imhuriel was muttering uncomprehensible words under her breath. Obviously everyone was ticked.

07-03-2003, 06:57 AM
As we walked through the passages, none of us talked. I could feel that everyone was angry and heavy-hearted, because we missed the closest opportunity to get rid of Relasin. And so was I. Only the sound of our footsteps was heard in that passage, nothing else. Yet I had a strong feling that Relasin knew our every move, that he was watching carefully our every step. We will find him. He's near, I thought.

07-03-2003, 03:57 PM
Aewionen was not angry only because they had missed their chance to kill Relasin, but also that he would now know what to expect from them. She looked down at Feilix who gave a growl at every little sound. "Yes," she whispered to him, "he is close."

07-03-2003, 05:33 PM
"Wait everyone I hear a noise." Imhuriel said. Be still."

Gulio, Strength of Many
07-03-2003, 05:54 PM
Gulio stood unmoving, not questioning Imhuriel. "What is it?" he wispered.

Indril Anarion
07-03-2003, 07:17 PM
Tamuril stopped in her tracks. Gripping her blade tightly, she sharpened her senses, trying to pick up anything unusual to the depressing evil surrounding them.

07-03-2003, 07:22 PM
Aewionen stopped and put a hand on Feilix so he would do the same. She looked over at Imhuriel with a questioning look though she knew it most likely had to do with Relasin.

07-04-2003, 07:17 AM
I stopped dead in my tracks, not only because of Imhuriel's warning, but also because of Eidhen who being a hawk, pierced the darkness around him with his keen golden eyes in unease since we left the chamber, knowing that something could probably be going on, and thus Imhuriel's feeling was confirmed. Moved by instinct, I reached for the hilt of my sword and let my hand rest upon it, while Eidhen as well as everyone else, stood still, holding their breaths. If it was Relasin, he was surely very impatient, wanting to confront us so soon again.

07-05-2003, 09:57 PM
Imharwen shifted into a bat, useing her sonar to detect him. She shifted into a hawk and told Eidhem what to do.

07-07-2003, 12:32 AM
ic: Aewionen stood as silent as she could. Though she wanted to see him dead, she did not want to confront him, not this soon, not after the things she had seen when he had been near her. Aewionen blocked these things from her mind and focused on what was happening now.

Gulio, Strength of Many
07-07-2003, 01:58 AM
Gulio stood ready, every nerve on the alert for Relasin. He placed his hand tightly on his sword, ready to draw it at a moment's notice.

07-07-2003, 04:22 PM
Imharwen felt herslef being jerked and lifted. She tried to change but nothing would work. She screamed at the top of her lungs, then a hand clapped over her mouth, and she saw nothing for a very long while.

07-07-2003, 04:30 PM
Aewionen thought she had heard a small scream but she said to herself, "It is just my mind playing tricks on me, thats all." She looked around again to find Imharwen missing. "Maybe not..." she said quietly. Aewionen saw out of the corner of her eye a dark figure. She would not have been able to see it if Feilix were not looking in that direction. She followed the shadowed person.

Gulio, Strength of Many
07-07-2003, 05:30 PM
"Aewionen, where are you going?" Gulio said quietly. He didn't want them seperated again. It was then he noticed the dark shape. He drew his sword and ran after the shape and grabbed it from behind.

Indril Anarion
07-07-2003, 06:01 PM
Tamuril raced, catching up with Gulio and Aewionen, her blade drawn.

07-08-2003, 07:46 AM
Eidhen's golden eyes flashed and his attention was turned to something moving. I followed his glance and saw a dark figure, barely visible, stealthily running away. I turned my head backwards to look at my companions and realized that Imharwen was not with us. With no further thought I jerked my arm backwards, causing my hawk to fly towards the man, and ran after him, catching up with the rest of our group.

07-10-2003, 12:04 AM
Relasin carried her into a chamber that had a magnificent gold leafed bed, with a king size matress, with wine colored sheets and comforter. It had golden pillows with wine red tassles. A chair was next to the bed made of teak wood, a wine and gold colored padding, two intricly carved arms and the legs looked like clawed feet. A full-length mirror adorned one of the walls with golden flaking aroung the edges. the wallpaper was a deep crimson rose color, and the only light came from candles set around the room. Imharwen was placed on the bed, and then Relsasin made sure that the door could not be opened or closed without the password. Relasin sank into the chair, and waited.

07-10-2003, 12:07 AM
number twelve, twelve pages of beautiful descriptive replies. :D :D
I'm so happy! I'm also very :confused: because Relasin has not spoken for a while...........Kalile.

Indril Anarion
07-10-2003, 05:50 PM
"No!" yelled Tamuril as she raced to the closing door. She jumped into the door and made it just in time before the magical door closed. However, her blade was left behind to her dismay.

Tamuril had landed on the floor and she slowly got up. She was taken aback when she saw Relasin sitting on a nearby chair, and Imharwen sleeping on a very large mattress. Relasin stared at Tamuril with an evil glare. She could feel the weight of the evil and her head swam. The room began to spin as Relasin's glare peirced through her mind. Soon, it was too much for her and she collasped, seeing nothing but darkness.

07-10-2003, 07:10 PM
"Tamuril!" Aewionen went to her side. After checking for a pulse, she said, "She is unconscious(sp?)," Aewionen looked at Relasin. The man that had killed her parents was so close. Worry, as well as anger, began to grow in her heart as a smile formed on his lips. We have to get Imharwen out of there, and fast.

07-11-2003, 07:35 AM
I ran after Relasin, hoping to reach him before it was too late, but I just caught glimpse of a closing door, and the yells of Aewionen and Tamuril fading from within the room. They had managed to get in. The rest of us ran to the door and tried to open it. No use. The door simply refused to open. "Stand back." I warned Imhuriel, Kalile and Gulio. As I did, I stood in front of the locked door and lifted my arms. A soft lavender laser beam was released from my hands, hitting straight to the door. It semed to have some effect for a while; a large hole was about to form into the door. But, that was all. The laser beam couldn't penetrate it, as if the door was created by strong magic. I concentrated hard and mobilized all my magic; in the end I felt my strength leaving me. I gasped and let my hands fall down, breathing quickly.

07-11-2003, 07:25 PM
Aewionen looked from Imharwen to Tamuril and to Relasin. "So nice of you two to join us," he said with a laugh as he saw the look on Aewionen face, "though I was hoping you would leave you weapon outside. No matter." Aewionen slowly stood up and grabbed her sword tightly. She looked him in the eye and saw the lives of many he had killed before. She cursed at him as she saw her parents. Relasin laughed. "Now," he said getting up and walking slowly towards her. "One of these things isn't right, no, one of these things does not belong." Aewionen felt a surge of pain shoot through her body and she collapsed to the ground. As she slowly went into unconciousness, she saw his sinister face and after another surge of pain, she fell into the black abyss.

Indril Anarion
07-11-2003, 11:20 PM
Tamuril slowly came back into conciosness. She groaned and rubbed her head.

"What happened?" she mumbled.

Looking up, she saw Aewionen collapsed on the floor, and Relasin sitting comfortably in a nearby chair, an evil smirk on his face.

"What are you so happy about," she said, a bold thing to say to such an evil being. However, Tamuril didn't care. She had had enough. If Relasin wanted her dead then he probably would have killed her off sooner. She had a feeling that hse knew what he wanted and Tamuril could not be more disgusted. However, she decided to play along and use her feminine wiles to her advantage. She walked up to him.

"So, what does one with such power as you want with us elves? What can we give you that you desire so much?" she said, circling his chair slowly once before taking a seat on the corner of the bed by the sleeping Imharwen.

07-12-2003, 01:37 PM
Imharwen stirred but still slept, as though a spell had been put upon her so as to keep her asleep. A whirlwind of thoughts was going through her sub conscious mind as she slept fitfully.

07-13-2003, 07:36 AM
"Now what? The damage done to the door is too little, not enough to get us in. What are we going to do?" I thought, as I saw that my magic couldn't penetrate the door. I looked around at my remaining companions, hoping that someone would have a better idea.

Gulio, Strength of Many
07-13-2003, 02:17 PM
"We could try to find another way in," Gulio suggested. "I don't think we will be able to get in this way."

07-13-2003, 08:14 PM
Imhuriel said" There might be a code or password, or we may have to do something to get across this door.
Meanwhile, on the other side of the door Imharwen finally woke and looked around amazed at the room she was in. She tried to shift into a different creature, but she could not do it for there seemed to be a force was not letting her shift. She looked at Aewionen laying on the ground, and saw Tamuril sitting on the edge of the bed she was on. " She groaned and spoke to Tamuril," How did I get here? oh my head." She lay back on the bed resting her head on one of the wine colored silk pillows.

07-13-2003, 08:29 PM
Aewionen drifted into a painful sleep and though she slept, her heart was awake. She knew she had to awake but it felt as though someone was pulling her into a forever darkness, a abyss filled with eternal pain. Aewionen let out a soft groan and again went into her most painful memory.

Aewionen was going to her uncle's house for the day and when she got there, there was a small, cold, hello. A while later, her uncle came out with a club. He had obviously been drinking as she saw him stagger. Aewionen's eyes widened as the club came up and back down apon her. She screamed and her parents were begining to come back. She thought it was over but her father watched as his brother beat her. He then turned his back and walked off. Aewionen's mother was running towards her and she picked her up after several brutal beatings.

Aewionen came out of her memory as her mother cursed her uncle. But the painful thing about the memory wasn't the beatings that occured.Why did he turn his back on me? She began again to feel the dark surround her, as if it wasn't going to let go.

07-14-2003, 05:09 PM
She lifted herself slowyly off the bed and walked over to Aewionen. Still walking, she stopped next to her, and chanted some elvish words, which had no meaning for Tamuril, white light flowed from her fingertips into Aewionen.

Indril Anarion
07-14-2003, 07:46 PM
"He brought you here," said Tamuril to Imhuriel, when she asked why he had awoken in such a magnificent room. "But why, I don't know. Perhaps he can tell us."

07-15-2003, 08:23 AM
"If there is a password, how are we going to get it?" I eagerly asked Imhuriel. "Magic doesn't affect this door, so the password is our only hope and we better find what it is soon." I continued and stared at the locked door.

07-15-2003, 01:49 PM
"Kalile, I belive it's nothing hat we would know. I'ts probably something that we would'nt know sooo, uh we are stuck for a while,"