View Full Version : Helm's Deep

04-10-2003, 10:17 PM
Okay I have always liked Helm's Deep. It's my favorite part in the story and then the Battle in Gondor. Most RPG's have trouble getting that far so I want to start one in Rohan right after the four members of the Fellowship come in to the Golden Hall.
that's page 499 in TTT
(Aragorn, Gandalf, Gimli and Legolas) Someone can play them (or not) and new characters in Rohan. If you want to be a Fellowship member that's okay but not too many. All other Tolkien characters are welcome as long as they fit logicly (even ents):D
So anyhow post a Character and let me know!

04-10-2003, 10:22 PM
Name: Aralyn (Ari)
Gender: Female Race of men in Rohan
Weapons: One of few Archers and swordsman
other: Deore is her Twin brother, short Brown hair and hazel eyes

Name: Deore
Age: 18
Gender Male of the race of men in Rohan
Weapons: Swordsman
other: light brown hair and eyes
Horse: Liena

Fred Baggins
04-11-2003, 12:02 AM
I'll join!

(You remember the little girl and her brother from TTT movie? Frieda is the little girl. *sheepish grin*) A lot more will happen with her than you would belive, including changing what Jackson did...but that doesn't matter much since Frieda isn't shown again after she remeats with her mother anyway.

The last sane person
04-11-2003, 12:44 AM
I was wondering if an Easterling can join the fray on the side of light, Or is this "by the book"!?

Name: Seth
Gender: Male
Race: Of the race of Men from the East
Weapon: Halberd and semitar
Other: Tall, dark skinned and black hair
Horse: Shabaq, black arabian type horse with a white star on forehead

04-11-2003, 10:06 AM
No an Easterling can join that's fine and I like you idea Fred. How old are you going to make her? NOt by the book but in Tolkien style as in no aliens but we can change stuff around. I'm pretty flexible

04-11-2003, 04:01 PM
I'm waiting to start so others can join . . .;)

Eowyn, Lady of Rohan
04-11-2003, 04:50 PM
I'll join!

Name: Eowyn
Gender/Race: Female of the race of men
Weapons: Sword

04-11-2003, 05:08 PM
I'll join though I probably need to read that part of the book again.
name: Meeko
bio:Works on farm with horses and has a horse named Cliff. Meeko also has a love for cooking and archery. Loves art (especially elvish) does not like to be in wars but is a ptriot for freedom. Is a bit of a rebellion against kings but stays under kings ruling because he cannot go out on his own yet.

appearence:long curly gold hair(like Rohans) can pass as a girl if pleased. (yes he will kinda be a cross dresser but thats whats great about this character.) is tall with brown eyes.
My character is strange but I want to try something that can really give me ideas and perk up my rpg muse. Great idea and thanks for the pm Aralyn.

04-11-2003, 06:19 PM
Welcome! we'll wait a little longer. Like that sicirus;)!

Fred Baggins
04-11-2003, 07:18 PM
She's sixish but You'll see I'll make it work out...*secretive smile*

04-11-2003, 09:48 PM
I trust you Fred. I'm at my grandmothers and dont have the TTT book so i'll start it tommmorow and others can join as they see fit. Don't let it scare anyone away! You can still join!

04-12-2003, 01:05 PM
I'll join as Starletta. Gar, now to go find descript.*wanders off* well, she is a girl, looks about the age of 15, yet is older, wears a white dress and white cloak. Is the trainer of horses for Rohan. Both parents are dead, and she lives with a panther.(dont ask) Has brownish hair that is always pulled into two braid-pigtail-things. Also carries a blade and a bow.I think thats all.TTFN!

04-12-2003, 01:40 PM
ooc: Here we go . .
"Ari?, C'mon, Hama said there is someone in the Hall. Gandalf is back!"

My twin brother rushed into the stable's panting.

"Hush Deore you'll scare Liena."

His brown eyes grew pleading, "Please Ari. We can slip in unnoticed! Just this once."

"You said that last time," I mumbled. but I followed him anyway. Deore has a nose for trouble and often brought me into it but I wanted to see what was happening as well, though I'd never tell Deore that.

As the two slipped into the great hall the caught sight of the travelers, Gandalf with three others, a dark haired man with his hand on his hilt and an elf and dwarf.

"An elf!" Deore practically yelped.

"Hush Deore!"

We watched as they spoke Theoden growing angry and Grima Wormtongue inflaming him.

"He makes me sick, the little worm." I grimaced

"Now you hush." Deore smiled at me. I wanted to smack him but we continued listening.

Suddenly the wizard raised his staff and the sun was darkened and thunder sounded. He stood tall and white, towering over the simpering figure of Grima. As quickly as it came it was gone and left Grima face down on the floor . . .

"Now Theoden son of Thengel will you hearken me? . Not all is dark. Take courage Lord of the Mark; for better help you will find."
Then an amazing thing happened. Theoden rose from his throne and stiffly walked to the great doors as Gandalf shouted, "Open, The Lord of The Mark comes forth!"

At that moment I felt a hand on my shoulder

ooc: sorry to make it long. I'll continue more later. you guys can see it how you want;)

04-12-2003, 08:33 PM
Sorry to keep posting. Lubyla, your PM box is full so Ill ask you here. You want to have Starletta already know Deore since he spends so much time with his horse Liena? Let me know

Fred Baggins
04-12-2003, 11:53 PM
ooc: I'm writing this as the point of view of an older girl, because I want it to be discriptive, but you all know that she's sixish.

ic: I felt my brother behind me begin to grow more faint. I did to, we hadn't eaten since the night before--and that was scarce more than a loaf of bread between us--there was very little food anymore. This morning mum had told my brother to take me and ride as fast as he could to the castle, to warn the king of the orc's attacks. But from rumors, I'm afriad the king's not going to care much. But perhaps we can speak to Eomer the King's Sister-son, or the Kings own son himself, if he had yet returned. I wanted so desparatly a bit of food, but Brother said I must be strong and wait until we get to the castle.

Muma will survive...won't she?

The last sane person
04-13-2003, 02:37 AM
OOC: "Here we go" is correct!


Grr. I cursed those Orcs! I thought that I must find the Westerners quickly and join in with them if I was to have any chance of surving this. Deserting wasnt exactley the best thing to do.

But I had to. The Dark route that we were going would lead us all to our deaths. I was growing weak after my encounter with those orcs and was fast losing energy but I pressed on urging Shabaq, my horse, forward. He was tiring too. I had stoped my horse in the shadows of a tavern and had over heard the name of the country I was in: "Rohan". And that I was close to a keep called "Helms deep".
It is there that I have decided to go and offer my services to the Westerners. With the luck of the gods I hope that the Men of Rohan will trust an Easterling.... Only daylight can bring the answer.....

04-13-2003, 01:12 PM
ooc: SURE! I deleted my stuff in the PM box so yeah.

ic: I stood behind the two. "You know, it's not polite to spy." I laughed a little. "But as long as you don't get caught, no one will know." I sent them a small smile, and walked into the room, noticing the differances in the king and the travelers whom I had directed here.

04-13-2003, 03:44 PM
Deore blushed when he saw Starletta.

"C'mon Deore. We won't be able to see anything else from here."

As he reluctantly followed we met Hama coming up the stairs.

"Hama? What is wrong?," Then I gasped for none other than Eomer was behind him with a sword.

"Eomer? My lord." I nodded at him respectfully.

He barely noticed but went on after Hama.

Deore gazed at me in wonder, "What is he doing? I thought-"

"Me too. We'd better go back and see what is happening."

"Great." Deore said excitedly.

Yeah, sure, I thought, you don't want to see what's going on you want to see Starletta.

I caught the last of King Theoden's words as I entered, "-How comes this?"

I held my breath.

"Will you not take the sword?" Gandalf urged.

Then Theoden stood and cried,
Arise now, arise, Riders of Theoden!
Dire deeds awake, dark is eastward.
Let horse be bridled, horn be sounded
Forth Eorlingas!

"Now indeed there is hope of victory," Eomer cried.

"The Lord of the Mark will ride!"

I turned to Starletta, "Who is the dark-haired man? HE looks noble and sad."

ooc: Cliff notes version hehehe

04-13-2003, 04:43 PM
"That is" I paused "Aragron, a noble man, yet it seems lost in his path." I stopped, brushing one of my braids back behind my shoulder. "It is a very troubled time" I said to no one in particular. "Well, I must be off, time to run the horses." I walked down the many stairs, out of the city to my home. Nope, not burnt down yet, nor trashed, though the door stood ajar a bit. As I opened the door a bit more, I was bounced on by a great, black panther.

Fred Baggins
04-13-2003, 04:50 PM
Ahead of us just slightly was a little house. I saw a woman with brown pigtails fly out, with a panther on top of her. Then I felt my brother fall off the horse, with myself close behind. We where both faint from riding all day with nothing to eat, and no rest. I noticed the woman's face above mine, and relized she must have caught me.

We have to see the King. I whispered before all went black.

04-13-2003, 04:55 PM
I whistled for a horse. Rainstorm. She was chestnut brown with a few white spots. I brought her upon the horse, then her brother. "Illali, watch over, I shall be back." The panther nodded as I sent their horse out with the others, and mounted Rain behind them, bringing them to the king.

04-13-2003, 05:47 PM
"Look it's Starletta!" I nudged Deore. "She's got a girl on that horse."

"From one of the outlying villages by her looks"

ooc: Kay time for a question. Do we wanna go straight to Helm's deep or ride out like in the books. And I can speak for Theoden or you guys can puppet him how you want.

The last sane person
04-13-2003, 06:03 PM
OOC: well... I am already half way there, so maybe i could catch you guys on the way riding out.

OOC2: Damn! I need a horse badly if i am to be able to keep up! I think I will go edit my profile a bit!

04-13-2003, 06:32 PM

04-14-2003, 01:13 PM
I could not stay online that long. So I could not answer to any rpgs.
But here goes.

ic: I stirred the batter of the onuion bread waiting for my father to return with my horse who had to be checked by the doctor. I cried out in happiness when I heard hoof beats coming near the old shck that was our ho9me. But when I got outside instead of my father leading Cliff there were four men riding horses towards the king Theoden's castle. My head drooped causing my golden hair to finally come out of its brade and into my face.
I wonder who they are. I thought to muself.
Our stupid king so far has done nothing of the growing threat of orcs from Mordor or Isengard. But these four were odd looking traveling together. A man, and elf, a dwarf and a Wizard?
I recognized Gandalf at once and knew there would be some bad news on its way. I smelt something burning then remembered my bread and rushed twoards the fire to find it burning. I grabbed bruning my hands and threw it out the window to the clucking chickens and pigs.
I decided to see who the visiters were and find out what news we were to NOT here of that might protect us.
I never liked having a king and decided along time agao to Leave Rohan and take Cliff with me to find the free lands of Bree or Gondor were their king had not come back yet and may never. Though they still wisper of an hier returining to his thrown. I thought secretly that he would never. I pulled my matted hair back into a braid once more and swumg washed my face with a hot rag. I peered into the mirror and knew they would think me a maiden if not for my clothing.
Oh well" I said tomyself and dashed out side pursuing the four men. I reached the castle to find them already inside and pressed my ear against the cold door.
I could hear nothing and did not wish to be caught by a guard so I waited sitting next to a tree standing outside of the castle or white hall as they called it.
after awhile the king came out followed by The wizard and the others who were in the room. The king had kicked the old wormtongue out onto the steps in digust. i agred with the king this time and stuck out my tongue at the quivering lump. Though he could not see me.

Eowyn, Lady of Rohan
04-14-2003, 04:20 PM
Oh dear! I think someone just died. Oh yeah, it was an ork!

04-14-2003, 05:20 PM
ooc:I'm gonna make it so the king decides we go straight to Helm's Deep.

I caught up with Starletta, "Deore take care of this child's horse and see it has no injuries, and Starletta do you know her?" I asked breathlessly.

Fred Baggins
04-14-2003, 07:22 PM
I woke up to hear my brother talking to the King. He would have to listen to us.

"I'm hungery."

04-14-2003, 07:30 PM
"Good, you are awake, what is your name child? Then you should have some food." We stood in the hall of the king. I kneeled looking at her. I pulled out a small cake of bread. "This may tide you for a little." And handed it to her.

04-14-2003, 07:37 PM
"Do you want me to get King Theoden?" I said.
(i know you have your brother already talking to him but he's currently outside with Gandalf.)

Fred Baggins
04-14-2003, 07:42 PM
"Freida," I said the same time my brother said, "We can give him some information concerning a part of the land, and the orcs."

04-14-2003, 08:29 PM
I bit by lip in thought, "I'll see if I can get the king to come in. With Gandalf here he seems in a much better mood."

I left Starletta feeding the two children and hurried out to where Gandalf was talking. I edged closer until he noticed me.

Theoden frowned slightly then said, "Yes, child what is it?"

"A girl and her brother from one of the outlying villages. It seems there was a raid by orcs. She wishes to speak with you."

Aragorn cut in, "It would be wise to see what your subjects think."

"Lead us to her then"

When we arrived, the girl Frieda was sitting nervously next to her brother.

"Speak," I told her quietly, "Tell the king what has happened."

ooc: Doesn't the boy (your brother, Fred) have a name already? It seems it was said in the movie. I'll check it out.

Fred Baggins
04-14-2003, 10:18 PM
ooc: Yes, I'm just to lazy to try to remember it.

ic: "Um..." I replied a bit speechless. I had never seen the King before and only heard of him. I felt the butterflies fluttering in my stomache. Luckly my brother didn't seem so nervous.

"Our village was attacked this morning, Sir, and mum told us to come here as fast as we could-"

"On Papa's horse too! We're not supposed to ride his horse while he's fighting, but mama said we had to be fast."

"Yes, Freida. An' Sir it's real bad there. Mum said we where to tell you that this wasn't the first raid in our area, just in our village. The orcs have been lurking around for months, raidin' and stuff."

Shyly I spoke up again. "I thought they where just stories that Old Kali told to scare us, an' I didn't think orcs exhisted. But they do Sir, and their frightening. An Mum's still there. Do you think she's ok?" Brother tousled my hair lightly. I knew it was his way of being frightened himself. He always tried to be brave when he was scared.

04-15-2003, 11:49 AM
I grew angry as Frieda finished her recitation of what had happened.

"Surely you must do something. These people-"

The King cut me off, "I must do what I think is best. We will make ready to leave for Helm's Deep."

Gandalf sighed, "An ill descision I fear but so be it."

04-15-2003, 05:49 PM
"Your horses are at your call." I said to the king.

"Than get them here!"

"Right sir." I turned to the two. "I leave you in the care of the king and his servents. If you should need, look for me, Starletta." With that I turned and walked out. As I reached home, having Rain bring the other horses to the king, but leaving the children's, I entered the house, where sat Illali.

'What is the news?'

"We leave for Helm's Deep. I shall meet you there, for I fear that it would be awkward to have you walk with the rest."

Illali nodded and left.

I quickly put together a pack of necesities.(sp) and gathered my bow. My sword hung at my side as always. Entering the dimmly lit room I slept in, I picked up a quiver of blood red arrows. Both the bow and the arrows had been gifts from a dear friend, who I lost contact with some time ago.

04-15-2003, 06:47 PM
ic:I found out that a war was to be taking place as the villagers moved to a safer place away from the oncoming danger.
I ran home to find my father back leading my gray companion Cliff into the barn and started to hand me a brush. My father had also heard of the war and he was a supporter of the king and hated my opinion of rebillion against the king.
"Meeko, we are to go to war and all lads are to join the kings army." He said swiftly and sternly as though saying that I had no choice on the subject.
The only reason I would actually go to war was to protect those who wish for a peaceful life. I nodded in sorrow and in disgust of who I would be serving under.
My father told me to go inside and fetch his weapons and he would get me some armor. I did not like war I rather have a nice pot of stew sizzeling waiting for my special reciepy(sp). (Everyone loves my stew)
My father was waiting when I return with my mother and sister next to him. he was hugging them goodbye and I was to follow him to where the king had summond the warriors. I was nervous but determined(sp).
We led our two horses (my father has a horse named Hanger) and we came opone the place were everyone alse had arrived. I at once saw the three men standing next to the king and I accidently shouted out in pain when one of the boys decided to play rough with me. (the boys like to tease me for my odd interest) they had tackeled me to the ground then laughed as I had to get up from out of the mud and growled. My father only looked at me with dissapointment and turned away as though ignoring my stupidity. (Or he was ashamed) He had always been ashamed of me and always acted as though I was not of his familly.
I got up and led Cliff away who had been my only friend.

Fred Baggins
04-15-2003, 08:43 PM
When we where left in the room with no one but Aralyn, I tugged on her sleeve.

"What about Mum?" Brother pulled me aside, and sat me down. "Frieda, when we left mum said to come straight here. She said that we where to stay where it's safe and not to worry about her. You'll do that for her won't you?"
"I can't. I wanna be with her."
Brother sighed, and hung his head. After a minuet he looked me in the eye. "We might not see mother again. But if that happens we have to be strong for her. She won't want to find out that we weren't strong."

"Ok." I said whiping the tears from my eyes. "I'll try...for mum."

04-16-2003, 10:40 AM
I sat next to Frieda and her brother. (give him some name or something) and said calmly, "Don't worry, The king will send out men to help the villages. I'm sure you'll meet up with her at Helm's Deep."

Deore had run off to ready his horse to ride out.

The last sane person
04-16-2003, 06:07 PM
OOC: Hurry up you guys!


I had secretly stopped at the outskirst of a town and had stolen some mens clothing and bandages for myself and was gone before anything was missed. I was not too far from Helms Deep when I saw a contingencey of men on horses. I was glad I traded my old Sauron garments for these native clothes, only my skin and my "accent" kept me apart from these people.
I rode to them useing a bandage as my white flag, they surrounded me and commanded me to speak, after a heart pounding session of questions they took me and tied me to my saddle and bound my hands and made me ride in the middle, I was off to helms deep.
Apperantly the whole population was going to head there. I new that there was where we were supposed to attack. I decided to try and talk to warn them about it. The riders I am with tell me to save it for the King. I must talk to someone about this, I slip my hands free making it look like i was still bound. I have got to warn these people.

04-16-2003, 07:38 PM
ooc: On our way now!
ic:Soon the whole city was ready to make for Helm's Deep. Some rode, but most walked. I couldn't help thinking this was a mistake.

Deore rode up ahead of me with the other men. We halted for a moment and then started. I wondered what was happening so I turned to Frieda (on her horse) and said, "I'll be back. Stay close to the others."
She nodded and I ran ahead the slow moving procession.

"Deore? Wait Deore!"

He turned and left the circle of men. I hoisted myself up behind him on Liena.

"What is happening? Why did we stop?"

Deore scowled, "An Easterling. He wants to talk with the King."

"Bring us closer, Liena" I spoke.

We rode close enough that we could see the man on his horse. His hands were bound and he had a worried(?) look on his face.
I wondered at him but started turn Liena away when I noticed something. My brown hair flicked in my face as I laughed, "Deore, see he's not tied anymore. Shh don't say anything!"

I met the man's gaxe and determindly rode over to him.

"Don't Ari!" Deore commanded.

I ignored him and said, "Sir, what are the likes of you doing in Rohan?"

Eowyn, Lady of Rohan
04-16-2003, 08:04 PM
Eowyn: Hey, WAIT FOR MEEEEEE!!!!!!
Starletta: It's not my fault you're slow. *laughs secretly to herself*
Eowyn: You MEANIE!!!

The last sane person
04-16-2003, 08:29 PM
OOC: finaly :D!!

I had been riding with these men for well over half a day when we saw a larger crowd ahead of us, apperantly the whole population was going to Helms deep. we rode up to the main body with shouts of joy on my "captors" part and silent reserve for me; this was it.

Random Rider: Hail lords! we are off to Helms Deep! We caught a prisoner along the way. a spy no doubt! i doubt he understands a word we are saying!

*the whole company jeered and stares at the bound figure across a desert horse*

Seth: actually sir, i can understand you just fine and I am no spy. If i was i wouldnt have riden up to you and surrenderd and subjected my self to be bound and jeered at.

*his accent suddenly sounded ten times more obvious, to him any way the whole group goes silent and a gape, Seth continued*

Seth: I hear that you are all going to this "Helms Deep". I advise you not to, the battle squad i was in was headed there, along with untold thousands of uruks and monsters from that "Isengard".

*the whole group looked shocked and was saying that they shouldnt trust Seth. he was starting to get worried and frustrated when he found this girl on a horse staring at him, to his surprize she held his gaze, unlike her fellows around him, and instead of turning back she laughed and rode forward. To his even greater surprise she addressed him directly*

Aralyn: Sir, what are the likes of you doing in Rohan?

*Seth looked this close to falling off Shabaq! he just stared at first and once Seth found his tounge, he answered her*

Seth: Well, to tell the truth, I was coming over to attack you at first.

Aralyn: *answering evenly* Then why are you coming and trying to help us if you came over to attack us?

Seth: I had no choice in the matter, Lady, It was either that or die at the hands of the witch kings thugs. This war path we were sent on will bring about our certain doom, I realized that and left. Not wanting to fight in the name of evil.

*Seth was completely floored at this girl but she was answering him even, when all the other Westerners were shying way from him*

Aralyn: *smilling* Well then, if what your saying is true we must take you to the king at once!

*A few people tried to stop her but she just pushed right ahead with Seth's horse trotting along happily, once they were away from the greater crowd she spoke to him*

Aralyn: You know, you could take off your bonds now. You dont have to pretend anymore, your safe. What kind of horse is that your riding? *Shabaq whinnys*

Seth:*staring, he does so* So thats what you laughed at! This is an Easterling desert horse of great lineage, my clan used to breed them till we were taken to serve in this acursed war! None of us are safe until this evil is finally stopped.

*with that they went to see the King and Travelers beside him*

OOC2: Someone else write the conversation please! I shall talk in present tense from now on.

04-16-2003, 09:53 PM
Aralyn: "I have not yet learned your name"

Seth: "My name is Seth, and yours?"

Aralyn: "Aralyn and over there is my twin brother Deore. I should warn you, before we find Theoden that he and I are not exactly on the best of terms. I'm a bit outspoken for a girl and do nothing to hide it."

Seth: *Laughing*" I can tell. You were the only one to meet my eyes when I was brought over."

*The two ride over to a small group of men who are riding slightly ahead. (That would be, Aragorn, Theoden, Eomer, and Legolas with Gimli, Gandalf has already departed)*

Aralyn: *In a loud voice* "King Theoden, sir a friend who brings news."

Seth:*Slightly suprised whisper* "Friend?"(sp?)

Aralyn: *smiling* "Would you prefer I said enemy?"

Theoden: "Ah the girl I spoke to earlier. What
must I do now?"

Aralyn: "Sir this man wishes to speak with you. A matter of great importance."

ooc: Continue on Seth;)

Fred Baggins
04-16-2003, 11:12 PM
ooc: The brother's name is Perrin. :D O and the horses is Hawk.

ic: "Perrin, I don't wanna stay here. I like that lady, at least SHE knows well see mum again." I wish I hadn't been so mistaken. "Let's go over to her!"
Perrin agrued though, and I ignored him, slipping off the horse and running over. I stoped short when I was another man, who was quite obviously of another land. And I stared. The clothing was so different, the way he talked, even his horse. And I was fasinated, the first time I had seen a human being not from Rohan, and this sparked my intrest greatly. I saw Perrin running the horse over to get me, and when he haled me back on the horse, I had to ask.
"Who is he?"
"An easterling and no one to be near. They'll try to hurt us if they can. Comeon Frieda, you don't wanna make the lady mad at us do you? Let's go back before she notices us."
"I wanna hear what he's saying. He looks so...different. Lead Hawk in closer."
Perrin reluctantly agreed and in a couple of minuets we where practically right behind him.

The last sane person
04-16-2003, 11:55 PM
OOC: Now i have children ogling at me too!!

*Seth was arguing with the king and Legolas, Aragorn and Gimli when he noticed the two children on horse back staring at him*

Seth: But sirs! If you lead these people to Helms Deep they will be slaughtred! I have seen that horde with my own eyes! they are here for one purpose: To break the back of Man! you cant lead these people there!

Aragorn: I agree with the man, if we are caught and the defences breeched the people will be killed off like sheep within a corral!

*Seth looks at the two kids and then at Legolas*

Legolas: Well, we have no where else too go! But, if what Seth says is true no one will survive.

Gimli: Then let the women, children and the old and infirm go then and those that can stay and defend their backs!

*It went on like this for a while and Seth, who had been granted right to move about by some impresive arguing by Aralyn and Legolas (who had actually came to side with him) for him, left the king and Travelers to fight it out amongst themselves now that he had delivered his message rode away he saw Frieda and Perrin looking around*

Frieda: Oh no! where did that East Man go? I wanted to see him and his horse!

Perrin: well, if hes gone then all the better! come on, lets go!

*Seth was right behind them and when Frieda mounted he rode forward*

Seth: What are you two youngsters doing here? shouldnt you be with your parents now?

*Perrin said nothing and stared but Frieda went forward*

Frieda: You have a funny accent and clothes and your horse is different too, why are you here?

Seth:*laughing softly* Are all Western girls so upfront? I am from the east and you may call me Seth, and this is my horse Shabaq, he too is from the desert. who are you may i ask? I am here too help you.

Frieda:*Smiling* oh, I am Frieda and this is my brother Perrin, and Hawk. Nice to meet you! We are going to find our mum at Helms deep!

Seth: Oh no.

Perrin: what?

Seth: oh, nothing for you too worry about.

Perrin: *some what shyly* er, neat horse...

Frieda: can we ride him?

Seth: *Laughing* gladly, Shabaq loves kids, hop on up!

*Aralyn and theoden as well as the travellers just then comes up and sees Seth showing Frieda and Perrin how to ride Eastern*

Legolas:*Smiling* Now there is a sight to behold! an Easterling man giving rides to little ones! surely, if the man is friendly enough for kids to go near him he cant be that bad!

Aralyn:*riding over to Seth* Giving pony rides to kids I see!

Seth: Oh, uh, what!? *he sees the king and others in the back and goes a bit pink* Uh, yeah. well, they've never riden an eastern horse before so i thought I'd let em try!

Perrin: Hey! this horse is fast! this is fun!

*they all smile and shake their heads and move in to helms deep, Seth letting frieda and perrin ride Shabaq, who liked giving the kids a ride. He riding Hawk, beside Aralyn, the King and company*

Fred Baggins
04-17-2003, 12:10 AM
ooc: Ergh, I'm going to make this a bit easier and post Perrin in darkblue.

ic: Shyly I spoke up again. "Um, thanks for letting us ride your horse, but I wanna make sure You will be careful with Ha-" Perrin jabbed me.
"Come on Freida, he's bein' nice enough to let us ride his horse. Don't pester him anymore. He'll take care of Hawk, and Dad'll have his horse back in time."
I glared back at him. "I KNEW that I was going to say somthin' else." Actually I wasn't and clamed up again. And I knew what Perrin was thinking. Better not to get mixed up with strangers, anymore than we where. I personally didn't care about what my brother thought.

"I don't see what's wrong with Helms Deep sir...Perrin doesn't like it either, and Father was worried about having to go there. But if I can find my mum there, what's wrong with it?"

The last sane person
04-17-2003, 12:20 AM
OOC: oh boy!

Seth: Well, lets just say its not safe right now, especially over there!

Frieda: Oh, so we wont find Mum?

Seth: I dont know about that but i do know its not a safe place for people and lets just leave it at that.

Frieda: Oh, are we going to be attacked or something?

Aralyn&Seth:*blank* what?

Frieda:*Realizing she said something she shouldnt of* oh, er, I...we heard yo arguing with the king, so we're gonna die there or what?

Seth: Aralyn! I think there is one girl here that is even more outspoken then you!

Aralyn:*shakes her head* Indeed.

Frieda: whaaat??

Fred Baggins
04-17-2003, 12:24 AM
ooc: YOU HAVE NO IDEA!!!!!

ic: Perrin nuged me again, and I decided to shut up...for once. But not without one last murmer. "Daddy TOLD me to say what I had to before there was no time left." Did I relize then what an emotional impact this would make on me? Not a chance in the world.

The last sane person
04-17-2003, 12:32 AM
OOC: Do I want to know?!?!

Fred Baggins
04-17-2003, 12:37 AM
OOC: I meant about how outspoken Frieda is...

The last sane person
04-17-2003, 12:44 AM
OOC: now that also makes sense!

Seth:*watching the tired forms of Frieda and perrin cling to Shabaq* Good thing my horse loves kids or these two would have fallen off long ago!

Aralyn: Right, lets ride on either side of them just to make sure!

*they did so and continued on*

Fred Baggins
04-17-2003, 12:54 AM
I nearly laughed out loud. This would have been the perfect chance...if it had not been for Perrin. Instead I tugged on Perrin's sleave, and turned back smiling at him. He started to protest, but I glared. I knew he wouldn't be able to give it up, pranks where in our blood, and this wasn't even a real one. He nodded. Luckly neither of the adults saw us. Shabaq stopped suddenly, and I slipped off the horse, before either had a chance to turn around, and ran back to the woman that had saved us, swinging myself on her horse before she even knew I was there. Just as I got on behind her the other two had turned around, and Shabaq had started again, and easliy caught up with them. Just with Perrin on him though.

"What's your name and why is there a panther following you?" I asked the woman.

ooc: This is kinda a sign that I gotta get off for the night, g'night!

04-17-2003, 08:31 AM
Aralyn: "It's alright Frieda knows her. Starletta saved her when she fell of Hawk."

Seth: "Did you have any luck with the king?"

Aralyn: *scowling* "Unfortunatetly no. He insists we'll be safer there. With defenses. Your report has only made him more sure of it."

Seth *sigh* "I fear it is a trap for your people"

Aralyn: *angrily* Our king is too bull headed to see anything. Before- well just before he was kind but he seems to sure now.

Seth *astonished* "Do all of you feel this way?

Aralyn *Blushing* "I'm sorry my tongue has taken me too far. I'm angry he refuses to see what will happen-"

*Looking at Perrin she stops in mid-sentence*

"Have you ever been to Helm's Deep, Perrin?"

04-17-2003, 12:14 PM
ooc: Ok, I am kinda lost now. I cannot answer for Perrin but I am now with the king an dhis company. I am going to try to say we continue onto the trail to Helms Deep and when we arrive.

ic: WE rode on towards Hems Deep and my father decided to talk to me again but only as a soldier. He told that Helms Deep was to protect us from the enemy. To protect the villagers. I looked back at the many faces of people. Owmen and Childreen and men all who had to leave their homes bringing only what they could carry in their hands and in their carts and on their horses. The sun blazed in the sky then it setted innot a red haze like a phoenix who had flown away and left the silver orb in its place.
I had watched the empty grass fields as people drifted off to sleep. We had come across an Easterling a women who both wanted to puruad our king(their king) to turn around and not go to such a dangerous place.
I agreed with a nod while my father threatend to kill me for my opinions on the matter.
The two children Perrin and Frieda as they were called enjoyed the company of the strangers and their horse. I patted Cliff on the neck and Hanger became jealous.
I wanted to ask the two strangers what they were doing and why they had come so far.(or atleast the man) I heard that he wanted to kill us but knew he could not and now wanted to help us as a cover up. I wanted the truth.
I walked up to the man who had now caught up to the women on his horse. i was riding Cliff and waited for the two to finish whast they were saying before asking my question. I knew my father would kill me for this. Especially since I had packed my cook ware and he thought of that as embarresing(sP)
"I agree with you on going to Hems Deep." I started off.
"I do not agree with alot of what our king says but unfortunatly must follow for my fathers sake. Though I would like to know what you plan on doing? If its not to much a bother"

The last sane person
04-17-2003, 04:28 PM
OOC: Now your getting me confused!

*Seth was riding along with Aralyn when a strang boy came to ride up with them and try to ask what the plan was, Seth wasnt so sure he wanted to Tell so Aralyn stood in for him*

Aralyn: the plan is that we are all going o helms deep to be slaughtered! I cant balieve that...*she was warned by a glance from Seth not to go on*

Meeko: I know, I dont quite care for him either, your safe to talk to me!

*Seth gave an astonished glance and said a prayer for saftey of his new companions in Easterling drawing curious looks from both, they rode on in silence*

Eowyn, Lady of Rohan
04-17-2003, 04:33 PM
Originally posted by Aralyn
Aralyn: "I have not yet learned your name"

Seth: "My name is Seth, and yours?"

Aralyn: "Aralyn and over there is my twin brother Deore. I should warn you, before we find Theoden that he and I are not exactly on the best of terms. I'm a bit outspoken for a girl and do nothing to hide it."

Seth: *Laughing*" I can tell. You were the only one to meet my eyes when I was brought over."

*The two ride over to a small group of men who are riding slightly ahead. (That would be, Aragorn, Theoden, Eomer, and Legolas with Gimli, Gandalf has already departed)*

Aralyn: *In a loud voice* "King Theoden, sir a friend who brings news."

Seth:*Slightly suprised whisper* "Friend?"(sp?)

Aralyn: *smiling* "Would you prefer I said enemy?"

Theoden: "Ah the girl I spoke to earlier. What
must I do now?"

Aralyn: "Sir this man wishes to speak with you. A matter of great importance."

ooc: Continue on Seth;)

Eowyn: Hey Aralyn you meanie!

Fred Baggins
04-17-2003, 06:27 PM
I saw Perrin fall back when the other boy had joined, and I knew he was doubtless glad the subject had been dropped. I frowned as I watched him, hoping for his sake the subject would be dropped for good. He never could stand talking about Helms Deep.
ooc: Eowen, Lubyla is my best friend, and I know her like my sister...come to think of we consider ourselves sisters...anywho, Starletta would never laugh secretly to herself like that especially considering that Starletta is loyal to Eowyn if to no one else. Starletta is just about as sweet as Lubyla, so please don't say things like that unless you know for sure that character would say something like that.

04-17-2003, 09:06 PM
Aralyn:*Laughing* I believe your name would be in order before I say anything else.

Meeko: "My name is Meeko. My father and I have joined the king to fight, Although for different reasons."

Seth: *suprised* It seems I'm to meet everyone who is against the king."

Aralyn: "Oh no. We just don't agree with his ways. He-"

Meeko:"He seems uncaring. My father would not agree with us."

Aralyn:"My brother Deore would not agree either. He believes in anything the king says and- Oh there it is. Helm's Deep!!"
*quieter* "If I am to die here I should hope that is with a fight rather than hiding."

ooc: tried to stay true to characters. And Eowyn why am I a meanie?

The last sane person
04-18-2003, 12:46 AM
OOC: you are a "meanie" because she has nothing constructive to say, so she says nonsense!

*Seth leaves Aralyn, Meeko, Freida, Perrin and Starletta to themselves and walks up to Legolas and Gimli*

Seth:*saluting* Greetings!

Legolas: Hello Seth, what brings you here?

Seth: I cant stand this place! *motions to the Deep that surrounds them* I feel like I have just been put in a cage!

Gimli:*growling* Nonsense! you are just scared that your old cohorts are going to catch and skin you like the traitor you are!

*Legolas was about to say something when Seth cut in*

Seth:*glaring* Yes, I am. And for your sake and mine I hope to the gods that they dont! Because, take my skin though they will I am sure they would also like to add a handsom Dwarven pelt to their catch too! And an Elf skin and while their at it, and those of women and childern as well!

*Gimli is quiet and says no more, but Legolas takes Seths elbow and leads him to the ramparts where they see Aralyn, Meeko, Freida and Perrin all talking, with Perrin and Freida trying to figure out how to heft Seths Halberd and Semitars*

Legolas: Why are you so nice to those childern down there?

Seth: Because they remind me of my little ones back home, I dont want this to happen to them so I must stop it before it spreads!

*Legolas looks at him and nods, and seth makes his way down to them and show Perrin the right way to hold the Semitar and to Freida the proper grip on the Halberd*

Fred Baggins
04-18-2003, 01:27 AM
I watched Perrin holding the Semitar, and I handed the Halberd back to Mr. Seth, as I watched his gaze ice over at the site of Helms Deep.

"I don't want to come back here." He whispered to me.
"Why?" I whispered back.
"You know why, mum's told you why, that's part of how she taught you to stay away from here." Suddenly he shocked me by speaking out loud so that all within range could here. "This was where the first attack by the orcs was made, years ago when my sister was a babe. The fortress stood against the battle, but I heard to fortelling. I may have been just a few years old, and clinging to my mothers apron still but I heard it, and later mum explained it to me. She said that the fortress would fall. That fire would consume it. I DO NOT want to go there.

04-18-2003, 07:38 AM
Aralyn *suprised* "But Perrin, that was years ago. The men will keep you safe."

Seth: "you?"

Aralyn: *meeting his eyes* "You didn't think I was going to hide, did you? I'm one of the few archers we've got, although a secret one."

ooc: can't think of a good reply for anyone so someone else continue

Fred Baggins
04-18-2003, 10:25 AM
'It was six years ago and-" I smaked him. "Perrin Mum's going to be there!"
"Be quite Frieda, you don't understand, they said the fire would ruin it."
I looked at the adults. "Perrin's never liked Helms Deep, and has nightmares." I turned toward Perrin, and we had a whisper fest. Just as he deicided to go ahead there was a cry of attack.

ooc: There to get us going a bit more, there WAS an attack correct?

04-18-2003, 10:41 AM
Aralyn: *sharply* Frieda, Perrin. You have to go into the caves with the others. Just follow the women. When you get there you will find your mother.

Frieda: Promise?

Aralyn: *kneeling* You have to be brave, Frieda. Perrin look after your sister. I will try to see you later.

*She dashes off with Seth and Meeko behind her*

Seth: Where are we going?

Aralyn: We have to get to on the wall. We can see better from there.

Seth*wide-eyed* Look!

Meeko: Our king thinks we can defend against this?

*The two see a great host of orcs and Easterlings. Then an order comes, "Don't shoot or meet the attack until the order is given."*

Aralyn: It's getting dark. I wonder why they have us wait to attack?

ooc: Okay we are already in Helm's Deep.

04-18-2003, 10:48 AM
ooc: Ok, I have no clue where I am, so...

As the group left, I watched, sending Illali after. I would be along soon enough. I packed a bit more, and called over Rain. As I mounted her, she seemed to protest.


"I know you dont like Helm's Deep, but it is where we must go." I quickly caught up to the group. I rode alongside Frieda for a while.

ooc: Gah, I hate to do this, but I am gone for the weekend, and won't be on till MAYBE SUnfay. Toodles! Faith, you can play my characters if you wish.

04-18-2003, 10:57 AM
Sorry you got behind a bit. We are already in Helm's Deep and the orcs are outside but nobody has started to fire yet. Hope that clears up any confusion.:) Seth and Aralyn and Meeko are standing on the wall, Frieda and Perrin are *hopefully* on thier way to find mum.

Eowyn, Lady of Rohan
04-18-2003, 12:24 PM
Eowyn: Hurry up! Why aren't we fireing yet??? i'm getting imapatient!!! *Taps foot impatiently*
Aralyn: Wait until they come to us, they think their surprising us....
Seth: Shhhhh, we have to make sure we surprise them.

The last sane person
04-18-2003, 02:44 PM
OOC: Yay! a time to fight!! After this can we ride off to Gondor?

*Seth and his friends were standing right next to the king and the Travelers. He made eye contact with all of them but said nothing. You could see all that could possibly said in his eyes. a look that said "why didnt you believe me in the first place?" All he actually did was draw his semitars and stand stoutly next to his new comrades*

Aralyn:*a dismayed look on her face* Oh god. So this is how man will fall. *she sighed and brought out her bow* Oh well. At least I wont go down without a fight!

*Meeko swallowed a large lump in his throat, but a determined gleam entered his eyes, as such that glimer of light settled in that little groups eyes and it was noticed by the King and his group*

Seth:*adressing no one in particular* NO! So long as there are those who can stand up to the darkness there will be hope! Have Faith in the Race of Man!

Gimli: Aye! Easterling! Are you not scared? Are those not your comrades down there? You will be forced to kill them! Then you can never go back!

Seth:*a brief look of pain crosses his face, But as soon as it came it was replaced by a steely glint* No one who fights for evil are comrades of mine! They would gladly have passed steal through me long ago, before I defected! My fate was sealed long before I came to be taunted by you, Dwarf!

Meeko:*a sad look on his face but he fire was still in his eyes* But will you really be able too kill some of your own country men?

Seth: I know not, there is but one way to find out; When one comes rushing in too take my life with his blade!

*with that they all waited for the order to fire come*

OOC2: How was that, sound good?

OOC3: Patiance Girl! If people like you run the show we all would have been slaughterd on the first page!

04-18-2003, 07:36 PM
Lubyla will not be back till Monday so we will take a temp break for her. Is that okay with you guys? Monday start posting again. Don't make me come after you!;) Then you will have your fight Seth! And yes after Helm's deep we ride to Gondor.

Eowyn, Lady of Rohan
04-19-2003, 11:09 AM
Eowyn: yay! Time to fight! *trips over a fallen piece of brick and drops her sword, orc grabs it*
Eowyn: Help! Orc got my sword!!!!!
Seth: I'll save you!!! *kills orc and gives Eowyn back her sword*

Fred Baggins
04-19-2003, 01:55 PM
ooc: Aralyn, we could have a temp break, or I could play her character like she sugested. I've done it lots of times before, and she's done the same for me. I'll let it be up to you since it's your thread though.

04-19-2003, 04:25 PM
ooc: Ok so now we are at Helm's Deep. So we are actually getting our weapons ready and storing the villagers in the safty place thing?
Now we are waiting for the order by the king to let us shoot?

ic: I gave a shiver and wtached the easterling defend his part in the war. I knew in my heart that he did not wish to kill his own race but had to now that he had joined us. I felt bad bu knew he would stay by us.
I watched as the dwarf shook his head and he seemed to still not believe him.
(sorry can't finish now)

Fred Baggins
04-19-2003, 07:10 PM
ooc: I guess I will play Starletta for the weekend, or maybe even just for today. Starletta, as always will be...in that...redish colour...

ic: *Starletta ran over to where the others stood, pushing one braid--that threatened to come out--out of her face.* "Have I missed anything?" *She asked while in the process of pulling an arrow out of her quiver, and notching it.* "I was trieing to help the kids find there mother, but was afraid that I might not have enough time to get out here." *When she saw the others gawking at her she secretly rolled her eyes. She knew what they where thinking, especially the men. That she was no older than young Perrin and didn't have enough experience to fight. She set her jaw firmly--if Perrin's father, a mere farmer could be out here fighting, then she certaintly could.*

"Perrin?" I said after Starletta had left. "Where are we going?"

"YOU aren't going anywhere Freida. You're going to stay here and keep looking for Mum. I'm going to find someplace where I can get a bow and some arrows, or something."

I frowned. "Perrin, you're only ten. They'll kill you out there."

"Then let them."

That was the last I saw of him.

ooc2: Please don't try to change anything, I might make it so Perrin lives, but I don't know yet. If you want then you can have him fighting alongside you, and you try to protect him, just know that if you send him back he won't go.

04-19-2003, 10:34 PM
Originally posted by Fred Baggins
ooc: Aralyn, we could have a temp break, or I could play her character like she sugested. I've done it lots of times before, and she's done the same for me. I'll let it be up to you since it's your thread though.

Kay we'll continue! And Eowyn. You were supposed to wait till the order came or at least write it in your RPG. Oh well

04-19-2003, 10:41 PM
ooc: Okay about Perrin. I'm not gonna see him. I don't notice him at all till later.

"Fire when ready." the command came.

My arrows flew quickly for awhile until the orcs got close and stormed the wall. Then it was hand to hand, mostly.

Aralyn: Starletta? Deore, Have you seen my brother?

Starletta: *after knocking the head off a big orc, frowns* No not since we got here

Aralyn: *bites her lip* Hopefully he's okay. He's not much for the sword. *quieter* He didn't need it.

Seth: I'm sure your brother can handle himself. Meanwhile we have plenty of orcs to handle here *proceeds to stab one*

ooc2: So do you know if you're gonna have the children find thier mom?

Fred Baggins
04-19-2003, 11:01 PM
ooc: Aralyn, how 'bout Perrin runs into Deore, and they fight together? And also, I'm going to ahve it so they find out later that their mother is dead.

The last sane person
04-20-2003, 12:33 AM
OOC: Great, take one day off and you miss the start of the War!


*The fighting was pretty heavy where Seth and his companions were, And Seth felt it heavely since he had nothing to eat since he raided a small hut in a village. Also with the wounds he had preveously from the Orc encounter, he felt very light headed and was praying to the gods so that he wont colapse in the battle*

Aralyn:*slicing an Uruk* Hey Seth! you really dont look good!! *stabs another Orc*

Seth:*countering* After this, I dont think any of us will! *skewers three orcs with Halberd*

*in truth, those wounds were not troubling him nor were the hunger pains. It was the thought of killing his own and then never getting to see his family, that was doing him harm*

Seth:*muttering as he slaughters orcs left right and center* Damn that Dwarf to hell! *cuts head off orc* He has a point! *slits the throat of another* that little bugger!

*Aragorn comes swinging about to where the Seth and company are duking it out*

Aragorn:*roaring above the din of the fray* If we let you and that Easterner continue on like this, there wont be much of a war for the others!

Meeko:*grunting as he gives an overhand wallop his all* Fine! the sooner this bloody mess is over,*grunts as he takes off head of Orc* the sooner we can get back to what remains of our lives! If we're lucky that is!

*Aragorn nods grimly and moves on to where ever needs most help, Seth, however, took no notice of him as he has other thoughts more pressing on his mind*

Seth:*in his head* where the hell are the other Easterlings? why have they not sent them in yet?

*the lack of Easterling combatants irked him in some nameless way, but true to his word he kept fighting wordlessly by the side of his new comrades*

OOC: sorry coulnt finish!

04-20-2003, 01:00 PM
ooc: Sorry Seth. Eowyn started fighting so I just continued on. I'll edit my last post so that the command comes.
Deore speaking is going to bein sienna color. So that way he can talk with Perrin. I'll have him notice Perrin. I'm gonna have Deore die most likely but i'm not sure yet.
So yes they'll fight together


*Aralyn keeps giving Seth concerned looks, which he ignores*

Aralyn: Seth- *Before she can finish an orc weapon pierces her shoulder and she falls to her knees. Meeko jumps forward to slash at the orc*

Seth: Aralyn! *kneels next to her* Are you okay? It doesn't look deep, just bloody.

Aralyn: *her face is slightly pale* It's fine. Luckily it wasn't my sword arm *rips a piece of cloth off her tunic and wraps her shoulder* I'll be fine, as long as I can still fight.


*meanwhile Deore is near the gates, where fighting is heaviest*

Deore: Aralyn? I must have lost her when we entered *knocks head off orc* Luckily I taught her to fight, although I didn't think she'd need it.

Suddenly Deore notices a young boy making his way through the men and fighting pretty well.

Deore: *suprised* You're pretty young to be fighting. Shouldn't you be in the caves?

ooc2: Deore is tall with brown hair and wearing a grey tunic.

Fred Baggins
04-20-2003, 03:31 PM
*Perrin pulled the man's sword out of an orc stomach, and looked toward the man who had addressed him. Swinging the heavy sword towardanother orc he yelled back* "So long as there's a battle to fight, anyone who can handel a sword is old enough." *He stopped to take a breath his tiny body heaving in the effort of using a sword, obviously not made for someone so young. He smiles at the man, though it was doubtful weather he could see it, through the helmet, then picked the sword up in enough time to just barely slice the sword arm off an orc who was stabbing from the back.* "And I did learn the skill from the best, though he lef before he could finish teaching me." *Another orc sliced his arm as though taunting him, a deep slice, and Perrin pulled an arrow from a nearby body and stabbed the blunt end into the orc eyes, using the chance to stab him.*

*I wandered throughout the caverns, getting lost several times, searching the faces of every woman, and seeing no one. That is until I saw someone i recognized. A neighbor who had been visiting us at the time of the attack. I ran over to her, as fast as my little legs would carry me.*

ooc: Ugh, sorry if I make Perrin seem older than he is, I'm just trying to draw out the inevitable.

04-20-2003, 04:13 PM
It's fine

I was suprised. The boy certainly could fight, But I decided to stick close with him so I could make sure he wasn't too tired.

My name is Deore, by the way. I noticed you with my sister Aralyn earlier. *cleans sword on edge of tunic* What is your name?

04-20-2003, 05:08 PM
ic: I swong my sword haxerdly here and there just preying that I hit an enemy and not a friend. Seth as the easterling called himself fought with strength I could not gues and Aryalyn his companion(I think) was attacked by an orc from the back and was stabbed in the arm. I took what courage I had and ran forwprd and with hidden strength stabbed the orc through his heart and left him fallen to the cold ground. I swung around and hit another roc head on and then I returned to Seth and Aralyn who both checked her wound.
Meko: Are you ok?
Arlyn: Don't worry about that now go fight.
I heeded the order at once and started to fight of an orc who had tried to stab the dwarf. The dwarf turned to me and almost swung his axe mistaking me for the enemy.
Gimli:Watch yourself lad.
I blushed then ran off for anotherbattle.
Aragorn fought with rage and I joined his side swinging my sword and taking out my dagger.
But as I tried to stab another orc a seering pain shot thorugh my body like fire. My eyes blazed over with tears and I knelt to the gorund gasping for breath. Aragorn, now a hazy figure jumped over to me and stabbed an orc who had apparently did not expect this. he killedx it then rushed to my side.

The last sane person
04-20-2003, 06:19 PM
OOC: It seems every body is going their own way now!

*the fighting had increased ten fold in their area when Meeko went to join Aragorn, Seth was still tending to Aralyn and fending off orcs and Uruks as she got to her feet*

Aralyn: Come! we had better stick together, lets follow him!

Seth: Fine, but are you well enough to do so? *Cuts uruk in half*

Aralyn:* Gets up and to prove herself she skewerd an orc* if you can fight like this with previous injuries and an empty stomach, I can survive with a small scratch!

Seth:*smiles in spite of the situation* Thank god! Lets go!

*they make there way over to Meeko and Aragorn in time to see Meeko get stabed and fall to the ground*

Seth&Aralyn: Meeko! *they both run to him and stand over him* how bad is it?

Seth:*examining him* Its not too bad, just hit a nerve! gotta put pressure on it!

*Aralyn does just that and Seth realizes something and grabs Aragorns shoulder.*

Seth: The squad I was in will head through the breach! Its a small elite group! they are fast and acurate! they will take out your archers! Beware!

*Aragorn nodds and heads off to warn the archers to aim at the attacking squad of easterlings, which is as small as Seth said*

Aralyn:*looking at the decimated Easterling troops* So much for them! *she stops and looks at Seth appologeticly*

Seth: its alright, they were the real evil ones. They join the Dark lord on their own, the ones that didnt will put down their weapons and surrender! Mark my words!

Meeko: Well, thats good! Kill the bad and leave the good! *gets shakily to his feet* I think i can fight again. how did you know it hit a nerve?

Seth: By how you fell. *Cant finish the rest as a wave of orcs hit* Damn! Here we go again!

*all of them go right down to meet the wave head on and help the thinly stretched defenders*

Fred Baggins
04-20-2003, 07:00 PM
"Perrin" *He answered, tearing off a bit of his cloak, and quickly wrapping it around his arm, and continuing on.

"Mistress Valien, do you know where my mother is?" I asked the woman as soon as I was near enough. I watched her, as she hung her head. "I'm afraid you won't be seeing her anymore Frieda, hon. She's gone away."
'You mean...she's dead." The woman solonly nodded her head.

04-20-2003, 07:13 PM
Orc by orc my quiver got smaller untill at last I was out. The rain poured as all were drenched in blood, sweat, tears, and the rain it's self. I stood only soaked up to my heels with blood, not wet from the ain, and tring to keep myself together. Finally out of anguish, I threw my bow, choaking at least three orcs to death. I raised my sword, and stood for a molment, letting an orc slash my shoulder, and rip my dress.

04-20-2003, 10:55 PM
*Deore and Perrin fight alongside each other in silence for a long while*

Deore: Perrin? Where is your sister at?

Perrin: She is in the caves with the women and other children. But I have to fight. *the last is said determindly*

Deore: You know- *He is cut off by a shout and before h knows what is happening an orc has him down*

Perrin: Deore! *he charges in to help but is knocked aside*

Deore: Go on! *Deore staggers to his feet and manages to slice the orc up but fails to see the death blow from behind


Aralyn, Seth and Meeko are heading that way

Aralyn: *teasing* You know Seth if our men had half your fight we might-*She is interupted by Perrin's cry*

Seth: Isn't that Perrin?

Aralyn: Oh god He said Deore! *She rushes past a group of Uruks and fights her way to Deore* Deore! Please.

Seth: It . . doesn't look good

Aralyn: *palely* What happened Perrin?

ooc2: Sorry this took kind of a wierd turn. i (obviously) Decided to have Deore die. After this when you post make sure Aralyn does not talk or laugh much, cause well her brother died.

The last sane person
04-20-2003, 11:33 PM
OOC: Great, now every body is dieing off too! can it have been an Easterling that killed him?

*Seth and Meko stood by Aralyn as she held her dead brother, powerless to do anything but hack orcs to express their rage. Seth finally finds his voice*

Seth:*bending down and putting his hand on her shoulder* come on Aralyn, we must move on. It will be our deaths if we dont!

*Aralyn, said nothing but mutely rose to her feet with a look that said she didnt care what happened to her, Seth scoops up the body and signals Meko to grab Perrin and lead Aralyn to a place where there was little fighting*

Aralyn:*voice quivering* what happened Perrin?

Perrin:*blank* An easterling....came from behind....Deore never saw...I tried to help....knocked away......dead......

*at the mention of "Easterling" Seth felt a hot rage build up inside and it was fueld by the sorrow on Aralyn's face*

Seth: NOO! they were all killed!

Meko:*snapping, but regreting he did so* Appreantly not! you're still here!

Seth:*fuming*Fine! then I'll kill every last one alive my self! YAAAA HA! EULALIAAAAAAA!!!!

*he plunges back into the fray and finds the tiny band of the dark lord's easterlings that had escaped the archers, the rage climbs ten fold and he charges into the midst of them swiping every which way, heedless of the blows that were raining on him. Not even bothering to block. at last every one of them is no more and Seth's stamina is also no more, he collapses too the ground where he is found by Aralyn and Meko*

OOC2: I am not dead only passed out cause of exhaustion and blood loss.

04-21-2003, 04:55 PM
I'll edit my post for you sane. Make it an easterling. That puts a good twist and I had planned to kill him off anyhow. At least IM not dead.

04-21-2003, 07:36 PM
Aralyn: Seth! *leans over him* Meeko! Hold them back while I see if Seth is alright. *quieter* C'mon Seth. It wouldn't be very grateful of you to die.

Seth: Uhh. What? *snaps* Are they dead? I have to-*starts to get up

Aralyn *firmly* No you don't and I see no more Easterlings close by. You need to rest. Drink this. *hands him water*

*They sit for a few minutes till Seth pulls himself up*

Seth *akwardly* Aralyn-

Aralyn: *Fake bright* Well it seems my patient is all better. There now we're even. You helped me and I helped you. Are you up to fighting again? Meeko seems a bit overwhelmed.

ooc: Now someone else . . .
Lubyla I would have written you in but I lost sight of Starletta. Where are you at?

Fred Baggins
04-21-2003, 10:28 PM
*Perrin dove into the crowd of eastern men, stricking left and right, no longer rembering his vow never to kill a human being. Something in him just sparked, perhaps he was upset about the death of his friends brother, or perhaps he somehow senced his up and coming defeat. At any rate, none of the other saw him again until after the battle.*

I ran until I found myself in the cavern door. Somehow I had mad it out, and I was weeping, tears stremed down my cheeks.
Mother was dead. Father had as much as promised he would never return. Perrin himself probably wouldn't. As far as I knew, I was alone. I watched the horrible slaughter in front of my face, not really seeing it. Cring I shouted out. "WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO ME! WHAT DID I DESERVE FOR THIS!" No one seemed to notice, until I saw a limp body comeing toward me. Underneath the bloody rags, and behind thebashed in helmet, I saw the face and the stance of my brother. "Perrin?" I ran out to him, but he didn't answer, nor even acknowledge me. Instead he fell lifeless at my feet. "This is what I get then?" In the distance, I could see a burst of fire, and just as the intrest in the easterling had consumed me, the intrest in what could possibly have caused this did as well, though I ignored it. I was as good as dead, as far as I could think. I could hear cries of retreat umoung the few least faithful and saw men's bodies running toward me, but none of it seemed to register. I felt a heavy boot kick my stomach, pushing my back, and another man's boot nearly become a permanent part of my face. None of it registered. When I lay limp besides my brothers lifeless body, it didn't register.

The last sane person
04-22-2003, 12:42 PM
OOC: Okay, Deore and perrin are dead...just wanted to get things straight!!

*Seth had finally pulled himself up and had reclaimed his weapons from the bodies of the Easterlings. Aralyn then rushed to Meko's side helping him fend off the Orcs*

Aralyn:*Looking at Seth chopping away at orcs* good to see you back in action!

*Seth merely grunted in response as he was trying to conserve what little energy he had left*

Meko: I cant wait till this is over *stabs orc through eye*! Then I can go to Gondor or Bree so i dont have to serve any king ever again!!

Seth: I think I migh join you! *cuts off uruk head* I just have to get my children first!!

Aralyn:*shocked* you have kids?!?! I didnt think you were married! *takes orc head off*

Seth:*slashing a goblin* yes...wife was killed....defending the kids from the Witch king....*kills four uruks*....I was taken.....*stabs another*.....left two kids....*skeweres three orcs*.....Girl and a boy....*stabs one through the eye* Now! can we get on with the battle and leave my personal life for another time!!

Meko: Sure! I would be glad of the company!!

Aralyn:*quietly* I understand how that feels.

*the three keep fighting on for what to them seems ages, when finally their area is orc free. they move on to a new one*

OOC:this is one long battle!!

04-22-2003, 09:48 PM
Aralyn: Stop. Do you hear that? They're retreating!

Seth: *stopping* A voice-

Aralyn: *relieved* It's Gandalf! Come with me.

*They run up the stairs to a higher spot where they see a vast woods and Gandalf in white*

Meeko: Aragorn and our king ride out.

Aralyn: *looks to where he points* It is over. We aren't going to die. *side glance at Seth* At least not today


Aralyn: *reining in Liena and turning back* I can still see the fires. It will take much to build back the Deep.

Meeko: *puts his hand on her shoulder* I hope we never need it again.

Aralyn: We'll make sure *rides ahead determindly*

ooc: Sorry I sped it up pretty quick but we had to end it somewhere. Fred, have Frieda wake up and follow after us or something like that. ON TO GONDOR

Fred Baggins
04-22-2003, 11:13 PM
ooc: Um...ok, as soon as Lubyla posts...cause we kinda had this thing planned...*glowers at her* and she had better post soon.

04-23-2003, 10:16 AM
That's okay.

04-23-2003, 06:06 PM
ooc: Going back a bit, but I will catch up in this post. It's all Starletta talking, I dont want to deal with colours, they are evil.

ic: As I heard Freida scream, and grow silent at the same time, I snapped out of my "Zone" quick enough to dodge and kill and orc with his blade above my head. I ran as quickly as I could to Freida, picking her up and taking her inside. None of the women or children dared disturb me or her, for they knew I would not hesitate to hurt them. As the night lingered on, Freida awoke...

Fred Baggins
04-23-2003, 06:15 PM
I rolled over, not consious of where I was, nor that this was the first sleep I'd had since two days ago. I heard a womans voice, and assumed it was mum. "i had this awful dream mum. I found out you where killed by ocrs, and Perrin too." I opened my eyes, looking around at the caverns around me. "O" It was real...

04-23-2003, 06:18 PM
I hung my head sadly."Yes, it is true. I shall be back though, I need to step outside."

I stood outside looking unto the battle field. The wind howled, and more rainfell, though, still not hitting me. I flatteneed my once white now red dress, and brushed back a pigtail. It hurt to know that now, I was an outcast more than before. I was looked upon as a child, a 13 year old who could do nothing, even though I fought to help save them all.As I looked into a dip filled with water, I saw my reflection. It was not me. I angerly splashed the water and again stood.

"So many lost that i knew, so many that I loved." I said to no one but myself. I closed my eyes and bowed my head. "So much pain, so much greaf."

Fred Baggins
04-23-2003, 06:38 PM
I had followed her out. "You're telling me. Eight years old, and I'm homeless, with no place to go 'cept look for Daddy." I motioned to where I saw Aralyn. "I think we should go." I stopped on the way over. Perrins body still lay there, and I reached into his left pocket, drawing something out, and clutching it close. I then ran over, where they held pap's horse, and clambered on.

The last sane person
04-24-2003, 04:18 PM
*The troops were riding off to Gondor with Seth and his friends riding close to the rear*

Seth:*looking at Frieda and Starletta* This should never have happened.

Aralyn: I know, but it did. It is for us to make sure it never happens again.

*Seth was regaining some of his strength and was now respected among the Westerners for his contribution to the battle and the fact that he got a mass of Easterlings to surrender and convert, they were mostly poor farmers and warriors who were swept up in the evil tide and were happy to be free again*

Seth: yes, true. but the East will still have the Witch King around its neck. the weast will be problem free.

Meko: Oh brother! First one thing now the other! at times i give up hope!!

Seth: as do I, but If i totally give in then it certainly will get no better!!

Aralyn: I cant wait till this thing is over

Meko&Seth: Indeed!!

Seth: I want to go find my children after this!!

*they continued to ride on to Gondor with their own difficulties in their minds*

04-25-2003, 12:24 PM
Do we wanna go straight to Gondor? And where the heck is everyone?

The last sane person
04-25-2003, 12:39 PM
OOC: Uh, i think we are all by you. That sounds fine to me! On to Gondor!!

04-25-2003, 01:45 PM
okay. We're going to a friend's house now but when I get back i'll have us entering the gates. Instead of the book theme we're at Gondor ahead of the armies of Sauron

The last sane person
04-25-2003, 10:59 PM
OOC: Fine, shall we carry on or take a break and take a breather?

04-26-2003, 05:54 PM
*A few days later, the group has been traveling for a long while and near the gates of Gondor*
Aralyn: There is the city

Meeko: Another battle, how many more can die?

Aralyn: *harshly* As many as need to save our lands
*a moment later* I'm sorry, Meeko

*He nods and they enter the city amidst cheering*

Sentry: You have been looked for. The armies of that evil place will arrive tommorow. We shall meet them in battle on the field.

Seth: But there are so few here

Aralyn: It looks even more hopeless here than at the-

*Aragorn rides up* Your King and Gandalf are meeting with Gondor's king. He sends orders to take care of you own horses, as the men from Gondor know little of them.

*The five, Seth, Starletta, Meeko, Aralyn and Frieda turn to the stables*

ooc: We seem to have lost Sicirus but we will continue on with Meeko, kay?

Fred Baggins
04-27-2003, 01:12 AM
I wanted to lay down. I wanted to cry. I wanted to stop pretending I was a big girl and just be six again.
I rubbed my bottom, sore from traveling. Everything was sore, my face worse of all. I had taken Perrin's helmet before we left, hopeing that no one would notice the bruse it was covering. No one did. They assumed I wore the blood encrusted helmet because of the fresh pain of the lose of my best friend, and brother. They didn't make me take it off. Well, that's not true, the first night they tried to get me to take it off to sleep but I didn't. Not until they where all asleep, and I'd creep over to a stream, or find something reflective, and stare at the boot print on my face, it got more and more swollen each time I looked. My ribs ached from getting kicked, and from so much riding.
All of this I somehow managed to ignore at the moment. This was my first time out of Rohan. I didn't know wether to look at this land and it's steward in disgust or awe. No one had taught me that Gondor was our ally, or even what an ally was. In fact I hadn't learned a lot yet, except what no six year-old should understand. Pain and death, and the fragility of life.
Despite my awe of this place around me, I felt my head touch the bale of hay below me, and my eyelids droop. In minuets I was snoring peacfully...if indeed peace would ever exist in my life again.

04-27-2003, 12:24 PM
"Lady Starletta" I heard a freindly voice call "What brings you this far from home? Where is your family"

"You know why I am here, and yo uknow my family is dead." I said, embracing the young stablehand " Seems you haven't changed much." I lead my horse to a stable, and noticed Freida. She was too young to be going through all this. It was chill out, so I wrapped my cloak about her, hoping to keep her warm.

04-27-2003, 02:25 PM
Aralyn woke up late in the night and looked around. Most were sleeping although she was sure she heard some voices.

"Deore," she whispered, "why did you leave me? Tomorow's probably the biggest day of our people's lives." And she leaned her head down and sobbed.

The last sane person
04-28-2003, 05:39 PM
OOC: Sob Fest!! Where did Sirus go?

*Seth had been sleeping soundly when he was woken by a soft sobbing coming from some where near his head. He got up to investigate*

Seth:*catiously avoiding stepping on any one* Whose there!?

Aralyn:*whispering* Nobody! just me! go back to bed!

Seth:*whisper* no! you were crying and I will not let yyou wallow away! If you do, your head wont be on the battle feild and your folly could cost both your life and mine! *puts hand on her shoulder*

Aralyn:*Hurriedly wipes away tears* Your life? why?

Seth: Because,*turns away and says even more quietly* I dont want to lose anybody else dear to me in this war and if you go, so will I!!

*Meeko, who had woken up near them came closer*

Meeko: As will I! we musty stick together and ride this thing out! I dont want to lose anyone either!

*She smiles weakly in the dark and they soon fall asleep next to each other*

Fred Baggins
04-28-2003, 11:25 PM
When I woke up the next morning, I found myself wandering into another house. There before me sat a young woman, her beautiful brown hair cascading down her back, and she kneeled before a bed. Across from her was a man a few years older than her, obviously her brother. And they where weeping for on the bed lay there dead mother. As I stared at the face of the young man, it gradually became younger, and as I watched, the face turned into the blood encumbered face of my dear brother Perrin as I had last seen him. His eyes opened as I watched, and he looked at me.
"Why did you leave me Sister?"
"You where dead."
"So? My body was burned like an orcs! You should have stayed and seen me buried properly. You now know with my death that you didn't care one bit for your brother."
"Oh, no! That's not true at all Perrin! I love you!" I ran forward, to hug him, but he vanished before I got to him. Then I woke up, still on the bale of hay. I sat up yawning, and looking around me. There in front of my was the same young woman from before, but so different. She wore easterness armour like Seth's, and carried a tourch blazing with fire. She knelt down, and took her helmet off, looking at me. Her face had a boot-print on it, the twin of mine, though her's had had time to heal. Having her there with me was comforting, though she said not a word.

And then I woke up for real. It was still dark out, and through the nearby inn window, I saw a shadow move towards Aralyn's room, I assumed it was Seth. I yawned, and looked aroung shivering. I saw a horses blanket, and smiled, remembering the time Perrin and I had accedently locked ourselves in the barn overnight, after we where supposed to have gone to bed. I picked up the blanked and wrapped it around me, laying back down on the hay. I slept soundly the rest of the night.

04-29-2003, 06:38 PM
As the night grew fainter, I found myself deep into the woods that I so carelessly wandered into. I saw Illali's eyes in the distance, and went over to meet her. As I stepped closer, I realized where I was-- The creek where my father is layed this day. I wiped a tear from my eye, as I looked at the ground, picking up an arrow. It's dull edge told me that it was the one. Illali looked at me with great sorrow. "Stay here Illali, I must go back." I knelt by a large hill, and cryed a little. It was then I went back to the others, trying to straighten up. I needed not look any softer than I was.

04-29-2003, 11:31 PM
Originally posted by The last sane person
OOC: Sob Fest!! Where did Sirus go?

I have no idea?! I will try to PM him but go ahead and use his character



Morning dawns clear as the friends wake up.

Aralyn: Ugh why do bad days start with the sun

Meeko: *optimisticly* As do the good ones. I am going to find what our orders are.

Seth: Aralyn? Why don't you check on Frieda. She seemed pretty upset.

*She nods and leaves Seth to put on his armor. She enters Frieda's room*

Aralyn: How are you this morning? *cheerfully* We will fight today. There are very few women here but we will find someone to keep an eye on you.

04-30-2003, 08:27 PM
Sorry have had ALOT of homework *cough biology*cough*
I shall post as soon as I read all of the posts.

04-30-2003, 08:51 PM
So we are now in Gondor, or at least near it?

ic: I ran off to wear a large group of soldiers were gathered to hear what was expected of us now. The first hurtle was over but now what?
Aragorn: WE wiull reach GOndor today and aid them in a battle they have faut to long alon.

Meeko: *runs back* WE are on the move again. Weres is Aralyn?
Seth: She went to comfort Frieda.
Meeko:*watches as the two women came out of the tent. One rubbing her eyes and the other with her arm around her shoulders in comfort.* Sorry me ladies but we must pack up again. Atleast it won't rain.
Sethy: that would rather be nice actually. Look at this land its dry.
Aralyn: *starts to help Frieda pack* well we should reach the city today. WE shall get atleast a proper defense. Or atleast high walls.
Meeko: I have not seen my father among the many faces. I wonder if he survived. *half hopeful* hope so.
*strokes Cliffs head and kisses his neck.
They mounted their horses and started off into the dry fields hoping for a warm welcoming from Denethers men.
ooc: Sorry not that good but thats all I can do right now.

Fred Baggins
04-30-2003, 09:38 PM
I shrugged her hand off my sholder. "I don't need to be looked after. I been on the field before and I could again." I reached up and trailed a finger along the helmet one the edges of where the scar was underneath. Just like what that woman had had. I saw the lady Starletta walk over, eyes bloodshot. I handed her the cloak. "Thanks." I mumbled. Manners mum had insisted on. I couldn't stay here anyway. "I wanna go back to Rohan."

Aralyn: You will Frieda, just as soon as it's safe.

"Safe smafe. I don't wanna stay here. Something might happen to the house b'fore we get back. I wanna go now." I looked at the adults, stubbornly tring to show that I was a 'big girl.' "You don't hafta take me even. I'll go myself. I can find the way by myself."

04-30-2003, 11:05 PM
Aralyn: *kneeling in front of Frieda, firmly* Frieda, there is no Rohan to return to. Most of our people are here and you can not go alone. Not one of us would willingly let you walk to you death. For that is what you would do, walking through the armies of Mordor.

Fred Baggins
05-01-2003, 12:12 AM
I hung my head. "You're right. I can't go to Rohan. I can go to Perrin though. Maybe there will be something of his left to give a proper buriel." And with that I swung myself on the mare. I was six, and I was foolish but I had understood the dream. I rode that horse faster than ever I had. Or ever at all. Until Something white seemed to dash out. It was a white tiger, and it lashed at me, knocking me off the horse but somehow not hurting me. And I almost seemed to hear her talk to me. She almost seemed to say, "What you do is right Frieda of the Fire, but you are to young to do it yet. Those women will help you, you must go back to them." Then she jumped at me, teeth bared. "NOW!" I scrambled onto the horses back and raced her back. Once back I took the helmet off and wept. I didn't notice the shocked stares at my face I never wanted to remember it again. I just cried. The Tiger talking to me was most likely my imagination true, but what it had said struck home. Not until later did I bother to relize that I had never called myself "Frieda of the FIRE."

"Fine I'll stay in Gondor." I said when I regained enough composour to speak. "But I won't stay with the women."

05-01-2003, 09:50 AM
Aralyn: *a glance at Seth* A few of the women are fighting. You may stay by our group if you promise not to run.

*Frieda nods, Seth pulls Aralyn aside*

Seth: Are you sure that is wise? She is just to young. She will be killed or captured surely.

Aralyn: *tiredly* I've seen the look in her eyes. She will go with or without us. I would rather with. I'm sorry Seth

05-01-2003, 06:01 PM
I looked at them. "Saying she could not fight is like saying i could not, for it is not a battle of strength as many think, but a battle of heart." I looked at Freida, tieng my cloak about my neck as Illali walked over, causing such a rucus I though she were to be shot dead. She came to me, and layed at my feet.

05-01-2003, 06:03 PM
Aralyn: I know. She was not the only to lose a brother.
*Walks off to find Liena and saddle her*

05-01-2003, 06:05 PM
I nodded and patted Illali on the head. "You weren't suppose to come Illali."

'I'm not about to let you die on your own!'

I rolled my eyes and looked at Freida. "Have you a sword or bow t oprotect yourself?"

Fred Baggins
05-01-2003, 08:31 PM
I blushed, shoving the helmet back on. "No," came the muffled answer, "they wouldn't help much anyway, I don't know how to use them. But one of the boys Perrin and I used to pl-get in trouble with taught me how to use a quaterstaff." I didn't expect to recieve a slightly confused look. I never realized before that the quaterstaff was something common mostly to farmers, it being the truely most effective weapon to protect to crops and even the animals. "I just gotta find one." Out of the corner of my eye I saw another flash of white and the panther jerked her head up looking over there. I almost swear the panther winked at me to. I looked in the same direction and smiled. There sat the perfect branch, exactly my hieght, and stripped as though it had been made for me. I ran over and picked it up. "I guess I found one!"

05-02-2003, 02:55 PM
Going camping for three days, Be back on the 'Moot on Sunday.
You guys can start the battle and Seth or Fred can post for me. Or you can take a break, whichever. See ya!

The last sane person
05-02-2003, 03:10 PM
OOC: Bye! dont let the bears bite!

*Seth had tried to reason with Aralyn about keepng the girl, Freida, safe and out of the battle field. But finally he had to agree with her and sent Freida with Starletta to find a weapon as the battle drums sounded*

Seth:*Grimly gripping his weapons* here we go!

Meeko: Hey, lets go down to the trenches and help the easterners out. they gave them the hardest position out there!

Seth: true, but you westerners are down there beside them too! Go ahead with out me! I'll get Freida and the others to join us down there so we can also keep an eye on the girl.

*Meeko groaned on behalf of Freida and went down to the trenches and awaited the onslaught. Seth looked for thee girls and was secretly promising to let nothing happen to any of his new comrades. The drums grew louder and closer*

Fred Baggins
05-03-2003, 12:08 PM
I scampered back to the others, staff in hand and looked up to see Seth walking over. I grinned my biggest, this was my chance, I wasn't a nutcase...well not where it concerned my life, and I was going to live this one through, even if I took my last breath the minuet after war was over.

05-03-2003, 08:12 PM
I sighed and unsheather my sword, wiping off a bit of blood from Helm's Deep that still remained. "Freida, you will be alright, right?"
I couod tell that the worry swept across my face, though I tried to hide it.

05-04-2003, 02:02 PM
ooc: Okay so Seth, Lubyla, Frieda are all standing together, Meeko is riding close by.

*Before anyone can speak Aralyn runs up leading Liena*

Aralyn: We have to go now. The orcs are advancing and our company needs help.

*The others nod and mount thier animals.*

05-04-2003, 07:06 PM
hi can I join well i will anyway
Name: Imhuriel
sex: female
weapons: bow&arrows, dagger, sword, twin knives
doing to help: leading a company of elves to help:D
Eyes: Dragons eyes
Hair: Bright silvery blond
mount: white horse, white mane & white tail, silver horseshoes & hooves

Suddenly a party of elves rides up."We have come to aid in the battle tell us what to do."Said the leader, looks at Seth strangely then turns attention to the rest of the group.

05-04-2003, 09:09 PM
Yeah you can join:)

Aralyn: *a bit coldy* And tell us why should you care. It has never been in the hearts of elves to help men.

Seth: Shh Aralyn. *to the elves* But do tell us what brings you here, besides the orc blood.

Fred Baggins
05-04-2003, 11:41 PM
I gasped. "ELVES! And not just one of 'em like Legolas, A whole LOT of them! Starletta, look ELVES!"

ooc: There, does that give you a better picture of the 6 year-old? ;)

05-05-2003, 08:50 PM
ooc: WE are in Gondor right?
So we are about to be attacked by the witch king then Eowyn will kill it or hurt it. Then the king dies and we arrive in the city. Sorry to put it in such an unloving way towards theoden but I am getting confused on what we are doing now. We are riding towards the city.

05-05-2003, 10:59 PM
We kind of went away from book and movie. We are on our way to battle in front of Gondor. Theoeden had not been killed yet. Nor has Eowyn killed the Nazgul. We are getting ready to have that battle.
On our way out the city gates a group of elves has stopped us and we are now waiting for thier answer to Seth's question.
Do you get it now? It is a bit confusing.

05-06-2003, 06:11 PM
I forced back a bit of a laugh. "Yes Freida, they are here to help...perhaps." An arrow, just one shot through one of my braids. I pulled it out, and realized what kind, and which one it was.

05-07-2003, 10:14 PM
If you don't I'll answer for you but you might not like how I answer for you so post cause Seth is dying to fight :D
Me too

The last sane person
05-07-2003, 11:17 PM
OOC: Indeed! Get on with it (wo)man!!! Jeesh!

05-08-2003, 09:28 AM
If your'e talking to Legoles she's a girl and if she doesnt post by tonight after school Im gonna post for her.

The last sane person
05-08-2003, 03:23 PM
OOC: I know she's a girl!! damnitt! Go ahead and post for her!!

05-08-2003, 05:28 PM
Temper Temper. Calm yourself. You can have as many orcs as you want. :rolleyes:


Aralyn:*not giving elves a chance to answer* If you really want to help follow. If not head back to your treehouses and be as indifferent as the dwarves.

*she turns and rides out to the battle field the others close behind. An arrow is immediatly directed towards her and a large band of orcs head thier way.*

Seth: *jumping of his beast* Let's go

Aralyn: Stay close by Starletta or I, Frieda.

05-08-2003, 06:57 PM
The elves followed a a great pace, except the leader Imhuriel whose horse rode like the wind without getting tired. She rode next to Aralyn and said crisply" We do not live in Lothlorien, we are from Mirkwood, and I at least detest all dwarves, except Gimli son of Gloin, only because of his bravery to face Sauron the worst thing[?] in Middle Earth."

05-08-2003, 07:06 PM
Aralyn *angrily* What makes elves from Mirkwood any better than elves from Lorien? They're all the same. High and Mighty.

Seth: *sharply* Aralyn

Aralyn: *ignoring him* Well? Where were you when my brother was killed at Helm's Deep? Where were you before? When this all started? Let's hope you're better with the bow than your words.

*orcs are advancing closer*

ooc: ahh good to get a fight going;)

Fred Baggins
05-08-2003, 08:43 PM
I stopped and stared at the elves. Was everything Aralyn saying ture? I trusted her now, she and Seth and Starletta where the only people left who cared tiddly winks about a six year old, or so it seemed.

"The stories mum told us always said the elves would help. They always made the elves out to be the heros, and save the day." I whispered. Because of the approching orcs no one could hear me. I lifted my voice so The closest person, who was Seth could hear me. "The Elves would always save the day. Nothing would go wrong around them." Louder yet so now the leader of the elves could hear. "But you Wheren't there where you? You where no where to be seen. My brother was 12 years old. You killed my brother." In all my innosence(sp) I had layed the blam on the elves for my brother's death. But it was to late for them to come back and tell me the truth of it. At that moment an orcs arrow had nearly begun. They where on top of us.

The last sane person
05-10-2003, 12:37 AM
OOC: actually, I hold the same opinion of the elves!! And fred, where did you get "tiddly winks"??

*Seth and his company had dismounted to fight the beasts on foot. Seth had immediatly taken out a curved reflexed bow and had taken ou the orc archers*

Aralyn:*seeing Seth with his bow* oy! elves!! I thought that was your job!! *charges into the fray*

*the new comers all strung their bows and soo, elven arrows went singing into the ranks of the fell beasts*

Meeko:*hacking a big orc* YARG!! Hey Seth!!

Seth:*skewering an orc* what?

Meeko:*does the same* wheres Freida???

*Seth runs over to Aralyn, leaving a wave of falling orc bodies*

Seth:*belowing* ARALYN!! *skewers Uruk* WHERES FRIEDA???

Aralyn:*Going over to Seth killing thing that are in her way* She's with starletta!! come! get Meeko and we'll go aid them!

*soon the trio had slogged their way over to the two young girls who were fighting not only for breathing space but for their very lives*

OOC: in a rush! some one do the dialouge!!

Fred Baggins
05-10-2003, 01:47 AM
ooc: *shrugs* Who the HEAK knows...I know it's the name of a kinda old game, but why I decided to use it in that context...I don't even know!

ic:"I'm afraid..." I thwacked an orc in the stomach. "...this isn't very fair." I wacked him on the head, and another thing was trampled by his own kind. "Why?" Starletta shouted back, as she shoved her sword into the heart of another. "Well you see..." *THWAK* "I've never had to fight..."*WACK*"A moving creature before..." *STAB* "Always a dummy..." *THWACK* "You know the type that just sits..." *WACK* "Not this kind..." *STAB* "So I'm not quite sure..." *THWACK* "How to go about..." *WACK* "Stupid elves, where are they?!" *STAB*
At that moment I felt the air knocked out of me. Not a sword, or arrow. A fist though, or maybe a staff like my own. I was on the ground, gasping for air when I saw the orcs sword at my head. Angry I tried to knock the thing away. My helmet had fallen off sometime back, I was now even more vulnerable. "I'M NOT GOING LIKE MY BROTHER!" I shouted at the demonic thing. But my tring to shove it away only made it worse.

ooc: Sorry if the twack wack and stab got annoying, it's just easier...and less grusume*turns green* this way...Oh, and remember I'm not going to let Frieda die...

The last sane person
05-10-2003, 02:00 PM
OOC: Actually, I found it kinda funny! It made for an interesting part!!


*Seth and the rest had finally found their way over too the girls. It was perfect timing on their part as Freida was about to get her head cut in half, things moved fast. Meeko grabbed Seth's bow, shot the monster through its eye while Aralyn, Seth and Starletta circled their fallen charge*

Starletta&Aralyn: Are you alright??


Meeko:*SMACK* Take her to the elves!!

Fred Baggins
05-10-2003, 07:31 PM
ooc:I said I wasn't going to let her die not that I was going to let her be taken care of by a bunch of elves!(no offense)

ic: "ME?!" I glowered both at Meeko and Seth. "I'm NOT going to-" *THWACK* "have a bunch of ELVES watching over me-" *WACK* "like I'm a baby!" I held the staff ready to use on my friend(Not to harmfully though) if any of them tried to drag me away, as well as ready to use on the next orc. "It was just one slip up!" Again I thought I saw the tiger out of the corner of my eye as I wacked another orc in the back, and thwacked him on the head. "You can't make me!" Another orc took a step back as though surprised at this threat, but his charge hesitated only seconds. "I can take careof myself!" *THWACK*WACK*

05-10-2003, 08:52 PM
As I continued to kill orcs in my way, I found a few breathes to talk to Freida. "Wish you had a blade?" I could hear Illali growling in the distance...or at least i think it was Illali. Soon as I turned my head to see, though in an instance, I heard a loud CRACK, and saw no more.

ooc: No, I am not dead, just...knocked out.

05-10-2003, 10:52 PM

Aralyn: Yikes. Take that out on someone else please.

*Aralyn and Frieda move Starletta to a more protected place*

Frieda: I have to go back

Aralyn: *sitting* Wait here for a few. Starletta needs us to watch her now. See that pail near the wall? The water would help. Will you get some please? And take my dagger or your staff.

05-11-2003, 05:37 PM
ooc:Wow very big drop in rpg running now a days.

ic:We fought our way through the sea of orcs. Blades clinging to blades and howls of pain all around us. I had blood running down my leg and a bruis on my eye. The small girl Frieda refused to seek shelter by the elves even though I begged her.
Sher refused with an anger strike towards an orc perposley trying to tease me by almost hitting me.
Seth:"The king is riding fast now. shall we follow?"
Meeko:*relunctently*fine" But shoulden't we wait for the other three?" How about Starletta?
Before I recieved an answer Seth was gone and I had to puncture another orc before waiting for my adult friend to return.
Seth accompinied(sp) by the other three: Lets go"
Aralyn: pushed the wounded Starletta onto a horse and hoped on next to her.
I jumped onto CLiff and watched as Frieda joined Seth on his horse. Cliff swung his head in confusion but I spoke softly to him in love.
We followed the king towards the gate but then were overshdaowed by another creature. Chills ran down my body and I could feel my hair stand on the back of my head.
Before I could ask...
Frieda: What is that?
Seth: A nazgul!
I had heard of those creatures and did not want to get any closer. But also had no other choice but to follow my companions. The creature flew down on a monsterous steed who threw its long neck back and roared a nasty eerie sound.
Its eyes glared at us but the figure on its back had given us a clue of its face nor its feelings.
We approached were the rest of the army had stopped in pure fear but determination. It wasd amazing how willing these people were to follow our (their) king.
Theoden spoke..."To me! To me! Up Eorlingas!b fear no darkness." Yet as he said these words he was shot then by the balckest arrowq and fell.

Fred Baggins
05-11-2003, 07:21 PM
"KING THEODEN!" I screamed in shock. I tried pushing away from Seth, but he held where I was. Firmly. Try as I might I was stuck. I closed my eyes to the horror, but there in front of me sat instead my dead brother, couragiously talking to the king. I took up his logic. I am fighting in this battle, under King Theoden. I should go to him. I struggled harder.

05-12-2003, 10:01 AM
ooc: Are we gonna use Eowyn and Merry for this scene like in the book or do we want to make up a new thing. Cause I'm having aralyn ride over to the king.


*Aralyn and her friends watch in shock as the king is struck down*


*she struggles but Seth is holding her, Aralyn however urges Liena on. The horse leaps forward but before Aralyn can get there another soldier is already there*

Aralyn: Blast it, Dern something-or-other is his name. I can't-

*she is cut off because the "man" takes off his helmet and turns into a girl. Specifically(sp?) Eowyn!*

Aralyn: *In disbelief* Eowyn!

The last sane person
05-12-2003, 02:47 PM
OOC: Why dont we all carve a peice of the glorly for ourselves and all go help the mighty Sheild Maiden!

*Seth had watched all his companions with the exception of Meeko and Freida, who he was hold firmly, go charging onwards to meet the beast and help the blonde maiden before him*

Seth: Freida! You will stop this struggling now! I will take you with me only you must promise to stay in the saddel and giude Shabaq!!

Freida:*Grinning* YES!!

Seth: Meeko! take the point! {Forward lance position in a charge}

Meeko: Fine! *notices Frienda clinging to the pommel of the sadle and weilding her quarter staff* What?! You have to be joking! you cant take her into this!

Seth:*growl* I can and I will! Do you have a better Idea??

*Meeko takes the point and they charge forward and meet up with Aralyn. They all stand next top Eowyn and get ready to face the monster of Sauron*

Eowyn:*looking at Seth* Are you not the Easterling that aided me at Helms deep?

Aralyn: Yes! he is one and the same!

Eowyn: Then this battle should be a tad easier then!

Aralyn: Freida! Stay close by on that horse!! Dont rush off on us!! Look out for Starletta, she's still injured!!

OOC: There! Aralyn (or any one else) Care to finish it?

05-12-2003, 08:20 PM
ic: We were to ride to aid Eowyn, the young maiden, whome rode forword to defend the lifeless form of the king.
Seth placed upon my horse Frieda and told me to follow him towards the danger.
I trembled but tried to keep calm if not for the young girl. We followed Seth and Aralyn towards the large black monster who had folded its wings preparing for a fight. Eowyn, amazingly stood her ground. When we reached Eomir, her brother, he seemed surprised at the sight of his sister.
Meeko: What are we to do seth?
Seth: I don't know exactly.
Aralyn: Ride forward and stand by Eowyn.
It was more of a command then an answer.
We went forward with determination but also deep fear. Theoden's white horse laid motionless beside its master. Cliff gave an uncomfortable jolt and begged me to turn around. I calmly strocked his side reasurringly.
WBefore we reached the young blonds side the creature had dove towards her!
I gave a gasp of surpirse at what came next....

Fred Baggins
05-13-2003, 12:08 AM
ooc: I had this nice long post, all perfect and everythings, with an excerpt of the book. But I'm not typing that entire excerpt again. For those of you playing this with out looking at the book I suggest you just take a moment and read the passage where Eowyn and Merry defeat the Ringwraith. now I know we are all having a hand in this and want to carve a peice og the glorly for ourselves and all go help the mighty Sheild Maiden! I will not participate in destorying the Ringwraith. I have nothing against those that want to but for one my character's a six year old, and two there was no more glorious a part in the book when a shield madien and a halfling destoried a ringwraith. You go ahead, but leave Frieda out of it. I think Lubyla had a good idea knocking her character out for this. I will post now.

ic: I watched in horror as the black-winged beast killed the King and his steed. "KING THEODEN!" I cried in outrage and fear. Mixed emotions tumbled into my head as Lady Eowyn struck down the Black One's beast. My King had just been killed. My brother had died days before, and Aralyns as well. My Prince had been killed even before the strangers arrived. It came to my thoughts to blame the strangers, but the thought was passing for now. I was out raged. I wanted to charge forward, and attack the Black One. Two things held me. One was the adults. I had made a promise to them. And how many times had Perrin drilled in my head the crucialness to keeping a promise. The second made me hang my head in shame. Aside from the rage another feeling lingered in me one that equaled the rage. A fearful feeling that I knew emitted--not just from seeing--but like a stench came from the Black One. I held back then the Black One struck at the Lady Eowyn and Lord...King I guess now King Eomer charged at the man...was it man? Out of the corner of my eye I saw a little boy--my age maybe which shocked me--charge forward at the...thing as well. I looked at Meeko, Seth, and Aralyn in front of me. Would they too attack this...whatever it was? I hung back fearful, angry, and upset all at once. I let my eyes drift back to the boy. No, he was older than me. Perrin's age maybe, though a little short. Chubby. He looked like a soilder boy, more than Perrin did. What would happen? All this ran through my head in a matter of seconds.

05-13-2003, 09:34 AM
ooc: We don't destroy it. I meant to post before anyone else did but Im studying for a final exam. I was gonna have it that we don't reach it in time. So we just relay what we see in the book.

The last sane person
05-17-2003, 06:28 PM
OOC: ACK! this thing is dieing! S.S.T.T!! (Someone Save This Thread) Well, I guess we'll have to write this in first person.

I and my friends got of our beasts and charged forward to help the Maiden, but a short little boy got there before us. Eowyn had already destroyed the fell beast and was now trying to dispatch its rider as well. The little boy came up only to the head Nazguls knee.

Thats where his blade struck home. A dark howl came from the Shadow monster and it collapsed, Eowyn drove the blade down into the monsters head with the last of her strength, and both of them were no more. Eowyn slumped onto the Wraith, energy disolved.

All: Eowyn!!

Fred Baggins
05-26-2003, 02:49 AM
"That's...not...FAIR!" I practacly fell of the horse, from scrambling off. I ran over to Eowyn, the second person to reach her.(It pays to be short, you can go under people's legs) Eomer had gotten there first. I looked over to him. "Is she...?"

ooc: Aw, yes...the famous words. This thread IS dieing...Resurect the thread!

05-26-2003, 07:50 PM
I stirred, and found myself waking in the mess of it all. The worst wound was mass confusion, and a bleeding shoulder I attened to.

The last sane person
05-27-2003, 02:18 PM
OOC: we're back!

Frieda jumped off her horse and scrambled over to he body of the maid. I was the third person to get to her, useing my elbows quite efficiently. Aralyn and the ohers were right behind me.

"is she..." Frieda didnt finish her question. I bent down to find out, but was stopped by her brother.

"dont touch her!" I paid no mind to him but rather put my blade near her mouth to see if there was frost from her breath. surprisingly enough there was.

"she is not yet dead! take her to a healer! post haste!" I yelled, shaking her brother out of his stupor. He came about and ran to fetch a wain of some sort to carry her, my company formed hte honor guard. However, when the went off with Eowyn, i went looking fr the young boy that assisted her. I found him in a heap a little ways away from the Black Corpse, I shook him and he stirred.

Upon closer inspection i found that he was one of those halflings that were in the "fellowship" I gathered him up and we marched after Eowyn's wain.

Fred Baggins
05-27-2003, 07:52 PM
ooc: SANE! You stole my role. I was gonna take Merry back. *Sniffles* Please please please Sane, Lemme?...I'm gonna make you if you don't lemme so you might as well lemme. *Smiles impishly*

The last sane person
05-27-2003, 08:18 PM
OOC: *growls at Fred* Well its your own bloody fault for not posting! I have already posted that we are marching. Why dont you post that you run into us and fall in with us?

Fred Baggins
05-28-2003, 12:48 AM
ooc:*flinches* Now I'm not loved!
I hadn't thought of it until I was lugging a five pound backpack half a mile to Wal-mart, in the heat of the day(102 degrees). When I got home I sat in front of the water cooler for half an hour, massaging my aching back(Which is aching agian!*growls at back*) and by the time I gathered up enough energy(I was up until 2:00 this morning and got about three hours of sleep, then drank lots of caffine, so by that time I had NO energy) and dragged myself upstairs and loged onto entmoot you already posted. Do you see my problem now? Or shall I make the fact that I have three major projects due, and finals in three weeks, am stressed beyond reason, and didn't expect to get snapped at from a fellow 'mooter, just for playfully complaining.
*Straightens clothes* Now that my little rambling rant is done, I shall give my brain a rest, and post with the break of day...or shortly there after. I would post now, seeing as how previously it was my "Own bloody fault for not posting" but I make it a rule not to post when I feel...shall we say, "Unloved". Then my posts turn out not quite right...my emotions tend to mix with my posts sometimes. Ok. Night! *Smiles and waves*

The last sane person
05-28-2003, 01:12 AM
OOC: Jeez! Twas only a joke! I always use "bloody" or what have you when i talk! You yanks cant tell what a joke was if it danced naked with a neon sign sayin "I'm a joke" in front a ya! :D Sheesh!! *smiles at Fred* Forgive me for being a might rough round the edges.

The last sane person
05-28-2003, 01:14 AM
OOC: Your Loved again, Kay? That better? :)

Fred Baggins
05-29-2003, 11:30 PM
ooc: *Straightens dress* I'm ok. See? See me? Calm cool and collected. See! I'm FINE! Perfectly Normal! Ha! Haha! In fact I even get the british humor! See I'm laughing! Ha Ha Ha! (For the safty of Fred, and all close to her, I would suggest you back away. Fred is naturaly insane, but when near a counter part like The Last sane person, she tends to...well...how can I put this delicatly? Become a fire-breathing nutcase? Yea that's right...)hey! that wasn't very nice!(*lifts an eyebrow*)

ic: I smiled a bit, through my tears. Though the king, had died and Eowyn was deadly ill, I was a bit excited. The adults in all there grief had forgotten to make sure I follow along. I was all alone. Me, and my quarter staff.Though I did feel a bit jelous to that boy,but then he was kinda ill to. I wanted to fight. I wanted to kill every orc living. They had killed my brother.I set my chin in grim determination, and left the secluded place.

The last sane person
05-30-2003, 04:54 PM
OOC: Gods, saints and all be damned!!! your still mad??????!!!! Christ, i did not know i had that effect on ya!!! *evil grin* In that case, if you wont forgive me......

The last sane person
05-30-2003, 04:58 PM
OOC: Gods, saints and all be damned!!! Your still mad??????!!!!
Christ, i did not know i had that effect on ya!!! *evil grin* In that case, if you wont forgive me...... Na! I am not that mean!! *Smiles normaly*


I had escorted the young hobbit to the city, making sure he was alright. Speaking of young ones...... WHERE'S FRIEDA???????

Fred Baggins
05-30-2003, 05:37 PM
ooc: LOL! I'm not mad! Well, I'm mad in the sence that I've lost my wits, and don't seem to remember where I put them, but I'm not angry! *huggles Sane* Woah...that was wierd. Insane just hugged Sane...feel a negative...reaction...occuring...COFFIE LANDED IN THE AIR, AND MY MUTANT HOBBITS ATTACKED IT, CAUSEING IT TO GO TO-

Hate those negative reactions...*shudders*(I told you so) And I hate you. (Hey, I'm just your second personality.) All the more reason to hate you. (We are drawing attention again) Like I care? *shrugs* Let 'em stare. (I think we just better get on with it.) Ok, I like that Idea.(*rolls eyes*)

ic: Three where down, and five more where on top of me. This was different than the last place we had been. This was ten times more worse. There where HUMANS here...humans. I held up the staff to block the blow, but the blow was to hard. I heard it crack. Another blow. I had to staffs.

The last sane person
05-30-2003, 07:50 PM
Originally posted by Fred Baggins
ooc: *huggles Sane* Woah...that was wierd. Insane just hugged Sane...feel a negative...reaction...occuring...COFFIE LANDED IN THE AIR, AND MY MUTANT HOBBITS ATTACKED IT, CAUSEING IT TO GO TO-

Hate those negative reactions...*shudders*(I told you so) And I hate you. (Hey, I'm just your second personality.) All the more reason to hate you. (We are drawing attention again) Like I care? *shrugs* Let 'em stare. (I think we just better get on with it.) Ok, I like that Idea.(*rolls eyes*)

OOC: Ah! but you see, I am very insane myself! though i wear the facade of a normal person i have the very essence of insanity inside!!!

OOC2: Shall we (merry and i) ride to your rescue??

Fred Baggins
05-30-2003, 09:06 PM
ooc: Aw, but that's what they all say.(True Fred, true.) There is none so insane as Faith and I. And we always seem to have negative reactions to those who even have an outward appearance of Sainity. (That's right. Are you going to answer Sane's question?) Hmm? Oh, oh right!

ooc2: *shrugs* Well, preferably it would be Starletta. Long story, but Lubyla and I have it figured out. But you can if you want, I have no idea when Lubyla's going to be on again.

The last sane person
05-30-2003, 11:52 PM
OOC: Beware those who claim sanity for the are the modt insane of all! Very well, Lubya shall save you! As i have no wish to save anyone anytime soon!

05-31-2003, 11:44 AM
ooc: Has everyone gone insane or something?
Oh, wait thats a stupid question.:)

ic: I watched in the distance as the great white walls of the white ity appeared illuminating our path. I shivered. The king is dead and his niece is almost dead.
I trooted my horse away as my father came by.
"probably looking for me." I muttered under my breath.
Seth: what was that?
Meeko: er... nothing. "I guess when I get to the city I have to retrurn to my home. Igf I live after the war. I don't want to return, I want to saty with you and fight by your die."
Seth: *laughs* I think your family will need you.
MeekO: I doubt it. All I have ever been was a discrace to the men in my family just because I look and act sorta like a female. So what if I can make the best ***** cake in the world.
Seth: please don't cuss.
Meeko: Sorry.
Meeko: I guess we will all fight together now, GOndor and Rohan.
Seth:nods "I could not have guessed that soldier was theoden's niece.
Meeko: Well she will get plenty pf care as soon as we reach the castle walls. I hope we don't get a worse king. I guess theoden diid get better after that stupid snake tongue left.
Seth: Well don't blame the king for he did lose controle.

We neared the the great white wall and entered at once for the maiden was losing life fast. We were camped out on the grounds letting our people breath new air and rest. I tried my best to steer Frieda away from my family and near Seth. She wept for here brother and I joined her.

Fred Baggins
05-31-2003, 05:49 PM
ooc:Frieda's not with you peoples...please read above posts by myself.

The last sane person
06-02-2003, 02:49 PM
OOC: Yay! No more Fred! j/k!!!

*Seth and Meeko were riding side by side looking for Aralyn in the endless disarray that was the battlefield*

Seth:*smiles at the younger Meeko* I am touched, but I will not letr anyone die, by my side or on their own!

Meeko:*smiles* Thanks, bro!! *he rides off to Aralyn who they spot just ahead of them*

Seth: Bro???

Meeko: We might as wel be! Brother hood of helms deep!

Seth:*laughs* Sounds good to me! So where do you want to travel after the war?? I assure you that all the lands that are at present free of kings will be taken over by Aragorn once he assumes the thrown.

Meeko:*crestfallen* Oh.....I forgot about him......

Seth: Well, there are lands that are East of here that are as of now kingless! I was hoping to take my kids with me over there!

Meeko: Sounds good!

06-02-2003, 10:25 PM
ic: Meeko: Many people say that Aragorn is good and in love with Lord Elrond's daughter.
Seth: Hmmmm
Meeko: I can't wait for the war to be over and to go out to lands of freedome. HOw old are you shildren?
Seth (sorry can't answere for ya)

Before I could answer we reached the great white wall which was larger up close and heavily guarded by bow men and foot soldiers by the door. They found that we were from Rohan and let us in. At once they took our wounded soldiers to the medi and we were left to quarter at an avalable(sp) camp space. I avoided my father once again and was shocked to see that my brother was with him. My brother enjoyed tortuering me in many very er... creative but annoying ways. I hid quickly behind Seth as soon as I let my horse be stabled.
Seth:What the....?
Meeko: JUst keep moving!
Aralyn: *looks over at were the strange boy was glancing and shook her head. "Come on lets find a quarter to stay in.
We took up a room with a group of other men and some woman. It was very crowded but warm with a fire blazing in the hearth.

The last sane person
06-03-2003, 12:54 AM
OOC: I was thinking about having them be round 10 (boy) & 11(girl). Seth isnt a young fella, comparetively speaking.

Fred Baggins
06-17-2003, 11:26 PM
ooc: forgot Starletta was supposed to rescue me here, so I haven't told her to post within the last few years. Oh well I'll kill her later.

ic: You'll be all right Frieda. I'm not ready for you to join me yet. What, you don't think I left you all alone did you?" Looking into the white haze I could make out the face of my brother, but his words made little sence, as I could feel my oxygen slowly taken out of my body. I blocked out the image of my brother, it was to painful, but it didn't work. Instead, I saw my mother, Arayln's brother, the King...but the worst was that lastly I saw my father, with a fresh feeling, as though he had been put in at last minuet. Then I relized what it meant. My father had been alive, until seconds ago. All those people where dead. The haze clouded more, and again, I saw that woman with the scars, riding a white tiger. Then I relized the white tiger has no longer a dream. I sat up and screamed, but the tiger glared at me to stop.

"Are...are you a dream?" The tiger shook her head. "You can understand me?"
Then I could almost hear her talking in my head. She seemed to be reasuring me. Before long, I found myself climbing on her back, and riding through the streets of Gondor. No one came near. Up ahead was the group. Happy, I had to call out.


The last sane person
06-18-2003, 01:33 AM
OOC: Oy vay! Where the hell did every body go? I take it you still want Starletta to save you and not poor ol' Sane. :rolleyes:

Fred Baggins
06-18-2003, 04:04 PM
ooc: Sane...I've been saved...the tiger rescued me...I am now riding the tiger and right behind everyone...think about that for awhile...:)

The last sane person
06-18-2003, 06:03 PM
OOC: *grumpy* Oh shove off!

Seth: Eh? wait you lot! I think i just heard freda (i looked it up and that was what it said in the book)

Aralyn: Holy....! Look what shes riding!


Fred Baggins
06-21-2003, 05:26 PM
ooc: It's in the book?!?!

ooc2: what to write... erm...ah...oooo...erm...

The last sane person
06-21-2003, 06:17 PM
OOC: Yep, it sure is. And in the movie credits too.

06-24-2003, 10:44 AM
er... how is she riding me?

The last sane person
06-24-2003, 01:35 PM
OOC: Not you! the tiger! (now dont ask me where she got a tiger from in northern europe and or New Zealand cause i dunno) I just made you kinda speachless