View Full Version : Sands of Harad: RPG

04-20-2006, 11:46 PM
Lady Willow's voice drifted high into the sky, as she sang an elvish lament. She stood in Rath Dinien, at the fore of the procession. The white stone felt cold under her feet, and the wind blew coolly before her. Behind her, seven men carried the litter with Curmaar's body on it. The moon shone pale over them all.

As they slowly walked down the Silent Street, they were followed by others: Elnar, Faramir and his sons, Acalewia, Alatar and some rangers, Gimli, Makoin...and at the fore was King Elessar. As they came within sight of the doors of the Hallows, the crowd stopped, and the eight people entered alone, bearing Curmaar with them. Their steps rang hollowly on the stone floor, and they seemed to glide over to an alcove inside the house.

"Cormamin niuve tenna' ta elea lle au'," she whispered as the litter was lowered onto a shelf. "My heart shall weep until it sees thee again."

Curmaar's eyes were closed in a peaceful sleep; his hands were folded across his chest. The procession left the building, slowly, led by Lady Willow.
"Hold!" shouted Curamir, and the rangers stopped. Slowly, they eased the bier that carried a man-Curmaar-to the ground. The hot wind blew around them, stirring up the sand. Sweat dripped down the brow of Faramir's son. He looked around, and turned to his men.

He asked, "Where's the map?"

Each of the rangers uncomfortably looked around, shuffling their feet. Curamir repeated the question, and waited for a response. Finally, Atarion, the young one, stepped forward. He looked from side to side, and then stared directly at his captain.

"We've lost it, Curamir," he told the Ranger. "Now what?"

Curamir growled. "Look what you've done. This is likely to be the death of us all. Come on-let's head west. I saw what may be some water that way, on the horizon."

The procession started again, slowly crawling in that direction. The sun beat down upon the cloaks worn by all of them.

Lady Willow Rose
04-21-2006, 02:21 PM
Nessa Oronar walked briskly, a cheery bounce in her step. The flaming sun bothered as little as the burning sand that her bare feet trecked across. Her skin was tanned and her hair rivaled the sun for redness.

The wandering lady caught sight of an oasis and began to run in that direction. Nothing like a bath to ease the occasional aches of travel.

rohirrim TR
04-21-2006, 06:05 PM
"Lord, someone approaches" called out Hluor

"aye, I see you and arhor watch my back and I will welcome them to our oasis, stay sharp though whoever it is might be a decoy" replied Curamir his eyes narrowing.

As nessa approached the spring she noticed that the ground was stirred up in a peculiar way when out of the few trees that surround a ranger materialised.

"hold yon stranger, be ye a friend I deem? or foe? though I for one hope the former given your beauty and familiarity with the surrounding area."

Lady Willow Rose
04-21-2006, 08:48 PM
Nessa smiled gently, having long ago gotten used to the appearance of new things.

"I mean no harm to you if you mean none to me. After all, I'm just a humble wanderer." She walked toward the ranger with an easy, loping gait. "My name is Nessa Oronar and it is my very good pleasure to meet you."

04-21-2006, 08:59 PM
Deep in the land of Harad, Bayhas, son of Beli, watched from a high knoll as the flock of sheep and goats owned by his brother and him cropped the short grass. The bell on his lead goat played a merry tune as the goat browsed.

The sun had now risen to her zenith, the signal that it was time for the mid-day meal. Tethering his horse in a small clump of cypress, he made preparations for his small meal. Milk fresh and warm from the she-goat, bread and dried meat, and a small piece of goat cheese were his repast. He relaxed and watched as the flock grazed.

He would spend the afternoon alone, watching the herds as he did every day. Little changed in his life. He would be glad when the day would be at its close, for then he could turn his duties over to his brother and his brother's son. Then he would go back to the village and eat his evening meal with his widowed mother and younger brother.

rohirrim TR
05-04-2006, 06:17 PM
"so let me get this straight, were about forty leauges from Umbar 'as the crow flie' but closer to fifty by the Harad road that is just west of this oasis?"
asked Curamir of Nessa who had agreed to help them find their way for the present.

"correct, except I don't think you realize how large the country of Harad really is, if you're going to Near Harad you have only to cross the river Harnen and your basically there however if your goin to Far Harad you'll have to follow the main road other wise you'll have to make your way along the small paths scattered about the country to the west and east, where in Harad are you going?"

"yeah Curamir, where was Cumaar from anyway" asked Hluor

"er...well...Oh! look! a shooting star" he replied pointing upward

"no....don't tell me we've just started a hopeless mission"

"don't worry I'm not goin to tell you that, but anyway it can't be hopeless, we just have to find a local, someone who knows all the different clans and tribes and what not and I'm sure we can find his family or his clan. Do you know about that kind of thing Nessa?"

Lady Willow Rose
05-04-2006, 07:00 PM
"Oh, I have some vague understanding of all that," Nessa said sweetly. "Fact is, we're about a three days away from a family I know that have a son who could benefit from a good adventure."

"Three days, eh? Not such a bad distance," Curamir remarked.

"Well, three days as itchy feet run."

"Itchy feet?"

"Well, my feet," Nessa confessed. "That's how I measure distance. How many days run it is." When Curamir groaned, she only smiled innocently. "I'm sure big, strong men like you could keep up with a feminine slip of a thing like me."

05-05-2006, 01:18 PM
Elnar chuckled.
"He's keep up with a woman before." he said smiling at Curamir's dirty look directed at him. "I'm sure he can keep up with you"

Lady Willow Rose
05-05-2006, 04:20 PM
"Splendid!" Nessa proclaimed. "Now, we'd best rest up for tomorrow. I keep a rather quick pace and I get especially bored when I'm going over terrain I just crossed." She flopped down on the grass, curled up and immediately went to sleep.

"We just had to get the eccentric wanderer for a guide," Curamir mumbled. Elnar shrugged.

"It's better than getting the mass murdering wanderer."


05-05-2006, 07:31 PM
The day had been long for Bayhas the nomadic herdsman. The hot sun beating down on him after he had eaten had made him sleepy, and before he knew it, his small nap had turned into an hour-long slumber. He had to spend some two hours searching for the strayed ewes and their lambs, and when at last he had herded them up, he was in no good mood. At least it would not be long until his brother and his brother's eldest son would come to tend the sheep for the night.

He saw his brother and son riding double on the family's second horse across the rolling landscape. After an exchange of greetings with his brother, the two men talked a while before Bayhas' departure for the evening. Bayhas walked to the small shelter where he kept his hunting falcon, secured the bird on his left arm, and prepared to leave for the night. He had just mounted his horse and was waving goodbye to his brother and nephew. It was then that he saw upon the far distant horizon a small cloud of dust.

"Brother, I think I shall see what is the cause of that cloud of dust. If it is strangers, no doubt they are enemies, for is there any difference? In the morning tell mother I am away on a hunting trip."

"May fate be with you, brother." Bayhas' brother looked worried.

05-06-2006, 11:14 AM
"Master," came the voice of a man in armmor,"when will we go home I'm getting tired."
A tall man emerged from the dust with some sort of beast over his shoulder," Why do you ask such questions you want to leave umbar to explore surrounding areas, so do what you asked me to do my son. I may be a king where we are from but not here." Drake said. " We must find shelter." Drako said.

05-08-2006, 08:17 PM
"You should follow her example, Curamir." Elnar said. "We have had a long trek today. Perhaps a longer one tomorrow." He glanced over at Cumaar's body. "I'll take the first watch" He held his hand up when Curamir opened his mouth. "Don't argue."

Lady Willow Rose
05-11-2006, 10:46 PM
Nessa woke after three hours, washed her face in the oasis and filled her water jug. Elnar watched her closely.

"I thought you'd need more rest than that," he said. She shrugged.

"In all honesty, I have little patience for sleep. Too much time spent without movement." She glanced at the sleeping company and considered for a moment. Finally, she took a deep breath and bellowed, "FIRE!" Everyone jolted awake.

"What the blazes...?" Curamir grumbled, eyes still sleep-laden.

"Oh good," Nessa chirped. "You're awake. Best get a move on, then." Without another word, she walked off into the desert.

05-12-2006, 01:24 PM
Elnar laughed at Curamir's surprised look.
"Well, we best start or we'll never catch her"

rohirrim TR
05-13-2006, 04:39 PM
"well" said Hluor brightly "at least we'll make good time this way"

"unhh, if we are alive at the end of it you mean" growled Curamir in reply

"you know when we reach this family you may want to discard your chainmail its only slowing you down and making you sweat more than you need to" suggested Nessa as she watched the heavily clad rangers struggle to keep pace.

"yes you have a point, but I was was loth to bring it up, its foolhardy to go unprotected in hostile country" commented Hluor

"I doubt you need worry much about hostility unless you offend a particular tribe, or if this warrior of yours was of an offending tribe to the tribes we might meet if you understand" she replied " in that case I sugges you keep your leather jerkins, but you should still lose the chainmail"

Lady Willow Rose
05-14-2006, 08:14 PM
Nessa kept a swift pace, nearly running but still technically walking. "You know," she said thoughtfully, "there's something you might need to know about this family."

"And that would be?" Hluor asked.

"Well, you should probably speak with them without my being with you."

"What? But why?" Curamir stuttered.

"I had... intimate relations with Bayhas. It's a delicate subject and I'm warning you not to mention my name until you absolutely have to. I'm betting it wouldn't be well-received."

"Do you often have such relations?" Elnar asked softly, a gentle smile on his face.

"Every now and again, when the mood strikes me."

05-16-2006, 08:31 PM
High atop the knoll, its surface covered with a scattering of cypress and oak, a lone man lay stomach-down, peering over the side into the expanse of land below the small hill. He smiled as he studied the ground below. His mind counting the numbers of horsemen, he stored the information for future use.

Undetected to any below him, he slowly slid down the hill behind him to the group of waiting horsemen hidden behind the small knoll.

"What news, Bayhas?" the gathered men asked him.

"Strangers, Tarks by their dress and by their looks."

"What do you think they want, Chieftain?"

"That cannot be determined with such scant information, Fawzan, but, aye, if you are wondering about a rich looking party, they are all that."

"Chieftain," the other man's voice was excited, "do you plan a raid?"

"Not yet, anyway, Fawzan... but there are women amongst them." Bayhas licked his dry lips.

Lady Willow Rose
05-16-2006, 11:44 PM
Nessa rolled her shoulders uneasily. She'd sensed a sudden chill in the air. A snake slithered quickly across her path and off into deep sands.

Unwanted company was nearby.

"Elnar?" she inquired. "Are all your men skilled in battle?"

"They are not my men, Lady Nessa. But I do believe they have some skill with a blade."

"Good. We may test that theory today."

05-17-2006, 01:06 AM
"Bayhas! You cannot go without a guard!" Fawzan shouted, but Bayhas had already sprung into the saddle. Sitting there atop his tall, gray mount and looking down at the other men, Bayhas gave them a grin.

"It is better for only one man to ride out. Perhaps they present no threat. Of course, should I be proved wrong and if there is any trouble, attack the intruders immediately!"

"Bayhas," the man reached out and reached for the reins of the gray horse, "it is folly to go out all for the sake of one woman! Can you not find another?"

With a laugh, the chieftain touched the sides of his horse with the spurs and soon the animal was loping across the terrain to meet the intruders.

05-17-2006, 01:18 PM
Elnar saw the rider before the others.
"Curamir. A rider approches." Curamir nodded.
"Stay on guard." he leaned in close to Elnar's ear. "Keep those eyes open"

Lady Willow Rose
05-18-2006, 12:25 AM
Nessa looked out at the rider and immediately began cursing. Her language was so inventively foul that Elnar doubted some of it was even possible.

"I assume you know that rider."

"Yes," she grumbled. "I should have known not to get involved with him but sometimes you just don't think."

"A spurned lover?" Curamir asked quietly. "Do you suppose he means us ill or just you?"

"Neither, I imagine. He's probably going to try to drag me back to his home." Nessa let out a tired breath. "This day is proving to be longer than I foresaw."

05-18-2006, 05:25 PM
"Foolish Gondorians to go about in this country in chain mail! But if they want to roast, it is their affair, not mine." His own light colored turban and loose robes were cool and reflected the heat of the sun. Bayhas chuckled to himself as he trotted the big gray towards the group of intruders. Staying just out of arrow and spear range, he halted the horse and let his eyes roam over the strangers. A smile of triumph lit his face when he saw her.

"Hail, strangers!" he shouted in thickly-accented Westron. "I am Bayhas of the Kungid Tribe. "What is your business in this land?"

The woman was frowning and he could see her lips moving, "Probably cursing me," he thought. "Good, that means that she has noticed me!"

rohirrim TR
05-18-2006, 06:10 PM
"interesting accent eh Curamir" said Elnar chuckling "well do your stuff".

Curamir frowned and then seemed to grow in stature as he replied to lightly clad rider "We are the Knights of Gondor and the Dunedain of the North, and we come to you in peace and in honor, returning a great warrior of the Harad to his kinsman, will you aid us? great one of the Kungid".

"ooh, nice touch there with the great one business ranger" Nessa said grinning sardonically "anything to make this guys ego feel good can't hurt anything".

"quiet I think he's going to reply" whispered Elnar.

Lady Willow Rose
05-19-2006, 12:26 AM
Nessa caught Bayhas looking at her and winced. Oh, sweet Valar, why do I ever get involved with men?

05-19-2006, 12:58 AM
Grinning to the Gondorians as he trotted his horse around them, Bayhas surveyed them just out of spear and arrow range. His eyes twinkled in satisfaction as he watched Nessa's head swiveling around to keep his horse and him in view.

"Ahhh," his thoughts pleased him. "They are impressed by my power and my horsemanship, and more importantly, she is looking at me!"

At last he reined his horse in near Curamir, and turned his hands over, palms up, to show he was holding no weapon.

"Knights of Gondor," his richly accented Westron carried across the plain, "if you come in peace, you shall receive peace. What is the name of this man who is being returned and where is his destination?"

Lady Willow Rose
05-19-2006, 04:15 PM
"Well," Nessa mumbled quietly. "Here's hoping Cumaar wasn't from enemy territory."

rohirrim TR
05-20-2006, 12:24 PM
"the only name that was known to us was Cumaar, I know not which tribe he belonged to so I do not fully know our destination, is he known to you?" asked Curamir as the two rangers lowered the litter and lifted the top of it revealing Cumaars peaceful face.

05-21-2006, 05:15 PM
Dismounting his horse, Bayhas ambled over to the litter. Bending his head over, he peered down and looked at the face ofthe dead man.

"By the bones of my grandfather, this man is known to me!" He glared at the two rangers angerily. "His tribe is an enemy of the Kungid, and he swore to kill me!" Bayhas spat to the side. "I rejoice that he is dead at last! I have been revenged!"

05-21-2006, 05:20 PM
Curamir stepped forward, full of wrath, but Atarion beat him to it. "What are you thinking, Southman shepherd? How dare you speak so of the hero of Arnor? Shame upon you-you are a coward! If you dare to defame his name, I call you to open combat here and now! Let us see if you are really a man!"

"Be silent!" Curamir shouted at him, pulling the ranger-to-be back. "Are you mad as well as woolheaded?"

Bayhas narrowed his eyes.

Lady Willow Rose
05-21-2006, 07:00 PM
Nessa stepped forward with a placating smile on her face. "Please forgive the lad, Bayhas. He is young and obviously hot-headed." She looked over her should to glare at the young soon-to-be ranger. "In any case, it is clear that you know this man. Could you perhaps tell us the name of his tribe and in which direction we shall have to go?"

05-22-2006, 05:23 PM
Elnar glared Atarion.
"Don't be a fool if you can help it." He said in a low voice for Atarion's ears alone. "You have much to learn if you are to be a Dunedain." He turned away from the young man and took to studying Bayhas.

05-22-2006, 07:03 PM
Bayhas walked up and stopped a few paces from Atarion. "Tark, you are not in your own lands! If you want to live to return to your home, you will learn some respect and manners. However, if you feel this is your day to die, challenge me to a fight!" Bayhas touched the hilt of his scimitar and made a fierce face at Atarion.

Bayhas noticed that Nessa had approached and was quite near. "Nessa," a smile came over his face, "for your sake and your sake alone will I forgive his rashness. But I warn you, if this young ass's colt insults my honor one more time, there will be a fight to the death! Yes, I know of the tribe from which Cumaar descends and where they pitch their tents! It is the Abiza tribe, and they are among the fiercest of all tribes!"

05-22-2006, 08:19 PM
"In which direction, Son of the Desert." Elnar asked. "Seeing you are enemies, i am sure you know"

Lady Willow Rose
05-22-2006, 11:38 PM
Nessa smiled sweetly. "We would be most obliged if you pointed us in the right direction, Bayhas."

05-23-2006, 12:40 AM
"Certainly, Tark, I know where lie the lands of the Abiza tribe, but why should I help you? Your people are no friends of mine. Why should I care if the body of this enemy is given burial or thrown to the jackals?" Bayhas challenged angerily. "It is said by some among the wise that if the body of a man is never buried, his soul will wander forever aimlessly through the desert." He folded his arms across his chest. "Perhaps I think that would be a fitting punishment for him!"

He turned to Nessa and looked her in the eye. "Though your charms are many, I know all your wiles, and they no longer work on me! Perhaps you have forgotten, but five hundred men in my clan answer to my bidding. Why should I leave my family, my kin, my flocks and my herds to see that Cumaar is given a proper burial?"

05-23-2006, 01:08 PM
Elnar slightly smiled at being called a Tark.
"Because all of Middle-Earth, including Harad, would be under shadow had it not been for this man." The smile was gone. "What he died destroying would have turned your kin and clan against one another."

rohirrim TR
05-23-2006, 06:49 PM
"Pardon my interuption but unless I miss my guess we are all going to buried right here, so could we discuss this later...please" Hluor cut off Bayhas before he could replied to the half-elf and pointed to the south where a wall of sand was blowing up over the hill, and even Bayhas's unreadable eyes showed shock, but only for a moment. "after all Nessa tells me these-" Hluor gestured at the approaching storm "-are quite dangerous".

Lady Willow Rose
05-23-2006, 07:16 PM
Nessa rolled her eyes. "Oh, just what we need." She tied her wild main of red hair back and began to sprint away. "Come on then, folks. I'd rather not be buried in sand!" She broke into a full-out run and vanished in an instant.

"Good to know one of us can fly out of danger," Curamir grumbled.

05-24-2006, 12:52 AM
"Fly in fear, foreign dogs!" Bayhas thought to himself maliciously as he mounted his horse and rode away. On the other side of the knoll, his men awaited him in relative security. The horses had been commanded to lie down facing away from the storm. Their masters covered both the heads of their mounts and their own with skins and waited until the storm blew over.

05-24-2006, 01:18 PM
"Great" Elnar muttered. He turned to the others. "Come together!"
"What do you mean, come together?" Hluor asked. "We're about to be buried alive and you want us to stand together? Are you mad?"
"Not yet," Elnar said with a smile. "Tinechor!" The storm moved closer.


Lady Willow Rose
05-25-2006, 12:08 AM
Nessa felt horribly guilty and extremely annoyed. Horribly guilty because she'd abandoned her new-found friends. Extremely annoyed because yet again her feet had made a decision without her.

She huddled down a short distance away from Bayhas and his men. It seemed the safest place and as long as they didn't notice her, all would be well.

However, her luck seemed to be in short supply as of late.

05-25-2006, 01:21 PM
The storm hit. But instead of being buried in sand, it seemed to flow and swirl above their heads and around them.
"What the blazes?" Curamir wondered aloud. Elnar was frowning in the general direction Nessa had fled. It was too late to protect her and the fact that he didn't know where she had disappeared didn't help.

rohirrim TR
05-25-2006, 05:44 PM
The night fell deadly quiet, a drastic change after the violence of the storm. Atarion stared at Elnar with awe, and the others with relief.

"I think we should keep moving" said Curamir " I don't think that Bayhas and his tribe will attack us at night -some superstition of theirs- but come morning they'll have no such hesitations."

"I agree" assented Elnar

"Once again I apologize for interupting, but where exactly are we moving on to? after all we didn't really get much help from the desert man and furthermore had he told us more I'm not sure I would have believed him he had rather crafty eyes."

"ahh yes there is that" replied Curamir reflectively "I say we should make for Umbar, its the center of trade so I believe there must be an unofficial truce or neutral government perhaps we can get the help we need there, what do you say Elnar?"

"well seeing as our guide has left us, and the tribesman being decidedly unfriendly, I fear that is our only option, save wandering around aimlessly."

"Then its agreed"

Lady Willow Rose
05-26-2006, 04:58 PM
Nessa slipped between the tribesmens' horses without a sound. She whispered to them with soundless words. The horses heard and understood.

Come dawn, they would be far away from Bayhas and his clan.

Nessa smirked. Sometimes being nice just didn't work.

For herself, she took Bayhas's horse and led him away into the desert. She mounted at a safe distance then spurred the stallion into a gallop.

After all, she had to catch up with her new found friends. Nessa didn't feel like losing them as of yet.

rohirrim TR
05-26-2006, 05:53 PM
"We need to find shade so we can rest during the day, that way we can travel at night and keep our chainmail" said Hluor at about ten of the clock that morning, it was the time in the desert when the cool sand turned into a giant kiln.

"I agree, and we need water and-" said Curamir.

"ha look who's coming from the southwest" Elnar interupted pointing.

"my eyes are not so farsighted as yours half-elf all I can see is a small puff of dust"

"It's our guide, returning to us perhaps"

"Perhaps, or perhaps she has been in leage with the sand men from the beginning I wonder" replied Curamir putting his hand to his eyes to reduce the glare.

"Only time will tell, do nothing to make her think we suspect her it would ruin all, and if she is not betraying us it would only insult her" counseled Elnar with a knowing look.

Lady Willow Rose
05-26-2006, 06:14 PM
Nessa swung off her horse at full gallop and landed in front of Elnar. "Merry meet, my lost companions!" she said loudly, bowing to them all. "Terribly sorry about my sudden disappearance. My feet often make decisions without me."

"Good to know you have our back in a tight situation," Curamir noted dryly. To the surprise of the company, Nessa's cheeks turned a deep scarlet.

"I really didn't mean to leave you," she murmured, her voice terribly soft. "I seem to always disappoint the people I want to help." Nessa turned from him and, unknown to all but Elnar, blinked back the sudden tears. Old wounds from old days. "Now," she said, the former power in her voice having fled, "Let us retire to the oasis just behind that sand doon. It will be cooler there."

She led her horse in that direction and Elnar stared after her. "Fascinating," he whispered.

"Do you think we can trust her?" Curamir asked him quietly.

"I think we can trust her, Curamir. However, her feet are another matter entirely."

rohirrim TR
05-27-2006, 01:46 PM
"Well, Curamir you know what they say, 'go not to elves for counsel, for they say yes and no' " said Hluor laughing quietly.

05-27-2006, 07:01 PM
"Bayhas, some rogue stole your gray stallion last night!" Fawzan fairly shouted out the news. "When we catch the thief, we will boil him in his own juices!"

"I think I know who took him, but I have other mounts equally as good," Bayhas replied.

"What about the Gondorians?" Fawzan had that gleam in his eye that meant only one thing - he was thinking about unpleasant, slow ways to kill them all.

"We will follow them a while before we do anything," Bayhas explained quietly. "Which way have they gone?"

"West, towards the city."

"Tell the men to separate into small groups. Follow the Tarks and stay at a good distance. With only a few riders widely apart, there will be lest chance they can see the dust that is raised."

"Aye, Chieftain. It will be done as you say. What about the woman?"

"Let no harm come to her. Now order my sorrel stallion saddled. I want an extra skin of water, though I doubt I will need it, since I know where all the waterholes from here to the City of the Corsairs are located. Fill one of my saddlebags with ample quantities of dried fruit and cheese... the other with the ceremonial dagger, a few burnooses, and a phial of poison for the arrows... I plan to catch up with the Tarks and volunteer to be their helpful guide."

Fawzan smiled that wicked smile of his.

05-28-2006, 03:24 PM
"I've heard that as well, Hluor." Elnar said. "Is it that obvious I have elf blood?"

Lady Willow Rose
05-29-2006, 05:51 PM
Nessa stared up into the starry sky. It had been a long day of travel, even for her. She'd driven them all very hard.

Yet it had been worth it. In the morning, it would only take three hours to reach the city of Umbar. Nessa closed her eyes and took three deep breaths.

There was someone following them. Small dust clouds had haunted her group throughout the day. She'd pointed them out to Elnar. His eyes seemed to be a bit sharper than hers.

"Do you think he seeks vengeance?" She smirked.

"Curamir asked that of me before. I still think Bayhas means me no harm. As for the rest of you..." Nessa shrugged.

Elnar sat beside her and looked up at the stars. "You are a most remarkable woman, Nessa. Loyal and disloyal. Gentle and rough. Kind and ruthless. It is nearly impossible to make out your true character."

"I suggest you discontinue that particular search, Elnar. Even I have not found the answer and I have lived with myself for over two decades." He smiled faintly.

"You remind me of a woman I met once. She had lost her memory when we found her. That look of searching never left her eyes. She found her memories again but even now, her eyes still carry that shadow of need. The desire to know herself." Nessa looked at him carefully.

"A most tragic story, Elnar. What is your point?"

"My point, Lady Nessa, is that sometimes it is not maybe in order to find yourself, you must look." She rolled her eyes.

"I think I could have figured that one out."

"Oh, really? Then why haven't you done it yet?" He stood up, smiled at Nessa and then walked away. She frowned after him.

"Next time I travel, I'm going to the coast. Bloody desert riddles are driving me mad."

05-29-2006, 08:36 PM
Elnar chuckled to himself. He had heard her remark, he was sure she didn't mean for him to hear. He sat down next to Cumaar's litter and watched Nessa.

Lady Willow Rose
05-29-2006, 08:46 PM
Nessa rolled her shoulders, trying to get rid of the feeling that she was being watched. It wasn't surprising, though. After her little stunt during the sand storm, she'd have people watching her, too. You never want to leave your back open to a potential enemy.

Bayhas could be a potential enemy. She'd been showing him her back for about two days. If he did overtake them, for whatever reason, she would keep a sharp eye on him.

No man was so good in bed that he could cloud her better judgment.

05-30-2006, 04:49 PM
Elnar leaned back, resting his head on his folded cloak. And closed his eyes.

"You severly overestimate your strength, pitiful immortal. You shall learn what it is to die," taunted Alateriel.

She grabbed hold of Elnar, and brought his face next to hers. The elf felt his body almost totally collapse...she grinned.

"NO!" screamed the Southron, leaping onto both of them.

Narya blazed, and Curmaar felt his feet grip the Icedrake. It roared, but could not throw him. Elnar grabbed ahold of the creature, using all of his strength.

"Elnar!" shouted the Southron. "Get off, now!"

Elnar nodded.
"You will need this!" he said as he tossed one of his elvish knives to Cumaar, the blade white-hot. Then he released his grip on the Icedrake and fell.

Elnar started awake. The last battle Cumaar fought. He glanced at his friend's body. "Lle ume quel" he said, under the hearing of the others.

*You did well

05-30-2006, 06:16 PM
The cloudless desert night presented a splendid opportunity to look at the stars, an activity which Bayhas was engaging in as he brought the mouthpiece of the wineskin to his mouth.

"Bayhas, the men are growing irritable. They say that we are upon a fool's errand and going nowhere. They are concerned for their flocks and herds and their families. Five hundred men are too many to take so far away from the territory of our clan and leave it exposed to our enemies." Fawzan was upset to be the one to bring this news to his chieftain.

"Let them return, then," Bayhas muttered as he passed the wineskin to Fawzan and kept his gaze upon the sky. "We are going someplace, Fawzan. It is obvious to me that those we follow are moving towards the city. Do you wish to return, too?" Bayhas asked nonchalantly.

"No, of course not, and ten others besides me say that they will continue with you. The others say that they will return should you need their help. I question your reasons for following the Tarks. Is it the woman? Is it something about the corpse the Tarks carry with them?"

"Perhaps it is the woman, or perhaps I merely wish to see my old enemy meet his final reward. My reasons are my own, Fawzan. I am glad that the eleven remain true. Fawzan, now if you will pass the wineskin to me..."

rohirrim TR
05-30-2006, 07:40 PM
Curamir and Atarion stood first watch that molrning while the others rested.

"Captain? why did you volunteer for this mission?" asked Atarion suddenly.

"Good question, perhaps for the same reason you did, to prove worthy to do something without a steward or a King or a brother, watching your every move. Or maybe I didn't have a choice perhaps it is my destiny, I know not, only that I must finish, what I promised to do, even if i'm not quite sure what that is. does that answere your question?".

"I think so" the young man replied, though he was silent and thougtful for the rest of the day.

05-31-2006, 04:55 PM
That morning, Bayhas and Fawzan watched as the chieftain reviewed the over 500 warriors rode by them. Then, raising their spears high over their heads and shouting their war cry, "Death to all enemies!" the warriors galloped across the wasteland, and then after executing a magnificent right wheel, they rode back and halted in front of the two men.

"Hail, Chieftain Bayhas! Hail!" came the exultant cheers of the warriors.

Bayhas raised his hand high in the air as a blessing and farewell and then observed them as the men turned and galloped away.

"Bayhas, now what?"

"We ride to the city."

Lady Willow Rose
06-01-2006, 11:52 PM
Nessa watched the city of Umbar with a sense of unease. She'd barely slept the night before and her shoulders were tensing today. Her feet, as well, were itching like mad.

They wanted to be gone from this place.

"Are you all right, Nessa?" Elnar asked, seeing her tension.

"Hmm? Yes, I'm fine."

No, she couldn't fail her friends again. Nessa spurred her horse toward the city.

06-02-2006, 04:49 PM
Elnar did not know what was making Nessa tense. But she seemed to tense more and more the closer to Umbar they got. He rode close to Nessa and asked in a voice meant for her ears only, "Are you able to sense danger?"

Lady Willow Rose
06-02-2006, 04:54 PM
Nessa rolled her shoulders, trying to ease the tension. "My feet have never liked cities. Not enough room to roam about in."

"That is not all," he insisted.

"No," she admitted. "I have the worst feeling that we're walking into a trap."

06-02-2006, 05:13 PM
"Do you think your 'friends' have made it to the city before us?" Elnar didn't trust Bayhas as far as he could toss him without the aid of his power.

Lady Willow Rose
06-02-2006, 05:19 PM
"I'd be surprised if they hadn't followed us," she replied dryly. Nessa halted her horse and turned around in the saddle to see the rest of the group. "All right, everyone!" she said, voice booming. "I want five able-bodied men to come with me into the city. The rest of you stay here to guard the body. If you see those desert men again, draw weapons first and ask questions later."

Nessa clicked to her horse and trotted off into Umbar.

rohirrim TR
06-02-2006, 05:19 PM
"does our friend Bayhas have enough muscle to openly attack us? here in Umbar?" Curamir asked gravely.

Nessa fidgeted and looked rather uncomfortable.

"ah- Blast it all...On your guard men, but draw no blood if it can be helped, Atarion consider yourself warned aforehand to make no move before we do" Curamir said gruffly and slung his shield from his back and strapped it to his left arm, the rangers did likewise and Nessa looked even more uncomfortable and Elnar even more puzzled.

Lady Willow Rose
06-02-2006, 05:24 PM
Nessa dismounted and the moment her bare feet touched the dirt road, she bolted.

"Nessa!" Elnar shouted.

"Sorry!" she shouted back over her shoulder.

"Oh, that's bloody brilliant," Curamir snapped. "We can trust her, eh?" Elnar sighed.

"We can trust her, not her feet. But she'll be back." His face set stubbornly. "I know it."

06-02-2006, 06:18 PM
"If Bayhas does pull anything, I'll do what I have to do" Elnar said. Curamir said nothing to that, remembering what he had done during the sandstorm.

06-03-2006, 07:58 PM
The group of desert men halted their mount one league east of the City of the Corsairs. Bayhas' let his sorrel stallion have a loose rein. The animal reached his head down and cropped the stems of some tough grass.

"Fawzan, we will camp here for as long as it takes to conclude our business with these tarks. Take Arif and ride into the city. Try to achieve a private meeting with the leader of these foreigners. Invite them to our camp where we can talk."

"Bayhas, if nothing else, it will show the mettle of these men, whether they be cowards or brave men. When they ask why you want to talk to them, what shall I say?"

"Inform them that I will take them to their destination."

The men bade each other farewell and then Bayhas rode over and watched the setting up of his tent.

Lady Willow Rose
06-04-2006, 05:43 PM
"Stop it, stop it, stop it!" Nessa shrieked, earning some very confused glances from innocent civilians. Her feet took her literally and screeched to a halt. She waved her arms wildly to attain her balance. The people around her hurried away.

Nessa glared down at her feet. "You are trying my patience." Her toe curled up. "Don't play innocent with me!" she snapped. "You two know as well as I that Bayhas is going to 'help' the Gondorians find Cumaar's home tribe. You two also know that he's nothing but trouble." She looked back to where she'd run from. "I'm going to help them. With or without you."

rohirrim TR
06-05-2006, 05:56 PM
"Curamir, look left of that spice tent...our friend from the desert, and all his companions" said Hluor making a twisting gesture with his hand, a hand that suddenly held a sword that had not been there before.

"Wait friend, they bring a white flag, they will not attack us under a white flag with all these witnesses, not in a land so concsious about personal honor" Elnar put his hand on Hluor's shoulder and Curamir waved the sand man to approach.

Lady Willow Rose
06-05-2006, 06:13 PM
Nessa watched the approach of Bayhas and his men from her perch on a roof. No one noticed the woman balanced precariously on the edge of a building.

"All right, Bayhas," she murmured. "Let's see what you've got up your sleeve, shall we?"

06-05-2006, 07:14 PM
Dispite his words, Elnar was on edge. On the outside he was calm. He watched as the man approached. White flag or no, Elnar was on guard.

06-05-2006, 11:08 PM
Fawzan, a white flag in his hand, led the group into the city. Closely behind him rode Bayhas and Arif, the other ten men following them. Halting their mounts near a spice tree, Fawzan called, "Men of Gondor, we mean peace. Shall we parley out here in the hot sun or in the shade?"

"What an excellent place to be assassinated, right out in the open. Perhaps the Gondorians have men in the second floors of these buildings who have trained their arrows upon us. And what about Nessa?" Bayhas wondered, a slight feeling of fear running up his spine.

Lady Willow Rose
06-06-2006, 03:21 PM
Nessa's ears picked out the words they were saying as her eyes studied each detail.

"The shade seems a better place to discuss things, wouldn't you say?" Curamir said dryly. Elnar stood beside him, his back rigid. Nessa didn't take two minutes to realize he was nervous about this.

They had something in common, then.

06-09-2006, 01:29 PM
Elnar could feel eyes upon him. He resisted the urge to look over his shoulder. As the two groups of men, save the ones told to stay with the litter, moved into the shade, Elnar gave Atarion a warning look.
That young man will be the death of us all he thought.

rohirrim TR
06-09-2006, 05:36 PM
They sat down in a semi circle underneath the oasis, at least some of them did, Atarion and Hluor -who had not sheathed his sword- and several tough looking sand men chose to stand and glare at each other.

"Well Bayhas, I must compliment you on your courtesy, it is much more inviting than our last meeting I deem" said Curamir with an unsettling smile as he sat down and took a sip of water.

Bayhas grinned back at him, but his eyes resembled a desert rattler getting ready to strike.

Lady Willow Rose
06-09-2006, 08:50 PM
Nessa slipped down the side of the building and blended easily into the background. Only Elnar felt her approach. He smirked.

At least they had a surprise up their sleeves.

06-11-2006, 08:38 PM
His hand resting lightly on the hilt of his sword, Bayhas sat, almost slumped in the saddle, as he glanced out of the corner of his eye at Fawzan. When he spoke, he spoke loudly enough for all to hear.

"Men of Gondor," he drawled his words out pleasantly, "you are a most cautious group. My men and I have come with an offer of help and you behave as though we are brigands."

"Which we are," Bayhas laughed to himself.

"Such a cautious people! I come in peace but I wonder at your intents. Hear this though, men of Gondor, if you wish trouble, you must be the first to start it."

Lady Willow Rose
06-12-2006, 12:08 AM
Nessa snorted. Oh, of course her side would have to start it. It wasn't as if Bayhas wasn't skilled in the art of driving people up a wall.

She'd already picked out his slumped form among the horses. No doubt he would present himself as harmless.

Just like jumping off a cliff onto sharp rocks was harmless.

06-12-2006, 02:51 PM
Elnar frowned. He had heard Bayhas' words. Another advanege he had against the sand men.
Of course he thought after hearing the word of the man with the flag Make us seem like we are here for trouble. He wouldn't accept any form of "help" from this man. He kept his eyes on Bayhas.

rohirrim TR
06-12-2006, 05:04 PM
"Interesting" smiled Curamir mildly his eyes twinkling. "Very interesting indeed, well you have no fear of us attacking you not only do we come in peace in the first place, we are not fools, now can we speak plainly with each other?"
he asked his voice level.

"But of course, that is why I have called this meeting, Gondorian" Bayhas replied smoothly.

"Then why have you been trying to trick us into a battle, since the very moment we set foot in this land?, first the 'guide' who just so happens to lead us straight to you, then just so happens to return just in time to lead us into a city full of your warriors? do the 'honorable' men of the desert often resort to subterfuge and spies to accost honest travelers" Curamir voice grew hard and he spoke loud enough that casual passerbys grew curious and heard his whole tale.

Oddly enough Bayhas looked truly puzzled, and Elnar looked even more worried than he had before-if that was possible-.

06-12-2006, 05:38 PM
Elnar was surprised that Bayhas' face had a puzzled look. Of all times, why did Curamir chose to act like his uncle.
"Curamir" he said low enough for only the son of Faramir to hear."Uuma ma' ten' rashwe."

*Don't look for trouble

Lady Willow Rose
06-12-2006, 10:58 PM
Nessa's jaw dropped. They thought she was a traitor? They thought she was working for Bayhas?!

Her feet niggled at her, almost saying "I told you so!".

She threw all thoughts of assisting them to the wind. Nessa stalked out of her hiding place, marched up to Curamir and hit him hard. He rocked back and she had the satisfaction of knowing his eye would be a literal rainbow of colors for weeks to come. "You son of a diseased camel!" she shouted. "How dare you accuse me of working with that slimy goat herder? I cannot believe how terribly wrong I was about you. About the lot of you!" She glared at Elnar. "Especially about you."

Without another word, she turned on her heel and ran into the desert. But running for Nessa was like flying for a bird. She was gone before two instants passed.

06-13-2006, 01:30 PM
Elnar had jumped up the moment Nessa had stalked out and hit Curamir. He didn't know what that glare at him meant, but he was sure it wasn't good. She disappeared before he could say anything. He held a hand out to help Curamir up.
"Ta tuluva a' lle, as you can see" he said sharply.

*It will come to you

rohirrim TR
06-13-2006, 07:29 PM
"Indeed, actually friend if you recall trouble did come to us and now has happily left-with the last word of course-" Curamir replied with an odd look at the retreating cloud of dust nessa left in her wake.

"I reassured you of trust and what do you do, throw it in her face both our faces you-" Elnar retorted uncustomary anger crossing his face

"no no no, I said caution, 'wait and see' but twice in a row our 'friend' abandoned us and yet you still could not see the guile for the spell she put upon with her beutiful eyes" Curamir replied in irritation.

"Impossible just look at the sand man he had no idea she was anywhere near here" the elf countered.

"That only proves she was working on her own or with someone else,look at the facts Elnar, she played all of us, like a flute, the whole time, I am to blame, I am your captain I hold nothing against you and I'm sorry I did not see her treachery sooner" Curamir answered lowering his voice.

"whoa whoa whoa, we REALLY need to discuss this later" Hluor interjected motioning towards the VERY amused Bayhas who was leaning against a tree with a sardonic expression upon his clever face.

Lady Willow Rose
06-13-2006, 10:07 PM
Nessa stopped the moment the men were out of view, dropped down into the sand and wept. It hurt so much! They didn't trust her. No one ever trusted her.

She hoped Bayhas led them over a cliff!

No, over a cliff and into an ocean full of sharp rocks and man-eating sharks.

Nessa wiped her eyes. And to think that she'd begun to really like them. Especially Elnar. He has seemed so understanding. She closed her eyes.

"Sometimes, Nessa, you must overcome the sharpest pain to have the sharpest pleasure." She across the desert and remembered the woman she'd met near the now deserted Rivendell.

"I don't think I understand you, Lady Willow," she answered. Willow smiled gently.

"Your feet may seem a curse but one day, they will become your best friends. And remember to risk your heart at the first opportunity," she added.

"Isn't that dangerous?"

"All things are dangerous... when they concern the heart."

Nessa stood up and brushed the sand from her pants. Risk all to have all, she thought. Well, I won't leave the Gondorians to Bayhas's tender mercies.

Her feet protested. Nessa glared down at them and snapped, "You've caused enough trouble. Time to be the best friends Lady Willow spoke of, don't you think?" She closed her eyes and began to run. It would take only moments to reach the group again.

And how she would explain her return was all the more puzzling.

rohirrim TR
06-14-2006, 05:04 PM
"Indeed young tark, played you were and played well, who would know better of her charms than me after all?" Bayhas is enjoying this way too much Curamir thought to himself blasted goatherder get to the point.

Lady Willow Rose
06-15-2006, 06:54 PM
A clod of dirt hit the back of Bayhas's head. "Why don't you shut your trap?" Nessa snapped. Her feet braked to a halt in between the two groups, her red hair swirling around her like righteous fire. "After all, you're the one who pursued me. Or do you forget?"

"I did not think you would return," Elnar said quietly. Nessa didn't even meet his eyes.

"I still think you all are the scum of the earth but I also believe Bayhas is the fungus that feeds on the scum. I don't really want you all to be his next meal."

06-16-2006, 01:10 PM
Elnar nearly laughed at the surprised look on Bayhas' face. Nessa may hate them now, but she hated the sand man even more. He was tempted to cause a little mischief.
Stop that, you old fool he thought. Now is not the time to act like an untrained boy The temptation subsided and Elnar took to watching Bayhas.

rohirrim TR
06-16-2006, 05:11 PM
Curamir was definitely the most surprised, Bayhas a close second thought Hluor to himself humorously.

O god she's back Curamir thought yet oddly he was kind of relieved in a way he hated to see her leave without at least attempting to justify her actions.

"Well welcome back to our festivities my eavesdropper with the flaming hair" Curamir regained his composure very quickly and greeted Nessa with a amused smile that was probably genuine, which suprised Curamir as much as it did Nessa.

"Well you know Bayhas, since we have a guide and since I just knowthat a friend as honorable and helpful as yourself will of course overlook that slight misundersting over our un-impeachable guide, and grant us safe passage. So for that I must extend my gratitude in advance and bid you very good hunting" Curamir adressed Bayhas before he had time to formulate a plan.

"Now lets get out of here" he said quietly to Hluor and Elnar.

Lady Willow Rose
06-17-2006, 01:17 AM
"Very, very quickly," Nessa agreed. She began walking swiftly and the rest had no choice but to follow, more running than walking.

"It is good to have you back, Nessa," Elnar told her quietly.

"Then you must enjoy having traitors lead you through the desert," she snapped. Nessa increased her speed and Elnar fell back.

06-17-2006, 10:09 AM
Nessa's remark caught Elnar off guard.
Sweet Valar! he thought. She thinks I share Curamir's feelings!? Elnar shook his head.
I don't think you're a traitor he thought and realized too late he had sent the thought to Nessa. Elnar massaged the bridge of his nose. He needed to learn how to control that.

Lady Willow Rose
06-17-2006, 11:19 AM
Nessa halted abruptly. Her blue eyes narrowed at Elnar. Well, she whispered back, it seems we both have much to learn. She smiled at him gently and walked on, feeling much better.

rohirrim TR
06-17-2006, 12:29 PM
The tension grew as Hluor built a small fire. After dinner Curamir broke the uncomfortable silence "well I hate to bring this up but its going to happen sometime, so why don't you tell us the rest of the story? and then we can perhaps start over without any damaging misconceptions, hmm?".

"There is nothing to tell, you stupid gondorians simply jumped to conclusions" Nessas snapped.

"Oh I see well you seem to have forgotten our little adventures, so I'll describe them for you, our first meeting you decide to join us and lead us to our dead hero's tribe, instead we walk into an ambush that could have been disastrous had the sand storm not favored us. The next day you return on Bayhas's own horse with very few details upon how you accomplished it, and somehow we arrive in the middle of another ambush, and yet again you flee with no explanation, leaving us with very few conclusions my dear, either you are trying to kill us, or there is much that you are not telling us, possibly both".

Lady Willow Rose
06-17-2006, 01:11 PM
Nessa sighed. "One: I stole Bayhas's horse, so don't get any ideas. Two: I did not willingly abandon you. Three: I am not trying to kill you." Curamir sighed.

"Those are not really answers."

"They'll have to do," she replied coldly.

06-17-2006, 06:38 PM
"Bayhas, why do we trouble ourselves with these foolish Gondorians? Let them wander in the desert until another tribe destroys them! I have learned that a rich caravan will be leaving soon. We could fall upon the caravan quickly, take all their goods and be away, back to our own village!" Fawzan said irritably.

"Send a courier back to our men with the news of this caravan and with my order to strike it quickly as they can. We might as well make a profit out of this whole venture." Bayhas looked at the other man.

"That sounds much more sensible. Will you be leading the raid?"

"Not this time."

Fawzan got to his feet and looked at Bayhas in puzzlement.

"You are not going to lead? You always lead! Why not this time?"

"Because you and I and the rest of our men are going to be following the Gondorians, at a distance, of course."

"This is insanity! What are your motives? The woman?"

"Of course not. She is worth little, and she has the mouth of a viper."

"Then why?"

Bayhas shrugged. "She stole my horse."

Lady Willow Rose
06-17-2006, 09:03 PM
A gray stallion trotted up to the camp, nickered gently and laid down next to Nessa. She blinked.

"Well, I didn't realize you liked me that much." She fed him an apple.

06-18-2006, 06:01 PM
"If I remember correctly,Curamir" Elnar said softly as Nessa fed her horse an apple. "You were among the first to agree to her being our guide" Curamir gave him a hard look and sighed.
"Why do you insist she can be trusted, Elnar?" He watched Nessa stroke the horse's muzzle. He glanced at Curamir.
"You barely know me, yet you trust me. There is something about Nessa that says she can be trusted. As I've said before, we can trust her, just not her feet"

Lady Willow Rose
06-18-2006, 06:06 PM
Nessa smiled brilliantly. "That's the perfect way to put it," she agreed. "I have itchy feet, you see. I can't stay in one place too long or the itching gets to burning and I have to hot foot it on out of there."

"How did you come by such a trait?" Nessa's smile vanished.

"I inherited it."

06-18-2006, 06:24 PM
Elnar chuckled.
"I believe we all have an inherited trait that defines us and perhaps wish we could control" he darted a look at Curamir from the corner of his eye and smiled.

Lady Willow Rose
06-18-2006, 06:50 PM
Nessa smirked bitterly. "You are more than right, Elnar." She looked up into his eyes. "The lady you spoke of, the one who lost her memory, what was her name?"

"We called her Lady Willow," he answered. "Why?"

"I met her once. She was a very wise lady. And you were right, her eyes are still sad." Elnar gaped.

"You met her? But... when? How?"

"That's not important. What's important is that she told me to take risks and there's something I've been wanting to know for a while now." Nessa held Elnar's face between her hands and pressed her lips to his.

They both felt the spark. It felt right to be there, kissing each other. It was almost as if they were born merely to touch the other. Elnar moved to take her closer but Nessa pulled away. "I need to think about this," she whispered.

Without another word, she stood and walked away.

06-18-2006, 07:57 PM
Elnar stared after Nessa as she left. It had been over a hundred years since he felt they way he felt at that moment.
Fastinating Elnar thought.

Lady Willow Rose
06-18-2006, 08:14 PM
Nessa shook her head. What was she thinking? She was already in enough trouble with an ex-lover. The last thing on her mind should be picking up a new one.

Especially not Elnar. He was a very sweet man. She couldn't just leave him whenever she liked. She'd have to say goodbye when they ended.

And it would hurt.

Staying wasn't an option. No matter how much she loved a person, she could not stay in one place. It had been just the same with her mother.

There were some things Nessa was not willing to risk.

06-18-2006, 09:29 PM
"Fawzan, what news about the Gondorians did the scout bring?" Bayhas brought the wineskin to his lips as he relaxed his back against the date palm.

"Nothing, my lord. What possible news could there be about a group of fools who wandered the wastelands to bury a corpse? They make camp, they eat, they talk, they tend their animals. What more could they do?"

"You would be surprised, Fawzan. There is more to some of them than you could ever believe."

"What might that be, my lord?"

"Just hope you never see," Bayhas replied cryptically.

Disgusted, Fawzan spat on the ground. "There is a rich caravan leaving from the city, and you send others to take it. What is happening to you, Chieftain! Is it the woman?"

"No, it is not the woman."

"Then what is it?"

"Just say I am curious to learn about Gondorian customs." Bayhas smiled enigmatically.

rohirrim TR
06-19-2006, 06:15 PM
That as they made camp Curamir took first watch, when Nessa was asleep he awakened Atarion and Arhor "make a bird call if she awakes" he whispered to them; he then awoke Hluor and Elnar and they moved like shadows into the darkness.

"well what in the bloody hell, did you wake me up for? Hluor asked grumpily " I have nothing to do with triangles or itchy feet or horses - on second thought I wouldn't mind a horse but ahh- to hell with it, what do you want?"

Curamir and Elnar smiled.

"You have the most common sense of anyone in our group, and we need to decide our path" Curamir said quietly

"Whats to decide, Nessa's leading us" Elnar said.

"Ahh, yes, leading perhaps, but where? if we are to continue on with her as a guide she will need tell us everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, I have brought too many men along with me to careless with anything that could endanger our lives" Curamir answered levelly.

Hluor sighed "see why did you blasted wake me up? I know all that already".

"Hasn't her trust been proved enough-" Elnar began.

"Oh give it up, Elnar the fact that she claims to be in love with you means nothing, I'm sure Bayhas thought the same at one time, anyway I want to approach her about path, she's less likely to be disagreeable to you about the whole mess, but the problem is you don't seem to be able sense duplicity like I thought some elves could" Curamir interupted his predictable arguements.

"How dare you accuse me of being, sensless just because a woman you can't -" Elnar flashed with sudden anger befoe Hluor interupted both of them.

"Ahem, might I suggest a compromise, I'll pump her for information, Curamir can watch for duplicity, and Elnar can make love, it should work out all right, she hates Curamir, doesn't know I exist, and makes sheep eyes at Elnar; so it should all work out and I want to get some sleep" he said dryly and walked to the camp.

Curamir and Elnar watched him leave and started laughing.

06-19-2006, 08:33 PM
Bayhas lay sleepless on his blanket and gazed up at the twinkling stars in the heavens. All the camp were asleep, except for the three sentries who had been posted, and Bayhas, who could not find slumber. Occasionally one of the horses would paw and stamp or nicker or one of the men would snore robustly.

He remembered nights like this when Nessa and he... no, he would not allow himself to think about that! That was over and done with long ago, and the past should be a lesson to him. Still, he remembered the way she used to smile at him... and her laughter, which could sound like music. Then he thought about her temper and scowled. The woman was impossible to live with or deal with when she was angry or in a bad mood! And her feet - they were possessed with some fell spirit!

He had to stop thinking about her, but he kept seeing her face in front of him. Then he started remembering her kisses...

With a curse, he threw off his blanket, got to his feet, and went to saddle his horse. A ride in the night air would help him get her out of his mind.

Lady Willow Rose
06-19-2006, 09:09 PM
Nessa's eyes widened. She'd slipped off into the night some hours ago, leaving her blankets shaped and plumped in her form. No need to make Curamir think she was plotting their doom.

But then she'd overheard a most astounding conversation. "In love?" she whispered. "I am certainly not in love. I cannot afford the emotion." Nessa rubbed her eyes.

They wanted to know about their path. Well, she wasn't entirely certain about it. "The Abiza tribe," she grumbled. "It had to be that tribe." If running into Bayhas wasn't trouble enough, Nessa now had to lead a group of foreigners toward a tribe that had nearly cut off her head for daring to be more beautiful than the leader's daughter.

She looked up toward the stars and thought, surprisingly, of Bayhas. Their time together hadn't been all bad. She'd been rather fond of him, actually. But then her feet had got to itching and the only choice was to run.

Nessa stood up and ran toward Hluor. Her form was merely a blur of dust until she came to a halt in front of him. "I need to speak with you." No more hiding, no more secrets. For the most part.

rohirrim TR
06-20-2006, 11:14 PM
"Greetings, dashing one" Hluor said with a dry smile that he always seemed to wear.

Nessa didn't really know anything about him except that Curamir and Elnar both held him in rather high esteem.

"Good day" she replied.

"So where in the south-east are we going? approximately speaking, in a general way of course?" he asked casually, still wearing that smile.

"To your destination" she answered.

"Your vaguness, matches that of courtier, in a genocidal king's court" he replied amusedly.

"You know you're not very good and 'pumping' for information" she answered a little sharply.

"Ahh yes, you heard that rather private, conversation" he replied, not sounding surprised. "Odd really I thought that Elnar was being short until I noticed you, then his words made sense, diplomatic that one and Curamir was very reserved, he must have caught on eventually as well, Oh and by the way why? exactly? are you leading the Kungid rider to us? I saw him last night displaying ..carelessness in coming so close, if I do say so."

Nessa looked shocked "that was Curamir being 'reserved'?! then looked worried "what rider I didn't, believe me I'm not a traitor."

Hluor was silent for a moment, "you know I'm not sure you are, you're either a very good spy, or you have been lying to yourself for so long you're starting to believe you have no choice."


"your pitiable excuse about your feet controlling you, I knew a young man once who claimed the same thing, but it wasn't true it was simply that he refused to make his own decision so whenever it was time to make a choice, he ran."

"what happened?"

"Luckily he grew up, a little late to do much good for himself, but for his son, perhaps?". Hluor glanced back at Arhor and Atarion and walked back to the pond to fill his watersack.

Lady Willow Rose
06-20-2006, 11:52 PM
Nessa's blue eyes darkened. "You know nothing about me," she hissed. "You do not know what I've been put through! What my father suffered!" Her temper hightened and she shoved Hluor back a step. "My mother ran from home when I was five years old! Five! I barely recall her face. My father couldn't stand to look at me. He wouldn't speak to me. He knew one day my feet would begin to burn and that I'd leave him, too."

She turned away, tears freely falling. "And I did." Nessa walked away. It was her best thing, after all.

Everyone stared at her. Everyone had heard. Elnar looked at her with eyes full of pity. She shook her head. "Don't love me," she begged. "Please, don't love me. I'll only end up hurting you." Nessa whiped her tears away. "No matter how close I become to a person, no matter how dear they are to me, I will always leave."

She continued walking, guiding them in the direction of the Abiza tribe. Ancient words echoed in her mind. Ancient curses.

"This I swear to the brightest stars in the blackest sky. You will know no rest while you hold love for my son. Never will you be at peace. I sentence you to endless wandering until the day you breathe your last."

06-21-2006, 01:13 PM
For once Elnar knew not what to say. What could he say to her? If Nessa thought she would hurt him, what would she say if she knew about him? He would be the one that would end up hurting her. Just by telling her she would die of old age while he would still live until he was slain or finally decide to sail into the West.
He could say nothing to comfort her. Elnar couldn't even comfort himself. Or let anyone comfort him for that matter. It hurt thinking about the two people he had loved most that he had lost.

rohirrim TR
06-21-2006, 05:45 PM
Hluor caught up to her again, she was sort of surprised he wasn't breathing harder. Maybe these rangers are in better shape than I thought.

"My apologies, though if I had not come so near the mark, you would not have reacted so strongly" he greeted her shrewdly still smiling slightly, but his eyes were serious.

She didn't answer and thought about leaving him in the dust when he interuppted her thoughts.

"Don't run off all suddenly it will only make everything worse for all of us".

"What do you want?" she asked clearly agitated.

"Well this morning I just wanted to know where we are going, but now I think I'd like you to start growing up, if you don't mind my being honest and open with you" this time his eyes started to smile along with his face.

"Won't it be 'too late'?" she countered.

"for you? no, perhaps you can change your destiny, we all can you know, to borrow advice from a great warrior of the not so distant past; we must simply 'decide what to do, with the time that is given to us' " he answered her and then dropped back to his normal rear guard position.

Lady Willow Rose
06-21-2006, 07:31 PM
She stared at Hluor with softer eyes. "I grew up a long time ago. Sooner than I should have." Nessa rolled her shoulders and sighed. "I am leading you to the Abiza tribe's holy shrine. All their dead, enemy and friend, are buried there. And with any luck we'll miss them entirely."

"Why avoid them?" he asked.

"Because they want me dead," she replied simply and continued to walk.

rohirrim TR
06-21-2006, 11:01 PM
"Well you do get around don't you? why you must have friends almost everywhere?" he said innocently.

Lady Willow Rose
06-21-2006, 11:36 PM
"Just luck, I guess," she answered sarcastically.

06-22-2006, 01:35 PM
Elnar suddenly felt eyes upon him. Looking around he noticed non of his companions were looking in his general direction. Scaning the surronding area, he saw nothing. That is, until he saw slight movement toward their left.
"Curamir, I think we have company" he said, jerking his head toward where he had seen the movement.

06-22-2006, 07:27 PM
Bayhas rode towards the Gondorians' camp. The night air had cleared his mind, but not his thoughts about Nessa. He dismounted just beyond the camp and held his hand over his horse's muzzle so the animal would not whinny to the Tarks' horses. He could sense that Nessa was close. At least she hadn't run again, but she would. She always did.

If he were a kinder man, he could almost feel sorry for the Gondorians. They would have to travel to the Gray Mountains southward of the City of the Corsairs if they wanted to find the Abiza tribe. Their word for "stranger" was the same as the word for "enemy," but that was the way it was in the dialects of most of the desert men.

"A fool's mission," he thought. "They will all be as dead as the corpse they bear if they go there. Should I tell them? No, they will not believe me anyway, and perhaps I want them to die."

One thing he did know - he didn't want Nessa to fall into their hands. No, no, he would follow them, at least for her sake.

Lady Willow Rose
06-22-2006, 07:40 PM
Nessa stayed very still. On one hand, a stranger was coming upon their group. On the other, she could see Bayhas just behind the horses.

Which would she choose to confront?

In the end, she walked softly toward the horses. "Bayhas," she whispered. "I know you're here. Show yourself."

06-23-2006, 01:26 PM
The stranger turned out to be a young woman not much younger then Cumaar. Elnar watched as she approached. She had dark hair cut to the shoulder. She had a sword strapped to her back, along with a quiver. There was something familar about her.
"Who are you that carry a corpse across the desert?" she asked. Curamir nodded to Elnar.
"We wish to bury a friend among his forefathers" Elnar motioned for the litter to be lowered. The woman causiously knelt by the litter as Elnar pulled the cover back to reveal Cumaar's face. She gasped.
"What...? Cumaar?" She stood. "I know him. So my cousin is dead, being born by Tarks?! What madness is this!?" To Elnar she looked as if she could chew through steel at that moment.

Lady Willow Rose
06-23-2006, 10:49 PM
Nessa looked over at the young woman leaning over Cumaar's body and sighed. She'd wanted to talk to Bayhas. But, in all honesty, they didn't have much to discuss. Did they?

"You can take your horse back," she told the silence. "My feet prefer to travel on their own."

Nessa walked towards the woman but when she finally saw her face, her feet froze. "Oh, no." Her luck was more than abominable. It was downright non-existent.

That was no average member of the Abiza tribe. That was the leader's daughter. The one Nessa had dared to be more beautiful than and had somehow warranted having her head removed for the offense.

The woman caught sight of Nessa and her face twisted up in fury.

That couldn't be good.

06-24-2006, 10:39 AM
The young woman glared at Nessa for the longest before speaking.
"Does she travel with you, Tark?" Elnar glanced at Nessa. He could see fear in the flame haired woman's eyes.
"She does. She is our guide." The woman knelt back down by Cumaar and placed a hand on his cheek. "Because you travel with my cousin, woman, is the only reason I will spare your life,' She rose again. "My name is 'Abel. Cumaar was the son of my father's brother."

rohirrim TR
06-24-2006, 11:29 AM
" Then well met, for it seems our quest is coming to its end, we have brought this warrior back to you, with much honor, for the deeds that he accomplished in the north will be sung by many fires for years to come" Curamir answered nobly.

"Tell me more" Abel replied.

Curamir and Elnar told her the entire tale and for a while they were all silent.

Lady Willow Rose
06-24-2006, 01:53 PM
Nessa looked over at Elnar, slightly puzzled. Something was missing from his story. Any mention of the battle between this dreaded Alatariel and Lady Willow seemed to make him uncomfortable.

Ah, well, everyone was entitled to their secrets.

"Abel," she said gently, "Do you suppose we could manage to be friends? For the sake of convenience?"

06-24-2006, 05:16 PM
Nessa was approaching him. Now was the time for him to speak, but he felt his throat tightening and not a sound came out. He looked beyond her to a figure who was nearing, and his face became livid.

"Her," he thought. "I should have expected that!"

He found his voice again and called softly to Nessa.

"The horse is yours, Nessa. Keep him, sell him, turn him loose. It matters not. I have had many more, but he is yours."

Now the Gondorians' mission must nearly be over, and they would at last leave. Nessa would probably go with them. It was obvious she no longer cared for him. He might as well mount his horse and ride back to his own tribe. "No," he thought, "I will stay, and see Cumaar at last in the ground, and then curse his grave so that he would never find peace."

Lady Willow Rose
06-24-2006, 05:21 PM
Nessa saw the denial on 'Abal's face and simply walked away before she could have the offer thrown in her face. Bayhas's words reached her ears.

Something softened in the general area of her heart.

"Ah, Bayhas..." she murmured. "If I had been free, I probably would have loved you." With that, she walked away into the desert.

They no longer had need of her.

rohirrim TR
06-26-2006, 06:20 PM
"I will lead you to the Chieftain, in the morning, but it may not be as simple as you would wish" Abal finally said.

"I see, are there any custom we need to know about, you know the kind that -if offended- cause fatalities?" Curamir replied.

Oh thats all we need, thought Hluor.

06-26-2006, 07:42 PM
Bayhas' eyes followed Nessa as she walked away into the desert. He thought about their old animosities, their arguments, how she always ran away - still there had once been something deep between them. Though it was dead, perhaps a little spark remained. Bayhas remounted his horse, eased the beast into a walk and set off following her at a leisurely pace. Putting his fingers to his mouth, he signaled to his men with a whistle, and when he had their attention, he gave them the command to follow him but far to the rear.

One never could be certain what might happen in the desert. Although Nessa could take care of herself, maybe she would like a little company. After all, they were in the territory of the Abiza tribe.

Lady Willow Rose
06-26-2006, 07:50 PM
Nessa was too lost in thought to notice that she had company, no matter how far back. Memories stirred in her heart, in her eyes.

She could remember her mother's face just before she ran... Pained, desperate, broken...

All the things Nessa had felt within herself. "Oh, mother," she whispered. "Who knew that loving father would cause the suffering of two women? Who knew two hearts would break?" Nessa shook her head.

Sometimes she wished she had never existed. That her mother and father had never met.

Then her grandmother would not have cursed them all.

06-26-2006, 08:12 PM
"Aside from that woman, you have no fear" 'Abel said. "Father searched for Cumaar for sometime after his parents' death. Father and I are the only family he has left"
"That sounds familiar," Elnar muttered. 'Abel turned to him. There was something about the man's eyes. She decided to drop what she was going to say.
"Which of you is the leader of the group?" she said instead.

rohirrim TR
06-28-2006, 05:04 PM
"I was appointed as Captain of this band" Curamir answered.

"I asked who was the 'leader" Abal replied, looking around at the rangers.

"I lead these men" Curamir answered coldly.

"I see" Abal had many questions in her eyes but for some reason she didn't ask them.

"You have nothing to fear as long as you are as perilous as the man you carry for the desert has no use for weaklings"

I don't like the sound of that, thought Hluor.

Lady Willow Rose
06-28-2006, 10:59 PM
Nessa halted for a moment and looked back. It felt wrong to leave them. So very, very wrong.

Something would happen to Elnar, perhaps. Or to Curamir.

And it would be her fault for not staying.

She bit her lip and thought.

06-29-2006, 01:38 PM
'Abel looked at Curamir coldly.
"Non survive the desert that are weak. You all survived the trek from Gondor to this point. So far you are strong" she smirked. "But will it last?"
Elnar gave her an equelly cold look that only a full elf could could match, but said nothing.

Lady Willow Rose
06-29-2006, 11:21 PM
Nessa's feet did not even itch when she walked back toward the Gondorians. Her plan was simple. She would look after them but not interract.

Nessa would protect them at all costs.

Why? Not even she was sure.

06-30-2006, 05:56 PM
'Abel watched the men. The one with the old eyes was looking at her coldly. She stepped back.

What is she up to Elnar wondered. He glanced past her.
"Sweet Valar!" he cried as dozens of men seemed to pop out of the sand. He had his sword out a fraction of a second before Curumir

Lady Willow Rose
07-01-2006, 12:58 AM
Nessa's breath caught in her throat when she saw the Gondorians surrounded by desert people. Her hands closed over the long knives she keps strapped to her thighs. She crouched down and waited.

07-01-2006, 01:24 PM
Elnar looked around. 'Abel was gone.
"She lured us into a trap!" Elnar said, his voice had a dangerous tone.
"I'm going to assume you mean 'Abel" He didn't know who said it.
"Elberith!" he cried as the sandmen attacked.

Lady Willow Rose
07-01-2006, 08:27 PM
Nessa drew her weapons and came at the desert men at a run. In other words, she appeared out of nowhere in a cloud of dust. She kicked, slashed and dodged. Her feet moved too fast for mortal eyes to see and even Elnar had trouble sorting out which foot went where.

The distraction nearly cost him his life when a tribesman swung a blade down toward his head. A long knife intercepted it, caught the hilt and disarmed the man. Nessa kicked high and her foot connected with his jaw. He fell harmlessly to the ground.

"Keep a sharper eye," she said quickly to Elnar before continuing onward.

07-01-2006, 09:18 PM
"Advice taken" he said as he blocked a blow from another sand man. Another left a gash on his left arm, who in return was knocked senseless by the half-elf. Thoughts drifted as Elnar fought. Renvan. He knocked another to the ground. Dying in his arms. He tried not to think of the past It would do no good here.

'Abel watched the fight from a safe distance. The Tarks were skilled. She watched the man who claimed to lead them and the man with the old eyes. Both had great skill.
Those two are not weak she concluded. The fighting continued.

Lady Willow Rose
07-01-2006, 10:39 PM
Nessa ducked down and thought. There were too many tribesmen. She looked about and caught sight of 'Abel a good ways away. Nessa smirked cruelly.

It took five seconds for her feet to carry her to 'Abel. She held her knife against the tribewoman's neck and hissed, "Call them off."

07-02-2006, 09:35 PM
'Abel smirked.
"I'll call them off when I feel the Tarks are strong enough for the desert" The knife pressed closer to her neck. "Why do you care that the men don't kill them"

The old wound on the left side of Elnar's chest throbbed, as it always did in a fight for the past thirty years. He caught sight of Nessa. It was really a blur, but the next moment she was next to 'Abel.
What does she think she's doing?

Lady Willow Rose
07-02-2006, 10:01 PM
"I care because they have been trudging through the desert hopelessly trying to bury their comrade. Your cousin!" Nessa hissed. "If you do not call off the men I will slit your throat and lose very little sleep over the matter."

07-03-2006, 07:08 AM

07-03-2006, 05:31 PM
"You slit my throat, and the men will not be called off," She smiled. "I see you care for these men." With a forefinger and thumb, she took the blade of Nessa's knife and moved it away from her throat. 'Abel gave a shrill whistle and the men moved back, leaving the Ranger's standing back to back.

Lady Willow Rose
07-03-2006, 05:40 PM
Nessa carefully eased down. "They are strong. Let them be now. Take your cousin and bury him."

'Abel elbowed the woman in the gut, twisted her hand until the knife hit the sand and finally drew her own dagger. She pressed the steel to Nessa's throat.

"I have wanted to do this a long time," she hissed.

07-05-2006, 01:06 PM
A hand grabbed 'Abel's wrist.
"This is not how I expected Cumaar's cousin to act" She turned and saw it was one of the Rangers.
"I did not expect you to be so quick," The Tark smiled.
"You don't reach my age being slow" 'Abel tried to wiggle her arm out of his grip. His grip was like gentel steel. She looked in his eyes and saw it was the Ranger with the older eyes. She glared at him.

Lady Willow Rose
07-05-2006, 08:32 PM
Nessa smiled gratefully up at Elnar before regaining her feet. "I see you've been taking my advice."

"Have I?"

"Yes. You kept a sharp eye out for trouble." She winked at him.

07-06-2006, 01:07 PM
"I guess somebody has to" Elnar said with a smile before turning back to 'Abel.
"Now what we all want to know is way did you attack us?" 'Abel jerked her wrist again.
"I was testing you to see how strong you Tarks really are. It seems you are stronger than I thought"
"You were testing us to see if we were worthy to be your cousin's escort" 'Abel's eyes widened.
"No.. I.."
"Elnar!" Curamir called. "We need you down here" Elnar nodded to Nessa to join the others before letting go of 'Abel's wrist. The sandwoman rubbed it while glaring at his back.
"Do you think its smart to turn you back to her?" Nessa wispered.
"We'll see"

Lady Willow Rose
07-06-2006, 07:27 PM
"We certainly shall," Nessa muttered, keeping her feet on high alert. "Elnar..." she began but stopped when she noticed something. "Elnar, you're wounded!"

07-07-2006, 02:33 PM
Elnar glanced down at his arm, the sleeve of his tunic from bicep to elbow was covered in blood.
"I'll see to it when I've seen to the wounded. Its not too deep" Curamir tried to hide a smile as Elnar crouched down next to a wounded Ranger. He could imagine the look Nessa was giving him.

Lady Willow Rose
07-08-2006, 05:18 PM
Nessa was still glaring at Elnar after two hours. She'd watched the blood drip down his arm while he went about and tended the other wounded.

"Bleeding fool," she muttered harshly, then chuckled. "Literally."

07-10-2006, 04:38 PM
Elnar bent down to the last of the wounded. Placing his hand on the man's wound, he felt his gift flow into the man. After healing him, Elnar wearyly sat down and noticed Nessa glaring at him. Which explained why there had been no comments from her. He took the bracer from his forearm and ripped open his sleeve. He winced as he cleaned the wound. Nessa put a hand on his.
"You are some kind of hardheaded aren't you?" Curamir chuckled.
"You're just now noticing that" the look Elnar gave him wiped the smile from his face. "I'll go check on the wounded"

rohirrim TR
07-12-2006, 06:59 PM
"well? whats our next move" Hluor asked as he finished cleaning off his sword and sheathed it.

"well since it is the time for speech, I have an apology to make" began Curamir.

"you need not speak of it Gondorian, whats past is past" Nessa interrupted.

"ahh-yes perhaps that is best considering how rough today turned, but I must thank you, your distraction was most welcome" Curamir replied thoughtfully as he thoght over the days events.

" I said don't speak of it" she answered a little sharply and then softening her voice, "someone once said, someday I would have to take a stand and fight, perhaps today has proven him right."

Lady Willow Rose
07-12-2006, 10:03 PM
"Though it wouldn't be the first time I've had to threaten 'Abel with death," Nessa muttered softly. Curamir sighed.

"Do you ever intend to explain that little connection to us?"

"It's nothing glamorous. Her tribe was upset because they thought I was more beautiful than she. They decided to cut off my head. I, naturally, resisted this idea." Nessa shrugged. "I held a knife to 'Abel's throat and they decided to see things my way. End of story."

"With you, Nessa, there is always something more to the story," Hluor commented. She smiled.

"Thank you for noticing."

07-13-2006, 01:02 PM
Elnar chuckled.
"I never know what surprise you'll come up with next" he said.

'Abel could not believe what she had seen during the past two hours. There was something more than old eyes about this Elnar. What it was she could not put her finger on. But she had watched him move from wounded to wounded and heal them; not only Tarks but her men as well. 'abel would be wary of Elnar for a while until she knew his weaknesses.

rohirrim TR
07-13-2006, 05:57 PM
Hluor awoke from habit, knowing it was his turn to stand watch, glancing at the stars he was surprised to see that it was hours later than it should have been.

"Atarion, why did you not wake me?" he whispered sitting down next to the young man.

"Sleep would not have come to me, so I watched the night pass" he answered, quietly his young and joyful face did not have its usual boyishness.

"you'll regret it in a few hours, but whats done is done" they sat silent for a while.

"you know I never killed a man before, i've killed deer, and bear, and even some goblins who tried to raid a northern camp, but men versus men..." Atarions voice drifted off.

"yes, I felt that way too, when we Dunedain rode to Minas Tirith so long ago, the harad, and easterlings were there, and we all felt much grief in having to slay so many of our own race, brave they were also, I remember one group that would not surrender, they just kept charging and dying, until all that was left was a young Oliphaunt, that they had brought with them for good luck. We lost many men and slew the poor creature in anger. All reason dies when men begin killing each other" Hluor's voice also drifted off and they sat there until dawn began to break over the horizon.

Lady Willow Rose
07-13-2006, 10:27 PM
Nessa wandered along the outskirts of the camp, too restless to sleep. Her feet were itching. It was only a matter of time until the burn came. And then what?

"I'll leave," she whispered. "That's always what happens next."

"Always?" Elnar inquired softly from behind her. Nessa wasn't surprised. She merely turned around and met his world-weary eyes with her own.


07-14-2006, 01:20 PM
"Why should it be always, Nessa?" Elnar asked. "I do not believe you will always have itchy feet. It will stop and you will not know what to do when it does." He sighed feeling his age as he looked into the young woman's eyes.

Lady Willow Rose
07-14-2006, 04:34 PM
"No, I probably won't always have itchy feet." Nessa closed her eyes and a look of severe pain crossed her face. "One day they will lead me off into the ocean and not stop until I am drowned."

"Nessa -" Elnar began, thoroughly concerned.

"I found my mother that way. The Fates must have gotten a kick out of it. I hadn't seen her in over ten years. Then... On the beach, her hair splayed out about her, skin coated with salt. I saw her and I knew."

"Knew what?"

"My days will end in the same fashion. I feel it in my bones, in my blood." She chuckled harshly. "And especially in my feet."

07-15-2006, 10:31 AM
Elnar touched her shoulder.
"You know of pain and grief as well as I do, it seems." Nessa gave him a puzzled look. "All the family I have left is a sister. You have none. I know how it feels to have your mother leave you." His eyes never left her's. "There has to be a way to defy your Fate."

Lady Willow Rose
07-15-2006, 05:53 PM
Nessa covered his hand and struggled to find words. "There... might be. I don't really know. My grandmother is probably long dead. Still, she may have been kind enough to leave a loophole in the curse for me. Though I doubt it." She smiled bitterly. "My grandmother was not the kindest of women."

07-16-2006, 09:33 PM
Elnar raised a brow.
"A loophole? Then there may be some hope." He placed his free hand over Nessa's. "My people tend to hold on to hope even when there seems to be none. Tell me, Nessa, about this curse and why your grandmother placed it upon you and your mother"

Lady Willow Rose
07-16-2006, 10:01 PM
"My grandmother's name was Nápoldë. She was a sorceress of considerable power. My father was her only son and she loved him above everything in this world. But the love she had for him was twisted."

"How so?" Elnar asked.

"She wanted to keep him to herself. Grandmother kept him away from other people and made certain that he would only ever love her." Nessa smiled. "He was lucky, in some people's opinion, that my mother was the adventurous sort. She was wandering about the woods when he met her. Love at first sight."

"Nápoldë could not have been pleased."

"No, she was not. When my father ran away to marry my mother, she cursed them. This I swear to the brightest stars in the blackest sky. You will know no rest while you hold love for my son. Never will you be at peace. I sentence you to endless wandering until the day you breathe your last. My mother left me at a very early age, no longer able to stay. And as I grew, I also came to know just how awful it was no remain at home. My feet were practically on fire."

She curled her toes and continued, "I left when I could no longer stand it."

"I do not understand how you came to be cursed when it was your mother that the spell was cast for."

"I inherited it. Grandmother wanted to make sure that every generation of that union suffered."

"And the possible loophole?" Nessa groaned.

"I don't know! What do you think could be done?"

07-17-2006, 05:12 PM
Elnar bit his lip in thought.
"I don't know if It'll work,but there is one thing I could try."
"You said your Grandmother was a sorceress of considerable power. Perhaps elven magic can reverse it?"
"Well you let me know when you find an elf in Harad"
"I will have to do"

Lady Willow Rose
07-18-2006, 12:43 PM
Nessa blinked and stared into his eyes intently. They were silent for several moments before her face broke into a smile. "I knew there was something about you that wasn't normal." She hugged him. "Looks like I'm not the only one with an interesting story to tell."

07-19-2006, 10:30 AM
"I've been told my eyes give me away," Elnar said with a smile. "My mother was an Elf. My father was a Dunedain. Father was killed in an orc ambush, Mother sailed to the Undying Lands the next year. That left my sister, Acalewia, in charge of us, she being the oldest"


"I'm the youngest of four. My brothers were killed trying to avenge Father. Over the next thousand or so years, Acalewia and I trained in different skills; she learned every method of fighting know to man and elf while I trained with Elrond in healing along with the Dunedain way of fighting. Fast forward to the War of the Ring. Dunedain were summoned to Rohan, but only 30 were able to be gathered in haste. I was one of them. My son rode with Acalewia while I rode with Aragorn through the Paths of the Dead. I will never forget that as long as I live" Elnar closed his eyes. "Renvan died at the Black Gates. I wasn't able to reach him in time to heal him. He died in my arms" he opened his eyes and looked into Nessa's. "We now have no secerts between us it seems"

Lady Willow Rose
07-19-2006, 08:22 PM
Nessa swallowed hard. "So it seems." She looked up into Elnar's eyes. "What do you feel for me, Elnar?"

07-20-2006, 12:56 PM
"The one feeling you don't want me to feel for you, love" he said. "I've trusted you from the moment we met. I began to love you soon after"

Lady Willow Rose
07-20-2006, 07:06 PM
Nessa closed her eyes. "I don't want to hurt you," she murmured. "I have always hurt the men who loved me. But you're different. I love you too much to part from you."

07-21-2006, 10:21 AM
"I love you enough to risk everything to free you from this curse" Elnar wispered and cupped her face in his hands. "You just give me the word and I'll try." Elnar knew he would be risking everything if he tried to break the curse of a twisted mother, or in Nessa's case, grandmother.

Lady Willow Rose
07-21-2006, 05:45 PM
Nessa's eyes sparkled with tears. "Do you think we have a chance of breaking it? A real one?"

07-22-2006, 10:11 AM
"It's worth the try" Elnar said. "I can't promise it will work, though." Hope shone in Nessa's eyes through the tears.

Lady Willow Rose
07-22-2006, 11:17 AM
"Elnar," she said softly. "I'm going to do my best, in the mean time, to ignore my feet. But I should warn you that once they start burning I really have no control." He stroked her cheek with his hand.

"I have faith in you."

"Then have faith that when the burning starts, I'm going to cling onto anything I can. If I stay off my feet they can't run off somewhere." Nessa smiled. "Agreed?"

07-23-2006, 07:09 PM
"Agreed" Elnar said. "When you are ready for me to use my magic, I'll be ready"
My faith is rooted deep that you will be able to ignore the burning He thought to her, smiling.

rohirrim TR
07-24-2006, 05:58 PM
"Riders coming" Atarion called nocking an arrow.

"Hold your fire" Curamir shouted, as he drew his sword and awaited their visitors.

A noble but cruel looking man approached them with twenty riders at his back, many of them reminded Curamir and Elnar of Cumaar himself, the same cold gray eyes and the same weapons.

He called out to them in a proud tone "greetings tark warriors, perilous and brave you have proven yourselves, worthier of honor than the man you risk your life to bury, but since you have made it this far, you have at least earned a feast in your honor"

Curamir just stared at him as the others awaited his reply.

"I am Chief of the Kungid" the leader went on "because of your bravery I have spared you"

"Thank you" answered Curamir "But pray tell me where to find Cumaar's family that we might surrender his body to them?"

"you don't get it do you?" he laughed harshly "he has no family his father was killed and his mother left him in the desert and ran off, we raised him and he tried to overthrow the previous Chief and we ran him out, no one wants him, but perhaps his cousin will want to cremate him" he laughed again and then rode back to his village leaving a young man to guide the Gondorians there.

07-24-2006, 06:29 PM
Elnar shook his head.
"Why do I not believe that?" he said in Elvish. "I smell a rat"

'Abel watched as the riders approched the Tarks. She listened to the chief's speech and shook with anger at the things he said of Cumaar. How dare he accuse Cumaar of such things! Cremate, indeed! She would cremate him when she got her hands on him, dishonoring her cousin in that manner.

rohirrim TR
07-25-2006, 10:49 AM
Hluor noticed Abals anger as the chief rode away.

"well I don't suppose you could tell me your cousin's story do you? we told you ours".

"Cumaar's father was the rightful chief, when he died Alvarn challenged my cousin. It is the way of my people, that when the chief dies that a warrior may challenge the Chieftains son to ensure that he will be strong enough to lead..."

"and?" Hluor asked gently.

"Alvarn convinced many young men to join him, they were supposed to have fought alone, but Alvarn made sure it was twenty to one, no one dared stand up to him so he made himself chief and Cumaar dissapeared, I thought that he would return with warriors"

"well he did actually" Hluor said dryly.

"I did not think you would be carrying him"

a long silence seemed to follow them then Curamir's mind began turning as he thought back to all the politics he had learned when he was young.

"who would be chief, had Cumaar been chief and then died?" Curamir asked.

"my brother, but he was too young to challenge Alvarn at the time, and even now he is no older than him" Abal pointed to an Atarion who luckily hadn't heard her deprecating tone.

07-25-2006, 01:22 PM
"Can anyone challenge the chief?" 'Abel shook her head as she turned to Elnar.
"Only my brother can, being the nephew of the former chief." She frowned. "but he is hotheaded and does not have the strengh to best Alvarn if he decides to make it twenty to one again" Elnar smiled a knowing smile.
"Does he not?" Curumir gave him a hard look.

Lady Willow Rose
07-25-2006, 10:24 PM
Nessa stepped forward. "If I might offer my professional opinion...?"

'Abel glared at the red-haired woman. "No one asked for it." Nessa shrugged.

"Your funeral."

rohirrim TR
07-26-2006, 11:18 AM
"peace, let us go and meet your brother, then perhaps..we might be able to help" Curamir interupted Abal before she could finish her angry reply.

Lady Willow Rose
07-26-2006, 11:39 AM
Nessa flashed 'Abel a grin. "I'm sure your brother will be thrilled to see me again." Elnar's eyes narrowed.

"Am I about to meet another of your former lovers?"

'Abel glowered. "He would not lower himself in such a way." Nessa rolled her eyes.

"He would have if I'd been interested." She smiled at Elnar. "See, they weren't just ticked off that I was prettier than 'Abel. They were also insulted that I would refuse one of their men. Thus the 'off with her head' segment of my stay with them."

07-26-2006, 01:02 PM
Elnar had an amused look.
"This should be intresting" he said. 'Abel narrowed her eyes at him, then turned to Nessa.
"You're lucky you're with the Tarks and they are guests to our tribe. Otherwise..." she shrugged.

Lady Willow Rose
07-26-2006, 04:41 PM
"Otherwise I wouldn't be here," Nessa pointed out. "Either way, it would take more than an irritating tribeswoman to get the best of me."

rohirrim TR
08-03-2006, 09:30 PM
"Play nicely ladies" Curamir chuckled.

"Oh good one Curamir" Hluor said cynically "haven't you heard the expression 'alls fair in love and war'?"

"How appropriate Hluor, my compliments" Elnar Chuckled along with them, drawing rather unfriendly stares from both Nessa and Abal.

Lady Willow Rose
08-03-2006, 09:35 PM
"Men," Nessa grumbled. She poked Elnar hard in the ribs.

"Ow!" He rubbed the sore spot.

08-04-2006, 01:04 PM
"I take it that was because I was the closest" Elnar said. Nessa only smiled. The half elf rolled his eyes and turned to Curamir. "What do you suggest we do, Curamir? Go to a feast said to be in our honor, though I believe that is not why he left a guide"

Lady Willow Rose
08-16-2006, 06:59 PM
"We'd best go," Nessa advised. "It would not be wise to insult them by refusing to attend."

08-17-2006, 01:07 PM
'Abel glared at Nessa.
"As much as I hate to say it, but she's right. That's one good way to lose your head around here." she said drily. Elnar raised a brow.
"I didn't think I would live long enough to hear you say that." Nessa tried to hide a smile. 'Abel's glared turned to Elnar.
"Tarks" she muttered.

Lady Willow Rose
08-17-2006, 05:43 PM
Nessa rolled her eyes. "Sand licker," she muttered back.

10-15-2006, 07:47 PM
"Enough, you two" Elnar said. Curamir suddenly smiled.
"Since you have a way with the ladies, you can keep an eye on both of them" he said. Atarion snickered. Elnar's mouth opened, but before he could say anything Hluor spoke.
"The chief is waiting"