View Full Version : Under the White Hawk*Discussion*

03-18-2004, 11:24 PM
Hello! This is the discussion thread for Under the White Hawk. The rpg is based on the island of Dai Sheri. there are 4 races of humankind here, and I will post them here. Only 1 person per race for now. After all races taken up, 2 more people can join. So claim your charactar before its too late! The first race is,

Aiekanad (EYE-kahn-ahd) reside in the Virkahnel Desert

basic appearance:
the color of any available die that fits personal preferences… and houses. Usual light eyes, mostly blue and gray. Occasional brown is always a light honey/caramel color, and very rare. Multi-colored body paints line nearly ever part of their exposed skin.
Men- Wear loose-legged pants of a common dull brown to prevent overheating. Accompanied by the occasional vest.
Women- (Dressed much like today’s Arabian belly-dancer thingies) Wear sleeveless tops that expose midriff, though some have sheer sleeves. Wear loose-legged pants much like the men, though all articles of clothing have tassels on the hems or ends of the sleeves.
Men and women usually wear simple colors for day to day routines, but during bonfire nights and specific ceremonies the colors vary as much as the hair tones do.

respect war and fighting deeply; kill if there is a good reason (occasional hired assassin, though the profession is frowned upon in their society)

Very graceful and balanced; can easily perform complicated maneuvers and maintain balance with ease.

favored/common weaponry:
Usually small, handheld weapons that allow for quick movements; nothing as bulky as a sword or axe. Occasionally use wrist blades for stealth, or in the case of well-trained fighters (rare) they’re given a set of small scythe like blades, etched with runes of their house and other things that mean something only to the user.

A people of few words, usually use hand signals to communicate. Stealthy and skilled with any weapon. Sometimes morbid in the fact that they honor death and life equally. Level headed in battle but easily angered. Very diligent and stubborn, though eager to help those that need it.

03-18-2004, 11:26 PM
The next race is

Ciraelyn (keer-AY-lehn) reside in the Yetathorn Mountains
Basic Appearance
The Ciraelyn have a high and noble air to them. They have brown hair and eyes, that are deep and knowing. They have fair complxtion, and are very regal.
They will fight for home and country. They honor their families and kindgom. They will fight to the death, and can be stubborn. They hold their leaders high, and all remain loyal to their country and families.
The Ciraelyn live in tall stone built cities forged into the mountainside. They are calm and collected, but as stubborn as the stone they live in. They are often well educated. They have two leaders of their country, male and female, like king and queen, who ride to battle and rule the mountain people with pride. They are well literate and often are known to write beautiful poetry and stories.
They often use swords that are forged in the mountains and valuble. They are swift and good war people. The High King rides into battle bearing his banner, known worldwide, the White Hawk. It is said that any army united under the White Hawk will triumph

The Mountain people love their country, and some believe they can be conceitied, thinking themselves better than others. This is untrue. They are kind to other races, but hate those who remain unloyal to their country.

03-18-2004, 11:28 PM
and again...

Ki’taeghan (key-TAY-gahn), reside by or in the Kiederan(key-DARE-an) Sea.

Basic appearance:
most have black/brown hair and all have bright hair. Naturally dark skin though some are more tanned than others from the years spent on the sea. Most, if not all, bear a tattoo marking their "house" and name in symbols, and the higher ranking sailors have markings to show their status.
Men usually wear loose legged pants and rarely go around with a shirt, because of the heat from the sun and the major work there is to be done on the ships. Brightly colored sashes at the waist hold up their pants, and vary from metallic to rainbow
Women wear loose blouses of vibrant colors--like the men’s sashes/belts of metallic colors and intense rainbow hues--and loose breeches of black or white, depending on weather.
Men and Women alike have piercing, almost entirely on faces, and the women wear other jewelry--bracelets, necklaces, rings, anklets, etc--in the dozens.

Pro-war; willing to fight; pirate-ish w/ more morals and honor

Masters of the sea, and magnificent craftsmen, they’re able to build ships that weather torrential storms, and sail them. Major traders throughout the little planet-ish thingy

favored/common weaponry:
swords/daggers, cutlasses; anything with a sharp blade and traditional "piratey feel" about it.

A people of trickery and manipulation; they’ll say something a certain way and mean it as something else and still get what they were aiming for. Believe strongly in a code of honor and will follow it word by word to their death. Eager to fight if the chance arises.

03-18-2004, 11:29 PM
and lastly

Sankorya(sahn-core-EE-ah) reside in the Perona Forest
Basic appearance
slender and quickfooted. The Sankorya have a earthy complextion to their skin and wear earth toned clothes. Their hair is usually auburn and thick. They have deep brown/red eyes to match their hair. They are beautiful, but modest.
They do not often fight, and value their families highly. They hunt for food, but respect animals. They believe that everything moves like leaves in the wind, and every living being should be respected and thought of.
They are very trusting, and slow to anger. They never kill unless it is to save their own life. They are very skilled in climbing trees and tracking. They are quiet when need be and stealthy also. They can shoot a target from 100 paces off. They live in the trees and flets in the branches.
They use bows and arrows mostly. They can forge thier own weapons, which are always carved beautifully and made strong. They can make an arrow from a small branch. They rarely ever fight, and mostly just use thier bows for hunting.
They are very kind to others and welcome strangers into their homes. They often try to show ‘Lost’ people to their beliefs, but never condemn.

okay, choose your race, Akai has taken Ki'taegahn, and my charactar is Ciraelyn. Remeber, after all 4 places are taken, 2 more people can join, choosing whichever race

03-18-2004, 11:31 PM
ok, here is my charactar

name; Airayne Sedae (eye-RAIN, sed-AY)
gender; female
Age; 19
race; Ciraelyn
hair; light brown
eyes; dark brown
wears; light blue when not traveling. otherwise, long gray cloak
appearance; small build, but regal in face and stature
steed; Ahldeab(ahl-DAYB) graceful white mare and very swift. name means “Mountain Spirit”
Personality; calm, wise for her age, proud of her country, and brave when in battle
weapons; a sword blade, forged deep in the mountains. Never dull, always gleaming she weilds it like a true bladesman. “Cailen” (kai-LEN)
history; she lives in the capitol city. Ci’tinai. It is said that she has the High Blood of the Ci’tinai in her veins. Her parents are taylors in the city.

Akamai Deredal
03-18-2004, 11:32 PM
Ou ou! I call the first Ki'taegahn! *grins* Lucky I played a part in creating this thing. I get first dibs, lol. *posts her new charry* :D

Name- Jen’airah Kerjiine [Jen-AIR-a Cur-JEAN] Jen for short
Gender- Female
Age- 18
Race- Ki'taeghan
Hair- Deep auburn hair.
Eyes- Bright, dazzling gray eyes
Blouses vary from bright green to a calmer sea blue, and slacks are always black. Also wears a thick linked necklace and a wide silver bracelet.

Left ear is pierced the entire way around. Right ear has a total of five piercing, mostly in the cartilage. Right side of nose is pierced, along with her left eyebrow, twice. A thin chain is suspended from her nose piercing to the lobe piercing on her right ear. One massive tattoo runs from the left side of her neck, down around her back and right shoulder and all the way down her entire right arm, tapering off towards her middle finger; no specific design, mainly sharp angles and curves. Wiry and slender, and average height. Dark skin, riddled with scars, that sets off her eyes. Looks like a stereotypical pirate/hoodlum.

Stubborn and bull-headed. Strong willed and loyal. Very violent if temper is raised enough, though it’s been found as an incredibly hard thing to do. Usually level headed and very playful/tricky/ornery. Sometimes very uncomfortable when on the mainland for prolonged periods of time.

Beautifully fashioned sword, a blade of blue steel, with blood red vein designs running down it. A set of scythe like blades, given to her by the Aiekanad people during her time spent in their keep.

Has been on or around ships nearly her entire life. Only time she wasn’t, was when her ship was marooned on the coast on the east side of the island. Her and the crew were taken in by the Aiekanad people and taught to survive in harsh conditions, though few were trained to fight their way. They stayed there for the course of the two years it took to repair the massive damage done to the ship, and she’s been on the sea since, pirating and sailing.

03-18-2004, 11:34 PM
ok, last thing. This is the prophecy that was spoken after Daedarah'tar was inprisoned, but was fabled and lost, ok.

The Prophecy

With Fendara lost,
Sea, desert, forest, mountain,
All will come apart

Darkness spreads again
By hands once thought worthy,
Faded fear long past.

Under the banner
High King’s regal White Hawk,
The High Blood will rise

Rebound and hidden,
Life’s second guardian,
Is put away to rest

All races will join,
Together in battle,
With the White Hawk again.

and here is a map, study it well, lol, http://ludusequinus.com/images/albums/2231_4073.jpeg

If you have any questions, just pm me or akai, we will answer.

03-19-2004, 12:36 AM
I claim the Aiekanad

Name: Reia
Sex: F
Age: 17
Race: Aiekanad
Hair: long, and silver-blue-green in color
Eyes: golden honey eyes with blue around the pupils
Weaponry/ rank: master with the/ scythe blades
Clothing: Brown-tan bellydancer shirt[no sleeves] a pair of long light pants, and black soft leahter shoes
Body paint: Long streaks and intricate designs in various shades of blue
Apperaince: Relatively tall[6'0], graceful and stealthy
Steed: Rei [spirit]
Personality: Calm, yet seriously sarcastic at times. She is easily angered, and sometimes says things without thinking. dislikes to be the center of attention[usually] but she is extremely sneaky
History: She is a princess of the capital city Arkeinanied[arc-ien-an-ied]

03-19-2004, 12:59 AM
yeah! go leggy! now we need at least 1 more person. I think my friend is coming. This is gonna be great! I have never worked so hard at an rpg!

03-19-2004, 07:50 PM
Hey Pip, Mindeth you if I take the spot of Sankorya?

Name: Lé'Drin Di'Armid
Sex: Female
Race: Sankorya
Age: 16

Appearance: Tall, standing close to 5'11. Russet hair found, most often, in a braid that hangs nearly to a slender waist. A richly tanned complexion, nearly the colour of dark honey with a few unseemly freckles scattered over her nose and cheeks. Large, insightful eyes are a shade lighter than her hair, flecked with amber in the light.

Attire: Can usually be seen wearing a tunic-like outfit of dark green, slit up the sides to reveal an off-white under tunic. Leggings sporting a fawny brown set off with leather softshoes.

Personality: Born to a family of little to no ranking, she's grown up to be somewhat of a reckless, free-spirited young woman, to say the least. Rather than doing chores, she can often be found away in the forest hunting, or looking to the needs of some hurt animals, as she has some skill in healing. Climbing in the trees and having full-fledged sling-shot wars with neighbouring familys. She's known widely as a tomboy, and while with close friends and in groups she is loud-spoken and bold, without companions to touch elbows with and back her up, she is often soft-spoken, demure and something akin to shiy.

Wepons: With some skill with the sling shot, and even more at the bow and arrow, she has the ability to catch her own meal with a scant amount of trouble, yet she's hardly able to hold her own in a battle...but who knows?

03-19-2004, 08:06 PM
WHOOOHOOOO!!! go Darkeh! okay, everyone, this is one of my very good friends, Darky! I am sooo happy you joined up! go you! okay, so we've got 4 peoples, and only 2 more can join. but if no one else joins, thats okay. *giggles insanely* okay, that's all I must say. au weiderzehn(did I spell that right? Light, Pip if you plan on speaking german, spell it right)

edit; Darky friend, get on msn dear

03-20-2004, 12:36 AM
Originally posted by PippinTook
au weiderzehn(did I spell that right?

no, you didn't.. it's aufwiedersehn[weird, I know] Yayness, now down to busness...what's our plot?

03-20-2004, 01:07 PM
yes indeedy! Ok, the Fendara tree, which sustains life on the island is dying. That's not good. The only other Fendara tree is in Mount Daeternya, where the Dark Lord is imprisoned. So, we need to get that tree to Ci'tinai. Our charactars are *supposedly* descended from the leaders that won the last battle against Denarah'tar. So, somehow we all need to get to Ci'tinai, maybe through a dream of somesort. yeah. thats a simple plot outline for now. Any good ideas?

03-22-2004, 01:03 AM
That map was made in Photoshop...

03-22-2004, 11:10 PM
Sankorya, that's who I'm goning to be as one of the extra characters. I hope Darky doesnt mind but I figured we could be form different villages or something like that. anyway...

Name: Närtalya Vinguin (It's sounds like a french name,that's the best I can explain it.) Talya (tall-ya) for short

Sex: Female

Race: Sankorya

Apperance: Not tall but not short about 5'6''. Dark blonde hair that hangs to the middle of her back and is kept in a bun most of the time. Very tan and muscular. Not at all like a man though. Red eyes that seem as if they could glow in the dark, but they don't. Among her people her eyes are nota problem, but in the outside world they are not easily forgotten.

Clothes: Wears breeches(sp?) and boots and a regular shirt and is not much for the more feminie dress.

Abouts: In her village her parents are very important. She grew up a good little girl who learned to ride and shot an arrow very well. She is rather shy and isn't very outgoing, at first. Underneath there is someone just waiting to get and expereance the world. Thoguh she will never be as outgoing as some.

Weapons: A finely made bow given to her by her father. She is good for catching meals and when she is angery she will sit in the trees and pick enemies off this way, other wise she will not fight.

Horse: Loyal and loving she is a very big for a mare. Brèla (bra(likea donkey would bray)-la (like the word la)

Is that okay?

03-23-2004, 12:25 AM
Great Fim! I like your charactar! I will start a bit of a charactar formation, and we can get started soon, if you like!

03-23-2004, 06:16 PM
I guess I’ll be the last character then, if no one minds. My character is Aiekanad.

Name: Sakaiye (sa-KAI-ye)
Gender: Male
Eyes: a rare amber, lightly flecked with gold.
Hair: long, black, and tightly braided
Clothing: loose pants of a sandy color, with a leather vest. Gold paint swirls in intricate designs across his body.
Weapons: two black knives
Personality: quiet, like the majority of his race. Doesn’t give his trust or loyalty easily, but remains true once his loyalty is given.
Steed: Aralia, a dun color with a black mane, tail, and legs. (much like a Tarpan, if you know what I mean).

Is this good?

Akamai Deredal
03-23-2004, 06:59 PM
It will do wonderfully, Arcala. Welcome to the ranks. *grins* ^_^ So, it seems to me we have theverything in order... Mwahaha


Arcala [Sakaiye]
Legoles [Reia]


Fimbrethil [Närtalya]
Darky [Lé'Drin]


Akamai [Jen'airah]


Pippin [Airayne]

Oh deary me... Seems we only have one male. *ponders a bit before hollering over her shoulder* Pip! Could this be a problem?? <silence> Oh well, I don't think it will matter much. If it makes Arcala feel better, I can toss in a fellow testosterone-based creature lol. I'll talk to pip...

03-23-2004, 10:30 PM
I don't see where it would be a problem....we can tie him down and put lipgloss on him! YAY! *beats head against wall* I'll stop now.

03-24-2004, 01:27 AM
hrm, I don't think it'll be a problem. Go girl power! Okay, sorry, had to get that out. Welcome to our little circle Arcala. Don't believe we have met *douses Arcala with tea* I'm Pip. anywho, this will be great! Go us! We can start now! Lets get to it!

03-24-2004, 11:49 PM
Actually I don't think Sakaiye would appreciate that. :)

I don't think we've met either...mostly I've joined TLA and Darkest Nights. So nice to meet you all!

Akamai Deredal
03-26-2004, 10:32 AM
*smiles and waves at Arcala* Hehe, pleased to meet'cha. ^_^ Sorry about the talk of harrassing your character... we can't help it. Anyway... welcome to our little rpg. (Which, btw, is dying before it even had much of a chance to live.)

Where's everyone run off toooo? *sniffles and slinks away*

03-26-2004, 10:56 PM
I'm kinda lost by the posts...a little..I think I know what to post, just not why or whats going on. Pip, Akai I'll give you both tea and carrots if you tell me! Ofcourse not at the same time, it wouldn't taste right.

Gulio, Strength of Many
03-27-2004, 02:54 AM
Hmmm, I'm really confused, but I'll try anyway! :D I'll be a Ciraelyn, they're sorta like Dwarves. Well, okay, maybe not. This is what happens when you mix Dwarf and Elf!

Name: Cærdic
Race: Ciraelyn
Gender: Male
Age: It's not polite to ask!
Appearance: Chin-length mouse brown hair with grey streaks he won't admit to, and soft brown eyes. He wears clothes in different shades of green and brown, often with a deep green cloak with the emblem of his house: a stag.
Personality: Kind, but reserved. He'll do whatever he can to help, but don't expect to carry on much of a conversation with him.

Hey Pip, is it okay if Airyane and Cærdic are friends? He could be sort of like, her mentor. He could teach her sword fighting. How does that sound?

03-27-2004, 01:54 PM
When do our characters meet?

03-28-2004, 12:32 AM
Yeah! I agree with Fim. Pip, I'll bring you much chai if you tell me

03-28-2004, 01:30 AM
sure gulio! sorry about all the confusion, lol. We all need to be chased (preferably by a dream or something of the sort) to Ci'tinai, the mountain city. the "Eyes of the Dark Lord" the Tai'rithkahin (yeah, me and akai were feeling the long names, lol) are searching us all out, trying to stop us from getting together. But of course, somehow we have protection, and escape it all (isnt that how it always goes?) ah, yes. any other questions? remember, you can talk to me by pm if you have questions.

03-28-2004, 10:35 PM
I'm going to Edit my dream becauseI was talking to Akai and I realized it was very very wrong...so...read it.

Gulio, Strength of Many
03-30-2004, 09:24 PM
Long names are cool, even though I can't ever think of any. The only long name I've ever made up is Telepelenmire, which I shortened to Tel:) Right then, time to go teach!

03-30-2004, 10:49 PM
That was kind of random wasn't it Gulio? Pip, I would pm you...but I figured you'd have to tell everyone anyway, so, for the Forest people's protector (to lazy to look up their name right now) could it be the fox? If that's not okay I can reedit my post...but I figured that would be about as close as you would come to anyhting matching their personalties.

So how are we all going to meet? I know something was said about a city we meet in...but what drives us to go to that city? Especially my charater becasue she will be loath to leave. I figure maybe the "Eyes" could chase us there.

That reminds me. I was talking ot Akai yet again (I bet she already mentioned this to you though) and I noticed that all the "Eyes" we described had different descriptions. I thought (Mcbossy Pants that I am) perhaps there are as many "Eyes" as there are chosen, and the Dark Lord (what was his name?) sends the ones after us that he thinks could best (most effciently) kill us.

Just ideas floating around in my head. We by no means have to do these things...just suggestions. Please don't be angery! I probably should have pmed this to you Pip, but I'm on a rather tight schedule right now. So I have to end this insanely long post.

Gulio, Strength of Many
03-31-2004, 12:07 AM
Party at Cærdic's house! :D I'm sort of confused, am I one of the 'chosen ones'? Or is that just one or two people from each place?:confused:

03-31-2004, 10:41 PM
Actually, I think being "chosen" (ie. Desert's Chosen - Sakaiye and Reia) was just something that Legoles and I made up. :o But I think we should ask Pip and Akai anyway.

04-01-2004, 10:11 PM
That is ofcourse if they ever return!! *looks around* HELLO! HELLO!!! HELLO! Look! It even echos without you guys! I have carrots...

Gulio, Strength of Many
04-02-2004, 08:23 PM
HELLO FIM!!!!! I'm not Pip or Akai, but I would really like a carrot.......

I just got me JV B-ball sweatshirt today!! It's so loverly!!!! (And it's soft and fuzzy inside too!)

Well then, Desert's Chosen, that make things less confusing. At least for me. Cærdic doesn't really fit the 'Chosen One' stereotype. Of course, my mission in life is to get rid of stereotypes (Tel, for instance;)). Cærdi will host the 'chosen one' party, but won't be one. That sounds good. Would anyone like appetizers?;)

04-02-2004, 10:51 PM
I'm sorry Gulio! I didn't mean to ignore you! *gives you carrot* Has the carrot appeased the mighty Gulio? Coolness on the shirt. I got my track uniform...It screams look at my bobs, but I suppose it's ok. It's got this white strip on our breasts that says Chatham. I know you all just wanted to know that sooooooo much...but I had to rant to someone.

Get back here Pip! And Akai!

Akamai Deredal
04-03-2004, 10:28 PM
Sorry about the abscence everyone. I'll try to answer as many questions as possible, but I'm a bit frazzled right now. Waitin' for my mom to call me to see if I can stay with her a while and check up on my cousin, who's currently hospitalized. (My family's just falling apart...) Anywho, onto business. As for the whole "Chosen One" thing, I don't quite follow you all. Care to restate the original question? :D Oh wait, never mind. Actually, you can call it what you will, but all who are participating in this RP are "chosen." Our characters are all decendents of the High King; we have the Old Blood running in our veins. Hope that clears that up. Any more questions? Ask away!

Gulio, Strength of Many
04-04-2004, 02:12 AM
Thank you, Fim the Magnificient! *Munches carrot happily*

Bummer about your uniform, Fim. I was going to do track, well, actually a field event, but mom (woman of steel!) wanted me to do running too. I'm probably the slowest person on the face of the planet, so that sort of ended my track career. The only running I can do is if I have a point (aka running down the ball court for a layup, NOT running on a monotonous circula track!). But I really respect those who do track. GO FIM!!!!

04-04-2004, 04:44 PM
Well you could have tried distance..did you? Track is okay...I needed an afterschool activity and since I am deathly afraid of balls being hurled at my head I decided track was my best option. And since I like to be nit-picky, it's ovular. But who cares? I don't, it could be square and I would still run on it. Anywho your welcome for the carrot. You people have got to post more!!! I wait for you guys to post but it's really hard cause I already know what I want to do in my next post!!!!

04-04-2004, 05:26 PM
Carrots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyway I'm currently waiting...

Gulio, Strength of Many
04-04-2004, 05:43 PM
Long distance is evil. The name says it all.

I'm currently waiting for Pip to reply to my char, so no postange here.......

04-08-2004, 09:10 PM
GAH! Just posted...I was ina writing mood. Fun Fun! Pip is sick I think...and Akia's absence is explain able but if niether one of them show up soon I would post the I could and just edit later. That's just me though...

Gulio, Strength of Many
04-08-2004, 09:55 PM
Oh, poor Pip! And Akai. Like sucks, don't it? Grrrrrrr. Fine then, I'll post. But if I get in trouble, I'm holding YOU personally responsible, Fim! ;)

Akamai Deredal
04-09-2004, 02:45 PM
Sorry I've been gone for so long everyone. Quite... busy. Anyway, as you suspected, Pip was sick, better for a bout a day, and now has fallen ill again, though it is much worse this time. Anywho, just thought I'd let you know. Any questions? Toss 'em my way and I'll do my best to answer them. Until then, I'm off to post!

04-09-2004, 10:05 PM
That seemed fine Gulio although she may want yo uto edit to where you do know somthing more than what you at in your post. I don't mind being held responsible. No questions Akai, just glad your back...is Pip ok?

04-09-2004, 10:53 PM
Okie dokie, in my thread I had my "people's" language, all it really was was some of the elvish from the book Eragon. Pip and Akai will probably recognize most of it but here is what it all translates to: "Be healed family for my happiness. It is my fate to return never more. I invoke you unconquerable forest! Guard me and my memories." Ok and you ask well that's nice but what's it all mean? I'll tell you. My character wants her family to be alright since she had to leave like that, and she knows that it will be hard for them to accept what has happened and move on. Plus she doesn't if the "Shadow" went after them or not, and if it did she wanted them to be okay and live, so it kind of had a double meaning. In case you havn't noticed while my charater is brave she is really kinda depressing too. She keeps dropping little hints that she will die, perhaps she will? Who's to say really? I am and I say she won't. The unconquerable forest gaurd me thing. It's like thier god(or goddess) if you will. The god is really a perosn but he works through the forest, so instead of saying "God of the forest" or "one who protects the forest" it's "unconquerable forest". Talya wants to remember her happy home. The one where she didn't have any worries and nothing bad ever happened and s oshe asks her "god" to gaurd the memories so they aren't soiled by the bad ones.
Got any more qeustions just ask.
PS: If you read this post before you read my post in the acctual thread you will be confused!!! Just a warning.

Akamai Deredal
04-11-2004, 12:48 PM
Loved the post Fim, very lovely! ^_^ Just wanted to drop in and see if everything was going smoothly. Everything seems to be in order, so I'm off to my other errands today! *skedaddles off*


Happy Easter!!!

Just wanted to let you guys know that I love you bunches, and I hope you have a great Easter Sunday. Don't eat too much candy! :D

Love always,

04-11-2004, 03:12 PM
Yes, everything is hunky dorie here Akai! Now that I have pretended this post has soem importance I shall spam away!

HAPPY EASTER!!!!!!!!!!

Fun, fun! I got candy! And what do you want ot bet that family regrets that? They know I get almost ADD when I have to much sweet stuff. (I'm not ADD but...well...suger affects people differently it just happens to make me appear that way when I've lots of it.) Anyway, have fun hunting easter eggs or having a mass slaughtering of the cutest little creatures good ever made, the lamb, some people do that you know. It's wrong! Ok, I'm goning now BYE!!!!

EDIT: Co0me on guys! I'm already at the city! And I've had some major charater developments! Get to the city!!! How are we going to meet anyway? Just bump into people who'ev got interesting scars and question them? I geuss everyhitng isn't all hunky dorie Akai.

04-11-2004, 09:34 PM
*Hums Hallelugah chorus*<ruddy song's stuck in my dratted head!>
Yeah I'll ask Arcala more stuff

Gulio, Strength of Many
04-12-2004, 01:33 PM

Lot of sugar! Yum yum yum yum yum! :D My grandparents arrived on Saturday! Huzzah!

Okay, serious post time. I'm not exactly sure on what to do with Cærdic, probably becase I don't know what Pip and Akai have planned. Poor Pip! :(

04-12-2004, 08:56 PM
Arcala, perhaps he dreams of somthing that freaks him into staying in the city? An idea.

Oh, I remember Pip saying somthing about a dream chasing us to the city so I figure a dream takes us all to a tavern that I'm about to post about and we all meet there, I promise I won't go there till we're all in the city.