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09-26-2003, 09:19 PM
Fim looked around when she heard the approaching footsteps. Around the corner came what appeared to be an elf.

"Hello, are an elf? I am entwife but then I suppose that would be being hasty woudn't it?" Fim asked.

"I suppose it would. Yes I am an elf. My name is Legoles but you may call me Ivy." Ivy told Fim.

"Tell me why it is that so many of you walk in my forest now? Just the other day I saw three dwarves two hobbits and an elf. That's normally more than I see in a decade."

"My dear entwife you must be living under a rock. Surely you know of the evil that has been growing in the south?"

"I felt somthing change in the earth long ago but I didn't know what it was. Now that I do...you have more friends like your self yes?"

"Why yes I do."

"Bring all your friends and all your friends friends to this place in two days time then Ivy then we will talk about what to do about this new evil."

Akamai Deredal
09-28-2003, 11:42 AM
Akai shifted the pack on her shoulder as she stepped over the winding roots of the trees. The wind whispering through their leaves made her smile. Makes me wish I could hear them... To know what they were saying. A small laugh escaped her as she trudged along. Slowly the wispered became actual voices, unmistakable in their tones. Tilting her head to the side, Akai stopped. She did not want to intrude on their conversation, well, moreso she didn't want to be attacked. Glancing around, she sought to find another means of travel, even if it meant taking the long way 'round. "Oh dear... I'll get lost in here if I stray from my course..." Hoping the voices ahead belonged to civilized people, she continued one, listening to their tones again, but being increasingly careful to block out their words. It wasn't polite to eavesdrop.

Gulio, Strength of Many
09-28-2003, 01:28 PM
Gulio looked around, but couldn't see Ivy anywhere. Suddenly she saw her, speaking with what seemed to be a large tree. "Ivy, what is that?" She asked, cautiously approaching her friend.

Akamai Deredal
09-28-2003, 01:42 PM
Akai peered around the massive trunk of an old oak. Two elves stood speaking with what looked to be a... talking tree. She blinked and took a step back, her foot landing on an old brittle twig, its snap causin the elves' heads to turn. The tree seemed to turn with them, its creaking branches sounded as if it were merely swaying in the wind. Akai knew she had seen it turn though. Fool! Don't be daft! Trees don't turn... She paused for a moment. She'd heard something about the trees living from an old elven friend of hers. Where they spoke, rather than whispered to the wind. Akai ducked her head behind the trunk, though she knew they'd seen her. An ent then... Hm. Maybe.

09-30-2003, 07:02 AM
"Not dropping any eves are you? I don't like evesdroppers(sp?)." I said a little to loudly because it scared some birds away. "Are you a SPY?!"I thundered.

09-30-2003, 05:55 PM
"This is an Entwife, and that is I belive Akami. Don't be scared dear, I just know many things. Expecially since I met you on your 60th birthday." I turned to [is it Fim in this one?]"I don't really think that she's a spy."

09-30-2003, 09:21 PM
"Well if she against the evil then she is on our side. Come over I didn't mean to scare you. Now, Ivy you must go back and bring all your firends here so that we can talk about what to do."

09-30-2003, 09:25 PM
"Yes, I shall go and return to you in a few days." She ran off out of the circle of trees and went out into the distance.

Gulio, Strength of Many
09-30-2003, 09:59 PM
Gulio trailed after Ivy, wondering what had just happened, "Um, Ivy, what was the entwife-tree thingy talking about?"

Akamai Deredal
09-30-2003, 10:50 PM
Watching two of the figures leave, Akai stepped out into the open. "I didn't mean to interrupt anything..." She paused, and shook her head. "I was only walking, but I guess I offended someone... Oh, I don't know. Never mind, just ignore me, I'm rambling." She walked over to the ent and the remaining person with a small smile. "The name's Akai. Sorry if I bothered you."

10-01-2003, 12:12 AM
Ic: Out of the distance rose a great smoke, above the trees. The smell of burning wood reached the nostrils of those in the forest.
Birds winged swiftly from the spot, and animals fled in fear.
The great forest was burning.

Dreran the Green
10-01-2003, 05:15 PM
Drevra looked out her window in the top floor of the old tower and laughed, a cold, heartless laugh. She was miles upon miles away from the forest, but even now she could see it burning in her mind. With luck, that would be the last of the elves and ents that were discovering even now that there home was burning to the ground. Without luck, she would defeat those that dared oppose her anyway. Again she laughed, and gently touched her hand to the Silmarils that rested on her brow.

"Soon," she said to herself. "Soon they shall see the true power of the Silmarils"

10-01-2003, 06:08 PM
"Akai! Come quikly the forest is burning!" Fim scearmed above the din of the animals. A few hours later Fim set Akai down in an another forest far away from her old home. "I hope everyone got out alright. And I hope the others can find us...About what you said earlier you are not a burden why should we ignore you? But don't answer that yet. I fear that our freinds won't be able to find us here, you must go and met them and bring them here. But be careful the enemy must already have spies everywhere. Go now!" And with that Akai was gone to find the others. And Fim sat down to attend to the burns she had gotten in their narrow escape from the forest.

Gulio, Strength of Many
10-01-2003, 09:08 PM
Gulio paused, "Ivy, I smell smoke." She turned back tothe forest and to her horror she could see orange flames licking the tree-tops about two hundred feet from the edge of the wood.

10-03-2003, 10:31 PM
"My Lord. What is the next step of Your plans?" Morgon stood in the doorway to his Master's chamber. He looked as if he was a ghost, devoid of blood, heart, and soul. His silver and gold eyes gleamed in the half-light. He could smell pain and death and blood. The source was, most likely, the dungeons and the torture chambers. He called them his "pleasure rooms". "My Lord, if we are to move swiftly, it would be best if you would instruct me to see to the breeding of the Orcs, Wargs, and Trolls. Your Grand Army is only at, perhaps, three quarters of its full potential. We need more of the fell beasts. What say You, My Lord?" He took two steps more into the chamber, and waited for his Master's reply.

10-03-2003, 11:37 PM
Kalile climbed higher into the tree as it burned below her, leaping from a branch as the fire licked at her boot. Finally, she reached the top and could go no further. The top revealed her last hope was in vain; the trees nearby were also wreathed in flame. She couldn't hope to stop the fire either, for it was fed by some devilry stronger than her small magic.

A white shape like a stricken bird flew out of the tree, impossibly far and high, floating in terrible grace to kiss the sun before turning down and plummeting to the earth beyond the fire.

10-04-2003, 01:15 AM
Rosie-Posie stepped out of her hobbit-hole, which the mirkwood elves made made for her, into the sunlight. It was a beautiful day, but something wasn't right, something in the air. 'Must be Vara cooking again!' she thought to herself. Suddenly a rider burst through the trees...

Dreran the Green
10-04-2003, 11:40 AM
Drevra, dark cape billowing about her in the wind from the open window, turned to Morgon.

"Yes, Morgon. You are right. I think we have enough trolls, for the time being, but we must see to breeding more orcs, and wargs," She had always been partial to using the wolf-like creatures to fight, despite their weakness to fire.
"but it is not the army that troubles me now." again she looked out the window. "Destroying the forest did not go entirely to plan. Many of the ones that oppose me still live. Morgon, I know you are busy with the army, but I have never known you to pass up an opportunity to take some innocent people captive." She smiled wickedly. Her High Adviser had a very admirable taste for inflicting pain. "If I use my powers to send you to them, will you find our enemies? You could do with them what you pleased, as long as they did not stand in my way." Again she looked out the window, awaiting his answer.

10-06-2003, 06:31 PM
Morgon smiled. That smile had been the last thing many had seen. "As always, My Lord, I am ever at Your Command. I do, however, have use for more slaves. If it is Your Wish, then it is also mine."

10-06-2003, 11:12 PM
"Oh my god! RUN!!!!!!!!!"

10-06-2003, 11:31 PM
A riderless horse burst through the trees. Rosie-Posie leapt just out of the way. 'Thats odd.' she thought to herself. She decided to go and tell someone. She saddled her pony, Bara, and rode to the city.

Dreran the Green
10-07-2003, 08:11 PM
"Excellent. I will send you now Morgon, seek out those who would battle our forces"

Drevra lost herself in thought and willed Morgon to be gone. When she again opened her eyes the room was deserted. She laughed, knowing her advisor would finish these people off soon enough.

10-07-2003, 08:46 PM
Morgon appeared in a small glade, that, as yet, hadn't been touched by the fire. Morgon raised a hand, whispered a word of Power, and threw a blazing fireball into a large oak tree. The tree burst into flame spectacularly. Morgon smiled, knowing that, soon, this small area would be completely covered in fire and ash. At this thought, he again whispered a word of Power, and cast a Fire Protection Spell on himself. He strode off, looking for something alive. Quite soon, he heard something crying. He turned left sharply, and, seated on the ground at the base of a fire-blackened tree, was a Man and five children. All the children screamed when they saw him. The Man made as if to get up, and Morgon immediately sent him back to the dungeons. The two oldest children he sent back as well. The remaining three, he put under his power. He made them walk in front of him, thinking that, perhaps, some of the women would come running out of hiding to grab the young children. In this way, he captured four women and two men. After the last woman, he sent back the two youngest children. Then, he cast a Levitation Spell on the child, and levitated the small boy upwards. He then cast a FarSight Spell, so that he could see through the child's eyes. He could see nothing, no more people in hiding, just dead bodys, burnt and blackened. Morgon let the child down, and sent him back with the others. My Mistress, my work is finished. Unless you have any further work for me, would you please bring me back to Your Tower? The Men that I found may prove very useful. With a small whoosh, Morgon disappeared.

10-07-2003, 11:24 PM
Kalile crawled painfully from where she fell to the spot where the man had vanished. With her last remaining energy she marked the spot with just a hint of her magic so that she could find it later. After that, all the elf could do was crawl back into the undergrowth and pass out again.

10-08-2003, 12:17 AM
Rosie-Posie arrived at the gaurd door of the mirkwood city, the gaurd, Jasira, knew her well and allowed her to come in. "Jasira, did you see a horse come this way?" she ased her friend. "Yes, it was, Karin's horse, he dwells near fangorn and brings news of the forest to us. We don't know what happened to him." Jasira replied, seeming uncomfortable. "They are sending a search party in an hour." He said. "I want to go!" Rosie jumped up. "You?" Jasira said. "I have been looking for a bit of adventure!" She said. "Well, they are meeting at the gate in an hour!" Jasira said. "I'll be there!" said Rosie-Posie as she ran out the door and mounted her pony.

10-08-2003, 05:56 PM
Fim paced about in the forest, "Where is Akai? I sent her off more than a day ago and she has yet to return! Maybe I should call Karin. He lives near some of the ents...yes perhaps he could do something." Suddenly the forest was echoing with the cry of Entwife and a horse began to appear in the distance riding toward her.

"Yes? May I help you Fim?" Karin asked.

"You may, my companions are lost or I fear they may be dead. What news do bring now. And once you have given me that ride out and find my companions."

Dreran the Green
10-08-2003, 08:42 PM
"You have done exceedingly well." Drevra told Morgon, who was once again standing before her. He smiled wickedly, and she knew just by that that he had taken many people captive today.
"I wonder if I could accompany you to the dungeons and see your prisoners, when you choose to do so?" she asked him.

Gulio, Strength of Many
10-08-2003, 09:01 PM
Gulio raced after Ivy, both of them running from the flames that engulfed Fangorn. Such an old forest, all gone, Gulio thought fleetingly. Her mind abruptly turned back to the task at hand; running for her life.

10-09-2003, 12:12 AM
After a very short time Kalile woke again, brimming with power from some outside source. She felt fully healed and rested, but knew that this power was a loan only, and that she had to find out what to do about it. The reason for the loan was obvious; Fangorn was on fire. The elf fought the wild exhileration that threatened to overwhelm her thought, brought on by enough power to literally create a small world.
She summoned rain. There was a storm to the east that wasn't needed, and she simply sped it up and tried to keep the moisture in without messing with nature too much, and let it fall until it was spent.

Well, in case that fire was set to trap me or another wizard, they know there's one here now! was her last conscious thought except for a thank you to Fangorn before the power was utterly spent and she collapsed, in full view, into a sprawling heap.

10-09-2003, 12:30 AM
Rosie-Posie's pony, Bara, climbed to the top of the hill. What she saw brought pain to her heart. Fangorn was on fire, smoke poured into the sky, polluting every inch of air it touched. "Ai!" cried Jasira as he rode up behind her. "The forest!" he said, a tear rolling down his cheek. The small group rode towards the ruined fangorn.

10-09-2003, 11:51 PM
It's not flaming anymore.

10-10-2003, 12:06 AM
Slowly Legoles crawled towards the smoldering remanis of hte forest. Only very few acres were left untouched.<Where is the one that stopped this fire?> she thought. She walked through the small space that remained of the old forest, but she suddenly stumbled on something hard. <A girl? Is she the one?> Legoles picked her up off hte fround, and she ran through the forest to get back to the entwife.

10-10-2003, 12:16 AM
ooc: ok, edited it. now its just ruined, not flaming. :)

ic: they rode down into the forest, or lack there of. They rode for a while, seeing no living thing. Then they heard voices ahead. Rosie-Posie trotted into a part of the remaining forest only to find two girls. "Oi, there!" She said to the girl, the only one that seemed conscious.

10-10-2003, 06:36 PM
"Rosie? Still not a bit of hobbit sense, I see." She said smiling. Then on a harder note said," This girl stopped the flames, and needs immediate medical attention.

10-10-2003, 07:12 PM
"Without my lack of hobbit sense, i don't believe I would ever had found you!" Rosie said, then looking at the girl. "Bless her heart! We brought an extra horse, hoping to find you here. You can bear her to Mirkwood, were there any other survivors?" asked Rosie

10-10-2003, 07:55 PM
"I do not know... but bless your hobbit heart that you brought an extra horse." She clambered on and set hte girl in front of her. They rode of to Mirkwood.
*Later in Mirkwood*
"King Thranduril, your daughter is here and requests something."
"Send her in."
She burst in and explained what happened to the forest, and how it was stopped.
"Oh dear.... were you hurt?"
"No, but she was." she signaled for the others to come in and brought the girl to him.
"Send her to the medical wing. Immediately!"
<Whew! I'm releived.>

10-11-2003, 01:09 AM
Rosie-Posie tied Bara to a post and waited anxiously outside the medical wing. 'Oh, dear I hope she is alright!' she thought. She peeped her head throught the door, "Anything?" she asked. "No, and here will be no news if you continually poke your head through the door Mistress Hobbit!" Replied the elf inside. Rosie sat reluctantly on the floor, waiting for Legoles.

10-11-2003, 01:58 AM
Kalile awoke in the wing of a hospital; she knew by the smells, familiar to her because of the amount of time she spent in them on her journeys. Her eyes and face were bandaged, and the burns on her hands were wrapped in special gloves.
"Where is this?" she rasped just before the pain kicked in and she moaned slightly. Her throat was blistered too, for she had spoken words full of power far too strong for her.

10-11-2003, 02:16 AM
Rosie heard a murmur of excitment coming from inside the wing, she couldn't take it anymore! She opened the door and stepped inside. She went to the bed that the girl was laying in. "Oh, good! You are awake!" she said, happiness spread over her face. "You are in the medical ward of the city of Mirkwood. (is there a name for that city) My friend Legoles rescued you from the forest, which you saved, thank-you!" Rosie said. "Oh, now here i go forgetting my manners in all this excitment! I am Rosie-Posie Loamsdown of Deephallow in the shire, but I have been living here for a number of years."

10-11-2003, 03:35 PM
"Please tell me where is Akai? I sent her to look for my other companions." Fim asked Karin.

"I do beleive she was last seen in Fangorn or at least a girl was. At any rate, there is someone in Mirkwood who knows something of this fire, because she stopped it. I suggest you go there and I will ride out to find your other friends. Maybe Akai will be in Mirkwood, maybe she won't I caannot say for sure." With that Karin galloped off.

Later in Mirkwood:

"Listen do hear that?" Rosie shouted. "Off in the distance, it sounds like an Ent calling for someone."

"Yes I hear it. Perhaps we should welcome him or her when he or she gots her." Jasira suggested.

"Well at least I know one Ent made it out." Kalile said rather painfully.

10-12-2003, 01:08 AM
Kalile was still blinded by the bandages, but, after hearing of the Ents and being introduced to a hobbit, felt cheered.

"I'm Kalile," she rasped, wondering if her voice would ever return to normal,"and please, don't thank me. I was half dead from the smoke already; that's why my eyes are still wrapped. Thank Elbereth for giving me the power that I used."

10-12-2003, 05:59 PM
"I do hope you recover in due time, but I must ask what do you know about the fire? And has anyone arived looking for me?" Fim asked rather impatiently.

10-12-2003, 06:04 PM
"I know what the person behind it all looks like. I marked the spot that he left, but that would be overwhelmed in the amount of my magic that the forest is saturated with now. I don't know who has arrived, and I don't know who they would be looking for. I am sorry."

10-12-2003, 06:09 PM
"Hmmm, Hmmm. I see...in that case I shall have to kill you. Hahaha! Only joking! Sometimes Entwives have a sense of humor too!"

Akamai Deredal
10-12-2003, 06:40 PM
Akai glanced around, spotting tFim standing with another individual. "Fim! Fim, are you all right?" She asked, running towards her friend. Fim looked down at her and smiled.

"It's about time you came, Akai. I was worried sick. Where are the others?"

"I couldn't find anyone... I came here to see if anyone had heard of their whereabouts. I tried to find you and tell you, but everything's been so muddled lately that I have no idea what my name is half the time. And now with this fire..." Akai trailed off wearing a small frown as she looked at the person beside the Entwife. The woman ought to still be resting, judging by the quantity of bandages she wore. All the same, Akai felt the need to at least mention who she was. "Oh my... Not even introducing myself... I'm Akai, and you are...?"

10-12-2003, 06:46 PM
"Kalile," she whispered, longing to be able to see again.
At least I'm not truly blind she thought, but sighed just the same.

Akamai Deredal
10-12-2003, 06:50 PM
Akai nodded and smiled, knowing Kalile wouldn't be able to see but still doing so anyway. "Pleasure to meet you... though I'm sorry it's under such circumstances." Kalile did not sound well either. She sympathized for her; to see such an old forest burn would be hard on anyone. Turning her head towards Fim, she addressed other matters. "What about you, Fim? Did you have any better luck rounding up the others than I did?"

10-12-2003, 06:58 PM
"Well I did meet up with my old friend Karin. He should be bringing them here when he finds them and I do hope someone in there mists knows something about this evil."

10-12-2003, 06:59 PM
Rosie-Posie staring, dumbfounded at the entwife. Here was am entwife in her own home land! She said nothing, just stared. She turned her attention to the person that came in, the one who knew the entwife. Finally she managed to say something. "Er, Hullo, I'm Rosie-Posie Loamsdown." She said, craning her neck to look at the entwife's face.

10-12-2003, 07:02 PM
*chuckle,chuckle* "I've heard of Hobbits before but I've never met one. You are strange creatures. Tell me what is it Hobbits like to do?"

10-13-2003, 09:42 PM
"Of course, My Lady. I was just heading to the Dungeons now. I have...plans...for the people I captured. By all means, accompany me." Morgon smiled his most evil smile, wishing that his Mistress would accompany him. She would love the new instruments of torture he had made. The screams that these would produce would be beyond anything She had heard before. "Please, My Lady, this way." Morgon turned and bowed slightly, holding out his arm in a parody of gentlemanly behavior.

10-14-2003, 07:39 PM
Fim stood there doing the eqivelent of a human taping there feet. "Well? Is someone going to answer me?"

10-14-2003, 11:56 PM
"Oh, dear I'm sorry, i must have dosed off!" said Rosie-Posie, rather embaressed. 'I am afraid I don't know whats going on." she said politely.

10-15-2003, 07:55 PM
"I asked you what do Hobbits like to do?"

Akamai Deredal
10-15-2003, 08:00 PM
Akai chuckled softly, "I know they like to eat. No offense Rosie." She smiled kindly down at the hobbit, showing her sincerity.

Dreran the Green
10-17-2003, 05:50 PM
Drevra smiled at Morgon's gesture and, taking his arm, let him lead her down to the dungeons.

10-18-2003, 04:45 PM
"And sing, I like to sing myself, why back in the shire, I was well known among the hobbits in the south farthing! And we enjoy smoking pipe-weed among other things. The best leaf ever grown can be found near my home." Rosie said proudly. "What do entwives like to do?" she asked.

10-18-2003, 08:32 PM
"Hmmm...well. We like to tend to Entings and plant gardens. Singing sometimes. But really we must be getting on with this evil person who must be stopped."

10-18-2003, 08:51 PM
hey! I only have six posts left! *posts frantically* everyone is going to be invited to my lordship party! probably going to be at Inheiritance. *hands out invitaions*

10-18-2003, 09:44 PM
Lillte late... oh vell......

Legoles wlaked back into the room with some of her brothers and sisters following her. "Is she all right? I hope I was not too late to save her very nasty burns...."

10-18-2003, 10:15 PM
well, It took me a while, but I have accomplished my feat! (how do you change your title?) I consider myself a true mooter! waiting for you akai and zone!

ic: "She is doing quite well. her burns have been taken care of by our skilled healers." said Rosie-Posie smiling at her friend. 'Kailile, this is Legoles, the one who saved you after you saved her!"

10-19-2003, 01:57 PM
"It's good to see friends untied again. Though I do wish I knew where my friends were."

10-19-2003, 06:16 PM
"We will find your friends." said Rosie to the entwife. She had become quite attached to her. "In the meanwhile, I am horribly hungry."she heard her stomach mumble.

Akamai Deredal
10-19-2003, 08:56 PM
Akai nodded, listening to Rosie, and then let out a quiet laugh. "I told you they like to eat, Fim. Let us go see what there is to munch on, while we're here. And Rosie is right, we'll find the others, but taking a few minutes out of our day to eat something won't hurt much, if it were to hurt anything. You won't be much good to anyone if you starve yourself, except for a villager's fire." The entwife gave Akai a strange look, borderlining a threatening glare. The young woman quickly decided she would never say anything to do with "firewood" while in Fim's presence.

10-20-2003, 06:14 PM
Morgon was extremely surprised that the Lady Drevra had taken his arm. "Do you have any preferance as to which one of the prisoners I should...Interrogate...first, My Lady?" Morgon said as they reached the steps that led to Dungeon #1. There were 5 Dungeons in all. 7, if you counted his private chambers. "Please, My Lady, choose one. I believe the Men have the most information. One of the women or children would probably be the best. If the Men watch, it should loosen their tongues." Morgon smiled, showing his pointed teeth. Oh, if you only knew, My Lady, how much it pleases me to have you watch...

10-21-2003, 08:43 PM
"Well I only eat fruits in you have any. If not I'll be fine to drink to drink cold spring water." The Enwife said follwing the others. Rosie sighed relzing just how picky ents could be.

Dreran the Green
10-21-2003, 08:53 PM
"Why thankyou, Morgon" She said, sensing his excitement. She glanced around the room and saw a woman who looked near her age, though that was actually quite impossible, since despite her youthful appearance Drevra was very ancient. "Her."

10-22-2003, 10:49 PM
"Sisters, brothers, will you please leave me in peace?" <The forest burns down[thats strange, my little brothers and sisters can't wait to bug me, thats not.> She rolled her eyes and hurried off to catch up with the others, her siblings hott on her tail <They never go away, Do they?> she asked herself sarcasticly.

Akamai Deredal
11-01-2003, 08:06 PM
Akai sighed resignedly. "This silence is too much for me. Bad days have fallen upon us and already we allow orself to bear its heaviness in the air against our hearts. I for one will not let this beat me, you two. We should allow ourselves the freedom of happiness, and if the only way we can aqcuire that is to go to the source of our troubles and stop them there, then I will. I don't know what you wish to do, but I'm determined to see the end of this, and I will treasure my happiness and not let misfortune drag me down." Her eyes smoldered as she lectured the entwife and hobbit, making them stop in their footsteps, caught off-guard by her sudden outburst. "Why Akai... I do not believe I've seen you so upset. You are hasty creatures, you humans." Fim made a distraught hoom (for I think that's the sound they make...) before she spoke. Many things were changing these days.

11-18-2003, 12:32 AM
Boink! No wait, bump!

11-23-2003, 05:13 PM
"Very well, My Lady. Would you also care to choose the implement of torture?" Morgon bared his teeth in an obscene facsimile of a smile.

11-30-2003, 09:01 PM
This looks like a really cool RPG. Can I play too? I have experience with RPGs, online and off, but I've never played an Entmoot one. I hope it's not too late to join.

If it isn't, I would really like to play an Ent. I have an idea how he might fit into the story-line. Otherwise, I'll play any appropriate character. Where is the story taking place? When is it set with respect to LotR? What is your policy, if any, on bunnying?

12-01-2003, 12:53 AM
ooc: Hi nurvingiel! Seems like I have been seeing you around alot lately! This thread was down in the dumps for a while, though now it is coming back to life. I don't really have any say in whether you can join or not.

ic: Rosie sat down at a table, a table laden with food. She was happy to eat, though it was no hobbit-meal, it was filling. "So, Syrtan, would you like some ale?" she asked the Entwife.

12-02-2003, 02:20 AM
No prob, it's up to Fimbrethil as the GM/thread starter.

Ents are not hasty folk, but this has been a very hasty post. Hoom.

12-03-2003, 08:47 PM
OOC: Wow not dead yet? surprise...sure u can join...im warning u though wirters block, tis a curse we all suffer from.

12-05-2003, 09:19 PM
OOC: Thanks guys! I wouldn't worry about the thread dying, every RPG has their ups and downs. I'm not completely sure where all your characters are, but it only makes sense that an Ent would be introduced in Fangorn wood.

Name: Thujaburrimrubrumparmaplicata, known to non-Ents as Thuja (pronounced Thoo-ya) or Rubrum, but he hasn't been called those names in many years.
Race: Ent
Height: 12 feet tall
Gender: Male
Age: About 400 years old
Appearance: Much like his non-sentient cousin the Western Redcedar, he has stringy, red bark. He has long, sturdy limbs with many digits.
Other: He's young for an Ent, but still large and strong. He's peaceful and soft-spoken. His favourite activities are standing in the sun thinking, or, when he feels energetic, planting trees. He has given over to moments of hastiness a few times in his life.


Thuja stood in his favourite patch of sun, thinking about his on-going project. His favourite part of Fangorn was near the edge, and recently, horrible orcs had been infringing on it. He was planting young trees in this area, which had been terribly logged by orcs.
He was about to plant a one-year old oak sapling, and he held it carefully, keeping it moist. He would plant it in a few more days, once he had decided the location where it would get the maximum light and nutrients.