View Full Version : Travels Through Middle Earth(scripted)

Fred Baggins
04-25-2003, 08:53 PM
ooc: Please post in the occ thread, or contact me before joining. Thankyou.


Aduial Morning stared around her in disbelife. She picked up a nearby burnt shingle and it crumbled in her hand. How was this possible, how could it have happened like this? Her father had been killed, wrongfully accused of stealing a farmers crops, her mother had died of an unknown illness, and her village attacked by orcs in the night before, and burnt to the ground. She was homeless, and an orphan at the age of 16. She had no place to go except forward. The sun was slowly rising in the east, and she walked forward. She had no need to stop and get anything, it was all burnt. And so her travels began.

The sun was high, and Aduial's stomach growled hungerly, as she raced out of the stable, bag hanging from her arm full of blankets and food, and the sturdy pure-breed beautiful stallion her ride. Shouts of "Stop thief" sounded behind her, but she didn't stop, until she was well away. She turned the horse, looking back apologetically.
"I am sorry, it was wrong of my to take your things good farmer, but I have nothing else, and if I had asked I would have recieved the same answer. Forgive me good man." She turned the horse again kicking him to a gallop and kept going. All morning she had stopped at several farm-houses, begging for some food and a horse. All had rejected her, with the excuse that these where hard times because of the famine though with more than one house she had caught site of families eating and helping themselves to seconds.

But she was not fated to make it into the next village without some sort of harm. Mid afternoon she was attacked by orcs, just outside the nearest village, and severly wounded, and left for dead. The horse who had oddly enough taken a liking to her managed to shift her on his back and he carried her into the village. She did not stay on his back though and fell off outside a nearby inn. A young woman saw her and took her in, bandaging her head, and laying her in a bed.

The next morning she woke up to a knock on the door, and it opened. A young girl was looking at her in awe.

ooc: This is a chance for any of you to come in or post what you are doing this morning.

04-26-2003, 01:43 PM
Eve poked her head into the small room. "Hello" She said softly. "May I get you anything?"

Nydassi ran quickly through the trees, tripping here and there, looking back with eyes filled with fear. She scurried into the nearest inn, seen, of corse, and plopped into a nearby chair. She panted heavily.

04-26-2003, 05:19 PM
Ianua, aftar a night of running from, hiding from, and fighting the orcs that so plagued the misty mountains, stumbles into the inn, exauted, a small cut across her right cheek and her clothes strwaked with mud.
She smiles to Nydassi, recognising her as one of her own kin.

Fred Baggins
04-26-2003, 08:13 PM
ooc: Yes you can, thanks for posting in the OCC, but can you earase that message. You could just change it to what you are doing at the molment.

ic: Aduial reached up to finger the bandages on her head. "Yea, information. How did I get here? The last thing I remember is getting attacked." She sunk her bandaged head into the pillow "I need some tea." Memory of what she had done returned to her, and she sat back up again. "I need to get out of here!"

04-26-2003, 08:33 PM
"Shh, Esse," Ranywn whispered to her grey mare. "I have to get my chores done. Then you can have a ride, okay?"

A small boy ran into the barn, "Ranwyn. someones at the inn"

"Dani, someone is always at the inn"

"This one's different, she's all dirty and-"

"Hush, if anyone hears you. I'll check on it later, besides the innkeeper will help the girl,"

04-26-2003, 08:59 PM
Eve looked at her sympathetically. "Right. Explanations after tea now. You need your rest, and nothing to trouble you quite yet." She left the room to gather some things.

Nydassi looked about, sighing with relief. She made her way to a corner, and sat down coss legged.

"May I get you anything?" Asked Eve as she saw her.

"A cup of water, if you will please."

"Right O." She brought the water quickly, and headed up to Aduil's room with the tea pot and two cups.

Fred Baggins
04-26-2003, 09:05 PM
Aduial eyed the second teacup. "Two cups, are you taking tea to someone else to? May I ask a few questions? Where am I, what day is it, and how did I get here?" Aduial new her hurriedness in reapeating the questions, but she was nervous, and besides, she had been known in her old village for her mouth.

04-26-2003, 10:16 PM
Dani ran off and no sooner did he than Hery, The head stable master brought in a black stallion.

"He's a fiesty one, but I figure you can handle him. Put him in Surefoot's old stall for now."

"Where did you get him?," Ranwyn asked curiously.

"Young lady that fainted practically on the doorstep of the inn. Left her horse standin there."

"He's a beauty." Ranwyn breathed, "C'mon fella. Let's get you bedded."

Indril Anarion
04-26-2003, 11:21 PM
Idril stood in front of the inn. She wiped away some orc blood that had splattered on her right cheek. These days there was no telling what trouble an elf like herself can run into.

"A few orcs may still be lingering around in the forest, so there's no sense in returning the way I came. This place looks a good a place as any to get some rest," said Idril to herself.

She looked at her elven horse, Celethar. The faithful creature had saved her life earlier that day.

"Come on, Celethar, let's find a stable for you," Idril said, leading her horse around to the back of the inn. Sure enough, she saw a stable. She approached it with caution. Their was no telling what sorts of humans inhabited the small village. Idril saw a young girl tending to a majestic black stallion.

"Excuse me, but I'm looking for a place to keep my horse while I rest at the inn. May he stay here?" Idril asked looking around the cozy stable.

04-27-2003, 02:23 PM
Ranywn stuckher head out of the stallion's stall and pulled a stray piece of hay from her hair.

"Hold on." she called and tied the door shut,

Before her was an elf and that alone was enough to make Ranywn wonder. Thier town didn't get many elves coming around. Ranwyn stepped forward to the pair, "My name is Ranwyn. We have room for your horse here if you want to get him (?) settled or I can. What is his name?"

04-28-2003, 07:57 PM
"Well, I get thursty too, answering questions. You are in a small Gondorian village, it is Monday the 13, and you were found on the doorway to the inn, so I brought you in here."

Nydassi relaxed a bit and sighed, eyeing those in the room. The door opened, and the most peculliar of things walked in. Nydassi rubbed her eyes in disbelief. It was, a hobbit!

Fred Baggins
04-28-2003, 08:09 PM
occ: From now on, Aduial will be in royal-blue and Belladona will be in teal

ic: Aduial blushed, and grinned thankfully. "I'm sorry, I guess I was a bit rude. I'm Aduial...Aduial Morning." She smiled, awkwardly. "My parents thought it'd be great to give me an elvish name. And thankyou...for helping me."


The hobbit walked into the common room, perhaps a bit overly sure of herself. She sat down, and waved the innkeeper over. They disscussed silently for awhile, and an exchange was made, resulting in the innkeeper leaving the table with a happy grin on his face. The hobbit took off her cloak and drapped it over the back of her chair. She looked around observing the shocked stares of the big folk, human and elves, and laughed outloud. She could imagine what they where thinking, it was the same everywhere. They would look at the dagger, at her side, then look at her, a female hobbit, and be shocked out of there minds. That was the way everyone reacted. She grined widly, brushing her golden locks behind her ear, and nodding at a few of the women.

04-29-2003, 07:07 PM
"It's quite alright. I am Evening Light, though you may call me Eve." She poured a cup of tea and handed it to the girl.


Nydassi rolled her eyes and went back to her water. From behind her ear she produced a small whiting thinggy, and started to doodle on the napkin.

04-29-2003, 11:37 PM
Whoa that is only slightly confusing. Where is everyone?
Waiting for the elf's answer before I post.

Fred Baggins
04-30-2003, 12:44 AM
occ: I think the elf is asleep...as is Ianua...Ianua, Nydassi isn't of your kin FYI, she's human. It looks like Aduial and Nydassi are having a pleasent conversation, Nydassi is drinking, and I brought in a new character, a hobbit who's descrip you will find in the occ.

Indril Anarion
04-30-2003, 08:13 PM
ooc: Sorry, I've had some tie ups and haven't had a chance to get on the computer...

ic: "His name is Celethar. He is usually quite friendly. Thank you for your kind services. It has been a while since he's been in a stable and I'm sure he will be happy to get some rest," said Idril.
She saw the look of wonder on Ranwyn's face.

04-30-2003, 11:07 PM
I nodded as I took Celethar's reins, "I will take care of him. The inn is a good place to rest for awhile. I will head inside myself after I'm done here."
The elf nodded and left while I busied myself bedding down Celethar.

Fred Baggins
04-30-2003, 11:56 PM
As Eve and Aduial sat talking a tentative knock sounded at the door. Eve got up and opened it. A young village girl ran in, and from the look on Eve's face one she knew. The girl went straight to the bedside, talking a mile a minuet. "Areyouthegirlthatfaintedatthedoor?areyoureallyapri ncess,oraqueen?thegirlsallthinkyouare,butIwantedto findout,areyou?" Aduial frowned. "NO! Hardly, I'm just Aduial Morning, a lost orphan."

Indril Anarion
05-01-2003, 01:04 PM
Now that Celethar was being taken care of, Idril walked into the inn. She walked up to the innkeeper and inquired of a room. It had been long since she stayes in an actual Gondorian room. She disliked them, but she needed to rest and the woods were not safe. By the look on the innkeepers face, she figured she should not draw too much attention to herself. After getting the key to her room, she decided to have a drink of water.

She sat at a table in a dark corner of the room. She wanted to avoid making a scene. It wasn't very often that an elf walked into a Gondorian inn.
"My", said Idril to herself, "What a distinguished crowd."
She looked around.
"A Hobbit. I haven't seen one of those in ages. I wonder what other creatures are staying at this inn."

She sipped her water slowly and looked around, observing her surroundings.

05-01-2003, 05:56 PM
Silently, Nydassi stood and walked past the hobbit, tripping, as usual, and falling on her face while on her way.

Fred Baggins
05-01-2003, 08:21 PM
Inwardly the hobbit laughed, muttering something about a clumsey human as she got out of the chair to help the woman up--which was a little difficult since the woman was a good deal taller than herself. "You all right?" She asked trying to hid a slightly amused grin. The woman saw though and looked anything but amused. As she was about to reply, The hobbit whirled around to see a young girl thump down the stairs and run to a group of girls her age, and exsited whispers passed between them. The hobbits sharp ears where able to pick up a few words, something about a stranger being a princess. The hobbit raised her eyebrow, finding it unlikely. In a small village like this that was VERY unlikely.

05-01-2003, 09:49 PM
Ranywn patted the horse kindly as she left the stables.
Her own horse whinnied as she left.

"It's okay. I'll be back."

She hurried to the inn. In a far corner was the elf of earlier and Ranywn nodded at her. A hobbit and a woman were talking.
Ranywn searched the room for Eve but didn't see her anywhere, so she headed for the table Idril sat at.

"Excuse me for being curious. Where are you from? We don't get too many elves around here."

Indril Anarion
05-02-2003, 02:39 PM
Although she wasn't keen on talking to strangers, she decided to make conversation with the Gondorian maiden.
"I am Idril from Mirkwood. I wander from place to place, exploring Middle Earth," said Idril. "Have you lived here long?"

05-02-2003, 02:43 PM
I sat down, "Most of my life, although I travel a good deal. When I'm home I work with the horses. That's kind of a strange thing in these villages. Most people don't own any horses."
I stopped myself from babbling further and then said, "Have you met anyone else here?"

Indril Anarion
05-02-2003, 02:46 PM
"As a matter of fact, no. I just arrived. I was feeling weary and needed a place to rest. This place looked like it would suffice."

05-02-2003, 02:51 PM
"My friend, Eve works here. I'll see if I can find her. She can get you a room."

I started to turn away when one of the village girls came up to me, "An elf! There is an elven princess upstairs. Eve is with her."

"Don't be silly." I scolded lightly, "Don't be bothering anyone. Which room is she in?"

The girl told me and I headed upstairs and knocked on the door.

Indril Anarion
05-02-2003, 03:20 PM
The sudden departure of Ranwyn gave Idril the opportunity to go up to her room and freshen up. On her way to her assigned quarters, she passed by a door that was opened slightly. There was a small hustle going on inside. At the mention of an elf, Idril was intrigued.

As she passed, she noticed that there was a young woman inside. Her keen elf eyes saw that it was not an elf, but indeed a human.

"I must have been insane to think that another of my kind could be staying at this place," she mumbled to herself.

She walked into her room and closed thedoor behind her.

Fred Baggins
05-03-2003, 11:53 AM
A knock sounded at the door. Eve got up to admit a young woman a few years older than Aduial. The young woman took one look at Aduial and laughed. "You certaintly are no elf! A child just ran down the stairs claiming this stranger of ours was an elven princess." Aduial lifted an eyebrow at what she said. "I'm an ELVEN princess now? Is you're village known for gossip Eva? I've certaintly never been called Elven before though there have been some...other names..." She laughed, remembering the days back in her own village. She turned back to the other woman."Excuse my rudeness, it seems to be overflowing me today. I'm Aduial Morning. And you are...?

ooc: There, I've changed it. You may post your answer now Aralyn.

05-04-2003, 02:08 PM
Is that me?

Indril Anarion
05-04-2003, 05:03 PM
ic: Idril wiped the dirt from her face. She looked at her reflection in the mirror and took a deep breath. Being in a Gondorian inn was not the most comfortable of places to stay. She sat on the small bed and unsheathed one of her knives. She grabbed a nearby towel and wiped away the remaining orc blood from the steel blade.

How she missed her home, being with her own kind. Idril was an adventure-seeker, yet there were some days when she desired to be home. Today was one of those days. Although her parents no longer walked among the forests of Mirkwood, she still missed her brother, her only remaining kin.

"I wonder how he has been doing," Idril said aloud.

Fred Baggins
05-06-2003, 11:55 PM
*The hobbit got up from the table(since she got no answer from Nydassi*glares at Star) and motioned to the innkeeper. She sauntered over to the hobbit, taking the time to stop and talk with others on her way over. Once she came over, her gossiping mouth snapped abruptly shut when the hobbit began to put her money away. A few more minuets of quiet conversing between the hobbit and the inn-keeper and the hobbit headed upstairs to her room.
As she passed an open room she heard a voice asking about what someone had been doing. She recognized the voice as belonging to that elf from earlier. Curiosity arroused the hobbit knocked at the door, gently at first, and when she got no reply with the general assertivness inborn in her.*

Indril Anarion
05-07-2003, 03:22 PM
Idril looked up.

"Who could that be," said Idril, rising and opening the door.

To her surprise, it was a Hobbit.

"May I help you?"

Fred Baggins
05-07-2003, 05:06 PM
The hobbit stared up at the elf in shock. "Does my apperence here suprise you?" She asked in a confused mutter, more to herself than to the elf. Though the abstenence returned to her face quickly and she leaned against the doorfram talking as though the mutter WAS toward the elf.

"Because a hobbit in Gondor is no more surpising than a..." She glanced around the elf and caught a glimps of the dagger that the elf had been cleaning, and still had a bit of a bloodstain on it. Tring her best not to shiver she went on. "...a battle elf in Gondor." She took a second look at the elf. "Though you are an elf of Mirkwood, you cannot be one of the elves sent by Legolas to tend the trees that have been planted in the White City. So you must be a battle elf. And they seldom wander into Gondor unless the need is great." The hobbit stopped and looked up, blinking as though she was just now seeing the elf. Once again she had been rambling. And she noticed a hint of annoyance on the elf's face. She tried to remember what she said and nearly laughed. No title to go with the Prince Legolas with Fran Gamgee. Simply a mear "Legolas." She mently shrugged. It made no difference to her.

05-07-2003, 06:26 PM
I mumbled a bit as I helpped myself up, the hobbit gone by now, and walked up the stairs to a vacant room on the third floor of the Inn. Resting inside, I herd a faint tapping at the window. A small, white and brown furball tapped its paw against the glass. I quickly opened the window, and scooped upp the furry thing.

"This is Ranwyn, she works works mostly with the horses." Eve pulled a bit of hair out of her face.

05-07-2003, 10:03 PM
As the girl seemed to look me over, I was suddenly very aware of my clothes. Not exactly clean from the stables. and my chestnut hair had fallen out of it's braid into a knotted mess.

"Your horse-" I stammered, "He's in the stables. I-we didn't know his name. Well I mean. What is his name?"

oops i edited

Fred Baggins
05-07-2003, 10:40 PM
ooc: Aduial's not an elf. She's a sixteen year old orphan. Not intimidating but I guess from your post in the ooc that's not what you meant.

ic: I drew back from her, suddenly, shocked. What was his name. He would only answer to what his past owners had called him. I had to make up something fast.

"Lairambaiel, is what...what I call him." I don't know why that had entered my mind. Lairambaiel had been something of a cross between a town crier and a town drunk, but unofficialy so. Most of the things he cried was when he was drunk, but it was always something to take to heart, though dissapointing things. Most folks called him the friendless sniffer. And this stallion was nothing close to that. "Lairambaiel...ironically."

Fred Baggins
05-08-2003, 10:23 AM
OK, sorry for the double post but it seems that Entmoot was being stupid when I posted so I post again so you know I posted. And April asked me to use Strider...:D

Indril Anarion
05-08-2003, 02:49 PM
"What I do or where I go is no one's concern but my own," said Idril. "And no, I am not here one of the elves sent by Prince Legolas to tend to the trees. As a matter of fact, I have not seen a single tree on my journey here."

Idril was a bit annoyed at the way the Hobbit did not give Prince Legolas his title. She shrugged it off. Idril noticed the Hobbit eyeing her elven blade.

"Do you frequently knock on stranger's doors and meddle in other's affairs? I must say, for asking so many questions, you give very little answers, Small One." she said to the Hobbit, who had not even introduced herself.

Fred Baggins
05-08-2003, 08:31 PM
"Firstly I have a name, and it's certaintly not 'Small One.' Fran's what you may call me. Secondly...actually I do tend to knock on stranger's doors, an odd habit of mine that I really should break but it's quite fun to walk up to an human...elves too...and act like long lost friends..." She starts laughing "When they've never even seen a hobbit in there LIFE!" The last word was finished in a burst of laughter, but stops as abruptly as it started. "Of course that's not why I'm here. I thought you to be from Mirkwood but since I only caught a brief glimps of you downstairs I thought to pay a visit. You see I know a few Mirkwood elves, and thought at first I might know you."

Indril Anarion
05-08-2003, 11:15 PM
"Interesting. Well, now that you've had a look at me, have you seen me before? Although, I don't recall meeting with you," said Idril.

What a strange Hobbit she thought to herselfThen again, I am not well learned in Hobbit culture and perhaps she is not strange at all, but only the way a Hobbit should be.

Fred Baggins
05-08-2003, 11:32 PM
Fran shrugged. "Probably not. I'm guessing we probably don't spend a lot of time in the same place seeing as how you are a worrioress." She studied the elf. Elves where very good at hiding their emotions, but Fran had learned to detect them . (Gosh darn cat's eating my keyboard again!) " You think I'm odd don't you? Well I am." A twinkle shone in her eye. "Odd as a purple horse." She laughed. "Pleased to meet you. I supposed you'll be wanting me to leave now eh? M'Lady...?"

ooc:sorry about that little bit with the cat just thought you might like to know...

Indril Anarion
05-09-2003, 01:53 PM
"Well, since you have gone through all this trouble to introduce yourself, perhaps we can meet for supper down at the inn. I am quite interested in learning about your Hobbit culture," said Idril, trying to be polite.

She figured it would be a good distraction from the worries that filled her mind. Also, she was hoping not to raise attention to her business in the Gondorian city.

05-09-2003, 06:31 PM
After shoving the small rodent into my cape, I made my way down to maybe eat something. Quietly, I walked down the stairs, and passed by the hobbit and the elf conversing. The rodent made her way out of my cloaks, and bounded over to the two."Hildigard!" I shouted as i scooped her up.

Indril Anarion
05-10-2003, 04:18 PM
As the sound of the woman yelling, Idril looked up. She saw the woman pick up the rodent.

"I never knew that rodents were so welcome at this inn," commented Idril to no one in particular.

Fred Baggins
05-10-2003, 07:43 PM
Fran frowned at the rodent, and it's mistress and turned back to the elf. "Indeed, especially one so uncommon. Supper sounds good. I have a feeling that we should get to know each other, after all there should be a reason for an elf and a hobbit to be in the same place where both are so uncommon." She pointedly did not mention the rest of her reason. "If you'll pardon me?" Smiling she continued down the hall after the departing rodent. When she caught up to the human carring it she talked though other than talking making no acknowledgment of her.

"Those are uncommon in these areas. It would be interesting to learn where you got a..."rodent" such as that from." She emphasized rodent to mean something else. "I won't complain I have a rather odd animal companion myself, but "pigs" are the oddest indeed."

05-10-2003, 08:42 PM
I hesitated for a molment. "Well, she sort of...came to me in a sence. We weren't properly introduced at our last meeing, I am Nydassi, I travel around oftn. And you are-"I was cut off by some sort of crashing sound in the downstairs.

Indril Anarion
05-10-2003, 08:58 PM
After the departure of the Hobbit, Idril turned and closed the door behind her.

"I'll just finish up cleaning up my blades, and then I will venture down into the Common room and wait for the Hobbit," she said to herself.

Fred Baggins
05-10-2003, 09:14 PM
"Following a sound that sounds to much like Freddy. Let's hope it's not!" Fran called as she ran down the stairs.

"I'm glad you are taking good care of my hors-" She heard a crash downstairs and sat up bolt right. 'What was that?"

05-10-2003, 10:44 PM
"Freddy?" I called after"Who is Freddy? I am not familiar with the names of those in this area."


"Trouble, thats what that sound was. Nothing but it."

Indril Anarion
05-11-2003, 11:18 AM
Idril heard the crash.

"I hope everything is alright," she said, re-sheathing her blades that had been cleaned.

She walked down the stairs to see what was the matter.

Fred Baggins
05-11-2003, 04:58 PM
As the hobbit hit the las step she groaned. It was worse that Freddy. A woman had run into the inn making the innkeeper drop her trays. She was screaming frantically, words that where almost unintelligable. While those around her tried to calm her down and decipher what she was saying, Fran herself ran outside.

__________________________________________________ __

Aduial watched Ranwyn glance out the window, and her eyes grow wide. She called Eve over, and Aduial hauled herself up from the bed. The three of them watched the scene below them.

__________________________________________________ __

Fran walked into the street, and held her arms wide, shouting at the warg in her path. He was a white warg, beautiful in all his horridness. His cold hard, ice-blue eyes moved in her direction, his glare was hard enough to peirce her skin even if there had been a dull solitity to it. His mouth was closed, but from the one tooth that protruded from the gap in his face on-lookers prayed she didn't discover first hand how sharp his teeth where. The white mangy fur was matted in bloody clots, and there was blood dripping from his mouth. The only part not white of his person was the pure black cresent moon nestled on his neak, almost a neaklace if he wore one. In all his horridness the beauty upon him was exceedingly over-powering. "Lintegwath, how DARE you!" She shouted, and amazingly he cowered, tail tucked under. It looked awkward, this great big creature cowering from one much smaller than he. She walked up to him and clamped her hand over his muzzle shaking it hard. She spoke to him in his own dreadful language and he slunk out of the village.

Indril Anarion
05-14-2003, 04:49 PM
Idril watched with horror and amazement at the scene outside of the inn. her knives were unsheathed and she was ready to aid the she-Hobbit.

The Hobbit's bravery surpassed her assumptions. This was no ordinary Hobbit.

Once the warg departed, Idril re-sheathed her knives and stepped outside.

"You are no ordinary Hobbit," said Idril to the Hobbit.

Fred Baggins
05-14-2003, 07:15 PM
She shruged. "That's what the other hobbits said before I left to."
"Lintegwath's just a puppy really. Or he was when he came to me. He still acts like one."


"I she a visitor or do you have hobbits that live here?" Aduial shook her head. "Either way I've never seen even a human do what she just did."

Indril Anarion
05-15-2003, 02:06 PM
"The beast is you pet? Quite unusual," said Idril, running her hand through her hair.

Fred Baggins
05-15-2003, 10:21 PM
"What? Pet? Hardly. Traveling companion. He came to me." She looked up and saw Starletta in front of her. "I recall you asking me of my name. Fran. Gamgee."

05-16-2003, 03:37 PM
Ranywn turned to the girl, Aduil.
"Excuse me being for being rude. What are you doing here?"
She wasn't sorry at all, only curious and met the girls eyes.

Fred Baggins
05-16-2003, 04:58 PM
Aduial looked from Ranwyn to Eve. "What...am I doing here?" She sat back down on the bed. She plucked at the drab clothes she wore the last thing left of home. "I was attacked by orcs...and...got a concusion..." She looked back up. "That's not the answer you're looking for."

Sighing she picked up the small bundle, and began to play with it, pretending to be occupied with a lose string on the rag holding it together, so she wouldn't have to meet the eyes of the older girls.

"My village was burned down, by the orcs, three nights past. I lost everything I had in that fire, not only my home, but my family as well. The only reason I alone survived was that I was visiting a nearby village--the closest place to get proper smithy things--and was there over night. When I came back, there wasn't a cottage left standing. Even the orcs themselves wouldn't find fit to remain there. So I'm running, from people who will try...MAKE me apprentice to them."

05-16-2003, 06:07 PM
Ranywn was sure she had a guilty look on her face but masked it by saying, "And the horse is not yours either, I presume? You''ll excuse me for saying so but it's a very fine beast. Like a nobles."
then quieter, "I'm- i'm sorry for your losses. But where will you go?"

Fred Baggins
05-16-2003, 06:20 PM
She sighed, "No, if you must know my life story. It's not mine. I stole it, I needed a horse. But it's not as nice as you would think on first glance, not worth more'n I could aford, if I still had my money. As for where I go...where ever my horse takes me. That is unless you would rather take him back to his first owner and explain to him what happened to his horse?" She sighed again. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to burst out like that. I'm justs frusterated, that's all."

05-18-2003, 06:29 PM
ooc: Starletta Faith? Don't you mean...Nydassi?

ic:"No, we shall not take the horse back. But you may stay here as lng as you would like."

"Fran" I repeated to no one. "Why does that name seem so familiar?" I brushed back a clump of hair.

Fred Baggins
05-18-2003, 07:55 PM
ooc: Eh, same diff. kinda...

ic: Fran shrugs. "Eh, perhaps you've heard it before. Wouldn't surprise me frankly, tis not many females hobbits that take it into their head to travel Middle-Earth."

05-18-2003, 08:22 PM
"True, true, now, how about we all go inside, it is a bit chilly out here."

Fred Baggins
05-20-2003, 06:58 PM
ooc: This...is boring...I'm jumping ahead...

ic:*The next day all woke up to the singing of the birds, and the rising of the sun. Fran rolled over in her huge(for her) bed, and groaned. Aduial in a seperate room greated the sun with a smile, and a laugh. She felt quite nice this morning, and decided she was well enough to head downstairs.*

Indril Anarion
05-25-2003, 12:40 PM
Idril opened her eyes as the bright sun streamed through her window. Today was a new day and she decided that she would set out soon.

"It is never wise to dwaddle in one place for too long," she said to herself.

She went downstairs and noticed that there were some people already up and about. She took a seat by a window and look out.

I wonder what new adventures today is going to bring, thought Idril.

Fred Baggins
05-26-2003, 02:35 AM
The hobbit rolled out of bed and dragged herself downstairs. Catching sight of Idril she sat down at the table she was occupying. The innkeeper came over, and Fran gave her order. Turning to the elf she smiled widely. "Nothing like a cold glass of milk and a plate of mushrooms...and some cakes, and some tomatoes, and some tea, and an apple first thing in the morning to wake you up! I'm afraid we never got around to that talk last night."

*Aduial wandered down the stairs, and spotted the elf first thing. And the hobbit...and gapped.* "A...a...a hobbit and an elf, sittin' at a table talking away like they've always known each other...what's more...in the very same inn I happen to collapse in front of...and...and...no wonder those girls thought I was an elf..." *She didn't remember sitting down, but there was a chair underneath her.* "This...this is...a hobbit and an elf?"

Indril Anarion
05-26-2003, 11:42 AM
"I'm afraid not," said Idril. "Tell me, what brings a Hobbit such as yourself to this Gondorian city?"

Fred Baggins
05-26-2003, 02:26 PM
The hobbit smiles impishly. "What doesn't? Well, after grandpap told me all about the White City, I was led to journey there myself. I decided to go the long way 'round and see some of the smaller towns as well. This is just a detour...not much of a short cut, but a detour. 'Sides, I'm not much wanted around the Shire anymore. Too odd, even for the Tooks! And what about yerself?"

05-26-2003, 07:45 PM
I awoke and after dressing, found my way downstairs, and sat in the corner, where I could watch everyone. The hobbit, Fran, and the elf who's name I did not catch sat together talking.

Fred Baggins
05-26-2003, 08:13 PM
Fran spotted Nydassi, and motioned her over. She smiles, until she see's Aduial. "So this is the child the town has been talking about. She looks a bit shocked. I guess it's not everyday a child sees an elf and a hobbit." She laughs.

Indril Anarion
05-26-2003, 09:30 PM
"Apparently not," said Idril. "Now, adressing your previous question, I guess that you could say that this is also my detour. I was defending the forest from an orc raid and was taken captive by the surviving orcs a day or so ago. The night of my capture, I managed to escape and came upon this village. Deciding to lay low for a while, I'd rather take my chances with Gondorian folk than with that orc bunch," she said in a low tone. "And now you know my story."

Since the Hobbit had been so trusting to explain her business here, Idril had decided to take her chances.

05-29-2003, 06:40 PM
I walked over to the Elf and Fran. " 'Ello. What are yo utwo up to this morning?" True, I wasn't very poetic. Just another of my flaws, and I lost count at about 60. Smoothing my hair down, I took a seat.

Indril Anarion
05-29-2003, 09:32 PM
"Nothing, just enjoying the morning," said Idril. "I don't believe we have met. I am Idril. And you are?"

05-30-2003, 06:15 PM
"I am Nydassi. What brings you out here? So far from anywhere I suppose."I didn't want to sound too intrucive, but I was curious.

Fred Baggins
05-30-2003, 07:08 PM
*The hobbit looked from Nydassi to Indril and cleared her throat.* "Where in the WORLD is my breakfast. I'll be right back. That cook'll learn NEVER to keep a hobbit from her meal, if it's the last thing she ever learns. And she most certaintly isn't learing how to cook anytime soon." *She scooched back her chair, and wandered in the direction of the kitchen. Despite knowing Nydassi and the elf where talking she couldn't help but feel eyes following her. Aduial's never left her back, until she dissapeared behind the kitchen door.*

Indril Anarion
05-30-2003, 09:13 PM
"Well, I'm on a small detour. If you must know, I was defending the forest from an orc raid and was taken captive by the surviving orcs. I managed to escape and came upon this village. Deciding to lay low for a while, I'd rather take my chances with Gondorian folk than with that orc bunch," she said. "What brings you here?"

Fred Baggins
06-01-2003, 10:07 PM
Seconds later Aduial found herself standing at the table across from the elf. "You're an elf." She found herself saying, quite stupidly.

Indril Anarion
06-02-2003, 02:02 PM
Idril looked up at the young girl.
"Yes, I am. From Mirkwood to be exact," said Idril, wondering why this girl was so surprised. Then again, elves were not commonly seen in Gondorian cities.

"Would you like to join us," Idril asked, pointing to a chair next to her.

Fred Baggins
06-05-2003, 10:00 PM
"That'd be nice..." She trailed off and sat down, as though in a dream.
Fran came back, and put her plate on the table, grinning widely when she saw the girl. "Well this must be the child the whole town's in an uproar about." She winked at Aduial. "Don't look so suprised. The way I understand it, we aren't going to be the only hobbits and elves you're going to see. By the way, I'm Fran. And you little missy are...?"
"Aduial..." The poor girl seemed not to know what to do with herself. instead she just kind of stared from the hobbit on one side of her to the elf on the other.
Fran laughed, "Well, I do suppose I should give you some slak we are after all the first you have met." She took a drink from her mug, and licked her lips, before going on. "Destiny friends. All to arrive in the same afternoo, as this child. But I shouldn't say anymore, and get my big mouth in trouble again!" She laughed.

Indril Anarion
06-06-2003, 12:31 PM
Idril laughed.

"Well, perhaps this is destiny. After all, who would of thought that an elf, a hobbit, and a girl would all be sitting at a table in a Gondorian city," she said.

Fred Baggins
06-06-2003, 08:38 PM
"Two girls." Aduial said, still a bit shaken. But she seemed to understand a bit of what Fran had said. "What do you mean Fran? about destiny?"

Fran laughed "Now no fair trying to get it out of me!" She fingered something in her pocket. "I do know some things, that even elves alone could not know. But that does not give me permission to blurt it out. I like the elves, try to keep those things to myself. But tell me child what brings you here? For I fear it may mean a lot to others of us."

A bit confused Aduial told her, and the shock began to wear off some. "My village was burned down. By...by orcs. And, I'm here because I was attacked by them, on my way to..." She paused. She had no where to go. Where could she go. "And I passed out. That much you must know at least. But as you can see, I'm no elvish princess, as the town seems to be abuzz about."

Indril Anarion
06-07-2003, 09:49 PM
"So I've heard," said Idril. "It's amazing what these villagers can conjure up on the spare of the moment."

After hearing Aduial's story, she felt a certain connection with the girl. She too, was orphaned as a child, but spent her life in search of revenge. She was a warrioress in the realms of Mirkwood to ensure that no orc could harm another elf in Mirkwood again. Now she was driven here by orcs, just as Aduial.

"Aduial, you and I share a lot in common," said Idril. "Such as the fact that both of our families were taken from us by orcs and that we were both driven here fleeing from them."

06-17-2003, 06:26 PM
I stupidly dropped my glass when mention of the orcs came through the girl's mouth. I quickly bent down to pick up the shatters, as Hildigard crept out of my pocket, onto the table. She sniffed around my unfinished platter, and looked up to the other three, I now on my heals, trying to shirk away.

Fred Baggins
06-17-2003, 08:32 PM
"La-la-lady Nydassi there was a rat in your pocket...and it's on the table...EEEW!!!"

"Oh come one, Aduial is it? It's just a guinie pig, nothing to be afraid of. She won't even bite." Fran picked up the pig, and handed it to Nydasi. "This is yours I think." Changing the subject. "From Nydasi's reaction, I'd say we all have quite a bit in common with you. Tell me young one, where do you plan on going?"

"Well..." She was still a bit shaken. "To visit a...a...oh, what's the use. I had no plans. I have no family left, and no where to go, but place don't send me to an orphanage, I'm almost old enough to live on my own, and long old enough to care for myself."

Indril Anarion
06-17-2003, 10:08 PM
"Well, you must be devastated, not having a family. That's horrible. But you can trust me, sending you to an orphanage would be the last thing on my mind anyway. I think that you are grown enough to look after yourself," said Idril.

Fred Baggins
06-29-2003, 12:18 AM
She looked around seeing the same thing in the eyes of the others. "Thankyou. Thankyou so much. My plans where to travel the known lands, and even I'd hope some unknow or long forgotten lands. Oh, the stories my parents would tell me of places I've never seen like Fangorn Forest, Mirkwood...well those where actually quite scary storys, but that is of course what attracts me, and the stories of the Shire, a quiet little place. I want to get out of Gondor, and see it all." Blinking she looked around the table. "It's to soon for me to grow up and try to support myself. I'd rather see Middle-Earth before that. I suppose I could get my money and a place to sleep at night by being a bard. I don't know why I'm telling you this really. After all you're complete strangers. I have no reason, except that I feel a kind of...kinship between us. If you know what I mean.

Indril Anarion
06-30-2003, 06:49 PM
Idril smiled. She liked the spunk in this girl.

"Well, I'm headed back to Mirkwood soon. Why don't you come with me?" she said.

07-03-2003, 11:40 AM
I sighed as I sat back down, staying quiet. I had no clue where I was going... what I was doing, and what had happened. Things are so confusing. I foud myself stareing into spacelooking longingly at the past I had not known, that had been me, that had been destroyed. A shadow it seems pased through my eyes, though none but I saw it. I sat saring transfixed, wanting nothing to do with the real world, lost in a fantasy world of my dreams.

[EDITED by EƤrniel: Closed by thread starter's request.]