View Full Version : Sunset on Rivendell

Lady Arwen56
07-20-2003, 12:22 AM
What happens when all the sun never rises in Rivendell, and the elves are hurt by the lack of food, and sun light?

Name; Faraday (Fara for short)
Race; Elvish Warrior
Desricption; Tall, black hair with bright silver streaks, round aqua blue eyes(catlike).
Weapons; Daggers, Turmion, my blade, bow, different arrows.
Items; A necklace her father gave her two weeks before both her parents died, (murdered) and mithril
Animals; A pure black horse named NightShade (Night for short), with a silver mane.

It was late a night, and I sat quietly in a tree. Waiting for a companion to meet me there.

07-20-2003, 12:26 AM
Oh.... must resist.... okay, I give in. I'll join your intriguing rpg. ;)

:( :( But I can't post the start here, because I go camping tomorrow... will you have me anyway?
Shadaki the Wood elf
Class/ occupation: Yaskedasu (performer) tumbler, acrobat, and musician.
Gender: F
Hair: The elf's hair is ebony black; smooth and sheen as a raven's wing, it is a little short, a shoulder length mane with golden threads sparkling here and there.
Eyes: Deepest blue, sparkling like a lapis lazuli out of depths unseen. Her eyes are large, never accented by cosmetics, framed by long black eyelashes. They seem to draw you in, of you look too long, drowning you in pure joy and piercing sadness.
Complexion: Shadaki is tan like most Wood elves, but, unlike her kin, her skin glows golden. (Not glows, literally- you know.)
Weapons: several daggers, 2 two-bladed, but one handed, swords. These swords are fairly plain, with worm-wood hilts and beautiful, but plain, blades. In Shadaki's hands, however, they are magic. An expert wielding them is an army of one, able to perform stunning acrobatic feats with four blades flashing. Then, the twon swords seem to blaze, spinning too fast to see.
Clothes: The yaskedasu's clothes are conspicuously form fitting, to allow for acrobatics, and alluringly cut to attract an audience. She wears tight whitish leggings made of stretchy fabric, and a low cut, sleevless blouse of the same color. The fabric looks at first glance to be ragged, but reveals itself to have... frays isn't the right word... something hanging slightly all over the fabric that gives it a shining, ethreal quality j. A belt of long, beaded, irridescent, fringe completes the outfit that practically commands you to watch, coupled with beads around her knees, elbows, wrists, and throat.

Now I have to be more discriptive, because a seventh grader isn't going to beat me! :D

07-20-2003, 01:13 AM
Me got new charachter! I'll join too!

Name: Carolinerinleseingen[ Carolin-linerin-less-a-ing-en] Hewensekedeninto[ Hewen-sake-den-into] Carolin for short

Race: Sidhe(pronounced shee)

Sex: Female

Age: Immortal


Animals: A horse of pure white, looks more real then anything else around it, has cloven Silver hooves that make no noise, and
Silvery-purple eyes

Clothes: Shining blackish-silvery material. Silky soft to the touch, but harder than mithril mail. Her clothes are attractive, and very tight. She wears a shirt that has long gauzy sleeves, very low cut neckline, and is attractively cut off at her midriff, covered with small shredded peices of the gauzy material that the sleeves are made of. Her pants are tight, with slightly flared legs. The bottoms of the pants are embroidered with silver beads, in the design of celtic knots. She wears a cloak of the same material, with a hood, and sparkling silver clasps. The ends of her cloak are embroidered with a spell of protection, in the elvish speech.

Weapons: An intricly carved bow, with celtic knots put into the design, the bow's string made of the finest horsehair, but strong enough to bear a tremendous weight. The finest arrows, the shafts of the finest willow, and the tips are steel. Feathers of fabled birds are put into the shaft for balance. A shining falchion, the blade of the finest steel, and other, much stronger materials. The handle is carved in the design of a tall gracefull harp, thin enough to fit in her hand. The blade has diamonds encrusted into it, in the shape of a harp. And a single word or thought could kill you if she wished to do so.

Eyes: bright, and pure and untamed silver-blue, that peirce into your soul, fine silvery eyebrows, and light silver eyelashes. The eyes are sparkling with happines and hints of sadness

Hair: Her hair is down to her thighs, the color is an unbeliveable scillinating blond. It is usally worn in a tight braid, fastened with a silver clasp with a engraving of running horses.

Discription: Tall, and thin as a willow wand. Impossibly beautiful, she makes all others look pale in comparison to her. She looks more real then her surroundings, and she is very scary when mad.

Definition: Sidhe(pronounced shee): The faery people of Ireland. A short version of Daoine Sidhe, the People of the Hills. Sometimes (even though they do have pointed ears, but most innacuratly) confused with elves. Usually considered to be the Tuatha de Danaan, the original mother goddess Danu, on of Irelands mother gods; or descendants of those children. Some legends identify them with weak-minded fallen angels, to good to be dammed, but to fallible for Heaven. They are deathless except by violence, and are expert in some forms of wizzardry, especially music, shapechange, illusion, and the manipulation of time. They are always referred to by the Irish by euphemistic names like, "the Good folk." "the Good people of Parish," "the Gentry," or other nicknames to avoid offending them by using their real names directly.( In Irish magical tradition, as elsewhere in the world, to name a name directly is to control, or attempt to control, the thing named.)

07-20-2003, 01:52 AM
Well, you need to be the companion she's waiting for, Legoles, because I can't do it!

"Fay" is actually spelled "Fey" and refers to a changling left by demons... or a strange witch-child.

07-20-2003, 08:49 PM
Hey can I join? I wanna be the one who takes the sun away! Sparkly things have always amazed me :D !


Race: Dark Elf

Age:5,000 (ironically thats how old I am in real life, who says elves don't exists! Please ignore anything stupid I might say, I have a sugar buzz right now.)

Name: Niqurin(nik-were-in)

Description:Long blonde hair, hazel eyes, and a mouth that never smiles (hmmm...sounds like my mouth has a life of it's own) not tall but not short either.

Animals: Dog,a big gray and white Siberian Husky answers to the name of Bear. One horse dappled gray is very fat and loves granola bars :D . It's name is Pumpkin.

Why I am evil: No reason really. I just like being evil.

07-21-2003, 01:26 AM
Okay already... I fixed it!

07-21-2003, 04:01 PM
I think that character I described was the longest I've ever done!
Whats with Pumpkin? Why is your horse always crazy bout granola bars?

Lady Arwen56
07-22-2003, 12:56 AM
...Legolas...your starting to scare me...you too Fimbrethil...oh well... SOME ONE START POSTING ABOUT THE DAMN RPG!! *sorry for the language.* ;)

I still wait in the tree, getting anxious, and a little annoyed. *sigh*

07-22-2003, 01:15 PM
Originally posted by Legoles
I think that character I described was the longest I've ever done!
Whats with Pumpkin? Why is your horse always crazy bout granola bars?
OOC:My horse is always crazy bout granola bars because at the place where I ride there is a horse there that I would love to have and he loves granola bars. Pumpikin is my horses name. And LA56 I would post but as I am evil I don't think it would be wise to reveil(sp?) my plans jsut yet.

07-22-2003, 03:47 PM
Fim u r weird, Sorry Lady Arwen!
A youthfull looking girl looked into the tree and said," You coming down now, or what?

07-23-2003, 01:51 PM
OOC:Naw just a little different from the rest.

Lady Arwen56
07-23-2003, 11:13 PM
Lol. you two. hey if you guys like HP, goto my website please! it's; http://invisionfree.com/forums/Enchanted_World45/

ic; "Why should I? I've been waiting here for an hour." I roll my eyes. Carolin puts on puppy eyes. "Alright, but you must tell me where you have been." I jump out of the tree, and land gracefully on my feet.

occ: Hey, my sites new, so some people, *coughs* ("Like my BFF Rissa/AdrianBaggins) haven't joined up...grr...*smiles* So please join!! :D

07-24-2003, 06:40 PM
Can I join?

Name: Laurelin
Race: Elf
Gender: Female
From: Lothlorien
Hair:light gold
Eyes:Saphire Blue
Weapons: Sword and 3 hidden throwing daggers crafted in Lothlorien
Description: Laurelin has a golden tan and wears a silvery shirt with short sleeves that flare out and a somewhat low cut neckline. She wears loose pants that look like a skirt and flow genlty when she walks. With her golden hair and starlight eyes, she looks like the sun in the day and the moon and stars during the night. She wears a diamond necklace that is in the shape of a moon and has small bits of saphire along the border. In the moonlight it glows blue and silver which makes it look like a star.
Companions: A brown and white paint that is very tall named Buddy, and a golden lab husky mix named Rolo.
Personality: Laurelin loves the outdoors. She is a happy-go-lucky tom-boy and hates to sit around for very long. If you don't know her, she seems very mysterious.

07-24-2003, 09:24 PM
Laurelin sat upon a hill near the forest with the moonlight shinning on her face. She sighed and took out her necklace. It looked as though she was holding a star in her hand, and that is why she loved it. Rolo jumped playfully on her lap. Laurelin gave a small laugh as the puppy's ears perked up at the sight of the jewlery. She scratched behind his ears and said, "Alright, it is getting real late...or is it really early? Either way we should head back." Rolo barked in agreement and Laurelin looked over at Buddy. He was grazing and the moonlight made his coat look beautiful. She gave a whistle and the horse perked up it's ears and trotted over. "Come on," she whispered, "let's get home." As she rose up, something caught her attention. Someone was up talking. She shrugged her shoulders and continued on home, with Rolo nipping playfully at her heels.

07-25-2003, 08:42 PM
Okay, I'm back!!!!
Sorry to correct you, Legoles, but what are friends for? ;)

Ic: Shadaki was cold and tired. Her caravan had accidentally left her, and she was wandering toward who knows where, dressed as a performer, and very hungry.
Just as she was about to give up and die, the Wood elf caught sight of someone walking. Further watching revealed two more.

Shadaki stumbled toward the small group with her arms outstretched, uttering a cry.

07-25-2003, 09:15 PM
OOC:Err...sorry to intreupt but as it is night time and we can't tell if the sun has gone bye bye yet or not is it my job to steal it or should I jsut wait for you to notice it's gone?

Lady Arwen56
07-27-2003, 01:49 AM
ooc; Wait until midday to steal it. *smiles* kay?

07-28-2003, 12:17 AM
" Who is that?"[pointing to Shadaki]"Are you alright?"

'S okay Kalile.

07-28-2003, 12:36 AM
Sadaki stumbled, falling gratefully into the arms of the one who spoke.
"My caravan was attacked by bandits. They had a wizard who hit my wagon with magic... I was flung far away and half concealed by a boulder. The caravan fled, not noticing I was gone.
Since then, I have been wandering, trying to find someone to help me," an expression like a frown crossed the girl's face.
"I found... you," she said, sounding puzzled, and slipped into sleep.

07-28-2003, 04:01 PM
Laurelin heard a small cry and went towards it. She found three people, one seemed to be asleep. "Is everything alright?" she asked as Rolo happily ran up to see the them.

07-28-2003, 05:00 PM
( Hmm, It seems I've seen her somewhere..... Oh well.) "I belive so, she just got seperated from her caravan. And, who are you?"

07-28-2003, 06:27 PM
"I am Laurelin." she said as she got nearer. "And you?

07-28-2003, 11:38 PM
"I am Carolinerinleseingen Hewnsekedeninto, or just Carolin. Nice to meet you, but not upon the curcimstances." She looked down at the limp girls body and said," Well I think we should bring her back to Elrond, so she can be healed. What do you think Laurelin... Fara?"

Lady Arwen56
07-28-2003, 11:44 PM
"No, no. He is much to busy. Here, let me see her, I'm sure I can get her awake." I muttered.

07-29-2003, 12:58 AM
Sadaki fought against waking; she didn't know where she was, and wanted to pretend that she was still in the wagon...
No. She had to wake. She had to know.

One of the faces was indeed the one, though they sould not know.
Should I tell them? Sadaki wondered, her brain hazy.

07-29-2003, 01:44 PM
OOC:Alright I'll wait till miday, but you'll have to tell me when it is.

Lady Arwen56
07-31-2003, 12:00 AM
ooc: Sure thing, the sun has just risen, so in a few more post, we'll tell you. :D

ic; I looked at the young girl, whose eyes had just fluttered open, and smiled down at her. "Hello, I am Faraday. May I ask your name?"

07-31-2003, 09:07 PM
Laurelin stepped closer to the girl, "Are you alright?" she asked. Rolo sat happily next to the girl wagging his tail. He ran back to Laurelin and hid between her legs still wagging his tail.

08-01-2003, 12:15 AM
With a strange expression on her face, Carolin said "Her name is Shadaki, of the wood elves." the expression changed to one of horor, as she realized what she had just said.

08-01-2003, 01:13 AM
"How...?" She didn't even need to finish the sentence; everyone was plainly wondering the same thing.
Whatever it was that had struck her so odd about Carolin was nagging at the back of her mind, having retreated there upon waking.

08-01-2003, 01:18 AM
"I don't know, I did'nt even know your name until just then......... butI swear I've seen you somewhere before......"

08-01-2003, 10:26 AM
OOC:Guys I'm gonna go ahead and steal the sun now because I'm goin on vaca. So I'll be gone from this Sat. to next Sun.

Niqurin sat broding ove rthe probelm of not having enough minions. When her second in comand walked in,Walsa. Mistress, it is time to start the plan,Walsa informed her Mistress. Good, good, go and ready my chariot. Yes Mistress.

30:min. later...

Elves of Rivendell! I have come to take your sun away! Elrond, speaking to Niqurin, You know we are a peaceful people. Why are you doing this? HA! Stupid elf, there really isn't a reason. *with that she had Walsa hook the sun up to the chariot and ran off with it*

OOC:That might be just a little confusing but you get it. I know I went kinda scifi (hooking the sun up to a chariot who am I kidding?). If you want to go ahead and take over my role till I get back Mon.

08-01-2003, 04:40 PM
Man Fim, are you like, the Female Apollo or somethin? Or are you just a weird elf person...... i doubt Elrond would'nt of given up the sun that easy anyway.
Arrgh, I'm very :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: The story of my life.......

08-01-2003, 08:16 PM
Hey wait, that's not sci-fi: that's Greek mythology. You're Helios, Phebus, or Apollo... oh well. :D
(Anyway, It's not like Elrond can do much about someone in the sky, especially when the elves are probably eating breakfast.)

08-02-2003, 02:56 AM
true................ Oh well..................:confused: :confused: :confused:

08-02-2003, 04:12 AM
Hey look! The sun's being stolen! Throw the spoon at her! Squirt grapefruit juice in her eye! Use the bowls as helmets, and set up a whole blockade while flinging breakfast cereals at her.
(and orangutans, and fruit bars...)

:D :D :D :D :D :D

Okay, well, anyway.

Suffice it to say that the sun has been stolen, and the villan has gone away. (maybe to put a compress on her eye?)

08-02-2003, 02:22 PM
ooc: I am going to be gone for about a week at camp.

08-02-2003, 11:08 PM
Yum, sounds good!
"I'm still not sure........"

Lady Arwen56
08-02-2003, 11:53 PM
ooc: It's alright, Lego, let me help. Alright, we're doing that sun stealing thing again, and lol Kalile. That's a tad bit scary though I'm afraid to say. ;)!!

ic: I stumbled back as the sky suddenly went pitch black, only to be caught by Carolin. "What just happened...?" Carolin began. "Someone stole the sun!" I spat out suddenly. They others turn to look at me. "How'd I...okay...err...what's happening...?" I asked.

08-03-2003, 12:51 AM
"I'll tell you........, but it'll sound weird. Okay, I saw a girl come stumbling over to us and fainted in my arms. I said her name, without knowing it really."

08-03-2003, 01:25 AM
Well, I'm a bit scary, so it stands to reason.

08-03-2003, 01:33 AM
We know that!

Lady Arwen56
08-03-2003, 04:13 AM
Well, I dont mind if your scary. Most of my friends and I are too. Lol.

[EDITED. No advertising outside the advertising thread and stay on topic please- EƤrniel]

08-06-2003, 12:55 AM
um this one is gonna dry up soon!

08-06-2003, 12:57 AM
No advertising? :confused: Who's advertising? Ah well, we do need to stay on topic.

Now is the time to save the rpg with a witty and brilliant comment that others will reply to.

... I'm blank.

08-06-2003, 01:04 AM
"Hmm, I know I've seen you somewhere....... and now I know where!"
Um..... advertising?
90 second rule, blast it!

08-06-2003, 01:19 AM
"Where?" Sadaki cried eagerly, but the words were lost in the sound of hooves. A moment later, a small party of elven horesmen came into view, grim looks on thier faces.
Spying the party, they reigned in to a halt, and the leader started to talk.
"Grim news from Rivendell! A foul sorcerous has descended upon our land and stolen the very sun from the sky! Elrond has sommoned a council meeting for all that wish to attend." And without further conversation, they rode off again.

08-06-2003, 02:48 AM
"I'll tell you on the way to my quarters." everyone looked surprised. "We cant go to council looking like this!" without another word, she took off into the forest. The others, still eager to figure out how she knew Shadaki followed.
"Whee did you meet me?"
"I met you at one of your tumbling performances, very acrobatic indeed!"

08-06-2003, 02:51 AM
Ooc: Can't sleep, Legoles?

Ic: Events whirled in the yaskedasu's mind, confusing her. The sun? Stolen? The caravan gone? A familiar face...

08-06-2003, 02:59 AM
Well...... I've always been a bit of an insomniac.
"Yes Shadaki, I can understand why you are confused. Meeting a long forgotten friend can be hard."

08-06-2003, 03:01 AM
"A friend?" she repeated stupidly,"I remember... but something's trying to prevent it!"

08-06-2003, 03:03 AM
"Hmm, let me try........ wow, It's like you've got a giant roadblock in your mind."
OOC: gotta get off now...... parents going absoutley ballistic!

08-06-2003, 03:07 AM
yawn me too. my parents are in bed though. forgive the lack of capitals. i'm typing one handed.

Lady Arwen56
08-06-2003, 06:28 PM
Hey, the advertising was me. I advertised my website. lol. they need to get over it.


"How'd this happen, and who did it?" I asked.

08-06-2003, 06:50 PM
uh, Arwen, they r gone already. Yo know I can actually see the breakfast scenario.

Lady Arwen56
08-06-2003, 06:52 PM
I know. lol. just scratch that question then I suppose.

08-06-2003, 06:54 PM
we reached my quarters. I drew a bath for the injured Shadaki[with lots of Strawberry-scented soap!] and went into my changing room to get my council outfit.

Lady Arwen56
08-06-2003, 06:58 PM

Ic: I waited for Legolas, sitting down on a chair.

08-06-2003, 10:10 PM
Ic: I waited for Legolas, sitting down on a chair. [/B]
CAROLIN, Not Legoles, jeez!

08-06-2003, 11:41 PM
Laurelin went to her chambers and changed for the council. Everything had happened so fast she wasn't quite sure what was happening. As questions began to rise in her head, she walked out to the small balcony outside her room. All was dark and still. The atmosphere had become cold and very quiet. Hearing footsteps outside her room, she gave a sigh and headed towards the door.

08-07-2003, 12:16 AM
Carolin came out of her quarters dressed in a stunning ensamble of silver and black. Her shirt was silver with black gauzy sleeves. Her pants were black with silver words in Celtic and the Elven speech. She wore a long flowing robe of silver unmarred and smooth as silk. She had brought out a set of clothes for Shadaki, and set them outside of her bathing area. She shouted in the door,"Shadaki, I've brought you some clothes for the council meeting. They are sitting inside the door."

Lady Arwen56
08-07-2003, 03:05 PM
I had put on a long white dress, (which i rarely ever wore) while I waited for Carolin, pulling my long black hair into a braid. My father had told me when I dressed like a young woman, and acted like one, he could finally tell the difference between me and my two brothers. It always made me angry before, but now it made me sad. My whole family had died years ago, in a war against the orcs. I was the only one to live.
My blue eyes glinted as tears welled up. 'No.' I thought. 'I'm not going to cry. I must be strong.' I wiped my eyes, and turned as Legolas, and Shadaki walked in.

08-07-2003, 03:26 PM
[will everyone use my characters name, not my user name.]
"Hello Fara, nice ensamble. Do you like the one I picked for Shadaki?"

08-07-2003, 07:31 PM
Laurelin walked down the hall. All was quiet and her footsteps and the clicking sound from Rolo seemed very loud. She looked at herself in her mother's dress. The silver lining along the border of the blue dress seemed to sparkle like the stars. A silent tear rolled down her cheek as she thought of her mother. She had died about a month ago when a stray arrow has hit her. As she wiped away the tear, she continued to walk. Soon, she saw the group she had met up with earlier.

08-07-2003, 07:55 PM
Ok, I'll describe my outfit.

Sadaki ended up using a mix of her own outfit and the clothes provided. The yaskedasu were always provided with a 'magic trifle'. That was a clothes box that fit into a tiny inside pocket. This contained either the yaskedasu's fancy clothes, for upper class performances, or their normal outfit, while they wore the other. Sadaki donned her white leggings, fringed all over with strings of tiny silver and gold beads that moved and shimmered when she walked, and the calf high, soft purple boots provided. She did not wear the long crimson dress, or the emerald overrobe outside the door, but she did take the white satin undershirt, layering it under a long vest that matched her leggings. Over it all went a purple circle cape extending to her elbows, and a silver circlet on her brow with the symbol of the Moon Lady's yaskedasi. As an afterthought, she put a purple comb in her hair, taken from the outfit outside.

Finally, I feel clean and rested, Sadaki thought happily as she stepped outside.

Ooc: It's pretty easy to see that most, if not all, of us are girls in reality. Just read the elaborate descriptions of our outfits! :D

08-07-2003, 11:19 PM
Carolin looked around as if expecting someone."Oh there you are Ivy! I was waiting for you!
The new girl was dressed in emerald robes, a silvery-green jacket , what looked to be a plain white shirt, but upon closer inspection changed colors subtly when she moved, and a long skirt mado of the same material as her jacket. "Shall we be off?"

08-11-2003, 12:54 AM
Ooc: Well, now that we've finished our peacock writing, we will get on to more important matters.

Ic: Elrond, (NOT in purple, so don't start) greeted them personally, looking very grave. "As I'm sure you've heard, the unthinkable has happened. Someone has stolen our sun! She came at breakfast, (poorly surpressed giggle from me) so we weren't armed or ready! Oh, what shall we do?" he wrung his hands and looked very distraught.

Lady Arwen56
08-11-2003, 12:35 PM
I rolled my eyes, after Elrond looked away for a second. Of course we knew the sun had been stolen!!

08-11-2003, 01:43 PM
OOC:Some people have strange sigs. Sorry I've been away for so long...but the beach was fun. Oh and by the way I was thinking Elrond looked good in purple! YES!! I am the female Apollo!

Yes, Walsa what is it?! Can't you see I'm in pain! The plan did not go as planed.
Yes Mistress, I know. I was just going to tell you that the sun was stored safely away in the deepest dungeon.
Mistress Niqurin!
Walsa who is calling me?
I..uh..I don't know Mistress.
Could it one of your minons I've told you time and again to keep out of the castle?
I..it could be.
Mistress, I was going to infrom you that Elrond has called the concel! A little minon of Walsa's said as he burst into the room.
A little sooner than I would like but everything is going according to plan. Now Walsa if you would please dispose of this thing...
Yes Mistress. you will never see him again.
Good then draw up a bath for me I smell like grapefruit.

OOC:I am a ruthless evil person aren't I?

Lady Arwen56
08-11-2003, 03:25 PM
ooc: Yeah, your very evil. *rolls eyes sarcastically* lol.

ic: "Elrond, your highness, no offense intended, but due to the lack of sunlight, and the night fall all around us, it is quite obvious that the sun has been stolen." I said quietly.

08-11-2003, 11:53 PM
"Well... yes... of course..." Elrond replied vaguely, and made a valiant effort to continue. "The Point Is that we must get it back. I need a small party of volunteers to get it back for us."

Lady Arwen56
08-12-2003, 12:15 AM
"Well, Carolin, Shadaki, we didn't come here for nothing. Sire, I will help in the quest to seek the sun." I said, frowning slightly.

08-12-2003, 01:53 AM
"As will I." said Laurelin.

08-12-2003, 10:13 AM
OOC:I don't even know where my hiding place is yet how are you people soppused(sp?) to find me? I am evil I really really am!

*Niqurin sat in her study pacing back and forth talking to her self*
What am I going to call this place...? How about hideout #20 since this is the 20th place we tried before we decided to stay here. No thats no good...I know!! Black Sun! That's what I'll call it. The dwarves have no idea how helpful it was they built the mines so deep. Ah, and the fellowship...killing the Balrog(sp?) and geting the entrance blocked like that no one will ever think to look here! Hmmmm...maybe I should try bowls as helmets for my troops...no thats a stupid idea. Walsa!!
Yes milady?
Are the wargs in place?
Yes Mistress, they are.
Good. Very good. You are dismissed.
Yes Mistress.
*the scene fades with Niqurin rubbing her hands together in an evil fashon*
OOC:If you haven't figured it out yet we're hiding in the mines of Moria. I am evil!:D

08-12-2003, 11:30 PM
i dseperately need another rpg to be on, I am going crazy! I will be anyone or do anything!

I am Celebre, a female elf, she is on almost all my rgs, so go check if you really wanna know what she looks, like, but pretty much like arwen so there. ok, give me a boost yall!

08-13-2003, 01:31 AM
Once the volunteers had all... volunteered, Elrond stopped them.
"You should take one more. This is Celebre, and she will prove useful. She is an expert... expert person with lots of... expertise. A real... expert."

Ooc: Well I don't know what you're good at. Just tell us and we'll pretend Elrond said it. :p

08-13-2003, 01:33 AM
ok, I am good at the sword and skilled horserider. thanx for taking me in, *hugs Kalile*

08-13-2003, 01:44 AM

You know it's kinda weird being the only person browsing the forum, and then suddenly someone else is posting. :eek:

08-13-2003, 11:05 AM
I have invisible mode

08-13-2003, 01:56 PM
OOC: If I confuse people with my extremly complex posts just tell me and I'll uncomplex them. You know what? I bet I just confused more people.

08-13-2003, 03:46 PM
ooc: yep :)

Laurelin walked up to Celebre, " Hello, I am Laurelin."

08-13-2003, 09:46 PM
"Hello, I am Celebre." She said.

Lady Arwen56
08-13-2003, 10:49 PM
"'Tis an honor to meet you, Celebre. I am Faraday, Warrior of Mirkwood." I bowed, low and gracefully.

08-15-2003, 01:55 AM
"And I am Sadaki, of the Moon Lady's yaskedasi."
She made a sweeping, graceful bow that sent light sparkling over all of her beads. "I am pleased to meet our travel companion."
"And now, we must ready oursleves to do battle with evil, an epic battle of which harpers will sing!" The elf was letting her stage talk take over, always aiming to impress.

Ooc: I think I'm Sadaki in this one, and wearing the fring-bead outfit... I'm in ten+ rpgs, and I'm Sadaki in at least three of them. :p

Lady Arwen56
08-15-2003, 07:27 PM
More then that, dear friend. You've used Shadaki one to many times. But who am I to talk. lol. I also am in 10+ RPGs, so...

:D :D

08-17-2003, 11:57 AM
OOC:Alright I would post but I need you people to do something before I make anouther post. Alright so thats kinda vague...just do something and you'll understand as soon as I can post again.

Lady Arwen56
08-17-2003, 12:07 PM
"Alright, shall we be on our way then?" I asked the rest of them.

08-17-2003, 12:12 PM
OOC: Sorry thats not gonna cut it. You have to go somewhere.

08-18-2003, 05:50 PM
"So sorry , I have not introduced myself. I am Carolinerinelesserin Hewensekedo. Or just Carolin. This is my sister Ivy." her sister bowed and said,"Pleased to make your aquaintance.

08-19-2003, 10:33 AM
OOC: Grrr...do you not understand go somewhere!:D

08-21-2003, 10:44 AM
OOC:Alright you can go somewhere now so I can pull my evil stunt.

08-21-2003, 02:42 PM
I don't really know what I am doing, or I would go somewhere. sry, if you want some frappys, or herbal tea, we can sit and wait for everyone else.:D

08-21-2003, 02:51 PM
Thanks but i still have those breakfast cereals in my hair.:D

08-21-2003, 03:27 PM
how bout' a bottle of shampoo and conditioner?

08-21-2003, 08:45 PM
(Sorry, useless post)

90 seconds aren't up yet.

08-22-2003, 06:52 PM
Originally posted by Legoles
how bout' a bottle of shampoo and conditioner?

Thank you I would love some. Preferably the smell of evil if have any. If not strawberrys will be fine.:rolleyes:

08-23-2003, 06:24 PM
uh, I have essence of orc or strawberry.
IC: Carolin said,"You really expect us to go on a journey in theese clothes? Yeah right! She ran to her quarters, and flipped her cloak, reversed her shirt, pulled on new boots, and pulled a black tab on the pants, so she was back to normal. SHe dashed back and said,"I'm ready!"

Lady Arwen56
08-24-2003, 01:22 AM
"A journey indeed!" I muttered to myself, doing as Carolin did, walking into a room, and chaging. I walked back down the the council, and frowned. "Let's go! I am growing fairly tired of waiting." I said, truthfully.

ooc: First post where I've actually known what to say. :)

08-24-2003, 09:48 PM
Celebre didn't change, she pulled her cloak on and sat on the bench waiting for everyone to get ready

08-24-2003, 09:54 PM
Laurelin quickly went to change and then came back and sat down to wait for the others. Rolo seemed content with a low branch from a small tree next to her. Every now and then he would give a yip of frustration trying to get the branch to stay down only to find it would just pop back up again.

08-26-2003, 12:38 PM
OOV:Essence of orc would be lovely!

Have they left yet Walsa?
No Mistress. But inteligence says that they'll be ready any moment.
Excellent. *we see Niqurin's face smiling evilly and thunder roles over head.*