View Full Version : "May It Be" discussion/character posting!
Finrod Felagund
06-05-2003, 11:34 AM
Here! Now Opan can post the general story idea and everyone can post their characters!
Basically I want a story that will develop itself....i want everyone to add their own input into it
The basic stroy line is simthing like this
I play a character sent from my home town Lotherian to find characters that can help in finding the lost light of Galadriel.
The orcs are desending upon Lotherian and we need sort of undercover characters that can help find and retrieve it.
From here i want characters to enter themselves throughout the that it doesnt stick to a rigid plan persay....i want it to develop itself.
Finrod Felagund
06-05-2003, 11:46 AM
I'll play Fimbren, the Valinorean elf who is half Noldor, on quarter each Vanya and Teleri.
I've been in ME since the revolt of the Noldor. I carry Fingolfin's sword, Ringil and ride a horse called Nahar. I also carry a Lorien Bow and arrows.
By the way Opan, welcome to the Moot, and thanks for getting involved right away, that's cool!
My name is Opan.....and i am a sister to Arwen but was not spoken about.
I was taken to Lotherian at a young age to be protected and so have been brought up as one of Lotherian.
I carry with me powers of elvish and nature.
I leave much under lock and key and speck of only what is needed.
thank u for the kind welcome
Finrod Felagund
06-05-2003, 11:54 AM
Nice. Just two things.
It's spelled Lothlorien, or just Lorien, and the people are called the Galadhrim.
The other thing is, what exactly is the light of Galadriel? And is this after the Lord of the rings? And has Galadriel already left Middle Earth?
ust a few little things to consider.
sorry about the spellings :rolleyes:
She has not yet left she is awaiting our arrivel in lothlorien
The Light of Galadriel is a source which controls and balances good and evil, chaneling posivite and negative. If it falls into the wrong hands it could lead to an unblance and terrible effects
Finrod Felagund
06-05-2003, 12:06 PM
OK, but thistakes place after the Lord of the Rings? So Sauron is gone?
Yes. There is another attept for and uprising of Orcs etc at this time..... and they are planning on doing this thorugh using the Light Of Galadriel:) -
Plz...add ur own views on how u think it may be..
Finrod Felagund
06-05-2003, 12:09 PM
I Like it. :D Now we just have t wait for people to join!
This is my 1st time many ppl pass through...
Thnks for the welcome and joining in....i though it would be difficutl to get ppl involved:p
06-05-2003, 12:46 PM
I would like to join this rpg. It sounds like a good, solid story. :)
My character's name is Kalile. She is an elf, and traveled with Gandalf during the War of the Rings, doing things like saving Faramir while Gandalf drove off the Nazgul, and traveling with the company when Gandalf fell into shadow.
She also traveled with Bilbo; that was where she met up with Gandalf - they saved her from the trolls at the beginning of their quest.
(Obviously this changes the story a bit, but I like writing my own parts to LOTR - that's how I read them)
Welcome to the moot, Opan! I feel like a real member now. :p
Thank u .... ur very kind.....Thanks for joining the story....
(nice background by the way)
06-05-2003, 12:53 PM
Thanks. When I read LOTR the second time, I wrote myself a little part.
wow how
Its a shame we couldnt start..........not enough'll take forever......:(
oh COOOOME lol
do many ppl come through here often?
Indril Anarion
06-05-2003, 02:23 PM
WAIT!!!! Don't quit yet! I want to join!!!!!!
Character: Luthien
Race: Elvish
Hometown: unknown; wanderer
Age: 1003
Hair: black
Eyes: Green
WOC: Lorien Bow; Mythril arrows; Elven Blades crafted by Mirkwood Elves
Occupation: Assassin
Short Bio: Orphaned as a child, Luthien has wandered through the forests of Middle Earth most of her life. She spent a great deal of time in Lorien, therefore she feels a certain patronage to the Lady of the Golden Wood. As she matured, she grew skilled in the art of war. Now a deadly assasin, she is hired by all, far and wide, for her services.
I know this is not typical of an elf, but I wanted something different. Can I join?
Indril Anarion
06-05-2003, 02:26 PM
P.S.- Where in Middle Earth are you starting?
Of course u could join....
As for the starting point, to be honost i'm not sure....
If anyone has a good setting for a meeting of the many lol
plz say:p
The last sane person
06-05-2003, 05:33 PM
OOC: Welcome to the moot! I would never want to see a thread die so young!! I shall join!
I am seth. A random Easterling that fought with the westerners after he defected from Saurons side. He made a name for himself traveling with the short elf Kalile after the war doing random acts of kindness. He carries with him the weapons of the East; Semitars, Halberds and Armor. He is wise in all that concerns battle and has much knowledge of the woods and nature. Excellent warrior and archer. Has good sense of humor and is an older man with childeren that are teens (they might make an apperance)
i am bak.....i have begun the story :p
May it be - -
this will be a realy kewl story when it gets going...i cnt wait until everyone joins this character history sounds really kewl :p
06-06-2003, 09:00 PM
I want to join as Myanduri (a.k.a. Mya). She is a human who grew up in Ithilien. She didn't much like the way it was, and enjoys the rebuilding, but is getting really tired of Elves. She grew up on the streets, and taught herself how to survive. She does whatever she can for money. Even the occasional assassination. so she's been travelling North, trying to find out her ancestry. She has heard of a witch in the Golden Wood that knows all, so she's gone in search of this witch (galadriel-- Mya doesn't know she's an elf) In all honesty, she's thoroughly disenchanted with the Elves showing up and pretty much taking over ithilien. What she doesn't know is that she has elvish ancestry.
The last sane person
06-06-2003, 11:48 PM
I shall come in later in the game to act as a jump off point. I'll meet with Kalile before seeing any of you.
Kalile is already in the rpg........will she part from us to find your...or???
The last sane person
06-07-2003, 08:55 PM
OOC: i dunno....although i think it would be best if she ran into me....It's up to her to deside.
I think this could be soon - we'll ask Kalile to seperate from us in a run away for a short while and run into u:p
(Read the last enteries in May it Be) - -
The last sane person
06-08-2003, 09:13 PM
Sounds good to me! She shall be bumped then! I think my "kids" shall be with me... Do ya need anymore ppl?
06-09-2003, 04:30 PM
People are good. Hmm... yes, people are very good. Okay, we should probably split up while running away from the army. Gusto can guide the rest of you away from his hideout.
The last sane person
06-09-2003, 09:48 PM
But, you're also supposed to find Nariel too. So Nariel can go with Gusto (whoever that is) and kalile can continue on and find me. Then we all meet back at the secret whatever it is.
06-10-2003, 12:47 AM
Ah, but we already found Nariel.
The last sane person
06-10-2003, 02:51 PM
Then find me!
06-10-2003, 09:23 PM
The last sane person
06-11-2003, 12:11 AM
Finally! Thank you! I was about to collapse!
The last sane person
06-14-2003, 02:26 AM
My kids will appear once the actual quest has started since we are still by the river.
06-14-2003, 08:54 AM
very nice story line..beginning anyway..
here's my bit..
"the light has been lost, now darkness has overshadowed Lorien." "Without it there has been no happiness left in me and for fear lorien shouild be a dark and lifeless place.
Only the light can help heal all those shattered feelings of anxiety."
i don't think this fits very well but ...
06-14-2003, 08:57 AM
*reads last entries*
i think i'm lost..
what am suppose write?
Well at the moment i think Galadriel is a charter that wouldnt enter for a long period. We are traveling to meet her....and we havent begu it yet.....BUT if you want you coudl join later
you could be another character for the time being which is killed of closer tot he time that galadriel enters....
We need non elven ppl.......male would be good too
The last sane person
06-14-2003, 03:48 PM
Yeah, More men please! I am out numbered about 4 to 1!
Indril Anarion
09-22-2003, 08:56 PM
Ah-ha! I found it! See, I knew there had to be a discussion thread for this RPG....
Well, now here is where we can discuss the OOC portion of the game so that the RPG isn't cluttered with OOC's.
The last sane person
09-22-2003, 09:03 PM
Good. So. Um. Yeah. Where are we to start looking for the Light? I am thinking it to be some sort of necklace or something like what she gave to Frodo. What does that sound like?
Indril Anarion
09-22-2003, 10:26 PM
Sounds good to me....maybe one of the dying orcs can kinda give 'em a clue about where to start taunting them that they'll never find it cuz some bad ass orc lord has it kept safe in some nasty-looking cave-like tunel thingy....
it's a start anyways...what do you think?
09-22-2003, 10:38 PM
That's sorta what I was thinking, that they would hide it underground! Cool.
Earniel's star is the light of Galadriel? Yeah, I guess it would be. Awesome.
The last sane person
09-22-2003, 10:57 PM
who? you mean the Mod's seabird in a cross thingy? um....i might be copyrighted to her....:D But yeah. One of us (or all) should come across the dying orc. and i suggest we do that soon before Seth and Luthien forget the story and just kiss away.
Indril Anarion
09-23-2003, 08:01 AM
lol...very funny....hehe ;)
The last sane person
09-23-2003, 06:16 PM
Well, its a very real threat! It appears that if given a moments time they will! hehehe....well....a man will be a man! :D :D :rolleyes:
The last sane person
09-24-2003, 12:19 AM
Um...if you didnt know...the place where Celebrian was tortured was quie a ride away from the place. Nearer to the edge of mirkwood.
And where the bugger did Opan go? Her two week vacation to Vegas turned into months long absence!
The last sane person
09-28-2003, 01:13 AM
Bugger the nintey second rule! What was that little side plot of yours Kalile? You cant just leave us hanging!
Indril Anarion
09-28-2003, 08:47 PM
Yeah! to shed some light on the situation?
The last sane person
09-28-2003, 09:01 PM
Dont count on it. the doofus has probably forgotten it by now. :rolleyes: Alas! Kalile is a tad forgetful sometimes!:rolleyes:
09-28-2003, 11:46 PM
Well, it was all crystal clear the moment I thought of it...
No, really, though, I remember!
Um, I've been watching Inuyasha. And the whole thing with the Tetsiega (I probably just killed the spelling there) controlling Inuyasha's demon-ness has permeated my brain, and I accidentally stole it.
Oh, and by Earniel's star I meant the phial that Galadriel gave to Frodo... was that Earandil? Yeah, I think it was.
09-29-2003, 04:10 PM
I'm very pleased you're giving me a star and everything. ;) But Galadriel's phial holds the light of EƤrendil's star.
The last sane person
09-29-2003, 05:42 PM
I figured it was sommat like that....:rolleyes: Well, anyhoo...Kalile, are you going to let us on to that plot thing or shall we wander in the dark?
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