View Full Version : Lost Legands of Middle Earth
Lady Arwen56
08-16-2003, 08:01 PM
What happens when all the leaders, warriors, and enchanters disappear from middle earth? Of course, a team is sent out to find them!! :) :D ;)
Name: Alliwin (Allie)
Race: Men
Age: 23
Description: Long honey brown hair, her eyes are the brightest of all green, she is tall, and slender.
Personality: Short temper to anything that tries to battle her or one of the people close to her, mainly a bit sarcastic (as myself) though, she does not mean to be.
Animals: My pure black horse, Panawin, and my pet wolf, (Aniul) and my pet peregrin falcon (Skylar)
Weapons: Daggers, and the Blade Terren that was past down in my family for generations.
Items: A necklace that glows black when evil is around, and a bright white-blue when good is around.
ic: Alliwin stayed close to her pet wolf, Aniul, laying her hand gently on his head. A small whinnie came from behind her, and she turned to face a pure black mare.
Alliwin put a finger to her lips, and sushed the animal; evil was close by, if her necklace was right.
Lady Arwen56
08-17-2003, 11:12 AM
Would someone please join my rpg????????? It can't be that bad, can it??? :( :(
Varda Oiolosseo
08-17-2003, 11:24 AM
I'll join! :D
Name: Nienna
Race: Elf
Age: 227
Description: Tall with long brown hair braided around the sides. Bright blue eyes.
Personality: She can be very determined when her mind is set on something and gets along with most people.
Animals: Pure white horse
Weapons: Sword and Bow and Arrow
Lady Arwen56
08-17-2003, 11:36 AM
COOL!! Just incase I never told you before, I love your av. Orli is sooooo hott. I'm obsessed with him. lol.
List of ppl I'm obsessed with:
1. Orlando Bloom
2. Elijah Wood
3. Heath Ledger
4. Devon Sawa (GUY!!)
Varda Oiolosseo
08-17-2003, 11:43 AM
lol! I love Orli! I like Ashton Kutcher too he's gorge but Orli is the best.
Anyway back on topic how many people do you want for this RPG?
Lady Arwen56
08-17-2003, 11:45 AM
bout 5 I suppose.
Yes Ashton too is cute. :D
Varda Oiolosseo
08-17-2003, 11:54 AM
My characters horse is pure white and is called Maglor. :D
Lady Arwen56
08-17-2003, 12:03 PM
kay. :cool:
08-17-2003, 03:00 PM
hello all! Pip has entered the rpg, bringing my total to 12 i think.
name- Celebre (go figure)
age- 370
appearance- black hair, bright green eyes with flecks of blue. long cloak
weapons- sword and longbow
horse- asfaloth, white stallion
Varda Oiolosseo
08-17-2003, 03:03 PM
yay we have another person!
Lady Arwen56
08-17-2003, 03:08 PM
Yay...I'm sad...oh well. if anyone knows where to start we can begin lol.
08-17-2003, 04:25 PM
why are you sad? was it something i said? I'm not that vain you know. did your puppy die? did your daemon die? *hugs lady* I'm here for you!!!
Lady Arwen56
08-17-2003, 04:28 PM
ooc: *laughs* Oh, it was nothing, just a problem between me and a...err...friend. I suppose is what I'd call them. We fixed it though.
08-17-2003, 05:11 PM
hylo! I join!
Name: Dadriel
Sex: F
Race: sea elf
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 108
Hair: The color of shadow, w/ streaks of the brightest blonde, almost white, which is as long as her waist.
Eyes: Silvery-blue, with long black eyelashes, and thin, defined eyebrows, the same color as her hair.
Face shape: Oval
Skin color: tanned
Weaponry: two swords, one long, one w/ multiple blades, Lothlorien bow & arrows, twin blades that are strapped to her arms like fins, and small peices of webbing between her fingers from which she can shoot jets of water.
Apperance: Very young, looks like a 17 year old, tall & gracefull.
Companions: A microscopic shadow, which can change shape and size at will but usually takes the shape of a young elf male w/ red hair, green eyes, clothes that consist of blue pants and a silver shirt w/ blue lining, tall and V. handsome.
Clothes:[in the water: A blue bikini, w/ silver racing stripes.] out of the water she wears a pair of baloon pants, and a short sleeved shirt that is silver w/ a blue fairy in the middle of the shirt[shirt is tight.]
Gulio, Strength of Many
08-18-2003, 03:18 PM
Hmm, I'll join as well. I'll be Rylkin, and if you want a description look in the Enchanted Rivers thread.
08-18-2003, 04:03 PM
Hey I'll join. You all know DeathShadow if not look in five towers thread.
I'll be a bad good guy in this. I'll be an evil assasin who's found out about the search and the best person to help is me. But when I find them I'll try and Kill them which was my alterrior motive.
08-18-2003, 04:12 PM
I'll join. I think you all know my Melia charcter. If not, look in the Prophecy thread.
08-18-2003, 11:00 PM
Les get started, so................................................ .................................................. ...
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where do we start? Lothlorien............... Rivendell............
Mirkwood? Uh Laiping, China? where?
08-20-2003, 12:52 AM
I'm watching Princess Mononoke, so I have to make a character based off of her. :rolleyes:
Why would Sea elves bother with clothes? Under water, all they do is slow you down, and the water doesn't change temperature as drastically as land, so you don't really need clothes in the water...
Name: Mioka
Race: Human
Age: About 15
Hair: Brown and untidy, looks like it was cut short with a dagger, which it was.
Eyes: Large and green, the intense gaze of a predator
Clothes: Mioka is enveloped in a cape of white fur that covers both front and back. Under that is a rough tunic long enough to cover her to mid thigh. Her legs and feet are bare, but for a few anklets made from shell and bone and stone.
Weapons: Mioka is deadly with her spear of obsidian, and she also has a short dagger
Companions: An elk named Ashitaka, and two wolves that only come when she is in danger, or away from other people
Special Items: A purple crystal dagger, ornamental, suspended from a leather thong
A stone mask that covers half of her face that she uses for battle and raids, using the cape and mask to frighten people.
I'll meet you guys once you get out of town and on your journey, ok?
Varda Oiolosseo
08-21-2003, 07:24 AM
Who wants to start?
I would but right at this moment i'm not feeling very imaganitive. lol.
Elrond the Wise
08-21-2003, 08:39 AM
I`l join to...How many membetrs you have now :D
Name: Arato
Age 2065
Race: High Elf (Noldor)
Sex: M
Appearance: Long dark hair, brown eyes and very tall
Weapons: Longbow elven sword that glows when orcs are near.
Animals: no animals I like to walk:)
Oher items: a golden ring that was given to me by the dwarves of Khazad - Dum during the second age.
Personality: very wise and a good fighter. always helps when someone is in troble.
I can`t think of anything else at the moment but if I want to add something I`l tell u. MayB we should start from The Grey Heven like Gandalf and other Istari when they first came to MIddle-earth.
If I get to tired of walking with u I`l get a horse to:)
08-21-2003, 10:27 AM
I can't really start, because I'm the wild girl...
How 'bout the founder of this thread starts?
08-21-2003, 03:31 PM
I could start, I actually have an idea!
Gulio, Strength of Many
08-21-2003, 07:47 PM
Would someone just start, Legoles or Lady Arwen I don't care!
08-21-2003, 07:55 PM
Me neither. Lady Arwen hasn't been on in a while... I accidentally sent a pm to her instead of to Pip, and she hasn't replied to either that or my apology yet. :(
08-21-2003, 10:33 PM
Legoles can start. Oh, welcome Elrond the Wise.:)
08-21-2003, 11:09 PM
I forgot to put my pm up, I usually turn it off untill I know the people, just forgot, I know you guys, even though you could all be snipers, but I guess I trust you enough to carry a conversation! plus we can have some tea! I'm no good at starting, I'll just get us confused
08-22-2003, 12:31 AM
ooc:Same here.:D I tend to do that....:p
Elrond the Wise
08-22-2003, 03:10 AM
ok... Legolas you star if u have an idea
Elrond the Wise
08-22-2003, 08:58 AM
I can start if u tell me whear should we start ( rivendell, Bree etc.)
I have one idea
08-22-2003, 03:08 PM
I was thinking something such as the Valley of mist.
A tall, thin elvish girl was walking through the city of Galyin. She had hair of shadow, which was the length of her waist, with streaks of white-blonde. Her eyes were silver-blue, and she was beautiful. She also had many threatening aspects, as the blades that crossed her arms were rather scary. She walked along looking at the colorful vendors, and shopkeeps. She thought <They are fools, all of them. Do they not realize that there are things beyond this city?> She spat on the ground and lifted her head to the sun. Suddenly a different persons thought crossed through her mind.
<This is such a beautiful day, to bad it won't last.>
Dadriel turned and saw a elf with brown eyes, dark hair, and he twas taller than her.
08-22-2003, 03:39 PM
Celebre stepped out of her father's shop. He was a carpenter and she often helped him. She saw the elf walking down the street, 'I've never seen her before' she thought. Actually, she was glad, because this elf was rather frightening. Nevertheless, she was hospitable and extremely friendly. She walked up to her, "Hello, I don't believe I have met you before, my name is Celebre. " She said extending her hand.
08-22-2003, 10:15 PM
Melia sat in the back of a small bar. The air was musty and smokey, much different from outside. Or any other place for that matter. she thought. Drunk, or not, men were throwing darts up against a target laughing when someone missed, and cursing when someone hit it. Melia looked around. Besides a small few, Melia was the only girl here. She smiled, At least under the age of 30. After a while, she got up and payed the barkeep. She went for the door and when she opened it and stepped outside, Melia squinted at the sunlight. "Beautiful day really." she murmered to herself.
Gulio, Strength of Many
08-22-2003, 11:08 PM
Rylkin entered the small town of Galyin. It seemed like such a peaceful place, all the people working in a peaceful routine that seemed to exist only in the smaller communities. He searched for a tavern or something like that. He saw a small alehouse across the street, and walked over to it. He saw a young lady standing outside, squinting into the sun.
Elrond the Wise
08-23-2003, 09:10 AM
Before the sunset a n elf enterd the town og Galin. he was tired becouse he had walked for a whole day and now he needed some sleep. He walks to the nearest tavarn what was a small alehouse across the road. He sees some travelers neat the alehouse and goes to them. " hi, I`m Alastor" he says.
08-23-2003, 05:14 PM
"I am Dadriel.... Celebre.<And you Alastor.>" Dadriel was not used to anyone being so friendly. Usually she was shunned from house and home. "Uh, Celebre, does your father own that ale-shop down on the corner?"
Lady Arwen56
08-24-2003, 01:32 AM
ooc: Sorry for not being on! Zavron, can I be your friend or something thats traveling with you? Or, does DeathShadow not have friends or girlfriends...*giggle* ?
08-24-2003, 02:34 AM
Know what? I'm bored. So I'll just stir things up a bit here... just don't kill my wild girl, I haven't ever played her before. :p
Mioka stood silently on a hill overlooking the town. These people are trying to ruin these wonderful lands! She spat, not knowing that at the same time another spat comtemptiously, (sp?) almost for the same reason.
The elk, Ashitaka, turned his head to one side so that the girl could climb up on his back with one of his long horns. "Let's go hunt some fools, Ashitaka!" she cried, pulling down her half mask and pulling out her spear.
Wolves at her side, the wild girl galloped down toward the village, silently directing the animals with the long weapon. When she got close, the girl stood up on her elk's back and threw the spear over the wall with practiced ease, to land quivering in the center of the square. Mioka smiled grimly at the shouts from within, and jumped up onto the watchtower, climbing through and slithering down to the city, the fearsome wild girl covered in white fur.
Lady Arwen56
08-24-2003, 02:41 AM
Alliwin peered dazed at the girl with white fur on. She had climbed over their Watch Tower's wall. "Damn it, where's my stupid brother when you need him!" She snapped to herself. "Halt there!" She said to the girl. Alliwin's hair flew back out behind her slightly as she rushed over to the young woman.
08-24-2003, 02:48 AM
Mioka growled a curse at her in the wolf language, half drawing her hunting knife, but running onward. The girl didn't seem to be a problem, and would cease to be important once Mioka jumped to the ground. I'll teach these beasts to fear retribuiton from the land that they kill!] Not that she was planning on killing anyone, of course; she did not kill what she would not eat, and she didn't need to eat these beings to survive.
Lady Arwen56
08-24-2003, 02:56 AM
Alliwin bit her tongue as the girl cursed her in wolf language, as if she didn't know how to speak it; she was one of the few of the race of Men that could. Her pet wolf, Aniul growled at the girl, and glarred the her own wolves.
"Settle, Aniul. Miss, I only ask your name, it is as simple as that!" Alliwin snapped.
08-24-2003, 03:06 AM
A wolf speaker! it occurred to Mioka that she could act as though she only knew the wolf tongue, but decided against it. This girl talked to wolves, so she might not be so bad.
Outwardly she didn't change her expression under the half mask, but she edged the knife back into the sheath.
"I am Mioka, the Wild Girl. You must be fairly new here: I raid this town every once in a while, especially when one of my friends have been murdered by the beasts called humans. They fear me now. Pitiful."
Lady Arwen56
08-24-2003, 03:15 AM
"I am Alliwin, a human, but I assure you, I had no idea about the killings of anything around here! I, as you have said, have not been here for a long time. I just got here from Rohan the last fort night, ah and what a tiring journey it was." Alliwin whispered, appraoching the girl carefully.
Aniul nudged Alliwin's hand, whimpering softly. "Oh, and this is my friend, not my pet," Alliwin said, glancing back at the women, who had called Aniul her fateful servert. In truth, he was nothing but a friend, all though he would do anything for Alliwin. "Aniul." A screech came from the sky, and a falcon landed on Alliwin's shoulder. She stroaked it's wings tenderly, and smiled. "And this, is my dear, old friend, Skylar."
08-24-2003, 03:25 AM
"You seem truly to be a child of people, not the human animals. I do not wish to hurt you. However, I have a spear to retrieve, and a raid to be getting on with, now that I have somewhat spoiled the entrance." Mioka crouched, ready to spring, her hand on her dagger. "Will you let me pass?"
Lady Arwen56
08-24-2003, 03:28 AM
"Well. now this all depends. Are you my friend, or are you my foe? Choose wisely, for I do not befriend many people, and my foes have to face me." Alliwin said.
08-24-2003, 05:56 PM
"I consider myself neither, for I do not know you well enough to call you friend, and I have no reason to call you foe. You are not my enemy, and I have no business with you. My business is with those that kill without eating, and destroy for little reason."
The girl gestured toward the ground with her dagger.
"I'm afraid I have not the time for this. I have business to complete before anyone becomes brave enough to attack."
With those words, Mioka sprang up and, pushing off of the barricade wall, leaped over the other and down into the square.
Ooc: All the rest of you, since you're standing there, should probably do something now!
08-24-2003, 09:32 PM
"Oh, dear, Dadriel, come with me! Hurry!" She grabbed Dadriel's hand and led her into her father's carpenter shop. "Father!" She cried slamming the door behind her. "Someone is attaking the city! We have to hide, now!"She said searching the room for somewhere safe. "Well, now is the time for it." Her father said to himself. "Celebre, I need to show you something!" He said taking her hand. "Not now, father, we don't have time!" She said frantically. "No!" He said, her father led her to a cabinet in the back of the room. He took a key off of a necklace that he wore around his neck. He unlocked the cabinet and pulled out a small box. He opened it and pulled out a bracelet. It was silver with a shining blue stone set in the middle. He placed it on her hand, and it began to glow like a shining star. "What is it?" She said amazed. "Your mother gave it to me bfore she died, she said it was to be given to you when the time came, I know nothing about it, or its powers, but it might help you now." He said. A bang came at the door, "Go into the cellar!" Celebre cried.
08-24-2003, 09:44 PM
When the blindness from the light finally weared off, Melia turned to see two girls taking. One wearing white fur. Melia had seen her before on her usual raids of the city. Here we go again. Everyone will hide while she does what she wishes. With a sigh, Melia went to a small bench and sat down. People passing looked at her as though she had a death wish as they scurried into their homes like frightened mice. Melia just smiled and waited for the wild girl to come to the city.
08-25-2003, 07:26 PM
Dadriel ran out of the carpenter shop, with her sword drawn."Who are you, and what are you doing here, wild girl?" She said in the wolf tounge.[my character speaks almost every language.]
08-25-2003, 09:40 PM
Celebre watched horrified as Dadriel ran from the shop. Like the young elf that she was, she ran after her. "What are you doing?" She cried. She had been ever wary after her friend was killed by one of the raids. She looked at the girl, she didn't look really frightening, it was the wolf she was worried about.
08-25-2003, 09:47 PM
"I am the Wolf Princess, and bane of the human beasts!" Mioka cried clearly in the Common tongue, so everyone could hear.
"You kill my people and destroy our homes! I am the avatar of the forest, to exact justice upon humans!"
Privately, she hoped it wouldn't come to bloodshed; she did not kill except to eat, or in self defense, unless they were a demon or a truly evil person. She would make a mess, but killing another being for no reason was yet another practice of humans that she abhorred.
08-25-2003, 09:56 PM
Melia listened to what the wild girl had said. She silently drew out one of her daggers just in case she would really go that far.
Gulio, Strength of Many
08-25-2003, 11:24 PM
Rylkin watched the townspeople rush into the nearest building as a strange-looking wild girl entered the town. She shouted a few things he didn't understand. He stepped into the shadows for a moment to shift into a wolf. He came back out and approached the girl.
08-26-2003, 11:10 PM
Another wolf leaped over the wall to join Mioka, growling at passersby.
"Ready to go, Blood daughter?"
"Not yet, Nigi, I had a problem."
Nigi's nose twitched, and she turned to face the new wolf, the fur on her back raising.
"This one has a smell I don't recognize. He is not of my pack."
Ooc: I think of a way to get myself involved, and whala! The story becomes exciting! ;)
08-26-2003, 11:40 PM
"Well yes girl, I can understand that, but it does not mean take it out on them! That is how they live their life! They don't know any better! I'm a protecter of the aquatic creatures in my part of the forest. I understand that there are cruel people that kill for fun, and frankly I think it's disgusting! But, that is the small majority, not everyone in this town!"
08-26-2003, 11:51 PM
"They clear my lands to search for iron, and kill any person who gets in their way. They kill wolves for hunting sheep, but do not eat the wolf. The most that happens is that a garment is made from the fur. So much waste is considered normal from the animals! They may not know as people know, but they refuse to be taught!" Mioka clenched the kinfe tightly in her hand, staring at the other.
"How can you defend these dumb animals when they step on the platforms to work the forges that belch smoke into your air? When they kill the mermaids because they are neither animal like they, or people, like us."
08-26-2003, 11:54 PM
"You do have a point in that respect but usually if anyone sees a mermaid, they will think it's an illusion. The killing of mermaids and the water demons is when blood spills, only the guilty though. I don't lower myself to robbing the people that the men or women live in.... it's demeaning!"
08-27-2003, 12:02 AM
"I am just a child of fifteen summers. I do not care if it is demeaning, if the people know that they cannot maim and kill without retribution. And I take nothing. I stop the fires in the forge, so that it takes days to get them working again. I sometimes break tools and axes, but I never steal.
Someone that can sit and watch these animals take over our lands is as bad as a human, and no person at all."
Mioka strode to her spear and yanked it out of the ground.
"I will delay the progress of these mines whether you stop me or not, but I will kill you if you stand in my way."
Please don't call my bluff Mioka hardened her eyes, and lowered her spear.
"What will it be?"
Just step aside! I don't want to hurt you!
Ooc: I think that the only way we're ever going to go on this quest is if you all throw me over a horse's rump and get going.
What for? Because I know the wilderness and can talk to animals.
Now I'm going to bed.
08-27-2003, 12:14 AM
"I know you are bluffing dear girl, and if I wanted to kill you, I'd of done it already." She tore off the sleeves of her shirt to reveal the blades attached to her arms.
Lady Arwen56
08-27-2003, 06:29 PM
Alliwin sighed, and ran between the two girls. "Let us not quarrl on who will kill who, or why they have not already done it!" She snapped. "Miss, if you don't mind, please leave our city imedietely, or at least swear to give us no trouble if you are allowed to stay." Alliwin ordered Mioka. "I know you are fighting for what is true, but we have other things to deal see, Gladriel, and all the other great ones of the world...they have disappeared."
08-27-2003, 11:17 PM
"The Queen of Mirkwood? Gone?" this news was almost a tangible blow to Mioka, and she literally staggered a little.
"Everyone? Even Radagast?" The spear clattered to the ground as Mioka stood, dry eyed. She didn't know how to cry, or even what tears were, but something welled up inside her that threatened to break out.
Mioka managed to compose herself with difficulty. "Where have they gone?"
08-27-2003, 11:32 PM
"I would like to know that too! I never heard of this before..... I wonder why..... Mioka..... truce?"
08-28-2003, 10:30 PM
"Oh, right," Mioka eyed the girl distrustfully. "If you must. I have accomplished most of what I am here for, anyway."
08-28-2003, 10:45 PM
After sitting for a while as they talked, Melia decided to go up and see what is was exactly they were saying. As she came nearer, she heard one of the girls speak of the dissapearance of the great ones. "This news is new to me as well," she siad walking nearer. Her voice startle some of those that did not hear her coming. "When did this all happen?"
08-29-2003, 11:18 PM
As the others talked, Mioka knelt to pick up her spear, and rocked back and forth slightly. All those that she respected, gone?
Radagast, with his kind ways, and his funny jokes?
The Lady, who would help her when it came to trees?
Kalilae, the Wood Elf, whose mother Kalile, hero of the Ring, had died protecting the wildlands, and who would to the same?
Ooc: If anyone doesn't know by now, I read the Lord of the Rings and after a few times I created a character, and I alter the story some and add diologue for my character. Her name is Kalile, and Gandalf, Bilbo and the dwarves found her hiding in the back of the trolls' cave. She became Gandalf's apprentice, and traveled with the Fellowship. Because I am a shallow blonde, and love Legolas, though not Orlando Bloom, they fell in love, had a child, blah blah blah. Then Kalile died defending the lands from an attack from Melkor's forces. So don't get confused.
Lady Arwen56
08-31-2003, 12:40 AM
"I have come to you swiftly, sent by the Gladriel's eldest daughter, my dear friend Evra(couldn't think of anything else, practically brain dead at the moment), to warn you, that if we do not find the legends soon, then middle earth will begin to fall, once again into shadow. They are the only ones that stand between peace, and destruction here." Alliwin said, softly, calmly.
"I am Lady Eowyn's daughter, incase you were all wondering." Alliwin added, as some of them gave her looks, as if to say And-how-did-you-come-by-all-this-information?
09-01-2003, 07:29 PM
I am one of the daughters of Legolas of Mirkwood, and I suppose that he is gone as well?"
The girl nodded her head.
Dadriel ran off into the forest and looked for a tall tree to climb. She climbed it and sat in its comfortable middle branches, and she broke down crying.
09-01-2003, 10:12 PM
One of the many daughters of Legolas, you mean!
I'm the only one that actually has a character that I read along with and interacted with the story, so kudos (and Legolas) for me!
09-01-2003, 10:36 PM
Melia stood outside the small circle of people, watching and listening to what they were saying. She looked down at the ground and sighed, so many of her friend had disappeared and here they were just talking about. After a few more minutes, she turned and walked off. I will go now if no one else will. We cannot linger.
Gulio, Strength of Many
09-02-2003, 01:18 AM
Rylkin saw no further point in wolf-form, so he changed back. "And Gimli, Dain, them as well?" he said, fearing the answer.
Lady Arwen56
09-03-2003, 08:34 PM
Alliwin nodded. "Even...even Frodo's daughter disappeared." She said, a single tear sliding down her cheek. "As did my mother, after she sent me here."
09-03-2003, 09:33 PM
Snarling, Mioka sprang to her feet and brandished her spear.
"We must find them then! Where could they all have gone?"
09-04-2003, 10:17 AM
ic: You mean (supposing Frodo's daughter is Adrian, after all the rpg's surrounding her) Adrian has dissapeared?" Celebre was young and didn't know much about the goings on in the world, but Adrian had come there often and was a good friend of hers. "I want to go too!" She cried running over to the group of people and looking warily at the wolf girl.
09-04-2003, 07:10 PM
Dadriel came out of the tree, dryed her tears and ran back swiftly. "this means that my father is gone! I'm coming!"
09-04-2003, 11:26 PM
You are a mistress of abrupt comings and goings! I like! :cool:
Ic: Suddenly her quest, which needed the help of a few people, had become a large party. Mioka bared her teeth at the girl watching her, more than a little annoyed.
I suppose I'd better go with them for a while. This never ending war with the fort here grows wearying.
09-05-2003, 08:26 AM
Celebre jumped, she changed her glance to the depressed elves around her, not a very happy place. "When do we leave?"
09-05-2003, 07:26 PM
"We go now! If anyone is not ready, let them stay behind. I will wait for no more than..." she consulted the sky in concentration," ten of your minutes."
09-05-2003, 08:00 PM
10 minutes eh? I'll be there. Melia heard them talking from a distance. She quickly was ready and went back to where they were meeting. "I am coming as well."
Gulio, Strength of Many
09-05-2003, 08:33 PM
"We had better hurry, or the power vacuum will soon be filled," Rylkin said, "And I fear it will be something particularly nasty that does fill it."
09-05-2003, 09:03 PM
"I'm already ready, so I shall stay here."
09-05-2003, 09:22 PM
Mioka shrugged, lowering herself into a crouch. "Go or stay, I do not care. The people won't come out until the wolves and I have gone; you will be in practically a ghost town."
To herself she added," Those fires should be well and truly cold by the time they come out. A good parting shot, for it will take them almost a week to get the forges operational, and months before the iron is shipped out again."
09-05-2003, 10:27 PM
"Well, Mioka. I rather think that you are starting to care about something."
09-05-2003, 11:30 PM
"Of course I care! I care about my lands, my People, and those who I consider my People, even though they are human. Elves are better, but I still don't like them much, especially high elves. I care about Radagast. He is a Person. I care about my family. I care about stopping the iron production. I care a lot. I care about things that humans have no concept of."
09-06-2003, 03:52 PM
"Other than that. And as you might have guessed child, I am an elf, and a mighty old one at that! I will not tolerate cheek from you! I don't exactly care about what your ruddy wolves will do to me if I insult you. Right now, I'm telling you that if you cross me, prepare for trouble!"
09-06-2003, 05:55 PM
"Can we just stop arguing?! Insulting and killing each other isn't going to get us any where! Time is running out!"
Gulio, Strength of Many
09-06-2003, 06:50 PM
"Melia is right," Rylkin interjected, "Why don't we save our arguments until the leaders are restored."
Lady Arwen56
09-06-2003, 10:05 PM
Alliwin sighed, and laid her head in her hands, shaking it. "Listen, all of you! We don't even have a plan to get them back! I want to leave just as much as the rest of you, so if we do leave today, then tonight we stay up, and think of a plan, and if you can not at least all of you agree with that, then I will be forced to break our little...err...fellowship up! And we can not have you fighting with one another all the time!" She said.
09-07-2003, 01:22 AM
"Cheek? I was looking at you, not facing away. My cheek wasn't facing you, nor would I give you any."
Mioka pinched the bridge of her nose.
These ruddy animals. You help them to hunt, teach them to talk, and suddenly they're abusing language, discovering fire, and taking over the world.
Out loud, she agreed with the others. "I have no argument with you, elf. We do need a plan. Perhaps we should go into the forest. Answers are there, among People. People haven't been taken. Only animals."
09-07-2003, 11:25 AM
Dadriel pondered these words as she replied," Yes, sorry Mioka."
09-14-2003, 12:55 AM
09-14-2003, 06:58 PM
"Well, then, what are we waiting for? Let us go to the forest."
Mioka turned on her heel, whistling through her teeth for Ashitaka. The elk appeared, and she leaped astride.
"Come, or I'm leaving!"
Ooc: Mioka is a proud character, so she'll be mean in this one.
Gotta change personalities sometimes!
09-14-2003, 07:24 PM
Which would be worse? Melia followed Mioka into the forest.
09-15-2003, 11:08 PM
What does that mean?
09-16-2003, 04:28 PM
"Wait for me!" C elebre yelled as she stumbled into the forest after the rest of them.
09-16-2003, 10:41 PM
Lalala, nothing to do, but I'll post a description of the forest.
Once inside the forest, the air temperature immediately lessened; this was not a forest that thinned out gradually. The trees all ended at one spot, a thing that Mioka was furious over. Still, it felt good to be in the cool air again. She dismounted and walked along Ashitaka for a while, savouring the feel of soft soil and dead leaves under her bare feet, glancing ahead at the occasional golden sunbeam alive with dust motes.
This forest was old, dusty, and dark, with the smell of old wood everywhere, like a blanket of comforting scent enveloping the party.
She knew that others loved the sparser, younger forests, sunlit and dappled pale green, and she did herself. She also knew, however, that many found the closeness of the woods oppressive, and that the trees would not like these intruders, but to her the darkness and the old and heavy air were comforting.
The group walked on in silence, talking little, and in whispers.
The air here was old. Very old.
A sigh of wind that did not stir the air or branches swept through the forest as the old trees watched Mioka lead the group closer to the Forest Guardian's temple.
Gulio, Strength of Many
09-16-2003, 10:48 PM
Rylkin followed the rest of the group silently.
ooc: Sorry, can't think of what to post. (Money!):p
09-17-2003, 08:50 PM
"This forest makes me feel young again! It must be a millinea older than me!"
Gulio, Strength of Many
09-18-2003, 01:18 AM
"This forest seems old indeed, the air is very close in here," Rylkin observed.
09-18-2003, 10:08 PM
"You are the first outsiders to walk in these woods since the world was young. Be glad you are with me, or you would be dead already. The trees don't like you much, because they don't know you - even the few elves that are still here have taken to cities more and forests less."
As if to punctuate her words, a rustle again swept the trees, though there was no wind.
"No oporo gilna elfin han
Uner by lothlor a twi
Lan go, jis andanaera lan
Nipo by hin'a ri."
She chanted softly in the silence that followed, her voice deadened in the gloom.
"We had better get moving. Even my prescence cannot protect you after nightfall."
09-18-2003, 10:42 PM
"Yes, I feel that there is a sense of hurt and anger in this forest."
09-19-2003, 08:31 PM
Celebre didn't know what she felt, or saw, or heard. it was dark, she could barely breathe, she was away from home. that is all she knew. She kept close to dadriel.
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