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Eowyn, Lady of Rohan
04-05-2003, 12:47 PM
Who ever wants to join my RPG, you can pick your character. Ok I admit, I hardly even know what an RPG is. Except it's a Role Playing Game. I just dunno how to work it. Could some body help me with my first RPG, please? :confused:

04-05-2003, 01:28 PM
Yeah, I would like to do one, but I'm hardly familiar with the rules and all that stuff.

Gwaimir Windgem
04-05-2003, 07:05 PM
Will this be Free-form, or with Decipher's LOTR system, or some other system?

Eowyn, Lady of Rohan
04-06-2003, 01:14 PM
ummmm, sorry, but I don't really know the difference. I have never done this before. I feel kind of stupid if you know what I mean.;)

04-06-2003, 01:48 PM
Like do you want to have a goal like fighting in a war or arranging a company to rescue or some such thing or do you want to just start somewhere with no specific goal and characters talking?
Look around at the different RPG's to see how they work, like TTTalternative ot Time goes on (which doesnt have a plot)

Eowyn, Lady of Rohan
04-07-2003, 05:16 PM
Um, it's the battle of Helms deep. (Wild choice) ;)

Ok, since i am a Newbie at RPGs, can someone who knows what to do, help me please?

04-08-2003, 08:30 AM
Here (http://entmoot.tolkientrail.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=7312) and here (http://entmoot.tolkientrail.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=5307) you can find info on how RPG's are played most of the time on the entmoot. reading other RPG's might also give you an idea how to play. :)

Eowyn, Lady of Rohan
04-08-2003, 05:52 PM
oh, thank you, Earenil! We are who we are (like our nicks) (duh) And, here it goes, Um, should we start, like telling what kind of weapons we have or something? Anyhow, I have a sword.

Eowyn, Lady of Rohan
04-10-2003, 05:06 PM
Name: Eowyn
Gender: Female
Race: Man
Weapons: A sword
Other: Unnessisary eye shadow (Just for kicks ;) )

The last sane person
04-10-2003, 07:17 PM
OOC: Hello! Thought I might join in for the kick of it.

Name: Seth
Race: Man/Easterling
Gender: Male
Weapon: Halberd and swords

Gwaimir Windgem
04-10-2003, 07:57 PM
Rats. :(

04-10-2003, 08:53 PM
Rats what?

The last sane person
04-11-2003, 12:10 AM
OOC: Ern? "Rats"... What do you mean?

04-11-2003, 04:22 AM
Okay, I really want to join. Hmmm, lets think. Who am I?

Name: Lalaith
Gender: Female
Race: Elves
Weapons: A sword and a bow
Other: A warrior from the Eldar Days

Eowyn, Lady of Rohan
04-11-2003, 04:42 PM
Eowyn: Rats what? Are there rats here? (lol)

The last sane person
04-13-2003, 02:20 AM
OOC: Hmmn... well whose gonna start this thing off and when?

04-13-2003, 04:32 AM
OOC: Hmmn... well whose gonna start this thing off and when?
That would be my question too.

04-13-2003, 10:07 AM
Well, I'd like to join also.

Name: Larien Telemnar
Race: Elf
Sex: Female
Age: Approx. 750

Also a note to Eowyn: If you have any more questions about RPG's, you can ask me. I've played on other boards before, but never here. The rules may be slightly different for people here, I don't know, but I can tell you the basic rules that seem to be the same for every board one goes to.

Eowyn, Lady of Rohan
04-13-2003, 12:57 PM
I'll start it off.

ELoR: *Cuts orc head off* How many orcs have you killed, Seth??? :D

Eowyn, Lady of Rohan
04-13-2003, 12:59 PM
[i]Also a note to Eowyn: If you have any more questions about RPG's, you can ask me. I've played on other boards before, but never here. The rules may be slightly different for people here, I don't know, but I can tell you the basic rules that seem to be the same for every board one goes to. [/B]


04-13-2003, 05:14 PM
Lalaith: Hey Eowyn, nice to meet you! Just wanted to ask you: What do you do that your sword looks that damn new?

The last sane person
04-13-2003, 05:49 PM
OOC: Yay! War at last!


over the din of the battle Seth yells to Eowyn and wades through to her. Dispatching random orcs on his way.

Seth: About 40 at my last count *skewers Orc* Make that 41!

Eowyn: Aha! we break even! *Just then a fresh wave of Orcs hit* But then again....

*she wades through the onslaught hewing orcs left,right and center with Seth covering her back*

Seth: 62!

Eowyn: 76!

*and so they go laying about with wave after wave of orcs spilling upon them until they see the end of the waves*

*E & S stop to rest and clean off their weapons*

Seth: So...who won? I gott about 120 or so. It was kinda hard to keep track of them all!

Eowyn: Same here. I dunno, I stopped counting after i got to a 100.

*Seth sheaths both his swords and takes out his halberd*

Eowyn: I think its time for us to move on. what do you say?

Seth: Hmmn, right that would be wise. I'll say it was a tie then if we cant remember how many we each killed, hows that sound?

Eowyn:*Getting up to move on* Right! sounds good to me!

*with that both the warriors head out*

OOC2: Where were we? What battle? Hope i didnt botch anything up!

04-13-2003, 10:02 PM
Larien stood on the upper most tower wall, shooting arrow after arrow. Her arms were just beginning to tire, but the quiver upon her back was rapidly emptying. Many orcs had fallen from her strings; many more would before the night was through. She did not bother to count; to do so would only distract her from the repetitious motions she was forcing herself to go through, to live. Reach, grab arrow, notch, aim, let fly, reach, grab arrow, notch, aim, let fly. It seemed as if it would never end.

Just as her supply of arrows was on it's last stand, orcs began spilling into the keep. Abandoning her bow for her long knives, she began hacking mindlessly at the foul creatures. Soon her fair face and white-blond hair were covered with orc-flesh and bits of gore; but still she pressed on. Just as it seemed she would be overtaken by exhaustion if one more orc came upon her, their numbers about her cleared, and she saw a human woman and another fighting off the creatures. She made her way over to them; there is always more strength in numbers.

OOC: Hmmm, I thought we were at Helm's Deep. That's the way I played it. By the by, Larien is making her way over to Seth and Eowyn, but you probably already knew that, didn't you?

The last sane person
04-14-2003, 03:26 PM
OOC: Thats what I thought! We will be moving over towards you. By the way, In this I am a man, and not just any man! An Easterling! The best kind of Man! Heehehee


*Just then the dynamic duo were slogging there way up a flight of stairs when a rather desheveled Elf came hacking and swatting toward them, sending orc bits flying in each direction. Eowyn calls for Seth to watch her back while she flags the waylaid Elf over to them*

Eowyn:*Shouting at the top of her lungs while trying to get passed a rather annoying trove of Uruks.* Hallo there! Elven one! It looks like you need a bit of help there! Come and join the two of us!

Larien: Sounds well to me! Safety in numbers! My name is Larien!

*She and Eowyn were slogging there way over to Seth who was really starting to get enthusiastic about this and was really letting fly*

Seth:*Giving a back handed slash his all* AAARRRGGGGHHH!!!! *With a swoosh five orc heads hit the ground* AHA! Beat that Eowyn! Five with one!

Eowyn:*Nodding head* Never mind that! We've got a very tired elf on our hands and too many Gor-blasted Orcs for even you to handle! Give us some space to rest a bit since you are apperantly not at all tired and keep those bloody orcs away from us!

Seth:*Smiling broadly* Of course I'm not tired! I am of the Glorious East! I live for fighting! Fine so I shall show you what we Easterlings are made of!

*With that he goes out and anihalates a group of monsterous Uruks that had spotted them and he breaks out in a hailstorm of easterling swearing and singing. At times making a song out of the swearing*

Larien:*Looking at the swirling blades that are Seth and shakes her head* Now where in the name of Eru did you find that man?!

*Eowyn merely shakes her head and the two rest for a bit. Larien's strength returns to her and Eowyn comes back with a full quiver of arrows for her*

Larien: Where did you find those?

Eowyn:*Eowyn sudddenly finds the gore splatterd floor quite interesting, and says shyly* I found 'em.

*They both know how easy it is to find things, especially weapons, in a battle*

Larien: It looks elvish.

Eowyn: It was...er, it is. Um, oops.

*They both sigh and Larien takes the arrows and transplants them in her quiver and move back into battle by Seth*

Eowyn, Lady of Rohan
04-14-2003, 04:13 PM
Eowyn: Laliath, um, it is new. :D
Laliath: Ahhhh. THat's why.
Eowyn: And, Seth, you say five with one! Ha! I bet I can do ten with one! *Only does six* Oops, guess my sword arm's a bit tired.
Seth: Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha!
Eowyn: *Looks really annoyed* Com'on, we have a tired orc-Sorry-I mean elf on our hands.

04-15-2003, 01:10 AM
Okay, I'm going to plunge headlong into the middle of this game. :D that's me all over!

Suddenly a short elfin woman comes staggering down an flight of stairs. She is bleeding from a dozen wounds, and can barely stand.
"More...orcs! Over..the..wall! Coming now.... with ladders and..."
She falls unconsious at a small group's feet, her flachion narrowly missing the foremost man's foot.

04-15-2003, 05:18 AM
Lalaith is hunted by some creepy orcs ....
Lalaith: Help, Help! I can't beat them all alone!
Eowyn comes riding down a hill with her horse to rescue Lalaith. Together they kill all the orcs.
Lalaith: Thanks for your help Eowyn. IOU
Eowyn: No problem.
Lalaith: But now your sword isn't that new. You've got orc blood on it.

Eowyn, Lady of Rohan
04-15-2003, 04:49 PM
Eowyn: ooo heck. It's not that new. It was Theodens sons, what's his face, Thengol.
Laliath: ok, lol
Eowyn: Oh yeah, Kalile, get that elf person into the keep.
*kills eight orcs with a single blow*
Eowyn: Beat that, Seth!

04-15-2003, 07:50 PM
"Wait!" the elf said raising her head,"orcs are inside! Not many, but more than the defenders can handle." She sits shakily up and
begins tearing strips from her long tunic to bind her wounds. "I was sent to find everyone that could come to beat them back." She tries to stand, but falls back down, spearing an orc with a dagger. "I must rest here."

The last sane person
04-15-2003, 08:43 PM
OOC: watch where the heck you fall next time!

*Seth was just careing for the midget elf and properly binding her wounds for her and once he was done he grabed Eowyn and Larien takeing them with him*

Seth:*shouting over his shoulder* Laliath! take care of that midget elf and watch our backs!

Kalile:*sumoning the last vestiges of her strength*I AM NOT A MIDGET!!! *slumps to the floor*

Eowyn&Larien&Seth: TO US YOU ARE!!

*The three of them leave for the keep only to find more orcs*

Seth:*broad smile* Alright you Western Wimps! there are plenty of orcs here for you to show your skills on! I shall sit and watch!

Eowyn: Wait! we're tired, that's not fair!

Larien: Oh leave him be and lets go kill the bloody things and get this over with!

*with that the tired westerners go forth and smack left and right killing orcs and goblins, only when Eowyn slipped in a pool of gore and was about to be finished off did Seth get concerned and jump into the fray*

Eowyn: AAAHHH! *franticly smacks around with her sword*

Seth: So i see little miss western warrior woman is getting a bit tired!? *offers Eowyn his hand*

Eowyn:*annoyed, takes his hand up* Well, not all of us can be from the East.

Larien: Indeed! now, will you please get your Eastern ass in gear and finish these monsters off! Thank you!

Seth:*laughing* Your wish is my command Sahib!

*he finishes off the remainder of the orcs and they go outside to find Laliath guarding the Elf from a hord of goblins*

Laliath:*losing her temper* YYYAAARRRRGGGG!BE...GONE....YOU....STUPID...BRUTES ! DIE...YOU...EVIL...THINGS! *Each word was punctuated by a heavy swoosh and falling orcs limbs*

*Larien takes out her bow and shoots the remaining orcs down*

Eowyn:*chuckeling* come on girls! we've got ladders too tip!

*they all head off for the top walls and Laliath turns and runs up with them totally forgeting Kalile*

Seth:*takes a head count* Hey! where's the midget?

Laliath:*white as a sheet* Oh no! I left her down there!

*Seth sprints back down, grabs what he sees as Kalile and rushes back up and puts her down against a wall*

Eowyn&Larien: Are you sure your not tired?!?! how the hell can you do that?

*Seth merely smiles*

OOC2: I really like this Rpg! hehehehe, sorry Kalile! couldnt help myself!:D :D

04-15-2003, 11:25 PM
OC: You actually took the words right out of my mouth. Whoa.

IC: "Thank you, sir... Seth, was it? I think I may fight a little, since the bleeding has stopped." Looks up and manages a small grin. "Actually, 'midgets' are good at fighting; no one can see you 'till you've cut them open!" She pushes herself to her feet, taking a swig out of a container at her belt. "Here!" she tosses it to Eowyn before rushing to the wall, falchion flailing. "It'll boost your energy! Eulaliaaaaaa!" The sea of orcs parts as if before an invisible arrow, Kalile being hidden behind orcs falling in her wake.

04-16-2003, 07:40 AM
Lalaith: *desperate* I'm a useless fighter and I can't take care of other people. It's horrible. Can somebody kill me please?
Eowyn: Want to give up your immortal life just because you forgot someone?
Lalaith: Yes, I want. I'm a terrible Elf. I'm not worth beeing an Elf.
Kalile & Larien & Seth: Can somebody please stop that anoying elf from talking?

Lalaith keeps on suffering, while the others are annoyed from her suffering.

04-16-2003, 01:31 PM
The midget comes up again. "If you really want her to be quiet, I could whack her!." Hefts her falchion. "You were awfully busy fighting other orcs, and I deserve to die if I can't defend myself for a while, even wounded. So no self pity, or I really will kill you! :D"
Sees that Laliath won't stop. "Well, I warned you!" SMACK! Hits her with the flat of the blade. "I'm sorry, but she wasn't fighting anyway. :p If there's one thing I don't like, it's someone being overly apologetic. I can revive her with that stuff I threw to you, if you want."

04-16-2003, 01:34 PM
Originally posted by Kalile
The midget comes up again. "If you really want her to be quiet, I could whack her!." Hefts her falchion. "You were awfully busy fighting other orcs, and I deserve to die if I can't defend myself for a while, even wounded. So no self pity, or I really will kill you! :D"
Sees that Laliath won't stop. "Well, I warned you!" SMACK! Hits her with the flat of the blade. "I'm sorry, but she wasn't fighting anyway. :p If there's one thing I don't like, it's someone being overly apologetic. I can revive her with that stuff I threw to you, if you want."
You are trying to kill me? How mean. I'll stop complaining and I will go to the wood for a few hours to calm down. Need to have silence.

04-16-2003, 01:42 PM
Just knocking you out. I wouldn't kill a good person. ;) Don't worry.... be happy!

04-16-2003, 01:55 PM
After walking a bit in the wood, Lalaith has calmed down and enters the company again.

Lalaith: Where will the next battle be?
Eowyn: I've heard rumours that there are some orcs home in Edoras.
Lalaith: Okay, lets go there. Some heads have to fly through the air.
Kalile: And that won't be ours.

The last sane person
04-16-2003, 02:28 PM
OOC: Hehehe! Is that what we shall call you for the rest of the rpg? hmmn... I dub thee "Midge"?!!? Friends shall we?! :D !


*Seth had seen the little wave of destruction that the midget had caused and chukled to himself*

Seth: Hey! Girls! I am going to follow our little friend for a while! Dont any of you get killed now! You hear?!

*the "Girls" grumble and laugh sarcasticly and Seth walks after Kalile, merrily killing any orc and/or goblin he came across until he looked over a ledge and found her in the thick of a huge bunch of Orcs, He grabbed a doubled blade elf sword with both sides from a dead elf beside him and jumps right into the fray immitateing Kalile's cry of....*


*The roar of his war cry echoed over all of Helms Deep over the din of battle and with that he gives a mighty circular spin with all his might and grace and, with a thump, 30 orc heads fall to the ground*

Kalile: WHOA!!! How did you do that!!! Show me please!!.....Hey, you copied my war cry! Cool!

*Seth grinned and gave her his hand and they shook*

Seth: Boy oh boy! You have a great spirit that belies your size! I shall call you Midge from now on! Well, small friend, unfortunatly that is one of the Easterling moves that requires height! But I can show you many others that dont! As for your war cry... it sounded musical to me and I have also heard it before!

Kalile: Neat!!! Where did you hear my cry?

Seth: Many battles ago, now come on! Lets show these God acursed brutes what we warriors are made of!!


*Yet again the war cry was hard and the two went side by side merrily hacking their way back to their little troop of warriors. The midget elf next to the tall easterling wreaking havoc on their enemies. They rejoined their troop*

OOC2: Isn't "Eulaliaaa" from the Red Wall series? It's the war cry of the Badgers, right?

04-16-2003, 02:37 PM
Ooc: Redwall it is! Bagers are :cool:
Ic: Shall we go then? Laliath, do you feel better?
Laliath: "Yes, despite the bump you gave me."
Kalile: *sheathing her falchion* "Sorry. :p"

Ooc: Midge it is, and friends we shall be. :D

The last sane person
04-16-2003, 02:54 PM
OOC: Cool! Where shall the new battle be held? Gotta go back to class now!

Seth:*gives Laliath Eastern pain relievers* Off we Go!
Kalile: Right! *they ride off to Edoras*

04-16-2003, 02:58 PM
OOC: Are we mercenaries or something? I'm a little confused.

The last sane person
04-16-2003, 05:06 PM
OOC: I am not so sure, But then again... Since Eowyn is with us we cant be! maybe we are her body gaurds?! I dunno, so long as there is battle! :D

Eowyn, Lady of Rohan
04-16-2003, 08:02 PM
Originally posted by The last sane person
OOC: I am not so sure, But then again... Since Eowyn is with us we cant be! maybe we are her body gaurds?! I dunno, so long as there is battle! :D

Eowyn: Oh jeez, Seth, I don't need a bodyguard. *Looks rather annoyed*
Seth: You do too.
Eowyn: I can handle orcs by myself, thanks.

04-16-2003, 11:54 PM
(It's a good excuse to fight :p)
Ic: "Let's go!" Tries to mount a nearby horse, but falls in an undignified sprawl into the mud. "Crap! Too short again!"

The last sane person
04-17-2003, 12:04 AM

Seth: Here, let me help you with that Midge! *lifts Kalile onto the horse* All you need to do is shorten the stirrups.

*eowyn was grumbling and she and the others have already mounted*

Seth: you do too need a body gaurd! you get to enthusiastic about battle and you forget to cover yor back! Always plunging head first into things!

Eowyn:*grumbles very softly* stupid easterling, what do you know?

Seth: alot more than you missy! now lets go!

04-17-2003, 12:29 AM
'Midge' tries to get her animal under control, but it senses an inexperienced rider and gallops away.
"*$!#@ horse!" Finally, the elven calm steals over the horse, and she rides it back.
"I HATE HORSES." said between clenched teeth

The last sane person
04-17-2003, 12:40 AM
Seth: how can you hate Horses?!

Eowyn: We just have to teach you!

Larien: Boy, for an elf you sure do have alot to learn!

Kalile: Fine, that would be great! thank you! *sticks out tounge at Larien*

04-17-2003, 04:29 AM
Lalaith joins the company.
Lalaith: Have I missed something? Already dead orcs?

04-17-2003, 03:42 PM
Larien: <to Midge> No problem, short stuff. I live to please others.

She smiled maliciously and trotted her horse on up ahead. She stops, as if something is just occuring to her.

Larien: Where exactly are we going?

Eowyn, Lady of Rohan
04-17-2003, 04:10 PM
Originally posted by The last sane person

Seth: Here, let me help you with that Midge! *lifts Kalile onto the horse* All you need to do is shorten the stirrups.

*eowyn was grumbling and she and the others have already mounted*

Seth: you do too need a body gaurd! you get to enthusiastic about battle and you forget to cover yor back! Always plunging head first into things!

Eowyn:*grumbles very softly* stupid easterling, what do you know?

Seth: alot more than you missy! now lets go!

Eowyn: I...hate...easterlings...so...much! I may need a back guard, but certainly not a whole body guard! If I need a body guard, so do you, Mr. stupid-easterling.
Seth: Hey!
Kalile: I don't think this horse likes me.
Eowyn: You have a lot to learn. *looks superior*
Eowyn, Seth, & Kalile: all dead.
Eowyn: Mmm hmmm. I was fun too.
*Laliath advances on Eowyn threateningly*
Eowyn: Just kidding, Laliath!!! No offence ment!

The last sane person
04-17-2003, 04:17 PM
OOC: Laliath keep with the times you good for nothing elf!!

Seth:*Giving Eowyn a hefty smack* I shall here none of that if you do I shall finish you off myself! screw those orcs I'LL Kill you!!

Eowyn:*about to do somthing when Kalile unsheathed her weapon* NO FAIR! TWO ON ONE!

Kalile: tough luck missy! now ride up to the point and tell us what you see! *gives Laliath a small tap with the falchion* hehehe, sorry!

Laliath:*grumble* Right, sure you are!

*It looks as if this band of warriours is falling apart! they have to do battle soon before it totaly falls apart!!*

Eowyn, Lady of Rohan
04-17-2003, 04:28 PM
Eowyn: Hey!
Seth: Too bad.
Laliath: Me too!
Eowyn: As you can see, I LOVE TO YELL!!!
Laliath: Me too!

04-17-2003, 06:55 PM
"I'll yell if we don't get moving!" Finally gets the hang of it and rides of in the right direction. "Coming?"

The last sane person
04-17-2003, 09:55 PM
OOC: Jezus!!! what the hell is happening to us?!?!!?

Seth: why are we yelling?

Eowyn:*Drawing her sword* Because we want to!!!

Laliath:*holding ears* Yeah! get him!!! *charges at Seth who unhorses her with out effort*

Kalile: Come on Seth! lets high tail it outta here!!

Seth: I agree! we all need a little time to ourselves!.... Sh**!!! *he was bonked over the head by Eowyn who was in turn hit by Kalile*

Kalile&Seth: *rideing to Edoras* See you at the battle!!

04-17-2003, 10:39 PM
Ooc: Violent, aren't I? :p

The last sane person
04-18-2003, 12:12 AM
OOC: That you are!!!

Kalile&Seth:Eulaliaaaaaaa!!!!! *they gave their mighty cry once again as they decended on about a platoons worth of orcs and Uruks*

Kalile:*merrily swinging about* This is the life! Aye, Seth!?

Seth:*also hacking away happily* Indeed! just two Knights of Fortune carving out our path!

Kalile:*skewering four orks and an Uruk with a Halberd Seth gave her using an eastern technique* Is this how its done?

Seth: Not quite! watch! *he does it correctly, skewering ten uruks and 4 goblins, and catching the Halberd coming out the last goblin* See!

Kalile: ah! okay! *she does it the same way, with the same effects* Cool!! show me another move!

*and so they kept showing each othe rnew moves and in no time destroy every last soldier totaly forgeting the grudge against their companions*

Kalile: too bad the others arent here! they would have enjoyed this!

Seth: yeah, lets move on!

*and so, they go to edoras. Stopping along the way to rest and kill orcs*

OOC2: nothin' like making orc kabob to get rid of all your grudges, you should try it some time girls! :D :D !

04-18-2003, 06:20 AM
A sudden scream disturbs the ride of the Fellowship.
Eowyn turns around.
Eowyn: What was that?
The others turn around too.
Lalaith: Help, help!
Seth: Oh no, Lalaith is captured by some Uruk-Hai!
Lalaith: Come and help me, please. BTW, you are misspelling my name. Help!!!!!!

Will they resuce the poor blonde elf or not?

Eowyn, Lady of Rohan
04-18-2003, 12:16 PM
Eowyn: I'm ready to forget we hate eachother! Let's save Lalaith!
Seth: Yeah! Me too!
Kalile: Not me!!!
Lalaith: Help! Help!
Eowyn: remember what happened to Merry and Pippin? That can't hapen to Lalaith!
Lalaith: No way, it can't!

04-18-2003, 02:49 PM
Are there really some cruel persons who want Lalaith to get killed?
Lalaith: help, help
As the others still wait, Eowyn starts the quest alone.
Eowyn: I'll save you, pretty Lalaith!
Seth joins her. Together they rescue Lalaith from the Orcs.
Lalaith: Thank you very much, Eowyn and Seth. I owe you something. And you, Kalile: Run for your life!
Lalaith starts hunting Kalile, who runs desperate into the woods and disappears.

The last sane person
04-18-2003, 03:22 PM
OOC: Hey! you leave poor Midge alone! Why the hell are you picking on her?!?!?! You almost got her killed at helms deep AND she never said she would kill you! remember that post "dont worry... I would never kill a good person"?!?!?!

*Seth runs off after LALAITH (there, you happy now?) and stops the two from engaging in a vicious figh to the finish*

Seth: Enough! this is nonsense! we should help each other, not kill each other!!

Kalile:*head bowed* sorry.

Lalaith:*grumbles, but relents* You're right.

*they go back to there horses and get on with their journey*

04-18-2003, 08:28 PM
"Alright, let's go," Kalile still looks daggers at Lalaith. "What did I do, anyway?"

Ooc: oh wait, I said I wouldn't help, didn't I, Sane :mad:


The last sane person
04-18-2003, 08:58 PM
Now what did I do? It was Lalaith&Eowyn that posted saying you didnt come to help, not me!! so leave me out of it!!

04-19-2003, 01:16 AM
You're right, my bad. :p Sorry! (That's my 'wry humor and embarassment smiley' by the way)

Ooc: Oh, yeah, I said I wouldn't help, didn't I Eowyn :mad:


That better? Still friends?

04-19-2003, 01:18 AM
You're right, my bad. :p Sorry! (That's my 'wry humor and embarassment smiley' by the way)

Ooc: Oh, yeah, I said I wouldn't help, didn't I Eowyn :mad:


That better? Still friends?
And thanks for sticking up for a li'l midget elf.
(Apparently we're not calling you Seth anymore. Now you've become "sane" :p

04-19-2003, 05:21 AM
Lalaith: You wanted me to be killed by orcs.

Eowyn, Lady of Rohan
04-19-2003, 10:54 AM
Eowyn: Jeesh! Sorry!
Lalaith: I don't like you! We're going to save King Theoden
Kalile: No way!
Seth: What? Inconcivible!

04-19-2003, 11:07 AM
Larien finally catches up with the swabbeling group.

Larien: Hello!

She tried to get their attention. Eowyn was busy making faces at Kalile; Seth was trying to protect Kalile from Eowyn; and Lalaith was mocking them all, in a psuedo-whisper, of course.


Lalaith: Stop That!

Seth: Eowyn!

Seth shouted as she pulled another face at Kalile.

Lalaith: Eowyn!

Larien tried to speak again.

Larien: Hello?

She was further ignored by the group, as they all became engaged in a rather nasty battle of "Stop Mocking Me," once they realized what Lalaith was doing.

Seth: Lalaith...<using his best warning tone>

Lalaith: Lalaith...

Kalile: Stop doing that!

Lalaith: Stop doing that!

Eowyn: Come on, even *I'm* getting annoyed.

Lalaith: Come on, even *I'm* getting annoyed.

Seth, Kalile and Eowyn: STOP IT!

Lalaith: STOP IT!

Larien's thin patience had already come to an end.

Larien: HELLO!

The quartet stops what they are doing and stares at Larien.


The group begins to move again, with Kalile, Eowyn, Seth, and Lalaith all mumbeling under their collective breathes about bossy elves, while Larien sits smugly atop her horse, just happy that they were moving again.

Eowyn, Lady of Rohan
04-19-2003, 11:14 AM
Originally posted by Amaranthea
Larien finally catches up with the swabbeling group.

Larien: Hello!

She tried to get their attention. Eowyn was busy making faces at Kalile; Seth was trying to protect Kalile from Eowyn; and Lalaith was mocking them all, in a psuedo-whisper, of course.


Lalaith: Stop That!

Seth: Eowyn!

Seth shouted as she pulled another face at Kalile.

Lalaith: Eowyn!

Larien tried to speak again.

Larien: Hello?

She was further ignored by the group, as they all became engaged in a rather nasty battle of "Stop Mocking Me," once they realized what Lalaith was doing.

Seth: Lalaith...<using his best warning tone>

Lalaith: Lalaith...

Kalile: Stop doing that!

Lalaith: Stop doing that!

Eowyn: Come on, even *I'm* getting annoyed.

Lalaith: Come on, even *I'm* getting annoyed.

Seth, Kalile and Eowyn: STOP IT!

Lalaith: STOP IT!

Larien's thin patience had already come to an end.

Larien: HELLO!

The quartet stops what they are doing and stares at Larien.


The group begins to move again, with Kalile, Eowyn, Seth, and Lalaith all mumbeling under their collective breathes about bossy elves, while Larien sits smugly atop her horse, just happy that they were moving again.

Eowyn: we must get to Edoras now!!!
Lalaith: We must get to Edoras NOW

04-19-2003, 11:52 AM
As they are on their ride to Edoras
Lalaith: You are all weird.
Seth: No, you are weird.
Eowyn: Stop it.
Kalile: I guess we need someone who helps us!
Larien: Yeah, that's right. Where do find another good fighter.
Kalile: was not speaking of a good fighter ....
Lalaith: What did you mean then?
Eowyn: No, you don't mean a psychiatrist, do you?
Kalile: Well ....
Seth: You can't be serious.
Kalile: ahm .....
Lalaith: Maybe we need a psychiatrist.
Larien: Of course the four of you need a psychiatrist.
Kalile, Lalaith, Eowyn, Seth: Shut up!
Eowyn: Shall we really go ....?
Seth: I heard that there is a very good one just 20 miles away from Edoras.
Lalaith: We should at least consider it.
Kalile: Before someone dies.

The last sane person
04-20-2003, 12:57 AM
OOC: LOL!! *picks self off ground and sits back in chair* that was hilarious!! But Kalile and I were already in Edoras! how the hell did that happen!?

*the group was mumbling their way to Edoras, with Seth (now dubbed Sane) leading the way with his "Girls", as he calls his all-Female fellowship, Still bickering away*

Sane:*mumbing under his breath*Infernal females and their bickering! *normal volume* Hey! Midge, come ride up with me!

Midge: Yo! coming! *she had finally found out how to ride her horse properly* Whats up?

Sane:*Looking back* well, I dunno sometimes about this troop! I feel so left out!

Midge:*Questioning look, but then remembers Sane is a guy* You poor thing!!

*they finaly make it to Edoras*


04-20-2003, 05:34 AM
OOC: I think it's me who messes the plotline up, because I lost the track where we are long ago.

04-20-2003, 09:10 AM
OOC: PLOT? We don't need no stinking plot!

Sorry, um, ermmm....that was me that messed it up. Sorry. :o

04-20-2003, 01:57 PM
Ooc: No plot, no plot, lala-lala-la-la!
There's psychaiatrists in Middle Earth? I'm not being him!

Who cares who messed it up? Sheesh! :D

Ic: "On to Theoden's side!" Midge brandishes her sword, and stands in the saddle, striking a heroic pose, which is ruined by the horse taking off, throwing the elf backward into the mud again.
"*!@$! Why is it always *@# mud!?"

Eowyn, Lady of Rohan
04-20-2003, 04:41 PM
Eowyn: Are you (Seth) and the stupid midget elf in love or something? :confused:
Seth: no! Never in a million years! I don't care for Kalile!
Kalile: Hey!
Seth: Sorry...
Eowyn: Ha! Gottcha!
Seth: No really! I don't like Kalile at all!
Kalile: what did you say?
Seth: Awww damn it!
Lalaith: We don't have time for this! The Dunlanders have attacked Edoras!

The last sane person
04-20-2003, 05:30 PM
*Seth was about to brain Eowyn heavily when Lalaith intervined*

Lalaith: damn! enough you two!!

Seth:*smacking her any way and also getting Lalaith too* I am not in love with any body over here! Nobody!

*Kalile had picked herself from the mud and had redeposited herself in the saddle*

Kalile: Not that i like you like that my self but, Whats wrong with a midget elf?!?!

*Seth sees he is out numbered 4 to 1, rides off in a hurry calling over his shoulder*

Seth: Nothings wrong! I think I need some time to my self! you can go on without me for a while! chop all the heads that you want, provideing that they arent your own or mine! See ya!

*With that the frantic form of Seth rides of into the distance*

OOC2: I think I will take a page break! I gotta go on a trip, I will still be checking in but I dont think I can post for a day or two!

04-20-2003, 06:57 PM
Ooc: Heehee! I wondered why you were making your character so belagured!

Ic: "Well, there he goes."Midge watched Sane ride off. She turned back to see evil smiles on the faces of her companions.

"Hey, no fair!"

04-21-2003, 03:28 AM
As Seth left the company.
Lalaith: Will you miss him, Kalile?
Kalile: No *she blushes*
Eowyn: Oh, come on, you can tell us, we are your friends.
Kalile prefers to say nothing.
Lalaith: Oh, come on. You love him? Don't you?
Eowyn: Please tell the truth.
Kalile: Do you promise to tell nobody.
Lalaith: Of course.
Kalile: Okay, I'm in love with Seth

OOC: Sorry, I had to do that.

Eowyn, Lady of Rohan
04-21-2003, 10:14 AM
Originally posted by Lalaith
As Seth left the company.
Lalaith: Will you miss him, Kalile?
Kalile: No *she blushes*
Eowyn: Oh, come on, you can tell us, we are your friends.
Kalile prefers to say nothing.
Lalaith: Oh, come on. You love him? Don't you?
Eowyn: Please tell the truth.
Kalile: Do you promise to tell nobody.
Lalaith: Of course.
Kalile: Okay, I'm in love with Seth

OOC: Sorry, I had to do that.

Eowyn: Oh my god!
Lalaith: i knew it!
Kalile: Please don't tell him.
Eowyn: For your sake, I won't.
Lalaith: For your sake, I will. Oy! Seth!
Seth: Yes? *Crabby*
Lalaith: Kalile has a crush on you!

04-21-2003, 12:41 PM
OOC: I'm not that mean, but okay, once said and not able to take it back, lets go on

Kalile: I'll kill you, s**t.
Lalaith laughs like evil.
Eowyn: That was not very nice of you!
Seth: Really? You have got a crush on me.
Kalile: Ahm, no ..... yes *blushes*
Eowyn: *silently to Lalaith* Lalaith, you dumb Elf. you have destroyed our good company
Seth: I'm in love with you too. I realized it while I was in the wood thinking.
Kalile: *shy* really?
Seth: Of course.
They fall into each others arms and Eowyn and Lalaith are the one ones left back with no one to love and hold.

04-21-2003, 12:50 PM
While Midge and Seth are groping, Larien turns to Lalaith and Eowyn.

Larien: Did you have to do that? Now who are we going to make out with?

Lalaith: I don't know. Maybe some soliders will conviently appear.

Eowyn: Or better yet, we'll mysteriously come across the remaining members of the Fellowships and I can make out with Aragorn!

All are then, very pleasantly suprised, when said Fellowship mysteriously appears.

Eowyn: Oh boy! Aragorn, come here!

Eowyn procedes to pounce on the unsuspecting future King of Gondor. Even though he's in love with Arwen, he'll never pass up the opportunity for nookie.

Lalaith and Larien: What about us?!?

Both look over at soldiers, Gimli, and Legolas. Look at each other in a panic.

(At same time) Lalaith and Larien: You can have the dwarf!

04-21-2003, 01:09 PM
Lalaith: Larien, seriously, I would take Faramir, but he is mortal and I'm not and I have the feeling that in future he will be together with Eowyn, Lady of Rohan.
Larien: but she is making out with Aragorn
Lalaith: Okay, what are we gonna do now?

The last sane person
04-21-2003, 03:52 PM
OOC: you just had to do that!!! I take one day off and you guys stick me in bed with some Midget Elf! I will be revenged! This is no group of warriors, just pervy girls!!!

*Seth and Kalile were...uh, busy but Seth immediately comes to his senses and growls and pounces on Eowyn and Lalaith beating them soundly over the heads*

Seth: what the hell is this????? some freaky middle earth orgy??? *adressing Aragorn* And you! you poncey perv! You already have that she-elf to shag! get lost!!

*he slinks away to Arwen, Seth glares at Legolas and Gimli who immediatly head for the hills*

Eowyn: now why did you do that for? *gets smacked again*

Seth: we have got some major talking to do!!!

04-21-2003, 07:55 PM
Ooc: :confused: I'm confused. Oh well! Let me help!

Ic: "Arrrgh!"Midge, for lack of anything better to do, chased the Fellowship all the way into the hills. When she comes back, she has emptied and refilled all the canteens she was carrying, and Seth's too. "Good. Now it's just water."

The last sane person
04-21-2003, 08:11 PM
OOC: Uh, I dunt think that they put anything in our water. They made you have a crush on me and had me fall in love with you. In doing so they have totally messed this pathetic remnents of a plot into oblivion! This is soo not me! I do not have crushes or groping sessions with in my RPG'S, even though my character is male! it feels to weird!

04-21-2003, 10:14 PM
Ooc: I know, but it is the least embarassing explanation. i.e. we can save face(not to mention our rears) this way.

Or, we can force them to erase those posts and pretend it never happened. What do you think?

04-22-2003, 05:31 AM
the company is lying on a hill sleeping. Suddenly they all wake up confused. Kalile looks around.
Kalile: Where are we?
Seth: I don't know.
Eowyn: Man, I had a weird dream.
Lalaith: Me too, Seth and Kalile were ...
Larien: .... making out.
Eowyn: I had that dream too.
Seth: I don't remember anything except that a group of orcs hunted us ...
Kalile: I think they knocked me down ....
Lalaith: What a weird day. First knocked down by orcs and then dreaming strange things ....

The last sane person
04-22-2003, 12:18 PM
OOC: Brilliant Lalaith! good cover job! now, dont do that again!!

*while "fellowship" had awoken and was discussing their unusual dreams while Seth was chasing down their horses*

Seth:*panting* Got em!! Come on lets go! stop yer gabbering an' get a move!!!

Eowyn&Larien&Lalaith&Kalile: Coming! Dont be so rude!

Seth:*grumbling* yeah, yeah! get on with it! Theoden doesnt have all day!!

*they move off to help Theoden, the "girls" still chating about the dream*

Eowyn, Lady of Rohan
04-22-2003, 04:13 PM
Originally posted by Lalaith
the company is lying on a hill sleeping. Suddenly they all wake up confused. Kalile looks around.
Kalile: Where are we?
Seth: I don't know.
Eowyn: Man, I had a weird dream.
Lalaith: Me too, Seth and Kalile were ...
Larien: .... making out.
Eowyn: I had that dream too.
Seth: I don't remember anything except that a group of orcs hunted us ...
Kalile: I think they knocked me down ....
Lalaith: What a weird day. First knocked down by orcs and then dreaming strange things ....

Eowyn: Thank goodness it was a dream!
Lalaith: I was starting to get worried.
Kalile: Why did we all dream the same thing?
Seth: Hmmmm,
Larien: That's, like, impossible.
Eowyn: No it isn't.
Seth: we just proved it is possible.
Larien: I know.
LalaithEowynSeth&Kalile: Why are you acting like you don't?
Larien: Stop picking on me!
Eowyn: we weren't. Come on, we gotta save Edoras, jesh, all this time wasted sleeping, geez... ... ...

04-22-2003, 08:44 PM
Ooc: majorly good recocovery.

04-22-2003, 09:16 PM
Ooc:Hi im Inhuriel
Inhuriel another elf *how do you feel now another girl:D *
ran after the girls such as Kalile and Lalaith and said " I could not catch up with you. I thought you were gonners for sure...Oh and may I come with you?
(phisical discription: really tall, has a circlet of silver, hair is golden, pointy ears:D , beautiful, rides a white horse[completly white with silver horseshoes and silver hooves] wears a tunic and leggings that blend in with her surroundings, dragons eyes[change color with her moods] and has pics of Ivy on her clothes)*sorry had to do that too he he he *

04-22-2003, 11:15 PM
"Inhuriel!" Kalile jumps up. "sister, I thought you were dead!"

Ooc: I'm the midget comic relief. :p

04-23-2003, 01:02 PM
Lalaith: We found a new fellow. Hurray. But now stop wasting time. We shut get ourselves to Theoden. He nees us.

Eowyn, Lady of Rohan
04-23-2003, 03:58 PM
Eowyn: Sorry to rush the welcome, but we just GOTTA save Edoras. Com'mon, Lalaith.
Lalaith: wait!
Eowyn: *Taps foot impatiently* How long should I?

04-23-2003, 04:03 PM
Eowyn: What again.
Lalaith: I've lost my mirror. We have to go back and search it.
Eowyn: You can't be serious.
Lalaith: Really. I want it back.
Eowyn: I'll by you a new one if you want to.
Lalaith: But I loved my old one ...
Eowyn: Lalaith ....
Lalaith: Okay, okay .... lets move on

Eowyn, Lady of Rohan
04-23-2003, 04:21 PM
Eowyn: Yay!
Seth: Would you really go back for a mirror?
Lalaith: Yes. it was special!

04-23-2003, 04:24 PM
Seth: Why was it special?
Lalaith: A special person gave it to me.
Eowyn: Who? your mother back in Valinor?
Lalaith: *blushes*
Eowyn: Who else could that be?
Lalaith: *silently* when I left Legolas after we spent the night together .... he gave me this *blushes even more*

Eowyn, Lady of Rohan
04-23-2003, 04:34 PM
Eowyn: Jeesh, Lalaith! He'll get you another one!
Lalaith: No he won't
Eowyn: why not?
Lalaith: Because, he'll hate me, he got it from Gandalf when he went on that great quest to destroy the ring.

04-24-2003, 01:52 PM
Eowyn: You don't have to tell him. And now let's get on.
Lalaith starts crying.
Eowyn: Please, Lalaith. You will survive it.
Lalaith: Okay, lets get on. Hopefully we won't meet him the next few months. I couldn't look at his cute face.

The last sane person
04-24-2003, 03:46 PM
Seth and the troop, now with yet another female, were searching for lalaiths stupid mirror.

Seth:*eyeing new recruit* Oh saints have mercy! by the time this thing is done we will have the whole god damn population of women in middle earth in theis quest!!

Lalaith: and do you have a problem with that?

Seth:*glaring* and if I do??

they were about to start something when the new girl intervined.

Inhuriel: hey enough of that!

Seth and Lalaiyth glare the she elf down

Inhuriel: er, never mind, carry on! oh, I found your mirror!1

Lalaith: YAYAYAY!!

Seth: never interfere with my quarrels unless you wish to lose a limb!! If you werent Kalile's sister..... *cut off by Eowny*

Eowyn:yes, yes! come on! lets get on to the battle!!

Seth and "girls" stalk off to theoden to join in battle.

OOC: Wait! we were at edoras you twits! keep with the pace!!!

Eowyn, Lady of Rohan
04-24-2003, 05:47 PM
Eowyn: Yay, no more crying!
Lalaith: Hey!
Seth: Hay is for horses,
Eowyn: and also for cows,
Larien: You can't eat it.
Lalaith: *Grumbles* 'cause pigs don't know how... ... yeah, yeah yeah...

04-24-2003, 07:15 PM
Well Seth you should be happy that you are not all alone!! you would have been orc meat DAYS ago. anyway( launching into song) were off to see the wizard the wonderful wizard of Oz :snicker: and Theoden!! Oh and how is seth behaving Kalile?:D

Ooc:Seth and Kalile:eek: how strange those two?

The last sane person
04-24-2003, 07:49 PM
Seth: Why must all elves sing?! I would rather be alone or orc meat than listen too you bunch and be the only guy!!

Lalaith: Fine, then go away!

Kalile: No! dont!

Eowny: yes! do!

Inhuriel: uh???? what?

Larien: never mind! dont get mixed up in that, just keep riding.

04-24-2003, 07:49 PM
Originally posted by Legoles
Well Seth you should be happy that you are not all alone!! you would have been orc meat DAYS ago. anyway( launching into song) were off to see the wizard the wonderful wizard of Oz :snicker: and Theoden!! Oh and how is seth behaving Kalile?:D

Ooc:Seth and Kalile:eek: how strange those two?

:confused: What do you mean? All that stuff was just a dream. You know that, right?

04-24-2003, 07:57 PM
"that is all in my mind too[otherwise meaning I can read minds] are you sure it was a dream?
[yes I know but I just had to do that:D ] anyway you act like you like him too

04-24-2003, 08:12 PM
"Well, we don't have to sing, do we?"
Legoles: All riigghhtt.
Seth: sigh

04-24-2003, 08:14 PM
seth just be quiet
Im gonna sing anyway so there!!!got that out of my system now

04-24-2003, 11:03 PM
Ooc: oops, sorry!...Inhuriel ;)

04-24-2003, 11:21 PM

The last sane person
04-25-2003, 12:51 PM
OOC: Oh "aaaarrghh" your self missy!!

Seth groaned and plugged his ears and wanted badly to brain the new elf and only pleading glances from Kalile and the rest of the alliance save the new elfs head from coming off her shoulders

Seth:*really irratated* I am going a head top talk to theoden! Eowyn! your a relation to him! your coming to help smooth things out! *growls at the rest of fellow ship and takes off with Eowyn*

Inhuriel: sheeesh! what a growtch! *all the others glare at her*

Larien: well, your not helping matters!

Lalaith: and dont get those two groping in real life we have problems enough without those two becoming all lovey dovy! If you didnt notice there is a war going on!

they follow the path of Seth and Eowyn to Theoden

04-25-2003, 04:33 PM
Theoden is waiting for them in the halls of Meduseld.
the company stands before him and he starts talking
Theoden: This is a very serious problem .... orc are attacing us. We really need your help. We wouldn't have called you, if it wasn't that serious, but we knew that you are the best.
The company blushes.
Theoden: So, will you help me.
Lalaith: NO.
All turn back to Lalaith.
Lalaith: *giggling* that was just a joke, of course we will help you
Eowyn: Yes, dear uncle.
Seth: Yes, sir.

Eowyn, Lady of Rohan
04-25-2003, 05:18 PM
Originally posted by Lalaith
Theoden is waiting for them in the halls of Meduseld.
the company stands before him and he starts talking
Theoden: This is a very serious problem .... orc are attacing us. We really need your help. We wouldn't have called you, if it wasn't that serious, but we knew that you are the best.
The company blushes.
Theoden: So, will you help me.
Lalaith: NO.
All turn back to Lalaith.
Lalaith: *giggling* that was just a joke, of course we will help you
Eowyn: Yes, dear uncle.
Seth: Yes, sir.

Eowyn: Lalaith!
Theoden: Thank you, Eowyn, sister-daughter. And Eomer, sister-son...Oops, sorry, what's-your-face.
Kalile: It's Seth.
Theoden: Thank you, Lalaith.
Eowyn: It's Kalile.
Theoden: Oh, thank you, Lalaith.
Eowyn: IT'S EOWYN!!!
Theoden: Oh. Well, now that I got everyones names down, why don't you save Rohan.
Seth: *Mutters* Duh *Aloud* That's what we're here for, sir.

The last sane person
04-25-2003, 11:05 PM

*Seth was walking with his "Girls" out of the hall and back too their horses*

Seth: Well, we came from helms deep then we made one very wide circle and came back only to have to go save Rohan yet again! what a waste of time!!

Kalile: Indeed! we coulda killed hordes of orcs by now and save us the trouble of talking to that old fart!!

Eowyn: hey! you watch your tongue missy! thats my uncle your insulting!

Kalile: I can clearly see you two being related! Ah, isnt it wonderful to have family resemblance!

*Eowyn tackles Kalile and all the rest laugh*

04-26-2003, 05:14 AM
Lalaith: So what's our strategy?
Eowyn: Attac them?
Kalile: No, I think we should have a plan.
Seth: Yeah, I think so too. We have almost lost our lives far to often when we had no strategy.
Larien: Why not seperate. One part attacs from the front and the others attac their backs.
Inhuriel: that sounds good.
Lalaith: Hm, yes. Let's form groups ....
Seth: I'll be in the front team. Okay.
Lalaith: I guess the elves of us should attac from the back (because they can come there silently).
Kalile: Okay, then I will be in the back team.
Lalaith: Just like me.
Eowyn: Going with Seth.
Seth: And what about you, Larien and Inhuriel. Which teams do you join?

04-26-2003, 11:21 AM
Larien: Well, I *am* an elf...<looks at Inhuriel> I think that Inhuriel should join the humans. She can not stop singing long enough to be sneaky and quiet like Kalile, Lalaith and me.

Inhuriel: I can too be sneaky!

Larien: While singing? What are you going to do? Hum the Mission: Impossible theme?


Kalile and Lalaith boredly look on.

Eowyn: We can just go by ourselves, Seth and I, I mean. After all, Seth is a brawny Easternling.

Seth smiles broadly.

Kalile: Yes, but he is a rather slow-witted Easternly that likes to almost get butchered while he's fighting.

All, except for Seth: Good point.


Larien: Fine. I'll go with the humans and make sure the only things that get killed are Orcs. Happy now?

All nod.

04-26-2003, 12:16 PM
Lalaith: Okay, good. Now that we have the teams ....
Seth: let's start the battle
Eowyn: I think we, group front, should attact them first
Larien: and then, when they are running towards us
Kalile: we will come from their backs
Inhuriel: that's a good plan ... let's start

They two teams part and go in different directions

04-26-2003, 03:22 PM
"That's a lot of orcs! Let's go kill them all!" They got to the back of the group.
Lalaith: Seth's group started the attack.
Kalile: (answering a far off battle cry at the top of her lungs and jumping off her horse) Eulaliaaaaaaa!!!!!!!! Give no quarter!!!!
Inhuriel: Wait!
Lalaith: *sigh* Let's go save her butt again.

Eowyn, Lady of Rohan
04-26-2003, 04:50 PM
Eowyn: I'll get you, Kalile. Anyway, Let's get down to buissnuiss.
Seth: yeeeeaaaaahhhh.
Eowyn: Good plan, Kalile, even if you are a midget elf, you are a brainy one!!!
Seth: ATTACK!!!!

04-26-2003, 07:47 PM
Kalile didn't even hear. She was too busy getting covered in orc blood, grinning and slicing, narrowly missing Seth.
Seth: hey!
Kalile: sorry, Seth!
Seth: You're completely covered in blood!
Kalile:how'd ya recognize me, then?
Seth: Your size.
Kalile: Maybe I should've cut you in half after all.

The last sane person
04-26-2003, 10:33 PM
Seth: I would like to see you try tiny!!

Kalile:dont tempt me!!

*seth knocks off the heads of 4 uruks that were about to make shish kabob of Kalile*

Seth: Go ahead and hack away love!! i am standing right in front of ya!!

Kalile:*grins and turns back to orc killing* you are the weirdest Easterling I have ever met!

Seth: I am the only easterling you've ever met! *kills 10 orcs*

Larien: and your also the shortest elf I have ever seen!!

Kalile:*good naturedly* oh shut up!

*they all happily hack and chop away at the center of the fray*

04-27-2003, 04:00 AM
After they have killed all the orcs, uruks and whatever, they sit together and have a rest.
Lalaith: The plan worked. No one of us was captured.
Eowyn: No one was hurt.

Eowyn, Lady of Rohan
04-27-2003, 09:45 AM
Eowyn: Well, that was quite some battle.
Seth: What? You didn't do anything!
Eowyn: *blushes* yes i did...
Lalaith: No you didn't
Kalile: Com'mon, we have better things to do than argue!
Seth: Where are we going next?

04-27-2003, 11:19 AM
Larien: I don't know, but I suggest some place where we can fight hoardes of orcs. It's either that or see that therapist.

Everyone shudders at the mention of the shrink.

Larien: So, I guess it's orc-bashing. Where are they now?

Eowyn: I'm not sure. All I know is that my uncle had issues with them until we killed them all.

Seth: We could ride around pointlessly for another few days making tasteless jokes about Kalilie's height in our search of more orcs to kill.

Lalaith: That's a good idea.

Inhuriel: Yeah. Let's go.

All mount their horses and proceed to wander aimlessly.

04-27-2003, 02:41 PM
Lalaith: Mirkwood, Mirkwood.
OOC: Forgot if I have the mirror again? Do I have it again?
Eowyn: we won't go there just because of your crush on Legolas
Lalaith: it isn't a crush, it is true love
Seth: No.
Lalaith: But there are spiders we can kill
Kalile: Stop that. We won't go there.
Lalaith: And ORCS
Eowyn: Let's go there.
Larien: We won't wait anylonger
Seth: Why are we still discussing. Orcs want to be killed
As she hears the others, Lalaith has to smile about how she convinced her fellows.

04-27-2003, 08:38 PM
ooc: Yup, you have the mirror.

04-28-2003, 01:29 AM
OOC: Just wanted to know if I really want to go to Mirkwood. without it I couldn't go to my lover

The last sane person
04-28-2003, 04:56 PM
OOC: great! now every one is goimg to see their lovers!! Wait!! Legolas is out with the REAL fellowship at gondor!! And theoden is supposed to be dead!! what the hell is going on?? oh well

*the fellowship had just ridden into mirkwood and had spotted Legolas polishing his bow, but no orcs*

Lalaith:*jumping into his lap, kissing him square on the lips*I MISSED YOU!!!

Legolas:*gives a grunt of suprise and smiles* I thought you were out with your friends having fun killing orcs. *wraps arms around her and picks her up and addresses the others who were glaring at them* Excuse us, we have some catching up too do!!

*he takes her up to his bedroom and....uh, we'll leave it there*

Seth: *Glareing* come on lets go! she can catch up to us later once they're... uh... done.

Kalile:*snickering* I hope they tak their time so we can get far ahead!

Larien:*snickering* I hope they enjoy themselves so much Legolas makes her stay!!

Eowyn:*Falls off horse laughing* boy! I would never think Legolas, An ELF, would be so, er, eager!!! specially with Lalaith!!

*They all laugh at the thought and ride away as fast as they can into the sunset*

04-28-2003, 05:04 PM
OOC: Thanks for letting me have Legolas, and thanks for bugging me out of the company. Mean. Mean.

As the others are talking mean about Lalaith and Legolas, a group of orcs attac them. kalile, Larien and Seth get hurt. Eowyn stands alone crying in the wood.
Eowyn: Lalaith, where are you. We need you!

OOC2: Ha, there you have it.

Eowyn, Lady of Rohan
04-28-2003, 05:06 PM
Originally posted by The last sane person
OOC: great! now every one is goimg to see their lovers!! Wait!! Legolas is out with the REAL fellowship at gondor!! And theoden is supposed to be dead!! what the hell is going on?? oh well

*the fellowship had just ridden into mirkwood and had spotted Legolas polishing his bow, but no orcs*

Lalaith:*jumping into his lap, kissing him square on the lips*I MISSED YOU!!!

Legolas:*gives a grunt of suprise and smiles* I thought you were out with your friends having fun killing orcs. *wraps arms around her and picks her up and addresses the others who were glaring at them* Excuse us, we have some catching up too do!!

*he takes her up to his bedroom and....uh, we'll leave it there*

Seth: *Glareing* come on lets go! she can catch up to us later once they're... uh... done.

Kalile:*snickering* I hope they tak their time so we can get far ahead!

Larien:*snickering* I hope they enjoy themselves so much Legolas makes her stay!!

Eowyn:*Falls off horse laughing* boy! I would never think Legolas, An ELF, would be so, er, eager!!! specially with Lalaith!!

*They all laugh at the thought and ride away as fast as they can into the sunset*

Eowyn: We better be long gone by the time Lalaith and Legolos return!
Seth: She'll have a lot of catching up to do!
*Runs away with Lalaiths horse*
All: *laughs*

The last sane person
04-28-2003, 05:15 PM
OOC: Yeah right in your dreams!! we need you as much as we need a hemeroid!

*the group was attacked by orcs and Seth and Eowyn succesfully kill them off, and they are attending to their ever so slight wounds*

Eowyn: Lalaith! where the devil are you!

Seth:*washing face in stream* Oh you know very well where the girl is!!

Kalile&Larien: In bed with Legolas!!

*They laugh and get back on trail and go kill more orcs, leaving Lalaith farther and farther behind*

04-28-2003, 08:55 PM
The "fellowship" took full advantage of Lalaith's....preoccupation....and was able to ride several hundred miles away, laughing and sniggering the entire time. They met LOTS of orcs along the way, and happily slew them all, the entire time chanting, "Lalaith won't catch us!" which mightly confused the already pretty stupid and slow orcs.

Eowyn: I wonder if there are many orcs left. We seemed to have killed so many.

Seth: Never enough! We can never kill enough! Grrrr!

Kalile: Yeah, but have you noticed how, there, erm, aren't that many anymore?

Larien: What's your point?

Kalile: Well, what are we going to do when there's no more orcs?

This stuns the entire company into complete silence, and they all halt their horses to ponder this horrifying scenario.

Seth: <in a small, hurt voice> No more orcs?

Gulio, Strength of Many
04-28-2003, 09:20 PM
Umm hey everyone. Sorry to interrupt, but I was just wondering if u guys could meet a random warrior (me) and he could help u in killing orcs. Is that ok?

04-28-2003, 09:46 PM
Ooc: well, you've seen our predicament. Oh well. Go ahead. (you have to make the first post, though)

04-29-2003, 07:43 AM
OOC: I'm still upset because you don't need me and you have ignored my post. Mean. I want to remain in Legolas arms.

04-29-2003, 04:13 PM
ooc: Yeah, just write it in that you meet us, Gulio. We're pretty liberal here.

The last sane person
04-29-2003, 04:43 PM
OOC: Fine join in if ya want and welcome to the moot! but i'm warnin' you... dont bring Jesus or god into the conversation! I have had it up to here with those two!! Atheism rocks!!!!

Eowyn, Lady of Rohan
04-29-2003, 05:52 PM
Originally posted by Lalaith
OOC: I'm still upset because you don't need me and you have ignored my post. Mean. I want to remain in Legolas arms.

OOC: Sorry Lalaith...:( Hope you'll still be my friend.

Eowyn: Where the heck is Lalaith??????
Lalaith: I'm here!!!
Eowyn: *Runs to embrace Lalaith* LALAITH!!!!!!
Seth: Had enough of Legolos?
Lalaith: *Mock horror* Enough of Legolos? Never enough of Legolos!
Larien: Let's go kill some orcs!
Seth: Who's that stranger over yonder?

04-29-2003, 11:11 PM
Originally posted by The last sane person
OOC: Fine join in if ya want and welcome to the moot! but i'm warnin' you... dont bring Jesus or god into the conversation! I have had it up to here with those two!! Atheism rocks!!!!
It certainly does. Go Unitarian Universalism! (Only in Las Vegas could a UU church thrive in the building of an old nightclub. Oh well)

Gulio, Strength of Many
04-30-2003, 12:42 AM
ooc: sweet, but JESUS STILL ROCKS!!!!

ic: Gulio: "Ahh nothing like a day of killing orcs! Hey, who the heck are those ppl and what do they mean by 'Lalatih won't catch us'?"
He walks up to everyone and asks, "What are you doing?"

Seth: "We were killing orcs, but that killjoy over there *mean looks at Kallie* just had to put the thought into our heads of what would happen if we killed all the orcs!" *more mean looks*

Gulio: *shocked expression* I hadn't thought of that!!!!!! O well, maybe there will be another dark lord by the time we run out and he can make more orcs!!! *Huge grin:D *

The last sane person
04-30-2003, 03:28 PM
OOC: He does not. so there and leave it at that!

*the stranger had introduced himself as Gulio, strength of many and had fallen in with the troop*

Seth: Your name is to long.

Eowyn: Yes, we must fix that!

Kalile:*smiles* And you have yet to prove your "strength of many" title to us!!

Larien: And I'll warn you that that will not be an easy task as we are all very extremly seasoned veterans of the battle field and we have all earned that title at least ten times over already!!

Lalaith:*smiling at the boy* Therefore we shall dub thee, Gulio the Untried!!

Gulio: Hey! I am not that much of a sapling! I have 11 ( I refer to your postings) orcs under my belt!!

Seth:*frowning slightly at the new comer* Yes, but we all have at least a thousand times that number under our belts, so you have much to prove boy! *adressing the whole group* Very well, It seems that we have a new member in our tribe!

All: Welcome Gulio the Untried!

Seth: *snaps his fingers and brightens up* Hey! I've got it! We could go down east and fight the witch king! He has a hell's load of orcs and what-not down there!!

*Gulio frowns at the language*

The rest of the group: Yay! hurray for the fast thinking of Seth!! To the East!!

Gulio: Well, there still are some left up here so we should finish them off first. Dontcha think?

Eowyn: Ai! What a newbe! *turning to Gulio* No, we should leave these ones alone so they can regain there numbers. We dont want them to go extinct!! Then we will truley have nothing to do!

*they all ride off to the East*

Eowyn, Lady of Rohan
04-30-2003, 05:12 PM
Originally posted by The last sane person
OOC: Gulio: Hey! I am not that much of a sapling! I have 11 ( I refer to your postings) orcs under my belt!

Eowyn: Mmm hmmmm. Whatever. i have, like, 184 under my belt.
Seth: So? I have 127, under my belt.
Gulio: Hey! I'm not as bad as you think.
Eowyn: *mumbles* you are Gulio the Untried.
Gulio: Shut up. Let's go kill some orcs.
Eowyn: That's the first wise thing you've ever said to me!!!
*Gulio and Eowyn engage in a slapping match as they ride off to the East (or was it the West?)*

04-30-2003, 06:38 PM
Anyway Im huriel was being ignored she finally said, after hours of prolonged scilence I've got about 110 under mine. She then says "how did Lalaith catch up with us???!!":confused:

04-30-2003, 09:49 PM
He does not. so there and leave it at that!
Well, he does, but not as the son of god. :D

Gulio, Strength of Many
04-30-2003, 10:49 PM
ooc:I'll hafta respectfully disagree. He does rock as the Son of God. But I'm not gonna preach at ya.:D

05-01-2003, 06:02 PM


They rode for many miles, each relating to the group how many orcs they had killed, and the numbers of orcs that they had slew grew greater with each telling.

Larien: Well, *I've* killed at least 200 orcs!

Eowyn: Oh, yeah? I've killed at least 250!

Imhuriel: 300!

Lalaith: 325!

Kalile: 355!

Seth: Ha! You are all weak, non-Easternly sorts! I, the mighty Seth, have killed over 400 orcs!

Gulio: I'm still at 11......

Larien: You with your "I'm an Easternling" attitude! <snorts> Well, I'm an ELF! I've lived for THOUSANDS of years, and I should HOPE that I've killed more orcs than a MAN!

Seth: Yeah, but you haven't, and that's sad.

Larien: I have slayed over 1000 orc!

Kalile: And I, 2000!

Imhuriel: 3000!

Eowyn: Pfff, I killed *at least* that many at Helm's Deep!

Gulio: Um, still at 11.......

05-01-2003, 07:05 PM
Imhuriel: 5000 so ther!!! now can we get on with this and STOP ARGUING!!!

The last sane person
05-01-2003, 07:11 PM
Seth: 3000! and that is just Orcs and goblins mind you! I lost count of how many mouthy humans and *with a menacing glare at the company* Elves that I put out of business!

Larien:*small voice* how barbaric.

Gulio: uh, Hey every body! i am up to 15!

*nobody pays attention to him and they make for the east with all due speed to increase their tallies*

Gulio, Strength of Many
05-01-2003, 07:56 PM
Gulio: 15 orcs, yes, but I've killed at least 2000 demons!!!!!!!!!

05-01-2003, 08:02 PM
We are getting no where with this Imhuriel screamed at the top of her voice[which was still pretty] we have to go help in Helm's Deep:mad: you are all:confused:

05-01-2003, 08:34 PM
"Umm, Inhuriel, we already helped at Helm's deep."

Ooc: Don't kill demons! Haven't you ever heard of Inuyasha? or Sesshomeru?

The last sane person
05-01-2003, 08:45 PM
OOC: isnt Inuyasha half human though? His brother is full demon, I like that blade of his! It seems we know much of the same people!!

05-02-2003, 11:03 AM
OOC: Oh, I missed much.

The last sane person
05-02-2003, 04:48 PM
OOC: yes you did. I am gonna think about dying. You guys had enough of me yet? what do you all say.

*Seth was daydreaming and the rest of the "fellowship" was lazily riding behind him. it was a really beautiful day and the were in the East country enjoying themselves*

Kalile: hey Seth! when are we gonna engage the witch kings hordes?

*Seth was gently snoreing away in his saddle*

Larien: aw, he looks so happy in his sleep!

Eowyn: and kinda cute, like a puppy really!

Gulio:*grumbles* yeah, A puppy who doesnt like or believe in god. *grumble*

Lalaith: shhh! you'll wake him up and then there will be the devil too pay!

Imhuriel: One wouldnt think that he could harm a fly when he is asleep!

Eowyn: oh! but he does! and alot more than just Flies!!

*Seth wakes up with a slight "Ern??" expression on his face*

Seth:*rubbing the sleep outta his eyes* wha??

*just then they are attacked by the evil easterlings of the King and a terrific scuffle ensues with all of the evil ones getting killed off*

Eowyn: does that settle your question?

Kalile: *cheerfully* Yup!! Is any one hurt?

*Larien, Gulio, Lalaith, Eowyn and Kalile were all unhurt but they couldnt find Seth*

Kalile:*white as a sheet* Oh no where is he!!

*they go looking for him and they come across his horse standing over him*

All save Gulio: No! is he alright??

*they go and turn him over to find a bunch of arrows and sticking like feathers out of him, he is still breathing and somewhat alive. Kalile and Eowyn carefully put him on his horse and lead him to a place where they could help him*

OOC2: This is where I live or die!

05-02-2003, 04:59 PM
OOC: Forgetting that you all wanted to leave me behind in Mirkwood (mean people) and saving your life.

This place is of course Lorien. Galadriel welcomes them and starts healing Seth.
Galadriel: I think he will survive.
Kalile: Are you sure?
Lalaith: Don't question the statement of such a wise women!
Larien: We are so glad that you could help him.

The last sane person
05-02-2003, 05:23 PM
OOC: okee doke! I guess I wont croak!!! I will wait for the response of the others.

05-02-2003, 05:43 PM
OOC: Why would you want to die? To hunt us as a ghost?
I saved you and you will stay alive.

Eowyn, Lady of Rohan
05-02-2003, 05:57 PM
Originally posted by Gulio, Strength of Many
Gulio: 15 orcs, yes, but I've killed at least 2000 demons!!!!!!!!!

Eowyn: *To Gulio* Ha! Deamons! What an easy target!
Gulio: *To Eowyn* You try it!!!

Originally posted by Legoles
"how did Lalaith catch up with us???!!" :confused:

OOC: She just did

Originally posted by Legoles
Imhuriel: 5000 so there!!! now can we get on with this and STOP ARGUING?

Eowyn: *To Imhuriel in mock horror* Stop arguing!!!
:eek: Never in an elfs lifespan!!!
Seth: ':eek:'

Seth takes up the lead as he mutters something that sounded an awful lot like 'girls...' Lalaith, still angry at him slaps his horse making it ride off at a gallop with Seth on it, the wrong way!!!

05-02-2003, 06:00 PM
OOC: Hey, Legoles, wanted to bug me out?
Is Seth healed now or what?

Eowyn, Lady of Rohan
05-02-2003, 06:03 PM
Originally posted by Lalaith
OOC: Hey, Legoles, wanted to bug me out?
Is Seth healed now or what?

OOC: Dunno :confused: Are you, Seth????????:confused: :confused:

05-02-2003, 06:07 PM
Originally posted by Eowyn, Lady of Rohan
OOC: Dunno :confused: Are you, Seth????????:confused: :confused:
I have put him on a horse which would mean that he is alive.

05-02-2003, 06:40 PM
[B]OOC: Hey, Legoles, wanted to bug me out?
No Im just very confused, but then again I usually am, Inuasha ROCKS.

05-02-2003, 06:44 PM
Will somebody continue the story or do we wait for Seth?

05-02-2003, 08:05 PM
Hey! can I join?


Gulio, Strength of Many
05-02-2003, 08:24 PM
ooc:Sweet!! Another believer here!!!!!:D
Demons are EEEEEEEEVIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Im at 16 now!!!!!!!!!!!

The last sane person
05-02-2003, 08:44 PM
OOC: No, No need to wait for me! AACK! NO MORE JESUS LOVERS!!!! I wanted to die so I could try to get to play my real self, Leah. Its a pain in the ass to play a guy with you bunch!!

Seth had stopped his horse after the first second and had turned back around

Seth:*Glaring at Lalaith* If I wasnt still sore you'd be dead by now!

Lalaith: Then its a good thing you are and I hope It hurts even longer! so there!

the troop moves on back to the east


Gulio, Strength of Many
05-02-2003, 10:21 PM

05-03-2003, 12:14 AM
As I can see, you don't want to be preached at so I wont. I don't believe in forceing you to do anything you don't want to.

Jesus will cast Satan and his Demons into the Lake of Fire on Judgement day!!!


05-03-2003, 12:18 AM
OOC:By the way...please don't cuss. I respect you by not preaching and I would like it if you respected me by not cussing.

Thank you.

05-03-2003, 04:21 AM
OOC: So it's my fault now, that you live? You asked me to decide and I did. So please, no complaints now.

Eowyn, Lady of Rohan
05-03-2003, 11:02 AM
Originally posted by Gulio, Strength of Many
ooc:Sweet!! Another believer here!!!!!:D
Demons are EEEEEEEEVIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Im at 16 now!!!!!!!!!!!

Eowyn: Ha! I'm almost 200!!:p
Seth: And I, almost 150!!!
Lalaith: Stupid, deamons.

Gulio, Strength of Many
05-03-2003, 01:16 PM
25 now!:p

05-03-2003, 01:35 PM
OOC: What are you counting?

The last sane person
05-03-2003, 03:40 PM
OOC: Oh jeez. Attack of the Church clones. Now, will you please leave jesus outta this. and no I dont give a damn about "judgement day" (what none sense) and besides, we (Eowyn and I) started this rpg and we swore from day one.

OOC2: He is counting his posts.

05-04-2003, 04:58 AM
OOC: Will we ever go on with the story?

05-04-2003, 10:14 AM
ooc: YES! We will go on with the story!

And just a warning, Sane...you seem to have a death wish, so here ya go! If you decide it really doesn't suit you, just....come back, or something. Pull a Gandalf, I don't know.


The company, after Seth's miraculous healing at the hands of the Lady Galadriel, left once again to flush out the witch king's hoardes of orcs. They reached his domain in an impossibly short amount of time, where there was a large host of orcs seemingly waiting for their arrival.

Lalaith: Oooo. Orcs.

Eowyn: Should we form a plan? They kinda look like they have a plan.

Larien: Maybe we should just use the one we used before. Elves in the back, humans in front. We have more humans now, so they can join Seth and Eowyn in the front, and then all of us impossibly attractive female elves can attack from the back.

Imhuriel: Sounds good.

Seth: Does that mean I have to attack with Gulio and Aewionen?

All Elves: Yes!

Seth grumbles, but then they split off in that formation and go off to fight. The battle is going well, with everyone chopping off lots of orc heads and general mayhem. Soon, there are only about 20 orcs left.

Seth: Stand back! Let me, the mighty Seth, destroy the last of these miserable creatures!

Everyone looks at each other and nods in agreement, then backs up to watch Seth do his thing.

That is, they were watching until and orc came up behind his and chopped off his head.

Eowyn: OH NO! SETH!

Kalile: He is slain! <immediately bursts into tears>

Larien: Let us avenge his death!

Imhuriel: Plus, it lets us kill more orcs!

The group charges the remaining orcs and kills them all easily.

Larien: <looking to Seth's headless body> Now, what are we to do with this? <nudges it with her toe>

Kalile: How can you be so stone hearted?

Larien: There will be time for grief later. Now we must figure out what Seth would have wanted us to do.

Eowyn, Lady of Rohan
05-04-2003, 01:26 PM
Originally posted by The last sane person
OOC: Oh jeez. Attack of the Church clones. Now, will you please leave jesus outta this. and no I dont give a damn about "judgement day" (what none sense) and besides, we (Eowyn and I) started this rpg and we swore from day one.

OOC: Let's get on with the story.

Eowyn: I've got 209 now!! Ha ha!!
Seth: Almost as many as you!! *Pant*
Lalaith: Let's go to isengard. Maybe there are orcs there we can kill.
Kalile: Don't kill the Dunlanders! Let's go to Mordor!
Seth: DON'T KILL THE EASTERLINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

05-04-2003, 02:00 PM
OOC: Eowyn, I think you missed something. Seth is already death.

Lalaith: I think we should burry his body and his head.
Eowyn: Yeah, I think that would be good.
Larien: Why don't we keep the head ... as a memory
All turn to Larien.
All: Yuck, Larien, that's disgusting.

05-04-2003, 04:49 PM
Larien reaches down and picks up Seth's head by the hair, which prompty causes all the other members of the company to retch.

Larien: What?

Imhuriel: If you keep that thing, you are *not* riding with us, anywhere, ever again!

Kalile: I agree! That's just sick and wrong!

Larien: <giving them a dirty look> I was going to bury it with the body.

All: Oh. <releaved>

Lalaith: Ok, then. I guess we better get started.

Eowyn: Does anyone have a shovel?

All look around for a shovel, until Gulio produces one from his pack.

Gulio: Here ya go!

Larien: Thanks.

The group takes turns digging, until they finally have a hole big enough for Seth's body. Larien drops the head in while the rest of the group lugs over his body. They unceremoniously dump him in. They then proceed to take turns filling the hole back in with dirt.

Lalalith: Well, that's done now.

Kalile: Now what?

05-04-2003, 08:15 PM
Ooc: Whoa! I missed a lot!!!! I think I'm gonna have to out on this one too. Goes to fast. The last post I made was on Inuyasha. :p That was a while ago.

Ic: "This group is getting much to large for one claustrophobic elf. I will strike out on my own now. Fare thee well, all of you!"
She rides off into the sunset.

05-04-2003, 08:26 PM
Dangit Kalile Im staying here ok!!!

05-05-2003, 07:52 AM
Lalaith: Uh, our fellowship is shrinking.
Eowyn: Yeah, everybody rides away or dies.
Larien: That's just not fair.

Eowyn, Lady of Rohan
05-05-2003, 05:29 PM
Originally posted by Lalaith
OOC: Eowyn, I think you missed something. Seth is already death.

Lalaith: I think we should burry his body and his head.
Eowyn: Yeah, I think that would be good.
Larien: Why don't we keep the head ... as a memory
All turn to Larien.
All: Yuck, Larien, that's disgusting.

OOC: Seth? dead?
Eowyn: THat's easterling, was the evilest, oops!, best easterling I ever met!! :(

05-06-2003, 08:39 AM
Lalaith: So Ladies, how will we go on?

The last sane person
05-06-2003, 02:30 PM
OOC: I dont quite care for the whole head chopping thing so if you could say I was run through, I would be greatful!!

*just as the troop was moving away from the impromptue grave for their fallen soldier, another Easterling comes down and greets them*

Stranger: Hail! your party suffered a lose! may I join?

Eowyn: Sure thing! We need all we can get!

OOC: Here is the (almost, Dont have the horse) real me!

Name: Leah Mirzaye (for lack of imagination I shall use my common name, I might change it.)
Race: Easterling *snicker* (sorry Eowyn)
Weapons: Bow, Two semitars, Halberd
Gender: Female!!
Apperance: Tall, dark skinned (duh) with long pitch black hair. Middle Eastern type armor with a blue sur-coat.
Other: Black horse name Shabaq

Eowyn, Lady of Rohan
05-06-2003, 06:06 PM
Originally posted by The last sane person
OOC: I dont quite care for the whole head chopping thing so if you could say I was run through, I would be greatful!!

*just as the troop was moving away from the impromptue grave for their fallen soldier, another Easterling comes down and greets them*

Stranger: Hail! your party suffered a lose! may I join?

Eowyn: Sure thing! We need all we can get!

OOC: Here is the (almost, Dont have the horse) real me!

Name: Leah Mirzaye (for lack of imagination I shall use my common name, I might change it.)
Race: Easterling *snicker* (sorry Eowyn)
Weapons: Bow, Two semitars, Halberd
Gender: Female!!
Apperance: Tall, dark skinned (duh) with long pitch black hair. Middle Eastern type armor with a blue sur-coat.
Other: Black horse name Shabaq

Eowyn: Hark! Who's that?
Lalaith: Great loss indeed!
All: *Mournfully* Great loss...:(
Leah: Stop mopeing!!
Larien: *Indignatly* Mopeing!!
Leah: Yeah, mopeing.
Larien: Just com'mon, you.

05-06-2003, 09:44 PM
ooc: Alright, alright, you were run through. You still have your head, ok?


Eowyn: Don't ya think it's kinda soon for us to be accepting new people?
Larien: But she's an *Easternling*, just like Seth.
Eowyn: Hey, welcome, Leah.
Lalaith: Do you like killing orcs?
Leah: Yeah! Nothing better!
All: Woo Hoo! Yeeeaaaa! <and other various shouts of victory>
Larien: Then let's go hunt some orc!

Eowyn, Lady of Rohan
05-09-2003, 05:28 PM
Eowyn: Leah...
Leah: Yes?
Eowyn: did Elrond tell you to come or something?
Leah: Who?
Eowyn: *Raises eyebrow*
Leah: Ok, he did.
Larien: A ha! I thought so.

Eowyn, Lady of Rohan
05-09-2003, 05:28 PM
Eowyn: Leah...
Leah: Yes?
Eowyn: did Elrond tell you to come or something?
Leah: Who?
Eowyn: *Raises eyebrow*
Leah: Ok, he did.
Larien: A ha! I thought so.

05-09-2003, 06:38 PM
I'm gonna use a person from one of my threads now okay? I'm getttin bored. His name is Relasin K?K he is an elf

Suddenly a handsome dark haired elf came into the camp. Relasin walked up to the elf Imhuriel. she said" Relasin, how did you find me?" she said, not sounding very pleased. He said,"How could I not know where you where?HA tis not hard to follow you."he said imperiously. He then proceded to pick her up, put her over his shoulder, and carry her away, laughing. "Bye It was nice to meet you!" she said to the fellowship.

The last sane person
05-10-2003, 12:05 AM
OOC: Damn!! now legoles is bailing out too???!!

*the sudden events that had happened and Leah's arrival had really started to buzz the fellowship, then another elf,male, came up and procceded to carry off Imhuriel*

Leah: where the hell is he going with our elf??

Lalaith: uh, I think i can guess!

All: Oh no! after them!

Leah: this thing cant shink any more than it already has!!

*and so they follow the pair into the sunset and finally catch up too them.*

OOC: some one else finish this! I gotta go!!

Eowyn, Lady of Rohan
05-10-2003, 10:57 AM
Originally posted by The last sane person
OOC: Damn!! now legoles is bailing out too???!!

*the sudden events that had happened and Leah's arrival had really started to buzz the fellowship, then another elf,male, came up and procceded to carry off Imhuriel*

Leah: where the hell is he going with our elf??

Lalaith: uh, I think i can guess!

All: Oh no! after them!

Leah: this thing cant shink any more than it already has!!

*and so they follow the pair into the sunset and finally catch up too them.*

OOC: some one else finish this! I gotta go!!

Eowyn: Where do you thing your going with our elf friend, Imhuriel???
Male elf: Ummmm I don't really know. *Tries to run*
Larien: *strings bow* Stop right there!
Male Elf: Umm I'm in the middle of a elfnapping prossess, stay away. She might blow up.
Imhuriel: Hey! I'm an elf not a bomb, you idiot!!

05-10-2003, 11:32 AM
Rolling her eyes, Larien loosed the arrow. It landed perfectly in the male elf's shoulder.

m. Elf: Oh, ow! My shoulder! I've been shot!

Larien: No ****, moron.

Lalaith: Come on back, Imhuriel.

Imhuriel: Why did you do that to him?

Eowyn: Uh, gee, maybe it had something to do with the fact that he was TRYING TO KIDNAP YOU!

Imhuriel: But you killed him!

M. Elf: I'm not dead!

Larien: Look, see, he says he's not dead.

Imhuriel: Well, he will be in a moment.

M. Elf: I'm feeling better!

Eowyn: Come on now, Imhuriel, he's fine.

Imhuriel: No he's not, he's most assuredly going to die soon.

M. Elf: I feel happy!

05-10-2003, 11:34 AM
Lalaith: I'm a confused elf. Really confused.

The last sane person
05-10-2003, 01:51 PM
OOC: Dont be!! Its as clear as day!! Hey! Amaranthea, did you get that scene from Monty Python and the Holy Grail?? looks awfully familiar!!

*Leah had pick up the male elf whose name was Relasin and had tied and bandaged up his shoulder*

Relasin: uh, thank you!!

Leah:*smile* no problem!! Oy! ladies, shall we move on?? I know where a ridiculously large amount of monsters are!!

All:*very enthusiasticly* YEAH!!! *and various other shouts of joy*

*they ride off where Leah showed them and they find this huge Keep briming whith orcs*

All: YES!!!

Eowyn, Lady of Rohan
05-11-2003, 10:13 AM
*Ride for a while*
Lalaith: Me confused elf.:confused:
*Ride for another hour*
Lalaith: Me still confused elf :confused:
*Ride for another hour*
Lalaith: Me still confused elf :confused:
*Ride for yet another hour*
Lalaith: Me very confused elf. :confused:
*Ride for another hour*
Lalaith: Me still confused el...
Eowyn: Awww, just shut up.

05-11-2003, 10:53 AM
Lalaith: What did you say?
Eowyn: Shut up.
Lalaith: Don't you dare!
She throws herself at Eowyn and they start fighting.

05-11-2003, 07:58 PM
Okay I am very new at this stuff so you will excuse me if I am not good at this...but I'm just going to jump here.
Name: Witch King of Angmar
Weapons: A sword (does he have other weapons? Sorry I forgot...)
Race: Once a Man, now a Nazgul
Other: I am very tall. Hehehe.
Sorry this is probably not good but I said that I'd join this RPG Eowyn and I kept my promise, see? :)

The last sane person
05-11-2003, 08:47 PM
OOC: well witch king, you might not want to assume that role as we are all here to kill you if you do!! but welcome anyway!!

05-12-2003, 08:06 AM
OOC: Have you converted to the good side Witch king?

The last sane person
05-12-2003, 02:04 PM
OOC: who cares! lets kill him any way!!

05-12-2003, 02:14 PM
OOC: you can't kill him, he just joined the RPG

The last sane person
05-12-2003, 02:40 PM
OOC: Bugger.

05-12-2003, 02:44 PM
OOC: Want to fight with a temptress? Are you sure?

The last sane person
05-12-2003, 02:55 PM
OOC: Mayhaps I do, Why would I be tempted by you?

Eowyn, Lady of Rohan
05-12-2003, 05:56 PM
OOC: ELBERETH!!!! :) :)

Eowyn: who's that shadoqw there?
Leah: A flying stead of the Witch king!
Witch King: *gives a nazgulish scream*
Eowyn: *Draws sword*
Imhuriel: We are no match for him!
*Other eight Nazgul appear*
Imhuriel: oh no! We're up a gainst the nine!

The last sane person
05-12-2003, 06:09 PM
OOC: You're not answering me Lalaith!!

Leah; Speak for your self!! *Draws weapons and charges at the 9, unhorseing 5 of them* Oy! you helpin' or not!

Larien: Hell! I'm game!! *charges to stand beside Leah*

OOC: Any one else wanna carve some of the action for themselves@

05-12-2003, 07:34 PM
You guys I didn't join the RpG just to get killed! But I am an EVIL Witch King...hey it was EloR's suggestion! :)
Witch King: You fools. Against the Nine...you have no hope. *brandishes sword* And my horse is really strong too so I can ride away as soon as you start to attack!
Other Nazguls: C'mon Boss! I thought you were Mr. Tough Guy! At least, that's what the Big Boss said!
WK: The Big Boss?
ON: Sauron you dingbat!
WK: Oh yeah. Him. Well...*sheaths sword and jumps on horse* I'm outta here! *rides away*

The last sane person
05-12-2003, 09:04 PM
Leah&Larien: YARG!!!!

*They charge and unhorse the witch King with a single blow and he is clobbered by the two curageous girls*

WK: AHHH! dont hurt me! I swear i'll be good!

Eowyn: Fat chance! girls! finish him!

Larien&Leah: Yeah!


Lalaith: bye bye Mr. Evil Witch King dude!

WK: WAIT!!!!

Leah: Okay! Spill the beans! you've got 5 minutes before we pop you off!

Eowyn: *adressing Nazguls* Okay boys! Bugger off! We've got ta talk to your boss!

05-13-2003, 04:45 AM
OOC: Now I'm answering: Look at my avatar? Need I say more?

The Nazgul ride away in order to find Sauron.
Lalaith: So witch king, why should be not kill you?
WK: Because I'm a good person.
Eowyn: Ha, you're not.
WK: Yes I am.

Eowyn, Lady of Rohan
05-13-2003, 06:17 PM
OOC: We need some guys amoung this fellowship. ;)
Eowyn: Wait, girls, what's that?
*All turns*
*WK tries to escape*
*Larien pops around before he can and digs her sword into his cape*
Larien: Don't you dare!
*All turn again*

OOC: You can't kill the WK. Or I'll be very mad :mad:;) (No hard feelings :) )

05-13-2003, 07:45 PM
WK: Stop, stop! Helpful Nazgul friends...come back! Help, help!
ON: Sorry boss... *fading into the distance*
WK to Larien: Okay okay I admit it, I am a BAD person, a WICKED person...but...please please don't poke me with that sharp stick, I'm afraid of point things!

05-14-2003, 01:38 PM
Lalaith: Girls, I think we should have a meeting discussing our further actions.

The last sane person
05-14-2003, 04:19 PM
OOC: Uh, Lalaith, I'm a girl. And no, I am not a lesbian so I dont think you can tempt me.

Eowyn, Lady of Rohan
05-14-2003, 07:04 PM
Eowyn: let him go.
Leah: Wait...
WK: Don't poke me... *cowers*
*Larien let's WK's cape go*
WK: Suckers!!!!
*Rides away on horse*

05-14-2003, 08:33 PM
*WK arrives in Barad-dur several hours behind the other Nazgul*
Sauron: There you are!
WK: Sorry, all these girls starting attacking me...and pointing sharp objects at me...and then there was this big yellow bird...
ON: Umm...I know you love inventing excuses, but this is a bit much!
WK: No seriously!
Sauron: Ok boys, be serious now. I have a new mission for you, and one you must not fail.
*WK and ON gather around Sauron and listen eagerly*

05-15-2003, 04:05 PM
OOC: Acutally I never said that I was tempting you ... you said that.

Eowyn, Lady of Rohan
05-15-2003, 08:22 PM
Originally posted by Elbereth
*WK arrives in Barad-dur several hours behind the other Nazgul*
Sauron: There you are!
WK: Sorry, all these girls starting attacking me...and pointing sharp objects at me...and then there was this big yellow bird...
ON: Umm...I know you love inventing excuses, but this is a bit much!
WK: No seriously!
Sauron: Ok boys, be serious now. I have a new mission for you, and one you must not fail.
*WK and ON gather around Sauron and listen eagerly*

Sauron: *Whispering (If an eye can whisper)* Boys, you must find the easterling, Leah, and bring her to ME. *Speaks aloud* We need more men to defeat the other fellowship (Eowyn, Lalaith, Larien, and other ppl) We need Leah, she is talented with a sword, and we can be pretty sure she's has a good record with a bow and arrow. We will take over Middle Earth!!
*Larien who's been spying at Mount Doom, runs back to the 'Fellowship' waiting at the black gate and explains the situation*
Larien: And so he plans to get you, Leah!
Leah: Yay!
All except Leah: WHAT??
Leah: I mean, he said I was talented. *looks smug*
*Scream or a nazgul*
Eowyn: The witch king and the nine!!! Why didn't you kill him, Larien, while you had the chance!!!
Sauron: *Speaking through the nazgul* Mount doom will erupt if you kill the witch king!!!!! *Says that just as Leah raises her knife to kill the witch king blackness falls*
*Lightens, Leah is gone*
Leah: Help!
WK: *screams*
Eowyn: LEAH!!!!!

OOC: Ha ha, some one else gotta finish this!!!

The last sane person
05-16-2003, 03:19 PM
OOC: why me?

*The troop all chased after the nazgul, but they lost them soon.*

Eowyn: Why didnt you two kill him when you had the chance?

Larien:*angrily* cause you told us to let him go!!

Lalaith: Damn it! we just got her and now we lost her!!

Eowyn: We wont lose her! we just gotta go save her! I dont want to lose any more people!

Larien: Onwards!!!!!!!! *the trio chase after the Nazgul's tracks*


*back at Barad-dur*

WK: HAHA!! Gotcha now! *hangs the bloodied Leah up on the wall by her wrists*

Leah: Why you big bag of bones!!!! When i'm done with you, not even your mother will recognize you! *her legs were unbound so she kicks Wk across the room*

WK: Ack! you B****!! I'll get you for that! *Conks Leah over the head and gets the other eight to hold her down*

Leah: HA! you wussies! you wouldnt dare come near me if you didnt have Sauron's skirts to hang onto!

Sauron:*floating in* I do not wear skirts....They make my ass look big.......I wear Kilts!!

Leah: Puh.... bring it on! Even if you wear Kilts you still look fat!

*Sauron posses one of the Nazgul and Bitch-slaps Leah*

Leah: AAAHHHH! Hey! Are you an evil over lord or some floozy slut?

Sauron: AAAAARRRRG! *slaps Leah, who in return kicks him*

*Huge fight ensues*

Sauron: *ordering the Nazguls* Torture her until she joins us!!

Nazguls: COOL! *comence with the torturing of Leah*

Leah:*in pain* Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! I will not be ruled by you!!!!!!!!!!

*more torture*

Eowyn:*pant* *pant * Jeez! I guess Barad Dur is farther away than it looks!

Larien: Its one of those optical whatchamacallits!

Lalaith:*pant* uh....riiight!

Eowyn: Onwards!!

*Next day at Barad-Dur*

Leah: *in extreme pain* Urgh......

Sauron: Hehehe...... Look what I have here!! since you wont join no matter how much we torture you........

*holds up a hansomely wrought ring*

Leah:Oh no........

Sauron: Yup! Just for you! I shall make you....my Dark Lady! Most powerful of all my dark servants!! *puts ring on Leah's bloody finger*

*Leah resists the ring but fails and goes under the spell, yet she retains her form*

Sauron&Nazguls: MWAH HA HA HA! Send her to rivendell and Lorien to rid us of the Eldar Elves!!!

Leah aka "DL": Uhn........


OOC: HA! now you shall have some major work to do!! I cant be taken down in one post either! I still want to be part of the fellowship...but I want to be evil for a little while!!

Eowyn, Lady of Rohan
05-16-2003, 06:06 PM
Originally posted by The last sane person
OOC: why me?

*The troop all chased after the nazgul, but they lost them soon.*

Eowyn: Why didnt you two kill him when you had the chance?

Larien:*angrily* cause you told us to let him go!!

Lalaith: Damn it! we just got her and now we lost her!!

Eowyn: We wont lose her! we just gotta go save her! I dont want to lose any more people!

Larien: Onwards!!!!!!!! *the trio chase after the Nazgul's tracks*


*back at Barad-dur*

WK: HAHA!! Gotcha now! *hangs the bloodied Leah up on the wall by her wrists*

Leah: Why you big bag of bones!!!! When i'm done with you, not even your mother will recognize you! *her legs were unbound so she kicks Wk across the room*

WK: Ack! you B****!! I'll get you for that! *Conks Leah over the head and gets the other eight to hold her down*

Leah: HA! you wussies! you wouldnt dare come near me if you didnt have Sauron's skirts to hang onto!

Sauron:*floating in* I do not wear skirts....They make my ass look big.......I wear Kilts!!

Leah: Puh.... bring it on! Even if you wear Kilts you still look fat!

*Sauron posses one of the Nazgul and Bitch-slaps Leah*

Leah: AAAHHHH! Hey! Are you an evil over lord or some floozy slut?

Sauron: AAAAARRRRG! *slaps Leah, who in return kicks him*

*Huge fight ensues*

Sauron: *ordering the Nazguls* Torture her until she joins us!!

Nazguls: COOL! *comence with the torturing of Leah*

Leah:*in pain* Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! I will not be ruled by you!!!!!!!!!!

*more torture*

Eowyn:*pant* *pant * Jeez! I guess Barad Dur is farther away than it looks!

Larien: Its one of those optical whatchamacallits!

Lalaith:*pant* uh....riiight!

Eowyn: Onwards!!

*Next day at Barad-Dur*

Leah: *in extreme pain* Urgh......

Sauron: Hehehe...... Look what I have here!! since you wont join no matter how much we torture you........

*holds up a hansomely wrought ring*

Leah:Oh no........

Sauron: Yup! Just for you! I shall make you....my Dark Lady! Most powerful of all my dark servants!! *puts ring on Leah's bloody finger*

*Leah resists the ring but fails and goes under the spell, yet she retains her form*

Sauron&Nazguls: MWAH HA HA HA! Send her to rivendell and Lorien to rid us of the Eldar Elves!!!

Leah aka "DL": Uhn........


OOC: HA! now you shall have some major work to do!! I cant be taken down in one post either! I still want to be part of the fellowship...but I want to be evil for a little while!!

OOC: SANE (why did I do this????)

Eowyn: *Screaming at Sauron* GIVE HER TO US!!!
Sauron: Ok, but you will find a little change. *Snickers*
WK: A little change! ha!
Sauron: Shut up, you fool. *shoves leah into Eowyn, almost knocking her over*
Eowyn: Hey! Leah!!! *Runs to embrace Leah, but leah holds out her sword and stabs her, Eowyn doubles over in pain all except Leah run to her aid*
Lalaith: Oh no! A little change! Drat, that stupid brat!
Leah: I have the one ring at my side!

OOC: How are we going to get Leah nice????

Eowyn: You...*gasping for breath* You...*faints*
Larien: Oh no! It's loss of blood!
WK: ha ha ha! I want to to finish them off, Dark Lady!
Lalaith: No!!!
Leah: You wish, is my command.
Eowyn: Noooo.
*Leah starts unmercifully stabbing at the 'fellowship'.*
Larien: *In pain, fighting back* Leah! Remember me? I'm Larien! Midge!!!
*Eowyn by now is half dead*
Lalaith: Spare us!!!!
Eowyn: *rousing* What are we to do???
Larien: We have no choice. We must force her to Rivendell.
Lalaith: Yes. Elrond will know what to do.
*Eowyn binds Leahs recklessly fighting hands and attaches a rope to her waist and starts pulling her to Rivendell*
Larien: *Mutters* This is gonna be one long journey

05-16-2003, 08:02 PM
Leah: You cannot make me be nice. I have joined the side of the Ring!
*WK and Sauron are gathered around a Palantir in Barad-dur*
WK: Look, it looks like we've done it. She's on our side.
S *rubbing hurt head*: But not without severe injuries...
WK: Hey! I got hit the most!
S: Yeah right.
WK: Ok whatever, just don't ever say I didn't do anything for you.
*WK gets up to leave and his robe catches the Palantir and sends it crashing to the ground*
S: You...!!!!
WK: Oops.

05-16-2003, 08:18 PM
ooc: I'm gonna pop in again and save you all.
Imhuriel pops out of the woods and says" Hi you are hurt I'm gonna heal you and leave again." She procedes to heal them and leave," bye:)"

The last sane person
05-16-2003, 08:50 PM
OOC: AACK! Nearly forgot about you!

*The fellowship was having emence (sp?) problems carting off Leah as she was fighting them all very savagely, she finally stops and continues on with them to rivendell with no further delays*

Eowyn: *better now that Imhuriel healed her* Finally! Rivendell!

*for lack of a better solution they tie Leah to a tree and go running through the place in search of Elrond. They stumble into his grand hall and find not only Elrond but Galadriel and Celeborn there as well*

Larien: Oh thank the fates!

Elrond: *Getting up* good to see you! I see your journeys have yet to kill you!

Eowyn: Not yet at least!

Celeborn: Where is that easterling....Seth? and that midget elf...Kalile?

Lalaith:*gloomy* He died fighting. and she left.

Larien: Come quick! *E&L&La tell them all that had happened to their fellowship while going out to see Leah*

Galadriel:*sees al of the wounds Leah has and the ring that is on her finger* Oh dear...

Elrond: Indeed! *goes over and unties Leah*

Galadriel: *placeing hand on Leahs heart* oh no, she has been totally spell bound by Sauron!

Celeborn:*does the same* Yes.....but she is fighting the ring with amazing tenacity!

Fellowship: Yes! but will she be alright?

Elves: uh....

*just then the Ring glows and Leah howls in pain and fights it. The Ring wins, sort of, and Leah slashes the Eldar elves, stabs Elrond and is about to finish them off when her old comrades jump in to protect the elven lords*


*back at Barad-Dur, Sauron and the Nazguls were munching on popcorn*

Sauron: Oh this is even better than the "last battle" *Leah uppercuts Larien* tha's ma gurl!

WK: whoa! I sure dont wanna be on the recieving end of that girl!

*other Nazgul hoot and cheer like fans at a gladiatorial battle*

N.7: Wow! What a punch!

Sauron: *getting teary eyed* And to think! she is all mine! I dont think a Evil Overlord can get it any better than this! *mentally ordering Leah* Okay I think they had enough! come back here and celebrate with us!


*back at Rivendell*

Leah: My Lord comands me to finish you off!

Eowyn: Leah! remember me! you cant kill us! we're your friends! stop! please!

Leah: no, my master ordered me too!

*Leah's ring stops glowing and suddenly she stops fighting and turns back to Barad-Dur*

Lalaith:*helping the injured Elven Lady* Get these people up to the healing room so they can be fixed up!

*They all pick up their respective Lords and take them to be healed*

Eowyn:*coming out of the healing room* So girls,i guess we have to wait for them to suggest something so we can rescue poor Leah!

All: *sigh* why did it happen like this?

OOC: Hehehe....

Eowyn, Lady of Rohan
05-17-2003, 06:00 PM
Originally posted by The last sane person
OOC: AACK! Nearly forgot about you!

*The fellowship was having emence (sp?) problems carting off Leah as she was fighting them all very savagely, she finally stops and continues on with them to rivendell with no further delays*

Eowyn: *better now that Imhuriel healed her* Finally! Rivendell!

*for lack of a better solution they tie Leah to a tree and go running through the place in search of Elrond. They stumble into his grand hall and find not only Elrond but Galadriel and Celeborn there as well*

Larien: Oh thank the fates!

Elrond: *Getting up* good to see you! I see your journeys have yet to kill you!

Eowyn: Not yet at least!

Celeborn: Where is that easterling....Seth? and that midget elf...Kalile?

Lalaith:*gloomy* He died fighting. and she left.

Larien: Come quick! *E&L&La tell them all that had happened to their fellowship while going out to see Leah*

Galadriel:*sees al of the wounds Leah has and the ring that is on her finger* Oh dear...

Elrond: Indeed! *goes over and unties Leah*

Galadriel: *placeing hand on Leahs heart* oh no, she has been totally spell bound by Sauron!

Celeborn:*does the same* Yes.....but she is fighting the ring with amazing tenacity!

Fellowship: Yes! but will she be alright?

Elves: uh....

*just then the Ring glows and Leah howls in pain and fights it. The Ring wins, sort of, and Leah slashes the Eldar elves, stabs Elrond and is about to finish them off when her old comrades jump in to protect the elven lords*


*back at Barad-Dur, Sauron and the Nazguls were munching on popcorn*

Sauron: Oh this is even better than the "last battle" *Leah uppercuts Larien* tha's ma gurl!

WK: whoa! I sure dont wanna be on the recieving end of that girl!

*other Nazgul hoot and cheer like fans at a gladiatorial battle*

N.7: Wow! What a punch!

Sauron: *getting teary eyed* And to think! she is all mine! I dont think a Evil Overlord can get it any better than this! *mentally ordering Leah* Okay I think they had enough! come back here and celebrate with us!


*back at Rivendell*

Leah: My Lord comands me to finish you off!

Eowyn: Leah! remember me! you cant kill us! we're your friends! stop! please!

Leah: no, my master ordered me too!

*Leah's ring stops glowing and suddenly she stops fighting and turns back to Barad-Dur*

Lalaith:*helping the injured Elven Lady* Get these people up to the healing room so they can be fixed up!

*They all pick up their respective Lords and take them to be healed*

Eowyn:*coming out of the healing room* So girls,i guess we have to wait for them to suggest something so we can rescue poor Leah!

All: *sigh* why did it happen like this?

OOC: Hehehe....

Lalaith: Poor leah? What about us?
Larien: She seems to enjoy being on the dark side!
Eowyn: We gotta do something!
Elrond: But what?
Eowyn: I thought you were dead!
Elrond: Gees, what a thing to say!
*At Mount Doom*
Sauron: My lady...
Leah: Yes, my lord?
Sauron: Go kill the rest of the Fellowship.
Leah: Yes, but surely it will be impossible.
Sauron: The nine will accompany you.
WK and the other eight: We will?
Sauron: Yes, you will accompany my bride or die!!
Leah: Whoa! Bride? I don't think so.
Sauron: *Chants a few wierd words* Now, will you marry me?
Leah: Yes, my lord.
Sauron: I've very sucsessfully hypnotized her!
WK: Horray for lord of the Good!
Sauron: You mean, horray for lord of the EVIL
WK: oops.
Sauron: I'm sorry I had to do this by force Leah. Ewww! That's too good a name. You need an EVIL name. You are now Evile (e-vile)
WK: O, good one! It's only too VILE!!
*Other eight nazgul roar with laughter*
*Back at the house of elrond*
Eowyn: I'll never forgive that girl.
Larien: Or is she more of a zombie, than a girl.
Eowyn: She's too good to become entirely evil.
Lalaith: Or is she?

OOC: You'll have to decied if she is!!! :p ;)
OOC: Sane, you are an evil, but sane, person. ;)

The last sane person
05-17-2003, 06:43 PM
OOC: you haven't the faintest Idea. I think I will be....... SEMI-EVIL!! MWAH HA HA HA HA! I have a better name.

*Back at Barad Dur*

Evillyn(pronounced Evil-lyn): My lord it shall be done! *Flies off on dragon to go finish the job*

WK: Aw! do we have to go??


WK: Okay boys! Follow our mistress!! *runs after Evillyn*

*at the house of Elrond*

Celeborn:*attempting to get up* argh........ That could not have been a human girl? could it.....?

Galadriel:*holding her bashed head* I am afraid it was!

Eowyn: Damn you Leah! you just had to go all evil on us, didnt you?!

Lalaith:*nursing her wounds* Oh will you stop repeating old news! She has turned evil, thats done. No what are we going to do about it?

Larien: Oh I dont know! thats why we came to these geniouses!*points to the very abused Eldarian Elves*

All:*look at the ancient ones and groan*

*Evillyn bursts through the door flanked by the Nine*

Lalaith:*groan* Here we go again!

*Evillyn sends the Nine to attack the Fellowship while she goes after Eowyn. Eowyn and Evillyn have this really glorious and prolonged fight scene. Finally Eowyn trips and Evillyn grabs her by the throat and lifts her in the air with dagger poised to take Eowyns life*

Eowyn:*gasp* Stop! *gasp* Dont do this! *choke* try to fight this thing! *tries to get down but is held firmly by Evillyn*

Evillyn:*cold smile* Hmmm.... I remeber you! *lowers her to the ground, but still holds her thoat* And the rest of these people too! *Nazgul stop fighting and hold the Elves and squirming Fellowship in their place* Now, you see, you were right about me being to good to become totally Evil. I wont kill you lot per say, but rather leave you for now till further notice!

*Evillyn goes over and kills Gulio and orders the Nazguls to kill his other friend who have been discreatly following the fellowship without really getting into the conversation*

Evillyn: I never liked them in the first place!

*Nazguls get in one last punch or kick into their opponents and take off with their Queen to go make more havoc on middle earth*

Eowyn:*shouting at the retreating figures* Leah!!!!

Lalaith: I have a terrible feeling Leah is -and/or will be- no more!

Larien: Especialy once i'm done with her!!

OOC: and thus the evil scourge of middle earth was born....Evillyn!!! *evil music plays*

05-18-2003, 05:35 AM
*As Leah leaves, the fellowship of the girls starts to hunt her*

Larien: We have to get her.
Lalaith: And kill her!
Eowyn: You can't kill her. she is/was our friend.
Larien: We will see what we can do when we stand in front of her


*the Nazgul and Leah aka Evillyn head towards Barad-dur*
Evillyn: Can you leave me alone for a second? I need to ...!
*she runs into a wood*


Larien, Lalaith and Eowyn are straying in a wood.
Larien: We will never get her. The Nazgul are too strong for us.
Lalaith: We need to catch her alone.
Larien: That's impossible.
*Eowyn sees something in the wood*
Eowyn: Wait, what's that?
*now they all see Evillyn alone in the wood*
Eowyn: She is alone.
Lalaith: Attac her.
*They run to Leah*
*Larien throws herself at Leah. They fight*
Eowyn: Wait, I'll help you.
*she throws herself at the two fighting girls.*
Lalaith: Maybe you will need this!
*she pulls her knife out of her pocket and gives it Eowyn*
Eowyn: Thanks, Lalaith.
*with the knife she cuts the ring finger from Evillyns hand*
Evillyn: Ah, you b....s!
*Lalaith jumps behind her and knocks her out with a piece of wood*

OOC: I guess she has to be good again. Now, without the ring. But don't forget the Nazgul waiting for Evillyn.

05-18-2003, 05:04 PM
*WK and other Nazguls walk in*
WK: Leah, we were looking all over for you! Come now, let me lead you back to your Lord and husband...
Leah: Husband?
ON: Yeah, Sauron, remember him?
Leah: No.
Eowyn: She's lost her memory!
Leah: Well all I know is that I'm never submitting to you guys...*grabs dagger from Eowyn and points it at the Witch King*'
WK: Wait a minute! You were on our side!

Eowyn, Lady of Rohan
05-18-2003, 06:47 PM
Originally posted by The last sane person
OOC: you haven't the faintest Idea. I think I will be....... SEMI-EVIL!! MWAH HA HA HA HA! I have a better name.

*Back at Barad Dur*

Evillyn(pronounced Evil-lyn): My lord it shall be done! *Flies off on dragon to go finish the job*

WK: Aw! do we have to go??


WK: Okay boys! Follow our mistress!! *runs after Evillyn*

*at the house of Elrond*

Celeborn:*attempting to get up* argh........ That could not have been a human girl? could it.....?

Galadriel:*holding her bashed head* I am afraid it was!

Eowyn: Damn you Leah! you just had to go all evil on us, didnt you?!

Lalaith:*nursing her wounds* Oh will you stop repeating old news! She has turned evil, thats done. No what are we going to do about it?

Larien: Oh I dont know! thats why we came to these geniouses!*points to the very abused Eldarian Elves*

All:*look at the ancient ones and groan*

*Evillyn bursts through the door flanked by the Nine*

Lalaith:*groan* Here we go again!

*Evillyn sends the Nine to attack the Fellowship while she goes after Eowyn. Eowyn and Evillyn have this really glorious and prolonged fight scene. Finally Eowyn trips and Evillyn grabs her by the throat and lifts her in the air with dagger poised to take Eowyns life*

Eowyn:*gasp* Stop! *gasp* Dont do this! *choke* try to fight this thing! *tries to get down but is held firmly by Evillyn*

Evillyn:*cold smile* Hmmm.... I remeber you! *lowers her to the ground, but still holds her thoat* And the rest of these people too! *Nazgul stop fighting and hold the Elves and squirming Fellowship in their place* Now, you see, you were right about me being to good to become totally Evil. I wont kill you lot per say, but rather leave you for now till further notice!

*Evillyn goes over and kills Gulio and orders the Nazguls to kill his other friend who have been discreatly following the fellowship without really getting into the conversation*

Evillyn: I never liked them in the first place!

*Nazguls get in one last punch or kick into their opponents and take off with their Queen to go make more havoc on middle earth*

Eowyn:*shouting at the retreating figures* Leah!!!!

Lalaith: I have a terrible feeling Leah is -and/or will be- no more!

Larien: Especialy once i'm done with her!!

OOC: and thus the evil scourge of middle earth was born....Evillyn!!! *evil music plays*

OOC: Hold it. We can't kill Gulio. We'd have to ask him.
Eowyn: Leah? Are you good?
Leah: I think so...
Larien: Do you remember anything?
Lalaith: Uh, girls?
Eowyn: Ohhhh, did we forget Sauron?
Leah: Sauron? He's here?
Larien: My question answered: No.
Leah: Kill the WK!
All echo: Kill the WK!!!
Witch King: Nooo!
Other eight: No! He's good! Boss is marvolously evil!
WK: Shut up you dogs. No!!!! Save me Head cheese!
Sauron: Yes, Low Cheese!
*All advance on Other eight*
Other eight: What about us!??
Sauron: I'll save you cheeses!
Sauron: You are if I say you are!
OOC: Have fun with this!!!

The last sane person
05-18-2003, 11:41 PM
OOC: Oy! didnt you read!? I said I would be semi-evil! and beside, Gulio left!

The last sane person
05-18-2003, 11:52 PM
*the Nazgul had all called upon the Head cheese Sauron and he came floating majesticly to their rescue. A HUGE fight ensued with the end result being that Saurons favorit Kilt was ripped and the Nazgul all had their designer cloaks ripped and "Leah's" ring finger and the Ring were restored to her*

fellowship: *sees Evillyn under Saurons spell again* Aw crap!

Evildudes:*sees the same* Yes!!!!!!

Sauron: Okay! Evillyn, finish them!

WK: finish them? you sure?

Sauron: well...Okay! dont kill them, just ruff them up a bit!

*Evillyn proceeds to do so*

Sauron:*sigh* I would have really missed that girl!

WK: Yeah! and to think we nearly lost her! think of all the energy we spent on her!

Sauron: Okay I think they've had enough! *they go back to Barad Dur, leaving the fellowship, bleeding and unconcious, behind them*

OOC: HA! I'm Semi-Evil again! I'll turn good again when i've had enough!

05-20-2003, 09:53 AM
OOC: Damn, I wrote such a good post, and I thought I posted it but I can find it nowhere. Damn. I'm too lazy to re-write it.

The last sane person
05-20-2003, 02:18 PM
OOC: 'bout what? where did you *think* you posted it?

Eowyn, Lady of Rohan
05-20-2003, 06:20 PM
Eowyn: Uggg.
Lalaith: Uggg.
*Sauron is staring at the Fellowship through the palantiri*
Sauron: 'Uggg!' 'I'm Lalaith! :Uggg!' Girls...
Evillyn: Hey!
Sauron: Not you my pussy...You are not just a girl, but an EVIL GIRL!!!
Evillyn: Yeah...And that's the best...
Sauron: Sound more enthusiastic my pussy!
Evillyn: Ok, but I'm not your pussy!
Sauron: Oh, yes you are pussy!!
*Back with the fellowship*
Eowyn: She is such a crap-ball.
Lalaith: Yeah. Repeat that.
Eowyn: She's such a crap-ball.
Lalaith: I didn't mean it.
*At Mt. Doom, Evillyn has pushed Sauron out of the way and she's now stareing in the Palantiri*
Sauron: What are they saying Pussy!!??
Evillyn: They have greatly insulting me!
Sauron: WK!
WK: Yes?
Sauron: Murder the company!
Evillyn: *Scooting after them* I wanna go too!!!
Sauron: No you don't pussy. *Holding her back*
Evillyn: Please?
Sauron: No
*The fellowship is being attacked*
*Larien is stabbed*
Larien: A morgol blade!
Lalaith: We must get her to Rivendell.
Eowyn: It may be fatal. Hurry.

05-21-2003, 09:06 AM
Originally posted by The last sane person
OOC: 'bout what? where did you *think* you posted it?
OOC: I found the problem now. I really did post it, but the server had a break down on that evening and not only my post but various other posts on other threads have disappeared.
I'm not stupid or anything.

05-21-2003, 10:08 AM
Hey Lalaith who is that on your avatar?

05-21-2003, 10:22 AM
*without the help of Evillyn the fellowship is weaker than usual, but they make their way to Rivendell without being killed by the Nazul or by orcs*
Elrond: You? Again?
Lalaith: Sorry Master Elrond, we don't know what to do, She is still evil.
Larien: And her servants are attacing us. We need your help.
Eowyn: you are our last hope!
Elrond: Let me think ... no I can't help you ... but maybe Cirdan can
Eowyn: Cirdan?
Lalaith: From the Grey Havens?
Elrond: yes, he posseses an old, old book which could help you .... you should go and ask him for advice and read in the book

Eowyn, Lady of Rohan
05-21-2003, 05:45 PM
Eowyn: Help!!
Larien: A book?
Lalaith: Shut up, you're supposed to be almost wrathified!
Larien: Wraithifyed? *Squeak*

05-22-2003, 09:42 AM
Lalaith: Aren't you able to read or what? I will go there and sneak a peak ....
Eowyn: hey, I am able to read
Larien: yeah, I am too. So lets go

*the fellowship is leaving Rivendell in order to come to the Grey Havens*

Lalaith: Damn, is this a long way.
Eowyn: let's make a rest. Ah, there is the Prancing Pony. Let's go there.

05-22-2003, 01:39 PM
OOC: hello everyone! May I join?

The last sane person
05-22-2003, 02:48 PM
OOC: Sauron is getting old.

*Evillyn watched the 9 go and growled at Sauron*

Sauron: Now what is it?

Evillyn: Nothing....Just that....

Sauron: Just what?

Evillyn: Oh nothing.... Just that i've had enough of you!

*Evillyn pushes Sauron into mount Doom destroying him, his Ring and channeling all of his power to her own uses*

Evillyn:*summoning Nazgul* Sorry boys! But you have a new boss! One that isnt nearly as stupid enough to pour all of his strength into some stupid ring!

Nazguls:*Groan* Oh crap! We're in for it now!

Evillyn:*cold cruel smile* Nonsense! I'll still need some underlings. Now! Go off and alret the elves and Fellowship of the new developement!

WK: Uh, yes Ma'ma! Er, are we going to fight them er what?

Evillyn: No, I dont feel like killing them right now. Rather like celebrating, go send them a bunch of orcs to kill as a present from me!

Nazgul#3: Oh, okay. Then can we kill them?

Evillyn: No!

Naz#6: Awe...... Please! with death and destruction on top?!

Evillyn: NO!!!! Get lost!!!!!

Nazguls: ACK! *run away to do as she said*

Evillyn: Now.... about this decor.....These black, sharp spikey bits went out of fashion ages ago!!!!

OOC: Oh well, New Dark Lady is on the block!

05-22-2003, 04:15 PM
OOC: That's sick

OOC2: I will continue with the journey of the fellowship.

*the fellowship enters the Prancing Pony in Bree*

Lalaith: Hello Everybody
UnknownNo1: Hy sweetie.
*Lalaith punches him and he falls of his chair.*
Lalaith: Don't ever dare to call me sweetie again.

OOC3: enough for now, may somebody else continue

Eowyn, Lady of Rohan
05-22-2003, 06:07 PM
Originally posted by Silme*Christian
OOC: hello everyone! May I join?

Sure. :)

Eowyn: Punch him again, for good measure.
*Lalaith punches him again*
Lalaith: And oned to grow on. *Punches him yet again*

05-23-2003, 08:14 AM
OOC: we are a little stuck in the story. :D

05-23-2003, 10:31 AM
OOC: I'll help budge you all!

*all of you turn and look to the door of The Prancing Pony, to wence it opens and a strange looking fellow come through,

Lilaith: Who is he?
Éowyn: I don't know.
Lilaith: He looks like he is in the wrong place.

*the strange person (dressed in dark clothes) talks with the innkeeper, the innkeeper pionts to Lilaith and Éowyn, the strange person walks up to them,

Stranger: Are you Éowyn, Lady of Rohan?
Lilaith: Your a girl?!
Éowyn: Your an Elf?!
Stranger: yes, of coarse I am, These clothes are just a disguise.
OOC:or however you spell it.
Stanger cont.: I am Silme, I have come looking for Éowyn.
Éowyn: That is me.
Silme: Éowyn, I must take you with me, a quest was bestowed upon you, let us fulfill it!
Lilaith: I'm go where she goes!
Silme: very well, come, we must rest for the night and begin our journy. (OOC or however you spell that word, too.)
Éowyn: Wait! Where aare we going? How can I trust your word?
Lilaith: I say we should tie your ankles to a tree and give you a royal beheading!
Silme: That is unnesesary! You must trust me, I give you my word!
Éowyn: I have a bad fealing about this.
Silme: I always keep my word!
Lilaith: Let us rest the night, then we will have the answer for you in the morning.

OOC: that is all I got for now, YOU deside if you want to begin the quest with me. Oh, yes, sorry it was long. ;)

05-23-2003, 11:01 AM
OOC: my name is LALAITH

05-23-2003, 11:39 AM
ohh sorry, LALAITH

05-23-2003, 01:59 PM
Originally posted by Silme*Christian
ohh sorry, LALAITH
No, problem, just wanted to point it out.

05-23-2003, 02:17 PM
OOC:OK cool.

05-23-2003, 02:21 PM
*in the morning*

Lalaith: But we still gotta have to go to the Grey Havens! Have you forgotten about the book?
Eowyn: She's right. And what's your plan? We need to know first, then we decide if we join you.

05-23-2003, 02:29 PM
Silme: But of course! The plan, a party of Elves came to Larien but five weeks ago, they need help recovering lost items that are dear and precious to them, they agreed to give me half, but I need help, so I went forth to Rivendel, none were willing to risk it, but one Elf there told me of you, she said you (Éowyn) were as willing as they come! I will split the profit with you both, if you'd like, but I can not do this on my own.

05-23-2003, 02:33 PM
OOC: That brings me to the question where Larien is.

Lalaith: I think we shoud first go and get the book and then rescue Evillyn or kill her.

05-23-2003, 02:35 PM
OOC: Lorien is short for Lothlorien
Silme: Shall I go with you? I am in need of adventure!

05-23-2003, 02:45 PM
Lalaith: You should join us to the Grey Havens.

OOC: you wrote Larien.