View Full Version : The Last Great War OOC
Beren One-Hand
05-01-2007, 09:29 AM
The thread is getting larger, and I thought it might be good, with the permission of Rubeus, to start an OOC thread here we can discuss what is going on without having to put it in the actual story thread. Currently Pelargir has just fallen, Rubeus has died (because he found an old name that he is now using), and everybody is retreating to Minas Tirith, escorted by Bao and his calvary, where they will make a stand.
Beren One-Hand
05-04-2007, 10:08 AM
Alright I thought it would be nice if everyone posted a short description of their character, I'll go first:
User Name: Beren One-Hand
RPG Name: Beren
Race: Human
Nationality: Gondorian
Occupation: Soldier
Rank: The Captain of all the Gondorian forces in Minas Tirith
Age: 32
Weapon, Primary: Anduril, An heirloom of his family
Weapon, Secondary: Bow
Weapons, other: Short Dagger, Throwing knife
Armor: Silver (colored) Gondorian Armor, No Helm, Shield
Biography: A grandson of King Elessar, and prince, but he has an older brother who will have the throne. Beren fought very little as these times have been for the most part very peaceful, so this will be his test to prove he is worthy of his position.
05-04-2007, 08:00 PM
User Name: Mighty Half-Elf
RPG Name: Albus
Race: Human/Elf
Nationality: Born in Gondor, raised in the North with the last of the Dunedain
Occupation: Ranger
Rank: Lord of the Northern Dunedain Tribe
Age: 39
Weapon, Primary: Long broadsword with black, leather-wrapped handle, inscribed with Elvish runes, Named Galadring
Weapon, Secondary: Bow
Weapons, other: Elvish Dagger, Throwing knife
Armor: Shirt of Chainmail, black vest with ancient Gondorian crest embalzoned on it, black overcoat, two belts: one for sword and scabbard, another for dagger and knife, sling for bow and quiver
Biography: A relative to King Elessar, their fathers were of kin. His father fell in love with an Elf-maid. Despite their forbidden love, they were married in Gondor and there conceived Albus. After his father was killed in a siege upon the city of Osgiliath, his mother took him to his father's distant kin of Dunedain in the far North of Middle Earth. There, his great-grandfather took him in and raised him. When he was older, his mother's brother rode to him and delivered his sword, which had belonged to his father. After his great-grandfather died, he assumed the leadership of the tribe and ruled for some time. After the lands were seized by orcs, he fled to the South, where he met up with Beren.
05-05-2007, 02:50 PM
User name: Drake
RPG name: Bao
Race: Elf/Giant
Nationality: Born in Umbar, but later moves to Esgaroth
Occupation: Horseman
Rank: King of Rhun
Age: 48
Weapon,primary: A set of twin blades he calls The Guardians
Weapon,secondary: A short bow mainly used in calvary warfare
Weapon,other: A battle axe passed down from his dad
Armor: A black cloak and pants, and the finest elven chainmail
Bio: Son of the Half-giant Drake. He made friends with Albus in the Third age. After Drake passed from this world Bao was left to govern Umbar, But seeing that he surrounded and outnumbered by his enemies he decided on a path no ruler should make unless there was no other option.He abandoned Umbar and moved to Rhun where he created a calvary unit that was only rivaled by the Rohirim. He longed to see the south again so he set out with a calvary unit 200,000 strong, and headed for Minas Tirith. There he made a new friend in Beren, and saw his best friend Albus.
05-06-2007, 06:25 PM
User Name:Orithil
RPG Name: Durial
Race: Human
Nationality: Rohhrim
Occupation: Captain of the royal guard
Rank: Captain of the royal guard
Age: 28
Weapon, Primary: sword it had a concave diamond-shape cross sectionit was wide between twenty eight and thirty inches in length. It was embellished with sun and horde motiffs.
Weapon, Secondary: spear, nine feet high, made of steel.
Weapons, other: Axe, three feet long
bow, short bow, range of 125 yards.
Armor: sleeveless, full length scale hauberk a helmet featuring a visor with cut-outs for eyes, cheek-plates and a tall metal crest of a horses head from which flowed a mane of horse hair a mail aventail was riveted inside the back of the helmets skull. steel vambraces and pauldrons which had been overworked with leather which were strapped to the arms and a steel colar; both the helmet and colar were extensively worked in broze. a fine woolen cloak dyed green and edged with a red and gold pattern was attacked with with circular bronze brooches featuring the sun device to the leather helms of the hauberk. The leather of the scabbard and the handgrip was dyed the samegreen as the cloak. (also carried a shield)
Biography:Cptain of the royal guard armed to the teeth and highly paid Durial was the best of the best in all of the Royal court. his father had fought at pellanor fields and had lived. Durial had no real dark secrets or back story but he is ready to ride to war whenever the call may arise.
Beren One-Hand
05-07-2007, 11:58 AM
We need to think of a name for the city/castle/stronghold we're going to, anybody got any ideas?
05-07-2007, 05:04 PM
I think we should call it Bao's Deep. And it will be in South Rhun
Beren One-Hand
05-09-2007, 09:22 AM
Sounds good to me.
05-09-2007, 05:29 PM
We could have the evil army numbering in the millions so even when my army turns up we are outnumbered just for dramatic effect.
05-09-2007, 08:21 PM
Can I join? I really want to play a new RPG.
Beren One-Hand
05-10-2007, 08:48 AM
Orithil: That's what I had planned, so I guess that's what we'll do.
Klatukatt: I would love to have you join, just introduce your character. Don't forget to post your description in this OOC thread.
05-10-2007, 11:50 PM
How big should my host be 200.000+ or 100.000 or less?
Beren One-Hand
05-11-2007, 09:14 AM
200,000 sounds good to me.
05-11-2007, 04:47 PM
Ok then sounds great just let me tweak my dramatic speech slightly......
Beren One-Hand
05-13-2007, 05:43 PM
What are you waiting for?
05-19-2007, 05:33 PM
Hey dude hurry up and post that speech of yours.:mad: :mad: :mad: :( :( :(
05-19-2007, 05:41 PM
Post my speech oh i was going to wait until the battle started but here it is.
"riders of mark, of rohan, my brothers!
200,000 spears i see before me!
200,000 sons of Rohan!
and i see in your eyes 200,000 flames of hatred for these...orcs and evil men!
So now draw your weapons!!! for wrath for ruin!!! ride now for a new dawn!!
Sons of Rohan ride now!!
Thats the speech but i was waiting until the battle started.
Beren One-Hand
05-23-2007, 10:44 AM
Good speech Orithil.
I have started to the point where we evacuate Minas Tirith. We will fall back to Bao's Deep where we will have the gigantic battle.
Beren One-Hand
05-29-2007, 10:33 AM
mighty_half_elf, Drake and Klatukatt, why aren't any of you posting?
Orithil, should we just jump ahead to Bao's Deep and all the action?
06-01-2007, 01:30 AM
Might aswell i'll just say all my men dismounted somewhere and sent there horses back to edoras (they are very smart horses :D )
Beren One-Hand
06-06-2007, 09:18 AM
I'm short on time, Orithil. Can you please make that post?
Beren One-Hand
06-13-2007, 10:11 AM
Never mind, I took care of it.
06-16-2007, 04:32 PM
my mistake i have been away for along time, in the army of shadow thread Rohan has sent for aid whats happening?
Beren One-Hand
06-19-2007, 09:18 AM
The Easterlings are attacking Rohan, and they lit the beacons, so Gondor will send help. Feel free to join at any time.
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