View Full Version : The Bonds are Broken!

01-14-2004, 12:48 AM
Yet another joint post. This is by littleCat and Kalile. It's been on my computer for a while, but I haven't posted it until now.

The bonds are broken between the earth, sun, and moon. The balance is shattered, and all the worlds are careening toward a cataclysm that will destroy them all.

There are three major peoples in this world. Elves, who live upon the earth and the sea; Moana, who live upon the moon; and Solari, the sun dwellers. Humans, dwarves, fairies and such are all but extinct from the distasters the worlds are facing. Mostly the elves left are sea elves, who can dive deep within the sea to avoid the disturbances.
For example, the moon has no pull upon the earth to keep the tides in check, and so tsunami rage across the land. The sun does not turn its face toward the earth, and the land becomes cold and bleak. Just so, the moon is becoming warmer, and the sun colder, and nothing grows.

This rpg is at the beginning of these changes, when all three worlds (middle earth being in the middle) are hovering at the brink, begginning the plunge to destruction.
If you want you can be the other races of ME, but they are VERY rare.

Characters: (Kalile's character)
Name: Tighlah
Race: Solari
Appearance: A short girl with a thick, shaggy mane of burnished golden hair and eyes like orange fire.
Weapons: Bow and arrows strung with flame, and a longsword with a gold-inlaid hilt.
Clothing: A cloth-of-gold shift with a red over tunic emblazoned with a stylized flame

littleCat’s character
Name: Mialil
Race:Sea Elf
Appearance:A short, thin sea-elf with dark hair under water and copper hair on land. She has green eyes, and her skin is purple in water.
Weapons: A sabre and arm-daggrs
Clothing: A red tube top and a flowy red knee-length skirt.

Disclaimer: the story will be moving along at a rather rapid rate, and if you are going to join, please stick with it until the end. Descriptive posts are welcomed with open arms, short filler posts are not.

01-14-2004, 12:52 AM
We also need at least one of the Moari from the moon. They are taller and pale, usually with silvery hair and pearlescent skin, and dress almost exclusively in white.

One land elf would be helpful, if anyone wants to play one of those.

Some races not seen usually in Middle Earth are perfectly fine; if you wish to be a faery or a gnome, go ahead; things have changed.

01-14-2004, 01:03 AM
.... hey wheres the other joint post

Irid al'Menie
01-14-2004, 11:34 AM
Hmm, I shouldn't do this but the story sounds interesting. Funny you'd write that second post, I was just thinking of becoming a Moari, with just about the looks you described...
Question: is there interaction between the three worlds? I hope so because I need it in my description

Name: 'An Thiari
Age: don't ask a lady (read: No Idea) (how old can Moari get?)
Appearance: A tall girl with silvery hair reaching down her back. Her eyes reflect the same kind of silver, with sometimes hidden depths, little specks of dark that could have vanished the next second or reappear hours later)
She wears a wide white dress, with long sleeves. It is held together on her waist by a silver belt that has been in her family for a long time- since the first expedition to middle earth, because no silver can be found on the Moon.
Weapons: she is one of the White Mages of the Moon, which means she is not allowed to touch metal that was created as a weapon, or use her magic as violence, though she can use it to defend herself or innocent people. Her magic is strongest on the moon, of course, or when she is not on the moon it is strongest at night, even if the moon is not directly visible.
Extra items: none, but there are some gems in middle earth that can help her magic to become stronger. She keeps hoping to find one of those one day.

Edit: I forgot to add that I can't be online 24:7, and I don't have inspiration ALL the time (hardly possible) and I'm in a few other rpgs, so if I don't answer every day, don't think I've abandoned the rpg. Other question: is there a way to save the three worlds and is that what we're going to do or is this just the story of the destruction (nice plot too, I'd say *grins*)

01-14-2004, 06:31 PM
That's cool! Yes, the worlds do work together on some things, all though visits are not terribly often since it's kinda hard to get from one place ot another.

And that's almost exactly like I had invisioned Moari and their powers! Get out of my brain. Shoo. :p

It's alright if you don't post all the time, sometimes I don't get on for almost a week. But I put that in so we can avoid the backlogs of unfinished conversations and confusion that rpgs sometimes get.

01-14-2004, 11:02 PM
I feel like being something different, not a dwarf, not a elf..... I know!!!! A... a...... a....... uh........ um.......uh...... a......a...... NOW I KNOW!!!
The weaponry is for last resorts okay? If her staff breaks or something.
Name: Ire Eclipse Morgan [Ire- angry, to provoke]
Race: Solari mage
Hair: Molten gold w/ streaks of black, shines brightly, mid back
Sex: F
Eyes: Yellow like a cats, normal pupils.
Clothing: Black top with gold embroidery around all the hems, left arm, long sleeve, right is sleeveless, gold cloth breeches, embroidered w/ crimsion
Weapons: her mage's staff, a instrument of great power, colored with swirls of color, and a smoothly carved top, shaped like the sun, in which a small stone of gold is set.
Height: 6'0
Apperance: Tanned smooth skin, a black tatto of an eclipse emblazoned upon her right forearm, and the mages insignia upon her forehead, a light orange mark shaped like two hoops inter-crossed
Age: You don't need to know that [looks to be 19-20]

01-14-2004, 11:56 PM
Alright, Leggy, but no super powers, K?

And mages are forbidden to carry a weapon other than their staff, not just white mages, otherwise they get too powerful. And weapons training detracts from magic training as you need tremendous concentration to master it.
Sorry I didn't mention that :o, I always figure everyone reads the same books I do.

01-15-2004, 12:24 AM
..what books!?

01-15-2004, 12:30 AM
Oh could there be Moana Knights?
Or are they peaceful type things like elfs?

01-15-2004, 01:17 AM
Jus so ya know, the drow was weak. DON'T PICK ON ME!!!

Akamai Deredal
01-15-2004, 01:34 AM
Wow... this sounds so cool... if only I would've seen it sooner. If you ever need any more characters, I'd be more than happy to jump in, Kalile. But until then, I will be content reading the contents of your RPG. :D

01-15-2004, 09:21 AM
Originally posted by Legoles
May I start? I shall start!!! WHOOOOOOO!
A feirce battle is going on between a drow and a mage. Other travelers are staying as far away as possible, hearing enraged shouts of the mage, and seeing flashes of magic.

"DAMN YOU!! YOU DIRTY BAS***D!!! YOU KILLED THEM!! I SHALL KILL YOU!!! DAMN YOU TO THE DEPTHS OF HELL!!!" I screamed at my opponent. He smirked at me, his silver eyes flashing with hatred and amusement, the blue hair covering his purple skin. I cast a spell at the drow, causing him to drop to the ground, dead.
I shakily walked up to him, drew his hair back, then spat on his face. Then I got up, and walked over to the bodies of my dear once friends. I blasted holes in the ground and set them in them, covering their bodies with the upmost respect. I cast a spell of rememberance as my last gift. I then walked slowly away, stopping to kick the drow out of the road. The tears I had held back so long flowed freely. (I think kalile is spose to start)

Irid al'Menie
01-15-2004, 12:32 PM
And I would suggest in this rpg too that we start in a new thread to keep things from being confusing. It's irritating to have to go looking for the beginning of a story if you haven't been in from the beginning :)

Kalile: I can't help it, that's just the way I envision them. Oh and 'An has not been away from the moon yet, I just added the part of not being on the moon because that might come in useful during the rpg. I didn't say 'expedition' for nothing, I thought it would be very hard to go from one world to another. Besides that you have to count with the gravity (which is a lot heavier on earth than on the moon.)

01-15-2004, 06:40 PM
Right! I've named the thread Three Worlds, One Fate.

Hey, Akamai, join! NOW! You keep things moving well, and as long as we don't get bogged down in characters we can use another character. We need a land person, remember? There aren't that many left, but we still need one.

And there can be Moana knights; they might work to find out what is going on and fix it, or whatever.

Leggy, watch the super powers, girl. You can't kill a drow with one blow, OK?

01-15-2004, 07:11 PM
Derin Falensta
Hair:Short, White
Eyes: middle Grey
Skin:Very pale
Duds:p : Plated armor (head to toe!), It is made of a moon metal that is light as a feather, but stronger than the hardest metal(very rare metal mostly only nobles get it).The metal is often called mirror metal since it was very shiny and reflections were very clear and non fuzzy. He has an emblem that is located on his chest plate and guantlets, It is a vertical sword pointing to a star.
Weapons: A Grand sword called "Ilmar". It only has one sharp edge. It is made of the same metal of his armor although it's hilt and it's dull edge side are black with silver star speckled on the plack.

Hopefully you are still here kalile(sorry it took awhile)

01-15-2004, 07:12 PM
Originally posted by Kalile
Right! I've named the thread Three Worlds, One Fate.

Hey, Akamai, join! NOW! You keep things moving well, and as long as we don't get bogged down in characters we can use another character. We need a land person, remember? There aren't that many left, but we still need one.

And there can be Moana knights; they might work to find out what is going on and fix it, or whatever.

Leggy, watch the super powers, girl. You can't kill a drow with one blow, OK?

01-15-2004, 09:33 PM
I'll be your land elf Kalile

Raistlin T'kal Azhei
Race: Noldor
Class: Thief
Hair: Flat Black
Skin: Black
Clothes: Skin tight black leotard with a black belt on it pouches hang off it. I have a back bag that never gets full. A pair of black knee high boots.
Weapons: Flat black throwing daggers along my legs and arms. A short sword that is also black.

Raistlin creeps into the dead city making sure that no one sees him.

01-16-2004, 01:41 AM
All right! Cool characters!


01-16-2004, 01:42 AM
*uses jedi mind trick*

01-16-2004, 02:12 AM
Stop picking on me!!!*hides in corner* *blows a rasberry at them.* Okay, I'll delete it!

01-16-2004, 02:15 AM
Originally posted by Legoles
Stop picking on me!!!*hides in corner* *blows a rasberry at them.* Okay, I'll delete it! But it is so fun picking on people who like making invincible critters J/K
*blocks rasberry with magical bunny*:p

01-16-2004, 11:32 AM
Just so you know, Akki is away from her comp for a while... are there any more players that you need? This sounds interesting... Like sci-fi/fantasy....

01-16-2004, 12:43 PM
It's Ok, Leggy, we love you!
I forgot that Akamai isn't here for awhile! No wonder she hasn't joined!

And we would love it if you joined Nariel! You rpg good! Just pick who you want to be, post the character here, and join in "Three Worlds, One Fate"

01-16-2004, 02:22 PM
Sorry Kalile that I had come right when you left but didn't post till now....

01-17-2004, 12:05 AM
Characters: (Nariel's character)
Name: Elerrion
Race: Land Elf
Appearance: tall for a terran, with blond hair and hazel eyes. Slender hands and a strong, but not bulky, build.
Weapons: Bow and arrows, an elven sword, a dagger
Clothing: Green And brown: Green tunic, brown pants, boots, white shirt underneath, and a feather from an eagle in his hair.

01-17-2004, 12:47 AM
Originally posted by Nariel
Just so you know, Akki is away from her comp for a while... are there any more players that you need? This sounds interesting... Like sci-fi/fantasy.... umm... practically all of these topics are sci-fi/fantasy (science fiction means fake science so uh....em....(Insert something I couldn't think of HERE)

01-17-2004, 12:56 AM
*sticks her tongue out at zone* Smartypants. I meant that it's a lot less LotR than the rest of the games and is more trekkie... if you know what I mean... just don't correct me on the definition of "Trekkie"

01-17-2004, 01:12 AM

01-17-2004, 05:20 PM
OOOPS I have just found out that I have mixed up the name of the Moari... with moana

Irid al'Menie
01-18-2004, 05:41 PM
I think Kalile already changed that in her post. Let's keep it on Moana :)

BTW, what did you mean with 'you're a psychic, can I handle the queen'? 'An isn't a psychic, she's a White Mage. And I only used the queen to get Derin and 'An (at least those two, others are optional) to Earth together. Oh, I didn't understand exactly what you meant with 'only two survivors from the heat' either. Who does the queen talk to then?

In my post I said the Solari were preparing to go to earth. Am I right there? I don't really know, it isn't clear if they're already on earth or not.

01-18-2004, 06:14 PM
What you said was in your post was like if you knew what I was going to say... and the queen thing is That I was asking Kalile If I could control the queen.... sorry If what I said was Very confusing. oh and with the I mean the 2 people she had called to be there. Like There was Derin and your character were the only ones left of being called.... *is confused*

01-18-2004, 06:34 PM
Ok. I am on earth, along with another of the Solari and the sea elves. A few of the others of the Solari can be coming to earth to see what's up, that's fine.

You can control the queen, zone, if you want. Other than that, I'm confused.

01-18-2004, 06:59 PM
.... I probably should change that post....

Gulio, Strength of Many
01-18-2004, 08:17 PM
I there room for one more, or is it too late? *Crosses fingers*

01-18-2004, 08:46 PM
Yes... (I am going to change that post) I miss read some important points of the story....

Irid al'Menie
01-19-2004, 03:22 PM
Oh right, about the queen was to Kalile. And I didn't know what you were gonna say. It's like, 'An comes to the queen when Derin is still standing outside, and the Royal Messagers she's having a meeting with are the people 'An and 'Ena brought to her alive. But there can't go many people on an expedition, so the Queen should decide who to send (among which, naturally, will be 'An and Derin ;)).

And Kalile: Ok, I was confused whether you were on earth or not. i'll change my post into 'they already have sent an expedition' or something of the sort ;)

Akamai Deredal
01-20-2004, 10:02 PM
::smiles:: I'm glad to hear some of you are so eager to toss me into the rpg. I'm back for a bit, going to be off and on though, must nurse the father-unit back to health. I would be more than happy to join, though I fear I ought to brush up on the story line again... And if anyone has any ideas/suggestions for a character, I will gladly listen. I've hit a bit of a rough spot when it comes to names and what not... Thanks Kalile :)

01-21-2004, 12:01 AM
Ok how bout we skip the thing with the queen with these facts
*An and Derin(I decided not to make the queen come are going to earth
*They must find a way to get to earth
is that good?
(Just to make thing unconfusing)

Irid al'Menie
01-21-2004, 12:41 PM
They already have a way to earth (all the Moon-kingdoms are preparing an expedition together, but only a few people can join. We only have to work out how the h*ll we're going to get them to earth, but that's our job, not that of 'An and Derin ;)

anyone has suggestions?

Akamai: if you want you can be a Moana and come with us to the earth (2 people in an expedition or 3, that's just the same, right ;)) but if you want to be one, you'll have to hurry. There will only be one expedition to earth. Or you could just be another race and not bother with any expedition ;)

01-21-2004, 08:40 PM
Originally posted by Irid al'Menie
They already have a way to earth (all the Moon-kingdoms are preparing an expedition together, but only a few people can join. We only have to work out how the h*ll we're going to get them to earth, but that's our job, not that of 'An and Derin ;)

anyone has suggestions?

Akamai: if you want you can be a Moana and come with us to the earth (2 people in an expedition or 3, that's just the same, right ;)) but if you want to be one, you'll have to hurry. There will only be one expedition to earth. Or you could just be another race and not bother with any expedition ;) THATS WHAT I MEANT!:eek: Oh and I misread your post... I forgotten bout Ena

01-21-2004, 08:45 PM
How about a royal moon dragon(Or giant flying animal of some sort) That is a secret to the other kingdoms and is hidden deep beneath the city(TAKE THAT, RANDOM IDEAS!:p )

Irid al'Menie
01-22-2004, 01:04 PM
cewl, like it. Does it have some sort of cabin on its back? (we have to travel through space too ;)). But I really like the idea *grins*

01-22-2004, 05:18 PM
well, if you don't like that, you could just hold your breath and jump...

01-22-2004, 07:23 PM
.... GRAVITY!!!!!! :mad: ( to nariel) J/K

01-22-2004, 07:27 PM
Originally posted by Irid al'Menie
cewl, like it. Does it have some sort of cabin on its back? (we have to travel through space too ;)). But I really like the idea *grins* Yes it would be giganticas(not a real word) and I was actually think it would have a cabin.... maybe as big as a two storie apartment.

01-23-2004, 01:01 AM
But wouldn't a dragon be sorta conspicuous?

Ooh! I know!
Akamai can be a half-landy-elf-half-moana-noble-thingy named
Sivar or Sivara if you're a girl who dresses all in black even on the moon which is silvery. Sivar(a) is the leader of all the moana armies, and is very powerful and close to the queen. If it's Sivar, he's probably her lover or something. And everyone can see the captain from very far away because (s)he not only wears black, but doesn't go for the soft and form fitting tunics and stuff either. The captain wears a really long cape, tall crisp boots and loose but tailored clothing. (In black) This is to look imposing, which is very effective. (S)he is on the mission not just because of his/her weapons abilities, but because of his/her ties to both worlds.
And s/he is kinda moody and doesn't get along with a lot of people. And they don't talk that much; that should fit with your busy schedule!

Yay! (Ok, I'm going to stop rambling now and let you create your own character. If you wanna use Sivar/a, though, go ahead.)

01-23-2004, 06:57 PM
(Whoa I thought you were not spose to be online! .... I would of stopped reading and came here)

Oh.... Then PLEASE GIVE US WHAT WE CAN DO TO GET TO EARTH!.... (I would make something up but I do not want to mess up the rpg)

01-23-2004, 09:08 PM
Umm... How about a skyway, like in Chrono Trigger? It could be hidden.

or, you could just skip that and just be on earth. That might be the best.

01-23-2004, 11:44 PM

Akamai Deredal
01-24-2004, 01:28 PM
I know it's really late, Kalile, but I still would love to join... just havin' a hard time with my dad. Could someone help me out with a character? I'm a little brain dead right now... Thanks :) If there's no room, I'm happy just reading. ^_^

Irid al'Menie
01-25-2004, 04:39 PM
Akamai: if you'd be happy reading, then try reading better. Kalile gave you a hint on the kind of character you possibly could be. I don't think that suggests that she finds it too late for you to join, right ;)

I wanted to remind something to everyone. 'Disclaimer: the story will be moving along at a rather rapid rate, and if you are going to join, please stick with it until the end. Descriptive posts are welcomed with open arms, short filler posts are not.'. This is what Kalile said in her very first post here. I don't know what you guys understand under 'short filler posts', but I think that posts of 1 line would be just that, not? On the third page of the game (I think) there's not 1 post of more than 2 lines. I just had the idea that that wasn't the meaning. Or am I wrong now? You can always tell me so :)

Oh, Zone: I just had a good idea. Lets not remember how we got to earth, the last thing we remember is somewhere on the moon. We'll figure out how to get back later, but as we don't have to get back for a while now, it's ok not to know. Akamai: if you do decide to become a moana/landelf, I can edit you into my story later ;)

Akamai Deredal
01-25-2004, 04:46 PM
I'm sorry if I annoyed you Irid... but I can read just fine, thank you. And if I'm not mistaken, someone else said they would take the land elf that kalile had first offered. I'm a little slow sometimes, so I haven't come up with even an idea for a character, and since that individual offered to fill the spot, it seemed like a good idea. I was merely asking Kalile if she had any ideas as to what else I could be... No need to insult, if that is what you were aiming for. If it wasn't, I must've misunderstood. I'll just read I think from now on, seeing as I cannot read well enough to figure out my own character... Sorry for wasting everyone's time. Good luck with the RPG!

Irid al'Menie
01-25-2004, 05:20 PM
Oh no! Akamai, I had no intension whatsoever to insult you! I was merely making a joke :)

I just meant that Kalile has litterally said 'Ooh! I know!
Akamai can be a half-landy-elf-half-moana-noble-thingy named
Sivar or Sivara' exactly 6 posts above mine, so I thought maybe you hadn't read. And with moana/landelf, I meant the half moana, half landelf that Kalile has suggested

I'm sorry that I sounded insulting, believe me that it really wasn't my intention :)

01-25-2004, 05:21 PM
.... How did uh er.... Why....oh nevermind

Irid al'Menie
01-25-2004, 05:31 PM
Hmm, what are you trying to say?

If it's because I used your character and you don't like that, I'm sorry, but it's a little easier for both of us if we don't have to wait for the simplest answer for eachother, right? I won't do it again if you really don't like it. And if there's something not right with what your image of Derin is, just tell me, I'll edit it. Really, I'm only trying to make the game a little more interesting for everybody... I'm sorry if that's insulting to anyone :)

(hmm, I'm constantly saying sorry for insulting... Maybe I should just quit the game)

01-25-2004, 05:39 PM
no... its ok .... if you hadn't done that I don't thimk we would of ever gotten to earth.

Akamai Deredal
01-25-2004, 06:24 PM
Ai! I'm sorry I got snappish with you Irid. I had no reason to do that, no matter how bad of a mood I've been in. I hope you can forgive my rudeness. :( And as for the landelf Kalile offered me... well I guess I can't read... :o *runs back to read it* It's awful easy to miss something important like that when you're trying to get caught up... I'm sorry!

Edit! --

I found it! Sorry! I overlooked that piece, didn't I? Kalile, I love the Sivara idea... *grins* Though I don't know... issit possible to keep the whole position thingy and change his/her name and/or personality? I really hope I'm not being a bother...

And don't you DARE quit, Irid! Don't you daaaare! *sits Irid in a chair and chains her to it* STAY! o.o

Irid al'Menie
01-26-2004, 04:00 PM
*tries to get out of the chain* I won't I won't! ;)
Heck, it's too much fun playing a moon person with magical powers ;)

So, zone, I'll wait for you to post, otherwise it'll be only me who does anything ;) (I try to keep down the godmoding, even if I do it a little)

01-27-2004, 12:10 AM
Yeah, that's fine! Sounds good.