View Full Version : Back to Middle Earth discussion thread
01-24-2004, 08:33 PM
My friend, sicirus, and I were discussing a new RPG to make, and this is what we came up with. You can be either a person from here/now, a person from Middle-earth (not an actual character in LotR, but you can know them, and we probably will meet some of them), you can do both, but I would not recommend it if you want to keep from getting confused.
Jean and Keita’s parents, big fans of the Lord of the Rings, organized a Lord of the Rings convention on January 3, Tolkien’s birthday. They rented an old inn not far from their houses, in England. Then, they decorated it to look like the Prancing Pony. Amazingly enough, there was even a room on the first floor that had round windows. It turned out that it was at the site of the original Prancing Pony, renovated (I mean, the Third Age was a LONG time ago), but still very similar. One night, Keita notices a loose floorboard, and under it they find a red book, actually The Red Book. Somehow they are able to read Westron/the Common Tongue—whatever-you-want-to-call it—as well as they can read English, and they read about the journeys and adventured of Frodo and Bilbo as they really happened. They notice a similarity to the Lord of the Rings books. When they wake up the next morning, they look out the window and discover that they are no longer where they were when they went to sleep. They still have their own clothes, and everything else they had with them, but they are now in the real Prancing Pony, in Bree. It is January 4, 1450 (S.R.).
In the years 1451-1455 SR, Bill Ferny, his sons, and some other evil men came back to the Shire, destroyed it completely, and enslaved the hobbits. In 1454, knowing that the Shire would be destroyed, Sam’s daughter Goldilocks took the Red Book to Bree, so she could preserve a bit of hobbit history. On the way she met Radagast, the only wizard left in Middle-Earth. She told him about what was happening, and he enchanted the book to bring the reader back to the year 1450, the year before the Shire was invaded, hoping that they could prepare the hobbits, and prevent the invasion. The Red Book was finally hidden under a floorboard in the same room in the Prancing Pony where Frodo and his companions were supposed to sleep, where we discover it millennia later.
This is my character:
Name: Keita
Age: 16
Lives in: England = Britain
Hair: long, light brown
Eyes: blue
Height: tall
weight: medium
Is obsessed with the Lord of the Rings (esp. Faramir), books in general, horses, mythology, and fantasy.
01-27-2004, 06:41 PM
I haven't started the RPG yet, but I probably will next week, unless we don't have enough people. Feel free to come up with a character and post a little about him/her here. I'll say here when I have started it.
01-27-2004, 08:56 PM
Name: Jean
Age: 16
appearance: brown hair, brown eyes, avrerage size both ways, has glasses.
England, Britain
Loves lort and is best friends with Dorthy, Loves dogs, ANd Aragorn.
01-27-2004, 09:05 PM
Hi. Yay!! It's my first RPG!
Name: Alyna
Age: 15
Lives in: England = Britain
Hair: shoulder length, black
Eyes: Hazel
Height: Medium
weight: thin
Is obsessed with LotR (especially Aragorn and Legolas and Orlando Bloom (btw I'm not really Orli obsesed but it'll be fun to pretend to be:D) ), dolphins, tigers
Yay! Can we start soon? *puppy dog eyes*
01-27-2004, 09:12 PM
Yay! Can we start soon? *puppy dog eyes*
Just because you're my sister doesn't mean that you can skip reading what I wrote. Look two posts up...I haven't started the RPG yet, but I probably will next week, unless we don't have enough people.
01-28-2004, 08:41 AM
Yes ethy, I know. I did read it. Next week is pretty soon and I was referring to other people joining. A RPG with 3 people isn't very impressive.
Did you get the hint? I know some people are reading this and havn't replied.
01-30-2004, 09:45 AM
Come on!
More people need to be part of our RPG for it to be a real RPG!! Three people isn't good enough!
Please??? It'll be fun!!
02-02-2004, 10:56 PM
I finally started it. It's called The Red Book of Bree. I hope it's good so far, but after this it should get better, or at least less descriptive, and more active.
Oh yeah, I changed my character's name. I'm now Keita.
Anyone who wants to join can, just introduce yourself here. You could still be someone who was in the room with us if you join soon, otherwise we'll have to find another way to fit you in. We'll need Elves, Dwarves, Hobbits, and (Middle-earth) Men soon anyways.
Gulio, Strength of Many
02-02-2004, 10:58 PM
I shall join! And I shall be Tel. Look in Dark years if you want a desc. I gotta goseeyoulaterbyebye!
02-03-2004, 09:44 AM
Welcome, welcome!!
Will you meet us when we arrive in Bree, or will it be somewhere else?
02-03-2004, 10:29 AM
Welcome, one and all to the great B2ME discussion thread!!!
Gulio, I think we're going to the Shire first to kinda fix it up. I dunno. But anyway, if you're a sea-elf it might take a while for you to get involved, unless you are for some strange reason in Bree, which is way inland. So yeah. Try to find a way for us to fit you in, okay?
Oh, and I am eternally grateful to you for joining our RPG, I just hope more people will join soon. *Hint, Hint, Nudge, Nudge*
02-07-2004, 11:35 AM
hey i'll join... i'll meet ya in bree.
my char is a half-elf and a female ranger... wrapped in mystery:D
02-07-2004, 01:06 PM
We'll see you there!
Hey this is post #111. Probably no one cares, but 111 is my fave number, so it's cool!!
02-07-2004, 01:16 PM
Thank you:D
02-07-2004, 01:35 PM
Lalaith, are you gonna go as Lalaith or something else? And it's great to have you here!!:D
02-07-2004, 01:37 PM
Yeah. Lalaith was my favorite RP character and I'm still quite taken with her. We were very good friends! lol!:)
02-07-2004, 01:58 PM
You were friends with yourself? okaaaaaay
02-08-2004, 11:54 AM
Sici, was that supposed to be Lalaith in the corner?? And is Jean ignoring me like Kieta or are you nice to me?:)
I really felt like getting a pint. So I got one:D.
02-08-2004, 11:59 AM
Originally posted by sirigorn
You were friends with yourself? okaaaaaay
I have people in my head..... lol.:D ;)
02-08-2004, 12:11 PM
Okay.... could you do me a favour and say who your characters all are. I've just confused myself alot...:confused:
02-08-2004, 12:52 PM
Sirigorn plays Alyna, who is an obsessive movie-fan, but doesn't like the books.
Sicirus is Jean, who is Keita's best friend.
I (Ethuiliel) am Keita, who loves Tolkien and the books, and doesn't care too much for the movies, or thier fans.
Is that what you were asking?
02-08-2004, 01:06 PM
Yes. Thank you. It makes sense now.
02-08-2004, 03:32 PM
It's about thirty years after the war of the ring.
02-08-2004, 03:34 PM
02-09-2004, 06:38 PM
Lalaith, I was under the impression that we were going to Gondor because we needed Elessar's permission to go to the Shire and we couldn't do much outside of it. Unless that other guy is going to ask Elessar for us??
02-09-2004, 06:47 PM
I was under the impression we were going to the Shire.... earlier post said you had to sort out something at the Shire....:confused:
Which do you want to go to???
02-09-2004, 08:14 PM
We are sorting something out in the Shire. But humans aren't allowed in the Shire, and we're all human and you're half-human (unless you're half-dwarf, -orc, -whatever. You just said you were half-elf and I assumed you were half-elf, half-human) So to get permission to go into the Shire, we need to go to the King, Elessar to ask for permission to go into the Shire and sort stuff out. So that's what I thought.
A reddish gold dog pranced out followed by a couple of annoyed looking hobbits. He had apparently lapped up their ale and, to Alyna; he licked his lips in content. Sici, what do you mean by the to Alyna part??
02-09-2004, 10:00 PM
I just thought of something. In the appendix it said that Elessar visited the hobbits outside the Shire, because he wouldn't even break the rule. Do you think he would give us permission to break a rule he wouldn't break himself? I suppose it might be okay if the Shire was really in danger though. But we might sent an Elf, Hobbit, or Dwarf in for us. I don't know, what do you guys think?
02-10-2004, 08:49 AM
Hey, ethy, you and sici thought up the story line. You should have thought of this earlier.
That might be true, but for story line purposes, lets make us get permission to go to the Shire. Okay?
02-10-2004, 01:32 PM
We could still have an interesting story line if we can't go in the Shire but send people there with news. If we find other things to do outside the Shire, like try to find the Ruffians, we could still help save the Shire without entering it...and we should be able to find a messanger, as there are lots of hobbits in Bree, and we could also probably send an elf, or if we meet one, a Dwarf, who were mostly trusted in the Shire.
Besides, even when we planned it, we never decided that we would defineltly go to the Shire ourselves.
02-10-2004, 01:52 PM
Okay. So where are we going first????
02-10-2004, 06:10 PM
The shire, I guess. But not in it. Your post said we would go there and wait for Elessar to catch up, cause you sent someone to get him.
02-10-2004, 06:48 PM
We could go to Brandywine Bridge, just not cross it, and meet someone (Elessar, a hobbit...) there. Or we could go to Lake Evendim/Nenuial. Or Fornost, though I guess Aragorn/Elessar is in Gondor, not Fornost. We can just head west along the road, and pick a more specific destination later.
02-10-2004, 07:11 PM
Works for me:D We could always stop in the Old Forest and pay old Tom Bombadil a visit, but I dont want to.
02-10-2004, 08:13 PM
Hey, what's wrong with old Tom? :confused:
02-10-2004, 08:18 PM
he's strange, scary, and has no fashion sense
Hey! He is not! (this is actually ethuiliel here!)
02-10-2004, 08:25 PM
Ethy, I thought I logged you out but I didn't so I posted as you. So let me say what I wanted to say as me:
He's strange, scary, and has no fashion sense
02-11-2004, 09:16 AM
He is too scary!! And he wears yellow boots and a blue coat- how weird is that?? And he goes around singing all day. That's pretty strange, if you ask me.
Lady Arwen56
02-11-2004, 11:46 AM
Okay. I'll ask my question now. WHERE SHOULD I START??? Hmmm??? I don't know where to start, or to meet you guys.
02-11-2004, 01:41 PM
Okay. I'll ask my question now. WHERE SHOULD I START??? Hmmm??? I don't know where to start, or to meet you guys. You could if you want to meet us soon, we'll be heading in the direction of the Shire. You could meet us on the road, or even be looking for us there, if you learned about our mission from Lalaith's messanger. It's up to you though.
02-11-2004, 01:55 PM
Just a thought, but maybe we should try and recruit a King Elessar.......
02-11-2004, 06:29 PM
Just a thought, but maybe we should try and recruit a King Elessar....... We could recruit one, or make him be played by everyone, just follow his personality as in the books as best we can, and all give him lines/actions whenever we come in contact with him. If we get a new recruit soon we could have them be Elessar, but we don't absolutely need one.
02-11-2004, 06:57 PM
Okay. I'll ask my question now. WHERE SHOULD I START??? Hmmm??? I don't know where to start, or to meet you guys. maybe you could be a messenger for Lalaith. She said she gets messengers all the time, you could be one, and then just stick with us after that. Just an idea.
02-12-2004, 01:37 PM
Okay someone else can post.... I would have but I've ran out of inspiration... "looking at sky" is as much as a can think of for now....
02-12-2004, 08:36 PM
Lala (do you mind if I call you that?), you're not the only one. How bout we save the next post for Arwen and we go form there?
02-12-2004, 08:40 PM
Tell you the truth if you don't post then the whole rpg will colaspe from waiting. (its happened trust me)
But I shall post and see what my muse tells me tonight.:D
02-13-2004, 06:29 AM
Originally posted by sirigorn
Lala (do you mind if I call you that?), you're not the only one. How bout we save the next post for Arwen and we go form there?
I prefere 'Lal'
Tell you the truth if you don't post then the whole rpg will colaspe from waiting. (its happened trust me)
My inspiration will come back to me. Just a bit stressed at the moment so everythings kinda in 'sleep mode'.
Lady Arwen56
02-13-2004, 11:33 AM
I think I'll meet you guys in the Shire, okay?
02-13-2004, 12:44 PM
I think I'll meet you guys in the Shire, okay? Since Alyna, Keita, and Jean are human and Lalaith is partly human, we can't go into the Shire, but we will be near it. You can meet us just outside the Shire.
02-13-2004, 01:13 PM
Okay, it wasn't a very good post. Like I said everythings in 'sleep mode'. Half of it's probably incorrect. Just bear with me for a while until I catch up on sleep and work.
I'll also say in advance that come Wednesday or Thursday I won't be on until the first week of March. I don't know if someone wants to play my character for a while when I'm away, or if I'll just dissapeare off somewhere for a couple of weeks in the RP. We'll have to figure out which would be the best.
02-14-2004, 01:25 PM
Where are you going? We can probably give you a few lines. Or maybe a messenger can tell you that you have to go somewhere or something.
02-14-2004, 05:34 PM
We could split up on two different missions (both to help the Shire), then get back together again when you return.
02-15-2004, 09:35 AM
Yeah. I could go and meet King Elessar on the road or something.....
02-15-2004, 06:12 PM
Yeah... that would work. We can do that.
02-15-2004, 11:42 PM
Sounds great...would be a way to get Elessar in, and a way to explain you not posting.
So, should we have Elessar be a shared character. That's how I originally thought we'd play all the characters that were actually in LotR, but we don't have to.
02-16-2004, 09:29 AM
I suppose I really depends on whether we can recrute someone. If we can't it may actually be easier for only one person to take the lead. I mean we can all join in with his lines, but it might get complicated if we didn't have one person mainly playing him. (If that makes sense).
02-16-2004, 10:50 AM
That's true.
Soooo... anyone wanna join as Elessar?? It'll be fun!!
02-16-2004, 02:11 PM
But then we'd have to depend on that person being able to post, and actually posting.
We all know what Aragorn/Elessar is like from the books (and movies), so we don't absolutely NEED someone to guide the character.
02-17-2004, 09:13 PM
I'll also say in advance that come Wednesday or Thursday I won't be on until the first week of March. I don't know if someone wants to play my character for a while when I'm away, or if I'll just dissapeare off somewhere for a couple of weeks in the RP. We'll have to figure out which would be the best. You'll need to establish what happens before you leave, so we can continue the RPG and still not take over your character.
02-18-2004, 04:11 PM
Well I guess the best thing for me to do is that Lal, will recieve a message saying that Elessar (and the rest who's travelling with him) have been attacked. Nothing is that bad - Elessar isn't hurt - but my help is needed. Something like that. And I don't know what you lot will do.....:confused:
02-18-2004, 06:09 PM
OK. works for me. We could just wait for you. Or travel to the Shire. Maybe that messenger could stay with us, showing us around? No... That wouldn't work. Any ideas, anyone??
02-19-2004, 01:36 PM
We could head to the Shire and try to find a non-human to bring a message into it. Maybe a hobbit from Buckland?
02-23-2004, 01:25 PM
Do you think we'll be allowed in Buckland? That's not OFFICIALLY part of the Shire. Should we just avoid it anyways? What do we do?
02-23-2004, 06:30 PM
I think we will be. Like you said, it's not REALLY part of the Shire.
02-24-2004, 04:59 PM
I don't have my book with me, so I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure that it says in the Appendix that Aragorn met with the "Travellers" (Merry, Pippin and Sam, as I think Frodo was gone by then) by that lake to the north of the Shire, by Fornost. I think it's called Evendim or Nenuial, depending on the language. It probably wouldn't be the most convinient place to meet hobbits, since we are to the east right now, but we should remember it as a possibility, especially if we travel all around the Shire to find the "bad guys".
02-24-2004, 07:41 PM
Why do we have to go AROUND the Shire to get to the bad guys?
02-24-2004, 09:58 PM
I just meant that we'd be travelling all over the place. I sort of doubt that they'd all be convinently located right in our path, near the Brandywine Bridge or something. And if they were, it woundn't make much of a story, now would it? I also sort of imagined that a lot of them headed north after the first scouring of the Shire. Not sure why, it's just a feeling I have. Could be because in the Silmarillion most of the bad guys lived in the north.
02-24-2004, 10:13 PM
Yeah, well in LotR all the bad guys are in the Southeast. And then there are the Uruk-Hai, which are from Isengaurd, but they're just special. But whatever. You and Sici decide. I can't, and you made this thread, so all the responsibility goes to you. mwahaha!!
02-25-2004, 01:36 PM
Even if we do go to Evendim/Nenuial it won't be for a while anyways, I just brought it up as a possibility for later, another possible place to meet hobbits.
We should think of something to do soon, it's moving to slow now. Should we get attacked, just to spice things up a bit? Or maybe we find something, a clue to where the "bad guys" are? Or at least meet a hobbit or someone who can bring a message to the Shire for us.
02-25-2004, 05:57 PM
Ok. I'm making us meet a hobbit. Cause I dont know how to write us being attacked and I can't think of a clue for the where the bad guys are. Unless the hobbit knows anything. I'll just have us meet him. Someone else continue it.
02-27-2004, 06:19 PM
Will someone else give Mr. Brandybuck a first name, or does he not trust us enough to tell it? I can't decide what to call him.
02-27-2004, 10:07 PM
Ok. His first name is Madoc. It's my hobbit-lad first name from Barrow-Downs.
btw, Lal, I saw it was your birthday today. Happy Birthday!!
03-03-2004, 12:55 PM
03-03-2004, 06:14 PM
Welcome back, Lalaith!! :D Nice to see you again. (Not literally, of course. How would you say that? Nice to see that you're back? OK, don't mind me...)
03-04-2004, 11:04 PM
Yeah, welcome back!!:)
So, now that we have everyone together again, (except Madoc, who we just made up anyways) what should we do?
03-06-2004, 03:45 PM
I don't know.
What sort of direction we're you wanting to go with this?
03-07-2004, 09:52 PM
I just thought we'd let it drift along and see what happens, but there were two things I definetly thought should happen, to help save the Shire:
1. Warn the hobbits...we've already started that.
2. Eventually have some sort of confrontation with the evil Men.
I also thought we might send people to other parts of Middle-earth to bring in outside help, maybe we could use that as an excuse the next time that someone is away for a while and can't post.
03-12-2004, 06:19 PM
I am a bad decision-maker. Someone else decide. Where are we going? And what are we doing? Ethy, Sici, Lal? Anyone?
03-16-2004, 06:37 PM
I'm bad at making decisions as well, so don't look at me to choose. I'll go along with whatever.
03-17-2004, 09:47 AM
OK, Sici posted about us going to the Black Forest, and forgive my stupidity, but I'm having a mental block. What is the Black Forest?
03-17-2004, 12:24 PM
Could it be Mirkwood?
If it is, it's wrong, Mirkwood turned to Greenwood after the War of the Ring, so it wouldn't be filled with evil anymore and wouldn't be black, etc. But I don't know...
03-17-2004, 01:29 PM
I cantered the horse and we speed down the forest road towards the North...towards Rohan.
We speed towards the most fermiliar path we could remember in the books...The Black Forest...
Sorry, Sici for tearing down your post, but I don't know what Black Forest you're talking about either, and isn't Rohan south of Bree and the Shire.
Are we misinterpreting your post?
03-18-2004, 09:26 AM
Well, I was talking to Ethy, who was talking to Sici, who said that by the Black Forest she meant the Old Forest.
And she was apparently laughing over her little Rohan mix-up. So could you go edit you post, Sici, if you don't mind?
03-20-2004, 05:14 PM
Okay well that makes more sense. So have we any more ideas about what exactly is going to happen - are we going to leave anyone behind at the Shire? Are we all going to the Old Forest?
03-20-2004, 09:45 PM
I don't really know. Just so you know, Ethy and I are going off during spring break, April 4-11. Our Daddy's going back to college, and we're going to look at some colleges, and neither of us wants to move *tear in my eye* because we would be leaving our friends (in Ethy's case, like you, Sici). But we would still see you guys!! *brightens up* Now I'll stop ramblig and get back on topic. *ahem*
While we're gone, we could use it as an excuse to go off some where. Or you go off somewhere and leave us behind, and the story line follows you.
But what should we do now?
03-21-2004, 02:52 PM
Hey - ethuiliel go here:
03-21-2004, 03:56 PM
Aww...thanks!! :)
While we're gone, we could use it as an excuse to go off some where. Or you go off somewhere and leave us behind, and the story line follows you. How 'bout we go find Faramir? :D I guess it's a little too far though. :(
But what should we do now?
We could go to Rohan, like Sici said. Maybe once we get there some of us could go north to Lorien or something, and get Elvish help. (and Elves are allowed in the Shire, and humans we find wouldn't be.)
03-21-2004, 04:04 PM
Originally posted by ethuiliel
We could go to Rohan, like Sici said. Maybe once we get there some of us could go north to Lorien or something, and get Elvish help. (and Elves are allowed in the Shire, and humans we find wouldn't be.)
But I'm half-elf, so technically that should mean that I'm allowed in. Becasue the only part that makes me human is having one parent human. I was raised by elves remember so.... well I don't know....
03-21-2004, 09:03 PM
Well, if one parent's an elf and you were raised by elves, then I think you would be allowed in. How 'bout we go find Faramir? I guess it's a little too far though. YOU go find Faramir. I go find Aragorn. Oh, I guess I can't do that, can I? He's already here. So I go find Leggy. He's also in Ithilien anyway. But we should probably do something plot-related, don't you agree?
03-22-2004, 01:31 PM
But we should probably do something plot-related, don't you agree? I was just kidding around. My next suggestion was more, and we could use that while we're away too.
03-22-2004, 10:25 PM
I was kidding, too. Couldn't you see that?
But we desperatly need to decide what to do instead of just dicussing it. We should probably get some more people to join, maybe more decision maker-ish people. But for now... ideas anyone? The Rohan go North to Lorien one is good... Ethy and I could probably do that while we're gone. But what are you going to do in the meantime?
03-23-2004, 05:49 PM
Unless someone has a better idea, I would say that we all go to Rohan, then Alyna and Kieta go to Lorien, while Jean, Lalaith, and Aragorn return to the Shire, and if we can get on a computer while we're away we could post a little about what's happening in Lorien. Maybe Lalaith could even go into the Shire while Jean and Aragorn (the humans, because though Lalaith and Aragorn are both part Elf, part human, I suppose Lalaith would be allowed in, being raised an Elf, but Aragorn himself decided he wouldn't allow himself in (according to the Appendix.))
03-24-2004, 09:16 AM
You didn't finish, Ethy!Maybe Lalaith could even go into the Shire while Jean and Aragorn (the humans, because though Lalaith and Aragorn are both part Elf, part human, I suppose Lalaith would be allowed in, being raised an Elf, but Aragorn himself decided he wouldn't allow himself in (according to the Appendix.)) While Jean and Aragorn do what????
I guess it does work that way. We might be able to get on a computer while we're gone. I sure hope so.... anyway... does that work for you all?
03-24-2004, 01:32 PM
You didn't finish, Ethy!...While Jean and Aragorn do what???? Ooops.:( They stay out of the Shire and try to make themselves useful, by trying to find out where the bad men are or something.
We should start updating the RPG itself soon...:). I'll talk to Sicirus before I leave school today.
03-24-2004, 01:39 PM
I'm just posting to say that I may not be on as often as I would like. I'm coming up to some very important exams and I'm behind on my work, so I'll be spending more time writing essays and revising.:(
03-24-2004, 01:40 PM
That's fine. If we follow the plan that we have now, we'll all be split up anyways, and we'll have fewer posts.
03-24-2004, 04:05 PM
Okay - I'll try and post when I can.
03-24-2004, 07:06 PM
Okay. Too bad about the exams, Lal. So who will update the real RPG? I think Ethy or Sici should, because this is their thread. And I don't know what to say.
03-25-2004, 12:45 PM
Yeah I'd have to agree. They can decide where to take this next, cos if it was me trying to decide the Shire would be destroyed before we even moved a meter!:rolleyes: ;)
03-25-2004, 10:34 PM
Tomorrow Sici will be at my house...we can work on it together then. And since Siri is my sister, she can be there too. Sorry for leaving you out, Lal.
03-26-2004, 09:12 AM
Yes, I know Sici will be there, Ethy's been going crazy all week!! But that would be a great time to discuss it. Sorry you can't be there, Lal!
03-26-2004, 01:35 PM
Yes, I know Sici will be there, Ethy's been going crazy all week!! :D I know...I can't wait. :D
03-27-2004, 09:13 AM
I don't mind that I can't be there - you'd be distracting me from my 2000 word essay.... just like the moot here is.:(
04-01-2004, 01:42 PM
We hatesss you all!! Gollum Gollum!! We issss never ever going to posssst again, Precioussss...
04-02-2004, 08:56 AM
Yes, Ethy that was lame. But it was a try for an April Fool's joke...
Well, we can probably post this afternoon, and tomorrow afternoon, but after that we probably won't be able to post very much, so I'm going to get us started of to Lorien.
04-04-2004, 08:40 AM
The rp may drop a little. With you and ethuiliel not being able to post much, and me not able to post much these next two weeks. Just letting you know. I'll try and pick it up when I can.
04-15-2004, 10:52 AM
Okay guys, I won't be around for a few weeks so I'll just send my character off up to the North, to meet up with a few Rangers. I'll see you guys in a few weeks then.:)
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