View Full Version : The New Ring of Doom!!

Lady Arwen56
07-02-2003, 02:35 AM
So, I had this really cool idea about Souron coming back, and making another ring, this time, making only 4 others. Well, Legolas ends up with one of the other 4, and eventually passes it on to his daughter, Kirri (kI-rE), who (a few years later,) figures out what, and the secret powers of the ring that has been passed down to her. She gahters up a Fellowship, and (if you'll buy this) the ring turns good with the help of elvish magic.

My charecter description:

Name: Kirri
Position: Elvish Princess
Body Description: Bright aqua-blue eyes surrounded with dots of purple, long chestnut brown hair, full crimson lips, and very slender.
Weapons: Daggars, Mirkwood Bow, Terran (her blade).
Items: The Ring, A huge sapphire blue crystal surrounded by Topaz, which my mother gave to me before dying in a battle (she didn't believe in letting her friends, and followers fight without her) Which has the inscription: I'll Always Be With You. imprinted on it.

Lady Arwen56
07-02-2003, 03:21 AM
ooc: I just want everyone to know, that this part in Italic is the past.

[ic: I shivered as the wind whipped my hair about me. I stood by my father, as my mother's body was tombed. I tried to cry, but I had cried to many nights before this. I could barely even breathe. I turned to my father, Legolas, King of The Mirkwood Elves, and sadly smiled gently at him. Crystal tears ran down his cheeks, and as he looked down at me, I saw the redness surrounding his eyes. "Dad, please don't cry." I whispered, lying my head softly on his chest. He wrapped his arms around me, and I felt him smile. "Oh Kirri, I'm glad I still have you." He whispered. I buried my head into his black outfit, and let more then a few tears wet his shirt. When I finally pulled back, he took my chin in his hands, and smiled again. He let me go, reached over to his right hand, and pulled a beautiful gold, diamond, and opal ring, off his middle finger, and slipped it onto mine. "Kirri, don't lose this, it's very important to me, and it was important to your mother too." He said. "But then father, why are you giving it to me?" I asked, stunned. "Because, I think your old enough to take care of it now." I hugged him, and at that moment, I swore to forever leave this new treasure on.

I smiled up at the stars, and the moon, watching them sparkling, and shinning. I climbed my way further up the Willow tree, and finally sat down on a thick branch, watching the road below me for the return of my father. He had been gone for a whole year and a half fighting off Goblins, and Orcs close to the city of Gondor. I had been waiting all day, trembling all over at the thought of seeing my handsome, kind hearted father, and my god father, Ghimly the Dwarf.
Then, half an hour later, two horses galloped full throtle towards my spot, one pure white, the other a mix of brown, and silver. I spotted my father first, jumping down from the old Willow.
My father pulled to a quick stop in front of me, and jumped off Lightening, pulling me into his grasp as soon as he got down. "My little girl! Well, my not so little girl now. Oh Kirri! How much I have missed you can not be put into words simply!" He said into my ear. I smiled. My father let me go, and I greeted my god father, with another glowing smile.
"Aye, it has been many years since I have seen you child!" Ghimly said, smiling back. "My what a young lady you have become!" I blushed. "Thank you, Ghimly." I whispered, trying to hide my flush. Just as I was about to ask my father what had happened, and why he was gone so long, another horse galloped up.
I stared at him in a complete daze; He was incredibly handsome, with bright blue eyes, long blonde hair, and a detailed beautiful face. He stared back at me. "Ah, Sir Rhys. I see you have finally caught up with our trusty steeds. Oh, uh right, I forgot to introduce you two. Rhys, this is my lovely daughter, Kirri. Kirri, this is Sir Rhys of Rivendell, he is one of my newest captains." My father said.
"Lovely indeed, Sire. She is beautiful, just as you said she would be." Rhys commented. I smiled up at him, and said, "Well, father has written of you more then a few times Captain." I said. "Witty as well! Sire, I am afriad you never mentioned that." Rhys said playfully. My father smiled at him.
"Well, come on then, let us go inside, and prepare for the feast!" Ghimly cried. I nodded, and my father hopped back onto his horse, headed for the stables.

ooc; Will someone please play Rhys? *smiles* *eyes get big and round as if begging* PLEASE!!

07-02-2003, 02:41 PM
Hmm, I would Lady Arwen, but I don't fancy RPing male elves who are going to end up falling in love anyways. What do you mean by Elvish Magic?

Name Astarien
Race Lothlorien Elf
Descrip. Tall, Blonde Hair, Green eyes, slender and strong, basic elf description.
Weapon Hadhafang (Sword of Idril Celebrindal)
Horse Aerlind

OK, new bio to fit story. Astarien is the eldest daughter of Galadriel and Celebron, she was born at the end of the Second Age, about the same time as The Last Alliance won over Sauron. She remained unmarried, and becomes a Captain of the Lothlorien Border Guard. After the War of the Ring in the Third Age, and when Sauron returned; as Heir to Lothlorien Astarien recieves a ring, similar to Nenya. A simple mithril band with a small drop of the light of the star of Earendil. The ring is called Cemina.

07-02-2003, 02:51 PM
Astarien stood in her Mother's Glade, near Galadriel's Mirror. The stars shone bright through the branches of the mallorn leaves, and Cemina shone dimly in the light of the moon. Galadriel slowly made her way towards her daughter. Astarien bowed slightly. "Suilad Naneth nin." She whispered softly.
Galadriel nodded, "A na le ield nin." She embraced her daughter and kissed her forehead. The Lady of Light touched the hand that bore Cemina with her own hand that bore Nenya. A simple touch, but so much was said between them. "Ield nin," Galadriel said in her mind, like her Mother, Astarien had been gifted with telepathy. "Ield nin, your power is growing, you fear it...but you should not. You nor I know what will become of us...I have no power..." Galadriel held Nenya aloft. "Your destiny has been decided...but I do not know your full intent." The Sorceress of Lothlorien leaned in close. "Your time is nigh, Ield 'en nin...embrace it." With that, Galadriel turned and walked gracefully out of the glade.
Astarien nodded, and looked down at the glowing light of Cemina. "Yes Naneth...my time is nigh..."

Gulio, Strength of Many
07-02-2003, 05:39 PM
Sorry, I don't do love.:D

Is it okay if I'm a dwarf?

Name: Rorin
Race: Dwarvish
Apperance: Short, stocky build, red hair and beard, brown eyes.
Personality: Fiery, loyal, suspicious of strangers.
Weapons: A battle axe and small throwing axes.
History: Rorin is Dain's brother. He left the Iron Hills for the Lonely Mountain after the kingdom was established there. He was one of the dwarves that delivered toys to Bilbo's party. He decided to hang around a bit and started a brewery. He travells around selling beer to different inns.

07-02-2003, 05:41 PM
I want to join...

Name: Manalseh
Race: human
weapons: a golden Ring which seems to make her invisible and a sword
POB: Minas Tirith

07-02-2003, 07:11 PM
I will join.

Name: Nienna
Race: Elf
From: Mirkwood
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Brownish red
History: After Nienna's mother died, she went to work in the stables in Mirkwood. Her father,Palnar, who worked as a gaurd for the King of Mirkwood, taught her how to use the bow and the sword. She is very skilled with both and wishes for some sort of adventure in her boring life. Nienna is then given a ring from her father and takes it with her everywhere. She soon starts to have strange dreams and never wears it.

ooc: were the 4 rings already taken?

07-02-2003, 07:13 PM
ic: Nienna had finished her chores with the horses and so she began to braid the tail of Silaelen, her horse. While she was braiding, she remembered the day her father, Palnar, had given it to her.

"Nienna! Come here. I have something to show you!" Nienna heard the voice of her father and quickly ran outside to meet him. When she arrived, she saw a beautiful black horse. "Is that for me adda?" she asked. "Of course it is!" he replied, "Now let me help you up and lets see you walk him." After saying something to horse, he turned, picked her up, and set her on the back of the black gelding. As the horse started to walk for her, she bent down and whispered in it's ear, "I am going to call you Silaelen because of your white star," Nienna looked back at her father and saw him give her mother a kiss. She smiled and thought of the feel of the horse cantering. . The wind in her hair and the sun setting. She felt as though she were flying, as if....

A noise out side disturbed her thoughts. Nienna went to go see what had happened.

Lady Arwen56
07-03-2003, 01:44 AM
ooc: Sure, all you guys can join. I didn't mean elvish magic, parden that. I meant magic in general. Like, there's some force inside me, that turns it good.

ic: Something intrigued me about Rhys. I didn't know what yet, but, I know something was different about him.

Gulio, Strength of Many
07-03-2003, 02:27 PM
Rorin looked at the next stop on his map. "Mirkwood, hm..." he debated going there at all, for the elves prefer wine to beer. "Ah, well what the heck I'll go." He hopped back into his cart and rode into Mirkwood.

When he arrived at the palace, he greeted the guards, who were used to seeing him on his rounds. He gave them a free ale and made his way inside. His mouth dropped open as he saw an old friend. "Gimli! Is that you?" he cried.

"Rorin? What brings you to Mirkwood?" he asked ans they embraced.

"Just selling ale," Rorin replied with a smile. "Want a glass? On me."

07-03-2003, 03:44 PM
ic: Nienna turned the corner and saw two dwarves drinking what looked like ale. She smiled but then her eye caught something else,Legolas, King of the Mirkwood elves, had returned. My smile grew. Father must be home as well! Her father had been very busy since the King had been away in Gondor. He was not able to come home very often. Nienna quickly ran home and saw her father standing in the middle of the room with a smile appearing on his lips. She ran and jumped in his arms. Because he had been used to this, he had caught her and swung her around before setting Nienna back on the ground. "You have gotten taller," he said noticing she could just about see him eye to eye, "I may not be able to do that anymore." he added with a smile. "I am so glad you are home!" she laughed hugging him once again. "How often have you ridden Silaelen?" he asked. "As much as I can," Nienna replied looking her father in the face, "Well," he said letting go of her, "What do you say we go and ride, just the two of us. I expect you are done in the stables?" "Yes, of course! I will go and get Silaelen."

Gulio, Strength of Many
07-03-2003, 04:59 PM
Rorin and his childhood friend Gimli were catching up over a few glasses of fine beer when a tall elf approached them. "Rorin," Gimli said, "I want you to meet my closest friend, Legolas."

Rorin smiled and offered the elf a drink. The realization hit him. "Legolas, King of the Mirkwood Elves? The same Legolas who accompanied the Ringbearer on his quest? It is an honor to meet you."

07-03-2003, 05:26 PM
Hi! can I join? Rhys sounds familiar two princesses of Barramere?and
Name: Gladeiel [Glade e l]
Race elvish
Eyes: Dragons eyes
Hair: spun gold
From: Mirkwood
Height: 5'6"
Age: 60
Weapons: Bow & arrows, Sword encrusted with Sapphires, twin daggers, and a Falschion.
Apperance: Wears a beautifully crafted ring of White dimonds, with a single sapphire in the middle, which can make her invisible at will. Wears long dark green pants, a belt with a leaf from Lothlorien as the buckle, green elvish shoes, a dark green shirt, made of leaves and vines, and a long sleeved Dark green jacket jacket .
Horse: Seafoam
IC: Gladeiel was sitting in a corner watching the conversation of Gimli, Rorin, and Legolas. She watched Nienna get spun around by her father. She walked out into the firelight and ordered a drink. She sat there pondering things until her drink came. She finished it up, thought about it, then went out to find Kirra, who had been her friend scince she was very young. She went out to the stables and got Seafoam.
I do! I got a ring too!

Gulio, Strength of Many
07-03-2003, 05:57 PM
ooc: Hmm, say one of the Seven managed to get away from Suaron, one he thought destroyed. Rorin could have it. Yes, that sounds good. Ok, Rorin has a dwarven Ring of Power.

07-03-2003, 07:15 PM
ooc: who has the rings? I have one.

ic: After the ride with her father, Nienna went to put Silaelen back in the stables. Suddenly, the ring in her pocket began to feel warm. She took it out of her pocket and looked at it. It was then she saw a vision. The one of her mother's death.

Nienna was in the stable with her horse when she heard a scream. It belonged to her mother so she quickly ran to see what had happened. She was almost there when she heard a sickening crack. She saw the it was the leg of her father. A stranger had come and dropped a block of stone on his leg. Nienna watched in horror as the man then pulled out a knife and slit her mother's throat. Nienna screamed as the man ran out, but he saw her and hit her over the head with the blunt end of his sword. The last thing Nienna saw was her father limping over to her mother and weep as she died in his arms. When she awoke her father kissed her on the forehead and whispered through the tears, "Nothing will ever hurt you."

After seeing this, Nienna fell to the ground and began to cry.

Gulio, Strength of Many
07-03-2003, 08:27 PM
Rorin has one of the original Seven. When there was still the One. Not one of the new ones.

Adrian Baggins
07-05-2003, 07:47 PM
Name: Sandoria "Sandy" Lynn Baggins
Position: Frodo's daughter
Eyes: Deep peircing steel blue
Hair: short straight Chestnut and Chocolate Brown
From: no on eis sure
Height: above average Hobbit size
Age: 33
Weapons: Sting, she inherited it. many hidden Daggers
clothes: boy Hobbit clothes, a cloak
Horse: Silverwind Shadowfax's son
Items special to her: Her father's cloak, mithril coat and the phial he recieved from the Lady Galadriel.

family history: Frodo is the only known living thing to come back to Middle Earth after sailin gacross the sea. He married a young Hobbit girl and they had three children, the oldest of which is Sandoria Lynn Baggins. She had two brothers, Errin(Erin) and Derryk(Derick). Their motherand father died in a terrible boating accident just like their grandparents and it i snot known who raised them after that. Many sources believe that at least the two boys were raised by the Gamgee's for some time, but that has yet to be proven. Her two brothers, lookingjust like their father, hav ebeen sighted often, but not recently.

ic: "Sandy, what are we doing here?" Derryk asked, looking at me as I watched the elfs and the dwarf talking.

"Yeah, can't we go home?" Errin asked, looking at the elf's with interest.

"No, we must talk to them, I think they knew father, before he died, come on. Let's go," I said, quickly running closer, I could hear them talking easier. Finally the two male elfs and the dwarf left and the girl was alone. I stepped out from behind the tree and right in front of her. She took a step back but I began to speak, "Don't be alarmed, I need to speak with the elf Legolas Greenleaf and the Dwarf Gimily son of Gloin, they knew my father." Derryk and Errin stepped out and stood behind me, shaking.

"Your-your father?" she asked, looking at us.

"Yes, I am Sandoria Lynn and these are my brothers, Derryk and Errin, we ar ethe children of Frodo Baggins, the Ring Bearer of old."

07-05-2003, 09:36 PM
Gladiel then realised her mistake and rushed back inside, poked Kirra on the back and said "Kirra, I have been looking for you," she said in quiet tones, "whats with Frodo's sons and daughter?"

07-05-2003, 10:21 PM
((Computer is acting up! :mad: ))

The next day, Astarien went to see her Mother. Galadriel sat in a chair near a table that held her morning's meal, Nenya lay on the table near the center, a discarded jewel. Astarien looked upon her Mother's golden face; realizing that something troubled her. "Naneth nin?" Astarien asked uncertainly.
Galadriel looked at her, unwavering, her blue eyes piercing her daughter's grey. "Your time is nigh." The Lady of Light gestured her daughter closer and placed The Ring of The Adamant into Astarien's palm, and gazed deep into her daughter's eyes. "Be on the alert, Ield nin...evil will be drawn towards your power. Ego! You are needed..."
Astarien drew Cemina and Nenya to her. It was then sherealized what she must do. With one swift movement, Astarien stood and made her way to the door, turning only to bow to her Mother. "Naevero, Naneth nin...Ego 'na Valinore..."
Aerlind was away with his Mistress on his back, and Astarien rode North East out of Lothlorien, towards The Old Forest Road, and her woodland kin in The Halls of Thranduil... Enclosed inside her gloves, Cemina pulsed with a steady rhythm, and Astarien rode...

07-07-2003, 12:29 AM
Nienna didn't know how long she sat on the ground weeping. This had never happened to her before. Unable to find the strength to stand, she leaned against a wooded pillar and tried to bloke out the image of her mother's throat as it was slit and her gagging for air. It was a horrible noise. No matter how hard she tried, Nienna could not block it from her mind, and she once again began to cry. She hoped no one would hear her for she did not want anyone to see her hands shaking and tears falling down her face.

ooc: Just tell me if I get too dramatic.:p

07-07-2003, 09:06 PM
OCC I have a Ring, as well as Nenya


Later as the sun dipped behind the Iron Hills and Western Rhovanion, Astarien came into The Halls of Thranduil. She had followed the Anduin North, turning into Mirkwood just after noon. She had arrived with seemingly miraculous speed, urgency and far bit at her heels and Astarien had rested only once the whole day. She had requested an imediate audience with the King. But he wasn't in his throne room. Thranduil had long come over the seas, and Astarien completely forgotten that Legolas, Fellowship Member now held the Throne in Mirkwood. She aproached a guard. "Suilad! Thranduilon, AraLegolas, 'en Taur-Ndaedelos?" Astarien asked quickly. The guard, after asking her name, which she gave hurriedly, pointed down a path that would lead her to the King. "Mellon, Hir nin. I thank you." With a hurried bow, Astarien set off down the path towards the stables.

Lady Arwen56
07-09-2003, 01:18 AM
ooc: Legolas, cool, didn't know you read Carson Gail Levine. Yeah, Rhys is from the Two Princesses. I love that name. Lol

ic: I smiled as I notice my father standing near by, a grin on his handsome face. I walked over to him, and bowed playfully. "Your highness is happy about something, and I demand to know what it is." I said. His grin grew into a smile.
"If you insist Princess. Well, I believe in two days will be your birthday, am I right?" He asked softly, but just as playfully. "Of course you are! You never forget my birthday father." "Indeed I don't, and you never mine. Well then, I am smiling because, there is rumer going 'round of a surprise celebration."
I laughed. "Well then Sire, I am afraid you just ruined the surprise, therefore, it is not such a 'surprise celebration after all', am I right?" I asked. "Very right, and hardly wrong is my clever daughter..." He suddenly cut off in mid sentence.
"Father? Father, is something wrong?" His eyes rolled back into his head, and he collasped onto the ground. I let out a cry, and fell to my knees, feeling his throat for a pulse. Nothing. I noticed something black on his neck, and gasped, plucking it out. It was a black arrow (a very powerful poison dart, that can even kill elves in an instant.).
A single tear slipped down my face as I came to the realization of it; My beloved father was dead.

07-09-2003, 10:21 AM
Astarien ran to where the guard pointed and she found The King of Mirkwood dead. A young elf knelt over him in grief. She turned away; just her luck to seek council and the councilor is murdered. Astarien stood in stony silence before she drew Hadhafang and kept watch over the two elves... in case another arrow was fired.

07-09-2003, 07:06 PM
Nienna heard a cry and she jumped up. When she saw who it was, she gave a gasp of horror. Why isn't father here yet? No! She ran home and when she opened the door, her father was no where in sight but on the table sat black arrows and a bow. The arrows were not used and to her horror, she found one was missing. He wouldn't....father's job is to protect the King. I have to get these out of here before anyone else sees them. With that, Nienna picked up the black arrows and headed for the back door to get rid of them in the forset.

07-09-2003, 08:05 PM
Astarien sheathed her blade and turned back to the Elf and the King. "I will inform the guard, Lady." She disappeared back down the path, sending the Palace Guard back to where the King lay dead.

Gulio, Strength of Many
07-09-2003, 10:24 PM
There was much commotion where Rorin and Gimli were chatting and drinking. "Hey now! What's all the fuss about?" Gimli asked a passing elf.

"The King is dead, Master Dwarf," the elf replied sadly. Rorin was speechless.

"Where is he?" Gimli asked, his voice full of grief.

The elf led Gimli to where Legolas lay, dead. Rorin followed, hoping somehow to comfprt his friend. The King of the Mirkwood Elves lay on the ground, a young girl bent over him, weeping. Gimli approached the girl, and they spoke words no one else could hear. They greived for the dead King. Rorin stood, speechless. A king killed in his own palace with guards standing watch all about? How could that be?

07-10-2003, 07:57 PM
Nienna walked a way into the woods and dropped the arrows. It was then she saw a shadowy figure. "Father?" The elf lookd at her and she saw that it was indeed him, along with his friend, Lemien, another palace gaurd. "Nienna, what are you doing out here?" Nienna saw that he and Lemien had been doing there rounds.Did they not see the attacker? "King Legolas has just been shot by a black arrow and I..." Before she could finish, both gaurds said at the same time, "What! Where is he?" "I'm not sure but I.." Again before she could finish, they both ran out to where the King lay. Nienna intended to follow but a hand covered her mouth and dragged her off further into the woods.

07-11-2003, 09:53 AM
Astarien found there was no need to inform the guard, for it seemed they already knew. She followed three of the elves back to where the King lay.

07-11-2003, 07:10 PM
Nienna was dragged back further and further into the woods. After what seemed like an hour, the man dropped her and tied her hands behind her back. She looked at the elf and saw that it was Suliarid, her uncle and long time friend. Before she could say a word, Suliarid gagged her and picked her up. Nienna felt a hard blow of something on her head. She felt like she was spinning, soon she fell into dark nothingness. Sheer nothingness.

07-14-2003, 12:45 AM
Nienna awoke to find herself beside a tree. With a groan, she opened her eyes. No one was around, and she could easily untie herself. Her father had taught her how to escape pretty much anything. Once the ropes were from her hands, she took of the dirty cloth that covered her mouth. Once she was free, Nienna stood up and ran in the direction of Mirkwood. Suliarid had caught up with her and forced her on the ground. Nienna struggled and got free again but he grabbed her by the foot. He cursed and let go off her when she kicked him in the face. Again, Nienna ran towards the village.

Lady Arwen56
07-15-2003, 12:52 AM
Everyone was crowding around me, making it seem as though there was no end to my suffering. I stood up, and pushed out of their way, taking off into the woods.
I ran as fast, and as far as I could. It isn't possible... I thought to myself. My father isn't dead! This is all a horrible dream, and soon I'll wake up, and be back with my wonderful father...
I stopped dead in my tracks as I saw a young girl being thrown to the ground by some shadowed figure. I stalked up behind them quietly, careful not to make any sound. "Sir! On behalf of the Princess of Mirkwood, I command you to stop where you are, and back away from the girl!" I ordered.

Lady Arwen56
07-15-2003, 01:09 AM
But, as I made this sound, the girl jumped up, and took off for the village again. The figure turned to me, and pulled a bow and arrow out. He aimed straight at me, and I gave a small cry as it scraped my shoulder, then flew into the nearest tree. I tried to pull out my blade, but found that my left arm was completely numb.
I ran hard back to the palace, jumping stealthily over rocks, and large logs. Once I got back, everyone was still surrounding my father, everyone except for a tall, blonde elf girl.
I walked over to Ghimli, gloomily, and smiled sadly. "Have you seen Rhys?" He asked. I shook my head, no. "Damn, the boy has disappeared! Well, he'll turn up sooner or later."
I nodded. I noticed a few hobbits walking towards me, and turned to leave, (not wanting the attention) When one called out to me. "Young miss, what has happened here?" The woman one called out. I sighed, and turned to face her. "The King, was murdered, miss, and I, his lonely daughter request peace and quiet." I muttered, turning, and running back into the woods.

My arm was still numb as I climbed up the huge willow tree, making it harder, and harder for me to get up it. I sat down on a brach, and wrapped my good arm around my legs, tears streaking down my face again.
Then, I started thinking about all that had happened, and the more I thought about it, the more I got angry. My father being killed, and then that poor elven girl. Something was very wrong here. My father didn't have very many enemies, and even fewer of them did not wish to do anything more then argue with him.
My father had been murdered, and I was going to make sure, that whoever did it, was put to death, or even worse, tortured.

ooc: Okay, merissa, you do know that *Sandy* is my mom's nickname, and that "Lynn" is her middle name too, right?

07-15-2003, 03:43 PM
Nienna ran inside her house and slamed the door behind her. The she remebered someone was there with her, someone stopped Suliarid from doing whatever he was going to do. Nienna slowly opened the door and went to look for her.

Lady Arwen56
07-20-2003, 12:14 AM
I looked down as someone called something from down below me. "Miss? Miss?" It was the elven girl that had taken off. I jumped out of the tree, and nearly fell over thanks to my numb arm. The girl caught me before I fell all the way. "Thanks." I muttered, brushing off. "Anytime. Wait, Princess? Princess Kirri?" I nodded.
"Miss, what's your name? And who attacked you?" She looked at me in a quizzalical way.

07-20-2003, 03:06 PM
"I am Nienna and the elf that attacked me was Suliarid. He knows my father, Palnar who is a guard, and...I think he might if had something to do with... your father's death." Nienna looked at Kirri's arm. "Are you alright?"

Lady Arwen56
07-22-2003, 12:50 AM
"Oh, it's nothing. I...I can't move it. That man, he scraped my arm with a black arrow..." I said softly.

07-22-2003, 06:52 PM
"A black arrow! Nothing indeed. Come, let me at least look at it. It may be worse than you think." Nienna led Kirri to her home and tended to her wound. "I'm sorry about what happened to your father. He was a great King and friend. "

Lady Arwen56
07-23-2003, 11:19 PM
I nodded, and said "More then you think..." and then there came an awkward silence. "Well, thank you, Nienna, but I must go some where, and get some peace and quiet, out there in the village, it is so loud, and so much commotion." I sighed.

Lady Arwen56
07-23-2003, 11:20 PM
I nodded, and said "More then you think..." and then there came an awkward silence. "Well, thank you, Nienna, but I must go some where, and get some peace and quiet, out there in the village, it is so loud, and so much commotion." I sighed.

ooc: Hey, will you guys sign up for my website? Just click here (http://invisionfree.com/forums/Enchanted_World45/) if you want to. :D

07-24-2003, 11:12 PM
Nienna smiled, "Yes, and if you need anything, feel free to come to me." As she watched Kirri go, Nienna sighed and leaned back in her chair. She closed her eyes and tried to get the noise of everything happening out of her mind. Soon she fell into a dreamless sleep.

Lady Arwen56
07-27-2003, 01:37 AM
"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!??" Cried my nurse when I retired to my bed chambers. "Cassie! Do not speak to me in that tone of voice! I have been in the woods of course. Pretell, where else is there to go?" I snapped.
"I would like sleep now, if you don't mind!" I said, glarring out the window for a moment. Cassie stalked off, never having heard me yell like that before.

07-27-2003, 01:52 AM
When Nienna awoke, she found herself in her bed. Father must be home. She stood up to go see him and found him in his study, looking into the fire. "Father?" He turned. "Nienna, you should be in bed. You seemed to have been very tired when I had gotten home." Paying no heed to this she said, "I met up with Lady Kirri today." He gave her a questioning look. "When?" "In the forest," she replied, "after....." Nienna stopped. "After what?" Her father looked at her gravely. "After Suliarid tried to kidnap, or so I think, me." Her father stood up. "He what!" Nienna had never heard him this angry before. "I think it was because I knew something, something of the King's death." Still angry, he asked, "What do you know?" Nienna told him everything that happened during the afternoon.

Lady Arwen56
07-27-2003, 02:21 AM
I could not sleep. I tossed and turned all night, until the first rays of sun beat down upon my pale face. I decided I needed some one to talk to. I pulled on some clothes, and headed to Nienna's house.

07-27-2003, 05:27 PM
Nienna sat on a couch thinking of what had gone on the other day. Her father had gone out to tell the others what she had told him last night. She heard a knock on the door and went to answer it. "Hello? Lady Kirri! Is something wrong?"

07-27-2003, 10:28 PM
Gladeiel stood quietly in the shadows as Kirri was led away by Nienna. She silently wept for the King of Mirkwood, as he had been a dear friend of hers. She did not show her emotions to anyone else.

07-28-2003, 11:43 PM
bump!:D I'm just moving the thread up, if anyone asks!

Lady Arwen56
07-28-2003, 11:48 PM
I turned to Nienna, and suddenly broke down. "I can't take it!" I nearly screamed. "My father was not suppose to die! I wasn't suppose to be alone so quickly! Never in my wildest dreams did I think my very own father would die so...young...I mean, he...in elf time...he wasn't...ugh!" I fell to my knees, and barried my head in my hands.

07-30-2003, 05:19 PM
Nienna put a hand on Kirri's shoulder, "No, your right, he should not have died." Nienna bent down beside her, she did not know what else to say. This must be really hard on her, why would someone want to do this?

Lady Arwen56
07-30-2003, 11:57 PM
I wiped my eyes quickly, and stood up. "I am sorry. That is not a way a Princess should act...I have to go back to the village, would you come with me?" I asked her.

07-31-2003, 09:14 PM
"Sure, is something wrong?" Nienna stood up and went for her cloak.

08-01-2003, 12:10 AM
Gladeiel walked out of the tavern, into the street. Trying not to show her emotions, she walked quietly down the street, and sat on the nearest bench.

08-02-2003, 03:10 AM
bump!:D :D :D

08-02-2003, 02:31 PM
ooc: I am going to be gone for about a week at camp.

08-02-2003, 11:06 PM
Okay. See ya later Aewionen! :D

Lady Arwen56
08-03-2003, 12:14 AM
yeah *sniff* we'll miss you. Hey, I have to stop my character now...cool! lol. J/k

08-03-2003, 01:09 AM
If we dont get moving, this thread is gonna dry up.

08-03-2003, 02:17 AM
Hey, if this thing is going dry, can I join?

Here's my character in case I do join, if any part of her doesn't fit the story, just tell me and I'll change it.

Name: Kalilae Alako
Gender: F
Race: Silvan elf
Class: Warrior
Appearance: Kalilae has long blonde hair, and startlingly blue eyes; she is the image of her mother, though is taller and more slender, and looks slightly Wood-elvish. She wears a plain brown leather shirt, tight brown leggings, and high soft boots. She also wears gauntlets, also leather, and reinforced with iron studs. Her one trinket is a red-gold ring, shaped into a delicate chain of overlapping ivy leaves.
Weapons: Kalilae is best with her longbow, and always keeps many arrows handy. She also bears a falchion (a two handed sword like a cross between a sword and an axe; basically a two handed scimitar)
Bio: Kalilae is Kalile's daughter. (Kalile travelled with the Bilbo, and later fellowship for a long time)
Her father is (duhn duhn duhn) Legolas of Mirkwood, a fact that he is quite unaware of, although he would recognize the ring were he still alive. (I understand that he has died?) Kalilae goes in search of her father now that she is old enough to venture forth on her own.

Lady Arwen56
08-03-2003, 03:55 AM
ooc: Alright, good point Legolas. Yes, you may join Kalile.

ic: I let out s stiffled cry as someone suddenly snatched Nienna from out of in front of me. "Nienna? Nienna!!" I called, but no one answered. I looked all around the spot we were, and still could not find her. I ran back to the village, on the verge of tears again.

ooc; There Legolas, Nienna has a gap, now, will someone meet me at the front of the village?

Gulio, Strength of Many
08-03-2003, 11:57 PM
ooc: I will:D

ic: Rorin wandered aimlessly, and it seemed the rest of the city did as well. He found himself at the front of the city. He saw a young elf standing about. He recognized her as the King's daughter. He went over to her, unsure of what to say. "Umm...hi," he said tentatively. She looked over at him, her eyes wet with tears. "Uh, I'm not really sure if you want to talk or not. But if you do, you know where to find me I guess."

Lady Arwen56
08-04-2003, 11:42 PM
The dwarf Ghimli had greeted so kindly approached me, and said a few words. He turned to leave. "Wait! Please, my friend, someone has just kidnapped her!"

ooc: I think that we really need to get this whole search for Souron on, eh?

08-05-2003, 12:01 AM
Gladeiel looked up and saw Kirri standing talking to a dwarf. She ran over to her and tried to get her attention. Finally she said "Princess Kiri, May I have a word with you........alone?"

08-05-2003, 12:24 AM
Okey-day, I will jump in here!

Ic: Kalilae stepped forward, seeing three people talking.

"Excuse me, I need to find..." one of the talkers turned, and Kalilae gasped. This girl could be her sister, almost! She looked like Kalile had always described Kalilae's father, until she could picture him in her mind. This girl looked different, of course, but still...
Seeing the others looking at her, Kalilae cleared her throat.
"Would anyone, by any chance, know where to find Legolas of Mirkwood? I-I need to talk to him. Badly."

Lady Arwen56
08-05-2003, 12:58 AM
My heart tightened, as a girl walked up to me, and asked for my father. "I am the Princess of Mirkwood, Legolas's daughter, Kirri, my father is...dead, therefore you will have to settle with me. One second Carolin." I said strongly.

08-05-2003, 02:00 AM
Kalilae couldn't belive her ears. "Dead?" she ehoed stupidly, her hand tightening convulsively,"it can't be." After a moment, she opened her palm numbly to reveal a red gold ring shaped like overlapping ivy leaves. "I was going to show this to him. He... was my father too. This is a ring he gave to my mother just before she died in battle."

08-05-2003, 03:07 AM
"I'm sorry, but my name is Gladeiel, not Carolinerinerleserin, or Carolin. She is my sister, not me."

Lady Arwen56
08-05-2003, 02:53 PM
ooc; AH!! I AM SOOOO SORRY LEGOLAS!! I forgot. lol. Forgive me please?????

Ic: "He was your WHAT???" I nearly shouted. "My...father." She whispered. I shook my head, this was far to much to handle in a single day. "Listen, may we talk later about this, I must find my friend Nienna, something terrible has happened to her!" I said, turning away, and looking at Gladeiel. "What is it you wanted to speak with me about?

Lady Arwen56
08-05-2003, 10:50 PM
I pushed Gladeiel aside from the others. "What is you wished to speak about so badly?" I asked her.

08-06-2003, 12:25 AM
"Your father was a very dear friend of mine. He gave me this as a token of friendship when he returned to Mirkwood. Ithink that you should have it now.... Here." Handing Kirri a beautifully shaped Pendant. Its shape was of a mallorn leaf.

08-06-2003, 12:32 AM
I see you got an avatar, Legoles! Do you know who she is?

08-06-2003, 12:46 AM
not exactly..... but I was thinking of using PowerGandalf, as my avatar. I decided that this one was better. CATALYST I belive is the name you sent me.

Arrgh, nintey-second rule!!!!

08-06-2003, 12:55 AM
Then you've never played Ocarana of Time or Majora's Mask???
Zelda games are some of the best in the galaxy. Okay, in the first N64 Zelda, there is a ranch. Living there is a girl named Malon. She grows up, and, after you save the world, you marry her.
In the second N64 Zelda, Mask of Majora, you are in an alternate universe. This includes almost every character, in a different life. One of these is Cremia, who looks exactly like Malon. Since you're a kid, however, she doesn't even notice you until you save her ranch and little sister from aliens. She is the owner of the ranch, and a very good wagon driver, and is fairly important to the game.

I'm sure that the whole explanation is very confusing for someone who's never played the game, but I have a hard time concieving of someone who hasn't. :p

08-06-2003, 12:56 AM
I've played it, but I did'nt get that far. adyway, I only have a ps2 and an Xbox

08-06-2003, 04:38 AM
Please stay on topic. If you want to discuss avatars and computergames, go to the proper threads.

08-07-2003, 12:06 AM
Nienna awoke with a start. As her eyes shot open she saw a figure clad in black staring at her. "Where is it." he mumbled. "Where is what?" Nienna asked confused. "The ring your mother and father gave you, where is it?" Nienna sat up slowly, her head pounding. "Why?" The man shot up on his feet, "Tell me where it is, NOW!" As he shouted, her head pounded even harder which made her wince. "No, if you want it so badly, you will tell me why." Nienna watched as he came forward and before she could responed, he hit her over the head with something blunt. Her head seemed to burst and the pain was so unbearable, she soon fell into unconciousness.

08-07-2003, 12:09 AM
Gladeiel said, "I'm waiting!"

Lady Arwen56
08-07-2003, 02:59 PM
I opened my hand, and Gladiel dropped the pendant into my palm. "Thank you." I whispered. "Now, call a meeting. Gladiel, Kalilae, come with us. We must form a group to find Nienna...and find out why my father was shot." I looked down at the ring on my pinkie finger, the one my father had given to me long ago, and suddenly, my heart leaped out of my chest. I think I had just figured out why.

08-07-2003, 03:30 PM
Gladeiel looked at her ring, wondering what made it so special. Her father had given it to her once she could handle bow and sword. She looked at it curiously, trying to figure it out but gave up because she was going to a meeting.

Lady Arwen56
08-07-2003, 03:55 PM
*An hour late at the Meeting*

I looked around nervously, my heart pounding. Gladiel touched my shoulder as if to give me reassurence, and my heart lessened a bit. I cleared my throat. "Alright, as you know, I have called you here for three certian reasons: One, who killed my father; Two, What made them kill him; and Three, my friend Nienna has been kidnapped." I said.

08-07-2003, 04:14 PM
"I was in the inn that he was killed in. The only one who could of done it was one of the King's gaurd. The king was killed by a black arrow of the Nazgul!"

Lady Arwen56
08-07-2003, 05:10 PM
"Unless...unless it wasn't a guard, but maybe an insider? A friend perhaps...?"

08-07-2003, 07:10 PM
With a groan, Nienna awoke and began to open her eyes. Though her sight was a blur, she could make out two figures. One of them was Suliarid and the other was the one that had kiddnapped her. With her head pounding even worse than before, she cautiously sat up, hoping they would not notice her. Suliarid and his companion did not notice her and continued to talk. "He is dead than?" the man spoke, "Yes, my lord. He is." Suliarid answered. A cold laugh came from the man's mouth. "Good...very good. Have you collected any of the rings?" After about a minute of silence, Suliarid said, "N...no. Not yet." The man's face became full of anger, "Find them! Now!" Nienna's head pounded at the sound of the shout which made her groan. They both turned to look at her. "How long have you been listening?" Suliarid questioned. "Long enough." she replied quietly. The man motioned Suliarid to go and once he had left, he said. "I supose you wish to know my name? Very well," he said not giving her enough time to answer, "I am Rannyn. Not heard of me have you? Good." Nienna tried to say something but her head hurt to much. Rannyn approached her and said something that she didn't catch. Slowly, and painfully, Nienna drifted off to sleep.

08-07-2003, 07:21 PM
"So, the King was assassinated. I don't know what I can do to help, but I will do so any way I can."
On an impulse, she put her bow down on the ground, and held out an arrow. "My bow is yours, Queen of Mirkwood."

Gulio, Strength of Many
08-07-2003, 08:02 PM
"As is my axe," Rorin said, bowing in Dwarf-fashion. He had been rather forgotten, the elves tend to easily forget people that aren't eye level. Nevertheless, he wished to help the new Queen of Mirkwood.

08-08-2003, 02:22 AM
"And my sword." taking a swift graceful bow she turned and went back to the shadows of the council room.
Very Lord of the ringish isnt it?

Lady Arwen56
08-08-2003, 11:33 AM
I smiled. "Thank you. Does anyone else wish to join, or shall it only be us four?"

Lady Arwen56
08-08-2003, 11:35 AM
ooc: Yes Legoles, That was more or less the point. :D
grr...you were right, by the way Legoles. 90 second rules suck!! lol.

08-08-2003, 09:20 PM
we need some hobbits on this quest!
name- elanor
race- hobbit
daughter of Samwise and Rosie Gamgee
eyes- brown
hair- brownish- blonde
weapon- short bow and elven knife

Elanor lay in a field of flowers in the south farthing. "elanor!" Sam cried from the garden at thier modest hobbit hole. She laid her book down and climbed upon her pony, Bill. She cantered past the Green Dragon and down the hill to her home. She tied Bill's reins to the fence post and walked into her garden. "Elanor, I need some help with the potatoes." Sam said giving her a watering can. "Father, I've been thinking of going to Rivendell." SShe said setting the pail down. "Only for a visit, I would love to see the elves." She said wistfully dreaming of the elf maidens and Lords. Sam put his old hand on her shoulder, "That would be wonderful," He said. She embraced him, "Thank you Father!" She said. They stood up and walked into the hobbit hole to pack her things.

08-08-2003, 09:45 PM
ooc: you have to give me a sec, i'm still in the shire! i'll hop right over to mirkwood in a flash

Elanor packed Bill and went on her way. She stopped at the old forest, 'Well here we go,' she thought to herself. She traveled 3 nights to bree and Stayed at the prancing pony, like her father. She wondered if she would run into Master Aragorm, Pippin's son at Rivendell. They were childhood friends, but he had ventured to rivendell a year ago. She Finally arrived in Rivendell and was accepted with hospitality.
ooc: i am trying to get there, so help me out! come to rivendell or something!

08-08-2003, 10:08 PM
ooc:yall got to wait for the hobbit!!! we need hobbits!

elanor woke the next morning in her room to find her friend Aragorn Took by her bed. "Aragorn!! I haven't seen you for a year!" She said hopping out of bed only to realize she still had her bed clothes on. Horibbly embarresed, she jumps under the covers and hides her blushed face. Aragorn just laughs. "You haven't changed Elanor!" He said standing up out of his chair. They sat and talked about the goings on of the shire and of Rivendell. "Lord Elrond is holding a small meeting about the tragety in MirkWood this evening, and he has invited you also." He said as he left her room. She sat wondering, 'Why would he want me to go to the council?'

08-08-2003, 10:17 PM
At the council, all faces were grave. After long speeches and customary doodah, Elrond spoke.

"I have called this council to discuss and inform about the tragedy that has befallen our kin. Legolas Greenleaf, King of Mirkwood, has been murdered."
A shocked murmer swept the room at this annoucement, dying away as Elrond continued.
"To help the new Queen of Mirkwood, I have elected to send a sizeable party of our elves to lend aid where they can. All who volunteer will be allowed to go, and will be provided with whatever they may need."

The talk turned to other matters, mainly on the assassination of the King, and what had been done about it, and what should be done, but soon the elves were on their way.

Ooc: It's as good a way as any to get to Mirkwood! ;)

08-08-2003, 10:26 PM
elanor was having a hard time understanding all the things they were talking about, but in the end, she knew what she wanted to do. The group of elves that were going stood and were about to leave when,
"I believe that a hobbit should also be sent on this quest!" She said standing up in front of all the eyes of the council. Feeling rather nervous she spoke, "My father was a good friend of Lord Legolas, and I would like to avenge his murder, on behalf of the shire." She said walking to the fellowship awaiting Elrond's aprooval.

08-08-2003, 10:32 PM
Meanwhile.....in Mirkwood.
"I belive that Lord Elrond is sending us a party of elves." Everyone looked at her in astonishment.
"How did you know this?" asked a tall male elf.
"I have the ability to read minds. Runs in my family."

08-08-2003, 10:39 PM
The elves and hobbit set forth from Rivendell. Elanor was forced to leave Bill in RivenDell because Elrond didn't believe that he would keep up with the fast elven horses. She sat uncomfotably on the hind end of Kalilae's horse. She sat and thought about the shire and her father when they camp to an abrutp stop.

ooc: ok guys, make it good

08-08-2003, 10:42 PM
Gladeiel ran out and saw the party. "See, I was right!" She then ran and greeted many different elves of different orgin and size, her gaze lingering over a particuarly short elf, then realized it's a hobbit."Hello Elanor, a long time passes since I last saw you."

08-08-2003, 11:11 PM
"hello!" She said reaching up to shake her hand. She looks around and sees many elves. One elf maiden, a princess, seemed extremely sad. That must be Kirra, Legolas' daughter. She made her way toward Kirra, "I'm sorry, Lady Kirra, I hope I can be of some help to you." She said bowing low.

08-08-2003, 11:14 PM
Gladeiel walked over to Elanor. She bent down and whispered to her "Elanor, please never tell Kirri my secret."

08-08-2003, 11:30 PM
elanor pulls Gladiel down to her level, "Its safe with me, friend!" Elanor walks with Gladiel and tells her the goings on of the Shire.

ooc: hey how do i know Gladiel?

08-09-2003, 12:02 AM
Don't worry about it. Gladiel knows or is related to everyone. :p

08-09-2003, 09:38 AM
Elanor walked and talked with the elves, which was exremely hard because she had to yell and practically run, but she made do. "So, when do we have eleventies around here, because it is clearly half past eleven o' clock." She said, half expecting a laden table to appear by some elf magic. They were clearly not going to eat anytime soon. One pitiful elf slipped her a wafer of lembas bread. 'A cracker? They have got to be kidding me!"

Lady Arwen56
08-09-2003, 11:59 AM
A group of elves, and a hobbit arrived just as our meeting ended. Gladiel had already predicted they would come though.

ooc: We have some hobbits, my friend Adrian Baggins is a girl named Sandy, and then there is her two brothers. But nevertheless, we could always use more short ppl. lol j/k. I like hobbits. Their cool. Awinionen, we need to let you contact us somehow, got any ideas???

ic: Everyone began talking, some laughing after finding their friends that they hadn't seen in years, others beggining to cry about my father. I couldn't take all this noise.
I suddenly shouted "Stop!" And took off into the woods. Everyone stared at me, until I had disappeared into the thick of the trees.

I tripped on the outstretched limb of a tree, and fell to my knees, tears rushing down my cheeks. "Why?" She said outloud. "Why father? Why'd you have to leave me! I mean, I'm not cut out to be the Queen of Mirkwood!!" I put my head in my hands, and cried until nightfall, and even then, I didn't move from my spot.

08-10-2003, 09:43 PM
Elanor saw the distressed maiden run into the woods, 'Quite sad, I hope the elves can do something for her.' she thought as she finished her lembas bread. She watched the elves talk and cry, "Gladiel?" she asked pulling her friend's garmet "What are we going to do now?"

08-11-2003, 12:00 AM
Kalilae followed her half sister, and sat down silently beside her. After a time, she spoke, softly and slowly.
"I... I never knew him.
My mother died when I was very little, defending our land against Melkor. Gandalf said that he never saw Legolas so sad and angry as when he learned that Kalile was among the dead.
But I know that his expression was the same the day your mother died."
"I remember him coming, once, when I was very small. Gandalf had care of me then, and he came. I knew he was an important visitor, and I only saw him from a distance. I think I knew he was my father, but it didn't register, somehow, and he hadn't even come to see me, but was just passing through.
But that night, I remember half waking when a blanket was put over me, and I saw him there, crying in a glow of candle light. Later I knew that he was crying for the future that would never be.
Now I realize that he was crying for you, and for me, and maybe for the whole world."
Kalilae realized that she was crying too, and sniffed softly. She had never told anyone, not even Gandalf.
"I don't know why I'm telling you this. I guess... I guess I just want to say that I'm sorry, and that our father was a good King, and the best father he could be."

08-11-2003, 12:05 AM
Oh, Legoles asked me to post for her too.

Ic: Gladiel nibbled on some lembas, and answered her friend. "Are you sure you wish to come with us?" After Elanor nodded her assention, she continued.
"We must go to find the King's assassins. They have also kidnapped an elf, and we must rescue her at all costs. It will be very dangerous. Are you sure that you still wish to come?"

Ooc: Erm... about the dramatics in the last post. Sometimes, when I'm writing for a character, even though I'm typing, it becomes real for me and I respond accordingly. My characters are real people to me, and sometimes I get a little... intense. :o

Lady Arwen56
08-11-2003, 12:11 AM
"I'm sorry... listen...I'm not exactly the perfect person for Queen. I mean, the level responabilty is horrific, I loved my father very much, and it never crossed my mind, not even once that he could die, or for that matter, be murdered...I mean...who would do such a thing? He's never been exactly hated around here." I whispered.
"And to make things worse, now my only friend has disappeared!"

08-11-2003, 12:14 AM
"That's why we're going to get her. Your father must have done or had something that was very important to someone. Perhaps when we find your friend, we'll be able to extract some revenge, no?"

Gulio, Strength of Many
08-11-2003, 12:19 AM
Rorin shifted uncomfortably. He wanted to comfort the young elf, but knew that he couldn't. He turned to the hobbit that had recently joined their company. "Hello, I am Rorin," he said. "What brought you to Mirkwood?"

08-11-2003, 12:37 AM
Nienna sat next to a tree with her head hung. She had not the strength to move since she had not eaten or had a drink for a while. Looking over at Rannyn, she saw him eating and drinking all that he pleased. Everynow and then he would look in her direction and smile. His smile brought more pain than she had ever experienced before. "Tell you what," he said, "You help me to, oh say, get to the Lady of Mirkwood. And I will give you anything you want." He added biting into an apple. Nienna said nothing and did not move. She pretended not to hear him. Rannyn just shrugged and continued to eat. "Tell me if you change your mind." He said grimly. A sudden pain began to increases in Nienna's side and she groaned. She heard Rannyn laugh a bit and stare at her while in pain."Hmm? Change your mind?" Nienna looked at him shaking. "No. I will never help you." She said quietly. After that, the silence was so thick, you could cut it with a knife.I have to get out of here. And quick.

08-11-2003, 02:23 PM
Elanor followed the dwarf into what seemed to be an inn. 'I wonder if the ale is as good as the green dragon's, I am fretfully stressed and would like a quick drink' she thought to herself. She climed to a table with dwarves. She ordered a drink, it was warm and made her feel comfortable, like she was at home, "Another please!" She said handing the dwarf her empty glass. By the time of her seventh pint she decided there was need of a song. She sloppily climbed to the top of the table, "Ahem, now I believe you dwarves are in need of some entertainent!" She said with a slur.
Now Bifur, Bombur, and Bofur,
were as tidy as can be,
Thier beards were tied in neat plaids,
In neat plaids of three.

But when food came,
At the table, they took thier places,
And when food came, they of course,
Of course, they stuffed thier faces!

Bombur was a chubby fellow,
And ate, and drank and smoke,
But after dinner, were he sat,
The bench, oh yes, it broke!

"ha, ha!" she laughed as she bowed before her audience. "Why thank you!" she said. "Oh, yes and the ale was tremendous!" She yelled to the dwarf sitting near. She climbed down and went out of the inn singing. Then dropped to the floor, asleep.

Lady Arwen56
08-11-2003, 03:21 PM
Kalilae and I sat down together, talking softly. "Kalilae, I think I may know what they were after." I said shakily. Kalilae turned to me. "I think...I think maybe it was this." I showed her the ring, and she frowned.
It was glowing tremendiously, like the light of a star. Put it away! Said a voice from inside her head. "Nienna???" She said aloud.

08-11-2003, 04:17 PM
"no really, I am much to worn out for another song, I'm sorry." She mumbled to herself in her sleep. "Well, master dwarf if you insist," she said and began to hum a tune, off key. She was startled by Gladiel, "Oh, my friend, you missed my song!" she said in a half drunken voice. Gladiel led her to a bed and Elanor fell asleep humming her tune

08-11-2003, 04:37 PM
Nienna heard her name called from a distance. Her ring began to glow brightly. Now or never. She stood quietly and backed away. As she turned around someone grabbed her by the arm. "Don't even try Nienna." The voice belonged to Suliarid. As he shoved her down on the ground, he awoke Rannyn. "So you tried to run did you? Tsk Tsk Tsk." He said, his voice cold. "Suliarid tells me your ring was glowing, was it not? Perhaps the others are near. The time I believe has come." Nienna was confused, "What do you mean 'the time'?" At this, Rannyn gave a laugh and turned around not bothering to answer her question. As he spoke with Suliarid, Nienna stood up again. Quietly she backed into the darkness. Soon, she heard Rannyn's voice, "Find her! Now!" Taking this as her cue, Nienna ran. Soon, a sharp pain hit her in the arm. She looked down to see a dagger had been thrown. Luckily, it was not deep though it took away most of the little strength she had. Determined not to let them find her, Nienna continued to run just as fast. Soon, the pain was too much and she fell to her knees. Everything seemed to be spinning and she soon fell into shadow.

08-11-2003, 06:05 PM
"Oh, dear." Elanor woke with a sharp pain in her head. "That ale was beautiful!" She said with a sigh. "Oh, my, I must have made a fool of myself, but I can't help from saying that I am rather proud of that little song, hope I didn't offend any dwarf." She muttered. She slowly stood and walked into the forest. "Hullo!" She creid. "Where is evryone?"

08-11-2003, 11:24 PM
"Is that... a ring of Power? I thought that they were lost or destroyed! Evidently not all of them." Kalilae stopped thinking aloud when she heard "Nienna?" and stared.
"Nienna is the friend you have lost?" Suddenly something jammed itself into the elf's mind.
"Your ring! Hide it! Gandalf told me that the Rings can be used to find eachother, and unless I'm greatly mistaken, your friend has a Ring." She waited, hoping to be told that this Nienna had no jewelry, or at least no rings...

08-12-2003, 02:01 AM
Nienna was asleep but her heart was awake. In a vortex of shadow a figure stepped towards her. "Hide it. Hide it." The figure pointed towards her. "Awaken and hide it!" With a jolt, Nienna awoke and saw someone bending over her. "Hide your Ring, and quickly!" Nienna put the ring in her cloak and stared at the man leaning over her. "My name is Lykren and I am sorry, but I must leave, do not move until someone comes for you. Make sure the ring is no where in sight." With that, Lykren was gone leaving Nienna alone.

Lady Arwen56
08-12-2003, 02:12 AM
I suddenly felt connected to Nienna, like I could feel her. I gasped as she dropped to her knees in pain, and turned to my half sister. "Yes, she has a ring." I whispered. Nienna?? Nienna, can you hear me? I asked her, concentrating.

08-12-2003, 04:49 PM
Nienna?? Nienna, can you hear me? Nienna turned around at the sound of a voice. Lady Kirri? Where are you? For some reason, she thought the words rather then speaking them. Her ring began to glowed brighter as she looked in the direction she thought she heard something. Slowly, and painfully, Nienna stood and bagan to walk in that direction.Stay put! Lykren's voice came about into her mind. A surge of pain shot through her body and Nienna fell to the ground with a small cry. I told you to stay put! My healing will not last if you use your strength to move. Nienna leaned against a tree and waited silently.

08-12-2003, 05:18 PM
can we be two people? pluleeze!!!!

08-12-2003, 07:27 PM
is this rpg still moving!!! or am i just impatient

08-13-2003, 12:51 AM
where are you? *searches for new doom peoples* she stoops weeping for her dear friends that got lost in a black hole in cyberspace.

08-13-2003, 01:21 AM
*And suddenly, in a blaze of light, a potato sack...er elf comes blazing out of the blck hole to the tune of bad music*

Tah Dah!

Sure, be two people. I really have nothing to say right now. :p

08-13-2003, 01:31 AM
*grabs Kalile's ankle and ties it to her own* that better!!
ok I think i'll be that elf dude that Lady wanted someone to be at the begining, i just need some new charactars. ok lady arwen, give me a boost!

Rhys rode his horse through the forest, "Lady Kirri!" He called in his clear voice. He came to her and another elf. "Hello, Lady Kirri, I have been looking for you, I- the council was wondering where you were." He said leaping fro his horse.

alrighty then, i need some serius help, hit rpg block

Lady Arwen56
08-14-2003, 12:44 AM
I turned to face Rhys. "How'd you find us, and where have you been??" I asked.

08-14-2003, 10:30 PM
"I have been looking for you all day." He said.

08-15-2003, 12:16 AM
"Who is this?" Kalilae's warrior instincts had taken over and she already was drawing her bow. She didn't relax just yet, however.

08-15-2003, 02:00 PM
"Lower your bow, good elf. I am the captian of Lady Kirra's army." He said, "I will not bring harm to you."

08-15-2003, 02:04 PM
Elanor walked through the forest toward voices. She recognised Lady Kirri's voice. "Oh, hello, Lady Kirri!" She said bowing to the elf maiden. They ignored her. "Ahem, hello there!" se said tugging on her garments. "I'm sorry to bother you, but I thought I was lost." She said. Suddenly she realized there was another elf with them, "Oh, hello, Elanor Gamgee at your service." She said bowing low

Lady Arwen56
08-15-2003, 07:10 PM
"Ah, nice to see you, Elanor. Kalilae, calm yourself, Rhys speaks truth. Why were you looking for me, Rhys?" I asked.

08-16-2003, 12:21 AM
"Um, the council was holding a, um, council. They requested your presence, and asked me to find you." He said. "You are a very valuble elf, Lady." He said with a cunning smile.

Lady Arwen56
08-16-2003, 08:14 AM
"Have we not already been to that council, Kalilae, or Rhys, was there perhaps another?" I asked, turning to my half sister. I suddenly remembered Nienna, and paused my talking.
Nienna, if you are there, please, oh please at least answer me?

08-17-2003, 03:20 PM
ooc: again i am a confused little hobbit,

"I do not know, they just said that they were having a council and they needed you." He said offering his hand to help her on the horse.

ooc2: he's good! real good!

Lady Arwen56
08-17-2003, 03:30 PM
ooc: You are confused aren't you? lol.

ic: "Well," I sighed. "Come on Kalilae, maybe they'll have something interesting to say." I muttered to my sister, taking Rhys' hand as he helped me off my horse.

08-17-2003, 07:23 PM
"What about me, Lady Kirri?" Elanor asked runnig after the elves. "I am not quite sure what to do." She said.

08-18-2003, 12:40 PM
She heard a great deal of noise coming from her ring. She tried clasping her hands over her ears, but to no avail. She suddenly wanished from sight.

Gulio, Strength of Many
08-18-2003, 01:02 PM
ooc: Um...very confused:confused:

08-18-2003, 02:54 PM
Nienna waited for Lykren to return. Soon she heard a queit rustle telling her he had. "I thought I told you to stay put." he said grimly. "You did, but I became impaitent. I have to tell the others what I know. Lady Kirri..." Lykren cut her off, " Stop worrying about Lady Kirri. Let us focus now on what is happening." Nienna gave him a confused look. "What is happening?" Lykren sighed, "They didn't tell you, did they?" Nienna looked him in the eye, "Didn't tell me what?" She asked slowly. Lykren grabbed her hand that held her ring. "This is all about your ring. And the other's. It is a ring of Power. Not quite like the One," he added as her eyes widened. "but it still holds power. Rannyn is seeking them, all his thought is bent on it. You see, he sent Suliarid out to kill the King because he thought that the King held it." Nienna nodded, "But his daughter, Lady Kirri did!" Lykren nodded with a sigh, "The king's murder was of no cause but that did not stop them. As you went to find your father, your ring bgan to glow. That is why Suliarid captured you. The rings then brought you and Lady Kirri together seeing as she has on too." After a short pause Nienna said slowly, "So...they must be...destroyed. Before Rannyn gets them." Lykren nodded slowly. "That is why I came, to tell you this. Now, stay here and..." It was Nienna's turn to cut him off, "No! If he is seeking this for evil, we cannot wait I will go now. You warn the others about it." She stood. Lykren stood as well. "Do not stop, he will chase you. I will catch up will you later. Good bye, till we meet again." Lykren ran off into the shadows and Nienna set off.

08-19-2003, 01:21 AM
Kalilae relaxed visibly, but underneath remained poised, even on the horse behind her half sister, for her warrior instincts viewed everyone strange as a potential threat.
Though she lowered her bow, and slung it across her back, it remained strung, and an arrow remained loose in the quiver.

A whistling noise flew past Kalilae's head, ruffling her short hair. Without thinking, she threw herself forward, knocking Kirri half off the horse, and making the saddle slide almost underneath the beast, so that one moment Kirri sat up straight, the next moment she was looking up at part of the horse's belly.
Another arrow was already flying before Kalilae pushed her half sister away. With a grunt of pain, Kalilae slid off the other side of the horse, drawing her bow with great difficulty. Even as she knocked an arrow, others flew into the forest from Rhys and other elves who had just seen what happened.
Kalilae dropped her bow, and concentrated on remaining concious for a moment.

08-19-2003, 02:20 PM
Rhys lept from his horse and to Kalilae's side. "Kalilae!" He said searching her wound, (I am supposing you got shot) He lifted her on the horse, "Noro lim!" he spoke, and the horse set for the city. "Are you okay, Lady Kirri?" He asked, pulling her up from the ground.

08-19-2003, 08:55 PM
oooh, I like being invisible, I can kill things and they cant hear or smell me. COOOOOL!
"uggh, what happened?" she was laying sprawled on the forest canopy, no one was near her, and no one seemed to be here. She put up her hand, but didn't see it. She thought about what she had said before she blacked out."Uh.... I wish I was visable again." Suddenly she saw her hand swim back into focus. Okay now for the horse. she gave an extremely loud whistle, and waited. It seemed to take hours, but really it was only minutes. A horse came galloping into veiw, Seafoam, her steed. She ran back into town looking for Lady Kirri. "have you seen Lady Kirri?"
"Why yes, she was on the back of a horse and went into the palace, Why do you ask?"
"Oh just worried about my friend," She galloped off to the palace, said a password, and got inside. She parked her horse at the stable and ran into the palace. She flashed her ring as a sign of peace and ran on, as each gaurd chased her. She ran to the palace infirmary, and shot through the open doors. "Is she okay?"

08-20-2003, 12:20 AM
Well, see that's the thing about invisibility. If you run through a puddle, people will know where you are by the sounds of splashing, and the droplets flying. Same applies to leaves or even stone and marble floor, if you're not careful.
If you've just rolled in a compost heap, or if someone has dogs that know your scent, they'll still be able to find you.
And, of course, if someone runs into you, they'll know something's there.

Yes, I got shot. It seems that I'm always getting shot. I guess I'm just too damn self sacrificing. ;)

Ic: "Gladiel?" Kalilae sat up, startled, then winced. "Yeah, I'm okay. I'm a warrior; I have leather and thick padding backing my shirt. It wasn't enough to stop the arrow, but it certainly slowed the little bugger."
The elf's face grew sober, and when she spoke again, her voice was thick with urgency.
"The healers wouldn't let me talk, said that I needed care. But I need to tell someone. That wasn't bandits or even people who don't like the government and decide to kill people in high office.
If it was, they wouldn't have been using poisoned arrows.
Someone was targeting the Queen for her ring, I know it. I saw the arrow as it was pulled out of my side. In fact, I mostly pulled it myself. The arrow was the same as the ones that killed my mother. They even had the same poison. Someone wants that ring badly, and I fear for my half sister. Promise me that even if I don't recover that you will keep her safe."

08-20-2003, 01:22 AM
"You know not of my secret. I would sacrifice my own life for her!"
"Secret, what secret?"
"Umm, I can't mention this in public so...." she bends down and whispers something in her ear.

08-20-2003, 11:08 AM
Elanor ran in the direction she thought that the infirmary was in. The gaurds let her in after a bit of explaining and she was led into the infirmary. "Oh, thank goodness!" she said running to her friends. "I have been lookig for you Galdeiel!" She said hugging her friend. "I was lost in the forest, then I found Lady Kirri, Kalilae and a rather handsome elf captain, then I saw the horrid ordeal with Kalilae." She said looking at her friend. "Now I am here." She said plopping to the floor. "And I need a good rest, and a good meal, or two." She said as she sat thinking of crupmets and tea.

08-20-2003, 01:33 PM
G-l-a-d-e-i-e-l, please spell name right....

08-20-2003, 03:58 PM
oh, sorry, bad typing, again, Gladeiel.

08-20-2003, 06:09 PM
Thanks Pip. :D now, where were we???!?!?!??! Ah yes.
"A meal sounds good, and a good strong malt whiskey could ease that buzzing in my head....... actually it'd probably knock me out. I could use some rest." Looking at her torn robes, "Some new clothes too!"

08-21-2003, 06:04 PM
Lykren quietly snuck to the group. Well this definently isn't a good time, he thought seeing as they had just been attacked. Oh well, they have to know somehow. Lykren casually walked out of the shadows to the group hoping they wouldn't kill him. At least before he told them what he knew.

Gulio, Strength of Many
08-21-2003, 07:01 PM
ooc: Not as confused anymore. Can reply now:D

ic: Rorin saw movement in the shadows. "You had better show yourself," he said to the person in the shadows, "Or I'll have to kill you."

08-21-2003, 08:24 PM
Are you in the infirmary, or not? If so, my person cranes her neck to see wha'ts going on. If not, she falls asleep.

08-21-2003, 10:14 PM
Lykren stepped out and put his hands up, "Now, before you try and kill me or suspect something of me, I was not the one who attacked you. That would be the same that captured," He looked at Kirri, "your friend. Nienna. I know where she is and she is safe. I must tell you something....how many of you have jewlery, perferably rings?"

Gulio, Strength of Many
08-21-2003, 11:17 PM
Rorin wasn't sure that he should tell the stranger anything. After all, he thought, Sauron is destroyed. What would it matter if I had one of the Seven?

08-21-2003, 11:19 PM
"oh, well I've got a pretty little ring that my fiance Aragorn gave to me, but other than that I don't have any jewelry." She said pulling the ring off her finger and handing it to him.

ooc: umm, don't know if this is ring of power or just a little engagement ring, you chose. it could be a ring of power engagment ring, but aewionen can decide

08-21-2003, 11:20 PM
"I do," Kailae offered tentatively,"but I don't think it's magic. It's just a red gold ring fashioned like overlapping ivy leaves. It was given to my mother by Legolas, my father."

Ooc: Hey Legoles, the ring sound familiar?
Hint: It's from Dragonlance

Gulio, Strength of Many
08-21-2003, 11:26 PM
Rorin sighed. Everyone else trusted the stranger, so he pulled his ring off his finger. "I have one of the Seven. Sauron thought it destroyed, but my people hid it from him. My father gave it to me."

08-22-2003, 12:25 AM
Lykren nodded and looked at the rings. "There are more," he said quietly, "Nienna has one as well. All of those who hold them are in great danger. A powerful sorceror, Rannyn, is seeking them thinking he will rule Middle Earth if he has them all. He got a tip from his lacky Suliarid, who told him that Nienna's father gave her one. He also told Rannyn about the King having one. They didn't know he had given it to his daughter and the only thing they could do to get it was to murder him. When Sulairid found that King Legolas did not have the ring, he went after Nienna." Lykren stopped not knowing how much he should tell. He handed them back there rings, "Does any one else have a ring?"

08-22-2003, 11:06 AM
Oh dear! This could be very dangerous, oh, how I do wish I was at home! she thought to herself. "What are we going to do?" She asked trying not to show she was terrified, but it didn't work. Her knees were shaking and she felt faint.

08-22-2003, 02:58 PM
"I have one." Gladeiel said. "If you do not trust me, watch carefully." She drew the ring off her necklace chain, and put it on her middle finger. Then she disappeared.
Everyone: "Hey, wher'd she go?"
Gladeiel walked behing Lykren, took off the ring, and put it back on her necklace chain. She poked him in the back with her index finger."Hello, Lykren."

08-22-2003, 03:43 PM
'Oh, my' Elanor thought. 'Now my friends are dissapearing, my little ring that I have had for years, is a ring of power, oh, dear.' She sat on the bed. "I am afraid I do not understand." She said feeling as if she was the only one who didn't know what was going on.

08-22-2003, 10:04 PM
Lykren turned to find Gladeiel standing behind him. "Right," he said quietly, "Well, I have to be going. I am supposed to meet up with Nienna soon. I will take her to an inn, The Dragon's Tooth. If you wish to come as well, we will wait for you. If not," Lykren paused, "Be carefull." He turned to go back into the forest hopeing Nienna hadn't stopped.

08-23-2003, 06:27 PM
"I'm coming!"

Lady Arwen56
08-24-2003, 01:18 AM
ic: I slowly got away from the others, rushing into the forest, my head pounding with thoughts. I let out an exasperated cry as I fell to the forest floor, someone, or something gripping my ankle tightly.

ooc: :) Same thing as with my last RPGS. Heres a review: School, dull boring, sorry I didn't get to post until now. That's it. :( :)

08-24-2003, 02:40 AM
I'm starting a magnet high school that the bus leaves at 5:30 am, and comes back 3:30 pm, and I have soccer and honors Geometry, Biology, and English. My major is violin, and I have piano as my elective, and I'm trying to keep my room clean, and teach myself to juggle, walk on my hands and do cartwheels and the like, and skateboard. (Boy, when I write it down, it seems daunting... :( )
Starting Monday I won't be posting as much either. Oh well, time to make some friends that I know what color their hair and eyes are! :p

Lady Arwen56
08-24-2003, 02:44 AM
ooc: If you read my profile, you would know what I look like. :).
real description:
Long brown hair with red streaks, and bright ice blue eyes. :)

08-24-2003, 09:45 PM
I look rather like a hobbit, save the pinty ears and hairy feet, I am really, really, short, brown eyes, long curly dark brown hair, glasses, I have biology this year, but I don't know what grade you are in kalile, I'm in da 8th, first day of school tomorrow, ick, algebra 1, nasty booger. I would put a pic of myself on, but i don't want to shock you all with my amazing beauty! lol, 'brushes hairy, hobbit toes'

08-24-2003, 09:50 PM
Nienna walked into the Dragon's Tooth and waited to Lykren to come. Quietly she went and sat down in the back. She had a feeling something was not right. A man from across the inn looked at her coldly. The blank stare made the hair on her neck crawl. I hope Lykren gets here soon.

08-27-2003, 12:18 AM
Kalile, Cartwheels are not that difficult to understand.... O'll teach ya next time I see ya!!

08-29-2003, 11:35 PM
Well, I already learned how, lol. :D And we don't get biology or Algebra until the ninth grade. :( I just got high school credit for my eigth grade Algebra Honors class because I'm smart.
heehee, I'm so special. And blonde. With HUGE blue eyes. Aren't I sexy? :p


Ic: Kalilae sighed as everyone left, put back on her ring, and sank into fevered sleep.

A girl that Kalilae had never seen, but knew was the Nienna that everyone was worried about, sat at a table. Several streets away, Lyken walked toward the Dragon's Tooth. Outside the inn, people waited in the shadows, waiting for someone.... for someone... for...Lyken...no...for
Kalilae awoke with a start, wrenched herself from her bedcovers, and staggered out of the door.
"Lyken! Where is he?"
"He left. You need to stay here, that was a nasty bit of poison!"
Kalilae broke into a run, using precious resources to get past the doctors and out into the streets.
"Lyken!" the poison throbbed in Kalilae's veins. She had to get to him before...