View Full Version : The Peophecy
08-14-2003, 01:53 AM
I'm going to steal a plot from a book and change it a little. :D
A group of elves was brought to believe that they were the true masters in middle earth, and that all others should be ruled by them. More and more of the elves joined this group, until they were able to take the world without much effort.
That was thousands of years ago, even longer than the oldest elf can remember. Since then, the strong elves have ruled the weaker elves and their human and dwarfen and hobbit slaves. Personal duels between the powerful Houses are settled by human or dwarfen gladiators, with never a drop of elvish blood spilled. The powerful houses are made so through trade, or, more often, how magically powerful they are. Those elves without much magic are overseers, constantly working for their Lords. The Elf Lords rule everything, killing slaves with no more thought than they would breathe, and carefully monitering the number of half elf babies born, for they are often the most powerful mages, and may threaten the rule of Elves.
Outside of Elven influence live the Dragons. The dragons aren't happy with the state of things, but they can't do anything except cause political mishcheif while in human, dwarven, halfling or elfin form.
In recent years there has risen a prophecy that tells of the possible downfall of the elves.
There will come a force of great power, a force for the elves to fear. They will fight an epic war, the likes of which this world has never seen. They will be led by a half-dragon girl, bearing the sword of sages, and her forces will each have a part of the Globe of Power, won hard from many dangers.
I will be the half dragon, 'cause I'm bossy like that. :D
Name: Alaransiya (Alara)
Race: Half dragon, half elf
Hair: Shoulder length, Auburn, and wavy
Eyes: Bright emerald green
General Appearance: Alara is tall and of generous figure, despite the slim waist and small feet of a half elf. She wears only a simple tunic of dragon skin, shed in pieces by the dragons, almost to her knees.
Weapons:There weren't many functioning weapons to be had at a dragon's lair, in spite of the many glittering treasures. Alara spent many laborious weeks crafting a sword out of obsidian, and attatching it to one of the jeweled hilts in her mother's lair, and a bow from the stunted trees around the cliffs. Her arrows are tipped with diamond.
Alara felt the wind in her hair, rushing away all fears, doubts, even many thoughts. Dragon riding was such a pleasure, even when hunting. Spying a shape moving through the desert, Alara instructed her mother to fly down lower, but not low enough to spook it. She readied an arrow, drew.... and gasped.
"Mother, it's a person!" She knew of humans and elves from the small town that chose to eke out an existance in the desert, hoping that the elves never found them.
08-14-2003, 10:25 PM
I wanna be evil! I really shouldn't be anything, but you are the all powerful Kalile and I am drawn to your forum, so I am the evil elf queen!
name- Niliana
race- evil elf queen
gender- duh
hair- Golden blonde (yes, blonde, don't want my charactar to be like every other dark elf. no offy, *hugs legoles*
eyes- piercing dark brown
appearence- dark blue dress, small tiara on head with dark blue stone set in the middle.
other- I am evil I tell you! EVIL!
Niliana stood on the balcony watching her slaves work the ground by her tower. A halfling servant brought a small silver tray with a glass of wie on it. "M'lady," it said offerig her the glass. "Did I tell you that you could speak, weakling?" She asked turning to him. He quickly shook his head. "No, I didn't." She said taking the glass. The halfling run out of the room. She sat in her chair and watched the sun climb into the sky.
08-15-2003, 12:14 AM
Well, these elves aren't exactly dark elves... they're misguided. :p
No, really, though, they've just been brought up as the masters and many view humans as primitive animals that they need not be kind to. They also like ruling, though.
We still need a few evil people like you!!! :D
08-15-2003, 02:05 PM
ok, but my misguided life has brught me to be evil!!! Evil! ok, sorry, but evil can be fun!
Gulio, Strength of Many
08-15-2003, 02:27 PM
I shall join too. Btw Kalile what book is the plot based on?
Name: Rhoran
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Appearance: Rhoran is very tall, with sea-grey eyes and reddish-brown hair. He almost always wears a dark green cloak. His ring has a hawk on it, which is his symbol.
Other Stuff: Rhoran is the leader of a resistance against the ruling elves. So far he hasn't been able to do much more then cause minor irritation, but he has something big in the works...;)
Rhoran gazed out over the desert. The pitiful existance of the people here were nothing compared to those taken by the elves. He turned to his friend, "The governor of Varfleet had a bit of a surprise."
"What did you do this time?" his friend asked.
"I sent him a bottle of perfume for his wife," Rhoran replied. "But alas, I accidentally out it in too fragile of a bottle, so when the governor picked it up, he broke it." he smiled, "And to make matters worse, I, quite accidentally of course, got the perfume mixed up with Skunk Oil." Rhoran burst out laughing, "I wonder how long it will be before he can get the smell out!"
08-15-2003, 08:06 PM
A very good book called Elvenbane, by Andre Norton and Mercades Lackey. (You can tell it's good because the authors are good seperately: together they're pretty damn good!)
08-15-2003, 10:47 PM
I'll join! Can I be two people?
Name: Melia
Race: Men
From: Gondor
Gender: Female
Appearance: Melia has black hair that goes to her elbows. Her eyes are a dark hazel color andshe has a dark golden tan. She wears a silvery dress with saphirre designs along the border and a star in the middle. This is usually covered by a cloak the same color as her eyes with which she can blend in with her surroundings.
Weapons: Sword and small axe.
Compainions: Her horse, Saleen, and a husky pup, Aeldar.
Other: Is part of the resistance thingy....yeah.
Name: Rhiddyn
Gender: Man
Hair: Dark brown
Companions: His horse, Arddian, and falcon, Talarn.
Weapons: Sword and bow with 3 hidden daggers.
Other: Is again part of the resistance thing.
08-15-2003, 11:37 PM
Alright! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
Who is going to volunteer to be out in the desert for me to find?
08-15-2003, 11:46 PM
"Oh, dear, that will never come out!" Niliana said holding her nose. "But tis a good thing I didn't cme to use that purfume!" She said with a smirk. She sent her husband off to change his garments. "Probably work of those pitiful men trying to throw down my throne, with skunk oil." She laughed to herself.
Lady Arwen56
08-16-2003, 10:37 AM
I'll join!!
Name: Alliwin (Alli for short)
Age: 22
Race: Men (Theres a first time for everything lol)
Occupation: Warrior
Gender: F
Weapons: Daggers, a blade, Terren
Description: Long, waist lenght honey blonde hair, bright ice blue eyes, she is very beautiful, slender, and tall.
Personality: Calm, very spirited, short tempered.
Animals: Her daemon Alexiel, (Cloud Leopard) And her horse Panawin.
Alliwin sat down on the edge of the rock, her eyes bloodshot, and her feet aching. She had been walking three days without rest to find this town in the middle of the dry desert, and now that she had found it, she was in need dire of some rest, no matter how small it may be.
She stood up again, her daemon at her heels, and headed off closer to the village. Her friend waited for her there, and he was probley growing incredibly impatient.
Gulio, Strength of Many
08-16-2003, 07:58 PM
ooc: I thought I was already in the desert....
ic: Rhoran saw a bedraggled figure with a leopard headed for the city. That can only be one person, he thought. He ran out to his friend, "Alli!" he said joyfully, "I thought you'd never make it. Hello Alexiel," he patted the snow lepard on the head. "Come, you must be tired. I'll get you a bed, bath, and food!" he lead Alliwin into the city.
Lady Arwen56
08-16-2003, 08:05 PM
"Thank you my dear friend for your hospitality, I have traveled three days and nights looking for this place with no sleep. I am glad to have finally..." Alliwin looked into the eyes of her friend Rhoran, and blacked out, tiredness finally wiping her out.
Gulio, Strength of Many
08-16-2003, 08:09 PM
Rhoran smiled slightly. He carried his friend to his home and laid her in his bed. He then left for his study to prepare for a large strike on the elves that so mercilessly ruled this land.
Lady Arwen56
08-16-2003, 08:12 PM
Allwin awoke the next morning, only to find Rhoran sitting in a chair, his back to her. She stood up, and walked over to him, lightly touching his shoulder.
08-16-2003, 08:26 PM
Rhiddyn leaned back against a tree on a hill watching the small village awake and get ready for the day. When he heard his name called, he sighed and walked over to where the voice came from. "What is it this time Jaruul?" Rhiddyn smiled as his young friend looked at him with a distressed look on his face. Jaruul was around 8 years old and usually had something to worry about and for some reason he had always called on Rhiddyn. "Have you ever heard the story when this one girl was sad and Athena turned her into an almond tree? If I get sad, will I turn into an almond tree too?" Rhiddyn laughed as he bent down to look Jaruul in the eye, "No, Jaruul. That is just an old wives tale, a myth. It didn't really happen." Jaruul gave a sigh of relief. "Oh, good." And with that, he happily skipped off and continued to play with his friends. "Crazy kid." Rhiddyn said with another laugh as he headed off to see his friend.
08-16-2003, 10:14 PM
Niliana sat in her quarters with her husband, who had freshly cleaned clothes. "Dear, I was thinking, a few of the men have dissappeared." She said. "I don't worry about them, but where could they go? It is nothing but desert for miles." She said, taking this thought and pondering it. She stood and looked out the window. "There are alot of them," She said with a hint of disappointment in her voice.
Lady Arwen56
08-17-2003, 10:58 AM
ooc: Kalile, don't be like Adrian and only post a few times out of your entire RPG!! Say something!! lol. O___o o____o o___O
Lady Arwen56
08-17-2003, 03:40 PM
ooc: Alright you bunch of nitwits, get with the program!! lol. j/k. :D
08-17-2003, 04:19 PM
ooc: hey I'm stuck up in an evil fortress watching some stupid slaves, what else do you want me to do? *wink*:D
Lady Arwen56
08-17-2003, 04:21 PM
ooc: I don't know! But do something!! GRR!! My damned character is stuck on pause until Gulio gets back!!!
08-17-2003, 07:20 PM
ooc: o then, hmmm, thinking
Niliana woke one morning to find her room trashed. Everything was upside-down. It looked lik someone was trying to find something, but she didn't know what. "Help me!" she cried out hoping someone would come and help her out of the mess. Her maid came running in. "What happened?" She asked her. The maid just shrugged her shoulders. "Go find my husband, now!" She said as the little maid scrurried ut of the room.
08-17-2003, 11:35 PM
look in the enchanted river, ther'ese is my charachter.
A girl with long black hair, black shirt, black pants and a black cloak that is red on the underside was sitting on a rock in the middle of the desert. She was dying of hunger and thirst, and had taken off her cloak because she was so hot. Suddenly she saw a person in the middle of the desert. She ran tword it, tripped, and blacked out.
08-17-2003, 11:57 PM
I couldn't say anything! No one except Legoles wanted to be out in the desert for me to find! Rest assured, though, that I was keeping track of everything.
Ic: Alara fairly vaulted off of her mother's back, (Got to give her a name... Jenora. That's good) Curious to see the person lost in the desert.
"She must be almost dead from the heat," Jenora commented worriedly,"do you think that she's an escaped slave?"
"I don't know, but we'd better get her to the settlement."
Alara hoisted the girl onto the dragon's back, and they took off, flying to the settlement.
When they arrived, both dragon and dragon rider were swarmed by people, because they weren't known to arrive unexpectedly.
"You'd better talk dear, as usual," Jenora sighed,"I hate not being able to understand and be understood!"
08-18-2003, 03:00 AM
"uggh, where am I?"
"You are in the house of my fathers. By the way, I'm Alara." she reached down to put a cold cloth on her forehead, but Ther'ese's gloved hand caught her wrist and said,"Do not touch me, you will die a painfull death Alara." she said softly and kindly. "Oh, and by the way, I'm Ther'ese Ravenwing of the village Blackthorn, near the elvish city of Lothlorien."
Gulio, Strength of Many
08-18-2003, 01:43 PM
ooc: Sorry for the wait Lady Arwen.
ic: Rhoran turned to see Allwin standing behind him. "Oh good, you're awake." he smiled, "You hungry?"
08-18-2003, 02:04 PM
Thunk. Melia threw her axe at a small target and barely missed the center. She walked over and pulled her axe out of the target. She again threw it aiming for the middle. "Whoa there! Is that what you give me for a hello?" Melia smiled. " Your lucky Rhiddyn, I might have hit you. Why is it you always chose to stand right next to the target?" Rhiddyn walked towards her, ignoring her question, "Out here practicing again I see. How long have you been at it?" Melia pulled her axe out of the target, "Oh, around a couple hours. They say practice makes," she threw the axe, "perfect. Just not in my case." Melia added noticing she still didn't hit the middle. Rhiddyn went and pulled her axe out and then squared up. "You are throwing it wrong. Try with your left instead of your right. Hold it like this, aim and, " he threw it, "hit the center." With a thunk the axe hit the target dead in the center. Melia looked at him and sighed, "As always," she said quietly to herself. After retrieving her axe, Rhiddyn said, "C'mon. You have been at this long enough." He grabbed her arm and pulled her in the direction of the village.
08-18-2003, 05:26 PM
"Where exactly is"
08-18-2003, 06:09 PM
Niliana sat, bored out of her mind. She yelled at a couple of hobbits. Not much. Spat on thier heads from balcony.
ooc: i'm stuck in a castle! help! attack it or something
08-18-2003, 08:34 PM
y would we do that? *snicker* We can leave you to be bored for the rest of this page, if we like! :p
08-19-2003, 12:14 AM
Oh, that would be rude!
08-19-2003, 02:38 PM
*sits in castle, yelling at servants, throwing table across room. Dumb humans.* HELP ME! I am stuck in the castle! I might as well be Rupunzel! Someone climb up my hair and give me something to do!!! wahh, wahh. :( *sits on floor and slowly turns into confused hobbit*
08-19-2003, 08:21 PM
I'll make a temporary character and unbore you :p [Iknow unbore is not a word, but hey!]
IC: "Uh, mam? May I come in? A girls head popped in the door. Her skin was slightly blue, she had long silver hair, silver eyes, and wore a loose silver robe around her elvish form.
08-19-2003, 08:55 PM
ooc: lol, thanx Legoles, *hugs neck*
ic: "Come in." She said gesturing with her hand. "What do you want?" She snapped
08-19-2003, 09:10 PM
uhhhhhhhhh durn
"Um, I was sent to see if you wanted anything to eat or do, and you'll want to listen to me.I'll tell you the message I've been told to bring you, while I clean up this mess."
08-19-2003, 11:46 PM
Erm... Legoles, you're talking to an Elf Lord who a.) is one of the only female Elf Lords, b) has enough power to instantly incinerate a lot of slaves at once just by lifting a finger, and c) has a bad temper.
You're not likely to survive. :p
08-20-2003, 11:17 AM
lol, thats right! I am the woman! bow before my power! bwhaaaa! ok, come in, but don't make me mad! and bring me a frappuchino while your at it!
08-20-2003, 01:38 PM
"Yes, m'" brings frappy, and, now for the message,"The forces of those other rotten elves are gathering against us milady, and now we think there is going to be an attack."
08-20-2003, 03:57 PM
"stupid servant person, thingy!" She said with a laugh. "Do you actually think that they can invade my castle?" She did the evil laugh thing. "I am Niliana, they can do nothing to stop me! Even all there men could not breech the walls of my fortress!" now she was standing and practically yelling at the servant. "All they can do is silly pranks, like that stupid skunk incident!" She said remembering the lovely purfume. "With the smallest finger o my fair hand I can smite them all!" She said, suddenly realizing she was yelling at the top of her lungs. "Like I say, impossible!" She sat in her chair and drank her frappy.
08-20-2003, 06:06 PM
"Um, milady, My name is Silahandra, if you need anything, yell my name and I'll be up here to help you."
08-20-2003, 11:16 PM
Meanwhile, back at the rebel camp,
Nothing much was happening.
I know! I know! Elf queen, launch an attack! And ride at the front of it! And... oh wait. You don't know where our town is.
*deflates* Never mind
08-21-2003, 01:17 AM
neither do we!
08-21-2003, 02:59 PM
ooc: ok, how bout if I have a little traitor person who tells me where it is, and do I get to kill anyone? bwhaa! hee hee, here we go.
ic: A knock came at her door. "Come in." She said. A rather short human came in. "Rinin, why did you bother me from my frappuchino?" She said, and she was about to say, 'off with his head!' but he said, "Milady! I found the camp of the rebels!" She stopped and allowed him to kiss her hand. "It is due south of the gate." He said. "How big is it?" She asked, "Only a speck compared to your great army." Rinin said bowing low. "Then we attack at dawn," Niliana said. "Go, now." She said gesturing towards the door. "Ah, yes Lady Niliana." He said bowing again. "Did I say that my name could come from your foul lips?" She said standing up, her head higher than Rinin's. Truthfully, she liked the sound of her name, "You are pardoned, and go get my Horse ready, I will ride at the front of the army. Rinin hurried out of the room.
08-21-2003, 03:29 PM
Me and Kalile are not in the rebel village, yet.
Gulio, Strength of Many
08-21-2003, 07:39 PM
Rhoran reviewed his plans, searching for a fault. If everything was going according to schedule he should leave the city tonight. He packed his things and looked for Alliwin.
08-21-2003, 08:01 PM
I'm already there with my mom, the dragon!
It's a little late for my idea, but I pmed you about the rpg a while ago, Pip! I accidentally sent it to Lady Arwen, though, and I asked her to forward it, but she hasen't been on in a really long time. :(
08-21-2003, 10:30 PM
ooc: I am reading Elvenbane! It is really good too!!:D sorry.....yeah....
ic: Melia followed Rhiddyn into the small village. She was startled as a young boy ran up to them and said, "Hello Rhiddyn!" Rhiddyn smiled, "Hello Jaruul, is something wrong?" The boy Jaruul shook his head, "Nope, just sayin' hi. Oh and...." Jaruul stopped, "Wait, I know this....darnit! I forgot. Oh well, Bye!" Rhiddyn waved as the boy ran off. He shook his head and laughed. "Who are his parents?" Melia asked him. Rhiddyn stopped laughing, "Well, his father was Kel Ardan and his mother was Lelissa Ardan. They both died when Jaruul was only 3." Melia nodded, "I heard what happened to Kel." she said thinking, "But what about his mother, Lelissa?" Rhiddyn shrugged, "Went missing. Everyone figured she died in the desert." Melia looked at Rhiddyn, he wasn't telling her something but she didn't pursue the subject.
08-21-2003, 11:49 PM
How far have you gotten? Can you see the very prominent similarities yet?
08-21-2003, 11:52 PM
ooc: I have gotten to when Kel and Ardan found Shana and are taking her to the town. Keman was just taken by his mother or something. I love that name!!! Keman....sorry.:D
08-21-2003, 11:56 PM
I like Alara, myself. Keman is very cool, especially when Shana grows up. :)
Aren't the elf Lords (especially Dyran) scary as all get out? :eek: I mean, all that power to change things around.
08-22-2003, 12:15 AM
ooc: Yes!!! I also thought the whole concibine and breeder thing was kinda freaky.
08-22-2003, 04:57 AM
Please stay on topic. You can talk about books in the Fantasy and Sci-Fi Novels Forum.
08-22-2003, 02:22 PM
ooc: right, sorry Earniel.
08-22-2003, 02:43 PM
*pops out of her computer screen* Hilo, Whaz up?
IC: "Alara, where am I?" Ther'ese was getting very irritated.
Gulio, Strength of Many
08-22-2003, 11:31 PM
Rylkin finished packing, but couldn't find Alliwin anywhere. He went to his friend and fellow conspiritor, Rhyddin. "Greetings, my friend," he said. "I need you to do something for me," he hesitated. Rhyddin nodded, "You need to warn the people of this village, there is going to be an attack on this city. We have been found, and Niliana is going to attack. Get them to the safe places, and then meet me at our spot with the rest of the forces, and anyone else that will come. We need lots of people for my plans to succeed."
08-22-2003, 11:54 PM
Rhiddyn nodded, "C'mon Melia, help me get them to safety." With a nod, Melia was off in a flash. How were we found? Rhiddyn came to the nearest group of people, "You need to get to saftey quickly! Go to the back caverns and hide. You know the back way out and if you must, use it!" The people ran with their faces full of confusement and shock. A man came up to him and asked, "Why do we need to get to the caverns? What is going on?" Rhiddyn looked at him and said, "We have been found." The man's eyes grew wide and he went to the caverns warning others along the way.
08-23-2003, 09:06 PM
ohh, Kalile, get ur butt back here!!!!
08-23-2003, 09:26 PM
ooc: hmm, I've been found out, is someone going to meet me and counter-attack? or am I just going to invade an emtpy viliage? anywho, do you want me to attack now or after everone is safe, or should I kill some people first, hmmm, very confuzeled, ooo, I like confuzeled, maybe I am a confuzeled hobbit!
ic: Niliana's servant helped her put her armour on. She smiled an evil smile. She thought about all those stupid rebels that she was going to catch and chain up. She had been thinking about making them build a monument to her. A big statue in front of the castle. She could see it now. She stood on the stairs of her mighty fortress looking at her army. She had the captain of the army, Grona, and the head of the cavalry, Larth at the front. She mounted her horse and cried out, "Bring me those rebels, don't kill them all, but don't hurry to save them either." Grona laughed. She looked at him hard. He quickly stood at attention. "We ride!" She kicked her horse and they ran out into the desert. Her mighty army rode behind her. She held her spear high in the air as they galloped for the rebel camp.
08-23-2003, 10:50 PM
Suddenly Ther'ese heard a cry. "Leave the town! The evil Niliana is going to attack us! Hurry to the caves!!"
"I do belive we should go..... Alara"
Lady Arwen56
08-24-2003, 12:46 AM
ooc: err...yeah...sorry about not being on lately. Had to get back to school. :( It was dull. Dull = boring= it sucked. Well, all except for English. :D
ic: Alliwin had decided to leave for a while, be by herself, when everything had went into complete chaos. She sighed, and rushed along with everyone else, searching for Rhoran. Finally, she ran into him. "Hi! What's going on?" she asked, puzzled.
ooc: I hope this is the right thing to say. *sigh* it's so hard having to keep up with all my rpgs. *sigh again*
08-24-2003, 02:59 AM
I'm here, I'm here! Jeez, with all the rpgs I'm in, sometimes I don't have time to answer them all, or I'll forget I'm in one
Pip, just do what you want to! If you want rules, learn to play d&d! They've got rules coming out ther arse!
Ic: The half-dragon (so embarrassing, I forgot my person's name:o ) leaped onto Alara's back, and they flew just above the encampment. "Rebels!" with the bulk of a dragon whose teeth were as tall as a man hovering over them, everyone quieted surprisingly quickly. "My mother has an extensive lair, filled with tunnels and provisions. They should hold you all, and if not, the other dragons will make room!" Hopefully she added silently, anticipating the amount of explaining Alara would have to do even if the town fit in her caves.
"Aroun four adults or ten children can ride her, although children should have their parents. Those of you that have horses, ride them, those that don't, stay here and my mother will ferry you all across."
My character hoped that the leader of this town didn't have other plans and orders, or she would have lost his valuable support.
Lady Arwen56
08-24-2003, 03:03 AM
"And what about those of us who are staying up here, to fight?" Alliwin said, suddenly realizing what was going on. "What shall we do?"
08-24-2003, 03:15 AM
"You... will build a barricade around the town. I'll send some of the younger and more open minded dragons over to help with the heavier logs and stone working, and then they'll shape shift to hide the fact that we have dragons. They'll only use their fire as a last resort, because the dragons are secret."
Lady Arwen56
08-24-2003, 03:18 AM
Alliwin bowed, and thanked the half-dragon girl. Her daemon, Alexiel which she had just now noticed, had followed her out of Rhoran's house, and glared intently at her. "You are not truly thinking of risking your life to save to race of elves, are you?" She snapped.
Alliwin nodded. "Yes, Alex, I think I am." She turned to Rhoran, and smiled.
08-24-2003, 02:23 PM
wait a sec, why are you ging to save a race of elves? anywho, don't really care bout rules, don't wanna play d&d, shutting-up now,
ic: Niliana sat with her spear in the air, ready to strike. They were about a mile away from the camp and she was rather excited. Her horse leaped into the air and she rode on.
08-24-2003, 10:21 PM
Rhiddyn caught up with Melia after warning everyone. "Did you see Jaruul?" Rhiddyn asked as she ran up to him, "Yes," she replied almost out of breath, "He's headed for the caves." Rhiddyn nodded, "Good." he said quietly. Melia looked at him strangley, "What? Why is he so important to you?" With a sigh Rhiddyn looked at her and said quietly, "He is a halfblood." Melia nodded,"I see." After an akward silence, Rhiddyn said," C'mon, Lets go find Rohran."
Gulio, Strength of Many
08-24-2003, 10:41 PM
Rhoran thought about what he was about to ask. "I need you guys to make it seem that there is an army here, we will then use the underground tunnels to get out of the city." He got quite a few puzzled looks. "We're going to sneak around Niliana, and are going to attack the city when her army is busy here."
08-25-2003, 07:21 PM
Ther'ese was armed completely. She waited behind the barricade, hoping to kill many of them before resorting to weapons.
08-25-2003, 09:02 PM
Melia breathed in deeply. She unsheathed her sword and waited.
08-25-2003, 09:36 PM
"I see it!" Larth called out. "Shut-up fool!" Niliana snapped. "We can see them, but they might not be able to see us." Soon the camp was in clear sight. Niliana nodded to Larth. "Cry for the Lady!" He called to the army. With a mighty shout the whole army of Niliana cried out, "Niliana!" Ah, yes, music to her ears. She drew her sword and her horse reared into the air and lept froward. The army galloped behind thier leader and to the gates of the camp.
08-25-2003, 10:02 PM
Rhiddyn got in his defenceive stance and fit an arrow in his bow. As the elves ran towards them, he let it go, firing at the nearest one.
Gulio, Strength of Many
08-25-2003, 11:17 PM
"Everyone! Into the tunnels NOW!" Rhoran shouted. "We can't stay, or we'll all be killed. Let's go!"
08-25-2003, 11:55 PM
Rhiddyn and Melia ran in the directions of the tunnels. Soemthign caught Melia's eye and she stopped. She looked at the forest to see if she could see anything. Rhiddyn ran back, "Melia! C'mon," he said grabbing her arm and pulling her, "We have to make it to the tunnels!"
08-25-2003, 11:58 PM
Ther'ese knew she was outnumbered. She ran back into the tunnel's enterance. As she waited to be the last one, she shot some arrows over the wall and then descended.
08-26-2003, 12:20 PM
Niliana heard a soildier screech and fall to the groud. "Good shot." She thought. Stupid rebels, do they think that one measly arrow would stop her mighty army? "Halt!" She called. The army stopped on a dime. "Archers up! Ready," she said as the archers stood behind her. "Fire!" She called as a fleet of arrows fell behind the wall. She heard no cries. She held her hand up. The arrows stopped. "Wait a moment." She said. They waited and no answer came. "Horn." She said. A single, shrill cry came from the horn blower, to announce her coming. "Attack!" He called. The army went forward to the gates. She sat proud and high upon her horse, going to victory.
Gulio, Strength of Many
08-26-2003, 02:52 PM
Rhoran hurriedly shut the tunnel entrance. It was hidden so you only could see it if you knew where it was already. He turned to the others, "Are you ready?"
08-26-2003, 07:55 PM
"I was born ready for this day," Melia said nodding. "Lets go."
08-26-2003, 10:57 PM
The last of the dragon defenders shot arrows over the walls, and retreated, the last of them shifting into dragon form for a moment and then changing into a mouse to run the last stretch without detection.
<There is an outlet here, where you can fly the refugees to our homes> Alara, in elven form to take advantage of the keener eyesight as well as the smaller form, directed the dragons further down behind the mountain.
<Here they are. Take as many as you can, children first. Leave the warriors, men and women, for last. My daughter and I will fly the lead.>
08-26-2003, 11:48 PM
Ther'ese scrambled down the dark corridor, making as much time as she could.
Lady Arwen56
08-27-2003, 06:57 PM
Alliwin turned to Rhoran, and kissed him quickly on the cheek. "I just never wanted to have not done that." She whispered, pulling out her sword, and holding it up. "I am ready to fight." She muttered more to herself then the rest of them.
Gulio, Strength of Many
08-27-2003, 07:35 PM
Rhoran led the way through the maze of tunnels that ran underground the desert. It's about time someone did something! he thought.
Lady Arwen56
08-27-2003, 07:41 PM
ic: Alliwin gave a small cry as they were lead outside by Rhoran, and she saw the greatness of Niliana's army. "Rhoran..." She said, looking into his eyes, frightened. "What if..." She couldn't finish her own sentence.
Gulio, Strength of Many
08-27-2003, 07:49 PM
"Don't dwell on the 'what if' Alli," Rhoran could read the fear in her eyes. The same fear was probably in his own. If that army ever saw them... "Hurry now everyone," he said quietly.
Lady Arwen56
08-27-2003, 07:52 PM
Alliwin nodded, and followed Rhoran as swiftly, and as quietly as her legs would allow.
08-27-2003, 11:13 PM
"Mother, I have to follow the warriors. I'm trained, and we'll need all the bodies we can get."
"Get one of the dragons that speaks Common like I do. I know at least a few have been practicing so that they can shift and infiltrate elven ranks." Without another word, the half-dragon sped swiftly after the others.
08-27-2003, 11:34 PM
Ther'ese pulled off her gloves and sneaked up behind the army behind Niliana's army. She waited for the signal of the dragon's coming.
08-28-2003, 01:10 PM
A shaft of arrows came and hit a soilder riding in the front. Oh, well, he was whiny anyway she thought. She didn't care about the welfare of her army, she just wanted enough soilders to destroy the rebels. They came to the gates of the camp. "Tear them down." She said to her capatin, Larth. "Bring down the gates!" He shouted. A group of soilders came and set fire to the wooden gates of the rebel camp. Once they were gone, she rode forth into the camp.
08-28-2003, 05:53 PM
Suddenly Ther'ese saw the dragons come speeding tword them.<ATTACK!!> the dragons thought to the warriors. She ran in the midst of them and started to touch any peice of exposed skin, moving too fast to be seen. She drew her sword with her other hand and killed many in this way.
Gulio, Strength of Many
08-28-2003, 09:06 PM
Rhoran yelled and ran amidst the elven army, catching the soldiers by surprise. He started working his way through the army, headed for the front where Niliana was riding.
08-28-2003, 09:22 PM
DEHD: Dark Elf Head Count: 1,000 or more
Ther'ese had worked her way through the thousands of Niliana's troops. She got right next to Niliana and blew up the rider next to her, then darted away before she could lift a finger.
Gulio, Strength of Many
08-28-2003, 09:28 PM
DEHC: 40 or so? (No fair using magic Legoles:D )
Rhoran was about halfway through the army when he saw Ther' ese run by him, swift as the wind. He nearly missed an exploding elf, and got blood all over him.
08-28-2003, 10:25 PM
The half-dragon stayed out of sight, shooting arrows when she could without getting caught. She knew that if she went down there now, she would never sneak past to the other side.
High up on a hilltop, a bush moved ever so slightly, then she was gone, moving again.
08-28-2003, 11:17 PM
DEHC: 42
Rhiddyn fought aggresively against the elves that had killed so many before them. He watched them die in terror,It is about time terror had come into their eyes instead of the eyes of our children. He turned to check on Melia and found her being perfectly content throwing her axe at the oncoming elves.
Gulio, Strength of Many
08-29-2003, 12:12 AM
ooc: DEHC: about 100
ic: Rhoran soon lost himself in the battle, feinting, slashing, parrying. His purpose drove him like a prod to cattle. Defeating the elves and freeing his people was all that was on his mind.
09-01-2003, 10:19 PM
Alara growled in frustration. Her daughter ran off into the battle, and she was forced to stay here and try to convince the older dragons, and the meaner ones, to become involved.
A stray arrow flew past the half dragon's nose. She jerked back, lost her footing and fell, slideing and striking her head a few dozen feet below.
Gulio, Strength of Many
09-02-2003, 01:21 AM
ooc: I finished Elvenbane Kalile! I loved it and I am starting the next one. One small problem; no Dwarves! I always knew those elves were evil though...
Lady Arwen56
09-03-2003, 08:32 PM
DEHC: 150
Alliwin fought bravely, killing most that dared challenge her. Just as she deafted another one of Nilenna's soldiers, an arrow peirced her right shoulder, and then another one grazed the side of her stomach harshly.
She fell down, knowing she would die. Alliwin noticed a large boulder not a few feet away from her, and stood up, swaying a bit, as she scrambled over to it. She hid behind it, and jerked out the arrow, bleeding intensely. The only things she could think about was how she had let everyone down. How worthless she was, and how she'd never get to see her loved ones again. A dark elf appeared in front of her, his sword raised, she closed her eyes and blacked out.
09-03-2003, 09:44 PM
OOc: Yay! I would be well into Elvenblood now, but my mom requested it for me, and she accidentally sent it to the wrong library. :(
Hey you're right about the dwarves! :eek: Do you think that they wiped them out? I mean elves don't like dwarves anyway...
Ic: Lurching to her feet, Alara (I just figured out that my character's name is Alara, not her mother. :rolleyes: ) saw Alliwen go down. Fitting an arrow clumsily to her bow, she shot with the true aim of elf and dragon combined. Even so, the shot went astray, piercing his shoulder in the same spot.
"Damn!" She reached for another arrow, but the elf was going into convulsions, lying on the ground.
Alara smiled grimly. Dragon's toenails. I forgot.
09-04-2003, 10:04 AM
Niliana saw her captain explode. "Attack!" She cried as she turned around to her foes, she was struck dumb, only half of her army remained standing. She felt woozy, "Go kill them you fools!" she looked around and saw no one. "Come out and fight you filthy little slave slime!"
ooc: is Lady Arwen really killing her own charactar? and feel free to ingure me, though I would rather not die, having too much fun.
09-05-2003, 09:15 PM
DEHC: 122
Melia slashed another dark elf with her sword and then turned to face what had caught her eye. Something had fallen and Melia went over to where she had seen it. When she had gotten there, a girl lay looking half unconcious.
09-05-2003, 10:35 PM
I'm having a bloody good time!
Ther'ese was getting ever closer to killing off Niliana's troops. She closed in on the last couple, making sure that they were all evil. She brused the last one's soft cheek, and ran away. Unfortunetly for her, this one did not die, or blow up for that matter.<Bloody Hell!> she thought He touched her forehead with a soft caress-like touch and she fell unconcious.
09-05-2003, 11:23 PM
Everyone's unconcious!
09-06-2003, 11:42 AM
This guy has bloody carried me off! Someone help!
Ther'ese woke in a room. It looked like she was in a white light, but then noticed that she was in a room painted silver. The bed-sheets were silver, along with the pillow cases behind her. She sent her mind in sleep mode, so that no one could question her. The last thing that she heard was her mothers voice saying,"Don't worry Ther'ese, It'll be alright."
09-06-2003, 05:20 PM
ooc: btw, ordered Elvenbane fom book store yesterday, comes in wed. have to finish rotk first (2nd time)
ic: Niliana was distraught, beaten by a group of meddleing humans and half-breeds! All that was left of her mighty elf army was a half-slain soilder, moaning somewhere in the battlefield.
ooc: kinda stuck w/ out an army in a field of uncounsious ppeople, so help me out!
09-06-2003, 05:49 PM
Melia went over to the girl and knelt down beside her. Looks like she hit her head pretty hard. She looked up to where the girl might have fallen from and could tell she might have slipped. Melia gently picked up the girl's head and set it on Melia's soft pack she always carried around. After rubbing some healing lotion on the wound from the fall, Melia waited for the girl to wake.
Gulio, Strength of Many
09-06-2003, 06:58 PM
ooc: :eek: I haven't thought of the Elves wiping out the Dwarves!! I thought they just left or something!!:eek:
DEHC: 125
ic: Rhoran saw a sinister-looking man carrying off an unsoncious Ther'ese. He charged, but was blocked a few rather large warriors. He rushed them, but a burst of mage-fire enveloped him, and he collapsed, unable to rise.
Lady Arwen56
09-06-2003, 09:57 PM
Alliwin awoke to the face of Melia, a girl that had been fighting with. She looked around, suddenly remembering what had happened. "Where's Rhoran? And Ther'ese?" She cried, trying to stand, but failing, and dropping to her knees.
Alliwin finally saw Rhoran, but it wasn't until a few seconds later she noticed a man running off with Ther'ese. With all the strenght she had, she stood, and ran off after then, dodging attacks from what was left of Nilenna's army; which wasn't much.
09-07-2003, 01:24 AM
Alara stumbled forward, seeing Rorin go down. Reaching him, she cradled his head. "Rorin! Can you hear me? We've won! Rorin we've won!"
09-07-2003, 11:32 AM
The man turned away from the road and ran backward, every once in a while he turned back to face the direction he was going.
"Stupid dwarf, and stupid woman. You'll never catch me!" With that turned back around, and almost ran as fast as Ther'ese. He escaped into an undercropping of rock, muttered something, and slid through a crack in the wall, which widened to let him, and Ther'ese too. He set her down on the bed, and went off to his own room, for some darkness.
09-07-2003, 10:33 PM
Melia looked in the direction that Alliwin ran and saw some man carrying Ther'ese away, also being chased by Rhoran. She followed him as best she could but soon lost him. She stopped running and looked around to see how many had survived. 1...2....3...wait. Where's Rhiddyn?!? Melia searched for him, running and hoping he wasn't badly hurt. Or worse..... Soon she found him, staring out into nothing. "Rhiddyn.." "Shh! Listen." he said cutting her off. Melia stood quietly listening for something. Then she heard it. Aaaaahhhhh. Some sort of hoarse moan was coming from what looked like a cliff. "Could there be some sort of enterance?" she whispered to Rhiddyn. "Hmmmm..." was all he answered. Turning a corner, a small crack seemed to appear. He motioned with his hand for her to follow. Quietly, and slowing, they walked into the cavern. Darkness and shadow swallowing them and all the light that entered.
Gulio, Strength of Many
09-08-2003, 01:15 AM
ooc: For the last time I'm NOT a Dwarf in this one! Sorry but it's gets sorta old getting mistaken for a Dwarf in almost every Rp...
ic: Rhoran sighed, relief coursing through him, We've won! he thought. Then he remembered Ther'ese, "Someone was carrying off Ther'ese! We have to find her." he struggled to his feet barely managing to stay upright. Every nerve screamed at him in a white-hot flash of pain. He grimaced, but kept his footing.
09-08-2003, 12:47 PM
ok, I am beaten, and if you can't beat them, join them! I have a new charactar! my first human man!
appearance- long brown hair, dark brown eyes, short, only 5'5", wears weather-worn clothes and grey cloak.
weapons- some knives hidden somewhere. has a really cool stick thingy with a blade on the end, can be used like a sword, (from soul calibur 2)
others- he is like a ranger and is not known to anyone except in bree and some places in Rohan
btw, i am still Niliana,
09-08-2003, 11:32 PM
Kewl. And the great thing about Elven lords is that they can always come back later!
09-08-2003, 11:56 PM
You'll bet lost before you find me.... I need to find a use for him.
Ther'ese felt something brush against her lips. She looked up and looked at her capturer. He had blue eyes, normal skin, so he obviously was not an dark elf. He was handsome, to be sure, but had a strange aura around him. He rached down and touched her forehead again. It was strangley soothing. She looked around once more, then saw no more for a while.
09-09-2003, 11:50 PM
Rhiddyn quietly walked in the dark cavern, feeling behind him every now and then to make sure Melia was still there. It was hard to get around and countless times he nearly hit a wall. The darkness seemed so thick it could be cut with a knife.
09-10-2003, 12:49 AM
The man lifted her silently and moved her again from the bed. He ran down a dark corridor and went deeper and deeper into the cave.[60 miles] It took many days to reach his destination. He eventually came into a small underground forest, with a tiny sparkling stream, and food to last for years if need be. He lay her down on some golden leaves, which offset her black hair. He looked at her lovingly and went off into the forest.
09-10-2003, 10:53 AM
Aerostad ran down the dusty streets of the rebel camp. He had been sent back with the other people to the caves, to wath over them. "Yes!" He yelled when he saw the empty battlefield and some of the rebels walking back toward camp. He stopped a man who was walking through the gate. "Did we win?" He asked. "We killed her entire army, then she fled back to her fotress." the man said. Aerostad ran back to the caves to tell evryone.
Lady Arwen56
09-10-2003, 05:42 PM
Alliwin walked up to the group of warriors, clutching her side where the wound still bled. "We won." She whispered -more to herself then the others- before falling to the ground, and subsiding into darkness.
09-10-2003, 10:08 PM
We won?
We won.
We won!
The news spread like wildfire through the dragon's caves.
(I'm going to switch the dragon's name to Shana, since the main character's name is Alara right now)
Shana smiled in half-blood form, a smile that faded quickly.
"Where is my daughter?"
Gulio, Strength of Many
09-11-2003, 12:50 AM
"We are safe, at least until Niliana can muster up another army," Rhoran sighed, relieved that the battle was over, and his people were safe.
09-11-2003, 10:09 PM
Rhiddyn and Melia sat quietly around a small fire. Rhiddyn stared into the fire in thought while Melia looked at the three different ways they could go. "That's it," she said finally, "I think we are lost, we have been in this cavern for what has seemed like eternity with no sign of light but what this small fire." She turned and looked at Rhiddyn. He didn't move. Melia rolled her eyes, Not again! Why does he always do this? Rhiddyn, when in deep concentration, would block everything out except for the one thought he was thinking of. I could tell him that we were in a meadow with paper flowers and purple skies and he would believe me. What is he thinking about? Why won't he tell me? Why... A small laugh interrupted her thoughts. Melia looked at him as he stood, motioned for her to follow, and took the far left passage. "Come it is this way." Melia stood and followed him. This is the worst part about it...he always ends up knowing exaclty what to do without giving me an explanation. The two of them walked in silence for who knows how long.
ooc: sounds kinda like the Moria scene....I didn't mean for it to look like that! I just thought it up as I went.:)
09-11-2003, 10:39 PM
Did you get lost inside the caves leading out of the city, or inside the Dragon's cave?
This post is just to let people know that I am taking over the elf that has foolishly carried Ther'ese off.
Hey! I just though of something.
Is this like in Inuyasha, the whole thing with Koaga carrying off Kagome? Well, Koaga fell in love with her later. But still...
09-11-2003, 10:43 PM
The caves leading oiut of the city....I am going after Ther'ese.
09-11-2003, 11:02 PM
Haven't watched that episode yet... Adyway
Ther'ese opened her eyes, and looked up into the forest's leaves<Where am I?>
Cue elf guy[nameing... how abou' Kirasimu?]
09-12-2003, 11:21 PM
I'm a japanese elf?
<You are in my home> the answer came, but the elf was no where to be seen.
Gulio, Strength of Many
09-12-2003, 11:25 PM
Lol, a japanese elf. Funny!:D
09-12-2003, 11:28 PM
Kirasimu. If that isn't Japanese, then... then I owe Legoles a dollar next time I see her. Or I'll send it to school with my sis or something.
But only if you can prove that it's not Japanese.
09-13-2003, 05:20 PM
I'm pretty sure that it's not. I made it up.... :D :D :D :p
IC: <Where is this forest, and who are you?>
Lady Arwen56
09-13-2003, 05:48 PM
ic: Later...
Alliwin walked by herself in complete silence around the outskirts of the small desert town, pondering things. She was wondering when Nilenna would attack again, when someone grabbed her shoulder softly.
09-13-2003, 07:05 PM
It will not be elf. My elf! *gets Japanese elf and holds tight* Mine!
:p jus' kidding! ;) :D
09-14-2003, 07:17 PM
At the request of Legoles, I will post a quick description of the japanese elf.
Name: Kirasimu
Eyes: Dark blue
Hair: short, black, and spiky, like those anime peoples
Skin: Creamy white
Attire: He wears blue-black silk
Weapons: A large claymore.
09-14-2003, 10:26 PM
<Where is this forest?> She asked again. Suddenly she was looking in to deep blue eyes, covered with small peices of black hair.
09-14-2003, 10:48 PM
Ooc: Ooh! I know! I know! This can be where we find out about the underground forest from the Blue Flame rpg!
Haha haa! I love being DM! :D
Oh, and when I get around to it, I'll post another, better description: got a call from a hot friend, and I went out to play. :D Too bad he's my best friend... :(
Ic: "This is the underground forest of Jinaseru, (jihn-eh-saer-oo) of the forest elves. I am the last of his descendants, and have lived in this magical realm for many years."
09-16-2003, 11:33 PM
"Maybe that's why you can touch me..... by the way, I am Ther'ese, what is your name?"
Gulio, Strength of Many
09-17-2003, 12:09 AM
"Let's go find Ther'ese then, shall we?"
09-17-2003, 12:21 AM
Rhiddyn led the way through the dark caves silently. The twisting passages of darkness seemed to never end. The corners turned into darkness and the maze had very little light. "Why do I get the feeling we have been here before though I cannot see a thing?" he asked looking back at Melia. "Because I tripped on that exact same root half an hour ago!" she replied. He could hear her standing up and brushing herself off. Wait a minute....root? "Did you say root?" he asked slowly. "Yeah, why d.....oohhhh." she gave a small laugh, at which he smiled, "Should have mentioned that earlier. I think we are in some sort of underground forest..." she said in wonder. Rhiddyn lit a torch and saw that indeed they were. "How....where does it get it's sun?" he asked looking at the tall trees. Melia simply shrugged and looked around. "Doubt the elves know of this..." she said. At the sound of movement, Rhiddyn nodded, "yes....or they could have found it first."
09-17-2003, 04:44 PM
"Yes indeed!" Aerostad replied following tel, (is it tel? I forgot) He wanted to have some fun, he was stuck in the caves after everyone else got to fight the elves. He was only 15, so he was often left behind. He grabbed his weapon and lept after his friend
Gulio, Strength of Many
09-17-2003, 08:09 PM
ooc: It's Rhoran:D
ic: Rhoran walked for some time in the direction he had seen Ther'ese get carried off in. After a while he ended up at the mouth of a large cave. The dirt in the entrance had been disturbed recently. He turned to Aerostad, "I'm guessing this is where she was taken," he started into the caves.
09-17-2003, 10:25 PM
"Kirasimu." The elf looked up suddenly.
"The air... it is different... I can tell in this realm. Intruders!"
09-17-2003, 11:35 PM
Rhiddyn turned his head at a quiet sound of a voice. "Good news, I think Ther'ese is here, Bad news," he paused looking at Melia who looked off into the forest, "the captor knows that we are here as well. Come." he motioned for her to follow as he ran in the opposite direction of the voice. "I doubt we can really hide in here that great but it is worth a try."
09-17-2003, 11:40 PM
"They may be elves or their slaves looking for any survivors of the battle," Kirasimu murmered, and drew away. "I will return."
09-17-2003, 11:49 PM
Rhiddyn knelt quietly by a bush. "Melia,"he said at only a whisper, "We may need to split up. You go and find Ther'ese and I will try and distract the captor." he gave her a wink. Knowing what that meant, Melia gave a small sigh and nodded. "I am ready."
Gulio, Strength of Many
09-18-2003, 01:05 AM
Rhoran noticed a change in the cave as he and Aerotsad travelled along. "I believe we are in some underground forest, amazing," he said.
09-18-2003, 10:46 PM
<Uh, Kirasimu... one question. What were you doing in Niliana's army?>
09-18-2003, 10:59 PM
<Naliana? I do not know that name. If you are referring to the elves attacking your city, I was not with them. I merely saw you in a seeing stone I have, and came to get you.>
09-19-2003, 08:30 PM
"how can that be?" Aerostad asked Rhoran. "This can't be THE underground forest? can it" He asked. He stumbled over a root. "It is definately a forest." He said.
Gulio, Strength of Many
09-19-2003, 09:24 PM
"I'm not sure of what underground woodland you speak of, I've never heard of one before," His eyes birghtened, "The elves probably don't know of it either! If this place proves safe, we could move the village here! The elves would never be able to find it!"
09-19-2003, 11:54 PM
"That is a wonderful idea!" Exclaimed Aerostad.
ooc: I am tired, need tea, caffinated tea.
09-20-2003, 12:31 AM
"What? Move a village into my forest?" Kirasimu stepped into view of the company, keeping his face in shadow.
"Why do you trespass here?"
Ooc: Ok, time for a slightly better description!
Name: Kirasimu
Eyes: Very dark, dark blue like the eastern sky when the sun has just set
Hair: Longish, black, and tousled, like those anime peoples, naturally shot through with purple.
Skin: Creamy white
Attire: He wears blue-black silk, simple long pants and long-sleeved shirt under a draped purple cloak. Monk clothes.
Weapons: An immense sword worn across his back. The claymore has a beryl set into the hilt, and is decorated with green ivy leaves and forest flowers. The blade has runes that none can read inscribed in a strange script, and is almost as long as he is.
The scabbard matches the hilt, with more thin runes flowing in and out of the decorations.
Other: Kirasimu has a phial that shines brightly in darkness, as if with the light of a star.
09-20-2003, 01:16 PM
<Okay then.> Ther'ese got up out of the soft bed of moss, and ivy leaves, and looked around. <lovely forest.> She thought to herself. She saw that her weapons were against a huge oak tree. She picked them up and looked at her sword closely. The design had changed. The hilt was no longer inlaid with obsidan, but now with green crystals. Then she read the marks that had never been comprehensible to her before <Born into darkness, thrust into light.... hmm>
09-20-2003, 01:19 PM
sure, zone, you can join, though it might be easier to join a newer rpg, this one has beenn around for a while so it might be hard to keep up with, may I recommend unusual mage? *winks at gulio* there's our hobbit!
Gulio, Strength of Many
09-20-2003, 01:23 PM
ooc: *Winks back* Yep, join unsual mage too!
Rhoran silently cursed himself for not paying closer attention. "Forgive me for trespassing, I knew not that anyone lived here," He grapsed the hilt of his sword, "One of my friends was kidnapped during a battle, and I assume you know where she is."
09-20-2003, 03:01 PM
Aerostad's hands were rested on his knives. "WE didn't evenknow that this forest exsisted!" He said
Gulio, Strength of Many
09-20-2003, 03:09 PM
"Right, this place is new to me as well," Rhoran said, "But more importantly, what have you done with Ther'ese?"
09-20-2003, 03:42 PM
Melia was just about to step out when Rhoran and Aerostad came and began talking to someone Melia presumed as the one who took Ther'ese. "Rhiddyn!" she whispered before he left, "Wait! I am coming wiht you." He nodded and the two snuck around them and ran silently like shadows through the forest.
09-20-2003, 03:44 PM
<Hmm, I'll go find him.> She strapped on her weapons and ran top speed through the forest, ending up right behind Rhoran<hmm. perfect!> "Boo!" ;)
09-20-2003, 05:35 PM
"We need to find Ther'ese!" said Aerstad, just as she came up behind Rhoran. "She might be in-" He started, turning back towards Rhoran. "Ther'ese!" He exclaimed. "Are you alright?" He asked.
09-20-2003, 05:44 PM
Ooc: Yay! zone joined! :D
Oh yeah, now I have to profess my undying love for Legoles. :eek: The horror!
Just kidding. A little, ok, a lot hyper right now. It's Cassie's birthday! (my sister)
Ic: "There is Ther'ese. The stars have fated us to be together, and now that I see her, I do love her."
what are the character requirements to join?(and I kinda read part of the story but .... not enough to totally know whats going on)
09-20-2003, 11:34 PM
"And I you. She smoothed back her silky black hair, looking at Kirasimu. "Did you change my sword at all?"
09-20-2003, 11:35 PM
Tell her that I said happy b- day! and member that our b-dayz r in 3 dayz. I'm not hyper, jus' got over mondo large stomachache.
Lady Arwen56
09-20-2003, 11:39 PM
ooc: HELP!! LOST!! What are we doing????????? CANT READ ENTIRE PAGE OF POSTS! NOT ENOUGH TIME!! GRR!!
09-21-2003, 11:30 AM
Ther-ese was stolen by a elf charactar played by kalile. me and gulio, (aerostad and rhoran) went after her along with aewionen, (rhydinn and melia) now we found her and an underground forest.
09-21-2003, 03:52 PM
09-21-2003, 08:40 PM
"Who are you?" Demanded Aerostad of Kirasimu (sp) "Why did you take Ther'ese?"
A horrid evil thing lies,
in a deep, dark pool,
The mooters all know it well,
darn 90 second rule!
09-21-2003, 09:56 PM
Ooc: No requirements, zone! Just join. Post your character however you want, and post away. :)
Ic: "No, I did nothing to it... let me see." Kirasimu took the sword and inspected it.
"Ah. This is my sword's mate, and once they are together its true nature shines through."
Sorry, can't do better, sister needs computer. :(
Anyway, tell you about the story later, zone!
09-21-2003, 11:55 PM
"Hmm. This sword appeared at the black river's side when I climbed out. I knew nothing of it except that it was rightfully mine. The blade is much bigger now too. It is more like a claimore than a foil."
09-22-2003, 10:43 PM
"This blade is not a claymore... ah. An illusion." Kirasimu passed his hand over the blade, touching his own sword. It wavered, then became a thin, fast blade again.
"This forest is full of illusions. The magic needed to create it was such that the entire place has become magical, and strange things are wont to happen."
He handed the sword back to Ther'ese. "Your sword, as I said, is mine's mate. Mine was to represent strength and deliberacy, yours for speed and timely justice."
09-22-2003, 10:52 PM
Rhiddyn stepped out where the others were, having not a clue what was going on. He went over and stood beside Rhoran and Aerostad with Melia close behind him.
Name:Urishi Shi(pronounced U-RI-Shee Shee)
race:unkown to everybody even himself (he forgets it everyonce in awhile)
hair:silver white
looks:He has pale white skin along with two sharp horns on his forhead. He has two large bat wings that connect to his back. His ears are long and sharp and can hear from a very far distance. His teeth are slightly sharp but not that sharp.
clothing(armor):A rather large black cloak and silver greenish padded armor. He also wields a iron gauntlet on his right hand that has a blue orb on the wrist of it.
weapons: He wields 2 Kamas(small Sythes) Also his main weapon is Draganos[the dragon slayer] (Drah-Gah-Noes) Its actually two katakanas that can connect together
info: He is a mercanary which means he is hired to fight/find/protect (and what ever other things they do) about.... anything. He takes no side but usually tends for working for good but sometimes he works for evil. Not much is known of him for usually all who see him perish.
Hey Kalile can you fill me in on the story( at school or in a pm)
09-23-2003, 11:19 PM
Er... yeah. I thought I did... :confused: I'm so sorry! Yet another thing I've forgotten to do. :(
09-23-2003, 11:49 PM
"I see." said Ther'ese.
I'm at one thousand now !!!!!!!!! YAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D
Gulio, Strength of Many
09-24-2003, 12:08 AM
Yay! Congrats to Legoles!! *Claps*
"Um, someone fill me in cause I'm really confused," Rhoran said, interrupting the two lovebirds.
Unbeknowst to all a shadow lurked above the trees.
???:[to himself]("heh heh heh.... fools. All will perish at my sword")
09-25-2003, 12:03 AM
"I am quite confused as well..." Rhiddyn said nodded slowly.
[ Does it usually make more sense ,I was just wondering. Are they still in th under ground....forest?]( I would of wrote more in my other post but I was also very confused yet I did not wait to ask questions{silly of me:rolleyes: ).
09-25-2003, 10:33 PM
Yes we are. "Kirasimu, did you hear that?"
Gulio, Strength of Many
09-26-2003, 12:44 AM
ooc: Lol, if you think this is confusing, have a look at some of the other Rps:p But, yeah, we're still in the forest.
???: [thinking]( That girl heard me , I was too clumsy in my last flight.)
The sounds of a wondering warrior's armer could be heard from a distance.
???:(What .....that sound like the feet of ....Gibbian But How could that clumsy old thug find his way here.)
The warrior's pace quickened.
???:( Those bloody must of elves hired him too. I am deeply insulted that they could not trust me to get the job done and besides .... Gibbian will just get in the way)
Clinkatikaclinka ClinkatikaClink!
tippita tippita tippita
???:(!? If I was right I just heard him with a group of elves.... It doesn't make sense. Do they think i will fight with them! I will never fight with them I am a lone mercenary what is their business here when it was my job alone. Me alone is unfair for these rebels if I had estimated their power right. I should of never let my gaurd down and then they would of never taken my heart. I wouldn't of had to be here. If I fight with them I will lose all of my dignity and honor. What will they try next to try break me down in order for me to obey If the elves are this trustworthy they will never return my heart ....I hate them.... my point of killing the rebels is lacking .They might make an abomination....But to kill them for that is not a good enough reason. Why should you kill something for being what it is. Though I owe my life to the elves.)
Tinka tinka tinka tinka!
???:( The time is wasteing ... it comes to these two choices. Should I play hero and jump in and slay Gibbian and his men and lose my heart and keep my honor or should I decide to fight with Gibbian and slaughter the rebels and lose my Honor.)
When he had finally made his choice he unsheathed his kamas and flew into the darkness without caring being noticed by the rebels.
oot:if you are confused of what I wrote I can edit it
edit:darn smiles
09-26-2003, 10:28 PM
Ooc: Yay! The rpg hasn't taken off without me! This week has been so busy I have barely had time to do homework, let alone online. :( Rehearsals, concerts, lessons, an audition tomorrow at 10 am.... why do I love my school and my major? I have no idea.
Ok, I think it's time for Alara to come back into the story
Ic: Alara slid swiftly into the fissure in the rock, her dragon-eyes gleaming in the faint light.
"Elves! Coming this way - they will find us. You must leave, quic-"
the half dragon looked around in astonishment.
"How... the Underground Forest of Karish? Here?"
oh yeah heres the info of Gibbian
hair: black with a pony tail
class: mercanary
clothing:he wears a large blue coat with loose baggy pants.Quite an odd fellow indeed
weapons: he weilds a large sword called death's ember It isn't any type of sword its just a HUGE MASSIVE double handed sword
looks:He is quite scruffy man that always has a long pipe in his mouth even if he is talking it kinda gives him a muffled accent.
info:He is big ol thug that all he thinks about is himself
Meanwhile in another part of the forest
??? flew down on a stump infront of Gibbian.Gibbian noticed and shouted,"Ah! I see you came here before me,Urishi But I am sorry to say but there has been a change of plans" He paused for awhile and added "They figured that we couldn't trust a filthy halfbreed like you." Urishi tightened his grip and shouted, " What would You know of halfbreeds , Gibbian Hertch! I know nothing of my past neither do the elves. If you didn't know I have had a change of plans myself ....I have decided to fight against you." With that he threw his two kamas at two different elves hitting them both in their forheads.Then he withdrew one part of dragonoes(one katana) and jumped down off the stomp towards gibbian. "What about yer sweet ol' heart.what will become of her.They will surely slay her in unspeakable ways." said Gibbian still standing with out preparing for the fight. " I will save her faceing any danger possible. I don't care if I must destroy the elves whole army."said Urishi. Gibbian grasped his sword out of its sheath and said "That is only if you get passed me!"
09-27-2003, 08:31 PM
"Kirasimu, there are intruders. Come." She grabbed his arm, and they sprinted off twords the noises.
Meanwhile in another part of the forest
Gibbian told his elve regiment to search for the rebels and leave Urishi to him. Then Gibbian clumsily flung his sword at Urishi but Instead of hitting Urishi it cut right through a large tree cutting in half. He threw a couple more swings to only cut more trees in half. Urishi grinned and said, " You seem stronger and faster but you still lack intelligents."
Gibbian stopped fighting and said " I wouldn't say that...heh ..heh..heh. I was going to use this later but I think it will be better to use it now" He pulled out a small emerald orb out of his pocket and held it up in the air as it glew.
" The elves gave it to me and said it would help me kill you. All I need to do is equip it me death's ember." Gibbian said as he inserted the orb into his sword. Urishi started to speak but it was to late , Gibbian swung is sword and the wind of it threw Urishi crashing into a tree and bent all the trees the trees around him. Urishi was now laying against the tree , blood was came from his nose and mouth and he could not move his legs. Gibbian was walking towards him and he knew he had to do something but he could not think of what he could do. His sword was no where to be found But of course he still had his other sword. Urishi struggled to grasp it but could not since Gibbian put his foot on Urishi's stomach and grabbed his sword for himself. Then without any notice he stabbed it through Urishi's left shoulder and into the tree.
" You have done all this in vain ,Urishi. If I was you I would of let me love die and not fly here to me doom"Gibbian said as he raised his sword for his finishing blow. Urishi had to think fast he had about two seconds to live, then a thought struck to him. One of the dead elves that had one of his kamas stuck in the elf's head laying right next to him. So Urishi pulled his kama out of the elf's head and stabbed Gibbians foot making him tumble to the ground dropping his sword next him. Gibbian then crouched down and held his foot.
"your sword will be know more ,Gibbian!" Urishi said as he then pulled his sword out of the tree and stabbed the green orb. A ray of light came out of the green orb's crack and then it exploded with the Gibbian's sword. Gibbian still holding his foot, watched in horror as it exploded .
" I can not believe my loss... but yet it is not a loss yet if you do not heal you will die. I will have to depend on that... or depend on me elves but as you can see I am not fit to finish you...we will meet again."Gibbian said as he stood up
and threw a smoke bomb on the ground . As the smoke cleared Urishi could still see Gibbian limping out of the forest. A cold wind blew from the west of what Urishi was faceing, it was a pierceing cold wind. He started to think of what would become of his heart if he could not get to her in time. He then grasped out his hand towards the sky( the underground) and slowly blacked out.
09-28-2003, 12:12 AM
Kalile ducked back out of the cave, trying to find the elves and lead them away. Running as loudly as she could, she nearly stumbled over one of them.
"Wha...?" there were more, littered on the ground.
How did this happen? Kalile sat, sinking into a trance; an outsider would have seen her go cross-eyed for a moment, then relax completely. A moment later, she came out of it, puzzled.
So they weren't with the army that attacked us before. I don't recognize the signal in thier collars, though...
The thought was cut short as she realized that one of the figures was alive. It glowed to her dragon's heat sense like a dying flame, dimmed but not out.
She dropped into a defensive crouch, but rose again almost immediately. The person was hurt, obviously.
Kalile cautiously crept closer, until she could see the figure's outline, then caught her breath. He didn't have a collar!
"Are you alright?" she asked rhetorically, ( sound familiar, zone? :rolleyes: ) dropping to her knees.
Don't die. We need all the help we can get. Oh please, don't die!
oot:what do you mean by sound familiar?*tries to search his memory but fails*:eek: can you pm me about it ?
09-28-2003, 01:07 AM
oot:NOOOOOOOOOO do not haunt me with such memorys....curse you cpr and.... other things in health
09-28-2003, 01:19 AM
Congratulations, you made me giggle. Loudly.
Darn it! Stupid softcom keeps kicking me off! Now I have to copy this message, log in again, go back to the thread and paste it there. :mad:
There. Grrr.
What is softcom? and what should I add to the story....
(wow I actually made a person giggle thats a amazeing/amazing(which opne it is I do not remember ))
09-28-2003, 07:50 AM
Please stay on topic.
Urishi had said nothing to Kalile(hey wasn't your name something else?) In fact he was half asleep dreaming of something that he could not quite remember before.
In the dream there was an old wizard and an elf talking. The place it took in was a large city right next to a beach. The buildings were made out of sand stone. They were all built to be part of another building in a horizontil rectanglish shape. The colors of the city were mostly white, blue and green (and some orange but they did not like the natural color of the sand stone.)The Old wizard and the elf were on top of the highest building's balcony.
" We can not let him live its against our law."said the elf in a very loud commanding voice.
"Ah but why, He is only a mere child. You people are too parinoid you see. Why not lend him to me so I can take care of him." said the wizard.
" No then the slaughter ofn his parents would of been in vain. I will not approve of that." The Elf shouted as he banged his hand on the balconie's hedge.
"Have you not forgotten what I have done for you Atleast give me two times I have saved your city. For I Floidrin the wise wizard of your city should have a say in this conflict." Floidrin said.
" This conflict is only of concern of the life of the Elfs and no one else!" yelled the Elf.
"How do you see this child a threat to your city is it true that even you the elven lord of the Isle Kushrock believe the legends. I only want to do what is right not what is evil." Floidrin said in a thudering voice.
".... Fine.... You can take him but only till the end of your days. Now be gone I will never allow the speak of you or that wretched halfblood!" said The elf.
" You never know how old I may be when I go but by than he may be out of your grasp" The old wizard said with a chuckle as he left the Elf lord standing looking at his city....
Suddenly the dream changed and Urishi was stand in a field of grassy plains that could go on for ever. He stood there looking afar to notice a girl was running towards him." What is she running from?" he thought. Then the girl then ran past him. "I must face what ever chases her" Urishi thought with pulling out a broad sword. What ever it was it was coming up from the hill. He then posed in a fighting stance faceing the hill. Then a huge fierce dragon could finally be seen flying low to the ground was coming down the hill. " A DRAGON .....No you can do it Urishi." Urishi panicly thought. Then the dragon blew fire from its nostrils at Urishi. " No I can't face it" thought Urishi and with that he fled so fast that he was already running with the girl who he could see the details of her quite clearly but all he could actually think about was the girl had wings like Urishi's. "What? is this a dream or reality...and why am I running from a dragon." thought Urishi as the dream was slowly fadeing away.
And with that the dream was no more
Urishi suddenly said faintly as he awoken "Marashi....No"
Then he noticed that there was winged woman on her knees beside him tugging on his shoulder saying"Are you alright (hey you call 911:p j/k)"
As he saw her he jerked back and started to stand up but then fell.Then he sat up and coughed out some blood and asked,"Who are you and why do you familiar.. you look like someone I knew long ago."
09-28-2003, 11:06 PM
Ooc: Oh yes, of course, right away! :D
Ic: Alara folded her wings more tightly and sat completely. "Someone you knew? How? I've never seen you before, I don't think..."
She switched topics gently, needing to know. "Those elves... did you... kill them? You have no collar, and that is why you are still alive."
" I am Urishi,I was a mercanary tricked in to to try to kill you. The Elves have threatened to kill my heart But I have decided to go against the elves in hopes that my heart is has not been killed. I am sorry that I was planning to kill you...but what are these collars you speak of? I have a very short memory but please tell me what they are." He looked around and wiped the blood off his face. "By any chance would you know how long I have been sitting here?"
09-28-2003, 11:47 PM
"I always get here late don't I?" Ther'ese asked Kirasimu coming from behind, rubbing his arm. "Here, let me look at that wound." She slipped on her long leather gloves and got out a small brown package out of her pocket. She opened it and it revealed herbs and wound wrappings made of a cotton like material.
09-28-2003, 11:49 PM
"The collars are just that, collars that go on a slave's neck. They have spells on them, including ones that make whoever touches them want to wear it. You don't have one, so you are alive. And you have been here quite a while, for the dead are quite cold," the half-dragon anwsered both questions, then asked, "what do you mean by 'your Heart'?"
Looks at Ther'ese weirdly
" What? who are these other people."
09-28-2003, 11:53 PM
Whoops! We posted at almost the same time. :mad: I hate that, because then you almost always are a little behind. Oh well.
Ic: "This is Ther'ese, and I have no idea who this is."
Kirasimu stepped forward, nodding, and spoke for himself. "I am Kirasimu, of the Under-forest."
"Heart is Marashi my only loved one I still have..... We were both mercanaries at the time of her kidnap.... I remember now the reason I am here... 3 months ago I had dream that I must go Northward And there I would meet an half dragon...although I do not know what a half dragon looks like... but I had dreams of a cavern and....there was you in it .... and a Large dragon.. But as I was heading northwards with Marashi I was ambushed and captured (for the elves are tricky and knew of my coming). They let me loose to find a group of rebels and bring back their heads. Only then would they would they give back Marashi...Although I think that the elves poisoned me for I haven't been my self lately. So I found my self here in the woods where I found Gibbian with elves to kill me and you people( the man who was just here who wounded me) but why send Gibbian I do not know.... maybe I was set up and if that is so I have no hope for my heart... but maybe it was meant this way...." He tried once more to stand up and succeeded and then took out a small bottle of an unknown liquid and drank it.
"Aw yes I saw you two earlier in the forest. You people should be cautious for there are still elves who lurk in the forest..... Though I am not talking about Kirasimu's folk." Urishi looked back at Alara." This forest is no longer safe we should flee to a safer place and discuss our matters there." Then he grabbed his items that were spread across from each other and put them back in his sheathes. " Wasn't there more of you in the forest?"
09-30-2003, 09:52 PM
"Yes, there are more," she replied absently, thinking.
Finally, she said," You were looking for a half-dragon? I am a half-dragon. You will recognize others by their eyes, and their wings. They're not proper wings, except for gliding, but useful still." She smiled and stretched the appendages.
All at once Alara made up her mind to trust the stranger, and took a deep breath.
"Come with me if you wish to see dragons."
"That is odd...." Urishi said quietly." Your wings are very similar of mine...?"Urishi said in a confused voice. Suddenly before he could add more he could hear the faint foot steps of elves near. "..."Hey Kirasimu, since you are kmown of this land where is the closest safe house?"
09-30-2003, 11:55 PM
Alara cut the elf off. "The forest is not safe. The entrance will be discovered, for they have powerful mages. We must go to the dragon caves where my mother is."
And they need to see this newcomer she thought. It may prove important.
"Then Onward to the Dragon caves!(Huzah! j/k)"Urishi said with great excitement. "How far are they from here?"
10-01-2003, 12:14 AM
"A fair distance, but not terrible. We must make haste!"
As everyone began to hurry away from the area, Alara stopped them.
"Hurry slowly," she advised, then took Urishi by the arm and slipped soundlessly away to the caves.
The caverns were dark and quite moist but that didn't bother Urishi. What really bothered him was a bloody smell that he could smell from afar.It was a smell of flesh Although he could not define the type but He was pretty sure it was flesh of an animal. As they walked the air got thicker and the smell was more foul. "Some thing is weird here like I have came walking down these very steps here before.... Some what like a deja vu" He thought aloud (Although he meant to think it). Then they came at a fork in ..... a tunnel.
10-01-2003, 11:12 PM
Which way? for the first time in her life, Alara did not know which way to turn. She thought she knew all of the tunnels, but this was knew.
I ran out this way, but which way?
10-01-2003, 11:35 PM
"The smell is worse down to the left. I think we should og right." said Ther'ese, holding a black cloth over her mouth and m=nose so she could breathe better.
"smell of flesh comes from that way"said Urishi as he pointed to the left entrance. " and the other does not smell of anything... which one should our trail lead to the fleshy odor path or the odorless path?"
10-01-2003, 11:39 PM
"But I think that the smell is fewmets! It may lead us to a dragon's cave, or to a deserted area... You decide."
oops .... I must a started to post right before she had already posted
10-01-2003, 11:43 PM
Well, I guess it's all up to Legoles.
10-01-2003, 11:43 PM
"I'll dash ahead and find out." She first went up the right tunnel, but it came to a dead end.
She came back and explored the left tunnel and found a roaring fire and some orcs around it. <Curse them!> She thought. She drew her sword and ran around the room like black lightning, loping off heads until all lay dead at her feet.
She ran back and told the others,"Alara, I just killed some goblins, that was what we smelled. It's safe to go on now."
Why whould goblins be where dragons are. It must be the wrong way for a goblin cowers away of the even smell of a dragon.....thought Urishi as he start to head to the left path. Then he stopped , his senses told him it was not safe for he knew the old saying " If you kill one goblin there atleast a hundred more to kill". He then started to hear screaching sounds down the smelly path. Urishi then gripped his sword preparing for a fight.
Gulio, Strength of Many
10-02-2003, 12:30 AM
Rhoran followed the group dazedly. He had absolutely no idea what was going on, and no one seemed interested in answering his questions. He glanced at Aerostad, who seemed as confused as he was. He shot his friend a sarcastic half-smile, and shrugged his shoulders.
10-02-2003, 10:37 PM
Ooc: I assume that we're fighting soon?
Ic: These people must be half mad with confusion Kirasimu thought, gripping the hilt of the claymore on his back, but now is not the time for talk.
Aloud, he said, "Goblins. They may be headed this way, so be wary."
Alara already had drawn her obsidian scimitar, holding it in two hands in front of her.
We need to be quick! Why now, of all times?
Urishi unsheathed his sword and looked back to Alara."You stay here I am going to skout a bit further then Ther'is.... I sense something more then orcs that dwell in these caves" said Urishi as he started to walk slowly into the darkness. A few minutes later they could here couple of grunts and death cries. Then seeing Urishi running as fast as he could back to them saying," Flee ...Fly to the other caverns.... There are Trolls Kalico Trolls to be correct. They are highly tempered Grunts and kill in groups. There is bout a herd of 80 coming this way... So flee to the other caverns!!!"
10-02-2003, 11:12 PM
Rhiddyn followed the others in the caves, very confused. He unsheathed his sword after he heard what was coming.
10-02-2003, 11:21 PM
"I'll take care of them." With lightning speed she speed off gloves in her pocket and she touched many of them and they blew to bits. She dodged around them but more kept on coming. <Great. RETREAT!"> She ran off a swiftly as she could and slowed down when she came to the group just enough so she didn't look like a blur. "Run! There are too many!"
10-03-2003, 12:11 AM
"Really?" Alara shot back, then wished she had saved the breath.
The group shot back up the path and into the other, but the trolls had caught their scent.
This is going to look just wonderful for mother when she argues for letting the refugees stay in her cave
Alara folded her wings tightly against her body, but they still caught the air so she had to run twice as hard. Soon her breaths were ragged, and her footsteps pounded heavily against the stone.
I can't stop now!
Urishi who was know along with Alara asked," Why is there trolls here ? Were they always here, Alara?"
10-03-2003, 12:27 AM
Glad of the distraction, but unable to spare the breath needed to talk and keep up at the same time, Alara decided to test a theory at the same time as helping herself.
<Can you hear me? It's easier to sort of think what you want to say and direct it at whoever's nearest. It only works between certain.... groups of people, but it would be easier if we could talk this way.
I've never known of trolls in these caves... we need to see what we can do about it later.>
oot:are you talking....ooc or in c?
Urishi looked at her weirdly and ran on. They ran about a half a league down the tunnel until Urishi came to a halt. " Stop! I see something coming Toward us .... and it doesn't look like a troll... It could be a regiment of orcs... Alara Should we stand our ground and fight or try to find an easier path" said Urishi still looking at Alara oddly.
<That elven poison must be getting to me But I must think otherwise... about how to excape this place... the wall echos oddly there might be a hallow spot that we could break open.>
10-03-2003, 08:14 PM
<I hear it.>
Alara looked around tersely, biting her lip.
<The tunnel is too wide; it was built for dragons. We'd better look for another way out. Look around and see what you can see. I've got arrows, and I'll have to see what I can hit.>
I hope it holds... She pulled out the rough bow and a few arrows, and hoped that the feathery plant would work instead of actual feathers.
"Here goes nothing!"
<It is getting worse ugh what is happening Am I finally losing it ...It happens once it might of been just my brain but 3 times that means I that I am losing my sanity..... but should I listen to my insanity (it seemed quite smart).... or should I just shake it off and speak to Alara about it later...> Urishi made his decision and took his sword and impaled it into the stone wall. <No good it seems my therie of a secret passage through a this wall was wrong>
Gulio, Strength of Many
10-03-2003, 08:40 PM
Rhoran scanned the tunnels for a way out, but found nothing. "Is there another way out, or are we just wasting time?" He asked.
10-04-2003, 12:09 AM
"Orcs," Alara called back tersly, drawing an arrow cautiously.
"Come; we need to block the tunnel so that they can't get around us, and so that they can't get to Urishi or whoever else is looking."
Urishi went back to Alara and said, "Curse the orcs and trolls in a time of this my brain is numb of think. I think I am going mad.... I am hearing thoughts that aren't mine. Is this not a sign of madness,Alara?"
10-04-2003, 12:50 AM
"I have no idea" said Aerostad to Rhoran
ooc: wow haven't been on this one in a while! hey, have you gys heard of a book called Eragon? it looks realy good, but I wanted to see if you had heard of it.
no never heard of it.......
10-04-2003, 05:40 PM
Me either. Eragon? Ok!
Ic: "Not if you are what I think you are. Now is not the time, but you can learn to shut them out of your mind."
Then the orcs came into view; one fell from Alara's arrow, then another, and a third, and then the enemy was upon them.
Gulio, Strength of Many
10-04-2003, 06:33 PM
(Hoom hoom, never heard of Eragon before....sounds like orc-mischief to me:D)
ic: Rhoran drew his sword, and plunged into the battle.
"....Yes I almost forgot.....There is still herd of trolls behind us... We are trapped If we are to fight the orcs we must go through them quickly before the trolls come and makes things.... a bit annoying." As with that He took both of his swords and started to battle. When the sound of trolls could be heard the orcs froze and stopped fighting.
10-04-2003, 08:45 PM
Aerostad svered the head of one of the orcs that got too close. "Do you mind letting me kill some?" He asked Alara, for he was a swordsman, and didn't take to bows.
10-05-2003, 11:27 PM
"Be my guest!" she grunted, stowing the bow quickly and yanking the lava sword from her back to counter an orc swipe.
"We'd better hurry, Urishi! Got any ideas?"
(ugh the third time I have wrote this) [shortened]
Urishi started to reply but it was too late the trolls had came. The trolls halted staring at the groupn of rebels. Then they started beating the ground causing the ground to start to break(collapse). Every rebel fell inside fell to the floor below.
10-06-2003, 12:02 AM
Alara heard someone scream as the floor gave way. Maybe it was her.
She fell and fell, spreading her wings slowly so they didn't tear.
Someone fell past and she grabbed at their hand, trying to slow them down. The added weight caused them to go down faster,(No, not faster than 9.82 meters per second; faster than she was going with her wings out.) but not dangerously so.
When at last she landed, Alara released the person she was holding and felt them slump to the ground; they had passed out during the fall. It was pitch black, but her heat sense showed a few people nearby.
"Is everyone alright?"
(umm I gotta go to bed I will have to post a long dream tomarrow)
10-06-2003, 12:13 AM
Yay! *Jumps up and down hugging zone and giving everyone flowers*
The rpg is alive! It was dying there, for a while, but zone saved it! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
10-06-2003, 08:14 PM
oooh, pretty flowers! *eats flowers* go better with a cup of tea! *hands out tea to go with flowers* tea hobbit returns!
10-06-2003, 10:58 PM
"Alley opp!" Ther'ese dragged down Kirasimu down with her. The jump didn't hurt her at all. Everyone jumped down at once, causing a loud sound.
10-06-2003, 11:07 PM
Ooc: And with an oh-so-subtle hint from Legoles, (:D) we continue!
Ic: Kirasimu felt There'se yanking him down and crouched before he actually fell; in the air it would be hard to move.
When the ground came, he was a little jarred, but not too bad.
Anyway, he had caught There'se up before they hit, so neither were hurt.
"What is this place now?" he whispered aloud, not expecting an answer.
But Alara, touching down several seconds after everyone else, could see better; in her heat sense everything glowed like a torch.
Ooc: Hey, that actually could work! If certain people delved deep into the ground, like miners, theoretically their low light sensing cells (cones) would adapt to the switch from sunlight to low light and start sensing other things like heat. I don't know if our bodies would do that, only being in 9th grade, but maybe I'll explore that when I take organic science.
I'm babbling again, huh? Sorry.
10-06-2003, 11:26 PM
subtle, ain't I?
"Alara, will you go ahead and see if you can find something? I can't see at all."
10-06-2003, 11:30 PM
"All right," she answered, laying her living burden down as they stirred, and looking around. Her own body heat cast a torch-like glow that she could see stone and other nonliving obstacles with, and it illuminated yet another tunnel.
She went down it, returning after a few moments. "There'se. Come here."
10-06-2003, 11:36 PM
Ther'ese ran up to Alara and said,"Yes?"
10-06-2003, 11:41 PM
Alara led her friend around several corners, holding the other by the hand so she wouldn't run into things. After a little ways, they turned a corner into light.
It had no source, unless it was an old man sitting by a pool. He was bent as if with age, but stared piercingly at the pair across the water.
"Ther'ese. You came." he said softly, closing his eyes briefly.
10-07-2003, 12:02 AM
"I offer you a choice," he continued, opening his eyes again, "but it is a hard choice. If you bathe in this pool, your curse will be lifted. You will be able to feel the softness of fur, hold your dear ones close, and all the things you've only dreamed of."
"But." he held up a cautioning finger,"but you will give up your magic forever."
"You must choose. The magic of death and the power to slay your enemies but not to hold your love's hand? Or lose all magic and be unable to defend your loved ones as well, but be able to touch them and feel the breeze upon your hands?"
OOC: (curses.... I can't post it now) what curse does lego-....ther'ese have?
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