10-16-2005, 09:57 PM
Ok so I'm new to this RPG but it looks like fun so here it goes...Its five years after the war of the ring. Mordor is destroyed and many things that were believed to be long gone have been found- such as the entwives! Gondor is now allied with Rohan and have left the ents to guard what is left of sauromon's followerd. Several hundred orc reamin imprisoned as pow's, and Malduin, the nephew of sauromon, who has been hidden for 23 years by outcasts of Rohan, has returned, unbenounced to the ents. When the entwives are found, Aragorn permits the ents leave isengard to rejoin them. Malduin organizes the remaining orcs into a small army and takes back isengard with plans for finish what his uncle did not. Eomer is now King of Rohan and must find a way to put down the rebellion before Malduin can accomplish the first step in the plans that his uncle left.
I dont know how involved i will be in this story, but I'll play Loende, half sister of Aragorn. I was raised in Rohan by a cousin of Eowyn, and Lothiriel (Eomer's Wife) can play characters from the stories or make up your own, just as long as they are actually involved in lord of the rings, no charachters from other books (aka harry potter...) if this isnt a good starter, please help..thanks!
I dont know how involved i will be in this story, but I'll play Loende, half sister of Aragorn. I was raised in Rohan by a cousin of Eowyn, and Lothiriel (Eomer's Wife) can play characters from the stories or make up your own, just as long as they are actually involved in lord of the rings, no charachters from other books (aka harry potter...) if this isnt a good starter, please help..thanks!