View Full Version : For Rohaan: the battle for the relm of the horse-lords.
The Sasquatch of Fangorn
04-20-2008, 02:48 PM
Late was the hour. The winds whipped over the plains of Rohaan. Eomer was waiting for Haamas-son of Haama, his scout to return.
ooc: Take it away!
04-21-2008, 01:38 AM
Back in Edoras, LothÃ*riel woke with a start, her heart pounding at some half-remembered nightmare. Wrapping her robe around her, she crossed to the open window, through which the strong winds of the plains of Rohan assaulted the thin white curtains.
She had lived here in Edoras for nearly a year now, since her father had brought here here from Dol Amroth to wed the king of Rohan. She had been but seventeen then, and the idea of being the queen of any kingdom was a brighter and more beautiful idea than any she could imagine. She had been raised in Gondor, and the culture and society she had been raised to expect was completely absent here in Edoras. Instead of stone houses with glass windows, she was forced to accept small square windows in the buildings, with shutters through which the many insects which prospered on the plains could easily squeeze. The stone walkways of her home had been replaced with dirty paths, which turned to mud whenever it rained, and she found herself turning away from her delicate shoes to thick boots whenever she ventured outside. The smell of horses was endemic, and one had to be careful not to step in their waste - something that thoroughly disgusted LothÃ*riel, who so far had refused even lessons from Éomer on how to ride. Those soldiers most loyal to Éomer slept in a common room, where during the day they ate, bundled up in a noisy, snoring mess on the floor before the fire. She had not yet mastered the complexities of the language or the culture, and she usually stayed quiet while at dinner, out of fear of saying the wrong thing.
Her husband was good to her and treated her well, she had come to love him. He was so different from everything she knew - gruffer, broader, easier with anger, but also easier with laughter. It was a different culture here in Edoras, far from the sophistication that was Gondor. It was not to say that it was bad, it simply forced her to break with tradition that she had been trained to follow her entire life. And despite all, her life was unsatisfying. She yearned for more, for an adventure to pull her out of the duldrums she found herself sinking into.
LothÃ*riel sighed. This was not the exciting, fulfilling life her father had alluded to when he told her of her impending nuptuals. She had dreamed of the elegance and culture she saw embodied in Queen Arwen, but what she recieved was far different. She told no one of her unrest here, she would not hurt Éomer's feelings for the world. He had done everything he could to make her time her happy, and he was good to her. Still, she wished she could tell him how desperately she wished to go home.
Home! She never could go home. This was home, until the day she died. She slammed the shutters with rather more anger than she intended, and went back to bed. It was still late, and the night patrols had just gone out. Éomer had not come to bed, and his side of the bed was cold.
Realizing sleep would not come, she rose uncomfortably from the bed, called her ladies' maid and was dressed; her hair made to fall in ringlets around her face. She then made her way to the Great Hall, hopeing someone - anyone would be awake.
If only she had known her dream would turn this sour so quickly...
The Sasquatch of Fangorn
04-21-2008, 06:48 PM
Hamas rode up to Eomer. "My lord," he said, bowing on his horse. "I am afriad I bring grave news." Eomer looked shocked "What is it my most loyal scout?" Hamas looked frightend "Uruk-hai. The old foundries in Isenguard have been reactivated." Eomer thought for a while. "Very well." he said "We must inform the kindom."
04-21-2008, 11:51 PM
Elrohir crouched motionless in a tree waiting for the right moment with his bow at the ready. He steaded his aim and he shot a rustle came from the bush next to the deer and off it ran the arrow landing just where the creature had stood a second ago, he cursed. Then he looked to the bush where the rustle had come from and out came Legalond(sorry I'm short of good elf names), he was a young elf fair haired and the messenger for the small kingdom Elrohir and Elladan had set up in Rivendale since Elrond and the rest had left, Elrohir lept down from the tree.
"Legalond what is it?" Elrohir asked slightly annoyed at the fact his prey had escaped. Legalond bowed "my lord Elladan seeks an immediate audience with you, he says it is very important, "I see" Elrohir let out a long whistle and a dark horse came out of the foliage. Elrohir pulled himself up onto the horse and gave a hand to Legalond who also pulled himself up and they rode fast back to Rivendale.
Elrohir strode into the main hall where honor guard stood. Since the departure of Elrond and the other elves, Elrohir and Elladan had changed the elves armour and improved on their weapons.
Elladen stood "Elrohir there is news from our scouts" Elladan said "News of what?" "Our scouts have reported the reactivation of Isengard and the foul breeding pits of the Uruks" Elrohir had a flash back of the battle of Helms Deep and remembered the countless elves lieing dead around him. Elladan continued "they have also told us that Rohan have already noticed this and is most likely preparing for war, Rohan is weakened from the war and we should ride to their aid" Elrohir replied "just as we did at the battle for Helms Deep..." he paused remembering "we do not have the numbers to both defend Rivendale and help the Rohirrim" "you and I will both go and take a legion of our most elite troops, what do you say?" Elrohir paused thinking then nodded.
Elrohir turned to his generals "Tell the Honor guard to prepare for battle, mount up and assemble in the court yard, I want to talk to them before we prepared within the hour"
"Yes my lord!" the generals replied
"For the red dawn..." Elrohir whispered under his breath
The Sasquatch of Fangorn
04-23-2008, 12:09 PM
Eomer and Hamas rode to Rohan. "Awake! Riders of Rohan! Arise from your beds! Your kingdom needs you!" shouted Hamas as the sun began to rise. Eomer went into the kins chambers to tell his wife where he was going when he saw a message for him on a table.
Dear Brother,
Faramir has told me that the Gondorian scouts have heard tell of the Isengard pits being active agian. Please, do not go looking for trouble. If you need Gondors aide, do not be afriad to ask. I'm sure that King Aragorn will be able to send someone (maybye me and Faramir!) to help. All the best- Eowyn.
After reading this, Eomer chukeled as he put on his armor. I always do go looking for trouble, sister. You sould know that! And so, he went out to look for his wife.
04-23-2008, 08:20 PM
Elrohir and Elladan stood on a stage in front of 300 honor guard all the glistening white armour with double bladed spears and long bows on their backs.
Elrohir spoke first "Elves of Rivendale as you may not know the pitts of Isengard have been reactivated and someone is breeding Uruk hai again, You would all have lost brothers at that battle and I am sure you will all want revenge for those that have fallen. First we shall ride to Rohan and tell them that we come with aid, otherwise if they have already left I have sent out scouts so we can alter our course to intercept them" with that the Elves let out and roar "Amin khiluva lle a' gurtha ar' thar!! Gurth goth lye" Elrohir placed his battle crown on his head and all the Elves marched out of the city leaving the remaining elves to defend it from any other attack.
The Sasquatch of Fangorn
04-30-2008, 11:17 PM
Eomer rallied his army to his side. "Hamas! Send word to the Ents. Tell them to meet us in the plains! Grimbold! Send word to Gimli and his dwarves! Tell them the same."
05-01-2008, 07:34 PM
Elladen stood at the top of a hill surveying the area, he yelled back "Elrohir the rohhirim seem to be gathering down on the plains. Elrohir looked back at the elf army "alright then" he said to himself "come we must hurry" and with that the elves began their decent down onto the plains.
The Sasquatch of Fangorn
05-01-2008, 10:42 PM
Hamas sent a messanger to the Ent forces in Fangorn. "Hmm," said Treebeard "So, the filth of Isengard has not yet been fully cleansed."
"Yes master Treebeard." said the messenger.
"Very well." said Treebeard. "We shall disscuss this."
***** Meanwhile at Isengard *****
Grima was standing at the top of a crumbled tower of Orthanc when an orc scout came running "My lord!" said the orc "The rohirrim are assembiling!!! They've called the Ents, Dwarves and Elves to thier aid! What should we do?"
Grima smiled. "Ready the battle-trolls."
05-07-2008, 02:44 AM
Elrohir yelled "Hail riders of Rohan! we arrive with aid!"
The Sasquatch of Fangorn
05-07-2008, 12:19 PM
Eomer looked up. "Hail Kings of Rivendell! We thank you for your aid."
05-09-2008, 06:16 AM
"There once exsisted an alliance between men and elves, we come to honour that alliance"
(Sorry couldn't think of anything else to say lol:p)
The Sasquatch of Fangorn
05-09-2008, 12:38 PM
"And honour overflows from your cup." said Eomer outsterching a hand to Eledan.
05-14-2008, 04:22 PM
Edmund watched the exchange in silence. He had no problem with the Elves offering their aid. They were allies, friends. These were the sons of Elrond. Even though he had never met their father, Edmund had heard of their valor in battle. He would be glad of thier aid before the end
The Sasquatch of Fangorn
05-19-2008, 09:32 PM
***At Isenguard***
Grima walked over to the battle troll pit. The keeper looked at him. "How many, my lord?"
Grima smirked. "Three." he said simply. "We want to have some fun with these..... silly humans." Another orc scout came running. "My lord! The elves have joined the fight!"
05-21-2008, 01:53 AM
Eladen took his hand shook it "What should be our first move?"
The Sasquatch of Fangorn
05-21-2008, 03:51 PM
"Right now we're just seting up camp here and monotoring the pits at Isenguard." said Eomer pointing in the direction of Isenguard. "If anything big happens, we'll know. Then we attack."
The Sasquatch of Fangorn
06-11-2008, 10:13 PM
Hamas looked up and saw them. Four very large very angry trolls in battle armor with massive clubs and hammers in hand. Charging twords the encampment. "ARISE!!!! WE ARE UNDER ATTACK!!!"
06-12-2008, 01:41 AM
"Arise elves" yelled Elrohir. The elves stormed out of there tents in practiced milatary efficence. "Bows!" yelled Elladen and the elves readied their bows "Fire!" yelled Elrohir. Hundreds of arrows flew at tthe cave trolls but many bounced off their armour.
The Sasquatch of Fangorn
06-14-2008, 12:34 AM
As the trolls came closer, Eomer looked them over to try and find a weakness. "Aim for the under-arm! The armour does not cover that area!"
06-15-2008, 08:41 PM
Edmund balanced his spear and waited. Turning his head slightly so he could have a better feel of the troll, he aimed. The troll swung his arm up. Edmund hurled the spear. The spear buried itself into the troll's weak spot. It's roar was loud and full of pain. After a moment, it fell a few feet from Edmund and Eomer.
"That went well," he said.
06-16-2008, 03:41 PM
"Aim for the un-armoured spots elves" and with a word the elves broke off into two groups and fired volleys into the sides of the trolls.
Elden brushed the mane of a strong bay while keeping a close eye on a pitchfrok propped against the wall, within easy reach. the fighting had not yet come so far as to reach the stables and he dearly hoped it wouldn't. The horse shook it's head nervously. Well trained were the horses of Rohan to not spook in battle. But just as a seasoned warrior could worry at the sound of battle so could a horse. Elden slowed his brushing and murmred soothingly to the animal.
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