View Full Version : Orc-killing contest RPG
Eowyn, Lady of Rohan
05-03-2003, 11:23 AM
Here's a RPG where the point is to wipe out all the orcs. It's also a orc head chopping contest like Legolos and Gimli had.
Name: Eowyn
Horses name: lilyborne with her filly Lilyfawn
Gender: Female
Of the race of men
Gulio, Strength of Many
05-03-2003, 01:14 PM
Ok, sounds like fun!
Name: Gulio
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Weapons: Various sizes of swords
05-03-2003, 01:43 PM
To make the group more complete:
Name: Lalaith
Horses name: Darren
Gender: Female
Race: Elves
Weapons: little Legolas swords
05-03-2003, 02:46 PM
Name: cheater-orc
Horses name: orcorse
Gender: male
orc race from the east, not without the defects from the west though.
weapon: big nasty finger-nail.
05-03-2003, 04:19 PM
This could prove a nice battlescene practice, so I'll join in on the bloodshed :D
Name: Telnafaug Falconeye
Horses name: Hoverstorm
Gender: male
Of the fine Silvan origin, the wood elves of mirkwood.
Weapon: Two sabres and a shortbow. He also knows how to put his feet into offensive motion...
Short description: His hair is long, straight and brown. He wears thin, dented leather armor of brown color and a dark greenish shirt underneath. His legs are covered with thin, soft leather of brownish color ofcurse. His sabres are sheated on each side of his hip, and the bow is delicatly placed on the back together with a little quiver. Telnafaug is a little shorter then the normal Silvan elf, yet his agility and reactions are honed to the ultimate fighting edge. Perhaps he is not the strongest, but in speed and counter attacks lies his skill. One often find it hard to parry or dodge something one can not see before it is up in one's face!
Hoverstorm, his horse, is brown like his armour with a black mane.
05-04-2003, 05:01 AM
Originally posted by congressmn
Name: cheater-orc
Horses name: orcorse
Gender: male
orc race from the east, not without the defects from the west though.
weapon: big nasty finger-nail.
you as an orc want to kill orcs?
05-04-2003, 09:58 AM
Ah, orc-killing. Nothing better!
Name: Larien Telmnar
Race: Elven
Appearance: fair skin, long blond hair with a slight red tinge; grey eyes; tall----the usual.
Weapons: dagger, long knives, sword, bow&arrow.
05-04-2003, 12:55 PM
Originally posted by Lalaith
you as an orc want to kill orcs?
sure. I am "cheater-orc"
Eowyn, Lady of Rohan
05-04-2003, 01:20 PM
Originally posted by Amaranthea
Ah, orc-killing. Nothing better!
Yep! Nothing better than a relaxing orc murdering session!!! Ahhhhh... ...;)
Oh yeah, I need a weapon:eek:
Weapon: Sword covered in orc blood.
05-04-2003, 05:24 PM
Alright! So when is this planning to start? :p Eager to get on with the orcslaying! :D Are we waiting for a certain ammount of players? I see no obvious reason to this, since we are just slaying orcs anyway... :rolleyes: :D
I have a strange urge of severing orc heads! :D
Gulio, Strength of Many
05-04-2003, 05:52 PM
DEATH TO ORCS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D
05-04-2003, 07:10 PM
Name: Imhuriel
Race: elven
Eyes: Dragons eyes
Hair color: pale silvery blond
mount: SWhite horse w/ white mane+tail, silver horseshoes+hooves
Im gonna slay all orcs in my path cept cheaterorc
05-04-2003, 07:18 PM
Originally posted by Gulio, Strength of Many
DEATH TO ORCS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D
Well, we're quite the bloodthirsty lamb of Christ today, aren't we?
Wait until Sane shows up. He'll kill the orcs. Okay, I'll post every once in awhile, but not real often, ok?
Name: Kalile
Race: Elf
Weapon: Falchion
Horse: none
Appearance: Short gold layered hair,Dragon (color change) eyes, tan balloon pants and crimson vest
05-04-2003, 07:58 PM
ooc: how many threads are you in Kalile????
05-04-2003, 08:05 PM
a gazillion. I dunno, only the ones that interest me. :D
05-04-2003, 08:08 PM
ok im in like a googleplex, so will u start? We need to get going or we wont get anywhere in this one
Gulio, Strength of Many
05-04-2003, 08:16 PM
ooc: Well yes, maybe I am a bit on the bloodthirsty side. *Sheepish grin* O well, I might as well start this thing, seeing as nobody else will!
ic: Gulio was going for the record. The most orcs killed in twenty four hours was a sweet title to go for. He decided to head for Isenguard, seeing as there will probably be bunches of orcs there. He gets there and starts swinging. After about 75, the orcs all either are dead or ran away.
05-04-2003, 08:31 PM
A elf comes in from the side clean compared to her blade that was spattered with orc blood." all she said was" how many did you get?"
05-05-2003, 07:55 AM
Have we already begun? Ha. I'm confused.
05-05-2003, 11:18 AM
*Killed 75 orcs! Gee! Some endurance you have there Gulio :D *
Telnafaug Falconeye jumped up into a standing possition at the back of his galloping horse, Hoverstorm. The morning dawn was at hand, this was the hour of his kind.
He had just fled an outnumbering orcforce, a force that had killed many of his friends and kin, but now he had spotted a small band of ten orcs on the open tundra ahead.
A wide glee spread around his bloodstained lips as he grabbed the last arrow from his quiver and fitted it, he let it fly with a merry sing of the bowstring. It found it's mark in the backhead of an orc, going half way through. The bloodied arrowtip stood triumphantly out of the orcs mouth, who were gurgling the black blood that flowed freely out from his mouth and spilled out on the grass.
The nine remaining orcs got stunned for a second as the deathgurgle of the orc fell so suddenly. Stunned just long enough for Telnafaug to catch up with them before they could form any defensive position; -if orcs had such...
Hoverstorm galloped into the troope, tramping two to their deaths as it stormed through. The horse was gone just as quickly as it had arrived, but to the orcs greatest terror, they suddenly noticed the fair elf, two sabres drawn, standing among them.
05-05-2003, 11:38 AM
Okay, I think I won't take part at the contest. I'm just to confused. Sorry.
05-05-2003, 03:18 PM
OOC::: As what I have understood there isn't much to be confused about... it is simply to kill off orcbands. But I presume that we would want to gather our forces and fight together at some point...
I don't know if you have any plot for this rpg, Eowyn, Lady of Rohan.
If not, then perhaps we are currently fighting orcs at the front of Osgilliath? Perhaps some of us are scouts in the wasteland east of the "bridge", and some are prpearing the final defence in the city... just an idea...
Obviously such a setting wouldn't take place during the time when the ring went by... just a normal campaign...
I look at this mostly as a writing practise for battlescenes (need to get better at that) and don't really care that much for plot. But ofcurse, it would bring some interesting turns, relationships and adventures if it were plot, and not all just random fighting... Perhaps there should be a ultimate challenge at the end where all need to fight together... The killing strike of the last "boss" would give 10 OHP (Orc Head Points) :D
...just a thought...
05-05-2003, 03:24 PM
considering to take part again
Eowyn, Lady of Rohan
05-05-2003, 05:21 PM
Originally posted by Arat-Falathion
As what I have understood there isn't much to be confused about... it is simply to kill off orcbands. But I presume that we would want to gather our forces and fight together at some point...
I don't know if you have any plot for this rpg, Eowyn, Lady of Rohan.
If not, then perhaps we are currently fighting orcs at the front of Osgilliath? Perhaps some of us are scouts in the wasteland east of the "bridge", and some are prpearing the final defence in the city... just an idea...
Obviously such a setting wouldn't take place during the time when the ring went by... just a normal campaign...
I look at this mostly as a writing practise for battlescenes (need to get better at that) and don't really care that much for plot. But ofcurse, it would bring some interesting turns, relationships and adventures if it were plot, and not all just random fighting... Perhaps there should be a ultimate challenge at the end where all need to fight together... The killing strike of the last "boss" would give 10 OHP (Orc Head Points) :D
...just a thought...
No plot.
Eowyn: Arggggg!!!!
Kalile: *panting* must...kill...idiotic...orcs...
Eowyn: We gotta midget elf, a tired one at that...
Imhiriel (sp. :( sorry!): Get into action, Kalile, if you wanna beat me, I'm in the twenties!!
Eowyn: Hurry up! Im' in the thirties!
Larien: fifties!
Cheater-orc: Sixties!!
Eowyn: If only that dumb easterling, seth, were here. He'd wipe do's orcs out!!
05-05-2003, 08:16 PM
Kalile didn't deign to answer, her falchion curving in a deadly arc. Fierce joy shone in her eyes and was mirrored by the gleam of her sword, stained red by orc-blood, and redder by the sunset beyond the mountains. A riderless horse rode by, and Kalile swung up onto it, away from slashing orc blades. Now she used bow and sword, rising above the seething mass of bodies, laughing clear above the chaos.
Ooc: I'm using this as a battle-scene practice too. That's why I joined! ;)
Gulio, Strength of Many
05-05-2003, 08:24 PM
Gulio was having the time of his life. He was killing orcs left and right, laughing uproarisly (sp?) while doing it. He was in the eighties counting the ones he killed earlier.
05-05-2003, 08:44 PM
There was not much more she could do. Her quiver was completely empty; her dagger had long ago been lost, finding it's final home in the skull of her enemy; and although she still had her sword and knives, it was difficult to wield them in such a close environment as she was in. Larien swiftly dodged under the wide errent swing of the Uruk-hai in front of her, and landed a quick jab to it's midsection, taking it's breath away. While it tried to regain it's bearings, she lifted her sword and deftly removed the beast's head.
At one time her companions had been around her; but now, she could not see them through the sea of black and oozing bodies that filled her vision. A gash on her forehead lazily dripped blood down into her eyes, and there it congealed to a thick crust, still further preventing her vision from being clear. The brief lull that came in the fighting gave her the opportunity to hastily wipe her eyes clear of the red crystalline that coated them. Even as she was doing this, Larien half-expected a blow to come at her from behind, but one never came. In fact, she didn't even hear the sounds of conflict anymore. Cautiously looking about her, all she saw in her line of vision was death. Headless orcs littered the battlefield.
"I am certain that my companions were here just a moment ago. Where could they have gone?" she muttered softly. Taking in her surrounding, however, she saw that she was in fact over a mile from where she and her fellowship had been engaged; during the battle she must have gotten seperated from them.
"It is most fortunate that I was not injured." Speaking aloud to herself yet again, Larien shook off the already-fading images of battle and began to walk to where she hoped the group still was. Pausing for one final look at the battlefield, she grinned. "There must be at least 65 orcs there. All headless, too. Hm. Wonder how everyone else did."
05-06-2003, 05:30 AM
*Was that my horse, Kalile?*
Telnafaug cocked his head backwards and cackled towards the sky; -A battlecry for strength. The orcs quickly grouped into defensive postures, encircling the elf.
The light, enchanted sabres flickered magicaly in the red light of the morning sunrise. Telnafaug loved these moments before battle, the quiet, yet tense moment just before the first thrust was thrown. He could only smile wickedly, a smile filled with profounded confidense and a promise of death.
The orcs grunted and raised their weapons threateningly, eyeing him evily. Their stare met the wild flickering eyes of the elf, filled with lust of bloodshed.
"Alas!" Telnafaug said wickedly. "Doom is upon you!"
The largest orc, probably the leader of the band, charged in first with his large axe raised above his head, poised to strike. The axe fell into a sideswing as he approached, an arching sweap aimed for Telnafaugs head with all the power the huge goblin creature could muster.
The elf simply dropped under the furious swing and stabbed both sabres into the revealed belly. The momentum of the orc's swing sent the huge goblin in a twisting motion to the ground. The axe flew from his grasp midair, hitting one orc in the head. Both orcs were quite dead before they hit the ground.
Suddenly Telnafaug was upon the other orcs, interweaving between the confused goblins, sabres flickering mesmerizingly in the growing light of dawn. In one moment they saw him, for in the next moment to hit nothing but air and feel the cold steel against their neck.
The orcs were slewn within seconds. A nice add of 8 to his already large account of slaughter, and Hoverstorm added two. Together they had 48 OHP (orc head points) now. A respectable ammount indeed! But more would die by Telnafaugs flashing sabres before twilight were upon Middle Earth this day.
Telnafaug whistled a highpitched piep into the wind. A call for Hoverstorm to return, his swift horse and friend.
The last sane person
05-06-2003, 03:37 PM
OOC: not too late I hope. as for my girls know me well enough.
*then, right when Eowyn had said his name, a huge swirling silver mass of blades burst through....'Twas Seth!!!*
Seth: *merrily slicing any thing resembling an orc* hello all!!
OOC2: I take it I would have about 1000 ohp by now!! :rolleyes:
05-06-2003, 04:11 PM
OOC: LoL The last sane person! I do not doubt your count... Heh! Godlike :D
Eowyn, Lady of Rohan
05-06-2003, 05:56 PM
Originally posted by The last sane person
OOC: not too late I hope. as for my girls know me well enough.
*then, right when Eowyn had said his name, a huge swirling silver mass of blades burst through....'Twas Seth!!!*
Seth: *merrily slicing any thing resembling an orc* hello all!!
OOC2: I take it I would have about 1000 ohp by now!! :rolleyes:
Eowyn: *Joyusly* SETH!!! :)
Kalile: What a pretty little couple!!!:rolleyes: ;)
05-06-2003, 06:02 PM
Telnafaug patted his boot impatiently against the grassy floor, heavily juiced by orcish blood. "Horsie?" He called out hesitatingly. "Horsie, where are you?"
OOC: Me is waiting for Kalile to confirm my suspicions of riding my horse...
05-06-2003, 09:53 PM
OOC: Didn't Kalile split from this RP? Or is she still here?
Straining her ears, Larien could just make out the sounds of combat, the enchanting beat of multiple swords crashing against one another. 'If I can barely hear them'....she thought, 'Then I must be further away from them than I thought.' Sighing, she began to trudge to where she believed them to be, cursing her lack of a horse, and becoming more sure by the moment that she would be desperately behind in her OHP by the time she re-joined them.
05-06-2003, 11:42 PM
Ooc:*was that my horse, Kalile?*
Finders keepers! :D Well, borrowers, anyway. :p It was handy, and made for a good battle scene.
I'm still here! I couldn't post 'cause of school and my sister's choir concert. :rolleyes: sigh.
Ic: A magnificent horse bore down upon Larien, and the rider hoisted her up behind her while in full gallop. As they neared the battlefield again, more orcs surged around this new target. Kalile stood, sword and knife drawn, and leapt from the saddle, literally on top of the orcs. The horse, seeing a clear path to its master, trotted over with Larien.
The last sane person
05-07-2003, 01:11 AM
Originally posted by Arat-Falathion
OOC: LoL The last sane person! I do not doubt your count... Heh! Godlike :D
OOC: Godlike indeed!! :D Got to go!
05-07-2003, 06:43 AM
Suddenly hoverstorm came rushing out over the top of the grassy hilltop ahead. The beautiful brown horse showing its muscleplay in its eager gallop. What seemed strange to the elf however, was the fair elven maiden on top of the steed.
Hoverstorm stopped suddenly, nose to nose with his master, tramping an orc-corpse into the muddy ground, juiced by the orcish blood. Telnafaug patted its forehead warmly, showing his thankfullness with a friendly smile.
"So, you did nice catch today Hoverstorm" Telnafaug said with a chuckle. "It isn't every day one gets elven maidens riding ones back!"
Larien replied with a kick in his shoulder for his humors. "Jump up so we can get back to those orcs. Their amounts only seem to increese as we slay them down!" Telnafaug nodded grimly. "I have assumed that already. Some wizard summoning them?"
"All is speculation at this point!" Larien replied.
Telnafaug jumped in front of the maiden and bade for Hoverstorm to turn up the hillside again. The eager horse hated the orcs no less then its riders, they didn't need to ask him twise.
05-08-2003, 12:14 AM
On foot now, Kalile stood at the top of the hill, looking down. As the horse approached, she found what she was looking for.
"There!" spotting the horse, she turned. "So he's yours! He helped me out of a tight spot, and I thank you both. You think there's a magician too? There's his tent."
The elf maid pointed a finger rather stained with blood in the direction of the orc camp. "We've never bothered to go near there, but there's his tent." The finger settled on a tent no different from the dozens of others, brown and ramshakle.
"See, it's the one with the banner and the silver writing on it."
The others looked, and blinked. There were only brown tents to be seen.
"Don't you see it? Alright then," she nodded, and hoisted the other elf maid off of the horse. "Will you carry me to the camp? I will put an arrow through the tent, and the wizard as well. I need you to keep the orcs from me, and the horse going quickly. Will you?"
05-08-2003, 08:24 AM
"I doubt a wizard will be there, so close to the battle field. It must be an illusion spell or some other trick. Wizards always keep a safe distance to the danger. That is their way!" Telnafaug sat alone on his horse now, both maidens looking up at him, countless orcs were surrounding them and tightening in around them.
"If a wizard of this strong summoning dwell in that tent, then he would never die to your feathered arrow anyway I'm afraid. So close to the battlefield he would be on his guard. Probably surrounded by countless blocking and shielding spells that would dismiss your arrow easily, perhaps even bring it straight back from where it came..." Telnafaug sighed and looked towards the orctents, and the brown and silver tent among them, far down the tundra.
There were atleast 1 hour's walk just to get to the tents, and even though Hoverstorm would speed the distance faster then that, the whole tundra was swarming with orcs. They could never hope to reach the tents before dusk and night took them.
Now, in the sunlight they were far superior to the goblin army, but when the light would fade, so would much of that superiority. Telnafaug knew that, and so did the others. And yet another question constantly rang as a chime through the elven head. How long would his endurance last? How long could he keep on slaying orcs before tiering? How far would he go?
05-08-2003, 11:12 AM
"Our only option is to go directly through them, I'm afraid." Larien said, thinking much the same thing that Telnafaug was. "Especially if the wizard is as strong as you fear. Our best chance of getting through would be in formation and complete agreement as to what we should do. Stranger," Larien turned to Kalile, considering her as she spoke, "Are you able to shoot flaming arrows?"
"Yes, but I don't see..." Kalile stopped, as suddenly the idea of Larien's plan revealed itself to her.
"Then I suggest you get in a position to start shooting those tents. Let's kill as many of them as we can that way."
05-08-2003, 11:53 AM
"But if there is a wizard summoning these foul creatures, then shooting those tents and killing the orcs inside would help little to our victory. If orcs are in the tents, that means they are not on the battlefield. A good thing for our sake." The two others nodded, fully understanding.
"We do not want to arouse more enemies right now then nessesary." Telnafaug added, looking around him. Orcs spitting curses at them as they approached. A fight they couldn't possibly escape was upon them. This would indeed be a fight at the edge of a knife. The huge number of orcs against three. They couldn't afford any mistakes!
05-08-2003, 12:04 PM
ooc:dont complain bout the concert Kalile. I was there almost all day, and had to sit through it TWICE!!
ha BLOODY HA Sane I've now 5,300:D[ if you read my post in who wants to join my thread you would know [EOWYN]
Imhuriel was also asked[later] to help shoot flaming arrows. she accepted saying" Of course I will, Kalile taught me almost everything I know about bow work, with a little help from my fiancee Legolas:D"
ooc: I've got him now Lalaith:D:D:D:D:D:D
05-08-2003, 08:02 PM
OOC: Lucky you :p
05-08-2003, 09:19 PM
Ooc: complain about the concert? When did I do that!?
Ic: Kalile was very busy making her fire and setting it round about with stones on the grassy hill. Next she prepared the arrows, soaking their iron heads in oil and fat. When a full quiver was ready, she took to shooting the orcs below on the dirt plain rather than those in tents. (Which were out of range anyway)
The flaming orcs ran and stumbled, setting more afire.
05-09-2003, 07:24 PM
I'm still here! I couldn't post 'cause of school and my sister's choir concert. :rolleyes: sigh.
OOC:Now I proved it because of :rolleyes: sigh.
Imhuriel looked at the scene unfolding before them and laughed. After she finished laughing she finished off the orcs that were not on fire and said" now I have 5,305 ohp[orc head points]."
Eowyn, Lady of Rohan
05-10-2003, 10:49 AM
Eowyn: 2000!!
Larien: 99999
Eowyn: Ha! Ya right!!
Kalile: liar!
Eowyn: 7777!
OOC: My horse looks like this:
05-10-2003, 11:39 AM
Orcs had begun running, destroying the little foliage and plants that speckled the plain in their retreat. "We can not let them escape!" Larien shouted, "But we need to find that wizard! Suggestions?"
Gulio, Strength of Many
05-10-2003, 09:36 PM
Gulio: We could just run after them? *Looking hopeful*
05-10-2003, 10:08 PM
Growling in frustration, Larien, who was near Gulio, smacked him hard upside the head.
"Of course we can just run after the orcs! That wasn't the question! What I meant was, the orcs are getting away, and yes, we could chase them, but there is still that wizard to be found, and it would be foolhardy to divide our forces to search for him. So we have either the option of finding the wizard or killing the orcs, unless someone has a better suggestion."
Gulio, Strength of Many
05-10-2003, 10:57 PM
Gulio rubbed his head and said, "Well, that's no question at all! Let's go hunt some orc!"
05-11-2003, 01:00 AM
Kalile was already running in their midst, having tired of the conversation long ago. Before they realized that she was there, the Wilder Elf had outdistanced them, keeping them back with occasional dagger thrusts. Mostly she simply ran in front of them, keeping them angry. Finally, she stepped lightly out and stopped. The frontmost orcs ran straight over the ravine with a slender rope stretched across it. The others stayed away from the elf who was laughing at those who, unlike her, had missed the rope.
Eowyn, Lady of Rohan
05-11-2003, 10:22 AM
Eowyn: Kalile! How many orcs have fallen from your blade?
Kalile: 158!! You?
Eowyn: 233! Ha!
05-11-2003, 03:33 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Eowyn, Lady of Rohan
[B]Eowyn: 2000!!
Larien: 99999
Eowyn: Ha! Ya right!!
Kalile: liar!you lie really bad Eowyn, you can't kill off 5,777 orc's in 5 seconds!!!!!!!!!
Eowyn: 7777!
I now have 6,000 ohp
05-11-2003, 05:35 PM
Ooc: I've lost count. :p
The last sane person
05-11-2003, 09:43 PM
OOC: you're not the only one!!
Seth had followed the wizard hunting band at a respectful distance, killing about another hundered that tried to ambush them from the trees (If it wasnt from the bush that they sprang from, but the trees, would it be am-tree??)
Seth:*sigh* this is getting boring!!
He follows the band and shoots the orcs with his Eastern long bow, finally he goes up to the small group and asks what the heck are they waiting for.
Seth: OY! where's Kalile?
Telnaufag( Is that your name or your horse' name??): she's over there! *points to the speck on a rope across the ravine*
Seth: Oh.
He runs over and anhialates the orcs that were waiting on the edge.
Seth:*cheerily* hiya Midge! long time no Slice!!
Kalile:*cheerily* Indeed! Long time no bash! how's the killin' going for ya??
Seth: Oh, lost count after 'round 10k!
Kalile: yeah, me too. some wheres round 9k too!
Seth: then what are we waiting for? lets go kill some more!!
Kalile: yeah!!
They procceed and do so.
Eowyn, Lady of Rohan
05-12-2003, 05:42 PM
Originally posted by The last sane person
OOC: you're not the only one!!
Seth had followed the wizard hunting band at a respectful distance, killing about another hundered that tried to ambush them from the trees (If it wasnt from the bush that they sprang from, but the trees, would it be am-tree??)
Seth:*sigh* this is getting boring!!
He follows the band and shoots the orcs with his Eastern long bow, finally he goes up to the small group and asks what the heck are they waiting for.
Seth: OY! where's Kalile?
Telnaufag( Is that your name or your horse' name??): she's over there! *points to the speck on a rope across the ravine*
Seth: Oh.
He runs over and anhialates the orcs that were waiting on the edge.
Seth:*cheerily* hiya Midge! long time no Slice!!
Kalile:*cheerily* Indeed! Long time no bash! how's the killin' going for ya??
Seth: Oh, lost count after 'round 10k!
Kalile: yeah, me too. some wheres round 9k too!
Seth: then what are we waiting for? lets go kill some more!!
Kalile: yeah!!
They procceed and do so.
Eowyn: Ok, I have hundreds less.
Kalile: *cough*
05-12-2003, 11:03 PM
Originally posted by The last sane person
Seth had followed the wizard hunting band at a respectful distance, killing about another hundered that tried to ambush them from the trees (If it wasnt from the bush that they sprang from, but the trees, would it be am-tree??) [/B]
I will hold you responsible for keeping the poor english teacher's daughter awake tonight, and making her head hurt! :p
The last sane person
05-13-2003, 12:04 AM
OOC: Ern?? Why were you up all night?
Seth had finally caught up with his old comrades and was showing them a new camp of orcs on which they could further practice their unique killing styles
Seth: There! on my last count there was about a thousand give or take a platoon!
Kalile: should be a peice of cake! Hey, remember the Deep! what a stab-fest that was!
Seth: yeah! I lost three daggers in the skulls of a few Trolls!
Telnaufag: Uh, sorry. I dont quite get that as I was not here for it.
Seth: Oh you poor thing! Now, Kalile, would you care to do the honors with me?
Kalile: certainly! *draws breath*
*With that they decende on the foul camp, which was now in a panic at the cry. Seth had turned into that whirling mass of blades that he was famous for and T&K were heartily slogging their way through the orcish mess*
Eowyn, Lady of Rohan
05-13-2003, 06:32 PM
*Next morning*
Eowyn: *Pant* What's...Up?
Seth: sooo tired
Telnaufag: What happened to me??? I'm sore all over!!
*Eowyn turns to lie on her belly and stops*
Kalile: You were?
Eowyn: Shut up midge
05-13-2003, 06:37 PM
Ooc: Am-tree.
Ic: The camp was soon in flames, with everyone running about and trampling eachother. Everyone managed to get out, and not trampled by orcs, except Seth and Kalile. When they finally did emerge, Kalile was riding piggy back, and looking extremely annoyed.
Everyone: There you are! (And other exclamations, not all of them complimentary, I'm sure)
The last sane person
05-14-2003, 04:25 PM
OOC: Piggy back.......? on my back I take it.....
Eowyn, Lady of Rohan
05-15-2003, 07:59 PM
*Next morning*
Eowyn: *groans and streaches* Why are you snoring Seth? We have orcs to kill.
Seth: *Talking in his sleep* ooo orcyyyyy.... die!!! *chops off Eowyn's horses' head*
Gulio, Strength of Many
05-15-2003, 09:47 PM
Gulio: Great going Seth! Now how is Eowyn going going to keep up with us?
The last sane person
05-16-2003, 02:30 PM
OOC: Hey! I would never do such a thing! even if a am a tad sadistic.............
Seth: oops.... over in the next valley there is a herd of Rohan horses whoes riders got the sharp end of an orc's blade. Why dont you go nip over there and take one that suits you?
Eowyn: *sigh* fine. *goes and picks one*
Gulio: Thats not the point you barnarian!!
Seth: *growls* shut up.
Kalile: *rubbing her neck* when did you get here?
Gulio: uh........
Telnaufag: Who cares.... lets get moving!
Eowyn, Lady of Rohan
05-16-2003, 05:33 PM
Eowyn: Her name's Skysong! *Shows up with white horse*
Seth: *polietly* Very nice horse.
Gulio: *scoff* *Sarcastic* Very nice horse.
Eowyn: You don't mean it! *Burst into tears and tries to throw herself off a cliff, but Telnaufag stops her*
Telnaufag (Tel from now on!): Whoa, Eowyn, what are you doing?
Eowyn: *Points at Gulio* he doesn't like Skysong! *Starts sobbing again*
Kalile: If it helps, I like your horse!
Seth: Me too, I guess Gulio *shoots the evil eye at Gulio* doesn't recognise a beautiful horse like Skysong when he sees one!
Tel: Hold it. Who's Skysong.
Eowyn: Who's Skysong! Why, only the prettiest, smartest horse you ever laided eyes on! ;)
The last sane person
05-16-2003, 09:56 PM
OOC: Kalile.... what -or who- were you sleeping on?
*Seth bonks Eowyn on the head*
Seth: Now dont go all Emo on me!
Eowyn:*snapping out of it and untangling herself from Tel's neck* Oh, thanks! shall we move on?
Kalile: Indeed!
05-17-2003, 02:32 AM
Ooc: Er, the ground, I would hope. Unless Raistlin wants to get his red-robed fanny into the RPG forum... ;)
Ic: Kalile stamped, impatient to get going. "Come. Orcs are this way- while you were all still abed, I was out scouting.
The last sane person
05-17-2003, 02:29 PM
OOC: Sorry I asked! We dont need any of that stuff round here! But you could always PM him!
The last sane person
05-17-2003, 02:31 PM
OOC:red-robed fanny ???? where did that come from?
05-17-2003, 05:48 PM
Ooc: Raistlin is a wizard of the red robes (neutrality) in the books that actually caused us to meet. :p he later goes to the evil black robes, but my Raistlin is nice. And he won't come to the rpg site because he can only get on the moot about once a week. Oh well.
05-17-2003, 09:03 PM
ooc:Hello again.
Imhuriel was being quiet as death as she looked into the woods. She took a sharp breath and ran into the forest. She came back with a pair of wounded elves. She asked their names and they replied to her. The girl was named Imharwen and the guy was named Elaniel.
05-18-2003, 05:34 AM
OOC: Sorry that I was gone for this long... back now I hope! And stop calling my char a fag, his name is Telnafaug! NOT Telnaufag!! :mad: But Tel is fine with me...
A huge camp lay before the comrades, flickering ligth from hundres of campfires spread out over the landscape as far as the elven eyes could see.
Telnafaug had yet to sort out why he had fallen asleep in a pile of rocks, and even so, what had happened last night. He could only remember the orcs suddenly fleeing from them. That was not the likes of orcs, they hated elves above anything, and with the number they held at that encounter, more then four adversaries would have had to stand before them... Telnafaug wondered, he did not remember anything from that moment till now... And elves sleeping in a pile of rocks?
Telnafaug sighed and could only shook his head. That was of little consern now, for the army that rested before them would haul all his consentration. But yet a feeling of what had happened yesterday did not linger, what had happened back there that had caused the whole comanys blackout?
The elf shook the tought out an instant later at the orcish shout.
Eowyn, Lady of Rohan
05-18-2003, 06:33 PM
Tel: Elves?
Eowyn: Elves?
Seth: Not easterlings?
Kalile: why would there be easterlings?
Seth: They promised me they'd visit!*angrily*
Tel: Awwww...I wanted to see easterlings!
Eowyn: Yeah. But if they're like Seth, I might have to rethink that.
OOC: Sorry, Sane. Just a joke!
The last sane person
05-19-2003, 12:10 AM
OOC: Sorry bout that! I am horrible with really long names *sheepish grin* Yay! more of my type!
05-19-2003, 11:56 PM
Ooc: :confused: Wait. Easterners are orcs???? :confused:
05-20-2003, 11:23 AM
OOC: Ok, to clear up things yet another time... It was the orcs in the huge camp that yelled Elves when they spotted us... I guess not all of us are elves, but since some of us are I guess an orc would never bother to start listing up every race that stood there... shouting ELVES would merely be enough to arouse the whole army ;)
The last sane person
05-20-2003, 02:44 PM
OOC: No, Easterners are not orcs. We thought that the orcs coming toward us were some of my friends. Turns out we were wrong
Seth: Well, I guess my comrades have yet to appear! On to battle!
Tel: Yes! *he rushes on to meet the wave of orcs
Kalile: come on Seth!
*they rush on to battle head on with the oncoming monsters*
Eowyn, Lady of Rohan
05-22-2003, 05:43 PM
Eowyn: Evil monsters!
Monster: I'll kill you!!!
Eowyn: Yuh huh, bring it on!
05-23-2003, 03:30 PM
Elaniel: "Gotta kill em all, these nasty orcs." Imharwen, Elaniel and Imhuriel all go in different directions and start chopping off orc heads
Imharwen: This is fun
imhuriel and Elaniel: Affirmitive.
Eowyn, Lady of Rohan
05-23-2003, 06:20 PM
Eowyn: *Kills 5 orcs in 1 blow* Arggg
The last sane person
05-23-2003, 08:38 PM
Seth: *kills bout 20 or so orcs* Oy! Eowyn! if you want to catch up to our kill scores, you'll have to do better than that!
Eowyn: ARGGGG!
Seth: *chortles*
05-24-2003, 01:58 AM
Ooc: You guys are so weird! :D
Ic: A cloud of dust came up over the horizon. Horses soon came into view, bearing riders with halberds and spears.
Kalile: "Yay!"
Elanel : "Why are you shouting?"
Kalile: "I don't know. Yay!"
Eowyn, Lady of Rohan
05-24-2003, 09:49 AM
Originally posted by Kalile
Ooc: You guys are so weird! :D
Ic: A cloud of dust came up over the horizon. Horses soon came into view, bearing riders with halberds and spears.
Kalile: "Yay!"
Elanel : "Why are you shouting?"
Kalile: "I don't know. Yay!"
OOC: Weird? Thank you!
Eowyn: *Chops off 50 with one blow.* Idiotic orcs, you'd think they'd stand farther appart.
Seth: *Grunt*
Kalile: *55 in one blow*
Eowyn: *Another 60 in one blow*
Seth: *60 in one blow*
Elanel: Geees! How are we gonna keep up with them Imhuriel?
05-24-2003, 05:54 PM
Ooc: Weirdos rule the universe!
:confused: 55 at a time? Is that physically possible?!?
05-25-2003, 05:06 PM
ooc:Yes, if you are an elf
Oh, 100 with one stroke BEAT THAT, my total now is 5,500
The last sane person
05-26-2003, 01:16 AM
OOC: Or an Easterling!!!
Seth:*does 101* Ha!!! I lost count what my points were!
*Seth gazes at the figures riding towards them and shouts with joy!*
Seth: YESS!!! My fellow comrades in arms! I feared you would not show!!
Leader: Ha! And miss the fun? Never in your grandmothers life span!
*Seth laughed and takled the leader from his horse and joked and kidded with his fellow Easterners*
Eowyn:*cradels head in hands* Oh brother! More Easterlings! *then she notices that there were some very handsome ones in the group* Then again.......
Eowyn, Lady of Rohan
05-26-2003, 10:53 AM
Eowyn: I've done so many, I lost count!!!
05-26-2003, 11:40 AM
I never lose count, I am a elf
05-26-2003, 01:31 PM
"Heavy magic must be enchanting your weapons!" Telnafaug said to his comrades. He had been sitting back and watching the spectacle, not totaly recovered after the bad sleep in the rocks.
"You cut down several ranks in one sweep!"
Telnafaug gazed as Seth slashed down yet another rank of oncoming orcs. "If they had brains they would stay away from that mans furious swings." He chuckled lightly.
His lust for battle had surely buildt up by watching the others, and so he engaged, his two drawn sabres leading the way.
The last sane person
05-27-2003, 02:27 PM
OOC: Glimdrell?? who's that?
Seth had slashed down yet another wave of orcs, joyfull of his friends' arrival. toghether the Easterlings anhialated the orcs that were on coming. Finally Telnafaug (ha! I can to spell) joined the battle and room was made for him in the ranks.
Tel: *swings both sabers madly* YAAAA HAAHAHAH! Die fell beasts!
Seth:*laughs* Ha! you have yet to see fell beasts, I wish there were some around! then the real fun would begin!
Tel yells and rushes a horde of incoming Uruks, dancing his way over and destroying them.
Seth:*eyes Kalile* OY! Midge! Are you really going to let that prance-happy he-elf best your score!?
Kalile: Never in an elfs lifespan! *marches over and kills the rest of the orcs*
Tel:*laughs* Hey! no fair!
Kalile: well, ya snooze ya loose!
Tel: boy, I've never heard that one before!
Eowyn, Lady of Rohan
05-30-2003, 06:54 PM
Eowyn: Elf this...Enf that...Will you ever stop elfing?
Seth: elfing?
Tel: elfing?????? No such word!!!!
The last sane person
05-30-2003, 07:59 PM
OOC: What is an "enf"??
Seth: So what!!! Elves are doing alot more than you missy! so I praise them!!
Eowyn:*sulk* no fair! not my fault there are so many.....
Seth, Tel., and seth's friends as well as Kalile and the others kill all the orcs and go looking for some real fell beasts to hunt. Eowyn sulks behind every one else.
05-31-2003, 02:44 AM
OOC: I think an enf is a mix between an elf and an ent ;)
Come on lets kill a balrog! that is about 1,000 ohc.
05-31-2003, 07:41 AM
OOC: Hahaha... we could never kill a balrog. Gandalf hardly could! And ehm, Glimdrell is a char of mine in another rpg, misswrote him here, have edited back to Telnafaug.
BIC: They ran on, looking for some real fell beasts as Seth had put it.
"We should really stop running around like this and go for the camp with the wizards banner." Telnafaug said.
Seth chuckled evily. "As if I wanted him dead at all. Look at all the fun he has brought us. My sword hungers for more!"
Telnafaug shrugged the thought away. "Alright, so where do we find your fell beasts?"
Seth pointed towards the mountain ahead. "Over there! We just need to find the cave entrance. I am sure we'll find something really foul in there, something that does not go out under daylight!"
The whole group could only chuckle. Seths entusiasm and hunger for evil blood seemed to overwhelm him. They could only follow and see to his safety, although noone doubted that his sword would do the same.
Eowyn, Lady of Rohan
06-01-2003, 11:50 AM
Originally posted by Legoles
OOC: I think an enf is a mix between an elf and an ent ;)
Come on lets kill a balrog! that is about 1,000 ohc.
OOC: Ooooo, you meanie. ;) I meant e-l-f, but what I said and what I meant are two different things.
Eowyn: I don't care for elves.
Imhuriel: Excuse me?
Eowyn: I don't care for elves. You heard me.
Imhuriel: How many elves are there? Many. How many men are there? Not MANY.
The last sane person
06-01-2003, 09:20 PM
OOC: *shudders* I wonder how they go about getting a cross between an elf and an ent? Why must you me look so blood thirsty? *wipes away blood from face* Uh, never mind. silly question!
*The troop went around behind Seth as they were curious to se what kind of trouble he would get both into and out of in the battle with the fell beast*
Seth: Aha! it is close! can you not hear it?
*the elves can hear the soft russle however the humans are left clueless. The Easterlings and Tel. move into the cave itself and prepare for battle with the unknown*
Eowyn, Lady of Rohan
06-02-2003, 05:54 PM
*Imhuriel goes into a dressing room that happens to be standing by the road*
*Everyone continues, not noticing Imhuriel's absence*
*Imhuriel returns*
Imhuriel: Does this dress make me look...Where'd they go? I really wanted that dress approved by them!!!
06-05-2003, 07:51 PM
Legoles is on vacation, so she just stays there in the dressing room.
Kalile wondered, not for the first time, how humans had survived this long. She pulled Eowyn into the cave. "Watch it! The "fell beast" that everyone keeps yammering about is out there. I'm surprised you can't hear it! Humans :rolleyes: she thought
The last sane person
06-06-2003, 02:29 PM
OOC: By the grace of whatever omnipontent being that is out there!!
Gulio, Strength of Many
06-06-2003, 02:45 PM
ooc: By grace you have been saved through faith, not by works, so that no man can boast. (When the last sane person said 'grace' I had to put in that verse.):p
ic: Gulio: I want to kill the fell beast thingy.
The last sane person
06-06-2003, 11:17 PM
OOC: ACK! Very well, by the strength of my own arms and strength of steel have i preserved!
Seth/Tel/other easterlings: To late we got dibbs on it!! *smake gulio to the end of the line*
06-07-2003, 03:33 AM
The cave ran deeper and deeper into the rocky mountain. The stench strengthened, the heat boiled up and the air thickened.
"What is this place?" Telnafaug managed to whisper. "The cave of a fell beast!" Seth said, licking his mouth at the thought of it. "Ahh, you really need medical help!" Telnafaug looked about him. "Where is a cleric when you need one?!".
Suddenly the rocks dissapeared beyond sight on eather side, and the ceiling towered above them into the looming darkness. The blackness of this place seemed to put a cape upon every lightsource. The victorious obscurity did indeed warn of some terrible, fell beast.
Everybody stopped, all except Seth, who keeped on going, oblivious to the halt of the others. They knew if they yelled to him, the fell beast would know their presence and position, if the beast didn't already know...
OOC: Not trying to make you stupid there Seth (The last sane person). But the way you've played your character, my impression is that he is slightly mad. I guess he'll be the first one to achieve eye contact with this fell beast, though I know not. Perhaps the monster don't see you, but rather our group and you have to save us from our doom. Eather way I care not. I am just riding the storm :D
Eowyn, Lady of Rohan
06-07-2003, 06:50 PM
Eowyn: Hey! I wanted the beastie!!
The last sane person
06-07-2003, 08:26 PM
OOC: Arat, how I play my character is not by him being mad. If you take a martial arts class, the first thing they teach you aside from the basics is to put total concentration in the battle and nought elsewhere! In certain cases those that become advanced need not take nearly asmuch caution as others not trained. (also Seth is a rather out going guy, so he may crack a few jokes while in battle. Not unlike Gimli in the books)
06-07-2003, 09:07 PM
OOC: Hehe :) I know what you meen "TLSP" (the last sane person) , still I feel like your char is a little crazy :D :D :D
Eowyn: I doubt Seth can take that beast all by him self, no matter how crazy he is ;) :D :D
The last sane person
06-07-2003, 09:18 PM
OOC: LOL! Go ahead if you want.
06-09-2003, 04:45 PM
"Well he's gotta have some help,"Kalile whispered, and snuck off after her errant friend.
Ooc: Sorry, Sane! You're (ironically) insane! :p
(maybe, instead of Corri, we should just call you Mad. ;))
Gulio, Strength of Many
06-09-2003, 05:03 PM
Gulio followed Kalile silently into the darkness, ready for anything.
The last sane person
06-09-2003, 06:24 PM
OOC: *sigh* I suppose. But then so are the rest of you! I think, however, that Corri will suit me just fine thank you!
06-10-2003, 12:54 AM
Ooc: Humanity is supposedly made in god's image. Of COURSE we're all mental! (Sorry if that offended anyone)
You heard her! Corri it is! :D
06-10-2003, 11:49 AM
A growl suddenly echoed through the hall. A deep, evil roar that shook the belly and froze the spine. Telnafaug took a step back into the hallway from which they had come, and looked intesiveliy into the looming darkness before him, but no beast could be seen...
"FOOLS!" A deep voice shouted, causing the ground to shake and stones breaking off of the ceiling high above them. Seth and the others on the front looked frantically about as stones crashed down all about them, but the direction of the foul voice could not be determined, the walls' echoing plates obscured it's source.
"There is no use looking, for I am darker then the darkness itself! You were doomed at your first step into my halls, none shall return to see the light of day again!" A truculent laughter echoed through the hall, so powerfull that everyone dropped their weapons to hold before their ears.
Telnafaug looked desperately to the doomed people at the front, he could bearly make out their forms through the obscuring darkness. Then, suddenly, something darker washed over them, consuming the whole area of their possition.
The elf drew his two sabres and looked determinally at the dark, undefined form before him. It was time for action!
OOC: Errr... I just thought something undefined would be more scary then a balrog! But do with this cursed creature as you wish. For all Telnafaug knows at this moment, this creature, this consuming darkness, might just be a wizard casting a darkness spell about him, or a Balrog doing something similar, or a dragon, or some totaly other creature never before seen... it is up to us really...
The last sane person
06-10-2003, 02:16 PM
OOC: Kay, lets go for a wizard.
Seth and company had walked into the cave when all of a sudden this big boming invisable voice piped up pronounceing how mighty it was and how they were all going to meet their doom.
Seth:*muttering to himself* If it wasnt for all the evil i'd say this was Elrond talkin cause of all the gloom'n'doom! *aloud*Oy there! Big, scary voice! You can shut yer gob for the moment cause I dont care how dark ya are! DIE!!!!!
Voice: Er... Hey! I wasnt done with my speech!
Seth&Tel&Kalile: Yarg! *they attack the voice*
Voice: Ouch! Hey! No pointy objects please!
Seth&friends: DIE!
06-10-2003, 09:40 PM
Ooc:Seth&Tel: Yarg! *they attack the voice*
Hey! You forgot Midge!!!!! :mad:
Ic: Kalile quickly joined the others in smacking around in the darkness, deciding against sharp objects in case she hit one of her friends. Her fist connected with many things, some of which responded. Finally she hit something that said "OW!" and (finally) didn't sound like one of her friends. Suddenly the darkness disappeared, and someone wailed, "You got me in the eye! :( :( ____ WAH!"
The last sane person
06-11-2003, 12:06 AM
OOC: Sorry! Didnt see you down there! I'll edit my post!! :D
06-11-2003, 01:12 AM
Much better. :)
Gulio, Strength of Many
06-11-2003, 01:27 AM
Seth&Tel&Kalile: Yarg! *They all attack the voice*
What about Gulio?
ic: Gulio also decided against pointy objects, in case he accidentially hit a friend. He picked up few rocks and threw them into the darkness, hoping it was the enemy that he was hitting.
06-11-2003, 06:31 AM
As the darkness disapeared a wizard appeared in the middle of the circle formed by the company.
"Ouch! You hit me in the eye stupid!" The wizard growled. "Fear the consequenses!"
The wizard did a quick gesture with his hand, and even before any of the company could attack, a strong wind sent them all flying many feet backwards, landing on their back.
"One do not encircle a wizard that easily!" He growled.
The wizard started a dark chanting, raising his arms and waving them about, as if about casting a spell. A sudden inner darkness formed between his hands. He tossed the black ball into the air, where it lingered.
"COME TO ME!" The wizard commanded with a strong voice. The black ball cracked as flames worked their way through its scale. A sudden burst of light blinded everyone in the room.
"What the heck!" Seth burst out, protecting his eyes with his hand.
As he could see again, a huge burning demon towered above them. "Haha, meet my friend." The wizard laughed before dissapearing into the darkness.
Telnafaug quickly rolled behind a stone that had fallen from the ceiling.
OOC: Heh, we don't want to kill that wizard already do we? :p Oh well, there is yer demon/balrog or whatever :D
Eowyn, Lady of Rohan
06-11-2003, 05:53 PM
Eowyn: Mental? Of course I'm mental!!
06-11-2003, 06:16 PM
Kalile quickly tumbled behind the demon. Now my acrobatics might be of use! she thought, adrenaline replacing the blood in her veins. This was what battle was about! As the demon roared and turned, Kalile flipped up, and over him, back to the other side. For the next several minutes, the demon turned around and around, trying to squash the elf doing cartwheels under him, backflips over him, and once even springing off of its shoulder.
Good thing this demon ain't too smart. She exulted, doing handsprings all the way around it.
The last sane person
06-11-2003, 11:42 PM
This time Seth wanted to get into the act. While Kalile was bouncing all over the place, Seth was slashing and bashing with his mighty blades of Doooooooooom.
Seth:*happily* Yarg! Join in! There's plenty for all! *he goes off and cuts of one of its arms* You better hurry! It wont last forever!
06-12-2003, 01:15 AM
"Or maybe it will!" Kalile gulped, for the demon grew another arm, leaving the old one to disappear in a cloud of smoke. Kalile decided to stop trying to distract it, and start trying to kill it. She drew her scimitar and sprang away from the demon's descending fist in one movement. "Time to go!" she grinned, and jumped once more, toward the demon's face, leaving a long trail of... whatever ran in the demon's veins behind her. It was almost impossible, the way Kalile jumped twenty feet into the air, sticking her sword into it as she went, and continuing upward. THIS is what she was trained for.
The last sane person
06-12-2003, 03:00 PM
Seth jumped with kalile and did the same move, cutting deep into demonic flesh. Kalile was useing a borrowed semitar that she got when she was training side by side with Seth.
Seth: hey Kalile! This is what WE were trained for!
Eowyn, Lady of Rohan
06-12-2003, 05:31 PM
Eowyn: I'm going to help them! *summersaults in*
Tel: Me too! *Flip jumps in*
*Eowyn lands sprawled by a table*
*Tel does a split and hurts his legs*
Tel&Eowyn: Owwweee!!!
06-12-2003, 08:53 PM
Imhuriel: " Idiots (reffering to the people who injured themselves and who are of little use right now)." She does a perfect back handspring into the battle. She slashes at the demon with all her might," Finally some action."
06-12-2003, 11:12 PM
Ooc: Hey! My person isn't as strong as yours, nor as tall, and so I have to have some advantage!!!!!
Anyway, you're still in that dress. ;)
The last sane person
06-12-2003, 11:55 PM
OOC: Not you Kalile! She was talking about Eowyn and Tel!
06-13-2003, 02:48 AM
OOC: I think she was talking about Seth being able to do her same move ;)
The last sane person
06-13-2003, 07:10 PM
OOC: Well, it makes sense. If A midget can do that, then i can too!
06-13-2003, 07:26 PM
Ooc: More the perfect back handspring. Jumping high is something that anyone can learn fairly easily, and Seth and Kalile have been a team for a while. But Seth can't do roundoffs and handsprings and flips and things, and Kalile can't fight as well in close proximity because she lacks the strength.
:p Sorry if I was obscure :p (Is this smiley sticking out its tongue or half smiling and chuckling?)
The last sane person
06-14-2003, 01:58 AM
OOC: Ah... Better! I think its sticking ou its tongue however im not sure.
06-14-2003, 02:20 PM
Ooc: I guess we'll never know. :D
Gulio, Strength of Many
06-15-2003, 09:20 PM
Gulio drew his sword and eagerly ran into the fight. Destroying demons was what he was made for, not puny little orcs. His sword was like lightning, slashing the demon. "Wait a minute," Gulio thought, "Why not kill the wizard, when he's distracted with the demon?" This seemed like a good plan, so Gulio sneaked up behind the wizard, ready to kill.
06-16-2003, 12:46 AM
The wizard cursed his carelessness. The fools had spotted him! He muttered some words and threw dust into the air, transporting outside and a ways off.
Just because it's my only demon doesn't mean that I have to die for it! he thought, wiping sweat away from his forehead and reaching for the demon's focus.
The fighters heard the wizard cursing from where he was. He had forgotten to include the focus in his transport spell! :eek: I hope the demon realizes it, and defends the focus!
OOc: Hah, this is my 351st post, Legoles, and you started a while before I did. :p Thpphth! ;)
Nah, I love you, Legoles. I just also love teasing people younger than me. :D
Gulio, Strength of Many
06-16-2003, 02:37 AM
Gulio stopped suddenly when the wizard threw dust into the air and disappeared from sight. Gulio wiped the dust from his eyes, and barely missed getting his head taken off for not paying attention to the demon. He hurried back to and slicing pieces of demonic flesh.
The last sane person
06-16-2003, 02:23 PM
Seth was really having too much fun slashing and bashing away. Kalile was very angery at not getting the wizard and swore at herself.
Kalile: Fu@#...!
Seth: No thank you!
Legoles: I'd rather fight!
Gulio, Strength of Many
06-16-2003, 09:38 PM
Gulio was having a great time, even after losing the wizard. 'Ah yes, demons are so much fun!' he thought. "I could do this all day!" he yelled to his companions, still slicing and slashing the demon. By now his sword (and him) were soaked in whatever flowed through a demon's veins.
06-17-2003, 02:09 PM
ooc:Yo Imhuriel not Legoles.Oh and Kalile I don't think that dress of hers could take anymore damage so I'll change it in my posts later K?
IC: Imhuriel was kickin demon arse. Her blade slashed at it and glowed red because the demon let off a red light.
06-17-2003, 08:24 PM
Ooc: Don't have much time to post, but in order to kill a really powerful demon you must break its focus. Demons can usually regenerate. I'll make it nice and hard for you. :D
Ic: The focus was actually a small pebble, perfectly round, and blue. Despite the color, it was extremely hard to see among the myriad other rocks on the floor.
Ooc: I can't post for a while.:( Computer's acting up.
The last sane person
06-18-2003, 01:31 AM
OOC: Bloody hell! Get a new one!
Gulio, Strength of Many
06-18-2003, 01:56 AM
ooc: lol, sometimes your computer can really suck.
ic: Gulio was having a blast fighting the demon. "Send us another one!!!!" he shouted to the unseen wizard, "Then we can REALLY have some fun!!!!!!!"
The last sane person
06-18-2003, 06:20 PM
Seth went sliding under the beast as gulio asked for another one to appear, he slit the things legs off and then he himself slid into a pile of pebbles. Sitting on and crushing a small blue one. He and the others made one last charge at it and struck their blows at the same time, killing the Balrog.
Gulio, Strength of Many
06-18-2003, 08:50 PM
Gulio smiled in satisfaction as the demon was destroyed. "Ah, yes, that was refreshing. Let's have another one!''
The last sane person
06-19-2003, 12:24 PM
Seth: I agree with Gulio! but instead, this time lets have at the wizard!!!
Gulio: Yeah!
06-19-2003, 04:55 PM
Ooc: Well, that's one way to kill an evil demon from the planes of hell! ;)
The last sane person
06-19-2003, 05:23 PM
OOC: What? Sitting on its focus?
06-21-2003, 12:28 PM
"Where did that wizard go?" Telnafaug asked, looking around. The other looked surprised at him being there at all. "We thought you had been killed or run away! Where were you during the battle?"
"I have no skills to match that of a balrog!" Telnafaug said honestly. "But where did that wizard go?"
The last sane person
06-21-2003, 02:48 PM
Seth: at least the elf is honest! let us follow his trail and hunt him down!
Kalile: well, we need to start somewhere so where was the last anyone saw him?
Gulio: over in the back of the cave.
Tel.: well, when we do find him how are we going to dispatch him?
Seth: we'll cross that bridge when we come to it!
Gulio, Strength of Many
06-21-2003, 05:16 PM
Gulio: Well, welcome back Telnafaug. You missed some great sport. That was fun. Ah, yes. I was attacking the wizard when he threw some dust into the air and said a few strange words. I didn't see what happened next, as some of the dust got into my eyes. Nearly got my head taken off for being distracted!
06-21-2003, 05:41 PM
They searched the back of the cave throughly, but no wizard could be seen. "He must have teleported himself somehow..." Telnafaug reasoned. "He may be on the other side of Middle Earth for all we know!"
They all sighed and decided upon leaving the cave and the dead balrog. As they approached the exit an evil laughter suddenly arouse. They all stoped.
"I told you none would leave this cave alive!" The old wizards voice howled through the air, then suddenly a huge stone fell before the exit, blocking all light and their only way out. Ratteling sounds, like claws gainst stone could be heard in the ceiling, all over the place. And wicked grunts, or whines of terror.
"What is happening?!" Telnafaug screamed through the noise of the undefined monsters. "I can't see a thing!" Suddenly two bloodstruck, yellow eyes appeared before him, both sabres was up instantly choking on whatever was before him. Then he saw it, thousands of the same yellow eyes could be seen all over the ceiling and the floor before them.
"What is this?" Telnafaug cried.
OOC: Sorry for making our stay in the cave this long, but the wizard did promise us doom :p
The last sane person
06-22-2003, 07:35 PM
OOC: Oh bugger all! what are we fighting now? Shelob?
Seth: Not again!
06-23-2003, 03:51 AM
OOC: hehe :p Make the ceiling fall upon them (whatever they are) if you do not want to fight them off ;)
The last sane person
06-23-2003, 12:07 PM
OOC: Fneh! I dont know about the others and whether or not they want to fight them or not. Maybe i'll just act like you and stay out of this fight! :D
Eowyn, Lady of Rohan
06-23-2003, 08:33 PM
OOC: Hi! I'm back!!!
Eowyn: How many orcs, Imhuriel?
Imhuriel: 2333.
Eowyn: liar.
Imhuriel: Nope. Unlike you, I don't lie!!! Ha ha!!!
Eowyn: I thought you forgot about that!!
06-23-2003, 08:40 PM
The last sane person
06-23-2003, 08:43 PM
OOC: SO, i take it kalile and eowyn will fight the beast.
Gulio, Strength of Many
06-23-2003, 09:22 PM
The last sane person: ooc: So I take it Kalile and Eowyn will fight the beast.
Gulio too!!!!
ic: Gulio coughed, the stench of an unseen foe nearly choking him. Myriads of yellow eyes were straing at him. He lunged for the wizard, slashing with his sword like lightning.
The last sane person
06-23-2003, 10:18 PM
OOC: Oh enough already with the sword of lighting thing!
Seth groaned and unslung his weapons, again. But this time he went straigh for the wizard and slashed his throat. He was dead instantly, how ever all the monsters he had summond remained. Seth let his friends and fellow easterlings take care of them.
OOC: So i got rid of the Wiz and our doom is not yet sealed!
Gulio, Strength of Many
06-24-2003, 01:04 AM
ooc: But what if my sword IS like lightning?!!! And I wanted the wizard Seth!!!!!
ic: With the wizard dead, Gulio turned his attention to the creatures he had summoned.
06-24-2003, 11:57 AM
Kalile watched as Seth and Gulio plunged into battle.
:rolleyes: There they go again. She thought, and unslung her harp. Playing a quick tune, a translucent shield raised about the two of them, and Kalile sat down to keep it up.
The last sane person
06-24-2003, 12:48 PM
OOC: Tough biscuts kid. I got him.
After killing the wizard, Seth went down and sat by Kalile. Letting the others finally get a chance at battle.
"now you have no need to worry your pretty head over me!" I smiled cheekily at her
"yeah, but now i've got to keep an eye out for that kid!"
06-24-2003, 09:57 PM
Kalile continued playing on her harp, feeling her energy level going down steadily. The shields will hold for a while, but not forever. Oh well. May as well enjoy the show
She continued playing the complicated tune with one hand, her fingers flying up and down the strings. With the other hand, she grabbed a handfull of lembas bits coated in sugar and fried. They were an elvish delicacy, and she began to eat.
"Want some, Seth?"
Gulio, Strength of Many
06-25-2003, 12:13 AM
Gulio noticed a magic shield go up about him. "Oh well, if she wants to....." he thought. He laughed uproarisly (sp?), having a great time slaying the beasties. They weren't much for sport, though.
The last sane person
06-25-2003, 12:15 AM
"gladly, what is it?"
Seth nibbles on one.
Eowyn, Lady of Rohan
06-28-2003, 08:31 PM
Eowyn: Lembas? Never had 'em...
Tel: Oh, Eowyn, they're good!
The last sane person
06-30-2003, 07:46 PM
Seth yawned.
"oy will you people ever be done?"
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