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Elfmaster XK
12-28-2004, 11:39 AM
Hi everyone.

[edit]Okay, we probably have enought players now. However, we are willing to consider anyone else who might like to join. Post in the thread. :)

This is what it is all about...I am EXK, aka, Captain Xenoia Karris of the former Nance-a-lot. For a long while now there has been a thread:The Quest for the Holy Wine. (http://entmoot.tolkientrail.com/showthread.php?t=5383) Finally we have completed it and we need some new blood in the game. If anyone is interested in joining us for a new, crazy adventure on the high seas of...somewhere...then these are the crew's positions. I put a strikethrough...no, because it didn't work...I have italicised the positions of the old crew, but they needed to be there so you could see who's in. If I missed anyone out that's because I'm stupid, sorry.

EDITED: Post to correct me if I have made a mistake.

Xenoia Karris
First Mate
Second Mate
Trimmers (2 or 3) (controlling the sails shapes)
Nurvingiel and CC
Quarter master
Master at Arms
Deckhands (3 or 4)
Flannery, Pansy, Katt
Helmsman (or woman)
Last Child of Ungoliant
Nippers (to weigh anchor)


Additional: Ale-nail and Flannery are characters currently played by everyone and used for plot-devices. If anyone would like to take them on, they may.

Tanoliel and Willow are deserters, awaiting capture. Eruviel Greenleaf was the former captain, and will likely make guest appearances. We would also welcome ideas from any potential players, and characters who might wish to be our enemies are likewise welcome.

Oh, and finally, if anyone would like to play but be allocated a character then I can create one for you. :) I [blook forward to rp-ing with you!

12-28-2004, 03:10 PM
Maybe just a smal resumé for those who don't have time right now to read through the first game thread (although I would encourage you all to do so for useful backrgound info and maybe a good laugh):

Cue the ship, the brigantine Nance-a-lot, the Nal for short. We sto... er commandeered it to use it for piracy and getting drunk. Most of us are Elves, with the exception of a faery and a vampire.

We undertook a long quest for the Holy Wine, which is the finest wine you can get in Middle-earth. But in the adventure we lost some crewmembers and our captain; and two of our crewwomen,Tano and Willow, deserted us and ran - well... more likely flew off with our Holy Wine before we even had a chance to taste it. (how rude, I hear you say)

We intend to get it (and them) back. But we lack some vital things like supplies and some crewmembers. So we're planning on anchoring at Mithlond -the Grey Havens, as you will all know them- to get just that.

The captain posted some of the vacancies but they're not really mandatory. So if you're interested in joining us (I promiss, you won't get keel-hauled... very often) then post here! Don't make me beg. ;)

Gulio, Strength of Many
12-28-2004, 06:02 PM
*insert Muppet Treasure Island flashback* I would be most willing to aid you in your quest to re-find the Holy Wine. ^^ This most Holy Wine would be an excellent... er, artifact to... um, help discover. Again. :)

12-28-2004, 06:37 PM
hey I will be a cook? If ya need one?

12-28-2004, 10:42 PM
YAY...we are finally gonna get those scally wags for stealing our wine..*hiccup*
So who is gonna brave the crewmates..I mean journey this time?

12-28-2004, 11:07 PM
I haven't rpged on entmoot before. But I am now!! :D Ok So Am I officially the Cook? (I love cooking :) )

12-29-2004, 05:19 PM
Nice of you to join us, Gulio and Bunny Queen! :) Yes, Bunny Queen, you can be the Nal's cook. It doesn't matter if you have never RPG'd here before, you'll pick up the gist soon enough. Gulio, any specific position you want to fill in?

Could you both give us a small description of your character? Looks aren't very important, but just perhaps a bit of history and personality. (Ethuliel, if you're reading, could you do the same?) For example, these are some of the descriptions that EXK made of us at the beginning of the last game:

Second Mate Eärniel (Eär) – Eärniel started by calling herself ship’s cat. Why no one is entirely sure, as she is the well known sea elf worthy of many a menacing tasks. [...]On her travels she has monopolised many different forms of the substance chocolate, and rations it - if allowing others to have any at all. Due to this addiction she can be found threatening mutiny [...] but sticks with her main talent that is map reading and interpreting language. Of course, being a sea elf, to begin with, land maps posed a bit of a challenge for her, but she improvised and improved.

Weapons Specialist Tanoliel (Tano) – She is the owner of the Catapult of Doom, the three-headed Cerberus cannon, and hundreds of other sharp or explosive implements of death and destruction aboard the ship. (Not to mention the demons.) Talented…(I said we weren’t mentioning them!) Talented at firing certain individuals off the ship with the catapult, her aim is impeccable when it comes to fending off rival pirates and just about any other ship that sails too close, or exploding giant octopi – when it comes to this, no one gets even close to her talent. She is also the proud owner of the Shadow-Fax-Machine. But that’s not relevant here.

It doesn't have to be this extensive, just a little to go on. Remember, you won't have such an history on the Nal yet but you can have one of your own. But you will be recruited in the beginning of the new game. When the Captain approves of the characters, we can start up the game. So keep an eye on this forum. :)

Gulio, Strength of Many
12-29-2004, 06:15 PM
Ooh, the Master at Arms position is open! *mischevious grin* I would very much like to have that position... Also, is it okay if my character isn't exactly... elven? You see, I'm not a very elvish person (not that the drunk scalawags are your typical elf), and am more of a dwarf... *puppy dog eyes*

12-29-2004, 10:06 PM
ok. Great :) What do you mean by Nal's ?

Cook (bunnie_queen)- I am the cook of this ship (its on a ship riteo?). I started calling myself "Tiny" Because I am one of the shorter ones of the ship. I have worked as a cook for many people, parties, on yachts....etc...I am very friendly. Love to cook....as you can see. I can Fight very good. My charcter is Elven and I'm short. I have blond hair( i no looks dun count but meh) I am very smart at geography. I'm a very good multitasker.

Is that good enough? lol

12-29-2004, 11:40 PM
I guess I will repost my character just to remind everyone and myself. :o

Sicirus was an elven crew member found on the Nal when first boarded (stolen actaully) and nobody felt like telling her to leave so she stayed and was in command of anything anyone asked her to do. Eevn rubbing some peoples feet in the middle of the night when they were drunk. ;)
Sicirus is master at war and arms. She is raven haired and tall. She is the master at sword and cannons that actually work. And is shown a bottle of wine or rum she will love you forever. Unless you steal the bottle then she will hunt you forever. :)

By the way can I have a pet greyhound in this one? I love greyhounds. PLEASE??????????

Count Comfect
12-30-2004, 12:47 AM
Hey, can I join? That other adventure of yours always looked like fun :)

12-30-2004, 07:07 AM
What do you mean by Nal's ?

Cook (bunnie_queen)- I am the cook of this ship (its on a ship riteo?). I started calling myself "Tiny" Because I am one of the shorter ones of the ship. I have worked as a cook for many people, parties, on yachts....etc...I am very friendly. Love to cook....as you can see. I can Fight very good. My charcter is Elven and I'm short. I have blond hair( i no looks dun count but meh) I am very smart at geography. I'm a very good multitasker.

Is that good enough? lol
What I mean by Nal's? Well, Nal is how we usually refer to our ship. (It takes a lot less time to type than Nance-a-lot.) I meant you get to be the ship's cook. Good at geography I see, interesting ability for a cook! You'll probably get along with me just fine then, I tend to have a slight problem with landmaps. :)

The description looks good enough to me, but Captain EXK gets the final word on it, as she does on all things, being the Nal's new captain. ;)

[EDIT: When I said that looks don't matter is because that's mainly because the characters usually look like us, after all, they are us in the funny twisted way that is called online comic RPG.]

Just a reminder (and that goes for everybody), be careful not to make your character too perfect. We tend to poke fun at ourselves (and just as well as anyone around us) a lot in the game. :p

Ooh, the Master at Arms position is open! *mischevious grin* I would very much like to have that position... Also, is it okay if my character isn't exactly... elven? You see, I'm not a very elvish person (not that the drunk scalawags are your typical elf), and am more of a dwarf... *puppy dog eyes*
Non-elven characters are okay, after all we've had faeries and vampires before. And dwarves are good drinkers too, aren't they? You want to be master of arms? It's a very sought after position... ;) If the captain doesn't object it's yours.

Sicirus was an elven crew member found on the Nal when first boarded (stolen actually) and nobody felt like telling her to leave so she stayed and was in command of anything anyone asked her to do. Even rubbing some peoples feet in the middle of the night when they were drunk. Sicirus is master at war and arms. She is raven haired and tall. She is the master at sword and cannons that actually work. And is shown a bottle of wine or rum she will love you forever. Unless you steal the bottle then she will hunt you forever.

By the way can I have a pet greyhound in this one? I love greyhounds. PLEASE??????????
You never said you had raven hair before! I always wondered, how does one convince those pesky birds to become hair? Don't they wiggle from time to time? ;)

According to EXK's list of ranks you were going to be promoted to second mate, not master at arms, remember? Gulio also already asked for that position and since she hasn't got a position yet, I'd let her be master at arms.

I have no problems with the greyhound although the ship's hardly a place for one: they need a lot of space to run. As long as it doesn't bother the ship's lori, it's fine with me.

Hey, can I join? That other adventure of yours always looked like fun :)
CC! *huggles* Of course you can join. In the old days half of the crew used to be TLA. :)

Hey Xen, seen the respons, I think we can start up the new game thread soon to enlist everybody before they realise what they're getting themselves into and try to run away. :evil:

Elfmaster XK
12-30-2004, 09:03 AM
Nice to see you guys. You're all very welcome. CC, please post a quick character summary so we know a little about you. Bunnie Queen, what you've written is absolutely fine. So we call you Tiny, yes? Does your character have a real name? (Just for reference, we'll call you Tiny if that is how you wish to be named :) ).

I apologise, I see Sicirus did want the Master at Arms position in the last discussion. However, as you have been promoted to Second Mate I have decided to give the position to Gulio (who needs to post a character profile ;) ). BUT, one important weapon we have is our catapult. Only Tanoliel knew its power, and since she is not here, and Sici you are a good fighter, I think that you should become our catapult expert. Ie. Your ongoing task will be to work out how it works. Is that okay? I mean, you have a position already so I decided to let new crew have position too. :)

So. Summary: We need a character profile from Gulio (our master at arms to be) and Count Comfect...and also Ethuiliel too. Just so we know any important facts about you. Like, you should all know Eärniel has a slight weakness for chocolate. (Sorry but they had to know ;) )

I would also like to suggest that maybe those we recruit are a crew already who lost their ship and most of their crew members. The only thing I can see with this is a potential for mutiny if you don't like the way I run the ship...but it's an idea we might like to work with. Alternatively, you are all going to picked up in a tavern or something. We'll have to think of a reason to pick you guys out of everyone there.

Finally, I might like to delegate to Eärniel the honour of starting the new thread, should she like that. Just so I don't feel like I am all controling and annyoing in the thread :D How about.... The Quest for Truth? After all, it isn't just about the wine anymore. But maybe that sounds too serious. Title, anyone? I also propose we re-name the Nal once she's fixed up.

Is Luthien still around?

ETA: One final thing I forgot but should probably mention here. The ship has a room. A room which is always locked because there is a thing in it. Now, in the past the thing in the room (the room is locked) has caused us trouble, but it should not bother us in this quest. It is just....unpredictable and unruly so I thought I'd warn ye potential players. In game your characters will be told by me not to go in there and I really advise you leave it well alone. Okay. Good. I wouldn't want to have to punish anyone new, after all.

12-30-2004, 10:48 AM
Like, you should all know Eärniel has a slight weakness for chocolate. (Sorry but they had to know ;) )
*gasps* You told! It was like... my biggest secret and you told it before we even started! I'm... devastated... Yeah... totally..

But since it's in the open then, I suppose I can say that 'slight' is an understatement. :p

Finally, I might like to delegate to Eärniel the honour of starting the new thread, should she like that. Just so I don't feel like I am all controling and annyoing in the thread :D How about.... The Quest for Truth? After all, it isn't just about the wine anymore. But maybe that sounds too serious. Thank you! I'll do it first thing tonight (West-European time). (I promissed my mother I'd give the house a big clean-up for a bit of extra pocket money, and we kinda have a big house so I'm kind of tied up at the moment.) But I think I know just how to start the game up. :D And I'll think about the title.

I also propose we re-name the Nal once she's fixed up.
Re-name the Nal? But... but... I like that name! Why? :eek:

In game your characters will be told by me not to go in there and I really advise you leave it well alone. Okay. Good. I wouldn't want to have to punish anyone new, after all.
Pay attention to this, crew-to-be. Under the Valar, a captain reigns supreme on board his/her ship. We ended up killing the last crewmember who tried mutiny. :eek:

12-30-2004, 02:09 PM
Well since you people call me Tiny. Do I need a name...Well I should have a name...What do you people think my name should be? I'm no good at names, lol.

12-30-2004, 02:34 PM
[QUOTE]I apologise, I see Sicirus did want the Master at Arms position in the last discussion. However, as you have been promoted to Second Mate I have decided to give the position to Gulio (who needs to post a character profile ;) ). BUT, one important weapon we have is our catapult. Only Tanoliel knew its power, and since she is not here, and Sici you are a good fighter, I think that you should become our catapult expert. Ie. Your ongoing task will be to work out how it works. Is that okay? I mean, you have a position already so I decided to let new crew have position too. :)

OF course I will. Actaully I did want second mate and di not know that being second mate you couldn't be master at arms too. So I will chose whatever one the catptain commands.

So. Summary: We need a character profile from Gulio (our master at arms to be) and Count Comfect...and also Ethuiliel too. Just so we know any important facts about you. Like, you should all know Eärniel has a slight weakness for chocolate. (Sorry but they had to know ;) )

I will inform Ethuliel as soon as she returns from her holiday and can actually get access to a computar. Poor thing can't use a pc for awhile. Sigh.

And I promise you you my greyound "Slo-Mo" will not bother anyone as far as being a hyper active puppy dog. He will pee over board and poop over board. :)

12-30-2004, 02:36 PM
Ooooh this looks like loads of fun!

Can I be a trimmer? :)

Sailing sailing over the bounding waves...

Count Comfect
12-30-2004, 03:04 PM
Alright, the self-description stuff.

Somewhere back in the jumble of ancestors, the Count has some minor nobility of some kind: hence the name. He's also fairly sure there might be an elf, a dwarf, and quite possibly things that walked on four (or more) legs, which frankly explains a lot. However, he looks like a fairly standard man. He tends to wander around aimlessly, and at one point seems to have found himself on some ship or other which someone told him was the Nal. He has just sort of stayed, which basically means he gets pushed into work as a deckhand.

That OK? :)

Elfmaster XK
12-30-2004, 03:05 PM
Thank you! I'll do it first thing tonight (West-European time). (I promissed my mother I'd give the house a big clean-up for a bit of extra pocket money, and we kinda have a big house so I'm kind of tied up at the moment.) But I think I know just how to start the game up. And I'll think about the title.

That's alright my friend. You take your time. And I'll let you know now I have planned out our first adventure...well.I say planned. I mean thought up the beginning. :D It's up to us all to get us out of it. Personally though, I think you're going to like the second thing we come across. Hee hee...

Re-name the Nal? But... but... I like that name! Why?

Well, I thought new beginning, new ship practically after all the repairs...but we can keep Nal if you like. Maybe we could amend the name and have Nance-a-lot the second. Nal II. Or Nanc........y...I dunno. Perhaps you're right. We shouldn't be calling our ship Nancy.

Okay Bunnie Queen, it isn't important. You can always say your character has ben nicknamed Tiny for so long she's forgotten her real name. :D And from now on, Tiny it is. Welcome to the crew, cook. ;)

Sicirus, you can post a profile for Ethuiliel if you like. Just so we know a little about her.

And Nurvingiel: Yes you are welcome to be a trimmer. What will be your character name and numb...er, that is, who is your character and what are they like? And if you call yourself what your username is I may not be able to stop myself calling you Nurvy. I'll try. ;)

CC: That is great. Thank you. :)

So the crew stands thusly:
New crew
Old crew
Captain: E XK
First Mate and Navigator: Eärniel
Second Mate: (I know, not strictly a real position but it is a Nal tradition, and is really useful to have!) Sicirus
Quarter Master: Roya (That's a point, what's your new identitiy Roya?)
Master at Arms: Gulio (or whatever name you choose)
Trimmer (I): Nurvingiel
Nipper (I): Ethuiliel
Cook: Tiny
Deckhand: Count Comfect

12-30-2004, 03:19 PM
Yay! *practices trimming*

Actually, I think the second mate is a real position. Isn't he the leader of one of the watches? (Maybe it's time to check out 'Two Years Before the Mast' and 'Mutiny on the Bounty' again... :D )

Elfmaster XK
12-30-2004, 03:25 PM
No...I really thought we'd made that one up. Hey maybe that means we're smarter than we appear! :D


probably not. I wouldn't worry. We don't do much accurate sailing round here. :D

I missed Flannery and Ale-nail off the list who are the two characters we have that everyone plays. Though I am taking Ale-nail out at the beginning, I think we don't need him any more.

12-30-2004, 04:49 PM
OF course I will. Actaully I did want second mate and di not know that being second mate you couldn't be master at arms too. So I will chose whatever one the catptain commands.
It's not so much that you can't have two positions (I'd be really unfair if I said that since I have held two from the beginning), it's just that we want to try and give everybody at least some position.

And I promise you you my greyound "Slo-Mo" will not bother anyone as far as being a hyper active puppy dog. He will pee over board and poop over board. :)
He better or you'll be swapping the deck everytime afterwards, matey. ;)

That's alright my friend. You take your time. And I'll let you know now I have planned out our first adventure...well.I say planned. I mean thought up the beginning. :D It's up to us all to get us out of it. Personally though, I think you're going to like the second thing we come across. Hee hee...
*is getting very curious about plot*

By the way the new game is up! linky linky! (http://entmoot.tolkientrail.com/showthread.php?t=11759)

I think I've encorporated all the necesary bits, like how we're going to find our new crewmembers and the reasons why we would pick them. I guess I got a leetle overenthousiastic so the post got a bit lenghty. The title is perhaps a little lame, but somewhat accurate. I can still change it if we come up with a better one.

No...I really thought we'd made that one up. Hey maybe that means we're smarter than we appear! :D
I knew that! I just didn't know what a second mate was supposed to do and I thought he got all the jobs the first mate didn't want to do. :D

Gulio, Strength of Many
12-30-2004, 04:55 PM
Okay, it's time for the long-awaited character description from yours truly! ;) As for the name, I would use Stiny, but it's too close to the name of our dear cook. :)

Gulio - Gulio is a dwarf who is never content to stay in one place for very long. She is a cheeseivore and, true to her dwarven heritage, a lover of all things alchoholic. She is short, even for a dwarf, and contrary to popular belief does NOT have a beard. Not even a little one. Her temper is firey at best, and call her "Gumbo" at your own risk...

There, how's that?

12-30-2004, 07:53 PM
My name sounds so oringal than all yours. Lol It don't matter. Yea I forgot my real name lol. ok heres my description.

Cook (bunnie_queen)- Tiny is the cook on the Nal. She started calling herself "Tiny" Because she is one of the shorter ones of the ship, and has never used her real name since...forever :p And we have all forgotten her real name. Tiny's work of being a cook is very highly fantastic. Tiny am very friendly. She loves to cook. Shes been looking for some good people to cook for. Tiny can Fight very good. Incase we have any bad people that come aboard. Have Acholol...give it to Tiny..She be very pleased. Elvish is what Tiny is. She is very smart at geography. Shes a very good multitasker. Need hep here I am!

lol like?

12-30-2004, 08:09 PM
Character description eh... hrm...

Nurvingiel is an Elf of Mirkwood who is about 3400 years old. She likes adventure, but doesn't quite fit in with other Mirkwood elves. She has travelled quite widely, and likes to see the world by living and working in one place for a length of time. Her most recent job was as a barmaid at the Forsaken Inn.

Nurvingiel avoids having any responsibility like the plague, but will learn a low-ranking job thoroughlly, and do it well. She is fairly shy, and feels awkward when making new friends. She feels as though she's always saying the wrong thing (when in reality it's only half the time). She enjoys eating and drinking a great deal, and often drinks (or eats) too much in social situations to feel more at ease.

Her skills include swimming, trimming (which she is still learning), singing, making rope, literacy in Westron, Silvan, and Sindarin, tying knots (she is still learning more sailing knots), pouring ale, basic cooking, archery, and fighting with swords, spears or daggers (can use two daggers).

Her weaknesses are avoidance of responsibility or leadership, large groups, and drinking too much.

Possible interactions: Nurvingiel could be useful to Tiny in the galley, and who wants to show me the ropes *rimshot* of trimming?

12-30-2004, 09:35 PM
I can't really post for Ethuliel but I will try.

Ethuliel is an elf who has long golden hair and blue eyes. She comes from teh Silvan elves under Galadriel and Celeborn. She is not to sure with her age but she is quite young. Even though she is young among her people she is not lacking in skill. She is one of the best horse riders among her people and is skilled in archery, sword fighting, and hiding. (She use to be a spy)

Ethuliel is also a very old friend to Sicirus when they were both younger. They traveled together in Middle Earth after the first war of the ring)

Ethuliel's possesion is not wuite chosen yet but I am sure she will take on any job given to her. When she comes back from her holiday I will ask her to change what she wishes from the profile until it is too her liking.

Happy to be your hair raising (raven haired :D ) Secocnd mate. :)

The last sane person
12-31-2004, 12:59 AM
Pay attention to this, crew-to-be. Under the Valar, a captain reigns supreme on board his/her ship. We ended up killing the last crewmember who tried mutiny. :eek:

Yeah, that was me, but I also slew the previous captian and took her soul with me, ehhehehe. But I am back, and with a new character. Ear, XK, pm Willow to figure out how I am supposed to affect the new quest. Cause as soon as ye get out of mithlond, I make an entrance.....I think.

Elfmaster XK
12-31-2004, 08:35 AM
Well Willow and Tano seem to have gone missing (Both in and out of game). I'll pm Willow, but I don't want intense plotting like last time to interfere with the game to the point of us needing someone to post and them not being able to. I.e. EG, and so the game has to halt. I also hope she has general plot ideas that aren't too specific so that our new players get a chance to stretch their creativity.

Nurvingiel, I liked your profile. Thanks for posting it! :) And thanks to Sicirus for posting for Ethuiliel. I just wanted you to give us a general idea of her so we can introduce her to the game. I don't want her to get left out. That's all. Until she gets back we will have to bring in her part, that is all.

Everyone, as you've probably seen, the game is on. :D So post away! And watch out for that warehouse.... ;)

12-31-2004, 12:36 PM
Sorry about that XK. I am use to being with Earniel in the last thread it kinda got embedded in my mind that she was the leader. I shall never forget. :o

12-31-2004, 01:28 PM
Thanks Elfmaster. :o Oooh, spears. She can also fight with a spear, though that probably won't come up in this particular game. *edits*

Is this going to be the discussion thread?

Erroneously mistaking Eärniel for the captain might lead to a funny scene at the beginning... :D

Who all is in the pub already? At least a few people have to start there, and if some have already met that might be cool. Otherwise, what would bring together a group of total strangers?

Oh yeah... money... and a desire to sail, plunder, and have high adventures.

(Though Nurvingiel will probably remain ignorant of the piracy aspect for a while, otherwise she would not sign on.)

Count Comfect
12-31-2004, 01:56 PM
*Sigh* Is this now a discussion thread? Anyway, I can poke Tano and Willow about this as well as the TLA today if people want. Because I'll see them.

12-31-2004, 01:58 PM
Do you want me to start in the pub...Than you people hire me to work on the Nal? I wouldn't mind it.

(sorry if i sound annoying and ask to many questions and seem inmature)(I'm not inmatur..i'm mature...i think :p ) ok I'm going to shut my trap.

Elfmaster XK
12-31-2004, 02:10 PM
Sorry about that XK. I am use to being with Earniel in the last thread it kinda got embedded in my mind that she was the leader. I shall never forget. :o

That's alright. :) I actually agree with what Nurvingiel said. Those in the pub can mistake her for captain as she is recruiting, while I am lurking. :D

If all agree, I would say that Gulio, Tiny and Count Comfect should all know each other. At the beginning Eärniel said...well, Cirdan said actually, that there were a few shipwrecked sailors (hee hee...Egyptology reference, please, ignore me...) hanging around. You guys could be them. Since Nurvy isn't a sailor she can be a random we pick up. Eärniel can tell you all we're pirates, and then Nurvy can join the conversation after and miss that bit. Of course, how it pans out is yet to be seen.

Sicirus, do you have any idea how Ethuiliel would like to enter as I'd like to bring her in too.

CC, hassling Tano is a good idea. :) If she doesn't want to play that is okay though.

And yes, this is the discussion thread. But, we are still interested in anyone else who might like to play.

Indril Anarion
12-31-2004, 04:52 PM
Is Luthien still around?

Yes, Luthien is still here and would like to be a deckhand, if you'll still have me

many apologies for my disappearance in the last game, but -err, well, it's a long story...point is I'm back now with lots of time on my hands and would like to join this story as Luthien...is it possible?

p.s. thanks to Sici for keeping Luthien in the old game :D

12-31-2004, 05:17 PM
I think I work at the pub right now...But I do know them. And you guys can hire me to work on the Nal. I wouldn't mind it...Whatever works...Works for me.

ooc- I just realized....I only have 237 posts..my post count as gone down...I guess because the previous poster and Anything post is deleted...lol i had 1000 or something...oh well..IS that why though?

12-31-2004, 10:25 PM
YAY AYAYAYAYAYAYYAY Luthien is back. :) We need to keep our old crew to teach these new youngsters (no offense) the ropes. (Hehehe sailor terms are fun)

Ethuliel has still not come back but I think she would enter either in the pub (not from another ship) or she could just be passing through the town and just happen to see me. I am heading more towards the pub though. ;)

12-31-2004, 11:25 PM
Yay! No offence taken Sicirus. I do need someone how to teach my character how to sail.

Yeah BQ, if they delete a thread then your post count will drop by the amount that you had in there. (It doesn't change if the thread is closed though.)

Aaaah the Previous Poster. Those were the days. :D ^ and ^^ are cool. ;) < is tired

Elfmaster XK
01-01-2005, 07:56 AM
Yes, Luthien is still here and would like to be a deckhand, if you'll still have me

Of course. :) I wasn't looking to throw you out! I wanted to check you were still here so you didn't get left out. And now you're back, well...you should probably still be on the ship with Flannery at the moment, but you may continue work as a deckhand, but as you're old school crew now, perhaps you'd like to take up position as helmswoman? My character (and my commanding officers) will of course show you (and anyone else who is given a new position) the way it is done. :evil:

Yay! No offence taken Sicirus. I do need someone how to teach my character how to sail.

That won't be a problem. :)

ETA: On what Nurvingiel said in the thread about "godmodding", as it were...don't worry about manipulating other people's characters. I think that as long as we use each other's characters with consideration. ie. Don't kill or injure them (except for plot furthering, which will be pre-arranged), then there's nothing to worry about. In the first post you'll see Earniel used Sicirus' character. We do that quite a lot because in this kind of thread it's hard to do anything at all if you only use your character. You'll all learn what type of people everyone is and get used to what they would and would not do. :) I apologise for being such an incredible rambling bore.

01-01-2005, 08:54 AM
If not the Thing, in the Room (the Room is locked), then who or what am I?

Elfmaster XK
01-01-2005, 09:09 AM
Oh dear. Now, please. Thing. In the room, (the room is locked) we have nice new players. I'd like it if you stayed in your room and didn't hurt them. Of course they aren't aboard yet. But still. We shall placate you with...er...offerings? Gold?

Eärniel, is the door locked!?

01-01-2005, 11:31 AM
Eärniel, is the door locked!?
It's definitely locked and barred last time I was on the Nal. But I'm wondering, didn't Eruviel still have the key in her possession? :eek:

Indril! Lovely to see you again. :)

BQ, right now I'm talking with Nurv to see if she wants to join us, but you can overhear us and try to get me to hire you as well. :)

Elfmaster XK
01-01-2005, 11:37 AM
It's definitely locked and barred last time I was on the Nal. But I'm wondering, didn't Eruviel still have the key in her possession? :eek:

No worries. She left it with me. It's hidden so no crew can just come across it. I'll show you where sometime...just so, you know...somone needs to know incase I am not there.

01-01-2005, 12:42 PM
Yay! No offence taken Sicirus. I do need someone how to teach my character how to sail.

Yeah BQ, if they delete a thread then your post count will drop by the amount that you had in there. (It doesn't change if the thread is closed though.)

Aaaah the Previous Poster. Those were the days. :D ^ and ^^ are cool. ;) < is tired

I remember that game. I use to love playing it.
Anywho, I will have to figure out where my greyhound comes from. I will find him stealing things from us or something.

01-01-2005, 02:37 PM
It's definitely locked and barred last time I was on the Nal. But I'm wondering, didn't Eruviel still have the key in her possession? :eek:

Indril! Lovely to see you again. :)

BQ, right now I'm talking with Nurv to see if she wants to join us, but you can overhear us and try to get me to hire you as well. :)

Ok that sounds great. I'll do so :)

01-01-2005, 02:43 PM
Is it too late for me to join? I could be a deckhand or something. Sorry it took me so long to look at this thing, but I'd lurve to get into it if its not to late for moi.

*gives offering of tea and carrots*

01-01-2005, 05:33 PM
Hello!!! I'm finally back!! That character description sounds fine.

I'll go post on the rp soon.... but I gotta unpack and eat lunch (even though it'd be a late lunch) and stuff first.

01-01-2005, 07:57 PM
Hey Pip, you could be a trimmer with me! Dooo ittttt... ;)

01-01-2005, 09:39 PM
Oooooh could I? Pleeassee?? Oh, and can I be a hobbit? Yay for hobbits!

01-02-2005, 05:28 AM
Don't worry, there is still time to join. :) Give us a short description of your character, and enter the game thread. We've only just began recruiting.

Elfmaster XK
01-02-2005, 05:57 AM
Absolutely. Eärniel is right, we are still open to taking people on, so just give us a brief character description. Then, as she said you're free to enter the thread.

Welcome back Ethuiliel. :) I put you down as a Nipper, but if you'd rather just be a deck hand or something, let me know. Nippers weigh anchor.

01-02-2005, 06:34 AM
OOC: Oops... I should have thought out this aspect of my character a little more thoroughlly. About the pirating and... pirating... RPG Damage Control!!

OOC: (Sorry, I didn't read the original Quest thread... :o )
Yes, that pillaging and looting aspect took me a while to get used to in the beginning as well. :p

I know the original thread is kinda long. But I'd nevertheless advise you to read it (can't order you until you've enlisted as crewmember ;)) because this game will in many aspects be a continuation of the previous quest (http://entmoot.tolkientrail.com/showthread.php?t=5383). If you don't have time to read all, at least read the posts following on post 267 (http://entmoot.tolkientrail.com/showpost.php?p=259699&postcount=267). That's where the real quest for the Wine sort of starts.

01-02-2005, 12:01 PM

Okay... *bounces*

name: Pansy Hogswallop
age: 30
from: Frogmorton
about: Pansy likes the water, unlike almost every hobbit. She loves swimming in her spare time and at home she breeds attack llamas. But now she wants to get into real sailing and her nimble little feet and hands can help you out! It's a real stretch to leave Cory the llama home, but she can do it. Oh, and she's particularly good at doing little knots.

01-02-2005, 02:28 PM
Am I a elf or Pirate? What is everyone? Should I just be a elf.... :p

I ask to many questions... :o

01-02-2005, 02:38 PM
A pirate is no race, BQ. :p Most of the crew are Elves, however other races are possible too.

01-02-2005, 02:41 PM
Ok I'll jsut stay a really short Elf :p

Hey!!!I'm not raceist or whatever...If thats what you think :p
I just got confused. (Aren't I always: ))

01-02-2005, 04:10 PM
YAY Pip is here. And she breeds attackllamas. Orodroch loves you for making tough llamas. LOL

Welcomes to our crew. :) *Hugs everyone because she is in a VERY good mood today.* I finished a large research project and only have a few more things to do today. :D

Elfmaster XK
01-02-2005, 04:37 PM
Just so you know: No attack llamas, or indeed normal llamas of any kind shall be allowed on the ship. No animals are allowed in fact, and the only one that gets on is Sicirus' greyhound, which I allow becausse she hides it from me. Don't you? Other than that welcome aboard....or at least, to the thread.

I know the original thread is kinda long. But I'd nevertheless advise you to read it...

I just wanted to say I agree with Eärniel on this one. The original quest is worth a read. Even a skim read, just so you can get some idea of the characters who you'll be interacting with. Of course, if you don't want to I'm not going to make you. I just feel it would be beneficial. Though if any aspect of the old quest comes to be a problem (ie. you might wonder, when you discover it, why we will be chasing a faery and a weapons obsessive across the interdimensional seas. This would be answered by the thread.) We can hope to give some sort of answer to these things if they become a problem.

01-02-2005, 04:44 PM
A seasick llama... urrggghhh. x_x

Though we will most likely enjoy reading the old thread, we shouldn't play our characters with the knowledge of it. I think there's another RPG term for that... maybe it's just playing out of character. ;) If we attempt this thing, may the gods of RPG smite us. :D

Elfmaster XK
01-02-2005, 05:21 PM
BQ, right now I'm talking with Nurv to see if she wants to join us, but you can overhear us and try to get me to hire you as well.

Sorry, I ruined that one now but I decided to go and er..talk to Tiny. :D I'm sure you'll like Cap'n XK eventually. She's one of those elves you just have to get used to, and once you do, you're fine.

Though we will most likely enjoy reading the old thread, we shouldn't play our characters with the knowledge of it.

Hmm. Thinking about it, perhaps you're right. They wouldn't know, would they? My main reasoning was that you might actually not like the characters we play until you know them a bit. (Especially if you have an honest character. Ours are really honest and loyal only to those they know.) Or, you may find them weird to play with when you're including them in your own posts, because you don't know them. Reading the thread would help this. But also, as you said not reading it would let you keep your new eyes on the quest. Hmm. Excellent point.

Indril Anarion
01-02-2005, 05:25 PM
Of course. :) I wasn't looking to throw you out! I wanted to check you were still here so you didn't get left out. And now you're back, well...you should probably still be on the ship with Flannery at the moment, but you may continue work as a deckhand, but as you're old school crew now, perhaps you'd like to take up position as helmswoman? My character (and my commanding officers) will of course show you (and anyone else who is given a new position) the way it is done. :evil:

lol...okay, helmswoman sounds great :) but I'm not sure what my duties entail...anyone willing to enlighten me? :D

01-02-2005, 05:25 PM
Just so you know: No attack llamas, or indeed normal llamas of any kind shall be allowed on the ship. No animals are allowed in fact, and the only one that gets on is Sicirus' greyhound, which I allow becausse she hides it from me.

Of course I will hide me new pet. Which by the way will be meeting with me soon. I have to put in one of my posts when I meet the dog. :p

01-02-2005, 05:27 PM
Sounds like you would steer and help with navigation (though I don't think it's uncommon for the captain to do all the navigation. Especially if she doesn't trust her crew).

Except... wouldn't there be one on each watch? You can't steer the ship 24 hours a day. Or anyone. I vote we make watches. Port and starboard? :)

Elfmaster XK
01-02-2005, 05:29 PM
lol...okay, helmswoman sounds great :) but I'm not sure what my duties entail...anyone willing to enlighten me? :D

Basically, you are the one responsible for steering the ship. You get to give people shifts at the helm, (making sure someone competent is sailing us at all times, including night) but in battle and at crucial parts of the quest you will be at the wheel.

EDIT: Nurvingiel got there first. And wrote much more eloquently :D Watches we could do if we get enough crew. I'll work it out. :)

Currently you (Luthien) can be with Flannery in the look out. Finrod should be there too, if he is still about. You guys are watching for anything weird as we're docked at the moment. :D

Also, general notices...It is night time at the moment, in game. AND I have edited the first discussion post so we all know who's to do what. :)

Sicirus: I shall notice you have the dog, and be careful with it my dear mate. I only let you get away with it because you are loyal and have been with us a long time. :)

01-02-2005, 05:52 PM
We have to at least someone who can spell you off. Or am I sitting in the rigging 24/7? :eek: ;)

EDIT: Oh, and thanks! :o

Gulio, Strength of Many
01-02-2005, 09:01 PM
Yay, Pip is here! ^^ Sorry it's been so long, I was out of town for a New Year party (which was very fun, btw).

01-02-2005, 09:06 PM
hey Guilo!

Nice converstation with me at the bar XK! But I would like a drink... :p

01-02-2005, 09:20 PM
Hey XK, is your character's name Xenoia or XK (as an abbreviation or something...)? :confused:

I'd post, but I need Eärniel's response first, and I can't really make it up for her. ;)

The last sane person
01-02-2005, 11:01 PM
well, fudge the plot with maggie, if it is to be used, i can play two on her behest. But I shall be one of the ship wreckies? And quarter master seems a fine spot for me. I'll post in the bar scene.

Elfmaster XK
01-03-2005, 06:12 AM
Hey XK, is your character's name Xenoia or XK (as an abbreviation or something...)? :confused:

I'd post, but I need Eärniel's response first, and I can't really make it up for her. ;)

My character's name is really Xenoia Karris, and as you can see in my username, part of it is XK. So generally everyone will call me captain, but if you're just talking to me, like at the moment when you don't know me, it'll be Xenoia or Xen. XK or E XK is just for quicker typing. Sorry about that...complicated name business. :rolleyes:

Sane: You be one of the ship wreckies. :) That'll be fine.

I'm working on a rota at the moment.

01-03-2005, 07:24 AM
Okay fine. I don't have to be a thing (or The Thing (in the room (the room is locked))). I'll be a totally new character.

Can't I be a perverted.....some sort of perverted....The Pervert? A perverted Noldorin Elflord.

Elfmaster XK
01-03-2005, 08:08 AM
Okay fine. I don't have to be a thing (or The Thing (in the room (the room is locked))). I'll be a totally new character.

Can't I be a perverted.....some sort of perverted....The Pervert? A perverted Noldorin Elflord.

You can't be too perverted. I know, it'll be difficult for you. But we have younger people playing in this thread, I don't want it to turn into a thread full of innuendos. A few is alright :D

And you could've been the thing in the room (the room is locked). It's just, we locked you in. :p

01-03-2005, 10:08 AM
You can't be too perverted. I know, it'll be difficult for you. But we have younger people playing in this thread, I don't want it to turn into a thread full of innuendos. A few is alright :DYay!

Name: Fingolfun
Age: 9002
From: Aman
Brief character description: I am a perverted Noldorin Elflord.

Elfmaster XK
01-03-2005, 12:29 PM

Name: Fingolfun
Age: 9002
From: Aman
Brief character description: I am a perverted Noldorin Elflord.

Now, you best behave yourself (mostly) or I'll have Eärniel keel-haul you.

01-03-2005, 07:47 PM
heh heh heh... :evil:

erm... anyway... when is the RPG set? Before or after the War of the Ring?

01-03-2005, 08:44 PM
Am I the only one thats younger than you guys?

Because...umm...nvm..lol but am I younger than you people...I'm not that young though.... :D I'm not...lol

Elfmaster XK
01-04-2005, 06:23 AM
Am I the only one thats younger than you guys?

Because...umm...nvm..lol but am I younger than you people...I'm not that young though.... :D I'm not...lol

I didn't mean anything in an offensive way. Just trying to protect you from our 9002 year old perv Anduril. :p Don't worry.

erm... anyway... when is the RPG set? Before or after the War of the Ring?

Well, erm. Since we sail an interdimensional ocean it doesn't really matter. I mean, we end up in places like the caribbean and iceland...but also places in ME and probably plenty of other worlds you can imagine. So it won't have all that much effect on us. I would say before the War of the Ring.

Elfmaster XK
01-04-2005, 06:44 AM
Sorry for the spamming everyone!

[EDIT] Problems with the rota. It will be re-posted at a later date.

Here are links to the rota's I made, just to satisfy both my own and Nurvy's orderly side.

Most of you are either grouped in Port or Starboard. So you will be on duty on the Port A and Port B shifts. Some of you (ie. Me, Eärniel and Sicrus...and a few others,) will notice you are not grouped that way. That is because I needed to work out who could do what, and I needed someone who could do everything on each watch.

I appoint Flannery master of the watch. So if you're late, you have a vampire to answer to. ;)

01-04-2005, 08:38 AM
You would have a 9002 year old Elflord as a deckhand? Okay....I have a funny feeling about this....

I suck at RPGs, so someone is going to have to introduce me.

Elfmaster XK
01-04-2005, 08:46 AM
You would have a 9002 year old Elflord as a deckhand? Okay....I have a funny feeling about this....

I suck at RPGs, so someone is going to have to introduce me.

How about you be introduced as an old acquaintance of EXK? Either you can come into the pub, see me and come over and chat...or you can wait for a bit and not come into the game until we have left the pub.

And yes. I would have a 9002 year old elf as a deckhand. :D I'm that kind of captain. I myself am around 4500 years old.

01-04-2005, 08:52 AM
Nice one Elfmaster :cool: Erm... but isn't 12am to 6am an insanely long watch? :confused: I think watches are 4 hours long, with the 12am - 4am split into two dog watches (12-2 and 2-4)... :o

EDIT: Wow.... I can't do math. I still think 6 hours is a smidge long though... but whatev. ;)

Elfmaster XK
01-04-2005, 08:57 AM
Nice one Elfmaster :cool: Erm... but isn't 12am to 6am an insanely long watch? :confused: I think watches are 4 hours long, with the 12am - 4am split into two dog watches (12-2 and 2-4)... :o

It is an insanely long watch, really...but then most of us are elves. I am actually still trying to work in a better system, but it's taking longer than expected because groups are too small or too big, or someone doesn't fit in and gets longer than everyone else...I'm trying to make shorter shifts though. Give me some time. :p

The main problem iis actually that 4 hour shifts will require much changing around that probably isn't practical in a game. And also, me being controlling...I like to be around for most of the time.

01-04-2005, 09:24 AM
We could have 4 hour shifts, except the dog watches. Sure, Elves don't need to sleep, but we do need to lie down, rest a bit, let our minds wander among the trees and stars... ;)

I'll help you make watches if you want. AFAIK the First and Second Mates are the watch leaders. We could incorporate putting people into watches into the RPG, I think they can be chosen, like picking people for soccer teams. (Alternating picks) Or they could be set in advance.

Elfmaster XK
01-04-2005, 09:51 AM
We could have 4 hour shifts, except the dog watches. Sure, Elves don't need to sleep, but we do need to lie down, rest a bit, let our minds wander among the trees and stars... ;)

I'll help you make watches if you want. AFAIK the First and Second Mates are the watch leaders. We could incorporate putting people into watches into the RPG, I think they can be chosen, like picking people for soccer teams. (Alternating picks) Or they could be set in advance.

I think you're right; when we all get aboard then you will need to be chosen or placed into your watches. I think that I want that set for when the time comes, but we could have the watch leaders 'choose' people in game simply so it is included.

I'm going to keep on with this table I'm making, then I'll email it to you, and you can edit it if you think I've gone wrong. After all, fresh eyes see mistakes more easily. :)

01-04-2005, 10:39 AM
I am a complete noob on RPGs, but thinks it looks pretty cool. since there is no FAQ for this section of the moot, unleas I'm blind and don't have seen it, but could someone please tell me the basic. and which of the games running on the moot which still is open for joining? :rolleyes:

Elfmaster XK
01-04-2005, 11:13 AM
I am a complete noob on RPGs, but thinks it looks pretty cool. since there is no FAQ for this section of the moot, unleas I'm blind and don't have seen it, but could someone please tell me the basic. and which of the games running on the moot which still is open for joining? :rolleyes:

I would suggest you read This thread (http://entmoot.tolkientrail.com/showthread.php?t=10040) if you are unsure of how to play RPG's, or need anymore info on them within this forum.

This thread is just a discussion thread for one of the many games currently active at Entmoot. Generally when people are looking for players it will say so in the discussion threads. Or, for ones which have many players already it's best just to ask in the discussion. People don't like it if you interupt the game though. :)

01-04-2005, 11:23 AM
That explained a lot. Thanks XK :)
I think I have a better idea of the whole thing, though it looks pretty confusing still :p :rolleyes:
but I think I will give it a try.. any particular games you recommend for beginners?

Elfmaster XK
01-04-2005, 11:40 AM
Sorry Pytt, can't help you there because I don't play any games but this one. I'd suggest you give some of the threads and discussions a bit of a read. Obviously, you don't have to go crazy and read it all. But just get an idea of the game to see if you'd like to play.

Nurvingiel: I tried emailing you and it said your email address was dead, so I'm just going to post the new charts here. Opinions and help is appreciated. :)


01-04-2005, 04:19 PM

I was such a fan of the first thread! I can't believe I missed this one starting up!

If I catch up on the story quick and suggest a good way to get onboard, may I join? :o

(I would have called that last smilee :SHEEP: )

Elfmaster XK
01-04-2005, 04:33 PM
You will have to play a new character, Katt. Also, you'll have to be a deckhand.

*twitches* I'll have to change the rota... :p

Count Comfect
01-04-2005, 04:37 PM
Oh boy, I can be a deckhand with KATT.

Wait, that means I have a good chance of getting blamed for things I didn't do. Or being thrown off the ship. Or something.

But it's KATT. *hi*

01-04-2005, 04:56 PM
;) Welcome aboard matey! Avast Katt... arrr...

Hey Pytt... for a new RPG I recommend... this one! :D

Oooh, three watches, cool! Do we have enough people to do that? I guess we wouldn't need a dog watch then... its purpose is to make sure that the same people don't have to do a watch at the same times every day.

Watches in the Royal Navy (http://www.royal-navy.mod.uk/static/pages/4765.html) are named as follows:
First Watch - 8pm to midnight - 2000 to 0000
Middle Watch - Midnight to 4am - 0000 to 0400
Morning Watch- 4am to 8am - 0400 to 0800
Forenoon Watch - 8am to noon - 0800 to 1200
Afternoon Watch - Noon to 4pm - 1200 to 1600
First Dog Watch - 4pm to 6pm - 1600 to 1800
Last Dog Watch - 6pm to 8pm - 1800 to 2000

I know we're pirates, but we could structure them the same. ;) I think Pansy should be exempt from all watches. We can all sleep when it's not our watch, but she doesn't have that luxury, so it wouldn't really be fair to make her cook lunch, then stand a four hour watch, then dinner... I think we'd have a mutiny led by the cook after about 2 days. ;)

Plus, in times of trouble (dangerous weather, battles) or times when we need everyone (setting the main sail), wouldn't we all be on deck anyway?

EDIT: I updated my email too. :)

Elfmaster XK
01-04-2005, 05:08 PM
You are just trying to make more work for me. :rolleyes:

My logic in that rota was this:

1/ I want everyone doing a regular shift. And, I want those with the most skill doing the times when we're most likely to need the skill. That's why I gave you 12pm-4am, as you're my trimmer cheif :D. (Even though you haven't learnt yet, you said you get one job and focus on it...) We're actually quite prone to getting attacked at night around here.

2/ Okay, perhaps I'm being a bit harsh on Tiny the cook. But she has to do at least fur hours then, split into two 2 hour shifts so she can get some experience.

3/ I used those times, except the Dog watches. If people get annoyed at having a same time every week shift then I can always switch you around. Ie. Nurv, you would switch with CC. Obviously, Flannery cannot switch.

CC: Since in the thread you've said you have sailing experience I put you in as another trimmer, with Nurvy. Not a deckhand. :)

01-04-2005, 05:13 PM
That all sounds fair, I have no trouble with my shift. And in the RPG I'm sure it won't be too much of a detail. It will be a factor, but no worries.

I still don't think Pansy should have to stand any watches though, unless she comes on deck to clobber someone with a frying pan, Tika style (Dragonlance ;) ). Let's not forget she's cooking 3 meals a day for a ship full of drunken pirates. That's a lot of work! She doesn't need sailing experience, but I'm sure she'll get some since there will probably be times when all hands will be needed... or maybe in her spare time she'd like to participate in hard physical labour... :D

Hey, CC could teach me my duties, among others, do you want that interaction between our characters Count? :)

EDIT: Minor nitpick, but I don't think the Captain leads any watches, as she already leads the entire ship. Erm... I'll stop annoying the game master now. :o And Captain. :eek:

Elfmaster XK
01-04-2005, 05:28 PM
Let's not forget she's cooking 3 meals a day for a ship full of drunken pirates. That's a lot of work! She doesn't need sailing experience, but I'm sure she'll get some since there will probably be times when all hands will be needed... or maybe in her spare time she'd like to participate in hard physical labour... :D

Oh, alright then. I'll let the cook off of all duties except in the galley.

EDIT: Minor nitpick, but I don't think the Captain leads any watches, as she already leads the entire ship. Erm... I'll stop annoying the game master now. :o And Captain. :eek:

Actually, I decided XK should lead one watch (1200-1600) so my officers get a rest. All the other times she will not actually lead the watch, but is still the commanding officer, which was what I was highlighting.

And you're not annoying me. You have attention to the details. :D You'd know if you annoyed me. :evil:

01-04-2005, 06:48 PM
Actually... Tiny will be the cook, not Pansy. But considering Pansy's race, she'll probably eat most of the food anyway. :p

These watches... are they likely to be actually used on the game?

Katt! Nice to see you here too. But eh... don't forget to pay the TLA an occasional visit too, eh? ;)

01-04-2005, 07:27 PM
I didn't mean anything in an offensive way. Just trying to protect you from our 9002 year old perv Anduril. :p Don't worry.

Ok Just making sure. and don't worry I won't be worrying.

And What am I actually doing? So I'm not doing a watch..? I'm confused help me here plz. And whats the gallery?

Count Comfect
01-04-2005, 08:09 PM
Nurv - sounds like a good idea for an interaction to me, except... I myself don't know what I'd be teaching ;)

01-04-2005, 08:49 PM
BQ, on a ship the kitchen is called the galley. :)

CC, your character would show me what trimming is all about, useful sailing knots, general sea knowledge like tides, soundings... Interestingly in real life I have been sailing, but my character has never even seen the sea before (though she is skilled in other useful ways).


Last Child of Ungoliant
01-04-2005, 08:50 PM
if a hole still be open for 'boatswain',
faligorn might be able to be recruited, not quite sure what
a boatswain does, though :confused: :D

01-04-2005, 08:53 PM
IIRC this position is abbreviated as Bosun and I think they're responsible for maintenance of the ship - an endless task. I'd have to google it to be sure though.

Last Child of Ungoliant
01-04-2005, 08:54 PM
IIRC this position is abbreviated as Bosun and I think they're responsible for maintenance of the ship - an endless task. I'd have to google it to be sure though.
well, u know faligorn's character by now, he is up for anything :D

01-04-2005, 10:08 PM
I am having a little trouble posting my part because the character I am talking to or trying to recruit is absent. But I guess I will give her a chance to come back. But I can't really post till then unless something major happens.

I don't mind taking watch. Sicirus loves the night and the sea too much to leave into the cabins. :)

Elfmaster XK
01-05-2005, 05:50 AM
These watches... are they likely to be actually used on the game?

Not as such. I don't think it's practical for people to only post on their watch. That would mean we'd need to know what the time is ALL the time. But for example, say we were attacked by giant seals at night time, then we'd know which character was on watch to see it, and ring the bell to warn and wake everyone!

I don't know. It might be useful to include watch changes in the game every now and then. But it isn't a big deal.

Katt and Last Child, could you post character profiles for us, please. Nothing massively detailed, just so we can get an idea of your character. :)

Sicirus, don't worry, we know you're still playing the game. :) There's no point in posting when you don't need to as it clogs up the thread with unnecessary posts. This you know. But I think it'll be good for everyone (including myself) to bear in mind. :D

Tiny, in the thread could you edit this line please? "XK: Can I come back later and tell you all that? Because I have to go run and grab something okay?"

I'm talking to CC, so it would be far easier for you to come over to me, interupt (politely :D) and I'll say make your way down when your shift ends. :) In fact, once I've finished talking to CC, I think I'm going to take CC, Nurv and Ethuiliel to the Nal. So, if you can engineer an early finish that'd be good, otherwise you can go when Earniel does. :) I'll wait and see if Earniel and Sicirus are done with Pansy and Gulio. If they are then they can come with me back to the ship too.

And for future reference...it's never a good idea to shout Xenoia's name across crowded bars. ;) Don't change that! But I'm just letting everyone know, it often causes trouble.

01-05-2005, 08:39 AM
I hope you and Tiny don't mind that I went a little further into the shouting business. ;) It was a nice opportunity to tie it into what Eärniel said before to Cirdan. I have an inkling those 5 days may not turn out to be so quiet as Cirdan hoped. :D

01-05-2005, 09:54 AM
I didn't mean anything in an offensive way. Just trying to protect you from our 9002 year old perv Anduril. :p Don't worry.Yes Bunnie Queen, there is nothing to worry about.

Nothing at all.


01-05-2005, 11:21 AM
Maybe Anduril should stay in the room (the room is locked)..? j/k, I'm sure it would be much more fun for you to play a more active character. ;)

Elfmaster XK
01-05-2005, 12:02 PM
I hope you and Tiny don't mind that I went a little further into the shouting business. ;) It was a nice opportunity to tie it into what Eärniel said before to Cirdan. I have an inkling those 5 days may not turn out to be so quiet as Cirdan hoped. :D

Ah, trust my troublesome Eärniel... :rolleyes: I don't mind at all. But obviously, our little cook does have things to learn about us. Ie. That we probably have more enemies than friends :D

Yes Bunnie Queen, there is nothing to worry about.

Nothing at all.

Oi, you! Stop that and introduc yourself. I recommend when the group with me and Eärniel in it leaves the pub, you call me and I will turn and talk to you as someone I knew previously. Either that, or you can be waiting on the Nal. Or you get recruited by Sicirus. But enter the game! :evil:

Maybe Anduril should stay in the room (the room is locked)..?

If he misbehaves I'll lock him back in there. ;)

01-05-2005, 12:21 PM
What Tiny and Eärniel did in the RPG makes a lot of sense though. Why would Tiny know you have more enemies than friends? (Though maybe the pirate thing is a bit of a tip-off... ;) )

Can we have a bar fight? Maybe that's how Anduril gets introduced, swinging punches on our side.

Elfmaster XK
01-05-2005, 12:33 PM
What Tiny and Eärniel did in the RPG makes a lot of sense though. Why would Tiny know you have more enemies than friends? (Though maybe the pirate thing is a bit of a tip-off... ;) )

I know. I wasn't implying she should know. What I meant was now she will know :D Plus, I didn't actually tell Tiny that we're pirates. Eärniel was far more honest with you...I was more, let's say, roundabout. :evil:

Can we have a bar fight? Maybe that's how Anduril gets introduced, swinging punches on our side.

We could. You have left the thread open for it so if that's what everyone wants it is steered in that direction :D

01-05-2005, 01:10 PM
lol XK! :D I know that you know.

Oh gee, look at that. I did leave it open. Mwehehe... :evil:

I have no idea how to post a fight without taking 18 pages though... maybe we can godmod a lot and post for several NPCs? What should be decided in advance. (If we do in fact have a bar fight).

Elfmaster XK
01-05-2005, 02:34 PM
In this RPG the only things you're really not allowed to do with other people's characters (unless pre-arranged) are: 1/Kill them. 2/Badly injure them. 5/Make them leave a scene.

If anyone gets upset or when using someone else's character they do something very OC, the 'owner' then can always post in the discussion and ask for an edit. A note on this though is XK is still injured, (stabbed in the shoulder) so not up to a hugeous fight. We should probably decide who's involved, any injuries, and if Anduril or any new characters are going to enter.

01-05-2005, 04:45 PM
What Tiny and Eärniel did in the RPG makes a lot of sense though. Why would Tiny know you have more enemies than friends? (Though maybe the pirate thing is a bit of a tip-off... ;) )
I made sense? Ah, there's hope for me yet. :D

Can we have a bar fight? Maybe that's how Anduril gets introduced, swinging punches on our side.
o.O Cirdan's going to kill me if he finds out.

We could also have a street fight, that way Sicirus can still recruit untroubled in the bar while we fight and we can run away and hide in the dark if the fight gets too much for us (with EXK being injured and all). And maybe Cirdan never learns of it. :D

In this RPG the only things you're really not allowed to do with other people's characters (unless pre-arranged) are: 1/Kill them. 2/Badly injure them. 5/Make them leave a scene.
1,2,5... I like your method of counting. :D

01-05-2005, 04:54 PM
1,2,5... I like your method of counting. :D He he... Monty Python!!

01-05-2005, 05:45 PM
Three sir! :D

Erm... yes... a street fight sounds fine with me. Eärniel, Pansy, and Nurvingiel can leave the bar together and we could be followed out. Then we get in a brawl as we walk towards the ship. I'd volunteer Nurvingiel to get injured, but she probably wouldn't because this is the sort of fight she would be good at. She might if someone gave her a cheap shot from behind, and hey, you can always get injured in a fight no matter how good you are. This still gives Anduril the chance to join in too, or in the pub if he prefers.

01-05-2005, 06:44 PM
You don't have to get yourself injured, though.

Three to four women under attack at night, how would Anduril let such a chance for heroism slip? ;)

Last Child of Ungoliant
01-05-2005, 07:33 PM
Faligorn, a man of Lebennin
35 years old, can become skilled in anything he turns his hand to
recently helped defeat the besieged capital of Harad with many others
6 ft tall, long black hair, lip and nose pierced,

01-05-2005, 08:31 PM
You don't have to get yourself injured, though.

Three to four women under attack at night, how would Anduril let such a chance for heroism slip? ;)
Heroism? Is that what they're calling it these days? ;)

Hey Chrys, is this THE Faligorn of Nomads? I thought we never finished that RPG... And since this is set before the war of the ring (even loosely) what would it mean for your character that there was a seige in Harad...

Maybe I'm overthinking it too much, but I do like to sort people out time and location-wise. If they are all in the same time it helps... :confused:

Last Child of Ungoliant
01-05-2005, 08:35 PM
well, i just pick him up and put him in whatever RPG i like, he's quite versatile, he was also the Galiforn from forsaken inn, just swapped f and g

Elfmaster XK
01-06-2005, 05:46 AM
Three sir! :D

Sorry....three, of course ;)

with EXK being injured and all

I can still fight a bit! It's just more probable I'd get injured again! But I won't...I'll be careful. :D My character is going to stay back, and will see some people follow you out. Then we can follow and help, but I can avoid a lengthy fight.


Okay, having read the thread I have a few little notes, or...well things to keep in mind.

Please, Please, PLEASE, make sure you read everything that has happened since you last posted. Don't just read the post above and jump in assuming you know what has happened as you will miss things directed at you.
Makes sure you read the discussion thread so you know what's going on. Me being me...I have several plots in the making behind the scenes. However, things like this so called bar fight which is yet to erupt will be heavily discussed here so we can get it right without anyone being left out.
If you are absent for a while your character will be played for you if he/she is needed. If you don't like this then let us know now. This is because it is unfair to leave the thread hanging on the words of one person who is, say, too busy to post.
Not everyone does this, but try to note when people move within the thread. You can't just talk to someone if they have gone away to the other end of the pub, unless you shout. In which case you will say, she shouted or whatever.

[Edit 2]

from the Game thread
OOC: I hope this doesn't count as making people leave a scene.

No, it doesn't because you're not sending them out of a scene we're continuing with. If that makes sense. The scene will follow you all outside. :) Besides, sometimes you just have to round everyone up.

Also, Last Child, in the thread I (captain) am about to leave, so Sicirus will talk to you. If you like you can remain in the wrong idea that she is captain. That would be funny. :) But she will probably correct you.

Sicirus, you know how many more people you have to recruit? Katt (if she comes back) Last Child, Roya. LC is in the Inn already. If the others don't show up just make your way back to the Nal after the little scuffle outside, and we'll get them in another way if necessary. :)

01-06-2005, 10:07 AM
*reads list*
Aye aye Cap'n!

Oh yeah... not the game thread... ;)

Elfmaster XK
01-06-2005, 10:12 AM
*reads list*
Aye aye Cap'n!

Oh yeah... not the game thread... ;)

Aye. ;)

They're just reminders.And I think you know it wasn't really aimed at you I *know* you read the discussion. :D

01-06-2005, 10:23 AM
I know, I just wanted to show my support for your worthy suggestions. :)

Okay, all the peices are in place for a street fight, though we could still not do it and my last post will make sense. Pansy, the Count, and Nurvingiel are all outside, heading toward the docks, a short distance from the pub.

Xenoia and Fingolfun are also outside, but they have not followed us (yet?).

And the door of the pub was mysteriously crowded, then Nurvingiel heard some mysterious noise later... *hint* *hint* :D

Elfmaster XK
01-06-2005, 10:28 AM
I know, I just wanted to show my support for your worthy suggestions. :)

Thank you. :)

Okay, all the peices are in place for a street fight, though we could still not do it and my last post will make sense. Pansy, the Count, and Nurvingiel are all outside, heading toward the docks, a short distance from the pub.

Xenoia and Fingolfun are also outside, but they have not followed us (yet?).

And the door of the pub was mysteriously crowded, then Nurvingiel heard some mysterious noise later... *hint* *hint* :D

Think of it as your characters turned right, and me and Fingolfun went left. Just one minor point...Earniel should have come out of the pub before me, and should be with you guys...unless she's been grabbed! :eek:

01-06-2005, 10:33 AM
me and Fingolfun went left.Strangely enough, that's how I imagined it too. :)

01-06-2005, 10:58 AM
Heroism? Is that what they're calling it these days? ;)
Gallentry is probably more suited, but I couldn't find the right word yesterday. ;)

Think of it as your characters turned right, and me and Fingolfun went left. Just one minor point...Earniel should have come out of the pub before me, and should be with you guys...unless she's been grabbed! :eek:
Yeah, I found myself in a plot hole all of a sudden. But I think I weaseled myself properly from it. A back door, never fails. ;)

Nobody grabs me! I'm invincible! Um, right. Maybe not. But I run like Rincewind. :D

01-06-2005, 11:03 AM
Gallantry? :D [/grammar nazi]

Anyway, what do you think of my fight intro? My reasoning behind my leader comment is this: every group has a leader, even unnoficially. And if said group is about to get in a fight, the leader will usually do all the talking. He's the mouth - take him out first. :evil: I think 7 guys stand a half decent chance against us... poor fools don't know what they're getting in to. Mwehehehe...

Elfmaster XK
01-06-2005, 11:10 AM
Strangely enough, that's how I imagined it too. :)

You must suffer from leftism too :D

Yeah, I found myself in a plot hole all of a sudden. But I think I weaseled myself properly from it. A back door, never fails.

Aye, always with the back doors! ;) Nice rescue.

Anyway, what do you think of my fight intro? My reasoning behind my leader comment is this: every group has a leader, even unnoficially. And if said group is about to get in a fight, the leader will usually do all the talking. He's the mouth - take him out first. I think 7 guys stand a half decent chance against us... poor fools don't know what they're getting in to. Mwehehehe...

It's good. By your own logic, one would assume that you are the leader, and perhaps they will attack you first. Anyway, as soon as Anduril and I notice you've been attack, we have definately got the upper hand...unless...there were plent of people in the Inn. ;) Depends how big a fight you want. I know Eärniel wants to avoid a big fight. :D

01-06-2005, 11:10 AM
Are these seven men or elves, or a mixture. Either way, I doubt my character would break a sweat, so I think I might just leave these guys to you guys. :)

01-06-2005, 11:20 AM
I know Eärniel wants to avoid a big fight. :D
Eheh, I think right now Eärniel is thinking: if I can get these guys unconcious on the ground quick enough for us all to do a runner to safety, it won't be so bad. :D

EDIT: Let's say a mixture of Elves and Men.

EDIT: Hey Nurv, you think like me. :p

Elfmaster XK
01-06-2005, 11:42 AM
Eheh, I think right now Eärniel is thinking: if I can get these guys unconcious on the ground quick enough for us all to do a runner to safety, it won't be so bad. :D

EDIT: Let's say a mixture of Elves and Men.

EDIT: Hey Nurv, you think like me. :p

Well, you seem to be holding your own, so I sent some more your way ;)

01-06-2005, 11:54 AM
EDIT: Hey Nurv, you think like me. :p
Eeeeevilly? :evil:

Erm... yes. Well I posted, with a touch of godmodding on Pansy. ;) I don't mind a big fight, bring it on I say. But I'd rather get under way than waste time brawling men and elves in Mithlond and getting in deep crap from Cirdan.

Let's fight the first 7 (now 4 left standing), and then escape the mob and set sail or something.

Or, since you can't instantly set sail, we can fight as we untie the ship. Once we're aboard and free of the dock, I'm sure people would hesitate to board the ship. One thing that we might have trouble with, is aren't tall ships really hard to get under way? The one I sailed on had an outboard motor for just such a situation. :evil:

Someone might have to get out in a smaller boat (longboat? Dory?) and turn it around or something. :confused: Depends how we're "parked" I guess.

Or, is it anchored further out in the harbour and you rowed in? Large ships don't have to come right up to the dock a la Grey Havens scene in the movie. ;)

Last Child of Ungoliant
01-06-2005, 11:58 AM
dont run off without me!!

01-06-2005, 12:28 PM
Of course not! If you're still in the pub, Sicirus is there recruiting those yet unrecruited IIRC.

01-06-2005, 12:49 PM
Eeeevilly indeed. :p

We don't have to leave with the ship immediatly. We can beat these 7 up, run from the mob and get on board the Nal. Cirdan promissed us 5 days and there are still some supplies and repairs to be taken care of.

Besides, these fellas only want to pick a fight with Eärniel, not with a whole crew and they'll know better than to enter any ship moored without permission of the captain, which she clearly isn't gonna give in this matter. ;) Eärniel can just stay out of view on board (basically hiding, yeah somewhat) until we've completed the hiring of new crewmembers.

Elfmaster XK
01-06-2005, 01:02 PM
We don't have to leave with the ship immediatly. We can beat these 7 up, run from the mob and get on board the Nal. Cirdan promissed us 5 days and there are still some supplies and repairs to be taken care of.

Don't forget, there's now some sneaking up on you from behind. ;)

Lostyia Delr-Padroot
01-06-2005, 05:01 PM
looks interesting. mind if i join? i wouldn't mind being Ale-nail or Flannery or even some one new. if its not to late to join i mean.

01-06-2005, 09:48 PM
I'm confused what is happening on the rpg....like on the story...lol...help em out plz.lol

Willow Oran
01-06-2005, 10:26 PM
Well Willow and Tano seem to have gone missing (Both in and out of game). I'll pm Willow, but I don't want intense plotting like last time to interfere with the game to the point of us needing someone to post and them not being able to. I.e. EG, and so the game has to halt. I also hope she has general plot ideas that aren't too specific so that our new players get a chance to stretch their creativity.

Everybody, you have my deepest apologies for not being here and posting sooner, I didn't actually know that we had started the new quest until Katt told me at school on tuesday and I haven't had time to post till now. College applications and school and stuff. Anyway, for the benefit of everyone who never knew or has forgotten the plotline that was planned for this quest... here it is:

About two summers ago Tano, Eruviel and I and another friend were overnighting at Tano's house and the subject of the Quest came up and much plotting occured. One of the results of this plotting was the idea for the continuation of the quest. After we found the Wine, Tano and I would steal it, and take it to Kiacca, a world of my creation and the place that Willow originates from. I asked Eruviel if we could use it because the geography needs serious developing and she agreed for reasons of her own. Within the story line Tano and I are already in Kiacca and doing stuff. The Nal manned by her new crew is to follow, once in they will meet up with someone who will set them chasing after us and the result will be a wild goose chase after us Wine-thieves that can last as long as we care to continue this.

There will be no intense plotting. The plotting between Eruviel and XK that happened last time is what triggered this plot to steal the Wine in the first place. I will try to post reasonably often, but since I know that I'm likely to get busy and forget and since Tano doesn't seem to be around I will do my best to keep the plot simple. My presence should be mostly un-neccesary except for the occaisional post to leave clues as to where we are and if I can't then I'll let Katt know what needs to happen. There is a map of the world we're using and Katt and I are working on scanning and either posting or e-mailing it to everyone.

That's about it for now, just one more note; Be nice to Flannery and keep him as a public character. He's going to be very very important fairly soon.

Thanks for being patient,

Elfmaster XK
01-07-2005, 06:03 AM
That's about it for now, just one more note; Be nice to Flannery and keep him as a public character. He's going to be very very important fairly soon.

Thanks Willow. :) It's good to see you again. I'll look after Flannery, and will look forward to seeing the occasional post from an old crewmember, even if you did desert. ;)

looks interesting. mind if i join? i wouldn't mind being Ale-nail or Flannery or even some one new. if its not to late to join i mean.

Well, we've started really, now...so it's not a good time to join. If you could keep an eye out on the thread and join further in then that would work. And you'll be able to mke your own character. :)

01-07-2005, 06:08 AM
I'm confused what is happening on the rpg....like on the story...lol...help em out plz.lol
Sorry Tiny, I think we quite forgot you there for a moment. Let's recap: Nurvingiel, Count and Pansy left the bar, heading for the docks. Xen and Fingolfun left the bar after them and headed for another direction. Eärniel took the back door to get away unseen but ran into an unfriendly old 'business partner', dumped him in a trash can and caught up with Nurvingiel and the other 2 other new recruits.

They ran into some friends of Eärniel's old business partner, they have a small argument about why these men want to have a word with Eärniel and a fight starts. This is where you found/rejoined us again.

Anything else that's unclear?

01-07-2005, 10:51 AM
looks interesting. mind if i join? i wouldn't mind being Ale-nail or Flannery or even some one new. if its not to late to join i mean.
It's not too late to join. Especiall if you did play Ale-nail (not that you have to) because no one's playing him yet IIRC. :) Welcome aboard matey!

If you want to make a new character you can meet the character in two places - in the pub, and the street outside, and near the pub, where there is currently a fairly large street fight as explained by Eärniel. :)

Wow Willow, glad you could post! Sounds like a totally cool plot, right on. I'm up for it. :)

Willow Oran
01-07-2005, 11:33 AM
Glad you all approve! :) It feels good to be posting again, even if it is bad for my shcoolwork... :rolleyes:

Elfmaster XK
01-07-2005, 12:09 PM
It's not too late to join. Especiall if you did play Ale-nail (not that you have to) because no one's playing him yet IIRC. :) Welcome aboard matey!

Actually, it is for the moment. I took Ale-nail (Aka Alex (my bad..)) out right at the beginning. And I don't want to have anyone else jumping in right now, and making it difficult to control.

BUT, if still interested then I shall make a joining opportunity arise at our next destination, once we've got everyone aboard and the ship fixed. A little patience is all I ask. :)

01-07-2005, 03:39 PM
All right, I have it figured out.

I am a twitchy, scruffy, beggar-like girl of indiscriminate age who is never in one mind, always two or more or none.

I also happen to be your guide(and deck slave or, as I like to call it, "unpaid intern"). Maggie/Willow sent me.

Meet you at the ship. ;)

Elfmaster XK
01-07-2005, 04:31 PM
I also happen to be your guide(and deck slave or, as I like to call it, "unpaid intern"). Maggie/Willow sent me.

Meet you at the ship. ;)

Don't expect a warm welcome, m'dear. Don't worry, you won't get hurt or anything, but my, my you have some explaining to do. :evil:

P.S. I'm mving back to Swansea tomorrow so am not sure whether I'll be able to post tomorrow. I'll do my best though. :)

Last Child of Ungoliant
01-07-2005, 04:35 PM
Don't expect a warm welcome, m'dear. Don't worry, you won't get hurt or anything, but my, my you have some explaining to do. :evil:

P.S. I'm mving back to Swansea tomorrow so am not sure whether I'll be able to post tomorrow. I'll do my best though. :)
i can see swansea from my front garden sort-a

Elfmaster XK
01-07-2005, 06:09 PM
Okay people. Time out.

As the captain of the ship and the GM of this game I would just like to remind everyone of a few small details.

[quoted from Eärniel] Just a reminder (and that goes for everybody), be careful not to make your character too perfect. We tend to poke fun at ourselves (and just as well as anyone around us) a lot in the game. :p

Spelling and grammar, of the good and correct variety, are your friends. Please, if nothing else, make sure that your sentences start with a capital letter and end with a full stop. (Now I’ve said this I expect people to pick on me! :D But I have to say this; my “o” key, my shift key, my “s” key, and my left ctrl key are all semi-broken. So sorry for any errors.)

Now, I asked you nicely. Now this time I’m going to shout. READ THE DISCUSSION THREAD THOROUGHLY! It is important to the game. (I apologise to those who have read every post in this thread.)

In accordance with point one: please, don’t over-post. I know we all want to play the game, and confess that I can get over-posty sometimes. But, we want to give people a chance to post, and if it doesn’t make sense for your character to post, then don’t. I have to thank Luthien here, for waiting around on the Nal for us to get back, because she posted once, and that was all that was necessary. :) On the other hand, if you have a problem with a character not posting for an unreasonable amount of time you can do one of two things: God-mod them a bit so you can escape. OR, contact me and I’ll send someone over to excuse you from the problem. I’ll find a way ;)

Nurvy knows what this point is going to be about… OOC’s. Any OOC in the game is a bad one…but some are necessary, I grant you that. But please, no long ones or excessively chatty, that is what this thread is for.

Though Willow and Katt have returned to us (good thing) this does not mean we will be winging it off after Willow and Tano right away. Just so you know.

Finally. This is a semi-planned RPG. This means you must request to join it. (I know, that sounds so horrible and elitist, but understand that it needs t be a bit controlled to be fun.) You must post a character in the discussion to get approved before you enter the game. I will very rarely say you cannot enter the game at all (except perhaps if Zavron comes back *cringes with old crew*) but request a little patience. That is all. It is not practical for me to have all these people trying to enter at once because it is chaotic and people can get lost in it. I have tried to stagger the entrances, and most have co-operated, for which I am grateful. But I asked Lostyia to hang on a bit, and you have not. The reasons for this I can only assume to be you did not read my post, in this thread. But I asked you for a reason. Sicirus is currently dealing with the entrance of several other characters: Ethuiliel, Gulio, Faligorn, and Roya. She is one person and not everyone can talk at once. As much as the game thread is meant to be fun, it has to make sense and be plausible in its own world. Or am I the only one who thinks that.

I am so sorry I had to rant everyone. I just want the game to be fun for everyone. :( (I almost never use the sad smilie because it upsets me.)

I expect to get in trouble now
for taking things too seriously.

01-07-2005, 07:10 PM
I think you are being very fair, Miss Captian Miss, and (speaking only for me) I have the highest respect for all decisions in this matter.

Or maybe I'm responding like that because I'm already in servant mode.

Interesting character note: Whenever I walk my right heel kicks out about a foot behind me when I pick it up.

This is actually true in really life, the cause of it having something to do with disolving shoes. I still haven't lost the limp. Nevermind.

01-07-2005, 07:41 PM
This is a semi-planned RPG. [...] It is not practical for me to have all these people trying to enter at once because it is chaotic and people can get lost in it. I have tried to stagger the entrances, and most have co-operated, for which I am grateful. [....] As much as the game thread is meant to be fun, it has to make sense and be plausible in its own world. Or am I the only one who thinks that.[/list]
People, I'd like to add that we realise this isn't immediatly a common way to steer a RPG. The rules we lay out may seem a little rigorious at times but they there for good reasons. Most games are far more losely played, but those games also die out fairly quick, IMO.

The point is that we intend to play this game a long time, and not let it stumble and grind to a halt before the plot is sufficiently laid out, as so many RPG's sadly enough tend to do. The RPG may know large periods of silence, but it can be picked up again fast afterwards.

We intend to bring this story to the eventual end it deserves. So if you're looking for a short adventure, this may not be the game for you. But if you stick with us, you might find it a really entertaining game.

Since I became a mod here I've seen, and participated in, many RPG's on the Entmoot. But I can still count the games that got wrapped up succesfully on my fingers. Surprisingly, I managed to participate in most of those and they are the most rewarding experiences too.

Games that have a leader, a game master at the helm (no pun intended), last the longest. The point is that you will have to obey certain rules for this game, some will be obvious and frankly to be suspected, others maybe less so. But in return you get a high-quality game that will have some interesting and unexpected turns and twists that will only make the game more enjoyable.

I expect to get in trouble now for taking things too seriously. :evil:
You won't get any trouble from me, captain. I'm used to and prefer this mode of RPG.

Last Child of Ungoliant
01-07-2005, 07:49 PM
Games that have a leader, a game master at the helm (no pun intended), last the longest. The point is that you will have to obey certain rules for this game, some will be obvious and frankly to be suspected, others maybe less so. But in return you get a high-quality game that will have some interesting and unexpected turns and twists that will only make the game more enjoyable.

The Lord of the RPGs :D

01-07-2005, 08:02 PM
One RPG to rule them all. Yes. Indeed. :evil: :D

Indril Anarion
01-07-2005, 11:01 PM
I am so sorry I had to rant everyone. I just want the game to be fun for everyone. :( (I almost never use the sad smilie because it upsets me.)

I expect to get in trouble now
for taking things too seriously.

no, no trouble...at least not from me...i like rules, they help keep the game in order and that way everyone gets an equal chance in the game

can't wait to see where the plot is headed :D

01-07-2005, 11:03 PM
That was awesome Elfmaster. *cough* I'm bad for in game OOCs so I'll stop now. :o In other RPGs here it's okay, but they are less planned than this one so I can see that they are not necessary. *resists in-game OOC posting* :o

Must... resist...

And I am a tad over-posty... but no worries there as long as I can curb my verbose urges eh? :D

In the larger world of RPGing, dice games always have a game master, who is usually much tougher.

And one tiny note on the spelling/formatting... putting effort in this area means your posts will be readable. I can't stress how much I love readable posts. I would love anyone at all who edited a less-than-readable post. :o

01-07-2005, 11:33 PM
Erm... I hope I didn't do the wrong thing with my massive amounts of godmodding in my last post (OOCs absent O Captain! :) ).

I'm confused though... how many people are below now?

Count Comfect
01-08-2005, 01:28 AM
No prob from my POV. Except that I might have chosen to just pick Katt up bodily ;). Anyway, you, me, Katt, Flannery and Eärniel now appear to be below. Eärniel better show up to the Captain's Cabin or else we're not gonna make the 3 minutes we were told...

01-08-2005, 01:39 AM
Hello! I was wondering if you were still hireing?
This sounds really exciting!!!
Thanks for reading, bye!

01-08-2005, 10:42 AM
Welcome to the Moot Athena. :) Signing on is something to talk to Elfmaster XK about - our captain (in game) and game master. Be sure to read the rules (http://entmoot.tolkientrail.com/showpost.php?p=445556&postcount=147) of the game. :)

No prob from my POV. Except that I might have chosen to just pick Katt up bodily ;). Anyway, you, me, Katt, Flannery and Eärniel now appear to be below. Eärniel better show up to the Captain's Cabin or else we're not gonna make the 3 minutes we were told...
Yeah, sorry, I just wanted to advance a tad. I thought Eärniel was already below..? The captain's cabin is below? Which reminds me... what's a basic sort of layout for the ship? Sorry to be anal, but I like picturing roughtly the same thing that everyone else is, and I don't want to say "went from the galley into the forecastle" if we don't actually have one.

EDIT: Having read the game thread that makes a bit more sense now, but perhaps Eärniel or Elfmaster should godmod a bit for us. I don't know about you, but I have no clue what to expect, and we probably shouldn't make our own orders anyway. ;)

01-08-2005, 12:06 PM
Yeah, sorry, I just wanted to advance a tad. I thought Eärniel was already below..? The captain's cabin is below? Which reminds me... what's a basic sort of layout for the ship? Sorry to be anal, but I like picturing roughtly the same thing that everyone else is, and I don't want to say "went from the galley into the forecastle" if we don't actually have one.
I was already below. Consider me standing in the corridor when you come down the stairs/ladder. We never really fixed the layout of the inside of the ship. Just like personal looks, it wasn't really important. (Most of us don't know squat about sailing either. :p) I think you can say that all the important bits a ship needs, the Nal has them.

Personally I usually tend to regard the ship as a bit magical in the sense that it's a lot bigger on the inside than it normally would be, considering it's a brigantine and I don't think those are that big ships. I usually picture the inside of the boat like this, but then that's just me: when you go below deck you descend a small stairs. You're in a corridor. Imagine nice wooden bulkheads, maybe with a little art-nouveau carving here and there. In the corridors there are doors left and right of you. Those doors lead to the crew's cabins, one of them to the galley. Frankly, I don't I've ever thought about which is which. Next to the stairs, there's a ladder leading to the cargo bay.

EDIT: Having read the game thread that makes a bit more sense now, but perhaps Eärniel or Elfmaster should godmod a bit for us. I don't know about you, but I have no clue what to expect, and we probably shouldn't make our own orders anyway. ;)
I gather we would like to question this 'waif'. Since Willow and Tano left with the Wine and since we want to get it, we'll probably will follow any lead we have. The point is that we might not entirely trust Willow and Tano anymore since they did desert us.

Elfmaster XK
01-08-2005, 04:36 PM
Thanks for the support guys :D *hugs everyone* I love this game. I love games in general, but this is kinda my game, if you excuse the claiming. I want it to work. I had a bit of a nervy spaz yesterday when I saw Lostyia entered when I said don't. Spelling has always been one of my issues with RPG (winks at Nurv, fellow grammar nazi!)

Anyway. It's okay now... *calms* I'm glad everyone took my rant well.

Unfortunately I have very little time to post today, so Eärniel you might have some more to ask the Katt-waif. :D

Nurv, I'll try and get a post up soon about the layout of the ship, to satisfy your orderly side. ;)

A little note about my cabin: It's mainly wood panelled, if you like old parchement ith ancient writing on, you'll like it. It also contains a lot of different swords, arrows all of different woods, some old maps, some wine glasses, a cabinet filled with navigational instruments and big hour glasses...quills, usual desk stuff. I'm open to any descriptions you might have. But no axes. XK doesn't like axes.

General things that you guys ought to do whilst I am busy moving this weekend is get everyone aboard. Eärniel, introducing the other crew, Sarin, Flannery etc. to everyone. Especially the people still with Sici. Finding your quarters, which you will all share. There's few cabins because the ship is quite small. You need teaching your jobs, and to be given the rota thing by Flannery. Fingolfun, you need to go to XK's office so we can finish our conversation sometime when everyone is busy. I have a job for Luthien and some others ;) She knows this. So there's loads to do, even though posting this weekend might be limited from me. Problems, go to Eärniel.

01-08-2005, 05:00 PM
You don't really need to describe it in detail, no worries. Just that, I wouldn't want to mess up continuity by saying "I'm going above decks to the captain's cabin" when it is actually below. Um... it is, right?

01-09-2005, 10:54 AM
Ooopps, should I have not introduced Loytsia if you told her not to go on the rpg?
I never knew you didn't want her up there. I just posted that I greeted her but if you could explain this matter to me then I could have a better understanding of it.

01-09-2005, 11:51 AM
OOC: Sorry about the misracing there Anduril. adn the miss naming for that matter too. :oNow I'm confused.... :confused:

01-09-2005, 12:15 PM
Ooopps, should I have not introduced Loytsia if you told her not to go on the rpg?
I never knew you didn't want her up there. I just posted that I greeted her but if you could explain this matter to me then I could have a better understanding of it.
At the moment she can be a person in the pub who you do not recruit.

(Yet... maybe later in the game..?)

Or there's always the handy edit. Mwehehe...

01-09-2005, 02:05 PM
Sorry Tiny, I think we quite forgot you there for a moment. Let's recap: Nurvingiel, Count and Pansy left the bar, heading for the docks. Xen and Fingolfun left the bar after them and headed for another direction. Eärniel took the back door to get away unseen but ran into an unfriendly old 'business partner', dumped him in a trash can and caught up with Nurvingiel and the other 2 other new recruits.

They ran into some friends of Eärniel's old business partner, they have a small argument about why these men want to have a word with Eärniel and a fight starts. This is where you found/rejoined us again.

Anything else that's unclear?

Nope Thats pretty good actually...See when your in school...ITs hard because theres so many posts.LoL

The last sane person
01-09-2005, 04:34 PM
well, i entered. Am talking to luthien if she cares to reply.

01-09-2005, 04:54 PM
You would do that to Cirdan!? :eek: Your character is either brave or stupid my friend. ;)

The last sane person
01-09-2005, 05:57 PM
More like doesnt give a damn. And yes, I likes to pick impossible fights. And survive them so far.

01-09-2005, 08:19 PM
yay... *twitch* you're back, *twitch twitch* and you posted

And she's right. She has survived many impossible fights.

Indril Anarion
01-09-2005, 08:21 PM
well, i entered. Am talking to luthien if she cares to reply.

Sane! Long time no see hehe So happy to be posting with you again!

let's see what fun this RPG will stir up :D ;)


and for the record, Luthien has black hair
see? (http://entmoot.tolkientrail.com/showpost.php?p=259664&postcount=264)

01-09-2005, 09:19 PM
Now I'm confused.... :confused:

I think I accidently called you an elf. Or was that someone else. Ah well. Have no idea what I am saying either. *hugs* I am confused too. *wimper*

Last Child of Ungoliant
01-09-2005, 09:21 PM
I think I accidently called you an elf. Or was that someone else. Ah well. Have no idea what I am saying either. *hugs* I am confused too. *wimper*
twas me that thoust called an elf :D
no harm twere to be done of course.

01-09-2005, 09:33 PM
Oh then I think I did it twice then. in my edited post which is here for all ye to see. It is important that you read it or else.....yeah or else. :evil:

Read me. (http://entmoot.tolkientrail.com/showpost.php?p=445876&postcount=119)

01-10-2005, 04:00 AM
I think I accidently called you an elf. Or was that someone else. Ah well. Have no idea what I am saying either. *hugs* I am confused too. *wimper*Hi, my name is Fingolfun, and I am a perverted Noldorin Elf-Lord. My favourite colour is silver.

01-10-2005, 01:03 PM
Hi, my name is Fingolfun, and I am a perverted Noldorin Elf-Lord. My favourite colour is silver.

Hi, my name is Sicirus, I am the second mate of the Nal who enjoys liquors and all things shiny and alcoholic. :p

Thank you for the reminder. Much thanks :D

01-10-2005, 03:44 PM
Since we're doing intro's!

Hi, I'm Pansy and I love llama's and TEA TEA TEA. With carrots. And Mangoes. And I have a magical frying-pan that I smite people with! Beware the attack-llama's. We're coming for you.

01-10-2005, 07:00 PM
No we're not doing intros. :p

People, I like to stress it's important to read carefully what already happened in the thread. For example, Gulio, Sicirus said she would leave the bar unless some other new recruit presented her/himself, leaving room for Lostyia to get recruited. So Sicirus and the new recruits hadn't left yet for the harbour. But since only Lostyia (I think) still had to be recruited, it's no big deal.

The same goes for you Lostyia, even if you have been left behind as Gulio posted, it doesn't always work to continue posting like nothing happen and that you're still in the bar talking, you can as easily post that you went after the group that left and talk to them on the way.

Just some pointers. ;)

01-10-2005, 07:04 PM
I'm glad someone on this thread has the ability to write a coherent narrative structure, even if she does break from it sometimes.

Thanks Earniel!

Off topic: Wouldn't it be cool if entmoot had a scroll down menu with special letters like they do on translator sites?

01-10-2005, 09:36 PM
GAR! Earniel is making things very difficult!

Anyway, the map is all perfected and I'm just waiting for the order from Maggie to post it.


Willow Oran
01-10-2005, 10:26 PM
Yes, post the Map. Use the opening given to you when Earniel went down to look for one.

01-11-2005, 05:19 AM
GAR! Earniel is making things very difficult!
We're interrogating you. Who has ever heard of an easy interrogation? :p

Elfmaster XK
01-11-2005, 08:47 AM
Ooopps, should I have not introduced Loytsia if you told her not to go on the rpg?
I never knew you didn't want her up there. I just posted that I greeted her but if you could explain this matter to me then I could have a better understanding of it.

Don't worry Sicirus, you were doing exactly what I told you to do, which was recruit people who introduced themselves. :) I asked Lostyia not to introduce herself yet, and she ignored that. That's not your fault.

Luthien, Roya...as much as I liked your intro post, Luthien should have gone below decks already, following Pansy and the count. AND, Flannery is inside because it's getting light. So please, make sure you know what's going on before you post.

SUMMARY: XK, Eärniel, Bob, CC, Pansy, Nurv, Tiny, Sarin and Fingolfin are all in my cabin. Luthien, hearing noise turned back to check what it was, and so is not there. I expect you to get there as soon as you can do.

Sicirus, Gulio, Ethuiliel, and Faligorn have left the pub and are walking towards the ship. When you get there you will see Roya talking to Luthien. And you will take over talking to her, so Luthien can come down to my cabin.

Lostyia, whom I must stress I am not pleased with, can follow the crew and catch up with them to talk to SIcirus. However, if she doesn't read this thread, or the posts before hers on the game then I will have to ask Eärniel to do me a temporary favour. She knows what I mean.

01-11-2005, 10:21 AM
:eek: Arr mayteys, I be afeared. :D

I spend too much time on the computer, so I'm going to post a lot less than I currently do. Anyone can feel free to godmod my character according to her personality, which I'll quote here:

Nurvingiel is an Elf of Mirkwood who is about 3400 years old. She likes adventure, but doesn't quite fit in with other Mirkwood elves. She has travelled quite widely, and likes to see the world by living and working in one place for a length of time. Her most recent job was as a barmaid at the Forsaken Inn.

Nurvingiel avoids having any responsibility like the plague, but will learn a low-ranking job thoroughlly, and do it well. She is fairly shy, and feels awkward when making new friends. She feels as though she's always saying the wrong thing (when in reality it's only half the time). She enjoys eating and drinking a great deal, and often drinks (or eats) too much in social situations to feel more at ease.

Her skills include swimming, trimming (which she is still learning), singing, making rope, literacy in Westron, Silvan, and Sindarin, tying knots (she is still learning more sailing knots), pouring ale, basic cooking, archery, and fighting with swords, spears or daggers (can use two daggers).

Her weaknesses are avoidance of responsibility or leadership, large groups, and drinking too much.
I should also add, that Nurvingiel and Pansy are quickly becoming good friends.

But she can basically quietly go about her business with the sails, including repairing and making new ones (I imagine this would be in conjunction with the quartermaster or someone). I think she'll probably spend a lot of time aloft (above decks), but she'll be useful in a fight. Her weapons of choice are a dagger (which she always wears) and a sword.

That being said, I will still post sometimes. :)

And Tiny, you don't need to ask permission to cook IMO. The galley is your territory, plus, you have a lot of work to do, and I imagine that you would want to organize the galley the way you like it. You OWN the galley. :D

Elfmaster XK
01-11-2005, 11:44 AM
That being said, I will still post sometimes. :)

I hope so, I enjoy your posts :)

The last sane person
01-11-2005, 02:06 PM
Don't worry Sicirus, you were doing exactly what I told you to do, which was recruit people who introduced themselves. :) I asked Lostyia not to introduce herself yet, and she ignored that. That's not your fault.

Luthien, Roya...as much as I liked your intro post, Luthien should have gone below decks already, following Pansy and the count. AND, Flannery is inside because it's getting light. So please, make sure you know what's going on before you post.


oops, yeah, my computer didnt want to show previous posts. still doesnt. i begged and pleaded and it just now did. (i administered a kick to it) i think my compy might be dying (AGAIN), so beware if i suddenly dont post for a while...but i will fix my post as much as i can.

01-11-2005, 02:10 PM
I hope so, I enjoy your posts :)
Yay! ^.^

I really enjoy this RPG... I'm suspecting Mooting is one thing I'm not going to cut back on much. Or at least, I'll limit most of my time to the RPG forum. :o

01-11-2005, 04:28 PM
I should also add, that Nurvingiel and Pansy are quickly becoming good friends.

*pounces la Nurvi*

Ahem, so what's my official job on the Nal? I dont think I ever specified. I could be a trimmer like Nurv, which would work out well. Try not to forget about us, eh, Nurvi?

01-11-2005, 04:36 PM
School is starting again tomorrow so expect my posting here to drop a bit in frequency.

Ahem, so what's my official job on the Nal? I dont think I ever specified. I could be a trimmer like Nurv, which would work out well. Try not to forget about us, eh, Nurvi?
Check the first post, Pansy is put down as deck hand.

Lostyia Delr-Padroot
01-11-2005, 05:12 PM
oops, sorry i didn't see your post, my computer was acting up, sorry :( .(i did read the rules earlier and the rpg. really!!!!!! i truly apologise for missing it!!)

anywho i need to share more about my character:
AGE: 165 years
RACE: well, i am a mix: of sprite and kishin (elf) * kishin is a creature much like the elf from another rpg.
LOOKS: well from my mixed breed i have orange and blue hair (ethuiliel- my skin grew even more pale as two millinia and my hair has changed also- the kishin came out as time went by; but don't worry about that in this rpg) her eyes well the original color is a misty blue, but they change accordingg to mood.(very moody)
HEIGHT: six feet or so
SKILLS: when i was young i use to apprentice as a healer, am really good with my hands, and most of all a fighter. use to be a witch but have given up magic as up for five years now. (sorry in character mode)
PERSONALITY: very short temper, refuse to reveal certain aspects of my past, naive and bigheaded, love to laugh at random intervals at a time.

*note: i am not from this land!!! i am from Rathlas!!! (sp) my character was first established in a different rpg.

again i apologise for introducing myself. :o

Lostyia Delr-Padroot
01-11-2005, 05:35 PM
should i edit my posts in the rp and get rid of what i stated??

01-11-2005, 05:57 PM
If it is still possible could I join? I haven't read the Game thread yet but will do tomorrow and have read all of this thread.

01-11-2005, 07:03 PM
Lostyia, I just thought I'd mention, you being fairly new and all. I've only seen you in two Rp's, playing the same character (which is perfectly fine, I've played Pansy many times) but I thought I'd say, you can use multiple characters, not just one in every RP. You probably know this, but seeing as how the two RP's don't fit together being in different worlds and all. But I can understand playing the same character if you like them alot. Pansy's by far the best darn hobbit out there (not that people play hobbits on here very often).

01-11-2005, 07:29 PM
I thought I'd posted on here... anyway, I'm intrested in joining, if that's still all right. And I guess I could be... a deckhand. Seems to be the only thing open. ;) Sorry it's sort of late.

01-12-2005, 03:35 AM
*pounces la Nurvi*

Ahem, so what's my official job on the Nal? I dont think I ever specified. I could be a trimmer like Nurv, which would work out well. Try not to forget about us, eh, Nurvi?
lol!! :D

Don't worry Pip, I'm sure we'll have a lot to do together.

Captain: everyone swab the decks
Nurv: that's not in my job description
*is keelhauled*


I to play one character all the time too (and a boring old elf no less! ;) ) except in Lyrd obviously.

01-12-2005, 04:50 AM
If it is still possible could I join? I haven't read the Game thread yet but will do tomorrow and have read all of this thread.

I thought I'd posted on here... anyway, I'm intrested in joining, if that's still all right. And I guess I could be... a deckhand. Seems to be the only thing open. ;) Sorry it's sort of late.
It's nice of you for wanting to join us, however personally I'd advice against joining at the moment since we have a lot of new posters that are just beginning to get settled 'aboard'. Perhaps it's best to wait a little while and join when things are a wee bit less chaotic.

But Elfmaster XK, as being the game master here, has the final word on it. So she decides.

01-12-2005, 11:52 PM
Okay then. That's all right, I don't want to confuse things any more. I'll get Ethi to tell me when I can come back, since she is in it already.

Elfmaster XK
01-13-2005, 10:42 AM
Hi everyone. I noticed a bit of confusion in the thread with where everyone was at. So I hope my post (http://www.entmoot.com/showpost.php?p=446628&postcount=141) has cleared things up a bit.

I left it open for you guys to chat and stuff. :) And for Luthien to take Bob away. All that stuff. But basically, everyone on deck tomorrow (in game time) for me to address you all, and introduce fully my crew. (Except Flannery, who'll be lurking inside.) For you to intorduce yourselves, for Koroush to return and for me to dish out duties. :evil:

Sirigorn and Telcontar, don't introduce yourselves into the thread yet. If you PM me if you're still interested, I have a task which you can use to get introduced, but it will be a while before we're ready for you. :)

Lostyia, what is done is done. When Koroush introduces himself again (in game) tomorrow then follow him. Just lurk around the area for a bit since you've already introduced yourself.

01-14-2005, 12:48 PM
Aye aye cap'n! PippinTook posed a good question in the game thread.

What are the bunks like? I took them to be wideish shelf bunk things extending from the centre of the room, where there's room to walk, to the hull (or inside of it). She took them as bunk beds, which also works, but in that case, wouldn't we all just have hammoks? It would seem more efficient. Heh... :o

Elfmaster XK
01-15-2005, 07:18 AM
Good question. :) I didn't mean bunk beds, no. Well, I sort of did. Because the ship isn't very big there are little rooms with two bunks on top of each other. They're not like, beds with posts and stuff though, they're just wooden bases attached to the wall, and together at the corners. Then there's a space in the room, then there's another one on the other side. At the end of each there's two cupboard type things, also in the wall, for your stuff. They're only small though. :)

I probably did that badly.

I was going to have you all in one big dorm with hammocks, but then thought this way would be better. It allows better bonding between crew, and our ships is small and doesn't need a big crew, so I figured a huge room with a hundred hammocks was unnecessary.

Edit: There's four cabins. One for me, Earniel, Sicirus and the old captain's room. And there's a map room, where Earniel works most of the time. ;) I think I might move Flannery into Eruviel's old cabin, to put Nurv more at ease.

01-15-2005, 07:36 AM
Actually, I have no idea. :p Pick what you think works best. [EDIT: I see the captain beat me to it]

I think we can take the game to the next morning now. In any case, I'm going to. :D

BTW, Sicirus, the captain has her own cabin, so do the first and second mates. That way you'll also be able to hide Slo-Mo longer from us. ;)

01-15-2005, 09:12 AM
Okay, cool guys! I imagine the cabin is very small. ^.^

In our one, just the way the posts have gone, I imagine that Faligorn and I are on the top bunk, and Tiny and Pansy are on the bottom. (But I want to be with Pansy! We should find some way to switch...)

01-15-2005, 03:55 PM
Actually, I have no idea. :p Pick what you think works best. [EDIT: I see the captain beat me to it]

I think we can take the game to the next morning now. In any case, I'm going to. :D

BTW, Sicirus, the captain has her own cabin, so do the first and second mates. That way you'll also be able to hide Slo-Mo longer from us. ;)

Okay, but I thought XK said I am allowed to have the dog just as long as he pees over board. But anyway we'll see when it comes to it. Slo-Mo will be stealing peoples food and stuff just like greyhounds usually do. :D :p

01-15-2005, 04:35 PM
It is "on deck" and not to the captain's cabin where we're supposed to go? CC and I both took it that way.

About the Nurv-Flannery thing, as Captain, you don't really need to cater to my "special needs". Nurv just has to deal. Or you can be nice. It's up to you. I can (hopefully) play my character versitily (word?). ^.^

01-16-2005, 03:39 AM
There, now everyone's on deck. I just don't think any of the characters are layabouts. Except, if someone does want their character still in bed, there's enough ambiguity in my post for that to work.

01-16-2005, 11:37 AM
Minor quibble here... and not to pick on you Chrys but I'm going to use your last post as an example.

faligorn was the last to rise, crawlign out of his bed, he noticed everyone else just leaving hey, g'morning guys! he said hurrying to catch them up, as they walked on deck what are our jobs do we think? he went pn

Would be much more readable if speaking and action were on different lines...

Faligorn was the last to rise, crawlign out of his bed, he noticed everyone else just leaving.

Faligorn: Hey, g'morning guys!

He said, hurrying to catch them up, as they walked on deck.

Faligorn: What are our jobs do we think?

Easy peasy! ^_^
Oh and look, there's minor punctuation additions... sorry to be a patronizing git there, but it does look nicer don't ya think? :D
I doesn't take loads more effort.

And with such formatting, less typing is required to explain your character's actions, so it is actually easier! :)

01-17-2005, 08:41 AM
Even though a lot of time can pass in real time, not a lot has passed in game time. I forget sometimes. But in this case, probably only about 10 mins or so have passed in the game since we were woken up and assembled on deck.

One other comment, which is also no biggie, is there's probably some topics that us 'sailor' ranked players don't want to godmod, ie. our orders and other highly captain-y things. That's why activity is slow ATM, it's not because we're not interesting. :)

But hey, there will be ups and downs in activity in any RPG so no worries there too. Just a few thoughts from the verbose elf Nurvingiel. :rolleyes: :D

Last Child of Ungoliant
01-17-2005, 09:02 AM
Minor quibble here... and not to pick on you Chrys but I'm going to use your last post as an example.

faligorn was the last to rise, crawlign out of his bed, he noticed everyone else just leaving hey, g'morning guys! he said hurrying to catch them up, as they walked on deck what are our jobs do we think? he went pn

Would be much more readable if speaking and action were on different lines...

Faligorn was the last to rise, crawlign out of his bed, he noticed everyone else just leaving.

Faligorn: Hey, g'morning guys!

He said, hurrying to catch them up, as they walked on deck.

Faligorn: What are our jobs do we think?

Easy peasy! ^_^
Oh and look, there's minor punctuation additions... sorry to be a patronizing git there, but it does look nicer don't ya think? :D
I doesn't take loads more effort.

And with such formatting, less typing is required to explain your character's actions, so it is actually easier! :)
i see what you mean, my main problems are:
a) getting my thoughts down into words
b) not having much time to post during the day

Elfmaster XK
01-17-2005, 09:32 AM
About the Nurv-Flannery thing, as Captain, you don't really need to cater to my "special needs". Nurv just has to deal. Or you can be nice. It's up to you. I can (hopefully) play my character versitily (word?). ^.^

I know. But I was thinking, well there is a spare cabin. And Flannery is up at unusual hours, so it would actually make sense.

Okay, but I thought XK said I am allowed to have the dog just as long as he pees over board. But anyway we'll see when it comes to it. Slo-Mo will be stealing peoples food and stuff just like greyhounds usually do.

You have to keep him hidden, because other wise I will be annoyed. I don't like animals much, particularly on my ship.

Even though a lot of time can pass in real time, not a lot has passed in game time. I forget sometimes. But in this case, probably only about 10 mins or so have passed in the game since we were woken up and assembled on deck.

One other comment, which is also no biggie, is there's probably some topics that us 'sailor' ranked players don't want to godmod, ie. our orders and other highly captain-y things. That's why activity is slow ATM, it's not because we're not interesting.

But hey, there will be ups and downs in activity in any RPG so no worries there too. Just a few thoughts from the verbose elf Nurvingiel.

Okay, a little point on this time situation and the keeping track of it.

I said I want everyone on deck at noon tomorrow. here (http://www.entmoot.com/showpost.php?p=446628&postcount=141). I also said Flannery, get yourself below decks before the light comes up. this here (http://www.entmoot.com/showpost.php?p=445509&postcount=100). Consequently this meant that before we all went to bed it was dawn. So getting up at the crack of dawn shouldn't have happened unless no one slept, or we all slept through a whole day. Certainly since I made a note of it in my post and specified that we should meet at noon.

On Sicirus' god-mod. (Don't worry ;) ) She posted for me, probably because I wasn't online and was needed. However, just a quick note here. XK would have sent you all back to bed again until noon for not listening to what she said. I *definately* do not mind you guys using my character, go ahead, but keep in mind how she reacts to things. Keep in mind that she is an irritating little biatch sometimes. ;)

Oh yeah. Tiny.... Tiny, dear...don't leave unless you're dismissed. It won't be pretty. Remember on a ship there is a chain of command. You may not be involved in much work on deck, but you still must respect those who you work for. ;)

01-17-2005, 09:50 AM
*raises hand* That would be my fault, captain, I forgot the tiny detail of noon and rang everybody out of bed at dawn. Maybe we can just pretend dawn is good as well since everybody wrote a waking-up post? :o *is deeply ashamed of waking crew before time, oh well... not that ashamed... just a bit * ;) :o)

01-17-2005, 09:54 AM
Though part of the chain of command, the cook is a sort of special position. Of course she still answers to the Captian and mates, but it would be acknowledged that her working hours are completely different from everyone else's. She will pretty much have to spend her entire day 1. cooking 2. washing dishes 3. preparing the next meal. Maybe it won't be so bad to cook for 14 or so hungry pirates... or not... ;)

About time... maybe we should just all go edit our posts, because our characters would have understood what you meant. In hindsight, I guess it shoulda been obvious that we would have to get up at the crack of dawn when we had been in a brawl fairly late at night. Heh... :o

EDIT: I cross-posted with you Eärniel. Actually Sicirus had dawn time posts too... I'll just unedit my posts. I like your solution better. :)

EDIT2: I'm very confused. :confused:

Elfmaster XK
01-17-2005, 09:57 AM
It is okay Eärniel. I saw you posted morning, but you didn't say that it was still dark like Sicirus did!

Anyway, do not worry. Please. :D I'm not a monster who's going to make everyone edit right now. These things happen when more than one person in playing. :)

And Nurv. Yes, Tiny will cook a lot, but she cannot just walk off and do her own thing. In future when everything is going on normally on the ship, it is likely she will not need to have orders from me. But this early on she doesn't know where the galley is, where we keep food stocked, about the room...anything. So consequently...my upcoming post is going to knock her back in line. ;)

Count Comfect
01-17-2005, 10:19 AM
Hey, question: is the Room you spoke of in your long post locked?

Elfmaster XK
01-17-2005, 10:34 AM
Yes. It is locked, barred, bolted and everything.

You cannot get in, and I do not jest. I will kill anyone who tries to open it and endanger everyone else.


Count Comfect
01-17-2005, 10:42 AM
*hands in the air* Wasn't planning on trying. Was just wondering if one was supposed to refer to it that way, as I've seen before.

Elfmaster XK
01-17-2005, 02:06 PM
Oh dear...I just re-read my post thinking why have they all gone wrong...but that was my bad! I meant to post in an understandable manner (:rolleyes:)...that Nurvingiel and CC were waiting with Luthien. That was what the 'take them with you' was about, but I forgot to post that you guys moved over to wait with her.

Luthien is not on the tour, she knows her way.

Sicirus, I gave ethuiliel a positon. She's a nipper. And no one worry, you are yet to be shown what your jobs are. I don't expect anyone to know yet. :)

And CC...good, stay away. ;)

01-18-2005, 03:49 AM
Okay, so all the newbies are on the tour right? :confused:

01-18-2005, 06:50 AM
Yes, I think you all are.

EXK, frankly, I'm not that privvy myself to all that really happens on board a ship, in fact I know zilch of it. :p So maybe we can keep the 'teaching' in the game thread to a minimum? And maybe plan a small party at the end of the first day after which we can assume everybody gets to know eachother better without having to post it all in dialog?

Not that I'm saying that introducing and explaining in full is bad, mind you. This might be easier, but it's just a suggestion. I'm just.... itching to get out in sea and get the plot moving. ;)

01-18-2005, 07:41 AM
We could post our own training in some sort of reasonable way. I have some ideas about what might happen to the Count and I. But I had been sailing before, which makes it easier. I think there's a lot of flexibility here for posting in a lot or little detail.

EDIT: I took it that Luthien is teaching the Count and I, but editing is possible...

EDIT2: See the giant godmod and despair! Bwahahaha... :evil:

01-18-2005, 08:26 AM
Despain? Is that a Nurvism? :evil:

01-18-2005, 08:37 AM
I have no idea how I managed to type N in place of R. :confused:

I mean... I meant to... because you will experience pain! Despain! That's right... ;)

Elfmaster XK
01-18-2005, 12:29 PM
EXK, frankly, I'm not that privvy myself to all that really happens on board a ship, in fact I know zilch of it. :p So maybe we can keep the 'teaching' in the game thread to a minimum? And maybe plan a small party at the end of the first day after which we can assume everybody gets to know eachother better without having to post it all in dialog?

Not that I'm saying that introducing and explaining in full is bad, mind you. This might be easier, but it's just a suggestion. I'm just.... itching to get out in sea and get the plot moving. ;)

Right. I never intended to go into great detail .What Nurv has written is fine, but she *does* know some things about sailing. Those who don't do not need to worry. It isn't important to go into great detail on everyone's tasks. :D And yes, we can have an on-deck party later. ;)

EDIT: I took it that Luthien is teaching the Count and I, but editing is possible...

Actually, no. I want Luthien and you two to be given something to do. But don't edit because what you wrote was fine. I'll just send you after the learning.

01-18-2005, 02:40 PM
Yay! I didn't screw it up. :cool: Still confused, but no worries.

Awesome last post Andúril! :) Hey Pansy, you have a lot of cool stuff happening with your character. The carrots, the interactions, the attack llamas... ;)

01-18-2005, 03:28 PM
Awesome last post Andúril! :) Thanks, I was waiting for the right moment for my next post. This game has a lot of potential.

Hopefully I'll have time for it in the future, since I'm only on leave until the end of January, and I might become an assistant events coordinator and/or editor of a monthly club publication if democracy decides so. We'll see. :)

01-18-2005, 03:52 PM
be careful not to make your character too perfect.Whatever the players' perceptions of Fingolfun so far, please realize that my character has major flaws. These flaws will be revealed throughout the course of our journey.

I don't know how well I'll be able to pull it off thought, since my only other RPG experience was as the Thing, in the room (the room is locked), which was active for only a few pages at the beginning of the last RPG.

01-18-2005, 06:44 PM
Thus far, Nurvingiel (the character) has only seen him once. From her fleeting impression at the street fight, she sees him as a tall Elf Lord.

In the back of her mind, she wonders, "What is an Elf Lord doing on a pirate ship?" but at the moment she's more concerned with learning her duties. She's biding her time until she can find out more and/or talk to him. :)

Last Child of Ungoliant
01-18-2005, 06:55 PM
faligorn also has seen him once only,
but has not been outside gondor before travelling to the grey havens,
where he happened to fall into this band of happy fellows,
so does not know much of other races in general,
coming from lebennin anyway, not exactly gondor's
centre of learning!

01-18-2005, 08:03 PM
I just got back from having my appendix removed, cheers!


image troubles

Count Comfect
01-18-2005, 08:33 PM
How did that go, Katt? I hope you're alright.

Finrod Felagund
01-18-2005, 08:58 PM
Meh...you're not stupid, just forgetful...

I'd like to continue on...but what position to be?

Someone should post an ending to the last thread...

Also, does anyone have links to the original...the one started in GM and continued in RPGs (two seperate threads)?

Gulio, Strength of Many
01-19-2005, 01:44 AM
Sorry about the long absence, guys. I've been in the land of Grounded as of late. *shudders* Anywho, I think I'm pretty much caught up, but let me know if I do anything obscenely, horribly wrong (preferably without keel-hauling me ^^).

Elfmaster XK
01-19-2005, 07:25 AM
Meh...you're not stupid, just forgetful...

I'd like to continue on...but what position to be?

Someone should post an ending to the last thread...

Also, does anyone have links to the original...the one started in GM and continued in RPGs (two seperate threads)?

Actually, I didn't forget you. I originally included you and only took you out because you didn't respond. In the old discussion thread I did a shout out and you were one of those who didn't respond.

The old thread IS finished.

And you can't continue on because we've started already and I already had a bit of a rant at someone else who thrust their character into the game. Sorry. You'll have to play a different character, and wait a little to enter the game.

Whatever the players' perceptions of Fingolfun so far, please realize that my character has major flaws. These flaws will be revealed throughout the course of our journey.

I don't know how well I'll be able to pull it off thought, since my only other RPG experience was as the Thing, in the room (the room is locked), which was active for only a few pages at the beginning of the last RPG.

Well everything you've written so far has been good :) You seem to have got into the game spirit. :D

I just got back from having my appendix removed, cheers!


image troubles

I hope you feel alright soon Katt. *hugs*

And that's okay Gulio. You've been kept in the game ;)

01-19-2005, 10:02 AM
About your character Andúril, would Nurvingiel (a 3400 year-old Elf of Mirkwood) recognize Fingolfun for who he really is? Somehow I doubt that, but...

I think she would realize he's not an Elf. Then, the only logical deduction is that he's a Maiar. Is that correct? (Don't worry, I won't play my character with knowledge she doesn't have.)


01-19-2005, 03:08 PM
Ok, the map will NOT be posted here because I cannot get the file size low enough while still preserving readability.

UNLESS, you guys can tell me how to send an attachment that is over bloody 9kb.

so, the map will be e-mailed to EX and Earnial and anyone else who PM's me who wants one.


and please, feel free to godmod the blood out of Bob

01-19-2005, 07:01 PM
You could always get a Photobucket (http://www.photobucket.com/) account, or something along those lines.

In the meantime, email it to me please! :)

Last Child of Ungoliant
01-19-2005, 07:05 PM
and also to me please
hope this works! :) (tibiscabull@aol.com)

01-19-2005, 08:09 PM
so tell me, do you people want B&W or color? B&W is significantly smaller.

01-20-2005, 03:33 AM
Ooh, colour please (unless it's a real pain to email). ^_^

01-20-2005, 04:27 AM

Instant pic hosting, no account needed. :)

01-20-2005, 01:44 PM
My computer doesnt' like the site. meep

The e-mail is going out on Friday. Cheers

01-20-2005, 02:13 PM
Mail me here (jodendaal@gmail.com) please. I'm on leave until next month so we can't use my usual address. Thanks.

01-20-2005, 06:24 PM
Hey Chrys, I hope you don't take my character's actions as me wanting to get rid of you. That's not how it is at all! She'd just react that way, you know, it was three on three...

Grrrr I want to get sailing already!

When the four of us get back, can we find the ship in ship shape sailing condition? :D

01-20-2005, 09:12 PM
can I get a map too? silme_90@hotmail.com

Not smile, not slime, not simle. sil-me. Yeah, that gets mixed up a whole lot. Map is good though. Map–gooood. Sorry, Friends has taken over my mind and soul.

*bounces* More battles!

Gulio, Strength of Many
01-21-2005, 02:32 AM
Mmm... maps.... :) I'd love one! Please email me (orange_shorts14@hotmail.com). I just hope I don't forget. I'm terrible about checking my email... :o

01-21-2005, 03:46 AM
Hi Gulio! ^.^

About the little side-quest thing I suggested to get the supplies, I think it should happen off-screen, if it happens. I want to get sailing!

Elfmaster XK
01-21-2005, 08:10 AM
*le sigh* Why is Faligorn in the fight? I put the three of you there for a reason. Promise :D

If you don't get sent somewhere, or aren't included in a particular event please don't just barge in. I am trying to plot this out so everyone gets a turn in the limelight. The reason? Because if I just say "GO!" Then everyone posts at once, and it all becomes confused.

Nurv: We're waiting for Koroush to re-appear. Then we can get sailing.

Mini note to Tiny: My name is spelled with an X ;) Xen.

01-21-2005, 09:25 AM
*le sigh* Why is Faligorn in the fight?
You can have 'im swap the deck for leaving the ship without authorisation when they return. ;)

Elfmaster XK
01-21-2005, 09:46 AM
You can have 'im swap the deck for leaving the ship without authorisation when they return. ;)

*cackles* ;)

01-21-2005, 10:26 AM
Well realistically he probably would be punished.

About pistols Indril Anarion, they didn't have them in ME. I know we're crossing over at least 3 worlds, but I kinda doubt we'd have them. And even if we did, it would be highly unwise to bring them into a Middle-earth town.

We could just say a lantern or torch was dropped in the oil.

01-21-2005, 10:37 AM
Erm... Chrys... about your last post... it's day. O.o ;)

Last Child of Ungoliant
01-21-2005, 10:40 AM
yes, it is, you are quite right

01-21-2005, 10:50 AM
So then...
faligorn once again melted into the blackness from whence he came

What are everyone's characters anyway?

How much leeway is available in the RPG with canon? (Like, would a half-dwarf be acceptable even if that's not strictly canon... then again... erm...)
