View Full Version : new fotr
08-11-2003, 05:56 PM
new rpg! the idea of this rpg is the same thing as fotr, we will have 9 fellowship members, but you are allowed to control your charactar, example- Gandalf doesn't go into moria, Boromir takes the ring, exc. you are allowed t kill yur self, but not another fellowship member. for Galadriel, Faramir, and others who play smaller roles, you can claim them when the time comes.
The game will start in Rivendell. you don't need to put a description, beacuse hopefully everyone will know who merry, pippin, frodo, sam, Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, Gandalf and Boromir are. I am Aragorn. We will wait till we have 9 people to start
08-11-2003, 06:38 PM
I will be Pippin. stupidninteysecrule
08-11-2003, 09:30 PM
Thank you, hope more people come soon, need 7 more players!!!!!
Gulio, Strength of Many
08-12-2003, 01:09 AM
I shall be Gimli then.:D
08-12-2003, 02:15 AM
i'll join but i warn you this might end up wierd or ur idea will get totally twisted around i know mine did. lol. ummm anyhow i guess i'll play.......hmmmm Frodo? seems like u need a main character so i guess i'll play Frodo...yes Frodo.
08-12-2003, 02:58 PM
ooc: yeah, I was afraid of that, but its worth a try, (I think) thanks i would have been frodo, but had a sudden urge to be aragorn, so thanks
08-12-2003, 08:08 PM
bump! ahhh, 90sc rule, hmmm, *jepordy theme* dodoo do dodo doo dood oo do do doo doo do doo do
08-12-2003, 10:43 PM
I've never participated in an RPG like this before, but looks like fun! I'll be Legolas!
08-12-2003, 10:56 PM
thanx, lets hopr it works out.
08-13-2003, 04:06 PM
So we have so far
Me: Pippin
Cool! Now all we need is Boromir, Merry, Sam, and Gandalf.
08-13-2003, 04:53 PM
I have to be Gandalf :D Please!!
Varda Oiolosseo
08-13-2003, 05:12 PM
argh Legolas is taken. lol
I'll be Merry then.
Gulio, Strength of Many
08-13-2003, 05:16 PM
Good more people!:D
08-13-2003, 05:24 PM
Now we just need two more people! :D Sam and Boromir!
08-13-2003, 09:44 PM
Yes! am so happy !!!! we should have two people in no time, (maybe I can convice Kalile to come, then Legoles will show up, presto! two people!)
08-14-2003, 04:00 AM
We start at Rivendell!
That is kinda, really fair but I was looking forward to beating up Saruman! And make the journey on Gwaimir more interesting!
Oh well, a nice good time with the Balrog can still happen!
Don't we need an Elrond as we're starting in Rivendell, or are we starting after the council?
08-14-2003, 06:41 PM
Ok, I'll be Sam. Be patient with me, this is the first time I've ever done an RPG, so if I'm slow at posting, or if I don't post for a couple days, go on without me, ok?:D
Adrian Baggins
08-14-2003, 07:50 PM
dang it, knew I should have joined on the 12th, I'll be, *shudder* Gandalf
08-14-2003, 10:05 PM
sam and gandalf are taken. All thats left is Boromir and merry, sorry. Yeah, we kinda have to start at rivendell, cause otherwise half he people would't be able to post. I guess we can start after the council, right befre we leave,
08-14-2003, 11:12 PM
Isn't Varda going to be Merry?
08-15-2003, 04:51 AM
Originally posted by Adrian Baggins
dang it, knew I should have joined on the 12th, I'll be, *shudder* Gandalf
What's wrong with Gandalf!
He is one of my favourite characters! And tough I'm him anyway:p
Hans Moleman
08-15-2003, 06:56 AM
Hans Moleman
08-15-2003, 06:59 AM
i'll be Theoden
08-15-2003, 01:40 PM
It might be a while before you can post, we are starting at rivendell, plus we still need someone to be boromir
08-15-2003, 01:47 PM
ok, orry, so we have everyone in the fellowship, if ardian doesn't mind being boromir, cause he's the only one left.
pippin- Aewionen
merry- Varda Oiolosseo
Gimli- Gulio, strength of many
Boromir- Adrian Baggins(maybe)
Aragorn-Me, pippintook
if you still want to be in, you can take the roles of other charactars, Thoeden is taken, but Galadriel, Eowyn, exc. Saruman would be a good charactar to have, everyone set?
08-15-2003, 02:20 PM
Yep, you start it;)
Hans Moleman
08-15-2003, 02:30 PM
Ok i'll be Saruman
08-15-2003, 09:13 PM
*bump* ok, do we have everyone? or do we need a boromir?
08-16-2003, 12:17 AM
nope think were ready,
The Fellowship started out from Rivendell. Gandalf led them and Aragorn came in the back. They walked for miles before stopping, he sat in the corner while everone rested.
08-16-2003, 03:05 PM
Legolas gazed into the distance, looking for any sign of abnormality. Not finding anything that sparked any interest, he walked back to Gandalf and sat beside him. The air was still, and there was not a cloud in the sky.
08-16-2003, 05:04 PM
I'll be The One Ring, The Balrog and Gollum please!
08-16-2003, 05:50 PM
Sam decided that he was hungry for a lttle something,so he went over to Frodo and said, "Mr. Frodo, how about some supper? I'm sure it's long past time for a bite."
08-16-2003, 06:07 PM
"That does sound good Sam, what did you have in mind?" Frodo asked in a mellow tone.
ooc: uh i'm confused why i s everyone talking in 3rd person shouldn't we be talking in 1st person?
08-16-2003, 09:43 PM
ooc: I think it's in 3rd until we all know who is who. And can remember it all easily.
ic: "Well, what I'd really like, Mr. Frodo, sir, is mushrooms an' onions an' eggs. But, seeing as there's no mushrooms or eggs, we'll have to settle for more of that cram that Strider gave us for now, and maybe I'll fry us an onion or two. How's that sound, Mr. Frodo?" Sam looked at the cram that he had taken out of his pack sadly. "Perhaps I'll go and see what your Sam can find for you, Mr. Frodo. You just have a lie-down, and I'll be back as soon as I can." Sam walked off, with the vague notion of asking Strider if there was anything else for a more decent supper. Or perhaps Merry and Pippin knew where there were some wild carrots or some such, growing nearby. "Too bad Farmer Maggot's farm isn't close by, then we'd have ourselves a proper supper, with mushrooms, and eggs, and onions, and beer..."
08-16-2003, 10:03 PM
ooc: sure zavron, you can be the ring, gollum and the balrog, btw, estel, that is some good rpging!
Aragorn leaned up against a rock with Gandaf and Legolas, he lit his pipe and observed the night closing around him. The hobbits drifted off to sleep, but he stayed awake. The darkness crept over the hill and all was quiet. For a while he sat in the dark, suddenly he realized it was too quiet. "Gandalf, do you hear?" He asked his old friend. "Even the night birds cease to chirp." He said standing up. "Legolas, do you see anything?" he asked, searching the dark for something unusual.
08-16-2003, 10:43 PM
Legolas quickly leapt to his feet, and searched the skies. "Was that cloud there before?" A small black cloud was growing afar. Alas, as it came closer, it was apparant it was only a cloud. "We'd better move on if we want to reach the mountains by nightfall." Picking up his bow and quiver, he eyed Gimli suspicously. He knew better than to trust a dwarf. Legolas pushed those thoughts out of his mind and prepared to take leave.
08-17-2003, 02:15 AM
Frodo stumbled to his feet as Strider shook him awake. Slowly Frodo shook off his sleepiness and came to realize that they were outside and that he had fallen asleep under a tree. Where's Sam gotten off to? Frodo thought to himself, as he searched for his companion Sam while trying to stay close to the group.
ooc: Sorry i've never played a hobbit so it might take me a while to get into the hobbit mind.
08-17-2003, 02:42 AM
durn u silverfairy!
UH I guess I'll be a added character in it like Galadriel!
08-17-2003, 05:48 AM
ooc: Galadriel's taken I think.
ic: Gollum was crawling in between the rocks. His Precious was near, he could feel it and he could smell the Hobbit reek on it, his poor preciouss was last and he believed he wasn't going to get it back.
"Cursse the nassty filthy little Hobitses! We hates the baggins, yesss my preciousss, we hatesses it! We should have squeeeezed it's filthy little neck long ago! *Gollum!, Gollum!* We hatess them!" He looked up over his rock that he had stopped under. The white face was out. Gollum silently cursed the White Face and thought that if it saw him it might lead them to him.
"Cursse the white face!!! We hateses it too! Even more than the Bagginss that took our preciousss!!*Gollum!, Gollum!*" Gollum dived back down under his rock and crouched over grasping the side of his head and rocking back and forth on the balls of his feet. He id this for a long time, rocking like a rocking chair and cursing everything especiall the baggins and the white face. Sooon he stopped, and continued his silent watch over the thief who took his precious, powerless to do anything to get it back.
"Ifs we shows our self the nasty elfses would see us and shoot us in our *Thakaaah!!!!* Gollum, Gollum!*. We must be quiet precioussss!"
Varda Oiolosseo
08-17-2003, 10:42 AM
The group started out quickly and swiftly and as quitely as they could. The Hobbits were all half asleep and Merry was stumbling at the back of the group trying his best to keep his eyes open but at the same time he was feeing scared.
08-17-2003, 03:10 PM
ooc: Legoles! you're back!
Aragorn quickly woke the hobbits and followed the fellowship through the wilderness. "Legolas, has it come closer?" He asked. He kept his hand on the hilt of his sword. He hurried the hobbits along. He had the feeling that something was following them, and it wasn't a black cloud
08-17-2003, 03:58 PM
ooc: HeeHee!
ic: "My Precioussss!" Muttered Gollum peering over a rock at the Hobbit walking ahead.
"Bagginsss! Yesss My Preciousss! It's the Bagginss! We hatess the filthy little Hobbitss!" He sat on his knees and started sobbing and spluttering. His precious was so close yet there was no way he could get it back without being killed.
Varda Oiolosseo
08-17-2003, 04:10 PM
Merry could sense that something wasn't right as soon as he was woken up, they started out straight away and were quickly speeding up. He was tired and confused "What's going on?" he asked.
08-17-2003, 04:14 PM
"There is a shadow." Aragorn replied to the confused hobbit. He heard a noise and quickly spun around. He held Anduril tightly in his hand.
08-17-2003, 04:15 PM
Gollum stopped his gurgling as he knew it might attract attention.
08-17-2003, 06:56 PM
ooc: Thanks, PippinTook!
ic: Sam hurried to catch up to Frodo; "Mr. Frodo! Wait please! Mr. Frodo!" Sam slowed, and tried to catch his breath.
08-17-2003, 08:26 PM
"There you are Sam my lad, i had wondered where you had wandered off to. I was starting to worry now you see." Frodo said looking at same relieved.
08-17-2003, 09:32 PM
"Sorry, Mr. Frodo, I didn't mean to make you worry, but I had to come and tell you: I can hear something behind us! It sounds like flapping and hissing, and it sounds quite awful, Mr. Frodo, sir! Do you think I should go and tell Strider or maybe Gandalf?"
08-17-2003, 11:22 PM
yes, I am, but I checked and Galadriel is not taken yet so, DA DA DA DA! I'm Galadriel. Thank ya'll for playin and have a great day!
08-18-2003, 01:36 AM
Legolas with his keen eyes saw Gollum, but looked back and Aragorn and said, "There is nothing following us. You must be tired. Sam, Frodo, enough with your foolish nonsense. We must reach the mountain's feet by nightfall."
08-18-2003, 03:36 AM
Gollum was sure he had been spotted, but he couldn't do anything about it.
"Curssse uss and crussh us my preciousss! They have sseen usseses! But we musst go now before the comess and getss uss Preciousss!*Gollum, Gollum!*" And at that Gollum turned and bounded out into the night. He circled round to the left of the followship and continued his silent watch.
Varda Oiolosseo
08-18-2003, 04:19 AM
They stumbled along for what felt hours, after overhearing Sam, Merry had become very awake and constantly looking over his shoulder. He walked over to Aragorn and said "I can hear something behind too now. I can also hear a faint hissing."
but no sooner as had finished it stopped and he couldn't hear anything.
08-18-2003, 01:15 PM
ooc: only positive godmodding please,:D thanx
ic: "I have heard it too." He said to Merry, looking back. He had noticed the hobbits looking at the path behind them. He pulled Legolas aside, "Have you seen it?" He asked. "I have heard it following us for miles." He said looking warily around.
Gulio, Strength of Many
08-18-2003, 01:22 PM
"What do you mean, there's nothing following us!" Gimli said to the elf, "We all can hear it, and I'm sure you can see it!"
08-18-2003, 02:27 PM
Pippin nervously looked around. The faint sound of hissing moved along with the wind. "What is it?" he asked himself quietly.
08-18-2003, 03:29 PM
"I don't know what it is you are all talking about! There is nothing following us. Don't look back, if it bothers you that badly!" Legolas looked nervously around and gave Gollum a cold look. He said to the others, "You go on walking, and I'll catch up to you in a bit. I think I know what it is." Legolas then walked back over to where Gollum was hiding. "They're beginning to suspect! We don't want Precious to stay in there possession, do we? Keep quiet!" Legolas walked back to the fellowship and said stiffly, "It was just a snake! It slithered out of reach before I had a chance to catch it."
Varda Oiolosseo
08-18-2003, 03:50 PM
"A snake? But it sound louder than that of a snake" Merry said puzzled but retreated back in line with Pippin. Still looking over his shoulder and expecting something to jump out at them from behind.
08-18-2003, 03:51 PM
"Ahhh! Sssssss, the nasty little elfses with the cold eyesss has seens us my preciousss!" Gollum bounded out again unil he was ahead of the group.
08-18-2003, 09:45 PM
ooc: Since Valaroma has been banned, don't we need someone to be Gandalf?
ic: "Mr. Frodo, I'll be back very quickly, I just have to go and ask Strider something." Sam quickly ran over to where Strider was walking, and said quietly," Strider, sir, I just saw Legolas go over to that tree there, and I heard him say quite clearly,'They're beginning to suspect! We don't want Precious to stay in there possession, do we? Keep quiet!' And then he came back and told us that that hissing was just a snake, and that he couldn't catch it! Me personally, I say that's no snake, but some nasty creature that's taken it into his nasty head to follow us!" Sam carefully looked over his shoulder to make sure the Elf hadn't overheard him. He leaned forward: "I don't trust that Elf, Strider.
08-19-2003, 02:54 PM
ooc: yep, need a new Gandalf, if need be, I can take his place. Whats up with the evil Legolas? hmm, very disturbing, confused hobbit.
ic: "Yes, Sam. I don't trust him either." He said bending over to the hobbit. "Keep an eye on your Frodo." He said nodding to the ringbearer in front of them. He kept walking, with his sword drawn. "Legolas," He said pulling the elf to the side. "Keep an eye out, There is something following us." He said, though he knew the elf was up to something. He kept a quick eye on the elf, and Frodo.
08-19-2003, 04:47 PM
ooc: actually, i got bored one day and thought that the story needed a little twist, and wanted the ring. *shrugs* i can change it around, if you wish.
08-19-2003, 09:03 PM
ooc: No SilverFairy, this is gonna be good!
ic: Sam started to catch up to Frodo. As he walked he said to himself, " Keep an eye on him, indeed! As if I would even consider doing anything else! I won't leave him, no matter what!" Sam broke into a run, and quickly caught up to Frodo. " Mr. Frodo, stay close to me, there's something lurking about, and Strider doesn't want you going off anywhere without me!"
08-19-2003, 09:30 PM
ooh. cool plot twist!
08-19-2003, 09:33 PM
08-19-2003, 09:36 PM
Ur welcome! :D :D :D :D :D
08-19-2003, 09:44 PM
Yeah, I hate it too. Heck, who doesn't?!
Adrian Baggins
08-19-2003, 10:02 PM
ooc:Hiya everyone, I don't mind being Boromier, tho it will be odd at 1st so, on with the show
ic: Boromier stayed near the back and began to brood over what had happened in his life, his betrothed wife had died, he was in love with a strange beauty in his dreams, and he just positively couldn't think of a better wedding ring that the One itself. "If I could possibly get my hands on it, i could defeat Sauron, and marry that girl, if I only knew who she was,"he muttered to hisself.
ooc: couldn't think of anything else.
08-19-2003, 10:39 PM
ooc: hey adrian, welcome back! um, I'll be gandalf for the moment, but he is still up for grabs.
ic: Aragorn kept the hobbits infront of him. His eyes always searched his surroundings. Suddenly he heard a hissing noise coming from behind them. He stopped and turned sharply. He saw two glaring eyes that quickly vanished. He knew he had seen them before. "Gandalf," He said stopping his old friend. "My suspisions are true." He said pointing down the path. "Smeagol."
08-20-2003, 12:13 AM
"Gesundheit, Aragorn!" Legolas said, looking nervously around for Gollum to be sure he was out of site.
08-20-2003, 01:51 AM
"Where exactly are we going? I heard Gandalf saying something about a pass by a kingdom or going over a mountain or under it? What is going on? Which way are we heading, i know we are heading to Mount Doom but what is this about all these paths?" Frodo said worriedly, "And what happened to Bill?"
ooc: 30 second rule????
08-20-2003, 02:20 AM
ooc: what's the 30 second rule?
08-20-2003, 10:42 AM
ooc: did they make a 30 sec rule? yay! better than 90! ok guys this rpg needs to move, or we will never finish!
ic: "We are going to the pass of Caradhas." Gandalf said to sam. "If I remember right, it is due east." He said turning to the fellowship. "But for now, we will rest." He said laying down his staff. Aragorn sat just outside the fellowship and watched. The hobbits were settling down, but he sat, ever looking for the misrable (sp) creature. He handed the hobbits some cram , "I know it's not like supper in the shire, Sam." He said.
08-20-2003, 07:20 PM
"You're darn right it's not!" Sam said. He then walked over to Frodo. "Here, Mr. Frodo, here's some more cram. It's all there is for now. We should rest after we eat." Sam looked all around for anything odd. Nothing seemed out of place, so he lay down and waited for Frodo to finish his cram. "Good night, Mr. Frodo." Sam rolled over and pretended to go to sleep. Soon, he heard Frodo snoring softly. He rolled over and looked to see if Frodo was really asleep. He was. Sam hurried over to Legolas and hissed, " Be more careful! I had to tell Aragorn that I didn't trust you! Either be more careful, or we'll never get that accursed Ring! " He then hurried back to Frodo, lay down, and went to sleep. For real, this time.
08-20-2003, 07:57 PM
evil sam too? what is this world coming to! arg! *goes and drinks frappy to calm self down*
08-21-2003, 12:26 AM
Dawn arrived, and the Fellowship awoke. Legolas walked over to Sam and said quietly, "Sam, what do we do about Gollum? How do we get rid of him ? We can't have him taking the ring!"
Varda Oiolosseo
08-21-2003, 07:20 AM
Merry stirred and woke up. Legolas had tripped over his cloak. "Are you ok Legolas?" he asked "You are being very clumbsy and that's unlike you." Merry continued suspiciasly (sp)
08-21-2003, 12:31 PM
ooc: What 30 or 90 second rule is everyone talking about? I"M VERY CONFUSED AND FRUSTRATED! what in the name of Bloody MARY is it!?
ooc: Poor, poor, Mr.FRODO! more evil things after him than in JRR's version! lol. Who to trust who to trust?
ic: Frodo screamed loudly and shot up from his deep slumber and looked around him to see a bewlidered group. " i'm going to take a walk..." Frodo stuttered still trying to realize that he was awake as he pulled himself to his feet.
08-21-2003, 02:34 PM
ooc: I am very disturbed, this is one twisted story, but hey, what can I do? just a confused hobbit that likes herbal tea.
ic: Aragorn saw Frodo leave and decided to follow him. "You don't need to stray alone, Frodo." He said putting his hand on his shoulder. "There are things in the forest that are for evil." He said to the hobbit. "Maybe you should hand the ring over to me." he said with a wild look in his eyes.
ooc: yeah right! I like being the good guy! grrr, but I said you could do whatever you wanted, so carry on with your twisted minds!
edit: he sat and talked to the hobbit, like a NICE GUY!
08-21-2003, 03:40 PM
you are starting to scare me badly.... the nintey second rule is this. "You can't post until nintey seconds after your last post." I have no clue what the 30 second rule is. I don't think one exists.
08-21-2003, 05:46 PM
Pippin lay quietly listening to Aragorn's words. He hoped no one knew he was listening. I hope Aragorn is just kidding....
Gulio, Strength of Many
08-21-2003, 07:56 PM
Gmili spotted the elf speaking in hushed tones with Sam. He listened closely, they were speaking about some Gollum thing and taking the Ring. Even the ringbearer's servant has turned against him! Gimli thought angrily. He went to go tell Frodo and Aragorn speaking to him intently. Gimli decided to just go tell Gandalf instead.
08-21-2003, 11:24 PM
considering that I am aragorn and Gandalf, talk to me baby!
Gulio, Strength of Many
08-21-2003, 11:28 PM
ooc: Hee hee hee okay Pip.
ic: Gimli approached Gandalf. "Gandalf," he said, "I overheard something that was very important." he hesitated, and Gandalf nodded reassuringly. "Legolas was talking to Sam about something called a Gollum, and about taking the Ring from Frodo."
08-22-2003, 05:14 AM
Suddenly a shadow fell over Gimli and Gandalf, and they both looked up to see a very angry Legolas standing before them. "Arogant dwarf, you don't know what you speak of! Who said anything about me wanting a ring? You must have heard me speak of wanting Precious, and of making sure Gollum does not ever get his hands on the One. How are you so certain that Precious IS the One? If you would just keep quiet, and play along like you don't hear anything following us, then this creature named Gollum who lusts for the One will eventually creep up close enough that we could catch him! How dare you accuse me of wanting the One!"
08-22-2003, 10:59 AM
Gandalf saw something in the elf's eyes that did not seem right. "I may be but an old man to you, Legolas son of Thranduil, but my eyes see much." He said looking at the tall elf. He stared into Legolas' eyes, piercing his soul. "Thank you for keeping an eye on Gollum." He said. He watched the elf walk back towards the hobbits. He nodded at Gimli. "I believe your suspisions are true, my dwarf." He leaned on his staff and proceded.
Gulio, Strength of Many
08-22-2003, 01:04 PM
Gimli glared at the elf, "Well, what do we do now?" Gimli asked Gandalf.
08-22-2003, 01:49 PM
"keep your eye on him, but do not make it obvious. He can't do anything, I will talk to Aragorn." He said as he walked to the ranger and hobbit. (so this makes me scitsafrantic!) "Aragorn," He said pulling him to the side away from everyone. "The elf." Aragorn said. Gandalf nodded. "We will stop here for the night." Gandalf said as he sat down on a nearby rock.
08-22-2003, 02:17 PM
Pippin overheard the argument between the elf and the dwarf. Seeing how many seemed to be turning against Frodo, he decided to keep a good eye out for any trouble.
08-22-2003, 03:24 PM
Legolas walked over to a nearby tree and leaned against it. He started mumbling to himself, "Precious... I must have my Precious mithril...."
08-22-2003, 07:42 PM
Sam walked over to where Legolas was. "Gollum may try to take the Ring tonight. We'll both stay awake, and hopefully we'll capture the nasty thing, and wring its filthy neck. But we have to be careful. I believe that Gandalf, Gimli, and Aragorn all suspect us. The other hobbits are beginning to not trust me. Stay awake, at all costs."
Gulio, Strength of Many
08-22-2003, 11:23 PM
Gimli did as Gandalf had advised, keeping a close eye on the elf and Samwise. He wondered if he should tell Frodo that his servant was plotting to take the Ring from him. He decided not to tell him right away, doing so might make Frodo do something rash, like, go to Mordor all on his own! ( ;) )
Adrian Baggins
08-23-2003, 12:02 AM
ic:Suddenly Boromier walked out of a clump of trees, running straight into Frodo. "Oh, sorry Frodo, you dropped the Ring. I didn't mean to hit you, I just, kinda, was daydreaming, about......."
"About what?"
"Can you keep a secret, I'm in love with Arwen."
"SHHH, you want Aragorn to hear you, I don't want him to know, and I think that by the end of this trip he won't care, he's been awfully chummy and spending alot of "alone time " with everyone else, I think he likes another girl, but I'm not sure..."
ooc: I didn't know who else to put down
08-23-2003, 12:51 AM
"was that my Sam? That's not like Sam to tell me that both of us should stay awake? He usaully says something more like we'll take turns, and he didn't ask why i was talking to Aragorn. And why would Pippin and Merry turn against Sam? Pippin is young and Merry's known Sam a long time, i better see what Pippin and Merry know that i don't!" Frodo thought as Sam closed his eyes slowly saying something about just wanting to rest his eyes for a minute and that he; Frodo should do the same and if we heard anything to yell. Quitely Frodo layed down his jacket and backpack to make it look like he was leaning against the tree as he tip toed over to Pippin and shook him lightly. "Pippin, Pippin you lazy bum wake up, what is wrong with Sam, he doesn' seem to be acting himself." Frodo asked as a sleepy Pippin opened his eyes.
Varda Oiolosseo
08-23-2003, 11:19 AM
Merry awoke to find Frodo over Pippin and his face looking slightly scared and desperate. Merry sat up "Frodo?" he asked "Are you ok?" he said "And what are you two talking about?"
08-23-2003, 09:28 PM
Unsure if Merry was on his side or not Frodo decided to make up a lie until he knew for sure or Pippin knew for sure and told him. "Can't sleep is all, this is a large burden and hard to get off one's mind. And were just talking about this journey and all, everything were having to go through and Pip here is mostly distressed about there not been enough food for more meals and such." Frodo replied promptly trying hard not to hesitate and give Pippin the idea that he didn't want Merry to know just yet. But of 'course that plan seemed to have failed.
08-23-2003, 09:34 PM
Sam saw that Frodo, Merry, and Pippin were all talking together. He became suspicious and walked over to see if he could hear what they were saying. He couldn't. So he went over to them. "Hey, you three, whatcha talking about?"
Varda Oiolosseo
08-24-2003, 07:01 AM
Merry turned to face Sam "Nothing really, we can't sleep so we are talking about the journey so far, why?"
08-24-2003, 02:16 PM
ooc: lol, Boromir and arwen, lol, liol (laughing insanely out loud) yeah, uh huh. anywho, story getting good, but we need to go somewhere, i'll take care of that. remember I'm still gandalf and aragorn
ic: Gandalf sat leaned up against a rock beside Aragorn. Aragorn looked at Gandalf, then at Legolas and Sam. "Yes," Gandalf nodded his head. "The power of the ring is twisting the fellowship." He said. "Who remains faithful?" Aragorn said, looking at each of the fellowship members. "The young Took, he is amazigly annoying, but true to the ringbearer, and you. The other, Meriadoc, he is a good and loyal hobbit. Gandalf said, looking at the hobbits talking. "Son of Glion is a good-hearted and stout dwarf." He said. "Boromir, I am not sure of, " He said staring at the man of Gondor. "You know me well, but the others only believe that i am a old man," Gandalf said to his old friend. Aragorn managed to smile. "Ah, yes, Gandalf, i know you well." Aragorn said, and there they sat, staring intently upon the fellowship.
08-24-2003, 03:53 PM
"Oh, no reason." said Sam. "I can't sleep either. I think it's because of the lack of decent food. I hope we reach someplace halfway civilized, so we can get a decent meal, and a good night's sleep."
08-24-2003, 10:10 PM
Pippin finally woke up to see Frodo, Merry, and Sam standing near him. "Oi! Whats going on?" he asked quietly to Frodo.
Gulio, Strength of Many
08-24-2003, 10:48 PM
Gimli tensed as Sam approached Frodo. But, Merry and Pippin were there, and Gimli didn't doubt their loyalty to Frodo. Not yet anyways. If that traitorous hobbit makes even one move for the Ring, Gimli thought angrily, He'll have Gloin's son to contend with!
08-25-2003, 01:07 AM
ooc: *cough, cough* uh Aewionen Pippin's already awake. Frodo (me) woke u up then Merry awoke and asked what we were doing and then Sam came along.
08-25-2003, 01:19 PM
ooc:......oh...right:D I got kinda confused for a minute there:p
08-25-2003, 09:29 PM
"Well," said Sam,"I'm going to go talk to Gandalf." Sam got up and walked in the general direction that Gandalf and Aragorn were in. But as soon as the other hobbits couldn't see him, he changed course and went over to Legolas. "Seen anymore of Gollum? Perhaps we could get Gandalf and Aragorn to get rid of him for us. They don't want him around anymore than we do." Sam grinned in a way that was most unlike him. "For very different reasons, of course." Sam continued to smile, in a very disturbing way.
Varda Oiolosseo
08-26-2003, 11:13 AM
"SOmething very strange is going on here and i don't like it" Merry said as Sam left them to talk to Gandalf. "They have all gone very strange don't you think, Frodo?"
08-26-2003, 12:00 PM
"Something must be done." Aragorn said, looking at the hobbits then at Sam and Legolas. "No," Gandalf said. "The time will come, when the loyal will come forth, and the traitors will be revealed." He nodded, "Day is almost come." Aragorn said looking at the sky. "I will be glad for the light, but the journey is a different matter." Gandalf sighed. Aragorn sat erect, and watchful till the day crept over the mountain peaks.
08-26-2003, 02:05 PM
Pippin nodded, agreeing with Merry. "Something is very amiss here."
08-27-2003, 03:18 AM
"My Preciousss! They hass it! The nassty fat little hobitses, we hatess them!!" Gollum peered over the rock at the group he was following. He slipped back down and put his back to the rock.
"We wants the Preciousss! But we cant'sss gets it my preciousss!sssssssss" He looked down at his forefinger and the white mark upon it in the shape of a ring and cried a miserable gurgling cry.
08-27-2003, 06:28 PM
Sam jumped. "Did you hear that?!" He hissed at Legolas. "That little slimy creature is nearby!" He looked around him, as if hoping that Gollum would suddenly leap out. We have to catch that thing! It's a danger to all of my plans!
08-27-2003, 06:32 PM
"Your plans?!?" Legolas hissed. "I'm the one who thought them up, sorted things out, and made sure things have been working as planned. Your small hobbit sense is not enough for such difficulties! He's worked into the plans, so don't say another word to anyone else about him!"
Gulio, Strength of Many
08-27-2003, 07:58 PM
Gimli saw Legolas and Sam arguing about something, and he also heard hissing. That dratted Gollum thing! I can't wait until I have the oppurtunity to kill it.
08-28-2003, 04:03 AM
It was time to act. He would take his Preciouss now. He had to do something. He waited till the one with his precious wandered away from the group when he sprang. He grabbed frodo from behind and started to throttle him. When he was unconcious he pulled the chain off from around his neack with the ring on and sprang off into the bush. Then smeagol awoke.
"We cant leavesses him there, my preciouss. It isn't right." Smeagol said.
"We have our preciousss!!! We don't needs it any more!" Gollum butt-in, very cross with his weak counterpart.
"He hasn't done anthin to uss!" smeagol pleaded.
"Hess a bagginsss! My preciousss! We hatess all the bagginss! The bagginsess stole it!" Gollum shouted he was fuming now.
Smeagol sprang back to the Hobbit and dragged him into the bush with him. He took him far away from the others and waited until he woke up.
08-28-2003, 12:52 PM
Aragorn sat smoking his pipe when he heard a shreik come from Frodo. He lept to his feet, "Frodo!" He called. He ran to where Frodo was laying and looked around. He heard a hissing from behind the rock. He went over to the bushes and stuck his hand in, only to pull out the filthy creature, Gollum. "Where is he?" He demanded. "Answer me!"
Varda Oiolosseo
08-28-2003, 03:00 PM
Merry along with everyone else sprung to their feet as Aragorn darted into the bushes.
Adrian Baggins
08-28-2003, 06:06 PM
Boromier had been up for several hours and had immediately noticed Frodo missing and had begun searching for him, not wanting his secret to be found out.
Gulio, Strength of Many
08-28-2003, 09:01 PM
Gimli searched for Frodo, but still keeping an eye on Legolas and Sam. For all I know, they could be in on this as well!
08-28-2003, 11:26 PM
Pippin lept into the brush where Gollum had dragged Frodo off to. He looked around franticly (sp?) hoping Gollum hadn't already done something to him. The others found Gollum and Pippin started over in thier direction until her heard something. Pippin looked over his shoulder and began to where he had heard the sound. Quietly, he snuck up on whatever it was.....
08-30-2003, 06:55 PM
Frodo groaned as he got onto his knees and started looking for the ring which gollum had snatched from him after he had plundered him unconcious, but Gollum had dragged Frodo into the bushes, now why would he do such a thing. But just as Frodo had awoken and he screamed at the sight of Gollum, Gollum had dropped the ring and now Frodo was groaning and searching for the ring, sifting through the grass Frodo finally found the ring and fastened the chain round his neck once more. Slowly Frodo got to his feet and looked around for his company.
ooc: sorry haven't posted in a while, got tied up with work, now i have to go to work now because the other person who was supposed to be working with my other co-worker, (there's usaully 2 of us on during the weekend) has called in sick and i am the only one to cover for them and i have a date at 8:50 arg so i have to be off work by 8:30 and so they have to find a replacment for me by 8:30 arg. Stupid ppl, *goes on grumbling and ranting*
08-30-2003, 07:31 PM
ic: "Legolas, how in all the Hells did you hear what I was thinking?! I only thought that bit about my plans, I didn't say it out loud! What else haven't you told me, besides the fact that you can apparently read minds?!?" I'll have to be careful from now on... "What was that?! Frooooodooooo!" With that, Sam was off and running, hoping to save his Master's life, and kill Gollum. And perhaps even save the Ring.
ooc: Master Tolkien would turn in his grave if he could see this.
09-04-2003, 10:47 AM
thats what I'm saying, totally messed up, but oh, well. carry on!
ic:Aragorn helped Frodo to his feet. "Do you have it?" He asked, obviously reffering to the ring. They walked back into the circle to find...
ooc: going braindead, help! btw, is this rpg dying? should we have a funeral?
09-04-2003, 05:13 PM
ooc: I think this one and A Lost Hope are both dying. :(
ic: "Where is it, where is it..." muttered Sam. "He must have dropped it here somewhere..." Sam was hunting all around, hoping to find The Ring.
09-05-2003, 08:20 PM
Pippin walked out into the clearing to find nothing. As he was about to turn around something caught his eye. The Ring! Frodo mist have dropped it when he was attacked! Pippin quickly ran over and picked it up hoping Gollum was gone. He turned and went to go find Frodo and to give him the Ring before it tempted him.
09-08-2003, 06:13 PM
ooc: sorry about being away so long i was trying to post but everything was screwed up, it's fixed now :D . Anywho, i'm back.
ic: Frodo felt around, and a mound started to build in his throat and then he looked up at Strider. "I-I-I must have dropped it, somewhere! oh my....OH my! What are we going to do?!" Frodo asked hysterically as Pippin hurddled towards them.
ooc: no! no! it can't be dying! it just can't die! NO graveyard for this rpg, plz, *begs* i'm sick of all the rpgs that i'm in that die, lets not let this one die.
Gulio, Strength of Many
09-08-2003, 09:09 PM
"I-I-I must have dropped it, somewhere! Oh my...OH my! What are we going to do?!" Frodo panicked. Gimli started, If that elf even thinks of getting it.... he thought. He looked around for the tratiorus two.
09-08-2003, 09:26 PM
Sam was watching Pippin. Pippin had the Ring. Sam couldn't let Pippin give the Ring back to Frodo. He dived out of the bush he was hiding in, and tackled Pippin. "Give us that! We wants it! Yes Precious, we wants it. Give it to us!"
Gulio, Strength of Many
09-08-2003, 10:29 PM
Gimli grabbed Sam, managing to pull him clear of Pippin, and the Ring, and threw him to the ground. His drew his battle axe, and glared at the evil hobbit with hate-filled eyes. "You'd best give the Ring back, Pippin, before the elf shows up as well." Sam struggled a bit, "Best not to move about too much now, you backstabbing evil thing!"
09-08-2003, 10:31 PM
Aragorn grabbed Sam by the collar. "Master Samwise, I don't think that is a good idea." He said. He nodded at Pippin to give the ring to frodo, "Now for you, if you come close to your master, or the ring, I have a trusty dwarf at hand." He nodded at Gimli. Slowly the sun rose over the mountains, "We need to keep moving." said Aragorn. He kept Sam in front of him, and sent Gimli to stand by Legolas, along with Boromir. "Which way are we going?" Aragorn asked Gandalf. "The pass to Caradhas is blocked," Gandalf said. "The mines?" Aragorn asked. "That is our path," Gandalf said.
09-08-2003, 10:39 PM
Pippin stood up quickly and backed away from Sam, staring at him in shock. Sam! Of all people! "But....Sam! You....he...the Ring..." He studdered. Pippin turned to Frodo, "Here! You can have It!" he said quickly. As he was about to let go of the Ring, an evil stirred in his mind.Why shouldn't I keep It. I found It. Why shouldn't I just run? Why....NO! Shaking his head slightly he gave the Ring to Frodo.
09-09-2003, 07:44 PM
Why doesn't that damned Elf help me?! Fine, I'll get out of here myself... Sam suddenly stopped and dropped to his knees. "Frodo, Mr. Frodo, sir, I'm so sorry sir, I don't know what came over me, I don't know why I did it, you can have It, I don't want It, please Mr. Frodo, I'm sorry!"
09-09-2003, 08:26 PM
Legolas walked out from behind a tree and turned to Frodo with a grim physiognamy. "Frodo," he began, and let out a big sigh. "That isn't the One, if you are in that belief. Well,.. it COULD be. Let me make sure, if you would." He held out his hand and waited for the One to be placed in his sweating palm.
09-09-2003, 08:37 PM
ooc: Er, you lost me. Frodo has the Ring, not me. :confused:
09-09-2003, 11:47 PM
Pippin frowned at the elf's words, "Yes it is the One..." he said looking at him. "I would not have been tempted if it was just a simple band of gold! And it would not have driven Sam mad!" Pippin said calmly yet angerly. "Or you..." he added quietly hoping Legolas had not heard the words.
09-10-2003, 12:44 AM
ooc: sorry 'bout that... when i had posted, i was thinking about sam, and typed 'sam' instead of frodo. i edited it to fit, though.
ic: "Pippin, you and your silly thoughts! You ARE the ideal fool of a Took! If I have not a single reason to doubt whether it is the One or not, then I would not be asking for it. We can't go to the Fires of Doom with the wrong ring! Give me the ring, Frodo, so I can see if it is the One or not, or we will all be doomed!"
09-10-2003, 10:03 PM
"I do believe we have the right thing, it has been tested many of times before this fellowship even came together! I would have thought you of all people would have believed that since you are in this fellowship, then you must have believed it to be true not back off before i yell for Strider you conieving elf! Of all people i never thought it'd be an elf so fair! And as for you Sam, i will think about it for now, this small little ring has seemed to cause much grief to everyone." Frodo scowled.
09-10-2003, 10:30 PM
Legolas threw back his hair and said, in a haughty, arrogant manner, "Yes, I am 'an elf so fair' and am far older and wiser than YOU. You have a ring, but how are you so sure that someone such as,... Boromir... hasn't switched it with a fake? I'm afraid, Frodo, that you cannot win this arguement. Please let me examine the ring."
09-10-2003, 11:39 PM
"Do you not trust everyone in this fellowship? Elrond is far wiser than you and he was the one that chose this fellowship along with Gandalf and you are questioning their judgment, and for another thing i told you to shut your trap and leave me alone. And i do not need to win this argument with you for i have already won it. NOW go back to your own business!" Frodo said sternly at Legolas, "NOW!"
09-11-2003, 12:33 AM
Legolas scrunched his nose and began to laugh. "Ye silly hobbit! Lord Elrond IS the one who put this group together.. and he put me in it, for a reason! Now is it really too much to ask? Please give me the ring so I can see if it is the One! I don't want to KEEP the ring! How many times have I told you that? I fear for your mithril, not your stupid ring!"
Gulio, Strength of Many
09-11-2003, 12:47 AM
"Shut your mouth now, elf, or soon you will meet the mithril on my axe!" Gimli said to Legolas. "Leave the Ringbearer alone, do you not think he has enough to worry about without you breathing down his neck, trying to get your manicured mitts on the Ring!!!"
09-11-2003, 10:00 PM
ooc: Hi!
ic: I don't think I'm ever going to get the One Ring. What if it's destroyed? What'll happen to Middle Earth? What'll happen to me, more importantly? Sam thought to himself. "Oh Frodo, what are you doing" Sam muttered.
09-11-2003, 10:20 PM
Pippin listened as Frodo and Legolas argued about if it was the right Ring or not. He looked behind his shoulder to see if Gandalf, Aragorn or Boromir were coming yet thinking they would have heard the shouting. None of them were in sight but something else was. "Orcs!"
Gulio, Strength of Many
09-11-2003, 11:29 PM
Gimli looked where the young hobbit was pointing. "A party of Uruk-Hai! Gandalf, do you wish to remain hidden?" GImli asked, hoping that Gandalf would let him kill something, if not the elf.
09-12-2003, 09:07 PM
Still bitter about Gimli's comment on Legolas' manicure (he had spent a whole hour perfecting it!) , Legolas lunged at one of the Uruk-Hai without waiting for a word of order. After all, this is a fellowship, and not a dictatorship , he thought. In an instant, the Uruk-Hai was dead, and Legolas radiated fury as he stood firmly to the ground above the dead carcass. "Let this be a warning to all who dare cross my path!"
09-12-2003, 09:36 PM
Uruk-Hai! But he said that he wouldn't send them unless I was dead...He must have found out about the Elf, and decided to take action sooner than we planned... Sam was not happy. There were Uruk-Hai here, much earlier than expected. I need to talk to Legolas, now how am I going to do that?
09-12-2003, 09:41 PM
Pippin began stabbing and throwing rocks at the oncoming Uruk-hai. "Let this be a warning to all who dare cross my path!" Legolas shouted as he killed an Uruk-hai. I'd cross your path anyday to keep you away from Frodo and the Ring elf! I would do anything to make sure you dont get the Ring....or hurt Frodo..... Pippin blocked the thought from his mind as he contintued to kil the orcs.
Gulio, Strength of Many
09-12-2003, 11:17 PM
Gimli launched himslef into battle, regretfully, not with the elf. After all the Uruks were dead, Gimli turned to the elf. "Well, elf, at least I'm not related to THAT!" he said, pointing to one of the dead Uruk-Hai.
09-13-2003, 01:32 AM
Legolas laughed in a cold air about him and said, "Have you not heard? Thriced removed from your mother's side, you are related to one. But that's ok, for you are a mere, senseless dwarf, and I forgive you for that. However, ..." Legolas was going to say something harsh, but his facial features suddenly turned soft and mellow. "However, I believe in improvement, and friendship. I also believe that you have the skills I need to perform a special task. If you help me, I will richly reward you in treasures beyond your wildest dreams! Will you help me?" True, deep honesty and sympathy shown through Legolas' face, and he held out his hand to make agreement.
Gulio, Strength of Many
09-14-2003, 01:38 AM
"Interested in friendship all of a sudden?" Gimli snorted in disgust, "I'm not too keen to make friends with someone who called me senseless, all but attacked the Ringbearer, and insulted me most by suggesting that we were related!"
(Gandalf, Aragorn, Boromir, where are you!?)
Varda Oiolosseo
09-14-2003, 06:26 AM
ooc: hey i'm bak . sorry!
Merry flopped down onto the floor and examined one of his scratches on his arm. He turned to Pippin and said " I can't believe this! Some of the most trustworthy people have turned against us and even tried to get the ring from frodo" the hobbit sighed it couldn't believe it! This task had turned out to be worst than he expected. He had never been filled with so much grief and had never felt so exhausted.
"We will not let Frodo face this on his own no matter how hard it gets! That damn Elf Will never get the ring! He has me to pass first!" Merry muttered not caring in the slightest if any one heard.
09-14-2003, 11:32 AM
Legolas rolled his eyes at Gimli. "So be it! I may be verbally cruel to you, but at least I have room in my heart for forgiveness. 'Actions speak louder than words', after-all. But I guess one who hunts for treasure all his life would not be familiar with such words." In an instant, Legolas bounded off so swiftly it seemed as if though he had disappeared.
09-14-2003, 07:44 PM
Pippin watched as Legolas bounded off to someplace. Turning to Merry, he said, "Would you consider his parting to be good or bad? Bad, he might sneak up and do something completely actually expected, or Good, he is just plain gone for now!"
09-14-2003, 11:30 PM
"Gandalf....Gandalf ahhh there you are, how far are we from the mines of Moria? I am getting quite tired from all this walking and now fighting, i could go for a bite to eat and some sleep." Frodo said weary eyed at Gandalf.
ooc: sorry i haven't posted in a while, work and now i'm sick..blah :( i hate being sick and i'm never sick! Stupid cells! fight off cold faster!
Gulio, Strength of Many
09-17-2003, 08:25 PM
ooc: Die foul cold of elvishfaerie's, DIE!!:p
ic: "We're down to a fellowship of eight, and we have barely left Rivendell!" Gimli said, somewhat glad the elf finally left, yet mad that he had gone before Gimli had a chance to kill him.
09-20-2003, 08:45 PM
"FINE ignore me! I'll go ask Strider!" Frodo huffed as he stormed off towards Strider.
09-21-2003, 11:38 AM
sorry, and considering that I am strider and Gandalf, I don't think you will get much of an answer!
ic: "WE are not far, Frodo." Aragorn replied. "I am afriad I do not have any food other than cram, and a few apples." He said, handing to hobbit a rather small apple.
09-21-2003, 03:52 PM
ooc: Riiiight forgot that. Well i still got an answer didn't I? Where is everyone else?
09-21-2003, 09:37 PM
ooc: Sorry, I've been busy.
ic: Fine, the Elf has left. I'll have to follow him, and we'll go to Plan B. Sam started struggling with the ropes his hands were tied with. But Strider had tied them well, and he couldn't budge them. "Damn!" he said. "Why does he have to be good at everything, up to and including knots?!"
09-21-2003, 09:49 PM
ooc: And i thought Samwise was a master of rope! :eek:
09-21-2003, 10:05 PM
ooc: Sam's hands are tied behind his back. Even he can't undo knots behind his back.:rolleyes:
09-22-2003, 12:58 AM
Legolas reappeared out of the forest to find Sam tied up. Immediately, he began laughing hysterically at the sight, and couldn't stop.
09-22-2003, 09:39 PM
"Shut up, you damn dumb elf, and GET ME THE HELL OUT OF THESE ROPES!" Sam was so pissed, he felt that as soon as he was untied, he was going to strangle that Elf.
Gulio, Strength of Many
09-22-2003, 09:44 PM
ooc: One question, where are the rest of us?:confused:
09-22-2003, 09:48 PM
ooc: No idea.:confused:
09-24-2003, 10:04 PM
ooc: i dunno Frodo's here! yep! gandalf and Aragorn who are the same person keep dissapearing, i know stupid 90 second rule! i hate it too but not much you can do.
09-24-2003, 11:47 PM
ooc: what is the 90 second rule?
09-25-2003, 12:00 AM
ooc: you can't post again before 90sec. :(
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