View Full Version : The Gates of Mirkwood: Discussion
08-11-2004, 03:31 PM
Set before the Fellowship of the Ring, the story starts in Bree.
A Ranger, Harn by name, was ordered to Bree to protect the city and send reports of any strange happenings back to his commander in the North. For two years, everything remained quiet, and Harn’s reports were mostly of harmless happenings, with little else to tell.
Eventually though, rumor reached him that patrols of Orcs were being seen around Mirkwood Forest with increasing frequency. Since he was stationed in Bree, Harn paid it no mind at first. Then he spotted an orc patrol near Bree, and began sending letters to an elven friend of his in Mirkwood, inquiring as to the orc patrols there.
Kalin, Harn’s friend, sent back that it had been discovered that an orcish fort was being constructed near Mirkwood. Mostly built by the time the elves discovered it, they were hesitant to attack it, and had contented themselves with picking off any patrols that wandered too close to the actual forest.
When Harn learned of the fort, he requested Kalin’s assistance in keeping an eye on Bree, and in making sure that the orcs didn’t attempt building a fort anywhere near or around the city. Kalin agreed and journeyed to Bree, arriving as quickly as he could.
That’s where the story begins.
08-11-2004, 03:35 PM
If you're interested in joining, please fill out this little character sheet. If you need some help writing a character, feel free to send me a Private Message or contact me over AIM if you see me on and we'll work something out together. ;)
Once we have a few players, I'll start the actual RPG thread. Please, for the most part, keep OOC comments out of the RPG thread and put them here. Also put your character descriptions here.
Thanks! :D
Physical Description:
Name: Harn
Physical Description: Tall and wide-shouldered, Harn stands just short of six foot tall. His black hair is lightly touched with gray, and cropped close to the head, revealing scars on his scalp. Dark green eyes are set in a middle-aged face, lined with worry and concern.
Strapped on his back is a plain sword; clearly much used, although not much older than its wielder.
Personality: Quiet and reserved. Harn’s used to taking charge and having his orders followed, as well as getting his way in most matters.
History: A Ranger from the north. Little is actually known about him since he keeps to himself for the most part, and answers questions about his past with as little information as possible.
08-13-2004, 04:07 PM
Hmmm... looks interesting. I do believe I shall join.
Name: Haleth
Physical Description: Just about six feet tall, broad chest, and well muscled arms. Layered sandy-blonde hair that reaches just below his chin. Sea-green eyes that nearly always hold a hint of mischief.
Around his waist is a leather belt which holds a sword. The golden hilt is fashioned to look like the spread wings of a dragon, something his brother ad father sent him from their adventures over sea. He also has a quiver full of arrows and a bow.
Personality: Isn't very secretive unless he is sworn to it. Haleth is quick to act if something or someone he loves is placed in harm, and doesn't usually enjoy being ordered what to do.
History: He is the second son of a sailor,though he did not choose that path. His older brother Rannyn followed their father to sea on the other hand, and he hasn't heard from them in quite sometime. He is married(Aeryn) and has two five-year old twin boys, Kirav and Kael.
Is that good or do I need more?
08-13-2004, 06:30 PM
Looks good to me :). Only question is- does he have a weapon of some sort? :D
What I gave out is just a back plot, and the story line is going to take a twist from the start. A character that can fight to some degree would be a good idea ;).
08-14-2004, 06:15 AM
i guess i'll join :)
Name: Dagorwen
Physical Description: Black hair, brown eyes, dark skin, Dagorwen is easily 6 foot, with broad shoulders and a wide strong back. She is never seen in a dress and always wears black. There are frown lines on her face and she carries a bow, a quiver of arrows, a long curved blade and seven throwing dirks up each sleeve.
Personality: Extremely pessimistic but rarely aloof; unwilling to act upon anything without close consideration; suspicious/sceptical, but respective of others & willing to befriend them after a time
History: uh...TBA. No, she lost her memory! Yes...memory...mahahaha.
Okay that's sh/t.
08-14-2004, 12:30 PM
I'd appreciate it if you'd go ahead and announce that history :). If you need some help with it send me a PM.
Also, I really don't see a way to keep seven dirks up each sleeve unless she has six-foot long arms... I think something (if you really want to put a number on it) more reasonable would be three up each sleeve. Or you could just say she has 'many' knives hidden about her person.
08-15-2004, 09:22 PM
Hey! Never fight with an idiot! And anyway, last time I checked a dirk was defined in the dictionary as a short dagger…I think. And when wrapped around the wrist, not just up the sleeve, you don't actaully need six feet to conceal them -- maybe a bone in ur hand that goes a foot around, but not so long an arm. And seven sounds cooler than six (the other number I was thinking of) or many. To me, anyway. Kinda…
These are **MAGICK** daggers!! :p
08-15-2004, 09:29 PM
Well never mind. I don't want to be a Natzi about this.
Please do your history though :).
Lúthien Galathil
08-16-2004, 07:39 AM
Hey! this is my first message hear, I hope I'm good at it. :o
Physical Description: 5 feet, 7 inchs. Brown hair streaked blonde by the sun and eyes that can't deside if they want to be green or blue. She is almost always in dresses. She does not like to fight, but when pushed to the limit, she is a whiz with a short sword and has even been known to carry a bow and a couple of arows.
Personality: quiet, shy and a little bit of a peace maker.
History: She is no elf, but was named after one by her father and believes that she must do something great to live up to it and please him.
Hope that works. If you don't aprove, I don't mind being kicked off.
08-16-2004, 08:19 AM
Hi Tessar, mind me joining in?
Name: Beryn
Physical Description: Sturdy built, stands some (thank Eru for conversion sites) 6 foot 2. She has auburn hair, which she wears in a braid, and brown eyes. Wears a plain travel dress and cloak and carries a long, thick walking stick.
Personality: Practical. She can be blunt, and usually cares little for subtleties. She does suffer from the occasional bout of curiosity en she enjoys a good story or jokes. She herself will tell some when she's had a jug of mead or two. She's quite fond of mead.
History: Beryn is a Beorning but she keeps that mostly to herself. (People tend to get a bit nervous in the neighbourhood of a woman that can change in a bear and their panic can be so tiresome after a while) She enjoys roaming and will travel far from her usual haunt near Mirkwood when the whim takes her. She shares her kin's strong dislike for orcs and wargs and will not let opportunities to kill or thwart them pass easily.
Is that passable?
Hey! Never fight with an idiot! And anyway, last time I checked a dirk was defined in the dictionary as a short dagger…I think. And when wrapped around the wrist, not just up the sleeve, you don't actaully need six feet to conceal them -- maybe a bone in ur hand that goes a foot around, but not so long an arm. And seven sounds cooler than six (the other number I was thinking of) or many. To me, anyway. Kinda…
You must have some wrists to wrap seven daggers around it and still be able to draw them! :p I tried it once with three, 'twas no big succes, let me tell you that. :rolleyes: If you like seven that much you could make that the total of daggers your character has on her person. Oh well, I'm not going to interfere, it's your character.
08-16-2004, 09:57 PM
Luthien that's a beautiful character :D. Very nice.
More than passable Earniel ;). However you'll need some reason for her to be in Bree- if you like I can bring her in with Kalin, maybe they know each other?
I think we have enough to start :). I'm a bit swamped with homework at the moment, but tomorrow if I get a chance I'll get that first post up. We'll be starting off in the ever-popular tavern ;). Did I just hear someone say "Ooooooooo!" ? :p
08-17-2004, 04:20 AM
You must have some wrists to wrap seven daggers around it and still be able to draw them! :p I tried it once with three, 'twas no big succes, let me tell you that. :rolleyes: If you like seven that much you could make that the total of daggers your character has on her person. Oh well, I'm not going to interfere, it's your character.
Yaaayyy!!! (magick daggers magick daggers) Why is everyone so critical of my dirks?? :( :( *sniff* ah well...
in ne case, for character history Dagorwen i have resolved to be some exotic elf (even though she has dark skin => hence the 'exotic' quote, or do i need to have that CHECKED by someone??? :mad: ) who lived on some island that was destroyed by orcs and is now a fortress where everyone sits and broods evil brooding.
08-17-2004, 05:02 AM
More than passable Earniel ;). However you'll need some reason for her to be in Bree- if you like I can bring her in with Kalin, maybe they know each other?
Well, I said that she likes to roam so she might be just roaming in the direction of Bree. ;) But since the beornings live close to Mirkwood she'll have some idea of what's going on there, so yeah, why not bring her in with Kalin. They could know each other, perhaps even traded information on orcish movements in Mirkwood.
Yaaayyy!!! (magick daggers magick daggers) Why is everyone so critical of my dirks?? :( :( *sniff* ah well...
in ne case, for character history Dagorwen I have resolved to be some exotic elf (even though she has dark skin => hence the 'exotic' quote, or do I need to have that CHECKED by someone??? :mad: ) who lived on some island that was destroyed by orcs and is now a fortress where everyone sits and broods evil brooding.
There, there, love, no need to get so upset. I meant no criticism, just a friendly suggestion. :) Rest assured I won't interfere again, I'll leave that to the game master.
08-17-2004, 11:28 AM
Can I join
Name: Drut Dale
Description: 6 foot and barrel chested. Extremely strong. Black hair and silver eyes. Wears black leather clothing with silver lining. sheath is black with silver lining. Fabulous with the broad sword and exceptionally good with the bow and arrow. Extremely well kept.
Personality: Extremely friendly. Gets along with anyone and everyone. Always enjoys a good beer. Very good at slaying orcs. He loves a good fight and will never pass one up. Always enjoys a laugh and he loves to poke fun.
History: Grew up just outside of Bree. When he was 15 his parents were killed by a wondering group of orcs. Ever since he has dedicated himself to erradicating the filth of the orc from Middle-Earth. Lives in Bree now and is always eager for a good adventure.
08-17-2004, 09:34 PM
even though she has dark skin => hence the 'exotic' quote, or do i need to have that CHECKED by someone???
Yes, actually, since you asked. I do check everything ;). It's my job.
Please keep in mind that some times during the RPG I might ask you to edit something in a post- that's completely normal for an RPG if you want it to be a good, clearly written one. It's no slight to you or your writing. I consider myself a middling writer, and I've been asked to change things in my posts many, many times.
Also I would ask that in the actual RPG everyone write their character in third person (meaning it's not "I ran as quickly as I could," but, "Harn ran as quickly as he could,"), not use internet abreviations, and just try to keep most of the OOC chatter and messages in this thread. Thanks bunches :D.
Haradrim: That's just fine!
08-18-2004, 01:51 PM
Also I would ask that in the actual RPG everyone write their character in third person (meaning it's not "I ran as quickly as I could," but, "Harn ran as quickly as he could,"), not use internet abreviations, and just try to keep most of the OOC chatter and messages in this thread. Thanks bunches :D.
Oi! We 'aven't even started yet and you're already ordering us around. :p
But consider it done for my part.
EDIT: Oh, we have already started, my mistake. Forget I said anything. :D
08-18-2004, 09:39 PM
Ahem, hope I'm not too late, this one looks like jolly good fun! I shall be my favorite and best darn all around charactar, Pansy Hogswallop, if I can join up that is considering you already started.
name: Pansy Hogswallop
race: hobbit
from: Frogmorton, but she roams.
appearance: 3'5, golden brown curly hair that is always messy and always in a ponytail. She never wears dresses or anything girly.
personality: she is funny and doesn't hide anything. Extremely friendly and loves to talk.
weapons: one magical frying pan and an attack llama, Cory, who she rides around middle-earth with. He loves carrots, so she always keep extra around.
Pansy adventures around with Cory, mainly in Eridor, though she has been further east as far as laketown.
Okay, I hope that is satisfactory. She'll be in the inn because she stops through Bree often and of course, will butt into your conversation and somehow join your posse.
08-18-2004, 11:05 PM
Erm, sounds fine except you'll need your character to be from a 'real' place in middle earth ;). And the frying pan can't be magical... and no llama :p.
Other than that you're almost-sort-of-kind-of okay :D
08-19-2004, 02:00 AM
Hmm... me been thinking. (Yes, amazing, I know.^^) Would it be okiday if I were to add another character in?
08-19-2004, 10:38 AM
Ahem, Frogmorton is too a real place, I have the map! Its not too far away from Hobbiton, just right up the road. And whatt do you mean no magical frying pan or llama? He comes from the south! I don't know if I can RP with no llama. I mean, really, whats the fun if you ain't got a llama? I'm serious. PLLLLLEEEEAAAASSSEEEEEE
08-19-2004, 06:13 PM
Ahem, Frogmorton is too a real place, I have the map! Its not too far away from Hobbiton, just right up the road. And whatt do you mean no magical frying pan or llama? He comes from the south! I don't know if I can RP with no llama. I mean, really, whats the fun if you ain't got a llama? I'm serious. PLLLLLEEEEAAAASSSEEEEEE
Perhaps a donkey then? They can be fun too. And surely you've role played without llama, Pippin, I'm sure you did. :)
Besides, Tessar started the game and he'll have some road planned out for us. So it's best if we listen to him.
But she is right about Frogmorton, Tessar. I checked to be sure. It's a real place, and that's not just because it has the word 'frog' innit. :p
08-19-2004, 07:01 PM
You're right, and yes I have RPed without Cory, just not recently. Okay, it can be a donkey named George then. And the frying pan is just a frying pan which she likes to use as a weapon. Its deadly. And thanks for the backup on the Frogmorton thing :) I've got my atlas handy. I'll go ahead and jump in then! Sorry I was being so sore about the llama!
Gulio, Strength of Many
08-19-2004, 07:29 PM
Hallu 'dere everyone! I ish here to join this fine RP, if that is still okay. If not, then I'll hang my head in shame and run away. :)
Name: Rorin
Physical Description: When drawn to his fullest height, Rorin stands a few inches above five feet. This is normal, considering Rorin is a Dwarf. His hair is worn long, and is the same color as his great red beard. He wears plain travelling clothes and a thick green cape (because cloaks are overrated :D).
In his leather belt rests his battle-axe, which he had been taught to use as soon as he was strong enough to pick it up. He is proficient with his axe, but not with many other weapons, for he has never used anything else. He aslo carries a few small throwing axes, which he is okay with.
Personality: Rorin has a fiery temper, and possesses the typical stubbornness (is that a word?) of Dwarves. He is honest to the point of stupidity, and doesn't see the point in hiding or sugarcoating his opinion. His rash tounge has gotten him into serious trouble before, and he carries a few scars as from numerous such incidents.
History: Rorin grew up in Ered Luin, and marched with Dain to the Battle of Five Armies. After the battle was won, Rorin remained in Erebor for some time. His restless heart has stirred again, however, and he wanders quite a bit now.
There, I hope that works. ^^
08-20-2004, 11:18 PM
Gulio: Looks just fine to me!
Aewionen: Sure, go ahead and make another character if you like.
Pip: Thanks for being so understanding :). I don't feel that Llamas really fit into Tolkien's world ;).
Earniel: ... Just... keep doing that thing you do. *hug* *worships the RPGing goddess* :p
08-21-2004, 10:08 AM
You're right, and yes I have RPed without Cory, just not recently. Okay, it can be a donkey named George then. And the frying pan is just a frying pan which she likes to use as a weapon. Its deadly. And thanks for the backup on the Frogmorton thing :) I've got my atlas handy. I'll go ahead and jump in then! Sorry I was being so sore about the llama!
No problem. :)
I don't know just what Tessar has planned for this game but there's bound to be some fighting. So you may want to give Pansy another weapon besides the frying pan. While a frying pan is very swingable (I've tried, dad still ducks when he sees a frying pan in my hand :p), she may need a more conventional weapon. Perhaps a bow or a slingshot? Hobbits are said to be very good at chucking stones at unsuspecting targets. *grins*
It's just a suggestion, it's up to you (and Tessar's veto). ;)
Earniel: ... Just... keep doing that thing you do. *hug* *worships the RPGing goddess* :p
Aww, stop it, you're making me blush. :D Beryn is fun to play. I hope I can keep it up. But I'll need some direction soon, IOW Harn or Kalin will have to speak up sooner or later. So post! :) EDIT: Oh, you're going to. Good.
08-21-2004, 11:03 AM
can we rp after a place holder?
08-21-2004, 01:12 PM
can we rp after a place holder?
I wouldn't recommend it. Chances are that the post, that comes in place of the place marker, takes a totally different turn than the one you wrote after it. Then all the time you spend on writing the second post is wasted. Tessar said he would post today, let's just await his post, it can't be too long. :)
08-21-2004, 02:57 PM
No no, please don't post after a place marker. I'm afraid I'll only have the chance to post about twice a week (maybe more though), since I have quite a bit of homework to do every day, and my Math and Latin usually take me quite a while to finish up.
Enjoy everyone! I thought I'd start us off with a good rip-roaring battle ;).
08-21-2004, 03:37 PM
Good writing, Tessar, although I had hoped to do Beryn's first skinchanging myself and not immediatly at the start of the first fight. I had planned to keep her bear-form for a later stage in the fight, when she needs something more to fight with than her normal strength and staff. Saving the best for last, so to speak. ;)
08-21-2004, 05:48 PM
I'll edit that then :D.
08-21-2004, 11:07 PM
That was some majot god modding, but I have to say some dang good god modding. You're good Tessar. *appreciates the Pansyness*
08-21-2004, 11:43 PM
now something interesting has happened...I tried to reply, but I got called away; consequently Haradrim posted before I got the chance to (unnoticed by me; the reply to topic page had already come up) and now one or several aspects of my post are nullified...
Haradrim, Tessar, ne1 -- do you guys want/need me to change the post ?
08-21-2004, 11:43 PM
Thank you :).
How do you mean God moding tho'? My general understanding is making a character too powerful- and I tried to show that all the characters are skilled to leave you guys room to write them as such, or tone it down a few notches. :D
If you meant how I controlled the characters... errrr... well... no comment ;). I'm hoping I won't have to do that again, but I needed to to get the plot moving.
08-21-2004, 11:43 PM
Hey Earloth, "OW!" that would really hurt! I removed them myself in the thread before yours. Good idea though. Painful but good. :)
08-21-2004, 11:50 PM
I myself don't need you to change your post, but Haradrim might want you to change it.
It's up to him.
Oh Hara, on those paragraphs be sure to put a full blank space between them- it makes for easier reading :D.
08-21-2004, 11:59 PM
Thanks and I would like them changed so my character doesnt stay on the flor with pain. :)
08-22-2004, 04:59 AM
right! ok then
08-22-2004, 05:14 AM
youre still wrenching arrows form my chest. Ow (shudders) :) I took both out threw them on the grounda n headed into battle. So no arrow pulling out of poor Drut ispossible at this point. Tho maybe later. I have a tendacy to get wounded.:)
08-22-2004, 10:44 AM
Can I join? Haradrim just suggested this to me and said I might be able to get worked in somewhere.
My character: Anfal.
Personality: Quite grim. Keeps himself to himself. Expierenced warrior. Very aware and able to pick things up that others would not.
History:Mother died at an early age and was raised by his father taught how to use a sword and bow.
Looks: Tall (6ft 5) Carries a long sword and bow and arrows. Dark hair and brown eyes. Weatherworn clothes.
08-22-2004, 10:47 AM
I'll edit that then :D.
Thanks, Tess. You're a pal. *smooch* ;)
Miss PippinTook, I take back what I said about your frying pan. It's a weapon of unexpected strenght and delight. :)
Oi, Haradrim, do you know how much an arrow wound hurts? :eek: You better be wearing some mail or leather protection or you just dissabled yourself for the rest of the game. j/k :p
08-22-2004, 10:49 AM
They didnt go to deep.
"Just a flesh wound" th eblack knight. I do have armor but why in Eru's name would I wear it tot he local bar. I have chain mail.
08-22-2004, 04:57 PM
Miss PippinTook, I take back what I said about your frying pan. It's a weapon of unexpected strenght and delight.
*bows to Earniel* thank you oh RPing Goddess. I like my frying pan *swooshes it* It needs a name...Eddy or Joe or Pop-eye. Or maybe Sally.
08-22-2004, 08:45 PM
Actually you're not far off Earniel- A single arrow wound, even to the shoulder, could easily let you bleed to death. If you didn't bleed to death you'd most likely have trouble with that shoulder for the rest of your life.
Buuuuut hey, on the other hand ;)....
Looks good to me Telc.
08-22-2004, 09:46 PM
*stares at Tessar with starry eyes* You're so good. Way to go at keeping the RP moving! I am thoroughly enjoying this :) *applaudes and gives loads of chocolate kisses and a bucket full of tea*
08-22-2004, 10:48 PM
Awww thank you ;). This actually isn't my best writing, and I've been having trouble with my writing in general lately-- I have no idea why.
Still, thank you :D.
08-23-2004, 03:29 AM
Is this going anywhere in particular because I don't want to ruin everything with my first post!
08-23-2004, 03:41 AM
If I know Tessar right he has made the plot flexible enough to stand any faulty things you could throw in there, which again wouldn't make them any fault... ;)
Trying to follow this Tessar, although, of course, I have no time to participate :)
08-23-2004, 06:40 AM
youre still wrenching arrows form my chest.
wasn't it from ur shoulders i wrote? uh i'm tired and its late...lets just forget the post altogether i don't have the energy to edit it any more
08-23-2004, 07:03 AM
They didnt go to deep.
"Just a flesh wound" the black knight. I do have armor but why in Eru's name would I wear it tot he local bar. I have chain mail.
"'t is but a flesh wound" yes, but the kight in question was missing an arm! :p Let's just say the arrows indeed didn't go deep and that a good healer tended to your wounds. We don't want you to bleed to death so early in the game. maybe later..... :evil: ;)
*stares at Tessar with starry eyes* You're so good. Way to go at keeping the RP moving! I am thoroughly enjoying this :) *applaudes and gives loads of chocolate kisses and a bucket full of tea*
Oooh Tessar, you'll have a substantial fan club before the game's done. :p
*waves to Arat-Falathion* :)
08-23-2004, 03:55 PM
Originaly posted by Eärniel:
*waves to Arat-Falathion*
08-23-2004, 07:05 PM
By hoppy toads! My internet stops working for a few days and there has already been an attack! ^_^ Yes, well, we shall just say Haleth... erm... watched. And laughed. While drinking his ale. This might be a tad hard. Ebil writers block doesn't help much either. Oh well, anything is possible for Stupendous Man! -runs into closet and comes out in cape and mask- Tra la la! O_O I am very hyper....
08-23-2004, 07:43 PM
Telly just as a note for future reference you need to ask people before you have your character know theirs ;). I'm fine with it, but it was a little surprising to find out my character knew some one I had no idea about :p.
08-23-2004, 07:45 PM
"Whipping past Harn’s head as he reached the fight, an arrow caught one orc in the shoulder and left him open for a quick and easy slice of Harn’s sword. Turning quickly, Harn saw a well-muscled man drawing another arrow and letting fly across the room, taking down another orc. It was an enclosed space, and a tricky shot. Too tricky to be completed again, apparently, as the man drew an elaborate sword and charged forward."
That would be your character Aew ;).
Gulio, Strength of Many
08-23-2004, 10:01 PM
Sorry it's taken so long to post, guys! My ebil compy decided that it didn't want to work anymore. But it's been whipped into shape... for the time being. :D
08-23-2004, 11:13 PM
nice post Gulio. Very cool
I like how you skipped out on the battle. (rolls eyes) very conveniant... :) just kidding
08-24-2004, 01:23 PM
Awww.... thanks Tessar. :D
08-24-2004, 03:36 PM
Pippin are you going to give Pansy another weapon or not because if so one one of the Rangers could give her an axe or a short sword before setting off.
08-24-2004, 05:48 PM
nope nope, the frying pan will suit her fine, thank you though!
08-25-2004, 06:54 AM
Telly just as a note for future reference you need to ask people before you have your character know theirs ;). I'm fine with it, but it was a little surprising to find out my character knew some one I had no idea about :p.
Oi, Telcontar, forgotten this already, hmm? ;) If I look curious at you and think of you as a newcomer in my last post that usually means I don't know you yet. And Beryn (not Beryl) will need a bit more than a short night to become good friends with anybody, unless that night consists out of talking and drinking large quantities of mead. :D
Aren't we moving a bit too fast, BTW? We don't even know if everybody wants to join us (we've all been drafted! :eek: :p).
08-25-2004, 09:05 AM
If anyone doesn't want to come I'll edit them out but I was persuming that they did. Sorry about the name, I've just edited and it's possible that a night of tracking orcs could make you good friends.
08-25-2004, 05:56 PM
I don't have time to catch up on the RPG till this week end, but if you guys are just whipping us along, stop :p. I'm the GM here ;) :p. Don't post something that takes us so far ahead I have to ask you to take it out :).
08-26-2004, 05:44 PM
Yeah before we start I want o know why this man was taken, who he was, why they would possibly want him, and what the plan is. Before we start moving... :)
08-27-2004, 07:30 PM
All shall be explained...
in a post...
tomorrow morning...
For now, I'm going to go pass out after an exhausting week of school. Ta-ta.
08-31-2004, 07:27 AM
All shall be explained...
in a post...
tomorrow morning...
For now, I'm going to go pass out after an exhausting week of school. Ta-ta.
*pats Tessar on the head* Poor Tessar, I see the exhausting week of school has gotten the better of you. ;) Take your time, the best thing about this form of RPG is that one can pick it up again after a day or a week.
10-11-2004, 10:45 PM
OOC: will edit that but I have demanded it like 3 times now and nuthing is happening. The plot isnt moving forward and it needs to. I mean this rpg didnt do anything for over a month. Soooo.... I weil change it. Oh and THANK YOU FOR RESTARTING THIS AS I REALLY LIKED WHERE THIS WAS GOING! THANK YOU!!!!
I decided to drag this over here as I felt we needed to go over a few points, just to clarify for me what you meant and for you what I meant :D.
The reason nothing has happened when Drut demanded before is because Harn honestly had no reason to tell him anything, and Harn isn't just going to blurt out his objective to just anyone. Think about Beryn. She's a good friend of Harn's friend, Kalin, but Harn still didn't want to say anything in front of her. How could he trust someone he'd never met before?
The plot hasn't moved forward because the time space (inside the RPG I mean :o I know I've slacked off RL time wise) hasn't been nearly long enough! Think about it. So far we've covered MAYBE an hour or two of time. I introed the main chars, Harn and Kalin met up stairs, the others had a drink and talked for a few minutes, the Hobbit went out, and a fight started and lasted for a little while. That's about it!
You're welcome for restarting it- thank Earnil, who's name I can't spell correctly :p. And thank YOU for changing it so promptly :D. So far you guys have all been great sports about my lazyness ;).
+{Edited to add}+
I'm also going to give the other people a little time to realize that I've restarted the RPG, and also to let Ear. post because it's really all thanks to her that I've managed to get it started again :).
10-12-2004, 03:09 AM
Hehheh, about time you got to restarting it, slacker. ;)
You could spell my name if you put a little more effort into it. I'm happy if you only add this little 'e'. The Gondorean general is just not me. :p
But serious now, I have a question concerning the necesary editting for the flow of the story. I expect Telcontar_Dunedain's post where we leave has to be edited or deleted but are other changes necesary? For instance, I take it that since Kalin went out to track the orcs, Beryn did not? If so, I better edit that post accordingly.
Will post soon, school awaits right now.
10-12-2004, 07:12 AM
Oh my *blush* I must've missed that in your post... and I thought I'd read all the ones I needed to *hit self*.
Well I'm sure it's fine, really, since I don't think I made a special mention of her. If you like Kalin can meet her on his way back to the Inn?
10-12-2004, 07:43 PM
sorry about my outlandish brutishness. But HArn does seem a little grumpy... :) I mean after all I was seriously wounded. Why wouldnt he tell us? but you are basically Eru so you make the decisions. Soooo.... whats crack a lackin everyone?
10-12-2004, 08:00 PM
sorry about my outlandish brutishness. But HArn does seem a little grumpy... :) I mean after all I was seriously wounded. Why wouldnt he tell us? but you are basically Eru so you make the decisions. Soooo.... whats crack a lackin everyone?
But in the end, you did choose to wound yourself by writing it so, didn't you?. ;) I think Tessar is following a specific tactic by not letting Harn give us too much information at once. After all, he only knows the characters for a day, even less, for all he knows we could be very clever spies! :eek: :p Besides, it's a much more interesting way of playing when you have to piece the story together by little seperate bits of info than having it all spelled out for you at once. :)
Me posting on the game thread will be delayed at least a day due to loads of homework, so don't wait for me. It won't be too long, I hope.
Good enough for me, Tessar. Beryn can meet Kalin on their way back to the inn, I will adapt the post to that soon.
10-12-2004, 10:24 PM
I appologize if you think Harn is grumpy, but it's his character! He's supposed to be grumpy.
Like Earniel said, for all Harn knows, everyone else is a spy from Mordor. It's needed to get the story even moving, but wouldn't you be a little suspicious if strange things were going on around you, and all of the sudden people started randomly coming up to you and being chummy?
One of the hardest things for me when I was new to RPGing was to not take the way someone else's character was written and transform that into my image of the writer. I understand how hard it can be, but please know that when Harn is rude to your character or to ANYONE else it's because I, the author, am writing a certain type of person. Harn is a man of few words, and his little scouting world is just getting thrown upside down by a massive orc attack, which he should've seen coming days ahead of time.
Kalin on the other hand is a little more friendly, although he'll be a bit aloof since he's an elf :). If you feel upset about the way Harn reacts to people, and I almost wouldn't blame you for feeling that way (yes, I admit he's an arse ;), then I suggest you write most of your interaction with Kalin :D.
10-13-2004, 11:54 PM
OME, I am sorry if anyone took my ander seriously. I didnt mean for it to be taken seriously. I do Improv where we do dry humour so I am used to making statements that would seem mean but are meant all in good fun. I understand why hes being the way he is but I dont know what I can do to the story when i know absolutely nothing about whats going on.
10-14-2004, 09:38 AM
That's always been my frustration too... which is why I started my own once I thought my skills were up to par :p.
10-16-2004, 10:19 AM
There, I've editted that post where Beryn leaves the Inn and moved that event to the last post so the continuity is better. I think all that needs to be fixed to have complete continuity in the posts is remove our premature departure from Telcontar_Dunedain's posts and we're back on the road. :)
I think the ball is back in your camp, Tessar. :D
10-16-2004, 10:26 AM
Originally written by Tessar
That's always been my frustration too... which is why I started my own once I thought my skills were up to par
Hehe :) I always thought that not knowing what to happen next was half the fun ;)
10-16-2004, 02:54 PM
Earniel. Do you want to delete that post so the RPG makes sense?
10-16-2004, 04:11 PM
Do you mean to ask why I want your post editted, or are you asking me to delete it for you?
Lief Erikson
10-16-2004, 07:31 PM
You're welcome for restarting it- thank Earnil, who's name I can't spell correctly :p.
In writing Eärniel, you push down the "option" key and then the "u". Then you click whichever letter you want to cover. ä, ë, ï, ö, ü, ÿ :). When I didn't know how, I used another technique. Just select the user's name and copy it; then paste it into the post.
10-17-2004, 06:03 AM
I've edited my post.
10-17-2004, 10:25 AM
In writing Eärniel, you push down the "option" key and then the "u". Then you click whichever letter you want to cover. ä, ë, ï, ö, ü, ÿ :). When I didn't know how, I used another technique. Just select the user's name and copy it; then paste it into the post.
Pfffft. Mr. Smartypants :p . Go back to Arathon :p.
Lief Erikson
10-17-2004, 01:46 PM
Pfffft. Mr. Smartypants :p . Go back to Arathon :p.
:p :D See yah!
(Heads off to ATHaron :p)
10-17-2004, 03:45 PM
Pfffft. Mr. Smartypants :p
Nehheh. You're just jealous because he gets chocolate for writing my name correct. :p
Lief Erikson
10-17-2004, 04:13 PM
As a matter of a fact, I just thought of a new strategy. (Looks hopeful)
Eärniel, Eärniel, Eärniel, Eärniel, Eärniel, Eärniel, Eärniel, Eärniel, Eärniel, Eärniel, Eärniel, Eärniel, Eärniel, Eärniel, Eärniel, Eärniel, Eärniel, Eärniel, Eärniel, Eärniel, Eärniel, Eärniel, Eärniel, Eärniel, Eärniel, Eärniel, Eärniel, Eärniel, Eärniel, Eärniel, Eärniel, Eärniel, Eärniel, Eärniel, Eärniel, Eärniel, Eärniel, Eärniel, Eärniel, Eärniel, Eärniel, Eärniel, Eärniel, Eärniel, Eärniel, Eärniel, Eärniel, Eärniel, Eärniel.
(Looks expectant)
10-17-2004, 08:36 PM
(Heads off to ATHaron :p)
*screams* *throws himself off a cliff*
Lief Erikson
10-17-2004, 10:16 PM
10-18-2004, 03:34 AM
Heehee. :p Oh, now look what you did, our GM has gone and thrown himself off a cliff... Can't have that on my watch. Ressurect yourself, Tessar, and get postin' :D
Lief Erikson
10-23-2004, 11:06 PM
(Realizes after a few days that Tessar has still not posted, and may be in serious trouble. Throws him a line)
You okay?
10-23-2004, 11:17 PM
Too much homework... can't... breath... O_O
Lief Erikson
10-23-2004, 11:22 PM
Eärniel, you think he's hurt? I think he's faking. Surely he can send just a little post. :eek: One would think.
(Listens to the groans a little longer) Uh, yeah, one would think . . .
10-24-2004, 05:59 AM
Hmm, I bet he's faking it to weasle more chocolate out of me...
*pats Tessar on the head* there, there Tessar, chin up, you can do it. Come on son, we need our glourious leader to keep this thing on track. Here, have a chocolate bar, 's good for energy. ;)
10-24-2004, 10:50 AM
If I can get my homework for monday done early enough tonight, then I pink-swear I'll write a post :).
10-24-2004, 11:39 AM
You don't have to rush for me, Tessar. :) I'm not going anywhere soon, sort of.
10-24-2004, 08:48 PM
I'M DONE! I'M DONE! NO MORE #$*)(^%()$#(^)(%$#^)(#%$ING HOMEWORK!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOPA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now for that post...
10-25-2004, 11:20 AM
Haradrim, isn't your character called Drut not Dirk. ;)
11-05-2004, 04:55 AM
*knock knock* Just to remind you, people, that this is a good time to say if you want to go orc-bashing with us. :evil: Harn is asking it nicely and he probably doesn't want to do it twice. :p
11-05-2004, 12:14 PM
*nod* I'm trying to give everyone time to post, so if you want it, come and get it folks! ;)
Of course keep in mind that we are going up against a rather powerful wizard. *cough* Not that that fact is in ANYWAY important to ANYTHING. Move along, just move along. *cough* :p
11-05-2004, 07:09 PM
Hi Tessar (I constantly have to resist the urge to call you Tess, which I doubt you'd appreciate) how is it to be homework free again? :)
about this unimportantly powerful wizard... you do know Beryn is going to pester Kalin during the trip until he spills some info on this Seppicor, do you? I have a feeling the large Beorning-woman is going to have a very persistant curiousity. :evil: :D
11-05-2004, 11:46 PM
You can call me anything you like, just so long as it's not "Tessy", "Tessie", or anything of that varaity.
It IS nice to be homework free again! I've been playing the piano, writing, and today I went to see a movie IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DAY!... Goodness, I feel quite heady ;).
You may feel free to pester away, because I'm sure Kalin will tell you everything. Everything he can. *evil laughter*
11-07-2004, 03:20 PM
Hm, evil laughter. :eek: That doesn't bode well....
I assumed you wouldn't like Tess because it's basically a girl name and you did go through all that trouble a few months ago to convince us you were a boy. :p
11-09-2004, 12:34 PM
The time for you all to post is trickling away with stunning speed, at it's lowly crawl. The length of the long span of time over the short weeks has nearly ended far from the nearness of it's beginning.
Soon I shall post.
11-12-2004, 01:56 PM
*is wondering* Does Beryn actually have a horse? I kind of had the impression she and Kalin arrived on foot... :confused: *ponders*
11-12-2004, 02:27 PM
And I think Anfal did either.
11-12-2004, 04:38 PM
I'm assuming that for those who don't have horses, Harn will be buying one. *shrug*
11-12-2004, 04:42 PM
Indeed, it's not much of a problem, there should be horses "rentable" in the inn. (they did it in LoTR).
I was just wonderin'. :D
11-12-2004, 05:21 PM
Man. If no one in this game has a horse, Harn's gona be a pennyless hobo by the time you're all through with him :p.
11-17-2004, 05:10 PM
Post, darn you all! Post! :p
11-17-2004, 06:06 PM
Let's do a head count:
There's me and you present.
Telcontar_Dunedain should be around here somewhere, probably hanging out in the Forsaken Inn. Last activity was today.
Hmm, Aewionen hasn't been here yet this month...
Eärloth was last on line since a week.
Lúthien Galathil joined but never posted since.
Haradrim's last activity was 10 days ago.
PippinTook was on the moot three days ago.
Oh, and Gulio was also active today.
I think that's about it. So that's at least 2-3 people who have no excuse for not posting on account on not being able to get to the 'moot recently. :mad: :p ;)
Maybe we could send them a little reminder-PM? The game has been dormant for a while, they might have simply forgotten about it.
EDIT: Oh, and you don't specifically have to buy a horse for Beryn. No horse was mentioned but that doesn't mean they came on foot. Considering the story-line, I'm sure Kalin was a but to hurried to walk all the way from Mirkwood to Bree on foot. :p Hereby, let's say she's in possession of one sturdy (it has to be able to carry her, you know) horse.
11-30-2004, 01:46 PM
I just sent a PM to the other players to remind them of this RPG. :) I hope they come back to post soon.
11-30-2004, 05:07 PM
Thanks a billion Eärniel :D.
11-30-2004, 08:47 PM
I have been posting but I dont like posting unless there are two people between my posts. minimum. I just feel awkward posting so frequently.
12-01-2004, 09:04 AM
Thanks a billion Eärniel :D.
Don't thank me yet. Let's first see how many people return. ;)
12-01-2004, 11:25 AM
I need to write a short little post, but once again I'm stalling to see if anyone else will show up. If not I'll write it tomorrow.
Gulio, Strength of Many
12-04-2004, 03:00 PM
ACK! I'm so sorry it's been so long! I forgot about this one... Meep. Anywho, I'm off to go and post...
Sorry again!
12-10-2004, 11:50 PM
New post is up! :D
Thank you, this has been a notice from the Captain Obvious station.
12-11-2004, 06:51 PM
Gulio, Aewionen, it's nice of you to re-join us. :) Don't forget to keep an eye on this thread from time to time. We may move slowly sometimes, but we're moving! ;)
Tess, I like the new avatar. Suddenly a 'man'? Your sig used to say 'boy'. :D
12-11-2004, 08:23 PM
soz people i will have to drop out of this one; I've got too much else going on at the moment
luvyaz ;)
12-12-2004, 12:43 AM
Well... 'boy' made me sound like a little kid, and Guy looked too much like 'gay' as it flashed up on the screen, so I didn't want to give anyone any room :p.
12-25-2004, 07:38 PM
We needed to get moving on, so I don't think I rushed the departure. Let me know if I have.
Let's get this show back on the road!
12-26-2004, 04:26 PM
Hey, I'm sorry i haven't said anything in a LONG time. I just lost track. I'd like to keep going, but I hardly have time to read through everything. Can someone pm me and catch me up? If not, I'll just drop out. Anywho, sorry about the absence!
12-27-2004, 01:02 AM
Here do be the quick summing up:
We meet Harn and the rest of our heroes
Orcs burst in. They take an old man and kill his grandaughter.
The elf Kalin goes after the orcs but they vanish. Kalin is attacked with magic and escapes.
An old enemy of Harn and Kalin's has taken the scout master (Eaol). The enemy is a wizard named Seppicor. They are taking the old man somewhere, although Harn has not said where he thinks they're going yet.
Harn and Kalin ask (politely ;)) the other people in the INN who seem to be fighters to help them out in getting the old man back as quickly as possible.
We are now on the verge of leaving the INN. If you want to get back in the flow, just write a post about packing, going to the stables, and getting your horse ready :D.
12-27-2004, 11:35 AM
Psst, PippinTook, you have a donkey named George in this RPG, not your standard llama Cory. ;)
12-27-2004, 05:49 PM
(and we didn't stay the night, we left FAST)
12-27-2004, 06:12 PM
I do? That's strange. Why didn't I have a llama? Was there some restriction on llamas? I can't remember. Well, I'll change that right up. And the sleeping thing too.
12-27-2004, 08:03 PM
We talked it over earlier, remember? :D
Thanks for going back to fix it so promptly. It always takes me forever :o.
12-27-2004, 10:43 PM
Oh yeah! I remember now! Yeah, George the Donkey is good too.
And your welcome ;) I'm here ALL THE TIME so I usually can get stuff done quick, I havent really got anything better to do!
12-28-2004, 08:17 AM
Thanks for going back to fix it so promptly. It always takes me forever :o.
We can see that. :evil: How about you giving us a little guidance? We left and we're chasing the orcs but I have little idea where we're going and what to do next. A little leaderin' from our beloved leader may be in order, don'tcha think Tessar? ;)
12-29-2004, 10:32 PM
It's on its way *cough*.
Sooooon and very soon, we are going to see a post!
Soon and very soon, we are going to see a post!
Allelujah! Allelujah! We're going to see a post!
12-29-2004, 11:01 PM
*cackles* that was lovely Tessar. Of course now you have that song in my head.
Shouldn't we like....kinda get to the Gates of Mirkwood considering that's kinda what the title of the rpg is? Whats the plan, man? Heh. I rhymed. *walks off*
12-29-2004, 11:53 PM
The idea is that... I needed a snappy title. The RPG has nothing to DO with Mirkwood.
Okay okay. Remember how I mentioned that the new Orcish fort is near Mirkwood? It's at the 'Gates of Mirkwood' in a sense ;). We're working our way towards Mirkwood, which is going to be part of the fun, but then once we get there... well... never mind. :D
12-30-2004, 06:38 AM
Sooooon and very soon, we are going to see a post!
Soon and very soon, we are going to see a post!
Allelujah! Allelujah! We're going to see a post!
Less composing and more posting, please, oh fearless leader. :p
We're working our way towards Mirkwood, which is going to be part of the fun, but then once we get there... well... never mind. :D
Does that 'never mind' means: 'I won't tell you suckers yet', or does it mean 'I haven't come up with anything yet'? :evil:
12-31-2004, 03:05 PM
Or both! ;)
01-02-2005, 12:14 AM
Hey, Tessar, do you remember me? I was gone for a long time RPing at another site, but I'm burnt out over there and would like to come back to something less taxing and more fun. Nobody I remembered is here anymore, I think. Sniff. Except until I saw you!
So, could I join this one? Please? I have only briefly skimmed the thread so far. Will need to read it through again to create a character.
If you don't remember me...urgh. It's actually very plausible you won't, actually. We never directly spoke to each other, but we posted in the same RPG. Let me test my memory: A World of Danger and...err...The Pentagrid Net? Arcon, the sour guy in the first, and Alfwine, a rider of Rohan, and an Uruk in the second. I also got so carried away in A World of Danger that I accidentally killed off the GM's character without realizing what I was doing :p and was reproached for that. I had been so connected with that character. Had to edit my post.
01-02-2005, 05:23 AM
Selwythe, welcome back! I think you were just leaving when I started to participate in RPG's so you won't remember me, but I've encountered your name many times while reading through the old game threads. :)
01-03-2005, 12:16 AM
Teehee, yeah, I don't remember you. Thank you though.
Here's my character info, if it's not too late for me to join. I usually play surly, sour, isolated characters, but I see there's no shortage of those here, so let's try something new.
Um, make that characters' info, if permitted :D
Name: Telin (female)
Physical Description: Tall, slender, willowy, fair, raven-haired, gray-eyed. Heck, just shut your eyes and imagine a pretty woman. Capable of wielding short sword and skilled in knife-throwing.
Personality: Mild-mannered, aloof, shy, quiet.
History: Unknown. More will be revealed as time passes. She will join the company in a burning village.
Name: Úriz. That's U with an accent! (male)
Physical Description: Black, 1 empty eye-socket, muscular, robust, stout, smelly, slimy.
Personality: Hot-tempered, morbid sense of humor, cunning and always hungry
History: Born in the depths of Mirkwood. Man of the people, born warrior. Plied his trade by looting, pillaging and killing. Was made captain of his division at a young age (he's still quite young) because he killed an elf and gave his superiors the first taste of elf-flesh in their life. Loves elf-flesh, hobbit-flesh and man-flesh. Dwarf-flesh has a rancid odor, and Orc-flesh is for desperate times. Never good to be a cannibal. Yes, he's an Orc.
01-03-2005, 01:35 AM
Sounds good to me. I'll intro them both.
01-03-2005, 10:51 PM
I'm sorry my last post was so horrible guys :-/. I was half-asleep when I was trying to write it.
01-13-2005, 01:09 AM
Oops... it's my turn again, isn't it?
Sorry about that guys, just went through a rather drawn-out and annoying week or two of "Lets quit our crappy job because the flesh of our hands is coming off". Am now going through the "Lets find ANOTHER crappy job!" "Yes! Lets! Only this time not where our hands shall be ripped to shreads!" "Oh jolly good show!"
01-15-2005, 07:17 AM
*pats Tessar on the head* It's okay. I hope you find a less crappy job soon. :)
01-19-2005, 04:47 PM
Sorry guys... still working on the job thing. I'm trying to figure out if I'll even end up going back to work or not... Parents are making this confusing O_o.
01-24-2005, 06:44 PM
Haha :D Selwythe! Been a long time since the Pentagrid Net! Welcome back :)
01-30-2005, 11:27 AM
Is there any chance of me getting a late enterance to this RPG?
01-30-2005, 04:31 PM
Send me a PM with your char's info and we'll work you into the village :).
Lief Erikson
01-31-2005, 01:53 AM
Hey, Tessar, do you remember me? I was gone for a long time RPing at another site, but I'm burnt out over there and would like to come back to something less taxing and more fun. Nobody I remembered is here anymore, I think. Sniff. Except until I saw you!
Yes, Falathion and myself wandered off to create a new site because we wanted to free ourselves from the confines of writing within another man's vision. Our new site is in Falathion's signature now, and it's thriving. Well . . . we've got about six people attending regularly at the moment, but on a scale of enthusiasm, I'd say it's thriving :D. You'd be welcome to check it out and join in, if you're interested. However, at present it is quite fast paced.
Mathron has a way of disappearing from Entmoot, only to join in again a while later for a new RPG. He's gone at the moment, though I believe he's planning to join our Atharon RPGs later on.
Welcome back to Entmoot :).
01-31-2005, 01:05 PM
*starts hitting Lief with his Wizard's Staff* STOP STEALING MY MEMBERS!!!! *whap whap whap*
Heh. Honestly though you should check out Athi-wotsit. Great writing, cool world...
Which reminds me that I wanted to say 'sorry' to you guys who are in the GOM RPG because lately I haven't been able to write ANYTHING well--not even e-mails to friends/family or little poems; my short stories are shot to hell :p.
I'm sure it's just a phase or some such and I'll be back writing better than ever soon...
01-31-2005, 06:10 PM
Heh. Honestly though you should check out Athi-wotsit. Great writing, cool world...
:D :D :D
I wonder if you'll ever be able to remember that name :D
Lief Erikson
01-31-2005, 11:32 PM
*starts hitting Lief with his Wizard's Staff* STOP STEALING MY MEMBERS!!!! *whap whap whap*
(Tries to use his GM powers to ward off the staff, but then remembers he's not on Atharon!) AHH! I don't mean to steal Selwythe. (Starts talking rapidly) He's joined in to Gates of Mirkwood, and I hope he'll stick with it to the end. I really, really do. :) :)
I think it would be possible to do more then one thing at once. It should be possible for you too, Tessar, I hope :). Not necessarily now, but in a couple months, I hope. Atharon RPGs are really, really fast. To be involved it's also useful to have done some reading in advance from the information available on the site.
02-02-2005, 02:00 AM
Yes, yes, hello all! This place is suddenly more like the one I remembered ;)
02-18-2005, 11:04 PM
Well then! Everyone ready to move on? Kick butt? Save lives? Rock the world?
Post? :p
Time to move the wheels of the plot line back along, me thinks!!
02-19-2005, 06:52 AM
Yes! Move on already! :p
I was thinking this thing was about to keel over and die. About time to get us going again.
04-10-2005, 02:23 PM
*pokes RPG with stick*
Is this dead?
There goes another try to save the world...
05-02-2005, 02:34 AM
Hmmmm... I think I just ran out of excusses... ;)
Is anyone else interested in trying to continue? I am, if anyone else is willing to join back in :).
05-02-2005, 03:06 AM
I am.
05-02-2005, 05:28 AM
go on i'll have a go
if thats ok?
havent actually read the thread yet though, so it may take me a while, but i can always jump in there feet first (as per usual :rolleyes:) in the meantime
permission to start flogging the near dead horse?
05-02-2005, 02:07 PM
I'd be happy to introduce more people, and now really is the time for it since we're still at the burned village and I had just introduced our villa--errr, new friend. *COUGH* *HACK*
Just read through the thread to where we've gotten so far (I don't think the thread is actually that long, and most of the posts are pretty short), and then either post your char's desc here, or PM it to me and we'll fit you into the village some how (you don't have to be a villager, though. You could be a passing hunter or elf or whatever :)).
05-06-2005, 07:34 PM
Cheers :)
Have read thread: wow its a slow pot-boiler aint it? Harn's going to be real pleased when i turn up i guess! :rolleyes:
though maybe he's kind excepted it by now? wry smile ala beorn and the dwarves??
ps so the tall girl is a beorning eh? keen sense of smell,umm? likes Honey?? well well well.
Character description to follow: will have to consider carefully.
btw would like to introduce character myself (in a non plot effecting way)
05-06-2005, 07:36 PM
Go right ahead then :D.
05-06-2005, 08:47 PM
Name: Fletch
Nick-name: 'Jovial Jim' to his friends and 'Lucky harry' to others
SEX: Male
Age: mid thirties
reasonably Athletic build, 5' 11" shaven head, peircing grey expressive eyes,
dressed entirely in well worn black attire: loose fitting shirt and jerkin of leather, hardy boots and beads of wood around neck and wrists.One single small diamond is peirced through his right eyebrow.
carries pouch at all times with herbs and various tools of his trade (Philosopher and herbalist assasin)
Skills: herbalist, trusts his feelings and instincts as others trust their nose or sight, playing cards and gambling, drinking contests, stealth (only when sober) , keen eyesight, climbing trees and throwing knives. Pretty useful with the sword and bow but no expert ar either.
Character: intelligent, willfull, sharp and decisive but friendly and enjoys company: brave but sometimes foolish, willing to lead and willing to be led, a touch impatient but rarley wrong about people.
Great nephew to Butterbur the Pony's ( the one with the GOOD beer and mead!) Landlord, recently returning to these parts from the Southern coasts to visit his family and to meet again his child-hood sweetheart and fiance Ravenlocks
05-06-2005, 08:49 PM
Looks fine to me :D. Welcome aboard, matie! Arrrr :P.
05-06-2005, 09:10 PM
looking forward to it: just a good job you guys hadn't gone down to the PONY instead: there were hardly any hero types down there at all; just aload of drunken chappies singing songs (mind you its much better beer in the PONY!)
who'd a thought there were so many warriors down at the brown ale earlier?? / last night? Its normally just a couple of old blokes called eric and ernie playing dominoes!
05-08-2005, 06:54 AM
Hmmmm... I think I just ran out of excusses... ;)
Is anyone else interested in trying to continue? I am, if anyone else is willing to join back in :).
Still here, and still ready to poke you when you're neglecting your GM-duties.
:evil: ;)
ps so the tall girl is a beorning eh? keen sense of smell,umm? likes Honey?? well well well.
Reasonable sense of smell, and very fond of honey and mead. Yes, that would be my Beryn. :D
Welcome to game, Butterbeer. :)
05-08-2005, 06:56 AM
*Grabs BIG GM electric 'poker' stick and whistles innocently*
Earniel: Great post: made me laugh twice:
Laugh 1) whatever you do don't suggest going for a drink with Fletch just now! we're in a Hurry! (oh alright just a quick one) i know he loves Ravenlocks but he does like a drink! hey you got some cards there?
laugh 2) The diamond: AHH funny banking systems round these parts: you just don't wanna know where they store the vast majority of their wealth in this neck of the woods!
maybe a drink can be arranged in the near future at an appropriate juncture (i think Harn could do with one to be frank)
whichever way we (speedily, ahem) charge or carefully track etc i suggest that my few belongings and tethered mount are on the way ( this being why we encountered the Orcs: they charged past our camp)
travelling North to visit my Family and to stay at great Uncle Barliman's at the Pony (looking forward very much to a good drinking session and raising some merry hell when we got there) travelling with my younger brother Godber and Ravenlocks my fiancee we had camped for the night just outside Bree, unsure in the dark how close we were to our destination: we'd made a hasty bivovac.
Ravenlocks and I had drunk far too much (we never travel without ale for me and mead for her!) and were the less alert shall we say of the three...
Suddenly Godber had picked up on a commotion nearby and tried to rouse us, ravenlocks had wandered blearily off ignoring Godber to take a 'call of nature' and i had sat up slowly head spinning.
Godber had looked at us, burped, and decided to go see himself...
to keep this short: godber returns quickly and urgently: he rouses me saying there is large party of well armed orcs attacking and burning a nearby Hamlet and that Ravenlocks had wandered off and that he'd heard a cry in the distance from ravenlocks and had just managed to see her in the distance being carried off by Orcs ... er thata away!
Fletch sends Godber off to Bree for help and charges after the Orcs (bravely but foolishly)
...running and running adrenalin rushing through his body Fletch is thinking only of Ravenlocks, trying to catch them up (wishing he'd thought to saddle up his mount),
... being forced to turn back only as he closes on them arrows whilstle at him and he sees the number and strength of the Orc party ...
" I must get help!" and much as it pains him whips round and runs back the fair distance to the village ...
05-11-2005, 04:11 PM
I'll be making my post very shortly (trying to get all my GoM info back together again so I can remember what comes next :p).
05-14-2005, 12:33 PM
Earniel: Great post: made me laugh twice:
We aim to please. ;)
Laugh 1) whatever you do don't suggest going for a drink with Fletch just now! we're in a Hurry! (oh alright just a quick one) i know he loves Ravenlocks but he does like a drink! hey you got some cards there?
Oh, Beryn wouldn't do that, she had a reasonable sense of timing for drinking. least most of the time she does. :p But where Beryn is, a drinking opportunity will present itself in time. And should we ever come to a lul in the plot, be my guest to teach her how to play cards.
Interesting backstory for Fletch, you should insert it, or at least some of it, in the game. It'd be too bad to let the effort you put in writing all that be wasted in this discussion thread. Maybe when you talk to Harn would be a good time. Knowing Tessar, it will take some time before he 'gets all his GoM info back together again so he can remember what comes next'. :evil: *pokes GM*
05-17-2005, 12:20 PM
Actually I HAVE been looking for it---on both computers, on all my word files, on all the floppy disks I own (a lot) and on all the burnable CDs I own (also a lot).
I have come to the conclusion that I freakin' lost it :mad:. Meaning I don't remember what exactly was supposed to come next, and since this was my first time GMing I was kind of hoping to stick to an exact outline. (Despite snarky comments from certain people about my just making excuses this time :p )
Butterbeer--please don't make OOC comments in the roleplay thread. If you want to say something OOC say it here :).
So anyways... what the hell. This is probably good for my GMing skills, or something... Everyone hang on to their Player Character... *gets ready to take a stab at reorienting the plot* :p.
05-22-2005, 09:18 AM
Aww, poor you. *grabs hold of Beryn* Start reorientating plot right away! :p
Psst, butterbeer, now is the time to inform Kalin of your fiancee and join the gang. ;)
05-26-2005, 01:16 PM
PMed BB and he said he'll be posting shortly. :D
05-26-2005, 06:33 PM
PMed BB and he said he'll be posting shortly. :D
wow 3-3!what a game: it was mad: superb! :D Liverpool won the European cup!
er yeah will be posting in a bit, cheers!
05-26-2005, 07:03 PM
BB, would you mind trying to look for a word other than bastard, or go ahead and spell it out all the way? Looks very awkward to have b****** :eek:.
05-26-2005, 07:07 PM
BB, would you mind trying to look for a word other than bastard, or go ahead and spell it out all the way? Looks very awkward to have b****** :eek:.
sorry how about Orc Vermin or something similar?
05-27-2005, 12:43 AM
That'd work, but bastard is still fine and dandy so long as you spell it out all the way, and as long as Eärniel has no problem with it :D.
05-28-2005, 09:40 AM
Having no problem with it. Besides, 'Bastards' rolls of my tongue all too easily when I'm cursing in English. :o There are a lot of worse words anyway.
05-28-2005, 11:48 AM
Bad Eärniel!!! BAAAAAAAD Eärniel! No making OOC comments in the IC thread! :p
05-28-2005, 03:17 PM
I appologize to everyone for my crappy writing these last few posts. I've been too lazy to write anything for a while now and I think it's showing :rolleyes: :p.
Anyways, Eärniel and Butterbeer, you guys can feel free to do a little chatting or some such, but don't catch up to the scouts :p. We'll get things back on track with a little action!!! :D
I need to PM some of the other people and see if they're still interested in writing...
05-29-2005, 02:10 AM
I am, but I'm not quite sure what to write at the moment.
05-29-2005, 04:38 AM
Bad Eärniel!!! BAAAAAAAD Eärniel! No making OOC comments in the IC thread! :p
It wasn't idle chit-chat, it was pertinent to the game! :p
I tend to do it a lot in the TLA-game, it's so much a habit that I didn't think of it. But I'll try and mend my ways in this game. Please, oh fearless leader, don't throw me out of the game! I'll be good! ;)
05-29-2005, 10:22 AM
As am I am a wise, benenenenivolent leader, I shall overlook your... ermmm... overlook... this time.
Telecontor--you could always try talking to Fletch :D. You know... guy talk. Orcs, swords, horses, swords, bows, axes, swords, racing, women, shoppin--errr... swords... ploting Harn's death... :p
06-01-2005, 05:35 AM
I thought beryn might be interested as she had just wondered with a smile i think how Harn would react to yet another wanderer joining the party!
A bit of chat maybe ok if written with a sense of urgent preparation in the background ... this all started / happened a few hours ago yes? I find it odd no one is interested in new strangers thrust into their midsts when we are after this cunning and evil Sorcerer Mr S (not that i now this yet: i don't even know who you are after or why) and no one even seems to know each others names: for example i would not necessarily know who was a ranger or a dunedain: i might be able to guess but it would only be a guess at this point.
I find it odd the party do not ask any questions from someone who has come down trail of the Orc party: nor seek more information about their strength, weaponry, any news or sighting of their prey etc or their devices etc etc.
06-01-2005, 12:55 PM
Well, that's what this moment is all about, so tell us already! :p
06-01-2005, 02:59 PM
thought you were riding ahead with whatsis name? :)
TD: thanks for the "hello" :) could i ask you to edit what you wrote for Fletch a little please?
Just so we can at these early stages gauge his character a little better and with continuity
original post:
Anfal moved towards the newcomer.
"Welcome I am Anfal. One of the Dunedain of the North."
"I am Fletch," replied the newcomer. "Umm, do you know what's the matter with that other Ranger, he seemed a little off with me earlier."
"You mean Harn? He's alright. Sometimes you just want to kill him, but you'll get used to him. He feels bad about the death of a young girl who he knew, he's taken it quite hard."
Fletch is still out of breath and running on adrenalin, he has been woken up had his fiancee forcibly taken, chased the orc party single handed, been forced to withdraw and run back to seek help: been accused by the ( from his viewpoint) oddest and most inert chasing party he could ever imagine of over verbosity!!! : and then to cap it all and making no sense whatsover been told by them there's no time to dilly dally around with chit chat!
(!) :eek: (this is all by the way in-character observation - :D tessar: hold up a mirror up to earniel and you'll see Butterbeer reflected back accidentaly doing the opposite: being IC in the discussion thread: oops sorry!)
even though he has presumably information any ranger or tracker would want to glean .... he's then been been blanked and then someone comes up to have a bit of a natter! (no offence, good of you to say hello to be honest!)
Fletch is a good judge of character and i have no doubt yours is one he'll warm to but just at this momment i think shorter curter answers are called for
i would suggest instead of " i am ..." to just
"Fletch!" replied the newcomer
lose the "Ummm" fletch is not indecisive nor in any mood to be woolly
i'd look to change this (below) to whatever you like but shorter and curter again i'd edit this if you would - if thats ok?
"do you know what's the matter with that other Ranger, he seemed a little off with me earlier."
to maybe: "what's his problem?"
hope that isn't too much? I just think as a new character it's important to try and get that character across from the start.
best to all
06-01-2005, 04:29 PM
Sure, will do it now.
06-02-2005, 11:49 AM
You didn't quite get it right BB:
Harn and Lanor are scouting off ahead, the rest of the party, including Kalin, are getting their horses together and riding after the ranger and the woodsman.
06-02-2005, 04:16 PM
I didn't think that was quite right which is why I didn't reply.
06-02-2005, 05:57 PM
Eh, it's a tiny mistake, really, and easily made--I should've been more clear in my post by having Kalin say something. It's more my fault than BB's :D.
06-02-2005, 07:02 PM
You didn't quite get it right BB:
Harn and Lanor are scouting off ahead, the rest of the party, including Kalin, are getting their horses together and riding after the ranger and the woodsman.
er so? how is that wrong? I don't understand you: sorry! No ones asked someone who has just encountered the orcs any relevant questions about them: i just thought it odd thats allL harn ans the stranger walked past saying nothing and rode off possibly with the girl on his horse? beryn went to gather the troupe and kalin did similiar i think??
Only the Dunedain has come over for the chat as advised by yourself since we can't do anything else just yet as directed by you in this dscussion thread!
what i didn't i get right? :)
yours in confusion :)
best BB
06-03-2005, 12:28 AM
You said that the 'three' of them couldn't take on that many orcs. Only two people went, Harn and Lanor. Neither Harn nor Lanor rode their horses, and they're basically running ahead to scout out the area. The girl is on Harn's horse, but Harn's horse is still with the group.
06-03-2005, 05:25 AM
ahh! I see. yeah i wondered about that: harn's upset about a girl's death ... right lets get after these dangerous orcs ... and get that girl onto my horse! ( i read as .. she's coming too! :D ) sorry i assumed they'd rode ahead: thought it was a bit odd to put the girl unesseacareily into the firing line.
Thought old Harn wasn't thinking straight! ;) i.e what's really on his mind going off with this mysterious shadowy stranger? Is there to be a plot twist? etc etc
... we await in anticipation ....
best BB :)
06-03-2005, 04:52 PM
thanks td!
Much appreciated.
I woildn't ask ... but fletch is knackered and we'd only have problems with everyone else on horseback and fletch legging it ... and i think everyone is agreed its time to hit the road!
06-04-2005, 09:59 AM
I thought beryn might be interested as she had just wondered with a smile i think how Harn would react to yet another wanderer joining the party!
Mja, now that I read your explanation, that could have been possible. But just so you'd know, the fact that I took Beryn into the opposite direction was not intended to spite you but simply because I couldn't think of a good way of continuing with that story line. Since it would no doubt have required Beryn to wait for Harn's reaction (which I certainly couldn't write myself) so that would have meant forgoing posting and to wait until Tessar posted. Which I didn't feel like at that point. :p
( tessar: hold up a mirror up to earniel and you'll see Butterbeer reflected back accidentaly doing the opposite: being IC in the discussion thread: oops sorry!)
*sticks out tongue* You lot are not going to let me forget that little incident for the rest of the game, aren't you? :rolleyes: :p
FYI, I'm going to assume here that Beryn had had some time to speak to Selwythe's character, Telin, off-screen and was able to at least learn her name and such. After all, not every conversation has to be written out in the game, I think we can assume at least some conversations take place off-screen.
06-04-2005, 02:40 PM
I've got a reply in the works, but I need to let it rest till tomorrow because I've got choir.
The plot thickens!!! O_o
06-06-2005, 03:32 PM
I appologize--I went out to help work a booth at a fair and I ended up with some minor heat stroke that knocked me out for the day.
I'm writing it now :p.
I'm still feeling a little dizzy and out of it today, so this may not come out quite te way I want it to--let me know if there are any glaring problems :p.
06-06-2005, 05:15 PM
Take a good night rest, oh fearless leader. ;) We need you to be fit.
06-06-2005, 05:34 PM
second that! No rush!
keep up the good work... we're moving! :)
btw totally disregard that stream of conciousness on the temp vt ...
as i edited it .. was just a thought that popped in - meant nothing by it in any way shape or form ... sorry if it confused you: i re-read it and toallly agree it was very open to mis-interpretaion .. or perhaps any interpretation?
ps Beryn / Earniel .... i'm too busy talking off screen to Anfal ;) to keep an eye out on you! :D
Hey! its an rpg: i think you two have cooked up a sound sub-plot there ... good work -
psst ... i think fletch will not be any trouble though - unless you care to cross him! his (also) bark is worse than his bite! ;) :D
06-06-2005, 05:46 PM
I'm not sure there's anything to disreguard as I honestly couldn't make heads or tails of what you were saying--it was probably more my head than your writing.
I'm gonna go to sleep now :p.
06-07-2005, 04:25 PM
I'm not sure I got everything in your post of yesterday, Butterbeer. We dropped you off at your camp, you gathered your belongings, you and Anfal caught up with us, and even passed us and left us behind (?) until Beryn came to tell you to slow down, yes? I'm not sure I quite follow. Why would you go past us? And wouldn't Anfal have stopped you if you were too lost in thought to notice the rest lagged behind?
I also think you mixed up Beryn and Kalin at some point too. Lanor came to tell something to Kalin and not Beryn. And the Elf would have probably been a better choice to come and tell you two to slow down. (For one, his horse is no doubt faster. :p)
ps Beryn / Earniel .... i'm too busy talking off screen to Anfal ;) to keep an eye out on you! :D
You keep an eye on her all you like, she has given you little reason yet to keep her in your sights but she'll gladly keep an eye on you for evens. ;)
Hey! its an rpg: i think you two have cooked up a sound sub-plot there ... good work -
Thank you for the compliment, but I can't take the credit for it. Beryn and I are going with no more information than the rest of the players have. The only one holding all the cards is our fearless leader. Watch out for him, folks, he's a tricksy one. See how he got us all to distrust Lanor with only a few hints when the poor man has given us as good as none cause to distrust him. Tricksssy, I tell you! :eek: :D
06-07-2005, 07:07 PM
well i'll have to re-read what i put but i think its ok
fletch having Ravenlock's pendant in his hand was emotional and upon mounting supersonic spurred on fast, anfal i guess picked up on the emotion and kept pace out of both comaraderie and also to be safe and keep him company
they fell behind initially by going just off track to the camp .. beryn had been told to keep an eye on fletch by Kalin and did just that riding back to see what was happening.. she saw he was getting his horse and rode back on
so they had to ride fast anyway to catch up but in fletch's eagerness started naturally to ride ahead, whereupon beryn keeping an eye on fletch caught up and advised them to keep shape with the rest of the company
whaddya mean evens? youre the one keeping an eye on me :D
anyway i was kidding : for evens as you put it! and the talking off screen was just following up on your earlier post about knowing peoples names etc
regarding lanor: your right: but i don't trust him - in this thread: in the other one i have no reason not too.
PS Earniel: well we tried everything but Olmer i fear will not be Lured :D not even kicking and screaming!
No one can say we didn't try though!
06-07-2005, 10:39 PM
Butterbeer, I just noticed that your horse is named Supersonic. Would you mind changing that name? I don't think it really fits in with the Tolkien World, since it holds futuristic meaning. Maybe something like 'Wind Speed' or 'Hawk Wings' would work?
Thanks for understanding guys--I really only have a vague recollection of what happened the day I was out in the sun, and the day I wrote the RPG post. I see I didn't exactly move the plot forward much, now did I? :rolleyes:
Hehehe. Oh well. MOVING RIGHT ALONG.... :p
06-08-2005, 12:58 PM
well i'll have to re-read what i put but i think its ok
Having read your post it makes more sense. Just for the chance it comes up again: Beryn won't be keeping an eye on you like a jailor. Sure, she'll pay more attention to what you're doing because Kalin asked her, but she isn't going to always be two steps behind you and peer over your shoulder. It's not her style. If Anfal is with you, she'll probably trust him enough to keep you out of trouble. ;)
anyway i was kidding : for evens as you put it! and the talking off screen was just following up on your earlier post about knowing peoples names etc
Oh I see. Well, then, carry on. :p
06-08-2005, 04:38 PM
carry on camping .... (british old comic series of films ... )
* SFX: diddddley-didddlee -do ! WHAH Whah hwa waaaa! *
er yeah fine, ill think of a better name for me horse ...
'supersonic' came from the fellowship of the ringwraiths, which came from the nazgul horses (and other) threads ...... ps thanks again Earniel for that insired intervention :D
Fletch is not even aware you were keeping an eye on him: he thought the constant eye contact was because you fancied him ;) ;) :p
(just to be clear: i'm kidding! :D )
has Beryn even met Anfal before? she arrived from the wildeness with kalin - not even knowing Harn well if at all? why should she trust him Anfal ? esp when it appears Harn pretty much blanks a fellow ranger ( no offence btw TD - just curious)
he may be a ranger but harn hardly gave him the time of day when they met nor seems to trust him with any role, even with him being a ranger .... (nothing personal TD or to your character: just wondering about the logic is all) going off tracking with some complete unknown bloke and leaving the ranger to do whatever - for which fletch for one is grateful ...
and hey! how do you know Fletch won't get Anfal himself into trouble? ;)
and besides anyone who lives the way fletch does is well capable of getting themselves out of trouble ( from sheer experience :D ) and imho Anfal does not need baby-sitting either: it's just a good job neither character is a mind reader!
best BB :D
06-08-2005, 11:21 PM
Harn doesn't trust Fletch because Fletch is young and emotional, and just appeared out of no where. Harn hasn't been 'nice' to anyone during the RPG.
Harn does, to a degree, trust Lanor because Lanor seems to be around his own age, and has a similar attitude towards life. Not just those, but Lanor saved Harn's life by shooting the orc that was sneaking up on him.
Even Beryn, who is a friend of Kalin, hasn't gotten much of anything from Harn.
Don't over-analize every sentance BB :p.
06-09-2005, 05:10 PM
ps thanks again Earniel for that insired intervention
You're welcome. :)
Fletch is not even aware you were keeping an eye on him: he thought the constant eye contact was because you fancied him
(just to be clear: i'm kidding! )
Tsssk, tssk, what will dear Ravenlocks say? She's only kidnapped a few hours and her man is already looking at other women. Out of sight, out of mind, they say. Men these days.... :p
has Beryn even met Anfal before? she arrived from the wildeness with kalin - not even knowing Harn well if at all? why should she trust him Anfal ? esp when it appears Harn pretty much blanks a fellow ranger ( no offence btw TD - just curious) [...]and hey! how do you know Fletch won't get Anfal himself into trouble?
Beryn met Anfal only the night before, but judging by the scene in the Inn that night, Harn seems to know Anfal well. Ergo Beryn will be able to trust Anfal enough to handle anything that Fletch can throw at him. ;) Oh, she doesn't know Harn any longer than that either (I think), they're definitely not friends like Kalin and Harn are. But Beryn has known Kalin for a longer time (off-screen, yes :D) and she will trust his judgement of the sour ranger.
Whereas Fletch turned up at the burnt village and has no one to vouch for his trustworthyness. When you think of it, your situation is pretty odd as well. The orcs came over to kidnap Eaol specifically. And then suddenly they decide to take a girl, they happen to come across, with them too. 's a bit strange, no? Suspicious even. You might as well be in league with the orcs and pretend to be a distaught lover in a bid to infiltrate Harn's group. ;)
EDIT: Things are afoot now and there only 3 or 4 of us playing. Shouldn't we send the rest of the 'dormant' players a wake-up PM? They're going to be missing out on all the fun! Orc-smashing! Wheee!
06-09-2005, 05:44 PM
I sent out some PMs a week ago and got a few replies.
06-09-2005, 05:52 PM
So? Is anyone else coming out to play? :)
06-09-2005, 05:59 PM
I don't think so :(.
06-09-2005, 06:18 PM
Not one of them? :(
That's... hard...
And it's such good fun to be had..
Should we take over some of the then-abandonned characters? Or is there still a chance that their players will return at some point?
06-09-2005, 06:51 PM
I'm really not sure. I told them a battle was coming up, and most gave the 'okay, good to know', but one even said that they were too involved in another RPG :-/.
06-09-2005, 07:40 PM
well you can tell how tired i am - i tried to log in as 'shame on them'
well here i am still at the office (1235 am .... a million things to do and only 6.5 hrs to do them in ...
jazz and bottle of wine (o'll be here all night unfortuntaly and have to work all through tommorow ...yawn) so i'm going to take a short break and hee i am ... on the night of the long knoves - should i just leave the spelling mistakes in???
quick ones: Tessar: wasn't having a go at harn, just wanted to check on who knew who etc ....
Earniel: hey Ravenlocks can rest assured - if she survives this nights work, Fletch is true - .... women, these days eh? They always think the worst of us! ;)
Too tired to plough true and change all refs of supersonic just now ... gonna call me horse 'Strawberry' - sometime soon(ish)
Glad to see you are ok Harn: must have been indigestion that gut feeling... :)
Regarding the orcs taking ravenlocks ... well all i can say is
TSSK tssk - Orcs these days. :p
well is suppose i better go read the thread and hope dear Locks' is not totally disfigured by this point ... mmm lets see if fletch the assassin can take care of himself (actually i just realised it's odd that fletch is an philosopher assasin and here we have a an assasin sent to kill the deadly duo?)
well sod suspense it aint me...
see you guys ion the melee.
Ps how does this work exactly?
ps i thought it a bit out of character for fletch to be so edgy or to "demand" where Locks was: hey! he's a gentle fun loving deadly assasin philosopher kinda guy.... just a touch concerned about his love captured by foul evil .... orcs
btw how old is harn approxoimately?
06-13-2005, 09:28 AM
*poke Earniel* :D :D
06-13-2005, 12:53 PM
I'm really not sure. I told them a battle was coming up, and most gave the 'okay, good to know', but one even said that they were too involved in another RPG :-/.
*mutters: Role players, these days... no sense of priority anymore. * :evil:
well you can tell how tired i am - i tried to log in as 'shame on them'
Earniel: hey Ravenlocks can rest assured - if she survives this nights work, Fletch is true - .... women, these days eh? They always think the worst of us! ;)
Men, these days... They give us so many reasons too! ;)
*poke Earniel* :D :D
*wakes up in corner with empty mead bottle*
Hm? What? Am I blocking the story?
Oh, apparently not. In fact...I think this is the perfect place for a post of our fearless leader. *pokes Tessar back* :p
06-13-2005, 02:09 PM
*poke Earniel* :D :D
*notices mead bottles strewn about the whole discussion area*
Giggles in bewilderment and hiccups? :)
* picks up mead-soaked poker but does not have even half a clue who to poke: sits down again and throws poker at strangely absent rpg-ers without much hope of hitting one*
06-13-2005, 02:24 PM
*runs through and picks up un-opened bottle of mead and skidattles* ;)
06-13-2005, 02:29 PM
*runs through and picks up un-opened bottle of mead and skidattles* ;)
Oi! Nick yer own RPG's mead! This's ours! :p
06-13-2005, 02:30 PM
hears a distant thud and a squeal from what sounded like earthbound trans-threading herself into this serious temple of discussion ...
"watch yourself on the teacup cafe earthbound! " he shouted with a wink.
06-13-2005, 02:32 PM
* agrees with Earniel *
(goes off to plunder the lyders's fridge ;) )
EDIT: hey guys i got a bottle of bolinger Champers (in fair trade - gangsta style :D ) - its ok i don't think anyone suspected it was me: i was wearing my under-cover-elephant TM disguise.
ps what happens next do we agree a mutual time to conduct the battle scene or is it already to some degree pre-destined??
*raises glass of the bubbles to Earniel and Tessar and telcontar*
06-13-2005, 10:25 PM
This was gonna be my one big chance to call the... like... something... down on you Earniel! :(
FINE! I'll, like, totally write something, yah? I was gonna let you be all, like, creative, but, like, I'm totally going to cramp your muse now. :eek:
Lief Erikson
06-14-2005, 12:56 AM
Get busy, buster :mad: .[/zero-tolerance tactic]
06-14-2005, 02:33 AM
This was gonna be my one big chance to call the... like... something... down on you Earniel! :(
FINE! I'll, like, totally write something, yah? I was gonna let you be all, like, creative, but, like, I'm totally going to cramp your muse now. :eek:
Oh don't use those puppy-eyes on me, you know I can't say no to them. I'll write, I'll write!
Just didn't have much inspiration yesterday and my creativeness was fully engaged in solving some cumputer problems.
I'm at work now, where I technically don't moot, so give me till tonight and I'll post.
06-14-2005, 01:32 PM
You don't have to write something if you don't want to, but I would (being totally serious here) appreciate it since I can't write anything myself today and might be swamped tomorrow as well.
I'm taking an english college course over a five week period, and I have at least 100 pages of text to read, then five short storie/essay things, plus I need to find an article defining beauty and study five pages of notes as well as memorizing almost verbatum one of the handouts we got today for a test that's tomorrow. I have to do all that before I hit the sack tonight since I was busy yesterday as well and didn't get a chance to study.
If I ever say I'm taking a summer course again, someone PLEASE shoot me.
On the plus side, I'm sitting next to a cute chick, so it's all good... ;)
I promise I will do my utter best to get something done tomorrow morning if I can get up on time, or at the least get something done by Friday.
06-14-2005, 03:52 PM
that's nothing! (seriously) if you knew my work-load just now you would not beleive me!
I'm taking a break: i'm digitising on one system and laying off on another luckily for the next hr and a bit ... and trying to find an editor at very short notice to fill in a night shift next week for a 5 x 60' network daytime slot - working late -shift in the middle of nowhere that's behind big time already ....
I'll spare you the other 212 things etc .... partly because i'm worridely trying to remember about 89 of them! (an approx figure)
anyway where we at: what can we do or not do?
all best all
06-14-2005, 03:55 PM
Okay then. Writing coming up... erm.. before midnight...Honest! :p
Good luck on the summer course. It may be tough (read: very tough and loads of work) but yay for education! says the one who really should consider stopping with it after her third college degree...
And good company is always appreciated. (Tell the cute girl you like shopping! ;))
About getting something up by friday... you know: no rush. Education comes first! There's only me and Butterbeer (and occasionally TD) left and we're not a hurry. We go go for the slower but high-quality RPG's! Right, guys? (Pssst, TD, BB, this is where you say 'aye' and sound like you mean it ;))
Shutting up now, and moving over to game thread.
06-14-2005, 04:09 PM
"Aye" thundered Butterbeer rolling his RRR's and looking entirely beleivable.
Ps our gates of mirkwood advice column sub-debate: DON'T tell her you like shopping! Not at least until you've got to know her a bit : it might put some serious initial doubts in there first off - play it the other way: you'd even be prepared go shopping if it was with and for her alone ... ;)
best BB
06-14-2005, 04:37 PM
Yeah, good luck Tessar.
Just one question. Will the archers remain on the hill during the battle, or come in for close contact aswell? Or will we wait and watch another plot twist from out GM.
06-14-2005, 04:59 PM
hey TD wanna join in the mirkwood escape party over there in the venting thread?
best BB
06-17-2005, 04:06 PM
*twiddles thumbs*
anyone there? thought you had some spare time Tessar! ;)
apologies btw if i have inadvertantly took this discussion thread downhill by spurious posting - didn't mean to but hey earthbound started it! ( i know that sounds childish! :o but anyways)
also fletch is an assasin - a philospher assasin as i believe i made clear - but he isn't a superman etc, just in case you thought i was going over the top with the gear.... its all smallstuff he can secreet about his person, other than the bow that was on his gear tethered to his horse etc ....
although i am new to on-line rpg i too do not really like charcters that are somehow supermen or women - so rest assured Fletch is real, just an easy going philosophical assasin - with a diamond peircing and a winning smile - just like me ! ( i should perhaps point out i am catergorically NOT an assasin! :) )
look forward to the melee
btw is their any offical word if fletch can, as and when you (we) have Eaol .. at that point (IF we do not have Locks') charge forward with merry and perhaps suicidal abandon?
Fletch sees it thus: he will obey the strategtic plan because
a) he is true
B) it's his best chance to get revanlocks back alive (if not unhurt)
but if later she is not secured and eaol is: it seems fair for him to go it alone -if necessary - as apart from anything else it would buy the retreating party some time at least whilst not endangering their primary objective, and it is his key personal reason for being part of the troop....
hope this is ok
06-17-2005, 08:38 PM
Been working on it, but I'm all burned out and having to write in short little bursts.
You should do whatever you think Fletch would do. If it's something that will destroy the plot, then I'll ask you to edit it around slightly, but I'm fairly flexible.
06-18-2005, 06:25 PM
heh take it easy if you need to - :)
perhaps you've been living on adrenalin and just now what with having some time you just feel flat? happens to me: i live on it (apparently) then i really need a rest but when i get one i can turn into a stupefied zombie for a bit: it ain't nice:
just a guess.
anyways take it at your own pace - and yeah fletch will be in character - i just wanted some feedback - this is the first serious on-line RPG (well not silly one - though we'll see where the fellowship of wraiths goes: i think after the intital fun and unholy mix of the crew involved it may go into a more celebral direction ... or not possibly (?) but we'll see) that i have been involved with ... so genreally some input is always welcome....
best all :)
06-19-2005, 10:36 AM
Okay, enough of this ADD crap :p. I'm gonna sit down and write for at least a good half hour today before I hit the sack. Expect updates this evening. :mad:
06-20-2005, 01:27 PM
Add ?
06-21-2005, 09:26 AM
Geesh. First time I've been able to log on since Sunday morning -_-. My mom's been doing... something... on the computer all day since then, and then my sister's nab the computer while I'm doing homework.
I did get some stuff done on Sunday morning, but I need to finish it off. The english teacher's going to assign an essay today that I need to have done by tomorrow, but with any luck that wont take too long.
Once again, sorry guys. I had no idea summer classes would be this much work.
06-21-2005, 04:37 PM
I was all set to finish and then post my brilliant, moving battle scene when it hit me that you guys might want to write too. :rolleyes:
Sorry. *hits head* What can I say? It was late...
07-02-2005, 01:32 PM
Whoa, thanks for bumping that--I hadn't been able to see either post. :eek:
I thought no one had replied! Heh, sorry guys. :o
07-02-2005, 02:51 PM
Yeah, Entmoot is behaving a little contrary on that area. :mad: I got an email notification yesterday but even today Entmoot wouldn't let me see the new post. I got a little pissed.
07-03-2005, 06:05 AM
Are the archers still using bows or coming in for close contact fighting?
07-08-2005, 04:26 PM
Aw, sod it. This is too exciting to leave off here. I'm going on holiday next saturday and I don't want to leave in the middle of a fight. Post, people! Post! That goes for you too, oh fearless leader.
TD, I think after Seppicor's last little feat, you can forget about still using bows. :p
07-09-2005, 11:00 PM
*giggle* I had english finals today! :D
Lets hope history is easier than english was. :rolleyes:
07-12-2005, 06:12 PM
where we at? Cm'on guys and gals lets get cracking!
07-12-2005, 06:13 PM
I left room for a few more fighting posts, if anyone cares to post about finishing off the orcs.
07-12-2005, 06:37 PM
yeah it still seems the games afoot ... is eaol ok? what has he or not said to our destruction? Is ravenlocks alive , dead, or terribly injured? will we all survive? Will pansy's frying pan still be good for a fry-up?
is harn badly or mortally poisoned? What of lanor? will seppicor get away? what's next? Why have i not included a WHY question?
*trailer guy voice*
Tune in all to see and be a part of this exciting encounter ....
07-13-2005, 12:58 PM
No fighting required anymore on Beryn's part. For the moment I ran out of ways to describe her kick orc-ass. :p So we can wrap up the fight as far as I am concerned. But knowing our fearless leader, I'm guessing the game isn't done yet... :evil:
07-13-2005, 01:17 PM
knowing our fearless leader, I'm guessing the game isn't done yet... :evil:
Oh, Eärniel, time for that thing you and I do so well...
*bursts into evil laughter* MWAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
07-15-2005, 02:31 PM
Oooh, I love it when you do that. :evil:
You lot'll have to carry on a little without me. I'm leaving tomorrow morning on a (trust me, well-deserved) holiday and internet-break for the next two weeks. Keep Beryn around (and alive!) until then, please. :)
07-19-2005, 03:26 PM
Can tessar please drive his car through here (to bump this thread!) :D
07-20-2005, 12:52 AM
ARGH. It's still not showing new posts. :mad:
07-21-2005, 04:11 PM
can you see my somewhat blood-thirsty one?
have you posted and it's not there?
07-26-2005, 04:03 PM
*twiddles thumbs*
are we officially awaiting Big Ern's return?
07-26-2005, 05:48 PM
No, I was just waiting for one of my history tests to be over. :)
07-28-2005, 12:17 PM
My... post.... my beautiful post.... :( :( :( *whine* Stupid Vbforums. *cries*
07-28-2005, 06:26 PM
what happened?
best and very friendily intentioned :)
07-31-2005, 02:32 PM
Am back! :) No need to hold back anymore, if you had been doing that at all. :D
Bloodthirsty Fletch indeed! But will his dear Ravanlocks be found? The plot thickens... :p
07-31-2005, 06:09 PM
... thickening on a long slow-pot approach, the gravy might maybe need someone to stir it ... mind you i like stew ...
08-01-2005, 06:16 AM
Of course, should she be found, it'll pose an interesting dilemma. Our fearless leader's maniacal laughter clearly indicated the game is not yet over. Will Fletch be able to join the rest of the adventure when Ravenlocks will need watching over and an escort home? Tumtutum... tune in next week... :p
08-01-2005, 03:50 PM
depends if she can still move and quaff Ale, swear and cause havoc ... course she may have taught the orcs a few tricks?
Is she is alive and unmaimed ... she is not exactly a shy retiring type ... she'd be fine in this group ... whether she'd want to come though or go back off to bree depends on her state of mind i guess ... i'm sure we could find a few rpg-ers willing to play her though!
(she is also quite feminine and seductive ... just not the quiet or sensible 'needs looking after' type - barring of course being the ' needs rescuing' type at the mo ( or needs burying type?, or needs finding and assembling back together before burying type ?)
Welcome back Earniel! have a good trip / vacation?
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