View Full Version : As The Moot Turns

Finrod Felagund
01-12-2004, 03:02 PM
As the Moot Turns

The story so far…
*cue happy, peaceful music*

Doug and Bob are metropolitan police with a difference. Doug likes nothing more than slipping into little cocktail frocks while Bob bouffants his hair for a night on duty. Still, as they aren’t in this story we won’t give their last names.

The real story so far…
*cue suspense music*

Plucky Reginald Vas Deferens is a nuclear scientist in love with Mafia boss, Enriquo Marx, who is himself married to Conchita MacBeth, a lively belly dancer of a Belgian disco, whose manager, burley Ivan Crab, has a naked daughter Janice, engaged to JJ Spin, a New York private detective, employed by elegant Laura Harem, to trace the missing million pound BJ that Hitler gave to Eva Braun as a Bar Mitzvah present during a State visit to Krufsk, and which remained hidden until a world cup referee, Hoss Jenkinson, was found hanged in the New Jersey tenement with the plans of a Russian secret weapon partially tattooed on his elbow. In Brisbane, the Brain brothers, Nikki and Vance, torture a mayferchocologist, who reveals to Dora Brain, in a tender and emotional death scene, that his hair is not his own. Meanwhile the Kent touring Eleven have trapped husky Mathilda Tritt on a sticky near Hastings, and she reveals all before enforcing the follow-on. Peter Neaserwand and Cyril Garfunkel arrive just in time with the Welsh police, and the Halley orchestra, and proceed to sing a love song which allows Dr. Indira McNorton just enough time to cross the Alps into Geneva, where he meets Con Rap, a kung fu fanatic and cat lover, who frivolously shoots him, but not before introducing him to lively, intelligent Norwegian widow Lani Crimpt, who shows him her inner thighs, where he finds the address of a good French restaurant and unexpectedly meets Gabriello Machismo, an ex-Korean plastic surgeon, whose frankly blonde assistant, Sally Lesmitt, is now the half-brother of a distant cousin of Ray Vaughn Ding Ding-a-Dong the Eurovision song, and owner of the million pound BJ that Hitler gave to Eva Braun as a Bar Mitzvah present during a State visit to Krufsk, and which remained hidden…etc. etc. etc.
This they now do.
Meanwhile Harold, and Victor Medway III discover a new found love for each other in a flashback near Devon, where they meet up with Doug and Bob, the metropolitan policemen, who surprisingly turn out to be in this story after all, who kill everyone and live happily ever after.

*fade music*

Finrod Felagund rode quickly from home...Ruinel and SGh were driving him insane, so he just needed some fresh air...and he was afraid Ruinel was gong to realize that he had another wife..., not even a Mooter, a Cardboardian at that, and as if she had something to complain about, he could've sworn he saw her with Jonathan and Wayfarer within the same week. At least SGH was faithful, although he suspected her and Jonathan as well..

01-12-2004, 06:51 PM
chelsea, a friend, was making things very diffucult for raistlin. "i mean come on snowing and we can't go urgh" i said to tristan.

01-12-2004, 10:09 PM
Tinuviel walked out into the snow, dressed warmly agaist the bitter cold, watching the snow fall down. My dark skin clashed with the white of the snow. I watched someones horse gallop down the snow and ice encrusted road.

01-12-2004, 10:36 PM
OOC: Where is this set FF? Is it modern, Middle-earth, or both (if that's even possible)? I was going to play Nurvingiel as an Elf, but if it's a modern setting, I'll play (a soap-operafied version of) myself. Can we at least assume we all live near each other?

And, are you the GM FF? Or at least, are you going to control the non-playing characters? (Like bad guys and random people that aren't controlled by other Mooters.)

Nurvingiel left her home to go see her friend Nariel. She locked the bright blue door on an otherwise slightly dingy appartment. Before she put on her bike helmet, she tied her long, dark brown hair out of her face.

Nurvingiel was very good looking (this is a soap opera after all) with green-flecked hazel eyes and a fair, smooth complexion. She was lithe and tall - about six feet.

Her mountain bike was very familiar to her, and she rode away changing gears smoothly.

OOC: If this is actually a Middle-earth setting, replace the mountain bike with a horse and the appartment with a flet in Lorien.

Finrod Felagund
01-13-2004, 12:12 PM
OOC: This RPG takes place in our world and Middle Earth I guess. Weird, but that's an Entmoot soap opera for ya.
Yes I will be the GM.

01-13-2004, 01:19 PM
Nariel, her hair in a perfect ponytail, her dog on a leash, and her expensive jogging suit perfectly flattering, stepped out her front door and started a light jog to warm up. She saw Nurv on her bike coming toward her. pulling out her badge, she stepped into the road (far enough away from Nurv so that the other cop could slow down before getting to her) and smiled. "Stop, Police!" she said, holding up her badge.

01-13-2004, 08:23 PM
"well i got to run" i said to tristan on my cell and i hang up. as i hang up i run into Nariel and Nurv. "hey you two what are you doing?"

Adrian Baggins
01-13-2004, 09:40 PM
"Don't be so angry Chells, I don't want to go out into the snow anyway, I'm expecting a phone call, andf there could be elves out, you know I CAN'T stan elves," I replied, leraning my head back and closing my eyes.

01-13-2004, 09:50 PM
"Hello?" I said loudly to the figure with the horse.

01-13-2004, 09:52 PM
OOC i am lost we need to group in the other thread

01-14-2004, 09:01 PM
ooc: lets try this again

ic: Raistlin steps into the elevator from his penthouse in New York. His cell phone rings it is Nurv "Hey, Nurv yeah I am on my way to Lothlorien. I just hope that the traffic is good." Ugh he thought it is snowing and it will be horrible for a walk throught the wood.

ooc:okay lets try this (hope i am not stepping on your toes doing this FF) we are all going to have lunch in the wood, there is a good resturant we have been wanting to try out, it is snowing and lets see if this works

01-14-2004, 10:33 PM
"Oh, never mind!" I mumbled angrily to my-self, picking up my cell, I tried to call the restraunt to make reservations, but unfortunetley the line was busy. "Oh, well. I guess I'll walk."

01-14-2004, 11:20 PM
OOC: Just to clarify, we are detectives, right Nar?

Nurvingiel stopped her bike a foot away from her friend. Nariel's dog jumped up excitedly. "Hello cutie," she said, patting the dog's head. "Hi Nar, I thought I'd come hang out."
"Good to see you," said Nariel as she started jogging. Nurvingiel rode at the same pace beside her.
"I called Raistlin earlier, he's on his way to Lothlorien. We haven't been there in a while, maybe we should go sometime," said Nurvingiel. They rode and jogged for a while, each lost in her own thoughts. Nariel's dog occasionally barked or sniffed at a tree.
"Another reason I came down is I was wondering... do you think it's wierd that we haven't had any cases in a while? Maybe we should be trying to drum up business."
"What are we going to do? There just aren't mysteries that need solving," said Nariel.
"Is that the case, or do we just not know about them," Nurvingiel replied.

OOC: Sorry about the slight godmodding Nar, I just wanted to have some dialogue. You can do that with my character too if you want.

01-15-2004, 02:43 PM
ooc: yeah, we're detectives... I was just joking around. BTW, about the godmodding... don't mind if I do....

Nariel grinned. "Maybe we scared off all the criminals."
Nurv grinned back. "Could be. You know, we are the best detectives in Middle Earth."
"Of course we are," Nariel replied. "Hey, let's go down to Lorien early. I think Radagast wants to play some fetch with the ducks in the river." She patted her laborador retriever and grinned.

Finrod Felagund
01-15-2004, 03:44 PM
At that pont Finrod rode up. "I need your help...you are the detectives right?"

01-15-2004, 04:53 PM
Nariel looked up at FF. "Sure, we're detectives. The best in the world! What do you need?"

01-16-2004, 02:18 AM
*walking down the road to Lothlorien, then hears a pair of footsteps behind her* "Excuse me?" I asked, suddenly turning my head.

[cue raistlin]

01-16-2004, 02:38 AM
OOC: I finally figured out the Middle-earth cross over. I'll just note that Nurvingiel is an elf, but a crossed over modern one.

Finally, a case! thought Nurvingiel. I hope it's an interesting one, not just "I lost my dog." Those are too easy - Radagast just tracks them.

Finrod Felagund
01-16-2004, 12:22 PM
Finrod stared at the women for a moment. "I think two of my wives are cheating on me. I need you to follow them and find out."

01-17-2004, 01:01 AM
Nariel stopped dead in her tracks. Nurv's bike braked so fast it almost tipped over. They both looked at FF in awe. "Are you serious? You're not just joshin' with us, are you?" Nariel asked. "It's probably none of my business, but why do you have more than two wives to begin with? Why do you have more than one?"

01-17-2004, 03:01 AM
"Actually Nariel, it is our business," said Nurvingiel. To Finrod she said, "If you really want us to discover what your wives are up to, we would want all relevant background information." She paused. "It could turn out to be important."

OOC: Do our characters know each other already or should we introduce ourselves?

Finrod Felagund
01-19-2004, 12:01 PM
OOC: I know you are detectives but not your names and you don't know me.

01-20-2004, 02:49 PM
ooc: sorry for not getting on sooner but here goes

ic: hey there (spacing on your name legy) so are we ready? do you know where the others are?

01-20-2004, 02:59 PM
"Sorry Raistlin, but I have no idea..."

OOC: It's Tinuviel

01-20-2004, 03:01 PM
ooc:thanks leggy

ic: do you have there cell phones on them do you even have their numbers?

01-20-2004, 09:30 PM
"My name is Nurvingiel," said Nurvingiel, extending her hand. "And this is my partner Nariel. What is your name?"

01-20-2004, 10:33 PM
"Well, I have my phone, and I have both Nariel's and Nurvingel's number. I'll dial Nurv's right now." I took out my cell phone, tapped in a number and waited. "Hello?"

Finrod Felagund
01-21-2004, 12:17 PM
I'm finrod Felagund, King of Nargothrond" he replied.

01-21-2004, 02:39 PM
OOC: If your character knows our cell phone numbers, I'll assume that we know each other at least a little bit. Maybe Nariel and Nurvingiel solved a case for you once or something.

"It's a pleasure -," Nurvingiel started to reply when her cell phone rang. "Oh excuse me. I should take this call," she apologized. She got off her bike, lying it down quickly, and moved away so that Nariel and Finrod could carry on their conversation without her call intruding.

Nurvingiel answered the phone, looking at the call display. "Hello Tinuviel, how are you doing?"

01-27-2004, 02:01 AM
OOC: This thread needs a bump so Hector can find it! :D

01-27-2004, 02:21 AM
I guess I better start off...

The Scene: a park, somewhere in NY(no! make that NJ).
A mysterious man is sitting on a bench, waiting for who knows what.
A woman, wearing all black(she just came from a funeral:p) reluctantly sits next to him, also waiting...

suddenly the man turn to her...

"BOOO!!!!!!!":p lol, sorry, couldnt resist.

"and, what may I ask, is it exactly that you are doing?"

~"oh, not much, I assasinate people for a living:) "~

"waiting for my cab"



"so, what do you do for a living?"

~"didnt I already tell you?"~

"umm...I'm a seamstress"

*bobs head in acknowledgement*
"pay pretty good?"

"well enough"

"well, here is my cab, I hope your gets here soon enough. Good Luck"

"Thanks, where you headed to?"

"why, the entmoot of course!"

"what a coincidence! me too! hey, I'll just hop in your cab if you dont mind"


*both hop in cab and are driven to the entmoot*

:D :D :D

01-27-2004, 03:26 AM
OOC: Welcome aboard Hector!

Nurvingiel and Tinuviel made tentative plans to get together later (though they both had busy schedules), and said goodbye.

Nariel and Finrod Felagund were still talking. Nurvingiel was outside of the conversation now, since she had been talking on her cellphone for a while. She didn't want to disturb them too much.

"I'll see you guys later, call my cell if you need anything," said Nurvingiel. After she said goodbye, Nurvingiel started walking down the park path.

01-27-2004, 10:41 PM
"Well, now I know where they are Raistlin. They're in some park across the city. I've made plans to meet them at the Lothen resturaunt. Wish to come? Make sure to wear classy clothes and such. That place is very fancy."

01-27-2004, 11:48 PM
OOC: Am I right to assume we made those plans "off-screen", and Tinuviel means to meet Nurvingiel later at the restaurant?

01-28-2004, 01:21 PM
sorry guys, this just doesnt interest me enough. at least not enough to be consistently posting here.

01-28-2004, 03:18 PM
OOC: That's ok, seems like that applies to a lot of people.

Nurvingiel cycled to park back to her appartment, locking her bike at the covered bike rack behind the appartment building. Tinuviel had said the restaurant was very classy, so she had a shower and changed out of her bike clothes and into something more dressy.
Nurvingiel called Tinuviel's cell again, "Hi Tinuviel, what was the name of the restaurant again? I'm ready to leave my appartment, I'll take the bus."

01-28-2004, 06:48 PM
"I'ts called the Lothen. Raistlin's probably coming too. Hope you don't mind. Anyway, I've got to go. Have'ta get ready. See ya there."

[Yah, that's the general idea]

01-28-2004, 08:03 PM
Nurvingiel got on the bus and headed to the restaurant Lothen. She had to walk a ways after the stop, but she was wearing comfortable (but still nice) shoes.

01-28-2004, 09:00 PM
OOC: Raistlin you've come already
"Hey Nurv!" I called out to my friend. "How are you?" I asked.

[short desc. of what she's wearin]
Softly curled hair, sphagetti strap black dress, black jacket, comfortable shoes]

01-28-2004, 10:27 PM
OOC: Thanks for the description Legoles, I don't like describing clothes. Is it dinner time or what?

Nurvingiel takes a seat with her friends and turns off her cellphone (which has voicemail). "Hi Tinuviel, hi Raistlin. It's been a while. What have you guys been up to recently?" she asked.

02-05-2004, 01:12 AM
OOC: Woah, are people still playing or what? :D

Nurvingiel was glad she had called Tinuviel beforehand to ask for advice on what to wear - she felt classy in the black dress she had dug out of the closet. Uncharacteristicly, she had also made the effort to curl her hair.
Their waiter came by and poured water for everyone, and offered to take their coats to the coat check.
"Thank you," said Nurvingiel, handing him her jacket.

02-05-2004, 11:07 PM
"I haven't been up to much, just pursuing my dream of becoming a singer. Playing piano just doesn't pay like it used to. So how'bout you? Need another detective again?"

[Short descript of what Tin's wearin]
Black shirt[tight, short sleeved]
Jacket[heel length] made of leather[black]
Dark crimson skirt[goes just above knees]

Adrian Baggins
02-07-2004, 05:21 PM
I leaned on a tree in the Lorien woods, watching the grass blowing in the breeze. I pushed my short black hair behind my right ear, lost in thought. I began humming a song, refusing to let myself cry. They would pay, anyone who had anything to do with the deaths of my family would pay...all I had to do, was find them, and my brother.

"Tristan! HELP!!" my little sister sqealed. I turned around towards my house, hardly believing my eyes. A band of thieves and shadowy figures were attacking my home.

I ran back towards my house, drawing my sword. I had to save them. When I reached my house, both of m parents and my little sister were dead. Tears stung my eyes as I cried out in frustration. Why had they been killed? Who had killed them? There was only one thing for me to do, find my brother, and avenge their deaths.

*end flashback*

I was drug out of my thoughts by a soft nudging on the palm of my hand. "Hey Ren," I said, patting the head of my wolf, Renald. He wimpered and I sat down, hugging his neck. "I miss them too."

ooc: Fyi, I ran to Lorien in search of my brother

02-07-2004, 06:43 PM
"Good luck with your singing career Tinuviel, I'm sure you'll be great. You just need an opportunity. I'm still working with Nariel, though we don't have much going on right now. Hey, maybe what you need is to make a demo CD, what do you think?" Nurvingiel said, not wanting to say anything about their new case. Raistlin was quiet.

The waiter came back to take their orders. Nurvingiel ordered a large spinach and goat cheese salad and an iced tea.

Adrian Baggins
02-07-2004, 06:54 PM
ooc:Nurvingiel Rasitlin is like, grounded...so...he's kinda, not gonna be able to post, fyi

ic: I walked into a resturaunt and sat down, I had on the best clothes I could find...which was pretty respectable compared to what I normally wore. *black tunic with gold embroidery on the bottom and black loose pants my black hair is loose and hanging around my shoulders* I pulled out a book and looked quickly at the menu.

"May I take your order?" a waiter asked a few minutes later, looking down at me and my book.

"Yes, sprite and a medium t-bone steak, garlic mashed potatoes and green beans," I replied, not looking up. "And do be quick about it."

02-07-2004, 07:48 PM
OOC: Do you play Raistlin Adrien Baggins? If you do, then you can obviously post. And if you don't, who else joined us for lunch? :confused: :D

02-10-2004, 11:42 PM
"Filet Mignon and a... root-beer please. Oh and Nurv, I'm in the process of making a demo CD as we speak. Unfortunetly my equiptment broke s o now i'm stuck... but, times will change, just as the winds do."

02-11-2004, 01:12 AM
OOC: I'm still confused about Raistlin, but onwards! ;) And, sorry about the small godmod at the end.

"I hope you get the CD back on track," Nurvingiel realized she made a pun and chuckled. "Anyway, I'm looking forward to hearing it."

They finished their pleasant lunch and paid the bill. "Do you want to do anything?" Nurvingiel got her coat from the coat check.

02-22-2004, 01:48 AM
"How about a walk in the park. Raistlin here." I said, nudging him softly in the ribs. "Is going to escort us... Right?"

02-22-2004, 02:43 AM
"Sure," said Nurvingiel.

Adrian Baggins
02-23-2004, 09:05 PM
ooc: No, Raistlin and I know each other, I think he mightbe ungrounded now...not sure tho...

IC: I ate my meal, reading and making notes in my notebook, finally asking for the check and paying. I walked outside, walking behind a group of chattering people, two girls and one guy *hope this is right combo, bad memory*

02-23-2004, 10:50 PM
"Hey! Will you please watch where you're going little girl!?"

02-25-2004, 01:22 AM
OOC: That's the right combo AB. :D

"Hello there," said Nurvingiel to the little girl. (OOC: Um... describe your character for us AB? I'm sure you did earlier...)

Adrian Baggins
02-25-2004, 09:53 PM
ooc: Discript:

Name: Tristan Durdon
Race: ELF HATING DUNEDAIN!! *the ONLY elf hating dunedain*
Age: 23
Height: 6'
Eyes: dark indigo with light blue specks
Hair: Raven black with white blond tips
Info: the flecks in my eyes seem to come together into a flame when I am angry, a elven mage caused this, so I hate elves

ic: "Don't call me little!" I said lowly, spinning around and facing the trio.

02-27-2004, 12:37 AM
"Oh, sorry. I thought for a moment that you were a child. I apologize deeply. I'm Tinuviel."

02-27-2004, 03:56 AM
OOC: I thought you were playing Raistlin Adrian? :confused: Erm... what's going on? How would we thing a 6' person was a child?

Nurvingiel said nothing, confused.


Adrian Baggins
02-28-2004, 10:55 PM
"I'm Tristan, Tristan Durdon," I replied curtly, nodding to the group.

02-28-2004, 11:05 PM
"Er, nice to meet you Tristan," said Nurvingiel, extending her hand. However, she was still confused as to who this person was. "No offence, but what do you want with us?"

03-06-2004, 12:48 AM
This thread seems to have died. What it needs... is a real plot... It has so much potential! (And don't look at me, I'm not trying to GM here! :D)

Adrian Baggins
03-08-2004, 09:07 PM
"Me!? I don't want anything of you, unless you would care to help me."

03-08-2004, 10:02 PM
"I would be honored." I said, with an inward smirk. < This is easier than I thought. >