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10-12-2003, 01:50 AM
the dragon riders existed a century ago, they were wiped out by the evil king, Galbatorix, who hated them with all the malice in the world. The dragons themselves have gone into legend, and myth. But one, dragon egg survived. And one rider remains. They must find eachother and take over the empire and the evil King, Galbatorix. okay, I stole this plot from a book, my charactar is,
appearance:brown hair, brown eyes, strong, but not burly
background:Eragon lives with his Uncle and cousin outside of a small town. His mother and father died when he was a boy, he doesn't know alot about them. He is the only dragon rider left, though he has no idea.
dragon: Saphira has blue/violet scales, and deep, big beautiful saphire eyes.

about dragons: the dragons were taken by the riders and formed an alliance, each rider had its dragon and loved it with his/her heart. The dragons lived forever, or untill thier rider died. The dragons gave thier riders everlasting life. also, the dragon and its rider could communicate with thier minds, but had to be relatively close, about 3 leauges.

Lady Arwen56
10-12-2003, 02:00 AM
I'll join you Pip!!

Name:Andrithanalei (Andrith for short)
Race: Human
Age: 20
Gender: F
Weapons: A blade named Terren, with her family crest, a silver leopard embriodered on it. Daggers and bow the same way, and arrows of course.
Animals: A black horse named, Panawin (Pan) and a large silver leopard.
Description: Long, waist length black hair, one blue eye, one puple, full, heart shape lips, tall, slender, and is very attractive for a human.
Personality: Short tempered, quick with a sword, and ALWAYS ready to fight.
History: No knows it except for her, she's buried the past behind her, and for very good reasons might I add. :) dun-dun-dun

10-12-2003, 02:15 AM
yay! thanx lady! ok, i'll start some back-up history junk.

Eragon lept over a log and peered around a tree. The deer herd was waiting just a few yards away. He slowly took out his bow and fit an arrow into the string. But before he could shoot the doe, a blast occured and he was thrown back. The herd was startled and swiftly ran deeper into the forest. He stood up and stepped into the clearing that the blast had made. Sitting right in the middle was a polished blue stone, about a foot long. He causiously poked the stone with the end of his bow and jumped back. Seeing that nothing happned he warily touched the stone. Nothing happned. Eragon picked up the stone. It was light for its size. He decided to take it home. He didn't get any meat, but maybe this stone was worth something. He headed back over the mountains and back to his home.

late that night he arrived at his little farm outside the borders of Carvahall, a small town. He climbed into bed and fell fast asleep. in the early morning hours, about 4 hourse before dawn a heard a squeak. He dissmissed it and rolled over. But there was another squeak. He reluctantly got up and looked around his room. He found nothing. He was about to go to sleep when he heard it again. Eragon looked around the room, then he noticed the blue stone was moving, rattling the nightstand on which it set. It rolled off ad landed on the ground. He jumped up and stared at the stone. A small piece slowly lifted from the smooth surface. Then bigger pieces were removed. A small shapely head popped out from the stone. It let out a soft squeak, and looked at him contently. The creature weasled its way out of the stone and sat at Eragon's feet. It was a dragon hatchling. That wasn't a stone, is was an egg.

10-12-2003, 06:44 AM
How is this game related to Middle-earth? It sounds more like Pern to me.

All RPG's here must have a connection to Middle-earth.

10-12-2003, 08:22 AM
Okay then

Name: Banuien
Race: Nandor
Sex: Female
Status: visiting the isle of wherevertheheckthisevildragonhaterdudeis from her homeland (Middle-earth) - is determined to save the last of the goodwilled dragons
Age: 894
Height: 6'3
Hair: Black, plaited & ends @ the bottom of her ribs (am I explaining myself correctly?)
Eyes: Greenish blue; arched eyebrows
Clothes: Green tunic with golden tree sewn on the front; brown-green boots & pants.
Weapons: curved sword, 5 throwing dirks, hatchet, longbow & quiver of arrows.
Jewellery: long necklace of mithril; emerald sits at the breast.

Akamai Deredal
10-12-2003, 10:48 AM
Now connected to Middle-earth, how convenient. ::laughs:: Hey, Pip, would it be possible for me to join? I know it's a little late sort of, but I would like to. I know there's only one rider and dragon, so I'll just be a friend or something I suppose, since I can't be one. :) Let me know if it's all right.

Lady Arwen56
10-12-2003, 12:29 PM
ooc: Okay, not to be rude, but DRAGONS were at one time in middle earth, and I find this an extremely attractive one at that.

Andrith wondered the small forest of her land aimlessly, pondering to herself. The oddest little thing had happened that morning. A small silver kitten had gotten into her house somehow, and had crept onto her bed the night before. When she awoke her mother was cursing, and calling it a rat.
Now, though, as she walked through the wood, the kitten, (which turned out to be a leopard cub) followed silently behind her, playfully jumping at the autumn leaves that, in his mind, were falling from heaven.
"No, Isil, do not hesitate, we must...I mean, I must," She corrected, feeling stupid talking to a cat, yet finding it easy all the same. "...I must...what was I doing again?" she asked him, not realizing that she had said it aloud.
"Going to find an herb for your mother...I believe it was called, Arthiana, but I could be wrong." Isil said, rubbing up against her legs as he spoke.
Andrith stood in shock. Her kitten could talk! This small furry thing understood her! And at the moment, she felt such a powerful bond with the cat that nothing could possibley break it. Never in her entire years.
*end flashback*

Andrith's pretty mismatched eyes opened to see a large circle of seven willows surrounding her, protecting her. Isil, her large silver leopard lay at her side, and she suddenly realized where she was, and what she was doing there.
I fell asleep here, in Lorien forest, after orcs chased me away from Rivendell. Oh gods, please dont let something awful being happening in the world of middle earth. She thought, dreadfully standing up, and waking Isil. "Blessed be, Isil, we are safe for the moment." Andrith whipsered as Isil's grey-blue eyes grew wide with fright. He looked more wild then usual.
He let out a small sigh of relief, and sprawled back out on the ground.
This is a Holy place. She thought solemnly.

be back later. byez for now.

10-12-2003, 01:15 PM
thanx earloth! sure you can join akamai! its not too late at all!
ic: Eragon slowly reached out his hand to touch the dragon. His skin reached its scales, but he jumped back with a surprized yelp. A silvery mark ion his palm had appeared. The pain left him, so he tried again. He gently stroked the dragon's head without any pain. He lifted the dragon in his arms and furtively snuck out of the house, grabbing some meat on his way out. He ran to the forest hoping no one saw him. He stopped in a clearing, and made a little hut for his dragon up in a tree. He placed the it in its makeshift home and gave it some meat. Eragon turned around to go home. He felt the dragon's saphire eyes burning into him, but he marched on. He came back every morning and fed i, and talked to it. The dragon would often glide down beside him and listen to him. Eventually the dragon could hunt for itself, catching rabbits and small animals. Eragon put the dragon in the tree and turned aroung. <Eragon> he heard. He tured around to find the dragon staring at him intently. <Eragon> the dragon was speaking to him, in hs mind. He turned and ran back home.

The next day he came out in the morning as he did everyday. <Eragon> it said. <is that all you can say?> Eragon asked. <yes> it replied. great, now it has a sense of humor! <Now I suppose I have to name you!> said Eragon. <yes> Eragon thought of all the names he had heard in old stories, <Ohilor, the brave?> he suggested. <no> <Jiranos> <no> <Borne, the old> <no> why was it rejecting them all. Then it hit him. <You're a she!> <yes> she said rather aggrevated. <are you Saphira?> <yes> She snorted with happiness.

10-12-2003, 06:25 PM
Oh, this is soooo not fair Pip! Can their be other dragons please? I won't post my diescirption yet just in case their can't be but won't you please consider it please? Becasue how else would everyone keep up with you? And if this King could kill all of the dragons and their riders how are you supposed bet him with only only one? Please think about it??:(

Akamai Deredal
10-12-2003, 06:26 PM
OOC: Oh if only there were one more dragon! Lol, oh well. Lady Arwen, I absolutely fell in love with your idea with Isil, so I sort of took it. i hope you don't mind. Haem doesn't talk though, he just follows. He's gotten Siuahn out of her share of scrapes... almost like a self-appointed guardian. Let me know if it bothers you though...


Name: Siuahn Aistos
Age 15
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Eyes: Light gray, almost white <pupils just a shade darker, not the normal black> Looks as if she should be blind
Hair: Reddish-bronze, shoulder length straight hair. Bangs fall at about her cheekbones
Frame: Average weight, lean w/ well toned muscles. 5’7”ish. Some freckles on her face, though hardly visible on her darker tanned skin.
Weapons: Some basic magic elements. Nothing special. Broadsword-held over her shoulder, against her back in its sheath. <name - eleutheros>
Background: Siuahn ran away from her home when she was old enough to realize her fathers beatings were intolerable. Has been on her own for nearly three years, passing through villages and scrounging up enough change with her odd-jobs to make a living. Her mare, Asteros, she brought with her from home, stealing her from her fathers’ stables, and Haem, the wolf that is nearly always seen in her company is just a straggler that has taken to following her.
Personality: Has a shadowed look about her, almost evil, but not intimidating. Hates most men, but is willing to give them a chance, and only one. Incredibly sarcastic, but a good and loyal friend once she trusts the person enough.
Clothes: Whatever she can afford, hehe

10-12-2003, 07:41 PM
sure! I'm not going to steal all the fun! sorry, I should have thought about that! you can have a dragon!

ic: After two months, Saphira had not been discovered. She had grown, in stature and in mind. Her shoulder was taller than Eragon's, but she was not full grown by any means. Everyday he spoke to her, telling her the meanings of words, and of the world. <Death is a poison> she said. <I caught an eagle today, but I let him go. He didn't deserve death.> Eragon smiled, she wasn't an animal anymore, she was a person, and his friend. <I am going into town today, so I won't be back untill late.> He said, standing up and stretching his limbs. <Very well.> she sighed, curling up under the tree.

Once he had entered the town he made his way to Brom's house. Brom was the storyteller of the town. He knocked on the door, which was answered by the old man. "What do you want, Eragon?" He grumbled. "I have some questions." replied Eragon. "Of course you do," said Brom sarcasticly. But he allowed Eragon to come in. He motioned for the boy to take a seat. "Now, what are you inquiring about this time?" Brom asked lighting his pipe. "Dragons and the riders." said Eragon. Brom looked up from his pipe, staring at the boy. "Well, I suppose we must start at the begining." Brom sighed. "The dragons have been around for years, and years beyond count. The dragon riders were formed to keep all of middle-earth safe. The riders were trained from when they were young, about your age. The dragons were not merely given to them, but the dragons chose thier rider. you see, when a dragon lays an egg, it is ready to hatch. it waits untill it senses thier rider, the one they are supposed to be with. It will only hatch in the precense of the rider they choose." Eragon thought, 'Saphira chose me, over anyone!' He smiled. "One rider, who was very strong and well thought of, went to battle in which all his friends and thier dragons were slaughtered. His dragon's heart was pierced by an arrow. Distraught, he asked for another dragon, but was no permitted one. That night he snuck into the hatchery and stole a hatchling. This man was Galbatorix." Eragon gaped, thier evil king was a dragon rider? "but that was a long time ago!" said Eragon. "The dragon riders live forever, or until they are slain." Eragon didn't like the idea of living forever. "Thank-you, Brom." Eragon offered his hand, Brom shook his hand, but tore off his glove and twisted his arm back, lifting up his palm, exposing the silvery oval. Eragon yanked his hand back. "Where is she?" Brom asked. "I-I, don't know-" studdered Eragon. "You know what i mean! You got that mark from touching a dragon hatchling!" Brom demanded. Eragon hung is head. "She is in the woods behind the farm." Brom smiled. "I will not share your secret." said Brom. Eragon smiled, he believed the old man. He slipped his glove back on and went out the door. "What is her name?" asked Brom. "Saphira." Eragon replied. Brom stared blankly as Eragon left the house.

ooc: sorry bout the long post, :)

Akamai Deredal
10-12-2003, 07:45 PM
OOC: *sniffles* I want one! I want one! (wow I sound like a little kid... Oh well.) If i can I promise to be good and friendly and I'll replace the wolfy thingy with one. Come on, Pip! You know you love me! lol

10-12-2003, 07:51 PM
sure! go ahead! I love you Akamai! hee hee, make it cool! you can do a little bit of background or something if you wanna.

Akamai Deredal
10-12-2003, 07:55 PM
OOC: I love you too Pip! thank you! ^_^ yay yay! But I have to go for a little while... So I'll post a new bio (got some new ideas) and then I'll get to writin'! I love you! lol, thank you!

10-12-2003, 08:15 PM
OOC:Alright thanks Pip! Don't worry the only idea of yours I plan on stealing is the mark on your thing.;)

Name:Terinyan(Terin for short)
Village:In the frozen land of Nador(:rolleyes: I hope everyone got the jke there).
Description:Pants that fit loosly and bloose(sp?) with a jerkin over it. Leather boots. Dirty blonde hair green eyes and about 5'6''. Carries a sword with no special name.
Bio:I'll post bout the dragon later. My history, I don't have any special rank in my village but my parents aren't popers. I've lived there all my life and so have my mother and father.
Dragon:Has snowy white scales and icey blue eyes because he was born in a frozen land. Not the nicest dragon but certanly good in battle he is about 3 years older than Saphire. His name is Cermante(the e is not silent and I call him Cream sometimes).

I'll go into more detail and post something else when I have the time. Anyway I was thinking all our charcters could meet in a feild after we have practiced flying. LA56 you could see us from above and come wandering over or something like that.

Akamai Deredal
10-12-2003, 08:18 PM
Name: Siuahn Aistos
Age: 15
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Eyes: Light gray, almost white <pupils just a shade darker, not the normal black> Looks as if she should be blind
Hair: Reddish-bronze, shoulder length straight hair. Bangs fall at about her cheekbones
Frame: Average weight, lean w/ well toned muscles. 5’7”ish. Some freckles on her face, though hardly visible on her darker tanned skin.
Markings: Plain tribal black tattoos that cover most of her arms and back, and a few on her face
Weapons: Some basic magic elements. Nothing special. Broadsword-held over her shoulder, against her back in its sheath.
Background: Siuahn ran away from her home when she was old enough to realize her fathers beatings were intolerable. Has been on her own for nearly three years, passing through villages and scrounging up enough change with her odd-jobs to make a living.
Personality: Has a shadowed look about her, almost evil, but not intimidating. Hates most men, but is willing to give them a chance, and only one. Incredibly sarcastic, but a good and loyal friend once she trust the person enough.
Clothes: Whatever she can afford, hehe
Dragon: Nyaki sports midnight black scales, though her underside is bronze, as well as her wings. Her eyes are a harsh and calculating Bronze color to match her wings, though they hint at a hidden kindness

Sorry that post is so long o.o Didn't realize it would be.

10-12-2003, 08:28 PM
thats fine fim, in fact, everyone should probably do that!

Akamai Deredal
10-12-2003, 08:42 PM
Siuahn stepped out of the tavern into the crisp morning air with the pouch at her hip jingling cheerily at each step. Pouring drinks for the late night crowd paid surprisingly well in this town. Scrubbing at one eye and yawning, she headed for the north gate, towards the mountains. Nyaki was waiting for her, near the base of those frigid peaks. <Hurry, would you?> Siuahn let a small smile creep to her lips at the familiar sound of the dragon's voice in her head.
Nearly a year ago, Siuahn had come across a jet-black, polished stone, and of course, had taken it with her. Her mother had always said Siuahn had a strange affinity for unusual objects. It turned out that the stone was not a stone at all, but rather a dragon egg. Nyaki had since then been at Siuahn's side day in and day out during all her travels.

Even after only a few short months, the pair had grown to be close friends. Siuahn could've sworn she'd known Nyaki for her whole life. At least, she wished she had. It would've made her life so much easier.
Pulling herself from her thoughts, Siuahn untied the veil that hid her eyes from view as she reached the hills at the foot of the mountains. No one lived out this far from the village, which was one of the reasons she'd chosen this place to camp. It was far safer here, than say a few miles in. She couldn't risk Nyaki being seen. Not in this kingdom anyway...

10-12-2003, 09:57 PM
thats good akai!

ic: Eragon walked down the street, thinking about everything Brom had said. His ears pricked, as he heard someone talking in an alley. It was like no other voice he had ever heard. It was deep, and raspy, yet smooth and convincing. "Where did he find it?" it said. another voice replied, it was that of a local butcher, "In the forest somewhere." Eragon stopped by the alley and listened. "What was his name?" asked the raspy voice. "Eragon." he was terrified. 'Why are they looking for me?' he thought. Then his heart dropped to his stomach. Saphira. He ran past the lley, and saw two black cloaked figures and the butcher. He ran past them and fought his way home. He ran as fast as he could, or faster. He passed the farm and stole into the forest. <Saphira!> he called with his mind. <yes> she flew down out of the tree. He touched her shoulder and gave her images of the people. Her saphire eyes filled with rage. She grabbed Eragon by is shirt and put him on her back. She powerfully beat her wings and they rose into the air. Eragon shreiked with fright, looking over the edge. He felt vomit coming up his throat. He buried his face in Saphira's rough scales. They seemed to be flying forever. the freezing wind burned his cheeks. They finally landed in an opening, it was the same place Eragon had found the egg. He tumbled off of her. He cried out in pain, hot blood poured down his legs. He lifted his pant's leg up only to see the skin on his knees had been rubbed off by Saphira's rough scales. <Murderers> she said. <Why did you bring me here?> he asked painfully. <they were going to kill you> she replied. <take me back! I have to warn my family!> he dropped his head heavily on the snowy ground. <not yet> He stared at her. With one mighty swish of her tail she cleaned the area of snow. She ifted him up and set him on the dry ground. She laid down beside him, stretching her wing over him for shelter. Eragon reluctantly fell into a fitfull sleep.

Akamai Deredal
10-12-2003, 10:03 PM
OOC: Hey Pip, ole buddy ole pal... What happens now? Should Eragorn and Siuahn meet up here or something? <Sorry I'm being so stupid, lol, but I'm having a hard time thinking right now...> -_-

10-12-2003, 10:17 PM
Me have IDEA! How about all of us finds a stone, and its a dragons egg thingy? [sorry, splenda rush. Had too much in my iced tea..]
Name: Raven Blackfire
Age: 18
Race: Human/shifter/mage [magic is mostly darker, apperance, and elemental kinds, but has awsome power for her age]
Hair: Black, with dark purple streaks almost to the floor. Worn in a ponytail, or multipule braids
Eyes: Deep purple, with thick drk. purple eyelashes, and dark purple eyebrows
Description: Rather pale face, raven wings that she can attach to her back, maroon colored lips, slightly pointed face, silver nails[natural color] long enough to scratch from an inch or two away
Weaponry: Magic, black handled rapier, hand-carved bow, ash arrows
Items: Black obsiden stone bracelet with a dangling platnium form of a black panther, silver anklet, a bright silver stone [dragon egg]
Personality: Concerned about her troubles and very few others, attitude is slightly indifferent, and usually is very independant of others help
Clothes: low cut v-neck shirt, sleeveless, pants which resemble canvas jeans[strong] very long, Dark purple sash that she ties across her chest, robes that ,when tied, cover her entirely, and make her hard to see in the shadows, or in the dark[ all of her clothes(except sahs) are shadow colored]
Height: 6"3

Akamai Deredal
10-12-2003, 10:36 PM
I like her, hehe, she sounds awesome, legoles. Welcome to Pip's world. *smiles* I think I might post in a bit... Not sure what to do since someone isn't online! :p

10-12-2003, 11:00 PM
sorry, i'm back. um just give me a sec, working on my charactar's background, just 1 more post, then we can start! sorry, i'm just REALLY into this one! I love dragons! *hugs saphira* I got the plot from Eragon, (hence my charactar's name) and everyone should read it! it rox!

ic: Eragon woke, looking up at the webbing of Saphira's wing. He shoved her, waking her up. <wake up!> she gave a loud yawn and stretched out her wings. <can we leave now> he asked. <I don't think its safe> eragon stood painfully, the scabs on his knees cracking. <yes! we have to!>
<if you insist, I cannot deny you, but it is foolishness> She retorted. He took off his shirt ad rpped it in half, stuffing it up his pant's legs, hoping to save his legs. He climbed on her back and they swiftly climbed into the air. Once they flew in view of his home, a black choking smoke billowed from the house. "Faster! Faster!" he yelled aloud and with his mind. Saphira furisously beat her wings. She was in full view, but there was no one for miles and miles. She landed heavily infront of the torn house. Eragon stumbled into the wreckage. His family was no where to be found. He noticed a hand sticking out from under a piece of debris. He uncovered it to ind his uncle, unconsious. <Saphira! I need you!> he called. Saphira's claws threw aside the broken pieces of wood and she lifted the old man up with her teeth. She gently laid him down outside i the snow. <murderers> she said. Eragon looked up at her, tears in is eyes. <no, he can still be saved!> He tried to carry his uncle, but it was useless, he was dead. Eragon cried uncontrolably over the body of his uncle. He lifted his head to see two sets off tracks leading away from the house. Anger burned in his heart. The two cloaked men had killed his family. Saphira gave a loud roar that shook the ground. <wait here> said Eragon. He came back later bearing meat and a big piece of leather. <I am going to make you a saddle> he said. He toiled for hours till he finally strapped the saddle to Saphira and mounted her once again. The thick leather prtected his irratated knees. Again they rose into the air. <Eragon! Wait!> a voice said in his head, but it was not Saphira, it was Brom. Eragon brought Saphira down and hopped off. "How did you do that?" asked Eragon, but Brom just stared blankly at Saphira. "Hello." he said, reaching his hand out to touch her. She bent her head, allowing him to stroke her face. "You can't leave yet. I have something to give you." Brom pulled out a sword. It was long, and the hilt was gold and held a ruby. "It belonged to a rider, long ago." said Brom. "Thank-you!" said Eragon, strapping to sword to his belt. "It is called Zar'roc." said Brom. "Fly, fly to a town about 70 leauges from here, keep Saphira hidden, find someone, called Siuahn. She will help you." Brom embraced Eragon as he climbed upon his dragon. She beat her wings and rose into the air. Saphira tured her head and roared, Brom stood speechless as he watched the dragon fly into the horizon.

Akamai Deredal
10-12-2003, 11:47 PM
Siuahn sat cross-legged with Nyaki's head in her lap. The dragon's eyes were closed and her breathing heavy. She had fallen asleep some hours ago to Siuahn's gentle stroking. Staring out of the cave's mouth, Siuahn watched the clouds slowly glide across the sky. She felt peaceful and content, though there were many things on her mind; where to find food enough to sustain Nyaki's endless appetite. Where to gain enough money to sustain her own appetite. She could not eat raw meat, and Nyaki hadn't quite mastered the technique of cooking things. At least, not without charring what was intended to be eaten.

The young woman jumped as Nyaki awoke with a small, disgruntled snort. <Someone's coming, Siuahn. Be watchful.> Siuahn's eyes immediately went to the land that spread itself out below the mountains. But not a thing was to be seen on the barren hills and fields. <Not there! Up! In the sky.> Nyaki's massive scaled head nudged her in the back, pushing her roughly across the rocky cave floor and making her wince. <Careful! I can't be tossed around. I break easily. Come on now, get up. Let's see if I can get you saddled.> Nyaki's laughter drifted in through Siuahn's mind, making the woman smile as she started to strap the saddle on. <Wait. Dragonkin...> Nyaki's urgent whisper in her head made Siuahn drop the leather contraption. <What?> <Dragonkin, Siuahn.> The dragon picked her rider up and dropped her on her scaley back, heedless of the lack of her saddle. For once in her life, Siuahn forgot how daft she felt in her leather leggings. She was far to glad that her legs remained in one piece.

The pair of them made it maybe a league or two before a distant spot in the sky grew into a gigantic winged form heading straight for them. <Hail them, Nyaki... if you can. Tell them to come down. > Nyaki grunted quietly and soon the two dragons were on the ground, staring at each other uncertainly as their Riders slid carefully and ungracefully from their backs.

10-12-2003, 11:48 PM
yeah, thats kinda the idea legoles :rolleyes: anywho, yeah. but remember, when the rider touches the hatchling for the first time they get that silver mark where ever they touched the dragon. and the dragons can't talk aloud, just through thier minds. I am forming these dragons after the ones in 'eragon'. lotr doesn't say a whole lot about dragons except for smaug in the hobbit. anywho, thats a god idea legoles

10-13-2003, 12:25 AM
Um spelling error [god idea] oh well :rolleyes: haven't read book yet. What does the mark look like?
*1 year ago*
Raven walked around her village and looked around. Suddenly she tripped over a stone. Wha?' She thought, as she picked herself up, and looked at it. It was a silver stone, with small obsidon black swirls in it shaped as many ravens wing. <Interesting.> She thought. She picked it up carefully so as not to injure it, and carried it home.
*End of flashback*
Raven couldn't belive it. Her dragon was finally hatching. After she found the egg, she went home and asked her grand father. He told her what it really was, so she went to a small cave with a natural hot spring, so the egg would keep warm. Today, the egg would hatch. Suddenly the egg cracked, and out came a silver and black scaled dragon, with deep Emerald eyes, and beautiful wings with silver and black swirled together.<Ohh. She's beautiful!> She walked forward, and put on her black leather gloves. She hugged the majestic beast, then leaned against her back, stretching out her neck. She accidentally touched the hatchling with the back of her neck first. She gasped in pain, then looked at the conjured mirror in her hand, and thought, < Your name is Glenadrin.>
<That's a nice name. Thank you Raven>
<Your welcome!>

10-13-2003, 12:27 AM
Eragon stared at the dragon. 'I thought Saphira was the only remaining dragon!' he thought. Saphira eyed the other dragon suspisiously. <I don't understand.> she said, turning to Eragon. <Me either. I suppose that is Siuahn!> he said. "Hello, are you Siuahn?" Eragon asked, not moving away from Saphira. The other dragon was bigger, probably because Saphira was merely over two months old, and not fully grown. "This is Saphira, I was sent here by Brom. He told me that you could help me." Then he related his story. Saphira cocked her head, looking at the girl, then back at Eragon. <I haven't seen any humans besides you and Brom, and this one seems to be different.> she questioned. Eragon laughed. <Because this one is a female of my race, like you.> he said. <Ah, I see> Saphira nodded. She was still learning about the world, and was still very pure of heart.

10-13-2003, 12:40 AM
the mark is like, silver, almost shiny. and its painful when you first get it, also your forehead isn't the greatest place to have it considering that it says that you are a dragon-rider that are supposed to be secret, lol! anywho, but its ok, you should read the book! boohahahaha! You should somehow meet us, maybe we can come to your village. thats a good idea. btw, i meant good idea, not god idea. lol!

Akamai Deredal
10-13-2003, 08:57 AM
Siuahn tilted her head to the side, much like the man’s dragon had done. One hand rested on Nyaki’s lowered head, absently scratching the dragon’s ears. “Well, Eragon. I’m not much skilled in my… ’teachings,’ but I shall do what I can for you. There are very few of us left indeed.” She paused a moment. “You already know my name… but this is Nyaki. She won’t give you too much trouble, I’m sure. Now come, you’ve traveled a long way, and I’m sure you would like some food and some rest. My home isn’t much, but it will do.” Nyaki nuzzled at her feet, letting Siuahn step on her nose as she lifted her to her back. Watching Eragorn clamber onto Saphira’s back, the woman smiled. “Once we reach the mountains, I’m making you proper leggings. And perhaps a sturdier saddle. Do you think you can manage a few more leagues without being torn to shreds?” The man nodded, and Siuahn nodded, raising her hand for him and Saphira to follow. Nyaki rose gracefully and quickly into the air, though she was thoughtfully enough to steady the beating of her wings to accommodate Saphira’s pace.

<What of this other two-leg, Siuahn? It does not look like you.> Nyaki’s voice was untrusting, making Siuahn shake her head. <Call the two-legged humans, Nyaki. But call us, myself and Eragorn that is… call us Riders.> A low, irritated growl shook through Nyaki’s form as she flew. <That does not answer my question! Why does it not look like you?> <Because that ‘it’ is a man, Nyaki. I’m a woman. We are different. Now what can you tell me of his dragon, Saphira?> A long pause crept in, and Siuahn supposed Nyaki was conversing or thinking… something of the like. The woman had never seen another dragon in her life, and she wasn’t sure if she could communicate with just Nyaki or not. <She’s young… Two months maybe by your standards. She hatched in the man’s company. Like me!> The end of the sentence came with the somewhat ungraceful landing the two dragons made.

Soon Siuahn had fit the two creatures, Eragon and herself in the monstrous cave, and got a fire going. Dicing some rabbit and pheasant meat, she rarely ever looked up at the other Rider with her. Though when she did, she found him watching Saphira fondly, almost like an older brother. “She’ll soon outgrow the title of little sister. You’ll be little brother soon.” She said, making Eragon jump. Siuahn smiled kindly at him, handing him a carved wooden bowl. Without waiting for him to say anything, she pulled on a wool-lined jacket and headed outside, into the slowly dimming light, and the bitterly cold air. Nyaki raised her midnight black head, and followed Siuahn’s departure with her bronze eyes. <Stay, Nyaki. I won’t risk you being seen. It would be the death of all of us, and Eragon has been through enough as it is. Let him rest.> <You’ve been through quite a bit too, Siuahn… But I shall stay. Could you bring back something for Saphira and I?> The last thought was fleetingly hopeful and Siuan laughed softly to herself as she pulled her jacket tighter around her form.

Lady Arwen56
10-13-2003, 10:17 AM
ooc: I hate to do this once again, but I don't have time to read all these looooooooong post, so please help me out in the understanding of where our posts lie.

10-13-2003, 01:08 PM
ooc: we have decided to let anyone who wants a dragon to have one, so if you want a dragon, go ahead. My house and family was burnt down and I was sent to Siuahn for training, exc. legoles' dragon just hatched. fyi, when the rider first touches the dragon hatchling, you get a silver mark, wherever you touched it. Also the riders and talk to the dragons with thier minds, and are given eternal life, unless they are slain. the dragons will live as long as thier riders do, unless they are slain. anywho, have fun!

ic: Eragon leaned his tired head on Saphira's warm belly. <one day you will be that size> he said. <I am growing swiftly> Eragon stared the the pure mass, yet gracefulness of the other dragon. <I wonder if I can talk to him?> said eragon. <I have> Eragon stared at her, <why didn't you tell me!> <I wasn't sure if you could or not> Eragon sat up and looked intently at the dragon. He reached out with his mind, <can you talk to me?> <yes> came the reply. He smiled. <so riders can talk to all dragons!> said Eragon to Saphira. <What did he say?> <I just asked if I could talk to him, and he said yes> Eragon sipped from the wooden bowl. He stretched his knees out, with a painful groan. <I don't think I can fly like this, at least not with that saddle> he said. <I will keep you safe> Saphira said, bringing her head in his lap. He smiled, leaned back, and fell asleep.

Lady Arwen56
10-13-2003, 01:58 PM
ooc: oi, I want a dragon! I want a dragon!!

ic: Andrith let out a small curse as she tripped over a stone about 17 inches in width and length.
It was silvery-black, with a strange marking on it that she had never seen, like two fish-hooks together. All of a sudden, as she leaned down to pick it up, a crack ran down the middle of it. She surpressed a small gasp, and jumped back as a tiny dragon, a little bit bigger then Isil popped it, the same color of the egg.
She was mesmerized more then anything, by it's eyes. They were the same color as hers. She never thought she'd see anything that had one violet, and one blue eye like her. She smiled, and reached down to brush it's wings with her hands.
A sharp, yet minor pain ran through her fingertips, and as she brought her hand to her face, and saw a silver marking, much like the one that had been on the egg.

ooc: Just had an idea. What if, instead of you having to get the mark, the mark symbolizes that the Dragon is ours, and it was meant only for us.

ic: "I will name you..." She pondered for a brief moment. "Aira." She whispered, stroking the dragon tenderly.
'I like that name.' A voice said in her head. She looked down at the dragon, and saw a twinkle in her eyes. Andrith nodded, agreeing.

10-13-2003, 03:03 PM
ooc: thats good lady, just the riders get the mark, because the dragon hatchlings wait to hatch untill they are in the presensce of thier rider, so the dragon chooses which rider they want. When a dragon hatches for you, it is your dragon. and you can't ride without a saddle, because it will tear your legs apart, (as my charactar found out) I LOVE DRAGONS! I demand that evryone go out and read Eragon! NOW! hee hee.

Akamai Deredal
10-13-2003, 07:03 PM
Nyaki snorted and lifted her head. <I'm not a he, just so you know.> She eyed the sleeping Eragon haughtily, almost as if she awaited an answer, though she knew she would not get one. As she watched him, she looked over at Saphira. Laying her head down again, Nyaki let out a long sigh and closed her eyes.
Siuahn came back into the cave, knowing Nyaki was asleep. Dropping the meat she had managed to get after a few hours of hunting, she sat down in front of the dying fire. Rummaging through her many bundles, she took out her slowly dwindling supply of leather, setting it aside for a moment. After preparing their meal--wich meant leaving a large quantity of it raw for the dragons--she picked the leather back up and started working with it. Her hunting knife slid through it quickly and cleanly. She only hoped it would be the right size for Eragon. If she was to teach him, he couldn't be sliced up any more, or he might never walk again.

OOC: sorry about all the longs posts... I'll try to cut down on them

10-13-2003, 07:23 PM
finally akai! thank you! btw, your posts are nothing compared in length to mine, so you don't have to be sorry!

ic: Eragon sat up at the sound of Nyaki's voice in his head. His face flushed. <Oh, I'm sorry> He nudged Saphira, who woke up with a yawn. <Are you hungry?> <yes> He gave her some of the meat, which she ate heartily. "What are we going to do now?" Eragon asked Siuahn. "Brom said something about training, what kind of training?" he asked. Then suddnly he heard a voice in his head, it didn't belong to Saphira or Nyaki.

<Eragon!> it said, he tried to block it out, but it was useless. <Boy! Never block me out of your head ever again!> <Brom?> <Yes, you ignorant fool! Did you find Siuahn?> <Yes, but how can you talk to me?> <I have my ways.> <I found something today! I was looking through old books, about the riders. The first rider, named Eragon.> Brom said. Eragon gasped aloud, calling attention. He just smiled politely. <eragon?> <yes, that is who you are named for. Anyway, the riders fought a long war with Galbatorix> <Yes, I knew that!> said Eragon. <Shut-up boy! They fought the war over you.> <me?> <yes, you!> <but that was a hundred years ago!> <so what?> <but why me?> asked Eragon. <Because you are the first of the next generation of the dragon riders. You will lead the new riders to either good, or evil. You must choose one day, to become head of the riders, or to join with Galbatorix. You may be killed in the process> this hit Eragon like a ton of bricks. <Ancient prophecies spoke of you, the first of the second generation of riders.> <leave now, I have to think.> said Eragon. Brom dropped thier connection, and Eragon sat silent and sombre.

ooc: I am sooooo sorry for the long posts! I am really trying to trim them down!

Akamai Deredal
10-13-2003, 07:37 PM
With a sigh, Siuahn stretched her hands out and tossed the leggings over to Eragon, making them land nicely on top of his head, since he seemed too absorbed in thought to notice them flying towards him. Turning around she folded her hands in her lap and looked Eragon up and down. "I teach you what you need to know about Saphria here. Though what I know is only a fraction of all there is to know." Eragona gave a start and Siuahn laughed. "I won't make you do any flying until your legs have healed. If you wish to walk after we're done," she shot him a small smile before digging through her small bag and tossing him a small jar of a clear, unscented mixture, "Here... this will help you heal more quickly, if you wish to learn. If not, too bad. I have to teach you or Brom will have my hide. I can't have you getting killed."

10-13-2003, 07:47 PM
"That wouldn't be good, and Saphira wouldn't like that too much either!" Saphira snorted. He rolled his pant's leg up and rubbed the clear stuff on his knees. It stung a little at first, but after a while, his knees were begining to feel better. He stood and walked around the cave, slowly, but surely. He couldn't bear the thought of flying.

Akamai Deredal
10-13-2003, 07:56 PM
Siuahn watched him, somewhat amused by this young man. Truthfully he was no older than she, if her guess was correct anyway. But it had been a long while since she'd ever had a real conversation with anyone; let alone one with a dragon. "How long has it been since you found Saphira's egg? And another question... Where is your mark?"

10-13-2003, 08:09 PM
"Probably a little over a two months since I found the egg." He said, then taking off his glove, he showed her his mark on his right palm. "Where is yours?" He asked, slipping his glove back on. It always made him feel more comfortable, even around friends. "I think I am going outside for a walk, alone." He said. Saphira raised her head. <Oh, no you don't! Something will happen and I will loose you! You are like a little hatchling, always getting into trouble!> she said forcfully, grabbing him by his shirt. <I'll be fine!> he said, irritated by his dragon. She let go, causiously. <You worry to much!> <You worry to little!> she replied. He stepped outside the cave, followed by Saphira.

Akamai Deredal
10-13-2003, 08:17 PM
Raising one eyebrow, Siuahn watched Eragon leave. "Right... You ask me a question and leave before I have a chance to answer..." She muttered under her breath. Despite her hatred towards men, she still had to pity the man. He'd been through too much as it is. Deciding not to give him any trouble for the time being, Siuahn merely called after him, "Don't stay out for too long, Eragon. The village has hunters that like to get an early start. They're not likely to miss Saphira." Not getting an answer, she sighed frustratedly, but kept herself from starting after him. Instead, she crawled over to where Nyaki lay and laid out next to her. The dragon opened one eye, and made a quite chuckling sound. Her tail wrapped around Siuahn and her wing made a small cover over her. <Sleep well... little sister.> Siuahn booted Nyaki in the ribs for the comment, though she laughed. She felt Nyaki's amusement wash over her and she smiled tiredly. Listening to the muffled heartbeat of her frien, Siuahn soon fell asleep, as comfortable and at ease as if she were on a feather matress.

10-13-2003, 08:21 PM
<I don't like this!> said Saphira. <We're fine!> <No, we have to go back!> Saphira grabbed Eragon by the shirt again, and carried him back into the cave. <Saphira! Put me down!> just as they were about to step in, Eragon heard an arrow whizzing overhead. <Go Saphira!> he urged. The leapt into the cave and laid her friend down, glaring at him. <Now will you listen to me?< She asked. <Yes, i'm sorry.> eragon said, glad that he had the dragon with him.

Akamai Deredal
10-13-2003, 08:28 PM
Nyaki and Siuahn both woke with a start as Saphira threw herself inside the cave. On her feet in an instant, Siuahn tried to figure out what had happened. Another arrow flew into the cave, hiting a rock and richocheting off. Nyaki's tail flicked it away the way a horse's tail whips a fly. Looking down at Eragorn. "I should've said something before you left. Can you use that blade of yours?" He shook his head urgently and Siuahn nodded. "Right then, that's what I'll teach you first if we can make it out of here alive... without half the village at our heels. Come on, get on your feet!"

10-13-2003, 08:30 PM
Eragon slipped his new leggings on, and fastened Zar'roc to his waist. He hoped she wouldn't make him ride. "Where are we going, and how?" he asked.

Akamai Deredal
10-13-2003, 08:36 PM
Noting the apprehensive look on Eragon's face, Siuahn looked back towards the far end of the cave. There had been another entrance, but she had Nyaki close it up to prevent anyone sneaking in. <Nyaki! Remember tha boulder I had you move when we first cam here?> <Yes... Why?> <Move it! And quickly!> The dragon went to do as she was told quickly, and the grating of stone on stone sent shivers up Siuahn's spine. "Eragon, take Saphira through that tunnel. It will lead you out to the other side. I'll have Nyaki close it up again behind the pair of you. We'll meet you in by dawn at least. Ther will give you a few hours." "What about you and Nyaki?" She took a large piece of wood from the fire and handed it to him, pushing him through the tunnel with a rushed, "She's too big, and I'm not leaving her, now go!" After him and Saphira had disappeared into the darkness, she had Nyaki seal the passage again. The two of them made brief eye contact, and Siuahn's laughter echoed through the cave. <Don't have too much fun.>

10-13-2003, 08:40 PM
<Hop on my back!> said Saphira. <Don't worry, i won't go fast, I won't even fly, i just wanted you close by.> she lifted him onto her shoulders. He clung to her neck. <I wonder how long the tunnel is?> he thought. They heard thegrating of stone behind them as she fled the tunnel. They walked for a long time, till finally reached the other side.

Akamai Deredal
10-13-2003, 11:01 PM
Nyaki's roar shook the mountain, as Siuahn swung up onto her back. Their pursuers had fled in fear, after managing a small attack on the woman. Siuahn slid her broadsword into its sheath over her shoulder. With a powerful stroke of her wings, Nyaki lifted off the ground and wheeled around the mountain, emitting yet another roar. Siuahn slumped in the saddle, nursing her side, where the broken shaft of an arrow jutted. Another had nicked her arm, and she barely felt the blood slowly running down to her fingers. Nyaki made a low whimpering noise as she flew, sensing Siuahn's pain. <Siuahn...> <I'm fine, Nyaki. Keep going. I'm not going to desert Eragon or Saphira.> The dragon snorted frustratedly, sending thin tendrils of smoke from her nostrils. <When we find them, I'm not letting you on your feet. Do you understand me?> <Yes, yes, Nyaki. I understand...> Siuahn kept her mind on other things until they reached the old valley. No one but the dragons knew of it... at least that's what Nyaki said. The Valley of the Dragonkin.

OOC: I think that ought to set everyone up for our meeting. Have fun!

10-14-2003, 06:18 AM
Banuien stood, her arms folded before the end entrance to the tunnel. She showed not the slightest hint of the anxiety she felt when she heard a loud dragon's roar somewhere deep inside the mountain. Suddenly a dragon with cobalt eyes and deep cerulean scales emerged with her rider from the tunnel. The dragon growled and bared her teeth, but Banuien remained motionless, the rider staring at her uncertainly.

<You are Eragon?> Banuien asked. She didn't wait for a reply. <Come; we must go before Saphira is sighted.> At the sight of Eragon's remaining hesitance, Banuien sighed and pulled up her left sleeve. <I am a dragon rider,> she declared, showing him the silvery mark at the fold of her arm. <Or at least I was; my dragon was slaughtered by Galbatorix. I am a friend of Brom's,> she added urgently. She seemed to think a moment. <I have been alive many years – I do not need a rider's mark to prolong my life;> she flicked back her ebony plait, revealing high, delicate pointed ears – verifying Eragon's suspicions that she was an Elf. <And by my years I have seen evidence that would have me providing you with that sword.> she eyed Eragon pensively. <It is Zar'roc, is it not? I left it in Brom's keeping after I fought in the Battle between the Riders and Galbatorix after my own dragon was killed. I myself received it of Eragon, the first of the dragon riders; he was of my closest friends, but perhaps it is more favourable to the course of history that I did not die of grief at his passing. But that itself is yet to be determined;> She said all this steadily, without showing the slightest hint that she had ever felt any such emotion. <For I was sent to train you and hone your skills as a dragon rider – it shall not be so, young master, if you further refuse to move.> Banuien's last words were so forceful and authoritative that Eragon gave in to her will and followed her into the forest.

10-14-2003, 07:28 AM
OOC:I've been gone a day and you post all that?! I'll post some background then go to the valley of the dragonkin.

<Cream! Hurry up will you?> I screamed in my mind. <I don't see why I should your village knows of, and yet they do nothing to stop my exsitence.> Camnete thought to me rather cockily. <Will you tell me the stroy of how you found my again please?> <Very well. I was walking along the frozen riverwhen I stumbled over a white rock. I thought it was a frozen stone so I brought it home. My father knew that it was really a dragons egg but that you were dead because your egg was frozen. I belized him so I kept you in the cold so ?I wouldn't defrost you and make the stone less pretty. You hatched 3 days later and I got a silver mark on my left hand.> <I like that stor...> A crash and a crunch is heard nearby. <Cream what was that?> <I don't know I was hoping you wuold.> More crashes. <Perhaps we should leave Terin.> "Girl! we have you surrounded! Come out! We won't hurt you we only want the dragon!" A strange man in black was yelling at Terin. <Terin?> <Yes?> <I do believe it is time to put to use what we have been praticing.> <I think you are right. Lets go!> Camnete allowed her to step on his foot and then he lifted her up. A flash of smoke and one of the few trees that could servive these harsh climates went up. It reviled(sp?) many men. <Cream! We're out numbered!> Sudenly an arrow wizzed past Camnete's head and struck Terin in her side. <Terin! Don't worry I'm taking us were we will be safe!>
<Terin, wake up. We are in The Valley of the Dragonkin.><Camnete? Is that you? I can't see. Hold me I'm so cold.> Camnete let out a scream that brought sevral people and their dragons running.

OOC:I'm counting on you guys to save me. I like dramatic entrances, did I do a good job?

10-14-2003, 07:41 AM
Banuien heard somewhere in the distance a piercing scream: the voice belonged to a dragon, male, about three leagues away. She turned to Eragor and Saphira.

<Come on,> she urged them; she felt Saphira pick her up gently with her teeth and seat her on her back, and they swiftly made towards the source of the screaming.

Akamai Deredal
10-14-2003, 09:06 AM
OOC: This isn't going to be a legitimate post... (Sorry Pip! lol I know how you hate that.) I only have so much time before my dad wakes up. Sneaky sneaky. Anywho, I'm going to be setting up a little discussion thread, so that we can all talk about that's going on in there. I don't know about you guys (and gals) but I can get might confused... very easily. (Just ask Fim.) Hope you all don't mind. See ya later today... 'er my time anyway. Love ya all!


^--- As Pip has so affectionately named me ^_^ hehe, bye!

10-14-2003, 05:11 PM
yrp! ;)

Eragon could barely breathe, he felt faint. An elf stood before him, speaking to him. His head swam. 'Brom knows an elf?' he thought. He stared as she sat beside him on HIS dragon! "I-I've never net an elf before." he said blankly. Saphira leapt into the air, though not too high. Eragon shreiked, though tried to keep his dignity. The elf conformed her body to the movements of Saphira as he bounced clumsily. They landed by another dragon and a girl, who seemed ingured.

Akamai Deredal
10-14-2003, 06:59 PM
Siuahn shifted her weight suddenly to keep herself from sliding out of Nyaki's saddle as the dragon took an abrupt turn. A scream had rent the air only moments before, making her head ring. <What was that?> Siuahn asked groggily, removing her hand from her side. <A dragon...> Suddenly Siuahn sat up, tense and alert. <Sapihira? Is it her?> <No. Another one... Too upset to talk... I doubt that my voice is even breaking through to him.> Siuahn allowed herself to relax a bit. <It must be something awful to have him so distressed... I can almost feel it from here...> <It's his rider... She's injured.> <Another one?! Hurry, Nyaki. Go with all speed that you possess. If she is hurt, we must do what we can. Remember, our numbers grow smaller.> Nyaki gave a few powerful strokes with her wings, sending the pair of them hurtling over the valley in search for the source of the scream. <They're not dwindling, Siuahn. They're growing. Or can't you count?> <Oh hush, just keep going... Wait, I think I see Saphira...> Nyaki let out a low rumble and swept in low. Siuahn could see the dragon's blue scales glinting with every movement she made. <Then they are safe...>

OOC: Don't know what I'm doing! Bwahahaha

10-14-2003, 07:28 PM
<Terin!! You can't die! You just can't! You've never seen my river!> <Cream? Tell me about again. The river, I mean.> <Of course I will. Then you can come with me to see it. It's sparkly blue and runs all year. Unlike your river that gets frozen all the time...Terin? I thikn there's someone coming. Look they'll help you you'll get bet...Terin?> "Dragon stand aside! I'm going to help her. My name is Banuien, I have elvish medicine." <If you hurt her Elf I will kill you!> "Relax you are one of the more temperamental dragons aren't you?" Banuien said as removed the arrow and cleaned the wound. "Don't worry Banuien will take of everything. And she is a dragonrider she will be strong." Siuahn said because Eragon was just standing there staring.

Akamai Deredal
10-14-2003, 08:22 PM
Siuahn looked up at the white dragon, with a sympathetic smile on her face. <What's does she call you?> She raised her hand tentatively to stroke his nose, making sure it was allowed. Banuien was busying herself helping the wounded young woman, and Eragon was still standing around, gazing at everyone in turn. <Siuahn! Get over here and lay down, right now. You're hurt.> <Nyaki, stop worrying yourself. Your scales will lose their shine if you don't.> The dragon stomped her foot irritatedly. <I don't care about my scales. If you die, who will I have to keep safe?> Siuahn grimaced at the tone in Nyaki's voice. If she died, so would the dragon, it was inevitable. Carefully sitting down on the ground, Siuahn motioned for Nyaki and the other dragon to do the same. Nyaki curled up beind her Rider, letting the woman use her as back rest, and laid her head in Siuahn's lap. <I'll be fine, Nyaki. Don't worry...> <I can't help but do anything else...>

10-14-2003, 09:41 PM
"Siuahn! You're safe!" said Eragon, happy to see the only face that was somewhat familiar. "You're hurt," he said, examining her wound. "Here, let me help." he said bending over her. Someone tried to stop him, "I'm not useless! Brom taught me something," he snapped, searching his mind for the right word. "Waise heill!" he said holding his gedwey ignasia over the wound. The silver mark glowed as the skin slowly covered the gash. He stood, looking at the staring people. "Like I say, I'm not usless." Eragon shrugged.

Akamai Deredal
10-14-2003, 09:51 PM
Siuahn smiled gratefully at him. "I'm glad to see you got here all right. I trust Banuien kept you out of too much trouble, eh Eragon?" She sat up a little and peered over the elf's shoulder. "Anyone know where she came from? Or who she is?" <Her name is Terin...> Siuahn's heard swivled quickly to eye the white dragon. <And you are?> <Camnete. Who are you?> Siuahn indicated the elf leaning over Terin. <That's Banuien... The man beside me is Eragon, and I am Siuahn. The blue dragon, well I'm sure you alread know both their names, but one she is Saphira, and this one behind me is Nyaki...> Camnete stared at them all cautiously, his eyes evaluating them. No one said anything for a while, and the silence grew awkward and tension-filled.

10-14-2003, 09:59 PM
three months the dragon hatched....
<The saddle is ready> thought Raven with satisfaction. Her dragon saddle was many layered leather, with silver trappings, turqouise stones, and silver stirrups. The straps, were thrice layered leather songs.
<Here we go.> She put the saddle on her dragon, and climbed up.<Let us go Glenadrin>

10-14-2003, 10:05 PM
A man's voice broke the silence. "Ah, Eragon, I see my friend Banuien kept you well!" Brom placed his hand on Eragon's shoulder. "Brom? What next? You are friends with elves, speak in my head, appear out of no where!" Eragon said, though he was happy to see his friend. "I used magic Brom! I healed Suiahn's wound!" Eragon said happily looking for approval. A serious expression came on Brom's worn face. "You really shouldn't do that, Eragon. You are young, and don't know what magic can do!" This upset Eragon, 'Why isn't he happy for me?' "Some magic can kill you, draining all your strength. Magic takes alot of energy. Did you not feel tired after healing that wound?" he asked. "Yes, I thought it was just because I was worn out." Eragon replied. "Some magic, like trying to bring people from the dead-" Eragon looked amazed. "Yes, it is possible, but it would kill you." He stood quiet. <Brom is right> said Saphira. Eragon threw her a glance. "How did you get here?" He asked. "I have my ways," Brom smiled, turning to Banuien. "Thank you my friend." he said.

10-14-2003, 11:58 PM
Banuien smiled and embraced Brom. "It is wonderful to see you again," she exclaimed. She took a strip of beige linen from a pouch at her side, and, squeezing the dew of a long citrus-smelling leaf onto the fabric, bound Terin’s shoulder tightly. She observed Brom and Eragon for several moments, and seeing the hurt look in Eragon's eyes that had sprung when Brom had chided him, said gently:

"It is noteworthy that he managed to heal a wound with so little training in magick," she told Brom. "Not many could have done such, not to mention the energy that remains in him. Not without the proper training." She studied Eragon’s fair face for a few more instants. "And it is my thought," she mused, "that if you are willing to teach him such enchantment and spellcraft, the blame is, in fact, largely owed to you."

Banuien smiled at Eragon and bowed. "I praise your talent in these magicks," she said. "But do bear in mind, carelessness often leads to terrible ends. You would not wish your training to be cut off before it is begun, would you?" she added with a half-smile.

10-15-2003, 12:00 AM
Hey Pip should i join this rpg?

10-15-2003, 12:09 AM
YES!!! Join now! post you post! now! theres a discussion thread too, if ya wanna know more bout it.

ic: "Thank-you." Eragon said, his eyes brightened. <I still think you should listen to Brom> said Saphira with a humph. "Yes, you should." said Brom. Eragon stared at him, "Did you just," he began, "Yes, I spoke with her." said Brom. Eragon stared at him, then at Saphira. <Why didn't you tell me!> <He asked me not to> she anwsered feebly. "But I thought-" said Eragon. "I have my ways." Brom smiled, sometimes he liked torturing the boy. Eragon sighed, Brom was driving him crazy! "Enough of this, we have to get her somewhere inside, and I need a bite to eat." Brom smiled, motioning for Eragon to help them carry the girl inside.

10-15-2003, 03:59 AM
Banuien wrinkled her nose playfully at Brom. After the dragon rider had been carried inside she turned to Camnete. She drew a small red flower out of the pouch that had supplied the linen and held it out to him. <Eat this,> she ordered.

The dragon looked at it suspiciously. <What is it?> he asked.

<But a stimulant, however it will help Terin regain her strength,> replied Banuien. <She is yet too weak to swallow it herself, and may well choke on it; however you will not.> Banuien plucked a teardrop petal from the flower and placed it on her own tongue. <It will not harm you,> she assured. Camnete took the flower in his teeth and grudgingly swallowed it. Banuien smiled and stroked his nose tentatively. <She will soon be strong again,> she said soothingly. <Under my watch, in any case.>

10-15-2003, 06:23 AM
Banuien went inside, instantaneously spotting Eragon. She sat lazily opposite him on a large rock, leaning against the cave wall. She tilted her head slightly and surveyed him with her blue-green gaze until he looked up at her with his own amazingly piercing eyes. She started and smiled.

"I do not contradict anything I have previously said," she began awkwardly. "But…I too think you should heed Brom’s warning. He is wiser than many would suspect. You have great potential, Eragon, I have no doubt about that – but do not waste the chances of it prospering by risking your very life in the use of magick. I would never have suspected myself to say this," she laughed sullenly. "But until you are truly ready…perhaps it is best if you should rely on the craft of herbs for healing."

She sighed and stood, and, not bothering to push her thick jet braid behind her shoulders, lent forward and kissed Eragorn on the forehead.

Akamai Deredal
10-15-2003, 08:59 AM
Siuahn sat down again, leaning against Nyaki as she watched the others. She hadn't been listening to much of what the others hwas been saying, so it came as a shock when Banuien leaned over and kissed Eragon on the forehead. Coming back to her senses, she shook her head slightly. "Brom, why is it you sent Eragon to me, when you knew Banuien was here? I'm the same age as he is! I don't know more than a piece of what there is to know..." She trailed of, grumbling sullenly. She didn't get it. Her and Eragon weren't that far apart in age, yet the man sent him to her of all people. Banuien could teach him much more effectively. Waiting for an answer, she stared levelly at Brom. When he gave her an odd look, she realized she was missing something. In all her suprise and haste, she hadn't bothered to put her veil back on. Cursing under her breath, she lowered her gaze to the floor and tried to remember where she put the accursed thing.

OOC: Sorry, I'm still trying to get used to writing her... I forgot her eyes were different. But i do that sometimes.

10-15-2003, 01:12 PM
Brom smiled. "You will have some part to play in his journey, Suiahn." He nodded and walked to where Eragon sat. Saphira was playfully teasing his hair, but he paid no heed. "What is the matter boy?" asked Brom. "I was just wondering, woh are you?" he asked turning towards the old man. "I am just a gruffy old storyteller, nothing more." he smiled, though his eyes were far away, looking at something in his memories. Eragon was unsatisfied. "No storyteller knows as much about dragons as you do, nor knows any elves, or is let into dragonkin valley! Tell me who you really are!" He demanded. Brom sighed. "Do your questions ever stop!" Eragon smiled. "No." Brom pulled up a chair, making sure no one was around them. He slipped the glove off his right hand, showing Eragon the gedwey ignasia. Eragon stared at the hand, then at the old man. "You are a dragon rider!" he said, below his breath. "Yes, and before you ask questions, let me speak." Eragon nodded. "Where is your dragon?" Brom scowled. "She was slaughtered in a battle long ago, her name was, Saphira." His eyes drifted away again. "The same battle that Banuien lost her dear dragon to. "After that, all the dragons were killed, but five eggs still remained. Galbatorix stole them, he wanted to make his own, evil dragon riders. But I was sent, to steal them." "but that was a hundred years ago!" said Eragon. "You forget boy! Riders live forever! But I stole the eggs, all but one, that one he still has. The four I brought here, but they were scattered. Thankfully, they found thier riders and now all have come to dragonkin valley." Eragon looked around, the four must have been Saphira, Nyaki, Cream, and (legoles get your butt over here!) "But now, do you have any questions?" Eragon shook his head. "Alright, lets eat." Brom said, pulling out a basket.

Lady Arwen56
10-15-2003, 06:10 PM

Akamai Deredal
10-15-2003, 07:30 PM
Nyaki nudged her Rider in a sympathetic way. <What is the matter, Siuahn?> Shaking her head, the girl laid one hand on the dragon's nose. Drawing her hand above Nyaki's eye, Siuahn sighed. <Nothing. Just so much to think about.> <Do you suppose you'll ever learn all the answers?> The girl's gaze switched to wher Brom and Eragon sat. <Knowing that man, and Banuien, I'll be lucky if I'm even allowed to ask the question.> Nyaki nuzzled against Siuahn's hand, her eyes closing as her Rider's hands scratched behind her scaled ears. <I spoil you, Nyaki...> <And what's wrong with that?> Smiling, Siuahn let the dragon lay her head on her lap. As she scratched the dragon's head, she looked around the room, taking everything in. One thing she ignored; Brom's and Eragon's hushed voices. She never believed in eavesdropping.

10-15-2003, 07:45 PM
Terin slowly opened her eyes and began to giggle in her mind. <I see nothing funny about this Terin.> <Cream? Oh! So I'm not dead! Well that's a relief!> <Ofcourse you're not dead you silly girl. We are in Dragonkin valley. Terin why aren't you listening to me?> <There are other people here. I don't think they know I'm awake *notices other dragons staring at her* Ah, but it seems their friends do! Hello! I am Terin and this Camnete. Hey Camnete your the only boy.> <Yes,well, thank you for that one out. Never would have geussed on my own.> <Oh, you take things to seriously.> "Exuse me,but I'm feeling much better and really do need to go home and see if my family is safe." Terin said rather unevenly because she was trying to get up as she spoke. A clawed paw was placed on her shoulder and a strange mind spoke to her<You Won't be going anywhere for a while young one.> <Cream!> A roar echoed thorugh the cave and Camnete knocked a blue dragon away from his rider. "No!She meant no harm!" A strange boy yelled but Camnete kept advancing. <CREAM! Stop he says she meant no harm! I panicked I felt trapped I shouldn't have yelled for you!> Everyone in the cave was silent waiting for what was to happen next.

Lady Arwen56
10-15-2003, 07:49 PM
ooc; Fimbrethil, please help!! I just need some info on what's going on in the last few posts, or a start or something!

Akamai Deredal
10-15-2003, 07:58 PM
Lady A, as for what happened, Siuahn and Eragon met up in Siuahn's little cave home, because Brom sent Eragon to her for training. (His uncle was killed...) And then Eragon went out with Saphira for a bit and got attacked sort of... So Siuahn sent Eragon and Saphira through a tunnel in the cave to the Valley of the Dragonkin. After a while, Siuahn and Nyaki (dragon) met Eragon and Saphira there, but Banuien found Eragon first. (Old friend of Brom's and Siuahn's) And now Terin and Camnete made it there, but Terin was hurt badly, as was Siuahn, but Eragon healed Siuahn and got chided by Brom for it. So now I'm assuming we're all in this niffty little house in the Valley, and we're all getting acquainted. *pauses to take a breath* And that's it I think...

10-15-2003, 11:10 PM
Raven and Glenadrin flew over a peaceful town, keeping mind of the keen eyes of the elves. They flew over a small valley, with a cave in the middle of it.<Raven, there are prescences of dragons down there.>
<I thought you were the only one...>
<Guess not. D'you wanna investigate?>
<Sure, why not. But I'm going to cast two spells. One to make us completely silent, and the other to make us invisible. Is that a good precaution?>
<Yes I think it is. But cast them now, before they come out.> She cast the spells, and they landed silently. She crept forward, and peered inside. She gasped, and was secretly glad of hte scilence spell. The place had dragons, and people. She motioned for Glenadrin to come with her, and they went in.

10-16-2003, 12:26 AM
<Why did he do that?> asked Saphira. <He was protecting his rider> replied Eragon. <Its ok, we are friends. She wasn't going to harm you, she was just introducing herself> said Eragon to Camnete. He bent over the long scratch on saphira's wing, the thin membranes peirced. <It's not that deep, your skin was protected.> He looked up at Brom, who rolled his eyes and nodded. "Just this once! For practice." he said. 'Waise heill." Eragon's gedwey ignasia glowed with a white light, the skin closing over the scratch. Saphira snorted with approoval. <You can release her, we mean no harm> Eragon said to Camnete. Brom suddenly stood. "There is another dragon here, besides Saphira, Camnete and Nyaki." Everyone stood silently waiting.

10-16-2003, 03:04 AM
Siuahn sat down again, leaning against Nyaki as she watched the others. She hadn't been listening to much of what the others hwas been saying, so it came as a shock when Banuien leaned over and kissed Eragon on the forehead. Coming back to her senses, she shook her head slightly. "Brom, why is it you sent Eragon to me, when you knew Banuien was here? I'm the same age as he is! I don't know more than a piece of what there is to know..." She trailed of, grumbling sullenly. She didn't get it. Her and Eragon weren't that far apart in age, yet the man sent him to her of all people. Banuien could teach him much more effectively.
Banuien's voice streaked through Siuahn's mind. <You are an excellent dragon rider,> she assured her. <And you are young; most of the time it is better for students to feel they may relate to their tutors. You are an essential part of Eragon's training. As long as I have known you, you have never lacked the confidence you needed to do anything; coaching another in dragon riding is not to be the business to tint your record.> Siauhn looked up: Banuien was at the mouth of the cave, giving no hint that she spoke to her but that she smiled. <Such is my method of teaching:> she mused, <Teach your pupil the risks and then give way as they make them. But remember,> she continued. <Only trust the chance to them when you are sure they are ready to venture it. And I know you can create him the proudest of all dragon riders of the world.>

Banuien suddenly giggled; her tittering echoed eerily throughout Siuahn’s mind. <His age, are you?> she teased. <And as fair as he?> Siuahn narrowed her eyes as Banuien began to snicker visibly.

Brom suddenly stood. "There is another dragon here, besides Saphira, Camnete and Nyaki." Everyone stood silently waiting.
Banuien had been staring avidly at the cave floor, where twigs were snapping and leaves crushing under the weight of some great unperceivable creature. "I know," she murmured. Before anyone could turn towards her, she stood and seized the smaller invisible perpetrator, holding a dirk to their throat while brandishing a white-bladed hatchet towards the mouth of the cave, where the other creature's footprints were new.

<Who are you?!> She demanded.

Akamai Deredal
10-16-2003, 07:25 PM
Siuahn glared at Banuien as she laughed. <What's got you in such a huff?> Nyaki asked, lifting her head to the Rider's shoulder. <She mentioned the fact that Eragon and I are around the same age...> Nyaki's laughter echoed in Siuahn's head, mush the same way that Banuien's had. <You two would be quite cute together.> <Stuff it, Nyaki. I don't want to hear anymore! You know I hate men.> The dragon scoffed quietly, <You just don't give them a chance, you foolish little girl. May-> She stopped in mid-word, her eyes flying up to where Baniuen stood with her arm wrapped around an invisible object. Siuahn scrambled to her feet clumsily, Nyaki rising beside her. <What's going on?> The dragon asked, folding her wings against her back and lowering her ears in uncertainty. <Wish I knew...>

10-16-2003, 09:19 PM
<I can feel it too> said Saphira, looking warily around. Eragon unsheathed Zar'roc, waiting for something to happen. <It could be at my nose and I wouldn't know it!> he said impatiently.

10-16-2003, 10:52 PM
"Its alright" said Brom suddenly. "I found her and talked to her, it took me a while, she is very strong of mind." Everyone looked at him. "Now for business, if everyone would please sit at the table, and if Raven would kindly show herself, we can begin. Oh, and the dragons need to listen too." He motioned for them to sit. He sat at the head of the table, pressing his hands together, a serious looked fell on his face. "As most of you know, two black cloaked men have been terrorizing the riders. As far as we know Galbatorix still doesn't know of us, but it won't take long. His power is increasing, and his empire expanding. These two cloaked figures are his advisors, and most precious to him. But they are not men. They are called the razac. Their faces are hooded, and no one but the king himself has seen them otherwise. They have no names, and are pure evil. Their only weakness is daylight. They can travel in the light, but it slows them down. I have friends, and contacts who have seen them, traveling at night, questioning the townspeople. They were last seen in a town about sixty leauges from here, not far. I will be taking a group of you with me to track them down. Who will go?" Brom stared at all the people beneath his brisly eyebrows. "I will." said Eragon. "I have to avenge my family, and any others who were hurt by these villians." he said. Brom looked at him, for a long time. "You may go, even though you are green, but I suppose is Banuien and Suiahn come, the three of us may train you on the way." Eragon smiled, finally he was going to do something. <what about us?> Saphira asked Brom. "The dragons may come, and in fact you should. but when we approach cities you must fly high. And when we travel on main roads, your riders must ride horses, and you stay out of site." Saphira snorted unhappily, but was glad to travel with Eragon. "Who else will come?"

Akamai Deredal
10-16-2003, 11:02 PM
Siuahn nodded after a moment. "I'll accompany with you, if I even had a choice to begin with. I don't know why I'm going though, with you two, of all people." She grumbled. "What've you got against me, Siuahn?" Eragon asked, sounding somewhat hurt by her sudden indifference to him. She lifted her pale eyes, and stared at him for a moment, as if measuring him. Her eyes were a dim gray, almost white, and her pupils barely a few shades darker. "Because I dislike men, Eragon. And as far as I'm concerned, you are a man." "Dislike is hardly a strong enough word, Siuahn. You hate them, with every fiber of your being if it were possible." Brom retorted, making her shoot him a sour look.

OOC: Sorry I manipulated Brom and Eragon there... Didn't know what else to do.

10-17-2003, 12:40 AM
"You know girl, you annoy me." She said as her spells were released. "I am Raven Blackfire, mage, shifter, and ravenwinged flier." She looked in a pack slung across her back, and drew out a pair of black things, shaped like wings. She shook them out and htey formed great, black wings. She attached them to her back, and flew up a couple inches off the ground, and released her dragons spells.

10-17-2003, 05:07 AM
Siuahn nodded after a moment. "I'll accompany with you, if I even had a choice to begin with. I don't know why I'm going though, with you two, of all people." She grumbled.

Banuien giggled. "And are you forgetting your old – female – comrade in arms?"

Siuahn looked at Banuien sideways. <Since when can you be classified as 'female'?> she asked. Banuien simply glared at her.

"I am Raven Blackfire, mage, shifter, and ravenwinged flier." She looked in a pack slung across her back, and drew out a pair of black things, shaped like wings. She shook them out and htey formed great, black wings. She attached them to her back, and flew up a couple inches off the ground, and released her dragons spells.

Banuien grinned at Raven.

"Conversely, it is lovely to meet you."

10-17-2003, 07:06 AM
"Well, I geuss I'll go. Camnete will join me?" Terin asked aprehensivly. But Camnete didn't answer because he to busy talking to Nyaki. <How long have been with your rider nyaki?> <That depends do you want our years or there's?> <I don't really care I was just curious.> <You know you should really work on that temper of yours.> Saphire said to Camnete. <I didn't mean to and really am sorry. Will you forgive me?> Camnete asked all to obviously flirting. <CAMNETE!!> Terin screamed to her dragon. <Will you be joining me??> <Of course I will Terin. Someone has to take care of you.> <Glad to know you ahven't lost your sense of humour.> "Well now that dragon has stopped flirting then I can tell you we will both be joining you. Although becasue of where I lived I have never riden a horse before."

10-17-2003, 09:39 AM
Terin felt a hand grip her shoulder; turning she came face-to-face with Banuien, eyeing her strictly.

"And how do you know that your departure of this Valley will not see you shot?" she demanded. "That you have been attacked by these men suggests that whoever you once knew is safer if they are not with you." She let her hand drop to her side and gazed at Terin sadly. "Until at least we know that all probability of them finding or making any attempt on your life is eliminated."

10-17-2003, 01:08 PM
I think raven was talking to Brom.

"Good," said Brom. "So thats everyone. And for your riding skills, Terin, that won't be a problem." he stood looking at all the riders and dragons. "Once again, riders will unite, may the empire fall under your rule." he said soberly. "Now we need to get ready, Eragon, get the horses. Banuien, instruct Terin on horseback riding. Raven, make yourself useful, and Siuahn can help Eragon." he smiled, Eragon gave him a pleading glance, he tried to reach him with his mind, but Brom blocked him out. Eragon reluctantly stood, giving Siuahn a weak smile. He walked to the stables, walking up and down the hall looking for good, strong horses. He noticed Brom's horse Snowfire and took him out of the stall. He also brought five other horses. "So, do you ride often?" he asked Siuahn uncomfortably. "It all depends." she replyed coldly. They reached the field where everyone was busy getting ready. "Oh, good, you found Snowfire!" said Brom taking the horse's reins. Snowfire was a tall, muscley white stallion, and worthy of a noble rider, and Brom was that indeed. Eragon chose a bay horse for himself and saddled him. "You should name him." said brom. "I'm not good at naming things. But I will name you Cadoc." Brom looked at him. "It was the name of my grandfather." Eragon said rather embarresed.

sorry bout the godmodding akai!

10-17-2003, 09:43 PM
"And by usefull, you mean invisible and silent? I'll fly by myself, and be invisible, except to you, and I 'll make the rest of you invisible too."

10-18-2003, 01:11 AM
"No, that will not be necesarry." said Brom, eyeing the girl. "I suggest that you ride the horse as well. I'm sure your dragon will not mind. And as for being useful, I meant help us get ready." he said. He loaded his saddlebag onto Snowfire. Eragon did th same to Cadoc. Brom came up to him, and gazed into his eyes. "Eragon, you will be faced with many things on this journey. Trials, in body and mind. People who you thought you knew like the palm of your hand, will surprise you." Eragon nodded. "I am ready, though I need training." he said. "Proper training will have to wait, but with the help of Banuien I will help you. Suiahn will get more training than she realized." Brom said with a smile.

10-18-2003, 04:09 AM
Banuien and Terin strode through the stables, passing Eragon and Siuahn in their search for the Elf’s horse. Siuahn was still being reserved around Eragon; Banuien poked her playfully in the back and muttered: <Shut up, Siuahn.> And continued to the back of the stables. Iavas flicked his proud head and neighed at the site of Banuien; he was the mixed colour of autumn leaves, like a brown-gold tabby cat. His main was black with streaks of palish gold as was his tail, and he was taller in stature than even Banuien.

“You will be riding Iavas;" she said to Terin, "For by my account he has never rejected any rider I have presented to him." She mounted her horse and steered him and Terin outside.

10-18-2003, 01:05 PM
As everyone gathered in the field Brom said, "We have all come together, to fight against something that has kept us in bonage for a hundred years. The Empire will fall, this is the return of the dragon riders." He mounted Snowfire and headed towards the mouth of the valley that was hidden deep i the mountains. Eragon mounted Cadoc, picking up his reins. <Be safe little one, I will flying above you> said Saphira as she lept up into the air. <Be polite> <You too!> Saphira laughed. Eragon rode up to terin, "How is it?" he asked

10-18-2003, 01:07 PM
As everyone gathered in the field Brom said, "We have all come together, to fight against something that has kept us in bonage for a hundred years. The Empire will fall, this is the return of the dragon riders." He mounted Snowfire and headed towards the mouth of the valley that was hidden deep i the mountains. Eragon strapped Zar'roc to his belt, strung his bow, and mounted Cadoc. <Be safe little one, I will flying above you> said Saphira as she lept up into the air. <Be polite> <You too!> Saphira laughed. Eragon rode up to terin, "How is it?" he asked

10-18-2003, 08:28 PM
OOC:I'm not the only one it did the double post thing to. Anyway I'm assumeing you ment how was the riding.

"Well it's not eaxactly like riding a dragon though I'm sure it much the same princple." Terin said to Eragon acting like a no it all to this younger child. Eragon just smiled knowing that in this asspect he knew more than his older friend. <Hmph! It is not the same in any way shape or form I can assure you!> Camnete said insulted. <Oh, and how would you know? Have you ever riden a horse?> Terin asked Cream amused. <Now I must find Banuein to thank her.> Not knowing how to ride terin kicked her horse forward to hard and he took off at a gallop. Terin with a shreik fell to the ground. Eragon rode up and helped her on her feet, showing Terin she had a lot to learn about age and knowledge. Banuein rode up leading Iavas. "You'll want to be more gentle in the future." And rode off leaving Terin to get back on by herself.

OOC: Sorry for the godmoding! You know every time I see Eragon I want to say Aragorn. What's the name of that book Pip? I wanna read it.

10-18-2003, 08:35 PM
ooc:The name of the book is Eragon, written by Christopher Paolini, who wrote it when he was 15! now he's 19 and working on Eldest, the next book. its amazing! I got my copy at Barnes&noble (my store!)

ic: Eragon smiled, "Just squeeze wuth your legs, and keep a firm hand on the reins." he said. <How is it?> he asked Saphira. <The air is thin, but flying is refreshing. I don't like you riding that beast you call a horse> she said. Eragon loved Saphira with all his heart, but he was glad he was not riding her at the moment. They rode to the mouth of the valley, "We are now leaving Dragonkin valley, soon we will arrive in Yazuac, a small town north of here.

10-18-2003, 11:27 PM
*whistles* "Raganok!" A Redish horse with a black mane ran up to her. "Good! He came this time." She hopped on his bare back, and removed the wings from her back. She carefully put them in her pack, and jumped on her horses bare back.

10-19-2003, 01:23 AM
ooc: Lol I would've expected more training in horseriding supplied there, but meh. I don't know that much about horses myself, so Go Pip!

ic: <Just relax,> Banuien instructed, calling back from around fifty feet ahead of Terin. <The horse’ll get extremely aggravated if you're too rigid. They can tell when you’re nervous, so don’t be so stiff.>

10-19-2003, 01:55 AM
ooc: tee-hee I've been riding horses for almost three years. i think fim will catch up eventually!

ic: Eragon smiled, it almost felt good to see this know-it-all woman falter on the horse. Then he thought, 'She could probably kill me with her pinky.' "Sit heavier in the saddle, there you go." he said. They rode over a hill and down in the valley was a very small town. "There is Yazuac. There is an inn, Golden Globe. Be sure to hide your gedwey ignasia, and for goodness sake, don't use magic! You are all travelers, nothing important." he nudged Snowfire on. They arrived at th gate of the town and were let in after a little convincing of the gaurd. "Stable your horses here." Brom said pointing at the small stable. He tied Snowfire in a stall and Eragon did the same. They entered the inn, "We need two rooms." he said to the inn keeper. "Yes, sir, coming right up!" the man led them through the common room, towards thier rooms. The men in the room stared at them blankly. Once they arrived Brom said, "There are four beds in there for you," he said to the women. "Eragon and I will share a room." he said bidding them goodnight. "You may go to the common room, but remember what I said!" he led Eragon into thier room.

10-19-2003, 02:18 AM
Banuien strode into the room, and for the first time in front of her present company let her hair out. It fell down her back in thick kinks, stiff and curled from the strict plait. She turned to the other three.

"You can go to sleep, if you wish," she said. "I have no will for it." She stood outside, guarding the door to their room, her eyes wide and tireless.

<Siuahn,> she called softly. <Let me say something:> she sighed and wondered what exactly she could say to a girl in Siuahn’s situation. <I…would not have you feel in any way uncomfortable with your company,> she began uncertainly. <But please try to get on with Eragon. I do not believe him to be the misogynist or ogre-like stereotype that most men are portrayed as,> she considered adding 'in your mind', just for the sake of teasing Siuahn, but decided against it. <I do not think you would regret giving him a chance, if ever you should.>

Banuien dropped her gaze to the floor, listening for any response of Siuahn, but both her mind and the room were quiet. She looked up again, relatively disappointed but somewhat relieved. Therein, Banuien caught sight of Eragon; not expecting him to be so close, she had not bothered to limit her thoughts on him to Siuahn’s mind; she smiled kindly, but pushed her hair in front of her cheeks to hide her dark and reluctant blush.

"Were you thinking of going to the common room?" she asked gently.

10-19-2003, 01:54 PM
OOC:HEY!:o I've riding since I was 8 I'm 15 so that's 7 years! Sorry, I just got a little miffed that people were thinking I couldn't ride.


<Camnete? Where are you staying for the night?> Terin asked Camnete. <Well there aren't any caves around but we found a nice secluded spot...Saphira seems to think that people come here often but there is nothing to indicate that they do. And as Nyaki and I have told her she stills has much to learn about humans. You know Nyaki's not that bad once you get to know her.> <Oh, you! Is that all you're going to be thinking of?> <Maybe, maybe not. It depends.> And with that Terin and Camnete went to sleep. One without dreams and with dreams of a painful bouncing up and down motion.

10-19-2003, 06:14 PM
ooc: kool fim! horses rock!

ic: "Yes, I think I am, you?" he replied stepping out of the room. Brom grasped the boy's arm, "Be careful! The King might have spies here, if you hear anything about the ra'zac, remember it!" he let Eragon go with a glare.

Akamai Deredal
10-19-2003, 08:05 PM
OOC: Sorry I've been OOA (out of action) for so long everyone... Been gone the whole weekend. So... let's just pretend Siuahn's said close to nothing the whole trip. Which is actually pretty understandable, real iceblock she is... *slaps self* back to posting! (going to try out different buttons on her, and look like I'm smart... though I'll look stupid at frist)


<Siuahn,> she called softly. <Let me say something:> she sighed and wondered what exactly she could say to a girl in Siuahn’s situation. <I…would not have you feel in any way uncomfortable with your company,> she began uncertainly. <But please try to get on with Eragon. I do not believe him to be the misogynist or ogre-like stereotype that most men are portrayed as,> she considered adding 'in your mind', just for the sake of teasing Siuahn, but decided against it. <I do not think you would regret giving him a chance, if ever you should.>

Siuahn stared at the ceiling, replaying Banuien's words in her head. Taking a slow breath she dropped her head in resignation and searched the woman out. <Banuien... It's not that i dislike Eragon himself, you should know that. I am just untrusting towards all men. He's likeable enough... > Pausing, she looked outside at the streets below, <I will do my best to get along with him. I won't have the lot of us fall to pieces just because I'm too fool-headed to give the boy a chance.> Unsure of whether Banuien had heard her even, Siuahn rose to the window and rested her elbows on its sill. Closing her eyes, she emptied her head, a dim feeling of amusement slowly growing in the expanse of her mind. <Siuahn? Is that you?> The woman smiled as Nyaki's voice floated in through the darkness. <Yes, Nyaki. How are you getting along with Saphira and Camnete?> <Oh, wonderfully! Camnete seems to be quite pleased as well.> Siuahn allowed herself a small laugh, <Well, what male dragon wouldn't. Being stuck with two young females must be horrible for him> <Siuahn! Don't make me remind you Eragon is a man the same age as yourself.> <Oh hush, Nyaki. I might come visit you tonight. Warn the others, I don't feel like being tosted. But for now I'm going to find something to eat... Maybe on of the others to talk to... Behave yourself. And stay out of trouble.> She pushed herself from the window and exited the room, hesitantly walking down the hall, unsure of where to go exactly. <Me stay out of trouble? You shouldn't be saying that, Siuahn!>

OOC: Sorry the post is so long, tryin' to catch up in a sense... :)

10-19-2003, 08:27 PM
Brom grabbed Suiahn by the arm, "Where are you going? you need to stay inside the inn, you young kids are really going to be the end of me!" he said. "I strongly suggest you stay up here or in the common room, but be quiet and stay unnoticed!" meanwhile downstairs, Eragon sat in a chair in the corner. He ordered a pint and looked around the room. There were many people, most townspeople, but some were obviously traveling. "They talked to you?" said a voice behind him. "Yes, and it was a frightful time at that! Thier voices were smooth and tempting, but horrible and terrifying at the same time. And those black cloaks that hid thier faces weren't a comfort either!" another voice replied. Eragon knew what they were talking about. Then thier voices were muffled, because they were whispering. 'Dang! I need to hear this!' Then he thought of something, 'atra eka horna!' he mumbled under his breath. Suddenly his hearing was sharpened, he could hear the two men clearly. "They asked about a young man, with an old man traveling, asking questions. Well I haven't seen anything of the sort." said the man. "Well they seemed pretty determined, we'd better keep a look out! Which way did they say they were going?" said the other man. "Towards Teerm." replied the other. Eragon stood, trying to hide his face. He hurried upstairs to his room.

sorry bout da long post!

Akamai Deredal
10-19-2003, 08:43 PM
Siuahn nodded to Brom. "I was going to the common room, Brom. Keep fretting like this and you'll make us be the end of you, you silly old man. Now go enjoy a pint or something of the like. I'll be down shortly." She watched as the man walked off grumbling, though she wore a slightly amused grin on her face. She gave a muffled shout as someone ran into her, in their hurry to get down the hall. "Why don't you wa-" She stopped in mid sentence when she realized who it was. "Eragon.... I'm sorry, I didn't realize it was you." She spoke quietly, her apology heart-felt. "Now, what's got you in such a hurry? You look like you've seen a ghost..." The kindness in her voice seemed to catch the man off-guard.

10-19-2003, 09:34 PM
Eragon leaned against the wall, trying to catch his breath. "There were two men, they were talking about the ra'zac, they are looking for me!" he said, his voice was riddled with fright. He knew he was supposed to be a brave rider, but he was worried sick. "What is it boy?" asked Brom. "The ra'zac were here, they asked about you and me. They don't know we are following them, i think. We can't stay here long, the two men are looking for us!" Brom's face was solemn. "We have to leave tonight." he said. "Suiahn, go find Banuien and Terin. Eragon get your things together and get the horses ready. I will contact the dragons and tell them to meet us outside Yazuac." Brom said. Eragon ran out the door and into the stables. He saddled all the horses and led them to the front.

Akamai Deredal
10-19-2003, 09:49 PM
Siuahn spun around on her heel and slipped down the hall silently, listening and feeling for Terin and Banuien both. She sensed Terin first; the girl was sleeping. Knocking on the door to her room brought no response, so she walked in abruptly, her eyes darting around, trying to spot Terin's form. Siuahn was nervous, she could feel the adrenaline rushing madly through her veins. The ra'zac, here and looking for Brom and Eragon. Suddenly, she felt the indifference she bore twoards Eragon slide away. He was in trouble, and as long as they were all with him, he needed their help. "Terin, get up! Hurry, on your feet. We have to leave..." The girl rose quickly to Siuahn's urging, though she seemed a bit put off at having to wake up. The two of them darted back down the hall, splitting up; Terin going to find Eragon and Siuahn going to hunt down Banuien.

10-19-2003, 09:52 PM
Brom burst through the back door to find Eragon standing there withh all the horses. "I contacted Saphira and they will meet us outside the city. We will have to take a back road out, we are obviosuly hot on thier trail, they might have back-tracked and come back, but I doubt it. They have to get to thier king." they mounted thier horses waiting for the others

Akamai Deredal
10-19-2003, 10:11 PM
Suiahn soon found Banuien, and sent the woman off to gather what belongings she had brought with her. <I'll meet you outside, Banuien... The others are out there as well. Your horse is out there I suppose... I'm sure Eragon gathered everyone's.> She said as she strode out of the common room, slowly enough not to cause too much attention to be dropped on her, but quickly enough to get her outside shortly. Eragon, Brom and Terin were already atop their horses, which fidgeted nervously, anxious to be off and running. Siuahn supposed they could sense their rider's emotions. Levering herself up into the saddle, she allowed herself to calm down since hearing about the ra'zac, and think. What on earth were they going to do, and where were they going to go?

10-19-2003, 10:24 PM
Soon they were all on thier horses. "We have to take a back road, it goes around the city, but still close enough to be seen." said Brom nudging SnowFire, "Follow me!" It was pitch black outside and the cold air froze Eragon's ears and nose. They found the path and were riding quickly untill Snowfire reared high in the air. two cloacked men stood in the path. eragon could not see thier faces, but he knew who they were. they were standing face to face with the ra'zac. One of them let out a low venomous hiss. Cadoc shreiked and threw Eragon out of the saddle. He drew himself to full height, the ra'zac's hooded face was in front of his. A gloved hand grasped Eragon's throat and began to squeeze. Brom leapt from Snowfire, to try to protect Eragon. He drew his sword an sliced the ra'zac's hand. it leapt back with a shreik. Eragon was given just enough time to unsheath Zar'roc. The others quickyl came to help. Eragon's sword met the long one of the ra'zac. He knew nothing of swordplay. Eragon blocked a blow to his arm, and another to his neck. He swung Zar'roc at his opponent's head. The ra'zac's sword blocked his and swung it out of his hands. Brom quickly knocked the sword out of the ra'zac's grasp. The second ra'zac was held at bay by the others. Eragon smiled, they had the upper hand! the ra'zac quickly brought a dagger out of his shoe and threw it at Brom's chest. Brom rolled out of the way. but he was too slow, the dagger found its way to his shoulder, and he went limp. Eragon screamed and yelled at the top of his lungs, "Brisngr!" A blue flame formed in his hand and he threw it at the ra'zac, who quickly stopped it. Eragon felt weak, he fell to the ground. Everything went black.

10-19-2003, 10:51 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by PippinTook
[B]ooc: kool fim! horses rock!

YUP! I gonna get a horse when I'm.................... older.. anyway....

Raven threw on her wings again, and drew her blade. It glowed with a feirce silver light. <It does really glow then...> She slashed down twords the ra'zac. It tried to block, but did so unsucessfully. <Of course, He faints.> She rolled her eyes, picked up Eragorn, and stuck him on his horse.

10-19-2003, 11:46 PM
I wanna horse! *pouts*

meanwhile, the dragons waited in a field, not 2 miles from where they people wee fighting the ra'zac. Suddenly, Saphira cried out, <they are in trouble! Banuien just told me to come and help them! come on!> she lept into the air, with Nyaki, Glenadrin, and Camnete.

10-19-2003, 11:48 PM
ooc:hey pip aren't you going to change you class?(you are an elf lord)

10-19-2003, 11:50 PM
I don't know how! grrr, I'l figure it out eventually. I have been hit by the un named rule that we do not speak of! grrrrrr

Akamai Deredal
10-19-2003, 11:52 PM
Siuahn slid her knife into its sheath quickly, it being the only weapon she'd had on her for a long time. "Someone help me with him! Go, go! Leave them! They'll suffer more under the hand of their leader!" She shouted, grabbing one of Brom's arms, and finding Terin with his other. Brom groaned as the dagger was removed from his shoulder. "Can you ride?" Siuahn asked him, hurrying him over to his mount. He nodded, though it was obvious his consciousness would soon fail him. Banuien took Brom from Terin quickly, sending the girl back to get on her own horse, as she helped him up into his saddle. Raven was still fighting with one ra'zac, but the other was slowly rising to strike her from behind. "Raven!" Siuahn's blade was out again and flying through the air in an instant, only to come to an abrupt stop in the cloaked back of the second creature; she could find no other name to call the ra'zac. Raven struck the remaining one across the skull, sending it to the ground as if its bones had melted away. She leapt into her saddle and made her way to the front of the group. "Banuien, take Saeryl by the lead." Siuahn said, handing the rope to the elf's outstretched and waiting hand. As the group began to move forward in a quickly increasing pace, Siuahn pulled herself up into Cadoc's saddle behind Eragon's limp form. Putting one arm around his waist to keep him in the saddle, she grabbed the reins and booted the horse after the others, quickly catching up with them in their frantic pace, as eager as they were to leave the city.

10-20-2003, 12:06 AM
its ok akai.

Saphira and the other dragons reached them when they came to the outskirts of the city. <Eragon!> cried Saphira. They stopped and laid Eragon and Brom down. "They're not dead." said Suiahn. "Oh, my head!" said Eragon. <Eragon you foolish little hatchling! I will never let you out of my sight again!> said Saphira snapping at him. "What happened? We were fighting, then Brom was stabbed, is he okay?" he asked quickly, looking at his hurt friend. "Fine, I'm fine." Grumbled Brom. "Then I tried to kill the ra'zac with magic, but nothing happened and I collapsed. "You foolish little boy! I told you not to use magic!" said Brom staring at the boy. "I thought they had killed you!" replied Eragon. "You could have killed yourself! And almost did!" Brom scowled. <Listen to him!> said Saphira. "What happened to the ra'zac? Are they following us?" asked Eragon. "No, we killed them." replied Suiahn. "No you didn't." said Brom. Everyone just looked at him. "You can not kill them. Let me guess, they shrivled, then dissapeared. They will return, fully strengthened by morning." He groaned. "What are we to do?" asked Eragon. "We must ride, as soon as possible. I wil be ready after getting this wound wrapped up. but you are still too weak." Brom said. "What am I going to do? I suppose you can strap me to Cadoc." he said. Saphira growled. She pinned him down with her leg. <You are a dragon rider! I am your dragon! You will ride me tonight!> <But I can't!> Eragon said, mainly because he was afraid to. Saphira snapped her jaws near his ear. <You will ride me!> He nodded.

Akamai Deredal
10-20-2003, 12:20 AM
Siuahn watched Eragon as Saphira laid her foot on top of him, though she was careful not to crush him. Smiling, she shook her head and dropped off Saeryl's saddle. <Pushing you around, is she, Eragon?> The boy looked around for a second, not recognizing her voice, before his eyes finally stopped on her. She still smiled as she walked over towards him and Saphira. Reaching out carefully, she laid a hand lightly on the she-dragon's shoulder. <He's not yet used to being a Shur'tugal, Saphira. He will ride though, under Brom's teachings. And I trust you will not let him fall.> Saphira turned her head to look at the girl, tilting her head to the side slightly. <Siuahn, will you be riding?> Nyaki's curious voice called to her quietly, almost hopefully. <If you want me to, I will.> <I would like that. The horseflesh makes you smell odd. Besides, it feels... wrong without you on my back.> Siuahn grinned slightly as she walked towards her dragon. Her eyes held a faraway look, but only for a brief moment. After climbing up into Nyaki's saddle, the dragon launched herself in the air, leaving the ground to quickly drop out below them. <Take me back, Nyaki. I have yet to see that the wounded are tended to.> <You said you would ride... And something is bothering you, Siuahn... What is it?>

10-20-2003, 12:41 AM
very good akai! already looking up words in the ancient language! how far along are you?

Eragon smiled sheepishly, hoping Saphira would listen to Suiahn. He was ready to ride, and it would be better for him than horseback, he was just afraid. His first riding expeiriance was nothing short of a nightmare. <You will ride me> she said, lifting her claw off of him. <You are meant to ride me, why don't you want to?> she asked, rather hurt. <I-I'm just scared, remember last time! I still have scars!> he said. <i will take care of you, I love you> she said. Now he understood, <you are right, I will ride you> he said. "We have to go, now. They will catch up with us soon. We have to make to Teerm and hide untill they get there. My friend Jeod dwells there." said Brom, lifting himself onto Snowfire. Saphira lifted Eragon gingerly and placed him on her back. Banuien strapped him into the saddle as Saphira leapt into the air. She beat her wings untill they were high in the air. eragon gripped one of her spikes with a death-hold.

10-20-2003, 07:36 AM

<Wait,> Banuien called. Saphira fidgeted impatiently and Banuien stroked her nose soothingly.<Eat this,> Banuien handed Eragon a bright red flower like to the one she had fed Cream. <It will help you regain the energy you lost in your use of magick.> Eragon took the flower and Saphira leapt into the air, leaving Banuien gazing after them longingly on the ground. She turned briskly;

"Brom, come here," she ordered. She gave him a petal of one of the scarlet flowers too, and gave him a piece of cloth with a sweet-smelling fragrance rubbed into it, telling him to inhale the perfume of the fabric. Usually she would have rubbed the odour into the wound, but at that point they didn't have the time; she mounted Iavas and set off at a gallop.

<Siuahn, what happened?> she yelled over the pounding of hooves. Siuahn told of how Eragon had, by way of magick, overheard the mention of ra'zac. Banuien actually laughed. <Humans,> she giggled. <Always so reliant on their spells for enhancement of their senses…> she received the desired result: Siuahn giggled softly too. Then:

<Hey!> Banuien cackled evilly upon Iavas. Siuahn gritted her teeth. <Oh, I am so going to tickle torture you to death when this is over…> Banuien ceased laughing and bit her lip nervously.

ooc: soz a bit of godmoding (i think thats what you call it anyway...)

10-20-2003, 02:33 PM
I godmodded alot too.

Once they were high in the air, Eragon looked over Saphira's shoulder. His friends were like little mice. He loosed his grip and spead his arms out <this is great!> he said <I told you so!> <I don't see how you can bear landing when you can fly like this!> He let out a whoop. <I'm glad you think so, are you ready?> <for what?> Suddenly Saphira flipped backwards and went in a big loop, then dove straight down to the ground, lifting up right before she hit. <I didn't know you could do that without me holding on!> <neither did I!> Eragon laughed. They landed beside the others. "Whats news?" Eragon asked. "We are almost to Teerm, and haven't seen anything of the ra'zac. i'm glad you seem to be alright!" Brom said. "I love it! I can't believe I haven't ridden sooner!" Eragon said. "Well, I think you are doing better thanks to Banuien's flower. Therefor, your riding will be put on hold, and I will teach you how to fight, along with Banuien if she wishes."

Akamai Deredal
10-20-2003, 03:02 PM
Siuahn stared down at Eragon and Saphira; Nyaki had risen far above the others. Up here, the air was thinner, making it an effort to breathe. <Siuahn, answer me!> The girl was torn out of her thoughts by Nyaki's snap. <It's nothing, Nyaki. It's just all these people... Raven, Terin, Eragon... there's so many of them. I never expected us all to come to gether to quickly and abruptly. I don't even know them, yet we're supposed to be a team, friends. I can't do that!> Nyaki's wave of sympathy brushed over Siuahn, making the young woman grimace with distaste. <Don't sympathize. I'd rather have someone's hate than their sympathy.> <But you are my Rider, Siuahn. I can't help but worry, or care for you. I love you, you foolish little hatchling.> Siuahn's grimace quickly faded into a smile, <Thank you, Nyaki. I did not mean to hurt your feelings, if I did.> <Don't fret. Now, as for what you can and cannot do... If you are having problems trusting people, I am sure you can confide in Brom or Banuien... but if you wish it, I will always listen.> <Fair enough. Now let us go back, we have a lot yet to tend to.> The she-dragon tilted to the left, slowly descending in a downward spiral to land gracefull behind the traveling group or rag-tag individuals. <What a sight we must make.> Nyaki said, laughing. <Let us up we are not a sight that has already been seen.>

10-21-2003, 12:18 AM
"Do you think this is a good idea?" Eragon asked Brom. "WE need rest, we are no good traveling or fighting our enemies without a bit of rest." Brom replied, sitting on the ground. "But rest must wait for you and me!" He stood again. He gave Eragon a makeshift sword made of wood, and pulled one out for himself. Eragon smiled. 'I will soften my blows as not to hurt the old man.' he thought. They stood there, staring at eachother. Eragon made the first move, he went for brom's right shoulder. His blow was quickly blocked and Brom's wooden sword struck him in the side with quickness that amazed the boy. "Ow!" He said, grabbing his side. He straightened and blocked another blow. He came at Brom, trying to surprise him. He hit Brom on the arm, and blocked another hit to his head. "Good boy, good! You are learning swiftly!" Brom said hitting him in the shin. "Not swift enough!" Eragon groaned. By the end, Eragon couldn't move for the bruises inflicted on him. Brom sat down beside him. "A fight well fought, though I battered you!" He smirked. "Now for rest and a bite to eat!" He handed the sore boy a piece of bread.

10-21-2003, 08:45 AM
ic: Banuien had been lying on her back, looking to the stars when she had finally slept. It was around 4 o’clock when her eyes flung open to see Eragon and Brom finishing their training before sitting down for a meal of soft bread. She stood and walked over to them, crouching besides Eragon and starting at Brom with a half smile.

"Drink this," she offered them a cruet of clear liquid; it sat tasteless and neither cool nor warm in their mouths; each of them took a swig of it, after which the bread seemed exceedingly more delectable than it had been previous.

"You have great strength in the field of swordplay," she commented. "Excellent form. However focus on your footwork; try to step in cohesion with your opponent so there is no certification of them having the upper hand in a duel." She surveyed his bruises and smiled at Brom. "And, perhaps, some training in archery is due?" She handed Eragon a cell of pale green ointment. "Berialda balm," she explained. "It will spur the riddance of the bruises." Eragon accepted the salve happily. Banuien turned to Brom.

"I myself would welcome revision of practice," she admitted. Brom grinned and handed her the wooden sword Eragon had used. Banuien stood somewhat separated from the others; she again swiftly plaited her hair and grasped the sword in her right hand.

ooc: Pip you can make up a sequence, if you want, I have to go to bed.

Statistics are...they're both good. I'm trusting you to manage it, Pip:p :rolleyes:

Akamai Deredal
10-21-2003, 09:03 AM
Siuahn lay nestled between Nyaki's forelegs, each as big as a fairly old oak tree. The girl's eyes were closed in slumber, but yet she knew all that was going around her. Nyaki had pulled her mind from her body, fusing it with hers for a time, letting the girl sleep and watch. Through the dragon's eyes, Siuahn saw all the colors in darker shades. Black was the most prominent of things. She supposed it was because of Nyaki's colloring. Though the colors were muted, they still shone with a metallic quality that Siuahn had never seen with her own eyes. <You are fading quickly, Siuahn... perhaps you should go down for full sleep now.> <I think you are right... It's getting hard to watch what is happening. Thank you for the treat though, Nyaki.> The low rumble in Nyaki's chest strengthened slightly, and Siuahn smiled. <Sleep well, little hatchling.> <We will fly tomorrow... yes?> <Yes... now sleep.> Siuahn felt everything spin slightly as she returned to herself, her vision black behind her lids. It took her only a few moments of adjusting herself before she slipped off completely, her dreams plagued by screaming and crying. Men.

10-21-2003, 12:47 PM
wow akai! did you already get to that part? ok, we really gotta stop oocing in the ic thread! I'm bad at that.

Eragon woke to the muffled knock of Brom and Banuien's swords. The elf was extremely skilled in swordplay, but Brom was just a hair better. (that ok earloth? you probably shouldn't have let me do this!) They sat down beside him, "You gave me a good fight, Banuien!" said Brom with a heave. He laid his head on the hard ground. Eragon did the same and swiftly fell back to sleep.

Akamai Deredal
10-21-2003, 06:08 PM
The chilled morning air brushing across her face was what woke Siuahn early that morning. Letting out a small groan as she stretched, the young woman pushed herself up from the ground stiffly, but carfully so as not to wake the others. Rubbing her arms vigorously through her sleeves, she rummaged around through Nyaki's saddle, pulling her jacket out a few moments later. Tightly wrapping herself in the thick material, she started off towards the woods to find some game. Stopping beside a small stream, the girl picked out a handful of perfectly smooth pebbles, about the size as the end joint of her thumb. She slid off into the trees, her feet making no noise; she'd learned certain skills from Baniuen that Brom could never have taught her.
Siuahn came back well before the others had woken up, with three plump rabbits for the breakfast meal. She set about starting the fire and gathering water to boil, as well as a few odd vegetables here and there. Once the stew had been started, the Rider sat herself down and went about skinning the rabbits. Each one sported a hole in the side of their heads roughly the size of the pebbles Siuahn had gathered at the stream bed. Dicing the meat, she dropped it into the pot. As she waited for the stew to cook, she leaned back against Nyaki and stared at the sky, letting herself be lost in the rythmic beat of the dragons heart, and her own thoughts.

10-21-2003, 08:19 PM
OOC: Yeah, horses. Now what the crap was I doing the whole time!!! Standing there with my mouth open!!!! You guys I was only gone a day and you post all that?!!? Ok here's the deal No one noticed that my horse wasn't carrying a rider and that Camnete wan't in the air with you. And you were so tired and I'm so quit that you took it for granted that I was there.


<Well, I hope they don't miss me to much. But seeing those ra'zac reminded me of home. we've been away to long and I don't even know if my parents are still alive.> Terin thought to Cream. <Yes it will be good to go home. This warmer climate is really starting to bug me. But how do you know it wasn't your own people who betrayed you?> <Well...because they've all always known about you and why would they wait until you and I were more in tune with each other to sell us out? Keep a good look out we're nearing the frozen river. Glad I changed my clothes.> They were apporching a great frozen river with Terin's city on the edge. As they got closer a horn sounded and Terin and Camnete both knew that they had been seen. <Terin if we're going to turn back now would be the time to do it.> <No! I have to know.> They landed very gracefully in front of the welcome party. The head of Terin's village was there to great them. "Terin! Known of us thought we'd ever see you again. We all thought you'd been taken by those things that came thourgh here." He said with surprise. "I'm not dead. But I must know if anyone here said anything about Camnete and I to those things. And where is my family."Terin said softly suddenly realizing her parents nor any other member of her family were there. "Terin you must believe me when I say none of us ever said anything to those monsters. As for your parents, well, we were powerless to stop them. They seemed to know that they had let there prey slip through their fingers. All of them are dead." He said these last words with remorse as he saw the sadness grow on the young girsl face. <Terin lets go back to the others. we're safe with them.> <No, Camnete. Night comes early here. We will wait till the first light of tomorrow.> "Thank you." And with that Terin mounted Camnete and they flew to they underpass Terin liked to hid in as a child.

OOC:That's really long but I didn't have a choice.

Akamai Deredal
10-21-2003, 08:49 PM
OOC: It's all right Fim... Long posts seem to be expected here ^_^ I know I don't mind. More to read :D Anywho... I'm thinking that the characters ought to 'interact' with each other more... ask more questions etc. That way some things came out in the open, if ya know what I mean...


As Siauhn watched the clouds sweep across the slowly lightening sky, her thoughts stole her away from where she sat, back to her home at the foot of the mountains, back to her years as a child. Memories rushed in on her unexpectedly, and she was powerless to stop them.
Her father was yelling again, in his umpteenth drunken rage of the month. She'd grown used to it, over the years, but the fear never went away. She could feel it now, growing into an icy knot the size of her fist, until it enveloped all her senses. "Idiot girl! What are you standing there for? I told you to go to your room!" His words were slurred, and his eyes wild as they nearly bulged from his head. The man wore a crazed look on his face, only one who had seen it would know what it did to anyone around. Siuahn could feel the tears slide down her cheeks as she cried, terrified for the man standing over her fallen form. The side of her face stung fiercly, but it went numb slowly as she laid there, listening to his bellows. Her mother lay a few feet from her, motionless. A dark pool slowly spread out from under the woman's form. Blood. Siuahn let a wail tear out of her twelve-year-old chest. Sobs racked her frail form as her father stuck her again. "Shut up! Stop crying!" The rage in his voice quelled her crying briefly, replacing her sorrow with fear again. His muscualr hand grabbed her by the shoulder and wrenched her from the floor and up onto her feet. "I said stop crying!" He struck her across the face again then threw her back down, leaving her there as he left the house. Siuahn cried herself to sleep that night.

Opening her eyes, Siuahn took a deep, wavering breath and wiped the tears from her eyes. That was the last time she'd seen her father. He'd left and never come back... Briefly, she wondered if the grave she dug her mother was still there, unravaged by wild animals. Pulling her knees up to her chin and wrapping her arms around her legs, Siuahn lowered her head and softly began to weep. Too many memories still stung.

OOC: See?! Long! lol

10-21-2003, 08:52 PM
oh, now I know why she hates men! i hope thats not a true-to-life expierience! ick.

Eragon woke to a warm morning and steaming stew. He looked around and saw nothing but Brom, who was still asleep, Banuien and Suiahn. He shoved Brom, who let out a groan. "Remember boy! I was stabbed two days ago by a dagger of those foul beasts!" He rose, looking down at the stew. "Thank-you Suiahn, I had forgotten about your coney stew, very widely known among us friends!" He said the last words to Eragon. Eragon nodded to Suiahn. "Very kind, indeed." They sat drinking the stew, then Eragon looked around. "Where is Terin? I don't remember seeing her after the attack!" He exclaimed, afraid that the ra'zac had gotten her. "She left to her city, it is very close by, and she wanted to check up on her family." Brom said. Eragon sipped the last of his stew and placed his wooden bowl in his pack. "When do we leave today?" He asked. "Now, if possible. I would prefer if you rode Cadoc today, that way I can teach you as we ride." Brom said, nodding appologetically to Saphira.

10-21-2003, 09:02 PM
OOC:One it's not close by it's in a frozen land that hardly never thaws. And two you weren't supposed to know that.


<Come Terin it is the first light we must go.> <Alright.> They were in the air and flying back within moments but Terin's were dark and troubling. If it weren't for them I could have gone back home and when I was better and saved them! But the idiots wouldn't let me. It's there fault it's all thier fault! It would serve them right if I just happened to give a passing stranger in black their whereabouts. They haven't lost all their family they don't know what it feels like! <How do know taht?> Camnete's quiet voice said in her mind. <Have you ever wondered wher Eragon and Suihan;s families are?> <No...> <Alright then don't be to accusing> <Maybe it's not their fault but what if...> <There are to many what ifs in this world Terin. Don' dwell on them.>

Akamai Deredal
10-21-2003, 09:11 PM
Rising from her spot at the foot of the tree, Siuahn crew her sleeve over her eyes. Digging through the pockets, she pullowed out the slightly transparent veil and tied it around her head to cover her eyes. Nyaki's midnight head turned to regard her, <Why do you always insist on wearing that? You look like a thief.> <If I didn't wear it, Nyaki, I would be even easier to remember. No one I've met has eyes like mine. They're not difficult to forget.> The dragon's eyes glinted slightly. <You've been crying...> Siuahn could not met Nyaki's eyes. <What does it matter? I'm not now... all right? Besides, we need to get moving.> <If you hurt so badly inside, why don't you talk to me? Or stop bringing those memories up.> <I would if I could, believe me. Now get up and let me put your saddle on, would you?> The dragon gave Siuahn one last reproachful look before rising. The saddle was on within a few minutes. "I'm ready to leave, Brom. Just give the word." She flinched slightly at her own voice. It was hoarse and broke in mid sentence. Cursing under her breath she busied herself by scratching some dried mud off of Nyaki's scales.

10-21-2003, 10:53 PM
oops, sorry fim!

"I am ready too." said Eragon strapping Zar'roc to his side. "Well then, i suppose we are ready to leave." said Brom. Everyone had saddled thier horses and dragons. The horses were fed, along with the riders. Glenadrin, Nyaki, and Saphira waited impatiently for them to finish. "We ride north, Teirm is less than twelve leagues away. You dragons will have to stay off the road, and fly high. And we must remain inconspicuous." Brom said mountng Snowfire. <Stay safe, Saphira> Eragon said as he mounted Cadoc. <You too, Eragon, may that beast carry you well> she replied with a disgusted look at Cadoc. The five of them strode off under the scalding sun.

Akamai Deredal
10-21-2003, 11:25 PM
Peering at Eragon through her veil, Siuahn fought with herself on the subject of starting a conversation. Booting her horse forward, she reined in beside the young man. He looked over at her startled, "Hello Siuahn... How are you?" "I've... been better. And yourself?" The two of them exchanged a few kind words, slowly starting a comfortable conversation.

"Eragon... I'm sorry for acting the way I did when we first met. But as I'm sure you've heard already, I don't care much for men."
"I suppose it's nothing to hold a grudge over, as long as you don't hate me now. Though pardon me for asking... But what could have happened to make you hate all men so strongly?"
Siuahn paused, feeling that icy knot in her stomach suddenly returning from her past. Ignoring it, she sighed, "My father was a drunk, he would be gone every night for weeks to taverns. He'd get very angry with me for no reason and hit me, of course. He always apologized though... but when I was twelve, my mother had enough of it and tried to protect me. He killed her, and left me to fend for myself. That would be the basic reason... to save the long story for some other time."

Eragon stared at her, his eyes showing sympathy for the first time. Siuahn held her hand up, "I've told Nyaki this before, Eragon. I don't want your sympathy. I would rather have your hate. Please..." She turned her eyes to follow the path, biting back any more words, for fear of breaking out in tears again.

10-22-2003, 12:05 AM
Eragon nodded. He didn't think of Suiahn the same way anymore. "Would you take my friendship? You might need it in the days to come." He offered his hand.

Akamai Deredal
10-22-2003, 12:10 AM
His friendship? Why would he do something like that? After how I've treated him... Nodding slowly, Siuahn gave herself time to regain her composure. "I'd be honored to have you as a friend Eragon." She grapsed his hand with a grateful smile. "Thank you."

10-22-2003, 12:23 AM
"No problem, I could use a few friends. Why, the only friends and family I have left is Brom." Eragon threw a glace at the old man. "And you're lucky to have a friend such as Brom!" Suiahn replied. "Yes, there is something about him, like, he's not just an old man. I know he was a rider, but its something else." said Eragon

10-22-2003, 07:28 AM
Originally posted by PippinTook
The elf was extremely skilled in swordplay, but Brom was just a hair better. (that ok earloth? you probably shouldn't have let me do this!)
Nevah! AS though a hundred-year-old HUMAN should outmatch a near-millennia aged Nando…the infrequency of such shall shield the stigma of such rapaciousness! (amazing, I’m not even high on anything…:rolleyes: ) I would to say that they were both at the zenith of their skill, but yeah, that’s alright Pip :p;) [I carry on a lot, even when I don't know what topic I'm on; some freak said I was hotheaded; I punched him and took his wallet]. Ghah; back on topic.

They rode for some hours, until at last in the late afternoon they halted; trees bordered much of the land and Banuien began tutoring Eragon in archery.

Banuien fired an arrow that flew a hundred metres before hitting the centre of a tree; she handed Eragon her bow and one of her arrows. He drew the string and she straightway said:

"Draw your forearm; you're holding the bow with your left hand, therefore the arrow should rest on the left, not the outside of the bow…" she laid her hands on his, rested her chin on his shoulder and levelled the bow. "Make certain that the bow is wholly horizontal if your target stands your own height," she advised. She stood to his left; "Keep both eyes open," she bid him. "Aim and release."

The bowstring twanged and Eragon's arrow sailed surely towards the trunk Banuien had hit; the elf's far-seeing eyes saw it hit a small part to the right and her hand length’s higher than her own. "Good," she commented. "I would have doubted it for most novices." She grinned and handed Eragon another arrow, spending them until his nearly split her own in twain.

Banuien raised an eyebrow. "Master Eragon, your dexterity is staggering," she said with a half-smile. "So much like Brom…"

A black shadow passed over the company. "It’s Terin," Banuien said without looking up.

Akamai Deredal
10-22-2003, 08:59 AM
Looking skyward, Siuahn saw Camnete's skewed white form; her veil made it difficult for her to see at times, but she didn't really mind. She nodded slightly and then went back to watching Eragon and Banuien practice with the bow. "Brom... when do you suppose we'll be able to enter a town safely?" She called over her shoulder, causing the old man's head to turn. "I'm not quite sure exactly... Why?" "If our little friends in black ever return, I'm going to need a new weapon. The only one I had was my knife, and I lost that in our last encounter. Unless of course you want me to fight them with my bare hands. If that is the case, I will do my best not to get slaughtered!" Her words were oozing sarcasm up until the last word, which she shouted at the man. Brom chuckled and smiled at the girl, "We'll get you a blade worthy of your skills soon enough, Siuahn. But first, let us see how Terin's trip went, and eat! My stomach is threatening to eat me alive."

10-22-2003, 06:15 PM
Eragon sat after his long archery lesson. "Thank you, Banuien, between you and brom, I will be a warrior by the end of this journey!" he said in jest, though he knew it might proove to be true. "I will provide you good people with lunch, since Suiahn gave us that lovely coney stew this morning!" He said, stringing his bow. "And it will give me a chance to practice my archery skills!" He grabbed a quiver of arrows and went off into the forest. About an hour later he returned bearing a small stag on his back. His arrows were almost spent, as well as his energy. "There isn't much game around these parts! Why, the only living thing I saw, besides this stag was a few squirrels!" Eragon laid the beast down by the fire. "The animals have been chased away by the people in the cities. Teirm is so close, and the forest is sandwiched between it an Yazuac." said Brom, lighting his pipe. Eragon prepared the meat and cooked it in a large pot over the fire. He set aside extra raw meat for the dragons.

10-22-2003, 07:31 PM
OOC:That's alright. But it's kinda weird how characters are suddenly omnicient(sp?). Anyway on with buisness!


Terin had been flying awhile in silence with Camnete when she saw the others. She hastily wiped away the tears that still ran freely down her face and hoped no one would notice. This last journey had spent the very last straw of kindness she had possesed. And when she was landed she was greated with kind almost knowing smiles but the others recieved only a blank and uncaring stare as she turned to care for Camnete. <Cream.> Terin said calling him by his pet name she so rarely had used in these past days of trail. <I shouldn't have come back. I'm trying so hard but it's still difficult not to be bitter. I can't help but think what if...> <Terin, I know it's hard. I can feel your pain, remember?> Terin had been so closed and not a part of him as much as she used to be Camnete feared she may do something stupid. <Well, I don't suppose I can avod them any longer I'm done cleaning you. <Have a good hunt Cream...and please dont' go to far.> So thought Camnete she still does care. And with that he took off to find himslef some food. Terin turned to face the other riders with a tear streaked face and blood shot eyes. "I had things thated needed to be taken care of. Now that they are done I'm back though I hope my absence didn't cause problems."

Akamai Deredal
10-22-2003, 07:53 PM
OOC: 26 more pages, Pip! I'm almost done!

IC: Siuahn looked up from her hands to watch Terin. "No, you caused no problems..." She said quietly, her voice gentle for the first time since banding with the others. Nyaki stood up, giving out a quiet bugle in greeting to Terin. She lowered her head down to eye level with the girl, her bronze eyes searching Terin's face. Terin stared back, indifferent. Making a quite whimpering noise, Nyaki pushed her nose lightly under Terin's hand, nuzzling the girl in a comforting way. Still Terin did not respond, leaving Nyaki to give up her futile attempts and take a few disappointed steps back. <I do not like this, Siuahn... Perhaps someone should ask her what's wrong. She won't let me speak with her. Her mind is closed to me.> Siuahn still gazed at Terin. She recognized the all too familiar signs of crying, the pain and sorrow hidden deeply in Terin's eyes. She herself knew she wore much the same look. "Terin..." she began, her voice still gentle, "is there anything you would like to talk about?"

10-22-2003, 09:07 PM
alright akai! I do believe that you beat me! The end is the best, I expect you to be finished next time i talk to you!

Eragon stood, clapping his hands, looking down at his handywork. "Dinner's ready!" he said, handing evryone a wooden bowl of meat. "I would have you eat with silver spoons and plates, but these bowls are all we have." He picked up a bowl for himself. "Not bad, not as good as my cooking, but not bad!" said Brom. "Are you hungry Terin?" he asked, offering a bowl. She took it with no more than a nod. "We really have to be moving, the ra'zac are more powerful at night, we need to keep ahead of them and beat them to Teirm." said Brom. Eragon yawned, "I agree," he said, placing his bowl backin his pack. He unstrung his bow and strapped it to his back, leaving Zar'roc still at his side.

Akamai Deredal
10-22-2003, 09:13 PM
Siuahn finished the last of her meal, putting her bowl away as she rose from her spot beside the fire. Casting a wary glance in Terin's direction, she quickly strapped Nyaki's saddle on and pulled herself up. She looked down at Brom from her mount, "I'm riding her, whether you like it or not, Brom. I was taught to ride on her, not a horse, so I will continue to ride her, be there ra'zac or no."

10-22-2003, 10:12 PM
Mna its only taken me like.... 12 hours to almost finish it.

"Would anyone care to spar?" Raven asked innocently. She knew she could out match every one here, except for Eragon and Banduin. If they took her challange, she was pretty sure she'd lose.

Akamai Deredal
10-23-2003, 12:55 AM
Looking down from the saddle, Siuahn grinned at Raven. "If I had a weapon made for me and here, I would spar with you, friend Raven. But I cannot until then. Though you have my word, that once I have acquired a weapon to my liking, I will set aside some time for us to match skills. I would be honored to, if that is what you wish." She inclined her head politely, still smiling in a non-threatening way, careful not to mock the woman. She could not afford to anger anyone in this little group, not if they were this kingdom's last hope.

10-23-2003, 02:11 AM
you mean eragon legoles? wow thats quick, do you like it so far? how far are you into it yet?

"If it weren't for the bruises I got from Brom I would spar." said Eragon rubbing his side. He had a fair fight with banuien, but Brom was still a hair better than he. "We have no time, we have to get on the road." said Brom, packing his bowl. "I suppose you may ride Nyaki, Suiahn. It is Eragon that needs to ride with me." He said strapping Snowfire's saddlebags on.

whew, too tired to post, my bed time.

10-23-2003, 08:06 AM
Banuien pursed her lips and let out a long shrill whistle; Iavas, around five hundred metres away, reared and made back towards the camp. She slung her right leg over his great back and mounted him, grasping his neck and main for lack of reigns. Iavas reared restlessly again and neighed. Banuien stroked his long nose and lightly kicked his side, allowing him to speed off at a gallop across the plain.

sorry that’s all I can post for now

Akamai Deredal
10-23-2003, 04:54 PM
Nyaki stood still, waiting for the horses and their riders to give her some space. After a minute, she unfurled her massive wings and reared up onto her back legs. With one powerful push, she leapt up off the ground, tearing deep gashes into dirt as she did. A few powerful beats of her wings had her soaring well over the others, her movements graceful and smooth, rather than the choppy, laborous movements they used to be. <Eragon... What's Brom filling your head with now?> Siuahn asked, tentatively sending her thoughts down to the young man. She had needed someone to talk to, with what little she could do while she was in the air, and Nyaki had made no effort to communicate with her yet.

10-23-2003, 05:25 PM
Eragon mounted Cadoc, and Brom rode Snowfire. <Again, stay safe!> said Saphira as she took off. <The same goes for you!> replyed Eragon. "Now what are you going to teach me on horseback?" asked Eragon of Brom. "The ancient language. It was the language at the very begining, the riders used it, but not for regular speech." said Brom taking out a small, smooth stone. "I don't undersand, and whats that stone for?" Asked Eragon, speeding up to where brom rode. "Questions boy! I will tell you what this is about and what the stone's for, if you give me a blasted moment!" Said Brom huffily. "In the ancient language, it calls things by its true name. What is this?" he asked, holding up the stone. "Its a stone!" saod Eragon, who began to wonder about the old man. "That is what you call it. Its true name is stenr. The true name for raise is, reisa, Now, if I take the true name for stone, and for raise, you get stenr reisa!" The stone lifted slowly out of Brom's hand. "But how did I heal Terin, if I didn't know this language?" Asked Eragon, as he was staring at the stone. "You must have heard me use it, and figured it was a magical spell, or something outrageous like that." Brom said, allowing the stone to drop. "Now you try." he said handing the little pebble to the boy. "Reach into your mind, untill you find the barrrier that separates you from your magic. Reach for the magic. But be careful what you say! Remember, stenr reisa. It is simple and won't make you faint." Brom instructed as Eragon searched his mind. "Stenr reisa!" he said. The stone wobbled slowly off his hand. It didn't stay long, soon is fell back to his hand. "Very good, are you tired?" asked Brom. "Yes, but I am okay. I don't understand how that little bit of magic caused me to get tired! how will I ever be able to do anything important without killing myself!" ASked Eragon. "You will in time, get stronger. Practice that." said Brom.

whew, sorry guys, that was a long one!

10-23-2003, 08:43 PM
OOC;Again am I just standing there? Okay don't worry if I get snappy and I apoligze in advance. Sinus infection and I'm heavily meedicated.:p


<Cream?! Come on the others have already left and I want to ride with you not that great beast.> Terin thought to friend. <Alright I'm here.> Camnete said with a mouthful of something. Terin mounted up and they soared into the sky. <Cream, do I ahve to tell them?> <I think it would make you feel better but the choice is your's.> <Won't they what is bothering me if open my mind to them?> <I can't say for sure. It depends on deep the yread into your thoughts or actions.> They rode on in silence but still connected with each other.

10-23-2003, 09:22 PM
I thik its just assumed that everyone is riding, either dragons or horses, eragon, brom and Banuien are on horses, terin and suiahn are on dragons, and I think Raven's on a horse, but not sure. I have really got to stop oocing in this thread!

Akamai Deredal
10-23-2003, 11:34 PM
<Hullo, Eragon?> Siuahn grunted as she realized the boy had put up a thin mental sheild. After asking Nyaki about it, the dragon responded, <He's probably occupied by some of Brom's mundane tasks. He'll have his full attention on the training. Give him a few minutes.> <But I'm bored, Nyaki. And we can't fly too high or we'll be seen.> Nyaki snorted, tendrils of smoke rising from her nostrils. <I'm sorry I cannot entertain you more.> Her voice was icy and held a hint of bitterness. Siuahn flinched, <I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, Nyaki! Please forgive me... I meant no offense.> Still she didn't respond. Siuahn clenched her fists in dismay. She couldn't stand being cut off from her friend. Suddenly Nyaki's black disappeared with an air of urgency. <Speak with me, little one, please. I apologize for my hastiness... You know I love you.> Siuahn smiled slightly, <And I you, Nyaki. Thank you for talking with me.> <I can't have you be bored any more than what you already are.>

10-23-2003, 11:46 PM
Eragon raised the stone for a while before he took a break. "How much longer do we have?" he asked Brom. "We will be on the outskirts of Teirm by noon. We will meet up with my friend, Jeod. I know where his house is, but he is not expecting us." replied Brom. Eragon sat quietly for a while, but he saw something ahead of them. He rode forward to the small object on the ground. He unmounted Cadoc and bent over to see what it was. It was a small skin, with a liquid inside. He poured a small drop on the tip of his finger, it seemed to burn straight through his skin.. He cried out and wiped off the liquid. "Brom! I found something!" Eragon said showig Brom the skin of burning liquid. "It is seithr oil. It burns through the skin, thank goodness you didn't try to drink it!" he said, shaking the skin. "There isn't much left, but I don't see how it could have gotten here! The ra'zac are behind us, aren't they?" asked Eragon. "so we thought, but it seems they have tracked around us, and went ahead to Teirm." said Brom solemnly. They told the others about thier situation. "We have to be even more careful in the city, they will be looking for us, ad warning people of us." said Brom, mounting his horse. Eragon contacted Terin and Suiahn and told them what went on.

10-24-2003, 12:06 AM

"Well this is great." Raven rolled her eyes.

Akamai Deredal
10-24-2003, 05:50 PM
Speaking with Nyaki momentarily, Siuahn eventually got the dragon to drop to the ground out of sight, and drop her off as well. Clambering awkwardly into Saeyl's saddle, she rode up beside Eragon and Brom. <You said it burned your skin, Eragon. Are you all right?> Her concern for the boy was sincere, and it showed on her face.

10-24-2003, 09:33 PM
Banuien stayed Iavas and spurred him back towards the others. She cleaned Eragon’s finger and bound it with a thin strip of fabric and citrusleaf dew.

"Ilúvatar knows what they would use it for out here," she muttered (ooc: hey what would they use it for?? :confused: ). Concern flickered over her face. "Do you suppose Jeod will be in any danger?" she asked. "I worry that he might be, though I do not know how they should know of your friendship," she added to Brom.

Akamai Deredal
10-25-2003, 09:47 PM
(After getting a response from Eragon... if Pip ever gets on again...) Siuahn frowned over at Banuien. "I haven't seen such wounds on any human, Banuien... If but a small drop could do that to his finger, think what the whole skin would do if it were spilled." She whirled on Brom, "What sort of dangers have you gotten us all into, old man? Siethr oil! Fortune be with us if we see the dawn tomorrow. What's going on here? First most of us are attacked, now the ra'zac and their accursed oil! What happens next?" She glared at Brom, still seething for a long moment before she realized all that she had said. Her cheeks flushing in embarrassment, she muttered. "I'm sorry Brom... it's just been a while since I've felt so threatened. I suppose it's a bit of a shock for me. I didn't not mean to shout..."

OOC: I have no idea what I am doing, but no one else is posting!

10-26-2003, 01:37 AM
back! sorry, had a youth group retreat. lotsa fun! mojor kudos to you, Legoles! you da elf! way to beat me and akai on reading eragon! howdya like it? I read A Midsummernights dream last night, took me about 3 hours. working on 12th night. hi akai! *waves*

"Its fine, Suiahn. And for what the ra'zac could use the oil for, many answers there may be. Mostly torture, normal seithr oil can be used for cleaning jewelry, but this kind, obviously, is not used for this purpose." said Brom. <It was a minor burn, Suiahn, nothing bad.> replied Eragon ti Suiahn's inquiry. Though he was surprised by the girl's sudden humane acts to him he couldn't complain. <You really should-> started Saphira. <I am being as careful as I can be, Saphira> replied Eragon, cutting her short. Saphira snorted.

10-26-2003, 07:37 AM
<I do not think anyone could be labeled irresponsible for such an act,> Banuien told Saphira. Forthwith she barred her mind against interference from any of the company; something gnawed at her mind; a thought fluttered just beyond her reach before striking her heavily:

"It's used for torture…" she murmured. Brom nodded; "Who were they torturing?" she asked. "The canteen was nigh drained when Eragon saw it."

"It did not have to be recent; that bottle could have been emptied some time ago…"

Banuien nodded, frowning at the ground. "But does it matter?" she tentatively stroked the scars on her inner elbow where her mark had been. Iavas snorted.

"We should go," she muttered, and mounted her stallion.

10-26-2003, 11:28 AM
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you very much! *bows*
IC: "Yes we should. If we wish to get any further in this quest, we can't sit here and wait for the ra'zac to come back to get their canteen."

10-26-2003, 08:10 PM
"Raven's right, we need to keep moving." said Brom, squeezing snowfire's side. Brom suddenly stopped his horse. "Do you know what this means?" He said excitedly. "It means we now have to fear for our lives even more because we didn't stay ahead of our enemies." said Eragon jerkily. Brom scowled. "This skin of oil may be the key to where the ra'zac stay. Seithr oil is rarely transported, except to the occasional jeweler, but thats only the safe kind. Teerm is a capital for sea transport, if we can get the records of seithr oil that left through teerm, and where it was going, we may be able to find the ra'zac's lair." Brom ejaculated. "Oh, sorry Brom." said Eragon, appologizing for his sarcasm. "We have to get to Teerm soon, so that the ra'zac don't come looking for the skin, or find that they left it, an destroy the files." Brom said, nudging Snowfire again.

10-28-2003, 01:10 AM
wow, this thread was at the bottom of the thread listy thingy! scared me, someone post!

Akamai Deredal
10-28-2003, 10:03 AM
Siuahn glanced over her shoulder at Nyaki and gave her a regretful look, then spurred Saeyl forward after Brom. "So we're going to Teerm to visit your friend Jeod, breaking in to who-knows-where to read the files from the merchants on the coast to see how many shipments of Seithr Oil were shipped and where they were shipped from, just to come up with an even longer list of possible lairs for the ra'zac?" She asked Brom incredulously as she rode up beside him. The old man paused before answering, "Hm, i suppose that would be the just of it. Why Siuahn? Is there something wrong?" The girl sighed and shook her head, "No, nothing at all Brom. I just don't see how we're going to manage this, and come out alive." "We have to; the record won't do us much good if we're dead." Brom said, laughing. "I don't see how you can laugh at a time like this, but oh well, fair enough."

Reining Saeyl in, she dropped back a few paces to ride beside Eragon, Terin, Raven and Banuien. "Hello again. How are you all doing this fine lovely day?" The icy sarcasm in her voice was enough to make someone cringe.

OOC Didn't know what to do, so I wrote, lol.

10-28-2003, 11:02 PM
"And tell me what we would do, Suiahn, if no one ever laughed! Why, I should think all you worrying young flibbertygibbits would go out of your minds!" brom replied crisply. "Here now, we are approaching Teerm, i can see the city walls, the dragons had better fly higher and keep out of sight." he said, shading his eyes from the beating sun.

10-28-2003, 11:36 PM
"I don't like this city." Raven said nervously."That mountain over there has too much blood spilt in it's honor. What is it called again? Anyway, I've had some bad times in this city. I was born here, and here my parents and grandparents died. I was left in Terim in the care of Angela the Herbalist." She rode on in scilence ignoring the comments of the others

OOC: Plot twists ROCK!

10-29-2003, 03:53 AM
oooh, thats good legoles! kudos to you for spicing up the thread! btw, hellgrind was at dras leona, not teirm, but we will get there soon enough. errr, sorry, but its my bedtime, post tomorrow

10-29-2003, 08:50 PM
OOC:Haven't been on in a while. We have a poetry booklet with 25 thousand poems in it due monday and a poetry presentation that'll take 4 hours at least to do. And tomorrow we have a poetry test that I have yet to study for!!!

"I don't like this town. It gives me the willies." <The willies? I don't think I've heard that one before.> <Shut up Cream. You're so literal sometimes!> "I know what you mean." Raven said to the terin. "Guys my parents and the rest of my family is dead." Terin said suddenly not realizing what she had said till it came out.

10-31-2003, 12:18 AM
Eragon's head whipped around. "I-I'm sorry terin. I know how it feels." he adde grimly. he always hated it when people said that to him, how could they know how he felt? but nonetheless, that is what he said. "We will stay the night here, at the Golden Globe." said Brom, pulling Snowfire to a stop in front of a small inn. "I will go to find Jeod, stay in your rooms, we can't afford to be seen again. Tell no one your names, or your business. You are all travelers, and know nothing about any black cloaked men!" said Brom.

Akamai Deredal
10-31-2003, 12:43 AM
Siuahn looked over at Terin, the sympathy in her eyes clear. She, in a way, knew how the girl felt, though she did not bother to mention it. What good would it do for the girl to know that someone felt the same? It would bring her no happiness nor relief. All Siuahn could do was mumur a heart-felt apology for the young woman beside her, and offer her friendship. Turning to Brom, she brought up something that had been nagging at her. "If no one is to know our names, what are we to call each other? Surely we cannot talk amongst strangers using our real names Brom. Should we perhaps make up a bit of a cover, since I'm sure we'll be needing it later on?"

10-31-2003, 07:50 AM
"Well we don't have to worry about our horses or dragons." Terin said apparenly trying ot hide the fact that her family's death was still bothering her. "If it helps any you can call me Fery Takmi. She was a medicine woman in my old town." Suddenly Terin's voice dropped and she looked at the floor before saying, "Thank ouy guys for understanding."

Akamai Deredal
11-01-2003, 07:53 PM
"Fery Takmi... I shall do my best to remember that. I will be Kodanya Torak. It's foreign enough for my taste, and hard enough to pronounce, so hopefully people will simply give up and eventually forget it." Siuahn said, her voice considering, pausing a few times in mid sentence as she thought. Nodding she looked up at the city before her. "Yes, I suppose that will do."

OOC: Wow... Kodanya came from looking at my camera. "Kodak." *laughs and shakes her head* I am SO weird sometimes...

11-01-2003, 07:57 PM
"Er, I'll be Evan, its simple and easy, and people will just block it out. It doesn't catch attention." said Eragon. "For now, I am Neil, your guide, and an old man, nothing else! And for the star's sake, keep your gloves on! If someone sees your gedwey ignasia and recognizes it, we are all doomed!" Brom scowled, afterwards tying Snowfire to a post and venturing into Teirm.

Akamai Deredal
11-01-2003, 08:13 PM
Siuahn looked down at her uncovered hands and sighed. "No one will see the marks I bear Brom... Of that I can assure you." On her hands shone no gedway ignasia, so she had no need to wear gloves. Had certain things happened differently, she would bear one on the back of her hand as did Eragon and the others. And sometimes she wished she did. With a sigh she tied Saeyl to the post and jogged after Brom.

11-01-2003, 10:15 PM
Eragon pulled his gloves on, and jogged after his friends.

(supposing that everyone else does the same, don't worry, i didn't forget you!)

11-02-2003, 08:55 AM
There were probably too many scars on Banuien's arms for anyone to recognise her own gedwey ignasia, nonetheless she rolled her sleeve down over her inner elbow.

"I am to be Kawana Saraswati [ooc; that’s pronounced Saras-vah-tee]," she declared. She let her hair out, hiding her ears. "And if it can be managed, my being an Elf should also be hidden; for how often does an Elf travel through these parts?" she took the seashell brooch from the neck of her cloak and cast the robe about herself, hiding the golden tree upon the breast of her tunic. Then she thought of Terin.

<The verity of your family's death is the most painful of all aspects of slaughter;> she said slowly. <And it is the most difficult to accept because in so doing you must accept that there is no way to alter it; and there is no more chance to muse over 'buts' and 'what ifs'. 'If' is a small word with an immensely fatiguing interpretation; do not let yourself be consumed by it. You have the right to mourn for them; but do not try to forget what foundations of affection they established simply because you cannot bear the loss: therein you will lose yourself to your doubts and all other thoughts that include what you have lost or did not achieve; you must teach yourself to observe yourself, not contemplating what you have been cheated of, but what you can yet accomplish.>

11-02-2003, 12:40 PM
<Thank you...Kawana. I shall remeber that. Now as for our dragons, they should find a very protected and covered part to hide in. It may also be wise to leave the horses here.>

OOC:Didn't feel like posting much today.

11-02-2003, 01:47 PM
wow earloth, that was touching! I really like her charactar, very well formed.

(While we wait for legoles) Brom and the others walked through the city if teirm. It was bigger tha anythig ERagon had seen, but thats not saying much. It was a great sea capital, many of the mariners held harbor here. "Joed lives somewhere right here." said Brom thoughtfully. "Ah, yes, i remember!" he said before he hurridly walked further into the bustled city.

Akamai Deredal
11-02-2003, 02:09 PM
Siuahn trailed behind the others, suddenly hesitant. <Eragon... I have a problem... Too many people are bound to notice the veil I'm wearing... And if I take that off, I'm positive they'll remember my eyes. I can't think of a single person who has eyes like mine. I don't want to bring any unwanted attention upon our little... team. I don't know what to do.> Eragon paused briefly in his footfalls as he heard her voice in his mind. Siuahn frowned slightly as he turned to look over at her.

OOC: I don't know what to do... so I guessed, hehe!

11-03-2003, 01:01 AM
ooc; Thanx Pip. :)

ic; Banuien paused for a moment; "Here," she said, and gave Siuahn a long weather-beaten cloak from a pack slung over Iavas’s back. "The hood will darken your face enough to create your eyes the hue of mine... almost. But if you wish to take it off," she fumbled the round emerald that sat at her breast. "This jewel can create one – and only one – illusion of your appearance. I used to use it to hide my gedwey ignasia, but now, if you wish it, shall make your eyes green. Use it for as long as you will."

11-03-2003, 03:35 PM
Eragon nodded. This elf was interesting. <Banuien, you always seem to have something to save our skins> he said jokingly, though it was true. "We are almost there, Joed's house should be right here somewhere." brom said, half telling, half mumbling.

11-04-2003, 06:24 AM
"No, the seithr in fact burnt through your skin afore I had a chance to save it," Banuien replied serenely. She turned and, drawing her cloak ever closer about her, walked beside Brom throughout the maze of houses.

11-04-2003, 06:35 PM
ooc: tee-hee, earloth, I meant like, you always seemed to save our necks, or our lives, but it is true, you do always seem to save our skins !

ic: "Here we are!" said Brom. They stopped in front of a small home, with a few steps reaching up to the door. Brom walked up to the door, and knocked. A small woman came to answer it. "What can I get for you?" she asked timidly. "i would like it speak to Jeod." said Brom politely. The woman looked at all the young (or who seemed to be young) people about him. "Who may I say is calling?" she asked. "An old friend." is all Brom gave in reply. The lady nodded and shut the door. Soon it was reopened by a man, just shy of Brom's age. He smiled slowly, "Brom? is that you?" he asked. "Yes, Joed, it's me." said Brom rather impatiently. "What are you doing here, i thought you were-" he stopped. "I am here now, and with some company." said Brom. "Yes, well, come in!" said Joed, leading the group into his home. They stepped into a small hall, and Joed led them into the parlour. "This is my wife Helen." Joed said, introducing the lady who had answered the door. "Make yourselves comfortable." he said, motioning to the chairs. Eragon sat down, and was glad of it. "Now, what happened at Gil'Lead?" asked Jeod. "Not now!" scowled Brom. "Jeod, these are my 'students'." said Brom pointing to the group. Once they had introduced themselves, brom and Jeod left to talk alone.

11-05-2003, 07:22 AM
ooc; and eyes:p

11-05-2003, 01:44 PM
*nods* yes this is true

11-05-2003, 02:37 PM
AYE! Let me post before everybody leaves me behind!
BTW, anything marked w/ this mark [ ' ] means it is a private thought!
<I shall be called Resead Landain> [Re-sea-ad] Raven thought. 'I'm glad mine's on my neck' She let down her hair and let it fall out in gentle waves down her back.
Raven sank into the chair, and was very gratefull to her host. She talked with the others.

:rolleyes: *sigh* Always left behind.

11-05-2003, 03:02 PM
sorry, Legoles. you need to get on more! I know, you're probably busy, yada yada yada. j/k! i don't hav time to post anything, be back later!

Akamai Deredal
11-05-2003, 03:43 PM
Before they had reached Jeod's house, Siuahn gratefully took the cloak with a smile. "This will do for now... Kawana. Thank you." She fumbled slightly over Banuien's alias, and her smile became a bit sheepish. "As for the emerald, I will save it for a time I may truly need it. I can avoid being seen for the most part." She pulled the cloak on over her shirt and lifted the hood. The shadows truly did change the hue of her eyes. However, when they reached Jeod's house, and the woman, Helen, answered the door, she could not help but keep her eyes downcast.

-Later on, inside Jeod's wonderful home, lol-
Siuahn quickly seated herself in the darkest corner of the room and removed her hood, so as not to be thought of as rude. Leaning back in her chair, she watched and listened to the others as they too made themselves comfortable.

OOC: Sorry I haven't posted for a while... Hope that'll work.

11-05-2003, 09:31 PM
OOC:Sncie I haven't posted in a while and no ones mentioned me I'm gonna do my own thing.:D


Just before they reached the door to the house where this Jeod lived the crowd sudden;y became thiker and Terin was swallowed by it. Lost from everyone else the sights of the city drew her attention and soon she forgot about the house she supposed to be finding. A man came up behind her and asked "What is your name?" Forgetting for a moment her assumed identity she answered "Terin." The man smiled a cold smile and suddenly she was surronded by others, some of them seemed to be wearing black cloaks. They dragged her to a building and sat her down then left the room. <Camnete?!> But she was out of range and Camnete having no reason to fear for saftey wasn't worried at all.

OOC:No resuces please! I might be evil just becasue the evilness in this story is going no where, no offense. Next post I'll clear things up.

11-08-2003, 11:26 PM
Eragon sat uncomfortably in the parlor. Helen stood, and left for the kitchen. Brom and Jeod ad left to the next room to talk. A smile came to Eragon's face. His chair was right next to the door Brom and Jeod had walked through. He mumbled the words he had used in Yazuac under his breath. Suddenly, he heard voices in his head. "What happened in gil'lead?" asked Jeod. "We were serparated, and I never found you." replied brom. "I left, I thought you were dead!" said Jeod. "I found Morzan, and killed him." said Brom. Jeod laughed, "I knew you would!" "I took the egg to Ellesmera." Jeod said. "I know, she did her duty." brom said. "Obviously, or you wouldn't be here! How is the dragon?" Jeod asked. 'He knows about Saphira!' thought Eragon. "Good, she is a beauty." brom said. "What happened after Gil'Lead?" asked Jeod. "I staying in Carvahall, waiting for the egg." Brom said. "They were late, but I stayed." brom said. "But now, our business is to find those records!" brom said, changing the subject. "I think I can find them, but we will have to sneak into the castle." jeod said. "No problem!" brom replied. Suddenly, Eragon's spell was cut off, as the two men walked out from the room.

11-10-2003, 10:02 PM
OOC:Akai 's not going to be posting for a while she got in trouble. Anyway my turn to post now. Just for the recrod later if I make 2 posts it'll be as akai's character.


Two things in dark cloaks walk into the room and sat down in front of Terin. "Where are your friends?" One of them hissed at her. "I don't konw! I got lost. Please don't hurt me though!" Terin said pleading for her life. "We wouldn't hurt you. It's your so called friends who hurt you."
"What are you talking about? Your the ones who are trying to kill us."
"Ah, but who's side of the story do you know?"
"Both! I know you're evil!" Terin yelled becoming confused.
"Are you sure?" The creatures asked. Terin sat there nodding her head. "Well my dear if you're so sure then you won't mind us showing you this...but first I bet Brom told you we were monsters, didn't he?" The thing said.
"Y...yes but I don't see what that's got to do with any thing." Terin said as one of them stood up. The thing took off it's outfit and it was a normal human just like you and me. Terin gasped and stared open mouthed at him.
"I'll bet brom never told you that.'

11-11-2003, 07:23 PM
ooc: *nods head* thats interesting. i actually don't know what the ra'zac look like either, the second book hasn't come out yet, HURRY UP PAOLINI!! I don't have time to post at da moment, ttyl

11-11-2003, 07:53 PM
Raven started nodding off, then shook her self awake again. SHe looked at her hostess tiredly and asked, " Is there somewhere I could retire for the moment? I'm extremely tired for some reason."
THe woman nodded her head, and motioned her to follow. She followed the woman up the stairs, then was knocked out from behind.

[Always getting into trouble. No I didn't scream, no one may come after me.]

11-11-2003, 08:13 PM
OOC: Grrrrr....stealing my idea!!!!!No you may not be evil! J/K.

"H...ho...how? What, why, what's going on!!" Terin screamed becoming hysterical.
"Now just calm down. Brom filled my head with lies just like he did yours." The would-be razac said. "Would you like me to tell you the real story?"
"I tho..."
"Thought you knew the story? Well come with us to see the king. He'll tell you the truth."
"NO! You killed my parents!!!"
"My dear child that wasn't us. That was people working for Brom framing us to turn you against us."
"Why would Brom want to kill me? I was nearly killed by an arrow."
"That is not the question my dear. The question is why wouldn't he want to kill you. You are valuble in life and death to him. You just happened to survive."
"I'll go with you to your King. But I will be allowed to leave if I so wish, understood?"
"Clearly, you may want to get your dragon."
The would-be razac lead her out of the city almost close enough for her to talk to Camnete before she spoke. "What is your name?" Terin questioned. "Jerome." He replied simply.
<Cream! Come on we're going with these people to their King.> <How do you know we can trust them? How do you know them?> <I'll explain on the way come on.>

11-12-2003, 01:53 AM
ohohoh! nice twist fim!kudos to you!
ic: Brom and Jeod stepped out of the room, "Lets go." Brom said quickly. "Where are we going?" asked ERagon. "We are going to find those files." hr replied. They left the house silently, not noticing that Raven wasn't with them. The followed Jeod through the streets, which were crowded and busy. They soon arrived at a huge castle, or small fortress. At the gate, the keeper let them in. They walked through long halls untill they came to the place where they were looking for. Brom placed his hand on the door knob, but it was locked. He whispered a word under his breath, 'Jierda.' the door swung open and they all filed into it, unnoticed. Tall bookshelves held boxeswhich apparently held the records of shipping. The puled the boxes down and began to sift through them.

11-24-2003, 07:18 PM
*screeeeech* Wait half a moment! my thread is dying! I was being a bad parent! NOOOOOOO! It cant die!!!! Must save thread!!!!! *Begins to rececitate thread*

11-29-2003, 01:47 PM
Man look what happens when I leave... *shakes head* J/K!
<Where am I?> Raven sat up on the bed and looked around. Then she noticed Jeod's wife stared down at her.
"Well, seems you've woken up!" She said, contempt dripping from her every word.
"Where am I??" She asked faintly.
"You're in the room I prepared for you."
"Really. Whay are there bars on the window? This is no room. I'ts a cell."
"Seems that you noticed."

OOC: Helen now works for Galabatorix[Jeod dosen't know yet.]

11-29-2003, 03:16 PM
ookay, well at least the thread is alive again! I dont have time to post, must leave, see yall later!

11-30-2003, 03:05 AM
Eragon grabbed another stack of papers, sifting through them nervously, he sighed with relief.
"I found it!" He said a bit too loud.
"Will you be quiet!" scowled Brom as he grabbed the parchment from ERagon's hands. The noise was subtle, but it was enough to grab the attention of the gaurd. "Who goes there?" came a voice from down the hall. they jumped from where they sat, Eragon peeked out the door.
"He is in the next hall, we still have time!" he said excitedly. Jeod shoved the paper into his coat and they hurridly ran out of the room. The guard came strolling down the hall. "Oi there! What are you doing?" he called. "I am afraid we have lost our way!" said Jeod. ERagon stood behind Jeod near the door, suddenly he realized it was unlocked. He pressed his hands on the door and muttered a word in the ancient language under his breath. He heard the door lock click as the guard approached. "Ah yes, well, lets get you out of here." the gaurd said politely. Jeod nodded in reply as the gaurd led them away from the castle with the records in thier grasp.

12-11-2003, 12:59 AM
"Well, Mrs. Resead. Well, well, well."
"Well Well Well what?"
"You are so foolish! I hate you idiots. I only tolerate you people because of my husband."
"You know what?" I said as I crossed the room. "I really hate your stupid predujuce." I slapped her face, unlocked the cell, door, and walked out. I came out into the hall the men were leading Jeod and the others along. "Neil!I'ts good to see you again!"

12-11-2003, 02:55 AM
Brom spun around and looked at Raven, "Yes, it is good to see you too, Kibeth." he replied coming up with an artificial name. "Come along, we must be getting on!" Jeod said hurriedly as they left the palace.

12-11-2003, 10:52 PM
"What were you doing in there? Brom hissed at me.
"I'll explain later. Just don't go anywhere with Jeod's wife Helen."
"I'll explain when we get back, just don't tell anyone else, maybe axcept Eragon."

[Kibeth, the walker. Have you been reading Sabriel, Lirael, or Abhorsen by any chance Pip?]

12-12-2003, 01:11 AM
ooc: um, nope, just heard of the name, first thing that came to mind.

ic: they swiftly made thier way back to Jeod's house where they went into his office. Jeod bolted the door and sat in his chair, laying the records out in front if him.
"It looks like they sent the poison to Dras Leona, that must be where thier lair is." said Jeod.
"How far is that?" asked Eragon.
"it is far south, but it will only take us a few days if we move swiftly." Brom said.
"It is a dangerous city. The people worship the tall mountain, Hellgrind with relentless devotion." Jeod said.
"We need to start tomorrow, at dawn." Brom said, standing from the table.

12-17-2003, 12:54 AM
OOC: Jus' so you know. My "parents" died there, "I" was raised by Angela, and "I" will dislike that place greatly.

Akamai Deredal
12-19-2003, 08:53 PM
OOC: *runs and hugs everyone tightly* I missed you all SO much! Wow, it's good to be back! I'm free, I'm free I'm free free free! *skips around, chanting in a singsong voice* Heehee! Any pointers on how to get me up to speed you guys?

12-20-2003, 11:51 AM
OOC: I've been away for a while I'm sorry. No tips accept to read Akai...we really haven't posted all that much. Uhhh...what was the kings name? Oh, I said you can't resuce me but you can notice I'm gone.

<I'm sorry we left so quickly Camnete, I was just confused and a little angery.> <Quit understandable...but are yo usure they can be trusted?> <No...but the nagain are you sure Brom and the others can be trusted?> <Alright miss Iturneverythingaroundtoworkforme lets not have any of that I get the point.> "What are you two talking about?" Jerome screeched above the wind riding along on his dragon Snowdream, who just happened to be a girl. "This and that. How much farther, I can't feel my feet."
"Not that much farther Terin. But it will still take another day to reach, I think it's safe enough to build afire when we land for the night." Jerome said a little softer because they were about to land in a shaded glen. After making camp and a small meal they were both relaxing against Snowdream because Camnete was out hunting. Terin's eyes were closed almost asleep and she didn't notice Jerome slip his arm around her. They both fell asleep there leaning together.

OOC:Yes he's in love with her and will soon start to question his King's orders and Terin will fall in love with him and the two dragons will fall in love. But you don't what twist I'm gonna throw in.

12-21-2003, 01:58 PM
*strapps akai to moot* dont do that ever again! you left me! anyway, the post hasn't gotten very far, lol. king's name is Galbatorix, but hey, dont kill me, kill Paolini, it was his book. wait,no, dont kill paolini, cause he has to finish the second book!

They were soon leaving the city and started the road to Dras Leona. It was hot. The sun boiled thier very blood. Once they were away from the city, Jeod left them to go back home. Eragon wsa restless, he coulnd't find Saphira. <where are you?> he called, but no answer came. Finally she answered his calls <here> she said <Thats a big help> eragon retorted. He looked up in the air and saw her flying above them. She landed slowly and allowed him to climb on. "Go on." Brom said to Eragon. Soon Eragon and Saphira were high in the air.

okay, that was a totally needless post, so someone else get us to Dras Leona, I'm to tired

12-25-2003, 02:38 AM
I will.
"There it is, Dras Leona. I really hate this place."
"Because my parents died here when I was barely able to read[the age of 3]. Angela, the herbalist, raised me after they were gone. She taught me a great amount about sword fighting, herds, and their uses and such. She also took me with her on her wild [mis] adventures"

12-29-2003, 01:54 PM
"Ah, Terin I see you've finnally arived. Welcome to my palace. I am King Galbatorix."

"And I am Terin. What is going on. Why have I been told all this about Brom and my companions? Surely if he or they wanted me dead they could have done it already."

"And risk angering that lovely creature behind you? No, he decided it would better to let you live than have that dragon after him. Speaking of which tell me about him he's an interesting color."

"Er...well his name is Camnete. He's that color because his egg froze before I found it. But you're changing the subject! Is it just Brom, or are the others in on it too?"

"Your avery astue little girl..."

"I'm not little!!!!!! I'm 16."

"Ofcourse I did not mean to offend. Now then as I was saying it's only Brom but he's been posoning the others mind against me. You must get Brom away from them and tell them the truth. Jerome and Snowdream will go with you."

"ALright but...but what if they don't believe me?"

"That's why my army is going to follow you and if they don't believe then we shall capture them, bring them here, and show them the truth. You must make sure that Brom does not come back to tthe group while you are talking to them or if my army must capture them, becasue if he does then all will be lost."
*Later that same day.*

"Honestly I thought we were done traveling for at lest a day, but NO!" Terin grumbled.

"I know what you mean." JErome said more than a little distracted. HE was begining to understand just what the king ws trying to do and he didn't like it.

12-31-2003, 05:10 AM
Originally posted by Legoles
I will.
"There it is, Dras Leona. I really hate this place."
"Because my parents died here when I was barely able to read[the age of 3]. Angela, the herbalist, raised me after they were gone. She taught me a great amount about sword fighting, herds, and their uses and such. She also took me with her on her wild [mis] adventures"

"I am sorry," said Banuien levelly to Raven, gazing up at the city. "But do you suppose we would be welcome to share her abode – just for a while? Would you be comfortable?"

ooc: whoa, have not posted for so long

01-01-2004, 03:10 PM
Eragon marvled at the huge mountain peak of Hellgrind. it was taler than nay mountain, or land formation he had seen before.
"What exactly is that?" he asked brom.
"Hellgrind is a sheer cliff that shadows Dras Leona. The people of the city worship it with horrid brutality. They offer blood sacrifices, and often thier preists are missing limbs, due to thier bloody worship the hellgrind." said brom grimly.
"Be descrete, say nothing of the mountain, or our journey. If you see the Ra'zac, come to me immediately.

01-01-2004, 04:07 PM
OOC:Ok I may make Brom go away after you guys posts a little more, please don't get made if I do.

Terin and Cream

<Well honestly Terin I thought we weren't going to come back here. What are we doing, anyway?> <We're goign to see if the others will me when I tell them the truth about Brom.> <Do you really thi8nk it's the the truth?> <Yes, I do. Everything the King said made sense and not much of what Brom said made sense. S owho am I supposed to beleive?> <You're own instincts and mine.>

Snowdream and Jerome

<Snowdream what am I going to do the King is wrong and I dont' want Terin to get hurt! But there's no way any of them can win!> <I don't know what to tell you, I geuss you should just trust your own instincts, and I'll let you know what mine pick up too.>

01-02-2004, 07:06 PM
sure, thats fine fim. teehee.

01-02-2004, 10:54 PM
"I'll ride ahead and check." My horse shot off at top speed[which is purty impressive] and raced towards the gate. I stopped, was questioned by the gaurd, went in and found Angela's shop.
"Angela? Angela, are you here?"
"Yes I am, may I... Raven!!!! My dear, when did you get here?"
"Just a minite a go. I need to know if it is alright to have a few people stay here? They need a room, and they asked me to ask you."
"Sure. But how many are there exactly...?"[ow many are there???]
*tells her number*
"Oh, well that is manageable.
*Runs out side, finds everybody, tells them, done*

01-03-2004, 06:28 AM
ic: Banuien smiled and thanked Angela her hospitality; "But I will remain, for the while, outside the household; I might explore the village for signs of any Ra'zac – just that we may avoid them." She bowed and took her leave of Angela, hiding her face with her hood and slipping quietly into the streets.

01-05-2004, 11:52 PM
"I too must go Angela. Say hello to Sollembum for me?"
"If I see him, I shall."
"Thank you."

useless post...:rolleyes: :(

01-06-2004, 01:23 PM
teehee, I'm reading Eragon (again) and I just got to this part, so I think we should split up *wink*

ic: Everyone had left, and Eragon was about to do so, but Angela stopped him.
"What is your name?" she asked.
"Eragon." he replied, deciding to give her his real name, but he didnt know why. Angela nodded,
"Would you like me to read your future, Eragon?" she said, Eragon was surprised.
"Why?" he asked.
"You are special, I have only done that for 3 other people." she answered. Eragon looked at the crystal ball,
"No, that thing is just for show, I use bones." she said, pulling out a small paket of thin bones.
"I want you to read my future." he said as he sat down in front of her.
Angela's face became very serious as she mumbled something and threw the bones down. Her face became lined and solemn.
"This is a twisted fate, very hard to read." she said.
"I see infinity or long life." she said, pointing to two overlaying bones.
'Well, I already knew that.' thought eragon.
"You will have many choices, and many battles will be fought around you, or for you." she said. "That is very good, you will be one of few that will be able to make thier own choices." then her face grew sad.
"here, is the lighting bolt, it means you will have a death in your near furutre." she said.
Eragon's mind flew to his home, and his family.
"But this, this is more pleasent." she said, pointing to another bone, "This shows a wonderful romance, with a woman of very noble birth." she said.
'Noble birth? but I am nothing but a farmer's nephew.' he thought.
"The last bone, show a betrayal in your furture." she said.
"Roran wouldn't betray me!" he said standing up.
"I wouldn't know." she said. "Your future is a tangled web of choices, and torment, but I would give anything to see how it plays out." said the herbalist. Eragon nodded, "Thank you." he said, leaving the building.

whew, long post. okay, so angela was supposed to be in Teirm, but Dras-Leona works too, lol.

01-06-2004, 09:05 PM
OOC:Goody...next post you all must meet somewhere without alot of people around just you guys minus Brom. There you will meet me and Jerome. Plus his dragon. I don't care which person posts the meeting in the place where you guys all meet minus Brom but someone needs to do it.

01-06-2004, 09:50 PM
I pop in now.

"Angela, Eragon? You here? Oh, Hello Sollembum."
<Hello mistress Raven>

01-07-2004, 12:58 AM
Eragon wandered around the city, right in the middle was a very tall cathedral. He could only imagine the bloody religion of Dras-Leona, yet he entered. Tall glass windows let light filter in. It was an old and dusty place, but full of a wonerful air. He walked down the long ailse, bow in hand. Once he reached the altar, a low hiss came from behind. He spun around, only to see the Ra'zac standing in the doorway. He cursed himself and the dreadful cathedral he was trapped in. He nicked an arrow and shot, but the ra'zac didged it with inhuman speed. He saw a side door, so he bolted. He wouldn't even attempt magic, they were to strong. Before he swept through the door, he saw soldiers charging into the building. He ran out into a courtyard and climbed over thebrick wall, just managing to throw himself over. Then he ran as fast as possible back to Angela's house to warn the others.

01-07-2004, 09:37 PM
OOC:Gah! read my other post! Meet in a forest minus Brom!

Akamai Deredal
01-07-2004, 09:53 PM
OOC: I'm almost caught up! Wait for meeee! ::pushes Siuahn towards the others as she starts reading again:: Ayeee!

01-08-2004, 08:06 AM
ooc: oh I'll do it, will I ;) :rolleyes:

ic: Banuien walked to the borders of the city, staring across the plains that stretched half a kilometre out to the surrounding forest. Far away she perceived two small figure s standing beside a pair of dragons: one she didn't recognise, but the other she distinguished as Camnete, standing resolutely by Terin.

Banuien frowned. "Terin?" she muttered. The girl was facing the man beside her, speaking softly. "What are you doing…?" whispered the Elf disbelievingly. She strode out onto the hoarse grass on the edge of the village; it seemed to her that the moment she stepped onto the turf the man disappeared into the woods, but nonetheless she kept her path towards Terin and her dragon.

ooc: I'm tired and unimaginative at the moment; other people get themselves to the forest.

Akai, you just keep on trucking, ya lil trooper.;) :cool:

01-08-2004, 10:07 PM
OOC: Well since no one else is here I geuss it's just us two. Hehe! Hostial take over of the thread!!!!!!!!!!

"Banuien, what a pleasure. I was hoping to meet...everyone. Do you know where the others are?"

"Possibly on their way. Where were yo uand who was the man that was with you?"

"I will answer everything and then some when the others arrive."

"Well I can call Brom..."

"NO! I do not wish to see him...not yet. Let's wait for the others."

Akamai Deredal
01-08-2004, 10:36 PM
OOC: Just going to pretend I know what the heck is going on... ::smiles and nods:: Earloth... Siuahn was following you... the reason she hasn't been mentioned though is... um... oh! Because she had a horrible case of laryngitis (sp?) and was kept to her bed for a while... yeah, that's it... lol...

Siuahn followed Banuien hestitantly, uncertain of what was going on. She hated being sick; it always kept her from being clued in.
At the sound of Terin's voice though, Siuahn's face brightened and some of the doubt was forced from her mind. It had been a long time since she had seen the girl, and she had grown worried for her.
Stepping out into the open, she made her way to where Terin and Banuien were talking.
"Terin! You're all right!" She called, the relief in her voice evident as she waved to her friends.

OOC: No idea what I'm dooooing! lol

01-09-2004, 02:12 AM
" Angela!! The R'zac have found us.. we must flee!!"
" Coming!" I ran and flew out hte door catching something thrown at me by Angela. Stuffing it in my pocket, we ran for the front gates, barely making it as they rattled closed

01-09-2004, 05:59 AM
ic: Banuien glared at Terin suspiciously. "I don't care if you have to explain your whereabouts for the past days to a thousand people on a hundred separate occasions," she stated firmly and loudly, like an exasperated parent. "I want to know where you went, why you went there and what happened – and who was he?" She took a step into the forest, trying to depict where Jerome may have gone.

Terin sighed exasperatedly. "The Ra'zac revealed themselves to me – Banuien, they're human. They took me to Galbatorix's kingdom, he told me…Brom is evil. You may not wish to believe it but many of the things Galbatorix said made much more sense than what reasons Brom has given us for recent happenings." Banuien shot a glance at Siuahn doubtfully. "He said he has no wish to harm you or any of he others," said Terin pleadingly. "But that Brom has been lying to us and he wants to tell you his side of the tale."

Banuien stared at Terin, horrified. "You spoke with Galbatorix?" she muttered. "And you trusted him? How are you able to believe a single word from your own mouth when you are in Galbatorix's fortress?" she asked shrilly.

"He made valid points," retorted Terin, her temper rising. "Why would Brom not tell us the Ra'zac were human, what would he possibly have to lose if he is so noble?"

"He did not know, I did not know," stated Banuien levelly. "And whatever race the Ra'zac are of, it makes no difference: no culture is infallible – no culture does not lie; whatever they have told you, whatever they might tell me, they are murderers."

"Then if humans are so deceptive, how are you so sure that Brom is not lying?" demanded Terin.

"I have known Brom since the moment he was born," replied Banuien, her voice rising. "His father and forefathers before that, I am not prepared to revolt against a friendship that has persisted for over two centuries."

"Like fathers, like sons, do you know for certain that they have not all been deceiving you? Other than that affiliation, what reason have you not to trust Galbatorix?"

Tears welled and glistened in Banuien's eyes. "He slaughtered my dragon," she said slowly and softly, her voice subtly beginning to quaver. She began to slowly back into the wood away from Terin, her arms wrapped around herself. When she spoke again her voice was high and whiny: "I don't suppose he warned you against me, did he? He might have, should he have known I was still alive; but I suppose he trusted his Ra'zac to rid him of me, like they did my dragon…" She stared at the forest floor for a moment, gritting her teeth. "I cannot allow this," she whispered to Terin. "Friendship denies it; I will tell Brom, and if you have decided against us, then I propose you flee now."

Originally posted by Fimbrethil
"...my army is going to follow you and if they don't believe then we shall capture them, bring them here, and show them the truth. You must make sure that Brom does not come back to tthe group while you are talking to them or if my army must capture them, becasue if he does then all will be lost..."

Banuien felt a heavy blow to the back of her head; she fell to the forest floor, a Ra'zac standing over her with a large stick. She groaned, and grasping the back of her head tired to get to her hands and knees. The Ra'zac struck her again, and she collapsed under the weight of the log. Bending down, he rolled her over, bound her hands and relieved her of all weapons, and slinging her over his shoulder he took her back to the Ra'zac encampment.

ooc: okay this might be a little unorthodox, but this way maybe I can relax in my part in Inheritance without losing track of the story. Apologies if it interferes with anyone's plans or anything, but I'd rather go to the fortress, even if I'm not doing anything there.

Nice comeback Akai! ;)

01-09-2004, 01:15 PM
OOC: *agrees with Earloth* Nice one Akai. I liked your post too Earloth gives me an idea. Sorry in advance for the goddmoding. And for the rest of you I don't know how your going to get caught up you should have listened to me before instead of being chased by Ra'zac that had no buisness being where you put them in the first place.

"What are you doing?! Galbatorix said they wouldn't be harmed!" Terin yelled perplexed at the Ra'zac's reactio nto the situation.

"Did you actually trust him? You had to have known he was lying are you that impressionable?!" Jerome yelled furiosly as he stepped out of the forest.

"Suihan, please we have to tell the others! Help me!" Terin said desperatly.

Suihan stepped back shaking her head, eyes wide with what she had just witnessed. "I will warn the others...against you." With that she fled searching desperatly for Brom and Eragon.

"Jerome! we have to go back we have to save to Banuein!"

"No! Don't you see he's lost his hold on you. You're the only one he could have possibly twisted to do his will and now he's lost that power over you. He will kill you, Banuien, and I if we go back now." Jerome said, knowing he should have never done the mad Kings biding as soon as he reliazed what it would mean for the pretty young girl infront of him.

"What do we do?" Terin asked almost pitifully. "They won't trust me ever again."

"All we can do is hope that they will belaive us when we explain things to them."

"Waht about Banuien?"

"He will expect us to go after her. We can only trust her now and hope that she can find her own way out. the rest of the Ra'zac army has left, I think they went after the rest of the group. Galbatorix will be angery, he gave direct orders to do nothing unless they didn't believe a lie. He will have called all them back to him by now...there is no more danger for your friends...for the time being." They both left the dragons hidden in the forest and left to find the others.

Akamai Deredal
01-13-2004, 01:32 AM
OOC: I won't be on much for the next couple of days. Dad's been in the hospital since the afternoon of the 11th, and I gotta make sure everything's taken care of around the house. Stayin' at a friends house too... Everything's kinda wishy-washy now, you know, real vague. Just thought you all deserved an explanation as to where I've been. Take care of yourselves!

Thank you so much for putting up with all my disappearances lately... It means a lot.

Love always, Akai

01-13-2004, 10:12 PM
OMG..... We is sorry Akami, hope you dad gets well soon.....
[even thought this is a sympathetic post...]

DIE NINTEY SECOND RULE!!!!!!!!!!!!:eek: [did I just say that out loud? Oh well!]

01-18-2004, 12:00 AM
OOC:Hello is anyone gonna post. Sorry about your Dad Akai is he okay now?

Akamai Deredal
01-20-2004, 10:28 PM
OOC: The father is fine now, Fim. No worries... Now, on with the manical posting before the thread dies... again. Just so ya know, I have no idea what so ever as to what I'm doing. Just letting the imagination flow, lol.

Siuahn weaved her way between the trees as swiftly as her legs would carry her. She needed to find the others, and quickly. Things were not going to plan... at least, not to their own...

"Brom! Eragon! Somebody! Please..." She trailed off, her voice quavering with an emotion she had learned long ago to hide; fear. Only as a child, had she felt such betrayal, and the past moments she had just endured were a fresh reminder to that pain.

She hated feeling so helpless and vunerable... It was just not the way she wanted to live. But now, she could do nothing to still her thoughts, or dam her emotions. Instead, she damned them. Frightened tears welled up in her eyes, and she felt ashamed of her inability to handle the situation.

Drawing her sleeve hastily to dry her eyes, Siuahn set out again, still feeling the sharp stab of shame between her shoulderblades, as well as a growing knot of concern she knew would not be likely to disappear. She had to find the others...

01-20-2004, 10:31 PM
"OW! Hey!...Siuahn? What's wrong?" I asked with concern.

Akamai Deredal
01-20-2004, 10:44 PM
"Sor-" Siuahn stopped dead in the middle of her apology. "Raven! Where are the others? Tell me quickly! Terin's gone over! I need to warn Brom! She's on Galbatorix's side!" Her words came out in a quick stream, some meshing together and only coming out as a hysterical babble. Taking a deep breath to calm her nerves, she waited for Raven to act.

01-21-2004, 01:03 AM
"DAMN! Brom and Eragon are here with me. The others are probably still back at Angela's, because they closed the gates after us. We have to get away from here." I signaled and we all started running again.

01-21-2004, 10:54 PM
OOC:Just gonna jump right on in...anyone seen pip?

IC: "Jerome quick! We have to find them before they turn on me completely!" Terin yelled.

They started running threw the forest and stopped just short of where everyone else was standing.

"Please you have to hear me out!"

01-22-2004, 12:46 AM
'What do you have to say?" I asked coldly. "And who is this?" I said nodding at the man she was with.

Akamai Deredal
01-24-2004, 01:51 PM
Siuahn's eyes narrowed as she looked at Terin. How could the girl expect them to listen to her? She had seen Baniuen struck down as easily as if she were no more than an oak sapling.

Right now, she wanted nothing to do with the girl. The bite of betrayal was still bleeding in her mind, and it was not likely to heal over again for some time...

OOC: Don't know what else to do, but that! Bwahahah!

01-24-2004, 02:58 PM
ooc: oops, sorry guys, I've been gone. anywho, I read everything, Eragon is just being slow,

ic: Eragon plunged into the forest, Brom trailing behind.
<Saphira! I need you! I don't have time to explain!> he called hurriedly
Eragon froze in his tracks. Two hooded and cloaked figures stood over Banuien. Terin watched, open eyed, along side with another man.
"She didn't." he muttered under his breath. Suiahn was looking at Terin with a mixture of fear and hate on her face. As soon as they appeared, the Ra'zac dissappeared, along with the elf.
"No!" cried Eragon, trying to run after them, but it was too late.
<Saphira! Now!> he cried out.
Saphira didnt reply, but Eragon felt a surge of fury. Trees crashed around them, revealing the sapphire dragon. She landed in the midst of them, growling feircly(sp)
<What happened? You should have called me sooner!> she said.
<The Ra'zac--they took Banuien, and its all her fault> eragon said, shooting a glace at Terin.
"Why did you do it?" asked Brom, exsaperated, but angry.
"I suppose he offered you the world, everything you wished for, on the condition that you give him our heads!" he was definately angry now.
Eragon didnt speak, he just stared, and tried to keep Saphira from ripping the girl apart and comfort Suiahn, who was now officially freaked.
"You dont understand!" she pleaded.
"I think I do, Terin." replied Brom.
Eragon leaned against a tree, "It was you. You were the one who would betray us." said Eragon, thinking of Angela and her future telling.
"But I didn't-" began Terin
"Okay then, explain yourself!

01-26-2004, 03:26 PM
OOC: Isn't this interesting?

"NO! I wasn't going ot have you killed that wasn't what he wanted! He wanted you on his side, and I believed his lies becasue he was so convincing and with my parents being gone and there were so many things that Bromleft unanswered that he could answer! It was wrong and I'm sorry and I'll understand if you never want to see me again and if you ask it I will leave. What do you say?" <Cream, what have I done? And where are you and Snowdream?> <We're close enough to come to your adie if you need it. Don't tell them whom Jerome is just yet.>

Akamai Deredal
01-29-2004, 09:21 PM
Time to godmode again, everyone. I'm not going to be on much for the next few days or so. I've got to help dad and everyone get my grandma back on her feet. My grandpa passed away Wednesday morning, and there's a lot of things that need to be taken care of. Hope you all don't mind... I didn't see this coming... no one did. Take care!

Love always

Akamai Deredal
02-03-2004, 10:36 PM
OOC: Well, I'm glad that's over... Miss the grandfather-unit though. *shrugs* All good things must come to an end I suppose... Except for this thread. Not one of you has posted! For shame!

Siuahn's pride still stung from the shock of having stumbled so blindly into a trap, but she was the first to speak.
"It's not that we do not ever want to see you again, Terin. But rather, how are we going to be able to trust you? Your parents were killed, and we all sympathized with you, yet you showed hardly any problem believing Galbatorix's lies. Banuien is in the hands of the Ra'zac, and who knows how long she will live, and you are to blame..." Shaking her head, she sighed.
"There are bound to be more trying times than family being killed, Terin. Not that it makes that any easier to deal with, but if we meet another circumstance where we must mourn a great loss, how able are you to stay with us, and not run off? Granted, one's parents are one of the most valuable things, but in time we all lose them. We cannot trust you to not go running back to the king... even if we wanted to."

OOC: I'll edit this if it doesn't work... Kind of tired -_-

02-04-2004, 02:43 AM
hahha, akai, you wrote Rhiannon, not suiahn. a bit tired, eh? lol. sorry, I cant post now. must leave. useless post. I'l be back!

Akamai Deredal
02-04-2004, 10:02 AM
Eh-heh... *thouroughly embarrassed chuckling* Right... *shuffles off to edit the names* Sorry! :o I didn't realize... and yea. Very tired. Too much going on. Sorry again!

Useless post... but what's new?

02-04-2004, 11:15 PM
OOC: Whats new? Guys are idiots and I hate them all....except my family.


"I don't know...I don't know anything anymore! I geuss I should just go back to my home town...."

Akamai Deredal
02-04-2004, 11:26 PM
"No!" Siuahn cried, clamping her mouth shut almost as quickly as the word was out of her mouth. "I mean..." She sighed, "What good would it do us if you left? You are in this until the end, Terin... We all are."

02-05-2004, 11:13 PM
"Too true. You are with us until the end, wether you like it or not."

02-06-2004, 11:21 PM


"Well, if you really want me back then I will come back and stay with you...but only if Jerome can come too."

02-06-2004, 11:47 PM
"Why not. You guys in agreement?"


02-07-2004, 10:59 PM
whoops, I'm back. sorry guys.

ic: "No, I dont think we can trust him." said Eragon
"I think you're wrong. We should trust him." said Brom.
Saphira growled. <I dont like this, but I think we should trust brom>
"okay. whatever you say." grumbled Eragon.

well, I dont know what to do, so someone do something.

Akamai Deredal
02-14-2004, 12:56 PM
Nyaki opened one eye, drawing herself half out of her deep slumber. Her Rider was distressed, and angry, she could sense it. A low growl rumbled through her chest and throat, causing a slight vibration to ripple along the ground. <Siuahn... What's going on?>
<Terin's come back... but because of her Banuien's been captured...> The rider responded, her heart heavy with ill news.
<Who is this other human I smell with Terin? Is he on our side, or hers?> Another growl.
<They're both on ours, Nyaki, calm yourself. Brom said this Jerome is to be trusted, and so we must listen. We may not like it, but we must listen.>
<You're getting wiser, hatchling. Much wiser. Perhaps we should stay in Brom's company. You seem to learn much more through him and his elven companion, Banuien.>
<There won't be half as much for me to learn if we do not get her back. Who knows what the Ra'zac will do to her...>
This time Nyaki's growl erupted into a full-throated roar, her anger and outrage washing over all the Riders, and startling all of them to no end. Several jumped, while one or two let out a shout--or swear in some cases.
<Ra'zac?! They have Banuien?> Another vengeful roar escaped the dragon, causing Brom to yell at Siuahn to calm Nyaki down before she drew attention to them all and got them all killed or captured.
<Enough, Nyaki! You'll get us all killed! We'll get her back, and we'll kill as many of the Ra'zac as we can possibly manage, but we can't do that if you don't shut up!>
Rage still boiled in the dragon's veins, but she did what she could to rein her anger in. <If only to keep you alive, Siuahn. We need to leave now though, or they'll surely find us. Forgive me... I didn't realize they were so near...>
<Or else you would have killed them already, I know. Come find us. We fly today...>
Nyaki rose from where she lay and carefully trudged her way through the trees and underbrush. Too many things were going on, and too many emotions ran through her mind, as well as Siuahn's. She closed her mind completely, to give herself time to think, but before she did, she sensed that her Rider had done nearly the same.

OOC: Sorry it's so long... Didn't know what I was doing... But the thread is dying, and I'm in a writing mood. It's what happens when you get cooped up all weekend with no one to talk to. Happy Valentine's Day everyone! :D

02-15-2004, 04:04 AM
ooc: cool post, Akai!

and soz peoples, but i'm gonna do a long one as well...

ic: Banuien woke slowly, idly straying between consciousness and stupor. A small trickle of blood had seeped through her hair and had left a sticky brown trail across her cheek, dribbling down onto her nose. She kept her eyes shut, trying to keep attention from her; but she moaned softly, and almost involuntarily curled into a ball.

Her hands were no longer bound, and she had no recollection of what may have caused the slight rawness on her wrists; and slowly her transportation (a small, horse-drawn cart) was coming to a halt.

A man appeared at the only exit of the small compartment; he held out a hand and she took it uncertainly, allowing herself to be led along a cold stone path up to a large fortress.

She was brought before a large throne, upon which sat a tall man; his mantle was black and he was crowned with iron, yet he wore the guise of a fair and kindly being. There was a slight hint of conceit in his voice that Banuien didn't detect as he spoke:


"Banuien…?" she replied.

"You don't remember," he muttered dubiously.


Galbatorix leaned back in his dais and stared at his nails pensively. Suddenly a light came to his eyes. "Tell me, child: what does the name Snǽspenna mean to you?"

Snǽspenna had been the name of Banuien's dragon; Galbatorix had slain him cruelly before her, but now no recall of the incident crossed her mind. She shook her head. "Nothing," she stated simply. Galbatorix stood suddenly; "Leave us," he waved away the officials who had escorted Banuien to the castle. He descended the stone steps and stood in front of her.

"You don't remember me?" he asked; but now his voice was softened, and he appeared more than ever a just, compassionate being. Banuien shook her head again, guilt and pity welling in her heart.

"What would you expect me to remember?" she asked softly.

Galbatorix gazed at her piercingly, as an earnest man moved near to tears. "What have they done to you?" he sighed.

"Who?" asked Banuien; her voice was deeper, and Galbatorix could hear it in her utterance that she was not wholly won over: Banuien seemed to feel smothered by his advance, he being to her a complete stranger, and she was deliberately aloof because of it. Galbatorix shook his head, trying to think of what to say that might gain her trust; suddenly a thought came to him.

Vanimalda cwenda nîn, he murmured, cupping her face in his hand. Banuien lips parted slightly and her eyes narrowed at the extract from this language that she had almost forgotten she knew.*

Manach? she whispered.

Galbatorix smiled grimly and looked to the floor. Renich dórimar vîn? he asked solemnly.

Banuien thought for a moment. Rennin…Ennorath

I Danas? Galbatorix frowned a little.


Galbatorix sighed again. "I do not know what has happened to you," he said, resting his forehead against Banuien's. "There are forces opposing us; you must not let them defeat you."

"What do you mean?" asked Banuien. Galbatorix shifted the position of Banuien's tunic tentatively; on her shoulder there were graphic burn scars that spread across her skin and out of sight. He himself had made the marks, and it was a great advantage that this was not remembered; he feigned outrage and grief at the sight and turned away. Banuien, strangely to her, did not feel concerned with the marks; she waited patiently for Galbatorix to turn back to her.

"Your name is Dunnealc," said Galbatorix, looking back. "At least remember that – for now. I will say no more tonight; but welcome home, my love."

*The languages I used were Elvish, a mixture of Quenya and Nandorin. They're kind of crude, but anyway, these are the meanings:

Snǽspenna – Cloud-cleaver
Vanimalda cwenda nîn – My lovely elf
Manach? – Who are you?
Renich dórimar vîn? – Do you remember our homeland?
Rennin…Ennorath – I remember Middle-earth
I Danas? – The Nandor? (the kindred of Elves Banuien belongs to)
Man?…law – What?…no
Dunnealc – Black Swan

Akamai Deredal
02-15-2004, 12:07 PM
OOC: ... *blinks once or twice* Earloth... that was... amazing! Wow... That deserves a medal of somesort... *searches through her room* Aie! I can't find one... But... you, my friend, are an incredible writer. And as such... you should write more. @_@ Yes, you must write more. For the sake of my sanity. Our sanity, yessss my precioussss. ;)

(well that was useless... Might as well write so we don't get yelled at by the mods for like the hundredth time :D)

Wait! I just realized something... We lost Banuien! Noooo! Come back to the light, my child! Come baaaack! Earloth, you make her come back soon! And don't make her kill uuuus! (does this mean all of us must turn our back on our fellowship? lol) Back to posting!

Siuahn did not wait for the others to join her in departured; she knew they would catch up in time. As soon as Nyaki reached the clearing and lowered herself nearer to the ground, the young woman leapt upon the dragon's saddled back.
Nyaki's bronze eyes narrowed slightly at the sight of Jerome and Terin, and the young dragon snorted angrily, tendrils of smoke curling from her nostrils as she did so. After a moment, she felt Siuah's mind reopen, most of the anger and confusion still present, but not as prominent as before.
<I can smell those creatures, Siuahn.>
<I know, Nyaki. I've seen them as well.> Nyaki felt the sudden disgust and fear ripple through her Rider's body, as well as her mind, and let out a comforting whine as she reared back onto her hind legs.
<Will the others follow?> She inquired, her forelegs clawing gently at the air as she waited.
Siuahn looked at her companions who were doing much the same as she was. <By the looks of it... But right now, I do not really care. Let us go and avoid the Ra'zac. We must be alive if we are to find Banuien.>
A low trumpet of agreement was Nyaki's only answer as she pushed off the ground with all her strength, hurling herself bodily into the air. Deep furrows were left in the ground by her claws, a literal beacon for any followers, but once all were in the air, there would no longer be a trail.
Unfurling her wings, Nyaki drew herself ever higher into the sky, gliding past clouds, or through them. Soon enough, both Siauhn and Nyaki were drenched with the light moisture in the air, but neither seemed to care.
<Eragon... What do we do now? Where do we go? Or should we just give up?> Siuahn called out to the young man silently, unable to see where he was because of the dense fog around them. But she knew he was there, and she desperately needed someone to talk to. A friend.

02-17-2004, 01:30 AM
*gapes* ok, so....are you human? *looks at earloth strangely* I seriously doubt it. so, earloth, how many novels have you written? Thats just amazing, i say! I feel inferior! wait...I've always been inferior!

ic: <I don't know what we have to do. I don't know where we have to go. But we will not give up. Our travels, our hopes, our very lives, are not in vain. If we give up hope now, it will never be regained. And that is all we have.> replied Eragon to Siuahn. Then he smiled. He smiled through all his pain, his worry, and through all the fog enveloping him and his soul.
<Siuahn. I'm glad you are here.> he said simply.
Eragon tripped over a stray root, or maybe a rock, into something wet. His face was smeared with the liquid, though he couldn't figure out what it was. He rubbed some of it off with his hand, and looked at it. It was red.
<It is blood> he said in his thoughts.
<What?> asked Siuahn, who had heard him.
<I've just fallen into a pool of blood> replied Eragon as he stood.
"Brom! Come here!" Eragon shouted, forgetting secretivity.
But brom didn't come. Eragon heard a rustling of bushes and someone burst out beside him. He hurriedly unsheathed Zar'roc.
"Whoa, there!" said Suiahn.
"Sorry." replied Eragon, sheathing his sword.
"So, what is it?"
"Blood. Probably Banuien's." Eragon said softly.
"Is there a trail?' asked Suiahn.
Eragon looked down. It was hard in the mist, but he could make out a dark line of blood leading away from them.
"Follow me!" he said, leaning down and following the trail.
They followed the blood for about twenty yards.
"That's alot of blood." Siuahn said dismally.
Eragon didn't speak. He ran into something...someone.

02-17-2004, 05:08 AM
ooc; Ngaaaaaaaaaaaaaaww, sweeet, u guys!!!

Lol, funny Akai; and most excellent post!! I luuv Siuahn, she's such an elaborate character!!

Pip: never inferior! Seeing as you have discovered my inhumanity over just the INTERNET, i would assume your intellect to be exceptional...you just keep it to YOURSELF, however. *shifty-eyes*

Galbatorix led Banuien deep inside the fortress; it was a labyrinth of high arched halls, stony grey-black in colour and cold; their footsteps echoed throughout the passages, but their voices descended into the silence under the heavy eyes of adamantine gargoyles lined against the walls.

*Man hýn? asked Banuien.

Galbatorix sighed. Írë fael vi dórimar vîn, hýn túlë; Urulóki tîn a aicanáro ar carananca yali nuruhuinë an fuinë Hithaeglir –

Dan annan?

Melko isto; ananta hýn ú-carvanwa le.

Man hýn? Banuien asked again.

Er, istonin ná Brom a er Eragon. he spoke these names warily, in case they might spark some memory in Banuien. S*, he said, more firmly now: amin nuhta. Avo maquet.

Dan –


Banuien sighed and looked at her feet as she followed him. He led her down another corridor and left her in a shadowy room, with a black four-poster bed lined against the far wall.

"I will have clothes brought for you;" said Galbatorix. "For the time being, stay out of sight; we do not know what may be lurking outside your very window."

Banuien glanced at the window, then back to Galbatorix. "Then why do I have this room?" she asked. The King simply slammed the door.

*Man hýn? - Who are they?
Írë fael vi dórimar vîn, hýn túlë; Urulóki tîn a aicanáro ar carananca yali nuruhuinë an fuinë Hithaeglir - In a peaceful time, they came; their dragons with fell fire and red tooth summoned the shadow of death to the shadow of the (Misty) Mountains
Dan annan? - But why?
Melko isto; ananta hýn ú-carvanwa le - Melkor knows; but as yet they have not ended you.
Er, istonin ná Brom a er Eragon - One I know as Brom and another as Eragon
S*, amin nuhta. Avo maquet. - Now I will say no more. Stop asking questions.
Dan - but
Law - no

02-17-2004, 11:03 PM
OOC:I'm sooooooooooo sorry I've been really busy guys....just you wait though. When we actually start doing real stuff in Drama and I have to memorize lines it'll be heck getting me on longer than three minutes. Really awsome posts guys! I love 'em! Now how in the world do I equal them? Hey Earloth, what happened to your charater? Did she get hit on the head and forget who she was? Pip I"m asuming that Brom is dead now...I won't post anyhting aoubt it till I know for certain though.

<Oh, Cream what have I done! I don't know why I let any of this happen! I should have known Brom wouldn't lie to us! I was so easily sucked in! Now none of them are going to trust me again!> Terin all but wailed to her dragon. <Well now I wouldn't say that.> Was all that Camnete replied with. <What do you mean? You speak in riddles to much.> <I can't help myself. It's fun. They may never trust you like they used to and it will take quit a wihle to win back their trust...but you've made a start.> <How so?> <Well you could've run off with Jerome. You didn't make exsues either. You told them it was your fault...and that's a start.> At the mention of Jerome's name the majestic creature felt confusion and a jumble of other emotions. <I suppose.>
MEANWHILE...Jerome is talking to Snowdream. (his dragon)
<What do you think is going to happen?> Jerome asked his dragon. <I really don't know. You know for all that we pretend to know and be smart about...there are twelve other things we should improve on.> <Don't I know it.> <And just what is that supposed to mean?!> But he never got a chance to answer. As soon as they landed they were in off following the trail of blood. Eraloth found where it ended frist when the others saw some just stood still not wanting to believe what their eyes were telling them, some fell to their knees and stared and cried silent but painful tears of grief. In Terin's case it was the former. She couldn't believe after what she had done, now this, she never had a chance to patch things up...and now she never would,

Okay I know I said I wouldn't say anyhitng about who it was...but I couldn't help myself! I do hope that was Brom though...other wise I gotta come edit this thing.

02-19-2004, 05:46 AM

Akamai Deredal
02-19-2004, 10:06 AM
I hope that isn't Brom's blood. I'll cry. Really. >.> <.< Eraloth's right... No one can post again till Pip clarifies what the helck is going on. (Yes, helck is a word :P) I mean, yeesh Pip! What were ya thinking? You know how imaginative we are... There's a bazillion things we could come up with if you just leave us hanging like that. *thwacks Pip lightly over the head* Do that again, and I'm grounding you from your tea! Now get back here and fill us all in! Please? *smiles apologetically and hands Pip the tea back, as long as a bag of ice, and a big stick to fend off the entourage of disgruntled Inheiritance participants*

Okay... that post was useless... Sort of. Oh I don't know... *waits for the mods to jump on the thread and tear it to pieces* >.> <.<