View Full Version : The Fiction of Reality

09-28-2003, 08:45 AM
Uhh bugger I’m usually alright at making up things but this is kind of weird and I’ve never done anything like this before:

On some plain of existence all stories hold a single thread of reality – three elves and one human (of any gender) from realities where The Lord of the Rings was just a fiction (the human could be from this world or another, I don’t mind) inhabit worlds that are temporarily mixed up with the world of the Lord of the Rings. When they enter there the Company of the Ring has just been forged, and somehow (don’t ask me how) Sauron and all his subjects have the knowledge that the elves & human know the outcome of the War of the Ring and how it is achieved, therefore they must try to avoid him and aid the forces of good without impeding the Fellowship on their quest. Whatever you want to do, love affairs, intricate sorcery, whatever, I don’t mind – and there should be characters other than the 3 elves/1 human. As for me:

Name: Aiarél (Seastar)
Race: Teleri – Sea-elf
Sex: Female
Status: Late princess of the Teleri
Age: 234 (stopped aging at 17)
Height: 6’0
Hair: Waist-long; thick & curly golden-blonde
Eyes: Blue; thick eyelashes & arched black eyebrows
Clothes: Not quite navy but dark blue raiment, sewn with silver – a large seashell is depicted at the breast of the tunic; 1 hooded purple/blue cloak with a clamshell-shaped pin at the neck.
Weapons: 1 long curved sword with Elven inscriptions on the hilt & down the blade; 3 long daggers & 1 longbow
Jewellery: Silver tiara inlaid with sapphires; 1 ring wrought of mithril embedded with sapphires.
Languages: Most, having never settled down in any place for more than half a year; native tongue is Telerin & knows the Common Tongue & English loosely.
History: Born in Valinor, read There And Back Again and What Followed After at the age of 8. Set out from Valinor at the age of 17 and thereafter sailed all over the world, learning different languages but not picking up many friends. Remembers chiefly the date of the fall of Sauron.

Dreran the Green
09-28-2003, 09:33 AM
Ooh, sweet. This sounds cool, I'm in! May I be the human?

Akamai Deredal
09-28-2003, 11:35 AM
I would love to play a part in this too, if you would not mind. I'll be the second elf, female though. If it's all right, I'll post a Bio soon. :)

09-28-2003, 01:05 PM
Oh dear are we having a no guys rpg? Everyone in here is a female. Hmmm...oh well I'll join. If I can let me know and I'll post a Bio.

Adrian Baggins
09-28-2003, 01:12 PM
I wanna be in it, can I be Frodo???? *puppy eyes* pweese

Gulio, Strength of Many
09-28-2003, 01:14 PM
Is it okay for me to be a fellowship member?

09-28-2003, 03:12 PM
Sounds cool! Can I be one of the elves?

09-28-2003, 07:43 PM
Hmm, lets see, I think i'll be, um, PIPPIN!!!!!!!

09-28-2003, 07:44 PM
hey, I just hit 300! i'm getting there gulio! I am having some serious problems with the 90 sec rule, seriously, it has issues. btw, started elvenbane yesterday, so I could have some idea of what all you guys were talking about!

09-28-2003, 11:02 PM
hey... can I be Sauron/ the Ring????

09-28-2003, 11:15 PM
Basically, who and what do you want? I guess I'll be a guy, in the guidelines you set.

Btw, Pip, yay on starting Elvenbane! I started the trend, but now I can't find the second book, so I've been left behind. *sigh*

09-28-2003, 11:30 PM
yes, well, you know we all admire you, Kalile! i'm not even through the first chapter yet, so I couldn't tell you anything about it!

09-28-2003, 11:36 PM
On topic! Now!

(I'm just laughing that everyone else but me has read the other two; I'm not trying to be the almightly trendsetter that must be told how great she is!)

09-28-2003, 11:40 PM
May I join as well? I'd like to be one of the elves, if you don't mind.

09-29-2003, 05:34 AM
I really don't mind, whatever/whoever you want to be;)

Dreran the Green
09-29-2003, 07:46 PM
Cool. In that case, I'll be the human.:) here's my bio:

Name: Kyra
Gender: Female
Race: Humans
From: This world, USA.
Status: Highschool student
Age: 15
Description: About 5'5. Spiky brown hair slightly past shoulder-length, blue-green eyes, slender. Wears baggy greygreen pants with knee-length combat boots and a white tanktop.
Weapons: Uh...none.
History: Lived whole life in America, has read The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings about a million times.

Hope this is OK.

09-29-2003, 08:44 PM
I'm in. Can I be Aragorn and another character? Please?

Name: Alexandra
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Race: Human
Description: Ultra-short bleached blond hair, ice blue eyes, she has a black belt in karate, she's a high school junior, 5'7", wearing camo pants, black t-shirt, and running shoes
Weapons: Her fists and feet
Personality: She's the basically the school outcast. She escapes into The Lord Of The Rings to get away from her life
History: Loves playing RPG video games like Final Fantasy, and has read LOTR so many times, she's lost count. Daydreams all the time about something like this happening.

Ok, how's that?:)

Gulio, Strength of Many
09-29-2003, 09:49 PM
Hmm... I shall be Gimli.:D

09-30-2003, 01:14 AM
I shall be

Name: Nalimawen
Race: Elven
Hair: Deep ebony, streaked thorugh with gold, purple, and blue. It's waist length
Eyes: Left eye is a Deep Amathyst color, right eye is a smokey emerald color. Eyelashes, eyebrows both ebony
Weapons: Silver hilted ninja knives, throwing daggers, short sword, and a claimore strapped across her back
Skills: Ninjitsu master[ninja art] accurate throwing arm, speed
Clothing: Black belt, with the symbol of the dragon on it's buckle [symbol of her dojo] to symbolize her rank and status as a master, a long white robe with a hood, and underneath it a red scarf that she ties around her mouth and nose [breathable]
Items: Pendant shaped like a dragon, ruby eyes, solid gold & silver

09-30-2003, 07:22 AM
HEHEHE! Must be dwarf! Gulio you took Gimli.:( Oh well I have another character I play.

Name:Bror Icewraith
Beard:Absolutly none!
Hair:Black worn in a braid and hangs down to my waist. (which doesn't say a whole lot considering how tall Dwarfs are.)
Clothes: Pretty much the same outfit Gimli wore in LOTR just cause I don't feel like describing it.
Weapons:Axe, 3 throwing axes.
Skills: I can forge things!
History: Don't have one can't remember it. Which means I could be a hundred for all you know. Don't worry I shall reveal all in due time.:rolleyes:

Am I melodramatic sometimes?

09-30-2003, 08:24 AM
Ill be eeeeeeerrrrrrmmmmmmmm.........is any one gandalf yet????

09-30-2003, 09:22 AM
Originally posted by Turgon_Turambar
Ill be eeeeeeerrrrrrmmmmmmmm.........is any one gandalf yet????

No, noone's Gandalf - in fact if we're to establish an entire Fellowship we still need 2 Hobbits (Pippin is taken by PippinTook; Elven Warrior and Frodo is taken by Adrian Baggins; Frodo's lil sis HP LotR fan), Boromir, I think we've got an Aragorn, and we need a Legolas.

But so far for the main group of 4 we have Nalimawen [elf] (by Legoles; Goddess of Evil Smilies), Kyra [human] (by Dreran the Green; Lady of Legends) and Aiarél [elf] (by me, Eärloth) - however we need another elf (or human, whatever you fancy;)) and both Akamai Deredal and Aewionen have made a partition to be elves; perhaps we could negotiate having 4 elves and 1 human, unless one of these two forfeit.

09-30-2003, 10:37 AM
Although it would be favourable if we received a guy in our assembly, just to vary things a bit.:D

09-30-2003, 12:52 PM
I'm a guy! (or at least my charactar is!) and it is probably easier if you don't type in our titles with our names, unless you want to, in fact most people just call me pip! anywho, I can be an extra hobbit if we don't have enough hobit charactars!

09-30-2003, 05:49 PM
Kalile said she wants to be a guy.

09-30-2003, 09:31 PM
Originally posted by Eärloth
But so far for the main group of 4 we have Nalimawen [elf] (by Legoles; Goddess of Evil Smilies), Kyra [human] (by Dreran the Green; Lady of Legends) and Aiarél [elf] (by me, Eärloth) - however we need another elf (or human, whatever you fancy;)) and both Akamai Deredal and Aewionen have made a partition to be elves; perhaps we could negotiate having 4 elves and 1 human, unless one of these two forfeit.

I feel insulted and I beleive Gulio should too. For one there are 2 dwarfs , Bror (me) and Gimli(Gulio). Secondly Gulio is a guy (or at least he's playing one because I don't really know).

Gulio, Strength of Many
09-30-2003, 09:51 PM
Hee hee, I'm a girl. :D Just prefer to RP guys. (Told ya I'm wierd)

Akamai Deredal
09-30-2003, 11:01 PM
I'll post a quick bio for my elven character, once I have one. I have nothing but time on my hands right now, so I should come up with one shortly. :)

09-30-2003, 11:15 PM
Originally posted by Legoles
Kalile said she wants to be a guy.

Oh, yeah. Lol, sorry Kalile.

Originally posted by Fimbrethil
I feel insulted and I beleive Gulio should too. For one there are 2 dwarfs , Bror (me) and Gimli(Gulio). Secondly Gulio is a guy (or at least he's playing one because I don't really know).

I acknowledge that: I'm talking about the group upon which this RP is mainly focussing, although they will not necessarily take a larger part in the story. Going over the posts, it seems that so far:

Dreran has said she wants to be the human of the 'main group'
Adrian Baggins has said that she wants to be Frodo
Gulio is Gimli
Pip;) is Pippin
Nariel has volunteered as Sauron/the Ring
Kalile is a guy and as indicated that she is a part of the 'main group'
Estel has asked to be Aragorn but has also posted a bio as Alexandra, that needs to be sorted out
Legoles is a (female) elf of the 'main group'
Fimbrethil is a Dwarf named Bror
Turgon Turambar is Gandalf
I've said I'm an elf of the 'main group'.

Granted, though, the so-called main group consists of only those with characters who are not of the 'Lord of the Rings world': as the story progresses, sooner or later according to their wishes, after 1 or 10 or 100 posts, Gulio and Fimbrethil can introduce themselves, although Gulio as Gimli will be away with the Fellowship (?).

'Main' Group of 4:
Dreran had dibbs on the Human from the beginning, as I did on one of the Elves.

Legoles is a (f) Elf of the 'main group'.
Kalile is a guy but has not indicated whether or not she is a part of the 'main group', nor whether she is an Elf or Mortal.

Estel I think would be better suited for Aragorn, but if she disagrees with this she may message me and post an argument here.

Turgon Turambar is Gandalf, noone else having claimed or expressed interest in this part.

Pip is Pippin

Adrian is Frodo

Gulio is Gimli

Other Characters:
Nariel is Sauron/Ring

Fimbrethil is Bror (Dwarf)

Ooo, tiring. I think that's it, but I haven't counted the people who have inquired about the thread but have not stated a character or bio. Anyone can make extentions to this list, however, go right ahead.

09-30-2003, 11:17 PM
Originally posted by Akamai Deredal
I'll post a quick bio for my elven character, once I have one. I have nothing but time on my hands right now, so I should come up with one shortly. :)

And right there, but you might have to state whether you want to be a part of those who don't come from The Lord of the Rings...universy thingy (although I don't think there's much room for anyone anymore:() or *from* that world.

09-30-2003, 11:42 PM
Hmmm... what to be, what to be.... I will be.... erm... a.... half elf! A half elf warrior. No rogue. Wait! Bard! Oh, I can't decide! :p
Why not a fun character without all the problems mine usually have?

Name: Esdernath (don't laugh, I only made it up just now)
Race: Half elf
Gender: Male
Eyes: Bright green
Hair: Short and brown
That's it for now, I'll do more later.
Put me where you will.

09-30-2003, 11:52 PM
I guess Kalile can be a part of the main group - there needs to be a guy - but I guess we could work out having 5 people in the group, granted that the 5th person is human if anyone else is really eager.

10-01-2003, 12:34 AM
I am back now. Here is a bio of my character....Oh, is it okay if I change to human?

Name: Jaci
Age: 15
From: USA
Hair: Brown with golden blonde highlights
Eyes: Deep Blue
Description: Wears flare jeans with a white or blue t-shirt or tangtop and tennisshoes. 5'5'' with layered hair at just below the shoulder.
Personality: Very sporty. Gets along with just about everyone. She has read the Hobbit and the LotR trilogy and is a big fan. When she is not reading or at the gym, she usually is out horse-back riding or practicing karate.
History: 'Lives' with her dad who is barely at home so she does alot of school activity. Her mother left her and her dad when she was 7.

Gulio, Strength of Many
10-01-2003, 12:38 AM
Hey can I be two people? I think I want to be Tel in this one too:D

10-01-2003, 12:44 AM
aww, thanx Earloth, you are starting to become a part of the crew, calling me pip already! what about the rest of the fellowship? I think we should just godmod for the rest, but fairly, just little lines here and there to fill in holes. gulio is a girl? i always imagined you looking like a dwarf with big beard, and some tea! me, I pretty much look like a hobbit, save the hairy feet.

Gulio, Strength of Many
10-01-2003, 12:53 AM
Hee hee. Always did love those dwarves.:D But yeah, always saw you as a hobbit Pip.

10-01-2003, 12:56 AM
yes, well I imagine myself as a hobbit too, gulio! tee hee, I am very, very short, like to sing, and stay at home, and smoke pipe weed, oh, wait, no, I don't smoke pipe-weed!

Gulio, Strength of Many
10-01-2003, 01:03 AM
Hee hee. Pippin, the stoned hobbit. That's why hobbits are such happy people; they're always eiter drunk or high. Lol jk.:D

10-01-2003, 01:28 AM
Originally posted by Aewionen
I am back now. Here is a bio of my character....Oh, is it okay if I change to human?

Name: Jaci
Age: 15
From: USA
Hair: Brown with golden blonde highlights
Eyes: Deep Blue
Description: Wears flare jeans with a white or blue t-shirt or tangtop and tennisshoes. 5'5'' with layered hair at just below the shoulder.
Personality: Very sporty. Gets along with just about everyone. She has read the Hobbit and the LotR trilogy and is a big fan. When she is not reading or at the gym, she usually is out horse-back riding or practicing karate.
History: 'Lives' with her dad who is barely at home so she does alot of school activity. Her mother left her and her dad when she was 7.

Sure and by the bio it seems you would be of this world and a part of the group whose worlds have been mingled?

10-01-2003, 01:29 AM
Originally posted by Gulio, Strength of Many
Hey can I be two people? I think I want to be Tel in this one too:D

Tel as in a Telerin? Or something else? And yeah, as long as it doesn't get in the way of you being Gimli.

10-01-2003, 02:21 PM
Ooh! can I be Legolas?

10-01-2003, 06:24 PM
So I think in a couple of posts I'll introduce myself but I'm in to many Rpg's as it is to be a main charater.

10-01-2003, 09:15 PM
Originally posted by Eärloth
Sure and by the bio it seems you would be of this world and a part of the group whose worlds have been mingled?

Yeah, I am.

10-01-2003, 11:31 PM
My character has an alternate set of clothing, but usually wears the ninja clothes. Adyway we should get started soon!

Gulio, Strength of Many
10-02-2003, 12:38 AM
Yay! *Laughs manaiacly* Of course Tel won't get in Gimli's way, unless he wants to be beheaded.:p Oh, his name is Telepelenmire, so I just shorten it to Tel. His name is Tel and he's a Telerin. I likes to keep it easy to remember.:D

10-02-2003, 01:54 AM
I am pip, yes I am, pip, thats me! but I can be another fellowship person, I'll be merry if you want me to! yay! I'm pip and merry!

10-02-2003, 01:59 AM
HO HO HO! to the bottle I go!
To heal my heart and drown my woe,
Rain may fall, and wind may blow,
But there still be many miles to go!

I love that song! I can just see myself with a pint of ale standing on a table in the green dragon, or maybe its a cup of tea!

10-02-2003, 04:21 AM
Heheheh you sound drunk enough:p nah jk.

Gulio how are you going to introduce Tel...ah bugger it we'll improvise

10-02-2003, 08:41 AM
OOC: Sorry people I detail things too much and this will most likely go over 2 posts.

IC: Aiarél waded through the warm seawater, the soft blue of the ripples just touching her knees: her skirts floated upon the surface of the water behind her as she strode across the shining white sands, the sunlight glinting off the sediment through the sparkling lip of the ocean that bordered Valinor.
Aiarél turned in shock: upon the beach stood Belda, who had been her strict nurse since ever she could remember, a look of white fury on her face.
“GET OUT OF THE WATER THIS INSTANT!!!” Belda screeched. Aiarél sprinted towards the shore, veering around Belda and towards the towering white city.
“Varda, protect me,” Aiarél prayed as the strangled cries of indignation of Belda assaulted her ears. She rushed through the shortcut to her own home: through thick bushes and trees, but something impeded her path: pushing past a thick bunch of leaves Aiarél collided heavily with –
“Ciriáran?” Aiarél stammered. The elder Telerin gazed at her, taken aback. “Please,” Aiarél implored, “if Belda inquires as to which way I was headed when last you saw me, tell her I was running in the direction of where the skeletons of the Two Trees stand.” Ciriáran blinked and murmured: “Yes, my lady.” Aiarél smiled gratefully and began to run again, uncomfortably aware that Ciriáran was staring after her.
Aiarél at last reached her house, and running into her chambers slammed her door and flung herself on her bed. No more than five minutes had passed when she heard the door slowly ease open: turning, she saw her father standing in the doorway, smiling softly at her. Aiarél relaxed: she never felt stressed in any way when around her father, though she had chosen to adopt the life of a Telerin rather than his own Vanyarin culture. However, Ingwë being the High King of the Vanyar, and Aiarél’s mother, Arátálpa, being the new Queen of the Teleri, there could never be a complete sundering of Aiarél from her Vanyarin heritage.
“And wherebouts have you been gadding?” he asked her pleasantly, with a light-hearted glance at Aiarél’s skirts. “Belda will be furious.” Aiarél giggled, and Ingwë crossed the room and sat beside her on her bed. His golden hair was near as radiant as his daughter’s, though not at all close in length.
“Aiarél,” he began tiredly, “have you no desire at all in this world for love?” Aiarél sighed. “No, father – I have hearkened to the stories of its bliss, but such I myself seem to find in the song of the waves.”
Ingwë shrugged. “And what of Ciriáran?” he asked. At the outburst of groans from his daughter he said quickly: “That be only a suggestion, he fancies you, you know.”
“But I do not fancy him.
“Then what do you fancy?” Ingwë inquired.
“Adventure,” Aiarél responded dramatically. “He’s old: he saw the Light of Telperion and Laurelin not long after you.”
“Was not Lúthien old in contrast with Beren?” Ingwë presented Aiarél’s battered and re-read copy of There and Back Again and What Followed After. “Was not Aragorn young whilst Arwen had seen the better part of the Third Age?” Aiarél snatched the book away from her father. “What does it matter, it’s only a fantasy.”
“However I gave you that book to teach you appreciation of peace – if Sauron had not have been exiled with Morgoth there is a chance that this may have happened –”
Aiarél giggled. “As though,” she remarked. Ingwë smiled and kissed his daughter on the head. “You are today 17,” he informed her. “Already many of Valinor are trying to win your heart – I should be glad the music of Ulmo has already ensnared it.”
“Thankyou, father,” Aiarél replied, echoes of exasperation ringing in her voice. Hearing it, Ingwë wrapped his arms around her and tickled her ribs. “S-stop it…” Aiarél pleaded, before collapsing into a fit of giggles.
“In any case, I’ve just the thing to take your mind off Ciriáran – and any other man, for that matter,” Ingwë told her. He walked out of the room and returned with a large chest. Aiarél kissed him on the cheek and took it gingerly, and placing it upon her bed and opening it slowly: inside the trunk there was a magnificent dark blue dress, sewn with silver and garlanded with the silver shapes of shells and stars: upon the breast there was a giant seashell, upon the hip at the end of the bodice many white stars. Beneath that there was a cloak of purple-blue with a seashell pin at the throat, and resting upon all was a silver band embedded with sapphire. Ingwë turned while Aiarél shed her wet dress and clad herself in the new garb, and then placed the silver upon her head.
“It’s beautiful,” Aiarél observed. “Thankyou.”
“Come,” Ingwë bid her; “I have more to show you.” Following Ingwë outside and unto the shores of Valinor, Aiarél came upon a great white ship; she stood gazing at it, amazed.
“It’s yours,” Ingwë told her.

10-02-2003, 09:13 AM
Originally posted by Eärloth
NOTE: Sorry people I detail things too much and this will most likely go over 2 posts.

“It’s yours,” Ingwë told her.

“It can’t be,” Aiarél stammered. “It’s…too much.”
“It is suited,” re-analysed Ingwë. “Did you think I did not know that you long for adventure upon Belegaer before today? My only request is that you return when you fall in love.”
“When I fall in love?”
“So that you may know and appreciate the hardship and sorrow of parting with one you cherish,” Ingwë smiled sadly. Aiarél threw her arms around his neck.
“I love you, father,” she whispered.
“And only now, that I have given you the ability to sail far away from me do you say that.” Aiarél giggled again. She bade him farewell, and her mother, and set out from the white shores of Aman in the great ship.

Aiarél sailed the Ocean for 217 years, before coming into harbour at the Grey Havens of Middle-Earth, whereat she was greeted by C*rdan. She dislodged and journeying further eastward, she came upon something that filled her with horror: orcs waylaid her, and though she much enjoyed putting her skill and bow to use, she was not familiar with any country that harboured orcs: according to her knowledge they had been extinct since the fall of Morgoth and the exile of Sauron.
The first people she came across where three Hobbits: one looked rather shy at the sight of her; one more pipy than the others and the last seemed substantially older and and better travelled: he bowed and greeted her in Elvish, though the tongue of Middle-earth had progressed such that Aiarél could just barely comprehend his words. Nonetheless she smiled and returned his courtesy, and calmly explained her origins and asked the year. He informed her of the date, and after talking softly together they parted.
“It is the Third Age?” Aiarél murmured to herself. “That should mean that over three thousand years have passed since I left Valinor – it cannot be…” Then a much more urgent, trying matter entered her head: “Oh, no,” Aiarél murmured. “Belda is going to kill me…”

10-02-2003, 12:23 PM
um, I really sorry but I'm so confused! that was just your background right? and am i supposed to the the two hobbits? confused, I am.

Dreran the Green
10-02-2003, 08:14 PM
I think what just happened was Earloth's character has just sailed to Middle earth and that the three hobbits she met are Pippin, Sam, and Frodo. Did I get it right, Earloth?

10-02-2003, 10:41 PM
oh, ok! well in that case, i'm pip!

10-02-2003, 11:44 PM
Naliwen walked around the white beach, stained red with mens blood, waiting for that traitor Nilakin to show his face <What a Jack-ass> she thought tersley.
Naliwen walked around her home. It was a place of granduer and beauty, right next to the sea shore. It was made of only moon shells. These pearly shells looked fragile, but were hard as rock. The moonlike texture of the house made everything around it pale in comparison. The beautiful house was remarkable. She was proud of it, as she had made it herself. She then walked out onto the beach to see if she could find more shells.

"Naliwen, wait up!" said Nilakin, one of her most advanced students. "Yes Nilakin?"
"Will you walk along hte beach with me?"
"Uu.. Okay sure. One second please." She ran back in her house, and strapped on her knives, and swords. "Okay, ready." she said as she walked back out to the beach.
"Why all the weaponry?"
"It always pays to be prepared."
They walked down the beach in silence. Suddenly he walked in front of her and said, "This is the end of the line for you, Naliwen." Suddenly she heard many hoots and howls of men. She turned and drew her thin knives wtih sharp tips, and turned to face them. There were only 10 or so of them<Peice of cake>. She jumped high and landed behind them. As they looked up in the sky she stabbed two of them in the back and heard their cries of pain. She shot out from under them, and they fell dead on the beach. She proceeded to kill them all by jumping, ninjitsu, or her knives. Their dark red blood stained the beach.
*End of flashback*
She paced the beach once more, then saw what she was looking for. She lightly bounded over the sand and easily caught up with her student. She tackled him and pinned him down. "Why did you try to kill me, HMm?"
"B***" He muttered just loud enough for me to hear.
"Maybe I'll just kill you then."
"Alright, alright. I'll tell you. Master Nakujin wants you dead and he hired me to do it, okay?'
"Okay then." She fished in one of her pockets, and tied his arms and legs together. She went off to find Master Nakujin and find out why he wanted to kill her..

10-03-2003, 12:24 AM
Whoa. Estel, when I just now really read your character's bio, my entire life flashed before my eyes. Seriously. Only I have friends now, but still, if someone offered me a LOTR world or my life right now it would be a hard desicion...

10-03-2003, 12:34 AM
Pippin watched the girl run up the beach. "Well, that was interesting!" he said. "Time for eleventies!" he cried as he ran down the beach towards his home.

10-03-2003, 06:57 AM
Originally posted by PippinTook
um, I really sorry but I'm so confused! that was just your background right? and am i supposed to the the two hobbits? confused, I am.

OOC: Lol yeah sorry just mostly explaining how she got into Middle-earth...kind of, just the prelude to her entrance of Middle-earth, I guess. And for the come back when you fall in love, so that you may appreciate the hardship and sorrow of parting with one you cherish, perhaps a kind of warped passage back to her own world, although it's a bit off...maybe a more *logical* path for travelling between worlds is required?:rolleyes::p:D

10-03-2003, 01:41 PM
nah, its fine, i get confused often, you'll just have to get used to me! tee-hee, tea-time! have you had any pip tea yet earloth? well its about time you do! cream and sugar? *hands cup of tea*

10-03-2003, 10:01 PM
Originally posted by Kalile
Whoa. Estel, when I just now really read your character's bio, my entire life flashed before my eyes. Seriously. Only I have friends now, but still, if someone offered me a LOTR world or my life right now it would be a hard desicion...

Yup. The only major thing wrong with that bio is that I'm not really the school outcast.
So, anyhoodles, I would like to be Aragorn very, very much. And Alexandra too, but if you only want me to be one, I'll just be Aragorn. But I'd love to be both. I bow to your superior judgement.:)

10-04-2003, 12:38 AM
sure you can be both! gulio is tel and gimli, i think, and I'm like the entire cast of hobbits! hey dreran, had my first frappy! chocolate malt! yum, *pats tummy*

10-04-2003, 02:26 AM
Originally posted by PippinTook
tee-hee, tea-time! have you had any pip tea yet earloth? well its about time you do! cream and sugar? *hands cup of tea*

No I haven't had pip tea, so thankyou, Pip.:)

Dreran the Green
10-04-2003, 10:32 AM
Originally posted by PippinTook
sure you can be both! gulio is tel and gimli, i think, and I'm like the entire cast of hobbits! hey dreran, had my first frappy! chocolate malt! yum, *pats tummy*

oooh, I love the chocolate malt ones!:D hehehe, now I'm thirsty. Would you please pass the tea Pip?

OOC: I don't know how Kyra should get from this world to ME, so I'm just going to put something in


Kyra was sitting at home, bored. There was nothing to do, nothing to watch on tv, and her friends were busy. She sighed, put on her boots, and ran out the door.

"I'm going for a walk!" She called.
"Kyra!" someone shouted, but she pretended not to notice. She made a dash out of the yard toward the woods.

edit: Hey, I wasn't done typing! This wasn't supposed to be posted yet. Oh well. Now that it is, does anyone have any suggestions as to how I should get my character to Middle earth?

10-04-2003, 08:47 PM
Jaci came to the front step of her house. A very large house, though pretty much no one was there. With a sigh, Jaci opened the door and set her gym bag on the floor. "Dad, I'm home! Dad?" Jaci called upstairs. No answer, Must be at work, or where he usually is, the bar. Again, Jaci sighed as she opened the door and went out to see her horse, Anlema. A smiled came to her face as the young gelding trotted up to where she stood by the fence. "Hey boy, ready to go for a ride?" she whispered in his ear as she fed him an apple from her lunch. Jaci climbed the fence and went in the barn. Grabbing the bridle and leadrope, she looked behind her to see Anlema following her. She put the bridle on him and then climbed on. "Ready boy?" Jaci opened the gate and softly kicked his sides and Anlema began lopeing on a well known trail.

ooc: I'm not sure how my character will get to ME....hmmmmm....

10-04-2003, 08:52 PM
cool stargate portholes!!!! tee-hee, just kidding! you could be sucked into a book! or through the looking glass, no wait, thats taken. I was in that play, I was the evil queen, bwhahahaha! off subject, sorry

10-05-2003, 01:04 AM

Like my character just went to Middle-earth from Valinor and just found out that she'd somehow been locked in a...I wanna say crossfire, but I know that's wrong...nevermind, whatever you wanna do. Like Kyra could walk into the forest near her house and find out its Mirkwood [ah, that would be trippy] or Jaci could ride on her horse on a certain trail for 2 hours and then find out she's on the Wooded Road [also trippy].

Dreran the Green
10-05-2003, 04:52 PM
trippy is cool:cool:


Kyra was walking in the forest by herself, twirling a large green leaf in her hand and humming idly. This was the only place she had to be alone and think. Technically she wasn't allowed in the woods by herself, but today she had made a clean getaway, and laughed at her good luck. It wasn't until she had been walking for a long time that she realized she didn't know where she was anymore.
"That's weird." she said aloud. Normally she knew this forest like the back of her hand, but now she didn't recognize where she was at all. The woods by her house weren't very old or very big,
but these were. The trees were huge and ancient and dark, and she knew at once she had never seen any of them before. She was lost.
Panicked, she started running, looking for a tree or a clearing she'd remember, but she saw none. She ran on and on for whatseemed like hours, until finally she collapsed by a black stream, exhausted. She looked at the running water. Normal water wasn't that color, but she was so thirsty...

"Don't drink that!" called someone. She looked up to see a man standing a few yards away from her. She saw his face and his clothing, and knew at once what he was.

"y..you..."she stammered. "you're an elf!"
"Of course I am. What are you doing in Mirkwood?" he asked.
"Mirkwood? Did you say Mirkwood?" she asked shakily. The elf sighed and looked at her with concern.
"You're lost, aren't you? I'll help you find your way out of the forest, if you want."
"Um...." she looked around. Could this really be happening? She pinched herself hard.
"Ouch! I mean, yes please. That would be wonderful." The elf smiled.
"Allright, follow me then."

10-05-2003, 09:15 PM
ooc: Aha! You gave me a good idea Earloth!

ic: Jaci rode on for a while when she noticed the trail didn't seem very familiar anymore. Maybe I just took a wrong turn...or maybe not. The trail doesn't fork off at anytime that I know of....Oh well. I'll just keep riding, there has to be a sign around her somewhere... Jaci continued to ride but the small wooded path soon opened up to a big open area. She seemed to be on a dirt road. "This is strange...." she said quietly. After a while, Jaci saw a town in sight. When she entered, her mouth dropped, "Holy Cow! Talk about a medival fair!" Many people gave her strange looks while they walked past her. Jaci jumped down from Anlema and went over to a man. "Excuse me, I'm lost. Can you tell me where a phone might be?" The an looked at her confused, "What is a fone?" he asked her. Jaci laughed, thinking the man was joking. "No really, can you please tell me where I phone is?" The man shook his head, "I have no idea what a fone is. Sorry." He walked away, looking over his shoulder at her every now and then. "Okay..... Maybe they can help me." More and more people gave her the same results, telling her she was in Minas Tirith. "Great, I am lost in some fair that people really take seriously." Jaci sat on Anlema on the side of the rode waiting to see if maybe she would recognize anyone. Soon, she she was beginning to be conviced that maybe these people were just crazy. Leanign over to Anlema's ear, she whispered, "Toto, I don't think we are in Kansas anymore."

10-05-2003, 09:25 PM
Jaci rode on the trail for a while when she began to notice that the path didn't look very familiar anymore. She continued to ride, hoping a sign would be some where up ahead. After a while, the small wooded path opened up onto a large dirt road. "This is strange....Oh! Maybe they can help me!" Jaci trotted Anlema up to where a few people were. "Excuse me? Hey, um I am lost and I was wondering if there was a phone or anything up ahead." A man looked at her strangley, "What is a fone?" Jaci was about to say something then stopped and laughed. "Oh, that was a joke right? No, really, I need to call my dad." The man shook his head, "I do not know what a fone is. Sorry." The man and his familiy quickly walked off. "Okay...." Jaci shrugged her shoulders and continued on. Soon, she came to a town and Jaci rode in hoping there was a phone. "Holy Cow!" she said when she entered, "Talk about medival fair!" People looked at her confused and when ever she would ask any of them where a phone might be, they all shook there heads. "What is up with these people? Why do they insist that I am in Minas Tirith? That is just a story." Jaci led Anlema over to a unoccupied corner. As she watched people go by, she wondered where the heck she was. "Toto, I don't think we are in Kansas anymore..."

10-05-2003, 10:38 PM
Ooc: yay, haven't posted yet, can post now! um, I'll be a fully fledged wizard now. It's easiest that way.

Ic: Kalile wandered the forest of Mirkwood, her home of this past age.
"Why now?" she wondered aloud, leaning more heavily on her staff.
"The world is changing quickly, and the years weigh heavily on me."
Why now were things happening, when she was no longer at the peak of her strength?
Outwardly the elf remained young, but she was tired, so tired...

An elf and a very strange looking human interrupted her musings, the elf greeting Kalile with a smile.
"I found a lost changeling in our woodlands," he called, but Kalile paid him no heed.
This was a human like none she had seen, and it wasn't just her garb. Nonetheless, she was familiar, like something half remembered from a dream.

10-06-2003, 12:24 AM
ooc: Sorry about the double post thing.....computer is really messed up. (I had to type the thing like 5 times till it worked!)

10-06-2003, 04:24 PM
Hey, someone end up in the shire so I can run into you, i'm pip, as always, someone find me!

10-06-2003, 06:15 PM
ooc: Ok, here goes!

ic: Alexandra stepped off the bus and ran up the sidewalk. She slowed down, turned left, and ran up the garden path that led to the front door of her home. "Mom, I'm home! Mom?"That's odd, she's usually here when I get home... "Oh well, she must have gone out to get something for dinner." She ran up to her room and changed out of her school clothes. Then she went to the kitchen and wrote her mom a note saying she'd gone out hiking in the woods, and she would be back in time for dinner. Alexandra put the note on the 'fridge and ran out the door. She was heading for the old wooded trail she had found last weekend. She thought that it might lead somewhere interesting. "There it is! If this leads to the creek, that'd be so cool!" She started to jog along the narrow, overgrown trail, hoping to find a good place to sit and re-read The Lord Of The Rings. And, of course, dream about Aragorn. she thought with a smile. She jogged for almost half an hour with no cahnge in the trail. Just as she was about to give up and go home, she heard running water. She quite suddenly emerged from the woods, on the banks of a good sized river. There was a small child sitting on the ground, with his feet in the water, singing. "Excuse me, could you please tell me where I am?"

ooc: There you go Pippin!

Dreran the Green
10-06-2003, 06:58 PM
Kyra didn't know what exactly a changeling was, but she assumed he was talking about her.

"Um, hello" she said to the elven woman her guide had just greeted. She was looking at her strangely. It must be because of my clothes she thought, remembering that she was in Middle Earth now. "My name's Kyra, Ky if you want. Nice to meet you."

10-06-2003, 08:11 PM
"Oh, dear!" said Pippin, who was startled by the stranger. "You mustn't do that to a-" he began as he turned around. "Oh, my, we haven't had one of the big people in th shire in years, Peregrin Took, son of Paladin, at your service!" he said bowing low. "Now, what business have you in the shire?" He asked the oddly dressed human.

10-06-2003, 10:49 PM
Niliana walked down the path towards the forest. Once she walked in she felt a change. Subtle yes, but it was darker and more brooding than before. "Reminds me of Mirkwood." She drew up her hood and covered her face. She suddenly ran into two elves and a normal human girl. "Hello?"

10-06-2003, 10:55 PM
"Niliana." Kalile nodded, then spoke in elder elvish of the ancient times.
"Naliana, this girl... she is of the other place, is she not? World-treader, my old friend, tell me what this human child portends."

Ooc: I'm kinda assuming that you travel other worlds.... am I right?

10-06-2003, 11:46 PM
"Hello again Kalile. Yes this child is from the other world. This one is from America. What is your name?"

10-07-2003, 12:44 AM
Jaci sat around watching the people walk by until she could stand it no longer. Jumping off Anlema, she said quietly to him, "I'm gonna go take a look around, be right back." Walking out into the busy town, Jaci tried to look as invisible as possible and not risk getting another annoying look. Haven't these people ever seen a pair of jeans? Turning around to see if Anlema was alright, ?Jaci bumped into someone. "Oh, sorry." she said quickly. The man turned around, "Oh, it is fine." he said smiling. She returned the smile and started to walk on, "Wait, are you lost?" Jaci turned around and shrugged, "Kinda, people keep telling me I am in Minas Tirith." The man gave her a confused look, "And why don't you believe them?" "Well, to be in Minas Tirith, I would have to be in Gondor. Which means I would be in Middle Earth, which isn't real. It is just a story." The man nodded slowly, apparently still confused. "Oh, nevermind." Jaci said quietly. Before she could walk off, the man again called to her. "Wait, what is your name?" Jaci sighed. She didn't want to give a stranger her name but perhaps he knew her father. "Jaci Tranelt." she mumbled, "And yours?" "Aragorn."

10-07-2003, 03:14 AM
Aiarél made her way slowly eastward, sometimes sprinting, sometimes walking slowly and warily; she passed by a small village she would not have recognised but as in a vivid faerytale she read long ago, distant though that memory was from her childhood it clinged to the sharpest images of her mind. She walked along a dirt path that stretched through a blanket of soft green grass until she came to a lake, whereat two people stood: one she recognised as the Hobbit she had seen the previous day, the other clearly human, and alien. But Aiarél had ever been longing to discover of what she did not yet know, and the outlandish stature of the hobbit, together with the girl who stood by him’s close strangely blonde hair, the abnormality of her clothes and the exotic traces of memory sketched in her face made her and the small Halfling the most beautiful creatures she had ever beheld.

She approached them slowly, but only when she was no more than 3 metres away from them did they realise her presence.

“Might you be able to help me?” she began awkwardly, still observing the strange girl. “I…do not know of how I reached here. I am from Valinor and have not the full account of the tales of Middle-earth, but I was told in the reckoning of Men it is the year 3018 of the Third Age but as of my own people’s it is but the 2097th of the Second; I do not see how I might have missed such a quantity of years – have you yourselves any information of these lands or history that might be of use to me? - If it please you, I myself will share of what I might.”

Dreran the Green
10-07-2003, 07:52 PM
Originally posted by Legoles
"Hello again Kalile. Yes this child is from the other world. This one is from America. What is your name?"

"Kyra. My name is Kyra, but you can just call me Ky if you prefer. Its nice to meet you." She said, talking a bit faster than usual in her excitement. If she hadn't been so dazedly happy, she might have asked how the elf called Niliana knew she was from America, but right now it didn't seem too important to her. Instead she began to wonder what year it was. She knew only a few dates in the history of Middle Earth, but if she knew the year she might have a vague idea of what was happening.
"Er, I don't suppose one of you could tell me the year?"
When they told her it was 3018 of the Third Age, she almost fell backward in shock. She had landed in Middle Earth at the beginning of the War of the Ring.

10-07-2003, 08:25 PM
ic(Aragorn): "Aragorn. Are you lost? Or perhaps you are one of those strange travelers I have heard of lately?" What a strange looking person. Perhaps this is the one I was warned of...

ic(Alexandra): "Very funny. If this is the Shire, then this must be the Brandywine. And if you're Peregrin Took, then you must know Frodo Baggins. And, at any rate, I don't believe you. My house is just on the other side of those woods. But, I guess I can't deny that I've always wanted to be in the Shire..." She appeared to be thinking for a moment, then said "Fine. Prove it. What year is it, and what day is Frodo Baggins's birthday?" Oh, if only this is the Shire...

10-07-2003, 09:17 PM
Aiarél lifted her hands and carefully pulled back the hood of the cloak Ingwë had bestowed upon her, letting Arien’s light spill on her hair and face; the sun winked off the sapphire upon her brow. She had, eagerly, accepted the reality of the War of the Ring: "You would never be able to determine truth from the year, particularly when Hobbits do not share the date with the remainder of Middle-earth," she said loudly; "And Frodo Baggins was born on the twenty-second of September. Anyone could know that. Believe who you like, this the Shire, you are in Middle-earth...unfortunately, being from Valinor, I myself cannot give you any information of its paths - I know only the roads of the stories I read when I was young, though they are vivid. Now, may I ask you, who are you, and have you any idea whereby we came here?"

10-08-2003, 12:24 AM
"yes, dear old Frodo," said Pippin thoughtfully. "He is my first cousin on his mothers side, and my fourth cousin on his father's side!" He said proudly. "now wherever you may be from, you could do with a bit of ale! The green dragon isn't far!" He said, but first he pulled out his pipe and bag of pipe-weed. "Here is some of the best leaf in the southfarthing! Not as good as 2014, may I add. Where is your pipe?" He asked, lighting his own.

10-08-2003, 04:46 AM
Aiarél smiled, settling for no intelligence on the status of Middle-earth for the knowledge that she was the would-be recipient of a Hobbit – never having seen or met one herself. “I have no pipe,” she stated. “I have never thought cause for one.” She turned to the strange girl next to her. “Afore you produce your own – granted that you have one, of course – answer me this {ooc: AT LEAST}: where are you from?” she asked.

10-08-2003, 01:27 PM
"No pipe?" Pippin was dumbfounded. "Well, considering that you ave never tried the leaf of the southfarthing, of curse you see no use in it!" He took a long draw and puffed out a smoke ring. "Well, if you insist on not smoking, what would you like me to get for you? A cup of tea perhaps? ;)

10-08-2003, 06:21 PM
Out of the forest came a wandering Dwarf. "Hello my name is Bror. Why are there so many strange cratures in the shire now?"

OOC:Hope that's okay.

10-08-2003, 10:15 PM
"Strange traveller? What do you mean by that?" Jaci asked him confused.

10-08-2003, 11:00 PM
Aiarél laughed brightly. "I doubt I should be assimilated by your creed," she said, undauntedly. "But such would be welcome, if it can be spared," she knelt so she was face-to-face with Pippin. "This kindness, to the face of a stranger, bestows upon you the blessing of all the Teleri," she murmured. She turned to the Dwarf.
Originally posted by Fimbrethil
"Hello my name is Bror. Why are there so many strange cratures in the shire now?"
"That I could not tell you," she said, graveness resuming in her voice. "And I fear that if I go even to Valinor I shall not find my place in this world. But I am Aiarél, daughter of Ingwë; and I would have that all curiosity be appeased, but that I cannot provide. However it would be my boon that you should also greet the summons to Master Peregrin’s house – granted that he welcomes us."

10-09-2003, 12:49 AM
"Strange days!" said Pippin, "I would be delighted to have you at my house master dwarf, and I assume, that you have a pipe?" Pippin asked hopefully, surely this dwarf had a pipe! "Follow me, my home isn't far!" he said walking down the path. They walked for about a half of a mile when they came to his house. "I suppose the rafters aren't lofty enough for an elf, a woman, and a dwarf, so take care not to hit your head!" he said leading them into the parlour. "Now, what could I get for you, a cup of tea, a bit of cheese?" he offered.

10-09-2003, 06:41 AM
Aiarél followed Pippin to his home with Bror and the strange-looking girl. She took great delight in listening to Bror of tales of the glory of the Dwarves, though at first he seemed to tell them grudgingly. Having lived all her life either on the Sea or in Valinor, Aiarél had never seen any mortal of any form: dwarf, hobbit, or human.

Arriving at Pippin’s hobbithole, Aiarél, being the tallest at 6’0, was the last to enter and had to stoop substantially upon entrance.
Originally posted by PippinTook
"I suppose the rafters aren't lofty enough for an elf or a woman, so take care not to hit your head!" he said leading them into the parlour. "Now, what could I get for you, a cup of tea, a bit of cheese?" he offered.
Aiarél smiled in gratitude. “Yes, thankyou,” she said quietly, gazing around the inner chambers of the hobbithole. Pippin laid cheese, fruit, cakes and bread out on a table and poured 4 cups of tea. Aiarél sat down, only inwardly showing the minor discomfort the small stool gave her. Looking up at Pippin, she saw a questioning face and curious intellect.

“Yes?” she asked…

10-09-2003, 05:59 PM
"Kalile, the shadow is growing in the west. Tolkien, a man and very good authour in Ky's world has recorded the history of the upcoming war, because I travel through time and worlds.He wrote that book, but only because he once traveled here by getting caught in the wake of one of my world gates." She walked with them in silence. " We must get her to Rivendell. One of the only safe havens."

10-10-2003, 12:00 AM
Ooc: Whoa. My timing is off. If this is just before the war... then... lessee... I wouldn't be an older elf hanging out in Mirkwood, that's for sure! I'd be wandering with Gandalf and doing stuff like that.... oh well too bad.

10-11-2003, 12:30 AM
As Tom would say, "DOH!"

10-11-2003, 12:57 AM
Looking up at Pippin, she saw a questioning face and curious intellect.

“Yes?” she asked…
"oh, its nothing." pippin replied. He sat down at a stool across from Aiarel. "Its just that we haven't had elves, or dwarves," he said nodding to Bror, "In the shire for years. Is there something wrong, in the outside world?" He asked, feeling almost silly. These were probably just travelers, adventurers. "We hobbits don't keep up with the news of the world outsde our borders, and a occasional hobbit from Bree." He said, taking a bite of cheese. Then he turned to the strange girl, "Where are you from?" He asked.

10-11-2003, 03:51 PM
"Humph! You assume much. I am here to see Bilbo. He was my Fathers friend and I wish to know him. I also have gifts from my mountian home. But let me stay a while you seem to enjoy my tails." Bror said after a few moments.

OOC:If this is before then I should be here for Bilbo's party right?

10-11-2003, 07:15 PM
ooc: i'm not sure, bilbo might already be gone, or he might not, dunno

ic: "Oh, well, I'm glad to hear you kne old bilbo! Who was your father?

10-12-2003, 01:05 AM
Ok, I'm confused and I just realized that I'm in at least 10 rpgs, and I'm way too busy. I have to pull out of this one.

10-12-2003, 01:58 AM
he he, I'm in 11, though I'm not very active in the peophecy, or lost hope. and everyone has to join the one I just made up! though I'm sure everyon already has too many rpgs, blah blah blah. :( ;)

10-12-2003, 06:16 PM
Well my father was one of the ones that died in the Hobbit. I can't really remember their names right now though.

10-13-2003, 09:47 PM
ooc: hi

ic: "I am from the United States. If this is truly the Shire, well, this is a truly extraordinary day. I have no pipe, but I would be glad to share a cup of tea." Alexandra smiled, thinking The Shire at last! My dreams come true...

10-14-2003, 03:47 AM
Aiarél hid the confusion the name the 'United States' lent her and sipped her tea pensively. Suddenly she had a thought:

“I am contrite to this so untimely parting, Master Peregrin, but I really must go,” she stood, stooping a little to avoid the low beams of the hobbithole. “Master Bror, I should wish to hearken to your tales but in good time – this is such an inopportune time to meet with such pleasurable company that I am in need of departing so soon – Mistress Alexandra, I hope of another chance meeting, if such is not too much to ask of the Valar.”

She turned and, running from the house, turned and began to run towards Imladris.

Dreran the Green
10-14-2003, 07:30 PM
"Kalile, the shadow is growing in the west. Tolkien, a man and very good authour in Ky's world has recorded the history of the upcoming war, because I travel through time and worlds.He wrote that book, but only because he once traveled here by getting caught in the wake of one of my world gates." She walked with them in silence. " We must get her to Rivendell. One of the only safe havens."

"You mean I get to go to Rivendell?!" Ky cried. "Dude! Uh....I mean, this is wonderful!" she started laughing happily and uncontrollably. All that was going through her mind was I'm going to Rivendell, I'm going to Rivendell, I'm going to Rivendell...

OOC: Sorry I haven't been on in so long and sorry if my character is too hyper but I can't help it because I'm really hyper right now and I don't know why:p

10-14-2003, 07:34 PM
"Hmmm...well it seems I must be getting to Bilbo's house anyway. I may jion you later in Rivendell if all gos acorrding to pla...oh dear I've said to much! Well I supose you'll just have to wait till the party find out."

10-16-2003, 05:14 AM
Aiarél ran eastward, stopping only to eat, exiting the Shire and passing Bree until she reached the unttermost corner of Eriador: she braced herself for all the odd questions she would be asked and the information she would have to give, and entered Imladris.

10-22-2003, 11:13 PM
"Here, take my hand. It'll be much faster this way." She walked forward and they were suddenly in hte forest of Imladris. "Wer'e here, but you'd better stay close to me." She led her out of the forest and they entered a closed pavillion. "Welcome to Rivendell."

10-23-2003, 03:20 PM
ooc: sorry I haven't been on in a while.....is everything still pretty much the same or did I miss something?

10-23-2003, 05:35 PM
its purty much the same, i fed everybody, like the good hobbit i am. the rest of them went to rivendell, and I suppose we better get there too. after bilbo's party we all go there, we should probably just skip over the nine years that frodo stays in hobbitton, and bree, and weathertop, exc.

"Well, I suppose if you intend to go over to BagEnd, I should go too. It is a little march, but I can show you the way. You may come too Master Bror, I'm sure Bilbo would be quite happy to have dwarves in bagend again. And you may come too!" Pippin said the last words to the strange girl.

Gulio, Strength of Many
10-23-2003, 05:40 PM
ooc: I'll just meet y'all in Rivendell then:)

Dreran the Green
10-23-2003, 07:57 PM
OOC: Cool, so Legoles and I are in Rivendell now?:cool: I will pop up when something starts to happen, ok?

10-23-2003, 09:25 PM
GULIO! I seriously thought you were eaten by some hidden monster! you left and never came back! humph, well if you would kindly stay here, and not dissappear, i would dearly appreciate it! you know, we hobbits don't like dissappearing stuff! glad to see ya buddy!

10-24-2003, 03:53 PM
ooc: alrighty then...on to Rivendell!

Gulio, Strength of Many
10-26-2003, 10:04 PM
ooc: Yea, the computer can really be a hideous monster sometimes:) But I showed it! My twelve-gauge hadn't seen much use, so......lol I joke, thought I wanted to... But unless my computer gets mean again I'll be staying here:)

ic: Tel wandered around Rivendell.....pretty.....waterfalls.....(Not much to post about walking around Rivendell is there? Hurry up and get here!:))

10-27-2003, 12:19 AM
bilbo's party happens, we go to crickhollow, chased by wraiths, get to bree, meet strider, frodo stabbed, glorifendel comes, frodo at rivendell, we get there. ok! we're here!

10-28-2003, 11:39 PM
That was very fast Pip.

"Hello Master Perigrin, opps sorry... Pipin right?"

10-29-2003, 03:50 AM
we hobbits can move swiftly when pushed! who are you legoles? I mean your charactar, i totally forgot who she is! I could go back and check, but I am lazy, and tired.

11-03-2003, 12:59 AM
Aiarél descended slowly down the rocky slope, and in passing a large bush she ran straight into another group of strangers, one of the company looking even as lost as she was.

"I am sorry," she said quickly. "But....may you direct me to the house of Elrond?" she asked.

ooc; she came across u, Legoles.

Gulio, Strength of Many
11-03-2003, 11:50 PM
ooc: Yay! Pippin to the rescue! Good ol' Pip!:D

ic: Tel wandered through the streets of Imladris, taking in the sheer beauty of the Elven city. Up ahead, he noticed what looked like a little child with large, hairy feet. He approached the strange little creature, and upon further inspection, he realized that this was indeed a perian. "Greetings, halfling. Long has it been since I have seen one of your kind. What brings you to Rivendell?"

11-04-2003, 01:15 AM
"We are heading there ourselves. Follow me. Oh, and by the way I'm Nilanwen. Nillan or Nawen are also appropriate."

11-04-2003, 01:18 AM
"That elf right there!" Pippin pointed at his guide, in a huff, "She insisted that we had to come to rivendell and get chased by black riders, and now dear Frodo's been stabbed. But i suppose it isn't all her fault." he said. "I am Peregrin Took, son of Paladin, at your service!"

11-05-2003, 11:08 PM
Dang that was fast!

"Well your'e here." She led the others into Imladrias.

and im now not sure what to say now....

11-06-2003, 01:40 AM
"oh, yes, indeed. What I wouldn't do for a bath and a good meal!" said Pippin, patting his hollow stomach. I haven't had a bath since Tom Bombadill's house! then he began to hum his bath song happily, while they walked down into Imladris.

11-19-2003, 11:24 PM