View Full Version : Just Because I Can

Adrian Baggins
10-21-2003, 08:19 PM
ok, this is about a girl and her 5 friends *same age or a year older* who r mortals with powers who go to Middle Earth and become characters they made up in their lives as companions, the title gives reference to the fact that the main girl happens to turn the tide of Middle Earthian History as we know it, concerning the War of the Ring and the aftermath of it.....

My character:

Name: Tristan Tyler Durdon
Age: 15
Race: mortal
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 110
Eyes: electric blue
Hair: White blond with black streaks
Sex: female
Grade: 10th

Who her made up character is: Adrian Took, a Took who is actually not related to Frodo but has a crush on him

Character's age: 33 *when Frodo is 33*
B-Day: day before Frodo's
Hair: same as Tyler's
Eyes: same as Tyler's
Race: hobbit
weight: 90
Height: 4'5"
Sex: Duh, female

10-21-2003, 11:06 PM
I am so stupid, but very bored, so I am stupid and bored and I am going to join this thing.

name:Elizabeth McMornan
race: scottish/american
hair: long curly brown
eyes: brown
height: 5'1"
extra: has glasses, lives in Tennessee

Sam's little sister, friends with adrian (that okay?)
name: Rosie-Posie Gamgee
hair: long and curly brown
eyes: brown
from: hobbitton, #3 bagshot row
extra: not girly, follows Sam around all the time, loves him with all her heart. has lovely singing voice, works with Sam at Bagend.

Akamai Deredal
10-21-2003, 11:13 PM
*sighs* Yet another Thread I would dearly love to join, though once again, I am afraid to muddle things up for the creator. *bows* So I am afraid I will take my leave. Good luck with the thread, Adrian! My best wishes.


10-22-2003, 12:10 AM
akai! get your booty back here and join this game! NOW! luv ya buddy, but you need to join this game! grrrrr,


10-22-2003, 12:11 AM
Man I'm juggling about 16 and I'm still going strong. So a Human eh?

Name: Silver Ivy
Age: 16
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 120
Hair: Blond with long silver and red streaks, its straight, and is waist length
Eyes: Amythyst
Eyebrows:sandy blond, arched, delicate
Eyelashes; long, thick, and black
Personal markings: a thin crescent shaped scar on her forehead

You know her, its Raven Black fire from inheritance, cept for now she's elven, and older.

10-22-2003, 12:25 AM
er, Legoles, why didn't you post your charactar?

10-22-2003, 05:43 AM
Because her character's the same as in Inheritance...

I am an idiot;

Name: Autumn
Sex: Female
Race: Scottish
Status: At highschool/yr 10
Age: 17
Height: 5'7
Hair: Chestnut
Eyes: Hazel

Lol I have a fondness for strange, strange names. You may have noticed...


Name: Yávië Took
Sex: Female
Race: Hobbit/Fallowhide
Status: Somethingth cousin of Pippin
Age: 26
Height: 3'6
Hair: Curly (of course!;)) brownish blonde
Eyes: Brown

Akamai Deredal
10-22-2003, 09:01 AM
*grabs one of the positions and runs* Mine! I'm joining as soon as I get home from school, complete with characters and everything... Don't steal my spooot! hehe!

10-22-2003, 06:03 PM
spoot? *sits on akai's spoot* ok, I'm saving it for ya buddy! hey! That makes earloth my cousin! cool! I had the hankerin to be a gamgee, just as long as I can be a hobbit, i'm ok. *basks in hobbitness* my halloween costume came in the mail yesterday! yipee! No, you are NEVER too young to trick-or-treat! humph, so there! ok, I'm hyper, forgive me.

Adrian Baggins
10-22-2003, 07:04 PM
Thanks 4 joining! YAHOO! I am a nothing for Halloween,

10-22-2003, 07:20 PM
awww, poor adrian. *pats adrian's head* I am going to be a hobbit! (what else!) got a elven cloak and brooch. already have my 'one ring' I have had it even before fotr came out in theatres! *my precious!* boohahaha! weeee! ok, I am soo not over my hypernes yet!

Adrian Baggins
10-22-2003, 07:26 PM
I got an official broach from my friend for x-mas last year, I'm gettin my hair permed liek Frodo's and I want a cloak, for school wear, my friend is getting my a ring... YEAH!!

Akamai Deredal
10-22-2003, 08:06 PM

Name: Kathryn Stone
Sex: Female
Race: Human - Austrailian, but visiting Ireland (no clue, don't ask, lol)
Status: Junior in Highschool/11th year
Age: 17
Height: 5'8"
Hair: Light caramel brown with blonde highlights
Eyes: Pale green/blue


Name: Kydania Jattik
Sex: Female
Race: Elf
Status: Um, will an old friend of Aragorn's work?
Age: 243 (no clue, random numbers!)
Height: 5'8"
Hair: Copper-ish brown with subtle red highlights
Eyes: Dark forest green, though sometimes lightens, depending on her mood

There, i do believe that will suffice. If not, please let me know!

10-22-2003, 08:58 PM
sounds good akai! hee hee, i already have hobbit-hair. mine is curly brown, about the shade of pip's, maybe a bit darker, about two inches past my shoulders. I am a bit tall for a hobbit, (5'1") but still very short! heehee, I got little hobbit-feet for my feet. obsessed I am.

10-22-2003, 10:37 PM
I'm an elf with a [vampire costume... I feel so blond]

10-23-2003, 02:20 AM
you go legoles! we will trick-or-treat! bwhahahaa! we are soooo gonna get a stay on topic! I'll even bet you starbucks on it! *waits for earniel to show up*

10-23-2003, 01:13 PM
I'm an idiot.... I shouldn't join... but it's just so enticing...

My character:

Name: Arianne Marie Carey
Age: 18
Race: human
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 135 (lbs)
Eyes: hazel (more green than brown)
Hair: auburn
Sex: female
Grade: 3rd year college student

Who her made up character is: Naratia of Gondor
Character's age: 25 ish
B-Day: not really sure
Hair: Jet black
Eyes: icy green
Race: human (Ranger)
weight: 150 (but it's mostly muscle)
Height: 5'9"
Sex: female

Akamai Deredal
10-23-2003, 01:23 PM
No no no, Nariel! You aren't an idiot. :P Silly silly mooter. No one is an idiot here... we're just a bit... eccentric, yes? Hehe. Anywho, I think your character sounds pretty neat. ^_^ Now... when do we start? *pounces up and down in her chair eagerly*

10-23-2003, 01:32 PM
I haven't been a hobbit in forever! I've been in inheiritance the whole time, though my charactar definately shows hobbit-like personality! teehee! I luv hobbits! I am a hobbit! me and adrian, the offical hobbits of the moot.

Adrian Baggins
10-24-2003, 09:14 PM
Ok, so I guess that's all my friends spots, I guess I can just rule out my age thing I had in mind, but o well, cool, so we can like, start this soon...

10-26-2003, 01:43 AM
soon is good, very good. I am weird, I have just come back from a youth group trip, which consists of a weekend witha bunch of college kids, and I just got home, got on the moot, while I watch planet of the apes 2. it is late, but in the words of Sir andrew, 'By my troth, I know if it be late, it be late.' taken from 12th night. I am slowly becoming a shakespeare hobbit. hmmm, ok, i am so hyper, just forgive me, and lets get this thing started!

Adrian Baggins
10-26-2003, 08:02 PM
now...how soon is soon

10-26-2003, 08:14 PM
first, how many peoples do we have? me, akai, adrian, nariel and legoles. thats enough people. getting started now, yes? the thing is going to die if we don't start it!

Adrian Baggins
10-26-2003, 08:59 PM
ooc: ok, I'll start it as soon as I can think of...wait, nvrmind, I just thought of how...but I have to add an extra character to my slot:

David Milline
Age: 15
Race: mortal
Weight: 145
Eyes: emerald green
Hair: black with blond spiked highlights
Sex: male
Grade: 10th

Character's name: Dyrik
Character's age: 33 *when Frodo is 33*
B-Day: day before Adrian's
Hair: same as David's
Eyes: same as David's
Race: hobbit
weight: 90
Height: 4'5"
Sex: Male

ic: I walked into the library and headed to a back table that already had four people sitting around it. I looked over into the rows of shelves and spotted David, smiling, I waved at him.

"Hey Tyler," he said, walking over with a book in his hands.

"Hey David, come on, let's go sit down," I said, walking to the table and pulling out a chair, sitting in it backwards. "Hey guys."

10-26-2003, 10:55 PM
I'm here too! Me me me!!

Originally posted by Eärloth
Name: Autumn
Sex: Female
Race: Scottish
Status: At highschool/yr 10
Age: 17
Height: 5'7
Hair: Chestnut
Eyes: Hazel


Name: Yávië Took
Sex: Female
Race: Hobbit/Fallowhide
Status: Somethingth cousin of Pippin
Age: 26
Height: 3'6
Hair: Curly (of course!;)) brownish blonde
Eyes: Brown

But anyway...

ic; "Hey," Autumn replied, glancing up and grinning. "I answered your prose," she added, sliding a piece of paper across the table. It was littered with hasty but clear handwriting, in which the most common frequentative was Yávië. "I'd do more," said Autumn apologetically. "But I gotta lotta work; your section was cool, though." She began browsing an older manuscript that Tyler recognised as one of her own chapters before handing it over to Elizabeth.

"You read it yet?" she asked off-handedly, returning to her work.

Akamai Deredal
10-26-2003, 11:30 PM
Kathryn looked up from one of her own books, as Tyler and David sat done. Smiling she inclined her head in greeting. "G'day you two. Where've you been?" Her australian accent was thick, but the kindness in her voice was unmistakable.

10-27-2003, 12:16 AM
Elizabeth slammed the book down on the table. "Done!" she said with a smile that soon faded when the librarian walked up tot hier table. "Elizabeth," she said, staring down at the girl. "dearly sorry, won't happen again." said Elizabeth. "Whew, so what are y'all up to?" she asked her friends with an accent that was a twist between scottish and southrern hillbilly.

Adrian Baggins
10-27-2003, 01:21 AM
"Around," I said, reaching for my pack.

"Hunting for books," David said, shifting his chair.

"Elizabeth asked what we had been doing then.

"Not much," David said, running a hand through his hair.

"Same old same old," I said, looking up from my pack and smiling, brushing a short strand of white blonde hair out of my face.

"So, has anyone actually finished anything they've been working on, fully, except homework braniac," I said, waving my hand in David's face.

"Well, actually, now that you mention it, I spet all yesterday afternoon working on a poem, and I wanted it to be a long on, and I finished it," David said, smiling as he passed it to me.

"Cool, braniac comes out of his shell of Homework," I said teasingly, laughing as I finished.

10-27-2003, 01:38 AM
"I finished my biology project, and a midsummer night's dream, but that was just for fun, not school. I still have Taming of the shrew, 12th night, romeo and juliet, macbeth, and hamlet this year." said Elizabeth, setting down her Shakespeare book. "A poem sounds nice, David!" she said. "I am so very thirsty, anyone up for some tea?" she asked, stuffing her books in her bag. "What I wouldn't give for a plate of barbeque and beans with a plop of mashed potatoes!"

10-31-2003, 12:32 PM
ooc: since I'm a college student, let's say I'm an after-school tutor or something.

Arianne walked in to the library and saw the group. "Hey, guys," she said, approaching them. "Whatcha up to?"

10-31-2003, 01:20 PM
"Oh, we're fine, Arianne, just hungry." said Elizabeth, setting her books back on the table. "What are we doing today?"

10-31-2003, 05:36 PM
"Well," said Arianne, smiling. "I had Brit Lit on the schedule, but if you want to do something else, that's fine."

10-31-2003, 06:24 PM
"Sorry I'm late! Teach, kept me after school." She rolled her eyes and sat next to Autumn, a manga book entitled:"Yu-Yu Hakasho" in the crook of her elbow. "Brit Lit eh? Sounds okay."

11-01-2003, 01:51 AM
"brit lit! Oh please, Arianne! Please, tell me we are reading Shakespeare! Oh, please! Macbeth? Hamlet? As you will?" said Elizabeth hastily begging.

Akamai Deredal
11-01-2003, 12:11 PM
Kathryn laughed softly as she closed her book after sliding in her marker. Elizabeth's love for shakespearean (sp? o.o)works was unbelievable. Smiling, she shook her head, "Calm down, Elizabeth, let Arianne have a chance to speak."

11-02-2003, 11:46 PM
"Thanks, Kathryn," said Arianne, smiling. "Actually, I've brought a little something different and more recent for the next couple of weeks. Anyone familiar with J.R.R. Tolkien?"

11-03-2003, 12:18 AM
"I've read the hobbit and I started to trilogy, but never finished." said Elizabeth.

I don't know if we are supposed to 'know' about tolkien or not.

Akamai Deredal
11-03-2003, 12:26 AM
Kathryn nodded. "I'm quite familiar with his works, Arianne. You of all people should know that, my family is a bundle of fiction fanatics. Anything to do with fantasy and they'll jump on it like a pack of starving wolves." She laughed slightly as Elizabeth wrinkled her nose, "Lovely mental picture there, Kathryn. Thanks so much." Tilting her head to the side, Kathryn smiled at her friend, "You're quite welcome, mate." She often slipped back into her Aussie "slang" and the accent was always present, but the others had grown used to it by now.

OOC: Sorry for manipulating Elizabeth, Pip, just wanted to add a little more voice to the post don'tcha know.

11-03-2003, 12:29 AM
well, she asked, so

Autumn stretched back in her chair and laughed a deep, throaty cackle. "Name someone who hasn't," she said in her light Scottish accent. "I love his books."

ooc; lol Akai, I'm an Aussie; a girl here actually wrote a book called "The Little Book of Aussie Slang". Meheheh. [hint: we call it 'slanguage' and 'mate' doesn't classify as slang...except for that it's used more loosely than you would expect...meh, who the buggery cares]

11-03-2003, 03:43 PM
ohh, akai, you're in trouble, we've got a real aussie! I know someone from brisbane, and another person from perth. I am aerican, through and through. though I did live in england for a year. but give me the Tennessee Hills! actually, now I live in CA, ick. anywho, yes, on with the rpg!

"Arianne, you are going to have a hard time trying to find something we haven't read!" said Elizabeth.

11-03-2003, 04:21 PM
Arianne raised an eyebrow. "We're not reading the trilogy. Sorry, guys. We're reading this." she whipped out several copies of "Farmer Giles of Ham and other stories."

11-03-2003, 04:41 PM
Elizabeth took one of the copies. She eyed it suspiciously, "I don't think i have ever seen one of these before!" she said. "Where did you get it?"

11-04-2003, 04:27 PM
"The well-known secret of a used book store... I practically live in those places..." said Arianne, handing out copies. "Let's start after the introduction on the actual story. Has anyone read this before?"

Akamai Deredal
11-04-2003, 09:55 PM
Kathryn looked at the book and shook her head. "No, I don't believe I have, Arianne." Opening the book, she flipped through the pages and settled down into her chair again, eager to start reading, and wanting to find a comfortable postition to sit in. A few of the others did the same, and she turned her eyes to Arianne expectantly.

11-04-2003, 11:32 PM
No, I don't believe I have either, Arianne." said Elizabeth, flipping through the book.

11-05-2003, 02:16 AM
"This is the cutest story," commented Autumn, picking up one of the books and flicking through it. She gave a quiet, tired laugh. "Eh, 'Ham'," she said, shaking her head. "Never read it," she declared, dropping the book back on the table as the others shook their heads. "I can’t help it," she exclaimed defensively. "Just because I'm demented…" she muttered, grinning.

11-05-2003, 06:09 PM
"I haven't either. I've read the Trilogy, The Hobbit, and the book of lost tales, but never this one." [Another thing abou. my char. She reads alot, and very fast, much like me ;)] She settled in her chair and began to read. She finished the first chapter or so in a matter of mins.

11-06-2003, 08:06 PM
Ariane grinned. "Well, let's all get started, then."After everyone had read the first few chapters and they discussed it, she looked at ther watch. "Oh my! We've gone over time. How's about I take you all out for a bite to make it up to you?"

Adrian Baggins
11-06-2003, 10:43 PM
I shook my head, waking up from my daydream to see Arianne and Silver sitting and I shook my head again, trying to get that last episode of Yu Yu Hakusho out of my mind. "Hi Arianne, what are we doing today, I wasn't paying attention?"

David looked at me shocked, I always payed attention in a library.

11-07-2003, 12:16 AM
"Oh, Cracker Barrel please!" said Elizabeth remorsefully. "Yrrch, we don't have CB over here!" she sighed. They only had Cbs in the southeasternpart of the states.

ooc: where are we? I randomly assumed we are not in Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama or the carolinas! I vote we all move to TN! yrrch for california! I am not sure what yrrch means, but I use it alot, in rpgs and in regular speech.

Adrian Baggins
11-08-2003, 01:03 PM
"Anywhere but Cracker Barrel, I hate that place. How about we go to...I don't know, um....well...I already ate so, you guys can go where you want. Just not Cracker Barrel," I said, grimacing as I thought of the place.

11-08-2003, 11:58 PM
*gasp* "mashed potatoes, fried okra, sweet tea!" *pats tummy* "But for the moment, you guys can decide where we eat."

11-11-2003, 01:42 PM
ooc: We do too have Cracker Barrel!!! THere's one in El Centro, so THERE!

IC: Arianne smiled. "Anyone up of In-N-Out? IT's my favourite... Cracker Barrel is usually very crowded."

11-11-2003, 07:12 PM
"Sounds good to me!" said Elizabeth as she stuffed her books in her back pack. She searched the empty pockets for money, "Er, guys? I am smack broke! Can someone lend me a five?" she asked timidly. she never carried cash, and borrowed money often.

11-11-2003, 07:56 PM
"There you go!" Silver handed her a 5. She tucked away Farmer Giles of Ham, and got out a graphic novel from Shonen Jump entiled "Yu-Yu Hakusho." "Well, let's go! I'm hungry at least." She picked up her stuff and looked at them impatiently.

Adrian Baggins
11-11-2003, 09:23 PM
I sighed as I stood up, tired for some reason.

"Tristan, are you feeling alright, you look, paler than usual, if that's possible," David said, standing up as well and taking my hand *NO COMMENTS!!*.

"I'm alright, just a little tired I guess, haven't been doing much lately, I've been feeling bad for the last week or two," I commented, laying my head lightly on his shoulder.

He pressed his lips to my forehead for a few seconds and then sighed, "Trist, you're running a fever, I'm gonna take you home, come on," he said, looking down at me with a look of love in his eyes.

"Fine, I guess, see you guys later," I said, walking forward.

11-13-2003, 10:14 PM
"okay, see ya later, Trist. Hope ya feel better" said Arianne. "Whoever's going to In-N-Out needs to be in my van in approximately two minutes..."

11-14-2003, 09:10 PM
"Right-ho!" said Elizabeth, bounding out the door and to the van. "Shot-gun!" she cried, pouncing upon the passenger's seat.

11-15-2003, 12:05 AM
"Darn! Missed it agin!" Silver climed into hte window seat and looked at everyone else. "Well? Hop in!"

Adrian Baggins
11-15-2003, 02:41 PM
ooc: Okay, the reason I made my character sick is.......I WILL NOT BE ON FOR THE WEK OF THANKSGIVING BECAUSE I AM GOING TO MY MOM'S AND HER COMP CRASHED........

This will keep both of my characters out of the action for a while cuz David and I both live alone and he will stay with me and take care of me :) he's such a good Boyfriend. So, thanx. c ya l8r

11-18-2003, 06:07 PM
ooc: That's fine... you know, it kind of seems like I've taken over this game... randomly.... Hey I have an idea... how about at the restaurant, someone mentions online RPGs and we find out that we're all characters on the same one and then we somehow stumble over a way to get to middle Earth... that's just my idea...

Adrian Baggins
11-18-2003, 09:14 PM
well...I like that idea, cept what bout my char. and David.....?

11-18-2003, 09:21 PM
you can randomly show up at the in-n-out saying that you felt better? okay, not the best idea, but it works!

Adrian Baggins
11-18-2003, 10:36 PM
ok...maybe............we'll have 2 see..u guyz can RPG my characterz if u want

11-19-2003, 11:17 PM
Okay then....
The van stopped, and everybody jumped out fast." Food at last!" I said, then walked towards the door. Upon opening it, I found that it wasn't crowded, so I got into line. *My turn* "Yes, I'd like a small chocolate shake, and a double cheese and ketchup only. Thanks!" I said as I went off to get us seats. "Trist? David? Whatt're you two doing here? I thought that she was sick?"
"I'm feeling better now."
"That's good. Cane I... I mean we sit with you guys?"
"I'll come back in a sec. I've gotta go get my food."

OOC2: See! My drivel does have a point!

11-24-2003, 11:29 AM
"Hey, Trist, nice to see you feeling better!" said Arianne. Then, leaning closer, she whispered, "did you bring it?"
"Yep" said Trtistan pulling out a book and handing it to Arianne.

11-24-2003, 08:33 PM
"Small fries, cheeseburger, small chocolate shake, thanx!" said Elizabeth, handing the cashier the borrowed money. She took her recipt and sat down beside Silver. "Nice to see you feelin better, Trist!" she said.

11-29-2003, 01:56 PM
OOC: Pip seems to god mod too. I was at the.. oh never mind. How bout this place is called Runewood or something..
IC: *eating food, talking after finishing.* "mmmm! Oh, have you guys ever heard of Runewood?"

Adrian Baggins
12-12-2003, 09:45 PM
I'm BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

12-13-2003, 08:35 AM
Autumn stared at Silver. "No...?" she replied. "What is it?"

12-17-2003, 12:57 AM
OOC: This is the website
"I'ts an RPG site. You play a character, and interact with the characters around you. If you guys wish to check it out, my char.'s name is Raven."

12-18-2003, 12:24 PM
ooc: where's the webiste? I'm trying to find it.

Arianne looked up from her book. "Hey, I'm on that site! You're Raven? Wow! I never would have guessed. I'm OspreyElf. But I've got different names at every site." She looked back at the book. Turning a page, she paled. "Guys," she said. "Take a look at this..." They all crowded around. It was an incantation. The book had been written a few years ago, and the author had come across some interesting translations of Tolkien's stuff. THis part showed a way for modern people to get into Middle Earth. IT was pretty convincing, from what she knew about Quenya. She wanted to try it...

Adrian Baggins
12-18-2003, 01:36 PM

ic: "Runewood, hold on a second....if you're Raven then.......we're enemies....I fight for the forces of Darkness on that game....you me and David are sworn enemies in the game because David and I have many a time defeated you and some of your friends in battles...that's why David's character, Mikal the Black Sword Mage, is so high up, as well as my character, Agren, a Black Angel Worrior is so high up as well.....but we are also close friends, concidering our other characters fight for good," I said, smiling.

"That's right, our two hobbits, Dyrik Brandybuck and Adrian Took," David said, taking a drink out of his cup.

12-19-2003, 01:51 AM
ooc: 1- No one's trying to take over your game, Adrian. 2- Where the heck is this Runewood site? 3- Where is this RPG site thing going? Are we going to find a site that we are all on or something and then get to Middle Earth that way? 4- I just realized that with the book think I kind of pirated the game... sorry... I was just trying to get it going... I'll fix it if you like...

ic: "I don't know, guys" Arianne said. "I kind of prefer the Middle Earth RPG site I'm on. Not to mention Role-Play Online..."

12-21-2003, 02:54 PM
"Hey, I know that one. I joined when it had barely started... There's also Invision free.com"

12-31-2003, 11:05 PM
Wait! I need to join because I already have a made-up character; Kalile Alako, Lindechil Eledhon! She has a history and everything.

Name: Jessie Henura
Age: 14
Ht: 5'
Wt: 98
Hair: Golden-brown, shoulder length
Eyes: sometimes blue, sometimes green
Erm, yeah...

Character:Kalile Alako the Lindechil Eledhon/the Knight of Flowers
Race: Wood elf
Ht: 4'5"
Wt: 90
Hair: Bright gold, long and wavy
Eyes: Intense green and slanted eyes
Clothes: A long tunic with tight sleeves flaring at the elbow, white with an emblazon of a sprig of flowers, and long tight leggings of indigo with soft boots.
Weapons: A masterwork violin and scimitar

Ok, I'm jumping in!
Ic: Jessie looked up from her D&D books at the mention of Runewood. She put aside her drink and came out of her solitary corner to speak to these people who seemed to be familiar with it.
"Erm..... Exc-excuse me?" She blinked as the group turned to her. There were so many of them! She took a deep breath and tried not to be rude as she so often was. "I heard... Runewood, and I wanted to see if anyone here knows Kalile Alako? And I wanted to know who you all are online... if you don't mind..."

01-07-2004, 08:18 PM
"You're Kalile??? Wow... Your character and mine are the closest of friends at Runewood... I have another character as well, that fights alongside with you two." I said indicating Trist and David. "Remember Silvara the elf-enchantress? She is also mine."

01-08-2004, 11:45 AM
"Hey, you're Silvara too? That's funny. Would you believe that I am your apprentice Naratia?"

01-08-2004, 07:18 PM
"You are?? Wow.. this is strange."

Adrian Baggins
01-09-2004, 09:13 PM
"Strange indeed," David replied, smiling.

"David!" I said, slapping him as her pulled my hair playfully.

"Ouch Trist, sheesh, not so hard, your temper has gone, well, out the window lately, am I pickin' on you at "that time of the month"?" he asked, grinning.

"DAVID!!" I shouted, standing up and walking towards the exit.

"Women!" David muttered, shaking his head.

"Can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em," I finished, smiling and walking up behind him. "I was just teasin Davey."

01-11-2004, 12:16 AM
"Whoa. Who would have thought that we would all meet! It's almost impossible." Jessie felt much more comfortable now that she knew who she was talking too. I hope they're somewhat like their characters!
She didn't know everyone's characters, but the first girl she could talk to. "Remember that time we went to that inn, and you got arrested for punching a barmaid?" she asked, to make conversation," she was insulting when she brought your food and you had had a bad day, and just hauled off and hit her! It was beautiful!"

01-11-2004, 04:38 PM
"Yeah, I do seem to remember that." I said with a malicious glint in my eye. "Zounds was that fun! Oh, remember the time that you were having a bad day, and this little hobbit man was being a bloody pain, and you kicked him? Now that was beautiful! He must've been in the air for at least 20 seconds before he landed in that puddle."

01-12-2004, 01:35 AM
"Ha!" said Arianne. "My favorite was when you and I, "Silvara," went up against Demonguy in battle. It took us a good couple of days to get him, but we mashed him into demon bits in the end."

01-12-2004, 01:38 AM
"Ah, yes. That was very fun, exspecially when he tried that curse, and it backfired, so he was stuck as a ghost for days! Man, never knew you could have fond memories from a game.

Adrian Baggins
01-13-2004, 09:54 PM
"What, nothing fond about Mikal and Agren, or Adrian and Dyrik!" David said, looking shocked.

01-13-2004, 10:10 PM
"Oh, yes.... Do you remember the time when you two drank so much, you lept on the table, and sang some kind've ale song, kicking all the mugs out of the way? That was actually a very funny occurance. It was one of those you hadda've been there things."

Adrian Baggins
01-13-2004, 10:15 PM
"Oh my gosh...that was awesome, David and I really were drunk...ahhe," I said, smiling sheepishly.

02-02-2004, 04:06 PM
"Really? Oh you naughty little children!" I said with amusement. "Anyone else have fond memories of RuneWood?"

Adrian Baggins
02-03-2004, 08:50 PM
"There was the time when Mikal and Agren got into a fight in the middle of a battle," I said, smiling fondly. "David and I were mad at each other then."

02-07-2004, 03:29 PM
"I also remember that. Well, I suppose we have to go now, it's almost... Dang! We've been talking for 2 hours! Oh, by the way. What's your name?"

02-08-2004, 03:32 AM
"Hmmm, singing on a table. Are you sure that wasn't me?" said elizabeth pondering. "I'm the tea hobbit remember? Ah yes, good ole pip." she said.

ooc: where on earth is this thing going? Eru, I'm just bored and decided to visit this again, but what're we doing?

02-10-2004, 11:34 PM
[Let's go on line, and we get sucked in, agreed?][peps who say they didn't join, join now!]

02-11-2004, 01:33 AM
riiiiight. kk.

ic: "Sorry guys, I gotta go. Mother unit(akai moment!) needs me to clean my room." said Elizabeth as she go up to throw away the remainder of her burger.

**few hours later**

"Finally done!" she said as she threw the last pair of dirty socks into her hamper. She sat down at the computer and went to runewood as quickly as her slow internet would let her. She logged on and as soon as she did, she felt a strange pull. She felt like she wanted to scream, yell, squirm, or run away, but none of that was possible. She dove head first into the computer and everything blacked out.

that good?

02-14-2004, 12:37 AM
Yay! we are finally moving.

"Yeah. I know how you feel I've got to do laundry:rolleyes: , bye!"

*hours later*
"Hmm, wonder whats goin on at Runewood? Well, I check now." As Silver logged on she felt a strange pull. "Holy s**t!" Then there was nothingness.

Adrian Baggins
02-16-2004, 12:13 AM
David and I sat down at my computer, logging on and looking around. Soon, we got on Runewood. Ther was a pull as if some unknown force were reaching into the very depths of my soul, I could tell by the look in David's eyes that he felt it to. Suddenly, all went black and I passed into nuthingness.

02-22-2004, 01:17 AM
"Where in the seven hells am I..?" I said confusedly. I stood up, and heard the clink of armor and weapons from me, and beside me. "Who's there?"
"Raven... so that means, I'm on Runewood..."
"Ding, ding! We have a winner!"
"Oh do shut-up!"

02-22-2004, 01:21 AM
"Me?" asked Elizabeth, who had suddenly begun to hear voices. Then two people came into veiw. Them seemed much taller than she was, and both seemed to be...elves. She looked around. It was dark, and she could only see her feet below her. And they were hairy. With a shriek she jumped back. Whoa, hobbit feet! and hobbit hair! and a hobbit appetite, she thought as her stomach rumbled.

(hey, I am hereby changing my runewood charactar to pansy. by this time I shouldn't have to explain her, lol)

02-22-2004, 01:27 AM
"The hell!?" I said after hearing a shriek. "Come on Raven!"
"Right. Tally Ho!"
"Hey, are you all right...Liz!? Pansy...? What're you doing here!?"

02-22-2004, 01:36 AM
whoa, wait a sec, I thought we were our charactars on runewood, but I guess this could work, what do you think?

02-22-2004, 01:39 AM
"Well, since I'm 2 chars...

Adrian Baggins
02-23-2004, 08:57 PM
David, no, Dyrik, I realized, looking him over quickly, sat up and rubbed his head. "Woah, what happened?"

David stared at me for a few seconds then shook his head, "Ok then."