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The last sane person
11-29-2005, 05:45 PM
Hehehe, found this. Burst out laughing. Hey, their horses get killed their winged beasts all die.... Why not?

Strange...try again...

http://img119.imageshack.us/img119/5185/mopedwraith0xx.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

11-29-2005, 05:46 PM
(to Rian)Sure, but don't forget, I have to situate Viv after Shah posts the race, so it'll have to wait, anyway, 'til I know where I can have viv during Monday.

BTW, liked your last post! It was nice and clear, concise and compact. Good reading! :) That's a lot of hair gadgets. :D And I liked how she listed off the places like that; that helps a lot seeing it all in one easy-to-read place.

11-29-2005, 05:47 PM
Ciao, Shah! That link didn't show a piccy, though...

11-29-2005, 05:50 PM
thanks! *shy smile* Yeah, maybe it's nutty, but I"m having fun with the hair thing.

Did you ever read the link I posted about the African hair-braiding traditions? That's exactly what rpg-Rian is doing. I thought it was cool!

yeah, we'll just keep that scene on the back burner for now, but let's not forget it!

I like how you write Buz!

The last sane person
11-29-2005, 05:51 PM
Back burner it is, and picture has been fixed.

11-29-2005, 05:54 PM
*looks at Sane's link*

Oh, that is hysterical!!!! I love it!!!!! :D :D Just brilliant!!! :D

(I meant back-burner the scene with Viv and Rian until things get caught up - and we should WAAAAAYYYYY back-burner the Nazgul on mopeds!!! :D )

11-29-2005, 05:55 PM
Lol!! Wraiths with mopeds! :D That would be Viv; she'd SO be a young cool Roman zooting around on a moped, if LotR was set in modern day Europe!

The last sane person
11-29-2005, 05:57 PM
The Ciao reminded me of you, I had to post it here. But yeah, so long as our characters meet in the not too distant future....

11-29-2005, 05:59 PM
and don't forget to take Rian and her bro dancin'!

11-29-2005, 06:10 PM
Viv's not as hung up about elves as her sister Lilly and her crazy uncle Khamul. :)
Khamûl doesn't specifically hate elves. He just hates living beings in geneal! :D
Isn't it meaningful that 3000 yours after our game, Khamul and Lilly were chosen to hold Dol Guldur and to keep the Mirkwood Elves in line? :D
Wasn't it Khamûl and the thus far unplayed Number Four in FotR (Fellowship of the Ringwraiths)?

11-29-2005, 06:12 PM
I thought it was Lilly who sexually attacked that Haldir elf in Fellowship that time? Man, that WAS an awesome RPG. I can't wait 'til someday we all return to it! Good times. :D :)

11-29-2005, 06:20 PM
Gordis - EXCELLENT last post! I loved reading that. It gave me even a clearer picture of the character of both Aiwendis AND Ilmenzor. Aiwendis feels so vulnerable, and alone. And our Morgul Lord is SUCH an evil opportunist! Poor Aiwendis. She needs a female Nazgul friend to spend a little time with. I'd like to get Viniglaen closer to Aiwendis, one of these days. Just like in Fellowship, because I think Viv could learn a lot from Aiwendis, and Aiwendis could benefit a lot from the fierce loyalty and supportive friendship of Viv, her "sister" Nazgul. :)

Thank you, Lotesse, for your kind words. Well, as our Morgul Lord is the closest one can get to becoming the contemporary Dark Lord, he couldn't be as loving and likable as Rian's elves or Ray... :) He is difficult to portray.

And Yes, sure, Aiwendis would love a nice chat with Viv, and some sound councels from the loyal and friendly Ninth. :) Aiwendis will be free to wander in campus around 4 PM. Actually you could post the talk, Lotesse: "Why so sad, Gor?" Gor says little, but Vivvie guesses it all (as it is in no way new) and gives her some friendly advice. :)

11-29-2005, 06:28 PM
Khamûl doesn't specifically hate elves. He just hates living beings in geneal!
Well said, TD! :D :D

Wasn't it Khamûl and the thus far unplayed Number Four in FotR (Fellowship of the Ringwraiths)?
And Lilly!
Khamul, Mor and Lilly were originally (since TA 2951) in Dol-Guldur. But Lilly got used to run unclad :eek: in the woods, shrieking "I am a crazy mirkwood squirrel" and chasing after Elves, so Sauron transferred her to Minas Morgul.

11-29-2005, 06:39 PM
Thank you, Lotesse, for your kind words. Well, as our Morgul Lord is the closest one can get to becoming the contemporary Dark Lord, he couldn't be as loving and likable as Rian's elves or Ray... :) He is difficult to portray.

And Yes, sure, Aiwendis would love a nice chat with Viv, and some sound councels from the loyal and friendly Ninth. :) Aiwendis will be free to wander in campus around 4 PM. Actually you could post the talk, Lotesse: "Why so sad, Gor?" Gor says little, but Vivvie guesses it all (as it is in no way new) and gives her some friendly advice. :)
I'd like to write this; however, I need our class schedule. I know it was working before, but now the link just says "photobucket" or whatever. Isn't Viv supposed to be in Mahtaliel's jewelry-making class today with Rian, Ray & Aiwendis? What time is class meeting, or am I off a day - is it Monday for jewelry-making? So confused.

11-29-2005, 06:53 PM
And another big question - we need a Philosophy and History professor. Viv signed on for Western phil and Military History, but so far we're still minus a teacher there. Maybe Khamul or Udu could teach Military History, and Jas Fernick or Bumbledore teach Phil? Just ideas...

Lady Marion Magdalena
11-29-2005, 06:53 PM
The jewelry making class already happened in the game's 'today', it ended at noon. But, since Viv's storyline seems to be lagging behind ;) , if you want to take the oppurtunity to write about it with a bit more detail, feel free to do so.

11-29-2005, 06:54 PM
I'd like to write this; however, I need our class schedule. I know it was working before, but now the link just says "photobucket" or whatever. Isn't Viv supposed to be in Mahtaliel's jewelry-making class today with Rian, Ray & Aiwendis? What time is class meeting, or am I off a day - is it Monday for jewelry-making? So confused.

Really? EDIT: It works for me, the one in INFO #8.

Here it is again
Yes, Viv was at the jewelry-making class at 10, with Rian, Ray and Aiwendis. You and Ray were a tad late after the race, it seems, but made it. Nothing was written about the lecture, except that Mahtaliel noticed that 3 of her pupils were genuinely interested, while Aiwendis was not ;) .

So we "saw each other" at the lecture, though we were not alone. Then, at noon, Vivvie perhaps went for lunch with Ray. But then, Ray left Viv, as he had his Ship-Building class at 1 PM.
So, between 1 and 2.30 PM Vivvie and Aiwendis could talk. I think right at the lecture, Aiwendis invited Viv to come to her rooms at the University after lunch, for a goblet of wine and a talk, while the Chancellor, Ray and the King were occupied. OK??

11-29-2005, 07:14 PM
O.K.! :)

NOW the link works. Thanx!

11-29-2005, 07:19 PM
And another big question - we need a Philosophy and History professor. Viv signed on for Western phil and Military History, but so far we're still minus a teacher there. Maybe Khamul or Udu could teach Military History, and Jas Fernick or Bumbledore teach Phil? Just ideas...

Bumbledore has agreed to teach Philosophy. It is in the shedule.

As for Military History, I believe once, long ago, Udu, volunteered to teach it. I am not sure if I remember it correctly. Please, tell us, Udu, will Maethor teach it?

By the way, Udu , the Chancellor gave you one free week, so there will be no lessons on Tuesday by Maethor. As for Thursday, if you like to start earlier, make the Chancellor ask you. It is up to you. Anyway, the Chancellor plans to talk to you this evening, around 8. (But Maethor does not know it yet).

11-29-2005, 07:43 PM
It was Khamûl who volunteered to teach it but I'm easy either way.

11-29-2005, 08:04 PM
YES!! Khamul definitely should teach the Military History! Viv wants at least ONE class with her uncle. He'd be ideal at teaching this subject I think, albeit perhaps a little biased in the telling of history. And Bumble has Phil. Excellent!

Shah, I have just posted a rather open-ish post about Ray & Viv a few hours post-race.They've attended the jewelry-making class together already, and afterward went out and had a nice picnic lunch, then etcetera. I'm trying to get Viv caught up on her Monday a little bit; we're kinda falling behind in the time line without the race. And - everyone - Listen, I do my best to coincide times, places, other people, schedules, etcetra as best as I can. There's a lot going on all over Tharbad, and a lot of characters doing different stuff, sometimes at vastly different TIMES even, so just know I'm doing the best I can to keep it all in context. :)

11-29-2005, 08:30 PM
It's certainly hard to keep track of things sometimes - I should know, I almost put Rian on Hwesta just now, when Hwesta is far away with Ty on the sly, as BB calls him :eek:

11-29-2005, 08:59 PM
Hehehe, found this. Burst out laughing. Hey, their horses get killed their winged beasts all die.... Why not?

Strange...try again...

http://img119.imageshack.us/img119/5185/mopedwraith0xx.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

In the parody "The Trouble of the Rings," the Nazgul ride bicycles. Of course, a Russian Tolkien club produced it. The pictures are funny.


11-29-2005, 09:21 PM
As for Military History, I believe once, long ago, Udu, volunteered to teach it. I am not sure if I remember it correctly. Please, tell us, Udu, will Maethor teach it?

By the way, Udu , the Chancellor gave you one free week, so there will be no lessons on Tuesday by Maethor. As for Thursday, if you like to start earlier, make the Chancellor ask you. It is up to you. Anyway, the Chancellor plans to talk to you this evening, around 8. (But Maethor does not know it yet).

Gordis, Khamul is going to handle Military History, I believe. On the schedule, there is a meeting with Khamul and Udu at 7. I am holding up posting anything so others can catch up.

11-29-2005, 10:53 PM
The picnic post - I added some stuff there. Shah - you around tonight? If you feel up to it, it'd be cool if you wrote a little dialogue to fill in the part where Viv and Ray are talking about stuff at their picnic. The gist of it I put in the post, but I'd love to see what you write 4 both Ray and Vivvie.

Next, I gotta write a conversation with Gordis/Aiwendis and Viv. Unless, Gordis, you want to start it out. :) I'm not sure what to have Aiwendis say, when Viv asks her what's on her mind and troubling her lately.

Lady M, Viv'll be a great student for Mahtaliel, since she loves jewels and precious metals so much. She'll be an avid student; besides, Viv has all sorts of miscellaneous gemstones she's collected throughout the years that could definitely use settings. I know! Viv can get into making hair things. Viv loves bejeweled barrettes. And necklaces; she loves Liz Tayloresque necklaces. And rune-inscribed rings...

11-30-2005, 02:52 AM
Nice post, Lotesse :) I like this: "her own heart itself having suffering from a confusion of interest." Good description.

'Hair things", hey? Rian will like that.

11-30-2005, 06:12 AM
I've just closed the 3rd Discussion Thread and split off these posts into the fourth.

Well... those Nazgul are being such sweethearts lately. :p The ML is just SO understanding... makes me want to cry. :D

Say - I have asked someone else about handling Oreturion. I actually asked two, but one didn't think they could make the time commitment. The one who was interested sounds like they need to wait until this semester ends (I wonder if they know they'll have another semester starting in the spring).

11-30-2005, 06:52 AM
Well... those Nazgul are being such sweethearts lately. :p The ML is just SO understanding... makes me want to cry. :D

Say - I have asked someone else about handling Oreturion. I actually asked two, but one didn't think they could make the time commitment. The one who was interested sounds like they need to wait until this semester ends (I wonder if they know they'll have another semester starting in the spring).
Funny, reading the same post, Lotesse concluded that the ML was an EVIL MANIPULATOR. You have found him "SO understanding" and a sweetheart. :D

I think he is just being practical, he wants Aiwendis to carry out her task and do it WELL, instead of making scenes that will surely distress her even more and prevent her from fulfilling her mission. :p

I hope this future Oreturion was speaking of the Real Life semester, NOT the RGP one? :eek: The latter will never end at this pace.

Lotesse, Liked your post. I hope the ring will prevent Vivvie from becoming fat! :eek: :)

I shall try to post, but if I don't (I have VERY LITTLE time now), please, let Aiwendis be as non-committal as possible. She is going to confide in no one.

11-30-2005, 07:54 AM
ere' Gor , aint you read that pm from 17/11/05 yet??? i wanna delete it ...

nothing important anyway , but i still says unread ...

that was almost 2 weeks ago ...

gotta go ...

11-30-2005, 07:57 AM

It was my 1000 post
:D :eek: :p

And more than a half of my posts are in this game! It is a pleasure to play with you.:)

Has anyone noticed that I dwell now in Tharbad???

And here is a nice nazgul picture to commemorate, I don't think I have posted it before:


Cheers, All!


ere' Gor , aint you read that pm from 17/11/05 yet??? i wanna delete it ...

nothing important anyway , but i still says unread ...

that was almost 2 weeks ago ...

gotta go ...
I don't have it.
Please repeat, it it is important.

11-30-2005, 12:34 PM
*Points up* That was your 1000th post Gordis.
Val and LMM, where is the talk between Oreturion and Mahtalliel happening, is it in the library, or her office?

Lady Marion Magdalena
11-30-2005, 12:38 PM
It's happening in the forge.

11-30-2005, 01:22 PM
Eärniel - I really liked your post! I like how the Pereldar question is complex and seems to have no one answer - or has a different answer, depending upon your background. I'd like to hear more of rpg-Eärniel's thoughts on that issue as things go along.

I was interested to see your take on the Pereldar being more common than I had them being! I basically had only added one elf-mortal marriage to canon, but you seem to have added quite a bit more since you wrote "for Alagos and RÃ*an had hardly been the only ones of mixed marriages whom Eärniel had counted among her acquintances in her youth." Interesting! :)

Your - "She had not interrupted him when he had told her -quite frankly- that she had been wrong, even if she was still of another opinion in the matter!" Par-DONE, but he did no such impolite thing! :D He only said he THOUGHT she was wrong, which IMHO is quite different. It indicates an open mind in the matter, IMO. And he was only talking of his opinion of those particular women, based on their responses, plus repeating Tolkien canon on the attitude of Elves and keeping things the same. But he is certainly open to her opinions and would appreciate hearing more, because he likes to hear thoughtful opinions and think about things.

Your - "She did not assume she knew what the real causes had been for his misadventure with women. " Obviously, they were just inferior women :D for WHO, I ask you, could RESIST this charming and wonderful young man?! :D Or maybe he spent too much time fletching around them ... ("keep away from my feathers, woman!" ;) )

Your - "Perhaps she could never know or understand fully how the Pereldar thought or felt, but she was sure she knew enough in which ways the full-blooded Elder responded to them, having been in that same position." I just noticed this - WHAT?!?! DO tell more, you heartbreaker, you!!! :D

11-30-2005, 02:13 PM
My dearest RÃ*an, you assume too much. :D ;)

I was interested to see your take on the Pereldar being more common than I had them being! I basically had only added one elf-mortal marriage to canon, but you seem to have added quite a bit more since you wrote "for Alagos and RÃ*an had hardly been the only ones of mixed marriages whom Eärniel had counted among her acquintances in her youth." Interesting! :)
Have no fear, they're all canon. :) There was Eärendil in the Settlement at the Mouths of the Sirion. Elwing also (she gets forgotten way too much in the Pereldar lineages, if you ask me). And finally Elrond and Elros, although they were rather young when the Settlement was destroyed and Maglor and Maedhros took them in. That's four other Half-Elves Eärniel could have known. So RÃ*an and Alagos definitely weren't the only ones.

Your - "She had not interrupted him when he had told her -quite frankly- that she had been wrong, even if she was still of another opinion in the matter!" Par-DONE, but he did no such impolite thing! :D He only said he THOUGHT she was wrong, which IMHO is quite different. It indicates an open mind in the matter, IMO. And he was only talking of his opinion of those particular women, based on their responses, plus repeating Tolkien canon on the attitude of Elves and keeping things the same. But he is certainly open to her opinions and would appreciate hearing more, because he likes to hear thoughtful opinions and think about things.
Thinking someone's wrong or simply saying it... pffft Semantics! :p

But don't worry, RPG-Eärniel doesn't think he was rude, she's more amused by his stating than she was wrong, than angry. It's not because they're all Elves that they can't have a difference of opinion, eh? ;)

Your - "Perhaps she could never know or understand fully how the Pereldar thought or felt, but she was sure she knew enough in which ways the full-blooded Elder responded to them, having been in that same position." I just noticed this - WHAT?!?! DO tell more, you heartbreaker, you!!! :D
Again, you're assuming too much. :D I merely, and innocently, meant 'responding' as in ordinary day-to-day matters, not romantical ones. Thus the 'same position' merely means 'having known and lived close to Pereldar'.

See? All innocent! :D

11-30-2005, 03:31 PM
*Points up* That was your 1000th post Gordis.

Argghh! And I used it to tell BB to repeat his old post :( If I only noticed it in time!
Thanks for pointing, TD!

TD, please, come to see the Captain, when you come to the University. He is free since 3.30 PM, he must be in his office. The Captain will take you to show you the library.

11-30-2005, 03:44 PM
Argghh! And I used it to tell BB to repeat his old post :( If I only noticed it in time!
Thanks for pointing, TD!

TD, please, come to see the Captain, when you come to the University. He is free since 3.30 PM, he must be in his office. The Captain will take you to show you the library.

well, why not edit it .... into a great and good 1,000 th post

Congratulations!! ... at least you posted it here! :D

...and you did mention BB ... ;) (try and keep that bit in, it just seems to work ....)

well, call it a placeholder for a traditional 1,000th or 10,000th 'my dear, Valandil's, Udu's, greywolf's, crazysquirrel's, my good BB's, Td's, lotesse, "Lotesse's!!" , Serenoli's, Willow's, shah's, Lief's, Rian's, .... etc etc ...

and make it a special one ....

best BB :)

11-30-2005, 04:36 PM
Thanks, BB ! But editing is cheating... I should have noticed...

I will cheat though, thanks for the advice.

Lotesse,, I like your post very much. You have a good idea about the forge. I hope it will work ;) Mahtaliel will be furious!

Nice posts, Rian and Earniel and LMM and Val.

Val, has Oreturion left the library for today? Will he tell the Chancellor he has finished?

11-30-2005, 04:38 PM
Thanks, Gordis, and ...

Congrats on 1000! :) :)

11-30-2005, 04:50 PM
Yes, congrats on your 1k! I've mooted with you since I first registered, and it still trips me out that you've only just know gotten 1k. I'm glad you liked the forge-intern idea! I just now added a tiny bit more to wrap up the post; sometimes I have interruptions on this computer since it's not mine - I do this at my boyfriend's office, and when he wants me off the computer I have to get off IMMEDIATELY, SO annoying. What I want for Christmas is my own friggin' laptop.

11-30-2005, 04:50 PM
My dearest RÃ*an, you assume too much. Who, moi? 0:-)

Have no fear, they're all canon. :) There was Eärendil in the Settlement at the Mouths of the Sirion. Elwing also (she gets forgotten way too much in the Pereldar lineages, if you ask me). And finally Elrond and Elros, although they were rather young when the Settlement was destroyed and Maglor and Maedhros took them in. That's four other Half-Elves Eärniel could have known. So RÃ*an and Alagos definitely weren't the only ones. oh, OK - I thought you were swatting them off like flies! Funny how different people read things!

Thinking someone's wrong or simply saying it... pffft Semantics! :p You're wrong! ;)

(To me, saying "You're wrong!" is VERY different from saying "I think you're wrong" - the latter indicates that you are willing to reconsider if you get more info or if someone can point something out that you missed. )

But don't worry, RPG-Eärniel doesn't think he was rude, she's more amused by his stating than she was wrong, than angry. It's not because they're all Elves that they can't have a difference of opinion, eh? ;) Yes, I like how you wrote it.

Again, you're assuming too much. :D I merely, and innocently, meant 'responding' as in ordinary day-to-day matters, not romantical ones. Thus the 'same position' merely means 'having known and lived close to Pereldar'.

See? All innocent! Hmmmm *looks suspiciously at Eärniel* ;)
So how does a full-blooded Elf respond in day-to-day matters to the Pereldar?

Alagos - "Pass the butter, please, Eärniel"
Eärniel - "You don't know your own mind, you half-breed! How do you know there will even be butter where you might end up going?!"


Nah, methinks you protest too much .... :D

(rpg-Eärniel had her eye on Elrond, didn't she?!?! ;) )

11-30-2005, 05:25 PM
Thanx, All, for congratulations. Have you seen my nazgul link in my edited 1000 post? happy nazgul (http://elfwood.lysator.liu.se/art/m/a/mayo/nazgul.jpg.html)

TD and All, I have officially put Galadannun as the one teaching Military History into the Shedule.

Behold the new schedule!

BB, please, post it into the street!

11-30-2005, 06:24 PM
Cool Nazgul pic! That looks like Shah's dragon Obnavat that she's riding! I tried to draw a picture of Viv in Nazgul garb last night but failed miserably. I need to practice my drawing more often. :rolleyes:

11-30-2005, 06:28 PM
i've posted the happy nazgul into the schedule as you requested ...

well, i had TWO 1,000th posts!! :eek: ... i missed the second one, but posted the second 1,001th post in the jd syndrome thread ... as i recall i posted a noble new better more loving, less hasty me kinda speech for the first one ... then went and had a big argument with someone ... :rolleyes:

however the upside is i now have a moot goal: to achieve the ultimate 2 :rolleyes: :rolleyes: from Spock .... he's keeping me on tenterhooks like an expert fisherman ...

though i am hoping the Mr logic caractuer may do it .. :rolleyes: ;)

well, i now ask all new post jd syndrome recoverers .. and Gordis , you did very well indeed, recovering incredibly quickly from the deadly disease, to post some thoughts on their moot expereinces over there ...

it's a new tradition ...

EDIT ** see's rohirrim TR just gone JD gold .... he's on 1004 ... well, i'm on the case ...

11-30-2005, 06:49 PM
BB, thanks for posting the schedule.

Umm, not sure what the rest of your post was about :confused: . I really have difficulty to follow your butterflyish style... :) ;)

11-30-2005, 07:10 PM
I'll try and post tomorrow Gordis. Thanks for getting the schedules up Gor and BB.

11-30-2005, 07:19 PM
Umm, not sure what the rest of your post was about . I really have difficulty to follow your butterflyish style...

well, nothing if not consistent :D

now you see why even the morgul lord cannot fathom butterfly minds ..

*puts (allegedly) tolkienesque babel fish in and tries again*

well, Gor as a 1,000th poster and having managed to overcome the dreaded jd syndrome, or JDitis, you are cordially invited to post (as indeed rohirrim TR) has just done, in the Jd syndrome thread over there in General messages...

mmm...well suppose i better go read the rpg ....

btw lotesse ... was in a rush when i wrote the post here ref your post over there... was just confused - finally our characters meet up then you seemed to ignore him and walk off ... but i had to go suddenly, so it probably read a bit odd ... but wasn't meant as a critiscim, just that i thought it odd ...

best BB :)

11-30-2005, 07:23 PM
Have you had a chance 2 read the revision to that post, BB? Let me know what you think! :)

Plus - EVERYONE, Viv is out and about riding around town this afternoon; if someone's up to it and is in that 2:30 - evening time slot still, your characters could potentially see Viv and say hi! Or not. Whatever.

BB - speaking of butterflies, it has been a while since we've heard anything from Beautiful Boomerang. Where's he at?

11-30-2005, 07:25 PM
having a warm comfy snooze at the watch... always warm and quiet there ...

snoozy the watch's dog is keeping him company ...

11-30-2005, 07:29 PM
BB are you deliberately ignoring me or did you not just read my last post right there? Or, by your silence do I take it right that you DON'T like the revision I did to the Swan post w/ Bumbledore? :confused:

11-30-2005, 07:34 PM
blimey, give me a chance .... was over in hector's 1001 knights thread ...

will go have a look o' impatient one! (talk bout the pot calling the kettle black! :p :) )

what post number was it?

11-30-2005, 07:37 PM
It's # 575. :)

11-30-2005, 07:42 PM
I'd like for Rian and Viv to talk, but I've lost track of what time it is for Rian! :o *sigh* I'm pretty sure it's after 3:00, and I'm with Earniel, so it would prob. be better later on - maybe if Viv is still riding around in a coupla hours. We'll see - got an errand with Earniel first.

And I have to go pick up the kids now anyway - real life calls! :)

BB - You may have missed my posts in this thread, too - I wasn't sure what you were referring to about me with the picture thing, and did you want to write an Arastud interview with me now? :)

11-30-2005, 07:44 PM
I know, the bouncing back&forth in time thing kinda gets out of control around here. It makes it a lot more difficult to moot en masse, or in step or whatever. What really does help is to put the time & date at the beginning of each post, like a captain's log. That was a good idea, whoever started that trend.

11-30-2005, 07:49 PM
I'll try and post tomorrow Gordis. Thanks for getting the schedules up Gor and BB.

TD, I will wait until after you post the meeting in the library.

Gordis, congratulations on your 1000th post!

11-30-2005, 07:50 PM
Lotesse: weeeeelll, if you want me to be picky .... :p

thought the 'repair to the toilet' was odd ... though actually very funny when you think about it :p

no, that's great thanks, :) my! the landlord must love us lot, everyone offering to pay the tab!

Just a shame everyone's leaving the pub so early ...

mind you barli may turn up to join old bumble ... *winks at valandil*

where do you stand, lotesse on declaring war on Gondor? .. or pressing for building a fleet?

btw "the Thumpers" , look like they may be having another outing - at the weekend is it?

so, rian - whaddya reckon to some completely crazy caricatures (my - did i actually get close to spelling it right this time??) in the pictures thread??

if so, how do you go about it?

hooboy .. looks like a lot of posts to read up on btw ...

11-30-2005, 07:55 PM
Me, personally? About war on Gondor and stuff? Well, I don't really have an opinion - yet - and Viv's not a war addict like so many of her contemporaries; she's more of a freelance thug. If you know what I mean. And that wasn't repair to the toilet it was the gentleman's room! For some reason I can't stand the word toilet. It grosses me out. I think it sounds vulgur! I don't really see Bumble saying, "hold up a sec, gotta take a leak!" :D Anyway I did my best.

11-30-2005, 07:59 PM
oh yeah the time and date ... well yes in general i think it is a very good idea ... if not overdone .. i don't think we need it all the time ..for one thing it can restrict things and rather takes away some of the imagination if we get times every 15 or 20 mins ...

but yeah, in general i'm all for it.

course most of my characters rarely actually know what time it is .. so i'm generally vague ...

barli has been tripping the light -time fantastic around everyone else, bumble has been buffeted in the winds of roaming time eddies causing him to be unfashionably late ... i.e. later than he normally finds acceptable .. but good ol' Boom's got the right idea ... have a snooze with 'Snoozy' the watch's dog ...

i have a feeling when barli next posts, he'll post the time as 'Time for a drink' ... ;)

11-30-2005, 08:05 PM
Gordis, congratulations on your 1000th post!Thank you, Udu. It took me two months to reach 100 posts in the Books forum, but when I started RPG-ing... it was real fast, and not much effort on my part..

BB, Thanks for invitation to post in JD-tes thread, but, sorry, I have to decline. I don't really see what this thread is about. Also unfathomably butterflyish :D. Almost like the teacup cafe...

11-30-2005, 08:08 PM
LOL! I like that! "Time - time for a drink!" :D

What really does help is to put the time & date at the beginning of each post, like a captain's log. That was a good idea, whoever started that trend.It was Udu's idea, IIRC, and a good one. I've kept it purposefully vague, tho, because I"m in mortal terror :eek: of being corrected all the time. I just kind of say "early afternoon" or things along that line. I think it's fine for vagueness like that, anyway, except in crucial spots.

so, rian - whaddya reckon to some completely crazy caricatures (my - did i actually get close to spelling it right this time??) in the pictures thread??

if so, how do you go about it? Sure! Several people have posted drawings before. If you get a drawing you want to post there, then you need to have it hosted on the web somewhere, like at photobucket or something. When you're ready, just post on the thread and ask someone for help :) Unless you want to start an rpg-picture thread - that might be better, I don't know. Anyway, let me know :)

Lady Marion Magdalena
11-30-2005, 08:09 PM
"You think there'd be any way around it, like... like maybe we can hire interns to do the dirty work FOR us, after we've already drawn up our designs?"

This made me laugh.:p Nice try, but do you seriously think any self-rspecting teacher would allow her students to get away with that?

There are subtler forms of cheating you know. ;)

11-30-2005, 08:12 PM
Me, personally? About war on Gondor and stuff? Well, I don't really have an opinion - yet - and Viv's not a war addict like so many of her contemporaries; she's more of a freelance thug. If you know what I mean. And that wasn't repair to the toilet it was the gentleman's room! For some reason I can't stand the word toilet. It grosses me out. I think it sounds vulgur! I don't really see Bumble saying, "hold up a sec, gotta take a leak!" :D Anyway I did my best.

of course, "toilet" was incorrect .. and i think the 'gentleman's room' much better - but it was the 'repair' that made me laugh ... though i took you to mean 'retire'??

but the more i think of old bumble and his ..er ..perhaps NEED to "repair" i rather prefer it ... it's funny! :)

i can hear him sighing and saying " 'at's better ..all sea-shape and bristol fashion ...' though it may need to be , what 'Cirdan fashion' ? or 'pelargir fashion' ??

we could have some fun translating phrases into Middle earth third age tharbad ... or inventing some new ones ... though my favourite is still 'sauron's balls!" :D

11-30-2005, 08:14 PM
There are subtler forms of cheating you know. ;)
No, we don't. Please, teach us. If you know subtler forms of cheating, that is!

11-30-2005, 08:26 PM
No, we don't. Please, teach us. If you know subtler forms of cheating, that is!

... and this is the head of the university speaking!

Gor: :eek: :eek: it's a

*attempts to add solemn gravitas*

tradition ...

like lights on christmas trees, like strawberries and cream , like singing in the rain, like scooby and scooby snacks, like cofee in the teacup ....

like the burning of stray mainlanders in a whicker-man ....

it's like a moot rite of passage ... it's awfully bad luck you know, not to post your recovery blessings to the moot in the jd thread .... :p

11-30-2005, 08:49 PM
Eärniel and Maggie - I put up a post - let me know if you want any edits :)

11-30-2005, 08:55 PM
well, night all ... will catch up on the rpg tommorrow, too tired now for anything but sleep ... maybe Constable BB will leave Ararstud a note to come call in at the watch some mutually agreed very vague time tuesday Rian ;) :D

11-30-2005, 08:59 PM
yes, nice and vague, please! ;) for poor dense little me who has trouble with geography and time! :D

Lotesse - just had an interesting thought - rpg-Rian is busy now, but Alagos is wandering around town - shall he (literally) bump into Viv and Laslach (sp?) ?

Lady Marion Magdalena
11-30-2005, 09:11 PM
Rian The post is wonderful, but the timing was off, Oreturion was still in the middle of his conversation/interrogation and her students hadn't even arrived yet.

If it could be tweaked so that it happens before the class starts, with Oreturion still there that'd be great. :)

12-01-2005, 05:13 AM
LMM , I doubt your students will arrive in the foreseeable future ;) , as they are Marty and Ray, still racing somewhere.

And if the time is shifted to before the lesson, then how could Mahtaliel leave the forge and take the elves to the Library?

Why not leave it as it is, Oreturion before the lesson (at 3 PM) and Rian and Earniel after the lesson (6 PM)?

12-01-2005, 07:07 AM
Hmmmm *looks suspiciously at Eärniel* ;)
So how does a full-blooded Elf respond in day-to-day matters to the Pereldar?

Alagos - "Pass the butter, please, Eärniel"
Eärniel - "You don't know your own mind, you half-breed! How do you know there will even be butter where you might end up going?!"


Nah, methinks you protest too much .... :D

(rpg-Eärniel had her eye on Elrond, didn't she?!?! ;) )
As I said: still assuming too much... :p

Lady Marion Magdalena
12-01-2005, 11:13 AM
LMM , I doubt your students will arrive in the foreseeable future , as they are Marty and Ray, still racing somewhere.

Yeah... you've got a point. So much for optimism. :rolleyes: I was going to have Oreturion take them. But really, why bother, it's fine the way it is.

12-01-2005, 02:09 PM
Rian The post is wonderful, but the timing was off, Oreturion was still in the middle of his conversation/interrogation and her students hadn't even arrived yet.

If it could be tweaked so that it happens before the class starts, with Oreturion still there that'd be great. :)
I like that timing better, and I think M. could run them over quick before class starts, so I'll change it. And my post takes place after her conversation with O. - maybe I"ll put that in.

12-01-2005, 02:25 PM
OK, Maggie and all, I edited my post and made Mahtaliel meet Rian and Earniel before her sword-smithing class. I like that timing better, and it also makes it a better time for Alagos to meet up with Viv. Let me know if that works with everyone's schedules.

Lotesse - go ahead and write that if you want to, or maybe I'll give it a whirl if I have enough time today. I'll take it out if you don't want it, though - your call :)

EDIT - just added more edits, adding in a reference to Oreturion leaving, Rian wishing to see the King again *meaningful stare in Val's direction*, etc.

12-01-2005, 02:59 PM
Gor - is the Morgul Lord a semi public? If not is it ok for me to post his part and lead it on to Udu arriving?

12-01-2005, 03:06 PM
Gor - is the Morgul Lord a semi public? If not is it ok for me to post his part and lead it on to Udu arriving?
No he is not semi-public, TD, he is MINE! :)

You can include some of his sentences, but I may ask you to edit, if I don't like it. OK?

I think the BIG tour around the library (including the vaults) will be reserved for the night. For now, let the Captain only show you the books and your apartment.

EDIT:TDI have put a place-holder for the Morgul Lord's visit to the library, that I would have before his talk with Khamul. :) Anyway, if Khamul arrives there at 5-6 PM, he will find the library open and the Chancellor there alone waiting for him.

12-01-2005, 03:20 PM
Lotesse - I wrote in a meeting between Viv and Alagos. I'll can the whole thing if you'd like, or edit in whatever you tell me to. If you like it, go ahead and run with it :)

12-01-2005, 03:51 PM
I like that timing better, and I think M. could run them over quick before class starts, so I'll change it. And my post takes place after her conversation with O. - maybe I"ll put that in.

OK, it is your right,Rian, but, please, put the time "before 3 PM" in your post. "Late afternoon" won't do here! So much is happening... All the time continuity is in complete confusion!:(

Now, girls, you are in the Library? ;) When are you planning to leave, if you came at three? ;)

12-01-2005, 04:47 PM
No problem, I'll go edit that in if it helps you :)

Not sure when we're leaving ... too many good books to check out! All we need to do is find Mahtaliel's assistant (probably in her classroom), when we're ready to go.

12-01-2005, 05:14 PM
Posted it Gor. If the Morgul Lord seems a bit OOC then that was deliberate, since they are in public and the ML couldn't treat Khamûl as he usually does, but anything to OOC I'll happily edit.

12-01-2005, 05:36 PM
OK, it is your right,Rian, but, please, put the time "before 3 PM" in your post. "Late afternoon" won't do here! So much is happening... All the time continuity is in complete confusion!:(

well frankly i agree with Rian here: why is all in confusion??, because everyone is putting 150 / 220/ 3pm 4-5pm etc etc .... absolutely everywhere: thus everything gets narrowed and restricted, suddenly we are having continuity problems and restricting the flow ....

what,prey, is wrong with "late afternoon" ? ...does the trick, causes no problems ...

i DO think putting the odd time and day reference IS a good idea, but i think it is being done FAR too often and far too specifically: and this of course ripples out ...

EDIT:TDI have put a ...

heh, all the power, grace and performance you'd expect from the TD model but with Injection for that extra vava-voom ... :D

Gor - is the Morgul Lord a semi public?

... *reaches up on tip-toes and pulls down both overly raised eyebrows back into a normal position*

- does the pope s .... never mind! :D

well, got as far as 'mind reading' .... very good indeed Gor!

TD: you cracked me up with that one! :)

best BB :)

12-01-2005, 05:45 PM
Cutting edge TD (with injection):
Posted it Gor. If the Morgul Lord seems a bit OOC then that was deliberate, ...

;) :D :D

CLASSIC! nice one TD ... :)

must use that myself ...

actually one thing from the movies that still sticks in me head (and despite myself, i like... ) is gimli falling off his horse (in the very badly mangled for absolutely NO GOOD REASON Rohan scenes) is the bit when gimli says in a scottish accent, after falling off ...

"it was deliberate - it was deliberate!"

just love the way he says it (not the scene just how he says it! :) )

ah TD, you are making me laugh and smile ..keep it up!!

*thoughts of the dufflepuds or monopods in CS lewis's Voyage of the dawn treader, spring athletically to mind unbidden but quite welcome*

"well done ..keep it up chief!!"

:) :) :)

wonder why lewis named himself after Crazy squirrel though???

..id take it as a compliment crazy squirrel! :cool:

best all, BB :)

12-01-2005, 05:51 PM
:) :) *whistles in very good mood ...*

anyone out there?

btw ..just to be clear, non of the above is in any way sarcastic .. you guys have really cheeered me up! :) :) :)

thanks TD and Gor :)

12-01-2005, 05:53 PM
:) :) *whistles in very good mood ...*

anyone out there?

btw ..just to be clear, non of the above is in any way sarcastic .. you guys have really cheeered me up! :) :) :)

thanks TD and Gor :)

oh yes and thanks Lotesse .. this chilled Viogner is doing the trick ... saw it on the shelf there, thought of you and your reference to it .. and got it ... very nice too! :)

12-01-2005, 05:56 PM
...ooops did i just quote myself??? ...sorry thought i was editing .... well i blame lotesse! ;) :D :p

oh dear four posts in a row!

*shouts* anyone there?

*distant eery echoes ripple down the long sand blown desert road, shimmiying in the twilight haze*

..mmm..maybe i should go write something???

after i caught up on the reading, mind! :p

best all to you absentee rpg-ers everywhere ...
BB :) :) :)

12-01-2005, 06:47 PM
I am there, BB, I am there ...

I was just typing a BIG post.

NOW I HAVE FILLED IN the placeholder# 605 Please, have a look! IT contains some description of Minas Aran and the Library. (Where is that Evil Cartographer??)
Rian, Earniel, LMM, Val and of course TD Please read my # 605 - it concerns you all. Basically the Chancellor has cheated Mahtaliel of her keys to the Library and given them to Khamul. He also left Khamul to show Earniel and Rian to the door.:D

And sorry TD, I shall have to ask you to edit your # 607 a little. NOT YOUR FAULT at all, it is just because I was so long with my post that had to be before yours. So, please, pardon me for asking you to edit your excellent post.
One word here:
"Professor Galadannun," smiled the Chancellor, as Khamûl walked through the tower door a few minutes later. "Glad you can make it. Shall we start?"

One word there: "You can bring your horse to the stables if you wish. It is on the far side of the University I'm sure my servants would be more than happy to show you where things are," said the Chancellor as they approached the stairs.

(There is a separate stair leading to the Library proper and a separate stair to your apartment.)

Please add the living room here:
"As you see, we have a master bedroom for yourself, a study, a living room and a washroom. There are also three small rooms for servants along the narrow corridor," said the Chancellor, as Khamûl inspected the rooms.

And Please, change this sentence: "I'm afraid that will not be possible. I have a lecture early tomorrow morning, and wish to get some sleep," replied the Chancellor, turning and making his way back to his own apartment."

For this one:
"I will show you the Library later, Professor. It seems we have got some unexpected guests already" replied the Chancellor. "Go now and deal with them, they are at the third floor. Be most polite, but tell them that no one is allowed in the Library without my leave"

He took the set of keys, that used to belong to Mahtaliel, and offered them to Khamul. "Here are your keys, by the way. Guard them well, and keep the Library safe", said the Chancellor, turning and making his way back to his own apartment in the Palace

Sorry again, TD! Hope you don't mind!

Rian or Earniel you are welcome to post how Galadannun askes you to leave the library, in the most polite way. :p
LMM How do you like being deprived of your keys? :)

12-01-2005, 06:55 PM

hurrah! ..Gor is here !! ...and lotesse is online!!! let the fun begin!!! :) :) :cool:

boy, it;s been hard .... just read it all from 'mind reading' ..i'd be on consecutive post 9 or 10 be' now if i hadn't reigned myself in ...

love the gor and Viv stuff .... rian i like the scene with viv too ...

gor .. the description of the library is really vivid.

bollocks! ... forgoten the other things for now ... far too many thoughts jumping around on the trampolene of my mind just now .... been a very good, productive day!!!! :D

*raises (getting rather empty - wheres udu???) Viogner to Lotesse and Gor


12-01-2005, 06:59 PM
Gordis - great reference to Laws and Customs of the Eldar by Pengoloð of Gondolin! :D Loved it! :D

Earniel or TD - go ahead and write the library eviction post, I'll be gone for the weekend. Rian would be mystified, angry, indignant, and other such things. Interesting to see Khamul and Rian re-united! (*music starts, "Re-united and it feeels so good!" - NOT!! :D )

Glad you liked my Viv/Alagos scene, BB - we'll wait to see how Lotesse likes it before its fate is determined ... *anxiously bites her nails* GTG get the kids from school now :)

12-01-2005, 07:01 PM
but you'll be around for tonight, right???

i'm in the mood for some fun and some rpg-ing!!

12-01-2005, 07:02 PM
I might be around a bit for YOUR tonight (my afternoon) - depending upon how homework goes ... I'll be gone for the weekend, and I want to leave things in really good shape for my wonderful hubby who totally supports me going off w/ my girlfriends for a bit of time away. FUN FUN FUN!!!! I just love these women - my 3 favorite friends in the world, besides my sister-in-law :) Yay!

12-01-2005, 07:05 PM

ask Lady willow for some cheats (as approved by the uni heirochracy) :D

tis fun to be in tharbad ... ;)

12-01-2005, 07:17 PM
BB, thank you! Glad you liked my posts.

Gordis - great reference to Laws and Customs of the Eldar by Pengolo<eth> of Gondolin! :D Loved it! :D

Earniel or TD - go ahead and write the library eviction post, I'll be gone for the weekend. Rian would be mystified, angry, indignant, and other such things. Interesting to see Khamul and Rian re-united! (*music starts, "Re-united and it feeels so good!" - NOT!! :D )
So it is "Pengoloeth?" I was not sure... If you are, I will go edit! :)

RIAN , (or Earniel) if you CAN write the eviction post, please do it now. I believe TD wanted his hands free to have at last his interview with Udu, he is eager to post it for several days. Or perhaps Udu can write how they went with Khamul to show the "Goluglob" to the door? (I liked this word!!!)

BB and Rian About precise time. It is just me, I believe. I feel unhappy when I can't say exactly what time I am writing about, or where exactly the scene is set (that's why I am in an unholy alliance with the Evil Cartographer). I feel the NEED to know what I will see if I look left, or right, whether the sun has set or not, etc. Also in RL, I feel lost in an unknown place without a map and quite happy and confident, if I have one. I am sorry if I cause problems. And thanks for putting in the time, Rian

ALL, Excellent posts all around. One better than another :) . If I only had more time to review... But today was a crazy day - I tried not to keep TD waiting, and still was late.:)

12-01-2005, 07:28 PM
Very-very nice post Lotesse . Loved the strange feeling that Alagos experienced, something foul. And Rian's post about Viv was lovely as well :)

By the way, according to Udu, he-elf will be "golug" in our High Speech, unknown to mortals :D, while she-elf will be "goluglob"

12-01-2005, 07:35 PM
Gordis -about precise times; no, it's not just you it's me as well, because so much action between so MANY characters happens all over the place, and think of the constant complaining that would always be happening in this thread if there weren't specifics about who is where doing what at any given time? The main reason why I like the time specificity so much is that it dramatically cuts down on accidental over-writing and constant requests for edit changes when someone gets the continuity off. Anyway.

Gor, I LOVED the last post of yours. I really enjoy when you incorporate the canon history & information nto your posts like that; you definitely do it the best of us all here. :)

Rian - yeah, I liked your Alagos meets Viv post! Except that Viv can't really play toy-with-boys games like her sisters can, that's not really her stylo, so when she tries it, she'll just start laughing and give it up, and revert to her straightforward yet mysterious/mischievous attitude! So I did the switch in my post following yours. Hope you like the Alagos dialogue. I want him genuinely liking her, and being uncharacteristically perplexed by the slightly off feeling he got from shaking her hand. There's no way he can figure anything out about viv, though, so don't get too excited!! :D Just thought it'd add some interesting spice to the Tharbad scene...

BB - Are you really having Viognier right now? What label? Is it a good one? Share the intel with moi, s'il te plait!! I do so love a good Viognier... :)

Lady Marion Magdalena
12-01-2005, 07:40 PM
LMM How do you like being deprived of your keys?

Actually... I was hesitating about this but it had occured to me that being the occaisionally sneaky metalworker she is, Mahtaliel might have made duplicates of said keys. Might be interesting if she had. :evil: ;)

12-01-2005, 07:53 PM
Actually... I was hesitating about this but it had occured to me that being the occaisionally sneaky metalworker she is, Mahtaliel might have made duplicates of said keys. Might be interesting if she had. :evil: ;)
Sure she has, oh my fierce tiercel! Oh, my goluglob cheat! :D The Morgul Lord would have been surprised if she hadn't! :p

12-01-2005, 07:55 PM
Gordis -about precise times; no, it's not just you it's me as well, because so much action between so MANY characters happens all over the place, and think of the constant complaining that would always be happening in this thread if there weren't specifics about who is where doing what at any given time? The main reason why I like the time specificity so much is that it dramatically cuts down on accidental over-writing and constant requests for edit changes when someone gets the continuity off. Anyway.

Gor, I LOVED the last post of yours. I really enjoy when you incorporate the canon history & information nto your posts like that; you definitely do it the best of us all here. :)

BB - Are you really having Viognier right now? What label? Is it a good one? Share the intel with moi, s'il te plait!! I do so love a good Viognier... :)

yup Viognier ... vin de pays D'oc, 2003 ...is it normally so apricot coloured though???

well, what with the hilarious Td and gor show, a good day generally and the wine ..and you finally coming BACK online after i was happy to see the gang on .. i'm in a VERY good mood :) :)

where's CS by the way???

..and UDU (thinking of wine, now)

to your first point .. i agree it is generally a good thing :) ..but i think now it's a tad overdone ..and your points about causing editing actually multiply with the constant restricting time references ...not the other way round ... it actually restricts [posts and times and movements and causes time contuinuity problems IF overdone ... i say , it's good ... but NOT nessecary ALL the time .. :D

eg: neither snoozy or Boom are troubled by it ... ;) ;) :p

well, better go read your post Lotsy ...

btw Willowy M ... cutting keys ... go for it .. opens ip rpg doors ...as it were ...

sil te plait?? ... wonderful non Cs-online french there Lotesse! :D

12-01-2005, 07:57 PM
BB, How did you like my development of your idea of Tharbad Tea Party? A gossip of the King and His Fleet? We should work on the public opinion!

12-01-2005, 08:00 PM
BB - Viognier can be apricoty-coloured, definitely! When it is that dark, it usually means its richer and more buttery-butterscotchy in flavour; are you getting that? *mouth begins to water.* Now I'm literally starting to crave a glass of the V. Ho boy.

LMM & Gordis- Oh, goody, Mahtaliel has made spare keys! I won't say how come I think this is a spendid idea! :D

12-01-2005, 08:09 PM
BB, How did you like my development of your idea of Tharbad Tea Party? A gossip of the King and His Fleet? We should work on the public opinion!

well, that was one of the things on would-be consecutive post 8 or 9 ..

yeah, absolutely LOVED it ....

now, i am not seriously advocating we (arnor) declare war on evil old southern menldil (sorry getting under the influence a tad here) .. but as we can flesh out some middle earth history (albeit semi-seriously) that was never written since old JRR was not of the eldar himslef ... we can wonder what the feelings may be ... val himslef has written of the politics between the gondorian king (the one i struggle just now to spell) and the true high King in the north ... also mr O's warnings about their dealings till Valandil has begun truly mastering his mind and the palantir ...

also seriously, what ARE the gondorian guards doing on the river .. surely that is not the border???

and if it were .. Valandil IS high King ... so what are they doing there???

i really hope in his own way and however he sees it Val might find some substance here ... though i fully expect he'll take it in his own direction ofcourse ... but food for thought .. and we do need a little more plot line for our story .. we have great characters, good writing, a top notch rpg crew ... but maybe a few non-restrictive but "going somewhere' plot lines might be an idea????

best all, BB ...

reet' i'm off to read loteese's post ... :) (before i get - as i usually do, sidetracked) ;)

12-01-2005, 08:16 PM
BB - Viognier can be apricoty-coloured, definitely! When it is that dark, it usually means its richer and more buttery-butterscotchy in flavour; are you getting that? *mouth begins to water.* Now I'm literally starting to crave a glass of the V. Ho boy.

LMM & Gordis- Oh, goody, Mahtaliel has made spare keys! I won't say how come I think this is a spendid idea! :D

well, gets distracted from going reading lotesse's post ... by lotesse! :eek:

hang on ... *spits* - ok joking!

butterscotchy - how apt!

*thinks and takes a sip*

a few sips later :D

not sure on that, to be frank ... hadn't really noticed ..now i'm wondering if i am thinking if it's a touch butterscothery ...

hah! thought occurs since i am almost done with this more than passable bottle, i will be on the beer soon ... butterbeer! :D :cool:


right off to the rpg before i get distracted again ... hooboy! am i in a good mood :) ... been pretty hellish for a few days .. always makes the good times better dont it??

esp when you are under pressure and come out the other side having both created and delivered and signed off! :) :) :)

12-01-2005, 08:24 PM
now, i am not seriously advocating we (arnor) declare war on evil old southern menldil (sorry getting under the influence a tad here) .. but as we can flesh out some middle earth history (albeit semi-seriously) that was never written since old JRR was not of the eldar himslef ... we can wonder what the feelings may be ... val himslef has written of the politics between the gondorian king (the one i struggle just now to spell) and the true high King in the north ... also mr O's warnings about their dealings till Valandil has begun truly mastering his mind and the palantir ...

Well, the Morgul Lord is certainly NOT advocating for Arnor to declare war on Gondor immediately. But he is going to substitute King Val in the very near future, after his death, at the latest, as Val, if married to Aiwendis, will get no heirs; more likely he is going to get rid of Val much earlier. So he just wants his New Kingdom to be in the best condition AND ready for war. And once the Morgul Lord becomes King, the war is very likely to start immediately - with Gondor, surely and likely also with Cirdan and Erlond. So Arnor needs a big army and a good navy and the roads and the bridges and the fortresses. And Val is still doing rather poor job as a King (Sorry, Val!) :)

12-01-2005, 08:41 PM
LMM, could you, please, post the info on your public characters into the Info thread?
I mean Mahtaliel's two assistants - I tried to find their names (and sex) in the game thread, to include in my post, but it is buried deep already- and Fionne and the other one at the public school.

No need to be too elaborate in their stories, but do put at least their names, approx. age and function, please! :)

And BB, please, do the same! At least for some characters you mention - Elmir Pudd? etc.

12-01-2005, 08:43 PM
As a matter of minor interest - Udu has been in Tharbad about twenty-four hours. :) He has spent exactly one night in the city, and already he has been in one serious fight with a comrade; seen the spectacle of Lilly at the jewelry store and Singing Swan; and now he is going to the library and who knows what will happen there. Things have been more lively in one day than they have been for a thousand or so years. :)

12-01-2005, 08:50 PM
ahhh! lotesse, great post , both in terms of the fluid and compelling reading, but also in terms of plot!

very interesting how you repair the reputation and cast doubt amongst the elven fair ... or foul .. depending on your view ;)

the morgul lord will be proud of you this merry tharbad day!

Gor ... get no heirs .. is aiwendis that sure?? ;)

actually could a wraithess bear a child??? .. probably not ... :rolleyes:

but you must give the new king time ...valandil has an open field here to work with ... and the astute Mr O's wisdom to consider .. in terms of canon, who really knows what the northern high Kingdom did in these years and thought of the southerners??

but also ... we few as are met here ... tis' up to us to conjecture also , how come the northern realm was later so weak??

But it is not canon that valandil may not have sought (or not as val decides) to strengthen his reach, trade and power here in the north ....

but i like a lot the motives of the Morgul lord .... makes much sense and gives good plot direction ...

best all, BB :)

12-01-2005, 08:54 PM
Maggie - I loved your sneaky idea about the keys, you canny thing, you! :D That never occurred to me!

Lotesse - I'm so glad you liked my post, and I loved yours! I like the ambiguity of it. I came up with a really funny (to me, at least) parting line for Alagos (from my vast experience of kissing horses on their cute little noses), though, so would you mind editing out your last line (which I loved, and I"ll put into my post) so I can post and get the line in? I'll go post it now - let me know what you think :D

Gordis - No, it's not "Pengoloeth" - I used a special character, as Tolkien did, in his name, and apparently it came up weird on your computer :( It's the kind of curvy 'd' with a line crossing thru at the top; it indicates a kind of soft "dth" sound. If it doesn't work with your computer, just stick with "Pengolod" :)

Udu - Yes, a lot has happened - it's kind of hard to remember that it's only been 1 rpg day for the last several weeks!

General time comment - I think we can do a nice mix of exact times and general times. Personally, I lose track, and so if someone needs me to insert an exact time and tells me what it is, I'll be glad to do it :)

12-01-2005, 09:01 PM
As a matter of minor interest - Udu has been in Tharbad about twenty-four hours. :) He has spent exactly one night in the city, and already he has been in one serious fight with a comrade; seen the spectacle of Lilly at the jewelry store and Singing Swan; and now he is going to the library and who knows what will happen there. Things have been more lively in one day than they have been for a thousand or so years. :)
Wonderful job in one day, Udu! the captain is proud of you!

Will you, please, post how you and Khamul kicked the two goluglob from the Library - in a most polite way, just before your brotherly talk? But I am worried for you, Udu, who knows what our Khamul really plans?

No, BB, I believe the wraithesses will have no children, too old for that

12-01-2005, 09:08 PM
Lotesse - I just got my post up, let me know if it's ok with you - if so, your last line in your post will need to go out (I incorporated it into my post). Also, I think I'd like to add one line when Viv mentions Orrodel - that scene was deeply offensive to a loving brother, and I think he would be more upset than you wrote him. I think it will be just adding one line, and it will blend in nicely with how he took her hand and felt the fair/foul thing. I'll think about it and get back to you, or see if you can come up with some suggestions. I'm thinking it would be an immediate reaction when the name Orrodel comes up, but he would mask most of it, and realize that she was not involved, or something like that. Anyway, I"ll think it over while I'm doing the dinner/homework thing :)

12-01-2005, 09:44 PM
don't see it myself Ri ... in terms of how lotesse wrote the situation it seems to fit .. not perhaps what he WOULD think , but cetainly in the momment of the dialougue, what he might well say .... semed very real and well written. :)

Btw ..Doc UDU , should you wish to join the triumverate (or Quad Doc's if you acquiese ) of good doc's here on the moot as invited ... i'd recommend (and i'm sure Doc GW and Doc Anduril would concur with me on this ... )

... it'd be a nice bedside manner approach to wish our celebrated patient (melfena) a belated happy birthday in the thread over there ... ;)

best ... and night all!

BB :)

12-01-2005, 10:05 PM
Wonderful job in one day, Udu! the captain is proud of you!

Will you, please, post how you and Khamul kicked the two goluglob from the Library - in a most polite way, just before your brotherly talk? But I am worried for you, Udu, who knows what our Khamul really plans?

Gordis, my post just passed this message. I do not have time to redo it tonight. Perhaps TD could take care of that tomorrow?

Brotherly talk? hehehe Udu is already planning where he is going to put the "instruments." :) Not for use on Khamul, of course, but maybe.... who knows.

12-01-2005, 10:09 PM
Btw ..Doc UDU , should you wish to join the triumverate (or Quad Doc's if you acquiese ) of good doc's here on the moot as invited ... i'd recommend (and i'm sure Doc GW and Doc Anduril would concur with me on this ... )

... it'd be a nice bedside manner approach to wish our celebrated patient (melfena) a belated happy birthday in the thread over there ... ;)

BB, I seldom venture out of the RPG forum. I scarcely have time for that. Maybe tomorrow.

12-01-2005, 11:00 PM
my, my, my - such lovely accomodations Udu is suggesting to add on! :eek:

GTG - I really can't write the library post until Sunday night at the earliest - I think someone else will have to do it, or someone put in a placeholder or something - sorry, I"m busy packing and getting ready to go for the weekend!

12-01-2005, 11:15 PM
my, my, my - such lovely accomodations Udu is suggesting to add on! :eek:

Back in the East, if they were still alive, we usually just buried them up to their necks in the sand or staked them out to four posts and let the ants eat their bodies. In the West, things are usually done with more finesse or style. :)

The last sane person
12-02-2005, 12:16 AM
Gor ... get no heirs .. is aiwendis that sure?? ;)

actually could a wraithess bear a child??? .. probably not ... :rolleyes:

My question exactly, for the King is INDEED expected to create heirs... Wont that be slightly pair shaped later on? And who the heck does Valandil marry in cannon tolkien, do we know?

12-02-2005, 12:34 AM
Could a Wraithess Bear a Child is an excellent and very interesting question, one which I cannot beLIEVE I never really gave thought to before. Maybe 'cause I myself am not yet a momma, so I don't think to think along those lines. Would true age really matter? Don't the Nazgul age like elves, in that they just DON'T physically age? So, theoretically, Udu could be spawning all sorts of "evil babies" with his harem, and what Aiwendis could birth through a union with Valandil - woah. It boggeleth the mind. When I really stop to think about it, it seems quite possible. We Nazgul aren't ghosts, we're not even Barrow wights. Conceivably (o.k., couldn't resist the pun!) we could spawn or bear live children. Hmm.

Rian - well, I am SO happy to hear you approve of how I handled Alagos & that scene I wrote! Like BB says, though, I tried as well as I can to imply through the gist of the spoken conversation between them what Alagos might be feeling or really thinking, without being gratuitous about it or assuming to know what he might be in reality feeling or thinking while he said (or gestured) this or that. Just as I get very, very nervous about fellow writers assuming to know what to write my precious Viv as actually Thinking and Feeling, as opposed to Saying or Indicating, I get very, very nervous about writing this sort of thing in for others, with their respective precious characters. SO - in short, I'd like to leave it as I wrote it, and if you'd like to indicate Alagos as having extra private thoughts or impressions of that little brief meeting with Viv, please write them in yourself, incorporating it into one of your own beautiful posts! :)

and BB - oh freakin' A, what an awesome review! Thanx 4 the great critique. :)

o.k., now I've just re-logged in and it looks like a few of us have added story since this afternoon, so I have some reading to do; be back in a while...

12-02-2005, 01:23 AM
My question exactly, for the King is INDEED expected to create heirs... Wont that be slightly pair shaped later on? And who the heck does Valandil marry in cannon tolkien, do we know?

Nothing about it in canon, LSP. We presume some fine young noble Dunedain lady from Arnor. :) I have a fanfic account though - not near ready for publication yet. (or maybe an Elf maiden disguised as a fine young noble Dunedain lady.. :D ;) ) (EDIT: did you see my fanfic here in Writers Workshop about who Valandil's son Eldacar marries? It's in a thread called "Tales of Nolduryon")

Lotesse - I tend to think a Nazgulette could not bear children. I think they're already "all stretched out" - like too little butter over too much bread. I think that while their rings keep them alive, it's sort of a mockery of REAL life. Don't take that personally. :p

Gordis - you just continue right along with your little plot. Meanwhile, no offense taken. The land is at peace, the Great Enemy has been defeated and his minions are all gone or scattered (right? :confused: ), there is prosperity in the land - people marry, have children, grow crops - and are generally happy! Now, just because that isn't what the ML has in mind... :eek:

Udu - just in keeping with the euphemistic manner of speaking, I humbly suggest substituting "interviews" for "interrogations" in your last post. :p

Rian - I didn't see anything about 'Rian' pining for Valandil (so where should I look?). In fact, I've been thinking you were gonna get her and Earniel together with her brother and his friend. :( I wondered if I was going to have to invent some more potential girlfriends... or marry an M or M! :eek: (and PS, Ri... how'd I do?)

12-02-2005, 02:11 AM
Lotesse - It's not extra thoughts I'd like to add, it's a correction that I feel is critically important to who he is as a character, because he's my character. Just like when BB felt that TD wrote something out of character for Barli and asked for an edit (and got it), I feel that there is something out of character for Alagos and am asking for an edit.

And I repeat my offer to you for my post where I wrote for Viv - you get full and complete edit rights for anything I wrote for Viv, just like we always do here with other people's characters. :)

If you could just please add one line before the paragraph starting with "When Alagos took her delicate looking, yet assuredly firm-gripped hand in his to shake it... ", then I would feel that his character has been accurately portrayed. Would you please add this: "At the mention of "Orrodel", Alagos hesitated for a fraction of a second, remembering the unpleasant scene of that morning, but then realized that this lady could hardly be faulted for the manners of her relatives, so he reached for her outstretched hand." I feel that that would fix what is a problem with his character the way the post currently stands. Thanks! If you don't like how it's worded, I'm up to reading a suggestion of yours, but I need something along those lines to correct the portrayal of my character.

I think it's a really fun, enjoyable scene, and I'd like both of us to be happy about it, so let's allow edits for each other's characters until we're happy with them, and I hope for many more scenes between them! :)

12-02-2005, 02:34 AM
Rian - I didn't see anything about 'Rian' pining for Valandil (so where should I look?). In fact, I've been thinking you were gonna get her and Earniel together with her brother and his friend. :( I wondered if I was going to have to invent some more potential girlfriends... or marry an M or M! :eek: (and PS, Ri... how'd I do?)OH, I don't remember where it is, it's somewhere - and in several places, too. She's definitely interested in Valandil, esp. because of his heritage. Now eventually, frankly, she's gotta marry Tyaron, but did you see what that boy up and did Monday night? :eek: They've got some things to work out first, and right now, she definitely does not want to marry him, even without knowing about his little lapse. I had some mega-posts that you probably missed that explained a lot of this. I definitely want to pursue at least a friendship with possibilities between Valandil and Rian, as soon as (or IF) he doesn't want to pursue anything with Earniel (or vice-versa), because she's first in line (a looooong line, from what I'm hearing!) :D

ps - great story - I PMed you :)

12-02-2005, 04:56 AM
So, theoretically, Udu could be spawning all sorts of "evil babies" with his harem, and what Aiwendis could birth through a union with Valandil - woah. It boggeleth the mind. When I really stop to think about it, it seems quite possible. We Nazgul aren't ghosts, we're not even Barrow wights. Conceivably (o.k., couldn't resist the pun!) we could spawn or bear live children. Hmm.

Lotesse, actually, Udu and his wives have spawned nothing. There are spells to prevent things like that, you know. :) He is more conservative than you think. His fear is that if his identity should ever become known, that some "zealot" will try to slay his offspring.

12-02-2005, 06:23 AM
Earniel, you there? Could you, please, write the eviction post, how Khamul kicked you and Rian out of the Library - in a most polite way- and told you that you would need the Chancellors permission every time you wish to use it?
Time is between 6 and 6.30 PM- you were in the Library since 3

TD must have his hands free to have at last his interview with Udu, he was eager to post it for several days.

12-02-2005, 07:32 AM
LMM,Many thanks for the info on Gawen and Raissa. :)

So it was Gawen who brought the keys. :) Interesting that he knows all about the University buildings! I hope it will not lead him to an untimely end... :evil:

and what Aiwendis could birth through a union with Valandil - woah. It boggeleth the mind. .

Indeed it does :D :evil:! Most likely she will have a fine son, looking exactly like his granddad Ilmenzor.So sweet!

He grows up, goes on a long journey, then reappears, slightly changed, takes the scepter after Valandil and rules Armor for a couple thousand years.:evil:

I tend to think a Nazgulette could not bear children. I think they're already "all stretched out" - like too little butter over too much bread. I think that while their rings keep them alive, it's sort of a mockery of REAL life. "
You have something there Val. I don't think they feel "stretched" anymore, after being wraithed, that description only referred to the end of their natural lives. Later they may feel well, but just different, completely alien to mankind. But anyway, their existence is UNNATURAL. Only the Rings keep them alive. And what about the child during the gestation period? Will the Ring keep it alive also? No, somehow bearing children by nazgulettes doesn't ring true. Spawning some by male nazgul seems more plausible. But still the children will be mortal, they will stink of human blood, they will grow old and die, so very soon from the POV of an immortal...

Gordis - you just continue right along with your little plot. Meanwhile, no offense taken. The land is at peace, the Great Enemy has been defeated and his minions are all gone or scattered (right? ), there is prosperity in the land - people marry, have children, grow crops - and are generally happy! Now, just because that isn't what the ML has in mind...
Not only Val, but the ML also wants a shipshape kingdom to rule. :) I am sure people in Annuminas are happy. But what of Tharbad- the only Arnor port? Without a fleet it is going to decline. There are local interests you know. :)

Then the ML wants a strong army, Navy, fortresses etc. Gondoreans have all that, as they have enemies - Umbar, Harad, easterlings. Arnor is basking in false security. So, to make Val start arming his people, the ML will have to find an enemy. Gondor will do, if the public opinion is manupulated sufficiently.
If not...Hmm... Perhaps some invasion from the East is in order... Perhaps a raid on the settlements along the Gwathlo by Umbarian corsairs? Mmm, I definitely LIKE the last idea. :D :evil:

12-02-2005, 08:01 AM
Not only Val, but the ML also wants a shipshape kingdom to rule. :) I am sure people in Annuminas are happy. But what of Tharbad- the only Arnor port? Without a fleet it is going to decline. There are local interests you know. :)

Ironically - Tharbad was the city of Arnor that survived the longest - up until a few years after Bilbo's birth! (22 years, IIRC) I guess it avoided attracting too much attention to itself... from a particular personage... ;) (or maybe he has a soft spot in his heart - or whatever passes for a heart - after these little misadventures there :p "Tharbad... Hmmm... I was Chancellor of the University there... now THOSE were some Good Times!") :D

"ship-shape" - hah!

BTW... I'm not liking the sounds of those long-term plans that the ML has for me. :eek: But anyway, don't you think that if he tried to take on Gondor, Lindon and Imladris as soon as he gained the sceptre, that he would get Arnor CREAMED?

12-02-2005, 08:28 AM
Ironically - Tharbad was the city of Arnor that survived the longest - up until a few years after Bilbo's birth! (22 years, IIRC) I guess it avoided attracting too much attention to itself... from a particular personage... ;) (or maybe he has a soft spot in his heart - or whatever passes for a heart - after these little misadventures there :p "Tharbad... Hmmm... I was Chancellor of the University there... now THOSE were some Good Times!") :D
hehehe, I love it!

BTW... I'm not liking the sounds of those long-term plans that the ML has for me. :eek: But anyway, don't you think that if he tried to take on Gondor, Lindon and Imladris as soon as he gained the sceptre, that he would get Arnor CREAMED?
Exactly. That is what preserves your life NOW, Val. If the ML tries to supplant you illegally, there would be war with Gondor, Lindon and Imladris and a revolt in Arnor itself. No, you have lots of time, probably a whole peaceful life before you. During your reign, the ML will try to make Arnor immensely strong.

And he will supplant you unobtrusively. Say, the King dies without a heir. Then what? Perhaps the Law of Numenor would be reinstalled, and your wife will become a ruling Queen and her father a Regent. Will Gondor declare war immediately? Possibly not.

Or the trick with the child – like in my previous post. It gives even more time to prepare for the war. That plan will pass most smoothly. Gondor will have nothing to complain about. As for Lindon and Imladris, they will also need time to have a "good look" at the new king and figure it all out.

12-02-2005, 08:35 AM
Well... hopefully, we of the FOGAL will foil and thwart your EEEeee-vil plans!

If it's any consolation though, Valandil may inadvertently feed the ML some information that he CAN eventually use to ultimately destroy Arnor :p (We DO have to keep the results of this game within canon, don't we? Or at least the apparent results of the game. ;) )

Lady Marion Magdalena
12-02-2005, 09:33 AM
So it was Gawen who brought the keys. Interesting that he knows all about the University buildings! I hope it will not lead him to an untimely end...

You'll note that I didn't specify which department he favored or what exactly his personality is. For all I know he could be on the evil side. It's always good to have at least a character who functions as a giant question mark... ;)

12-02-2005, 11:18 AM
On the matter of Nazgul (either female or male) having children, it is an interesting idea, but it seems somewhat unlikely IMHO. Not withstanding the nazgul all are quite dead, they don't have an entirely normal body anymore. Especially considering the wraiths in this game have been popping in and out of visibility, I gather their human forms are even more an illusion than a proper functioning, living body. Could have its benefits, though. Not having to worry with going to the restrooms and such. :p

One more thing, on the subject of RPG-Eärniel. While I've seen many speculations, I would like to say that I will be the one who ultimately decides on whether or not she takes a romantic interest in anyone. And on that I wish to point out that I haven't decided anything in advance, it will simply be determined by the way the game goes. :)

Earniel, you there? Could you, please, write the eviction post, how Khamul kicked you and Rian out of the Library - in a most polite way- and told you that you would need the Chancellors permission every time you wish to use it?
Time is between 6 and 6.30 PM- you were in the Library since 3
Yes, yes. Hasty folks :D.

Lady Marion Magdalena
12-02-2005, 12:25 PM
About the library and the way the Chancellor is so strictly controlling access to it... isn't that just a little odd for a university library? I mean, I can see certain sections of it being strictly controlled but it makes no sense for students not to have access to the main parts for studying, paper writing etc.

The fact that it has been strictly controlled so far could be explained by the lack of a permanent librarian, but now Khamul has that post, shouldn't the main part of the library be open to students for a large part of the day, without people having to go and beg permission everytime they need to look something up for their homework?

It's a little detail that's been bugging me. Let me know what you all think.

12-02-2005, 01:18 PM
(working my way backwards thru the posts...)

Maggie - yes, I agree about the library, and those innocent students need to keep asking natural questions about it. If a Chancellor doesn't allow access to a Uni library, perhaps he is unfit for his post ... now who is it that has the final say when appointing Chancellors?

Eärniel - re rpg-Eärniel's romance - absoLUTELY!!!!!! It is TOTALLY and COMPLETELY up to you what your character does. My character may or may not develop a further interest in yours, and of course you are always free to dictate what your character does :) Them's the rules! :) And it's no fun if we don't keep to that, IMO.

Val - I always thought that yes, we have to keep the ultimate results within canon. Ideas/opinions, other rpg-ers?

Lotesse - Please let me know what you decide about your post where you write for my character :) - please read my post #115 in this discussion thread for my one-sentence suggested change to make my character act how I think he should. I can understand if you really love how your post came out and don't want to change it, but if that's the case, then please remove my character (and I"ll delete my post) and substitute one of your own making, OK? :) And again, I'm more than happy to make ANY changes to Viv in my post that you would like :) I don't want Viv to act in a way that you think she wouldn't!

Goodbye, all! I'm off for the weekend! Have fun!

12-02-2005, 01:24 PM
Eärniel - just read your post - great, great post! I love it! Really, really nice.

bye again, guys!

12-02-2005, 01:58 PM
About the library and the way the Chancellor is so strictly controlling access to it... isn't that just a little odd for a university library? I mean, I can see certain sections of it being strictly controlled but it makes no sense for students not to have access to the main parts for studying, paper writing etc.

The fact that it has been strictly controlled so far could be explained by the lack of a permanent librarian, but now Khamul has that post, shouldn't the main part of the library be open to students for a large part of the day, without people having to go and beg permission everytime they need to look something up for their homework?

It's a little detail that's been bugging me. Let me know what you all think.

To answer that question we must have an agreement: do we have PRINTED books or HANDWRITTEN books only. I know what is the answer for Tolkien's word - but for our AU RPG?

I remember, Val was sort of reading a newspaper....I regret it now. :(

For a Medieval library of rare and unique books it is NORMAL to be guarded and closely surveyed. The book are PRICELESS- would you allow some random students peruse them as they wish?

There would be a Scriptorium, (a sort of reading and writing room, where students and scribes are allowed to read and copy books), and the Main book Storage, where only the Librarian or his assistants are permitted to have access.
I believe we should follow along this way. OK??

Yes, the Scriptorium will be open in day time. It is on the Second floor of the Library, above Galadannun's apartment. The access to the 3 floor and higher, will be reserved for Galadannun and his assistant.
(Now the question, where to get that assistant?? Must invent one!- anyone wants an additional character? - I mean FOEAD people, naturally :p)

To get access into the Library ITSELF, one must ask permission from the Chancellor, like Oreturion did. But now most likely the Chancellor will send them to Scriptorium to order books from upstairs via Galadannun.

Yes, I believe the Library of Minas Aran will have somewhat stricter rules than an ordinary medieval library :p

Earniel Liked your post very much! Esp. about the cellars.

Lady Marion Magdalena
12-02-2005, 03:15 PM
To answer that question we must have an agreement: do we have PRINTED books or HANDWRITTEN books only. I know what is the answer for Tolkien's word - but for our AU RPG?

I think it isn't too far fetched to think that they might have both printed and handwritten books available.

We've already established that our AU world has universities.

Universities = Greater demand for numerous and accurate copies of textbooks

Middle Earth has no shortage of peoples who are good at inventing things, therefore it is reasonable to believe that given a demand for an invention enabling large numbers of accurate copies of useful/popular books, such an invention would have been made and used.

It is also reasonable to assume that Tolkien would probably not object to something enabling greater literacy rates in his world.

For a Medieval library of rare and unique books it is NORMAL to be guarded and closely surveyed. The book are PRICELESS- would you allow some random students peruse them as they wish?

Of course not. Those would be kept seperate, no question.

However, if we agree that it isn't too anachronistic to assume that printing presses or something similar had been invented then not every book in the library would be priceless, the library might also have multiple copies of texkbooks, popular instructional books, novels, etc. Khamul and his assistant are likely to be driven crazy if they have to closely supervise every student who has lost their personal copy of a required textbook, or who couldn't afford one, or who needs to quickly look something up or who merely wants to read.

Having the Scriptorium for those doing serious research, requiring older, rarer texts is an excellent idea.

Yes, I believe the Library of Minas Aran will have somewhat stricter rules than an ordinary medieval library. :p

As that is convinient for the ML's true character, yes. But restricting library usability wouldn't fit with the outer image you've established for ML, which, if memory serves correctly, is that of a distinguished scholar attempting to build a 'party school' into a respected university. Outwardly at least, he should be building up the Library's stock of books and encouraging students to be serious about their education and go there to study.

Perhaps choose the one area of the Library to be strictly controlled and keep students distracted with lots of harmless books in the other areas?

The last sane person
12-02-2005, 04:09 PM
*leaps in* So, the certain valuable books will be guarded. Rest will be like a modern (sort of) Library....Its like the librarys we have back home. You need certain permission to go search out books in the guarded room. But how will they check out books? Old fashion ledger and writing down of codes in the books?

12-02-2005, 05:08 PM
I think it isn't too far fetched to think that they might have both printed and handwritten books available.

We've already established that our AU world has universities.

Universities = Greater demand for numerous and accurate copies of textbooks

Middle Earth has no shortage of peoples who are good at inventing things, therefore it is reasonable to believe that given a demand for an invention enabling large numbers of accurate copies of useful/popular books, such an invention would have been made and used.
It is also reasonable to assume that Tolkien would probably not object to something enabling greater literacy rates in his world.

As for me, I intensely dislike the idea of printed books in ME. All Tolkien's world is incompatible with modern mass media- printed books culture. Bilbo painstakingly rewriting and translating old books in Elvish, Red book of Westmarch, guarded and copied by scribes many times, chronicles lost forever in the Downfall - you name it.
Universities, as you all certainly know, appeared in Europe long before the first book was printed by Johann Gutenberg, in 1440. First medieval Universities date from late 11 and 12 centuries.

I know there was a mention of a newspaper and a reporter here already, but do we really NEED to develop this AU concept? We shall have difficulties with it, believe me!

All, what do you think on this?

the library might also have multiple copies of texkbooks, popular instructional books, novels, etc. Khamul and his assistant are likely to be driven crazy if they have to closely supervise every student who has lost their personal copy of a required textbook, or who couldn't afford one, or who needs to quickly look something up or who merely wants to read.
Having the Scriptorium for those doing serious research, requiring older, rarer texts is an excellent idea.
Ok, I shall organise a Public Library at the ground floor, where most common books in many copies and textbooks are kept. Books will be on the shelves, so a student would be able to fetch them himself and read at a table.

The rest - old precious handwritten books - will be in the Library proper, upstairs in the Tower. The Scriptorium will be on the second floor, above Galadannun's apartment. Then several storeys of books, where no one is normally admitted, except by the Chancellor's permission. Galadannun will have 2 assistants to supervise the Scriptorium and bring the books up and down.
Any student is allowed to come to the Scriptorium and ask for a book. The Library is closed at 6 PM. (and that is very strict).

The plan of the Library will be available soon. :)

12-02-2005, 05:17 PM
actually, although i have no objection to the library being a reasonably open rpg place ... with some sections closed off (for various reasons ;) )

i do think old JRR wouldn't actually like the printing press in middle earth - for a whole host of reasons ...

Willow/ Lady M:
It is also reasonable to assume that Tolkien would probably not object to something enabling greater literacy rates in his world.

he may not, on that basis, object to penicillin or morphine, or fridges to store them in or air ambulances ... but i rather think he would object to transplanting them into his carefully, painstakingly created world.

but scribes, as did the monks, may copy out carefully certain books for use by the students ...

for the rpg, i see no real problem with making it a semi public place, and actually many advantages ... but i think in essence gor's point about the context and setting of third age Tharbad (with reference to the library) ... way way before bilbo and frodo who had to painstakingly hand write the red book is valid.

I think there should be a body of books and papers avaialable to students and researchers alike, with some only available to professor's, academics, experts and or very carefully controlled to others ... but for me, adding printing presses to the world may be the thin end of the wedge ...

i think willow calls it right about the ML's stated desire to turn around the 'party school' into a fine establishment - but i see no need to force in printing presses.

BTW Valandil: excellent point that tharbad was spared by the later WK ... made me laugh that ,Gor, were she (he - WK) to fortify nowish Arnor:

"heh, Witch king" says the leuitenant - "that fortress there could be tricky to take ... "

"of course! .. i designed it myself!"

"blimey that fleet looks dangerous ... what, that one there must be a 52-er??"

"no indeed - a 72!, beautiful lines, very fast and manoverable" beams the later invading witch king of Angmar, proudly ... :D :D

but seriously what i do like is us, in our semi-serious somewhat Au way, fleshing out what may have happened in between times that are not recorded ... so, why not?

The witch king of Angmar, largely spared Tharbad - for whatever reason , because he was here now ... though this will never be recorded later apparently. :cool:

but who's to say there were not tensions between the heirs of Elendil, north and south?

12-02-2005, 05:21 PM
mmm spooky we cross posted there Gor .. anything above relates to what you said previous to your above post. (#131)

12-02-2005, 06:33 PM
I am glad, BB, that we think alike :)

12-02-2005, 06:36 PM
well, i still disagree with you on the pie-throwing! :p :D

12-02-2005, 06:47 PM
As for me, I intensely dislike the idea of printed books in ME. All Tolkien's world is incompatible with modern mass media- printed books culture. Bilbo painstakingly rewriting and translating old books in Elvish, Red book of Westmarch, guarded and copied by scribes many times, chronicles lost forever in the Downfall - you name it.
Universities, as you all certainly know, appeared in Europe long before the first book was printed by Johann Gutenberg, in 1440. First medieval Universities date from late 11 and 12 centuries.

I know there was a mention of a newspaper and a reporter here already, but do we really NEED to develop this AU concept? We shall have difficulties with it, believe me!

All, what do you think on this?

Gordis, I, too, intensely dislike the idea of printing presses in Tolkien's Middle-earth. To have printing presses, there must be a source of power, ie one man putting the plate in the press, etc, etc; horse power; steam; gas or electrcity. All this is too anachronistic to fit in with Tolkien's concept of Middle-earth, which appears to be set around 1000 or before. I like the idea of the real medieval times here - scribes laborously copying out the text.

Lady Marion Magdalena
12-02-2005, 07:10 PM
I was thinking of printing presses in much smaller terms than really modern type presses, but you have good points about why they shouldn't be there.

Ok, I shall organise a Public Library at the ground floor, where most common books in many copies and textbooks are kept. Books will be on the shelves, so a student would be able to fetch them himself and read at a table.

The rest - old precious handwritten books - will be in the Library proper, upstairs in the Tower. The Scriptorium will be on the second floor, above Galadannun's apartment. Then several storeys of books, where no one is normally admitted, except by the Chancellor's permission. Galadannun will have 2 assistants to supervise the Scriptorium and bring the books up and down.
Any student is allowed to come to the Scriptorium and ask for a book. The Library is closed at 6 PM. (and that is very strict).

The plan of the Library will be available soon.

That sounds good. Let's go with that. :)

12-02-2005, 07:34 PM
Hail Lady Marion!, the victorious champion of learning for all!


I think on all counts JRRT would be pleased. :)

12-02-2005, 07:58 PM
Behold the library of Minas Aran!

About the Library:

The Public Library is on the Ground Floor, it has separate entrance, from the back of the tower.

From the Hall, the main stair leads to Khamul's appartment - Formerly Elendil's rooms.
The stair on the right of the Hall leads to the Scriptorium, and ENDS there.

Note there is NO access to the Dungeons Stairs from the Hall, it has a secret entrance from Galadannun's apartment.

To access the Library, (and the Observatory) one must pass through the Scriptorium, by the Librarian's table, and take the stairs on the left. But one can't go downstairs there, as the portion of the left stairs between the First and the Second floors is filled in.

Evil Nameless Cartographer

I am glad that the printing press will not be introduced to the ME. Thanks for support, Udu and BB!

12-02-2005, 08:04 PM
I was thinking of printing presses in much smaller terms than really modern type presses, but you have good points about why they shouldn't be there.

Marion, if we accept printing presses, we will have to decide whether they will be the kind that use woodcuts or if we can advance to the state of movable type. Then we have to figure out how the presses will be powered - hand, horse, steam, etc.


There is nothing simple about printing. It is an art for which Middle-earth is not ready. :) I see Tolkien's world not too far out of the Iron Age.

The last sane person
12-02-2005, 08:10 PM
Agreed, we get the point. And I dunno, some of the casting and armor making tolkien described sound almost modern...But he doesnt make much else sound too advanced... I think ME is kinda stuck within the City-States Age...I really dont see any empires or even kingdoms.

12-02-2005, 08:20 PM
Agreed, we get the point. And I dunno, some of the casting and armor making tolkien described sound almost modern...But he doesnt make much else sound too advanced... I think ME is kinda stuck within the City-States Age...I really dont see any empires or even kingdoms.
You puzzle me, Sane. What was Numenor if not a mighty Empire? What was Gondor at its height?

12-02-2005, 09:21 PM
You puzzle me, Sane. What was Numenor if not a mighty Empire? What was Gondor at its height?

At the height of the empire of the "Sea-kings in Exile," the territory they held as their own, both Gondor and Arnor, was huge. Combined with their vassal states, truly it was an empire. The map below shows the extent of this empire at its height. Greedy Numenorean imperialists. :)


12-02-2005, 09:55 PM
Yes, it is really impressive! And note that Tharbad is right at the border of Arnor and Gondor.

BB, Please, post the Plan of the Library from my post #139 above into the Info thread. If you could include my comments as well, it will be great! :D

12-03-2005, 01:22 AM
Yes - I tend to think that Arnor's borders were pretty static, but that Gondor was ever-expanding for the first 1000 years or so of the Third Age. I expect it was only sometime after about 800 that Gondor reached all the way west to Tharbad (which is why I presented their station as sort of an 'outpost' rather than a border at this point).

From Appendix A:

With Tarannon, the twelfth king, began the line of the Ship kings, who built navies and extended the sway of Gondor along the coasts west and south of the Mouths of Anduin.

Tarannon became King of Gondor in 830 and ruled until his death in 913, however, the next sentence after the one just quoted reads:

To commemorate his victories as Captain of the Hosts, Tarannon took the crown in the name of Falastur 'Lord of the Coasts'.

Which indicates that his coastline conquests were achieved while he was heir to the throne, rather than seated on it - a likely time for a young royal to 'prove himself'. Taken together, this also indicates that Arnor and Gondor did not yet share a common border before his time.

Interesting to note that it was Tarannon who was King in Gondor at the time of Arnor's Division (861 - upon the death of King Earendur). Some wonder if there's a connection - if Tarannon had anything to do with it... :eek:

For more trivia, Tarannon Falastur was also the one who married Queen Beruthiel, and thereby became the first childless king. (Hey Gor... does Gordis/Aiwendis like cats? ;) )

I see though, that in THIS AU, the ML wants to pre-empt Gondor and introduce Arnor's "Ship Kings" (basically numbering one :D ).

12-03-2005, 06:49 AM
hah! well thats part of the fun .. he WANTS to , but we are writing what happened in the unrecorded stretches of time .... but either it doesn't happen, or gets stopped halfway ... or it is just never recorded

I see though, that in THIS AU, the ML wants to pre-empt Gondor and introduce Arnor's "Ship Kings" (basically numbering one

well, to be fair: numbering one through to one: as approved by the guild of lazy Historians by a unanimous vote ;)

funny that Val about Tarannon - i was just thinking ... mmm wonder where Gor ( ... i mean the Masked Cart.. i mean the ML and Aiwendis) were in and around TA 861???

For more trivia, Tarannon Falastur was also the one who married Queen Beruthiel, and thereby became the first childless king. (Hey Gor... does Gordis/Aiwendis like cats? ;) )

Precisely .... it's all coming together .... we may laugh but later generations may pick up on these non urban myth theories and they will take hold ...

it was Gordis who was Queen Beruthiel ... i mean .... :D :D :D

BTW: does Gordis , like cats??


it has come to the watch's attention that a mysterious (possibly masked) and beleived to be evil and dangerous - NOT to be approached, at least without a saucer of milk in your hand) Kart-oggy-rappyFer has been fly-posting yet more maps around Tharbad.

Now, we have taken it down and stored it in the street (or will do in a bit...)

but, the authorities (mainly watson, to be fair) are concerned: is this map approved by our resident Architect, and would you prefer to do the usual feedback and additions BEFORE it gets posted up or should i post it anyway??? :D

BTW i think SHAH was suggesting the relative period that resembles ME is the city-states period, not the later kingdoms and empires period .... not that Gondor IN ME was not an empire or kingdom ...

12-03-2005, 07:50 AM
but, the authorities (mainly watson, to be fair) are concerned: is this map approved by our resident Architect, and would you prefer to do the usual feedback and additions BEFORE it gets posted up or should i post it anyway??? :D
Wait with that, BB. The Evil Cartographer really would appreciate some feed-back, especially, from The Good Architect!

Meanwhile the Cartographer plans to work some more on the Evil Map

12-03-2005, 09:55 AM
Val, has Oreturion left the library for today? Will he tell the Chancellor he has finished?

I'm slow answering this, but you were correct to assume that he would have done as instructed, unless I specifically said I would do otherwise (did you see where I added something like what you requested to their interview? You can check to make sure it's what you want - I believe I posted it about 11-10 or so (it was a placeholder post at first). I think it's fine if we 'fill in the gaps' to some extent, on little things that would amount to incidental contact.

I agree with Earniel about the Nazgul bearing children. I don't think the males could do so any more than the females. Maybe up to sometime before 2251 Second Age (but as we say, before that is when they would start feeling 'all stretched out').

On the matter of printed pages - I tend to agree now with Udu and Gordis, if we want to make this more realistic. We started this game with a somewhat anachronistic slant - with certain elements out of their place in time. I take it this is no longer what we wish to do? I sure hope we'll keep it humorous as we go though. But now I'm not sure what to do with the start of the thread, where Val is reading a paper... and what do we do about that nosy reporter lady? Are there perhaps some minimal printing capabilities... but they're just too inefficient for mass-production for whatever reason? So that a 'newspaper' might be a couple brief summations on what is now about a letter-sized sheet of paper?? What do the rest of you think?

The Library generally looks fine - but I'm a little confused about the stairs. Does each stair skip a level? There might be another way to do secret stairs in the same tower... perhaps a public inner stair that only went from the ground floor up to the top (or as high as you care to take it) and outside of that, a narrow private outer stair, which wrapped the other (disguised as a thickened wall - very thick) - which might only go from the "caretaker's apartment" level down to the lower regions, not even accessing the ground floor. Otherwise, maybe just clear out a row or two of shelves in the middle of the Ground Floor public library, to create a wide aisle back toward the potion of the library with tables.

Thanks once more, Gordis, for all that work you posted, as done by the mysterious evil cartographer. :)

12-03-2005, 10:13 AM
so, you agree with gordis and udu, but not me?

which part offended you?

yes, we had a paper - "let sleeping dogs lie"

(quoted from the The watch booklet instruction manual, 1.b - it's a very short and rather unfinished hand written pamphlet really ;) with some burn marks and the odd red wine stain)

i sometimes wonder Valandil if you just skip over all my posts and questions, since you never get back to anything like approaching 2% of them ... for sure i don't expect you to reply to anything like all of them but maybe a half decent 10% or so (of those relating to actual discussion or asking you specifically a question etc) would be better: i wonder often here if you are trying to write me out of history? (i suspect not ... more that you just completely skip over anything i write - ok fine, two can play that silly game, if you like ... )

BTW: you do nothing about the "nosy reporter lady", thankyou very much ...

besides she was never actually intended as a reporter as i beleive we went through ... that was merely written in to help establish marty and ray soon after shah joined ... and partly because you posted val reading a paper ...

anyways she's potentially on her death bed ... though she may recover :evil: :evil:

the tharbad gazete: maybe its a wood cut?? :p

or hand written by scribes in very small volume and disributed around by hand amongst the Society lords and ladies etc?

either way, best to leave it and not re-introduce it .. i'm sure we can all live with that?

I take it this is no longer what we wish to do?

i wouldn't go that far ... but some things as the introdcution of printing presses and the like radically alter the balance, imho, but i would not personally take that as a general statement of intent.

12-03-2005, 11:53 AM
Don't be offended BB - I can add your name to the post if you like. I just happened to remember the comments of those two most distinctly when I wrote it. Plenty of other people have weighed in - and I never meant to give an exhaustive list.

Lady Marion Magdalena
12-03-2005, 12:17 PM
BTW i think SHAH was suggesting the relative period that resembles ME is the city-states period, not the later kingdoms and empires period .... not that Gondor IN ME was not an empire or kingdom ...

I don't think so. I think she was referring more to the way those kingdoms have claim to very large territories but aren't really effective in doing anything with it.

Printing press aside, I've always found it a bit unbeleivable that considering the wonders that they are claimed to be capable of: the elves, dwarves and humans, between them haven't managed to proceed past a medieval level of society.
If they're all so clever why didn't they make it to something resembling the rennessaince at least?
And elvish society in Valinor doesn't count, they've got direct interference over there. Claiming that any sort of progress was interrupted by the Dark lords and the wars doesn't really count either because they were all in favor of noisy industrial stuff, you'd think someone would have come up with a way to counter them with better, non-evil inventions and that it would have triggered a change in society. :rolleyes:

12-03-2005, 12:43 PM
well its these 'party universities' (that don't - we think - actually exist) and of course not to mention the killer:

the lack of printing presses! :D

A few noble tutors and so forth, a tradition (largely) of oral teachings and those to a select few ... so where would this renaissance come from?

Plus of course, isn't the whole point that the world hasn't been tainted by science and industry and the planet defiled into the mordor slag heaps and the trees cut down etc?

12-03-2005, 12:49 PM
the lack of printing presses! :D

A few noble tutors and so forth, a tradition (largely) of oral teachings and those to a select few ... so where would this renaissance come from?

Plus of course, isn't the whole point that the world hasn't been tainted by science and industry and the planet defiled into the mordor slag heaps and the trees cut down etc?

BB, yes, I think that was the whole point. Tolkien wanted to create a world that was uncorrupted with the stench of modern technology, industry, destroying the forests through acid rain, exploitation and destruction of the natural resources and on and on. Newspapers need to be printed on paper. Do we really want to offend Treebeard and the ents by destroying the forests to print some poor taste tabloids? Remember Saruman and the trees. :)
Stick to parchment and the patient scribes spending years copying text and illustrations on the parchment. All you are out there are treated cow hides and the parchments last for centuries.

12-03-2005, 12:56 PM
Treebeard: " heh the papers gave arrived!"

Rest of Ent Moot gathering: "Hurrah!"

"here you go Quickbeam, here's your copy of VIZ..."

Wandering-by Elf: "err .. you guys DO know where paper comes from don't you?"

Last issue:

Paper Mill and press office stormed by Ents -

"read all about I- .... agggh!"


oh yeah, UDU: thanks for the happy birthday post to dear old melfena .. :)

welcome to the Practice, Doctor!

May this be an inspiration to Gordis: the JD thread still awaits ...

12-03-2005, 01:06 PM
Treebeard: " heh the papers gave arrived!"

Rest of Ent Moot gathering: "Hurrah!"

"here you go Quickbeam, here's your copy of VIZ..."

Wandering-by Elf: "err .. you guys DO know where paper comes from don't you?"

Last issue:

Paper Mill and press office stormed by Ents -

"read all about I- .... agggh!"


Let's storm the paper mills!

To Isengard! Though Isengard be ringed and barred with doors of stone;
Though Isengard be strong and hard, as cold as stone and bare as bone,
We go, we go, we go to war, to hew the stone and break the door;
For bole and bough are burning now, the furnace roars - we go to war!

To the paper mills! Before they destroy any more trees!

12-03-2005, 01:08 PM

another mystery solved, then! (all in a day's work for the Four docs)

well, i'll be off in a bit, till monday (prob monday evening)

have a nice weekend all.

best BB :)

12-03-2005, 01:12 PM

another mystery solved, then! (all in a day's work for the Four docs)


The docs are the ones who have their fingers on the pulse of Middle-earth.

Have a good weekend. I will try to save the trees while you are away. :) Don't want them turned into any more pulp. Ahhh!

12-03-2005, 01:44 PM
I'm slow answering this, but you were correct to assume that he would have done as instructed, unless I specifically said I would do otherwise (did you see where I added something like what you requested to their interview? You can check to make sure it's what you want - I believe I posted it about 11-10 or so (it was a placeholder post at first). I think it's fine if we 'fill in the gaps' to some extent, on little things that would amount to incidental contact.
Thank you, Val. Next time, please, post a notice in the Discussion thread when you make edits in the Main, with the post number. Yours is #488. It was by no means easy to find! :)

On the matter of printed pages - I tend to agree now with Udu and Gordis, if we want to make this more realistic. We started this game with a somewhat anachronistic slant - with certain elements out of their place in time. I take it this is no longer what we wish to do? I sure hope we'll keep it humorous as we go though. But now I'm not sure what to do with the start of the thread, where Val is reading a paper... and what do we do about that nosy reporter lady? Are there perhaps some minimal printing capabilities... but they're just too inefficient for mass-production for whatever reason? So that a 'newspaper' might be a couple brief summations on what is now about a letter-sized sheet of paper?? What do the rest of you think?
I agree with BB in the post above. "Do nothing" approach appeals to me more than editing all of it back. However, perhaps, in just the very first post, you could change the "newspaper" to "news-letter, carefully copied by a scribe". It will permit the newcomers (if we will get more newcomers) not to get wrong anachronistic ideas. Could you do that, Val?

The Library generally looks fine - but I'm a little confused about the stairs. Does each stair skip a level? There might be another way to do secret stairs in the same tower... perhaps a public inner stair that only went from the ground floor up to the top (or as high as you care to take it) and outside of that, a narrow private outer stair, which wrapped the other (disguised as a thickened wall - very thick) - which might only go from the "caretaker's apartment" level down to the lower regions, not even accessing the ground floor.
Well, I agree that the stairs might be confusing. I believe there should be a concise explanation to the map, I shall try to do it.
I don't want to make a totally secret stair, as you suggest, for the following reason. It was not the Morgul Lord who built the Tower. He came only three yours ago, so he had to adapt the tower for his uses by the fastest and easiest means possible.

Originally, I assume, there was nothing secret in the tower. It had two stairs in the turrets on both sides of the entrance; the left stair was going all the way from the dungeons to the roof, the right stair was shorter - going from the ground level to the third floor. Both stairs had doors leading to every level they passed.

Now the Chancellor wanted to close the dungeons entirely. So he ordered a team of masons:
1. to fill in the door to the left stair from the Hall on the ground floor,
2. to fill in the portion of the left stairs between the First floor (Khamul's apartment) and the Second floor (Scriptorium)
3. To conceal the only remaining entrance to the lower portion of the Left stair from the First floor (Khamul's apartment).
That is all - a week of work, no more.

Now the only access to the Dungeons is from Khamul's apartment, concealed by a statue of Isildur (one of the ML's jokes). The only access to the Library is through the Scriptorium, where the Librarian, or at least one of his assistants, is always vigilant. Does it make sense?

12-03-2005, 01:54 PM

Let's storm the paper mills!

To Isengard! Though Isengard be ringed and barred with doors of stone;
Though Isengard be strong and hard, as cold as stone and bare as bone,
We go, we go, we go to war, to hew the stone and break the door;
For bole and bough are burning now, the furnace roars - we go to war!

To the paper mills! Before they destroy any more trees!

Now that was hilarious, Udu! I have had a good laugh.
Yes on Entmoot it should be the ultimate argument against the printing press!

12-03-2005, 02:52 PM
Now the Chancellor wanted to close the dungeons entirely. So he ordered a team of masons:
1. to fill in the door to the left stair from the Hall on the ground floor,
2. to fill in the portion of the left stairs between the First floor (Khamul's apartment) and the Second floor (Scriptorium)
3. To conceal the only remaining entrance to the lower portion of the Left stair from the First floor (Khamul's apartment).
That is all - a week of work, no more.

Now the only access to the Dungeons is from Khamul's apartment, concealed by a statue of Isildur (one of the ML's jokes). The only access to the Library is through the Scriptorium, where the Librarian, or at least one of his assistants, is always vigilant. Does it make sense?

OK - now that I look at it more closely, I see where some of the stairs are shown not discharging at certain levels. However - the right stair looks like it doesn't open onto the First floor (Khamul's new apartment). I assume it does though, since you don't list any work closing that up (and otherwise I'd wonder how anyone got up to the first floor apartment :p ).

12-03-2005, 03:18 PM
Now that was hilarious, Udu! I have had a good laugh.
Yes on Entmoot it should be the ultimate argument against the printing press!


The group that will go to technology quicker than you can shake a tree bough is the elves. Everytime you turn around, one of them is at a forge, possibly burning wood (Treebeard shudders at that). Worse still, they might be burning coal (probably high sulfur since even today there is not the technology to filter all of that out). Elves will turn to metal-smithing every chance they get, and everyone knows metal-smithing is one of the roots of all evil. :)

Capitalists, every one of them. Making jewelry, weapons, material of war. :)

"No such eradication of Morgoth was possible, since this required the complete disintegration of the 'matter' of Arda. Sauron's power was not (for example) in gold as such, but in a particular form or shape made of a particular portion of total gold. Morgoth's power was disseminated throughout Gold, if nowhere absolute (for he did not create Gold) it was nowhere absent. (It was this Morgoth-element in matter, indeed, which was a prerequisite for such 'magic' and other evils as Sauron practiced with it and upon it.) ... For example, all gold (in Middle-earth) seems to have had a specially 'evil' trend..." - Myths Transformed, Morgoth's Ring, p. 400

12-03-2005, 07:03 PM
OK - now that I look at it more closely, I see where some of the stairs are shown not discharging at certain levels. However - the right stair looks like it doesn't open onto the First floor (Khamul's new apartment). I assume it does though, since you don't list any work closing that up (and otherwise I'd wonder how anyone got up to the first floor apartment :p ).
Really, Val! Just LOOK. Isn't there double parade stairs right in the middle of the hall leading to the former King's rooms? ;) :)

As for the right stair not opening into the First floor gallery, it was a renovation thet was done prior to the ML's appearance at Tharbad. The former Librarian always stayed in the Library and didn't want students going from the Scriptorium to venture into his rooms. Maybe the door is there, but always locked. Maybe it is filled in.

Another prior improvement, made when the Tower was assigned to hold the Library, was the building of the solid wall across the Ground Floor Hall and making a back entrance to the tower. Thus the separate "Public Library" appeared.

Actually, guys, the Evil Cartographer has improved the Library plan. Please, have a look here:

Udu, I always thought Elves were the bane of Middle-Earth! They are responsible for the Ring project, the Silmarils, the Palantiri...Even Orcs were literally made of them!
Without the Golug, life would have been much better! :D

12-03-2005, 07:10 PM
Udu, I always thought Elves were the bane of Middle-Earth! They are responsible for the Ring project, the Silmarils, the Palantiri...Even Orcs were literally made of them!
Without the Golug, life would have been much better! :D

Gordis, that is why the Golug had to leave Middle-earth. If they had stayed, they might have destroyed it. Far better it is to keep them confined among their own kind where they can argue and kill each other as they want and leave mankind alone. :) If they had never been around in the first place, after all, there never would have been orcs. *mischievous devil grin*

12-03-2005, 07:22 PM
Gordis, that is why the Golug had to leave Middle-earth. If they had stayed, they might have destroyed it. Far better it is to keep them confined among their own kind where they can argue and kill each other as they want and leave mankind alone. :) If they had never been around in the first place, after all, there never would have been orcs. *mischievous devil grin*
Exactly! Golug-hai, go home!

12-03-2005, 07:33 PM
The group that will go to technology quicker than you can shake a tree bough is the elves. Everytime you turn around, one of them is at a forge, possibly burning wood (Treebeard shudders at that). Worse still, they might be burning coal (probably high sulfur since even today there is not the technology to filter all of that out). Elves will turn to metal-smithing every chance they get, and everyone knows metal-smithing is one of the roots of all evil. :)

Capitalists, every one of them. Making jewelry, weapons, material of war. :
This is SO TRUE!!! Friggin' elves. :D Speaking of elves, Ciao, Rian!I've been unable 2 get to the computer for a few days but I'm here now for a few minutes, so I'll go ahead & insert that little phrase you want. Not necessarily because I want to mix your writing w/ mine (which I don't like the idea of at all, but it IS a group rpoject like I always have to remind myself) but because I just don't want any more headaches every time I write something. I'll make a notation at the insert that it's your addition, o.k.? :) Let me just say, though, that I felt I accurately portrayed Alagos' hesitation and slight unease with Viv momentarily when she mentioned Orrodel, so this insertion will come across as redundant, but... as you wish.

NOW - I have a lot of reading 2 do...

12-03-2005, 07:48 PM
Great posts, Udu & Earniel, except that I have 2 say, it really DOES seem unreasonable that the library should be so intensely restricted. Gordis, I love the new map you drew. Minas Aran looks like so much fun to be able to explore, a real fantasy exploring place. You guys remember thelibrary as depicted in the film, the one in Minas Tirith that Gandalf went to that one time? Like that, but even cooler. :)

The last sane person
12-03-2005, 08:12 PM
*falls over and dies* Gah....not feeling well and am withdrawing for a while...not quiting, just ghosting. I have lots to think about and do for the time being. Sorry.

12-03-2005, 08:13 PM
Thanx, Lotesse, the Library will be a fascinating place for exploration.

All the libraries with rare handwritten books are bound to be restricted. In our case the Public Library will be open all day long, and the Scriptorium, or the reading-writing room of the main Library will be open from 9 till 18. Reasonable?

12-03-2005, 08:20 PM
Most definitely! :)

12-03-2005, 08:22 PM
*falls over and dies* Gah....not feeling well and am withdrawing for a while...not quiting, just ghosting. I have lots to think about and do for the time being. Sorry.
get up! GET UP! No dying allowed. You can't die; what the hell is Viv gonna do in Ray's absence? Just please don't stay away for too long, Pleeease. :(

The last sane person
12-03-2005, 08:26 PM
I will try, and no, i dont want to dissapoint Viv at all. Or you for that matter. But I am still dead.

12-03-2005, 08:34 PM
Sane , but seriously! You can't do that to us! :eek:

If you can give an estimate of the length of your absence, please, send (or let Val send) Ray and Marty somewhere, for some time. For instance, to carry an urgent message to Annuminas? Must take a week rpg-time.

Or just send them hunting - one day Rpg-time. Or better send them on a boat trip, then Vivvie and Lily will not even consider to go with them.:D

Please, Sane! Vivvie, and to an extent Lilly and Val, are restricted in their posting, as no one knows what Ray and Marty are doing.

What do you think, Sane? And you, Lotesse?

12-03-2005, 08:36 PM
Shah - Maybe you SHOULD send the boys off hunting or fishing, that's a good idea. But don't make it for longer than an RPG day, because we all know an RPG day lasts like a month real time, and I'd totally lose interest in this story if you were gone for even longer than a week never mind a whole freakin' month.

The last sane person
12-03-2005, 08:40 PM
As you wish, I will ask Val to send the two off on something or other, I wont be gone long, maybe a few days. If that, I just gotta go meditate.

12-04-2005, 03:01 AM
I agree with BB in the post above. "Do nothing" approach appeals to me more than editing all of it back. However, perhaps, in just the very first post, you could change the "newspaper" to "news-letter, carefully copied by a scribe". It will permit the newcomers (if we will get more newcomers) not to get wrong anachronistic ideas. Could you do that, Val?

Done. I saw that I only referenced "The Palantir Gazette" without calling it a newspaper, however.

Also saw that I had not yet changed Oreturion's title in that post away from 'chancellor' - so I did so (anyway - hey, I used it first! :p ).

12-04-2005, 06:11 AM
Thanks for editing, Val.
I have gone through it. But, I believe, you missed the word "tabloids" in #2.
So - now we have Valandil taking courses at the University of Southern Arnor in Tharbad. The tabloids of both kingdoms had a hay-day with this one,
I believe you can just say "gossip" and that would be it. :)

Did you like my new Library? - (link is in #162)

12-04-2005, 08:26 AM
Serenoli, I see you are on-line. Why won't Tolvadoc come and see Mahtaliel again at 6 PM, after her sword-smithing lesson?

By the way, after leaving the Library (also around 6 PM), Earniel and Rian most likely will go see Mahtaliel, to say thank-you for letting them into the library. So you are bound to meet all three.
Isn't it a good opportunity to discuss possible jobs in Tharbad? The Chancellor said you had to pay fifteen gold Elendils a month - a great sum of money, to be admitted as post-doc. :) . So you will have to get a very well-paid job. :)

12-04-2005, 09:41 AM
Thanks for editing, Val.
I have gone through it. But, I believe, you missed the word "tabloids" in #2.

I believe you can just say "gossip" and that would be it. :)

Did you like my new Library? - (link is in #162)

OK thanks - I did 'gossip-mongers'

Yes - the new library plan was nice. I wasn't certain until you told me before that those were stairs going from Ground Floor to First Floor (I always have to think about this when I write it - here in America, we generally call the Ground Floor the First Floor).

I've "dropped the ball" on this one, LMM - but I guess we'll have to wrap up the conversation between Oreturion and Mahtaliel. (EDIT: OK LMM, I had Oreturion wrap up what he came to say. You may add something yourself, with appropriate responses from him, as you say your farewells.)

12-04-2005, 02:26 PM
My internet connection has been down most of the weekend so I haven't been able to get on and check out everybodies posts.
Gor, I have to go out for a bit in five minutes but I will do required editing when I get back. And shouldn't there be a door in Galadannun's apartment that leads to the stairs that go up to the Scriptorium and down to the Main library, otherwise there is no door in or out of his apartment, other than the secret door that nobody knows about.

12-04-2005, 04:25 PM
TD, glad you are back! Your interview with Udu is long-awaited!

And shouldn't there be a door in Galadannun's apartment that leads to the stairs that go up to the Scriptorium and down to the Main library, otherwise there is no door in or out of his apartment, other than the secret door that nobody knows about.
Nay, TD, a double set of PARADE stairs leads to your apartment from the hall. It is marked by the striped rectangles on the plan. Now the Evil Cartographer has added a label to it (Stairs to Galadannun's apartment), and even has drawn the stairs on the longitudinal section of the tower.
Hmm, it is the funniest representation of stairs I have ever seen. But, sorry, the Evil Cartographer can't do better, he isn't a Good Architect after all!

Last version of the Library

12-04-2005, 05:12 PM
Okay. Only have time fr a short post now, but will hopfully post again tomorrow, if my internet connection holds out. Udu, I hope you are okay with everything I put in my post, if not just tell me and I will edit.

12-04-2005, 05:24 PM
Thanx for the edits, TD, and a very interesting new post. So, Khamul was not setting another trap for Udu! But :eek: Khamul wants a part of Udu's harem? Has he revised his attitude to women? :D

The last sane person
12-04-2005, 06:06 PM
Perhaps for more of a scientific aspect, for experimentation? Poor women...I wish them a quick death.

12-04-2005, 08:25 PM
Hmm, I doubt Udu will part with some of his wives... Especially give them to Khamul! Udu seems attached to them. Eh, Udu?

The last sane person
12-04-2005, 08:28 PM
Meh, I dont think Khamul is exactly the type to go get some wives of his own...But 12 wives? I am sure Udu could spare a few...He seems to have an easy time of aquiring more. :D

12-05-2005, 03:43 AM
Hmm, I doubt Udu will part with some of his wives... Especially give them to Khamul! Udu seems attached to them. Eh, Udu?

Gordis, not that attached to all of them. *grins* It looks like Khamul has just acquired a wife, the foul-tempered one. :)

"Udu, I hope you are okay with everything I put in my post, if not just tell me and I will edit." - TD

TD, I hope you are ok with everything I wrote. If not, I can edit. Congratulations. Udu has been saving that wife for some time to inflict upon an enemy. :)

12-05-2005, 12:21 PM
Maybe Shah's idea isn't as ridiculous as I first thought!

The last sane person
12-05-2005, 01:51 PM
Hehehe. I feel sorry for Khamul, if thats the kinda wife Udu is sending his way. Which idea? The scientific aspect thing? I have many ideas, its hard to keep track.

12-05-2005, 03:40 PM
...er... was going to ...

oh well ...SHAH .. don't GO!! ... and ..er ..welcome back!! :)

very best BB ... heh, hope you feel better soon ...

TD ..by english custom at least, (and i presume Welsh) if you are not happy with your new wife, you can sell her at market if done before breakfast ... ;)

mind, what will Udu's other wives think of this? ... hooboy, has he thought this through?

...bloomin' decadent west ... will he have trouble at t'Mill???


The last sane person
12-05-2005, 04:02 PM
Dont count on me staying, like i said, I'll ghost around.

12-05-2005, 04:25 PM
do you want us to "babysit" your characters and post for them while you're recovering and ghosting? I hope you feel better soon!!!! I like how you write for your characters :)

The last sane person
12-05-2005, 04:31 PM
Yeah, baby sit, bully, and push around if you want. Just dont damage them too badly. I am glad you like how i write for them, and will endeavor to get well soon.

12-05-2005, 04:37 PM
what excatly are you suffering from there Shah? (if you don't mind me asking, that is?)

..yes, ditto ... i really enjoy your characters' and writings

best BB :)

The last sane person
12-05-2005, 04:41 PM
Heh, I know what it is now, not gonna share it though. But the thing that is really plaguing me now is a mild flu left over.

12-05-2005, 04:45 PM
Let me just say, though, that I felt I accurately portrayed Alagos' hesitation and slight unease with Viv momentarily when she mentioned Orrodel, so this insertion will come across as redundant, but... as you wish...

I know that you feel that you accurately portrayed him, and given what you "know" about him, perhaps you did, but the thing is that you only know what I've written about him (only logical, since you can't read my mind!) - I "know" much more about him, and that's why I asked for the edit. That's all. In my opinion, that insertion is vital for the accurate portrayal of my character, and again, I'm more than happy to change ANYTHING I wrote about YOUR character because I can't read your mind and don't know everything about her! :)

Thanks for putting in that line, altho I think it looks kinda awkward the way you bracketed it - it kind of breaks up the fluidness of the writing. But that's up to you.

12-05-2005, 04:53 PM
But the thing that is really plaguing me now is a mild flu left over.Flu sucks. You feel like death warmed over for such a long time! You may be the female head of your household, but YOU need to be taken care of, too, or you can't do that job. You get some rest!!!

12-05-2005, 05:04 PM
Hehehe. I feel sorry for Khamul, if thats the kinda wife Udu is sending his way. Which idea? The scientific aspect thing? I have many ideas, its hard to keep track.
I'm guessing most of your ideas aren't ridiculous, but I meant the scientific research idea spcifically.

12-05-2005, 05:36 PM
I know I should be in bed with Buz, but really, I can't stay there for a month real time!

Val, I hope you will continue! The High King must not sit alone! Do you have your sword with you? (innocent smile).

TD, Good idea. Experimentation, I mean :D

Udu, TD, When will there be any Lilly's torture? I thought you were going to talk about me, not sharing wives! :D Udu, why won't you to send a birdie to ask your caravan to hurry to Tharbad?

Very interesting and well-written posts, All!

12-05-2005, 05:45 PM
Oh we'll get round to talking about Lily. Khamûl does need to check if all the torture machines are working. Lily could be used as the lab rat!I've Pmed Udu, as I'm not sure what the best thing to do with Lily is.

12-05-2005, 06:21 PM
Wotcha CS!

see you've edited the avvie again - cool!

is it just me or does Lilly really like the idea of torture? ;)

er - why need you spend 4 weeks in bed with buz (barring the obvious? :p )

best all, BB

12-05-2005, 06:38 PM
blimey! The rpg has just broken the 10,000 views Legend!

:cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:

12-05-2005, 06:53 PM
Nice post CS , don't disappear again, please. So you are still after the King, you, Skessa!:p :(
Looking forward to Val's reaction.

12-05-2005, 06:54 PM
blimey! The rpg has just broken the 10,000 views Legend!

:cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:
And its had another 30 in the last 15 minutes. :cool:

12-05-2005, 06:57 PM
*puts on cowboy hat, WHOOOPEES and saddles up to go make it 31!*

(which reminds me, Doc has put out a rallying call in the Lyrders discussion thread ... a call to arms, noble rpg-ers all)

best BB ;)

12-05-2005, 07:04 PM
blimey! The rpg has just broken the 10,000 views Legend!

:cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:

:D :eek: :)
Only "Lyrd" and "Sillymarillion" have more. We need 200 viewings more and we shall be first!

Congratulations, All!

12-05-2005, 07:07 PM
dum de dum ... *twiddles thumbs*

The last sane person
12-05-2005, 07:18 PM
Give everybody a break please. Jesus, i've never seen a thread with more nitpickers than this one, good gravy. On the tiniest of details there must be some sort of Nit with a Pick.

12-05-2005, 07:50 PM
"good gravey" ..now there's a mighty fine phrase! :)

though Shah .. you mispelled "gravy" - only kidding :D only kidding :D only kidding :D

*runs for the hills in fear*

Plague of nits swarming after him :D

very best, BB :)

The last sane person
12-05-2005, 08:07 PM
Hahahaha! *gives chase up the hill alonside the plague of Nits, hefting a pick*

12-05-2005, 08:32 PM
btw, do you guys have any suggestions for another term for what Alagos was doing besides "wringing his hands"? That phrase makes me think of a bad Shakespearean actor, pacing up and down the stage overdramatically, but I couldn't think of another term. I just wanted to portray the preoccupied, nervous, uneasy thing that some people do with their hands when they're upset about something, and the only alternative I could come up with was "fiddled with his hands", which just didn't cut it. It's not this huge wringing motion, it's just kind of a preoccupied rubbing and slight wringing.

12-05-2005, 08:38 PM
btw, do you guys have any suggestions for another term for what Alagos was doing besides "wringing his hands"? That phrase makes me think of a bad Shakespearean actor, pacing up and down the stage overdramatically, but I couldn't think of another term. I just wanted to portray the preoccupied, nervous, uneasy thing that some people do with their hands when they're upset about something, and the only alternative I could come up with was "fiddled with his hands", which just didn't cut it. It's not this huge wringing motion, it's just kind of a preoccupied rubbing and slight wringing.
How about "biting his nails"?
:eek: :D :p

12-05-2005, 08:42 PM
well, he's a bloke right?

maybe fiddling with something ... ;)

not exactly shakespearian ... but ... :D ;)

12-05-2005, 09:08 PM


(no, not biting nails, tho - don't want that)

*wrings her hands trying to think of the right term* ;)

12-05-2005, 09:24 PM
Thanks for putting in that line, altho I think it looks kinda awkward the way you bracketed it - it kind of breaks up the fluidness of the writing. But that's up to you.

yeah, i think Rian is right the brackett's with (Rian) do rather look odd ... it's a very good post, very alive and it does stop the flow by taking you out of the momment there ...

I look forward to more Viv and Alalgos scenes! :D ;)

12-05-2005, 10:25 PM
Give everybody a break please. Jesus, i've never seen a thread with more nitpickers than this one, good gravy. On the tiniest of details there must be some sort of Nit with a Pick.
WORD!!! It truly is something else! Nit pikkus dramaticus profundus. But, like Tony Soprano says, "whadda ya gonna do?" :rolleyes:

12-05-2005, 10:38 PM
yeah, i think Rian is right the brackett's with (Rian) do rather look odd ... it's a very good post, very alive and it does stop the flow by taking you out of the momment there ...

I look forward to more Viv and Alalgos scenes! :D ;)
The post and the brackets stay as they are. Rian's writing is hers, and mine is mine. I added it in there for you, Rian, to please you, as you asked for, and I really don't see the big deal about "breaking up the flow" or whatever. It is a group project, and sometimes if one person's writing needs to be supplemented by another player's needs and writing, then by all means, it should be done, and I did. Rian, please don't nit-pick so. Listen, I loved your little Alagos intro, but at first I was kinda bothered and didn't all the way like how you portrayed viv as being the type to try and use tricks to get the attention of some elven man - SO incredibly non-Vivvian in every way, what with facts like !. she's not that type at all, 2. she's in LOVE with someone else anyway, so others, especially elves, don't strike her fancy, 3. she'd never resort to coy games and tricks and play helpless girlie-girl to get ANYone's attention - well, you get the idea hopefully. BUT, rather than make a big friggin' deal about it, or complain like everybody so dearly loves to do in this RPG, instead, I took what you'd written and responded, working WITH it, and kept my Viv in character the best I could after the horse-trick, and kept Alagos in character the best I could with what you've written about him thus far.

BB, et alia, It was just one encounter; Viv's not going to go seeking out the company of Elves - especially after, remember, she has witnessed how Rian's "peeps" treated Khamul that morning, AND because she's got no reason to, unless she needs to do a little counter-espionage for her family or something.

12-05-2005, 11:11 PM
Rian, please don't nit-pick so. Seriously, Lotesse, I don't see how I was nit-picking. Most of what you wrote for Alagos's words and thoughts I was unhappy with because I thought they were untrue to his character, but I let them slide, and only asked for one small edit, which is hardly out of the ordinary here! :eek: ;) :D
Listen, I loved your little Alagos intro, but at first I was kinda bothered and didn't all the way like how you portrayed viv as being the type to try and use tricks to get the attention of some elven man - SO incredibly non-Vivvian in every way, what with facts like !. she's not that type at all, 2. she's in LOVE with someone else anyway, so others, especially elves, don't strike her fancy, 3. she'd never resort to coy games and tricks and play helpless girlie-girl to get ANYone's attention - well, you get the idea hopefully. BUT, rather than make a big friggin' deal about it, or complain like everybody so dearly loves to do in this RPG, instead, I took what you'd written and responded, working WITH it, and kept my Viv in character the best I could after the horse-trick, and kept Alagos in character the best I could with what you've written about him thus far. fer cryin' out loud, then why didn't you ask me to edit? I said right from the start that this was a draft post and asked for your input if you wanted me to edit! I wanted your input, so I could portray your character accurately. I asked you over and over for your input!

Listen, I'm really tired of this, and I'm sure you are too - shall we just delete all the posts involved? I did it only to please you, Lotesse - you were asking for people to post with Viv. My only motive in writing that post was to please you. Other people write posts and ask people involved if they want edits. I thought that was how we worked here, and I think it's a good plan. I thought a post with Alagos and Viv would please you, and when I wrote for Viv I asked for edits in order to please you. :) :( I meant well, but it's obvious you're not pleased; shall we just can the posts?

BB, et alia, It was just one encounter; Viv's not going to go seeking out the company of Elves - especially after, remember, she has witnessed how Rian's "peeps" treated Khamul that morning, AND because she's got no reason to, unless she needs to do a little counter-espionage for her family or something.No, you told me that she was curious about elves, and you were disappointed that I had never posted Rian and Viv together. So I did the post to please you, Lotesse. And frankly, I don't see Alagos doing what he did, but I actually changed his character a bit so I could make that post, thinking it would please you. But now it seems like it's nothing but trouble, so let's just delete the posts, shall we? I'll let you make the final decision, but I"m pretty tired of the whole thing, and it looks like you are, too. Shall we just delete the posts and forget it ever happened? That's what I would prefer at this point, but I'll leave it up to you. I don't want to lose the rpg over this.

EDIT - nevermind, my posts are gone now. I deleted them. It's abundantly clear that you don't like what I wrote for your character, and I only wrote it to please you, and you don't want to give me edits for Viv, so I killed the posts. They're gone. I have no interest in making your character something she's not. You felt that the post was "SO incredibly non-Vivvian in every way", so I deleted it.

Let's just keep the rpg going. No hard feelings - I wrote a post with your character thinking it would please you; it didn't; it's gone. All good? :)

The last sane person
12-05-2005, 11:50 PM
*grumble mumble....* Right, MOVING ON....Lotesse, what do you think i should add to the as yet unfinished Ray-Viv picnic thingy?

12-06-2005, 01:05 AM
On the 5-figure View Thingee... that's interesting. However, to REALLY get the low-down, do a search at the bottom of the page when you're in the RPG forum - sort "by number of views" in descending order, and be sure to go back "from the beginning" - not just 100 days. There is actually a Discussion Thread with 19K something - it has ~1500 posts. Our first three Discussion threads total ~ 21K posts. Time is what makes all the difference. This RPG has just exploded, I think. It's immensely popular, has a lot of in-built interest (I think the conflicting characters makes it difficult to operate, but also makes it VERY interesting - for us players and a few faithful readers). I think there are more players in this game than most. And... an interesting tidbit, look how MANY players are playing a character with their own username.

I hereby lay claim to "King Nit-picky!" Oh wait... make that "High King Nit-Picky!" (to be persnickety). *sigh* - playing with nit-picky players is the price the rest of you must pay for being in such a high-quality game. :p I ALMOST feel sorry for you... except that deep down inside I know that this will make you better players, better writers, better Tolkien Loremasters... and better people. And that makes me feel GOOD for all the rest of you! :D

Meanwhile, CS - thanks for showing up at the Red Herring. I was wondering when SOMEone was gonna join Val (FOGALs... someone come RESCUE me!!! :eek: )! So - the game gets right back to where it started... King Valandil and Lilly at the Red Herring! ;) I don't know if the King would be inclined to chase much after her though... she IS sorta his good buddy's quasi-girlfriend, right? Say... thanks for picking up on that 'nazgulette' word! :D

Am I actually ahead of everyone and not holding up the game any longer? King Val is known to be sitting around at the RH until at least 8 or 9 pm... Oreturion has finished (from my end) his interview with Mahtaliel... I think I'm all good. Is anyone really holding up the game? Or do we just press on?

LSP - I don't know if we should have Ray and/or Marty go away on an errand or hunting trip or anything... they ARE in school, and even the King would respect that. He could send someone else. We can try to cover for you with them a bit. And hey - if not a lot happens, well... we are ALL subject to some rather uneventful days now and then, aren't we? Even consecutively?? :) (or CS... I hope Marty isn't sick... from something YOU gave him!!! :eek: ;) )

12-06-2005, 01:24 AM
Am I actually ahead of everyone and not holding up the game any longer? :eek: ;)

No, Tyaron is cooling his heels in Tuesday evening, but he's by himself and can wait patiently.

my other characters - Alagos is playing the harp waiting for dinner, Rian is with Earniel having just received the left foot of fellowship out of the library *brushes off boot print from her shapely derriere* ... we're all fine for now. Maybe it's just time for bed - been a long day!

Did Val attend any classes, tho? If so, perhaps he can ruminate over his fellow-students as he relaxes with a drink at the Red Herring.

12-06-2005, 01:32 AM
:eek: ;)
Did Val attend any classes, tho? If so, perhaps he can ruminate over his fellow-students as he relaxes with a drink at the Red Herring.

Yeah - we threaded it. But His Highness has only one class on Mondays & Wednesdays... and his only classmate high-tailed it off to something else (I think another class - but maybe some nazgulette gf??).

Tuesdays & Thursdays are busier... but with lots of 'yellow-space' in them :D (that's what a fellow college student once called all that time in your schedule between classes - because he would yellow it out with a highlighter - and claimed he couldn't get anything done in that time. :p )

Wouldn't any of them Elven-maidens (*sigh*... I guess the brother could come along too...) like to come on down to the RH?

The last sane person
12-06-2005, 02:06 AM
Heheh...I guess, Ray, Viv and the elves are going dancing monday night, and are gong to invite Val, if he isnt a party pooper.

12-06-2005, 02:08 AM
Heheh...I guess, Ray, Viv and the elves are going dancing monday night, and are gong to invite Val, if he isnt a party pooper.

Oh really? Val just observed some dancing the night before... How will this compare? :p ;)

The last sane person
12-06-2005, 02:09 AM
Less formal, more fun. Let your hair down (well, so to speak). If the elves are done lamenting their losses or being depressed and angsty, they will have some fun!

12-06-2005, 04:23 AM
I am sorry that I wasn't here for so many days. But I had exams for the last week or so, and then two of my cats fell sick, and died in the last three days. I'm rather devastated, and do not feel at all like writing any more, so it may be a while till I start again. I'm still following the thread, though, and enjoying the story a lot...

12-06-2005, 05:00 AM
I am sorry that I wasn't here for so many days. But I had exams for the last week or so, and then two of my cats fell sick, and died in the last three days. I'm rather devastated, and do not feel at all like writing any more, so it may be a while till I start again. I'm still following the thread, though, and enjoying the story a lot...

Sorry to hear about the loss of your pets, Serenoli. It really hurts to lose one.

12-06-2005, 05:29 AM
On the 5-figure View Thingee... that's interesting. However, to REALLY get the low-down, do a search at the bottom of the page when you're in the RPG forum - sort "by number of views" in descending order, and be sure to go back "from the beginning" - not just 100 days. There is actually a Discussion Thread with 19K something - it has ~1500 posts.
Ah, that must be the TLA-discussion-thread, :D that was one of the first ones to be closed when the 1000-post rule was enforced. I'll have you all know that that thread was used for three different RPG's and ran for three years, while we are going for a few months and already used up about four discussion threads. That must be saying something... Although the TLA-games were in a different format and didn't require so much edits.

Really, people, I can hardly keep up with the edits at times. :p I read this one post and have to go back the next day because it's probably changed already. I sometimes get the feeling this isn't just one RPG but a whole bunch or alternative realities of it. Soon I'm going to forget in which one I am... I don't even know who won the race, provided it is run already because I'm not sure about that either...

But I'll manage... I think... ;)

Am I actually ahead of everyone and not holding up the game any longer? King Val is known to be sitting around at the RH until at least 8 or 9 pm... Oreturion has finished (from my end) his interview with Mahtaliel... I think I'm all good. Is anyone really holding up the game? Or do we just press on?
I think we all pretty much caught up with one another. As far as I am concerned I'm ready for Tuesday.

Wouldn't any of them Elven-maidens (*sigh*... I guess the brother could come along too...) like to come on down to the RH?
What female Elves would wander about Tharbad at night, going to a pub while their landlady is waiting at home with dinner and might be very wroth if it goes cold? ;)

As far as I'm concerned, RPG-Eärniel is done for today. But... supposing you ask really nicely, and if RÃ*an feels like it (I don't see Eärniel going there alone at night), we might arrange something. ;) RÃ*an, did we pick up your belongings from the RH already? I forgot. That might be an excuse to go.
I am sorry that I wasn't here for so many days. But I had exams for the last week or so, and then two of my cats fell sick, and died in the last three days. I'm rather devastated, and do not feel at all like writing any more, so it may be a while till I start again. I'm still following the thread, though, and enjoying the story a lot...
I am sorry to hear about that, Serenoli. I'd be devastated too. Take the time you need, don't rush for our sake. *moothug*

12-06-2005, 07:06 AM
read this one post and have to go back the next day because it's probably changed already. I sometimes get the feeling this isn't just one RPG but a whole bunch or alternative realities of it. Soon I'm going to forget in which one I am... I don't even know who won the race, provided it is run already because I'm not sure about that either...

But I'll manage... I think... ;)

hah! :D :cool:

very good way of putting it ... but as valandil says ... that's partly what makes it a good rpg ... and a learning experience for us all in such a large and vibrant group of rpg collective creativity ...

it's all part of the process and the team building ...

very sorry to hear about your two cats .... sends *moothug* too. :)
take it easy if you need to or jump in if you think that will help ... best wishes, anyway,

BB :)

12-06-2005, 08:09 AM
I am so sorry for you, Serenoli! I hope you will stay with us.

Val, I agree with what you say about nitpickers. I am one myself... But that really is the price to pay to remain in such a diverse writing team. And so well read too. It is not at random that we choose our sides and our screen names. We are very different and find different aspects of Tolkien interesting.
:D There is nothing wrong with editing, or asking to edit. And it happens over almost every scene where FOGAL and FOEAD interact. What is wrong with it? Nothing IMHO. Just let us be more "thick-skinned" and let us try to remain polite and kind to each other.

12-06-2005, 08:19 AM
As far as I'm concerned, RPG-Eärniel is done for today. But... supposing you ask really nicely, and if RÃ*an feels like it (I don't see Eärniel going there alone at night), we might arrange something. RÃ*an, did we pick up your belongings from the RH already? I forgot. That might be an excuse to go.
Rian, Earniel (and LMM) I have a suggestion. You got kicked from the Library around 18.00-18.30. Could you, please, go see Mahtaliel to say "thank you" first? And before that Raisa will tell Mahtaliel how her keys were taken by the Chancellor. I want it 1) to finish the question of keys. 2) to occupy Earniel and Rian from 18.30 till 21.00, as, if they go to the Red Herring, they should arrive AFTER Lilly, who was THE FIRST to come there, around 9 PM. I am always time and place nitpicker. :D
Does it sound OK?

12-06-2005, 08:43 AM
As far as I'm concerned, RPG-Eärniel is done for today. But... supposing you ask really nicely, and if RÃ*an feels like it (I don't see Eärniel going there alone at night), we might arrange something. ;) RÃ*an, did we pick up your belongings from the RH already? I forgot. That might be an excuse to go.

Would you please, PLEASE come on down to the Red Herring? :)

(I could even edit my posts to say you did! :p )

Yes - I think Rian MUST have to come get her belongings. In fact, if she DID take them, I think she might've accidentally taken the wrong ones... or forgot something... or something... :D

12-06-2005, 12:54 PM
Nice post CS , don't disappear again, please. So you are still after the King, you, Skessa!:p :(
Looking forward to Val's reaction.
Don't call me names, Gordie!:D

Yes, I am also looking forward to Val's reaction, but there was none, unless some cries for help in the Discussion thread. What is wrong, Val?
Are you THAT afraid of harmless, charming Lilly?

Fie, really...

Please, Lilly awaits your reaction, still bowing deep :eek: .

Serenoli, I know what you feel, I also lost my cat last month... You know Internet is a great help, when you feel sad. It moves you into another world. I believe, if you start posting more, you will feel better. It worked for me. :)

12-06-2005, 01:04 PM
Oh, Serenoli, I"m so sorry to hear that :( :( :( I just love animals. They're so beautiful, and cats and dogs have such personalities. I"m very sorry to hear of your loss. Take your time, and I hope our condolences give you a bit of comfort.

12-06-2005, 01:14 PM
Yes - I think Rian MUST have to come get her belongings. In fact, if she DID take them, I think she might've accidentally taken the wrong ones... or forgot something... or something... :Dwhoops, I totally forgot about that :o rpg-Rian will look for her flannel pj's and bunny slippers, and then remember they're at the R.H.!!!

Do you want R alone, or with E and/or A? I can write it either way. PM me and let me know your ideas :) I'll be back in 3 or 4 hours.

12-06-2005, 01:32 PM
very good way of putting it ... but as valandil says ... that's partly what makes it a good rpg ... and a learning experience for us all in such a large and vibrant group of rpg collective creativity ...
I fear this does not make me a better writer or role player, just a more confused one. ;)

You got kicked from the Library around 18.00-18.30. Could you, please, go see Mahtaliel to say "thank you" first? And before that Raisa will tell Mahtaliel how her keys were taken by the Chancellor.
If you wish, :) although I'll leave Mahtaliel's reaction to the news of her nicked keys to Maggie.

Would you please, PLEASE come on down to the Red Herring? :)
We-ell... we can't let RÃ*an go without her things for too long, now can we...(otherwise she'll have to borrow it all from Eärniel and even amongst Elves that can cause... friction...) And you did ask nicely, so we'll see what we can arrange. ;)

(I could even edit my posts to say you did! :p )
And I could write that the young King seems to be suffering from delusions and isn't that such a shame for someone so young? :D The Lady of Nîn-In-Eilph doesn't take black mail kindly. :evil: ;)

Lady Marion Magdalena
12-06-2005, 01:51 PM
If you wish, although I'll leave Mahtaliel's reaction to the news of her nicked keys to Maggie.

She'll have been expecting it, and while she won't actually say so till much, much later, she does have extras.

(I had an amusing mental image of her just having this stash of extra keys hidden somewhere so that everytime one gets confiscated she just waits for a bit and then pulls out a new copy...)

Very sorry to hear about your cats Serenoli. :(

12-06-2005, 02:08 PM
butterbeer by name butterbur by nature .... the red herring ...now what does that remind me of?

*slaps head*

ah! yes, Rian ... remember the proprieter, Mrs Miggins, and staff have been asked this morning to pass on to barli should they see rian and tell her that he'd like a word ...

BTW: has Rian et al heard of melwen's death yet?

so, barring the end of bumble's race with tortoises, shah's and lotesse's (post donkey derby) race, the pie throwing, and that lazy git barli's investigations ... we are pretty much there ...

The last sane person
12-06-2005, 02:16 PM
Yep, and i agree with Earniel.

Originally Posted by Butterbeer
very good way of putting it ... but as valandil says ... that's partly what makes it a good rpg ... and a learning experience for us all in such a large and vibrant group of rpg collective creativity ...

Originally posted by Earniel
I fear this does not make me a better writer or role player, just a more confused one.

12-06-2005, 04:08 PM
Eärniel - nice post, perfect how you worked in the luggage thing - so it looks like we're all 3 off to the RH! (A. would naturally come to help his sister with her bags, and to escort the ladies through the possibly dangerous streets of Tharbad) Hang on, Val, the FOGALs are on their way!

BB - thanks for mentioning that about Barli wanting to talk to Rian, I had forgotten (it was a while back in Real Time :eek: ) I'll work that in my post. How do I word it, though? Could you please help me with the wording, as I'm not sure about the correct terminology - thanks :) Is there some head watch office that they go to or something?

Re Melwen - from what I understood reading people's posts, her death was not generally known - Barli was keeping it quiet. Or maybe that was just the suicide part? But is it even possible to keep something like that quiet? Given Rian's day, I can see how she wouldn't have heard of it, though, but let me know if you have a preference - I can write it either way. Would Mrs Miggins, for example, know about it, and if so, would she mention it when talking to Rian? I'll try to get a post written now that gets us there, and has Mrs. M. talking to Rian, but I'll have us not talk to Val yet, so there can be a post about Val and Lilly's time together.

12-06-2005, 04:25 PM
Yep, and i agree with Earniel.

Typical FOGAL conspiracy ... :D

the part i referred to from val's post basically said you don't EVER get good writing or good scripts without a Freak** team that care about it ...
any team or writers that accept any old S*** and do not care a T*** about anything will never get anywhere or do anything ... (wasn't exactly val's words ;) more my taking the ball and running with it ... chased by expletives ;) )

the fact we are prepared to argue (and make up) and care about the rpg is a good thing ... and if that means the odd edit or nit picking, as the self confessed Gordis proudly proclaims, then so what?

we a bunch of drivelling wimpish ooh-la la dim-wits?

or are we an elite, lean, mean argumentative dream team?

... a top ranking Specialist squad that can extract, even under deep cover in enemy territory, more dangerous nits n picks, than a bunch of lying, devious, self-centred, corrupt and fillibusterin' Politicians on speed!!


so, we have the odd disagreement ... i literally had a fight, a proper fight, no handbags at dawn ... yesterday with a producer ... it didn't get too violent ... Actually it cleared the air and we had a good laugh about it later ... but that's artistic difference and (in a somewhat skewed way, professionalism) for you ... you think things just happen?

You think everythings gonna be easy or fall in you lap?

or that all the world will just agree, singing birds froliking and chirping songs on beautiful azure blue days with a gentle breeze and soft cuddly wispy pure white clouds?

nay, ...

nothing wrong with people, in this case both lotesse and rian, BOTH caring ... in fact i admire the both of them equally for caring about their views ... but should we be affraid to speak from our hearts?

so, the odd parrallel universe ... great! ... better than a straightjacket.

ask yourself: which would you prefer?

The last sane person
12-06-2005, 04:50 PM


...I think. Yeah, well *shoves BB off his soap box* Now that you have given that rousing, slightly goofy speech, go post.

12-06-2005, 04:51 PM
Hmmm, those singing birds sound nice :D but I know that good things come out of hard work. :)

SO -

Earniel - please check my post and let me know any edits you want me to make :)

BB - same with you - I posted for several of your characters. My mouse pointer is poised over the "Edit Post" button :)

The last sane person
12-06-2005, 04:52 PM
Oh bloody hell, the tartan hat wearing Mc Beastie is back with a passion! *Gives it a hefty smack with thorn club* Thats the third post its eaten, damnit. Bloody hell, it ate this one too By George!

12-06-2005, 04:59 PM
I can see it - I'll post this and hopefully it will crawl back into its cave.

12-06-2005, 05:02 PM


...I think. Yeah, well *shoves BB off his soap box* Now that you have given that rousing, slightly goofy speech, go post.


.... Goofy?

I was thinking more of Elmur phudd ... eeeheeeheeeeh! ;)

Rian .. i'll go read .. but beware what you ask for! :evil: :D

mmm... suppose i should post something ...sometime... ;)

best all, BB

The last sane person
12-06-2005, 05:03 PM
Yes, elmur phudd too. By the way, is anyone gonna develope that guy out?

12-06-2005, 05:07 PM
better ask elvis .... whom, by the way, i have a big beef with over there in the lord of the rings discussion project (passing of the grey company)

forget gandalf ..expect real fireworks!

(love you really Val .... ;) ) ... in a brotherly way :p

12-06-2005, 05:09 PM
Yes, elmur phudd too. By the way, is anyone gonna develope that guy out?


...reminds me of 'The GUV' :p

best BB :D

12-06-2005, 05:12 PM
Rian .. i'll go read .. but beware what you ask for! :evil: :D
Nah, I'm not worried - when I write for other people's characters, I basically consider it a draft until I get the stamp of approval.

I fixed Mrs. Miggins' name. What does Barli go by?

The last sane person
12-06-2005, 05:12 PM
BB, you are one strange goose. Rock on!