View Full Version : Hi Peoples, A new RPG coming your way
Hi This is my first RPG ever!!!! So your gonna have to forgive me if I'm doing anything wrong...
Name: Devak (you know you love it)
Age: **** if I'm telling
Race: Many things but most I don't even know... (long story)
Apearance: Blue eyes, Black hair( I dyed it)
Clothes: A Black halter top and a set of black leathers
I have a few ideas on the story line but I'm the only one who will really know what is supposed to happen. I want to try to recreate one of my novles but I'm gonna let you call yourselves whatever you want...
When I get enough people I will post the "intro" (yeah I guess that's what you can call it)
(pretty much all I'm gonna do is set all of you free on a world I created and watch the mayhem begin, But I'll play too)
I'll see yah latter...
:cool: peace out Dudes ( I can't beleive I just said that)
Adrian Baggins
02-16-2004, 11:32 AM
Name: Avrilyn Ranaldis Fay Renalds
Age: 19 in human years
Race: 1/2 elven 1/2 dunedain
Height: 5' 6"
Eyes: Dark indigo, almost black with white tips
Hair: Long and black with purple and blue streaks
clothing: black cape, black Simple Plan t-shirt, tight black leather pants, knee boots
Wepons: daggar, Longbow and a quiver of arrows, a sword of old that none recognizes
Identifying marks: Wears a chain with a star shaped pendant that is ruby, emerald, and sapphire
02-16-2004, 12:52 PM
Name: Lalaith
Age: 2000 years old
Race: Elf (Lives as one of the Dunedain)
Eyes: Dark Brown
Hair: Long. Brown/Auburn
Clothing: Traveling clothes. Elven detail. Long cloak.
Weapons: Sword, Bow and Arrows, Dagger.
Wellcome to Ista... (ha (I love that name)
Here's what's happening:
Demons had taken over the entire continant, Killing all who lay in their path. You have a choice of siding with the demons or fighting agenst them. (no player killing without permision of said player please) We all will start out together but we can breakup and go on our own and fight who ever we want to...
Names of places (you may name places what you want to but sometimes I'll correct you once and a while)
Good luck, new players...
See you traveling in Ista... :D
02-16-2004, 02:25 PM
Just an idea, but if you list a few of the main places in this world and describe a bit about them it may be easier to follow and for us who don't know this storyline of yours, it may give a bit more insight.
02-16-2004, 05:07 PM
Mind if I join in?
Age:37 (I'm not old!:))
Appearance: sandy brown hair, blue/green eyes, wears a brown tunic and a dark green cape.
Other: He is a sailor and has fought in may overseas wars. Oh yes, he HATES cats.
02-17-2004, 11:27 PM
Sounds...confusing....I like confusing! Can I join?
Name: Ferintiya (that's: Fare in tie ya)
Race: You know....I think she's half elvish half human.
Weapon: A two handed sword that is light enough to be used with one hand and a one handed sword slightly curved sometimes used with the two handed one.
Clothes:Whatevers comfrotable really....despises dresses with all of her being.
Other:She loves animals of any kind. (even cats HAHA!) She has a horse named Zanzibar. He's black....coal black...the dull kind...he doesnt hae much of a shine to him...and he can be ridden only by Fery(er name for short) and she rides mostly without tack.
I don't what I'll be able to do without some kind of plot...but I'll try. Sounds like fun. Hey Lalaith_Elf theres this girl at chattam that has a shirt that says one by one the penguins still my sanity. Just a coincidence? I think not!
Gulio, Strength of Many
02-18-2004, 12:25 AM
ooc: I wish to join! I know! I'll be Tel! :eek: Augh! *Runs away from people throwing rotten fruit* Okay, okay! *Sniffles* Not this one Tel, okies? *Tel is sad, but goes away* I shall be serious (as serious as I can get) in this one, I guess!
Name: Rylkin
Race: One I sorta made up.... suffice to say he's a shape-shifter:D
Gender: Male
Age: It's not polite to ask someone their age!;)
Apperance: Difficult to say....;) In every form there is something green (Colors mean something to them) and in human form he wears green clothes.
Personality: He prefers to remain unnoticed, and remains aloof when around others. He has a high sense of duty and justice. He takes responsibility for the welfare of others, probably too much for his own good.
A side note- He is immune to magic, but music affects him like magic does others. In three forms, dolphin, cardinal, and dog, he in immune to music, but vulnerable to magic. (I know, too much time on my hands:))
02-18-2004, 01:53 AM
one thing I ust say before a certain moderator does. This thread wil be closed if it is not middle-earth related. We can find a way to get around this, however (we have before) Your world can take place on some island off the coast, but everyone knows that middle-earth exsists. if you like the idea. if not, the thread will close. anywho, I will be a hobbit anyways.
awww, gulio, I like Tel! Tel i smy friend! *wipes away rotten fruit* I am going to return to my true form......
name; Pansy Hogswallop
from; Frogmorton (it does exsist!)
race; dun-dun-duuuuuuun- HOBBIT!
age; 32(almost there!)
appearance; long curly brownish/red hair, that is almost never tidy, she likes to ride her llama (yes! a llama!bwhahaha!) named Cory around the shire, she loves to sing and can often be found in inns, entertaining the people.
personality; very outgoing and brave, funny, good singer, likes to talk alot.
there you go I believe this is my best hobbit yet! *pets Cory the llama*
Ista is a land just outside of middle earth... (is that better) See we have to stop the demons before they get into middle earth and help sauron (this tread is ste before the fall of sauron)
Wow I didn't expect to see this many people here... Cool!
Names of places:
Fellwoods: Dangerous often unpredictible many demons and other nasties
Navan: Demon capital city
Tirylian: Elven city, sort of like lithorine
other than these places you can make up your own...
Devak: Hi, A demon hunting we will go a demon hunting we will go hi ho the derry oh a demon hunting we will go
*demon jumps out of bush*
Devak: Oh sh... I mean crap... I mean... Oh what ever.
*unsheathes anasta* Into the fray!!!! *Starts fighting demon*
*Looks to others* arn't any of you going to help me?
02-18-2004, 04:08 PM
ooc: Thanks for the info.
And unfortuantly I don't have a 'One by one....' tee-shirt, Fim. Though I'm getting one.:D
Your wellcome... *more demons jump out of the trees, Devak procides to fight* This would be easier if I had some help, Oh well *laughs* this is fun just hack and slash Wheee! *Makes demons run in tight circles, Laughs* Come on guys, let's have some fun...
02-19-2004, 07:14 PM
"On Cory!" and with a bound, the hobbit on a llama burst into the bushes and began to thwart the demon with her magical pan, and with the help of cory's spit
this is great. I almost forgot, Pansy has a magical pan for a weapon.
02-21-2004, 12:58 AM
OOC: Hehe.....I see you gave us a demon capital city.....hehe... I do sooooooooooooo love being evil. Just ask anyone. I'll turn evil in the middle of a thread....sometimes I'll turn back....sometimes I won't. By the way some of the stuff I post will be for the character to know....and some other stuff will be for you the person not the character know. So lets see.....I'm evil and you know that....but the characters don't not yet anyway. We'll make stuff in purple the stuff your character should ignore....the regular text applies to them.
Fery dismounted in Navan wondering what of all things had brought her here. She walked slowly up to the castle expecting to be ambushed or somthing of the like any moment. Instead she acended the stairs and the doors opened in a would be friendly manner...the only thing that stopped it from being friendly was the fact that no one could be seen by the door, so who opened it? Fery stepped in frogetting Zanzibar for the moment, then he nickered to her and she began to walk back out of the castle."Leave the horse! He will be looked after. Come. You know where I am." a harsh voice commaned from some unseen shadow. Yet in her heart she did know where to go. Arriving in a shadowed room, everywhere it seemed was shadowed, she saw an outline of a throne with two figures standing beside it. The smaller looked up and said in the same commanding tone heard earlier "Come and sit child. You must be weary from your long and all to sudden travel." At those words she sat but the pain of what had happened was still to great to push aside easily. "What do you know?" Came the whispered question of the young girl. The taller more intimidating figure moved foward and said "Everything." "Who are you? Both of you!" Fery was begining to regret ever leaving...even though it had been her only choice at the time. "I am Sauron. And this is the perosn you'll be answering to from now on." The tall figure had now stepped into the light and Fery gasped at she saw, a man unlike any other man....he wasa monster. "What are you talking about? I don't work for you or him." Fery was very confused now and being to lose her patience. "Well ofcourse you don't. You work for me. Of course that's with benefits. You can seek revenge on whoever you want to and you can rule the city of your choice. All decions will go throught to me though." Sauron said with a knowing smile. Fery thought about it for all of 2 seconds before she pounced on the offer. "What do I do? When do I start?" "You start now. There are a group of people who want me....disposed of and I want you t oget them in the perfect spot to dispose of them. One of my armies will help you when the time comes. Here take this." Sauron said all this then handed her some type of crystal that allowed her to comunicate with almost anyone...who was a minion of Sauron or Sauron himself. Fery prepared for her journey and set out to find the group who was trying to "dispose" of her savior, the only who had tried to help her....she would prtect him with her life now...and she would find the people who hurt her and her family.
Fery came upon the group she was looking for, she stayed in the trees for a little while watching them,it looked like they had just fought a battle. There were sevral people there and she decided if she was going to do anything she would do it now. Stepping out from behind the bushes she said "Excuse me. My name is Fery and I would like to join with you."
OOC: Sorry this is sooooooooooo long. Ummmm....can I name the head Demon guy? Or do you have a name for him already? That may be if you need anyhting explained please ask. Oh, and the whole deal with Fery and her family I'm not sure what I'm going to do just yet....but I will explain things better as the plot gos along.
02-21-2004, 01:32 AM
"If you plan on helping us, against no matter what, and be willing to risk your life, and you dont serve the dark lord, nor and demons, and if you give cory a carrot, of course you can." said Pansy very fast but cheerfully.
Cory nipped the woman's hands and gave her a look that said, "I will spit on you"
02-21-2004, 01:46 AM
Fery looded at the group and slowly she shrugged and approached the llama, fishing a carrot out of her pocket and giving it to him along with one giving one to her horse. "MY name is Fery as I've told you before, would you mind introducing yourself to me?"
02-21-2004, 01:56 AM
Pansy Looked at Fery for a minute and then at cory, who was munching happily.
"Sure," she shrugged, "I'm Pansy Hogswallop from Frogmarton, east farthing."
"Sure Pansy, why don't you tell her what you had for breakfast this morning. and how about second breakfast while you're at it." said Rylkin.
"Well, I had hot scones and apple-" began Pansy.
"Thats ok." said Fery, looking at pansy strangely.
02-22-2004, 12:37 AM
OOC: People I command you come and post on this thread! It's so much fun already. My character is intricate.
Fery just looked at everyone waiting to be introduced. She sat on a stump and Zanzibar stood behind her resting his nose on her shoulder. She reached back and idly strocked him thinking about what she had been told to do. Well thinking back on it she really wanted to know more...but that could wait untill she had a private moment. Away from all these people and that stupid llama.
OOC: I didn't post this in purple because it's her thoughts and I figured we do this all the time without reading people's I didn't type in purple.
02-22-2004, 01:06 AM
I'm going to play a... Demon Elf! I've done it before, I will do it again.
Note: A star emerald, [ruby or sapphire] is just a plain old emerald with a star shaped white area in the middle
Name: Talenyn [Little Wren]
Race: Demon-elf
Apperance: 6'5, Red gold hair that falls to her waist in soft curls, eyes that are green-gold. Thin, and powerful, her parents were a demon king and a elven queen[They were banished by both races for their marrige] Adapted to the desert heat, doesn't do too well with running long distances
Weapons: A sword, with a unbreakable crystal blade, a plain black hilt with a star emerald in the pommel, a long bow, and a quiver of raven fletched feathers
Sex: F
Side: Good
02-22-2004, 01:27 AM
ah ha! Return of the demon elf! You are the one and only, leggy. Cory is ot stupid!
*cory spits on fery*
ic: "Everyone, this is Fery, she is going to help us." said Pansy cheerfully.
"How can we trust her?" asked someone
"She gave carrots. Evil people don't give carrots *winks at fim*"
02-22-2004, 01:29 AM
"The question is." I said, slowly walking into the clearing. "Can you trust me?"
02-22-2004, 01:33 AM
"Well, we'll find that out for ourselves, won't we?" said Pansy as she hopped onto Cory, handing him a carrot, which he chewed loudly.
02-22-2004, 01:42 AM
"Have a carrot." I said, giving the llama a carrot.
02-22-2004, 11:00 PM
OOC: *winks at pip* You know this thread really oughta deal more with a plot than carrots...not I don't like them. I think we should make pepole post hear again before we post.
Adrian Baggins
02-23-2004, 09:23 PM
fyi, my personality, is dark, cold, and foreboading, but I'm not evil...
and I have a pet wolf, dark Raven black with silver accents named Dark Hunter *Hunter for short*
IC: I walked into a clearing filled with people, Hunter close on my heels. I noticed a Hobbit among the group. "Demon hunters?" I said, almost in a whisper, I had scars, scores of them from demons, they had poisoned my mind when I was younger, taking my older brother to be one of them, I hunted them on my own, but since Sauron had begun looking for the one ring again, their powers had waxed, and mine had begun to appear diminished. I needed a team, for now.
02-23-2004, 10:26 PM
"DEMON!!!!" screamed Pansy. "Oh, wait, its just a man with a wolf." she said, pointing t the man with the wolf (I assume you are male, but I dunno).
"You know, you really shouldn't walk around near demon-country, looking so foreboding and dark and cold." she said reprovingly.
hello people! someone post *looks at amea*
Gulio, Strength of Many
02-24-2004, 01:20 AM
ooc: I be rather confused...... Oh well. When in doubt, post! If you're wrong, everyone will tell you and then you can hide your face in shame while editing!!!!!!!!!! Muhahahahahaha!
ic: Rylkin jumped to his feet when Pansy screamed, but relaxed slightly when he saw that it was actually a dark looking Elf with a black wolf in tow. He sat back down again next to Pansy as she started to give the Elf a lecture.
02-24-2004, 02:20 AM
Rannyn walked down the street whistleing. He was carrying a large sack over his shoulder, a pack of fish he had caught the other day. He jumped when he heard a scream, almost dropping the bag. "Darn kids," he said with a smile, assuming it was some kids playing a game. Continuing his song, he neared his destination. "Here you go, "he said lowering the sack to the marketer. "Thankee Rannyn," the marketer replied with a smile, "Good sailing out there?" Rannyn smiled, "Oh aye! Perfect weather, the wind is trace and the water is fine." "Good, good." the marketer said with a laugh, "Going back out next week I take it?" Rannyn nodded, "If not tomorrow." The marketer waved as Rannyn headed back to the harbor.
ooc:I'm not quite sure what is going correct me if I am in the wrong place or anything. :)
Devak: Uh? Thanks cory *pats lamma and gives carrot*
Now on to bisness... You were all called here to help with the demon problems right? *looks around all nod* now the main problem is that there is more of them than there is of us, the full breeds, we need to do something, but I haven't herd anything form any of my informents so I expect they are all dead... *stares at her feet and a tear drips to the ground* So this means we are on our own, now I suggest that we keep to the woods for a while and get ourselves aquanted to the wildlife and get stronger. Then we shall head out into the villages and go form there... Any questions?... *looks at the rag tag group assembled around her, She notices the new comer a dark young man with a wolf, she slowly puts her hand on her sword and speaks directly to him* And you are?
02-24-2004, 03:13 PM
"I don't think he's going to talk... Oh, by the way, I'm Talenyn. I'm also a demon-e"
"Not a demon, demon-elf you ninny!"
02-24-2004, 06:42 PM
teehee, love the jabberwocky, aewionen.
ic: "Ninny indeed." mumbled Pansy. "Well, lets get a move on!" she said with a clumsy attampt to climb onto Cory. "So, I suppose you don't mind going around and disembowling all your cousins, eh?"
02-24-2004, 10:10 PM
OOC: Hey Aewionen I'm doing a play in Drama, geuss what it's Alice in wonderland! They left out most of the Jabberwocky sad...I'm Alice!!!!!!!!! Anyways don't panick if I'm not on all that much...I've got track and they do it 3 days a week and it really does tire one out.
Fery mounted Zanzibar thinking about what Devak had said. Oh if only he knew, she thought with relish. Lagging behind the group a few meters she took out a round gem that was a deep black. Looking into it she saw what appeared to be throne room but different from the one she was at earlier. "Hello?? Is anyone there?" She gasped as a dark figure appeared, calming herself only after he said "Good to hear from you Fery. I expext things have gone according to plan?" "Yes Lord Sauron these idiots don't expect a thing. I'm not at all certain this is going to be much of a challenge." Fery answered to him. "Don't let your gaurd down little one. These idiots are still alive and that proves they are smart indeed so never let your gaurd down." Sauron warned. It stayed silent for a few moments before Fery answered back "I have to go someone's coming!"
Fery put the little black gem in her pocket just in time.
OOC:Someone approach me so my post makes sense.
02-24-2004, 10:40 PM
"Actually, my branch of the family was banished, so they aren't my relatives any longer. So no, I have no problems disembowling anyone besides an elf. I'd gladly do it to a few in our party..." I said, giving Faery a signifigant glace as she ran behind us. "I hate people who lag behind."
[ps: I'm on a horse of no apparent color]
02-24-2004, 10:48 PM
Pansy tried to not think about the fact that the demon-elf did not say she wouldn't disembowl a hobbit or llama. "So, what was home-life like for you. I mean, with a demon in the family. Lots of barbeque's eh?"
02-25-2004, 12:44 AM
"Barbeque's? Very few. My father was a Demon prince, my mother an elven queen. They had very sophisticated mannerings and tastes. I had a very comfortable home-life, no evil hordes of demons lurking around the corner, and no twisted elves either. I was taught in swordmanship and archery, and belive me, you didn't want to be my opponent at either. I don't disembowel llama's or hobbits, unless they are my enemies, just so you know."
02-25-2004, 06:07 PM
"Oh, ok." said Pansy, hoping she didn't offend the demon-elf, who was definately someone she did not want to be enemies with. "On we go then! Where to next?" she asked
Adrian Baggins
02-25-2004, 10:07 PM
ooc: I'M A GIRL!! ok, done yelling. and sorry it's been like, so long, couldn't get on Too Much Homework
ic: Someone in the group asked who I was and I smiled vampirishly, after all, I had been best friends with a reformed demon, or should I say, a boy who had turned into a demon. "I am Avrilyn Ranaldis Fay Renalds, but just call me Renald," I replied, looking the person straight in the eye. "I am looking for a group of demon hunters, and, as inexperienced as the rag-tag group looks, and let me just say, that it looks VERY inexperienced, I think you could help me." "Oh, and this is my black wolf, Hunter," I added, playing with my star pendant.
Devak: You could join us... If you wish, now we need to get started, Alright time to set up camp...
Your assignments:
Pansy, I want you to go and gather some fire wood, Rannyn you go with her, Pansy here you'll need this *she throws a sword and scabard to pansy* It's name is Algafeld take care of it please...
Fery, I want you to help me setup the tents, and yes I brought tents,
And Rylkin, You can stand watch for now...
Oh and guys just one question who here can cook?
Adrian Baggins
02-26-2004, 08:27 PM
"Alright, I'll join you. And I can cook, some things." I scowled at the ground, I felt like I was being pent up in a cage for far to long, but I knew it was a false feeling.
02-26-2004, 09:55 PM
OOC:I'll ignore the fact that no one approached me...after all I'll be attemping to kill you throughout this entire thread.
"Well, I suppose I can help you set up the tents. Though I must warn you I haven't had much practice." Fery said grudingly. Suddenly while Devak was speaking to her she felt a burning in the pocket where she had put the stone that allowed her to speak with her leader. "AH! What in the..." She cut the curse off short (ooc. as she realized it wasn't allowed on the moot) as soon as she realized people were staring at her.
02-27-2004, 02:03 AM
"Firewood, right-ho! Expensive sword, right-ho!" said Pansy lightly as she feinted fumbling the valueble sword. Devak gave her a look that could kill.
"Just joking!" she said, tucking the sword in the scabbard and brandishing the machete. "Look quite dangerous, eh?" she said. Pansy handed Cory a carrot and nudged him on. "Hop along now, Rannyn! That's a good fellow!" and she was off into the woods looking for wood.
ooc; you are perfectly right, Fim, its not allowed on the moot. Good self-control buddy! you may have a carrot! you see, I am not evil.
Gulio, Strength of Many
02-27-2004, 02:44 AM
Rylkin faded into the forest, eager for any excuse to get away from the others for a moment. As much as he liked his Hobbit friend, (he tolerated the others) she tended to talk a lot. That is common among her folk, but it unnerved him after a while.
He waited at the edge of the clearing, looking for anything out of the ordinary.
02-27-2004, 08:20 AM
Originally posted by PippinTook
ooc; you are perfectly right, Fim, its not allowed on the moot. Good self-control buddy! you may have a carrot! you see, I am not evil.
Why thank you Pip. *Munches carrot* You know I try to have a little self control. Who ever thought you were evil? I don't think you are evil.
IC: Fery was setting up the tents and the burning in her pocket had yet to go away. "What does he want me to do? I know he wants to speak with me but...what am I supposed to say? Exsuce me while I speak ot the evil overlord you're trynig to over throw." Fery said to herself when no one appeared to be in earshot.
Devak: *tingles run down her spine* *wispers to self while she looks at Fery* No that can't be, he can't be here... *she shakes her head*
Fery! Are you finished yet? *just then demons atacked the makeshift camp*
Devak: *sigh* I just can't win can I? *pulls out anasta* We're the only two here Fery, You got my back?
02-27-2004, 07:49 PM
"And that's how you plant leaf." finished Pansy, after a long, rather nice talk with Rylkin. Then she heard the shouts of Devak and demons behind them "Just great! She just had to give me her sword didn't she?" she mumbled. "Well, she can do with out us."
"What?" asked Rylkin who was already starting back.
"We need firewood!" retorted Pansy, who was hacking away with her machete. "oh, alright, we can go fight the demons." she said, throwing the firewood down and moving back towards camp.
actually, gulio, I think Rannyn was supposed to come with me, tehee, but oh well, not that much of a difference.
02-27-2004, 08:40 PM
ooc: Right! Off to fight demons...right? Sorry I havent posted in a while....I was really lost for a moment there. :):)
ic: Rannyn followed the others to the camp where the demons were attacking. He drew his sword and braced himself.
02-27-2004, 08:53 PM
"Hullo then. " I thought then rapidly drew my sword, and started to attack the demons from both sides.
02-28-2004, 12:35 AM
OOC: Bit of a tight spot...kill the demons or fight them off?
Fery stood there for two seconds in which she decided what to do. Making up her mind in a split second she ran toward the nearest demon sword drawn. But instead of hitting him she gave a wild swing that was sure to miss and it did. The demon came back with the hilt of his sword and right before it hit her head she heard him say "Sorry". Waking up with a groan and looking around she saw she was in one of the tents she had helped to set up and her head was throbbing. "Only question is why didn't it kill her?" Fery heard Devak ask someone. "I think it meant to but we all came rushing in." Pansy replied. "Well, I don't know about you people but I won't feel safe until that girl can use a sword properly." Rylkin said with obvious distaste. "Why are you all talking about me?" Fery asked suddenly remembering what had happened to her. "You got hit pretty hard...just be glad it wasn't the other end." Devak said jsut before Fery passed out again.
OOC:I know I stole the battle scene from you guys but if you want you can do one of those backtrack things where oyu tell our side then we all end up in the same place. Anyways...
Devak: *walked out of tent* *wispers to self* Sorry? *walks to nearest tree and jumps into the branches* *sigh* Solteth, where are you? *lookes to the sky* Things arn't as easy as they used to be... Serve your lord and live for another day that's how it worked but noooooo, now you have to fight just to have a scrap of bread on the table, *she stopped herself relizing that pansy was standing right under her* How much did you hear?
Pansy: Who's Solteth?
Devak: *looks at pansy and smiles* (It's very easy to love a hobbit) *jumps from tree and lands on her feet with a flursh* Well it's a long story...
Pansy: I have time *she smiled inocently* we need fire wood, Want to come with?
Devak: I'd prefer to keep Fery in my sight. I don't trust her... *looks at pansy for a moment, than she smiles* Alright, I'll come. I need to tech you how to use that sword don't I....
02-28-2004, 04:00 PM
"indeed!" said Pansy as she tried to keep up with Devak. "I am more of a 'magical pan' kind of hobbit." she said as she chopped down some wood. "Now, who is Solteth"
Devak: As I said long story... But here it goes...
Many years ago well before the war of the last alance(sp) I was born,
Pansy: How old are you?
Devak: I've lost track of time actualy, *blushes* but anyway... I was disowned by my mothers family, because I was born out of "wed-lock" so to speak and they didn't want me. They alowwed me to stay until I was 10 then I was on my own. I wandered all over what you now call middle earth in order to find a place to call home then I came to the land of mordor and he took me in...
Pansy: You were raised by who?
Devak:Yes I was... I do not wish to say his name because I fear he will find me and make me come back...
anyway that's off of what we are talking about... After the war of the last alance(sp) I ran away form mordor and I came here, On my first day in this contry I had met many people and was asined(sp) to do many things that's how I got in to the demon hunting bisness(sp) and my first partner, Or whatever, Was Solteth and on our first hunt we fell in love
Pansy: *gets stary eyed* Awwww! That's so sweet
Devak: *scofts* But one day Solteth was taken by demons and killed... *tears drip from her icy blue eyes* And that's all I care to tell you at the moment pansy, come on let's get some fire wood , it's starting to get cold...
02-28-2004, 10:00 PM
buisness, aliance, assigned
"Soleth is the name of my brother... He is dead? I saw him yesterday..."
02-28-2004, 11:02 PM
OOC: Wow...I'm confused....Amea were raised by Sauron? Legolas...I forgot your characters name (sorry) but your brother was in love with Devak? AHHH! confused!
Alone in the tent Fery took out the stone that luckily no one had found. "Hello?" Sauron's voice answered "You stupid girl! I was trying to warn you of the demon's attack! Next time find a way to get away from them so I can speak with you. Fery hesitatied then added "I'm sorry I didn't know it was that important. Next time I will. Right now my head is killing me." Sauron said in quiter tones "I'm sorry to hear that. I want a list of everyone in your group." Fery answered "Me, Pansy, Devak, Renald, Rannyn, and Rylkin." Sauron was quite then "Did you say Devak?" Before Fery could answer she heard someone coming and shoved the gem in her pocket.
OOC:Someone walk back into the tent please.
Adrian Baggins
02-28-2004, 11:14 PM
I walked into the tent sullenly, crouching down by Fery. "I don't trust you one bit," I hissed, looking her straight in the eyes. "For one, you look awfully firmilliar, for two, you reek of demon, and for three, you remind me of myself when my brother was around," I added, standing up. "Come on, I want you to walk with me, I wish to speak with you."
Devak: Finally up I see... Good here drink this. *hands Fery a potion*
Fery: *looks at the bottle*
Devak: You want to get rid of your head ache don't you?
Fery: *uncorked the bottle and drank it in one gulp*
Devak: Now If you will escuse me... *walks out of tent and walks up to Talenyn* Now you were saying?
Talenyn: Soleth is my brother... And I saw him yesterday
Devak: He was killed yesterday, or taken, but I know he was killed... You see it's one of my "powers" persay(sp) I can "feel" the ones I love or have a conection with and I can't feel Solteth anymore, I'm sorry Talenyn, But he's dead...
OOC: I'm leaving your response to you "leggy" Why do they call you that anyway?:D
02-28-2004, 11:36 PM
"Damn!" I said, then dropped to the ground hiding my face, willing my tears to stop. They did not, however, listen to me, so I wept silently. Wiping my eyes, I turned to Devak. "He told me something that I should tell you, if ever we meet. 'Tell Devak that I love her, and I hope that she shall wait.' That was all he said."
02-29-2004, 02:46 AM
aw, c'mon mea! feel the love of the moot! here in our little 'rpg circle' everyone who has a name long enough to where it is hard to spell gets a nick name, eg; Fimbrethil-fim, Nurvingiel-nurv, pippintook-pip, you get the idea. Leggy is our friend! *hugs leggy* quite dramatic this thing, eh? well, a little hobbit spirit can help out!
ooc; "Truly sorry, Talenyn." said Pansy, sitting down by the demon-elf. "Want a carrot?" she asked, not quite sure what to say. "You know, my mum and pap died when I was young, that's why my uncle brought me up." she said uneasily. While she was a sure fire way to cheer someone up, she was't very eloquent when it came to talking about touchy subjects. "Now, let's get a fire started, that's why we got the fire wood, ain't it?"
Devak: I'm sorry I had no clue... That he was your brother, I wish so much to tell you that he is alright but I fear the worst...
Pansy, why don't you start the fire... I have to go and think...
Talenyn: But you shouldn't go alone, What if the demons attack agian?
Devak: I'll be close. Don't worry I'm a big girl, I can take care of myself... *With that she walks away into the woods* Her brother why didn't I feel it? *tears started down her cheeks, her hair glowed silver in the moon light* Maybe I didn't want to beleave he was dead? Maybe if I was a little faster they wouldn't have got him... It's all my fault... *A red glow surounds Devak she turns to a tree and she lets a fire ball form in her hands* Why am I still alive? *she lets the fire ball go and ther tree blows up*
OOC: She's not trying to kill herself, Ha that would be too easy, she's just blowing off steam
Gulio, Strength of Many
03-01-2004, 12:34 AM
ooc: And I'm just Gulio, who is, at the moment, rahter confused. Oh well!
ic: Everyone in the camp was somber, except Pansy. Devak and Tanelyn had lost a loved one, Renalds was stewing about something, Fery was still recovering, and Rylkin was silent by nature. Rannyn was helping Pansy start a fire, humming a tune Rylkin didn't recognize. It made him think of the open sea.
The song unnerved him, as most did, so he wandered away a bit. He met up with Devak, and nearly missed being caught on fire. "Woah, there. Watch were you're hurling fireballs." He said, smiling slightly.
03-01-2004, 01:14 AM
Rannyn quietly continued to hum the song he learn while at sea. A smile came to his face as he remembered being in the tavern with his friends at home singing the song almost non-stop. He sighed happily as the fire started, "There we go, nothing better than a warm fire to melt away the blues." He knew most everyone was down after the death of a man he didn't know, but was loved by many. He knew the feeling of losing ones dear. He saw it many times in the wars he fought, many of his friends died beside him in battle. Rannyn became lost in thought as he stared at the fire.
Devak: *turns around to see who has walked up on her, her eyes, that were once blue were now stained red from crying* what do you want? I really need to be alone right now, when I get like this I'm dangerous (sp). Rylkin I'd prefer if you would go back to camp, I'll be back soon, I just need to think. *she truned away and walked past the still burning tree, soon her walk turned into a run as she moved through the forest, soon she came to a clearing and then she stopped and fell to her knees crying* Solteth, why did you make me leave? I could have fought them off, I could have... *she was interupted in mid-sentance by a russle in the leaves, she didn't turn around* I thought I told you... *turns around, a man stands in front of her blocking her way* Solteth? *she looks at him more closely and she draws a breath, her eyes revert to ice blue and they become extremly wide* you're not Solteth... you're... no, you can't be... Sauron!
Sauron: Devak, I see you remember me. * tries to caress her cheek, but she pulls away* I can remember when you used to like that...
Devak: That was when you brain-washed me, sauron, I don't serve you anymore, not now, not ever.
Sauron: Now that's a pitty, oh well, So I guess you won't want your present?
Devak: *looks sapiously (sp) at Sauron* what present?
Sauron: This one *holds up an orb, it has Solteth's picture in it, he is bloody but still alive*
Devak: Solteth? No! You're lieing Sauron, Solteth's dead
Sauron: Oh? how sure are you Devak? How sure are you that he's is?
Devak: I can't feel him. That's how I know Sauron, I can't feel him.
Sauron: Yes you can, and you know you can Devak, you're sapressing (sp) it. *Squeezes to orb, Devak screams in pain* You see Devak, He's still alive you can feel him, you just didn't want to.
Devak: No, Sauron he's not I know your tricks. And you know my powers Sauron, I refuse to join you!
Sauron: I will give you three days to think it over, Good bye Devak, *poof*
Devak: *Falls to the ground in pain* Damn him...
03-01-2004, 11:04 PM
OOC: OHHHH...plot twist! Ok so...I'm not going to know about that...but Sauron's doing the same to my character. Only I don't turn good...and I'm not in love with any one. How's that sound? Carrots fix everything!
Fery walked in the forest in the opposite direction of Devak. SHe wandered and pondered what to do. No one trusted her after that little stunt, perhaps she would just pretend like she didn't know anything about the use of a sword...sure that's why she was carrying around such a beautiful one. Well she would just have to tell them part of the truth if they asked why. She pulled out the hand carved sword that used to be her fathers...before. Going throug hsome basic motions her sword came in contact with another and she went into defense mode. Alhtough she put a good fight her sword was flung from her hand and she truned to face her attacker. "How are yo usupposed to make them believe that you can't fight if you do that?" Sauron asked rather nonchalantly. "Uhhh..."Went the lame reply of Fery. "Articulate aren't you?" Sauron replied. "Yes actually I am. I was one the best pupils in my old town." Fery said curtly. "You forget," Sauron said taking a step closer, "that I know everything about you." It really was strange with him standing that close to her so Fery stepped back and said "So?"..........."FERY!" Someone from camp yelled. "I have to go! THey'll wonder more if I don't." Fery began to rush off but was stopped by sauron saying "I'll be here. Tonight while everyone is asleep." ANd with that Fery was gone.
OOC:Nobady make it the next day until I have talked to Sauron...and no one fallow(sp?) me please.
03-02-2004, 12:11 AM
OOC: Surpressing
<Damn that dirty, lying, cheating, bas***d from hell!> I thought bitterly. <I will destroy Sauron, if it's the last thing I do.>
03-02-2004, 02:47 AM
"Quite depressing, isn't it?" asked Pansy, as she sat by the fire with Rannyn. "I hate depressing moments."
"Me also." replied Rannyn.
"Well, ifs there's any way to cure depressing moments, its a song!" and with that she stood and cleared her voice
*teehee, here we go again*
A song and a drink will do you good,
Take a swig of mine.
I would buy you an ocean full, if I could,
Bandy, beer, or wine!
Wipe off your frowns, and have a pint
Or a mug if that's what you wish.
I'll personally have your mug shined
And seal it with a kiss!
She bowed low and smiled. "Hope that raised your spirits a bit!" she said.
"Where did you learn that?" asked Rannyn.
"My uncle taught it to me, quite an ale singer, that one"
Devk: *walks into camp all dishelved and bloody, Blood stains her silver hair, A cut in the shape of a cresent moon on her forehead pours blood down her face, but she walks with her head held high* Pansy, could you go to my bag and get me the potion with the green lable, and make sure it's green, please
*pansy ran into the tent Devak had fixed herself before and she found the deer skin bag in the corner, she went through the bag and found the green labled potion among the red ones* (what are these for? I wonder...) * she hurried to devak with the geen potion, devak took the potion and drank it, green light surounds the camp and slowly all the blood fade away from devak but the cut on her forehead is still throbing red*
Devak: *sigh* I could use a drink right now...
03-02-2004, 10:22 PM
OOC: None of you are asleep. Good I don't have to be creative right now!
Fery wolked nonchalantly into camp a while after Devak did hoping no one would notice her and she could slip into bed quietly and pretend sleep until she could do as her master wished and met him in the forest. No such luck "Fery!" Rannyn yelled after she had entered, "I'd like to know what was wrong with you after the demon's attacked this afternoon." Fery just stared for a moment and said "I do not know how to handle a sword very well...I suppose I should have told you before, but I was afriad yo uwould turn me away, and I have no where else to go." She stood before them inwardly marveling at the ease at which the lie came and she hoped it was convincing enough because she felt like they were passing judgment on her.
OOC: Please don't make your characters omnicient.
Devak: *walks to fery* You better learn I don't want you as a liability, you endangered the entire group with that stunt you pulled, I will take you out tomarrow to learn okay, It's getting dark agian, there's already a fire so... I'll take first watch, along with you fery. Pansy and Rannyn, I want you to take secound watch, and fooling around Pansy, it's very important that you stay awake okay, I don't trust this place, even though it was and has been my home for 2 years. Alright all you can go to sleep I'll wake you up for your shifts, I don't sleep so I'll take the watches along with you, see you in 5 hours Pansy, Rannyn... and if anyone leaves this camp at all... There will be hells to pay. I have a feeling somethings out there and it's not too friendly. I don't want to deal with dead bodies tomarrow okay,
03-03-2004, 08:48 PM
"No dead bodies? Fine with me!" Rannyn sighed as he went to lay down, though he didnt really feel like sleeping. He rarely did, being out at sea and all. Usually he looked at the stars and thought of the stories behind them, as there were many. He looked over at Devak and Fery as they went to keep watch. He felt like they knew something, hiding what they didn't want anyone to know. He knew he shouldn't ask though as it might lead to a fight. He sighed and laid on his back and looked up at the stars. Soon though, he drifted off to sleep.
03-03-2004, 08:49 PM
OOC: Sorry for any god-modding
"Devak, I couldn't sleep after that bit of information tonight. I'll watch with you. Alright?"
Devak nodded her head.
"Right then, 'scuse me while I get my bow."
03-03-2004, 11:31 PM
OOC:Darnit! You would make me sneak wouldn't you?
Fery walked to the other end of the camp and called to Devak "I have to use the bathroom...and it may be while." she said trying to be as discret as she could. Walking into the forest she went to where she had been before and sat to await her orders. Jumping out of her skin she realized he was already there waiting for her. "What is you want?" she asked. He brought his hand up as if to strick her and she flinched away, "Never be disrespectful to me! I don't like it and next time I will hit you!" he spit at her. "I'm sorry my lord. WHat is it yo uwish?" she asked. "Nothing. I jsut wanted to see if you would risk everything to come and see me. You did, you pass." with that he was gone and Fery snuck back into camp and stood gaurd.
Devak: *she feels the same things as before as she looks at Fery as she walks in*
Talenyn: And what took you so long?
Fery: Oh nothing,
Devak:*fire seemed to streak across Fery's face when she replied* I know somethings wrong, I can feel it all around me, I need to tell Talenyn about what Sauron said she needs to know, but what if it's a trap? then I will put all of them in danger *sigh*Luna give me strenght *devak walks over to Fery and pulls her aside* I don't trust you, and I don't like the feeling you're giving off. You may have everybody fooled, but not me. I'll be watching you, now get over there ansd stand watch where I can see you...
OOC: God-modeling? Oh okay I get it now, I've been doing it too so um sorry I had no clue what I was doing
03-04-2004, 10:52 PM
OOC: I'm evil!!!! wheeeeee!
Fery walked over where Devak could see her and hear her and whispered "I'm not evil you know...I..well, I've had it hard the past couple of weeks. The village I was living at with my family...all of my family as far back as you can trace. Demons attacked one day...I was out riding Zanzibar. They all died..everyone in the family. This is my father's sword. A bueatiful work of art and deadly the right hands. I don't want t obe treated any different. They died and have to move on...." Fery said she didn't want pity but all she wanted was some motherly or fatherly figure to wrap their arms around her and rock her to sleep. But all she felt was a light breeze and the moonlight which seemed to taughnt her.
Devak: Fery... *walks up to her* Is there something you need to tell me? I'm very good at listening, I may not look like it but I am.
*A slight pull forced the body to turn to the direction of the clearing,He's back... *she cluched the hilt of her sword in her nerasnuos(sp)* *then the feeling went away and she relaxed*
Gulio, Strength of Many
03-05-2004, 09:28 PM
ooc: Nauseous, I think..... another evil word to spell.
ic: Rylkin was still in the forest, sitting in a tree. Devak had walked off after nearly killing him. Rylkin let her go. She would get over it, after enough time had passed.
Rylkin was bored, so he decided to go exploring. He shifted into a small cat, and wandered around. He ended up in a small clearing where someone was laying on the ground. It turned out to be Rannyn, sleeping out under the stars.
03-05-2004, 10:14 PM
OOC:Gulio, I'm on the ship, and to what happened to Kalile...*mysterious pause* She is coming back, but she has lots of homework,
03-05-2004, 10:27 PM charater shalln't repeat it Amea! I'm going to be even more mysterious...Muahahahahahahaha!
"No, It's nothing really." Fery lied and turned back to keep watch.
03-05-2004, 10:29 PM
ooc: A cat are you...?:):)
ic: Rannyn slowly awoke and when he opened his eyes, he saw a small cat looking at him. Immeadiently, he jumped up, "Shoo!" he said as he grabbed a stick near him whacked the cat. He took a step back as the cat shifted into the form of..."Rylkin? Oh...." Rannyn dropped the stick, "I guess I forgot to tell you that I hated cats...." he smiled slightly as Rylkin rubbed his head.
Devak: (I know you can hear me Fery... I know your lieing, I can hear your thoughts loud and clear, as well as you can hear mine) * she walked back to her tree and jumped in the branches, You could only see her icy blue eyes*
03-06-2004, 12:14 PM
OOC:Telepathy eh? Fun Fun. F is for friends who do stuff together. U is for U and me! N is for...can't remember what N is for....any one else know?
Fery just kept watching she had Devak and she she could keep some thoughts to herself such as these....but what about...other thoughts? "Well if she wants to play it that way I will too. She doesn't know it...none of them do. But I'll take her to Sauron and she'll be sorry she ever messed with me."
Gulio, Strength of Many
03-06-2004, 02:03 PM
ooc: Yay! Kalile is coming back!!!!:D N is for......noisy hyperness?
ic: "That peice of information would have been nice...." Rylkin said, rubbing the back of his head. "Do you really do that to all cats you see?"
03-06-2004, 05:54 PM
Rannyn nodded, "Most the time, yes. My cousin had a cat once, evil little thing, chased me around the house it did! And me only being 6! Cats never have liked me. Thats why I took up sailing, to get away from the mangy beasts!"
03-06-2004, 11:55 PM
OOC: Hmmmmm....Where is everyone?
Fery heard Rannyn say what he did about cats and turned around and yelled "How could you do that to cats?! Maybe that one was mean to you but did you ever think that maybe it was you who was in the wrong ot the cat?! Not all cats are mean or evil! Just because one was doesn't give you the right to go aroudn whacking other cats!!!!!!!!" Fery was upset because she had had a cat, Suger Cane. But he was trampled when her town was attacked. She leapt up and strode off into the forest before she said somthing she regreted. She felt the small stone in her pocket burn but she ignored it and kept walking "So let the idiot get mad...what do I care?!" She thought to herself.
Devak: Rannyn, just a little warning, I have a mountian cat, and if you smack her she'll smack you back as the case might be. *she looks aroundand the she wisles* Kittian, kittian, Where are you?
*a large cat bounds out of the brush and stops right infront of devak* good girl *pats kittian on the head, Kittian looks around at the people in the clearing, she stops in mid-turn and stares at, Rannyn, She starts to walk over* No kittian, he doesn't like cats...
*but she continues anyway and when she gets there she rubs up agienst his legs* see not all cats hate you...
03-07-2004, 02:59 PM
"Devak...... I think there are orcs about. I smell them everywhere around here. I also smell demon and fresh blood some miles away. I don't like this... What should we do? I think that we have to wake everyone up, and prepare them to fight, but it's all up to you."
Devak: *nods* Fery's gone to, Damn it, I knew she was trobble...
*a sharp pain forces her to dobble over* crap! Not now not now, he can't be here!
Talenyn: What's wrong?
Devak: *holds her side* he's here Talenyn that's what's the matter, And I have a feeling our little friend Fery has something to do with it. *Just then orcs rush the camp* crap *devak let's out an ear shattering scream that forces everyone to jump to their feet* Talenyn I want you to watch my back, I know a few good spells but they take time to cast...
03-07-2004, 10:15 PM
guys, I'm gonna have to drop out of this one. I have way to many rpgs on my hands. I might come back later tho. see ya round!
03-07-2004, 11:09 PM
"On it. Good thing I brought my sword too. Much more use than a bow." I said, spinning my blade like a dervish, killing any orcs in my way. "That work?"
OCC: See ya soon pip, come back or I'll have to drag you back by that curly hobbit hair of your's
Devak: Thanks Talenyn, That will work. *Devak shook out her hands and started to consetrate (sp)* Vita, mortis, camion
*slowly smoke begian to fill the clearing*
OCC: You guys can see through it but they can't
Devak:now for some fireworks iluminos! *flames sprung from devak's hands and leaped on the orcs, who ran screaming, and flailing their arms* That should do it, ha! *all the orcs ran off screaming for their mothers*
Devak: We're gonna break camp at first light, I think we know how to deal with demons and orcs now, We're going to go in to one of the towns I know some people who will put us up for the night. We're going to Tirylian, city of the elves,
03-08-2004, 10:53 PM
OOC: Why did I leave? Now I have to make a big post to get back to you guys...*sihg*
Fery was fuming and she wasn't paying attention to where she was going until she felt somthing swipe her off her feet and plant it's foot hard on her chest so she couldn't move. "I thought I told you to answer me when I called." Sauron said to her. "I didn't feel like it, pig! Now get off me!" She screamed at him and he planted his fist in her stomach. "Ouff!!!!! That hurt!"
"Wnat to try that answer agian?" He asked.
"Not really."
Again his fist was planted in her stomach. "More?"
"I'm not changing my answer!"
And again with his fist. "You can stop this any time you want."
In a mocking tone Fery said "Thank you sir may I have another?"
He gave her another and another and another. And that went on for some time until Fery threw up and he was forced to let her go.
"I'm sorry I didn't answer you my lord. I swear I will next time."
"Good now go. They are waiting for at the camp site."
Fery walked back to camp and whe nshe walked in she found them all packing up. "What's going on?"
Gulio, Strength of Many
03-08-2004, 11:28 PM
Rylkin stood around, rather confused..... (much like the author of this post!)
Devak: We're leaving the fell woods, it's the safest thing to do, for now anyway, It will be interesting to see how all of you a just. anyway I'm sorry if I scared any of you with ,my magic i didn't mean to but things had to be done, and as much as i hate to use it it was a real lifesaver today I just hope I didn't draw any unwanted attention, *sigh* Let's load it up!
Talenyn: What about Fery?
Devak: As far as I'm concerned She is a diserter(sp)...
*fery just walked in to the camp, devak turns around,* and where were you miss no-show?
OCC: I fixed it, Better
03-09-2004, 11:17 AM
Originally posted by Fimbrethil
OOC: Why did I leave? Now I have to make a big post to get back to you guys...*sihg*
Fery was fuming and she wasn't paying attention to where she was going until she felt somthing swipe her off her feet and plant it's foot hard on her chest so she couldn't move. "I thought I told you to answer me when I called." Sauron said to her. "I didn't feel like it, pig! Now get off me!" She screamed at him and he planted his fist in her stomach. "Ouff!!!!! That hurt!"
"Wnat to try that answer agian?" He asked.
"Not really."
Again his fist was planted in her stomach. "More?"
"I'm not changing my answer!"
And again with his fist. "You can stop this any time you want."
In a mocking tone Fery said "Thank you sir may I have another?"
He gave her another and another and another. And that went on for some time until Fery threw up and he was forced to let her go.
"I'm sorry I didn't answer you my lord. I swear I will next time."
"Good now go. They are waiting for at the camp site."
Fery walked back to camp and whe nshe walked in she found them all packing up. "What's going on?"
OOC:Did no one get the memo?
03-09-2004, 08:31 PM
Deserter. Concentrate.
IC: "We're leaving Fery. Come along now, pack up!"
03-09-2004, 10:21 PM
Originally posted by Legoles
Deserter. Concentrate.
What? I don't get that part...explain please!
OCC: I can't really spell, so I'm always getting corected(sp) See, I teribble(sp, i think) but you all understand me right?
Devak: Mount up people I don't want any slackers, lets go. *she jumped on top of Rumianna, her horse, And reared* And off we go!
03-10-2004, 08:47 PM
Rannyn looked at Fery and frowned, "You feeling alright?" he asked her with concern, "you don't look too good."
03-10-2004, 11:02 PM
"I jsut need a little ride to recover my senses...everything is so different from the way it was." Fery said in answer to Rannyn question. Mounting Zanzibar she rode slowly behind the group because she felt she might still lose whatever food she had left in her. "Atleast I know now..." She said to herself quietly.
03-10-2004, 11:19 PM
Here we go again. corrected, and terrible.
Adrian Baggins
03-10-2004, 11:35 PM
I iz confused
03-11-2004, 08:48 PM
Originally posted by Legoles
Here we go again. corrected, and terrible.
Do what now? Stupid 90 second rule.
OCC: Let's just forget about it, please... alright anyway...
Devak: We have arrived... *the beautiful city, rose around them, but the others didn't see it because it just looked like a normal clearing* Wellcom to Tirylian, the elven city...
OCC: We still have pansy!
Pansy: What city... I don't see one...
03-12-2004, 08:57 PM
"Um, Devak, ther's something I might want to tell you... Not everyobdy can see the elven city. I can, thanks to my blood-line, but they can't. We are going to have to fix that, though I have no idea how..."
Devak: Um... Oh I forgot *dig's in bag... A shirt, a shoe and,papers fly out in her search of the magic dust, She threw some more papers and the next thing everybody sees is a pair of panties fly through the air and hit Rannyn in the face, devak stops and walks over to Rannyn and takes back her panties* If you don't mind! *and she walks back to her bag* ha! here it is! *she pulles out a bag of elven dust* now all you have to do is take a grain and only a grain remember that, anymore and you could loose your eye-sight. Here pansy you go first, just a grain on each eye like so *she carfuly dropped a tiny grain of elven dust into each of pansy's eyes* now what do you see?
Pansy: Wow!!!!
Devak: *smiles* well I'll take that as a yes, here everybody,
* she walks around letting everybody take two grains form the bag and set them into their eyes* now that solves that! don't it?
Adrian Baggins
03-12-2004, 10:34 PM
I'm confused......somebody god mod so I can get a grip...o, and I won't be on till like next sunday cuz no net access at my mom's I don't think there is neways
03-12-2004, 10:51 PM
OOC: Loverly Amea...simply loverly. Not the thong type I hope. "I hope she's still got her iron undies on." Please tell me you people have seen Robin Hood Men in Tights!!!!!!!!!!
"Well now that I know where that is...maybe I can get back in his favor by stealing it." Fery said quietly to herself.
"What was that, Fery?" Devak asked, not accusingly just interested.
"The city is so...words cannot describe it." Fery exlaimed, pretending to like it and think that it is beautiful. To her however it was very very ugly, for evil people do not see beauty.
03-13-2004, 09:35 PM
"AHH!" Rannyn backed away as Devak took her panties back. "Careful there! Don't be throwing anything out of that bag that is not suppossed to be seen!" Devak walked back over to him and put some stuff in his eyes, which at first made his eyes really itchy. When he stopped rubbing his eyes, he looked about him and saw a city which he was pretty darn sure wasn't there before.
ooc: I love that movie Fim! "I can see!" *runs into tree* "Nope, I was wrong.." :D
03-13-2004, 10:23 PM
OOC: "A black sheriff?!" "Hey, it worked in Blazing Saddles." (I think I messed up that quote....oh well.)
Fery stood there as patiently as possible waiting for someone to do somthing.
03-13-2004, 11:57 PM
OOC: I like that movie!!!!
"Oi! Ethanuniel? Never thought I'd see you cuz. What been going on?"
"Talenyn? Wow, haven't seen you in years."
Ethuaniel and I continued to talk for a while.
Devak: Ethanuniel, my friend *she clasped hands with the elf* how goes the city?
Ethanuniel: not well, the demons are stronger now then before, something has given them great powers...
Devak: I felt it too my old friend, sauron is alive, they draw their power from him.
Ethanuniel: *nods* just as i've feared, he's back
Devak: Don't worry my friend if anyone can clame to know sauron, it's me. I know all of his tricks, and the student's strenght outways her master,
Ethanuniel: you still have the ring then? After we all warned you?
Devak: What am I sapposed to do Ethanuniel, I can't distroy it, I must wait for it's sister to be distroyed, then I can distroy it safely,
Ethanuniel: this is your band?
Devak: Their ruff but they're loyal *she shot a look of distrust at Fery*
Ethanuniel: *laughs* Very ruff devak very ruff, *looks around, and meets eyes with the company, all can mantian a gaze for a short period of time except for fery, who turns quickly away*
Ethanuniel: I take it you're staying here?
Devak: I would like to, I want to start training, maybe polish my band, I don't want to have to deal with their families if they get killed...
Ethanuniel: Always soooo noble devak *smiles* come there's a place just outside the city that you can camp in and it's well within our boreders
Devak: Thank you Ethanuniel....
03-15-2004, 10:24 PM
Fery followed behind somewhat close to Devak and muttered "You won't have to worry about my family, they're all dead." tears came to her eyes and she fought to hold them back but she couldn't hold them all. "I promise you father I will kill those who killed you." She vowed fingering the beautiful sword at her side.
03-16-2004, 01:27 AM
"I need no polishing Devak. Remember that. You may be skilled in magic, but I am a master of the sword. Now, where's my "dear" aunt Ethanuniel?"
"Oh, you mean Lady Toya? She's been expecting you for quite some time..."
Devak: *nods* I know you're good with a sword talenyn, but there is always room for improvemet... Fery? Are you all right? *she rushed to Fery's side even though she was sapious of the girl she had a feeling, that she was no different than herself,*
Fery, I wish you would tell me what is wrong, * She stood in front of Fery, blocking her way as the others fallowed Ethanuniel,* We're alnoe now Fery, You can tell me why you're crying at least, I would like to know what blinds a solger's eyes with tears....
03-16-2004, 10:33 PM
OOC: Love the spelling Amea. Of course I can't really talk myself.
"I'm not evil you know...I..well, I've had it hard the past couple of weeks. The village I was living at with my family...all of my family as far back as you can trace. Demons attacked one day...I was out riding Zanzibar. They all died..everyone in the family. This is my father's sword. A bueatiful work of art and deadly the right hands. I don't want to be treated any different. They died and I have to move on...." Fery said softly hoping Devak would move and let her pass, no such luck.
Devak: I'm sorry to hear that, Fery, I heard you say that before, You lost your family to the demons, well before I told you my story but it really wasn't true... I want to tell you my true story...
*deep breath*
Along, long time ago, before the elves came to middle earth the demons, lived... and the demon litside, ruled them. he was, deranged and twisted. he spent his time creating experiments to test the limits of his people, when the other races had come to middle earth Litside found new experments and when he tired of small, meaningless ones he went to a major important one, the creation of me, He took countless hobbits, elves, demons, men, shapeshifters, Dark elves, and orcs. All died in order to make me.
So 1000 years latter... ta da me... I ran away, when I figured out, and I ended up in mordor, I was lost and foolish, so sauron took me in I was angry, and my rage blinded my own thoughts. Now that you know, don't judge me too harshly...
OC: Hello? Where is everybody!!!!!
OC: Where is everybody!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
03-22-2004, 01:08 AM
"Hello, my dear and darling Aunt. I hope you are well? Is my grandmother still here?"
"Yes though, my dear she has little time left here."
"I see. May I go see her?"
"Of course Talenyn."
OC: I'll just keep explaining then
Devak: I fought with sauron many, many years ago, but I still know his mind, Fery, I know what is happening and I can feel what he wants, Fery, I don't know everything but I soon will. My powers now surpass his and he fears me or at least he should
* The sun was setting and it was begining to get dark* Go on now Fery, you should go and get yourself settled, I need to go and do something....
*devak walked off, she ran through the trees untill she came to the tallest tree in the forest and she begian to climb, when she reached the top she stood up, her eyes started to change silver as she stared far off, a soft glow grew around her*
Seek for the sword that was broken in ismildas it dwells, there shall be contsuls taken stronger than morgal spells, there shall be a token doom is near at hand for isidur's bane shall waken and the halfling forth shall stand...
*It echoed far off into the darkness and finally reached falmir's ear, but that story is for another time, Devak stood still as she relaxed and the glow disapeared. Her eyes never changed back to their icy blue color, she looked around and then she climbed down the trunk of the tree. at it's base stood Ethanuniel,*
Ethanuniel: Devak was that part of the...
Devak: *she puts her hand up and Ethanuniel stops and devak walks away, she walked through the woods for quite sometime, untill she got back to the elven city, she had taken her time to let her eyes change back, now they were back to icy blue, but she was still serious and quite. she begian to unpack her things and get set up for the night*
Gulio, Strength of Many
03-23-2004, 10:17 PM
The city was beautiful, but Rylkin still felt uneasy. Elves were not a race that Rylkin cared for much. They were often complacent in their own wisdom, satisfied in their own abilities. That confidence would be be thier undoing, if the Enemy was ever faced. What unnerved Rylkin even more is that he saw the same overconfidence beginning to grow in some of his companions. He was on the verge of adressing it, but was dreading it. It wouldn't be pretty.
Rylkin could sense the Enemy's presence. They were everywhere, unseen, but felt by Rylkin. They thrived in this place of complacent hearts. He didn't doubt that they were watching him and his companions.
Rylkin considered telling his companions the truth about the Enemy, but decided against it. His orders were clear: his charges were to remain ignorant of the Enemy, unless absolutely nessacary.
ooc: MY enemy! NO ONE ELSE KNOWS!!!!!!!!!!! NO METAGAME KNOWLEDGE!!!!!!!!!
03-23-2004, 10:24 PM
OOC: Been busy! Please forgive!
Fery simply followed behind everyone glaring at the elves who dared to look at her. She felt she was going to be doing a lot of glaring and frowning in this place...was it really this sunny all the time?! Her horse even seemed uneasy! "When are we going to leave I don't like staying in one place to long." Fery asked ot no one inparticular. She knew of Amea's history now...the next chance she got she would ask her master about it. I geuss I'll pretend to be sympathetic, she thought to herself.
03-23-2004, 10:32 PM
ooc: YAY!!! My computer works!! :)
ic: Rannyn sat down and leaned against a tree near the edge of the city. He sighed as he looked around, his memories of this city came flooding back. This was not the first time he had been here, and he had hoped never to return. No doubt, a few of the elves recognized him, so he kept a wary distance. He closed his eyes and remembered the Great Raid, a battle which had taken place not so long ago. A battle between the Toeral Pirates and the great merchant ships. Rannyn remembered when he got the call to go to the aid of his fellows, along with 56 others. Of those that set out with him, 9 returned. He took out a small token he and the others had been given. A wooden ship with a knife through the middle. This was their symbol, the symbol of survival. He also had the same figure on his right arm, in red ink to resemble blood. It was in remembrance of those that had lost their lives. Rannyn could still see the faces of his comrades as they died. The enemy was hard to defeat, but in the end they retreated. Rannyn and his men had won. Rannyn hummed as sea song quietly as he gazed at the stars and set his thoughts to his dead comrades. All good, strong men. No women, for they were not allowed, it was against the code. And thats the way it should stay...women do not belong out at see during a war. Especially one like the Great Raid.
Gulio, Strength of Many
03-24-2004, 03:07 PM
Rylkin was thinking about the movements of the Enemy, when his thoughts turned abruptly to the sea. A vast expanse of cool blue water, with gulls screeching out their cacophonic cry. A lonely sailor, barely a speck in the infinite blue, thinking of his wife and wondering when he will be able to return to her.
Then it stopped. He was back in the Elven city. It took him a moment to register what was happening. He fought down a wave of fear when he realized what had happened. He glanced around to make sure everyone was still there. He walked away, where he could still see his companions, but couldn't hear them.
This is another reason to tell them.... Rylkin thought, but still he didn't.
03-24-2004, 04:16 PM
Rannyn looked down at his token once again before putting back in its place. With a sigh he stood and went back to the city. For some odd reason, the whole city seemed quieter, as well as gloomier. He looked around, not sure what for, and then began humming a song that perhaps would lighten up to mood. Soon though, he began to sing quietly:
I have sailed these seas,
I have held to my course,
I've been whipped by the winds,
And the gales of the North.
And I dream of home, full of comfort and warmth,
To carry me on through the journey.
I am weathered and drained from the suff'ring and worn,
And my vessel shows age, as I strain for the shore,
And I miss my kin, who have gone on before.
So I am still wreckless and yearning.
Far away my home seems to beckon me on,
To the land that there awaits,
There I will be free form the storms of the sea,
When I reach my home so far away!
The song had taken Rannyn's thoughts elsewhere, and he began to wander in the streets.
Devak: *after the fiire was started and everyone doing their seperate things, devak crouched by the fire, and pulled out a long chain, On the end of it was a small ring, Definetly elven, and made out of solid mithril. she rolled it around in her hand,* I am ready for you sauron, you have fooled with me for the last time, *they came as a wisper* I promised Soleth and I promised Thyea now I promise myself, I will distroy you, * she slowly put the ring back under her clothes and knelt next to the fire* let luna be with me..............................
Gulio, Strength of Many
03-27-2004, 02:22 AM
Rylkin stared into the shadows. The Enemy was strong here, unsusally so. What disturbed him most was that they had not made a move against him yet. Surely they would have noticed his presence by now, and made some attempt to discover his purpose. Or at least destroy him.
No, they are up to something, Rylkin thought. But what?
He noticed Devak sitting by the fire. You might want to get to know them, he thought. He sat down next to Devak. "So, where are you from?" He asked.
Devak: *she looked at Rylkin, and she looked around her they were the only two there and she did own somebody an explaination....*
I'm form middle earth... I would like to tell you more but right now... I need to think, *she walked off towards a line of caves leaveing Rylkin speachless*
03-30-2004, 09:57 PM
Rannyn somehow ended back on the outskirts of the city when a man came up to him, "You there!" he shouted, "Wait!" Rannyn turned to the man and sighed, "Yes?" The man squinted and look closely at Rannyn, "You look strangely familiar..have we met?" Shaking his head Rannyn replied, "No, I believe we have not." The man nodded and circled him, and seemed to be observing him. Suddenly , he grabbed his arm and with a swift movement, pinned him against a tree. "Yes! I remember you!" the man cried as he pulled away the cloth covering his right arm, showing the tattoo. "Your one of them aren't you!" Before Rannyn could reply or do anything, the man punched him in the stomach. Rannyn groaned, as the man punched him again. While the hand was returning to secure him, Rannyn grabbed it and swung the man around, putting a knife in his back. While doing so, the man had stabbed him in the leg. Rannyn grimaced as he took out the knife and put his hand on his leg. He ripped the cloth on his other arm and tied it around the wound, hoping it wouldn't bleed through. No one needed to know about this.
Gulio, Strength of Many
03-31-2004, 12:20 AM
Devak left suddenly, after admitting to be from the Mainland. She seemed ashamed of this, or something. Rylkin didn't understand her at all. Women, he thought.
He decided to go for a walk, to see more of the city. He saw Rannyn standing next to a tree, with only one sleeve. "What happened?" he asked.
"I was uh, getting hot," Rannyn replied.
"I see."
03-31-2004, 01:23 AM
Rannyn nodded, he was sweating though not from the heat. He tore off his other sleeve and used it to wipe his brow. He sighed, the pain in his leg getting stronger. He silently prayed the blade was not posioned.
*Devak walked away from the fire, she felt tired but then she wasn't.
Devak: Why? That's all I ask, Why do I have to be crused? First I loose my love... *a russle in the bushes made her stop in mid-sentance, Devak slowly drew her sword and turned to her attacker.*
Devak: Sauron!?
Sauron: *laughs* I told you I'd be back...
Devak: * she fingered her sword with anticipation* What do you want sauron?
Sauron: *grabs Devaks hands and pulls her close* You!
Devak: *devak Kicks at sauron but he lets go and she stands in-front of him* Charming just charming... What do you really want sauron?
Sauron: You're smart Devak too smart at times, You know what I want,
Devak: Middle-earth...
Sauron: And you at my side as my queen, *smiles*
Devak: I have told you time and time agian, Sauron, Never! *Devak turns to walk away but Sauron grabs her by the waist*
Devak: Let me go! *Devak kicks at Sauron and lands one right in his crouch,Sauron let's go and Devak tumbles to the ground and she jumps to her feet*
Devak: Remember sauron, Never! *With that Devak runs off into the woods*
04-02-2004, 01:52 AM
"So..." Rannyn tried to change the subject quickly, "have you seen any of our companions? They all seemed to have dissappeared." He winced slightly again as another surge of pain went through his leg.
Devak: The nerve of that ***hole. I... *she walked up to Rannyn*
Are you alright? *he was wincing in pain she could sense it* Sorry Rylkin, I need to barrow him for a min... *grabs Rannyn By the arm and yanks him off into the clearing* What happened? *she sat down on the warm earth*
Gulio, Strength of Many
04-02-2004, 08:15 PM
Rylkin was about to say that he didn't really understand any of them, when Devak walked up, cursing about something, and drug Rannyn off. Rannyn was really in no condition to resist, Rylkin could see that much, so he shifted into a green songbird and followed the two.
Devak sat down in a clearing, and asked what had happened. Rylkin was nearly invisible in the bright green foliage of the tree.
OC: Very nice Gulio! You spy!!!!
Devak So now anyway what happened? And don't lie to me I'll be able to tell, and I hate it when people lie....
Gulio, Strength of Many
04-04-2004, 02:14 AM
ooc: Who, me? ;)
04-05-2004, 07:43 PM
Rannyn stood, not really wanting to tell Devak what happened, "I just got in a bit of a fight, thats all. Nothing major. Slimy git put a knife in my leg..." he said as he unwrapped his sleeve that covered the wound. "But I'll live. No need to fret."
*devak looked at the wound, it had an unclean sheen to it, it made her very uneasy*
Devak: I don't like the way that looks, Let me go find some Alten, it shound make it heal all up *devak disapeared into the woods leaving Rannyn alone in the clearing*
04-06-2004, 09:20 PM
Rannyn nodded as she left, "I...I guess I'll just stay here then shall I?" he asked himself as he began tapping his fingers. He looked down at his wound, "That'll leave a nasty scar 'eh?" he smiled, for what reason he was not sure. He had a feeling that Devak would ask more about how he got the wound and who gave it to him, though there isnt really a need to know...since the man is dead..., he thought. "Walking is always the best remedy now isn't it?" he again asked himself as he walked around a bit, with an uneasy feeling of himself being watched.
Gulio, Strength of Many
04-06-2004, 11:44 PM
ooc: 'Walk it off, suck it up, be a man' Heh heh heh, sounds like MY family:) Our motto is "We're not having fun until somebody's bleeding." Basketball is fun when we get together:)
ic: Devak commented on the looks of the wound, and took off to get some healing stuff. Rannyn seemed uncertian as of what to do now, and was walking around. Rylkin grinned micheviously, and shifted into his human form, except only a few inches tall.
"What're you doing?" he called to Rannyn, still hidden in the tree.
ooc: :D
04-07-2004, 12:27 AM
Rannyn jumped back, stumbling against a tree. He cursed under his breath as he stood again, "Who's there?!" he demanded, though he felt rather foolish. (are you my conscience?:)) Instead of waiting for an answer, Ranny replied, "I am walking it off. It is only a flesh wound anyhow." Might as well answer it's question.
ooc: Monty Python moment!:):) : "Its only a flesh wound!"
"Your arm is off!"
"No it isn't!"
sorry:D I had to say it!:)
04-07-2004, 01:23 AM
OOC: Here's a slightly different version.
Demon: It's only a scratch
Hunter: No it isn't, your head's cut off
Demon: Oh..... oops
IC: "So is the prophecy is coming true then?" I asked the frail form
"Yes, Talenyn. It started with your parents."
"So that's why..."
"Yes child." She intterupted. "That's why we tried to stop them.
*devak walked around close to the ground, turning leaves as she went*
Devak: Got to find it, got to find it.... here it is *she pulled up a tiny set of blue leaves, The smell of sweet flowers filled the air as she crushed one leaf*
Devak: *sigh* I found it... *she rushed back to the clearing but before she burst into view she noticed a rather tall human hiding up in a tree, It looked slightly like Rylkin*
The dog I knew I was being watched two can play at this game *Devak set the Alten next to a tree and she slowly shifted into a beautyful lithe elf* HEH HEH HEH I know what makes shifteres tick.... *devak picked up the Alten and slowly walked into the clearing, her hair like fire trailing and her eyes like water shineing. she stopped under the tree where Rylkin was sitting and she begian*
Devak: Gilglad was an elven king of
him the harppers sadly sing
last who's land was fair and free
between the mountians and the sea
his lance was long his sword was keen
his shing helm a far was seen,
countless stars in heavens feild
were mirriored in his silver sheild, long ago he road away,
where he dwellith none can say for into darkness fell his star
To mordor where the shadows are
OC: just to make you think on your feet Gulio
04-07-2004, 08:12 PM
ooc: I though he was really small....
ic: Rannyn looked at the person who had began singing under a tree. He stared at the strange being, wide-eyed, "What are you doing?" he asked her.
OC: Wouldn't you like to know?
Devak: Turns towards Rannyn,* Hmm? Me * the voice was different, sweet and honeyed* Oh me *points to self* I am the same person I was when I left *fluttters her eyelashes, and smiles sweetly, before she changes into the origanl Devak* nice trick huh? Now why am I here... Well saving your butt, I guess Let me see that leg of your's *she slowly grabs Rannyn's leg and she crushes the Alten over the wound, the sweet juice flows out from her clenched fist and touches Rannyn's wound. rannyn's wound began to close and heal*
Gulio, Strength of Many
04-07-2004, 11:37 PM
ooc: You're eeeeeeeeeeeeevil! :evil: <---- This is you! EVIL!
ic: Rylkin snapped back to today suddenly when Rannyn shouteed something. He just barely managed to keep from falling out of the tree. Devak was below, smiling innocently. Rylkin knew she was looking straight at him. She has no idea what she's doing! he thought. All the more reason to tell them, that annoying voice in the back of his head replied.
Rylkin ignored the insubordinate voice, and shifted into a cardinal. At least he would be partly safe in this form.
OC: Always was and always will be :D. Evil ha! I perfer the term goodness chalanged
Devak: Oh hi little bridie, You look so sweet and inocent and you know what... I was always looking for a pet... *smiles devilishly* Why don't I just take you home? * she slowly moved her hands in a circle and a tiny cage formed around the little bird* Now I can hold yo0u and squease you and love you forever!!!!!
OC: Try to get out of that Gulio, Call me evil I'll show you evil:evil:
Gulio, Strength of Many
04-08-2004, 07:44 PM
ooc: Fine then, EVIL! Sheesh, you should join up with Sauron, it would fit you (and be an interesting plot twist ;))!
ic: Before Rylkin could react, the dratted Devak had formed a cage around him. "Now I can hold you, and squeeze you and love you forever!" She cooed.
Just try it,Rylkin thought, I dare you . . . .
ooc::evil: EVIL:evil:
04-09-2004, 05:58 PM
Rannyn covered his leg and looked up in time to see Devak holding a bird. "Oh, let the poor beast go. Or feed it to that mountain cat of yours." he said as he turned and continued to walk around. "So, how long do you s'pose we will be here in this elven city?" he asked her, eager to leave.
ooc: AH HA! But how do you know I am not the evil one eh? *puts pinky up to mouth* Muahahaha! :)
04-10-2004, 05:13 PM
Ic: *Finishes conversing with grandma and leaves castle for the woods* *whistles tune to Gilgalad and starts singing the words*
*Cardinal starts going crazy in cage*
Gulio, Strength of Many
04-11-2004, 01:44 AM
ooc: The parade of evilness!
Rylkin behaved like any normal cardinal suddenly trapped in a cage would - he beat himself against the bars of his prison. He chirped loudly, demanding to be freed in the manner of birds. At least I am safe from song, he thought, trying to find a bright side to this. When I get out, Devak and I are going to have a little talk . . . .
04-11-2004, 09:28 PM
"Oh, hello Devak, Rannyn, and the cardinal you have trapped in a cage. Why'dja do that to the poor bird?" I said then whispered to Devak, 'Well? Why is Rylkin in a cage?'
Devak: *wispers to talenyn* Just having some fun with our little friend here,
Well anyway, Alright little birddy... *she slowly opened the cage door and the little cardinal flew out and begian to peck at devak*
You want to go back in the cage? *then the cardinal abruptly stopped* Just as I thought *wispers to cardinal* you and me will have a talk latter you just name the time
OC: I haven't been able to post in a long time I've been in jersy, so if I'm lost... Oh well:D
Gulio, Strength of Many
04-13-2004, 08:51 PM
Rylkin gave Devak one last good peck in the face, and landed on Rannyn's shoulder. If a bird could glare, Rylkin would have done it. He glanced around, and noticed something on Rannyn's forearm. It appeared to be some sort of tatoo, a ship with a knife in it. Strange, Rylkin thought.
04-13-2004, 08:55 PM
Rannyn laughed, "Well then, this bird has good taste!" He patted the bird softly on the head.
ooc: Once again, my character is the only one that is clueless. :D As my friend would say, "It's good to be lost."
oc: Keep smiling then no one knows what you're up to. When you don't understand just smile and nod and it will be alright lol
Could some one post because I'm out of ideas on this part
OCC: Where is everybody?! Oh well... anyway
Devak: *rolls eyes* yeah well anyway, Where's Fery? We have work to do, I can't have her cause us to die..... I'm out of here anyone sees her, Tell her I'm looking for her, *Shifts into a small silver dragon and flies off*
Devak: I wish I knew what Aragorn is doing... It seems to get worse everyday... *she keeps on flying, Staying low over the trees, Withertop loomed in the distance, as she got closer she could make out 6 tall shapes and 4 small shapes on the top of Withertop, she slowly circled and got closer,*
Devak: The nagzul, Why are they... *a chill hit her with the force of a blow* the ring... *she begian to plumit and she pulled up before she hit the ground, She shifted in to her origanl form when she touched the ground*
Devak:Aragorn? *the shadows danced around her as she stood on withertop, She felt something hit her back,*
Devak: Aragorn, *she pulls her sword out and she begins to slash at the Nagzul, but to no avile they still pressed around her*
Aragorn: What brings you here? *he slashed out at the nagzul*
Devak: I seek your consul, Luminos! *Light flashes from devak's sword, The nagzul pull away for a moment, Aragorn disapears over the side then he reappears with a burning stick he plunges it into the nagzul Forcing them to leave*
Aragorn: Frodo! *he runs to the small form curled up it in the corner, Devak rushes quickly to his side her eyes fall on Frodo, He shives with cold and there is a rip in his shoulder, Aagorn picks up the blade that had punchured Frodo's shoulder
Aragorn: A fell blade, *It melts away until only the hilt is left, Devak Shivers at the thought of the wound, she touched her side as she thought, Three small shapes walk up behind her, she turns around quickly and she comes face to face with Merry Brandybuck*
Devak: Hello, *she smiles* Eldorod sends hobbits? He must truly be... Crazy Aragorn... *he seemed lost in thought, as she stared at him* Aragorn?
Aragorn: We need to keep him warm,
Devak: I'll bring him down and start the fire... *one of the hobbits had cut me short*
Samwise: I'll take care of him, *he shot me a look of distrust, I was forced to back up*
Aragorn: She's a friend Sam, You need not worry about her *he smiled at me* She's on our side...
Samwise: I'll take care of master Frodo *with he picked Frodo up and brought him to their camp, He begian to start a fire,*
Devak: I'm sorry if I caused any trobble, Aragorn...
Aragorn: I need to find some athelas, It could be his only hope
Devak: I have none, I'm sorry... But there should be some just west of here on the other side of the road, *he looked at me, Then looked west* I must leave now, If I hope to be back with my band before morning... *with that she changed into a small silver dragon and she flew up into the clouds, It was hours before she reached the camp and the sun was starting to rise, She landed in the middle of the camp as herself she sighed hoping everyone was asleep, She slowly streached out her arms, they hurt form the flight,*
Devak:Next time I'll teleport *sigh*
Gulio, Strength of Many
05-04-2004, 10:19 PM
ooc: . . . . . . . o.0
OCC: What? Some one please post besides me!!!!!!!!
05-07-2004, 08:56 PM
ooc: I'd post but....(well I just did:D)...I can't think of anything to post.:( How sad, hee hee hee. Oh wait!! Idea!
Rannyn cupped the bird gently in his hand and set it in a tree. He nodded and turned again. "So....where did Devak go again?" He shrugged, as if some unknown thing had answered his question and continued to walk around. He looked over at his shoulder, and noticed his tatoo was showing, Oh well, he thought, Its not like anyone would recongnize it or anything. And besides, I just an who did so...but they don't need to knwo that. He sighed, thinking about what he did earlier but shook it off. Besided, the man attacked him, not the other way around. It was all just self defense really.
05-09-2004, 07:51 PM
"So, Rannyn. How'd you get that tatto? I've seen it in books, and I've heard of it, but I've never met someone that had one."
05-09-2004, 11:48 PM
Rannyn nodded, "Ah! I see...what exactly have you heard about it? There be many rumors about this....thing."
Gulio, Strength of Many
05-10-2004, 12:02 PM
Rylkin decided to return to his humn form, so he flew from Rannyn's shoulder. He flew into the forest, made sure that no one was around, and then shifted back. He walked back to where Rannyn and Avrilyn stood.
05-10-2004, 09:20 PM
"Rylkin! I was beginning to think you had gotten lost! Where have you been?" Rannyn asked, absolutely clueless.
OCC: Yeah forget about me huh? anyway
Devak: *She transports herself into the tree above Rannyn and Rylkin* what do we have here? Why arn't you all in camp? I have some news, but I dare not say anything until we are in the camp...
Gulio, Strength of Many
06-28-2004, 02:58 AM
Rylkin was about to relpy to the hapless Rannyn, when Devak appeared out of nowhere.
"What do we have here?" she asked. "Why aren't you all in camp? I have some news, but I dare not say anything until we are in the camp..."
Rylkin hadn't quite forgiven her for the whole bird thing, and was quite short with her. "Very well, it's not too far from here."
The three of them walked back to where they were staying. The city still unnerved him, and he could still feel the malevolent stares of the Enemy. He would really rather be back out in the forest, but Devak had caused enough damage for one day. But if she pulls something like that here.... he stopped himself from finishing the thought.
OCC: Heh maybe I will sometime.......
Devak: the ring it's been found.......... *her words echoed through the city, eventhough she was whispering* Saron's power grows stronger, Litside has no doubt allied with him, Talenyn, your brother solith is still alive, If litside's word maybe trusted, but he's like a snake you can't trust him..............
Gulio, Strength of Many
06-28-2004, 12:56 PM
ooc: Yay! There is RP-ness! :)
ic: Rylkin was speechless for a moment. The Ring of Power had been found? He had noticed a growth in the brazenness of the Enemy lately, but he never would have guessed that this was the reason. "Who now holds the Ring?" he asked.
Devak: A young hobbit, a frodo baggins..... *her voice lowwered to a whisper,* they are on there way to the elven city of rivendale.......
Gulio, Strength of Many
06-29-2004, 02:45 PM
ooc: *Sigh* Must we go back to the evil speech, Amea? :)
ic: Rylkin nodded. A Hobbit? he thought. I didn't think that they were too keen on interacting with the outside world, espically in a matter such as this. But they're going to Imladris. Lord Elrond will deal with the matter as he sees fit.
07-02-2004, 09:20 AM
ooc:May I Join?
There needs to be a Sauron here! He wouldn't just sit here and watch the demons strive to reach him!
Character: sauron
Need I say more? You know as much about Sauron as I do!
07-02-2004, 09:25 AM
From the safety of his tower, he watched over the battle field. He was prparing to help the demons, but patience is key. he had been watching for weaknesses in the beings he needed to fight off and had figured out a few things. Like all good beings, they had a weakness for their friends and he could attack that easily. Some of them had turned and joined him without telling their no longer friends. He could use them to ward their his old friends towards a different path, where he could destroy them and the demons would be free to finish their journey to him.:evil:
Gulio, Strength of Many
07-02-2004, 01:55 PM
ooc: Hullo Entling! Well well well, do I need to give you the evil speech too? ;)
07-08-2004, 11:25 PM
OOC: I think its time we all heard it....
Rannyn raised an eyebrow, not really getting what Devak had just explained. " a hobbit has a ring. What does this have to do with Sauron?" he asked. Then, it clicked, "Wait, the Ring of Power? You could have said that earlier, would have made alot more sense really..." he continued, his vioce trailing off.
OOC: I ish really hyper!:D:D:D:P<---I love that smiley!---->:P
Devak: *she growled slightly at rannyn* do not speak of it.......for he'll hear u, *she sighed deeply* he has spies and they are close I can't feel them, *she holds her hand up a bit and her own ring glinted silver in the sun sighs* he won't be iddle now we must move we need to make for the mainland, forget demon hunting, they need us, My name will not be welcomed in rivendale but it must be done, *whisles for picalo*
Picalo: yeah right here
Devak: Send word to Eldorod, tell him that I'm coming back to take my place and stand beside the humans
Picalo* poofs off*
Devak: As for the rest of u if u wish to fallow me u may come..............
07-12-2004, 09:34 PM
Don't speak of it, you were just speaking of it. But I suppose he doesn't hear you. No, he only hears us humans. Normal sailor people. But then again, he wasn't really a normal sailor person. "I guess I'll follow you, if I must." Rannyn said quietly with a small grin, wondering if she heard him. It's not like I have a choice really. Go with her, or face more of them crazy elves.
Gulio, Strength of Many
07-12-2004, 09:58 PM
"Rivendell? So we will desert the people of Ista, let them fall to the servants of the Enemy?" Rylkin asked. "It seems that our part is to defend these people, but if you all wish to go, I will follow."
Devak: Ista will fall if we don't try and turn the tide, if the mainland falls sauron will not be content, he will come here......... no we need to stop this at it's source
Gulio, Strength of Many
07-18-2004, 06:31 PM
"I doubt not that there are valiant hearts on the Mainland who will stop the Dark Lord," Rylkin said. "Lord Elrond will deal with the matter as he sees fit, and who are we to argue? No, I think it is our duty to protect the people of Ista."
Devak: then we stay................but I shall send word to a very good friend that we are active and ready to stand and fight with middle earth if need be
*whisles, picalo poofs next to her*
picalo: What??
Devak: Edit my message, tell eldorod we wait, we shall stay here and make our stand,
Picalo: Make up ur mind!!!!!!
Devak: I just did so go
*picalo poofs off*
Devak: What is next, Rylkin? the elves are too wrapped up in their own lives to see the world falling around them, the humans too scared to do anything, the dwarfs are within their homes of stone working on their craft.........I fear we will have no help, we will stand alone in ista. *looks at the faces of her companions, they all we weary and careworn, she shook her head as she thought of all that would happen, she stared off in to the woods a single tear drips down her cheek*
07-19-2004, 03:28 PM
"I would not doubt the strength nor willingness of these elves, nor of men that will come. If it is their lives that are in danger, I'm sure they will fight for it." Rannyn put in, "And besides, I myself know a few stout hearts that will come." he added, grinning ever so slightly.
07-22-2004, 01:21 AM
"Sti.. still alive? He's still alive. Thank Elbereth!" She got up and sighed, "And of theese stout hearts... I should like to be counted among them."
07-22-2004, 03:41 PM
"And of course you will be!" Rannyn replied to Talenyn with a small laugh. "Just let me send word to them, and then will be in no later than three days." he continued, thinking of his old comrades. He had an idea as to their whereabouts, and at such a thought allowed a small grin to find it's way to his lips.
08-02-2004, 08:48 PM
OOC: I'm brain dead... evil sickness!
08-07-2004, 05:09 PM
OOC: Lol, sickness is no good.
"Right then, I shall inform them of our need. I will return most likely in the morning if not sooner," Rannyn said and started back towards the elven city.
Once there, he walked into a tavern and went to the back of the building and opened a door to a small room with very few people.
"Rannyn! I thought you would be still on that little ole island. Them elves shoulda known you would be off soon." the voice of his old friend, Haleth, greeted him.
"Aye, they always seem to forget that. Now I..." Rannyn was about to tell him of the oncoming war when Haleth let out a laugh and stood.
"How did you manage to get past the guards..."
"Haleth! I must get in touch with Rhiddyn, there is something that we need to do."
Haleth nodded, still smiling, "Alright, but not after a drink!"
08-12-2004, 04:02 PM
Aewionen, I promise that I am not a fangirl. I just happen to think that J.K is evil for killing him off. *die fangirls!*
Ic:Talenyn sat down with her grandmother, and listened and talked about all the news. Excluding the impending threat of the war.
Devak: *sighs* they we make ready for war................. i know a few demons that pleg their loyalty to me...............heh long long story, but they should help us,
08-29-2004, 05:08 PM
Rannyn discussed a few things with Haleth, every now and then being interuppted with questions, one of which being, "Anyone recognize you yet?" Rannyn thought better of telling him about his little 'attack'. Saying something like that would most likely draw attention that he didn't want nor need.
"So," Haleth said, "There is a war approaching and you have met up with some group or people who are worried, which is hardly ever like you I might add, and now wanting to tell Rhiddyn of this?"
Rannyn nodded a reply, saying nothing.
"Very well then! I do believe Tas is here somewhere... he should be able to contact the ole cap'n." Haleth said, taking another drink of his ale. "Are you planning on staying 'ere then?"
"No, I should get back to them as soon as possible. But first, I shall find Tas."
"Alrighty then," Haleth agreed with a nod, "By the way, have you told them of your past experiences with this town yet?"
Rannyn grinned, "No, not quite yet."
Gulio, Strength of Many
08-29-2004, 05:20 PM
Rylkin frowned when Devak told him about a few demonic alliances. "Pray, tell me. I've got time," he said cooly. His trust in Devak dropped to nothing with her last comment.
A small Hobbit sat in the far corner of the tavern, sipping a large mug of ale. Four empty pint glasses lay strews about his feet. "I wish I was a little keg of beer," the Hobbit began singing tunelessly. "I wish I was a little keg of beer. -hic- I'd go downey with a -hic- slurpey, and comey up with a -hic- burpey! I wish I was a little keg -hic- of beer."
08-29-2004, 07:10 PM
Hearing the tuneless song erupt from the corner, Rannyn saw that he didn't have to search far for his hobbit friend.
"Aha!" Haleth said with a laugh, "There's Tas now!"
"Hasn't changed much has he?" Rannyn asked with a chuckle.
"Not a bit."
Rannyn stood and walked over to the drunk cabin-hobbit with a grin, "Ello there Tas."
Gulio, Strength of Many
08-30-2004, 02:28 AM
ooc: Sorreh 'bout the godmodding. If it bugs you, I'll change it. ^^
"Oh, -hic- hullo cap'n," Tas said with a drunken grin. "How goesh it?"
"I'm not 'cap'n', you inebriated wreck!" Rannyn replied with a grin. "He's still at port, and you'd better hope it stays that way, because he won't be happy to find you drunk... again."
"I -hic- jus' needed summat ter -hic- wet my lipsh," Tas said, taking a defiant swig of his ale.
"Well, you can 'wet your lipsh' all the way back to Rhyddin, and tell 'im that me and Haleth want to talk to him."
"Tell 'im yershelf, yeh've got legsh and a mouth," Tas replied.
"We didn't hire you to get mouthy, you half-sized drunk! Now go tell Rhyddin we want to talk to him," Rannyn said, remotely annoyed by Tas' antics.
"Fine, fine! I'll go!" Tas said. He finished his drink, and stumbled out of the tavern in the remote direction of the harbor.
Devak: *she went quite for a min, her voice dropped to a whisper* i once served Litside..... i was the leader of his frist troop..... i know of a few whom i i had comanded who still plege their loyaltiy to me, convincing them to come out of hiding is a whole nother matter..... *she sighed* they are no fools.....
09-10-2004, 08:15 PM
OOC: Tis fine with me.
IC: Rannyn watched as the hobbit stumbled his way out of the inn. He shook his head with a small chuckle and turned back to Haleth.
"You think 'e'll actually find Rhiddyn?" the dark haired sailor asked.
Rannyn shrugged a reply, "Most likely not, but I'm sure the cap'n will find him."
"Be impossible not to." Haleth agreed with another drink of his ale.
Gulio, Strength of Many
09-12-2004, 05:15 PM
Rylkin pondered Devak's revelation. "I highly doubt they will recall old alliances, especially if the rest of their kind are bent on conquering Ista," he said after a while. "I believe it would be best to not place our trust in those so close to the enemy."
Tas bumbled along the path to the harbor, often pausing to recall where he was and where he was going. He found the docks, and nearly fell into the water when he heard a sharp cry of recognition.
"Tas! Where in the name of all things good have you been?" Rhyddin, the captian Tas was looking for, shouted.
"Oh, 'ello cap'n," Tas stammered drunkenly. "Rannyn sent me ter tell yeh that 'e and 'aleth are in the tavern and want ter talk to yeh."
Devak: i do not trust all of them but there is one i would trust with my life, he is the only one i will summon, he will come and he also is very close to litside but he's been wanting him gone for may years now i have no doubt he will help us somewhat if not greatly. *sighs and whisles a pitched tone, picalo poofs near her* Pic i want u to find Havioc
Pic: not him again...devak ur nuts,
Devak: Did i ask for ur opion??? now go and find him please
Pic: *sighs* whatever devak, i'm just warning u
Devak: go please..... *pic poofs off to go and find Havioc
Gulio, Strength of Many
10-01-2004, 02:11 AM
Rylkin was about to protest when Devak sent the strange little creature that followed her after this demon. "A kingdom divided against itself cannot stand, Devak. Demons will not attempt to undermine the accomplishments of their own kind!"
Devak: *she looked at rylkyn, her face was somber* I beleive even a demon would take the side of his mate...*she grew quite and waited for the erie silance that fallowed.....*
Gulio, Strength of Many
10-09-2004, 12:44 AM
Rylkin stood for a moment in stunned silence. Who in their right mind...? he couldn't finish the thought. These humans, and espically Devak were very... strange. There was no way Rylkin could ever comprehend what would possess someone to consort with such beings. "How do I know you will not simply betray us to them?" Rylkin asked suddenly.
Devak: *she eyed him for a min, then spoke softly her face still somber* looks like ur gonna have to trust me....*she was cut off by a high piched whisle* What the nine.... *picalo poofed out of the air right next to devak, chittering wildily, Devak put her hand out to stroke her and calm her, laying her close to her chest as sdhe pet her, her voice was soft and honeyed, for once, she never spoke like that before...not around any of them before* easy pic, what's wrong, *the poor creature just kept chittering, trying to burrow in to devak's chest trembleing* What did u see pic, please talk to me. *she continued to chitter and tremble, the air was filled with the smell of brimstone as it became heavy and hard to breathe, one word came from her lips* Litside....*
Gulio, Strength of Many
10-11-2004, 01:55 AM
ooc: I'm assuming Litside is the bad guy... ^^
Rylkin frowned again, listening closely to the little creature. "Did he see you?" he asked, almost regretting the sharpness in his tone. Almost. Needless to say, his nerves were rather frayed, and Devak's little revelation wasn't really helping matters. He glanced around the room, and noticed another man standing with Rannyn. Strange, he thought. He wasn't aware Rannyn knew anyone on Ista.
* Picalo squeaked when she saw Litside, then poofed off,*
Devak: *quitely but direceted to pic* much help u r.....*sees litside and her face goes white, he moves towards her*
Litside: well well well, Devak * he smirked*
Devak: what do u want Litside??? *she hissed as she moved back*
Litside: Is it not obvious??? Ista, *he reached out to touch her cheek, but she smacked him away*
Devak: PIG!!! *she backflipped away from him* u'll never have me Litside and u know it. I am not as stupid and naive as i was 10,000 years ago.....
Litside: *he smirked as he looked at rylkin* and who might this be???
Gulio, Strength of Many
10-12-2004, 12:52 AM
ooc: Desired only by guys you despise. Man, life must suck. :)
ic: Rylkin drew his sword, the steel catching the faint torchlight and sending it reeling around the room. "My name is none of your concern," he replied coldy. "For you will not live long enough to know it." He glanced about the room full of oblivious patrons; apparently weapons were not strange in this tavern. "Perhaps we should settle this outside. I would feel terrible if some poor person was splattered by your blod."
ooc: Finally, some action! :D
10-12-2004, 07:48 PM
"Do they know?" Rhiddyn nodded, "'Bout time Rannyn showed up. I expect they are in the tavern?" he asked, eyeing the hobbit. Though, once seeing the state of the halfling he chuckled, "Don't answer that." he said, heading towards the tavern.
Rannyn paced back and forth in the upstairs room, glancing at the door every now and then, expecting the captain to come bursting in. "Haleth," he said after a while, "I need you to do something for me."
"And what might that be?" the man asked, setting his mug down with a thud. Rannyn paused for a moment, wondering if it was a good idea to send a man nearly drunk on this task. Oh well, how else would they know?
"I need you to go to my companions and tell them I may take longer than expected."
"Ah. Where be these fine chaps?" Haleth asked, standing. "I need to get out of this accursed tavern anyway."
"Just go out to the forest, or they may be in the tavern."
"Followed you?"
"Knowing a couple of them, yes. Now go."
"Alrighty then..." Haleth said, heading down the stairs.
Litside: *laughs at Rylkin* a fight... *looks at devak* what creatures have u gotten ur self involved with devak?
Devak:*she smirked slightly* better ones then the ones u assocate with Litside.
Litside: *laughed agian* we shall see, my offer still stands Devak...join me...
Devak: never Litside, I will never join u, i am no fool...
Litside: *laughs* no devak in not joining me u r fool, but one day u will come back to me
Devak: now Litside it is my turn to laugh *laughs*
Litside: i shall leave u with ur companions, but i warn u devak, if u fight me u will not make it out alive....
Devak: hmm then that will make two of us then...won't it?
Litside: We shall see devak we shall see.... *he vanished*
Devak: *she sighed softly and sat down slowly on the ground* he's the fool...*her voice a whisper*
10-15-2004, 11:31 PM
Haleth walked down the stairs into the main tavern part and looked about the crowded and smoky room. He soon saw two people that somewhat matched the description of the people that Rannyn had told him about. He wondered for a moment if they knew about Rannyn's past experiences in this elven city, but decided against asking.
"'Ello there," he greeted the two of them, "You two look like just the people I am looking for. Have a nice journey here? Your companion didn't say much on the matter..."
Gulio, Strength of Many
10-21-2004, 02:30 AM
ooc: -pokes Amea- Fun sucker! -pouts-
ic: "Who are you?" Rylkin asked with a slightly sharp edge to his voice. Litside had departed after speaking with Devak, though Rylkin wished he could have finished the fould creature then and there.
ooc:....... and that's it. Sorries! -stabs ebil short post with a rusty spork-
10-21-2004, 03:26 PM
"Ah, that might be a good thing to tell you. Haleth is my name." he said in a manner as though the two of them should know who he was. Seeing the blank look on their faces in the awkward silence that soon followed he continued. "Eh... did that sea-rat not tell you about me? Hmph. Just like Rannyn, always keeping these secrets. Oh well, perhaps you two aren't even the ones I am looking for."
Gulio, Strength of Many
10-21-2004, 10:48 PM
"Rannyn was a companion of ours," Rylkin replied, relaxing a little. "How do you know him?" Rylkin looked the man over. Haleth smelled of the sea, and Rylkin assumed he was a salior. Perhaps Rannyn was more than a dim-witted man who had stumbled into all this, after all...
10-22-2004, 02:01 PM
((Dim-witted?! Trust me, he really isn't that way. It's all just a cover-up. -enter scary music-))
"How do I know him? Heh, well that is a long story." Haleth said, "I don't think I have time for that at the moment, all he wanted me to tell you is that he might not return as quickly as he thought." Haleth looked at the maiden who seemed very quiet... perhaps it had something to do with that strange man who he had seen here so recently.
Devak: *she hissed thru her teeth as Litside left then sighed and looked at the new comer* hello...*she eyed Haleth not knowing if she should count him among her group* what happened to Rannyn? has he said anything to u beyond him being latter than he expected? *her voice seemed to twinged with fear, but it was hardly notice able she came to like the compeny of Rannyn and Rylkin, she hated to admit it but she kinda enjoyed haveing them around. Litside showing up and now rannyn going to late...she was getting nervious, They would attack soon, very soon too soon....for her likeing, as things stood now they had no chance...not agenst Litside and his demons...*
10-22-2004, 11:31 PM
Haleth shook his head, "No. Didn't even tell me where he was going, the ole rat! Most likely to the Cap'n though..."
Haleth had a reputation of letting things slip when he should have kept quiet. Though, sometimes it worked out for the better, he knew Rannyn didn't want anyone following him.
"Or maybe not, seeing as how the Cap'n sailed just yesterday. Prolly should've told Tas that. Oh well, the drunkard will figure it out sooner or later."
Gulio, Strength of Many
10-25-2004, 01:48 AM
ooc: Suuure... :)
ic: "The Cap'n?" Rylkin asked, curious. "I assume you and Rannyn are sailors, then. What sort of work do you do?" Rylkin was genuinely intriuged, for it had been a long time since he last met a sailor, and wanted to know who was still braving the wild Sea.
10-25-2004, 11:25 PM
(( -glare- So he is a bit slow at times, at least he isn't an all knowing immortal that can see through any disguise or something like that. ^^))
Haleth nodded, seeing no harm in answering this question. "Aye, that we are. We started out as merchant sailors aboard the ole Setiar, a beauty she is, but were soon transferred to the navy of this 'ere little town." he added. Really, this wasn't a lie, for Rannyn and Haleth, along with many others, had joined the navy before doing what they currently were.
((Dun dun dun! :D))
Devak: *listened to the two of them talking not saying much think about why Litside had come and why Pic had acted as she did, the small firelizard appeared out of the air chirping and chittering at Devak, like she was scolding her, fliting here and there around her* Take it easy pic, tell me calmly what is wrong... *she slowly moved her arm outward setting up a pearch for the lil dragon* now please,pic, nice and slow who died...i can not understand you when you chitter like you do.
Pic: *she let out a indignent squawk, then spoke softly* Havioc...
Devak: *she grew quite* what about Havioc?
Pic: *she went into a rush of chitters then one word echoed from her* Dead...
Devak: NO! no...
10-27-2004, 12:55 AM
Turning towards the outburst of the maiden, Haleth raised an eyebrow. "No?" he asked, not having heard all of what she had said. "Did I say something wrong?"
"Not at all, Haleth." came a deep voice from behind the small group. Haleth turned to see the tanned and weathered face of Captain Rhiddyn grinning at him. "I am sure you said everything right, but you know how women can be, having sudden outbursts of emotion and whatever else." he added, patting him lightly on the shoulder. "Going to introduce me to these new friends of yours?"
"Well, actually, I have yet to learn their names meself, Cap'n." Haleth replied, looking from Rylkin to Devak.
Gulio, Strength of Many
10-27-2004, 10:37 PM
ooc: True true, my dear sister. Continue with the dim-wittedness. :)
ic: "I am Rylkin, and the emotional woman is Devak," Rylking replied with a supressed smile. "You are the Captain, then? What sort of ship do you command?" Rylkin asked, wondering if the navy could aid them in their attack, or at least help defend Ista.
Devak: I'm not emotional...i'm just pretending to care...*she smlies* anyway, well looks like my help won't come...
12-05-2004, 07:45 PM
"A Navy vessel." Rhiddyn replied. "Though there hasn't been much need for one lately so we are aboard the Setiar again." He turned towards Haleth, " Tas tole me Rannyn was here?"
Haleth nodded, "Upstairs I think, though he may have gone somewhere by now. Can't ever stay in one place..."
"Very well. If you all will excuse me," Rhiddyn said with a departing nod before going up the stairs.
occ: ack it's dieing....quick where is the difibulator?
Devak: what is with these people coming and going pic? I sware if they don't stay still for a min.. I'm gonna scream....
Pic: *laughs* if you want them around you shouldn't scream....they'll turn to dust
Devak: good point....*sighs softly while she leans agenst the wall watching the new people*
OOC: Ok my poor threads dieing....need new chars....must find....eeeeek *dies*
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