View Full Version : The Seven RIngs Of the Dwarves

08-20-2004, 05:36 PM
Hello this is a new RPG. This will take place shortly after the events of LOTR. An emissary from the Lonely Mountain comes to Aragorn and tells him that the dwarves would like to try and recover the seven rings of the Dwarf lords to make sure that they are not unfairly used if they still exist. They wanted Aragorns permission to enter Mordor and see if there was any help he could provide. Aragorn requeted that his best warriors and adventurers come to a meeting in his great hall where he explains it all to you. The Dwarf- Durik will be accompaning you on your quest. Our scouts have discovered a last base of Saurons forces hidden somewhere inside the mountains surrounding Mordor. You are to find it and destroy all who live in there. Bring back any form of valuables so that we can distribute them to their rightful owners. Also be on a careful look out for mention of the seven rings of the dwarf lords. If you can find them and return them you will all be hadsomely rewarded. Who will go?
The position of Durik is available. Create your own name if you wish.

My character: Drut Dale
Personality: Very cheery guy. Loves to share a pint with anyone. He also loves to kill orcs and does it whenever possible. He states whats on his mind
History: Parents killed by orcs and was raised by the rangers but he always felt out of place so he started out on his own looking for adventures and money.
Looks: He has brown hair and blue eyes. 6'1" and very large. Carries a large broadsword and bow and arrows but he mainly uses his broadsword. Has a horse by the name of Erod.

08-22-2004, 10:24 AM
My character: Encaleet
Personality: Quite grim. Keeps himself to himself. Expierenced warrior having fought on the Pellenor and at the Black Gate. One of the Dunedain. Good friends with King Elessar.
History:Mother died at an early age and father killed during the battle of the Pellenor fields. Helped defend the Shire along with his father.
Looks: Tall (6ft 5) Carries a long sword and shot bow and arrows. Dark hair and brown eyes. Weatherworn clothes, does not wear armour of Gondor as still roams the borders of Gondor.

08-22-2004, 10:34 AM
T.D. I might abandon this if nobody else coems. If in 3 days no one else joins I wil lshut i down. Though I suggest you the Gates of Mirkwood rpg. we have jsut got started and it a lot of fun so far. Just ask if you can join and then work your way in. Shouldnt be too hard we just startedd

08-23-2004, 07:23 PM
Sounds interesting. Let us hope my ebil compy allows me to view this page once it gets started eh? ^^ Now for a character... might take me a while.

08-23-2004, 07:33 PM
Thanks A!
But if one more person doesnt sign up by midnight I am not going to do this. If you want a fun rpg go to the gates of mirkwood.

Gulio, Strength of Many
08-23-2004, 09:51 PM
ooc: I wouldst enjoy playing Durik, if thou mindeth not, Haradrim. ^^

08-23-2004, 10:09 PM
Sure Gulio.
Thanks for joining. Okay T.D. we are on! Ill post my first thread in the gmae thred tomorrow. Gulio create your own character sheet. I really dont have much on Durik except for that hes a dwarf so make him however you will just follow my guidelines up top. T.D. you are all set but Aewinonen I need your character. :) YEAH thanks everyone!

08-24-2004, 01:36 PM
But what if I don't want to give it?! Hmmmm? ^^ Just kidding, here you go:

Name: Marek

Appearance: He stands at about 6 feet, raven dark hair, light blue eyes. Carries with him a bow and quiver of arrows as well as a sword, but his best weapon is the bow.

Personality: Secretive, but will speak his mind if he feels the need to. He has a very strong will, which usually gets him into trouble.

History: He grew up in Minas Tirith with an older brother and his parents. But a hunting trip goen wrong ended up in his brother's death. His father was killed in the war, and his mother is on the edge of death from illness. So pretty much, he has dealt with death and suffering all his life but doesn't want others to feel pity for him. Also, as a young boy, he took up the art of theivery. Yep, so he is a bloody theif! ^^ (That better? Not so innocent any more)

There we go. All done.

08-24-2004, 03:29 PM
Oh I am so sorry for him. Arent you T.D. and you Gulio. (Sniff Sniff SOB) Hes such an inoccent guy. Why him? Why HIM? :) just kidding great character.

08-24-2004, 06:33 PM
-pokes with spork- I felt like being dramatic. And I was suffering from writers block at the moment. So I decided to kill off his family. Mwahaha! -grins evilly-

08-24-2004, 11:23 PM
wow. Ive never killed off a characters entire family before. I alway leave like a brother or a father or a mother or an uncle or something like that> That guy must be insanely depressed. :)

08-25-2004, 10:04 PM
All right! A new rpg. I assume it's a serious one. *looks pointedly at certain people. You know who you are ^^*

Anyway, I'm departing from my usual elf character to be a Rider of Rohan!

Name: Thedon
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Appearance: Thedon is slightly built, even among the lean Men of Rohan, but he is lithe and strong as a seventeen-year old boy should be. As most of his kin, he wears his golden hair long and unbound, and his grey eyes are fearless.
He wears brown leather, with the horse-sigil of Rohan proudly stamped upon his arm, and a light helm bearing no crest or decoration.
Home: Aldburg, once the capitol city of Rohan. (in the time of Eorl the Young)
Race: Rohirrim
Weaponry: Thedon carries one of the beautiful swords of a Rider of Rohan, made for donward slashing from horseback. The hilt is inset with turquoise, shaped like running horses, and the pommel is a round turqoise stone. The guard is fashioned after two spears, extending outward from the blade.
He also carries a small round shield, of his father's, with a circle of metal in the middle and leather-covered wood around it, emblazoned with -you guessed it- horses.
Other items: His only jewelry is a crude bundle of herbs wrapped around a stone, wrapped in turn with leather and hung on a thong about his neck.
History: Thedon's family dwelt in Aldburg from the time of Eorl the Young. Thedon became a Rider upon his seventeenth birthday, and was called to battle almost immediately. His mother wept, but he left without a word, his mind full of thoughts of glory and battle, carrying only her good luck charm near his heart. During the War of the Ring, he distinguished himself in battle by single-handedly destroying many of the Enemie's seige engines, and rescuing no few Gondorians and Riders. The true reason he became elite in the eyes of Lord Aragorn, however, was because during the battle at the gates of Mordor he fought off two Nazgul, keeping them at bay so that his fellows could escape, and managed not to get stabbed. He escaped unscathed because, as his defense was weakening, they left, flying swiftly toward Mount Doom at their master's call, but the fact that Thedon was so skilled and self sacrificing raised his esteem.
He bears many scars from the battles, but is still headstrong and bold, some say rash.

Name: Nahar, named for Orome's white horse
Gender: Male
Appearance: A grey stallion, not white as Orome's was, but he looks white just the same. The only discerning marks are the black colorings in the ears, on the nose, and between the hind legs where the hair is thinner.

08-25-2004, 10:38 PM
Fought off two nazgul.. hmmmm.... sounds brave.. and a little fool hardy... my kind of character. Your horse will only be allowed to go so far though. ZIll make it known why later

Gulio, Strength of Many
08-26-2004, 01:29 AM
Who, me? ^^ Being un-serious is sooo much fun! But it's hard to be Tel-like when playing a Dwarf, so don't you worry, Kalile!

Name: Durik
Race: He's a Dwarfy-type! ^^
Gender: -points above- 'He' generally implies a male.
Appearance: Durik has a proud beard so black it is almost blue. His brown eyes hold no veil over what he's thinking. When drawn to his fullest height, Durik stands just short of five feet. However, many years spent at the forge and wielding his axe allow him to match the strength of many much taller than he.

Personality: Durik is a prime example of Dwarven stubbornness and tactlessness. (Are those actually words? Oh well. ^^) He will speak his mind boldly, and often without thinking of the consequences of his actions. He can be rather belligerent at times, and bears more than a few scars as a testament to his impudence.

Weapons: Durik has a two-handed battle axe that he has been using since he was strong enough to pick it up. He is proficient with his axe, for he spends little time using other weapons.

History: Durik grew up in Erebor, and helped defend in during the War of the Ring. The tales about the Seven Rings has always fascinated him, and had wished for the chance to recover the rings. When the opportunity came, he eagerly volunteered to serve as the emissary to King Elessar.

08-26-2004, 02:04 AM
Those are both words and that is generally what I thought Durik WOuld be like. A stereo typical dwarf.

08-27-2004, 12:29 PM
Does anyone else want to post or shall I.

08-27-2004, 05:02 PM
Thedon has to leave his horse?!? :eek: That would be tantamount to torture for him, because he really loves his horse.

It's ok, though. I don't like playing animals, but the only Riders who do not own horses are dead.

08-28-2004, 03:12 AM
Oh and Durik is the dwarf not Drut.

08-28-2004, 06:28 AM
aye drut would be a man. The man in charge with Durik in second. COme on people lets post here. Aweinonen and Gulio lets post. We are already out of the city and half way to our destination. So lets post! :)

08-29-2004, 02:19 PM
I know, I know. Evil writers block. But there! I posted! And by the way, Gulio and I will be gone for a week starting Tuesday so.... yeah. ^^

08-29-2004, 03:27 PM
It was Encaleet who was shouting Halbarad not Drut.

08-29-2004, 06:17 PM
Yeah I just noticed that. I would eb shouting Elessar! Elessar of Gondor. And 100 orcs thats going to be tough for the5 of us. 20 orcs a piece. Not insane but tough. Well lets gett cracking. I will post tomorrow.

08-30-2004, 03:42 AM
It was originally 30 but that would be over to quick

08-30-2004, 03:49 AM
yeah well maybe 75 would have done it. But oh well on with the fight. I will post in the rpg soon. :)

08-31-2004, 06:10 AM
Who's going to post because Haradrim on't be on until tomorrow night.

09-08-2004, 02:47 AM
Is anyone going to post?

09-12-2004, 12:16 AM
I have posted and i think a plot twist is coming up.... MWA HAHAHAHAHA!

Also I think we will have a new character soon.