11-15-2007, 10:39 AM
Veanne sat with her knees pulled up to her chest, staring out at the wet sky with eyes nearly as gray as the day. Lazely she pulled at the grass at her feet with one hand and pulled at her hair with the other. She watched the daily bussiness of the small village she lived in passed her by. All her life she had lived in the village under the ever growing shadow of evil. Not that she really understand the evil. She know what an orc was and she know what they could do. There was not one person in the village not touch by the sadness and loss that an orc raid could leave on a village. Crops and houses could be rebuilt. That was the way of the people of Rohan. But lifes could not be returned. Only resently she had felt the pain of her father and brothers loss as they fell defending their home. It all seemed so fruitless to her eyes. Young eyes she was told that would learn to understand the reason behind things in time. Young indeed! 22 seasons she had lived though. She heard name being called, standing up she gave one last look at the wet skyline. "Every day as boring and pointless as the next". She turned to go inside.